Alright, so the folks online. The way it's set up here is there's a TV while the zoom cameras are also on the TV along with the meeting agenda, and is the screenshare working. You guys should be seeing the general meeting slide.
Riley theatre, it's working.
I'm sorry, one second.
All right, yes. Yeah, I can see it as well. All right, awesome.
All right. So this is our order business. Recording check. Last time, we forgot to record so just the slide will be in every agenda now, to make sure we remember to record the meeting. Okay, meeting leaders, or I guess I'll lead again, steering committee. So for the new folks steering committee is for people. There's the treasurer, who is Chris, who's on his way possibly. Online should be vaccinated, but okay. That's fine. Our secretary is Robbie, who said he can't make it yet emergency at home. Riley, do you wanna introduce yourself? I
am the Education and membership coordinator. That's about it. My name is Riley.
And I'm the campaign coordinator. Is that too loud?
All right back just a little bit.
Yeah. Okay.
We'll figure it out someday. Yeah, quorum for us was when we have quorum. Introductions. We just want to do a quick round of introductions for all the new folks. We can switch off between in person and online. Adrian, do you want to go first? I
was on camera. Hi, I'm Adri. Yeah, member.
Why did you want to know
I joined the VCU because it sounded. Yeah. Okay. It's on. It appealed to like my political interest in not just like, having the band aid solution of just following electoral ism politics. So um, and to see that that was happening here in Stockton. I was like, well, I need to be part of this. So okay. pickers, like, Chris, on the intro, we're doing intros for all the new peeps right now as we're bouncing off zoom and in person, so you want to go next. Okay. So intro why you joined your VP position if you have a position
Yeah. Oh, yeah. Sorry. I joined to as we didn't have any local orgs I'm currently the treasurer. My name is Krista. Arcot. Sorry. And it's what what was the other ones? I
think that was it. Yeah. Okay. It's
nice to meet everyone.
Yeah, we do know which Peter? Oh.
All right. Peter on Zoom. We'll do Peter in person feature on Zoom. But Peter on Zoom, if you want to introduce yourself.
A Hi, Peter here. And yeah, member and similar to what Adrian was mentioning. You know, I joined WC EU because I growing up and stuck there. I've never really noticed any sort of org like this before. So I just thought this was like an excellent opportunity to be part of this, including like where I'm at currently, as I've always kind of wanted to be more I guess, like active when it comes to my own political beliefs and doing something that would actually have some I feel practical use in improving some issues around here.
What I'm Tanner, I've been a member, I think for like two or three months now. And yeah, I joined because I'm friends with Chris, obviously the Secretary or the sorry, the Treasurer. And yeah, I think like everybody else, I found the idea of a working class orange in the San Joaquin Valley or county. Unique I guess you could say, so I wanted to join up. I guess we'll pass it to You and Riley on on Zoom.
Well, I introduced introduced myself, but the reason I joined is basically the same reason that y'all say didn't there's there weren't a lot of organizations out there to join. And the ones that were were out there didn't really appeal to me in any particular way. And it seemed better to try and build an organization from the ground up, I guess. So that's what, that's what we're doing.
And Peter, I'm not a member yet. So I'm here to like feel it out to what I like about about the ACA, like the organization and then like, join, and I was living in like Sacramento for last like four years. And I was doing like political activism and union organizing there. Now I've moved back because it's too expensive. And so now like, I've been trying to find like political orgs in the area, and this was like the only like working class socialist org in the entire county. So obviously, I'm like, coming in, we're probably going to join this group, probably. Yeah. Anyone else? Students? Eli, it's your turn.
Hi, um, I registered online, I just haven't paid like the dues, because I did it to do in cash. But I just decided to join like, for the same reasons, just because it's like, I couldn't really find anything else. Like, that was like close to this. And I thought this was a cool opportunity to, like, just, um, I guess, unite with the community, I guess. Yay.
Okay, um, Hi, my name is Bessemer. I've been a member for like, three, four, I don't know, a couple months now. And I was out of the country, but I'm back. Why did I join working class unity. I was organizing in LA. And then I came here. And I was at an event and I saw her Preet. And here we are. Yeah. Nice to meet you guys. My popcorn. It's okay. Follow to you.
Hi, my name is Paulo. I'm just a member. I joined working class unity because I believed in the importance of building a strong and organized working class.
Hi, my name is Joanna. I'm also a member. I'm here because I think there are a lot of good ideas the org is wanting to do. Um, and I think we can make that happen.
Okay. Yeah, my name is Harpreet. Also joining WC because we have not been here, in terms of left wing organizing
are free. You're incredibly quiet.
Is this better? Is this the quiet? Yes. Yeah, that's
the quiet microphone. Okay. Hey, go to the go to the mixer and just turn that input up.
Why am I think it's when both mics are on that? Maybe one like siphoning power away from the others?
It's which is better? Yeah. Yeah. Okay. We had like the PhD thing. On I don't know what that does.
Had makes everything quieter. Okay, that
explains it. Yeah. That's what happens when non tech people do stuff. Yeah, join because we didn't have anything here. Even like progressive organs don't really exist here. So in terms of trying to push unions left or just organizing left didn't exist. So hopefully, we can build something. We're still relatively new, but in about a few months, we'll be a year old. We can't say that anymore.
Oh, and Natalie, you want introduce yourself?
Hi, I'm Natalie. I joined because like most of us there isn't anywhere in the county that's progressive. I've been on the periphery of this working class unity organization for a while, but officially, two months in and looking forward to working with all of you.
And Martha.
Excellent. Hi, I'm Maritza. I joined because I've seen the Instagram page for it. And I actually know Atri from working and so she is promoting as well. And I also followed Harpreet when he was running, and really liked his ideas, and I wanted to be a part of an organization to do more, see what things I can do to help in any way.
Awesome. Thanks so much. Okay. Robbie was supposed to be here for the approval of minutes. I think Powell had some amendments, Robbie made them. So I guess we'll move to just approve minutes as modified on the forum. Can I get a second? Joanna seconds. Everyone in favor, raise your hand online if you could do the hand emoji or physically raise your hand if you're on camera, that'd be great for record purposes.
Thank you very much. Reports of members sick or in distress. So we like to just ask folks if anyone's having problems at home kind of just as just to express solidarity and support in case anyone needs help. Just show people that we're not just about doing political stuff here. We also try to care about each other in our personal lives as well. Anyone have anything to report?
All right. Thank goodness because usually there's something reports of officers and committees. Oh, Robbie's on here let me pull this up
Okay, so we got a
okay. We got a message from the Students for Justice in Palestine from UC Merced. Basically, their ask was, they gave us a brief history of Palestine. We believe that the liberation of all peoples racial equality queer liberation workers benefits Disability Rights linebacker directly tied with anti imperialist, okay, Paulo. Their ask was that we collaborate with them in their demonstration against against the UC regents during the regents meeting on May 14 through 16th. I'm reaching out to many other groups in the Central Valley. So if you're interested, please send us a reply. We reply to them and just said, Thanks for reaching out, we'll share your message with our membership at the general meeting and get back to they then ask for everyone's phone numbers. So they can be added to signal which is kind of just a rookie mistake. Like, don't just ask everyone for phone numbers right off the bat. So you told them that we don't share members contact info. But if we move forward, most of the contact information with a few people to help coordinate with them. So yeah, I mean, I think they're legit. It's kind of iffy behavior to just ask for like your entire orgs contact info, but I think it's just like novice organizers. That's something we can talk about near the end. If we do want to continue, like coordinate with them. Anyone want to say anything? About the message for now? I don't know what coordinating involves, we haven't really asked in more detail. May 14 16. Yeah, so the I don't know where it is.
That's not next Wednesday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, but the one after that.
I can speak a little bit about this just because my friends helped to organize the past regents meeting. So the regents or the UC Regents and the students at UCs are calling for the divestment from institutions and companies that are directly invest that are benefiting from the genocide in Philistine. So the regents meeting is pretty much going to be for them to divest from that and to disclose where their divestments are. It's pretty much everything. If you're seeing what's going on with the encampments, the encampments, it's pretty much for for that, and I believe it's the last regents meeting for the year. Yeah. So I think when they say to coordinate, it's just them telling us to like come up during the meeting. And yeah, so like to come up and probably like, organized with them about, like, what we want our message to be about, like putting out statements and stuff like that
no one else
okay, well,
I was someone in the chat that said they used to go to Merced.
Sure, I think it is. Yeah. Did you want to comment on it, Eli?
Um, well, no, I just wanted to say like, I would be interested if everyone would be interested in doing it, I would be interested in and helping with that. Because I went to UC Merced for a year.
Do we know where the regents meeting is?
I believe it's going to happen. I think since Merced is reaching out, it's going to happen to Merced I know that all of the UCs are trying to coordinate it so like UCLA, Santa Barbara Santa Cruz, all of them are going to come down to Merced. Yeah, and I think if we do end up like saying yes, that we want to do this, we can like figure out like carpooling and stuff like that for you.
Okay, then, since you don't know exact details, what if we just like motion to get more info and then make that info available to the membership? And then if folks want to go, they can go but we don't need to vote on anything like releasing a specific statement since we don't know a lot of details about what's going on. Okay, so I guess I'll move to reach back out to Students for Justice in Palestine UC Merced chapter. As for offer up a couple of our phone numbers to them. That's my volunteers. If anyone else wants to volunteer for that, just raise your hand now. Probably has asked you after. And then give them more information and then let the rest of the membership know and if there is an option, or people want to go then we can go. But other than that, no official statement or anything from the organization. Adri seconds. All in favor? Raise your hands.
All right, thank you very much. Next up is Oh, and we did reply to the Sacramento tenant union. I gave them my phone number. Ask them to reach back out. For treasurer Chris. Sorry, I was not able to get you the updated budget information.
Yeah, no worries. I'll be more present to
you. Okay, so we'll get back on that. Riley Do you want to present on the previous reading group? The upcoming reading group?
Yeah, give me one second. Um, let's see the upcoming reading group is on Wednesday the eighth at 8pm It's the our sponsor solidarity reading group on the discord server. If you're interested in coming just reach out to me either over WhatsApp or on the forum and I can send you an invite link. What are we reading? I actually don't remember what we're reading. Let me let me check real quick
Oh, we are we are continuing remaking society by Murray Bookchin. We're I believe we're on the second section of the book. And the the link to that is in on the forum. I think that's uh,
you want to go over the last one and then the upcoming one.
Oh, yeah. So on then, two weeks after that. On the 22nd, Wednesday, the 22nd. Also at 8pm is the official WC reading group where we are reading the zip ai o us what it was called? Yeah, yeah. Basically, it's a, the the official WC reading group is more of a strategic reading group, it's more focused on what we like the things that we would like to do. And like the way we like to grow as an organization, that kind of stuff. Whereas the solidarity ring group is more kind of generally left as topics and is maybe a little bit more or less relaxed.
Yeah. The link to both are on the forum. So there's the all the reading groups have like a forum thread, online. And so you can go back and read previous comments that people have left. So me Paulo and Adri, some comments on there. So you can see like, the old discussion for almost like shells, which was our previous reading, so you can still read it and reply there, like you can continue the discussion. And then same thing for the new new reading. The EIU was like an alternative to a hui for the people that did that before. Which is how you'd like have organizing conversations with folks once you get to the door. And I'll go over a little bit about what what why we want to go over that. For the tenant union stuff. Yeah.
I actually remembered something real quick about the regents meeting. On top of calling for divestment. They're trying to pass a resolution G three, I want to say where they're trying to give the region's full power to fire any of the faculty that they want. So like instead of it being like bureaucratic, they want to give the regents themselves authority to do that. Not just for faculty, but also for students. So I think the last meeting, they were supposed to come to a vote, but then they pushed it to this one in Merced. Yeah, I just remember that.
And the regions are usually Gavin Newsom, business lackeys who have have no experience in education. So
the people in charge sounds like every university everywhere.
All right. And then the side quests, we had the protests for May date and no votes for genocide. I think it went about as well as it could. We didn't have to nine for Palestine there to leave the chance. But I think everyone else did a great job filling in. So thank you, everyone, even if it was your first time, it's good training. So yeah, moving on. Alright, so we have some unfinished business. There's the public facing material working group, we have to set a meeting date for that. There's a question of taking only dues are also taking donations and then some bylaws we have to do a second vote on. So for the public facing material, working group, this is basically a working group to try to get some sort of written bylaws on how we approve our public facing materials or social media and things like that. We need to schedule a meeting date for this rally, just opt out and add the calendar at the very end. Thank you very much. So we'll do that at the very end. Please remember, there's also a thread on this on the forum in case you want to, like look into what some of the similar proposals are. Okay. So the other question we had, which we didn't get to at the last meeting was dues only versus taking donations. So currently, WSU only accepts financial contributions through membership dues. This method kind of underscores trying to get people to commit to the organization so you join your member. In that way we can try to convince you to take actions because you're not you didn't just donate, you're a committed member. But this approach could restrict contributions from people who just want to support the organization financially, without becoming full members. Insights from other organizations such as DSA suggests that relying only on dues can lead to a sharp decline in membership with those who joined primarily to donate one time, like immediately falling off after their dues are over. And by diversifying our funding sources to include donations from places like act blue or when red so we're trying to be nonpartisan Patreon, Stripe etc. We can kind of broaden the scope of the people who might be willing to donate to the org. And it will still be collected. So we won't do things like cash app, or we don't get people's contact information. I think for reporting purposes, we actually need your first name, last name, and address, I believe. So there's a limit on exactly what we can do. But we'll limit limited to platforms that do give us that information. And then we can still continue to engage with donors. So even if you just donate 10 bucks to help out, we can still send you emails to try to encourage you to come out to future events. You know, maybe what we're doing now doesn't appeal to you. But something we're doing six months from now might appeal to you. So the any discussion on that before we move the voters essentially to approve this broader taking of donations? Versus sticking with what we do now? Which is only membership? Does anyone have any comments?
Does anybody have a solid reason why we should not take donations? I would like to hear that now.
Okay, well, once again, okay. The so just I am in favor of taking donations. But just to maybe play devil's advocate or whatever the only issue I could see, is becoming beholden to people who give large, large donations, right. And I think that maybe as long as we are aware of that, then we can proceed with taking donations, and just be very careful about who we take donations from. And that takes us back says, once you give it we do it. I can't hear what they're saying.
She was saying do not take C packs. Yeah, I think the only other thing also along the same lines, Riley is being kind of donation driven. So you can turn into this nonprofit model of like, oh, we need to raise money, we need to raise money. And all you're doing are just like kind of actions that will generate donations. But as, as long as we're aware of that, and don't do that,
I the only thing is we might have to rewrite our 1024 not because we're fundraising. But because of like the amount of time we spent well, would we actually would we have to consider that we're fundraising. If we add donation platforms,
I think only if we're actively taking time out of our like, if we're planning a donation, you know, like an event or something, I think that would count. But if people were just like, at an event, and they're like, Hey, can I make a donation? I don't think we're like fundraising. I don't think that qualifies as fundraising anyways. All right. Yeah.
I'll look into it a little bit more. But that would be my only, we might have to change some some wording on stuff because I don't I don't know if we just said we're dues only. I don't think we ever officially nailed that down.
I don't think we saw that. And yeah, I think it's like time and money resources. So as long as we're not spending 20% of our time fundraising. Okay, anyone else? All right, then I will move or working class unity to explore and potentially implement additional funding sources beyond membership dues, including options for donations through secure and transparent platforms such as act blue and red, Patreon and Stripe while ensuring the collection of necessary donor information for accountability engagement purposes. Do I have a second? That's my second. All in favor, please raise your hands. This is in favor of accepting donations Yeah.
All none favor? Raise your hand. Peter raised and no abstentions? And so motion passes much
a point of order. I think we should clarify for anyone who's new that when asking for a second if a steering committee member proposes something only a non steering member steering committee member can second it. So often if we're waiting for a pause, it's because we're waiting for a non steering member to second it.
Yeah, we tried to implement anti power hurting measures from staring as
best as we can. Yeah, yeah.
Okay, this was a bylaw review that we went over last time. Hello, submit. Did an amendment so I'll just go over that before we actually initiate the vote.
I don't have an amendment.
Okay, well, I took paulose advice and made an amendment then. He so basically just adds that the treasurer shall also record and store bank statements, invoices and receipts, made expands the option for the President to which is members, no campaign coordinator in our bylaws, to sign any certificates contracts for instruments with the approval of steering committee, and then for treasurer, the initial one was just that treasurer should acknowledge and offer advice with respect to fundraising efforts initiated elsewhere in the organization. I just amended it to say that all fundraising efforts initiated by any part of the organization was acknowledged and be acknowledged and approved by the treasurer. They're responsible for overseeing these activities to ensure they align with the overall financial strategy and organizational goals. Additionally, treasurer will be responding will provide necessary advice and guidance winter fundraising practices are conducted effectively and in compliance with the relevant laws and ethical standards. So first, we just need to move to approve the amendment. And then we can go and approve the initial modification. So any comment before we move forward? Okay, so I sorry, Chris, did you raise your hand?
No. Okay,
sorry. So move to accept this amendment to the previous bylaw modification. All in favor? Raise your hand
I'll just make it a second.
Okay, Paulo seconds All in favor? Raise your hand.
Okay, thank you. For no votes, please raise your hand
and abstentions? Raise your hand. Okay, two abstentions. And so motion passes. And then the actual bylaw with the modification so the 4.6 would reflect the new 4.6 I'm gonna get a second. I'll second. Paulo Second. All in favor, raise your hand
All right, thank you. And everyone. Non favor, please raise your hands. All abstaining, please raise your hands. Alright, so Motion passes. Thank you very much. Okay.
All right. The last second one was just that the membership coordinator, which is Riley's position, we added for facilitating work aimed at potentially educating the chapter membership and overseeing organizational organizing publications. Organization publications. Thank you. Oh, politically, yeah, that makes more sense. I was like, That's a weird word. Can I get a second to approve this bylaw? Adri every second. All in favor, please. Oh, sorry. Could
we have a discussion real quick before you go to the vote? short discussion. Um, so I was just gonna say that since we do have a temporary Working Group on public facing material, we may decide to go into a different route where maybe the membership coordinator isn't necessarily overseeing organization publications. So I'm just saying like for the future, we might, we might end up having to go back and change this. But I just wanted to put that out there.
Okay, thank you. Any other comments?
All right. All in favor, please raise your hands.
All right, 11. And all mon favor, please raise your hands. And abstentions, please raise your hand. All right, one abstention. Motion passes. Thank you very much. All right. So we're somewhat done on the boring stuff, we're going to enter some more fun stuff and then return back to boring stuff at the very end. So the next step is the new business, the focus campaign, the NoVo to genocide, update on the tenant union stuff, weekly updates program that we want to start doing some reading modifications, first readings, and then scheduling new member orientation and scheduling a like social fun event. Okay.
really isolate. So.
Okay, I can start and then you can take. Alright, so this is a hopefully everyone had a chance to read over the focus campaign proposal, we posted it on the forum. So we're just going to go over basically similar concepts here. In case you didn't get a chance to check it out. The so this focus campaign will be going on for about six months, it will be centered around getting voters to pledge not to support Joe Biden Josh harder, or any candidate endorsed by them, or that they have endorsed, except for Jeremy Kearney, since he responded to our previous ask. And so we'd have multiple options for people to sign the pledge online at Novo to Gen In persons who will have signup sheets, so you can add your name and address on there. Hopefully, we can get to phone banking, so we can textbook voters the link will use through text. So what we've used before I forget what we use it for, but I know we've done phone banking before.
I think it was I think it was for heart this year.
We went to donors, right.
Second rally.
Oh, okay. And then also for email list. We do have several 100 people on there now. So we can ask them to sign on as well. If you have any questions at any time, just start talking. But that's my Go ahead.
Okay, we're also thinking about doing online partitions. So we'll be using new mode.
Yeah, okay, sorry. Um, so yeah, this is more detail on how to actually do it. So right now, we usually do our petitions through new mode. But we can also use this older design I have from Action Network, that will more directly integrate into kind of our platform, which is actually network signup sheets. So yeah, they should be easy to print because I, ideally, other people will be able to print them. Again, the idea is that we recruit, it's not just us doing all of these actions. We're trying to recruit volunteers. And so the couple 100 People that have signed up for email list during other rallies, pro Palestine rallies, asking them to also come to organizing meetings, scheduled tabling events with us, and then going off and doing tabling on their own. And ideally, if people, if that spreads, then people can just log in online to our website and get the sheets printed out at home. So they should be easy to print. You know, get the relevant contact information from folks and then have them upload it and send it back to us. From banking, going through it through texts account, and then the email, we can create somewhat of an email funnel so we can start, we can have our full demand but also have easier asks, won't like that we also put out so just ceasefire or some of the legislation that Harders been voting for, like the recent. If you are criticizing Israel, it's a crime type legislation. And then they can get new emails, asking them to escalate and then sign on to the full demand the toolkit, so that hopefully that will be like online, and people can just go on to the web page and download all the relevant, relevant, relevant information and the flyers that we have.
Got, okay. And in addition to like phone, banking and all that, we also to target more like to target harder, the best way to target him is his money. So we're going to try to disrupt fundraising events to do this. We do have to get on like a email list. So possibly like a friend or a family member can sign on to figure out what days the fundraisers will be. And then we just show up with signs and you know, or try to get his investors to divest from that. Yeah. And so this does require a trusted volunteer list, who would be able to, you know, show up and you know, actually be there. And yeah, and this will be actions must be approved by campaign coordinators. And we'll vote on that if this passes.
Yeah, just because it is more of a confidential thing. We would, yeah, we'd leave it to the leadership of the campaign to actually prove it.
Okay, we, if you're like an old member, right, we have talked about like foam banking, the larger hoarders larger donors. So pretty much this would be us, calling them and telling them to divest their investments, future investments, or also asking for a refund of their investments. Denouncing harder, pretty much. And this is, I mean, obviously a good way to get harder to also change his stance. And on the genocide. Yeah, so the donor names? No, okay, the donor names are available online. And so we would use that to get the contact information of the donors. And then well, I guess it's on to websites. And then we'll start listing the names of those who have donated to a PAC and other organizations such as that, and then pretty much like out them. And, yeah, we'd also contact large donors who are the who donate to other local candidates, who now err on the side of harder? Yes, side of it. Sorry.
And I added this after we had talked but um, part of the reason for that is the local candidates are there's like a pretty small circle of rich people here who kind of handpick candidates, like the Truman club and normal like, kind of rich families here. And making those people toxic to be associated with would be a good way to try to untangle power from even local politicians for us. And this is kind of a good way to go at it instead of just being like, you know, rich people bad. Now we have like an argument
will prove your bad. Okay, rallies so that we've already been doing rallies but having like working more with 209 for Palestine and CV bipoc, and progressive unity to coordinate events. I do know CV bipoc is, like more of a like, encapsulates a wider area than just stocked in so that'll be nice to make bigger events, like have a bigger turnout. And these rallies will be focused on the ongoing genocide and the role that the local legislation representatives have in the genocide and protesting. Yeah, protesting for the liberation of Palestinians pretty much. Yeah.
Yeah, and Riley had brought it up before but also just, like local involve businesses, so either BDS or like local ports, or shipping businesses that are kind of involved in the genocide. So we're not always at the same street corner reader. And
this would be really good only so we can like also to expand the amount of organizations that we're working with like to create, like have more contacts, and stuff like that. So yeah.
Okay, so the San Joaquin County labor for ceasefire, so we want to initiate more dialogues with like local unions in the area. So it's not just like, you know, those who are just already fighting for the liberation of Philistine but to get more workers engaged in it. Since there are quite a lot of like, local union, local union, so this would this happen I need to get closer I have sit right here. Okay, so we're gonna discuss a ceasefire. are now pledge. So this would be different from the no votes for genocide pledge. It's just pretty much like calling for a ceasefire you sign on you say you want a ceasefire. And then we'll engage, like try to get more union members to engage with rallies and the things, the events that we're trying to coordinate some, you know, again, expanding the, our connections and our network. We'll also start researching other national unions that are on board and then ask them to sign on to pledges that are similar to those who have already signed on to other forms of like, or other ceasefire pledges. And even if the Union itself don't endorse the no vote for genocide pledge. I mean, they're still signing on to a ceasefire pledge. So that's still or fingers crossed, they sign on to that. And yeah, so this would also be a really good way to recruit new members and to, you know, greater or to have a bigger circle that we can work with. Okay, okay. All
right. For the organizing meetings, that's kind of what I was talking about with getting the public out to volunteer for these events. So even for non members, this is kind of one of the key metrics that will be judging whether the campaign is succeeding or not, hey, so at least once a month, try to invite the public and the people who have pledged on and then basically go over some of the outreach events that we talked about previously, provide outreach materials prior to scheduled tabling shifts for them. So we'll have to find places to table, I'm also asked folks that are coming on board, whether they have places where they want to table allow volunteers organizing their own community. So we do want to make this not so just driven by only us, because there's just not enough of us. And we don't have the capacity to really be like the main, like the only people organizing every single event. So hopefully, people can just take the material we have and start organizing their own events in their own outreach. effort to hold events that locations that other people pixoto churches, their homes and parks. So if people do say, Hey, can one of you come out and just kind of give like a 30 minute rundown of what you guys are doing, we can do that. And then they can kind of continue organizing in their own communities. And then if we do get invited to a church, or a home or something we can use to fire drops in the neighborhood. That way, you know, more people can show up to those events.
Oh, also, eventually, I think I would like to put together a street team to put up posters and hand out flyers and stuff, in addition to tabling, which would be I think it'd be good. We've
been talking about, like, I know, Christine has mentioned for a while, or Kristin about like wheat pasting, we've been talking about that for a while. Also, I want to add that the goal of this is to Yes, start locally, but also begin through doing these events and through connecting with other local orgs to eventually make it you know, not just a like a 209 thing. Yeah, or not just a harder thing to, you know, add other representatives and also for it to start and you know, like continue in other areas. Oh, yeah. So like social events. I think it's it's good to bring like the community together. And especially if we're going to be trying to outreach to other organizations. social events are awesome for that. So things like teachings or movie nights, picnics, like you know, these are just ideas off the top of my head, like art like poster or art making days, especially if we're going to have rallies that would be awesome for that. Grieving spaces where like, we can talk about, hey, what's been going on? You know, I think that's really important, especially when it comes to organizing if you face like backlash, or what's the burnout and stuff like that, reading groups, which we already have, and possibly inviting speakers, local speakers to come and just, you know, talk to us. Okay. We have an untapped territory guys of colleges. I know yo P is has a lot of commuters. But you know, we can still go there. But Delta College for example. They have a MSA a Muslim Student Association and fingers crossed if we can get them on board. That would be nice. We can use that to, for them to talk and flyer and share about like events, upcoming events that we're going to have, we can ask them about professors who have, you know, outwardly expressed, express that they're, you know, on the side of the Palestinian Liberation and possibly, like, get in contact with those professors. So we can go and like, talk to the class or have them announce upcoming events, as well. We were talking about, like, flyering. We were gonna say tabling, but tabling we'd have to, we'd have to do a lot more for that flyering we'll just like print flyers show up whenever we can, or whenever we have time, and just pass that out. So we could also recruit more people. I do also want to add that I recently found out that a college has a Christians for Israel club. So you know, if they already have that club, we should engage with the other side. Or at least, you know, turn on that flame.
i That's pretty bold club.
Oh, yeah. They're their president, everything about the club. They're meeting days and nothing is shown online. So if I can get it in and disrupt it wasn't me. Oh, this is recorded. Okay, fine. I'm
happy that all the time.
Okay, so on top of the, like, outreaching events, we are obviously going to need materials. So we mentioned fliers quite a bit. So making fliers with QR codes that people can that will lead them to our website if they want to join or the no votes pledge, or as we mentioned earlier, with the genocide pledge. The ceasefire pledge. I mean, we could also do a flyer for that. Oh, yes. Is right there. The ceasefire now pledge, we could just go. We mentioned this before, but yeah, pasting it on to like asking local businesses if they will let us you know, paste it outside of their, like on their windows or places of worship would be great communities, anything anywhere, everywhere, the more the merrier. And then we could also do like half page flyers that have information on the events that are currently happening in Genesis in genocide in Palestine, about like Josh harder exposing his voting record, because he's voted for some crazy stuff. California senators as well, like exposing them. And then also giving more information on down ballot Democrats.
Yeah, and just real quick, the divide between like the no votes pledge, and the ceasefire now, like the ceasefire now is basically the more palatable pledge. And so businesses are much more likely to sign up for that then our whole like, genocide, Josh thing that we've been doing,
but if we can get a little business owner to say, yes, we appreciate you.
Okay, so any questions before we move on to like goals and measurables? And kind of timelines? I know that's a lot. So we can pause for like, 30 seconds just to give folks some time. Yep. Or Chris, do you want to? Oh, there's sorry. We just had a member come very late.
Apologies. There was a lot of traffic. I'm Christine. Nice to meet everybody. Yeah.
Oh, we also asked why you joined WC.
M. I, a long time ago, I was a Democrat. And it's been a long road, actually not really long since 2014, between 2014 and 2016. And going to school learning more a lot of learning and reading. It has come to my come to the realization just like everybody else here, that we're not going to make any change electorally, through the Democratic Party, even with progressives. As you can see, they've all endorsed Joe Biden, and we can't make genocide acceptable and can't vote for genocide ever. So that's why I'm here. Yes.
Already, thank you very much. Any thoughts comments on the phone? Look his campaign
I don't know if anybody remembers. But at the last general meeting, I had brought up that I had a contact with the teamsters chapter that talks to, or works with the local UPS facility, the package handling facility. I emailed her about, I kind of started with just like, are you generally interested in working with WSU and didn't hear anything back from her. So I just started working at a new place. And they're I think, also Teamsters. But I have had a few conversations with the union rep there. He seems like a nice guy. I haven't broached anything even remotely close to how he feels about the genocide in Palestine. But I'll be hopefully trying to gauge his interest in NWCU pretty soon. There was one other thing that I wanted to say, but I'm forgetting now. But yeah, that's pretty much it, because we had passed the slide about the union membership and stuff. So I figured I would I would bring it up, but
anyone else?
Even if it's just to say us audit, that's okay. Like your thoughts about it, I guess. To get some of that out before we go for a vote. Yeah, this is open. Yeah, I guess. There's a lot more to go over before the final vote. So one of our discussion now. I
think the one thing that I was kind of interested in was at some point you left Jerry McNerney out and I think the reason is because he had conceded on something right was that was a reason. Yeah, he had
posted like, I call on my former colleagues to support a ceasefire, which is like the lamest way to do it. But we had like, thanked him for at that point. And I yeah, I think it would, like reflect poorly on us to go after him again. Yeah, yeah,
well, I just want to make sure that was the reason because I remember his concession being pretty weak. But also if we don't you know applaud people for doing the thing that we asked them then we're not all trust us anyway, so yeah.
McNerney Oh, sorry. Okay, so speaking, redeeming McNerney. I feel like at this point, but yeah, I don't like what he said. But it is one of interestingly enough one of the stronger like, more blue dog damn things. I was surprised he said anything. Honestly not saying that should give him credit for that. But just just a side note.
He claimed he was dragged into that race because they tapped him on the shoulder. I think he's bringing another Democrat right. So I don't know because you're not bringing another Democrat. Okay. But he was he was running against her in the primary. Yeah. I don't think it's too much to ask them to reject his endorsement. I don't think that's going to happen but I think that should be the pressure that we put on them. I know that no one I have strong feelings about I am glad we've Nerney said that he calls for a ceasefire but so to Josh shorter so I feel like any kind of campaign should consider you know, we when we can talk about the down ballot candidates locally we should ask them to reject Josh harder and make you know distance themselves from him. Um, that's just my two cents it may be the minority but and I appreciate what he did but he can say that and get away with it because there's you know, it's he's gonna run away at that.
I do also want to add that although I'm glad that we got a response, I do think it's a little silly to applaud mediocre responses. Like I think it not only waters down the message that we are trying I'm just playing devil's advocate like whatever we ended up doing it's fine but I do fear that like it might water down like demands and what we call for and our stance on it. But also I do agree that like you know what, like we said thank you you did respond, why drag you again because that might like scare other people off from you know, it's Speaking out, but also like you should be scared. Like you're, you know, complicit in genocide. But yeah.
Sorry, that just kind of will have that will kind of require us to sharpen the goals of this group. What are the goals? So are we going to go easy because we're trying to recruit, are we going to press a little harder? Because we, we want, we don't we want we don't want like cutesy message we want total liberation, we don't want a ceasefire without liberation. So we can ask them to clarify and strengthen his statement, without, you know, criticizing that he stepped up to the plate when asked because he is the only one who actually responded to the pressure we were putting on him. So we could press him and ask him to clarify, are you asking for liberation? Or are you asking for a ceasefire while and then allowing them to go back to committing genocide, so something like that, where he has to, like, worry us pick side? You know,
I really liked that idea, actually. Because if we do, let like, leave him if we don't pressure him more, and he later comes out with a statement that opposes like, like a a two state solution thing, or what they call the unilateral ceasefire, whatever that bullshit that harder was saying the bilateral ceasefire. Yeah, so like, maybe asking for a, like a better statement, or a more thorough statement would be nice. Just so we're not like, you know, applauding someone who later down the line is gonna say something that makes us look dumb and make our stances on the whole, like genocide. It just, I don't want it to make us look bad.
We could, we could point to him and be like, this is below the bare minimum. As an example, because it is.
Even if we weren't to, if we didn't choose to like, go back and reach out to him, we can at least use some as an example. Like, you know, hey, McNerney, did this. This is still below this is still does not meet the requirements of what are we and what Palestinians are seeking. So that he is also aware that what we're getting from him is still not sufficient. And doesn't still like allow, it doesn't give Him our full support. Yeah, and often be off the hook. So that that could definitely still be I think that's worth considering. Still. I don't think it's something that needs to be changed and what's being presented in my opinion, but yeah. Because whoever leads the campaign, we'll have to, you know, just keep those things in mind.
Natalie, go ahead.
I was thinking while we're having this discussion, like there's really no great way to go about what we want to do. But I think telling maybe somebody like McNerney like that's a good start. What is your stance on liberation? Like I agree with the keep pushing, I have a hard time with I'm kind of like telling them like you're doing shit. Like you're doing a shit job that never seems to really go anywhere. Except that like, we all feel cynical in the end because it's like yeah, you didn't you did below the bare minimum and we got like, like, Go girl give us nothing. But maybe telling him something like that's a good start. Keep going with that. Like keep going with this and continue the pressure. Just a thought.
Okay, just to interject real quick. I set like a three minute timer for everyone everyone's been under so far. But if you get to like a minute and a half, I'm just gonna like point this at the screen. Just super quick on the machine learning stuff. Like we also have to remember like this is primarily about Josh harder. Like we've said in our posts before like we don't really care what these other candidates think or feel about Palestine because their local positions don't influence anything. We really want them to reject Josh, to undermine Josh and like their local feelings about stuff matters less because again, like if they were really strong and coming out in support and rejecting Him, fine that's like leverage we can use but they're like not going to do that. And most we're gonna get moto stuff. And so, like we clarified in our posts about McNerney, like you didn't go to the extent that we wanted you do But at least we can contrast your former position as a congressperson, with our current congressperson, and like it's not like the district turn into like pro Zionist district all of a sudden, right? Like, it's Josh's position that's out of step with our district. And so we said in our posts that, like, that's the reason why we let him slide. Or like saying less, because we want to use him to now attack Josh, even what he did so far we can use to attack Josh. Go ahead, Chris.
Yeah, we've sort of briefly talked about another meeting. But I think if we could get any sort of statement regarding a pack, and because the Dems seem that seems to be a more it's sounds dumb, but it's like a more palatable attack vector for Democrats where it's like, look a pack bad. And I wonder if we could get someone like Nick nary to speak out against APEC and then work our way to harder, denouncing ation, but just that.
And also just I don't think McNerney like Josh McNerney, I don't think get along because we're ignorant, or, yeah, like Josh has came in and took McNerney seat essentially. So I don't think there's like a lot of leverage there either. Like the idea would be like the local city council people in San Joaquin County Dems and like the Truman club, like all the local powers that be like we want to pit the local powers that be and like the capital that supports them, and are the politicians that are supported by local capital to be up against like, Hey, we're gonna lose influence and local politics, because Josh won't fucking like stop supporting a genocide. Like I know, locally, none of the people that have all the warehouses and the trucking companies like all these people that own property here, maybe some of them really feel strongly about Israel, but most likely they don't. And so we need to pit their ability to control local politics, up against charge partners unwillingness to budge on Israel, and use that as our leverage because that, because they're gonna have much more leverage than we do. But we need to make the cause for them to be losing control of local politics, it falling into the hands of like, some of the other business interests or, you know, to nine times, Jason Lee, getting control. So yeah, we're trying to pit like power against power, because by ourselves, I don't think we have enough leverage to just push Josh, Josh, by ourselves.
Yeah, I was just gonna say that the part that I liked about the this proposal so far was the, like, the social events, stuff that Bessemer put in here, because so much of our reading, like in the reading group has been about the importance of building relationships with people before you ask, make a big, bigger ask. And I feel like when we go to rallies, it's not necessarily conducive to like forming those relationships. Because, you know, people are chanting, you know, they, they want to pay attention to the speeches. So there's not a lot of time for that interaction. And least with, with these events, we can have get people to talk to each other more. And then, yeah, with the McNerney stuff, like, like looking back on it now, like he like, like, fell well below, like what we wanted, but like, it's just one of those things, like when you're in it, like, and you feel the pressure to respond, because he put that statement, like right before the election. So it was like, you know, like, let's put out a statement, like we were sort of, like, desperate for like a win. But yeah, I think that like, that is something like, we should think about, like, because we held a meeting, and it was like, okay, like, what is our response going to be anything? Like, a good thing we should have, like asked ourselves is, is this the strategy that we want? Like, let's take a moment, like, you know, we're pressed for time, but like, that's also when we should be asking each other like, those thoughtful questions and like, you know, getting those responses and communicating with each other a little bit more.
I just want to say it's gonna, as you guys saw Biden today, he tried to come out hard against the students, it was a failure, and it was a big failure, and it's going to hurt the other Democrats. So I think as we move closer towards the election is, I mean, I can't believe we're already in May, and it's gonna happen fast. Now. This is going to become the center, the focus of a lot of, you know, press for you know, I mean, they, how has this taken the oxygen out of abortion, it has taken the oxygen out, and we don't have to get into whole big details about that. But when we start doing these events, It may, it may add pressure, you know, to some of these candidates
I do just quickly want to say for McNerney, I think it's very important. Like the way we get a win is by putting people in power against people in power. Like, y'all are in power, like fight each other. I am let us watch. But I do think that at the very least we should have McNerney revise his statement a little bit, just because I don't want harder to think that he could also in the end, send out a mediocre statement, and we'll applaud for him and be like, hey, yeah, you're exactly that's what we want. I want to use like, have McNerney be an example of the type of it doesn't have to be him specifically. But like, I want there to be an example of the type of response that we want. So harder and those that weren't like, you. Just setting a statement, like having a statement is not going to be enough for us. Like that's not our demands. We want. You know, you calling for the liberation Palestine or, you know, the a ceasefire. Yeah.
Also, briefly, I know he's running against Kevin Logan, and none of us really want Kevin Lincoln to win. But I don't think Josh harder, walked away with the primary. I don't think it was a massive win for him. If you look at the numbers, am I wrong? Was he did he massively spank Kevin Lincoln? I don't think so. Do we want to press Kevin Lincoln on this as well and make him do we want to sharp at a contradiction between the two of them? Where Josh is far, far on the right of Kevin Lincoln. Is there some kind of possibility we might press Kevin Lincoln and ask him for? No. He's full on? I think we'll be back as he made statements.
Yes. As Yes. Nevermind.
I was gonna say even even if that even if that weren't the case that he had made that. I think that one of the issues is that, that we're basically like being like setting a layup for a politician, right for him to come out and just take whatever the opposite side from his opponent is literally just to win. And I don't know if we necessarily want to, like engage in King making in local politics, unless we know that that person's like, on our side as much as possible. And even even then, it's a little iffy.
All right. It's 730. I'm gonna move to extend the meeting another 30 minutes. Yeah, please. Oh, whoops. I move to extend the meeting another 30 minutes. Can I please get a second? All second? Oh, seconds. All in favor, please raise your hands?
Don't think I can stay for the entirety of the 30 minutes, but 15 minutes? Yes.
All right. And when not
10 minutes and me.
Okay, that's fine. Well, we'll get to the vote within 15 minutes. Peter raised his hand for another vote. And then abstentions, or raise your hand. All right, motion passes. All right, let's try not to take up the full 30 minutes. Okay, doing measurables. Yeah, let's just go over what we're what's in front of us. So the event frequency, um, the first three months would be kind of one event per month. Just because we will need a couple of months just to get everything created and built on the website and everything. The next month would then be two events per month, and then the last two months would be three events per month. Those would be events we are personally doing so towards election time, we would have to dedicate a bit more time towards this. Hopefully we just have more members to do that. events would include like tabling and Phone Banking or rallies. So events were like a concentration or a concerted number of us are like going and doing something and then also aim for volunteers to organize a similar number of events as official WC EU events for metrics again after the first three months for campaign development. Hopefully we can get it done in two. I'm just giving us extra time because we always need extra time. So the metrics that we'd be measuring would be number of people signing the pledge, number of new people participating in various action. So the rallies and tabling stuff non dBc members are doing number of people explicitly joining to participate in the focus campaign, the number increasing participation, rate of membership and all action. So, just trying to record how many WC members are actually activated in participating in these events, and then report the meetings at every meeting starting at month three. So the first two months would give us a time to kind of develop these metrics, and then start reporting on month three. Again, the timeline, the only solid thing so far would be the first two months to have campaign development. So the website developer talking points, have all our outreach materials designed, ready to print and then have member trainings on how to actually talk to folks about this issue? Because we're going to need a you can't just go up to strangers and be like, hey, vote no for genocide or whatever, probably have to develop some sort of organizing conversation. Okay. So there were a few questions that we answered on the forum ahead of time. In terms of the oh, sorry, there's just outline. Okay. So a two thirds majority vote is required for the campaign to be adopted at the next general meeting, we would be voting for someone who wants to lead the campaign. And then the end would be October 2420 24. So the month before election time, but if we're trying to push it Biden, like three days left for the election, we're probably not not going to succeed. Let me see if I have the questions. Okay. Does anyone want to go over these questions? If not, I don't have to read the long answers. To them. Yeah, they're all on the farm is copy pasted from the farm. Okay. Yeah. Anyone have any other questions that they want to pose?
All right. Oh, maybe just for the concerns about like Republicans winning, I know that. The thing that you wrote up, like, I think, you know, like, make sense if you're, like, maybe like a political junkie, but maybe the strategy and that is maybe too technical. And I don't think, like so much of like, what people who do harm reduction, they do it, like out of fear. And I don't think you can make like the most logical, like, precise, like argument. And that's, that's not really going to move someone if they're coming from a place of fear. And so I guess I'm just thinking, like, maybe we should approach that in another way, but I don't have anything typed up. But that's, that's just what I was thinking.
That's actually really good idea. Especially if, like, we're gonna post this and I think it's really important to go into it with the thought that the people that are going to like read it probably don't have much, like, don't know too much about politics, so we can work on dumbing it when dumbing it down makes it sounds a little like, approachable, yeah, make them more approachable. Exactly. Yeah, make it a little bit more approachable. So it doesn't seem a little too like whoa. Scary from the start.
You might need media training.
And I was speaking in media, one of the things I was thinking of, because with that specific question is now I'm not very talented in this arena. I've never made one. But I don't think it would be too difficult to even just make a good digital zine of this topic. Because I think that that's, it's a question that's been brought up many times since we've started discussing Palestine, and a lot of people have those concerns, like, okay, but lesser two evils. Or, you know, what, if a Republican comes in office, what if Trump wins? It's gonna be even worse, or everyone's talking about the like, the whole, like, conservative, right has like this 2025 plan or something like that. I forget what it's called. That, like, if everything passes, this is all the things that they hope to accomplish, right? And so a lot, it's created a lot of extra fear in people even on social media, people who have shown various strong leftist, like not electoral ideals have started to be like, oh, shoot, if this happens, like, maybe we do have to vote for Biden kind of thing. So I think it's worth putting some time and energy into that, whether that's for the focus campaign or not. But in general, because I think it also just resembles what we are what we speak as an Oregon general. So yeah, you're putting it out there. And it's being recorded so that it could be
I'm gonna say remind me at some point. So that We can work on it. Because I'll forget. Yeah,
I figured Riley will Yeah.
All right, anyone else?
I just really quickly want to say that going back to what Riley said, I think media training would be really important. That's it. Okay,
since we're running out of time, and we'd like for people to vote before they leave. Okay, so I will move to for us to formally adopt the no vote for genocide pledge focus campaign as a second focus campaign. We will invite voters to pledge not to support Joe Biden Josh harder any candidate endorsed by or endorsing them, except from attorney with discussions aside, you will have these options designed the pledge. Additionally, we'll have a toolkit online, which will allow people to host and push this action on their own. We will also disrupt fundraising events. We will phonebank large donors Josh and local Democrats to try to get them to basically defund Josh's campaign, we will continue holding rallies and protests, either focused on Palestine and just fighting the genocide, or doing BDS related actions, we will try to set up a San Joaquin County labor for ceasefire event. That, under a ceasefire, now pledge to try to get labor on board. And then the main focus will be organizing meetings, trying to recruit others on board to help us with this without necessarily being WC members. And like Paula said, trying to do social events to try to get people get to know people before that, and will probably be good for recruitment, talk to our local schools. And then again, our job will be to develop all these outreach materials for everyone. So they can just plug in and then get to work, which is somewhat of a Bernie model that we look down upon at our recent reading groups. And then these are the measurables that we'll be measuring by if we're falling short, we can revisit our strategy or kill the campaign early. Okay. Can I get a second please? Okay, that's my hat. seconded. All in favor, please raise your hands. Or five. Online it is
unanimous online. Peter, Chris, okay.
Yeah. All not all non favorite. Please raise your hands.
That was up before and then abstaining. Please raise your hand? one abstention. All right, motion passes. We have our second focus campaign. Yay, everyone. Okay. We had a bunch of other stuff to do. But we can table it for now. On so we will, for the tenant unit update. Basically, we've been super quick. We've been focused on cockroaches, we went and canvass the neighborhood. We asked him about cockroaches. A lot of people got back to us, we have not written a letter that we will send to the we want to send to the code enforcement of Stockton. But we need people to sign up like sign on to it. So we can have like all neighbor wide signature, I'm going to code enforcement targeting the HOA not the individual landlords, because from our experience so far, the individual landlords, they try for a couple months. And they say, Hey, there's problems in the entire neighborhood, we can't fix anything. And now three years later, there's like cockroaches falling on kids heads and the tenants can do anything. There's a weekly update thing I will just reach out to folks if people want to work with me on that is basically we want to get like a weekly newsletter out to members, updating them about what's been happening in the organization. That way if you have to step away for a couple of weeks, you can step back in or a couple months, you can step back in without being completely lost. If you'd like to help on that, please reach out to me. And then the bylaw stuff, we're just gonna skip right on through and do it next time. Oh, no, I gotta reload the meeting. Um, there we go. So we have to schedule the new member orientation and a social event those and the temporary working public facing material temporary working group. For the temporary working group, are y'all okay doing that on Monday? That was that okay. Do you want like an individual day?
I'm free on that Monday.
Okay, so put that there it's on the start, right latest calendar accurate or the like the days
yeah, I modified it. So it should it should be You are no i? Wait, no, I thought I changed it. Oh, yeah, skip the first. So skip those first two days. They're wrong the Monday and Tuesday but all the rest of its right.
Oh, sorry. Okay. All right. So that's six. And we also have a working meeting on the 20th. So the working meetings are basically where we invite everyone to join. They're on Zoom only, is basically where you can do kind of the work that we've assigned ourselves to do. But you can do it on group settings, you can kind of talk about it with everyone else while you're working on things. Like Riley said, we have our solidarity reading group on the eighth, we have our WC reading group on the 22nd. And then steering meeting is hopefully the 13th. But somehow that always gets super delayed. For our new member orientation, the idea would be hopefully we can get some new members have launched this campaign. Who's available on? Well, last time we did on a weekend or a weekday.
We did orientation out Thursday.
Okay, do we want to Thursday again?
Sure. Okay,
let's do things. We wanted to do the end of the month, just to give ourselves time to like, actually launch the campaign who's available 30th Around the same time as now, six or 730 to help out with that. Enter, Adri I can do it. Okay. And Riley? Riley, Eli, Paulo. And you're fine. All right. Thank you so much. And then we wanted to have just a fun social event. I don't know what it's going to be. But let's just find a time when we're free. Or a more free on the 23rd or like the 16th.
About the 16th I feel like that unless anybody's got a different
Rs 16 doesn't work for Adri. But if it works for a bunch of other folks.
I'm free on either.
Anyone else? Want a third? Okay, who's free on the 23rd then
Palo Chris said maybe. So this would just be like a total fun event like bowling or other some lame activity. Alright Tanner's pretty. He likes it because they're free and
I could do either day. Who was that? Sorry? Sorry. That's me.
I can probably do either day.
Okay, great. Yep, thank you so much. Hi. And then. So on the 16th, then, or the ninth on the 16th. Whoever can come out Thursdays is usually the day where we do stuff, just to just so it's easier to coordinate. But we'll have to do canvassing on those days, because we have, we actually have to go out and get signatures from the Calvillo residents on this code enforcement letter. The idea with the code enforcement is basically that as a first step, the HOA is not going to kick people out, that's up to the landlord, right. And so there's slightly lower risk to the tenants that we focus on the HOA, instead, there's an HOA that I can talk to you afterwards. And so we need to collect signatures to actually, you know, send something to code enforcement, it'd be good if you can get everyone. So same thing with Calvillo. It's like five to 630 Basically, until it gets dark. We just go to the neighborhood we'll talk about we'll meet here at the meeting place, we'll kind of go over what we're going to be saying. So we'll have our kind of organizing conversation training and like brief five minutes beforehand. And then we'll go out and start asking people to sign on to this thing with the idea that in the upcoming months, we will start doing actions against the HOA so you're going to their main meeting place and interrupting a meeting with all the tenants going to city council, plastering their face around the neighborhood to just be like hey, these guys let kids live with you know cockroaches all over the place. And then also finding other things that the HOA is responsible for like the if you've been there, the stairs are all rickety and falling apart. That's HOA responsibility. So finding those things and then getting them recruiting more people against the HOA essentially. Okay, there's more things to schedule but we'll just reach out via email and then figure out scheduling then because I know we're ready way over time.
I just want to add really quick when it comes to canvassing if you have not canvassed yet i i encourage you to You've give it a shot. And it can feel intimidating at first. But there will be people there that have done it before and who have spoken to some of these people. So just to at least hopefully build up that comfort in everyone. But I think we have a responsibility. Yeah, we are we do get paired up when we do it. But I also think, just in general, we have a responsibility as members of this group to kind of try to, you know, like, if one of the goals is with the foot new focus campaign is to kind of increase participation and encourage, and we'd like to challenge other members to kind of, you know, have that active participation. Of course, things come up, you know, should happens. So, like, we're not we're not mentioning those things, but Right, so. So, yeah. We want to, you know, try to honor what we are trying to do with these tenants as well. So I just want to mention that, just as someone who has gone canvassing a little bit more recently.
All right. Anyone have any announcements? Oh, sorry, one announcement. Stockton, since we have our ongoing thing of doing strike support. Talking teachers association may be going on strike, they've been picketing. And so if we do get any updates, we'll let the membership know we have an early on we pass this pledge. So it's kind of a duty of the membership to show up to support local union going on strike or picketing. And that anyone else have any announcement? Yeah, we have the strike ready pledge, which is why we're obligated to go. Now okay, I move to adjourn the meeting. Any of the second has been seconded. All in favor? Raise your hand. I'm assuming everyone raise your hand sprightly.
I abstain.
Okay. Okay, there's no no votes. No one abstain. All right. Motion that Riley's abstaining. All right, thank you, everyone. Sorry, ran late. We wanted to really have a thorough discussion on the purpose campaign before approving it. Again, there is a post on the forum. If you want to continue discussing it just reply there. If you are a brand new member and you should have gotten an email if not reach out to one of us. We'll do a one on one with you. And then we can go into more detail about what the org does and where you can plug in answer any questions you may have. already. Thank you everyone. Give yourselves a round of applause. The Democrats are really gonna hate us in the upcoming six months hopefully