Hey everybody, welcome back. Or maybe I should be welcome welcoming myself back. I'm back from my vacation young. It's been a month, I took some time to focus on me to gather myself. I also got gathered by my spirits and my ancestors in the most beautiful, wholesome, healing ways, I had such a great time pouring back into myself. And I'm just so glad to be back though, like I have been refreshed, revealed. And I have so much that I'm excited about. Before we get into the weekly word, I do have a couple of announcements. First of all, my Tarot books are back open, I am back open for divination. So if you are interested in sitting with me, to receive a word from my spirit and my spirits, book a reading with me, you can find all the information on my website at www that dot Jeida k storey.com/book. Me, or you could just visit www dot JDK story.com. And you should easily be able to find through the navigation, how to find my booking services now, and update I have some new offerings for you. I am doing kind of like a check in reading. Essentially, it is called what to do for the rest of 2022. This is a reading where we will sit down talk about your tarot card of the year, apply it to the themes for 2022. And then we will look at some of the minor aspects and really I shouldn't say minor but some of the different areas of your life that are in motion right now and try to get us or help to get you some clarity to move in a direction that you that is beneficial to you that will enrich your life that will help you maybe achieve some goals that you have in mind. Whether that be you know physical goals like concerning your job or family or maybe it is just your spiritual walk, you're wanting some clarity and some direction and some encouragement. So that is an offering for you. If you're interested, that is a live reading with me via zoom, that is available, the information is on my website. I've also added a couple other things I'm really excited about. One is that I am I'll say this I am the descendant of pastors, reverence church, mothers, evangelists, church folk, okay, I come from church, Jesus loving people. And although I do not consider myself a Christian, any longer, I still walk with that same anointing and power. That is always in me. And so because of that, because I come from prayer warriors. And because I'm a prayer warrior myself. I've been really thinking about how can I give back to my community? How can I? How can I extend my hand and my heart to the people who I love most? You know, that's black people in America and all over the world, right? And so what came to me it when my ancestors were sharing with me is do what you do. Do for others what you do? Well? And yes, that's offering encouragement. And yes, it's offering divination. But I believe that prayer is also a tool of divining. And so I am offering something where I'm just calling it a prayer call. Essentially, if you are a person who is in need of prayer, you know, you just want someone to touch and agree. You just want someone to just go before the divine to go before God to go before Jesus your ancestors spirits and just ask for help or ask for whatever it is you need. I am raising my hand and I am signing up for that.
And so if that's you, if you especially if you if you are a black person, this is an offering that I'm offering to black people specifically because that's I'm a black person, and I believe I want to give all of my energy to my community first. So if you are a person who is in need, just just want to wear a message to get through to God. First of all, I want you to know that you can open your own mouth, and spirit will hear you. But if you just need someone else to touch and agree to say, yes, I want Jada to also pray for me that is an offering is completely free. There's, you don't need to pray for something, you don't need to pay for someone to pray for you. Okay. So, if you are interested in that, what I will do is I will, I will receive your request, I will pray. And I will record the prayer and send it to you in audio form just like this. So that you can hear what comes out of My Spirit, so that you can hear me knocking or knocking on the door to the Divine or you know, ringing calling what they call in Jesus on the main line. So that you can have that prayer. So that it may be if it's something you want to listen to, again, or just so you know that when someone is saying they're praying for you, that you can hold that that recording as evidence that there is someone who is rooting for you and praying for your good and for your for your wellness. So I'm super excited about that offering as well. If you're interested, go to my website, book that, get get some time in and I will happy happy to go before God for you and on your behalf. Let's see what other options Oh, guess awesome. I have changed my rates as another way to assist in making sure that my services are accessible, especially now. And the times when the US government is taking advantage of us with these inflation rates. And all of these things that are happening that is making it so hard people are food insecure, people are losing their homes, things aren't like things, we are in dire times. And so I understand that sometimes you need a word to get you through, like you need a prayer. And sometimes you also need a word. And so I have adjusted my rates. This is something that I was in prayer about with my spirits. And they said yes, to do this. And so I have made some options, more affordable for those who are interested and need just something. And I want you to know for black folks, specifically because my services are catered to, and curated. And they're designed for black people. So I want you to know that if you have if there's a barrier, if you're looking at the prices, and it still feels out of reach. But you feel that we should be working together that you want to sit down with me and get a word. Reach out to me, email me my email, and all of that is available on our website. But in case you need it, my email is Hello, h e l l at Jeida k storey.com. Email me and say let me know what's going on. And we will try to work it out. We will work it out as best we can. And this is for those who they view my new prices and is still out of reach. I don't ever want to be out of reach for black people. Okay, so, yeah. So those are my announcements. Those are the church announcements. I went a little longer than I wanted it to. But that's okay. Because I am super excited. This is my first weekly word in a long time. I got a lot to talk about. So let's get into it. Okay, so I had a whole other message for the weekly work. And right before I started press record, spirit was like, let's let's look at something else. And I'm grateful because Spirit has been talking to me really for the really for the last few hours. I rarely slept last night. I barely slept last night. And so
I was just up and so I'm I'm excited to see what is going to come forth. So our weekly word what is the word for us to hold this week? The six of wands, the six of wands is our weekly word. The six of wands, letting us know that we will succeed. We will be successful. We shall overcome. We can do great things. We can be winners. And that I think is especially important now, because on every side, especially if you are in, I was gonna say, especially if you're in America, but honestly, if you're a black person anywhere, there is danger on every side there is anti blackness on every side there is. There are so many forces that want to crush our spirits. And the six of wands is here to say that you will ride on the wings of success. When you are guided by our spirits, by these black spirits, these ancestral spirits who have already overcome so much, who have already lived through some of the worst days and times of our history. These are the people who are with us now, very present, very present. These are the spirits that we can call on and return to now that we are facing such perilous times, the six of wands as a reminder that no matter what is going on around you, success can be in your hand. The six of wands feels like a testimony. It feels like I have come through hardship. And I'm here, standing in the winner's circle. And I'm here I'm still here. And I think that even in the midst of such dire devastation, sickness, disease, people are hurting and in pain and need that the six of wands reminds us that even in those times of coming through, or maybe for some people, you're still feeling like you're sitting in it. Spirit is here to stay with the six of wands, you will not stay in that place forever. You will not be sitting in the seat of the scornful forever, you will not be in a place where your knees go unmet. Forever, the six of wands is overcoming difficult times. The six of wands is visibility. So for those who may feel like they are moving through the world, invisible, people can't see me. People aren't sharing my GoFundMe. People aren't here with me. They don't know my name. They don't hear me when I call. The six of wands is saying that you are going to be elevated to a place where people can see you acknowledge you that the divine will lift you to a place where people can not ignore your cries anymore, where people cannot ignore your reality anymore. They will see you. They will come to your aid. They will lift you up.
And so I think of community because another car that's here on the table is the five of stones, which I'm using the gentle taro today. But the five of stones is the five of pentacles. And that is usually like a card that we associate with hardship. It's a card that speaks about resources and lack thereof. And what I like to think about when I see the five of pentacles is the fact that this person there's more than one person in this call There are two people in this card. There's community in this car. There is what Dana Lynn knuckles calls, there's a sharing of the burden of survival. There are two disabled people in this car and they are walking through the snow in the dark by themselves, but together and so, this is making me want to ask all of us, how are we ensuring that the folks that we say we are in community with how are we ensuring that they are lifted up? How are we lifting up? Black people? How are we lifting up black children? How are we elevating black trans women? How are we lifting up? Black transmitted? How are we lifting up? Black non binary folk? How are we lifting up? Black disabled folk and chronically ill folk? How are we lifting up black sex workers?
How are we doing it? Are we doing it? Are we doing our best to make sure that we are protecting one another. Because the six of wands is another car that I like to invite the community into. Because yes, there may be one person elevated in this card. But there are people around witnessing the beauty of this elevation. Because when we lift up, those who have been historically pushed to the side and marginalized we behold their glory. And we are rejuvenated. Because the thing is, the more we take care of one another we can all get our chance to be seen for our needs to be met and centered. It is our part though, to make sure that we are holding each other that we are preparing each other that we are walking with each other. And we just got to tell the truth. The other card the last card that I had is the Justice card. Justice means we tell the truth about the matter. So we got to get real honest with ourselves. We got to get real honest with ourselves. We are living in a day and a time for many of us who are in the states where they have banned abortion
they have banned a human right for safety. And so we know that when it comes to the Supreme Court, there is no justice there, we can't see justice there. It is up to us to stand on the truth that we know and how to survive and how to support one another during these perilous times. And that can be heavy. When especially when you feel like danger is on every side and we're never going to win this. But we are going to win it because the six of wands is here to say that is success. We just cannot use the same tools that the enemies use. We're not going to be capitalism with more capitalism. We're not going to beat these issues of or the violence White terrorism with respectability politics, we're not going to do it we're not going to be able to use those tools. But that's okay. Because our ancestors, our spirits, the divine, has given us better tools. First of all, is unity and community is also knowing how to work together to achieve that, which seems impossible. But you can out best them all together. So, this is running on. But you know me I like to end with a good word. And this word is usually I do like something really quick, really cute, but I feel pressed to read the story that Spirit brought to me or brought to my attention today. If you hear my baby playing in the background, that's because I'm a home mama. And that's all right. We love it. So I am reading from Briar rabbit retold and this is by Arthur flowers. Blessings to him for writing this book. So that we can have this and keep this long after he is gone. We have these stories and so spirit directed me to the story of Brer Rabbit and says the turtle so I'm going to read this into your hearing. And let's begin now there was once upon a time that the rabbit was bested. Wouldn't want you to think he won all the time. Everybody had to lose some time. That's what make life interesting. I recall once or twice since the turtle got the best of him. Back in the day since the turtle was a slow boat to Memphis I suspect she still so. But one day she decided to teach the old Trista lesson I tell you what I'm gonna do Brer Rabbit she say One day I clearblue you call yourself a fast runner? I bet I can beat you today Creek three miles down the road. I will put good money on that Brer Rabbit now this sounds like easy money to Brad rabbit. The bet is on and since the turtle position herself on the road leading to the creek when you hear me count three you light out she say I will be right there with you. Now what happened is this says the turtle got two full grown children and each one look just like her. So since the turtle she put eldest son turtle at the tomb outpost and got her baby girl turtle at the one mile post. Both of them with their hands facing the creek. This she positioned how old man Brad turtle right at the creek with his hands in the water. Then says the turtle say 123 Go
Brett rabbit laid out get to the two mile mark and eldest son turtle yell out I'm here Brett Rabbit. Rabbit say how do you get here so fast? Eldest son turtle say I'm running so far as you can see me Brer Rabbit Rabbit say see this. And he laid out running harder than he has ever run before. running so hard he leaves his shadow in the dust. But when he gets to the one mile marker, baby girl turtle Gill I'm here Brett rabbit best you pick it up. Brett rabbit pick it up. My God does he pick it up? But when he gets to the creek Brett turtle yell out here I am Brian rabbit. Then he ducked down into the water. You win says turtle say Brer Rabbit a nobody fast as you usually I'm a little quicker than I was today. I must have pulled a muscle or something. Brad turtle raised his head out the creek and say I tell you what I will do Brad rabbit. I will give you another chance. I will turn around and race you back deal ser Brer Rabbit and he laid out quicker and quick. At the one mile marker. Baby girl hear him come in and turn around so her head face the other way. Rabbit come panting up and baby girl turtle Gill I'm here Brett rabbit. How can that be? Rabbit laid out even harder now running harder than anybody has ever run before? For and he pretty well at the two mile marker where eldest son turtle waited for him turn about and talking trash What's taking you so long brown rabbit don't even try to meet the third marker he just ladder in declare says the turtle the fastest creature he has ever seen. So So eldest son's turtle say so so now when brear Reber account this tail he will likely tell you that he took a nap or somesuch and that's why says the turtle beat him. To this day it perplex him how he could get beat by a turtle. Now since the turtle she tell anybody that listen how she likes to run that rabbit to death, three mouths coming and going. And then the turtle amo except to turn around and face the other way. Brett rabbit it all crossed his mind not for a minute that somebody tricked the Chester rabbit see a turtle now he run the other way the humiliation more than he can stand that is all this trick is done. God's blessings on us all. I che che che now I know you're already picking up what I'm putting down before I even get into the story and why Spirit led me to this story. Right this is what we saw and since the turtle this is what we call being cunning and if you're familiar with Brer Rabbit stories you know that brown robber is the is super cunning very smart able to outsmart anybody until this day when he encounters the turtle and says the turtle says the Turtle said she was ready to to trick out trick the Trickster so that she could get what she needed. She wanted some money. So she said okay, I know what I'm gonna do. But before I do this I'm gonna call in my family I'm gonna call in my community I'm gonna call in my people and we can do this not the way they expect us to do it we can win Hello six of wands we can win but not in the way they expect us to do it. We can do it our way. And Sister turtle calls her family she calls her babies her full grown babies and she tells them what to do. Now you go stay at here you get on your post you stand there okay. And then you you go stand over here this pose you go stand at this post and now she goes to her man or you go you go to the you go all the way to the finish line and you wait because our opponent will meet you there and they're going to wonder how you got here
Now what's interesting to me is that Brett Rabbit was so in such a hurry to win or is so focused on trying to out like outwit and to show off his prowess in his his his swiftness and all of this right he was trying to do this performance and of being the fastest and being the best right? That he didn't even realize now you know the story says that this says the turtles children looked like her they didn't say that they say she sounded like her yeah, they didn't say that. They had the same voices but the rabbit was in such a rush so focus on one thing that they missed what might a tip the month that this something's happening here or even powerfully so then when we and community when we get unified we all sound the same. Oh come on spirit. We start sounding the same. Our voices make one sound okay, there is even even if they are not a sound like a Unison you know it sounds good when you know you get the choir singing in the choir sound good when they sing in a Unison right but when they hit that three part harmony that four part harmony oh wow the sound that it makes you feel it in your in your in your body in your skin and you get the goosebumps and you and you feel the heat from Spirit coming down and touching you right? This will happen on this day because As even though, I reckon they probably didn't sound the same. Their voices weren't the same. But they were singing the same melody. They were singing the same song. So much so that Brer Rabbit didn't even know the difference. Because the turtle might have been singing and soprano and Brad turtle might have been singing and tenor. But it didn't matter. Because it was the same song it was the sound of unison and togetherness. They were going to win this fight or this race against Brer Rabbit.
A one has to be encouraged today. If you feel like you are sad, and down and out because of a decision that the Supreme Court made even though I will call her king Pitts and nothing supreme about no court, okay. If you are down and out, because you have meet needs that are have gone unmet. If you are down and out because you do not feel seen or you do not feel heard you do not feel supported. I want you to know that the six of wands is a reminder that success is in your hand. That community will sustain you. Even as we move through the hardship of the five of pentacles. We are sustained by the people who are on our side. And the tools that we have to dismantle the systems that be we already have. We see that in the tarot in the magician card. The tools are already at our disposal, we just have to learn how to use we have to be in communion with our spirits with the divine with each other. And so we'll know. We'll know what to do. Because that day, I want you to know the day that says the turtle and Brer Rabbit raced. She had a need. The day that they raised, she had a need. And she bet on herself. She bet on her community. She bet on her family. She bet that all of us together, we can outsmart that rabbit we can get was ours. We can get it. And they were successful. Because they worked together. They worked together.
they did win that race in a very unconventional way. And what I love about the story is how it ends is that it says that Brer Rabbit is not going to tell that story. Right. Which is interesting because when we think about the the the tortoise and the hare that story that we probably grew up hearing, we do hear the rendition of the story in which the rabbit was so sure of himself that he went to sleep. And that is how the the the tortoise won, because they were you know, slow and steady wins the race, right? That's the That's the lesson that we get from that. But here we get the wisdom that we ain't even got to run the race to win it. We have to be strategic. This is our black magic. We don't even have to run the race to win it. We just need to organize with one another to decide that we want to go get our things and confound the enemy. Now they're not going to tell that story. But we know there forever in a day, the rabbit will be humiliated because of the cunning actions and execution of since the turtle. And since the turtles crew who Ashay I hope you enjoyed this weekly word. This is the longest weekly word I've ever had. But you know what I've been going a while y'all. So I it, it needed to be done, it needed to happen. I thank you for your grace, because I know that you heard my children in the background because I hurt my children in the background. But that's okay, because I love my babies. And y'all know that I am a working parent and in the world still came for it. And so I'm grateful for that. I'm grateful for you. If you are interested in your own weekly word, if you are enjoying these free offerings, and you want your own, that is also an option. If you go to my website, www dot Jeida k storey.com, you will find that you can purchase your own Weekly we're reading just like this same format. Audio is about as it'd be like a 15 minute or so reading. Well, I will put cars specifically for you. And that is available for $33. And that is available. Like I said on my website. If you want to do a weekly word that is a little more in depth and you want to do it live, then that option is available as well for you to check out the rates because I can't remember right now. But other than that, y'all I wish you a beautiful, beautiful, beautiful week. Know that success is in your hand. When you stay rooted in your spirit and with your community. If you feel I don't do that, I don't have community I don't have anybody. I dare you to, to get on your knees, or you know, if you're unable to do so, you know, rest your body somewhere where you feel safe, where you can find peace in your home or your car or on a on out in nature, wherever you can go get by yourself and call on the divine call on your ancestors call on those spirits. And I promise you you will feel their presence and they will hold you and bring community to you when you need it most. And I know it's true because they've done it in my life. And if they've done it for me, I know yours want the same for you. All right. I love y'all. Have a good week. See you next week.