Progress as quickly as possible. We absolutely had to to have staffing do this who have performed really, really outstanding work in the last several years, increasing, really, tripling our production, in in in repairs, with the processes that they have in place. So that is all a part of that overall budget. It would not be a part of the additional dollars that are being added to these contracts. Those contracts are just for roof repairs.
Member does anything. Okay, alright, so there is still a motion for 18.3 and 18.4 to postpone for one week. Are there any objections to postponing 18.3 and 18.4 objection,
objection. Council member Frederick,
it's it's
one week, but technically it's going to be the following week. Is that when you want clarity
on Yes, and so, how we, I mean, can we make that motion as one week, when it's really two weeks? I'm
just say the day, because you can, right, but technically I can only do one week, but technically, because it Okay, so it will be postponed until the 12th objection. Park would note,
purpose on note, Madam President,
let's go through the No. So we have council member objection,
Council Member durha. Objection,
Coleman Young number one. Objection,
Okay, any further objections, alright, so that,
Madam President, that's three objections. The motion passes.
Okay, four objections. Four.
Who did pro tem? Venter President, through you, the pro tem Did you? Did you? No, you did not object.
He did not object. You have eight people here. You have four, so four and four.
Okay, madam president for clarity, I had member Benson, member Durham, member young
and member waters
and member waters, okay, no worries. Okay,
so then that that motion does fail. That motion fails? Yes, okay, so now we will proceed with the approval of these items. Is there a motion to move forward to proceed with 18.1 through 18.4
motion has Yes. Move approval, line items, 18.1 through 18.4
All right, any objections. Objection,
18.3 and 18.4 member Johnson,
the clerk would note, Park was a note, Madam
all right. And hearing no further objections. The four resolutions will be approved. All right. Thank you all who are on the screen for being with us today, from the Detroit Brownfield Redevelopment Authority
Council, President Pro Tem Tate, 10 resolutions, line items, 18.5 through 18 point 14.
President Pro Temp Tate
president, move approval of line items 18.5 through 18 point 14. These are abolishments of brownfield development redevelopment plans Hearing
no objections. The 10 resolutions will be approved from the housing and revitalization department
Council. President Pro Tem Tate, five resolutions, line items, 18 point 15 through 18 point 19.
President Pro Temp Tate and President
move approval of line items, 18 point 15 through 18 point 19, please.
Alright. Motion has been made for approval. These are various obsolete property commercial rehabs for various city projects. Any objections to the resolutions? Hearing, no objections. The five resolutions will be approved. Any waivers? No. Okay, they
want them, but I don't know why we need them. Okay,
for the planning and development department. Council president
pro tem take two resolutions, line items, 18 point 20 and 18 point 21
council president pro temp Tate, Madam President,
move approval of line items 18 point 20 as well as 18 point 21
alright. Motion has been made. Any objections on these two items? This is the amended development agreement for the brush Watson development and also a transfer of surplus property. Carry no objection. The two resolutions will be approved for the public health and safety standing committee from the Office of contracting and procurement. Council
Member Santiago Romero, 25 resolutions, line items, 19.1 through 19 point 25 noting that all contracts are for the Department of construction and demolition. And madam president, if you would like for me to just read the number and the amount, or we want me to do them as regular,
you can proceed.
Thank you. First up is contract number 3076463, that's 100% city funding to provide an emergency demolition for the residential property at 15010, Sorrento contractors, DMC consulting, Incorporated total contract amount $28,860, next contract is contract number 3077209, 100% city funding to provide an emergency demolition for the residential property. 12711, racing contractor, inner city contracting, LLC, total contract amount $34,777 next contract is contract number 6006748, 100% ARPA funding to provide abatement and alteration of commercial structures. Group 251, contractor, home rich, wrecking Incorporated, doing business as home rich. Total contract amount, $565,400 next contract is line item, 19.4 contract number 6006576, 100% city funding to provide commercial glass windows and door installation, repair and maintenance. Contractor, Christy Glass Company total contract amount, 300,000 Madam President, I would also like to know this contract. We did receive a corrected contract to show that this address should be in Ferndale and not the city of Detroit. Okay. Next contract is contract number 3077944, 100% city funding to provide an emergency demolition for the commercial property at 4232, Joy roll with basement backfield contracted celebrity trucking and excavating. Incorporated. Total contract amount, $88,497.07 cent. Next contract is contract number 3077958, 100% city funding to provide an emergency demolition for the residential property, 8879, stop contractor, salad, Bain, trucking and excavating. Incorporated total contract amount, $20,777 next contract, contract number 3078302, 100% city funding to provide an emergency demolition for the residential property. 14918, Dolphin contractor salad being trucking and excavating incorporated total contract amount, $13,350.50 cent. 56 next contract. Line item, 19.8 contract number 3078303, 100% city funding to provide an emergency demolition for the residential property, 9341, East Warren contractor Detroit next incorporated total contract amount 14,000 next contract. Contract Number 3078304, 100% city funding to provide an emergency demolition for the residential property. 12434, Waltham with basement backfill contractor selling, trucking and excavating incorporated total contract amount $14,109.67 $109.67 cent. Next contract, Contract Number 6005787, dash, a one, 100% ARPA funding Amendment One, to provide an increase of funds for additional basements that were not shown on the survey. Services include additional concrete removal and disposal, an additional stone to complete the backfield for commercial structures. Group 217, contractor, Adamo demolition company, total contract amount, $1,632,710.33 cent. Next contract is contract number 6006583, is amended 100% city funding to conduct all environmental due diligence activities necessary to perform safe and compliant demolitions and renovations across the city of Detroit. Contractor ATC group services. Total contract amount $1 million next contract is line item 19 point 12. Contract Number 6006586, 100% city funding to conduct all environmental due diligence activities necessary to perform safe and compliant demolitions and renovations across the city of Detroit. Contractor DLZ, total contract amount, $1 million next contract is contract number 6006587, 100% city funding to conduct all environmental due diligence activities necessary to perform safe and compliant demolitions and renovations across the city of Detroit, contractor environmental testing and consulting incorporated total contract amount, $1 million next. Contract line item, 19, point 14. Contract number 6006588, 100% city funding to conduct all environmental due diligence activities necessary to perform safe and compliant demolition and renovations across the city of Detroit. Contractor Aegis, B, L, N, USA, Incorporated total contract amount a million dollars. Next contract, Contract Number 6006589, 100% city funding to conduct all environmental due diligence activities necessary to perform safe and compliant demolitions and renovations across the city of Detroit. Contractor the manic and Smith group incorporated total contract amount a million dollars. Next contract is contract number 3078179, 100% city funding to provide an emergency demolition for residential property, 5756, Saint Clair, total contract amount, $16,559.44 cent. Next contract is contract number 3076466, 100% city funding to provide an emergency demolition for residential property, 138, West Arizona, contractor, Guyana company, total. Contract, amount, 38,900, next. Contract line item, 19, point 18. Contract number 3077582, 100% city funding to provide an emergency demolition for residential property, 4843, seminar. Contract salad, being trucking and excavating and incorporated. Total contract amount, $43,153.67 cent. Next contract is contract number 3077907, 100% city funding to provide an emergency demolition for residential property. 17821, CARDONE contractor, fella bean, trucking and excavating incorporated total contract amount, $19,826.44 cent. Next contract is contract number 3078173, 100% city funding to provide an emergency demolition for the residential property. 15499, Snowden contractor, salad being trucking and excavating incorporated total contract amount, $18,538.89 cent. Next contract is contract number 30783512, 78351, excuse me, 8315, 100% city funding to provide an emergency demolition for the residential property. 14418, Mayfield contractor, salad, main trucking and excavating. Total contract amount, $16,704.22 cent. Next contract is contract number 3078404, 100% city funding to provide an emergency demolition for the residential property. 9137, Falcon contractor, inner city contracting, LLC, total contract amount, 22,900 $2,999 nest. Contract line out of 19. Point 23 contract number 3078518, 100% city funding to provide an emergency demolition for the commercial property. 11731, livernoid with basement backfill contractor, inner city contracting, LLC, total contract amount, $248,036 next contract, Contract Number 6006749, 100% ARPA funding to provide abatement and alteration of commercial structures. Group 252, contractor, Adamo demolition company. Total contract amount, $587,859 last contract is contract number 6006698, 100% city funding to provide aerial imaging map views to demolition department to aid in surveying property conditions in my deal, 210000001311, contractor near map us Incorporated. Total contract amount, $527,220 council member, Santiago Romero, 25 resolution,
thank you, Madam Clerk. Council member, Santiago Romero, thank you, Madam
President. Motion to approve 19.1 through 19.9
any objections,
I'm in objection to 19.3 19.5 and 19.9
All right, the clerk would note
objection. Member Johnson, 19.3
clerk will phone note Madam President. Just make sure Madam President, for clarity, can Member Santiago Romero repeat her objections, please?
Member Santiago Romero, yes.
Objection to 19.3 19.5 and 19.9 Thank you.
All right, seeing no further objections, those resolutions will be approved. Member Santiago Romero,
thank you, Madam President, motion to postpone 19 point 10. This is our streetery ordinance. Would like to just do a little bit more outreach. I'm ahead of 19. Sorry. No, I'm ahead of schedules. So sorry, this is a postponement for a different request, but looking to postpone 19 point 10 through a colleague's request.
Is there any objections to postponing 19 point 10? And again that will now come back on November the flow. Carry no objections. 19 point 10 will come back on November the 12th. Thank you. Madam Chair, thank you member. Santiago Romero,
thank you motion to approve 19 points 11 through 19 points 25
okay, any discussion on 19 point 11 through 19 point 25 and just clarity on 19 point 11 regarding the contracts that are conducting environmental due diligence required for safe and compliant demolitions. I'm not sure if it was discussed. Council member to you or the committee, can this be used for some of the concerns that were raised with the discovery of basements, etc, these contractors that are going out to conduct necessary site assessment? Was that discussed at all?
We did discuss, and can't recall that specifically, so,
okay, Mr. Washington, do we have someone on director Council on
Yes, Madam Chair, we do have director Council line. Okay, we
can Please promote director counts, please, and
Madam President. Yes from my team, we did discuss it and we cannot, or maybe it just won't based on the priorities of the departments, but we will see.
Okay, well, it sounds like it was discussed in committee, and it's not an option to be to be utilized. I just wanted to see because I know that has come up at the table several times, and if we're approving contracts for contractors to go out and do site assessment, then we should include the the discovery and inspection of basements to address that issue. So I'm not sure why it's not included. Is Director counts available,
Madam President.
I've been trying to move her over, but she needs to accept the promotion. I
Mr. Washington, Madam
Chair, if you could just give me one moment to reach out.
Okay, so we can, let's move from so that's 1911 that's 12.
Madam President, I can move 19 point 12 through 19 point 25 if you'd like to come back to 19 point 11.
Yeah, it looks like it's 19 point 11 through 19, point
15 to 19. 19 point 15. They're all the same contracts. Okay, is any additional questions or concerns for the remaining contracts? Yes, Council Member young,
oh, this is more a question of process. I you know, I came, I came in kind of hot. I just wanted to know was I did come in before the vote took place. I just want to know, am I a yes on all these contracts? Because I support all of them, for which just for all, because I know I wasn't here. You know, sometimes we are not here. Your vote is included because you weren't here. I just want to say, I can't I came in, but I came in late, but I came here. So I want to I'm okay, right? I'm a yes on the contracts. I uh, even though they hadn't like, that's why I say God came in late, but they was right before they took the votes on all of them.
Okay, I just want to be sure. Yeah, right. I support the majority. I just want to make sure I came in kind of high. That's all I'm saying. I make that time, is what I'm asking.
Alright, thank you so much. Council member, Brianna, Alright, Mister Washington,
yes. Madam Chair. Director councils, back to her desk, alright.
Director Council, we can promote her please. Director comments, good afternoon.
Good afternoon. Lawan Council, Director of construction and demolition, all right, were
you able to hear the question? I just wanted to get clarity around. I think we have about four contracts here regarding environmental due diligence by several contractors to go out and do site site assessment regarding demolitions and renovations throughout the city. And I just was curious as to why we cannot include, or maybe moving forward, if we have additional contracts, the ability to inspect for the basements, I know that's been a huge issue, is if they're already doing site assessment for a myriad of of different, I guess, activities on the site. Could that be included?
Um through the chair. I didn't if was that the only question, because I did not hear the question prior
to the only question. Okay, question. Okay, so to
answer your question, is this, this, these particular contracts is that's exactly what we use them for. On the schedule demos. For those scheduled demos, we have a complete survey of the entire location that includes the basements and those materials that are hazardous or regulated materials that would have to be evaded. The problem in question is on those emergencies, per an emergency order, no one is allowed to be inside of the property. So that's the reason why we're not able to gather that particular data point for the estimate at the time that we put the bids out. I can tell you that moving forward, what we've been doing ever since September 25 is that we we pause the bids at what's above ground. So what the what the contractors are able to see during an emergency demo, they bid that portion. Once they are able to demolish and excavate the whole we have another process where we go in and estimate it separately. And so that's an open bid, where all the contractors are and are allowed to submit their their bids for so there is a change in the process, but it does not allow us to identify the basements prior to the actual demo, right
for emergency. Okay, thank you that. That brings a lot of 30 to that. Thank you so much. Director counts, okay, there's no additional questions or concerns. Member Santiago Romero has moved these forward for approval. Any objections?
Objection member Johnson, 19 point 24
the clerk would note, Madam
Objection member, Santiago Romero, 19 point 23 and 19 point 24
Okay, the clerk would note, Madam
And if there are no further objections, the remaining resolutions will be approved. Thank you, Director counts,
thank you.
All right, moving along to the public health and safety standing committee from the law department.
Council Member Santiago Romero, and introduction of an ordinance line item, 19 point 26
Council Member Santiago Ramiro, thank you, Madam
President. This is the item as well as 19 point 27 that I will need to postpone for one week. This is the ordinance that we've been working with the administration for outdoor dining streeteries, and would like to take the time to check with my team regarding outreach. So just want to ask for a one week postponement. Okay,
just noting that the one week will be November the 12th, bring back postponement, I should say, and if there are no objections, this item will be brought back or postponed until November the 12th, Alright, moving along to under unfinished business,
Council Member waters in ordinance, noting a roll call line item 20.1 and also noting that this item was postponed from last week formal session.
All right, Council Member waters,
thank you. Thank you, Madam President, do I don't. We have to read it then, I don't, similar
to what member durha did earlier, because it was read into the record at the last session. Okay, you should be able to move forward. That's good.
I've got my big reading glasses on today. Okay, so let's see then, alright, so then the next thing is, I move the ordinance to be placed on the order of third reading and consider read.
Alright, Hearing no objections. That action will be taken. Council member waters,
I move the ordinance be passed as submitted. There
being a roll call required, the clerk will please call the roll and just noting that this is member waters, property maintenance, maintenance amendments, Madam Clerk, please call. I'm sorry. Yes, discussion, no
We want to move for discussion prior to the approval, so now we'll open it up for discussion. Council member duha, thank you, Madam
President. I was just making sure I didn't know if there was an amendment to this last week, and I know we did not vote on the amendment last week. Just clear, just for clarification, was, was there no amendment to this?
Member waters,
what amendment is that you never sent it to me? No, I
did not have one. I I'm making sure there were no no,
okay. Thank you madam. Thank you
all right. Council member Johnson,
thank you Madam President, and thank you member waters for working on this ordinance. I support most of everything in the ordinance. I have a personal reason as to why I cannot support the reactive response to lead poisoning my brother, who I lost earlier this year, I've shared with some of you that he was non verbal, autistic. I can remember being 12 or 13 years old, and I saw him chewing on something, and looked and it was paint chips in his mouth. I do understand that visibly, if paint chips are seen in the home, it will cause a greater lead inspection. I do believe that there is dust from friction, from DOORS, from windows in our older homes that may cause lead to be exposed, but if it's not visible to the naked eye, I think it becomes problematic. And so I personally just have an issue with our reactive approach to lead inspections, as opposed to being proactive and looking to prevent our children from lead poisoning, because I do believe that it leads to a lot of behavioral issues and challenges that we see within our residents, and so because of that personal reason, I would love to see a full lead inspection being done within these properties. I think it holds landlords more accountable, considering a large percentage of our homes were built before 1978 and likely have lead in them, whether it is in my beautiful wood doors at home that have some lead stain that was put on them, and I've never touched them, will not touch them, but I do think that the friction from like even my front door can cause dust that may have lead in them, And I think that's something that we're not addressing, and so that's the concern that I have relative to the ordinance, but I appreciate everything else in the ordinance and how we are looking to hold landlords more accountable for their properties, for that they are renting to our residents. Thank you. Thank you, Madam President, thank
you. Council member Johnson, Council Member Santiago Romero, thank
you, Madam President. Through you to I see Andy's on here with us, if you wouldn't mind, member Johnson is raising concerns that I absolutely had this process, and we've been going back and forth with the administration to make some amendments, and would just like for the public to understand what we will be doing, as far as testing, there's a few different levels, if it's found still be additional testing. Also, if you wouldn't mind talking about the amendments and making sure the amendment has been added, that we're including dust pipes as well. So if you wouldn't mind talking about those two things, because it is incredibly important that we do that we talk about how we're addressing that in this ordinance,
absolutely happy to talk about that through the chair to you to introduce myself. I'm Andy Tiff and I'm the policy director in the mayor's office. Councilwoman Johnson, thank you very much for sharing your personal experience and what your brother experienced. It's cases like his that are actually motivating this ordinance, and we think that it is the biggest thing the administration can do to be more proactive in lead prevention and preventing cases before they happen, would be having a functional rental inspection system that actually gets into rental homes and identifies the risks. What this ordinance would do is it would require one combined home condition and lead safety review in every single rental property in the city. That lead safety review would consist of a visual inspection for damaged paint or any visible accumulations of dust, and that damaged paint, which creates dust, is what causes the vast majority of lead poisoning cases. So we're looking at the greatest, most common risk factors that cause the majority of cases, and we are looking to identify and remediate those hazards before they cause an issue for anyone further in the 25% of the city that has the highest prevalence of lead poisoning cases, we would also complete dust samples in addition to a visual inspection, so We would do even more intensive testing to identify lead hazards and make sure that they are fixed before anyone is poisoned. Last but not least, we do intend to reopen this ordinance as soon as a version is passed to require that that dust sampling requirement expand from 25% of the city to 100% of the city within six years of passing. The reason we haven't included that amendment already is that it was deemed substantive by the law department, so we would have needed to restart the process. The last thing I'll say thanks for bearing with me, is that the type of inspection we're proposing here is the national best practice every single other city and state that has acted on lead inspections in recent years has used this type of inspection that we're proposing to apply to Detroit, and in those cities, they have cut lead poisoning by over 80% so we feel that there's a very strong evidence base for taking this approach, and I think you'll see that reflected in the supporters for this ordinance, which include the chair of the get the let out Detroit coalition. So the coalition that works on this issue in Detroit, a pediatrician who treats lead poisoning cases and founded the Detroit led partnership, a philanthropist who funded most of the lead prevention work that is going on in the city, and then also a lifelong lead prevention advocate who helped us develop the amendments that were made at the PHS table. So excuse the lengthy reply. There's been a lot of work on this exact issue, as you can tell
through the Chair. Thank you. I appreciate that, and I mentioned that I would be happy to make that amendments as soon as we pass an ordinance that works, because I do want to ensure 100% dust swiping across the city. So I am happy to move that forward, and I'm going to state me, member waters, member Benson, as as as committee members of PHS we hear all the time is even here formal the issues that we're having with housing. And like member Johnson, I first was a little suspect about removing our current lead obligations, but hearing that we are not meeting that need, that property owners are not able to be in compliance. And this targeted approach, really to address the concerns and to provide support, is why I support this ordinance. I would like to make the amendments as soon as this goes through, and any other needed amendments. I also have heard comments about this not meeting the the state requirements. If you wouldn't mind talking a little bit about what the state will provide us and and where we've I know we've talked a bit about this ordinance as well. If you wouldn't mind sharing what kind of state support we're going to receive as well,
absolutely through the chair to you. So the state regulates the inspection for lead hazards, the professionals that can complete those inspections, and also the steps that they need to take during each of those inspections. We've been in touch with the state already, and they have offered technical assistance if the ordinance does pass, the state is more than willing to work with us to make sure that we're working within their regulatory system and finding the most effective way to implement this.
Thank you. Thank you, Madam President,
thank you so much. Council Member Santiago Ramiro, Council Member young
Thank you, Madam President, excellent to your pronouns again. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I didn't quite hear your pronouns again. I'll make sure I get that right. Oh, she, her, she, oh, okay, okay. I must have misheard I'm sorry. I apologize. Make sure I got that right. Um, what I wanted to ask you is, from my understanding, the issue with the state we're talking about that we have to apply to the state standards, right? If we are the weaker the state standards, then that's something that we cannot do. We have to apply to the state standards. My understanding, my concern, is we're supposed to be providing some revenues for applying to that standard, because that would be considered a state mandate, an unfunded state mandate, an unfunded state mandate is unconstitutional. Things like Article Nine, I said to 28 or something like that, the Constitution. Has there been any, has there been any communication from the state in terms of the amount of money that we would receive in order to enforce this standard, and how much money if that conversation we had.
So we've been in touch with the state on technical assistance to ensure that we're operating within their system. Their stance, which I fully support and respect, is that the state doesn't want to be in the middle of a local policy making decision and a local political process. They think that there should be local determination on this issue. I think they're absolutely right in that. So we do intend again, if the ordinance passes, we would be able to have more extensive and candid conversations with them after that point, but they've been quite limited in what they're able and willing to discuss with us during this political process. Okay,
okay, and that's great. I understand they don't want to be there. I just, I just want to make sure that it's clear that if they are requiring that we have to meet a certain state let me back up. I support this orally. Going to vote for it. I think it's a great thing. I think there's other things that I would like to see that the state do in terms of the city does in terms of compliance of this. And I would also think you'd be here to behoove you to be able to also do an analysis of what is this going to do in terms of children's performance in education? Because this has been a huge problem in terms of children not being able to perform well in school because they eat lead. And what's so insidious about lead is that not only is it prevalent within the city of our buildings, but also it tastes good. The actual taste of it is good. That's what's so insidious. And it's not just in terms of children who eat it. It's also in terms of children who become pregnant, also within the wound and releases upon the birth of the child. So I think this is very important for developmental reasons. It's a good thing. I just, I just don't like the fact that we're being held to these standards by the state, and there is, like, no financial investment whatsoever. I'm not saying we shouldn't do that. I'm not saying that we should be applied to that. I would just like to see people from the state speak, put their money where their mouth is. So if we're going to do this and make sure this is appropriate done the right way, we need the finances to be able to do that. So that's all I wanted to say. Otherwise, I'm a huge supporter. Thank you. I'm done.
Thank you so much. Council member Young had something additional this
briefing, Madam President, just want to confirm all the amendments are in front of us since, to the law departments, yes, member waters, yes, the amendments that we made at PHS, I'm assuming we voted on them. They were approved. And what's what's reflected in in front of us today is the most updated ordinance correct with all those amendments
through the chair, that is correct. Thank
you. Just wanted to verify. Thank you, Madam President, thank
you. And I just had one question regarding the language. Not sure if you can answer this. That's in the summary. That speaks to a consideration of certificate of compliance and eviction judgment. I know that during right to counsel, this came up a lot about landlords who are evicting tenants who don't have a certificate of compliance, and then when they go to court, they can't use that, you know, in the in the case. And so I'm not sure if this, can you just speak to how that is addressed in this ordinance, please. Because that was a big, a big deal. Yeah,
yes, ma'am, a very significant issue. So what this ordinance does is it largely reiterates the protections that are available in state statute. What's important is that those are actually spread across several different areas of state law. So it's very confusing, actually, to understand how all of these different state provisions interact with Detroit COC requirement, and then what that means in any individual case. So what we did is we took the state protections, put them into one place, and reiterated them in city ordinance, so that attorneys and tenants who are in court have a pretty clear guideline about these are the protections that I am offered. These are the defenses that I can raise. And we worked very closely with the law department to go as far as we absolutely could in terms of the protections, but because there is state law on this already, we had to align very closely with it. So the last thing I'll say is that we are working with the 36 district court and with tenants attorneys to make sure that they are clear on what defenses can be raised and
could be a valid defense. Now is that what I'm hearing in
certain cases, it is a little nuanced.
Okay, okay, I just know that that's been a big and chief got his hands. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So thank you for putting that in there as well. Alright, well, there's no additional. Thank you, ma'am. If there's no nothing additional, remember waters, we had anything else.
Oh, I know. I just want to say that I'm glad that we're at least at at this point now, is a it's a start, and that's for sure, because right now, all of these rental places in the city of Detroit are simply not registered, and we cannot hold we can't even do the inspections until they are registered. We don't know where they all are and so, and I can tell you, as we've traveled throughout the city and talking with seniors, they're excited about it, the fact that that they have something that will help them address those things that that need to be even repaired around their places, right? The other piece of it is, I'm very passionate about it, the escrow account. They are excited about the potential escrow account, because that's going to help a lot of them, you know, empower them to say to their landlords, listen, we need some help, and so we are assisting them in setting up their tenants councils for those that don't have any and they love the idea of the ordinance. And lastly, Madam President, I'll just say the one thing that is driving me this entire time as it relates to compliance, has to do with little 11 month old Kamiah Davis, the baby who fell through a hole in the floor and she died in water and feces. Now that drives me, and it drives me every single day when I think about families and children and so I thank you. All
right. Thank you so much council member waters for your work on this board next. And member waters has already moved this and now we can move to a roll call vote from our clerk.
Council member Durham Yes, Council Member Johnson No. Council Member Santiago Romero Yes. Council President Pro Tem Tate Yes. Council member Mary waters
Council member Coleman Young Yes. Council President Sheffield Yes. Council member Scott Benson, Yes, Madam President, eight, yea, seven. Yeas, my apologies and one nay, this motion passes.
Alright, the ordinance is approved. Member waters,
I move the title to the ordinance be confirmed.
Alright, Hearing no objections that action will be taken. Madam President, yes, I request a waiver. Waiver has been requested. Any objections, hearing, none that action will be taken from the Office of contracting and procurement. Council
Member Santiago Romero, three resolutions, line items, 20.2 through 20.4 first up is contract number 6006503, 100% city funding to provide engineering consulting services reimbursable by FAA contractor kimlin kimley horn of Michigan incorporated total contract amount 4 million, and that's for airport. Next contract is contract number 6006502, 100% ARPA funding to provide design bill service for the design, engineering and construction slash renovation to the mount Elliot Senior Community Center for the neighboring community contractor, DMC consultants, Incorporated total contract amount $3,643,687 that's for construction and demolition. Next contract is contract number 6005446, dash, a two, 100% ARPA funding amendment two, to provide an extension of time for services to reduce violent crime in the city of Detroit through community violence intervention, CBI, tactic contractor Detroit, 300 C A T LLC, total amended contract amount is $2,108,090 And that's for help Council Member Santiago Romero, three resolutions.
All right, thank you. Council Member Santiago Romero,
motion to approve
any objections. Hearing no objections. Three resolutions will be approved. Request a waiver, Madam
President, for all three items,
all right, any objections to a waiver hearing, none that action will be taken from the Office of contracting and procurement.
Council member young seven resolutions, line items, 20.5 through 20 point 11 for seconds, Contract Number 6006691, 100% city, funds to provide private tree removal and tree trimming services. Contractor, Detroit grounds crew LLC, total contract amount 2 million. That's for general services. Next contract is contract number 6004575, dash, 821, 100% ARPA funding. Amendment two to provide an increase of funds for tree removal and tree trimming contractor Detroit grounds crew LLC. So contract amount 2,219,000 that's for general services. Next contract is contract number 6006697, 100% city funding to provide program supplies for recreation centers. Contractor s and s worldwide incorporated total contract amount 120,000 that's for general services. Next contract is contract number 6006734, 100% city funding to provide private tree removal and tree trimming services. Contract of J Mac, tree and debris LLC, total contract amount 1 million. That's for general services. Next. Contract line nine. Item 20.9 contract number 6006743, 100% city funding to provide private tree removal and tree trimming services. Contractor, grays outdoor Services, LLC, total contract amount 2 million. That's for general services. Next contract is contract number 6006744, 100% city funding to provide private tree removal and tree trimming services. Contractor, Rainbow tree and law service, LLC, total contract amount a million. Last contract is contract number 6006666, 100% IPA and city funding assignment and amendment one of 6002618, as new contract. 6006666, to assign contract to a new supplier add time and change contract number for ambulance remounts. Contractor is McQueen equipment LLC, doing business as McQueen. Total contract, amount, $6,007,481 that's for general services. Council member young, seven resolutions.
Thank you so much, Madam Clerk. Council member unit,
thank you, Madam President. Um, before I begin, I would like to I have a question online, but we make a motion to discuss line on 20 point 10?
that motion made. Okay? Um, I want to ask a question to the administration. The tax clearance expiration date on here says three, 524, I just want to know, do we have an updated date?
Mister Washington,
yes through the chair. If we can promote Valerie Massey from OCP, we
will promote Miss Valerie Massey. You.
Valerie Massey from OCP, that's not my contract, but I can look it up for you real quick.
Valerie Massey, are you gathering that information now? Or do you need some time?
I need about a minute.
may I present motion to move line on 20 point 10 to you the agenda. Okay,
Hearing no objections. We will move 20 point 10 to the end of the agenda. Member young, would you like to move the remaining ones forward? Please? Yes, Madam
President, go right ahead. Thank you, Mayor. President, I like to make a motion to move line item, 20.5 and all the other items except 20 point 10, so 20.5 to 20 point 11, except for 20 point 10.
All right. Motion has been made. Any discussion. All right, any objections, hearing, no objections. The resolutions will be approved. Council member Young, thank you,
Mayor, President, may I have a waiver online on 20 point 11.
And 20 point 11, any objections to a waiver on 20 point 11? Oh, you know what? I just thought about, something. Motion discussed. Nope, Hearing no objections. A waiver will be attached to 20 point 11. I
All right, moving along to the Office of Development and grants.
Council member young a resolution line item, 20 point 12.
Council member Young,
thank you, Mayor. President, I move to approve line item 20. Point 12. This is a grant for Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant.
All right, any objections to the resolution discussion. Council member Benson, I
just want to say thank you to the administration. This supports our energy benchmarking ordinance, which is really a great way to help manage the greenhouse gas impact and the energy use of our large buildings throughout the city of Detroit. This money will help to educate and implement that type of policy within the city of Detroit. Thank you.
All right. Thank you. Member, Benson and hearing, no objections the one resolution will be approved.
Under resolutions request a waiver, online item 20 point 12,
any objections to a waiver, hearing none that action will be taken in person. Yes.
What's for waiver and line items? 20.5 20.6 20.8 20.9 and 20 point 10, please. These are all the dangerous, dead and diseased tree. Okay, yep,
that's what I need to go back to, because there was a request to postpone, and we may have to reconsider. I don't know
which one you're talking about. Let
me go to them now. 2026,
no, that's number 20.6 I believe 20.6
I can give you a little insight on that one.
Okay, go ahead. Thank
you, Madam President, so we have reached out to the individual multiple times, and the information that we received was not as clear cut to, in my opinion, to to deny the contract. And so that's why I did not object to it myself reaching out to them. No to the I reached out to the actual individual.
Okay, okay. So just those, this was a colleague who has requested line item, 20.5 and 20.6 I'm sorry I overlooked these. And these were brought back from our last session. There was some outstanding responses that have not been received from one of our colleagues for 20.5 and 20.6 and so there was a request to postpone those two items for until our next session. All right,
I said I talked to him, so
okay, and I guess there were some additional concerns based on some responses that had been received. Okay, okay. So with that being said, Dr powers, we already approved those two items. So is there a motion to reconsider? I
Yeah, so both 20.5 and 20.6 their motion to reconsider, please, 20.5 and 20.6 All right. Motion member waters, all right. Any objections?
Objection, tape, Okay,
any other objections? Objection number young, okay, okay, okay, so that motion fails to reconsider is that, no, it was a so one of the our colleagues did reach out discussion. One of our colleagues did reach out to ask if we can postpone 20.5 and 20.6 when we went through the agenda. I neglected to acts at that time. So I overlooked those two contracts. And so the request originally was, if we can postpone 20.5 and 20.6 because there was still some pending questions and concerns around those two contracts, seeing that we've already voted on them, I wanted to go back to them to see if there was a willingness of our colleagues here to postpone it, because that was a request of one of our colleagues, that's where we are. Oh, there was three of who objected, member Johnson, member young Tate and Benson. So that's four. So that does feel to reconsider. All right, so we will proceed. Thank you.
Where? Madam President,
so can we proceed with President Pro tems request for the waivers for those items. He requested 20.5689 and 10, for point of clarity,
Madam President, out of respect for the for the for the colleague, to at least allow the opportunity to have conversation. I won't ask for the waiver, okay, on 20.5 and 20.6 but still, would like for a request for waiver online items, 20.8 20.9 and 20 point 10.
Okay, any objections to a waiver. I'm sorry.
Information, I thought 2010 was coming back. We did.
We did. We did move that to the in the agenda. So 20.8 and 20.9
apologies, my apologies. Quest for a waiver online item, 20.8 and 20.9 Madam President, a
waiver has been requested for 20.8 and 20.9 any objections, Hearing no objections, that action will be taken and Mr. Washington, do we have someone back on to re respond to the clearance issue for 20 point 10?
Yes, Madam Chair, I believe Miss Massey is still long. Valerie mass CEO, CP, that that clearance expires on three, 525,
okay, so, so it's fixed then, right? Yes, city, yes, I'm not going to worry about this coming back to bite me, right? No, you would not have to worry about that. That's what I want to hear. Thank you.
May we get a waiver on 20 point 11?
We already did okay. Thank you.
All right. Member young, if you like to move forward with 20 point 10,
Yes. Motion Move to approve line item 20 point 10.
Right. Motion has been made for approval. Are there any objections on 20 point 10? Hearing no objections that action will be taken. I'm present.
Yes. First for waiver online item 20 point 10, please
carry no objections. A waiver will be attached to 20 point 10, and just to note that our office will be submitting a memo regarding the update of the private Tree Removal Program, understanding that there were, I think, roughly 8000 requests. I know we don't have sufficient funding. Thank you Pro Tem for fighting for this program. I didn't realize how this popular and important this is to residents, and so we just would like to get an update on where we are today in the process, for those who have already applied, and when more money comes with that process will look like for people who are in the queue. So we will be submitting a memo to follow up on that from the Office of Development and grants
and President. We did line item,
yeah, sorry about that. Yes, we are now under resolutions, under resolutions,
Council Member Benson, two resolutions, noting that line item 20 point 14 is on behalf of Council President Mary Sheffield. Member Benson, two resolutions,
motion to approve discussion,
alright, discussion. Uh,
Madam President, you want to discuss your resolution? Sure? Why
not? Thank you. I was going to do it during memory reports, but I could do it right now. So next week, we know Tuesday, November the fifth, is our upcoming election, and so we will not have our regular formal session that day. And so we are canceling that session, and of course, encouraging everyone to early vote and if not vote one election day. So that is what that resolution is for. If there are no objections, we will approve both line items, 2013 and 20 point 14. Discussion member Benson line
of 20 point 13, that is a resolution to support training for charging stations that we're now starting to see the infrastructure going throughout the city of Detroit, but really want to ensure that those who are doing that type of training have a basic level of of competency and understand the health implications, the safety implications that can come from installing that level of Energy improperly, and so does advocating for everybody to attend an academy training center that is being provided by the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. That is not exclusionary. This is inclusionary. Any certified electrician can attend back in training. Thank you.
All right. Thank you. Member Benson and Hearing no objections, the two resolutions will be approved. Hearing no objections, a waiver will be attached to both items under Request to speak before the Detroit City Council.
Council Member durha, a resolution line item 20 point 15.
All right. Council member Durham, thank
you, Madam President, I know we postpone this from last week. I've actually wanted more information relative to this request to speak before council regarding the Detroit residents Investment Fund. I actually have a meeting set up with the young man this afternoon so I can learn more about this. So I would ask for another postponement until our next scheduled session, formal session, just to be able to have the opportunity to dialog with that young man today. Thank you, Madam President member,
Santiago Ramirez,
thank you, Madam President. I support that. I also read the report that LPD provided regarding this request, and we need to figure out a process, because this request is good. It has really good information. Member der Hall will have a meeting with them. We can all do that as well. I'm trying to think of how we can be efficient with their time and get things done, because we don't have that much time where, if good things like these come before us, I read the report, what they need from us is really a letter of support. There's not much that we can do. It's really the administration that can support them in their efforts. So just a note that there is a process in which we can receive this information that we should follow, and if we have them come before us, I think there should be, like, a 10 minute limit or something, but there should be a way for us to figure this out. Our chair isn't here today, but this is needed because this is good information, and quite frankly, I think people, we all just need to know how to best share information and support each other. But I support postponing. I also support removing and, quite frankly, moving forward with what they need, which we already know and can find out. So just sharing. I'm wondering how we can be efficient, how we can be open to receive information and and get things done fast. Thank you.
Thank you. Member Santiago Romero. Member durha, thank you, Madam
President. Through you to member Santiago Romero, I support, uh, removing However, I did want to afford the young man to have that conversation. I had the opportunity to read through the report as well. And I don't think there's an action that we can take at the council table to be able to address what his specific issue is. It's more of an administrative type of lane on surface of what I've known, and I agree with you. I wholeheartedly agree. You know, we want to be able to hear from everyone, but if they want something simple as just a support letter. I don't think that requires being in front of all nine council members when they can have the ability to engage and or come down to public comment and say they want one. So So I am good with whatever the will of the body is. I know I'll be meeting with this young man at 330 but I am fine with either a postponement or and or removed from the agenda, depending on what the rest of the body deems necessarily. Thank you, Madam President,
alright. Is there any other report discussion on the petition? Discussion member Benson, is
there a motion to remove?
It sounds like originally You said you wanted to motion to postpone it in the door Hall, and then you kind of open to the will of the body as well. Yes,
through you, Madam President, I said I would make him I didn't make a proper motion, but I am open to removing it as well. But it is up to the will of the body.
Okay to remove. Member Benson is motioning to remove from the agenda any discussion I saw your hand. Member Johnson,
thank you, Madam President, my discussion was relative to the previous discussion not on the motion to remove.
Okay. So, okay, any discussion on the motion to remove? Okay. Motion has been made for the removal of this item. 20 point 16. Is there any objections on removing this item from the agenda?
Objection member Johnson, and I'm going to object
as well for this one.
Well, jet, two
names so charters. Member
young Jackson, council
president Sheffield and member Johnson. Johnson, okay, so that motion fails to remove it from the agenda. All right, so we're Yes. Member Johnson, thank
you, Madam President. So just to add a little bit of clarity, I believe the request is for a resolution in support of the Detroit residents Investment Fund. And I believe the petitioner would like to not only present to council members, but to the general public, for them to understand what the request is that is being taken to the federal government to ask for support to create this Detroit residents Investment Fund. Just for clarity, thank you, Madam President, thank
you. And I personally support actually having this referred to a committee, and then the committee could allow, you know, five minutes, three minutes, whatever it may be to present at a committee level. But that's again, it's up to the will of the body. That's why I voted to not remove it from the agenda, but to possibly refer something like this to the appropriate committee to allow at the chair's discretion. Of course, they set the agenda the time that they can come and speak, and it will be based on the committee chair, how long they would have the opportunity to speak, based on their agenda and so on. So that would be my recommendation. But again, yes, Council Member durha, thank you, Madam
President. And again, we'll go back to the postponement. That would be my recommendation, not saying that I don't want it to come in front of committee, but just knowing the nature of it is going to come to a committee that I either vice chair or chair. So I would love to hear a little bit more about. 3:30pm today. So I moved to postpone line item 2016 for until our next formal session.
Okay, is there any objections to postponing until November the 12th. You can show me as a no
clerk will So note, Madam President,
okay, hearing no further objections, the item will be postponed until November the 12th. All right, moving along before we move to our referrals, we do have one walk on member young, members, oh yes,
we do the clerk office after we are in receipt right now, five additional walk ons that outside of member young,
okay, those are all referrals, though, correct
one up? Yeah, they are all referrals, except remember, young may be walking on the petition, is what I was just told.
Okay, so let's start with council member Young's first, and then we'll go to the remaining ones. Okay, go ahead. Member Young,
thank you, Madam President. Um, this is a walk on petition. 2024 362, is the Harris walls, November 4 rally in Detroit. So Madam President, I would like to make a motion to move to New Business petition. 24 362, BFP, CC, DBA Harris, for presidents, request to hold the Harris slash walls November 4 rally in the city, Detroit, from November 4, 6pm to 10pm be placed on new business for a vote today.
Any objections, hearing, no objections, that action will be taken. And Madam Clerk, if we could take this item up, please.
Council member young, a resolution. Council member Young, thank
you, Madam President, moved to approve line item, 2024, 362, Harris, wall, November 4, rally, Detroit,
any discussion, any objections, hearing, none that action will be taken.
President, yes. Thank you. Madam President, I would like to request a waiver. Any objections
to a waiver? Hearing, no objections a waiver will be attached to that item. And Thank you. Member, Young Madam Clerk, we can move forward with the public health and safety referrals, please.
Madam President, we have four contracts to be walked on to the public health and safety standing committee as a referral for member Santiago Romero for resolutions,
their motion to walk these on for referral to public health and safety. So moved, Hearing no objections that action will be taken and President Pro Temp Tate, thank you, Madam
President, got a walk on here we would like to refer this is a request for a fiscal impact study for the animal keeping ordinance. Would like to refer this to the budget, Finance and Audit standing committee.
Any objections? Hearing, no objections that action will be taken to be referred to the budget Finance and Audit Committee. Thank you. All right, that will conclude all of our walk ons, and we will move now to our referrals for the budget Finance and Audit standing committee,
one report from the office of the city clerk slash Planning Commission, in addition to pro tems fiscal impact, walk on,
all right, the two reports will be referred to budget, Finance and Audit, the internal operations standing for the internal operations, standing committee, six reports from various city departments. These six reports will be referred to the internal operations standing committee for the Neighborhood and Community Services. Standing Committee two reports
from the Office of the Chief Financial Officer, slash Office of Development and
grants. All right, the two reports will be referred to Neighborhood and Community Services standing committee for the Planning and Development Committee, 22
reports from various city departments. The
22 reports will be referred to the Planning and Economic Development standing committee or the public health and safety standing committee.
24 reports from various city departments, including the walk ons.
All right, the you said 2024 24 reports will be referred to the public health and safety standing committee. Mr. Washington, do you have something that you would like to add, sir?
Um, no, just additional waiver requests once the referrals are completed.
Okay? President proton Tate, thank
you, Madam, President, request for waiver online items, 18 point 1518, point 16 and 18, point 19, please.
These are all the various commercial and obsolete property rehab rehabilitation certificates. Any objections to those waivers? Hearing no objections, a waiver will be attached to those items. Mr. Washington,
thank you, Madam Chair. Proton took care of it. Thank you so much.
Thank you. We will now move Yes. Attorney Graham
through the chair. Graham Anderson, law department, my pronouns are he? Him? Councilmember young I have a request for two reconsiderations for 17.3 and 17.4 which I'm happy to discuss. Okay, what are those? Let
me go back to that. Those
would be the settlements and the lawsuits of Henry versus City of Detroit, and settlements and lawsuits of Gabriel versus City of Detroit.
You want to explain yes through the chair.
I apologize. I got the timeline wrong on this, but the one additional week to bring back there will be an upcoming trial in that case. Well, let me take a step back so there are two these are two lawsuit settlements. There is a third case as well. In that third case, we do not want to move forward with settlement. We want to proceed with trial. However, if City Council does not approve these two settlements, these two matters will be looped into that trial as well, and then, unfortunately, we anticipate the plaintiff Council will try to muddy the waters and make it seem like the third plaintiff, which we are comfortable going to trial with, is in the same boat as these two others, which we think it is most strategic to settle in this case. So that is our request for a reconsideration and an approval of those two and I understand council member Johnson, you have outstanding questions from DPD, I myself will make an effort to contact DPD and work with your office to get those answers. I definitely don't want you guys to be left out to dry and those I know your questions are definitely important to the methodology at play here, however, just time is of the essence, and we don't want to put the city at disadvantage in a trial.
Thank you, Attorney Anderson, thank you. Is there a motion to reconsider these two items, 17.3 and 17.4 motion? Right Hearing no objections that action will be taken and council member Johnson,
thank you, Madam President, Move for approval with discussion. Yes. Member Johnson, thank you, Madam President, through you to Attorney Anderson, this is very serious for me, so I want to make sure that we get a response from the police department because of situations that have occurred recently, and so I'm trying to intentionally refrain from Sharing what my challenges are with this, but I will make a motion to move these two forward. But certainly want to be sure that I get the policy from the department relative to these particular situations through
the chair absolutely to council member Johnson, and I'm also happy to work in the Labor and Employment Division of the law department, if that would be helpful in those discussions as well. Thank you. Thank
you, Madam President.
All right. Thank you so much. Member Johnson, and are there any objections to approving 17.3 and 17.4 right. Hearing. No objections. Those two resolutions will be approved.
Thank you, everyone.
Thank you. Alright, we will call now for member reports. Move to suspend member reports. Madam
all right, any objections, hearing, none. That action will be taken under adoption without committee reference. There are no items Madam President, President, under communications from the clerk, a recruit a reports
on approval of proceedings by the mayor,
the report will be received and placed on file under testimonial resolutions and special privilege, there are no items. Madam President, all right with that being said, again, encouraging everyone to get out to vote, early voting is taking place right now. Please make sure you vote, vote, vote, vote. And we will not be having session on Tuesday, November. The fifth due to the election. And thank you all for being here today. Everyone Have a blessed day. This meeting will stand adjourned and exercise your right to vote. This meeting is adjourned.