There you go. And happy, happy holidays, like I said to everybody, and I've got a few little things for us to do today, because also so on the agenda today is I've got a series of fun sort of holiday Christmas questions for everybody. I wanted to share with you a little bit of you know, by the numbers, what what did we all and learning rebels in particular, what did we accomplish this year? So we have that going on, and then we're also going to do a couple book giveaways throughout our time. We're also not going to forget our list, our gift list, for the trainers in our life or for anybody else, which would be the fourth time doing this, and for those of you who haven't done that before, what we do is, I'll put you into breakout rooms where we're going to brainstorm about those last minute holiday gifts for the people that we didn't get around to, our friends and maybe some family. And then what we're going to do is I've got another fun little Christmas quiz for us, but throughout this we're going to be giving away some stuff and just generally having some fun. So I hope that you guys are all ready for that. Let me start with this. What's in your cup this morning? What's in your cup this morning? I water. I've got some coffee. And dare I say that I've got a little splash of Baileys in my coffee this morning, which might explain a lot to some of you right now. You're like, what is up with her? Well, let me tell you my my favorite cup that my sister got me for Christmas a couple of years ago. Said, why not? We're going to be on holiday next week. Let's just go ahead and celebrate appropriately. Okay, so, we got some kombucha. We got some black coffee. Thank you. Noel, some hot vanilla. I don't know what that is. Casey, is that a tea? I Yeah, Sam, water, Andrew, that's okay, yes, black tea got Andrew's doing the responsible thing, the healthy thing, drinking some water.
That's right.
I guess you know, that's the way you gotta prepare, right? You know, we got a big lots of food, lots of festivities coming up, so you might as well hydrate. I had coffee. Does that count? That does count.
Everything count. But
it all counts. It all counts, right? Everybody's got their coffee and their cup of Joe. Hi, Sarah. Well, welcome first time. I appreciate you being here, taking a break from your day, hopefully giving you something to you know, be happy about today. All right, so I'm going to share my screen with you. First I'm going to do this. There we go, and then I'm going to do this. I'm
right now. We played around with AHA slides last the last time we were together, I find that I'm liking it more than I like Mentimeter. So I'm kind of hanging with it for right now. And so we're going to, we're going to be hanging out in this slide for a while. I'm going to ask you some questions. We're going to get to know each other. We're going to have some fun. Let me get this other up in front of me. Here we go. Alright, so as with Mentimeter, you can scan the QR code, or you can put in the URL, the URL, aha,, forward, slash, u1, 2j, i, and that should get you in. We're going to play around with this a little bit area. So for those of you who celebrate Christmas or a form of Christmas. Curious question, when do you all open your Christmas presents? Christmas afternoon, Christmas morning, Christmas, any Christmas Evers you
I wanted that up and I wanted this an option,
missing. Shannon, was there an option missing? Yeah, what is it whenever they get delivered, whenever
they get delivered, whenever they end up on my on. Right doorstep. Yeah, we used to do the Christmas Eve stuff as well. It was the one gift at Christmas Eve that you opened, and your parents wouldn't let you open the big one. They always gave you the one that had socks in it or something that sound familiar.
Yeah, it was, it was always the outfit you wore to the family dinner. Oh,
or the Christmas pajamas? Anyone here do a Christmas pajama tradition? Sarah, Yep,
yeah. We do a little Christmas Eve box for my daughter that she gets to open up on Christmas Eve, and it has, like, a new book with That's Christmas related, and pajamas, couple other, like things for Christmas Day. So, yeah,
that's sweet. I love that. I love that. And also, just a quick note for those of you with your videos off, I want you to know that that's okay. Obviously it's okay. It's not like, I'm going to jump through the video screen and arrest you or something. But here's the thing, a lot of people don't have their videos on for a variety of reasons, because you're either at work or maybe you're in your closet at home, or you've got a cat that seems to like to go back and forth in front of the camera. We don't care about that, especially today. We don't care about that. We would just love to see your faces because we're in the holiday spirit, but if you can't, or for whatever reasons, don't want to, that's okay, alright. So I had to get that disclaimer out of the way. Here we are. Oh yeah, well, thank you. It was my birthday this week. My birthday was on Tuesday, I think, yeah. So thank you for that. Yes, it was Tuesday. Shannon, was it Tuesday? Thank you. I kind of lose track of that. Oh, thanks, yeah. Oh, same for you. Noel, when's your birthday? Noel, I was a couple weeks ago on the sixth. So we got the December birthdays. My son's birthday is on the 20th, so yeah, but my parents were always good about keeping it separate. So let's see now. What's the next question at Next question, how Christmassy are these non Christmas Christmas films? Mm, I still gotta have some secrets from you, Jason, we still gotta have something to learn about.
Okay, so Gremlins not a Christmas movie. Die Hard. You know, it's always funny. I was at a client dinner earlier this week, and the conversation kind of stalled a little bit, so I was like, Okay, we got to throw out the sure fire discussion question of Die Hard. Is Die Hard a Christmas movie or not? And we've got various ranges here throughout. I love this graph. I don't know about you, but I'm kind of geeking out on the graph. That's the L and D in all of us, right? It's like, here's a fun question. But hey, look at the graph. That's something so typical of us. My partner will die on the Hill for Gremlins and Die Hard paying holiday movie. Yeah, tradition becomes law. I agree. But um, oh, you while you were sleeping as a Oh, that's right, so I'll ask you guys, is while you were sleeping, a Christmas movie? Or No, I never thought of it as a Christmas movie, and not for any particular reason. So Casey says, yes, she was quick on the draw. What do you guys think? Jason, yeah, you're getting on your head. Yeah, I could see it, right?
I have another one. I just realized this year Batman Returns.
That's right,
all happens at Christmas?
That's right, I didn't even think about that. My husband has an advent calendar that is Die Hard themed. That's awesome. So what's our what? Okay, Sarah, so now I have to ask you, what are in the boxes? So when you pull out the boxes or open the door, so
it's not the actual boxes, it's like a magnet, and as the days go on, you he like falls further down the building, so you just move him each day. It's more like a countdown than an advent calendar, but when we bought it, it was called an advent calendar. Hilarious. Yeah, so on the last day he finally, you know he's on, remember,
finally? Oh, that's hilarious. That's hilarious. I love it all right. Next up, what are your top three? Three Christmas movies. This has real Christmas movies, but I'm just going to say Christmas movies now that we're talking about them.
See the little that's love, actually the holiday home alone, Charlie Brown. You gotta watch Charlie Brown, right? You just have to. And I did not get my Charlie Brown Christmas tree up in my office. Was downstairs. Sound of Music. I never think about sound of music as being a Christmas movie. I suppose it could be Rudolph elf. Scrooged, thank you that whoever put screws Scrooge is my favorite the Bill Murray Scrooged. Yeah, Frosty the Snowman. It's wonderful life. And I do have I should dig it up, and I'll put it in the resources. I'll have Amanda dig it up. I have a Pinterest board of a collaborative Christmas movie list, and I did this several years ago with a bunch of learning rebel people. And we put stuff into this Pinterest board, and I'll share it as a resource. So there was enough movies that we gathered that would have taken you from Thanksgiving all the way through to the new years without repeating a movie. So I'll, I will send that out to everyone. Let me make a note to self. What other movies have we got? Yeah, lots of. It's a Wonderful Life. Charlie Brown Christmas. Everybody seems to be agreement. And Charlie Brown Christmas. The little guys dancing. Yeah. Yeah, the old school stop motion, yes, I love that. Noel, i Those are my and Rudolph the Red Nose ring. They're in that same vein, right? The old ones, um, Frosty the Snowman, the old one with the misfit island of toys, or, yeah, misfit island of toys, right? The first one, yes. Red, yep. Little guys dancing. Oh, really? Are you serious? Jason, you got a tattoo of the little guys dancing. Shut up. Where can you can you share? Well,
it's on my arm. If it's I can get the angle, right? Well, yeah, he's right there. I just got one of them. A friend of mine got two of them. She's actually doing a whole sleeve of the whole scene. So,
oh, and is the year. So, Chris, you know, I'm going to ask you, we so Chris got her first tattoo this year too. I don't know if I did, yeah,
well, I got two. I got my first tattoo, and then a month later I got my second tattoo. So I can kind of see it. The first one was
a tree
with a fairy. But the second one, it's hard to see. It's a Care Bear in a forest.
Or the disco ball
with a disco ball, sure. There you go. Those are my two.
Yeah. So tis, tis the year? Apparently it is. It is. I love that. Okay, so I've switched the questions your top three holiday dinner means, so which? What are you eating on Christmas? And if you put other, that means you got to answer it in the chat.
I'm we're a beefy kind of place around here, we like our prime rib on Christmas.
Chinese takeout. Is that a Christmas Day or Christmas Eve thing? Jason, day day, there's a lot of China, and that's, I think we have a Christmas Story, probably not to thank for that. I'm sure people are getting Chinese food long before that, but that kind of planted the idea for a lot of people. We used to do when I lived in California, we used to do tamales on Christmas Eve. So we had a friend that was part of a large Hispanic family, and their Christmas Eve tradition was to come together and make tamales, and we used to go over there and do that with them. And I kind of missed that, because I love tamales, but it was just such a fun family experience. So we've got lots of so beef and ham and Turkey, those are the main staples. So now I gotta ask you, what's the side dish that goes with that? The favorite Christmas side dish, which might be different than your Thanksgiving side dish, jambalaya. Whoo. I like that, Thomas, is that something that you've always done, jambalaya? Is that or is that a relatively new tradition? Mashed potatoes, you got to with lots horseradish mashed potatoes at Christmas, it
Good morning for for me still, yes, it's a family tradition. It started. My brother in law passed away a few years ago now, but he started it like 20 years ago. That's his favorite dish. And he would make this huge pot of jambalaya, and it was to die for so be just continued the he he kept doing it. And then even last year, in his honor, he made a big batch in jambalaya using his recipe, of course,
of course, of course. Yes, lots of bread. I make a pretty mean panettone, if I do say so myself. So I'll be doing that this weekend. That's usually my Christmas project. I just wrote a hysterical article from the Atlantic in regards to panaton Shannon. Now that I know that you make it, I'm wondering if I should send it over to you. Yes, you should. There was basically, what they were getting at is that it's like, I think that, in essence, if I can sum it up, it says reviled as fruitcake, because it's, it's usually mass produced, and therefore means that we all have had a like, bad representation of it. And yet it's coming through this like Renaissance, where now there's like, high end places that are making it even, like they'll take a bona is now, like selling a panettone. And so now there's this idea of, like, oh, you know, if you get a really nice blend, then you're really going to enjoy it. And it was just, it was, it was a fun read. So I'm going to dig that up and send it over to you. I could see that. And some of the high end ones are super expensive, like, 100 bucks for a loaf of bread. It's like, That's craziness. But I've been making it for a number of years now, and I make two. One is for eating, just straight out eating, and the other one I I cut it in half. Part of it becomes bread pudding, and the other part of it becomes french toast and Casey. I will add that to the resources. Yeah, good fruitcake. It's not like the mass produced food, fruit fruit cake is actually pretty good, you know, especially it's if you do it right, you got it kind of soaked in a little bit of rum. So you guys are kind of seeing where I'm going this this week. Yep. Okay, so where are we going for our holiday dream, if you were to travel over over the holidays, we're going to Hawaii. We're going to New Hampshire. I love that idea, a romantic stone castle or a cottage. Love it somewhere warm and sunny. Yeah, oh yeah. You've got to my sister, who still lives in California. She loves to come out here to the Chicagoland area during Christmas time, and I think she's nuts, but she likes to be able to come out here and experience some snow. We actually had snow over the last couple of days, so it might end up, who knows if it'll stick around, but we've got snow outside because, you know snow Christmas, you got to Yeah, that mountain cabin, back to New Zealand. I don't know who put that answer in, but yes, please. Yes, please, although it's summertime there right now, Finland, Disney World, that tattoo chair, Jason, you spend your holidays with your tattoo artist. Door County, okay, I love it all right, so here's what we're going to do next. Yeah, you know, well with Chicago, you also have the we did talk about Groundhog Day, although Groundhog Day is not really a Christmas movie, per se, but the house for Groundhog Day is out here. So that's one of the things my sister also loves to do. So she loves to go to the Groundhog Day House out there, and if there's a whole touristy thing around it, but it's just sort of, you know, kitschy and fun, yeah, out in Woodstock, exactly. Yeah, right. So let me see here. We've got this. I.
I go, I'm looking for
I saw it come through Chris. There it is.
Chris was doing something for me, and now I've got it all right. Now let's give away let's give away something. Shall we? I think that sounds like a good idea. Shannon,
I just sent you one more. Oh, okay.
And I'm going to stop sharing my screen for a second while I do this, all right? And we got a couple more people coming in, just in time. People show up just in time for the drawings, right? I'm I gotta get so apologize. So now, what I really love to know from you guys is what's on your wish list this year, what you've all been good, boys and girls. So what is on your Christmas wish list, and not necessarily from an LED perspective, but you could
Jason and I want tattoo funds.
We'll get that go fund me out there.
All right, let's see. What else you guys wanting? Oh, slippers. I need new slippers too. And there's always got to be something for the dogs, right? For me, there's always got to be something for the dogs. A handyman, yes, please, new fringy leather purse, more vacation time, craft supplies. You and Well, I wouldn't say, Chris, you're crafty, but you do stuff like that.
I do stuff I could I could always take more fabric. I almost said I could always have I can always need more fabric. I don't need more fabric. I just want more
working classes. Yes, all right, so now let me share my screen, and let's get this up. I All right. So now what we're going to do is let's see who's first on our list. Deona, what? Okay. Deonna, here's what we've got. We've got and and send me a direct message with the book that you want, as well as your address. We have the project rods from the head. There you go, put in front of me. The project writes from the head. ISD from the ground up, learning. By the heart. We have my very new TD at work, improving retention with drip feed learning. And we also have Chris's TD at work, a guide to supporting hybrid team leaders. So let me know which one you want in the chat. Direct Message me in the chat, and, like I said, with your address, and we will get the book that you want to you. Now, what we're going to do, we'll do one more. We'll take out.
Let's do one more. Shannon, there's one name that's that's kind of mixed up in there, Andrew VS is split into two.
Oh, yeah. And, of course, that's the one that gets selected. Okay, so Noelle and Andrew, so we got a twofer. We got a twofer. So you guys tell me when. Oh, and the other one that I have here is a harvest Business Review special on how to overcome imposter syndrome.
That's possible. So I guess we have to share. Is that it
you don't have to share. You can just put it in my DMs and tell me which one you want. But which one would you like? Which which TD at work? Would you like? Noelle, oh, you had more than one. Yeah, we had the hybrid team leaders. Which is the one that Chris wrote. No favoritism going on here, right? So you have to choose between me and Chris. What's your Do you want? Drip feed learning or hybrid team leaders? Drip feed please. Alrighty. Drip feed going to you. All right, and be sure to send me your address, all right. And Andrew, did you send me yours? I
kind of forgot the list. Sorry about that.
The two TV at works ISD from the ground up, learning from the heart how to overcome imposter syndrome, and the project rots from the head.
The project. Say that again, the project rots
from the head. Oh, which is a really good but
I bet I'll text you though, okay,
and Diona, don't forget to send me yours. Alright? So we'll go back to this later on. But now what I want to do is I want to do our our gifts little here we go, our gift ideas. And so here's what the spreadsheet looks like. Now, I kind of emptied it out for everybody, and we're going to put you into breakout rooms just for a little bit. And as you can see here, we've got different categories. So for the trainer, for the perfect co worker, for the tech geek in your life, fun or, you know, white elephant gifts, something for the family member. Box clubs or subscriptions. Things for your fur baby. Things for the foodie in your life, if you wish to donate, if you've got a great charity that you would like to share, books or experiences, and then we have some other things that, just in case you have extra thoughts. And so what we usually do here is I will put you into breakout rooms, in small rooms. You can see that each room has an assignment. So room one for the trainer and the perfect co worker, room number two for the tech geek and goofy, etc, so room three and room four, and all you need to do there is either write down a gift idea, if you have a link to that gift idea, that would be awesome. And Amanda will put all of this together as a gift guide, and it will go out to you as part of the resources. And like I said, this is the fourth time we've done this, and now we've got, if I include the last couple of years into all this, we're looking at hundreds of different gifts, although what I'll do is I won't send you all of that. I'll send you what we come up here, plus I'll scan together previous gift list for things that are relevant to today. Yeah, so that's like fun. Let's do that, all right, so everybody understand the assignment, all right, and we're only going to spend, let's see we're going to spend maybe the we'll go with seven minutes, because I'm feeling frisky. We'll go seven maybe 10. We'll see how it goes. And you can have a designated scribe if you want, or you all have access to the spreadsheet, so you all can just work collaborative, collaboratively if you wish, but just share all of the ideas. Now, remember, there are no good or bad ideas. If you have them, put them on there. If you have an idea that fits in another place on this spreadsheet, add it. I've given you designation, so that way we can get different columns filled. But if you have different ideas for different columns, feel free to do that, alright? So let's have fun with this. Yes, did I miss you sharing the link for this spreadsheet? You did not, okay? Because thank you for that. I wouldn't. I would have put
I was just looking for it myself. Erica, so I was like, I
don't put everybody in breakout rooms, and no one has the link.
Shannon, you sent that as a direct message to me. Oh, only, I guess I could.
Oh, only Chris gets to have it. There we go. You need to now bounce between all of the breakout That's right. No, plug everything in. No, there's the link. Let's make sure that everybody gets him. Like, I don't need this kind of abuse. Here we go. Alright. So we'll give you, I'm going to call it seven minutes, but if, if I think you need more time, we'll, we'll throw in a couple of extra minutes to get her done. All right, so let's see here, up here.
All right. And away you go. I'm
Michelle, are You there? I
Hey, Kim, hello, hi. They are no, no, they're in breakout rooms right now, and they're coming, they're brainstorming gift ideas, so I'm going to put you in a room. Okay, okay, sounds good. Thank you. You're welcome. You
Hi, Heather.
Heather, Are you there?
Yes, I am Hi,
hi, they are there. How are you? No, I was just saying we have no internet this morning. Oh no, because I got a call. Oh no. What happened, like, there's an outage in the area. So, like, my provider has stuff on their site that, like, yeah, there's an outage in your area. So I'm guessing, based on how wet the snow was last last night, that somebody ran into a pole somewhere. Yeah, yeah. That sucks. Well, they are. I'll, if you want to, I'll join you, but they've got another couple of minutes in a breakout room where they are discussing the gift ideas.
What have we got so far? They're brainstorming. Yeah,
they're brainstorming. So they're in the different categories, and they're filling in different categories on the spreadsheet. So we've got another couple of minutes left. Do you want to stay out here with me, or do you want me to put you in a breakout room? Oh, I'll hang out here with you. Okay, that sounds like fun, yeah, yeah. So yeah, that's I got. I was traveling last night, and I got home, my flight was delayed, mechanical delay, so it was delayed by like three hours, and I knew that it was snowing, but I also knew that I didn't have the scraper in my car. Oh no, and I might, well, yeah, because my my lease, my, at least my car, and the lease is always up in December. And I didn't, I just got it, and I didn't move the snow stuff into it. Fortunately, one this, this car I had, apparently, now that I've tested, it has awesome thaw capabilities. I mean, the windows were thawed out in like no time, but I had a hotel key, and I'm like, there we go. So that worked perfectly between the thawing it out and the key. But it must have been wet, because I had snow on the front and back, but the windows were iced. That's just rude and wrong. I mean, it is the 20th of December. Be kind of nice to have a white Christmas for a change. Yeah, I know we'll see whether or not it sticks. Let me see across India, and they have significantly more than we do, because they get all on our side of the lake. Yeah. Ah, let's see what have we got here. Let me the link. I don't know if you here, let me give you the link. Again in the chat. Here we go, for those people coming late, there we go. All right, well. Welcome back, everybody. I see some fun things on the list.
I still share my screen. I am okay, awesome. Yep. All right, I am. You guys. Go ahead, start sharing with me, what were, what were some of your conversations like? So for like, room number one, you had gifts for the trainer and gifts for the co worker. So what were your What was your conversation like? What fun things did you come up with?
Well, we came up with a bunch of different things, including additional resources, books, technology to help them. For this is for a remote trainer. Okay? Do uh, also, we talked about gift cards like Amazon and Starbucks visa. Oh, look at all this. Yeah, right, okay. And then one thing, written acknowledgement to their sources, whoever they are so if they're coming from, oh, great idea, yeah, um, I find that to be very, very helpful. Somebody said a tote bag, a cup, yes, like insulated coffee mug or a coffee mug that says World's Greatest trainer. There you
go. There you go. I love that. I especially love the right, you know, write a note to the boss or to whomever on their you know, for them, like a referral or a testimonial or something. I love that. That's a wonderful idea. Now, room two, you guys had the geek you guys were the Geek Squad. So what kind of conversations Did you guys have? What have we got here? Oh, a fancy podcast. Mike, yes, please. Fancy what So, what else did you guys talk about? Who was in room two? I Yeah. Chris
Victoria, all right, yeah, I was, I had, we said we while we were talking about slippers, we were a little, we were a little off topic at the beginning.
That's okay. But then we,
we moved into, we moved into more of the tech stuff that we had an easier time with those and coming up with with those ideas we were struggling with the goofy ones. Tom had a good one where he actually gives a, like, a ceramic white elephant as a white elephant gift. I love that. And Chris was talking about, like the gimmicky trainer GIF. So like, if somebody answers a question and a training you get the inflatable hammer award. Yeah,
yeah. You can go to trainers warehouse. You can find all of the goofy, you know, so I'm gonna throw in here, anything from trainers warehouse is going to is what is a good gift. But they have a lot of other silly stuff too. That absolutely fits, definitely All right, so let's scroll over so we've got family members and subscriptions. So what? Who is in room three? What was your conversation like?
Room three for the book clubs and subscriptions and the fur babies. What have we got here? A bubble bath subscription. Shut up. A bubble bath subscription.
Chris, sorry, that was, yeah, that was mine. Yeah, you can get it's from Bath Bevy, and you can do, they do like, you can pick flavors, or they just do like, it's a thing of the month. So you get a bath bombs and bubble bath
stuff. I've gotta say, flavors. Are you eating this
stuff? Not flavor? Like you can get like it smells, scents, not flavor. Scents. That's Hush now, people
the call map. Yes, I that would make great the membership to the zoo. I would love that. I would love a membership to our zoo is great, you know, so you don't feel bad for the for the animals at our zoo, let's see what I've got. Book clubs, the gold belly, gift cards, master class, com apps, name a star after someone. Love that idea. Great idea. All right. Last group here for our fur babies, our foodies, and any sort of donations,
I think. Mess that we only focused on fur babies. So that's okay. That's all you got. Is fur babies. I'm
all right with fur but just fur babies, because I love my fur babies. We got a fat what's, a fabric crate, a gift card of a chat for a tattoo. Their favorite I want someone I'm laughing at.
You can tell which one I contributed, uh, fabricrate
is the ones that kind of collapse in on themselves for travel. So they collapse, okay, like, really small. That's what, that's what I was thinking of that. Yeah, great idea. So is the high vis vest. That's a great idea too. Especially, you know, Stark outside. You walk your dog. I can I need a new car seat belt for my dogs. See, all of this is just for me. Thank you everybody for helping me fill out my Christmas list this year. For the people that I know and love. You've been very helpful, all right, and some of these books I'll transfer over. So I'll clean up this list, and like I said, we'll send it out to everybody. So this was great. This will stay open. So as you oh good one Joyce in the chat for the foodie, a copy of America's Test Kitchen cookbook or a subscription to Bon Appetite magazine, either one great ideas. And so this will stay open so you can add to it throughout the day, if you wish, or it stays open all the time, so you can always add to it, but there you go. So thank you for that. That was fun. Hopefully it gave you some ideas. So anybody get good ideas from this for somebody that you might have a last minute shopping for
something you're gonna run out and buy right now. I'll tell you know what a great subscription gift is. Man, crate Well, it's not, it's not a subscription, or it could be it's a one off. We're talking about that in my room. Yeah, man, crates, awesome. Hex clad pans. Oh, those are new, right? I haven't I just, I've got so many pans. If I buy another pan, I think the boyfriend will kick me out of the house. Honestly, we got rid of all of our old pans and just went with the hex cloud. They're amazing, like nothing sticks to them. They're so easy to clean. There's, I haven't found any hot spots. They're very even. I can't say enough good things about them. All right, there you go. So now one last thing for us today is, I have another little fun quiz for us to take. What? Wait, wait, wait, that's what I wanted to do. Let's escape by that that you know the answer to one of them. Here we go. Okay, Christmas plot or not? I'm going to show you some questions, and you have to tell me whether or not it was a Christmas plot. At the end of the game we will have a winner, and Winner, winner. Chicken dinner gets another crack at the books list as well as we're adding to this, if you want to have a membership to the learning rebels community that is on the deck, okay, so let's get this party started. So this one, I don't this might take a different code, so I apologize for that, because I couldn't figure out how to merge the two decks.
So you're going to AHA, y, 6k, 5j, that's different than the one you had before.
Are these emojis auto generated? Or Jason, did you
pick your I picked that one?
Oh, you did. Okay. I
apparently AHA slides was listening to me because I didn't see that I could pick one, and somehow I got stuck with a cat emoji. So there we go. You're always listening. I
can't get the code.
The code again
won't let me it won't
let you in. Maybe you have to completely close out. Okay, I'll give it another minute.
And I, I don't know if you can hear or not, but it's playing some music, and that's, I do not have voices in my head making me do this. It's playing some music in my earphones.
All right, let's everybody ready. Okay, here we go.
You have to say whether or not it's a Christmas part of a Christmas movie plot, or if it's not,
okay, okay, some of you say it is, some of you say it's not, and it is from Bad Santa too. All right, Let's, let's go again. You
all right, Are we all in?
Okay, I saw some cheers on that one. Who got that one? All right, Let's go again. You.
Hey, Yay, I did we get that? Derek, did you have the right movie in mind? I think is the real question, Right? All right, let's try again. I
Hey, did we get that one? No, All right, let's see where we're going. I
it sounded suspiciously like Ozark.
It sounded just, I was like, Ooh, thee. And I was thinking, I was like, it almost sounded sort of, but it's been a long time that it sounded like weeds. Oh yeah. Oh Jen. Look between Jen and Victoria, Jason and Joyce. Everybody's really close here. The fight is on and.
All right,
okay, so We saw that answer. I
tanta, couple more, and then we'll see who gets the last of our bugs do.
While we're waiting, Shannon, that one before sounded exactly like the Grinch. So although it was Mission Impossible, I was like I was so convinced I
could have been this. Now it is, I will not do grant, but Nightmare Before Christmas, I was like, that could have been a couple of Different things, all right, two more. And then we're I
I didn't even know this was a movie
that has to be direct to video. It
had to be, I was like, when I went searching for a random Christmas movies, this one popped up, and I was like, okay, all right, so last time, we'll see the quote, your scientists were so concerned on whether they could do something they didn't think they could do about whether they should do something. Yeah,
here's another. Is a blast from the past. It is so bad. It's so bad. It is so bad. Let's see. Is that the one with kiss? No, oh no, that's kiss saves Christmas. Sorry. Joyce. Joyce, by not very much, that was very close between you and Jason. So Joyce, you get the last options. Here we have how to overcome impostor syndrome. The two. Two more. TD at works for hybrid leaders and drip feed learning and learning by the heart. You can let me know now, but in the chat, be sure to send me your address so I can mail it to you. Which one would you like? Joyce, the imposter syndrome. One place your thing? Yep. So in the DM, write your chat down. So we went a little long, but I think we had some fun while we were doing it. And for those of you left, I'm going to let Chris say a couple of words about, you know, taking some time for yourself through all of this, and maybe give us a couple of words of wisdom before we all leave
no real words of wisdom other than i We can't. We all have 24 hours in a day, but for some of us, that 24 hours can be stretched and bend it, and for others of us who are having different family obligations, whether it's caring for parents, caring for kids, taking care of ourselves, sometimes we can't. And bend that this much. So my one piece of advice I usually tell people is, no matter how many hours you have, there's always a little bit a give. And it just basically comes from making a choice something has to give. And the question is, what? What is it that has to give? And so if you're saying yes to something else, meaning obligations, responsibilities, taking on more work, then you are potentially saying no to yourself. So think about that as you go through the holidays as well as you're getting into next year and thinking about where can you carve out that time for you and bend some time for you by saying no to something, because that means you're saying yes to yourself. It's really it's just a choice. And you know, for some of us, it could be really hard. You might be in a season where I have one client who's caring for a father who has Parkinson's. She's a single mother. She has a 12 year old daughter, and she works a really busy job, but she carves out five minutes at the beginning of her day before she gets out of bed. That is her time, just for her. So she says no to social media. She says no to the dog right away. She says yes to herself. So that's my only words of wisdom is, how can you say yes to yourself more often and say no, even if it's just a one thing each and every day,
that's it. I think that's lovely. Thank you. Thank you, and I would encourage you all to take that to heart. And what I'm going to do is for everybody who wants something here, so we've got Noel and you Joyce and Diona, I will let you guys know in the in our resources, and also have Amanda reach out to you guys separately that I'm going to give you all access to the learning rebels community. So everyone who won something today, little bonus prize there for everybody. Very nice. And again, I realized we ran long, but learning rebels appreciates all of you. Thank you so much for another wonderful 2024 another year, and I look forward to what we're doing in 2025 so don't forget, in the email that went out today and the email that went out yesterday, we have our January and February schedule up, and that is all about you. So we're going to focus on you for those first couple of months to get you set up for success in 2025 and then we will take it from there. So thank you once again, everybody for being with me today. Happy holidays. Have a safe New Year, and I look forward to seeing you. Oh my gosh. I can't believe this in 2025 you know, thank you so much. Bye, everyone. Bye, thank