All right, good morning everyone, but now call to order our regular session for Tuesday March the 26th. Madam Clerk, please call the roll.
Councilmember Scott Benson hustler Fred Doha the third call Paspalum Leticia Johnson President husband Gabriela Santiago Ramiro present customer maybe Walters present customer the Angela Whitfield Callaway has been the CO Mignon the second concert person puts him James Tate. Consequently, poets of James state,
I'm sorry, two microphones here.
It costs the President Mary Sheffield. President. You have a quorum present Madam President.
All right. Thank you there being a quorum present. We are in session. We will go straight to our invocation for this morning we have Reverend Charles Williams joining us virtually from the historic King Solomon Baptist Church. Good morning.
And a very good what a bill to all of you all. First, let me lift up the name of missionary. Andy be Humphrey. We will all miss her. We love her. Detroit, put our arms around her. She put our arms around Detroit. Secondly, let me lift up the council, the city council who make deliberations on behalf of the people we pray today that as they continue to do the work that you will get in their hearts and their minds. As hopefully they take some time to think about the new report that came out yesterday suggesting that Detroit is are still being over assessed in Texas. We ask that you would give them the wisdom, the knowledge and the patience to stay steadfast even though there are reports to suggest that Detroit is doing financially well. Detroiters are hurting. Those at the bottom are losing homes. Those at the top are losing homes and being overtaxed and so we ask that you would allow them to have the vigilance they will not get weary in well doing. God bless this city and bless the powers at being. All these we pray. In Jesus name. Amen.
Amen. Amen. Thank you so much, Trevor Williams, we truly appreciate you. Thank you for our invocation this morning. I'm sorry, you have to drop off but we appreciate the invocation sir.
Thank you.
All right. Have a blessed day. All right, we will proceed. Now with our agenda. We have a special presentation from councilmember Santiago Ramiro. So I will turn the floor over to you.
Thank you, Madam President. I would like to invite Liliana to join me in the podium appear please.
Thank you, Madam President. Good morning, everyone. I am incredibly honored and proud to present today to Liliana and Hill res a Spirit of Detroit award. Liliana Kendra yes is a community and agency leader, minority wellness researcher and organizational management specialist. She has a BA in anthropology, history and sociology, with minors in Women's and Gender Studies in international and global studies, and a Master's in Public Administration with an emphasis in public leadership from the University of Michigan. Louisiana's work in the HIV fields and LGBTQ spaces began 15 years ago as an HIV education and prevention manager, where she developed comprehensive educational strategies, addressing the raising HIV rates, created the first trans women community HIV data for the states and became a certified prevention specialist through the states. She later worked for affirmations, Michigan's largest LGBTQ community center as a youth program coordinator, before rising to Interim Executive Director, where she was the first trans Latina to lead an organization or any public organization in the States. Throughout her tenure, the number of guests served annually increased by 10,000 people. She created an evaluation driven curriculum based youth programming and trained over 2000 specialists in over 20 different sectors of diversity and inclusion. Since 2017, Liliana has served as the executive director or executive or core executive director of transistor of colors projects. Hello. Detroit's first trans women of color organization focusing on trans women of color in or inward from Detroit. She stabilized the budget works with local national partners to uplift the voices of trans women of color and laid the foundation for leadership development programming for young and trans women of color in Detroit. She has worked with the states to help with gender marker Are changes for trans and non binary people to prosecute and support litigation and hate crimes to help adopt the Elliott Larsen Civil Rights Act and Michigan code and worked with major insurance companies on trans affirming health care she has. She was also the principal investigator of gathering research for trans women of color in partnership with the University of Michigan, ultimately publishing for works. Since 2018. Liliana has worked as the outreach and Health Equity director at the Ruth Ellis center, Detroit's LGBTQ youth and runaway serving organization. Here she oversees the drop in centers operations and programming, including a $1.5 million budget and work to decrease barriers to care. Additionally, she also implemented training for the agency's partner organizations. In 2018, Liliana also launched Reyes training and consulting LLC, which provides diversity and inclusion training and consultation to governments for profit or nonprofit entities. Her curricula treats everyone from the frontline staff to board of directors through an anti racist, gender affirming economic justice framework. Her clients include the States and several major corporations. Further she is the trans health consultants for the Asian and Pacific Islander Wellness Center. Needless to say Liana is rooted in and committed to her community, her expansion, her expansive and illustrious career also, which also includes being a panelist at the United Nations on violence against women, has earned her countless recognitions such as USA Today's face of pride and 2017 NBC outs pride in 2022 dedication to ballroom campaign and 2021 through VICE News Lovcen lights, the geo a D award in 2022, and the ACLU of Michigan game changer award in 2023. Liliana is the personification of the Spirit of Detroit. She embodies who we are as a city and as Detroiters. I extend my deepest gratitude to Leanna for her tireless work, her accomplishments and the awe inspiring legalese legacy she is creating for this and so much more. In honor of Transgender Day of visibility, which was on March which is on March 31. I am honored to recognize Ileana Angel Ray is with the Spirit of Detroit awards. Congratulations and thank you so much
for the work that you do.
I, when preparing to present today got emotional, I am incredibly honored to be able to make sure that we are highlighting and putting giving time to our trans siblings who are just doing the work on the ground every single day. So thank you for the work that you're doing. Would you like to say some words? Sure. Right ahead.
Thank you to everyone. Thank you.
The Gabriela Santiago to metal thank you so much. Thank you to Jamie's and transistors of color and the Ruth Ellis Center. I'm really proud to be here. I love living in Detroit. And I do want to uplift my immigrant Mexican ancestors and my daddy and my mom. And thank you
madam president, if my colleagues wouldn't mind coming up for a quick picture, we can just take one up here. Sure. Thank you. Thank you. Can I have this? Oh, yes, you can tell that clearly
All right, congratulations again and thank you to Councilmember Santiago Ramiro for that award and presentation, we appreciate it. And we will continue now with our agenda for this morning. The Journal of the session of Tuesday March the 12th will be approved. There'll be no reconsiderations or unfinished business. We will proceed to the budget Finance and Audit Committee
that will push from various city departments. Those five
reports will be referred to the budget Finance and Audit standing committee or the internal operations committee.
Now we put some various city departments.
The nine reports will be referred to the internal operations committee for the Neighborhood and Community Services Committee
blowing posts from various city departments before reports will be
referred to the Neighborhood and Community Services standing committee for the Planning and Development Committee
to reports from various city departments.
The two reports will be referred to the Planning and Development Committee for the public health and safety committee. 18
reports from various city departments.
The 18 reports will be referred to the public health and safety standing committee, we will now move to the voting action matters under other matters.
There are no items, Madam
President, under communications from the mayor and other governmental officials and agencies.
There are no items by the President. All right. We
will call now for general public comment and everyone will have a minute and a half for public comments. And we will start with those who have joined us in person. Oh, good morning. Member Callaway has joined us, the clerk would know. All right, Tony Morris was reverse. Followed by Myra Hyman followed by RESPA law in the morning. Just press the bottom of the micro.
Her is GRI There we go.
Thank Good morning.
Good morning.
And thank you to this honorable council for inviting me here to speak. My name is Tony McMorris and I am here to advocate for the children and the safety of children since 1993. April has been designated as child abuse prevention month. And although the work takes place every day, this is a great time to engage in activities that will help our vulnerable children. There are four opportunities I am proposing, the first one is to display the blue and silver decorative pinwheels that you have. And they're also the Detroit Lions colors, we'll go and we can show the media who will be here for the NFL Draft, how much we care for children. Second, everyone should consider themselves as mandated reporters, and not just doctors and teachers and we all should be mandated reporters. If you hear something, see something, say something. And then we need to teach our children and all adults, the hand signal for distress. It was created by the Canadian Women's Foundation. And the hand signal for distress is simply here. It's everybody's right. Hold your hand up. Your finger across your palm. Close your hand. This saved a young woman in Kentucky a teenager in Kentucky In Laurel County. is after me. Am I done? Yeah. Okay. And finally, there's an opportunity. Or I'm moving. An opportunity for all of us to plant these pinwheels in our yard. Yes.
Thank you so much. We appreciate you. Thank you for bringing this to our attention and I don't think we've declared April yet as child abuse prevention month. So we would love to if there's a motion we can have LPB draft a resolution to officially declare it from on behalf of the City Council as well. mozo there's a motion motion to do so. So Hearing no objections that will be assigned to LPD but thank you for this work. We will do our part to spread the word. All right. God bless you. Thank you so much. All right, I'm Miss Jaime you are next. Good
morning console. Um, the Declaration of Independence talks about the long train of abuses and usurpations that led to a revolution. Today I'd like to talk about the long train of tax abuses and you serve patients, on Detroiters. And I'm hoping at some point it will lead to a revolution of thought actions and policies on the part of not only our console but our state legislators. Were looking at $600 million of taxes overpaid by Detroit ers. And we can keep counting because the University of Chicago study has said that the least the poorest of those in Detroit are still being over assess. We can talk about the almost $500 million taken from our millages in tax captures and given to millionaire and billionaire developers, when we can talk about the untold millions of taxes that have been deferred, abated or simply not paid by millionaire and billionaire developers. Detroit is under siege when it comes to taxes. And how we as legacy Detroit, it's black Detroit is poor Detroiters have an unfair burden and we get nothing. We get nothing.
Thank you, Miss Hyman. We are going to also cut off public comment. Mr. Blanca.
Thank you, Madam Chair. Russ bland Detroiters for Tax Justice. We stand with the Coalition for Tax Justice and their fight to rectify and address and correct and protect those who are subject to tax abuse when 72% of the homes that are residences that are valued at 37,700 or less are over assessed. According to the University of Chicago study. It means we have a serious crisis to address and the resolutions they are offering. We support we were online with them. We listened to their press conference and we through phone conference agreed that we needed to address that. We also want to address today. The the resolution that was done during the budget hearing for the Detroit economic growth corporation where a member proposed and without opposition that the D G using its own funds, begins a systematic campaign to address misinformation being put out by folks, presumably us because we are the ones raising a question about the DTG tax captures the tax abatements and the MIS allocation and the transfer of wealth from the working class to Detroit to the billionaires who even reside in the city. So we urge you to not go along with that. We I needed that other 30 seconds but I want to say that council president did a great job and allowing people to talk at the EGC last Monday. Other missive the person who sponsors that resolution forbade anyone even raising their hands when the DGC was there, they put out missing bad misinformation, and we can't give them dominance. Tax funding to miss inform us. Hey Jay Gregor,
we love. Thank you, madam chair to the Council on behalf of the Community Advisory Council, district five. And all of those folks there I want to come before you have to say because we're ending March, I want to take a quick moment to highlight T Ola P Hunter deola. P Hunter was the first pro tem legislative at the Michigan State Legislature department and also she was the first elected Wayne County Clerk so we just want to lift her up today. She's 92 years old young. My last 57 seconds I want to try to reach and touch your hearts and your hearts regarding the Duffield branch library. We understand that the library funds are allocated from the Board of Education. And we also understand that between the legislative branch and the executive branch, you all have a lot of authority. We're asking you to reach out. I had a conversation with the the branch manager over there, Mrs. Hill, and it's an indicator of that there's only six computers in that library. This was one of eight libraries that was built by the Carnegie font and two, what was 1912? There were eight of them. This is one of the finest builders in the cities and on the Boulevard just west of the Motown museum just west of the new structure for Henry Ford. It's an it's unfortunate that the dollars didn't come and you're involved in that community benefits agreement, but think about that library and the children that use it and the seniors. Thank you so much.
Thank you so much, Mr. Love. Betty Lyons, followed by Larry Hutchinson, followed by Jay Jorgensen, followed by Whitney Clark. Miss Lyons
Dana Nestle uses the word law, that overpayment of my property tax cannot be released, like Satan, she and Dugan are liars and the truth, amen them shall prove in black and white that I was notified to come downtown sign papers describing what happened and the resolution, there is no proof. And if there's no proof, it didn't happen. So that timeline does not count. In real estate contract. The word Time is of the essence is used. This is crucial, and there is no date to get in debt. Dana Nagel, Dana Nestle continue to show their justice dishonesty fraud and hiding my monies with interests. Dugan and Dana Nestle should be prosecuted and thrown in jail for this evil act as they are co conspirators. I have a right to know what happened to my monies. And with interest, yes, they illegally refused this city council and law department are just as deep in this evil because you did not challenge Dugan and Dana Nestle to provide justice for those who were betrayed by Dugan and city council and all city council and law kept quiet and should be investigated as well to show accountability.
All right, thank you, Miss Lyons. Larry Hutchinson followed by Mr. Jorgensen. Clarke OneNote. Member Dharohar has joined us as well.
A little bit later on or Jean Bismillah R Rahman Rahim, honorable Council Mayor's office, city clerk, City Attorney, abominable residents of the great and beautiful city of Detroit, Michigan citizens of the United States in the world. I'm Larry Hutchinson, former candidate for Rhode Island first district Congress person 2023, current candidate for President of the United States and dependent right in Madam President, there are people living in the middle of rubble, as far as the eye can see. I'm here to condemn the actions of the Israeli government. I'm here to say Free Gaza stop the bombing. I love your city. I'm thinking about moving here relocating here. I just have to find out which side of town and you know where it's affordable. But other than that, thank you, counsel. And I yield back the balance of my time.
All right. Thank you, sir. Thank you for being here. Mr. Jorgensen.
I get his 40 minutes. Good morning. I'd like to take a second and I hope at some point during the day, you will have a quiet moment and send your prayers and thoughts to our friends and colleagues in the Charm City of Baltimore who are experiencing an amazing tragedy. If you've seen the footage, it is disturbing to see what happened to the people who are on that bridge at 130. This morning. I want to challenge comments made at last week's Neighborhood and Community Services Committee. On March 5, the General Services Department released six documents totaling 1700 pages, which spoke exclusively to work already done on alphorn brush Ford Park, not the work that's proposed. We would like a phase one, phase two and do care plan for the eastern half. We appreciate the city's of desire to protect its citizens and mitigate against additional litigation. And there are members of our community who believe litigation is the only solution. And others think that things are just hunky dory. But as demonstrated by the 88 signatures in the petition before you there are a ton of people who are in the middle. And we would appreciate your consideration to continue to pause the contract for a before want to be clear that we are working with our council woman this is no attempt to throw her or her efforts under the bus. We support her as but we also want to make sure that things like the district for CAC who voted to support this and the EDA people who sign this petition that their voices are equally lifted along with the people who think we should go forward. They Thank you.
Thank you.
Whitney Clark, followed by Tracy Rubin.
Good morning, everyone. Thank you for having me. Um, I just was coming down here to make a public comment about some of the things that I've seen in the news recently, I wanted to just put on the record that I am currently just reaching out to other community organizers, people who are doing the work in the city that is specific to domestic violence, as we are all aware, throughout the summer months are women and children will be a lot. I don't want to be a fear monger. But I feel like our women and children are almost a targeted throughout the summer months. And we've seen how a pregnant woman in Metro Detroit was stabbed to death by her a significant another. And then another young lady felt that it was necessary to jump out of a lift car. We saw that on the news, because she believed that she was being kidnapped. As I was listening to these public comments a moment ago, I was reading my Instagram and the young man was in a clothing store, intentionally exposing himself in front of children is so my question. And I know that we all know these people are in the community. My question is, like, who are the organizers that work against this type of stuff? Where are the men in the city that, that get pissed off when they see these types of things, I would love to connect with you and and, you know, help to make the work that we're trying to do in the city more effective, because it appears as though our, our women and children are under attack. And we have to meet that we have to meet the summer, you know, before before that increase really takes place. So that's Thank
you. Thank you so much for coming down. And we can would love to connect you as well with organizations that do that work. I know the first organization that came to mind is New Era Detroit. I'm sure you've probably connected with them. But if you have not, I would definitely encourage you to connect with new era, New Era Detroit, who does a lot around anything dealing with our young people, our elderly, etc. So connect with them. And then we can also plug into a couple of other organizations. All right, thank you, sir, for coming down.
The morning. Good morning. I'm Tracy Rubin from Jefferson, Chalmers and Charles area. Thank you all for letting us talk and helping us or whatever you can in the city. There's a little bit down. So there you go. I'm Tracy rubra. From Jefferson Chalmers, thank you very much for hearing us today. have three of the things that I have to mention. I've been in Detroit for over 40 years. Okay, the first thing with Jay Jorgenson, I'm part of the people who say, can we just have some more time to get the correct answers out to everyone about what's happening in our neighborhood about a before Park? I was at the CAC meeting yesterday and there were still people who live two doors down from the park, who had not gotten any kind of notification of what's going on. One of them has cancer. That's not right. They need to be notified number to the food water station that they're going to build in the middle of the street and take away the streets. There's people who live on that street, are they being conference compensated? And then the paperwork that has been sent? It was stated that there is no harm to anyone in the residence or in the in the neighborhood. There's one lady who has three lots. That's her family's wealth. Is she gonna get compensated for having a treatment center in front of her house? That's not fair. far as the taxes I've lost two houses because of taxes. I haven't gotten anything back for it. My house right now I'm when the crash happened in 2008. My five bedroom, two fat two bedroom house. I'm sorry, five bedroom, two bathroom house was valued at $1,500. My house down the street that's on the canal was valued at 500 Never got any taxes lowered. And right now I'm still fighting to get my homestead. Right. Thank you. All
right. Thank you. Thank you so much for coming down. And we will be discussing that contract when we get to that on the agenda. Jack Van Dyck.
Members of the council's thank you for letting me talk about this issue. I brought my kids with me because this is a lesson to democracy. But we I came a year ago to talk about the protected bike lanes so there's not a new subject. Since then, I've had an opportunity to talk to some folks in councilmember Tate's district and as well as doing some other community events on the east side. And we also got a chance to work with the Detroit greenways coalition to get some ridership information for the streets that now have protected lanes. And I've seen increases in accident rates. So I'm just trying to call attention to the to Cass Avenue because that's the one that's easiest to see in the data but I look according to some colleagues, information accidents involving bikes, like car accidents involving bikes have roughly doubled in the five year period since the lanes were installed, relative to the five years previous. So the we are interested in solutions and we're excited to talk about what needs to be done. But we realized that Detroit is not the only place that has seen this trend happens. But we are the only place that is still identified with the motorists, community and people. These lanes are premised on mistrust of the American motorist which I get motorist is a big boogeyman in American culture. And that's not Detroit's fault. But we should be rooting for the motorist folks, we should still give them the benefit of the doubt. And these lanes don't do that to the cyclists, Carol. So that's all I wanted to say. I appreciate your opportunity to talk to everybody.
Thank you. Thank you so much for coming down. All right. We will move now to those who have joined us virtually.
Morning, Madam President, we have 30 people online. Our first caller is Thomas Lewis.
Right Good morning.
Good morning, Thomas Lewis 30.
Good morning, Madam President and counsel. I would like to ask that the city assessor stop over assessing phones valued at $34,000 or less. Secondly, I'm calling on the treasurer to heart all foreclosures on occupied homes, valued at $34,700 or less. And I like to add something that that my former professor used to say when I was a student at Bethune Cookman. He said America just doesn't like ugly. Now, he wasn't talking about the symmetry of a person's face. He was talking about the poor and downtrodden. He says, America just have a tendency to just walk past steamroll and figure that we just don't matter. And that's the way the powerful act. That's the way the politicians in some cases act. And unfortunately, that's that's how many people in the Duggan administration's act and unfortunately, some people on council a and, and the lady who mentioned Dana Nestle, I agree with you 100% Because we were supposed to get an opinion on that $600 million prior subsequent to her election. And and she she backed out on that and I'm very, very disappointed about that. So thank you, counsel.
All right. Thank you.
Next we have Cunningham.
Good Good morning Mr. Cunningham.
Morning Mr. Cunningham
3134449143134449114134449114 on Facebook two words retroactive fairness on Facebook retroactive fairness. Thank you for your continued prayers today's last day I'm asking you to pray and the Holy Spirit or chant like a lot of fluids coming about his name and atmosphere Sherman Lyons myself brother cutting and I'm not praying for you to understand I'm talking to lots of you are stuck on misunderstanding me your mission the stuck on misunderstanding me or or trying to suppress? So when I pray and Holy Spirit I'm praying mysteries of unto God. Not to translate it for you. I love you to join edition. Marsha, Marsha. Marsha. Marsha. Europe Marsha. Marsha Marsha Marsha?
Right Thank You mr. Carnahan,
next we have Ilana Harada. Morning.
The Morning, morning,
can you hear me?
Yes, we can.
Thank you. Good morning. Good morning to council members and all of the public who are here to defend property control by legacy determinism, those of us who have beliefs. I want to also make a quick correction to Mr. Logs. assessment about the Delphi library. The city is the fiduciary of the ladders. group where
you're going out Miss on Harada.
When we pass her time, Elena Harada. Can you hear me?
Yvonne, are you showing that she's still on? Yes,
yes, she's unmuted. We just can't hear her. Okay,
let's go. Come right back to miss Elena Harada. See if she can get her signal.
Okay, next is Aaron's Stanley. Hello, the morning.
Good morning.
Yes. All right.
Thank you. Good morning. Um, thanks for allowing me the ability to speak today. My name is Aaron Stanley. I was born and raised in District Four, and currently live in District Six, have been personally impacted by the property tax over assessments and foreclosures and have been part of the coalition's fight for Property Tax Justice since 2018. And I know you all are probably tired of hearing from us. And I think all of you, especially Council, President Sheffield, for your support over the years. And I'd love for a day to happen where we don't have to come to give public comment about this. And I know that we're getting closer every day. The two resolutions that you are going to vote on today are really just things you've already voted on. Last fall when we had the property tax reform ordinance passed pass thanks to our heroes as well as councilmember Young. Um, we already made a stand, you know, you already voted for this resolute or for this ordinance. These resolutions are just asked you to use your power once again to demand that the ordinance is actually enforced. So I think the first ordinance or the first resolution, you know, as for the city assessor to correct the over assessments, that's literally the biggest part of the ordinance that's already been passed. And so hopefully, I urge you to pass that again today. So that we can start enforcing this. And then the second resolution, you know, as to say that treasure slippery as the foreclosure deadline approaches really shouldn't foreclose on any homes that are valued under 34,700 Because
all right, thank you.
We will go back to Ilana Harada. Morning.
Good morning.
Yes, go right ahead.
Good morning. I have commented Thank you.
Okay, thank you.
Okay, next is Joshua Topel.
Hi, can you hear me?
Yes, we can. Hi, my
name is Joshua Topo. I'm with the Coalition for Property Tax Justice. I'm giving public comment in support of the resolutions to stop foreclosures and over assessments. Over assessments in Detroit is not a new phenomenon. The city has a long history of over assessing homes and still owes Detroiters over $600 million because of their over assessments. We have noted the detrimental effects of the city's practices on lower income households in a recent study from the University of Chicago showed that the city is over assessing 72% of homes worth less than 34,700. We cannot allow these homeowners to suffer the effects of over assessment. After recently working with Detroit homeowners to appeal their property tax assessments for this year. I've seen firsthand that the issue of over assessment and over taxation has not been fixed. Further, it is wrong for the county to foreclose on anyone's home while the city is still over assessing them at such a high rate. allowing these homes to be foreclosed with only finalized the injustice that many Detroit homeowners have faced. voting yes on these two resolutions will be an important step towards ensuring the city and county do not unjustly harm Detroit homeowners. We need City Council to pass these resolutions because it is the only chance to address the over assessments and halt the foreclosure of these Detroit homes. In particular, we are counting on our heroes to vote yesterday on both resolutions, and I hope this will be a positive step towards stopping over assessment. Thank you for your time.
Next is Karen Winston. Hello.
Yes, good morning.
Good morning. Yeah, I want to do now last year, my taxable value was like $27,000 This year it's $207,000. Go figure $211,000 What's going on here? So we got to have two that will date Mr. Horns credentials. Because obviously, and And is he an accountant? If not, he doesn't need a CFO title. So you got all these things going around people think they're more than they are. They want to do this form is still you can type anything in these little boxes that you want. I bet you a dime a dozen you can put mine next year. I love that it's got different crap on it. Because you definitely being I'm not going to see your you're not gonna see my so nobody knows what the neighbors getting. That's one thing. It doesn't make any sense. These guys have a belt like these people's experience. We got to validate their qualifications because we're the ones that are getting on the short end of the stick. Authorities I'm only single function, the city's general service organization so we don't need what another organization doing 100 thing they get one job. That's it. This is the DBA I pay a contractor to do so under contract for them and says the contractor we can't be a contractor. Think about it. They can't be a contractor. And these people cannot do miss dig they don't have a record. Thanks.
All right, thank you
next is Marguerite Maddox and Scarlett
Good morning Good morning. Good morning.
Good morning.
I am fresh out of the tech problems that we have been fighting for years so we will we'll get to you give me the to
fly nah to make the same mistake again. Because there are there are these voters who kidding
me that there was
good did you know it was really really
me getting
Saturday our zoom with this kid. Mr. Tate. Please look Earth Spin on the Zoom call. Please And please, citizen of Detroit, please. If you see that not be hearing is
Oh, safety, isn't
it all right. I am David where you need to go? Go. Okay. Okay. suit against the sea tour. Oh, that would be one where we would not leave that. I'm done. Thank you.
All right. Thank you Miss Maddox. Madam President. Yes, Councilmember Santiago Amuro. Thank you, Madam
President. Miss Madox, thank you so much for always calling in. I need to give you a shout outs for folks who don't know Miss Maddox is in an article through outlier media, highlighting her advocacy that she's been doing for years. And I am just so proud and inspired by you and just Detroiters in general that come out all the time, advocating. And the last line in the article is a quote from Ms. Maddox that reads, trying to make the city more accessible for everyone. It's everyone's responsibility. So thank you so much, Miss Maddox for your work. It inspires me. I know it inspires others as well. Thank you. Thank you, Madam President.
Thank you.
Our next caller is Steven whoring
the morning mr. Miss. Yes, you can.
I want to echo Councilwoman Santiago Romero's comments on I'm happy to finally see Miss Maddox and an article I read, she's been fighting for years for this table, and a more assessable city and, you know, I feel like she's never gotten the credit she deserves and I'm just happy to see she's finally getting the credit. I mean, she's been a fighter for years for the disabled, and specially in a city that, you know, has a record of being very unfriendly to disabled and handicapped citizens. So very happy to hear that. And I'm also very happy to hear the city's finally on investment. Re credit. You know, you know, I clash I had my disagreements with Delegate, but, I mean, he's definitely been the best mayor I mean, of Detroit for I mean, decades. I mean, he's really got in the city moving. And also, you know, he's developing the neighborhoods, we see the avenue of fashion that is sworn, and even in areas like East Village East Village right next in the village. You know, Doug is doing a great job. And you know, I really hope he runs for Mayor again. I voted for him both in 16 and 20. Madam Chair,
thank you, Mr. Harun. Yes. Councilmember Calloway?
Thank you, madam chair to Mr. Harvey, Mr. Harvey and Mr. Harvard to your your, your comment about the avenue of fashion, I would invite you over there. We're struggling on the avenue of fashion. We need a lot of resources. The businesses over there have suffered during COVID. They were shut down during the tearing up of the street to tear out of the to tear up the grass that was installed by one Mayor removed by another mayor. So I would invite you to come over and visit us I will give you a tour of the avenue of fashion but what you're saying is not correct. I wish it were we're working on to improve the avenue of fashion, but I invite you to visit it. Thank you Madam Chair.
Thank you member Calloway.
All right. Our next caller is is William M. Davis. Mr. Davis. Good morning.
Good morning. Can I be heard? Yes, sir. Okay, I'd like to start off by saying that there are 1000s of CD truck retiring. would not think that the current mayor is the best man man that we've had. I for one do not. Also, we are pleased to see that the city's bond rating has gone up. However, we are very disappointed. I received over 80 calls yesterday on my show my executive board members, we've seen a lot of calls to from city, Detroit retirees, very, very, very disappointed in this mayor, especially in so much that, you know, he talks about the great recovery, but he also continuously fails to mention it has been on the back of city, Detroit retirees, you know, we have a lot of people have died, more people keep dying, and nothing has been returned to us nothing. And you know, he, you know, he's good, but you know, these photo stamps, you know, and he's always taking pictures and stuff, and he's always advertising on the safe dime. But you know, he needs to start doing something. Now. You need to do something substantive to help say the chart retirees were very disappointed in him and this administration. And we also think that by taxes are too high, especially for low income people and lower value homes. Thank you.
Right, thank you.
Our next caller is phone number ending into nine nine.
Right, good morning. Good morning. My name is Joyce roll was using the proximity coalition within the boundaries of the unified community. I'm here today because of the tax bill, I don't believe we were solid exemptions that were receiving a tax bill or the breakdown of the different villages. And I'd like to know, is that correct or not? I would like to see the sequence of events over the years to see an increase or decrease number two CEF tax increment financing. I don't understand how is it that we voted on certain villages? And yet, the state can say yes, we're going to take this money and use it as we think that I had to fill in some way that there's violating my voting rights. I'm not sure what steps we have to take, but the TIF is illegal. Like STL was number three, we went to the meeting, there was really no update on agenda. Hutchins Khurasan or Ricky from instead the city to actually hold him accountable for the first contract because he's working on second contract where he will make millions of dollars. Joseph walk away. And Senator, I'm hoping that all of you will take the tour, Councilmember Sheffield, the chosen walk away and help restore it back to the original architectural design that it was when we first put it together agreed to it. And in terms of Joe the walker William park in the back, we went to the library there for the library, and they changed the name to Williams Park. I thought it was a Joseph Walker Williams Park. And aka i thought i for fun first was used to help people. What I'm hearing is more about construction. I'm hearing people talk about the over assessment kit, some of that money we use to help people recover and regroup from the overset
All right, thank you, Miss Moore.
Next is a D O 's Detroit.
Good morning into the chair. May
I be hurt? Yes, ma'am. Okay,
yes, you've heard a lot from people about overtaxation. It appears that we never get anything done for ourselves. We have been asking for you to restore us. I don't want any, any discounts or any greenbacks. And I have no idea how you can steal money from me and then tell me it's illegal for you to pay me my money back. That's absolutely ludicrous. And they need to get rid of the Attorney General. That's her. If that's her take on what has happened here in the city of Detroit. 6.2 is a forensic audit. Contract. I would like to know the results of that forensic audit. Since we're paying for it. 22.1 is a auction. Contract they are providing more services. I'm not sure how we keep doing these things. We need to go to the Department of that that's that's making these contracts and you can't just in the middle, change the contract and then they're not put it out for bid 22. Doubt two is a lot of money for a financial advisory service. 23.1 is a travesty. $3.4 million. For the legal news. This is how our money gets wasted. We don't read the legal news and tell the tell the city clerk to put the legal news down and pick up the Detroit Free Press on the Detroit News. That's what we read 25.5 as another travesty CDBG funding reprogramming that's a forest and 25.8. Right Thank you misuse.
Next is Alena gather
the morning
Good morning
Yes good morning the floor is yours for public comment.
Um hi as I'm I'm the city of Detroit citizen I'm a two times homeowner and I've been to a few of these many meetings and I just don't understand why we keep doing a song or dance. You guys are in a position where you know the money has been stolen you know people have been getting robbed just fix it. Why do we Why do we the citizens keep having to come in here and plead and beg and have all these sad stories? When when you all know you get paid to do this Dugan has a criminal you know, he's still in money. Everyone behind him the treasurer they know money's been stolen a lot of citizen Forster keep coming out here, show to these meetings and beg and plead and cry when you guys know wrong is being done. How can the City representatives want back better for citizens when you don't follow laws? You steal money, you prove that it's been stolen, you pay the citizens back like this is exhausting. And I'm so sad to keep having to keep saying the same thing over and over and over. What's wrong is wrong. What's wrong has been proven you're supposed to correct it that's why you're in this position. These are your constituents y'all know y'all see the back end more than we see it we should not have to be doing this grunt work to come up here and say hey, we're getting robbed fix it when you know you're robbing us. Just fix it don't make excuses. We know it's illegal we know we should not be put in this position to where we have to keep fighting for our rights. That's what you guys get paid for. We're tired.
Oh, thank you.
Next is black bag brew.
What up though? Can you hear me clearly?
Can hear you the floor is yours. Go right ahead.
I want to put some sort of public record. Dennis workweek is fake. A fake Mary Sheffield is a propaganda artists days. Take Jr. The third or whatever is a whole fraud in a matter of the case. DPD two zero dash 11112 to death a Kenisha Coleman and Scott Benson. Well, Scott Benson and Scott Benson but Gabriella Santiago we're mirror. District Six Castle woman is a little Hispanic Latino lady who voted no. On route. presenting information to the council before the absentee ballot fraud was committed in the 2024 presidential primary election over at 12842 Sussex Street, Detroit Michigan and district one James etapes. District on Well, we know the story the video speaks for itself clearly. So not so public record and Janice Winfrey is a fake. I want to say that Mike Duggan is put a classic PIP move down on the city of Detroit. He married the mistress that took the money to classic Pitt movie back in the day when the players bottom getting up that whiteboard so they couldn't testify.
All right, our next caller please.
next caller is Joyce E.
Jennings. Jennings. Good morning.
Good morning.
Good morning, council president. Are you all able to hear me?
Yes, we can hear you. Okay,
I'm led to pray today. Father, God, I just thank you for another opportunity for your people to be blessed and grace to see another day. Thank you and lift up the leadership that we have. Father God, I pray that all of their decisions be made in the interest of your people, whatever they do until the least of these they do it unto you. God I hear a lot of people coming forth with different comments whether our elected officials are voted into office elected into office hired or appointed. However they're placed there God they represent you. I ask that whatever testimonies or statements that are given that people will that are in position to make decisions that they will listen to the groanings of the people, and that we don't have to keep coming back, hearing the same complaints or concerns. Let us move forward God as people, let us live in the liberty that we are the head and not the tail, above only and not beneath, more than conquerors through you Who God that created us and give us strength that the city of Detroit rise up as the healing capital of the world. There is no care Father God that you cannot heal and deliver us for from. It is so and so be it.
Thank you so much.
Next is to hear a mod.
Right. Good morning morning Council. I want to thank Reverend Williams, for being one of the upright ministers in our community that actually represent the people. I want to thank our shear roles, led by EU Council President Larry Sheffield, for passing the property tax reform ordinance and pawn thank also member you young for voting for the property tax reform ordinance. In the end, I had been illegally overtaxed and it's been by $16,000 and each each year and each month I'm being overtaxed 1000s of dollars, and we are all being overtaxed. What does that mean? That means our homes, our wealth, they are an investment. Black wealth is being stolen. We represent stable neighborhoods, and political integrity. Our schools have been suffered have suffered from the 100,000 Illegal foreclosures and children have suffered. They can't walk to school like they used to do in the day, and they are boarding up our schools, leaving scars in our community of once worth the education of our students. We urge you to pass the two resolutions, please and finish the job she rose and Mr. Hero. Call me young. Thank you.
All right, thank you.
Next is Senator Senator Anthony.
Good morning. Can you all hear me okay.
Yes, we can. Good morning.
Thank you, Madam President and members of the Council. Thank you just for the opportunity to address you all today. I know there's a full agenda. But I wanted to speak in support of Councilwoman Galloway's resolution regarding payday lending. It's a Senate bill that passed with bipartisan support a few weeks ago, and it would cap the interest rates on payday loans from an astronomical 370%, which is the current rate down to 36%. Now, this is something that folks have been working on for years, former Detroit senator, Tupac Hunter was one of the first voices to try to address predatory lending in the state. And so I've tried to pick up the mantle and work alongside over 100 organizations, including many of Detroit that are trying to address predatory lending. It's off to the House of Representatives. And so I hope that you all will stand in support of this resolution, alongside the governor's black leadership Advisory Council, who is strongly in support as well as other organizations in Detroit, such as the Detroit CDFI coalition, Detroit disability power invest Detroit, one Detroit credit union and the Detroit Development Fund, as well as many others. So I hope you all will consider this resolution and look out for many Detroit errors, but also people across the state. So thank you for the time and the opportunity to speak. Thank you.
All right. Thank you so much, Senator for calling in. And we are looking forward to taking up councilmember Galloway's resolution. So thank you for taking the time to lend your support. And we appreciate the work that you're doing as well. Thank you so much.
Next is call in user two.
All right, calling a user to Good morning. Hi,
this is AJ Braverman. For a long time the city and the county have had an approach of foreclose first ask questions later, tax first ask questions later. And thankfully, in recent years, many in Detroit, some of whom are on this council have reconsidered this approach and I'm speaking in favor of the resolutions to stop unjust foreclosures and taxation so this progress can continue. There may be some bad faith attempts to discredit the University of Chicago study showing 72% of homes worth less than $34,700. But we know this study is credible. We know it's independent research from a highly credible academic. And my question to council and what I want council to think about today is when the city commissioned IWA As the you know, you've Chicago study, do you want the atrocity of the homes that the county will steal as a result of these foreclosures and the money the city will steal as a result of these foreclosures to be on your hands? Or do you want to do the thing that is morally politically and legally prudent? And pass these resolutions? Please help us correct this injustice. Thank you.
All right. Thank you so much.
Our next caller is calling user two.
Can you hear me?
Yes, we can.
Good afternoon.
Mr. President. I have a question. I want to know. I'd like to know, when are you going to start requiring for apartment complexes to start keeping up their smoke detectors, their proper working screens to their buildings? And why is it if March and April is the time that all apartment complexes should have screens up? When did it get changed to May? Is my question for you, madam president, and why is grounds not being properly washed and clean? At the Rosa Parks transit center? It's awful and it's full of bases of birds and humans and animals. Is this ridiculous? Ah, you give me a clear direct answer at the early Easter to all. Thank you.
Thank you. Thank you Miss Shea. And we did for it over the pictures that you sent us this morning to DDOT and we'll continue to work with you. So thank you for calling. Yeah, mache. We appreciate you our next caller please.
Aaron hammer.
The morning.
Good morning. Hurrah for our speaker, our our spirit of Detroiter good work. As a Detroit resident I've watched the city lose 10s of 1000s of homes for 40 years. Approve the two resolutions before you
have the
over assessments identified in the University of Chicago study lead to reducing the assessed values of homes under 30 to $4,700. Call on treasurer Sabrina halt all property tax foreclosures allowing 1000s to remain in their homes. Also, free legal help that the right to counsel for Detroiters unjustly facing eviction is not fully funded. Council should push for the ARPA money still not designated to fully fund the RTC invest $27 million from the $200 million in arpa. It's the law. It's been passed and it should be enforced. I support the resolution against the high interest, payday lending. And I support Council's efforts towards all of the priorities I mentioned. Please vote in support of the people.
Thank you.
Next caller is phone number ending in 124.
Yes, good morning. May I be hurt? Yes. Okay, thank you. Well, finally, well, a rarely I hear someone opening the session that calls out the suffering of Detroiters. So I commend Reverend Williams for that member Callaway, you get an Eric Mays award today for talking about the reality. I saw the avenue of fashion all cut up and they did that when they were building the cue line and a lot of businesses went under. It was very sad. And Mayor Mike Duggan, he said judge his success by whether more people move in or move out. Well, here's the failure by his own measurement. And I don't care for demand. He said he has not kept his word on things I heard he did a handshake deal and you protest developments are shoving down their throats over here. The people here don't matter. And congratulations to the awardee today. I had a female room, housemate flatmate who was a female drag queen. But I am not for pushing gender affirming care on minors, who may be confused and troubled with trauma and then regret it later. Let them make that decision as an adult. And that I also am disappointed in team Sheffield, they seem to be stuck on evading me about the bad side like situation of my neighbor,
Miss Tammy, Daniel, then member Callaway is meeting.
Right. Thank you, Miss Warwick. Mr. Foster, I'm sorry, we didn't have a car for you if you want to come down now. And we will pause the online briefly.
Morning, first thing if you will be so kind to put a card in for next week as I'm here every week. And I don't want to have these issues again, or misunderstand this about public comment. If you'd be so kind to put a card in for next week. That way, it won't be any mishaps or take time to come down spin, parking and everything else and to not have public comment. It's a disadvantage to myself. So I just want to make sure you guys know that below to the day. So I'm gonna make it real quick before I go home and get some rest. When Martin Luther King, he said, I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. What does that mean to they have Content of Character? You know, I look at our former mayor, Coleman Young, he had a full ride scholarship to University of Michigan, he turned it down because they did not allow blacks to have housing at the University of Michigan. That's character. So when we start inviting people, and during a lot of these things, we have to be more open to character and less respect to persons. I'm very, very grateful for a lot of things you guys have done. The character of the homelessness the way you guys rally last week, I'm 100% grassroots, I don't get caught up in no big names or any of those other things. I don't need anything from y'all. I'm retired. I come down here because I'm passionate about what I believe in. And I asked you guys to respect
that and find somewhere to work together. Thank you, Mr. Foster, we appreciate you coming down. And there's never been an opportunity that you have not had the opportunity to speak. And I know we did offer you a car and you declined and said you want to do virtual. So just wanted to make sure we're all on the same page. You always have a platform here to speak. We appreciate your advocacy. So sorry, we had to wait so long. But thank you for taking the time to come down, sir. All right,
we can go back to our virtual public comment.
Next is phone number ending in 270.
All right. Good morning. Can you hear me? Yes. Malik Shelton. Good morning, Council President. Good morning residents want to see the rest of the council Council President Mary Sheffield. A couple of weeks ago, I provided you with a document with specific information on voter fraud, as well as voter voter registration fraud going on here in the city of Detroit. Now there are some people on the council who has stated publicly that these charges are inaccurate or untrue. Well, all the council needs to do is to use its investigative authority which is enshrined in section for 109 and four 110 of the Detroit city charter and bring the witnesses before Council who swear that they have not voted although the city has no voting and that they did not register to vote some of them although the city has them on the Voter Registration Act, the voter registration list. And then that way we can allow the public in any interested officials to determine who's being accurate, and who's being truthful, and who was not. And this upgraded credit on bond ratings in Detroit is a complete farce. These last credit rating agencies like Moody's Standard and Poor's and Fitch
had been to
All right, thank you, Mr. Shelton.
Next is Bernadette to a honey.
All right, good morning. Can you hear me? Yes, we can Hi, I'm Professor Bernadette i Two I Hannah from the University of Southern California, Gould School of Law. And like the one sister said earlier, this is exhausting. coming before you time and again, you know, our she rose, and at the end, Coleman Young passed the property tax reform ordinance last November. And the biggest feature of that ordinance was every year, the assessment division would have to get an assessment ratio study done. The assessment ratio study is the only way to know if the city is systematically over assessing any portion of the of the population. And, again, in an abusive process, the assessment division till this day has not gotten that assessment racial study done. The contract has not even been brought before city council. So the only study we have before us is the independent research done by the University of Chicago, which shows that 72% of homes worth 34,000. And under the city is systematically over assessing. So now it's on city council has to stand up with the data we have and move forward because the Duggan administration just like they did with the passing of the property tax reform ordinates abuse the process by abusing the approval as to form a procedure. Now we're seeing another abuse of the process by the Duggan administration with the failure to get a timely assessment racial study done as required by the property tax reform ordinance.
All right, thank you.
Next caller is Betty a Varner want to talk about it. Good morning to all within the sound of my voice. I'm Betty, a burner president of soda Elsweyr black Association. I want to say that I appreciate the work that Mr. Foster does. I've learned a lot just by listening to him. And I was able to meet him briefly at the border police commissioner's meeting a couple of weeks ago. So keep up the good work. I want to say kudos and congrats to miss max on the work that she does advocating for people with disabilities. She is my inspiration. The last three years my health has changed drastically. I have mobility problems, challenges. And as my lifestyle began to change, I realized how difficult it is to get assistance and how the help that is needed. And if you're not eligible for Medicaid, you're not eligible for most of the programs that are available. And so rather than me sitting back feeling sorry for myself, I look at people and like Miss Maddox, and I said, Okay, I got to do something to try to make it better. So I also started to advocate so keep up the good work. Miss Madox, please come so continue to support my association, the thinker corridor project
and my diba community park. Thank you. Thank you, Miss Varner. And if the clerk OneNote member Young has joined us maybe about two minutes ago or so. All right, our next caller please. Zai Ronica. Smith.
Yes. Okay. Good morning, honorable city council and everyone present. My name is Veronica Smith, and a member of the home keepers warriors. I want to encourage you to pass the two resolutions regarding the property tax assessments and foreclosures. Thank you.
Next is Louella P Zuni. Good morning, everyone. My name is Louella presutti and I live in bright Moore. I'm here as a voice for fairness. As you know, about three quarters of all homes valued under $34,000 are being over assessed. That means three out of four of my neighbors some of the most financially vulnerable Detroiters are shouldering an unfair burden in funding the city. Please, please, please support the resolutions that would have assessor Horne correct the over assessments and treasurer's debris halt property tax foreclosures for owner occupied homes that are valued under 34,000. It's way past time to stop forcing our most financially vulnerable neighbors to pay more than their fair share or to lose their homes. I wish those of you who vote in favor of these resolutions, a clear conscience and an excellent day to those who vote against
I wish something else. Thank you All
right, thank you.
Next caller is Chris Gilmer Hill. Good morning. Can I be heard? Yes. Morning. My name is Chris comer Hill lifelong resident of the city's Second District. First and foremost, I'd like to urge City Council as many others have done to pass these resolutions that have been discussed and that are supported by the Coalition for Property Tax Justice. I believe this is an important first step, I believe it would build on the work that the council has already done in passing previous ordinances on this subject. And I believe it's past time for something to really be done to fix this issue of property tax over assessment. So I'm hopeful that the council members who voted the right way the last time will vote the right way again, this time and will hopefully be joined by some of their colleagues. But I'd also like to urge this cannot be the last thing that you do on this, this is the first step. It cannot be the last step. We need more than just resolutions that are like making an important statement. But still, at the end of the day, just making a statement. We need real fundamental change in the way that taxation and finances work in this city. The report that we just got, like proves what we already knew, which is that this city's tax system is rooted in stealing from the poor and giving to the rich. You've never once heard Mayor Duggan say that he couldn't afford it. The city could not afford to give away $600 million to billionaire developers. There's no reason you should accept that as an excuse for refusing to make Detroiters fall. I know this is a long term project. I know this is not something that will be fixed right away. But respectfully I would disagree with the previous caller Mr. hollering I think we're about to have a much better mayor and I believe that she'll be up to the task of fundamentally fixing things
and making this a city that works for everyone. Thank you.
All right, thank you.
Next is Washington M.
Good morning.
Washington M Good morning.
The morning Washington M. All right. Let's come back to this caller please. Okay, and our final caller to
raise your hand before public comment was cut off is Candace shown. Good morning.
Morning, Kansas Jones.
Good morning, Kansas Jones Going once.
All right. Candace Jones going twice. All right. We're gonna move on from Kansas Jones. We can go back to the previous
caller to see if they're here. Still, Madam President, the previous caller has lowered their
hand. So that is the end of online public comment. All right, thank you. That will conclude all of our public comments and we appreciate those who came in and also called virtually, we will now move to to the agenda.
Under standing committee reports, or the internal operation standing committee from
the Office of contracting and procurement. Also member Johnson a resolution line item 16.1. Contract Number 2870456 100%. City funding for amendment 11 to provide an extension of time for legal representation for post bankruptcy restructuring and revitalization charter commission and other matters as requested. Contractor Miller Canfield paddock and stone PLLC. total contract amount $12,950,522.56. That's for the law department.
Councilmember Johnson a resolution. Thank you, Councilmember Johnson. Thank you, Madam President Move for approval. All right. motion has been made for approval. Are there any objections to 16.1?
Them chair? Yes, you can
show me as an objection.
Councilmember Callaway Thank you.
All right, the clerk will please note. Also no hearing no other objections that item will be approved.
From the law depart Meet councilmember Jansen. 10. Resolutions line item
16.2 through 16 point 11.
Councilmember Johnson. Thank you, Madam President Move for approval on line item 16.2 through 16 point 11. These are various lawsuit settlement requests and request
for legal representation and indemnification.
Any objections? Objection, alpha member. Thank you, Madam President. objection to 16.7 through 16 point 11.
Member Santiago Romero.
Okay. The clerk would know what it was. Oh no, Madam President. Remember Callaway. Madam Chair, if you could show me as a no on 16 points, seven points. 16.8 16.9 16 point 10
and 16 point 11. Thank you. All right. Thank you. Any other objections? Hearing none, the 10 resolutions will be approved.
From the Human Resources classification and compensation division.
Councilmember Johnson a resolution line item 16.
Point. Well, member Johnson. Thank you, Madam President Move for approval on line item 16 point 12. This is a request to amend the official compensation schedule for 2023 through 2024.
For the benefits clerk number four. Any objections? Hearing none, the one resolution will be approved.
Under resolutions, Councilmember Johnson
a resolution line item 16. Point 13.
Council member Johnson actually didn't that resolution should be in councilmember Darr halls name. Right. Councilmember der Hall a resolution
line item 16. Point 13.
I'm sorry, can you can you repeat what you just stated? line item 16. Point 13. Should
be in the name of
member Dharohar. Okay. Member der Hoff. Thank you Madam President. line item 16.3 is a resolution of authorization reappointing Gwen Lewis, resident of Detroit and city council district seven to the City Planning Commission to represent district seven for a three year term beginning on February 15 2024. And February 14 2027. And effective upon swearing in by the city clerk Move
for approval of line item 16 point 13. Any objections? Hearing no objections the one resolution will be approved for the Neighborhood and Community Services standing
committee from the Office of contracting and procurement. Councilmember Jung a resolution, line item 17.1. Contract Number 600611 for 100% Solid Waste funding to provide rental of refuse collection truck with side loader, contractor big truck rental LLC, total contract amount 696,000 And that's for General Services Department.
Councilmember young a resolution. Council member Young. Thank you Madam President. I move to
approve line item 17.1. Any discussion?
Discussion? Yes, member Callaway. Thank you Madam Chair. Is there anyone on four contracts in procurement? That can answer one question. This is a 690 $600,000 contract one just to rent two vehicles. How much are they to purchase?
Thank you Madam Chair. All right, Mr. Washington. morning Madam Chair and Council. We do have Hilary Edwards from OCP online
All right, we will promote Miss Hilary Edwards.
All right, Miss Edwards, you have been promoted. You could just turn your camera on please. Oh, I'm sorry. Mr. Good afternoon. This is Hillary Edwards through the chair office of procurement and contracting. And to answer your question. It is a rental of two vehicles. And these particular vehicles have a capacity to live 1000 pounds and a three time We gallon container and it's very specific. There were no other other vendors who could meet those requirements. And a reference to the cost us going to be roughly $900,000 to procure two vehicles to purchase.
Thank you Madam Chair. Thank you, Mr. Edwards. Thank you. Any additional discussion on this item? All right, hearing none,
a motion has been made for approval. Are there any objections? Objection, Madam Chair, if you can show council member Callaway as
a no vote on line item 17.1. All right. The clerk would know. Therefore So note, Madam President. All right. Hearing no other objections, the
one resolution will be approved. Madam President, if I may request a waiver for line 16 point 13. That's
a resolution I'm reappointing when Louis. Hearing no objections away will will be attached to the appointment for district seven
from the Planning and Development Committee. Past the president pro tem T two resolutions, lines
item 18.1 and 18.2.
Or template when a president move approval of line items
18.1 and 18.2 place all right, a motion has been made and these are various property sales. Any objections?
Hearing no objections, the two resolutions will be approved. Madam President requested waiver for line items
18.1 to 18.2. waiver has been requested, Hearing no objections that action will be taken. For the public health and safety standing committee
from the Office of contracting and procurement health center councilmember Santiago Romero a resolution line item 19.1. It's contract number 6006104 100%. City funding to provide preventative maintenance, repair and replacement of heating, ventilation and air conditioning for D D O T facilities. Contractor Johnson Controls incorporated total contract amount 1.8 million in s for construction and demolition. Councilmember
Santiago Romero a resolutions
councilmember Santiago Romero.
Thank you, Madam President. Motion to approve. motion has been made for approval. Are there any objections? Hearing none, the one resolution will be approved request away or Madam President. All right, a waiver has been requested, Hearing no objections that action will be taken
from the law department. Councilmember Whitfield Callaway introduction of an ordinance.
line item 19.2. All right, member Callaway. Thank you Madam Chair. Madam President, I move that the ordinance be read twice by title
ordered, printed and laid on the table. All right, remember Callaway and this is the ordinance relating to the signed visibility of the National Human Trafficking Resource hotline. Are there any objections? Hearing none, that action will be taken
from the law department house a member with the Callaway
a resolution setting the public hearing member Callaway Thank you Madam Chair. I moved to set a public hearing on date to be determined on the foregoing ordinance to amend chapter 31 of the 2019 Detroit city code
offenses Article Three, etc. Okay, any objections to the scheduling of a public hearing?
Hearing no objections
that action will be taken. Thank you Madam Chair. We will now move to the new business portion of the agenda
from the Office of contracting in procurements. Councilmember Santiago Romero are resolution line item 20.1 is contract number 6004310 dash a one 100% transportation grant funding Amendment One to provide an extension of time only for replacement glass panels for various D O T bus shelters. Contractor is Kristy Glass Company. total contract amount $430,875. Less for the transportation department.
How somewhere was Santiago Romero a resolution? Councilmember Santiago Romero. Motion to approve. Any objections?
Discussion Madam Chair? Yes member Calloway, Madam Chair. Thank you. I absolutely support having our bus shelter glasses replaced and repaired. But I'd like to know if there's anyone on from contract and procurement. Who can let me No why we're not rebuilding this. But amending this one under 100% tramp transportation grant funding for companies in Ferndale. And do we not have a glass replacement replacement companies in Detroit?
Thank you, Madam Chair. Mr. Washington, do
we have someone on this contract?
Madam Chair, I do have Carson Appleby from data. But for OCP, I would have to bring it back towards the end of the agenda.
Thank you, the person that from DDOT, let's promote them and see if they can respond if not, and we can bring it back.
All right. Good morning. Good morning. Were you able to answer anything regarding the availability of a Detroit based company to provide the services that are listed here for this contract? Or is that
a procurement question that we need to direct to procurement? Through the chair that we we may, my understanding is that for FTA procurements with FTA grant funding, geographical preference is
not an allowable consideration.
Thank you, sir. This is councilmember Callaway. Were there any Detroit bidders? And then why do we not set this out for bids since it's already at the end of their contract with zero increase in amount? This is a $430,000 contract. That should have it should be ending in March, but we're extending it for a year. What have we invoiced on the contract already.
And why not put it out for bid through the chair or original intention was for this to be a longer duration contract. And that was the budget amount that was set aside for it. Due to the inflationary environment, at the time that we were initiating the contract, the vendor was not willing to hold pricing for more than two years. So we reduced the time span to two years. But there's still the original budget was still for a much longer contract. And so that amount still remains available to spend. So that's why we wanted to extend the time to use
the rest of that contracting authority. Why believe? Okay, so thank you on. Thank you, sir. See, through the chair, so you've
not invoiced the entire $430,000? Through the Chair? That is correct. My understanding is that the vendor is having some difficulty with the invoicing system. So there's even less invoice than what they've actually delivered. But there's still a lot of authority remaining
even after they fully invoice what they've delivered so far.
Okay. Thank you, ma'am. Sure. Thank you, sir.
All right. Thank you. Any additional questions, concerns for this item? Right Hearing none, a motion was made to approve. Are there any objections?
Hearing no objections, the one resolution will be
approved. request a waiver, Madam President. Right a waiver has been requested, Hearing no objections that action will be taken
from the Office of contracting and procurement. Councilmember young five resolutions, noting that line item 20.2 was postponed from last week's formal session. Our items are contracts from the General Services Department contract, not the first one by an annual 20.2 Contract Number 6006013 100%. City funding to provide graffiti removal solution contractor is graffiti Solutions Incorporated. total contract amount $210,600. Next contract is contract number 600604 to 100%. Major street funding to provide tree planting and maintenance contractor paint landscaping incorporated total contract amount 2,225,000. That's for general services. Next contract is contract number 6006111 100%. capital funding to assist in phase two renovations of A B four Park contract Detroit building authority total contract amount 9,555,000. That's for general services. Next contract is contract number 3072317 100%. capital funding to provide to electric golf carts contractor at a legacy Group LLC. total contract amount $37,575. Next contract is contract number 6006007 100%. Major street funding to provide irrigation system repair and maintenance contractor decimal LLC total contract amount 275,000. That's for the General Services Department.
Councilmember young five resolutions in the hallway.
Thank you, Councilmember young. Yeah, I'd
like to discuss line item 20.4.
Okay, we'll move to 20.4. Okay, first of all, I just want to say it should be 9000 It should be 9,300,000. Not 9,000,555 9,000,555 555,000 300,000. Okay. Um,
I think we asked people online
want to discuss this member as Mr. Washington.
Mr. Dyk, Madam President, acknowledge him. Of course Mr. Washington. Who
do we have that we go remote those individuals for this item? Yes, we do have Brad Deke online as well
as Ray Scott. And Bruce Coleman.
Okay, Steve, Oh, Nick, excuse me.
We have promoted everyone.
Good afternoon. Yes, sir. How you doing? SEO dick? This is Coleman Young. I just want to have you kind of go through this contract with me a little bit from my understanding this was a a before back in the Cold War used to be a Nike missile site. Didn't have the actual missiles there. But it was actual barracks for the soldiers as well as radar tracking that will take place so they found some contamination. I just want you to kind of go through what's going on what the process is here and what you've done
to reach out to the community about this contract. Yes. Thank you member again. I heard the Chair Thank you member young. So yes, so the historic site there a lot of the land south of Jefferson, especially along the waterfront was infill mean that dirt and other items were brought in to fill in the land south of Jefferson, especially along the water. That area was used back as the 50s and 60s, for barracks and, and for troops and such to work and live out of there while and while working on Belle Isle at the time. Over the years that site eventually became the the height the site of the afield Olympics Recreation Center, which was closed probably 1012 years ago, we demolished it and we built a new recreation center there which I know many of the council members have been to that opened up last fall during the demolition of the old Recreation Center. It's standard procedure to do environmental testing. And that's we found some contaminants. We alerted we alerted Mr. Scott Raymond Scott, who's deputy director and voters and safety as a bird environmental. At that point, he started his due diligence, I believe councils aware that it's the city's obligation, when we find contaminants to go through due diligence to understand what what, what is what is potential contaminants do and what is the remediation plan if necessary. So Mr. Scott and his team with our consultant began that that process. And that's kind of where we're at today. In February, we received what's called the due care plan that came back from from our team and from the environmental consultant. After we reviewed the plan, we immediately contacted the community and had a community meeting. Since then, we've had three community meetings, two on Zoom, and one person, the in person was at the park. We did a walkthrough and talked about the remediation plan. The remediation plan calls for a two foot cap of soil over the park calves could be soil or it could be a sunbed parking lot but obviously we don't want to put a parking lot across 34 acres of parkland. So we chose to do the two foot soil cap with the soil cap that will cause the roots to smother the soil caps a clay soil cap I believe councilmember young in his office have become quite educated on the clay soil caps of the last few weeks, and will and when the cap goes on, it causes the tree roots to smother. Since there was doubt in the community about this plan at the walk that we brought in three certified arborist and for environmental scientists to talk about how the soil tap works and what it would do, the soil cap goes in, it will smother the tree roots and cause the trees to die. Since the trees will die, we have to remove the trees, because they could pose a threat to the community through falling on houses falling on power lines, God forbid falling on a person or vehicle as well too. So the 251 trees have to be removed. We did have a certified arborist come in and look at the trees 241 of the trees were fair to poor condition or we're reaching the end of their life stop of their lifecycle. Trees are like humans, they don't live forever. Only 10 of the trees were rated in good condition. We made a decision that was best to remove all 251 trees for the for the health, safety, welfare of the community, we're going to replace them with 600 new trees. Maybe four Park has not been a site of tree planting at all in my tenure in the city. But with this new plan, we'll be replacing them again with 600 new trees of varying sizes. We wish to begin immediately we feel there's been some delay All right, the park right now is closed to to human traffic. But I think as counsel probably understands, it's almost impossible to to close a park completely keep people out because there's you can crawl over fences under fences and do whatever you want to. But we are going to make sure that we start the construction as soon as possible. And the remediation when the park is completed it will be remediated with a two foot soil cap, the 600 additional trees, we're also adding in walking trails, we're adding in other new amenities playscapes pickleball court basketball court and other site amenities such as benches and picnic shelters and such as well to including sports fields. The total investment in the amenities is around 3 million the remediation plan is several million dollars. We're looking to get started right away. We asked this honorable body for approval of this contract. And so we can mobilize our contractor as we're required to by law. And Mr. Goldman is here to answer questions from the law department about our requirements by law to do that work. And I believe that there's any questions I'm
open to questions. So as Mr. Goldberg and Mr. Scott as well, too. That's not my question, Madam President. Thank
you. Thank you. Councilmember Johnson. Thank you, Madam President. First, let me say thank you to everyone who has been involved in this conversation for the last month. I know it was February 29, when this contract was presented to the Neighborhood and Community Services Committee. And it was the information within the contract was actually shared with me by the community. So I know that the community is aware of but the community had some questions about the details. And So Brad, if you can share a little bit more about the eastern half of the park and the plans where did the plans come from? My understanding is that it essentially predated me and that
it was done in collaboration with the community. Yes, through the chair. The plans for the park were we had if I remember correctly, six community meetings with the community to talk about the plans for the park what they wanted in the park what they wanted to see all the meetings were well attended. I attended probably at least half of those meetings and including I was at present at the final community meeting where we rolled out the final plans in the community we had a bit of a celebration ice cream trucks and all that such um, the walk through the park plan, residents were able to walk up and see large scale boards of renderings to know it was going in the park it was a pretty joyous occasion. And and I believe we did well communicated the renovation plan which is I don't believe controversial at all. And and also the residents were heavily engaged to in the construction plan for the new center and picking what they wanted to see in the center and what they want the amenities they wanted at the center. And then additionally I did forget to mention and so we know the community has continuing questions once the remediation plan and renovation plan starts. We are going to be holding weekly zoom calls with residents to call in and ask questions, we're also to hold a monthly in person meeting at the center, the center will be opened during the construction remediation. The land around the center has already been remediated. And as it is safe for people to go into the fenced off area. And then we'll have monthly meetings at the center to address any questions that will have support from environmental and safety there, and also Parks and Recreation. So I think we've got a really good plan to address community needs going forward. And while you're looking to get started on this
project, did I answer your question number? Johnson, you did answer the question, but I want you to if you would repeat the tie the connection to community. I've received the petitions that were provided to council members this morning relative to asking for a pause and ask him for a pause to be able to answer questions that have been uplifted by community. I believe majority of those questions have been answered. But I want to ensure that the community has the answers to those questions and any additional questions that arise how they can connect with the administration to get those questions answered. Of course, I will continue to stay involved in the process as things move forward. But can you just again, share how the administration and the General Services
Department will continue to be engaged with community? Yes, through the chair. In addition to the the weekly zoom meetings, the monthly in person meetings, when the park is being renovated. We will have an onsite manager there we're gonna be hiring him at our expense or her. They will be at the park to answer the questions daily to ensure compliance. One of the questions out of the community was they were concerned that so many trucks would be coming into the community on a daily basis to drop off the dirt. We have we've agreed that we limit the number of trucks coming into the park daily that will add to the timeline of the park completions that have been done this winter probably done in early spring. However, as we all know, that's weather dependent. I can't control what happens in the winter. If we have a mild winter. We might be able to get done in the winter next year. Like we had a mild winter this year. And all the questions we've been answering are posted on the parks website, we have a special website people can access we've received probably close to 100 questions over the last couple of weeks, we've been posting the questions the answers to those questions. Today, member Johnson for me some more questions all but one was a new question. And we've answered that posted that in the last half hour it's been addressed. I will say that there are questions that people are submitting about the water project that DWSD and Liwa are doing that's outside the parks system. But we will, we will further those questions over to over the water department and in our monthly meetings are going to work to ensure that we have someone from our department, the monthly in person meetings to answer any questions that the committee might have on
that subject matter. They get it all member Johnson. Yes, thank you. And thank you for uplifting that I do just want to share with the community that there was a request to hold that particular contract so that community engagement could happen. And we're in that process now. There there will be another community meeting that will be shared very soon, the date and the time with the the Jefferson Chalmers community so that people can come out and be involved in that discussion and shaping what that looks like. But I do also just want to share that when this came before us that there was a request for as Brad indicated, there was a request for a greater community meeting that did take place my team actually canvassed in the community to let people know about that particular meeting that was held virtually and then subsequently as it was indicated, there was a walkthrough at the park. And so we have been reaching out to community I know a number of residents in the community have also been reaching out to their neighbors as it relates to what's happening at AB for Park. I also just want to stress that the city is required to address the contaminated soil that's at the park. I think for individuals who indicated that there are residents who have had health challenges in the past. I think that's even more reason to address the contaminated soil to ensure that it is remediated and so that we can continue to move forward with not only just remediating the soil but to also work towards completing the park. Ark and doing the improvements that the community has asked to be done. And so I know that there are a lot of things happening within the Jefferson Chalmers community, we will continue to be connected with residents with the leaders in this community asking for their input and their suggestions on how do we improve these projects as we move forward. And so please continue to stay connected to me, everybody has my cell phone number. And I just want to make sure that as there are opportunities to come together to have these discussions prior to us getting to a point where we're voting, aye and her is that I will continue to connect community with the administration and my office to make sure that we can have those conversations so that we improve what's happening within community, and making sure that we make progress, the necessary progress within our communities as well. To everyone to member Young, thank you so much for your patience to the administration. Thank you for continuing to be there and providing answers to the questions that have been uplifted by residents. And we will continue we'll continue to work together to ensure that we are doing everything that is needed to address any contamination but also doing it in a way that is favorable for the residents
in this community. Thank you. Thank you, Madam President.
Thank you, member Johnson. I was there any additional questions or concerns regarding this contract? Right. You moved it for discussions. You want to move it forward?
We'll take that one separately.
Yeah, thank you, Madam President Move to approve line item 20.4. All right. Any objections on line item? 20.4. Right, Hearing no objections, the one resolution will be approved. All right. And thank you to those who joined us online. Thank you. I'm sure. Yes, Mr. Washington, we also request the way round 20.4. I can't request one. But if there's a motion to do so. The President
which time was that? 20.4.
This is the A before Park motion. Going to make the request
to Bill waiver for line on 20.4. All right, is there any objections? Hearing none, that
action will be taken. And remember again, if you want to move the
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I move to approve line 20.1 20.2 20.3 and 20
point six we started at 20.2 7.23
Go ahead Sorry, I'm gonna move on 20.2 Point Blank three point point by 20.6.
All right, a motion has been made any discussion
on these items? Because yes, potency. Thank you question regarding lineup 20.2. Will this contract go towards private commercial buildings? graffiti removal? Anyone who
can answer that question
Yeah, so we can promote Jenny Wakefield. We will promote Miss Whitfield.
Good morning through the chair. This
is Jenny Whitfield, executive manager for the General Services Department.
Hello, good morning, Miss Whitfield. That see as always, a quick question this particular item for line item 20.2. The graffiti removal does the graffiti removal also cover private
commercial buildings as well. So through the chair to member take. So this particular contract is not for the graffiti removal. It's solely for the graffiti removal solution that will be used by the city of Detroit employees on our teams that do go out. Of course as you know, we are unable to anticipate what buildings will be vandalized. But when our teams are out patrolling, they will be removing
using this solution as much as possible.
But the removal will go towards in addition to city related or city owned facilities, also commercial, potentially commercial,
private commercial buildings as well as structures. Is that correct? Yes, sir.
Through the Chair. Yes, sir. Thank you so much now. Member Kabylake. Thank you, Madam Chair. And good morning. Good afternoon, Miss Whitfield. The morning or good afternoon. Thank you so much to you and director Perkins. I did ask that this be brought back because I had questions about you know, the whole conversation about graffiti. And I'm very satisfied with the responses that I've received. But my only question is, when I was reading the responses number five, regarding how are we recouping? How's the city recouping its dollars that they're spending to remove graffiti from privately owned structures. And I'm not really pleased with, you know, what we're collecting, it's not your fault. But I'm satisfied with all the other answers that you and director Perkins have provided. But according to your responses, over the past 24 months, private property owners have been fined over $240,000, for, for graffiti removal off of their structures. And we've only collected 50,000. So we can talk about this offline, I'm not going to not support this because I know how important it is to continue to remove graffiti from what we own, and bus shelters and other structures. But we got to get really more aggressive and assertive about collecting from these property owners $50,000 collected in two years, that's $25,000 per year, but we're putting all this money and investment into removing graffiti off of their buildings. And I would think if they don't care enough to remove the graffiti off of their buildings, you know, and I know it impacts the whole the overall beauty of our city. So I know that's why we're doing it. Because it would be crazy to have a clean building over here that we own. And then a building with graffiti over here this privately on so I get the whole picture. I know we want, you know the city to look beautiful and be rid of unattractive graffiti. But hopefully we can come up with another way to be more assertive and aggressive about how we do our collections. But it has nothing to do with you. So thank you so much, Miss Winslow, and please thank Director Perkins for these
awesome answers to my questions. Thank
you. Thank you, Madam Chair. All right. Thank you member Callaway. All right.
Any additional concerns or questions?
Madam President? Yes, Council Member. Thank you, Madam President discussion for 20.6 just have a brief question, or just want to confirm that this contract is going to impact the parks noted in the TT reports? Because they have an existing irrigation system? I asked because there are many parks that I believe could use the service. We want to confirm that this is for parks
that already have existing irrigation systems. And yes, through the chair, that is correct. The parks that were located in the to report worthy areas and locations that do have existing
irrigation systems that will be updating the Chair, thank you. Then just a notes for us in the administration and think about our other parks that might need them as well. And I guess what constitutes need for this kind of system? I'm not sure. But these are just questions that I will continue to have for discussion moving forward. But thank you for the confirmation for this contracts. Thank
you, Madam President. Thank you Member Santiago Ramiro.
Any additional questions or concerns, Madam Chair, your comments? Yes. On line item 20.5. Just Just a question through you to, I guess, Miss Whitfield, the purchase of two electric golf carts. I looked up the price I've done this before. And I never I don't know if this would be a contract and procurement question. But I've never understand why would these small purchases which is can't buy direct. We won't even be charged tax. So I'm just not understanding why we're paying $37,000 for two, and this is not a question for you. Maybe this is more like a statement. But is there any reason why, you know the contracts and procurement or GSD can't directly go out and get two golf carts and save about $10,000 because I looked up the cost and they're made in America and they're like ninth I was in order to Cedar 12,000 for a four seater golf car electric. So maybe that's more like a statement, Miss
Whitfield. And thank you Madam Chair. Right. Thank you. All right. Seeing if there is no additional questions or concerns or comments on these items member Young as moved them for approval. Are there any objections?
Hearing no objections,
the resolutions will be approved. The Office of Development in grants. Councilmember young, two resolutions, line
items 20.7
and 20.8. Number Young. Thank you, Madam President. I moved to approve line
items 20.7 and 20.8. Right, these are various grants. Are there any objections to the two resolutions? Hearing none, the two resolutions will be approved.
From the Department of Public Works, customer number Santiago Romero are resolution line item 20.9. Councilmember Santiago Romero. Thank you, Madam
President. Motion to approve. All right, motion has been made for approval. And this is petition of Sherwood Forest residents
of Warrington drive. Any objections discussion, Madam Chair. Yes. Thank you, Madam Chair. And thank you, council members, Santiago Ramiro for moving for moving this through committee. This is a long time coming from the residents on Warrington, which is down the street from my home. This part of Warrington and Sherwood Forest is right there at Bucharest and a couple of other businesses and they have a tendency to block two homes on vortices, the short block only two houses. So I'm very happy for this 160 foot I guess. Change one way change 160 foot long section of St. Martin's right there warranting so any you know where Bucharest is on the avenue of fashion. It's the homes that are directly behind it hat that have been impacted for years. So I'd like to read a statement on Monday eighth March 18 2024. Petition number 2024 Dash 076 was introduced in the public health and safety Standing Committee, the Sherwood Force Association acting on behalf of residents of Warrington drive, and St. Martin streets submitted a petition in March of 2020 Ford to convert a section of St. Martins into a one way street going westbound between Warrington drive and liberty and that's just 160 foot of change. Increased vehicular traffic, parking violations littering due to limited parking options along the avenue of fashion since, you know our sidewalks now are wider than our streets. We have a lot of complicating parking issues on the avenue of fashion. People like to talk about the avenue shit and fashion but I would like everybody to come over there and take a look at what we deal with over there. But because of all that's going on the avenue of fashion, and the lack of parking on livery Noy a lot of the traffic has spilled over into the historic Sherwood Forest district as a result that Sherwood Forest Association has been collaborating with city departments since 2020. To address this one concern, given that the installation of no parking signage has done little to quell the issue. Councilmember Callaway supports the petition of the Sherwood Force Association and I'm hoping my colleagues will also support it and agree with the assessment of the Department of Public Works at the conversion of the section of St Martins into a one way street will help to alleviate and deterred these traffic concerns that have been disturbing the quality of life for residents along Warrington Thank you Madam Chair. And thank you to the director of DPW and James Hani, the deputy director of complete streets DPW.
Right Thank you Madam Chair. Thank you, Mr. Calloway. All right. motion has been made to approve this item. Hearing no objections.
That action will be taken. Madam Chair.
Member Callaway I'd like to request a waiver on line item 20.9. Okay, waiver has been requested, Hearing no objections that action will be taken. Thank you. Was that your request? Okay. All right before we move to our referrals, I did want to add mr. Warren come down. Our office did prepare with lbds help to resolutions based on what has been requested for counsel regarding the recently released report from the University of Chicago. And so wanted to have Mr. Horne come down so that we can talk this through and see what the desire of the Council is to move forward. And there are two separate resolutions.
You have afternoon, ma'am. Good afternoon, Mr.
Alvin horn, Deputy CFO and assessor for the city of Detroit. All right. So we know that there was recently a report University of Chicago and we've heard from public comment both online regarding the lowest value homes being over assessed. And what we're being asked today is to send those properties to initially would have been the Board of Review, but because of whatever review was closed now to the assessor's office to reduce the value of the homes by 30%. Let me say that I do support doing this. However, I did want to hear from you on your ability to even do such a thing at this moment. So if you could speak to that, and I'm not sure if
you have any comments overall regarding the report that was released. Well, thank you, Madam President. And before I begin to address your specific question that like to say something
this is an issue, which is burden Detroiters for years.
Make sure you speak up a little louder. This is an issue which is burdened Detroiters for years. There's no question and over assessment issue occurred. The last 10 years we've taken steps to ensure to assure Detroit that the assessment was correct. But understand that there's still a lot of suspicion, what happened happened, there's no way to pretend it didn't happen. And the conversations over the last six years have really rather locked people up understandably. For most of us, our homes, the biggest asset we will ever own. And any any thought that government is doing something to take it away from us should raise concerns. We just concluded this the March board review. They say the tray has a two month window to appeal property values. That would have been the time to bring any suggestion of massive over assessments when we still have control of the assessment role to make changes. I find it curious that this was brought up the day after the Board of Review closed. Quite simply, if it we were in session through through Saturday, if someone had proof if they had facts, that there was an over assessment on the on a massive scale occurring the city, we had jurisdiction of the assessment role for two months, we could have made those changes. The fact is they brought 566 parcels to the assessment to the marsh border review. In a city of 400,000 parcels 214,000 houses, they brought 566 properties to the March board review. That's the fact the other fat is if there is evidence of systematic over assessments in this city, there is a forum to discuss it and to challenge it and to have it corrected. And with all due respect to this honorable body. This isn't it. The state tax commission has complete and total jurisdiction over assessing matters in this state. Anyone who has evidence, evidence that Michigan law is being broken, is obligated to take that evidence to the Michigan State Tax Commission so they can correct it. Madam President wouldn't work once the board review closed our ability to make changes on a massive scale closed, we simply don't no longer have the ability to change the assessment role in that matter. We will take any concerns of the traders about how properties are valued to heart. We'll look at everything I've told council that we will look at every part parcel any, any property that people have questions about, if we need to reallocate our staff to start looking at low value neighborhoods, and let me be clear, we'll look at low value neighborhoods. So that's how the state requires us to value property. I can't go house by house and say this one's under 34,000. So let's look at and go the neighborhoods angle that low value neighborhoods and we can direct staff to look at the conditions to those neighborhoods and make the appropriate changes between 2004 and that I guarantee this counsel that we will do. We hear what people are saying our ears aren't closed where most of the stuff If in our office, listen to where Detroiters we understand what people are saying, We understand the pain that the over assessments in the past have caused. We're not sitting there stop on our foot saying it's not happening. We're not going to do anything about it. I do not believe and I know, let me rephrase that. I know, there's no systemic problem in the assessor's office of office with how we value properties. And I am prepared to do what's necessary to assure Detroit in this honorable body of that we will direct our resources toward those Lauren values. We will conduct we will conduct your own sales analysis, we will review the conditions of those neighborhoods, and where appropriate and necessary, we'll make the changes. We're also moving forward with our own sales analysis through their national association of assessing officers. I apologize to this body, it should have been done by now. I apologize directly to you, Madam President, because I promised you it would have been done by now. Circumstances, most of it mine and prevent that contract from going forward for procurement. But it's not because we're trying to hide something. The reality is this is a complicated map. This is a big city 400,000 parcels, our staff reviewed over 65,000 transfers last year to determine assessments in this city 65,000. That would be the third largest city in the state of Michigan. It's not a simple process. And both sides want to make sure that they developed a contract that covered all of the all of the contingencies that did everything that the city required, and actually adhere to ICAO standards. In addition to conforming to Michigan law, that contract will move forward, that sales analysis will be done, the results will be released to everyone. If they find errors in our processes, they will be corrected. If they find systemic errors, and will report to the state tax commission. We will do everything we can to ensure that people can have confidence and have reason to have confidence in the season assessment roll everything we can do within the law. I cannot take a sales analysis that the author has said doesn't conform the Michigan law, that the author I'm not saying this, the author of their sales analysis said it doesn't conform to Michigan law. I can't take that and do anything with it. By his own words, it was a global look at opyt nationwide bias and assessments. That's a worthy goal, we should be looking at bias and assessments. But by its definition, it's not a review of assessment practices in the city of Detroit. I cannot take that sales, study and justify any anything. It doesn't conform to Michigan law. That's the
beginning and end of it. Thank you, Madam President. Thank you so much, Mr. Horn for your response. One want to state because, you know, we go back and forth with the university University of Chicago, this is not the first time that they've done a study. In fact, when I was approached him last term, they released a very similar one that indicated the same thing in the city, of course, did not agree with it at the time. And so that was the importance of having the property tax reform ordinance in place, which allows for this independent evaluator to come in who we all kind of trust as an independent voice to come in and provide this sales ratio study, which was not done at enough time. For my understanding the data was given to you about a month ago. And then we went back and forth with numbers. So it was given it we just had, you know, some going back and forth with that. But I think it's important that we have this independent evaluator in place. And so my first question is moving forward. When will we have that contract before council so that we won't have to go back and forth dealing with the University of Chicago or an outside entity giving us data here in the city of Detroit? When will we have that contract before City Council?
And when when will the actual study be conducted? Through the Chair? Yes, ma'am. You will have that contract before City Council when I have been texting back and forth with the chief procurement officer and the CFO to answer that very question. As soon as I leave here, I will pick up the phone and find out again what the delay is. The contract states that four weeks after the state delivers the requested
data, they're supposed to produce a sales study report. So if if in fact their report comes back and is similar that the lowest value homes 34,000 and under 37,000 or under are over assess is there any ability for council at that time to act within this year are
we have to wait essentially until next year? The March board review is the time that every now Just Detroit, every local unit in the state of Michigan sets their values. Once it's closed, your 20 year current year assessment roll was closed. There are very specific circumstances, mutual mistakes effects and clerical errors in which the assessor can go through the board review and make changes, but not massive changes, not to look at a third of the parcels in the jurisdiction and make changes to that. That would require an order from the state tax commission. And for that order to take place, they want to see what evidence we have. And they want my head, understandably,
if they were asked to do something like that. Gotcha. And then you mentioned that you cannot do an across the board reduction in before 2017, where there are two across the board reductions that took place in the city of Detroit. And so what we're asking for if the resolution is approved or not, I think what is requesting is that you do that for the lowest value homes. And you mentioned you could not do that. Can you speak to the difference between what happened before 2017 When they were
across the board reductions and what we're asking for in this resolution? Thank you to the Chair. Thank you, Madam President. In 2017, the state tax commission is seize control to seize role. So they were literally running the assessor's office, they and once again, the state tax commission has the authority to do that. As part of the reappraisal, we discovered a serious mistake. And we asked
and received permission from the state task commission to correct that. Gotcha. So one of the things that I did speak with Jay rising this morning, our CFO, regardless of if this is approved or not today, I'm not sure what the direction of the body is. But I did request that we do a direct mailing to all of the individuals or the parcels, I think it was roughly 20,000 That fall underneath underneath the report that possibly could have been over assessed some type of direct outreach to them, that gives them the whole application and letting them know how to appeal their property taxes, if in fact, they you know, were over assessed. I know they missed this year, but they can do it retroactively. But that will be my request, if we're not going to do anything. And if this does not pass that there'll be some type of direct outreach to those 20,000 parcels to let them know of how to
appeal and then also the hope exemption process through the chairman. Before it came down the Council this morning, I did speak to the CFO, he mentioned that conversation, I've directed staff to identify those parcels under $35,000 In assessed value, and it may be different, we're going to go and look at the whole income guidelines, try to figure out where that spot is where we need to hit that cutoff, maybe a little higher, it might be a little lower, but we will do a mass mailing across the sea to notify people of the hope application. And immediately, we can always do a better job of the appeals process, I think to see does a pretty good job, but you can always do better. And if that means starting now to let people know the that you can appeal your property taxes, you have two months to pay your property taxes, we will provide that information and pass it on to every Detroit, letting them know how they appeal their taxes. That is as easy a process as it can possibly be made. is two months, we'll do everything we can to
satisfy that requirement that request. All right, thank you. And then just lastly, want to make sure it's clear on the record if we approve the resolution today that since this not to the border review because they closed already, but to the assessor's office, you're stating today that there will be nothing done even if we were to pass this resolution that essentially is asking you we're urging you to reduce the
value by 30%. That will not be honored through the chair. I would never want to stand in front of this honorable body and tell them I'm not going to do something they've asked. What I will say is that state law would not allow us to make a wholesale cut in parcels at this time. I hear everything that counsel saying there is a concern at lower value properties are being over assessed. We will double our efforts to identify those properties. We will double our effort to check the condition and the assessment and sales of those properties. But we will do it based on state law. State law requires that you value by neighborhood. I cannot look at a house on the west side of Detroit and houses on the east side of Detroit and compare them and say yeah, this one's over assessed. That's not how Michigan values period. I don't have the option and I there was a call earlier one of the earlier commentators stated that I was going to try to disparage the University of Chicago report. Just the opposite. Just the opposite. And remember my president, I have a high regard for Professor Berry. I may not actually agree with everything he says but I have a high regard for him in his work. His report is not applicable. Due to the valuation process and say Detroit, that's all I have to say about this report, it simply doesn't apply to the valuation process in Detroit, the questions that have been arisen that have been raised, they're legitimate questions. And we will do everything we can to address them for Detroit, and for this honorable body. But that report cannot be the basis of our action. It
is sit is simply does not comply with Michigan law.
And that is why the I A au or I might al follows
now the National Association of assessing all right, that is why it's so important that we had that in place. And so we will be working with you all to make sure that that contract comes before council that we get it in place that their research is conducted, so that we can have the data that you all feel more comfortable with moving forward. And then lastly, I just want to make sure I'm clear, so you can't do it as a group aggregate amount. But you can do it parcel by parcel. Is that correct? If that is what we're if we send properties to you, is it parcel by parcel that you can reduce just not in a group. I'm just want to make sure I'm clear as to when you said you couldn't do us like a blanket reduction, but it has
to be maybe parcel by parcel. For the assessor not just to try for any assessor in this state. For them to cut the assessment of a property, they have to have a reason rather, it's a sales study of the condition of the property, they have to identify the reason why that specific parcel has to be reduced. That's the other problem of a study like this. It draws it's not a problem. Don't get me wrong, I just want to say it's not a problem. But it draws a general generalization. The bottom third, are over, assess, Okay, which one's out of bottom third? Because I just can't grab 30,000 parcels and cut the assessment. It doesn't work that way. So to answer your question, yes, we have to look at the parcels, we can do our own statistical analysis neighborhood by neighborhood. And I was explaining this to somebody or staff members earlier, we can go to a neighborhood. So 1000 properties, we can look at enough of those parcels, enough of those properties digit. Fortunately, about Detroit, every house, the first house in the neighborhood, probably how every other house in that neighborhood looks like it is a neighborhood of two family flats are all two family flats, they were all built in the same era, they were all built to the same style. We can go to a neighborhood look at enough of those properties to draw statistical analysis and make changes to that neighborhood. And that's what we that's how we value. And that's what I propose to do going forward, we will look at those neighborhoods, because of the concern that this honorable body has expressed, we will look at those neighborhoods at the lower end of the of the assessment scale, we will do our statistical analysis, we will look at the condition and we will make the appropriate changes. And I will point out councils are given the assessor's office the authority to do this, several years ago Council directed to the assessor will look at 20% of all the residential properties and the city will simply take those
20% and direct it toward the lower of the assessment role. All right, thank you, Mr. Horn. Thank you now. All right. Yep, we're still in discussion. Any additional questions
or comments? Member member Benson, thank you very much. Um, just a couple of things that were stated in in as you read these resolutions. And as you learn, we're looking at a resolution that talks about coefficients and things of that nature, meaning it's not typically my space, but as you read and learn it, it helps. And so one of the things that was one of the questions came from our president was the ability to go individual individually to prop parcels to look at the assessment is that what happens during the appeals process, such
as office looks at individual properties through the Chair, thank you for the question. So that's exactly how the appeals process works. A taxpayer comes to the assessor's review or the March board review. They state their evidence why they believe the property is being over assessed if they provide enough evidence and that's usually pictures with some other graphic demonstration this is what's wrong my house sometimes we can accept that evidence and make the change there. Very often in this year almost three quarters of the of the appeals required a site visit. So we arranged with the taxpayer to go to the property look at the damage takes about 20 minutes. Either it's damaged or it's not either his foundations cracked or was not used a roof jous or rotten wood or not. And based on that field inspection, we make we make the appropriate work. During the assessors review, we make the change than
the marsh board review.
We make the recommendation to the board review. Okay. And then we're talking about bringing in a firm to to have an extra set of eyes for us on the process. And we will ballpark
that's going to cost the city of Detroit to do that. The contract is actually in two parts. The first part is the sales ratio study. And that should be right around 85 to $90,000. The second part is, and this is the part I love, it's to correct any problems that that review discovers. If they find problems in our process, if they find things that need to be changed and encourage, that is what the second part of contract is it is to allow the assessor's office to take a hard look at our processes in independent look at our processes. By the most noted assessing organization in North America. The one set is council president might remember, this is the group that the coalition actually asked us to bring it here to look at our processes. So we're doing what we've been asked to do in the past. They want to look at our processes, they're going to make recommendations. And we're going to follow as much as we can as long as they and it once again, the contract requires them to follow Michigan law. But that second part of it, if they find problems in our processes, if they find
problems in their practices, we're going to correct them. Okay. And then looking at the latest resolution, and it's indicated a board to review to ensure systemic over assessments are not occurring. If we were actually doing systemic over assessments that will be a willful
misfeasance malfeasance if I'm not mistaken, through the Chair. Yes, it would be sir. But it will also mean that the equalization process in Michigan is fail. Detroit is not an island unto itself. We prepare the assessment role is then turned over to the county equalization assessing department and they apply equalization standards, it's then turned out to the state tax commission. I've said before, this is the most scrutinized assessment role in the state, and we welcome the scrutiny. We have nothing to hat or hide. Our practices are as good as anyone's in the state. And I will only tell you that we have the best train staff in the state of Michigan. I have no problem with people looking at our corners and seeing what we're doing. Because there is not there is not there is not
a systemic problem with assessments in this city. Mr. Horn, thank you for that you can let me finish my statement. In so to ensure systemic over assessments are not occurring without also be illegal. That will be
a crime if I'm not mistaken, correct. It would result at the very minimum of every assessor and as in this office losers possibly losing
their certification and the state tax commission, assuming
you didn't answer my question, I'm sorry, it will be a climb Correct. To willfully to willfully prepare a false assessment.
Roloson is a crime. It's a misdemeanor state of Michigan, I believe. And so you also said something earlier is when I'm learning as we're going along. This is not my space. Why aren't we going to the state? Why aren't the advocates going to the state to ask for their eyes to be seen here? I mean, this is systemic over assessment. That's serious. Why aren't we looking for the highest authority in
the state to take a look at this? And when through the chair? I've asked that same question. And once again, if there is proof, if there is proof of systemic over assessments in this state, then it should be taken to the state tax commission. They are the ones who have the authority to order changes in the CS assessment row. The fact that that hasn't happened, Councilman. The fact that that hasn't happened, says everything. If anyone if anyone at proof of systemic over assessments in this city, if they had proof that this office was behaving unethically or illegally, they should make a beeline of i 96. To this to Richard Austin building in the state tax commission. The fact that that hasn't happened says everything to me. There is oversight. I just want to remind everybody, we don't live in an island. There's oversight of the assessor's office, and both the county level and the state level. Anyone who has proved proof of over assessment should have gone right there. The county assessors right off grid gridwall. In the Guardian bill, the state tax commission is 76 miles away from here. I'm 76 minutes away from here. Now 96 at the Austin building off cow off Kalamazoo.
Mr. Howe will be happy to give anyone directions and wants to get there. Thank you for that, and I'm not sure and I met a president said this was well, I'm not sure we want to stay in our business. But motion to request a report from LPD on the process to request the state to come in and provide level of oversight aside or just a review of our processes in the city assessor's office, the process and I asked him for that to be done,
just want to know what the process will be to do that. Okay, so that's a report from LPD. One the process for the state to provide some oversight and direction review of all processes of our process. Okay. Any objections to that? Report from Mr. Whitaker and LPD? Hearing none, that action will be taken.
Thank you. Thank you. All right. Remember Calloway? Thank you, Madam Chair. And good afternoon, Mr. Horn. A crime has been committed in the city against taxpayers to the tune of $600 million in over assessments. And those residents, probably some former residents deserve to have whatever that whatever that amount is. returned to them. My parents are work from Mississippi. They're both deceased. And I remember when I was campaigning and 2021, I told my story was about five years old, that corner of Greenlawn and Fullerton and I went into that store that's no longer there. And I stole a piece of bubblegum. Bazooka bubblegum,
because I wanted to read the comic strip. And was two cents. I didn't have it. So I just took it.
You know what my mother did Mr. Horn. She marched my behind back to that store made me spit that gum out, not in the store and pay that man, that two cents, she gave me a nickel and spank my behind. So my concern, we've done something wrong in the city to residence, and I've been I since I was a little girl. If you take something, it's not yours. You return it, you shouldn't take it in the first place. But should you take something regardless of your intent or not? You should return it. My question to you, Mr. Horn is why didn't you get the assessment? Racial study done? I know you said you've been going back and forth with the director of contracts and procurement. I would ask Madam Chair, if we could bring because that's I think you said you're going back and forth and text messages. So if we can just go ahead and nip this in the bud. And let's see if we can get that conversation going. So Madam Chair, I would request the whoever Mr. Horn has been trying to get in touch with in terms of, you know, exchanging text messages if they come on the line now. And let's get that appointment. Set, Madam Chair. So I don't know if that's the director of contracts and procurement. I think that's what you said. I think that's the reason why you weren't able to get it done because we weren't able to get the contract through contracts and procurement. So Madam Chair, I would respectfully request that we bring the director of contracts procurement on so we can have this conversation with her and you so we can see if we can move this contract along.
To get this assessment done. Madam Chair, that's my request, by Madam Chair through the chair. I was texting the Director of Procurement earlier today. But the issue is with the IWOI aos, to be honest with you. This has turned into a political hotbed. And they are scared of getting their fingers burned. And we've had a bunch of conversations they've asked for a lot of safeguards. And that is the real reason why this thing is taking so long. They don't want to jump into this hot this hot bed. They're scared. I don't blame them. This has become a an attraction. Yeah. And unfortunately, a bit of a circus. There's a lot of attention. Some of it, most of it good enough. Some of it not so good. Yeah. And they're wondering what they got themselves into. Yeah. So that's the
real, to be blunt. I'm not sure they want to do it anymore. Yeah, ma'am, share. I never backed down from a good fight and that there are several levels on this board that don't back down. We like a good fight. So it causes us to initiate a fight. Let's, you know, let's do what's right on behalf of the people that's entering into a fight. I believe we're going to be victorious because we're going to err on the side of what's right on behalf of the residence. So Madam Chair, I don't know but if we can please request the presence
of yet the director. Thank you, ma'am. Just to Washington. Can we have someone from procurement Come on, please? Or a director stall?
I'm not sure I'll reach out. I
do notice she was at an appointment earlier, but I will see if I can make contact with Hitman chair member Callaway anything else? No, no. Okay.
Thank you, ma'am.
You had your hand raised member Doha. Thank you Madam Chair. And so, a couple questions just for you, Mr. Hart, just to reiterate, and my concern is more so not necessarily with the first resolution urging the treasurer is the this other resolution that we got this morning about us exercising our power under the tax reform ordinance. You're stating that even if we again, just to reiterate, if we pass this resolution today, there's nothing that you can do about it. Because one, we have not contracted with this independent value waiter. And then to
there are some prohibitions for State Farm state law, correct? Right through the Chair, if this if this is not my place to comment on the resolution of Detroit City Council, and I won't do it. However, the ability to make massive cuts across the board cuts in the assessment roll does not exist today. The proper venue would have been the
March board review, in the March board review was closed. And so I mean, I guess that's why I'm asking my question from hearing from you this morning. Just even the point of the resolution at this point. You know, I will say, relative to this particular resolution, what one of my concerns was is that one, we have not had opportunity to discuss it in committee is getting walked on now to I would have liked to see a little bit earlier. So if there was a possibility to push this for, we would have had the ability to do that. That doesn't. That's not saying that necessarily falls on you. But I'm talking specifically for my concern. Relative to this, I know at this table. In the past couple of months or a few months, we have somewhat unspoken, we've taken the position relative to important issues, that they will go through the committee process so they can be heard. So we can understand what this process is. I'm concerned with this, because just reviewing my email, I was flooded with 100 chain letters yesterday asking us to pass two resolutions, and I only saw one. And so when I'm asking, you know about this moving forward, and the purpose of this is why I'm asking this specific question, because so we don't pass a resolution or give false hope to folks of something that's not going to be followed through and that cannot be done. I always say that I support the independent evaluator. And I'm looking forward to procurement coming on and stating, you know what that issue is relative to us being able to secure that because now you know, regardless of whether I agree with what was passed or not, we are where we are. But what can we do, even from your and I know, you say you're texting, you're having conversation, just to work to try to streamline that process. And I know, again, let me state this for the record as well. We have a procurement issue here in the city of Detroit. This is not different from a lot of other contracts, that takes four to six months. So I will I will give you credit on that. But what can we do? If that is the case to at least try to move that constant contract for it. And you mentioned that there is maybe some apprehension from the contractor? Are we thinking about maybe a second contractor even though this contractor is the one that
the property tax coalition refer? The Chair, I can ask the answer the first part of your question, sir, and I say this with the highest regard and respect for this honorable body. But if a resolution were to be presented to me, requesting ordering, asking us to make massive cuts to the assessment role, it would be ignored. I would respond that there is no jurisdiction to do so. That set that mass evaluation and assessment practice in the state or the province of the state tax commission in any directions to do so would have to come from the state tax commission. So that's the first part of my answer. The second part is it's not a procurement issue, procurements, not the holdup in this, the vendor has gotten cold feet.
And we think we're there and they asked for some additional assurances. So we're just saying
you cannot make someone contract with you. I cannot make them sign I thought two weeks ago Madam President, they signed this contract. I want to see of all surprised the one salaries
Amazon contract yet. So so follow up through you, Madam President. Is there a backup? I mean, do we have any idea this person? Maybe not this organization even though from my understanding, I guess this is a reputable organization?
Is there a backup any thoughts Plan B. To that through the chair we started thinking on it lines but to be brutally honest to this is the also state organization in assessing the IAEA Oh, if they declined to to address this contract, everyone will know it. And I'm not certain we could get someone else to do it. So I don't want to say it's dumb or no one, but it would be difficult to find another organization that has the ability to do it. Who would take it on if the IAEA
all declines? Thank you. And through that, through the amount of President my a lot of my concerns, even at the beginning of the sport, and this is just relative to the law, not that I don't see a need for it, not that we're denying the over assessment to our residents, and that they need relief. But coming from where I come from on the state level, I'm always concerned relative to ensuring that we are passing legislation that follows the letter of the law. And with that, hearing from what you're saying, relative to this resolution, I will want law to weigh in on it because you're saying that you would not be able to do anything about it because of provisions in state law. So Madam President, I'd like to make a motion to have the Law Department provide a report and weigh in on this resolution, which is to exercise Detroit City Council power under the property tax reform ordinance to send properties to the Board of Review to ensure systemic assessments
are not occurring. That's my motion. All right. Any objections? Hearing none, that action will be taken. Thank you, ma'am. Thank you, Mr. Horne, if we were to amend the resolution to request that the assessor as the state tax commission for permission
to make the cuts, would that change anything? To the chair, I would like to see the resolution, have a conversation with the law department to make sure that I'm not overstepping or doing something that I shouldn't be doing. But we would certainly take a hard look at the request of counsel. And once again, I hear what this what the honorable by saying there is a concern about assessments in the sea is a very real concern about whether we are systemically over assessing properties belong in regardless of a resolution as passed today, regardless of whether LPD dressy allowed to the state tax commission. I'm not going to pretend I haven't heard what's been said here today, we're going to make plans and take steps to address the concerns of this honorable body, we will start looking at the low end neighborhoods of this city, we will direct our staff to do that. I believe we have the authority to do it on under ordinances that city council has already passed. And we are going to take steps to do that. So regardless of what happens with the resolution, regardless of what happens with the STC, we are going to take the steps to address the concerns that this body has expressed. And we will report that out
on whatever basis you want us to report it out. All right. All right. Thank you. And just from a timing perspective, I know it was mentioned about going through committee etc. And there was a April 1 deadline. And so this is really the last week that we could have acted or could act and so that is why we were not able to submit anything via the committee process and it just really came to us because the report was just released. So
I just want to make sure that that was on the record as well to correct through the chair. Even though the march port review technically ends April 1. This is not Eaton Rapids This is not Harper Woods, it's 400,000 parcels in this day, it takes us a week, a solid week to balance the assessment row and get the county equalization. There are some dates which are inserted in embedded in state law that we cannot miss. The first date is county equalization, we have to have our assessment roll to the county equalization director so that county equalization can be performed. That's why the board review shuts down on the 25th. We spend the rest of that week, finalizing the assessment row balancing, getting everything where it needs to
be so that we can get everything to the county acquisition director
on time. All right. All right. Thank you. Yes, my butter. Ha Madam President, I just want to clarify I'm not stating that anything nefarious or anything was happening. I'm stating just relative to the resolution, this is us hearing about it today. And saying that this particular resolution will come through my committee be FNA that would could have been referred for tomorrow and then possibly call a special session. We're going to be here the rest of the week for budget anyway. So that's kind of really what I was speaking to relative to this. And just that process to ensure that we are following the level of continuity for those important issues. I would have liked to see it a few weeks ago and I know you're staying Challenges, maybe not through your office, but just even with the coalition maybe on language. But I think when we have important issues like this, and I've heard members of this very body talk about various issues, stating that we got it at the last minute. And this is, you know, although one of the most important issues, it is great to have the ability to discuss that. So we know where we are with that. And so that was just my comment on that not specifically insinuating anything, but just would have liked the opportunity to talk about this in committee and where
it was relative and what is applications may be. Gotcha, gotcha member Doha, and in a good world, I would have loved that too. But unfortunately, and I was disappointed as well that we got the resolution so late, you came from the coalition, the report was just released, and here we are today. And so we're being asked this, you know, and I'm trying to respond appropriately. But in an ideal world, yes, I would have loved it to go to committee at the appropriate discussion, but this is where we are today. And
yet, so, Madam Chair, yes. This honorable body has functioned on emergency situations by approving emergency contracts, even when we're on recess. So we can do a lot of things. We may not want to do them, they may be uncomfortable, but I support this resolution on behalf of the residents of the city of Detroit. But I know the director of contracts and
procurement has been on for a minute director stall. That's up. Thank you through the Chair, I'm excuse my voice. I'd like to share that I O has expressed their desire to wrap up the contract and finalize it. We do have their clearance. We're still working on getting their affidavits and insurance. But I hope to have a contract signed today. And I'm am optimistic that we'd be able
to send up a contract this week for for all next week. Right. Thank you. And just to be clear, any work that they do, that will not impact this year, that will be for the following following year, because if there anything was found, it would be too late at that point. And so everything would
be the additional the following year. Is that correct? Mr. Moore? Chair? Correct,
Madam President. Okay. All right. All right. So is there remember, is there a motion to
walk this resolution to new business president if I may, if I may, one last thing. I will commit to presenting to member Hall's committee by the first week in May a plan to look at the lower third of the assessment role in the city of Detroit, and to take steps to assure this honorable body that they're being properly assessed, or the steps that we will take to ensure that they are properly consented. So, four weeks member Dara,
you will have that outline you will have that plan. In also to Mr. Horn when the study is conducted and complete. I think a discussion
on the findings of the study as well would be great. Through the Chair, that is always been the intent of the CFO and others we will bring that we will bring that cell state to dishonourable
body, it will be put out there for everyone to see. All right. And then I'm going to be working with you all on the Milly as well, too, for the lowest value homes to make sure that they are aware of both the H SAP program and
also the assessment process the appeals process. Thank you, ma'am. We will work with your office to put together the wording of a letter letting people know exactly what is
the council wants them wants in this Mauer
Wrap It Up member young member Yeah. Thank you, man. Good to see you. Because I don't know if this question is totally for you. But my concern is that with all this good attention, everything that we're doing, I don't want us to forget that there's also still a case Howard VC trade that's out there, they're talking about actually compensating people who would have been over who's been over assessed for 2010 and 2016. I just wanted to know, I don't know if they'll be with you or maybe with the law department. But I just want to know what that case is impact would add on what we're doing, how we're doing that. And I also think that you know, as much as we are having changes that were being done with that I think are necessary within the assessment process locally. I also just want to let people know that for 2014 and 2016. The state tax has actually was controlling the assessed Department of City Detroit for those years. And so I'm bringing that up to say it we're in a position where we are going to be potentially paying back residents who are over assessed. I also think that the state needs to contribute as well for their part in the overall assessment since they were over Seeing that for two years, I just want to make that clear. And I think that when you go to make your presentation, someone from the law department should also be there
to talk about the effects of that as well. Thank you, Deputy Chair, I'm going to leave most of that loan with all due respect member. I will say this and you asked about the pending court case, my job is to serve as the assessor for the city not to allow other things to affect how we run our office, I can assure you in the members of the committee that we're not going to consider the consequences of any pending litigation, how we move forward, we will do what we believe is right and legal, regardless of any other
issues. Thank you, Madam
All right. Thank you, Mr. Horne. All right. Is there a motion to walk this on to
new business? Actually, both of the resolutions
and we can take them up separately? Yes. Our motion Madam Chair discussion on the motion very quickly, Madam President? Yes. Is this is this going to be amended? I know you mentioned are asked Mr. Horne, about sending it to the Michigan tax tribunal
was wondering, are we keeping this as the same language?
State Tax Commission or state tax? Commission? Pardon me? Yeah, I was going to keep it as is. Thank you. Okay. Thank you. All right. There's a motion to walk both of these items to new business for vote. Are there any objections? Hearing no objections, the action will be taken. There's also another referral here from the law department to refer this item to internal operations. Any objections to refer
this item to internal operations? Discussion?
Yes. This this resolution?
No, or I'm referring something to the law department. Okay.
Thank you, Madam President.
Is that the walk on for a lawsuit?
Yes. Okay. I mean, call sessions. Yes.
Thank you. I just wanted to clarify, thank you, Madam President. Does everybody or everyone have a copy of this one? This is just a referral to iOS turn operations. Any objection to refer this to iOS? Okay. Hearing no objections. Mr.
Graham, did you have anything on this? We're going to refer to in turn operations through the Chair. I'm just here if there's any questions that
right, it's just a referral. So exactly. Referring to iOS. Thank you. I don't hear no objections, this will be referred to internal operations. Alright. Madam Clerk, if we can take up the resolutions.
The one resolution, Madam President, that's involving the resolution to exercise the Detroit City Council's power. Be in
one resolution for council member Dr. Hall? I'm sorry. You can't member Doha to read on behalf of the council member
Durga you can move.
Thank you, Madam President Move for approval. All right, a motion has been made for approval. Are there any objections to this resolution? And this is to send the properties to the assessor's office, the lowest valued
homes. Any objections? Madam president just want to order so is it different from this because it says border review? That's I'll just clarify.
Before we send it through, so yeah, the title says the border review however, the whereas does clarify that because the border review was closed, that it
will be going to the assessor's office. Okay. And three, Madam President. I mean, is it possible we can make an amendment and change the title to the assessor's office? Considering that the border review is already closed?
And we should, yeah, we should. Yep. Yep.
So number two, how would you make that amendment please? Thank you, Madam President. I moved to amend the title to send to the assessor's
office, striking the Board of Review for this resolution. Thank you remember Doha? Hearing
no objections, that action will be taken. Thank you, Madam President. I
move to approve this resolution as amended. All right, motion has been made. Are there any objections? Hearing no objections that action will be taken. All right. Thank you. And
yes, member waters. I'd like to just request that the assessor keep all nine council members in the loop in terms of what they're doing as it relates to sending these mailings and mailers, okay. I want to know how the community is gonna be informed. I just think we should
all be engaged. Most definitely.
Thank you. Okay. All right. Madam Clerk. Madam President, we also have a resolution or urging the Wayne County Treasurer to extend the 2023 moratorium on property tax foreclosures of owner occupied homes. Councilmember Santiago Romero a resolution
councilmember Santiago Remo Ramiro, if you can move it for discussion, briefly. discussion. Thank you just wanted to mention that this is a little bit different from the previous years starting in 2020. Through 2022. Well, actually all you have to 2023 There was a moratorium on all owner occupied homes. This resolution specifically indicates only the homes that are valued at 34,000. And below, and I made sure that that was included in this particular resolution. So that is not a blanket moratorium, but only specifically indicating homes that are below the $34,000 value as indicated in the reports that are circulating now. So just want to make sure that that is clear that is not for all owner occupied homes, but only those below the
$34,000 value. Right?
Yes, yes, yes. Residential. Yep. Yep. All right. Remember Santiago Romero. You can move for approval, motion to approve. All right, a motion has been made for approval. Are there any objections? Hearing no objections,
the resolution will be approved. Right.
Thank you. Thank you colleagues. And we will now move to referrals.
For the budget Finance and Audit standing committee,
that will pull us from various three departments. The five reports will be referred to the budget Finance and
Audit standing committee for the internal operation standing committee slowly plus
from various departments before reports will be referred to the internal operations committee
for the Neighborhood and Community Services standing committee. Tim reports
from various departments. Sam reports will be referred to the Neighborhood and Community Services
standing committee or the Planning and Development Committee at
reports from various departments. The eight reports will be referred to the Planning and Development Committee
for the public health and safety standing committee Nymi posts from various city departments noting that line item 26 point 10
has been voted on on the lupus project. All right, thank you. The nine reports will be referred to public health and
safety under the
consent agenda. There are no I was not a president. All right. We will call now for member reports. And we
will start with councilmember DuBois. Thank you, Mr. President, I just would like to thank all of our D seven residents who came out for our policy session last night, as we discussed state and municipal financing, as we are in budget season. And so again, we are completely thankful for our residents coming out. And please join us tonight for our virtual evening community meeting. We will be sending that out via GOV Delivery, virtual evening community meeting that we have every every month will take place tonight. And we will send the contacts
out via GOV Delivery. Thank you
very much. All right, thank you remember their home member Johnson. Thank you, Madam President. Just want to say thank you to all of the residents throughout District Four, especially those in Jefferson Chalmers, who have been heavily engaged in the various projects happening within the Jefferson Chalmers community. I do greatly appreciate all of their comments, thoughts, suggestions and ideas relative to how we improve their community in various ways. So just want to encourage them to continue to stay engaged. We have a number of projects coming online in that community. And I just want to be sure that I always represent the voice of community here at this table and appreciate all of you for your support.
That is all that I have. Thank you, Madam President. All right. Thank
you. Member Johnson Member Santiago Ramiro? No report, Madam President.
All right, member. Yeah,
thank you, Mr. President. I just wanna let everybody know that FEMA is going to be at the butzel Recreation Center on coachable for the next two weeks, Monday through Friday, eight to 6pm. Again, FEMA is going to be at butzel Recreation Center on Carnival for the next few weeks, Monday through Friday at 6pm. And one more time FEMA is going to be at butzel Recreation Center on Carnival for the next two weeks, Monday through Friday 8am to 6pm. I also want to thank the constituents of the four districts and for their patients and allow me to be able to deal with the issues that a before Park I want to say I appreciate the passion on both sides, I just think it's important that we do all we can within the police power that we have within city council, part of that being to protect the public health and the safety as well as the morality of the community, for the improvement and prosperity of the state. And it's your welfare to be able to make sure we do all we can to protect people from environmental harm, not just because of what the impact that could have on our children, God forbid, in terms of cancers or other such negative externalities, but also due to the fact of environmental racism as well across the country. And the fact that African Americans are two to three times more likely to live away to live near, um, harmful pollutants, plants and other such environments. So we want to make sure that we mitigate that legacy, and that we now have the finances that we had to be able to be cognizant of that legacy to mitigate that legacy and protect our children, to protect our residents, protect our communities and protect our families. So I want to say thank you for the honor of serving you and I appreciate
your patience. God bless you. Thank you,
Madam President. Thank you member young president pro tem it's a negative report.
All right, member waters
report. Member Benson. Thank you. Just to remind everybody that this evening, we will be having the masterplan meeting via zoom for the third district. I hope everybody who come out if you are interested, please go to my Instagram page, where the instructions are there or go to the city's web page as well. But tonight, we'll be having conversations regarding the master plan that process to the city of Detroit very important meeting. So
please ensure your voices are heard.
Thank you. Thank you, member Benson member Callaway. Thank you Madam Chair. I'd like to congratulate and acknowledge two district two individuals. They received the KMB award keep Michigan beautiful, to promote to provide education and to recognize Beautification and restoration projects throughout the state of Michigan. One, the President's plaque, Huntington community park Marygrove was going to be Association and Detroit collaborative design center. And then are the 2023 Award of Merit was awarded to Natalie Jacobs. She I do believe she still serves on the greening the green Task Force, and I know that she has worked with the greening of Detroit for a number of years. So again, these two district two organizations and one individual received the keep Michigan beautiful award for 2023. The President's plaque, Huntington community park Marygrove Community Association and our very own district
to resident Natalie Jacob. Thank you very much. All right, thank you member Callaway. And just as a reminder, we will continue budget hearings tomorrow at 10am. There will be no sessions on Friday for Good Friday. I want to wish everyone a happy Good Friday and Happy Easter. And also Monday will be our public hearing for the budget at 5pm. This coming Monday at 5pm will be the city council's public budget hearing for the upcoming budget. That is all I have for member reports.
And so we will move now to adoption without committee reference. There are no items, Mr. President, under communications from the clerk and
we put an approval overseas by the mayor. The report will be received and placed on file
under testimonial resolutions and special privilege. There are no
I was not a president. Right There being no further business to come before us. Is there a motion to adjourn? Alright, the meeting stands adjourned everyone have a blessed day ma'am