He sounds so do not come across the day is to have a seat up here.
Let me make sure I get that as opening ceremonies. If you do not have a photograph hanging in the lobby. If you are not an employee of the city, you do not cross that day as and come up here and sit at the podium. I in the city of Detroit, you'll be arrested for doing that and moving forward you'll be asked to leave the building. If you cross that line and attempt to sit down with members of city council. There are five of us but he's elected seats and no more. We will not have that type of embarrassing disgrace. happen again in this chamber. Madam Deputy Clerk, would you please call the roll,
Councilmember Shafie Councilwoman Martin. Councilwoman Monica. Council Pro Tem Robinson President Council President Thomas here thank you very much.
Item three is the approval of the agenda. Members of city council takes what time you need to deliberate and and the Chair will entertain a motion on the approval of the agenda. Miss Monaco's Alright, so
Genda was to walk on. The first one is resolution to amend contract with GFL environmental USA incorporated for waste disposal services and the second one resolution assessment contract with W. Ca assessing these are only just to add them to the budget.
Thank you, ma'am. Yes, Counselor.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Miss Monica. Could we also omit item seven D the resolution regarding through nine tuxedo I believe the administration is still waiting for some paperwork on that.
Yes. So to answer that motion I like to omit 70k We
have a motion. The chair will offer support to that we have a motion on the floor from Council America supported by the chair that motion is to approve today's agenda with the addition of the resolution to approve the assessment contract for WCA assessing a resolution to amend the contract with GFL environmental USA for waste disposal and the removal of item seven D from the agenda to be dealt with at a later date. Questions concern discussion on the approval questions? Go right ahead
is the session here today
Mr. Shaw is in the audience. In PFL at GFL is the trash company. Yeah, no, they're not. But and this is just a matter they have we have a two year extension on the contract. This is just the city's decision to agree to an extension with them. Who prepares the document was paid by Mr. Burgess Mr. Burgess would you be able to speak to these? Thank you sir.
Okay, Madam Deputy Clerk, please call the roll on approval of the agenda.
How's mana Shafi? Oh, I'm sorry. No. Councilwoman Monica? Yes. Council Pro Tem Robinson No. Council President Thomas.
Yes. So we have ladies and gentlemen in the first 10 minutes of this meeting is stalemate where this city council has refused to approve the agenda. Meaning that this meeting cannot go forward without the approval of the agenda. We only
the only refuse approved agenda with the walk on it.
As as it stands, I have not heard a motion for any other type of approval.
I'll make a motion to approve the agenda without the law when I
so now I have questions. So let me make sure we got this straight. So you're saying we are going to move forward without adding these items that are the approval of our agreement with our local assessor? And the approval of an extension of the contract with the trash collection company.
All I'm simply saying is these items have been well known. We haven't had an opportunity to re Norbeck any of the information in what you given us and you guys got a bad habit of that you came off something on 30 minutes before we get in here and expect us to be able to give you a ballot vote in that short amount of time.
Fine. Let's go forward. We have a motion on the floor to approve the agenda as is most ma'am Go ahead.
So I understand what you're saying. So when we go and we put it on or you put it on the agenda, we have an option to disable it. And so, if you prefer hearing from either square or near about different attorneys about it, but I just don't want to that was when we did a poll previously in another session, so I just wanted to make that mention or if you see one that you would like to work on this one assessor is still here
with our respects misled that I will be more comfortable with time to bed both of the items and I would appreciate it if they can come back next time compliment because I'd say no to it. I'm just saying that we time two decades and it's been given to us you can walk it on 30 minutes before and expect us the company to give you a valuable Okay, so
is there a demand for us for
it? Ideally, we'd like to get this expires the first contract expired on June 3. We're going to be in the next month. This council was predictably unpredictable to where we don't get things approved. On the appropriate time. We're talking about the ability to assess people's property and the collection. of garbage. We have the authors of those walk ons in the room. experts in their field. I don't understand. I mean, what good is education and credentials if you don't deploy it? They're here and we have the documents in front of us. Let's do so where there is there is an additional item that CD wanted to have removed that item is seven D is that to be taken in consideration or not? Seven D D D D as in dog. Right? Correct.
Yes, okay. 70.
So we have a motion on the floor made by Councilman Shafi to approve the agenda as is with the removal of item seven D that was seconded by Councillor Pro Tem Robinson, Madam Deputy Clerk, would you please call the roll.
Councilmember Shafi Council one Councilwoman Monica No. Council Pro Tem Robinson. Yes. Council President Thomas.
Yes. Let's move forward with this agenda.
I hope that we will the agenda. We move on. Man.
She took she she took the roll on it and the three of us. I say yes. I want to go ahead and move forward. Yeah, it was some I was saying some other things here. So we're going to move forward with the removal of item seven D. Director Clyburn. This is something that you can bring back for us to revisit. Moving on to item for the approval of the proposed minutes in person and virtual regular meeting for May 20 2024.
minutes or in person a virtual regular meeting may 20 of 2024.
We have a motion in a second. We have a motion on the floor for counseling Romantica to approve the regular in person virtual meeting minutes for May 20th. Met the motion was made by Councilwoman Monica, seconded by the chair Madam Clerk, would you please call the roll.
Councilmember Shafi? No. Councilwoman Monica. Yes, council person Robinson. Yes. Council President Thomas yes motion carries.
This is normally the portion of the meeting that we set aside for Mayor McDonald to speak she is not with us tonight. So we will move into citizens participation after what I saw last week, we're going to do we're going to do two minutes and one second. If you can't get it down to two minutes in one second. write us a letter please. That's how from that after what I saw last week. I was appalled. We're going to do two minutes and one second house Oh, I'm sorry. I'm here. Okay. And Madam Madam Mayor, the floor is yours.
promise to be brief. Good afternoon, citizens of Highland Park Council and all the rest of the audience administrators I'm hoping that you guys are watching the channel for Michigan chronicle broadcast. I think it's I think it's very good that they come into the city for 24 hours to talk about what we need, what we can do to help ourselves and to move forward. So it's an it's up to six o'clock tomorrow morning. I know some of you are nightbird if you get a chance, go to click on detroit.com and just be you can review all of the conversations that have was had I was just on they take my my part a week and a half ago so I'm also if you know of any high school seniors, high school graduating seniors on June 12 at 5pm. I will be holding a special coffee and conversations with the graduating seniors. We're going to try to provide some resources for them. We're also going to try to provide some swag gifts for them. And I'm gonna pass out my scholarship applications. This year we are including a new application, the SAM Wales scholarship fund. So if you know of any Highland Park graduating seniors, please let them know to contact me or and my assistant so we know who's coming. Um, there was one thing last week last meeting about the water that was being used by marijuana facilities. I did do the research. I did pull up all the bills. Everyone is paying the bill. There are three people who scheduled for it shut off they will be shut off or they have already been shut off. I'm still waiting on information from the State Council minutes Shafi mentioned that it was illegal for them to operate. I did contact the two people he mentioned. Neither one of them had any information and didn't know what was going on. So I am waiting specifically from the state marijuana licensing organization. And once they send that if that is correct, I will be making sure that we have an order to shut them down. That's all I have. Thank you. You guys have a good evening. And don't forget to watch and get some information on the click on WD IV live screen. I appreciate you. Have a great day. Thank
you man. So ladies and gentlemen, it's a citizens participation on agenda items home you have a tabled item the administrative budget. Community Development and Engineering four items for tonight and should be out of here before midnight. If you have two minutes worth of comments that you'd like to make on any of those agenda items, now's an opportunity to do so.
Evening council so I would like to comment on the budget and urge you guys to not pass it this evening. I don't believe that it is ready to pass. I think that my husband was taking a look at the pension funds. And he wasn't able to be here tonight. So he asked me to tell you that. It looks like there was $23.5 million in the three pension funds. It on the 30th of June last year and the beginning balance on July 1 was zero. So I think that we need to find out what happened to that $23.5 million also there are many all of the pension funds have negative balances. And I thought that the money was so that we could maintain balances in our pension funds. So the water and sewer fund was $3.5 million over their original budget. And while $2.5 million over the amended budget, which as I mentioned last week was not included as the amended budgets. In this version of the budget and the Tiffa Fund says we have $5.9 million in there. And the audit report says that $3.6 million was loaned to a developer so I think that we need an explanation for that. There's an awful lot of overtime for the police department, nearly $400,000 worth of overtime that should be considered. And that that was one of the things that had been talked about before was overtime. And and to the liability
two minutes any additional citizen I would like to be heard
you're starting to get my glasses all right. And I have my own time as well before I can. Alright, so I first want to talk about the Community Development A B and C. When we look at a two C's to sell to DMC property management have we gone up there and looked at how he's taking care of the property he currently owns. Because since last city council meeting I have and it's not meant very well taken care of the parking lot we talked about the parking lot not being level is not clean in front at all along the sides and I want him to just get a Little Caesars Pizza so I had to wait till I walked around and look the resolution to have to to say all the Hamilton property to Bobby D and Lewis on behalf of an entity to be formed at a later date. What what are they going to do with that property? We have two churches in a park across the street on Hamilton is that going to fit in with the development of it and then they're buying a building that's already adjacent to a building that is falling down just before that and then the third resolution of the selling the two like and last one or that 126 and 130 kendo two Holy Ghost tiempo for $2,000 that churches on Hamilton. So what would they be used in that property for? So that's what I have for the properties and then let's go ahead and talk about the budget. The budget if we do it if we do it this Lisa asked us to do it how you know what what are we going to do in June, July? How are we going to pay our bills? I was the police department going to work what's going to happen with glee Wha What's going to happen with the ambulance services that we just had. What happened? Do you all still work? What do we just shut the city down? I mean it just to blatantly come up and just say don't vote for it. Though any kind of resolution is not what we need. What we need is a conversation and an understanding of what is happening and
and shutting it
down. If you're not going to vote for it then be prepared to answer our questions after this meeting on what you're gonna do when we don't have no money.
Thank you
Hi, I'm Marcel I just want to speak on the agenda because that's what we're focusing on. I also want to bring up she said enough about the property as the gentleman said he just got it. But I think at some point when we're selling these properties to these developers, that we're actually evaluating them and seeing what we can do to assist because as he said, What can the city do to help with the parking lot because Mr. Magee spoke up and he lives by this property. And I understand that your niece rents the unit that he was talking about. So if he doesn't rent the hall anymore, I'm sorry, but at some point, it was rented by somebody accountable overall. I've never seen you all did this with the gas station and you are building these properties in residential areas. So now you have to rezone and redesign that whole area because you just gave me two parcels and you already got two parcels next to the parcels you're trying to sell now. Next, again, the resolution for the Hamilton I love seeing how the park is the buildings, but this price could have been reevaluated since you all allow people to do 10% down to get certain properties based off the zoning or whatever property things are passed. I don't get why you're there. 10% down on this, but it is what it is the Holy Ghost same thing. I didn't see a church in that area just like a parking lot some equipment things like that. So at this point, it's just like anybody just buying anything. And then again, it's tuxedo, it's nobody standard. So if you all sell this property that's not on the agenda. I know but I'm saying again, when Mama shoes when Mama shoe and Mr. Lopez had their problems, you all said that someone has to reside in the property to buy the lot next to you will have been selling lots with no one living next to these properties. And then you will sell to citizens as supply saying as of April or May or March, whatever you're dismissing anybody that applied prior to the timeframe of being here, so I'm standing to the agenda, but I'm just trying to say Miss Mary waters is here. As you know, she's running for Congress in his district. Last time you didn't recognize Eric's degree. So can you please Miss Tom's I get you upset, but your energy like I understand last meeting, it was something you could have. Y'all can have your own private meetings. Talk about it at this point.
Okay. So let's just make you made a false statement. Nobody on city council was renting that property you made a false statement. Maybe it was just a slip. So that yeah, that that is not that is not the members of this body. So that was a Freudian slip. Maybe it was an accident in relation to Mr. Sabrina. When I'm conducting my meetings. There are a lot of people in the audience. I'm focused on my agenda and on my computer on my computer, and I've gone to see it No, sir. No, sir. I've gone to meetings before. I've gone to meetings before and I've sat in the audience and I've sat with dignitaries in the city of Detroit, and they were just sitting in the audience as well. What you're asking us to do is not normal to just get up and stop what you're doing and to recognize people during the course of a meeting. It doesn't happen. People are there for their business. So I'm not at monitoring you. I'm making a statement. People don't stop their meeting. I've gone to city Detroit city council meetings and they handle their business and after the meeting is over, they go out of the interface where people no one ignored Mr. Sabrine. We conducted our business this is our business meeting in the public space. It is not your meeting. It's our meeting on your behalf as an elected official. We are duly appointed to handle the business of the city. And so our goal was to focus on what happens on this side of the line. Okay, thank you, sir. Thank you, sir. Thank you. So, Mr. Burgess. Yes. Is it appropriate for me to speak with you I mean, this is this is citizen participation.
In regard to the GFL resolution that we were walking on tonight. I bring this to your attention because it means $120,000 in extra money for the city of Highland Park if we do not pass this resolution today. Now go back and explain briefly. As you recall. Our citizens have been terribly concerned about GFL services. So last Thursday at 11 o'clock, the mayor and I had a meeting scheduled to meet with GFL to go over with them once again, the problems but their service at nine o'clock on Thursday morning I receive a call from the My GFL representative informing me that as of later on that day, an announcement would be made to to the public, that GFL was transferring all of its assets or the residential up to a priority as a problem arise and that priority has agreed to accept all of your obligations, contractual obligation that GFL has as well as a seventh one. Our problem is our contract with GFL runs out on 630. So they will not pass our contract on to GFL. And then the city would have to go back to G to priority and to negotiate a contract. The contract that we are permitted for one more year extension with GFL is for 2018 prices. The contract that we would go and present to priority would be in 2425 prices, which would mean about $10,000 a month starting in July that this they would have to pay for the next year. So I have talked to GFL and if I can give them a dent on tomorrow morning, stating they will do everything they can to put our contract the one that we should like to pass tonight to put our contract with the ones that G that priority will take for the next year. So I if if we want to fork or can you use about 120,000 But $10,000 is what nothing was kept away from the council. We got it here as quickly as we can as we could. So go ahead no know we've been working on it today. No, no, we were
told us last week.
Last week, it was not until Thursday morning on the third when GFL made the announcement. We were bringing them in to get on GFS problems. So no we we did we learn about Thursday morning. It was only this afternoon when I received from an agreement from GFL that if I were to get them a contract tomorrow morning that they would include in their package passing our contract on to priority. saving us to $10,000 a month.
Thank you, sir, for that clarity.
Mr. Burgess. You. You found out Thursday, Y'all said you found out Thursday. Yes. You knew the contract was ending on Thursday. Why wasn't it
No, no, no, the contract ended. Okay, and on to the third
is an emergency meeting called on track.
We were having a meeting tonight with a we could get them to something Tuesday morning. Why did
I say question because this is public service. Okay. It's one of the most important it's one of the most important but you bought us I think that we have to read inside of all the 15 seconds and give you a sound answer.
I just wanted to as soon as Okay, no.
I appreciate that. Because Because in business things happen on Thursday night that you have to deal with Monday morning and most adults who have actually run a business know that you run into situations at the end of a week and you have to deal with that on Monday. You have those situations occur in your own house at the end of the month, where an emergency comes up and you have to take action on it in the next two to three days and adults can manage that.
Yes, sir.
How you doing Council good citizens. How are you? I wanted to speak about our budget in terms of the police department because it was brought up and there was some information that was put out there and I spoke about misinformation before but this isn't necessarily misinformation. It's just not all of the information. So yes, our overtime budget is significant for this fiscal year. And that's mainly because we do not have a full staff. We are still have 10 proximately 10 vacant positions. The salaries of those 10 vacant positions is approximately $525,000. We're under $400,000 in overtime. However those spots that are vacant have to be filled and that requires members to come in on overtime to staff that now we're hoping with the recent contract being settled and some other things that we're going to bring more people in in terms of filling our vacancies and we have had some recent applicants. So I think and we do have people in the academy so I think we will be successful in reducing the overtime budget. But I think it's also important to point out for the citizens and for everyone else that as of June 1 Which leaves one one month left of our fiscal year. The police department has a surplus of 700 and I don't I misspoke. $711,286.26 That's with spending the overtime. So again, I just want to speak of giving the citizens and council all of the information, not just one bad part of that.
Thank you. Thank you, sir. Additional citizens who want to be heard on agenda items. Past Present let this man
speak on the GFL. Priority contract. Yes, ma'am. As Mr. Burgess said on last Thursday, we had a meeting planned for 11 o'clock, with GFL to go over the their improprieties what was wrong and how we were going to fix it. also discuss the contract. They count canceled because they made an announcement and it was all over the news, not just Highland Park, but all of their residential customers will be removing to priority. So with that being said we got the information on what that would look like this morning. And we were able to present it today. We didn't have it last Thursday. We didn't have it last Friday. For us to present something to the council that is inconclusive. And to tell you what we think versus what is factual. And if it's not written, it's not so. So we had to bring it in this morning. Mr. Burgess is correct. This contract extension for one year will help us have residential services. But if we do not have an resin contract, we will not have and the bottom line is we will not have residential services until we go through the bidding process and which takes 30 to 60 days and the services will end. So I just want the citizens to understand this was not done deliberate. This was done by GFL given us the information they wouldn't give us that information until they made their announcement. The public announcement not only for Highland Park, but Detroit, their suburbs. Everyone will be switching over to this company those that have contracts. That's not ending what there will be a smooth transition, but because ours is ending we have to either extend it or either we have to go back out to be it which means there will be no services until we get someone else. That's the actual
that's all I have. We'll never make it to tonight's agenda. Thanks to do we have any other citizens? Any other citizens that would like to speak before we move into the agenda? I'd like to thank you for your participation. We're going to move on to Item five that's tabled I'm a resolution recommending the revision of the zoning ordinance Chapter One two, well, point 03 Regarding Planning Commission membership, city council What is your pleasure?
Chair is open to take action on Item five
Yes, ma'am. There was a resolution to adjust the membership to fit the demographic bringing the number down to five members instead of seven. This makes it more appropriate for us to have a quorum. As a former planning commissioner, I can tell you getting a quorum for that meet for that board can be challenging
but I'm only bringing that from the table resolution recommending the business of zoning ordinance chapter 1210 03 Regarding Planning Commission membership,
so we have a motion on the floor from councilmember Manica to were to bring this item item five the resolution recommended revisions to the zoning ordinance off the table chair offer support questions or discussion
pull it up man we haven't we have a motion. On the floor so it's open for discussion.
See no wrong we're bringing it back from Scotland. Councilman
Shafie yes to bring it back from Councilwoman Monica yes Council Pro Tem Robinson No. Council President Thomas yes
the item is back on the floor
our move to vote for full resolution recommending revisions to zoning ordinance chapter 12.0. Membership
chair offers a second so the motion is on the for for the approval of the revisions to the zoning ordinance chapter 121 0.03 Regarding Planning Commission membership and for members of the audience that is to adjust the body's total membership from seven members down to five to represent our new census data of less than 9000. Discussion. questions concerns? Debit card please call the roll.
Councilmember Shafi No. Councilwoman MONICA
The floor was open.
I was reading from last week. But my answer is that yeah council
president Robinson No. Council President Thomas no
again a stalemate. I'm sorry. Yes. I mean, yes. Excuse me. I'm boiling in his chair right now. And thanks channel for the whole state is watching. Okay, so
we're on the next item. Moving on item six. The adoption of the 2024 2025 budget. City council What is your pleasure?
I move to approve the proposed budget, the proposed budget for the period July 1 to June 30 2,025th. With the ability to make a meme later.
There's a motion on the floor from California Monica for the approval of the adoption of the 2024 2025 budget. With the opportunity to make amendments in the future as needed. The chair offers support floor is open questions. Questions. Go right ahead.
This letter? Yes, maybe.
Maybe before we can. Maybe we can all set aside a Monday. of next week. And all members of council along with the administration when she turns and department heads and we can sit down and go line item by line item work out every possible bulletin that there is our deadline is up to the 30th of this month. So we have another Council meeting on the 17th I to be on the same page and work out these books and come to a good understanding there's a middle ground here without it being a my way or your way. There's a middle ground and we can stay in dome and everybody can walk away from the table happy but if you're going to force this, I don't think it's going to go okay, so I really would like for us to I would like for you to take back your motion and and possibly make a motion to move this to a special meeting on Monday of next week where everybody can sit down and the budget is the only thing to be discussed nothing that was on the agenda by a bunch of we go through a line item by line item in two hours we can get out of here and be done within the budget to be approved because everybody I have a clear understanding and all of the questions that concerns me and so I don't want the budget
I work a job I won't be here next Monday I'll be in Lansing. Okay, we had a month to go over this. We had a workshop or one of they gave us this document where adults they gave us this document a month ago I understand they put a color coded charts and coloring book example so we had it for a month. We had this document for a month that we had the some of the best accountants that we could ask to come in here.
All I'm simply saying is, is we've had to document for a month correct every question we have as we have get to get the answer wrong. Nobody's come back to us. The finance department didn't even waste their time to talk to us. Nobody's told
us that's inaccurate. They were here we did a whole workshop.
At the last at the last meeting, when we was having a public hearing. I didn't even know that Miss Eleanor was sitting over in the corner Carl with an ear that they I didn't know she was sitting behind that building. She never opened her mouth and said two words.
Whose fault is that? That you couldn't see the woman? It's not
my fault. I actually the financiers and she didn't say nothing. Miss
Monica. Go ahead please.
All I'm simply saying is I think Monday on another day is one day one more day is not going to kill it was the best way to go.
We have a motion on the floor for the approval of the adoption, the adoption of the 2024 2025 budget. It was made by Councilman Manica the chair is offered a second Miss mannequin you had additional comments. I do.
So I hear you and I don't want to budget because if we go in
and the Glee will contract comes apart and public safety comes apart.
I do see parallels here. So is there any specific specific measures they may be trying to answer today. Not not going through every single one. We actually have a question about an action. What's the most important things you would like to have answered? today?
We know we have X each once
in a while easier. So my
understanding I get I just think that if we sit down collectively and work together, as opposed to going at each other's throats point, whatever, maybe we can accomplish something here and this could turn out really well and really good for everybody. Everybody could get away from it. I don't see a problem with that. If he's not going to be here on Monday or Tuesday. If he's going to be in Tuesday. We can make it for Wednesday, whatever day he wants to make your weekend for that day. Okay. Well, I think we need to sit down and go over his budget.
So we should start having a conversation about what he can do because he works two jobs. He don't sit around and antagonize the people in these departments. He was here for the budget meeting. He knows how to call the finance department and have these conversations. He spent 10 years in college. So if we are to the point where after a month of deliberation after a workshop, this this is our second time doing this council president. This is the second time doing this budget this is our second time in the year doing this would you the antagonism has come from the district three Yes, ma'am. Point of order taken budget does
nothing wrong with the budget.
So they all
already we have a motion on the floor. We want to stick to the item on the order motion. What's the motion? This is the motion for the adoption of the 2024 2025 budget with the mimic capacity additional questions
I want to
share with will withdraw support. Item six is on the table for city council to deliberate upon and for the people that are sitting in the audience. This is our second go around. We're not new to this process last year. Our budget meeting was so embarrassing that it made the national news and here we are repeating that process and the antagonist is the same person that it was last year. We have we have talented professionals that have provided us with an extensive review and they have offered themselves in their offices. We've had a workshop. The door is always open.
I would like to know if I can pass I'm sorry. What's your last name?
We have no item on the floor to man just so that you know when the chairs waiting on a motion for item six.
I'll make a motion
to move this to move this item to schedule on Wednesday
of next week. What
that date is going to be
this mannequin I'm in Lansing Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of next week. I don't make my schedule based on the whims of other people. I make my schedule a month in advance. Just like this meeting was scheduled for this budget over a month ago motion
I would like to make a motion. I would like to make a motion to have to have a special meeting for this particular item on Friday of this week. When council president is back, I'm sorry of next week. Next week Friday, when council president is back and so today he may be here to participate in that meeting. No arguments, no complaints,
no nothing. I second. So that so now that the motion is on the floor. Let's go ahead and let's talk about this. Like I said before, we did this last year. We did this last year and it was such a painful process that it took three or four meetings. We brought in all of our financial professionals. They presented to us the department heads discussed at length each of their particular line items. This year, we knew the budget was coming our finance department prepared an extensive illustration. Sure charts, and bar graphs. Instead of having a balance sheet which is the normal procedure. We went above and beyond. And we were here for an hour with nothing to discuss but the budget and Carl, Miss Eleanor said, our doors our open. Our doors are open. You can come and see us and in all the times and during that meeting. No one came to ask them any serious business questions. I spoke to miss Eleanor about the budget. All it took was me picking up the phone and calling her just to find out when we were going to have the workshop we worked on the workshop for the budget in February. It is now June and adult can conduct themselves in a reasonable fashion and conduct business for the city. It is unconscionable and I hope the state and the governor's office is watching after they stitch together this water deal. The possibility that we're going to be without a budget and without trash collection and without an assessor as we were with the two of these council people acting as they did and we went a year without quotes for grass cutting and snow removal. There is no item on the floor. You know what? That's right. There is a motion they made that motion for debate the motion
all right I don't want I just want Mr. Sharp. Yes, ma'am. Just to point out to says Carl, what do we discuss? You don't have to say every line but is it most important things. You want him to be able to explain? If we have that
most important things that I want him to be able to explain because you want to convince you to overtime was achieved, briefly touched on includes all of the police and fire departments if they're not a police department. They're still working on. There are a bunch of line items in here that are listed as miscellaneous again, I have made that have explained. I just went over that make sure that as the representatives of the city that we are going to be doing our due diligence the state gave us a gift and I'm giving us a gift we now have to show them that we're going to be fiscally responsible with the gift they gave that we're out of debt. We got one place to go but uh so let's go home. Let's make sure that everything is in order. And that way I can leave the table happy you can leave the table happy. Everybody should be happy. I don't see why we are getting I don't see why they're named Paulick. I don't see any reason whatsoever for all that the council president saying I simply I don't want the budget to fail those
things that I said were fixed.
Up the same thing for the water department as well. But me and Mr. Guerin have had discussed that in thoroughly and he told me we had all right, let's get all right. So you can have that at the next meeting. Okay, if possible.
Yes. Restate your motion. We'll get to it. Restate your motion, sir. Okay,
I'll make a motion to move item six, eight to a special meeting on June the 14th 2024. And which everybody will be back in town and there she is. She'll be back in town. All of the all of the necessary people will be back here along with you sir. And we can all sit down and hash this budget out and get it passed.
I made that motion was given support by council pro tem. Yes. I started seven. We
can start in six if you like because I know we all like to get in and get out as early as about what's the people used to do several things? No.
Madam Deputy Clerk, would you please call the roll on so we are not voting on item six. I want to make the people make the people aware in New Orleans this was the agenda item. And Councilman and Shafi and council Pro Tem Robinson have come up with something some alternative on their own. They have made a motion and deviates from item six. This is not on the agenda. They're attempting to change the agenda. Right now. And what they're recommending is that we have an additional third, fourth or fifth meeting on the budget that we've already gone over in the last month. And they want to have that meeting on June 14 At six o'clock and they want all of the finance department and the mayor's office and the business administrator and these volunteer police officers and the police chief and MCA to all be here as well. On a short notice because they decided that they want to have this all of these all of us have to be here for that. That's the motion that's on the floor. Madam Deputy Clerk, please call the roll.
Councilmember Shafie Yes. Councilwoman Monica? Yes, council protein Robinson. Council President time is no motion carries.
We're going to item seven out of community development. Seven A. This is a resolution to sell three vacant lots at 4142 and 44. Beresford to DMC Property Management LLC. For $1,500 for the council. What's your pleasure?
I was table before the time that the prize
was clever it says
table. Yes it says resolution
What's your pleasure ladies and gentlemen
Okay, we got due to wind down.
The item up for discussion is Item seven Android community development a resolution to sell three vacant lots 4142 and 44. pairs for to DMC Property Management LLC for $1,500.
Lack of support
give me another 30 seconds just to be consistent with this
ladies and gentlemen, under Community Development items seven eight was brought to the floor and proposed to city council for action. No action has been taken in the approved timeframe therefore action certainly item seven a dies for lack of support. Moving on to item seven be the resolution to approve the sale of commercial laden structure located at 12011 Hamilton to Bobby D. Lewis. Senior on behalf of an entity to be formed. For $7,500 That is the sale price. City council What is your pleasure on item seven B?
Move to approve the resolution to approve sale of commercial land structure located one to 011 Hamilton to Bobby He was senior on behalf of the entity to be poor with discussion.
Okay, so we have a motion on the floor from Councilwoman Monica to approve the resolution to sell the commercial lines. The commerciali at 12011 Hamilton to Bobby D. Lewis senior on behalf of an entity will be formed to be formed later for $7,500. The chair will offer support to get this item out on the floor to discuss Miss Manica The floor is yours if you would. Okay.
I think earlier just in conversation somewhere else was WCA I don't think everybody knows him.
And then for the audience at home before we even get started, I want to show the citizens where this particular piece of property is
the old caucus club okay at that purple square right there at Hamilton and tuxedo is the location of the former caucus club the renowned caucus club Excuse me. I'm sorry. I just
want to the question came up
or what the WCA wasn't?
Yeah, Wayne County assessing um, the assessor Doug shot our owner and WCS. So I
just want to make sure Yeah, okay. So you didn't have to save me you don't have to. Okay. Okay.
Oh, I'm sorry. Yeah, so it was a for Mr. Lewis or for CD who
you might want to ask the same ones I want to answer point. Okay, yeah, I was gonna ask them. So you're saying that property is only worth $7,000 or 7500?
Based on my estimate, yes. Based on that,
including land,
that's including land and building. What makes it difficult to determine an estimate of a property as the interior is unknown. And based on the exterior, the condition of that building more than likely the interior is in very poor condition.
Urban exploring took place
in a big in a big proponent, component of the valuation estimate is cost to cure. Cost of Care of a structure is meaning. What does it take what does it cost to bring something back into usable, usable condition again, and with that property, there's a large cost of care.
If you demolish it,
that's not a question for me to answer that would be more of a building or ordinance question. I don't know the structural soundness of the of the building if it can be shored up in a fashion to make it usable again. I do know it's going to be a sizable amount of money that an investor is going to have to contribute to that robbery to make it usable.
What you said the same rules, there's nothing called the parking lot. Correct. Is there a second parking lot? Yes,
that was just the one okay. All right.
So much,
Mr. Shaw. We've had a conversation. I pointed out to you that with with properties. It requires that we sell that property the charter requires that Tony clearly states that we must sell that property and market by now you just assess but you told me that you need an appraiser to get a market value.
That's correct. An alternative to the assessor is required. To assess all properties in the city of Highland Park at 50% of market value, or true cash value. This is a little different what the city is asking me to do. They're asking me to determine a market value based on the condition as it is now. The assessment. Great assessments are based on average or user use usual condition. And that's not the case. But also what inherits this problem with valuation is the property isn't typical. Let's say like you were to sell a house then you would hire a realtor and they would market it and try to ascertain the highest value possible and it's their best interest to try to determine the highest best price. That's not the case with this. These are properties on a list and people can come forward and take a look at the list and review the properties and come to an approach the city. It's not something that's marketed so it hinders the market value in some fashion. What we had talked about is we've had properties like this in the past two or three come to mind that the city has hired an independent fee appraisers to determine the valuation of the property and a fee appraisers very similar to what you have when you go to get a mortgage for either house or commercial building. This would be a commercial building. You will require a fee appraiser knowledgeable and experienced in commercial and industrial real estate. The only price or the only negative with that is it costs money. You're gonna have to pay a fee appraiser money and they're typically $1,500 for a property and
ideas suggest to you as a person. So it's really not my concern is is that we're not marketing the city as we share the market without getting the type of appraisals that we shouldn't be getting. So I seriously feel that I got no problem with who's buying the property. My concern is is that it will weaken a lot of money signal
so Okay, so
once that so, so I did a little bit of research myself, and I call it a religious freedom. You know, Hamilton is fastly becoming extremely valuable, like you have everybody in the world and that's fine. And a friend of mine, he's just sold his lot. He has a lot. He just sold a lot for 90,000 Okay, another friend of mine, he's just bought a building on Hamilton. That's a quarter of the size. Oh, the caucus club and he paid like 80 grand. Okay, the the old Loomis building just so 1.9 me own hands. Okay, and the property is steadily rising in the city. Okay. So for us to say oh the markets not only based on the fact conditions but also who is inheriting historical back here in the city. I think that certainly $500 is very
like we had talked about before, maybe that's a situation where you hire an appraiser to help guide you through what the valuation of that Property Appraiser is also going to look at cost secure, they're going to look at those properties. He talked, talked about. I'm not sure the condition of those properties. In some cases like we had talked about before. Sometimes the property is more valuable if the buildings demolished if it's just removed, because the cost of care is too great and there's a demolition costs involved, which then detracts from the value of that land. If you have the same property, that's a vacant lot. And you don't have a building that needs demolition. That vacant lot is worth more so
I will be more comfortable with the sale if there was
no free so so councils can request an appraisal. Yes, per the ordinance.
Just mathematical please. Yeah,
I would say this. It will be nice to have it appraised.
Before we vote.
My other question this is actually, I guess my stance on behalf of entities. So we're selling into a realtor today and find somebody to buy
is Mr. Mr. Lewis here. Okay, Mr. Lewis, where are you sir? You've been pretty quiet. We're making a decision on something related to you. I think you might want to come and join us here. Miss Monica, you have further questions for Mr. Lewis.
Thank you, honorable council members for allowing me to speak on behalf of this project. An entity to be formed later is just a protection to me as an individual. I am a son of the city. I went to Liberty elementary school for middle school, two years at the high school in Glendale, and two years at the first time ever school with no windows on Woodward. So I am here. It gives me great honor and privilege to have the possibility to explore restoring this historic bill. My goal would be to operate it as the see for caucus club community center. But I can't do any of the things that involve the money that would take to do all of the things that you would have to do to evaluate if that's possible without possession.
So, again, you're buying it and you have a hearing in my name
I do have line of sight for funding, but all of that is predicated on site control.
So site having having site control ownership and in the form of a D is the precursor to sitting down with any any financial organization and building the capital so that you don't own it. So
in the contract, is the 10% is not refundable, and due diligence and revise that something that you can move on before fits as deposit. It doesn't happen. But psychrophilic Give some nice, gives home control of it to do what he needs to do to get the finance and then do all the checks and we're making these to do to continue on. That's what the purchase agreement and the government are doing. Oh, it's him too. And it's also a reversion clause to where if he does follow through, pay the rest of the balance and doesn't do what he say in the set time. Whatever he did is forfeited and building comes back to the time
awesome mathematical ticket, just for as for grain of salt, building a capital stack for black developer in the city of in southeastern Michigan is extremely laborious at this place in history. It is it is an immense challenge for black developers to be able to move into a room and to start to build a capital stack and you should we approve this and may require him to come back and ask for an extension. I'm just I'm just saying from my own personal experience. Nobody has a worse moment than a developer where you think everything is fine, and something changes and you have to start over. So to your point about the reversion clause that is important. But reality is they most developers are having to ask for extensions in the city of Detroit a lot of that is going on, because factors change.
my reservation the you
know what man? I gotta say we can pull it off. We don't
want because I do want to see like I want to see like everything
I don't want
this to be so I'm going to
make a motion to table it so that you have opportunity to get to that information once so that you're very well represented here to
withdraw support and offer support for your new motion. What information before and of course before he gets
the most the most what he says is market value. You do have to ask for an
independent agency
who will be responsible for that expenditure during cyber. Okay, so we have a motion on the floor to table item seven B. The motion was made by Councilman Manica was supported by the chair Madam Deputy Clerk, would you please call the roll on tabling item seven B
Councilman a Shafi? Yes. Councilwoman Monica? Yes. Council Pro Tem Robinson. Yes. Council President Hammond. Yes, motion
carries. This item will be tabled until such time that CD director comes back with us with the appropriate information. Mr. Lewis, we will be in touch with you soon. Thank you so much for your patience, certain other things.
I just wanted to speak on that for just a moment. I'll give you a minute. Go ahead. Okay, this venture would be at great risk to me so that one line that you're referring to an entity to be formed later is so that they don't come and take my house. You know, they're, you know, that is to protect me as an individual. So you form the company. The company is the one that goes and talks to the finance people talk to the contractors talk to the construction folks. So it is a pass through from me to that company. So that's all that Burbidge means. I do know Louis holdings development. Lewis holdings development works directly with an established developer he just built 78 unit apartment building, right behind the story, Michigan central building. That is my advisor. So I have the means and the resources to bring this to market. You saw my cliff. Yes. Okay.
So Brown. Yeah, you don't have to. He just if there was a development and it's a brother, he's Godzilla when it comes to being a developer. He is the real deal. He is the real deal.
I a lot of staff has the controller. Yeah, he is the real deal. Is the controller. I am on his staff as the controller the first
year his development company, yes.
So he's my development advisor that I'm working for now. My company Louis holdings development also has sizable experience. I have commercial building in southwest Detroit. I own entities in Mount Clemens, Michigan, Three Rivers Michigan, Lewis holdings development is the partner and part owner of a residential management company and we manage a portfolio of over 100 residential buildings.
So I'm gonna stop you right there, Mr. Lewis, but forgive me Miss Manik. I want to go ahead and move on and finish our committee, that community economic development. Thank you so much, sir.
We will see you thank you for your time.
Thank you. It's a pleasure. Thank you also, Mr. Shaw. So we're moving on to item seven. See, that's the resolution to sell to vacant residential lots at 126 and 130. kindled to Holy Ghost Temple Church of God and Christ for $2,000 City Council. What is your pleasure on item seven? See
you ever heard of
show Absolutely.
Okay, and I have 126 Kindle, which is off open and the name of the church Holy Trinity temple. Holy Ghost forgive me. My apologies.
Okay, and so
is there church members
so, this is where the church is located. This is Oakman Bulevar
these are where the lights are behind the church. The lights are the lights are behind the church, they're on the street behind the church. And as I was working here, there is no one from the church here today. Okay, okay. So the church is in front of them. The church is here, here at a vacant lot behind the church. And as this map shows, there are no structures on these lines. There's just anytime you see a gray shape that represents the structure 360 So these are the lights behind the church. The church Yes, ma'am. I believe so. So that is the church and these are the two lines behind the bill
ah, city council What is your pleasure I still have the door is open for City Council will take action on Item seven c
total residential residential plaques. That 126 and one Temple Church price to a parking lot for the church. Yeah, just adding this. Yeah, because there's no space there. That's why I wanted to see it. I don't have artwork that was provided there is a residential place right next to it.
Actually, this is a pretty barren area.
No, no way apart.
Okay. Yeah, it has a resonance here. I think it's
so there's a church is a housing development next door and this church has absolutely no parking. Good call on that.
Yeah, I have absolutely no parking. So there's a motion on the floor made by Councilman Manica to sell the two vacant residential lots at 126 and 130. Kindel. The chair will offer support. Any additional questions or concerns on Item seven see Mr. Shafi
council president last year, we denied three Africans who were looking for lots across the alley that's blocked from
the relevance of that is
why it's
a direct question. I'm asking a direct question. The relevance of that is it's this is a normal conversation. So go ahead anyway.
Last year, we denied we people came to here asking for lots of prompts. The hours I'm out. I'm simply going to say I'm not saying yay or nay. I'm just wondering if we're now setting the precedent open the door for something. That's all I was simply going to say all in nature you had was unnecessary. Please,
so according to the ordinance, we are able to sell those lights. From my understanding I wasn't here last year but from my understanding, the way they came to council, they came as sidelines, okay, but they're not sidelines. So they're being sold as residential locks and we are able to sell residential lots. So you can sell them as a Jason sidelites sidelites or just lots. So according to the words we are able to do this. Okay,
already paying the full amount of 1000 Now
this I believe, is the full payment so so the difference. Yeah, so the difference so when you're doing the residential, adjacent side lot, you don't have to do the development intake form, right? So they that what you just turned to as a development intake form, so that separates it. That's what makes it just a lot versus a residential sideline. This in your packet also.
So you might approach him I see your hand please, man.
Councilwoman Robinson
I'll look down. Yes.
Did you see we're having
those just because the sign is placed there does just because the sign is placed there doesn't mean that that's where Highland Park ends are. This a sign right here on Massachusetts to say welcome to Highland Park. And it's a sign of John. So I can't tell you why they placed the sign there. But those records the real estate summary everything caused them lots city of Highland parks and you tell by the addresses also.
For those people who would like to see the boundary of the city, I'm going to go ahead and show you on the screen where the boundary of the city is and that these lights are in fact, inside the boundary of the city of Highland Park that dark line that you see is the outline of the city of Highland Park. Those red at red light that you see is inside the city of Highland Park to the right is the city of Highland Park to the left is the city of Detroit and the address says on langree one to six Kendall Highland Park for a 203.
Additional questions comments concerns for Item seven A and B seven C ma'am go ahead
a little bit earlier this sounds about selling it at present.
I'm not sure what you're talking about. The hope I don't know anything about 50
or three pounds.
This will be 1000 a lot so that's 2000
so we're not selling this based off us land solely based on
what the assessor value that that's why it's
something like 50% In my mind I just want to make sure I'm right.
Click clear that up a little bit. The assessor with the assessment role must sell properties and assess properties at 50% of market value. So that's where you heard that 50% That's for the assessment. What you're looking for is the market value. So you're looking for that 100% value, and that's what you're provided is 100% Nine, but for assessing purposes, the assessment role and for taxation, it's based on 50% of market value. But that's not what you're trying to achieve in the land sales. You're trying to achieve market value which is the 100%
Are you asking me Are you
trying to achieve
the 100% mark
which is which again? Yes. Which is?
No no. With the assessment role for assessing purposes you have the market value. I assess at 50% of market value but that's not what you're provided. Tonight. You're provided market Bay. I was talking about assessments
made me understand land, market.
Land values, the land portion of the property. And when you talk about value, that's the market value property. For instance, those would have an assessment at half the market value of the property. So if they're saying $1,000 is the market value assessment would be $500 3860
then the assessment would be half of that in a perfect world.
That's what that's what the project costs. So, this is this is 1000 and 1000. This came from him as the market value on their form is the money that they showed me was
for the project is about asking for money.
That's what she said.
May I approach this? Yeah, that's one.
That's historical information. These properties are currently exempt because they're city owned. So they don't have an assessment. But that's historical information that does not pertain for the purpose of this meeting or selling the property. Because the property is based on what I had said before. You're trying to sell it to an individual. You're not marketing it to the entire community or entire region. So there's a difference between the two okay.
Okay, so only develop application says that the approximate cost is 38
lakhs your cameras
I thought you said sometimes it's not okay, so yeah, it's 30
Day planning to say to see here. description says developers wanting installed parking lots. Keep reading space. That's right. Okay. So here at the bottom here. It says practicing primase says not yet ongoing. Okay. proposed project start to be determined. Is the answer. Right It says project completion to be
determined. So they have been requesting this property for some time. So it's hard to it's hard for them to determine how and when and when it can be completed until they have access to the property but all of the properties that we do sale, they do come with rivers, and we are tracking the developers as to their status. So if we give this property up, and they they're unable to complete it in a timeframe it will be back reverted to the city so again, like it's real hard to pull funds and do developments what outside control. This allows them site control it's kind of no way around it. So
okay, so we have a motion on the floor from Councilman Manica supported by the chair. We've had extensive deliberation on it. Madam Deputy Clerk, would you please call the item on sit call the roll on item seven seat.
Councilman Shafi.
Councilwoman Monica? Yes. Council Pro Tem Robinson. Council president timeous
Yes, Motion fails. Well, we want to Item eight in engineering is a resolution authorizing the acceptance of addition and deletion of certain major and local streets within the city of Highland Park Public right away. Under activity one mile is certification for cities and villages. City council, what's your pleasure? Resolution a resolution authorizing acceptance
of addition and deletion for certain major local streets within the city of Highland Park Public right away under the active one millage certification for cities and villages.
Thank you very much. The chair will offer support is that discussion? Questions member redhead
already know, let me give you a quick summary because we had some questions the last time that this came about, and then I actually I went and met counsel Mina Shafi out there just to kind of explain what we're what we're doing. So now, what happened was is we had we got to certify a resolution on on 415. We submitted that to mdot. Because that's how the process goes. We submitted to them. They came back with a couple of comments. So that's why we're back tonight. What what they brought what they brought up was one of the streets in the means group development was was not a part of the roads to be deleted, which was Lincoln. Lincoln is the one that kind of cuts right down where the building was. So that was one. The other one was the Service Drive, which is not the Davidson service drive, which is not Highland Park is Wayne County. So they said you need to remove that from your application. But then they said well, we're going to have you add some additions. They had us and everything over Oakland Park. So the Oakland Park Oakland court, Connecticut, so the other side of Connecticut, right. And then that little stretch of Cottage Grove. So the deletions the additions ended up to the tune of 42,000 on the good Highland Park. So they said remove this add this in. And so now we're here to get another certified resolution to be able to accept this additional 42,000 or 51. That's That's the summary of what happened.
Right that's wrong name that.
No, it's not. It's actually it's actually coming in. Jackie Wilson is coming in and we're getting revenue for that street where we were not before.
Additional questions before I call for a vote. Madam Deputy Clerk, would you please call the roll for item eight under engineering
Councilman Shafi. Council? Woman Monica? Yes. Council Pro Tem Robinson. Council, President Thomas.
Yes, motion carries. Thank you very much. That brings us to the end of our agenda. We're going to move into citizens participation. Again, after what I saw last week. We're going to go two minutes and one second. So there are citizens who would like to address council for two minutes in one second. You are more than welcome to do so. Please line up at the podium. My binder I want everyone to be aware my stringent is is related to the level of disrespect that this council has endured over the last few meetings on want to be by the book and very narrow because in the past, we have people abuse your city council. So two minutes and one second is what we allow. It is one second longer than you get in the city of Detroit. I think we would try to one up them the best that we could do. So that one second. Okay. And please stay tuned and Miss waters. All right. So I won't put the Bible hit the button until you say your name and start talking.
Thank you, council president. This is Bobby Lewis. I just wanted to clarify a couple of things for the record. When I brought up my advisor. I consider him a mentor and a friend. I just don't want to give the incorrect perception that him or his company in any way was a part of me bringing my proposal to this body. Madam Councilwoman Monica, you did want to Parker pride Foundation, which is a community based group that in my evaluation of what possible things could be done with this particular building. I talked about the C four caucus cope community center. They would be a part of evaluating if that was something that we could do with this building. The president of that organization Sidney spike is here. And I think he might want to take two minutes to just speak on possible collaborations with my organization in that regard.
Before you got me to Sir, Mr. Brown has also been an advisor for me he is an exceptional developer and exceptional human being and knowing that you're working with him says a lot about capacity looking for people who actually know the business and so he has also been his full disclosure he's also been an advisor for me as well.
Thank you for those kind words.
Thank you,
sir. If you would state your name I will start your time until you state your name okay
Michael segments.
Go right here Mr.
All right. First thing I would like to say is, thank you. Councilman Manica Yes. Saying it's saying that you encourage black developers Well, my family home were fixing it up. And you know we are going to develop that. But the thing is in a block before us we got a rundown houses with trees growing up doing I want to know and three on our block I want to know how can we get those houses tore down? What's your grand? Grand it's the second block. But the first block is pretty dilapidated, to block off a guest
development. And I think the President has revised that information to give it to see what appropriate person so you can answer.
Oh, okay. Also like like on our block in between second and third is a house that that's been laying in for 30 years with trees growing up through it, then it's another house on that same side of the street. The back has collapsed, a little bit of the front end. So we need all of that stuff gone so our block can look beautiful. So
yeah, I'm sure the President write down any information on that street and it will be given to the suspected person I can only assume that ordinance ordinance. Take a look at those places. So they make a go
Oh, okay. Yes, because they're very dangerous, and they also found a dead body and all one of those homes. So. Thank you very much, sir. Michael, thank you.
Good evening, honorable Council. My name is Mike Chaudhary. And I'm the president and CEO of TMC Property Management BMC group. I came in the last meeting and my item was tabled, and I'm willing to develop that piece of land which we are looking for, because I need parking lots the banquet hall, which is a 499 capacity, does not have enough parking lot, so I'm not able to rent out that place. I had a party a year ago, and we had to park all over the streets. And this time, our staff did not agree to park on the streets. So I'm really requesting if it is required, I can pay you know, 15 or $1 a lot. But I need the lot. I can clean up the lot. And I can make sure it's a fenced parking lot and we'll be done in 30 days. I have the funds ready to take care of it.
Thank you. Thank you, sir.
Well, counsel, see Sydney spike. I want to thank you guys for participating and helping the park a private foundation. Put on one of the most successful parades Highland Park have seen in a long time. I want to thank you personally. Rather, you really stepped up man, you guys really had float. I wish the young lady was here so we can I can thank her as well. Definitely want to thank you. Man, you have private conversations people didn't know but thank you for what you did to make this happen. My pleasure bringing people that we needed to pull this off my apartment. I want to thank you for that. My colleague, group member Park Brian, he's a relative. I'm a salesman. We got school teachers. Police Officer firefighters. Parker pride has put together with serious people to get things done. He's trying to acquire the caucus Club was idea I had years ago I've been writing and trying to fight for it for the longest, hoping that it would never turn into a weed house or grow house or the things that's going on in the city. If you guys know who we are Parker, Brian, we are eager have ambition to make things happen. We find people to put things together. This young man here. He belongs to a group of individuals that put things together. You know him by his his people that he spoke about. They're going to help us get this thing together. If you guys approve it. We understand that the 7500 is a lowball price. We get that man, cuz Shafi walked that those grounds the roof was gone. The basement is gone. It's just four walls. If anybody comes in and get that building on demolition, and turn into some that's not owned or group through Highland Park. I'm a Parker we all are Parker's in park, a private foundation. We just created 501 C three, where we're moving fast and we're trying to acquire some place we can do not only meetings, we also have the community center and something for the kids because they have a park across the street. Please think hard on this and help us get disability if you can. All right. Thank you sir. Thank you very much. All right.
All right. My name is Ernest T little just like Ernest T. Ford. And what got me more than anything else celebrities go if you know Brian St. Jocelyn, that great house, my uncle Clifford little and wrote a live there and I know some of us have projects dear. And I'm a Phi Beta Sigma. So you know, I know man. So and Robinson knows me from senior citizens and stuff. And I know that city clerk but I know this is just Highland Park, but I do know I have to represent Highland Park, and I've walked Highland Park and I know I'm biased. I didn't just get here last week I was at the parade and all like that. And you got to remember one important thing is this. I not only will I represent Highland Park, I have to represent Detroit, Hamtramck and Highland Park, but Highland Park is the key for my election because y'all know me hopefully you're talking about running for state representative. Okay, so we you this nonpartisan, you are all nonpartisan. We are nonpartisan. But remember one important thing if you go on up the Lansing you need a voice like man up in Lansing, somebody? I wasn't assessing. I actually was a building inspector housing inspector for the city of Detroit. I know about the lead laws. And another thing is I actually worked with Rocket Mortgage at one point and you're talking about developers. I'm causing positive real estate ASSOCIATE BROKER offices 80,004 For one West McNichols, we've been doing this for over 47 years. We remember when they were not even that many black folks doing real estate work license. And when it comes down to certain things, I can have you up in Lansing I can be there for
you. So sir, just with all due respect before you walk away when you walk away. We don't do campaigning at our city council. We lost city count okay with air and I work I'm the executive director for a federal government agency officer Lance. I'm not I'm not going to like I'm not I'm not going to do any election. I'm doing my day job. I just want to make it clear. Can't do no campaigning. But thank you, sir.
Azerbaijan. We're doing good Marcus Fitzgerald again. Because I always come right after controversy
Hey, I don't mind controversy. It maybe I can comment. Down. All right, but listen to this is you're signing it really shouldn't even be that serious to give me you know, when we I mean? And I understand where you I'm sorry. I'm sorry. How's everybody doing? I'm so sorry. But anyway, I understand what you're saying council president. But there's traffic going through there every day on a daily basis. And they Yes, they've improved Oakland 110% Now people are going down this service drive trying to hurry up get there to that smooth drive. You know, I mean, and the only thing they have up there illustrations of if you're going over to make a left Oakland you can watch out for the traffic coming off the freeway. That's me got me got to illustration. No words, all those. So why are you paying attention to all the drawings? You study driving because you don't have to use sign there. You know me is a safety concern. That's all it is. And believe me, anybody will be more than happy to help Highland Park. Anybody? Coming up Bob Davidson heading east.
That's the woman's house keeps getting hit. Yeah, right. Harry
is. Right. Right. Right facing coming right up. And Oakland's there is a traffic light there so the traffic coming down deserves dry air by raising the midday light. The people coming up off the freeway raising the make that light every week I get somebody goes through some mud somebody. David had said that the other day okay, I know your time's okay.
Where we are with, we have to show up with screwdrivers in a sign
that says oh, we might have to show with some screwdrivers and let me know I'll be there. I
promise. I'm just talking because I'm just on the record. Whatever is on the record is on the record. Thank you so much. For your patience. Thank you. Thank you
Well, hello. I'm Mary waters. Detroit City Council member at large. I represent the whole D All right. So I wanted to come by and introduce myself to this honorable body and to the citizens here of Highland Park. I've met a couple of you before. Let me just share with you some of the things that I've done since I've been on Detroit City Council. I'm the architect of the $203 million housing initiative. Born out of the housing initiative was a dedicated call center because oftentimes when people don't have housing, they kind of give up if they're being transferred around a lot and so we have a dedicated department. We call it the Camilla Davis family resource center. Some of you might remember kumbaya Davis, the 11 month old baby who fell through a hole in the floor, dining water and feces. And the purpose of that is to remind all of us that no child should have to die that way. Also born out of the the $203 million housing initiative was $25,000 downpayment assistance for first time homebuyers. Additional Home Repairs. A senior accessibility program I was able to to establish that. I recently established the Veterans Affairs Department and a program called Yep. This, this young entrepreneurs program and I was listening to you all regarding your housing issues with the vouchers and let me tell you, we have that income and we do so I look forward to working with each of you in the future. Because we are neighbors. We can work together on our housing issues, aging infrastructure. I look forward to that. And I'll be talking with each of you. Thank you so much.
There's water. There's water. Before you go. The world is small. So last time I saw you was at Earth Day.
Earth Day, environmental justice.
We were at the awards. Right. Right. So the Conference Center. Yeah. So I just wanted to thank you for taking the time out to come over and visit if you stay to the end if there's a little bit more. So if you stay please. Okay today and we only got about a few minutes left. We have to go through counsel affairs. All right. I think it'd be useful
Okay. All right. Thank you so much.
Yes, ma'am. Hello, Council. My name is demand petit. I'm the founder of the Juneteenth Detroit festival. We have updated our name to Juneteenth in Detroit. Our website is Juneteenth in detroit.com. I am here to go over developments and whatever, you know, there's been going on. We have a 5k scheduled for Wednesday, June 19 on Oakland Boulevard that's not struggling at all. It's doing really well. We've got a lot of people not a lot but it's our first 150 people who paid and sign up to be a part of that so they can get their awards and they trophies and their shirts. The parade is struggling the parade is struggling because we need to be on Woodward. No one in here has the power to say so apparently our mayor doesn't have the power to say so. And there is no clear person to say so. Right. There's no state troopers to call there's no Department of Transportation to call somebody play Highland Park out of Woodward. And now we can't use it. That's not fair. It don't make no damn sense. Like our own mayor who runs it can't say y'all can use a mile and a half of Woodward. I don't know who she wants to talk to. But they said that there was someone who had a position in Highland Park, local government that that position no longer exists. So that's why it was lost in whatever it's over my head. But that's where our parade needs to be. I was a part of the Parker project right? It was beautiful floats and everything. There was no one standing on Hamilton's watch. Hamilton is not filled with active residents that's gonna get up early in the morning and watch that Woodward is though. What we got plenty of people gonna see as soon as we stop in here and stop them there. It makes no sense that the trolley thing can come this far. The rover Dream Cruise can start with a start, but right here, right here we can do nothing. The problem with that is people don't get to see you. We don't get to see that you love you'll see you don't get to see what you did for it. They don't get to see us who will ever in charge that don't want us to be seen. They want us to stay ducked off and hid away. Our parade needs to be seen like the thanksgiving parade needs to be seen Juneteenth parade needs to be seen eight years we've been doing this ducked off on different corner blocks coming to Highland Park I hope that will be different because these people look like me. I stood in front of the Detroit council for eight years and all they ever did was take our permit and give us a pat on the back until they wanted to do this themselves and they took it from us. I want us to work together as a local cohesive unit. We are changing our location for our festival will not be in Manchester because it's not enough cohesive between us the business and our local government. We hope next year we can do that. And so we just got to work together more throughout the year.
Thank you. Thank you
My name is Robert Burgess and I work for the city of Highland Park. I have two jobs. One to write all the grants that I can write and the second one is to buy goods and services for this city. as cheap as I can buy. And I feel like the council is not assisting in keeping $120,000 in services that we can that we can keep. So our water bill has increased. Now now our garbage our garbage collection bill this is going to increase. We didn't let any thing keep us from bringing it to the council as quickly as we could. I'm not asking you to accept anything that you haven't accepted before. Last year, you accept it extending the same contract from 23 to 24. The only thing we are asking you is to extend the contract from 24 to 25. And I just can't not do my job and let you know that we are leaving $120,000 on the table.
Mr. Bern
go right ahead.
We want to make sure that I'm clear. Today it means we have to get a
price. That's correct. That's correct. Okay.
Good evening everyone. My name is Darla Bella and I am gravely concerned. I haven't been to council meeting in a year and it seems to be this it seems to be the same nonsense. I'm concerned that it seems like everything that goes on is always a certain select street or close to Woodward. When it comes below Hamilton. Everything is half done the bus stop sign back up. The pavement is all tore up I talk to lawn mowers trying to fix it. It's all broken but certain streets I don't know if it's who you know or who you talk to that certain things get done. But Edward I'm here down the street is tore up. It floods up there you smell nothing but so I'm trying to do a garden I can't do a garden with all I might not be much revenue like the rest of the place but below Hamilton needs to get the same attention like everyplace else. I've got my garden over the garbage is that picked up certain part of the pavement on period 10 is handled I don't know who that belongs to. I haven't looked it up but the rest of the pavement were just forgotten. So our little pennies don't. I'm not fighting. I'm trying to understand our little pennies don't account for anything is just certain people I'm beginning to wonder. I came here when I came here I was 13 years old Highland Park was the place to be beautiful place the trees was sprayed and I know you don't handle money right now gang. But what about the little pennies that we put you charged me $25 For water that comes down from the sky. I smoke this and then I'm going to leave? I spoke to somebody about getting water from my garden. I have to rely on rain. They told me it has to be $1,000 just abruptly for me to get water on there. So what can I do it in payments? You do everything for below Hamilton described you know with discrepancies so maybe I can make payments. Like he said oh no, you have to pay $1,000 So I don't know what they're running at but I don't understand. They seem like I'm not being condescending with y'all. But I'm wondering where's the togetherness? What is the nonsense? What is the bickering? I come back to the same bickering it's discouraging. We over the two minutes. I want to know why the pavement is for I don't live over there. How I'm a repeat again. I have a garden over there for the love of Highland Park because I remember when they used to be beautiful. And I thought since I got the light maybe I'll do something nice but it's very discouraging. You get some big hair animals. I don't know what the hell they
call ma'am I don't want to be rude but I've been keeping everybody the two minutes and once I'm done,
I'm done. I'm again I'm gonna reiterate Darla Yvonne Bella. No, I'm leaving off her here. Thank you very much. My number.
I know I know. I know where you are. Give me your number. I'll give you a car. I'll drop it one of her nephews.
Hello, have you bye everyone. My name is Eno littles. It's been a while since I've been to one of the meetings and I'm actually miss coming here. But I really would like to see more cohesion with the body up here. I'm just taking a look at everything and last time I remember one of the things I was talking about was the lats. One, two, we have four points in which business entities or some type of business would like to purchase land lots or whatever, to do something and develop an Island Park. I'm just saying that just to just to make sure we remember to take care of the residents also. Because the way I'm looking at right now, if all these things not saying that they are are the things we're going to pass we are in a danger of gentrifying ourselves. We have to be careful about that. Please. I don't know what what we have to do make sure that if residents are interested and getting lots that those are available to them. Because again, we have one two of four businesses. And one of them says the entity we don't know who they are face to face, and I'm telling you we're going to end up gentrifying ourselves, so we can take care of our residents. If they want a lot. Let them get it take care of it. But like I said, I've been here for a while and this is the first time I've seen these. So who knows how many other ones I've missed where other businesses was trying to get land. in Highland Park. Something's happening. We're looking for and up and up and I pray that we do get better in a city that does thrive, to where it once was and where we would like it to be. I just want us to just make sure we take care of each other. Okay. Thank you sir.
Good evening. My name is Darren Griffin and I'll make this real brief. I belong to a group of men and we call ourselves building black brick masters. We're having a conversation, politics or politics. And we're having a conversation on Saturday at the Rec Center in Highland Park and it's going to be from 12 o'clock to 230. And what we want to do is we want to have a cross generational conversation with black men and black women, trying to encourage people to get out and exercise their voice. We're not trying to go and preach at them we're trying to teach. And so what we want to do is to have people to come out and pretty much like have this conversation with us. But we want to do with the hear what the young people in the community that may not be feeling like they have a voice and let their voices be heard. So that's the important part. We just want to make certain that people come out. Hear what the young people are saying if they're voting if you're not voting. We're not trying to encourage anybody to vote for anybody in particular, the main thing we're trying to do is encourage people to get out and vote. So we just want to exercise people's voices. Thank you for let me take this time. Thank you sir.
Marcel again, I want to apologize if I miss directly heard leasing a building. I spoke with the owner and we actually was speaking of the main issue again, is is no plan. Your CD director never even came to him with the offer to just redevelop the whole plaza because the way it's designed is poorly with going on to traffic etc, things like that. The main thing I want to bring up again, is like Everybody keeps saying you will have no real blight ordinance. You will have no code. There's nothing making anybody do anything. Yet you sell property and you have to realize this people in both the administration and elected to have property. So if you do that they're going to lose their property. So as you know, I'm on the board of directors now. And one of the issues I'm having because it's time for the truth. I told Lisa I'm no longer going to support the treasurer Are you because Tony works fire. So currently he certifying documents for the school board. And I thought the treasurer was supposed to hire the deputy treasurer. They're supposed to be bonded together, etc. But then you all say these insured so we're having documents coming from New York, where we're having to do things with our bank, etc, things like that. And I'm not comfortable with the deputy treasurer has named we in our document. So now we have to get legal involved to make sure we're safe from a board of directors standpoint. So this is one of the issues and I do want to bring up that we are trying to get every lot around barber and we've met resistance from the CD director and the mayor was supposed to speak with our president and we haven't had a follow up. So I'm taking that direction. Now. I want to immediate meeting for that because you all have pedophiles, drug users, we've had to put a camera behind Barber, things like that and people on Facebook saying are cutting our grass is White has already allocated for the grass because the barber we're putting safety measures with the police is not cooperating with us. They're ticketing parents. So overall, that's the school thing. I'm trying to work with you all from the school standpoint, because you need education to develop. But again, I haven't seen not one development plan in this city is just people selling property they sit in on it reselling it for 10 Three times whatever they get it for and then the people will die as water bills is still not being held accountable. So I want to be respectful of your time. But again, at this point, I was going to say as a Detroiter, I do want to recognize that you do sir.
Thank you sir. I don't know what he's on the board for you can ask him that question.
Okay, Hello, ma'am. Hi.
Lisa. I I actually wanted to mention that the light it can and Hamilton is out. And when a light is out, you know, you're supposed to stop because you because you just especially if you're coming like from the from the south. You really can't see around the building if somebody's going to turn on to Hamilton from picking and most people don't stop I drive that way every day. Today I stopped in some guy with a big old trailer like just drove around me. And I'm thinking that if we don't do something about that intersection that sooner or later we're going to have an accident so I'm hoping that DPW can push stop sign or something and smooth that out. Thank you.
Good afternoon, council I have a question for any number that can answer this question. Number one DTE has put signs on my street for all three blocks. And I did talk to the chief at the chat with the chief meeting. And I asked him if a car has been there for a while, you know, do they ride around every so often? And he said that they do pick up cars where this one particular SUV has been in front of my mother's house for a year. Okay? So if they're putting signs they already put signs from Oakland so we're on my street. DTE was actually working on my street today. Where is the police to pick up this vehicle? Because my mother needs the assistance from DTE to finish the job so whatever they're supposed to be doing. So I'm really not understanding what is the process 206 Farren park between Oakland and brush?
Did you get DPD? No. No, you should call the non emergency number you want it?
Yes. And how long does that process take?
We'll learn that together because I can't give you a definitive answer but I do know there's a non emergency number for the city Highland Park that number is 313-852-7338. And if you call them and then let them know what your issue is, there's an opportunity that they could have somebody come out on in a non emergency capacity. If you call the desk there'll be someone that it might be able to direct you. They might have somebody from the traffic Bureau come out. But that's a start without dial nine one where they just tick where you say I don't know if I have an issue like that. I'll use the non emergency number and have a conversation with the officers. They can give you some direction or tell you what the limits of their capacity is. Okay.
And the last thing that I had to say is everyone knows our Highland Park parent Park the last streets between Oakland and brush is the worst. A lot of
parks so we got to our two minutes ma'am I had to be very stringent with that two minutes. Second today.
The second block has been done and the third block has not been done. Okay
man Well, thank you so much. Okay, so we're going to move on thank you all the citizens to participate. We're going to move on and to council affairs. My brother, we've done this a couple of times. So two minutes and one second go right ahead. Hello
I'm not here to get like I don't want to achieve all of these. He's never going to keep wishing for me to come to the console and try to get that okay. So I'm not here to say anything about anyone. Although I know everything about everyone and everything that's been played in position where I've been wronged and now try to come and say well, Mr. Shafi say we all know a lot about Hamilton corridor LLC. And that company has sued me and put a levy against my property. Talk to me square don't nobody know nothing about Hamilton corridor. I went to the city develop columns D is the first meeting I had during Community Council in trying to figure out who I go to. So I ended up developing the ongoing paper. I engaged with them about what's going on. But the reason why I engaged about what was going on because I had been trying to kill I'm not saying that this is not this has went on rather better. So to the conclusion, because then we want people is that what I'm reading? Again? No Bible trying to cue was out for time to hear it in Tokyo. So if people wanted me to be quite impacted with regards to what I'm talking about, I spoke with Miss Robinson on the phone for an hour and 14 minutes. And we talked about the so as far as people and she also said Yeah, it is a lot of wrongdoing. She admitted to that. She said yeah, we go we don't get the she admitted to that. But the thing about it has my safety
so what I'm going to two minutes or two minutes or everybody gets to two minutes, everybody gets the same to see what they steal from the chief of police. I tried to talk to him. And now we're going to move over to counsel. Y'all. No
one called me back. So thanks, sir. So
ladies and gentlemen. We're gonna move into Council affairs. You got to get this done briefly, starting with the counselor from the third district. floor is yours, sir.
First of all, I would like to say I asked everybody to send their heartfelt prayers. And well bow to Councilman Martin very bad accident. But thank the good Lord. She's survived and she's just fine. is truly amazing that she was able to either walk away from that I mean, the car is totaled. So you know, she's doing okay, and I want y'all to know that she'll be back here very shortly but this is not your love and prayers. The way well, well wishes that she did that. So having said that, I would like to make a motion.
No, you may not sir.
Okay, I would like to make a motion and before I make this motion. I simply want to say that we have emphasized on numerous occasions, about bringing things to us at the last minute you can honestly expect us to give you a sound decision. In five minutes of you when you asked me to do a job you put me here to do that job and didn't want to beat me up when I do it correct. And I find that interesting. I think everybody's upset about the garbage. And I understand that but this is something that the last minute. It's not a short contract. It's a lengthy contract. And we haven't had time to review it, or speak on it, or study it or that in any shape, form or fashion. But everybody's so upset about it. So I'm gonna make this motion because I believe in giving the people what you want. You want the garbage contract, you get it. I make a motion to approve the garbage contract with GSA. And all I need is a second for one of my Councilman
you have to be emotional
so thanks so please hold on a second before we go any further. We have to have so this is what happens when you vote to not have a parliamentarian. You have to make a motion to suspend the rules
to allow this matter to allow this
matter to come back on the matter die.
No, no, no
it didn't.
Nobody put it on Thank you. Okay. Thank you. Thank you. So
you're asking us, Lee, are you telling us that we need to suspend the rules and bring the matter back?
Yes, you would have a vote to suspend the rules and then if the rules suspension is approved, then there would be a vote on the matter
All right over to be voted not to have a parliamentarian. These are the people who voted not to have a parliament this year we
can we get to what we doing here. Can y'all go five minutes without trying to cut each other's throat? Oh, please.
got to be kidding.
Okay. Go ahead. Get it. Chill out. Cory
is received a
motion to suspend the rules.
I'll make a motion to suspend the rules to bring this item back.
The garbage hauling contract to
bring back the contract or to bring back the contract when the resolution motion GFL write the contract with GFL.
Is there a support of a motion on the floor from Councilman Shafi supported by Councilman Manika to suspend the rules temporarily to bring this item back up for vote that is a resolution to amend the contract with GFL environmental USA for waste disposal services. Madam Clerk, would you please call the roll on a suspension of the rules to bring us out of that.
We have to you have a roll call on the suspension of the rules as passed by a supermajority. So we're gonna do two things. Yes, two things. One, suspend the rules and if that passes, then someone would make a motion to vote on the resolution.
Councilman the Shafi yes to temporarily suspended. Councilwoman Monica. Yes. Council Pro Tem Robinson. Council President Thomas. Yes,
floor is open. Mr. Sharp he is still in council affairs.
I'll make a motion to approve the GFL contract for the garbage disposal. I have
a motion on the floor to approve the resolution to amend the contract with GFL environmental services for waste disposal services made by Councilman Shafi support is offered by home as Robeson as offering support, questions, concerns, dissent. Madam Deputy Clerk, would
you please call the roll? Councilmember Shafi? Yes. council woman Monica. Yes. Council Pro Tem Robinson. Council President Thomas. Yes. Thank you. Okay, so
moving on all of a second. I still haven't
used it and you got about a minute of it. Yeah.
I will not abide by the minute. So I'm just I'm simply saying you guys I really shine
stressed me out.
Oh, it's a lot of stress is bad enough on douchebag up here but to have your audience do the same. really gets on my nerves. Okay. you actually need to do a job. I'm doing a job and I'm doing that job. correctly, and I'm doing that job fairly. We follow the rules here. I can't afford to break the rules. If I break the rules, there'll be all over me about that. I wouldn't be sitting here, but they've been the rules and break the rules how they see fit, and you applaud and cheer you smiling you laugh, it's funny, it's.
This is not a laughing matter, your very survival. Your very stake is at hands here with the decisions we make on a daily basis. And if we don't make the right ones, just like that gentleman said, we will gentrify our own sales right out of this community. Why everybody's sitting here giggling and laughing and joking. This ain't no damn day. This is my life, your life, our livelihoods. What the hell's funny? Tell me what's funny. Show me something. That's funny. You asked me to be professional, unless you are no audience to be professional. This is not a laughing matter. The more you encourage these new fans, the worst response to get enough is enough. We've been given a golden opportunity here a great gift. The warning that has gone stone the cases will be dismissed. We have no way to go forward. He should why are we moving forward? Why are we still playing the same Penny games that we've been playing the last 20 years in the city? When have you had enough? What is enough is enough for you? Since everything someday and finally. Last and right now it's not fun. This is our future, our city, our life. And anybody that doesn't take you seriously. You need to pack up because he tried to get us out of here. You pick a mine You think I'm joking you take the chair reports here on a coincidence 24 hours a day treat nothing but feel good on that.
That's a means to reject you by
and kick your butt somebody here and Mr. Sharp and then I hear for any dinner here just for the hell of it. I understand that they got a purpose
and appraise. And I promise you you're not apart. Okay,
before you get us in another lawsuit.
We're gonna move on to counseling. Thank you very much. Thank you very much Miss counsel, counsel affairs. Thank you very much Miss Bannock if you would
wanted to just say thank you. So we are it may not seem like it sometime. But I think we are moving. You may be at a snail's pace. We are moving. What I will ask is that. Be mindful, be thoughtful to us a little bit. We do need to get to our ordinance. We absolutely do and I say that consistently consistently. And so we are we had a workshop today, which brought forward some things look forward to another one. Look forward to more conversations. And we are won't be trying to get someone who
did not think we're not saying that I can get it done I really don't know. But I think we have some good things going on this weekend in different places such as the police department. I'm gonna mention it again. They the current Beta Sorority Incorporated capital zeta chapter in a Highland Park chapter, a Mikael Holland Park and myself, present the health equity for our community. There are some flyers out there. It is this Saturday from one to 430 on Hamilton at 13233 Hamilton's. There'll be information on communication, healthy living, immunizations, health resources, home safety. Also, lead departments of Wayne County stepped in VA course and your child can also they can get immunizations there if you need the QR code in advance so that they can give you a call find out your children's name. We don't keep the information give it to Wayne County. So in case you don't know whenever you get a kid a shout or whenever you get a shot. It goes directly that information to Wayne County. So they would be able to actually tell us hey or say to you come your child already off. They've already looked it up. They don't have the shotguns we have it already for them. There will be opportunity to get maybe a shingles. That's it. And that's going to be limited. That's for those. The lead testing is only for children as opportunity to find out a repeating of things now that doesn't necessarily mean it comes from your house. It could come from so if you found a pencil. He has put pencils in their mouth, different things like that. But here's your opportunity to say I need to go ahead it's done. I need to go find out if further testing whether VMR water or VPN my child what's happened. There will be resources there for people who need help. Certainly, it started in early headstart. We're talking about ages, six months, four months because we have to go to work. And when right most of us have to go to work, or we need to go and resource. Again. It will be a lot of other resources on things you can do with your home. Whether that to revenue, the weatherization realization you know what I'm saying just several other resources to help you check it out. Fire Department will be there to deal with things Police Department will be given away and things so they wanna say that now when they when I don't have that information. When I say fun as well as the community baby shower, so no anyone Sue's me that is expecting a baby. That would be a great opportunity for them to but they need to register. Okay, you can find that information on my page as well. Something's out of Sears on that's the biggest thing that I have this week. I do know there's a voting things going on as well at Boston high school when new grace and Grace Church that's on for and then
also at Parker. That is
I can't think of the name of it. It's in my mind. I can see it. parklets I'm sorry that I've lost my train of thought please. Again, keep us abreast of those things is out there as needed. And if we stop for a minute, because again, I think there's some things we need to do when it comes to you keep coming to us as well. I used to say the same thing. So Mr. Hinton, we need to take care of some of our rules, some of our ordinance and some of our papers for our forms, so that we won't have as many issues as we do when people come and we will not enforce more information ourselves. When people come together development or property in our in our in our sea.
And that's all for me. It is not tonight. Thank you. Thank you, ma'am, I broke him.
Oh I just want to speak for the record again. Last year, two or three times via email via text this year, via email via texts. I've asked several times for all the contractors that we have, and when their contracts are up. I've asked for all of this stuff in advance so we don't have to get in with the things that we got hit with today. And I still to this day right now. I haven't gotten any information. And I refuse to vote yes on something if I don't have informed information so that I can make an informed decision. I will not do that. That's why I'm voting no because I invite you all the time I get my packet every Wednesday, every Thursday. Before the council meet me when we talk and show you what they give us to vote to vote with. I have to research everything myself.
And ask the truth. I love you and I say this make myself clear in case anybody thought I meant because you didn't work here. I was not saying that people are saying the same thing goes for Mr. Playboy. When is the same for Mr. Hinton when I said what I said to Mr. Hinton was the same
for cars. That's what I was doing. I wasn't saying
okay, thank you ladies and gentlemen. It's not gonna be nice. Miss waters. A year ago in February, I came to city council after becoming city council president. I sat in front of the body. And I explained to them that our city was in jeopardy, that there were people actively working to dismantle the structure of the city. At that time. We had had a meeting where as a council president for five minutes I made one motion and that was to have the support of the the national parliamentarians Association come in. And to help guide our city council. There are two of us here to have college degrees or the peers do not there are two of us here that are members of a black hat. Excuse me, excuse me, the two of us here that are members of black fraternities and sororities. We learned the parliamentary process as young people and we've worked with parliamentarian process for years. And the first decision as city council president was to make sure that everyone on city council had access to parliamentary support. So that we didn't have the type of meetings that we have now and for a year, we have had these chaotic meetings. And what you see tonight is a little bit of performance art. You see people coming in here, I've I've had the type of profanity that you would think at a bus stop has been had in this room, by the people that are sitting in front of you to your right to my left, when people say that they follow the rules, that is a complete misrepresentation of the actual facts. In fact, that is such a misrepresentation that I've had to act as city council president and encourage the state police in the Attorney General to come and look at our city council on February of this year. I sent the following letter to our legal department and asked the state to come in and that letter is as follows. As city council president I'm requesting that the law department begin an investigation into potential charter violations by a member of city council and Highland Park City, the city charter section 7.5 The roles and duties of the Department of law are described and included in the provision under Section seven dash five A for the Department of Law shall prosecute charter ordinance violations. I allege then, and I'm reading this now for the public this was made in February, I less crescita Shafi currently sitting in the seat for the third district illegally assume the role of city council as he was in default to the city of Highland Park at the time of declaring his candidacy and at the swearing in ceremony. On January 2, he is ineligible to run for office or to hold office. I alleged that Mr. El Shafee was fully aware of this default status with the city of Highland Park and took the oath of office and a blatant disregard to the Statute of the law. He's candidate for the city of Highland Park election must complete the affidavit to run for the office state an information that is submitted as a candidate for the office is correct under penalty of law. That letter went in for an investigation and the information has been provided back to us to show that it is in fact factual. So for this man to come in here, and cuss and spit and be disrespectful every time he is in this room and to say he follows the rules to say follows the rules is a very is a very clear misrepresentation. So the challenges that we face this conundrum that we are facing right now what you see today has been in place for the last year. And the wheels of this machine. Our attorney we received the results from our investigation and there are additional steps that are going to take place and so what the people in the room to know because people ask me, Mr. Thomas, what are you doing about this lawlessness tonight? What happened with the budget what happened with contracts? This is a regular occurrence. In our meetings. So we had representation at a higher level. We want you to be aware of the dilemma that we face. And I believe this is my suspicion that we are under the influence of a Racketeer Influenced corrupt organization because Ma'am, I filled out my affidavit to be a candidate two hours before the window closed on the last day. I've lived here for 20 years and everybody in my quad knows me but there's absolutely no way that I would have beat the incumbent Mr. Rodney Patrick, who is a staple in this community, but somehow because I was able to stay on the ballot filling out the affidavit correctly. City Council President, I took statistics in college it is absolutely impossible for that. to happen without the influence of a Racketeer Influenced corrupt organization that has held these members sitting in front of me to my left, be elected. They someone came into this room and made that statement during an actual meeting. It is on the record. It is also admissible evidence in court so when it finally comes out, it's there. So the citizens have asked week after week. And what you're seeing today is an eruption of frustration because the average citizen in a room doesn't know what's going on and last week in my absence, before we took place that would not ever be allowed in the city of Detroit at a city council meeting. That, in part is why these meetings are so frustrating. And I want to make sure that when you come here, and you go have a have a conversation with Mr. Tate. Have a conversation with Mr. de rue. Have a conversation with Councilman Benson and ask them to take a look at some of our meetings. And you this will verify the situation that we have as council president Sheffield to take a look at our meetings because we are at the heart of the city of Detroit. This city cannot function if there's a cancer boiling in the middle of the city. That is one of the most important points that I wanted to raise now for the people in the community are talking about development. This is the this the strategic fun neighborhood map for the city of Detroit. If you look at this map, do you notice anything significant about where the new strategic fun areas are located? They completely surround Highland Park. I'll show you another map from 2016. This map in 2016 shows the targeted study area for multifamily housing in the city of Detroit those two maps can be an overlay I'll show you one more image. This is an image from Mayor Duggan speech talking about the increase in the assessed property value in the city of Detroit that shaded out areas and city of Highland Park. That light blue represents the highest increase in assessed property value in the city is in the core in the northeast and bangle town in Highland Park. We need to reevaluate the way that we look at the word gentrification because 80% of our population left between 1930 and now the people who left or at the higher economic strata. So what we're looking to do is repatriate our citizens. We don't want to alienate anyone. It is not normal that we have a community that is 90% low income that's not normal. Detroit is not like that. There's a strata we have a lot of poor people but we also have well to do people and that's how our community functions. There is a balance between those two and as Highland Parker's we need to understand that we need to be considering repatriation, getting people who used to live here to come back and live here to alleviate our fears about gentrification because we want people that look like us and have a higher income level. To add to our community. We want people who don't look like us to come and move to our community and add to the value of our community. This was a never a majority black city until it became poor. And I will say this to the cows come home. This is the United States of America and to be going anyplace else on earth you will be at a disadvantage. We need to stop talking about color. He started talking about culture. We need to start talking about our collective culture because the people in Highland Park are those people who have fought to preserve the culture of this community. They are black, they are white, they are Asian, they are Latino. They represent the entire rainbow and if we continue to talk about keeping people out we could be blocking our next best neighbor. So let's have this conversation about development. Let's understand what we have that is a value. And let's make this a cosmopolitan city again, Highland Park was like the United Nations in the 1940s every racial group, every religious group, every particular demographic was here in the city. Let's get those people back here. Let's make sure that we have the right language to make people feel welcome and not discourage anybody from rejoining our city and rejoining our prosperity haven't finished all business related to the city of Highland
Park. The chairman would declare the meeting adjourned Good night.
Do my best you research question for the day. All right. THANK you