Joe Louis Greenway Hubbard Farms Community Meeting
1:19PM Sep 8, 2023
gordie howe
bike lanes
west lafayette
joe lewis
With our carbon coalition space this meeting is a requirement of the community outreach coordinates. Anytime we're implementing bike lanes, it's called a Class C facility. So we have to do two meetings in advance, we're gonna do a lot more than the required to. So we're gonna be talking about two projects today, one being the Joe Lewis Greenway, a reroute, it would cost $1 million to reroute it. For the section we're looking at about point three miles. And then for 40, how communities benefits for bike lane infrastructure. We're also going to talk about that we have 1 million Canadian and community benefits from Gordie Howe specifically for bike lanes. So I have to read this as part of community outreach ordinance. But we'll get into the details and really, why we're here today. So how many people know about the John Lewis Greenway? Okay, that makes me feel good. Um, so, again, we're talking about Gordie Howe community benefits today in the southwest. My name is Joe Lewis. We'll start with some introductions. Our team has expanded since fast meet, we'll talk about the current construction of the project to see an overall update. And then we'll get to the meat of the route. And then what we're hoping to do with the Gordie Howe community benefits. So James Handy was just here is the director of complete streets, he did have to leave, you're going to have seen me present from General Services Department. And then and Jaden from the public works department. But we have a larger team that's featured here, just construction partnership between GSD and DPW. And also my colleague Idris over here. So just to give you an update on the full project, we are under construction on the off street segments. You'll see between Warren enjoy an old railway. This is open to the public. Currently, we started construction from boards all the way over to East McNichols and Joseph Campbell. So if you're driving around in the neighborhood, and you see bulldozers on old railway, that sauce that's fully funded, also funded in supporting our community are the Gordie Howe bikeways that they're building is part of that bridge project. We have grant funding and cat Park and we're now city park. And then of course, Southwest Greenway in the winter. And all this is already complete. Anything that's a dashed line is not funded yet. That includes the portions we're talking about today. We want to make sure we get the alignment, right. And then we'll look for future funding. And what I'll do is open up for questions about the Greenway after and then we'll move into the Gordie Howe community benefits. So once we're in gateway Park, this is where you saw on that map. right on the border of Dearborn branding, playground structure shelter, this will be opening up and how me if you haven't signed up on our email list, sign up the slides 43 feet tall. And this is the path you can access. Currently, he's been wanting to join this half of all the way again to please make nibbles and the Joseph Campbell. So we're working currently north of Grand River between open and Fulton you can see our white faces are in this projects more than a bike and walking path. It's also blight removal. We've moved I think 26 Olympic swimming pools of dumping out of the community. All right, and that's just in this first three mile stretch. And I can't tell you how many times it's over 20,000. So this gives you an idea between Davidson and Joseph combo. This is what state of St. Joseph Campbell a five minute stretch we just started about three weeks ago. The main construction, this path will start next year, it will be planned and completed by 2025. So the framework, how many people came to the framework Metis. Okay, and a couple folks, we do have copies of the framework book in the back, if you want to see it. It's also online. We held 14 meetings led by the city, but we attended 44 additional meetings about the project around the city. Just in this neighborhood alone, we held 11 through Southwest and Hubbard farms, we went to wherever people invited us to come, we're not done with engagement, we're going to go through the whole construction cycle to make sure we got it right. The frameworks for 2019 things change. As we talk about the route of the Greenway revision that residents came up with. It's about equity and equality. It's about connecting people to places it's about quality of life. So again, this is more than a walk in bike path. As we go through the alignment changes proposed by a community. Keep those goals in mind. This was the framework route that came out of the framework plan and again, we're not gonna stay locked into something if it doesn't make sense anymore. So initially, it was grand to Fort connect to the Gordie Howe bike lanes that they're building for it down to Campbell to the off street shared use path that already house building what we heard and then SHLAES we tried to connect it to Clark Park via Werner. We heard Werner was too congested. We heard don't negatively impact the the park, we want to make sure there's not too much concrete in the park. What we're hoping with this route proposed by community leaders and residents, is we are able to address some of those issues. We're not adding congestion, and we're not negatively impacting the park. So from here, the drilling was free Lane route in 2022, community leaders came to us and said, Will you reconsider connecting to Clarke park, you have the schools right there on Scotland. And with the park wanting safe ways for people to get around? Also what community leaders said Fourth Street, it's a truck for how can we find a better way that still doesn't negatively impact the park. So that's why we're here today, in reopening this Friday. Again, nothing in the framework is final, we want to make fun of it. Right? So to date, we have met with the Hubbard farms block Association, Mexican town, CDC Clarke Park coalition. And then key stakeholders like the Millea heart, you're heard of principle, and also southwest Detroit environmental vision. In addition to that, we went out of District Six Doncaster, just to get feedback there. And you're gonna see what we've heard to date. And again, this is not the last meeting. This is ideas we've heard for communities at all these meetings this year in 20 countries. So from here ended up pass it to me to talk about what we're hearing from residents, and you tell us explanations. Thanks, Christina.
So what I'm going to do is walk you through what we've heard. To date as far as feedback and why we we are proposing this route for the Greenway. As we've seen a mentioned why the traffic on Fourth Street, people felt uncomfortable walking and biking on Fourth Street. And then again, connecting the clerk park in the schools was really important to the community from what we've heard so far. So this dashed line here is the the framework brush. The solid line is what we're proposing today. So we'll be coming up candle along Fourth Street, that segment is completed by the Gordie Howe International Bridge project, they are also creating a cross and cross junction as well. So then we will continue along West Lafayette to Grand Boulevard connecting Clark park as well as the schools in the area.
Sorry, and as I run through this, we're going to start here at West Grand New West along the route. And I'm just trying to give you a sense of of what we're proposing along this route or what the Greenway would look like West Grand so we will be connecting to the existing bike lanes that are on West Grand Boulevard. We've also heard from community members that they'd like to see those improved and additional safety measures for people walking and biking in the area. That's something that we'll consider and look at it. So then do continue west on West Lafayette, this intersection. This would be a two way cycle track on the north side of West Lafayette. When we talk to a cycle track, this is kind of what it looks like here from the framework plan. We're pulling this example. And the cyclists be on the street. We are also looking at making improvements to any sidewalks that aren't up to code or up the standard making improvements in community along the way. As well as addressing lighting if there are issues with him in the area. As we continue one along West Lafayette. As we get to the Yoruba hotel, we'll pull cyclists up on the sidewalk. This is what it would look like or expand that sidewalk, make it wider, make it more comfortable for people walking, biking. There also was a sidewalk in front of your hotel we're seeing if we can make improvements there as well. So there's multiple routes that people want to connect at your hotels. So Continuing west on West Lafayette, we get to Amelia Earhart, middle school, adjacent aquatic Park. This looks like our standard Greenway. Like you saw in the pictures earlier, we're going to have separated paths for pedestrians and cyclists. Again, lighting improvements, all the amenities that come with the Greenway would be included for this segment as well. And then continuing further west at Clark Park to sorry, to
Scott Clark,
God required excuse me, I'm sorry for myself run out continuing on south end of the park, weeding through the trees at the south end. Again, continuing that separated paths for slow and fast future users on the Greenway. In the future, west of the park, these parcels are owned by mdot. We're looking at the possibility of obtaining those and continuing the Greenway all the way to the junction crossing that there's already our bridges is constructing however, those parcels are on hold due to construction of the bridge and construction activities around the bridge. So that is a future plan that we're looking to build upon, and make that connection all the way to junction. And this map is showing the footprint of the Gordie Howe International Bridge, you can see there is the connection across junction, as well as the improvements that they're making along Campbell and forestry. Forestry will have protected bike lanes for that small segment until we get to junction between Campbell junction and then Campbell will have off street pass and what to what's on.
There, we'll pause for questions and comments on the reroute. Whether it's about what the Greenway will look like along these segments or comments about just the general reroute open anything for these segments. And I can go back and clarify as well. Anything Go ahead.
So can I actually use the
diagram? It's
alright, so I live on Campbell and Christian C, which is right here, okay. And I'm a bike rider. And I see my neighbors, you know, kids riding bikes, there's bicycle groups coming through. And I'm familiar with what it's like to ride on. West Werner, which is marked by by clients. And actually, I'm used to riding bikes on everything that you've got marked, including down here. Okay? So if you just, and I've done my homework, and if you just, there's a lot of examples to use around the country, but just locally, if you just go to the Royal Oak, or if sorry, if you've done already, but you know, they have designated bike paths. And in some sections they have, rather than going down Main streets like this, they go off off the main street through a residential street, and they mark that residential street as you know, just two way bypass. And it's also if you go back to New York City, which has a very extensive system, that they've done a lot of studies impact on traffic, bicyclists, you don't want if you're a bicycle as you don't want to be on a busy street, not only for the injury that have caused them to get head, but also just from an air pollution standpoint, air pollution is very localized with the car and truck traffic. Okay. So if you come right down badly, this is a, this is my preferred bike route, rather than what you're showing. When you come down here, then you can get into Clark Park, that gives you options. We were just handling. And we have a really nice, polite restroom. I think it used to be a restroom facility that's not used to be renovated, toxic. But if you come through here, this is the section where there's different ways that you could come across through there, you know, through a residential street. And then if you take Campbell up here, this is a pedestrian bridge that's going to go across. And on either side of the the on either side of Campbell street, there are alleys that run the length. And and one way to look at alleys is they're not very well. They're kind of beat up, but you don't have cars moving quickly down them. So there is a bit of an opportunity to make it a bike lane or at least to have a consideration. Thank you for listening.
So everyone knows addresses typing all your questions. We lost some things off the plans. We didn't want to complicate the conversation today but these are in the back. There was conversation about creating like a slow street bike Boulevard network on Christian seating and back what we were told as far as connecting to the park, really strong direction of not impacting the park with more cars Free. So we are looking at doing some traffic calming on the streets. And if that's something that interests you of where you would prefer to bike, please grab one of these from the back table and any feedback you have right on this in this list of ideas that came from some of those past meetings. In addition to that, what we've heard with Joe Lewis is people want to see as much of this option as possible. So we were really looking for an off street option down on Lafayette. So there can be multiple parts to the network, the new bridge is actually going to be on junction, the pedestrian and bike bridge. So we were trying to connect to that new bridge, I don't think there's one, I can't look at a double shot. But I'll double check on that. So you can see, and I might be wrong. With Campbell, I think that's one of the main access points. But um, so we were really trying to follow the framework of getting something off stream. But we do see this as more of a comprehensive network. And again, this was all suggestions from those past meetings. So but please grab hands afterwards, write down as much as you want to provide comments. These are not our suggestions. This is just what we've heard today. And we want to know what makes sense for listeners here.
So So yeah, I'm good with like, so I won't add comments if I like this plan better. So that's going to just be bikes only,
like some pedestrians. Okay, not on the road. But on the off street, it only be on the street for the first two blocks unless we can find enough. Okay, the school is very supportive of us using the spot there. Yeah. What we found in Clark Park, as long as we can minimize the impact on the trees, people are very supportive of the south side of the park. Yeah. And then with the Yorba hotel that's already elevated. Yeah. And then with the MDOT properties, we're hoping to purchase the surplus if this route makes sense, which means we can do screening, if there's an implant with trees to help us with air quality issues. But again, this is all perceptual and we want to know what you all think about this. So
so what I'm going to write just I liked that path. But I like the possibility of using the alleys for theatres into the bike route. So if we go like Campbell and have alleys fifth stuff to be feeders, for gets the kids off the streets,
and we're actually highlighting an Emily in Hamtramck. Okay, it will still allow vehicles, but that's a larger network, you definitely want to share with our counterparts that public works, that there's interest in seeing those outlets activated. Okay, now, one point we looked at the firmer alley, it just didn't work, because there was too many spots where people could get, yeah, too many intersections, right. But the north south alleys have come up before too. So please write down as much as you can. Or you can email us whatever email at the end of the screen or you can call us. And I don't care if you call us sometimes a week to get an idea, please do. So and again, that Teresa's documenting all the salsa? Sure.
I'm interested in the idea of traffic calming when you talk about the bike lanes. I live on the corner of West Lafayette between the boulevard and Scotland. And it's not bad right now, because of all the construction and there's no on ramp to southbound 75. But that street there is extremely wide. And people fly. And we get all kinds of trucks that aren't supposed to clearly go down that street. I mean, I've no truck waving like, you know, I used to holler at them. And you know, they treat it like an on ramp. That's those couple of blocks where it's neighborhood really feels not safe.
Out of the ways you can slow traffic is with,
like bike lanes, and I'm wondering if there's even some other like options. So rather than being like just on the street, a couple of bike lanes like, you know, is there a way to eat up more of the street to make it narrower? Is there more kind of as you like a buffer with more plantings. I'm very interested in the idea of like, kind of cloning those two blocks that connects the Boulevard to the park and the school. Yeah, it seems like a very unsafe, I'm glad you brought that up. Let's
address has no idea. And that's something we can consider designing. We'll consider designing because it's something we're hearing at these meetings that you know, it's not just adjacent to the Greenway or you know where the green new paths is going to be. We need to slow down traffic in general in the surrounding area. So we'll consider that, and it is something that we can introduce with the Greenway. So we've taken note and we will consider process, please continue to attend meetings and emails, let us know. Because we will continue to look into things like that we're looking to make everything around the Greenway safer. So we are going to consider that.
And this is just the first even reconsider alignment, there will be multiple meetings to actually get into the design with a consultant team. Sorry,
you mentioned there was initial concerns with using that new route that we're proposing the initial concerns of like congestion, could you just read kind of explain how those concerns are? Like, you're no longer
worried about this, this probably never shall go, oh, this, this actually came from a lot of folks who live here, we had shown Werner, and we heard furnace students. And then we had shown badly, but one of the biggest issues I'm sure everyone's aware of is parking challenges, especially when folks don't have driveways. So if we would have kept it on a bag, and maybe it would have happened before like a shared Street, like what you see down with Mexicans out for. So not necessarily protected bike lanes, but like you talked about more of us have traffic calming network. This idea came up new but still hearing, which I'm hearing against nine is we want it badly to feel safer efficiency or some of these other charities. Looking at other examples, like you said, roll over Berkeley, despite all of our cities to more than school street type network.
I think you made me I may have said congestion in reference to Fourth Street. I think that's just number vehicles type vehicles on Fourth Street made people feel uncomfortable the right bike on there.
So fortunately, it was the original plan people were uncomfortable with
further, in fact, originally from the framework, this came out. And then now we're reopening it to say is there
any other questions about this? Can I get a show of hands of who prefers the framework route on fourth?
It show of hands of how many people like Lafayette I'm going to show up on how many people are in different. And again, if there's other ideas for a larger network, please please write that down on the sheets and a concept.
Is there any way that you there's still that section on Fourth Street? What's going to happen there?
So this is we have that one concept? Or can you pull them one image might have already how developed a jurisdictional document agreement of what they could do as part of the bridge authority. They are building protected by things on port from junction, I think all the way to green. And that's set in stone through legal commitments. So in this case, we're piggybacking off what they're already building between Campbell and junction. There was in trying to connect to that flyover bridge, right. So unfortunately, you can't change anything that already has already committed to this.
But for this segment, we had nothing planned as of right now. But it's something that could be done in the future. Give thoughts on that. Please share. If we were to probably match what they're doing what's fiction, and we can definitely share those details. We just did that
is the Gordie Howe firefighting thing. Is that going to be like the style on Michigan Avenue? Or is that going to be a style on kind of an avenue towards more of a path?
It's going to be wish I could pull it off later.
style on Michigan Avenue.
Christina I think there is a is a cross section in the framework page. Oh go if you go back in the framework one of the first slides
sorry, I should let someone else do this. See if you could find it. It's protected not quite like virtual but it is curved protected with full length with landscaping and then the bike single trumpet either side now that
we deleted it sorry we will find it if not I can pull it up later we can pull it
so it will be curved protected with landscaping and it'll vary I think between three and five feet I'm still gonna like
elevated above you off to the sidewalk level was it's gonna still be
still on street level. For the bike lane but curb protected by landscaped island. So yeah, I'll pull it up later if anyone's interested I will file
one of these for you. Along the river, there's a lot of bike lanes. Pretty much. I write like two miles a week in Detroit, in the wintertime. Now, there's an interesting, Jefferson goes underneath the bridge, right? Path underneath the bridge there where you don't have to go all the way back off the river to
bill out.
So the riverfront Conservancy is looking to connect from West grant all the way to the riverfront. There is a spot where the road is no longer active in the port authorities. And we've asked if there's a way we could go through the port authority on the Old West Jefferson. And we weren't able to get any success there.
I think they may have opened up the junction underneath the bridge, but it's not developed in a way where they need to open up, nagging, erode and trying to claim his own property going to upgrading to bridge right
there. And in ideal world, I would love a direct path to Fort Wayne from the riverfront, but we cannot get past West Grand Boulevard. But you will see the river front doing fundraising of community meetings to try to make that connection all the way. So there's an off street connection all the way bridge to bridge No.
Other question with your building on the street? Are you inside the parking lot outside the park?
So on West Lafayette, those first two blocks, it's a no standing zone. So we will not be removing any parking technically, you're not allowed to park there. According to the sign.
Some of the vans are outside the parking which is good. Instead of being framed by the car in the curb, where a 10 year old girl will open the car, the cardboard flap you you hit the cargo, it was on the other side of the street outside the parking, you can have the driver opening the columns that are 10 year old girl opening a car and you've got a way to escape.
In this case, we're not going along any parking. We're trying to keep as much of an ostrich as possible, or West Lafayette where there is not permitted parking.
I'm trying to think of the Greenway I don't think there's a situation we have parking outside. We do on
Joseph combo.
But there's a buffer that are correct.
There is a buffer of three to five feet. So that car door is not supposed to swing an edge.
I don't like the like lane to the right against the curb. I mean, right liberal knowing where it's always really into the stand instead of into where the ice is in the wintertime. It's you can't ride your density curve outside the park, we've got a street. Now on Burma highway, you mentioned Berta highway, the bike lanes are outside the outside the red X is on? Are you involved in revoking those.
I was a Parks Department in Adams just on the Greenway, we can take that input back to DPW. But we're not in a position where we can remove bike lanes or change anything outside of our jurisdiction.
Very, very good bike lanes how much like the dropping parking with the need to be painted more often. A lot of cars will honk at you because they think you're damaged street instead of on the sidewalk. But there's a bunch of random fixes, crossing the wall where they're like I could have tried to revote.
We're gonna pass this on the public worse so they can tell us get a response back. If you see conditions like that, or you see bike lanes with ice or they're not swept Does everyone know about the improved Detroit app? Please report those issues on improved Detroit because that's tracked and that goes back to departments have to report how many cases they've solved. And the mayor monitors that
look really nice as a bunch of white pillars where the treat paper can like get inside the biplane, to build up sand they're terrible fam fill up their recount right and like their
street sweepers are supposed to
get inside the White pillars that are every 10 pizzas away people are when they can't do it.
They have equipment that should be able to get in there and we will document this and share this with our colleagues. So the Jehovah's screaming won't be maintained by the General Services department, the parks department. And we hope you also hold us accountable as we're building if we're not maintaining it properly. So there will be also the Job Training Partnership, which is like the riverfront Conservancy. And they're going to be monitoring to make sure we're maintaining it. And it will be helping to program the whole project, their nonprofit that will be funded through. So we're trying to learn from things and make sure this is maintained at a high level of quality. But we will pass all this information along to our colleagues in maintenance, so they're aware, and I used to bike quite regularly before I got an injury. I report those bike lanes that were put up all the time. And it wasn't from biking. So just want to be clear. So our goal with the Joe Lewis is making sure all users feel safe. I'm a very experienced cyclist, I ride with traffic all the time. This isn't about me. This is about people taking their kids out people who don't feel comfortable to live a cycle. So we really do see this. It's it's more than just the invisible infrastructure. Or questions. Again, please grab one of those sheets before you leave. So feel free to ask his questions. We're going to get them to the next part of the presentation. So again, this is the community benefits 1 million Canadian, I'm going to tell you from 1 million Canadian does not go far. And we do have some restrictions. We're very thankful to our partners at Gordie Howe. And Adam is going to go through what was causing the illness based on the past so far, and then we'll have the questions again.
Thank you, Christina. So as you mentioned, million dollars Canadian is allocated from the Gordie Howe international bridge projects for cycling improvements and facilities in southwest Detroit. The projects are supposed to connect to the bridge and the adjacent trails that we install, which as we mentioned earlier for Campbell down to West Jefferson be proud project funds the spended by March 31 2025, we had to get them a proposal for what we would like to construct with that funding in May. So the other aspect of it was it could not be outside of the footprint of the point of entry. So
had to be outside of the point of entry, it's still in the larger footprint.
So So we're pretty limited on what we can do and and kind of constrained by their requirements. So we looked at how we can create a network in this area. We determined Westchester city park connecting their their cycle tracks up to the West Lafayette and our future Greenway connection on West Lafayette adjacent park park and was within their budget and could be constructed within a timeline.
And this is a recommendation from those previous meetings we showed you before. So this was against suggestions from residents.
So this image here is what the the Georgetown International Bridge will actually be constructing, we will be looking to expand that along Clark, West surfaces in Florida up to West Lafayette continuing their style facility and does a two way cycle track the South Side. North Side north side, excuse me. And continuing that all the way up to the crossing at West Lafayette,
we will not be able to find a landscape buffer again, 1 million Canadian doesn't go very far. So this would be doing inators paint curbs on a lighter touch than what they're building. Some
buffer another so the way we'll design it is that we can come back later with additional funding and install those buffers. But at this point, we're using the funds that they have constructing the facility. Essentially what you will see is a three foot buffers some posts or curves to separate that facility. And then we'll be looking as a greenway team to identify additional funding in the future come in and install. Because we'd like to continue to facilities
a lot more. So there is community support, we can always push for it.
So this is a sense of the timeline around what we've talked about today. That Justin Clark cycle tracks. Again, you need to spend this funding by March 2025. So that's constructing that facility with the money that they're giving us Westlock yet Clark, two grand. We'd like to complete that by the summer of 2026. That is currently unfunded. We're looking to find funding date to Everything's construction, we're going to have more meetings for design and we're going to be designing that. And then the third segment that is the Gordie Howe international bridge cycle track along West Jefferson, as well as Campbell, the offstreet facility, their original completion date was December 2024. I believe that's been pushed out, I just don't have a solid date of what that is. And then West Lafayette junction did mark the segment that we talked about along those MDOT parcels. We need to wait for the bridge to be completed before we can start talking with them about acquiring properties and completing that stretch all the way along.
So that's our summary of the Gordie Howe International Bridge MIDI benefits. again to recap we're looking to install cycle tracks along West Jefferson Park. Any questions or comments on this or the general network open any questions even to what we discussed earlier?
Will the process be if at all to buy over the bridge from the network? What what's the connection there with a lot of this bridging? Well, I had the already I believe they have pedestrian and for you it's free
for bicyclists and pedestrians. Yeah, really? Yeah. So part of Bolger Lewis map shoulder. And all this was rerouted to the boarding house because residents thought it wouldn't be really important connector was the city of Windsor is already talking about tourism from Fort to Fort. That was three years ago, they were excited about that connection. And they'll be opening just your passport. Visuals on their website, the green bridge website. I think the pedestrian entrance will be near the Fort Wayne area. So hopefully that'll help expats in that area too.
As we mentioned earlier, my contact information as well as the General Joe Lewis Greenway contact information, there are these flyers that Christina had earlier, please share your comments out there, you don't want to share with the entire group. Please provide any comments whether it's on the reroute or the Clark Jefferson cycletrack We're proposing or just general safety, traffic safety in the area, anything you'd like to share on the Greenway or in this footprint.
It's all that info on the flyer.
Instead, I don't think it is on
the contract. And we will post this on the website just give us a few days in case you want to reference everything anything in the presentation. But at the email Joe was freeway at Detroit Our website Joe's If you're interested in being part of the design process, please sign up on our email list. We send out quarterly newsletters and basically updates on any public meetings. So you'd get an email maybe once every two months. And if you sign in right there. We can also add you to the email list from here. Also, there should there's a box that says if you want to be added for updates. And again, call us email us we've tried to respond within 48 hours, we want as much feedback please share this with your neighbor. You can even email us and ask us to send you the presentation. If you don't want to think through the website. There's a more general project flyer just about the colors overall. And you can see active photos of the construction and some of the images you saw on the slides.
So you mentioned earlier that you're going to be doing a lot of different community meetings like this and engage the community. How long will you keep doing that before you like proceed with the new plan? You don't.
So we've held I think five so far community fits a big part of the job notices that immediate community should be the ones impacted should be making these decisions. So this is the first community outreach ordinates but we do plan on bringing this back to the Doncaster in September for the sixth and helped me out events you know when the date is for the September 1 21st. So we're going to open it up larger at the 46th Doncaster. At that point that community benefits we have to make a decision soon for Gordie Howe. So that will be the last point of decision for Clark and West Jefferson. Otherwise it's we spend the money or we lose it. As far as the job was alignment, if we do you find there's a lot of debates to look for different routes. We'll make a decision after that next downcast but so far, we've gotten pretty positive on all the past means on this alignment. And I'm seeing the same hear that people feel very strongly, we are going to again see what kind of email or communications we had before them in the cast. So even the alignments, we'd like to close that off by that last the sixth meeting.
And then as we kind of get into project specific or design specific will have, you know, two to three specific to the segment. But then we'll also be joining smaller meetings or neighborhood associations, things like that just to keep those points of contact as many people as we can in case designs, and decisions that we're trying to make as a as
an O'Reilly face. So that first section between Clark and the boulevard, that'll be an easier Trump for us to fundraise, knowing we have to wait for MDOT to finish construction on the bridge, you'll probably see that junction to Clark design come in later. Once they released this plan, so that could be five years from now. We want to make sure we get to the design and the ministry to construction. So people see results. Any feelings about Clark and Jefferson as far as the community benefits?
Do we have to take it
we don't have to, you could walk away from 1 million.
I know it's tough to do. We don't like to design a difficult thing. We can we don't have to build,
we would have to go back to the mayor and make sure he's comfortable with it. There is a chance if you don't have a decision in some issues
with how you're going how I have dealt with us and how the Gordie Howe was set off but versus how you get something so
it could be we put them a million in. And at some point 10 years from now, if people don't like the design, they get estranged for the road gets repaved after construction. So it will be very basic for the woman or Canadian. So it could go away or it could be improved. Or we could just not accept the money. But that's decisions leadership's going to have to make I don't want
any strong feelings about Clark and Jefferson and Gordie Howe would? How many people would like to just pass on a million Canadian? How many people would like to see us proceed with this design in the interim?
I like to tweak it a little bit. I think we need to tweak it due to construct a lot of vehicle traffic. And I mean, I think it could be I don't think we should pass on it. But I think we should tweak it. There's something items on that feel Gordie Howe where I think it could be improved.
And it could be this is an intro and we see how it works based on the Gordie Howe traffic. I don't want to say this is the final design for West Jefferson. Who knows what happens in 10 years as far as fully connecting with Jefferson? So So
just if it's possible to take the Gordie Howe money and put it into the primary path that you already set up? Like I would not yet well, or the Campbell street section that's still within the project scope, right? They're actually extracting
this themselves.
Okay, gotcha. So the the basic concept was, so I'm not clear on exactly what the dash line. So this
is to the process. This is the 1 million Canadian Yeah, spend so separate of the Greenway, we're looking to still connect people to the Greenway, just create a network of areas that you'd love another option, if they want to come up Western person of color.
Yeah. So the proposal, the thought, anyways, is if you would take that 1 million Canadian for the dash line and be able to spend it on any little section, even if it's the park going across I 75 or anything, okay. And then you you'd have a million dollar Canadian to put in the greenery or, or to put in whatever the term you use for the slowdown, cars and trucks or
like some kind of landscape buffer Yeah,
to do that kind of stuff or to create safe path ways for kids to get from their house to the road rub. You know, because that's just another thing is there's there's eight year old kids that have to survive the traffic to get there.
We did ask them. Where's that piece of paper? So,
so just concept wise, does that make some sense? Part
of the challenge is the timeline and the parameters and how. So when we submitted the proposal, we also asked them if we could do some traffic calming, traffic calming. They are supportive. It's just deciding what the priority is. We could go back and ask, could we just do this instead of this?
And think about North and South. Oh, because with the traffic calming my friends, I think it's trying to get kids to the path
without getting Nicorette. Right. It's it's supposed to be replaceable infrastructure. So it's how it's pitched. Gotcha. We can go back
to IT infrastructure is the theater network, call it whatever you
there is a large interest. Or you can go back and say, Could we just do this, but expand? Sure. But it could be completely finished?
Yeah. So I'm just I'm thinking about, like utility. I'd rather have two choices than the non mobile. And I'm thinking about the families in the neighborhood, just trying to get to
it and they come back and say, oh, there's not enough time to get a proposal. You can try it.
And then traffic calling we would probably talk about is slow streets, traffic calming. How many folks in the room would like us to try that conversation? Instead of the Jefferson and Clark connection? How many people want to proceed with West Jefferson environment
was Jefferson and Clark the dashed line
the dashed line. So we will take this back to James and see if that's something we can approach and I'm hoping we can keep diagnose to say traffic calming throughout the neighborhood. But we can't do any operations on site events in this area. That's all right. So yeah, I mean, I think it's worthless approached me and asked me so I just don't want to promise we're going to improve it as they did approve the because that wasn't our first proposal. I almost wanted to a tally and actually count hands. So how many people want to keep West Jefferson Park with any benefits? Raise your hands how many people want us to pursue traffic calming throughout those communities? In Southern California
how many people are in different okay. Let us broach that with as soon as possible. Please show them concepts from the solar street network. So where we short the street make the crossing distances shorter. There's also many traffic circles where it slows cars coming to the neighborhood. So we'll we'll see what they say. And I think we'll have to bring this back to you at the sixth podcast and we'll let you know what the results are. We don't have to do another community outreach ordinance for traffic calming so that could be probably the decision point if we have a strong majority majority vote that's something we'll bring back interesting
work out in Lafayette
I have to see if it's permitted on
Periscope, speed bumps to slow down. We've had that problem
more like Tweto Clark Street intersections because of trucks. So if we're looking at slow street intervention, just like we've talked about the traffic Mommy, I want to read on the map. I'm assuming you want us to look Western junction.
So I'm guessing at a minimum rentable farm to junction but trying to hit Weston and that'll come down to price day. Okay, Well, we'll definitely bring that to the next meeting. And we'll probably do a vote. And at that point, we're going to reach out to Gordie Howe first and let ask them if it's an opportunity. And I think we can call it like the structure still, even though it's not actual bike lanes. So we'll see what they say. And we'll come back to that that cast will be here. Any other ideas, thoughts, questions,
just throw out one more thing. I've seen multiple kids almost
go down Christian.
Because they they're coming to the kind of stop sign. And they think it's a, the do not enter I think sign on Campbell is a stop sign. And it's not. So the kids think that the car stop, and it's not. So that's part of the safe street thing.
That's something that can be addressed immediately through the app. So I'll do that. Detroit, that shouldn't be addressed. me laying on the side cross traffic, stop the other interventions that can be addressed immediately session.
Okay. And as you record these things, email us and put it on in Detroit. So we also have documentation.
Really want to thank you all for coming out. I hope to come to nature meetings, if you do not check the box, the addicts future email list, if you want to please, we post all this on our Facebook and Instagram, and then our wonderful tutorials, books and stuff on communications. And again, even if you don't want to give it back to us today. Please feel free to take one of these. And we'll try to get the presentation uploaded in the next couple of days. So well you can always call email. Like I said, we try to answer them for 48 hours. So it sounds like they sound the strip. We're looking at my slot yet for the Greenway. And then we'll explore Gordie Howe flow street network. And I hope you all come back from three, six downcast and make sure people hear the voices they're also and while super nice big news from the six that casseldale Mine 76.
So it's a 36. Meaning Are you all district just just your okay. So it's a Zoom meeting that my deputy and I run every third Thursday,
we could go on the City of Detroit's website under the Department of neighborhoods, and all of the information to that page should be there. And then you can also sign up to receive invitations. And we're also at that meeting going to be talking about lon young, the stretch from the Dearborn border, all the way down to pet park. So if you're interested on what that really might look like there, please join us. So we have a full Joe Lewis meaning that the next six.
Okay, the question, can you
go forward about three slides? Goes right there. This is that, but this is an idea of what the north or the southern end is going to look like.
This is what it currently looks like.
Okay, Warren, Clark parklets carpark. It will look similar to this. Yeah, probably not that why not? Just put two paths in the lane. Okay.
So if you want to experience what it could look like on the south side. And what's important to you is important to have like, do you want to see security or fall boxes like you'd see in this section between join Simon, I really encourage everyone to go out and experience this. There's connections to the neighborhoods, think about how this will connect to park park. And again, that playground you saw will be opening up on Halloween. We'll have it posted soon. If you want to get in the 43 foot slot. So this is a similar design also in patent and luminosity Park. So this is also shared. And we've had interest from residents on see more lighting in the park and potentially security cameras that you see on the different WonderCon. So if that's something that interests you, you need to hear about it, especially in relation to park park. You can use it and the more people who use this other activity goes away.
And if you want this session and you have feedback, let us know what you think because this is going to get complicated for you and potentially do the part two