Alright, y'all, so the introvert selling system, I'm going to go through this today, right now I'm gonna screen share, show you some things, of course, you're gonna get links to all the things, links, the Google Docs, all that jazz, so that you can deploy this, use this, etc. But I'm going to try and go quickly because it's a that. And then of course, any questions that you have as we go. So this is this is the first time we're teaching it live, I want you to just pop them in the chat, we'll capture them, we'll we'll answer them at the end, make sure that everything is crystal clear. Cool. So I'm going to go ahead and Screen Share, and we've got a couple of things. And that way, we can go over the Google duck to gather good seeing you guys. Alright, let's do this. Let's do this. Let's do this. Okay, so the introvert selling system. So first of all, some of you are newer, in the process of selling, some of you are old, old hat at this. And so the first things first, salesperson fundamentals, sales and sales, okay, that's the short of it. So if you haven't been already through our calling, convert training, I highly recommend you go through that. Everything that we tackle in there, you're basically going to be applying in the system, okay, so these systems are, are used are, are meant to be used together in combination. It's a little bit of a smorgasbord of things. Okay, so So here's the thing, you know, here's the TLDR version, the too long didn't read version is really, you know, I, you can conduct your sales call the way we teach you to conduct sales calls, you can do that in DMS. So you can do that in private messages in private messages. Now, here's the thing. I will say, here's the bad news, y'all. I know some of you are like, great, I never have to do a sales call if you haven't done any. Yeah, I guess technically, that's true, you could get away with never doing a sales call in your life. That said, I'm a little bit old school, I'm a little bit partial to sales calls as your MBA of sorts into sales, I would still highly recommend that you get in the trenches with sales calls, and you go through the column convert training, and really get your hands dirty, get on those calls. A couple of you we I love, love, love, you know, the the debriefs and whatnot that you guys have with the coaches always hearing the notes on those. The reality is you got to fumble sometimes your way through it, you gotta you know, I hear things like, you know, I chickened out at the end and didn't say the real price. I you know, this came up that came up. Listen, there is nothing like a live human interaction where you are on the spot, you have no chance to think you're on your feet. That's where it's like learning to ride a bike. Right? So sales calls and when we've turned when we've trained sales team to do calls, y'all there is no better learning experience. All right. So that's the bad news. I'm getting that out of the way for any of you that were like I will never do a sales call. Now for those of you that have done sales calls and have succeeded at sales calls. I'm looking at couple people in the room. Sure, Kyra, you might be more ready to deploy this, right, because you already know what's working. But that quick feedback of like, oh, that worked. That didn't work. Oh, like my tweak my tweak my script a little bit like this is bad. I'm gonna take that out this, I kind of threw it in there on the fly. And it looks like it worked. Let me put it in. That is how we roll you guys. Right? So I want you to think about the fact that this is this can be in replace of and nowadays, I haven't done a sales call. And I don't know how long. So you know, that is definitely possible. And I listen, as an introvert myself, I love being able to have much more succinct conversations. For me the job of you know, if I was a salesperson, for example, for you know, full time and I was doing calls from nine to five Monday through Friday, that would not be for my personality, that is not the right fit for me right. Now. You got to do what you got to do. And you're getting started. You are the sales team likely for your business in addition to the admin team, the coaching team and the all the other teams, right? That's just how we start. Okay, so not all that preamble, I just want to make really, really clear, I would highly recommend that you do sales calls. You start with that that you get you're going to get, you're going to know exactly where you lose someone, right? You're going to hear the in the in the call, you're going to hear the huh, are you going to hear what you lost them right? Or you're going to hear oh, wow, I never thought about it that way. Right? That's the kind of stuff that you can only get on a call. Don't miss that. Don't steal that from yourself. Okay, now, uh,
no on templates. So we have, you know, my team and I over the years both in calls. And then more recently, in DMS, we have tweaked and played with words and and phrases and this, that and the other. And there's a reason why we use the words that we use. So feel free to tweak Of course, like with templates, I always want you guys to tweak, do your own thing, add your own flair, a lot of some of these words won't apply to you right for your things. So make sure you replace it with your own thing. But what I want you to do is to understand that there is a reason why we go through this and Pacific specifically, we prioritize effectiveness over efficiency and what that means at least what that means to me is really getting the result over saving ourselves time. So in all other areas of life, right, you know, other areas of business that are not sales and marketing. I'm going to prioritize like what's the most efficient way you're going to hear me and my team, you know, it's probably tired of hearing me say the word efficient of like, that's not efficient. How can we automate that? How can we make that, you know, how can that be a three minute task instead of a three hour task that's applicable everywhere, except sales and marketing? Usually because What I want much more so than I would rather if it takes us three hours versus three minutes, but we actually get the sale. I would rather that does that make sense? So don't worry, isn't it gonna take three hours. But what I mean by this is you're going to see a lot of ping pong game, you're going to see a lot of back and forth. That is on purpose. I am not asking three questions on on the go. I instead I'm asking one question that leads to what I heard. I'm pretty sure I know what the answer is. And then I'm moving on to a second question. And a third question. Does that make sense? You guys pick it up? What I'm putting down nod your heads? Yeah. Okay, cool. All right. So that is why and I would highly recommend in terms of when you're tweaking, don't take that part. And I enforce all the questions you've got, I will answer and I'll tell you exactly why we do that. So here's how you can use this strategy. There's a couple different ways. You can either use it in conjunction, so in addition to the column convert, you can also the sort for example, you had a sales call, it didn't convert they, they didn't make a decision on that call, they've got a check with their cousins, uncles, friend, whatever, and you need to do a follow up. Great, maybe that follow up can be DMS, it doesn't have to be another call. So that's one way you can completely replace sales calls. That's what we you know, talked about, ideally, if you have a number of successful ones under your belt, I would love love, love for you to do that first, or
in conjunction with the spearfishing training that we did to triage your potential clients. So if you haven't been through that training, definitely watch it definitely look at the Google Doc, there's a couple of overlaps from that on here. Because really what it is, is, you know what I like to say in terms of triaging I mean, we got health professionals in the room, I don't think I need to explain that word. But for us in sales and marketing, what that really means is, before we get into sales or for you guys, for example, if you want to do sales calls, but you're like okay, I want to kind of is this the right person, like am I going to get on a call waste an hour with someone that, for example, christen you know, who already had their baby four months ago, that's not my ideal client. I want to know that, you know, a couple of DMS before I spend an hour with them on the call. Cool. That's triaging, right for us. So so you can do those DMS and then decide you're doing a sales call or you're moving into a sales conversation in the DMS. Also, I say DMS, just to be super, super clear. What that means is, it can you know, obviously what it stands for is direct messaging, which is on a term for Instagram, mostly on Facebook. Technically, it's PM, which is private messaging, y'all. Whoever makes these things up is to confuse us okay, I think as a 13 year old in his mom's basement, trying to confuse us. But when I say DM I mean text, I mean, DM PM, whatever. I mean, some sort of written message that is one on one. Yeah. Okay, so you're gonna hear me say DM a lot. That's what I mean. Okay, so who are you using this with, so just like in the spearfishing, you can use this with a number of different people, people that join your Facebook group, people that comment on your social media posts, when you guys are just starting out and you have a small audience, I want you guys to not be you know, I don't want you to be that selective over your time. I want in the beginning to quote Nathan Berry, do things that don't scale, right and I talked a little bit more about that in the spearfishing selling so I'm not going to go down that rabbit hole again. But I want you to roll up your sleeves, get your hands dirty a little bit I want you to be having I mean, your conversion rate might be lower, right, you're not gonna be closing 100% of people. If you're closing 100% of people that tells me two things. Number one, your price is too low, which I already know that about all of you guys. And that's fine for now we can keep it low. But that's that's a fact. I already know that because I know every single one of your outlines all of you, you have programs that are worth well more than $2,000. And the second thing is you're not talking to enough people so I want you to be talking to more people. I'm not saying I want a low conversion rate. I'm not saying I want you to have a 10% conversion rate I'd love for it to be 60% and all that good stuff. But I want you to be talking about more people I want you to have more at bats, okay? Because that's going to increase at the bottom at the end of the day. It's gonna increase how many sales you get. So all the things if people are expressing interest I want you to invite them to a conversation most importantly let me go ahead and bold this right now. Oh, and I should have probably already said this but maybe Jill You already beat me to it if you haven't already posted the link in the chat I'm sure you have but yeah, so you guys have this Google Doc for you got for yourself so that you can play with it, tweak it do whatever you want to it but really this is the most important one so if you've got the Google doc already build this for yourself people that you invite to DM you on your facebook live so you can absolutely on your Facebook Lives You know you're doing a call to action of book a call with me you know you're putting your link below totally great. Or if you want you can change that call to action to DM me, pm me you know text me I'm going to put my you know cell phone we're gonna have cell phone numbers below. Don't worry, nobody have a panic attack. Nobody have a panic attack. Y'all know how I love my notifications off. Don't worry when I give out your personal cell numbers. Okay, so here's the introvert selling system in a nutshell, the TLDR version is if you want to create an application you can this is totally optional. Like I said in the beginning I would rather you be as little selective as possible and you can up the selectiveness as you go as you have more leads if you're swimming in leads and you couldn't possibly take all those calls and all that good stuff then let's get let's get picky in the beginning. You know I don't think you need to be that picky. You can you can have an application and probably accept you know, 99% of them. That's totally fine too. I would rather you have more chances on sales calls We're in DMS to get it wrong, right to make some mistakes, and that's totally fine. And that way, you know, as you kind of go on, you're gonna be like, Oh, I got this. Now, by the time you're on your 25th conversation, you're like, Yep, I can do this while filing my nails. Don't, but you could. Okay, so here's it here it is, in a nutshell, creating an application, creating a sales page of your offer, we're gonna get nerdy into that, inviting people to sign up directly. So you can either you know, have a shopping cart checkout page, whatever it is that you want to call it some way for them to give you money. And for help with that, we're gonna I'm going to send it to the tech peeps on my team, because I don't know nothing, as you all know. And then really, this is what we're going to really dive into today, which is inviting people to ask questions via email, text or DM, right and having the conversation there. So essentially, this is replacing a sales call, feel free to do it in conjunction with, but this is to replace the sales calls. Do we have any questions on that so far? Before I continue? Before we continue, and I'll take a quick sip?
I'm going to blitz through a lot of things. Let me just see. Let me just make sure. Okay, great. So I don't see anything in chat, okay. But go ahead and capture your questions as you go. And then we will tackle them all at the end. So creating an application that is super, super simple. We've got an entire walkthrough, luckily, that Jill did on our module seven, so feel free to go through that. You know, it really is it should be very, very simple. It should be a very simple application. Really, you know, in the beginning, what I want you guys to filter so to speak, is this is your ideal client or not meaning if you help with Lyme disease, do they have Lyme disease? Or do they present with the symptoms of Lyme disease, if they don't, and they're coming to you on I want to lose weight, and that's not what you do, then let's save ourselves an hour and let's not have a conversation that I would keep it really, really simple to that. Okay, so I'm gonna, you know, so you guys can check out that if you don't already have an application form if you want to add that again, like I said, I would do that if you're already having sales calls having some success, and now you want to refine it, this would be your next step. So notice how we go out of order. Okay, I know this, this just drives linear people, you know, baddie, and I totally get that but the reason for that is we really want to kind of go backwards in a way right? We want to kind of do the sales call do the messy and then add an application in front of the sales call. That's on purpose, right? Because we've started the other way around. My concern would be is that you don't have enough sales calls for example, or sales DNS. And then you're like this isn't working my offer. Nobody wants my offer and you've had two sales calls. We don't have enough information yet. You know what I mean? So I want you to have more at bats. Okay, so creating a sales page of your offer Now here is where we're going to get really nerdy you know, I love copy copy is just words is what that means. You know, copywriting is a skill it is an art you guys this is something that as you continue to be a business owner which case that's an FYI for anyone y'all are business owners. You're gonna get better and better at copy. Yes, you can hire copywriters we've had pro copywriters on our team on and off for years, both in our health business and in this business. But I have to say the I have not first of all, there's there's so much better when I hire pro copywriters, they're so much better than I ever could be. This is what they do all day, every day just like a specialist in every field, right? A designer, a copywriter, a salesperson, anything so much better than I can be as a generalist that's doing everything that said, and again, this is sort of the maybe not bad news. But this is the truth, the tough love of like you guys, as a business, as a business owner, you're going to need to know how to speak about your thing, you're going to need to know how to speak about your offers, you're going to need to you're going to accidentally if nothing else, become a really great copywriter, whether you like it or not, whether you enjoy it or not, over the course of the year of you know the years that you're running your offer that you're running your business. The reason for this is because you are in you know, you're talking to your clients all day every day. So you're getting that feedback, you know how in module one we're really helping you with like, what is your what is your client say about this? What words are your client using? Is that the words that they are saying, right, you're going to get a lot, you know, quicker at identifying that and taking it and adding it into your messaging, adding it into your emails, adding it into your sales page. So I want you to actually embrace this I don't want I don't this this is not one of those things that I want you I want you to feel like it's a drag right where you're like I'm the copywriter because I can't afford to hire a copywriter just yet, y'all No, no, not on this one. I'll let you I'll let you whinge about that as
the Brits say, on other areas, but on this one, I actually think this is an incredible opportunity. When I have to do my own copy first of all, I'm like surprised on my own darn self where I'm like that was actually pretty darn good. Right number one. Number two, it really is it is probably the most valuable skill. It is probably the one that I would suggest that you outsource the like the latest, not only because it is incredibly expensive. Okay, but also because it is very difficult. Even if you hire a copywriter. That's incredible. If they don't know your thing, right? If they're not an expert in Lyme disease, if they're not an expert in newborns, it's still gonna be really hard. You're still better if that makes sense. So I really want you to embrace this part. Okay. So now on this, I'm going to show you really briefly, I don't want to spend a lot of time on this, but I want to show you the incredible templates that we have Thank you team for helping create this and making it look as beautiful as it as it looks. So what you're gonna see here is we have a prep doc for creating your sales page, I'll show it to you real quick, right quick so that you can see. So before you write your sales page, you're going to go through a doc like this, which is really most don't be overwhelmed, because it is mostly a copy paste job, a lot of it's going to be a copy paste job from module one. So for those of you who haven't been through module one, then you know, stop everything and go do that. But it's going to be a copy paste job from there with a few other things that you've learned along the way. So this is just a prep doc. So that it's super easy peasy for you to write a sales page. By the way, if you were to hire a copywriter, you still got to do this doc yourself, okay, so you got to fill this doc out yourself, not going to go through it. And then we have two templates for sales pages. You know, I love a template. You know, I love a template, if I can do it, if I can do 80% of the work for you, we're going to do it. So we have two templates. Number one is the essentials, which is a short and sweet one. This is if you're feeling any type of procrastination, if you want to write a sales page where you're like, oh my god, that seems like it's gonna take eight years, this is the one I would use, I would ignore number two, I would go with this one, you can switch over to number two later. This is what I call the essentials. It's short and sweet. This is what I started, you know, I wrote it myself, my first sales page was the worst of all the sales pages I've ever written. But they did the job and it got some sales right now. And then when we improved it from there got a lot more sales and it converted a lot better. But I want you guys to start, the most important thing with everything is just start, we can improve later. But your 1.0 is like just fly it and we will tweak it as we go. Okay, so this is the essentials, we're just going to go over again, we're going to prompt you through everything, I'm not going to go through this in depth you guys can read and it will, it will be amazing. Okay, and then there's a longer version. And I'll give you some examples of our sales pages, as well. So if you, I would recommend these start with essentials, I would recommend you keep it short and sweet. And that you start here and just get something published. And then when you're like I got some time on my hand, I don't know what I should improve like, no, no, no, no, no, don't go tweak with it with a second one. Okay, what I don't want to happen is for you guys to be to have a good excuse for procrastination of like, I've been working on my sales page for eight weeks. No, no, no, no, this could take you an afternoon. And you can have it up and running. Okay, so going back to so I'm going to leave those Doc's alone, I'm going to let you play with those on your own time. But you have them all here are these are meant to again, I started, I started off with like, oh, we have to resize. So that's gonna be easy. We're gonna teach that in two minutes. And here we are. Okay, there's like 16 templates and 82 pages and whatnot. But that's how we roll. So again, most of it is so that we can do most of the work for you so that you can go in, plug in some things and off you go. Okay.
Quick, sip, love muddy. Alright, so again, I know this is triggering for some people, but Done is better than perfect. It really is. So that you can get moving so that you can get cranking and then you can tweak and improve and all the things as you go. Okay, so once you have your copy, which remember that's just a fancy internet marketing term for words. Once you have your copy for your sales page, you simply need to put it online. I don't want you guys to overthink this. I mean, simply putting it online, by the way, could be ugly. But functional is literally a Google Doc. Like literally no don't put it don't put our template that's a little little little too crazy there. Right. But like literally could be a Google Doc, just like the one you're looking at. And that could be a sales page. It could be a sales page. Again, if I'm if I'm thinking about like, if my back was up against the wall, like we had that we had a really great conversation the other day, right about back up against the wall. I've been in that position more than one time in my life, I've had to make many difficult decisions. And if you're if you're that that's the thing that I love to talk about, you know that when we were training sales team, and we had a lot of people on the phones and things like that, one of the things that I really mentioned even was almost having a hard week and then you know, not enrolling and whatever else I was like, Y'all, this is a skill that you have that literally tomorrow like you could deploy it in selling knives on out of the parking lot. Okay, like the skill that you have with this, I want you to not overthink that if you had to put if you had to make money tomorrow, God forbid for some sort of, you know, awful reason. You literally could if you have this, you know you have this template, you have a decent offer, you can put words on a page nowadays, you could put a Google doc online for free, and you can receive money, okay, you can do a free shopping cart with PayPal or whatever Joel tells you to use. And off you go. Okay, so I want you to think about that. That is really like if you want the quick and dirty free way, there's always a quick and dirty free way that would simply be cleaning up your Google Doc creating a link to it like a bitly link that's like forward slash Becca, and that's your sales page. done the end. Okay, so this is for all y'all that we're thinking about procrastinating? Nope, this is the procrastination proof proof option. Okay, now if you want the nicer looking option there, you know there's the 6 million different templates out there. We use lead pages right now we have the link for you here. It's $37 a month. It's beautifully designed. Do not go hire a designer please. Not right now. Not until you want to spend 1000s of dollars but people can plug your copy, you can copy paste them into a lead pages template, and off you go. You have a beautifully designed sales page. I love that option. So if you don't mind spending $37 a month, do that. Cool. Okay, now the more advanced version that we're not going to get into today, but I will just slightly mentioned, which is really like like you've seen, you know, in terms of us having more than one webinar, we have a pre application webinar, we have a an advanced private training, all these different things, it is a more advanced, there's a whole system to that I'm for sure, like, happy to do a future training on that if you guys pop in the chat, if that would be of interest to you. No problem, but I want you guys to start, I want you to make money. Okay? And the reality is, if you're selling a $2,000 product, which a lot of you most of you in this room are, this is not necessary, like this would be a hell of a lot of work for what the reality is, there's not a lot on those sales calls. The reason you're finding this so easy to sell is because 2000 is not a lot of money. Okay, and so now if you are selling a $20,000 program, great. Now we need a little bit more of the advanced strategies. Yes. Okay, so do I have y'all still with me? I haven't even had any caffeine yet. Yes, we're good. We can keep going. All right. Awesome. All right, and definitely pop questions in the chat. We'll we'll get to those.
Okay, the short of it is on that same sales page, you have a buy button, right? So, you know, again, you can, that's basically all they need to do right is click to a buy button that sends them to your checkout cart. Again, Joel has a great training for you on how to create a checkout cart, and all any and all those tech questions, definitely bring them to a Friday call because y'all know I'm useless with any of that. So you know, they have to have a button so that they can give you money, right a button that has ideally, if you have both your painful and your to pay option, have them on there, so they can click option one, option two, if that's too complex, you can have two different shopping carts. That's totally fine, too. But that is simply how they can give you money. Okay, so I will leave that to Jill. And then here's really where we get into the nitty gritty of what we really wanted to teach today, which is really having these conversations via DM. Now, again, because you guys have a $2,000 program, you might find, I mean, we've even you know, some of the people I'm looking at in this room have joined our program that is that is more than $2,000 with barely a conversation or no conversation at all. So understand that for a $2,000 program, I expect to see that a lot. If you have a sales page, and you have done it with our templates. And you have done the frequently asked questions on there, expect that you're going to have people joining your program, you might have a mini heart attack the first time it happens, like who's this and where do they come from? And holy cow, you might not need that many conversations. Like I said, That's my first tweak on that would be we got to raise your price. Okay. But But anyway, with that said, invite people to ask your questions, right. So make it as easy as possible out a very simple call to action on where and how they can reach out. So this is a just a copy paste of what the example of what we're currently using, you don't have to be fancy, you can literally simply just include your email. So I would have a dedicated email, right. So you can absolutely do a free gmail account that is, you know, your and, you know, just have that so that you can, you know, stay organized and then have a free Google Voice number. That is, you know, we use a Google Voice number forever. And quite frankly, honestly, I kind of miss it. Because I'll get to that in a minute. It's actually a lot better than the platform we use today. But I'm gonna get to that in a minute. Now we get a little bit more fancy because we've got team so it's not just me doing everything myself. And so we're gonna put all the things right for people that prefer Instagram for people that prefer Facebook. And for people that prefer text. We are inviting them to reach out to us and the screenshots here are so that they know when they're typing in Sylvie McCracken, or whatever it might be that they know that they're in the right place. Okay, so yeah, so you can if you want to do this, do it. But again, procrastination proof, and Hannah helped me hold them to it. Like I you know, if this, if this all looks like oh my god, I don't even know how to do that. Literally, this is the part you need. This is the part the whole part that you need. You can get fancy on this later, just put a Google Voice number you can sign up for that for free in two seconds. Okay. So that's that. Now just because, you know, sometimes we get asked, What do we use, we use a platform called simple texting. I believe that's $25 a month. The only reason we use that versus Google Voice. The only reason we switched from when we started like, like, like I said, Every time I start something, I started myself, and I roll up my sleeves. And I do it all by myself and I figure out the system and there's so much tweaking to do, I want you guys to do that. And then when I'm ready to bring in team to help when I'm ready to hand it over then sometimes that requires more complicated tools and systems and more expensive but understand that by then we've made money with it. Okay, if it's not making money, then we kill the system, right? So we use simple texting because we need more than one person to access it. So we all have logins to it, we can all jump in there. There's automations and all kinds of all kinds of nonsense that we use. I honestly prefer like Google Voice if that would work for us. I would love love, love to use use that there's two reasons for that. One is sending an image is so much easier on Google Voice and simple texting. So I envy all that can use Google Voice. And And also, it's free. I always love a free and also a group text is actually complex on simple texting. So I don't love it for that. I love Google Voice for that. So Google Voice is not is it's, it's my preferred option. And if it's just you handling it, start there, please, please, please. Okay.
So now we're gonna get into the conversation. So via text via DMS via everything, right? So I don't want you to overthink this, it really is just communication, but over written message instead of verbal message, right? That's all it is. Right? So the same fundamentals apply, they save you time, this system saves you time, because you can obviously DM dozens of people in a day, you couldn't possibly have hour long conversations with dozens of people in a day. So that is one of the reasons I love this system is literally like, you know, we'll be doing it on the plane. Like I'll be doing it when I'm on the plane if I've got some time and you know, some of you might have even heard me say like, some of you I might have had a conversation with might have heard me be like, Hey, this is kind of loud because I'm in an airport. Okay, so I love that in those five minute you know, moments, I can get some some of these messages done. Okay. And similarly to Andrew, I'm not sure if he's popped on if he's on the call. But he you know, you'll notice if you followed him on social like he's doing this from the beach, right? So the reality is, that is not the same if you're doing sales calls, you need to be sat at a desk, it is a scheduled appointment, you've got a no show. So now you've rearranged your whole day around 10am. And the 10am is a no show and it is what it is. Now again, I would still prefer you start there. I still think that's, you know, it's not just earning your stripes, it really is a really great MBA of sorts, to really learn sales and then to take those skills to the DMS. Okay, so, we're gonna go through a couple things. Again, if you're not doing applications, this doesn't apply to you. I'm gonna blitz through it. But here's an example of a text message I'm sure a lot of you had received. When we accept your application. It really is a short and sweet message. It's just I sent you some good news about our your application, put your own program name on there, let me know that you received the details. I love using emojis when we can I love notice the spacing on here. I'm just gonna point out the things that are important. I put my name on here because I mean I would if I were you right and again, if anyone on my team so my team never messages me. So if it's them, they will say you know it's you know, Jill from Team Sylvie, it's Andrew from Team Sylvie, they'll put that on there because I don't like anyone impersonating me. And then, you know, mentioning spam and all that good stuff. Notice that I do. There's a couple things here cuz I want to point out words, because words are really, really important when it comes to sales and marketing. It's like a flavor. It's like a seasoning that we add, we're always adding sales seasoning to our conversations. Notice that I'm saying I'm super excited to connect and work together that is really seeding that we're in almost like seeding the sale right? Like it's only accepting application at this stage. But I'm already assuming we're gonna be working together. There's a lot of power in these words. And also notice how I'm always if I can, I'm ending on a question. I want to as much as you might you might see some exceptions to this, but as much as we possibly can, I'm ending on a question because that makes it super super easy. I just want to response my success with this. Like how did it how do I know if I won with this message is receiving a sign of life? Something a pigeon? Something? Okay, so all they want is really did the training come through? That's my question. All I want, is it yes or no? It's super easy with their thumbs. They can hit me back and go, Yep, got it. That's it. That's all that's all I need. Right? And then I'm like, okay, in like Flynn, okay. Or am I get at that point, like no, it didn't I don't see it in spam. Whatever. Right. There's, you know, that welcome to email life. Okay. Let me take a quick step. Up to there. Are we clear? Are we do we got the do we got this? Yes. Baba, baba Bom. Okay, so, a couple questions. So I'm gonna tackle some of these as we go. So Valerie says, should we be doing a sales page, should everyone be doing sales page or just for the introvert selling system. So you know, up to you. So if you're going to do your your stuff over the phone, you don't need a sales page at all. If you want to do this, in addition to phone calls, then do a sales page so that you have all the information you by the way, you don't have to because you can absolutely if you want have a sales conversation via DMS, the only thing is, if you don't have a sales page, now you're going to have to like you know, tell them the offer, tell them all the things that are on the sales page. So you're gonna have to put that all together anyway. But you know, again, so So yes, and no, you can figure out you can kind of mix and match and choose what you want to do on this. Okay, if we have a buy button on our sales page, what about getting the person to be sure it's a good fit, right? So that's a really great question, Becca. So that is where the application comes in. Right? So you can do two things a, if you do it the way like you know, in the order that I just showed application comes first. So basically, no one would be seeing your sales page unless you've accepted them essentially. That's number one. That's one option if you're not doing applications. Second option is instead of a buy button, you could also have an Apply button. So instead of them giving you money, they could also apply them so you could do it before or after we've we do both, which is a longer we have like two days You know, two different funnels, we do pre app webinar, post app webinar, all kinds of things. Okay? All right, so um, alright, let
me go, let me go anything on accepting or rejecting applications, let me know, let me keep going. Alright, so and then we have a really short and sweet what we send when it's not a good fit. Now we have all kinds of different automations for this and systems are not going to get into the nerdy tech on this. But really, this is an automated email that goes out, as you can see, it's got a merge tag, you know, which in MailChimp, or anything that you're using you can you know, you if you're doing this manually, which I would in the beginning, just do it manually, don't worry about any automations or anything like that, I would just say something really simple, like you don't have to get into the nitty gritty, I would just say after reviewing your application, it doesn't seem like we'd be a good fit to, for working together at this time. Thank you so much for reaching out and taking the time to apply. You can you know, that is really, honestly, a bit of a lazy copy on that one. And that's all you need. If you want to get more nitty gritty than not, that's fine. Every once in a while we have an offended person. And you know, do with that what you will. So for if for whatever reason, if you want to add on there, like like, for example, Kristin saying, you know, like works with a certain person in their journey of fertility and childbirth and having a baby and not with others, right? So it's not a like, no, it's just we I literally don't work with that demographic. It's as simple as that, if you want to add that, like I only work with this group of people go for it, they might refer people your way. Okay, so that is on the not effect. Now, some of the times with applications and for those of you that don't have applications, you might want to kind of do an application or do a triage. In the DMS. This is in lieu of application. So Becca, you were asking Chris, and you're asking about, you know, applications or sorting people, you know, Valerie was asking a little bit as well. Feel free to do this in the DMS of like, hey, you know, for us, it's I have a, you know, I saw your application. And I have a couple quick questions for you. Some of us, some of you guys might have received this from us, right. And this is just, you know, our screenshots from simple texting. So, you know, this is something that you can like, this is what we send, usually when our applications have like one word answers, and we just don't really know, is this a fit or not? Because we don't, you know, that was on their thumbs, they just would do their best and we need to know a little bit more. For those of you that don't have an application, you might want to use this again, I would urge in the beginning I want you to err on the side of don't get too choosy. Okay, don't get too choosy. Like I want you to I would much rather you be having conversations. And even if that means you've quote unquote, wasted your time, you didn't waste your time because you learned Okay, a lot of this is this is your internship in your own business, you're starting out with this internship in the sales department that you've given to yourself, Okay, so it's never wasted, then, you know, another one of when we've attempted to get more info but haven't been able to. So if we don't have enough information, we've got a couple short and sweet words on the application, we'll send a rejection, but it's a little bit different. Because sometimes when we do this guy's the reason we use this word, these wording is because this is where we actually start getting some signs of life and some conversation. So I'm going to go ahead and reject your app, not because you're not a good fit, but we don't have enough info. So that's basically so you know, again, I'm inviting to reapply, I want to make sure like I'm recapturing this lead sometimes. And even I feel like you know, some people that have become clients have have reached out and said, Oh, I didn't realize this was a human like, I thought this was a bot. And it's like, no, it's a combination of bots and humans. So again, we leave, you know, whatever it is that you want, for me, this is you know, screenshot from when I was doing this 100% myself, and I still like I still get in there, right? This is collaborative. I'm not out of the sales team. I definitely am in there in the DMS as well. I you know, want all kinds of places for them to stay in touch at cetera, have a great rest of your week. Sometimes this is where and this is where I want you guys to pay attention. Because from here on out, this is like the most important part of this training. Like everything I've said up until now is leading up is setting the ball. And this is where we start spiking. This is the important important part. This is where we start the sales conversation. This is where the sales job begins. This is where we actually start, you know, enrolling, right? And so I want you to think about the fact that sometimes this is this message of like, hey by is the short version of that, like it's sorry, by we this is where we get a reply for the first time. They're like, Oh, I'm so sorry. I've been working 312 hour shifts. I'm you know, yes, I'm available, like, you know, what can I answer? And then it's like, oh, okay, back to the beginning. Right.
Don't take it personally. Miguel Ruiz The Four Agreements Gil, if you don't mind putting that book in the chat. The Four Agreements by Miguel Ruiz one of them is do not take things personally in business, you guys in sales in particular, you're going to face rejection, it is the name of the game. It is part of it, you're going to face rejection, we expect it you will not close 100% of people you will not get replies from 100% of people. Do not take it personally. Please, please, please, no negative assumptions assume that people are busy. People have had things come up. People are it's not about you. It's not that they're not interested in your thing. It's not that your offer sucks. It's all kinds of other things. Okay, and one of them is a lot of the times we'll hear like the crazy things and for and for some of you that are in this group, but feel free to out yourselves if anyone feels like it of like real like it took a while before we started having conversations. Yeah. Okay, so then we go into I'm going to take a sip mid funnel check ins. And let me check. Uh, this is where doo doo doo doo doo doo. No, okay, so, okay, mid funnel check in. So this is really where we're gonna check so so a couple things might not apply to you from this. So because we do, again, we do a whole training, etc, what you're gonna replace instead of training for you, right now, if you don't have a webinar, you don't plan on having a webinar, which I don't think you need right now, by the way, super happy to teach it to you super happy to show it to you. But I think that that would be over complicating it for you, I don't want you to put in all that work, when the reality is a webinar that you create six months from now is going to be so much better, because you're going to know so much more by then. So anytime you see me say private training webinar, all the things, I want you to replace that with, you know, product page, which is essentially your sales page, your sales page is your product information page. That's it like that alone is something that if they had to apply for that, that's a gift y'all, like, you're not accepting everyone into that that's a gift. Okay, so once they have received that, that I want you to check in on them, have they received it? Have they gone through it? Do they have any questions, this is where you're going to invite them to actually have a conversation with you. I'm an addict, I'm, you know, a conversation with you that, you know, this is where you're gonna have the back and forth. So this is what we like to call them the mid funnel check in. And the reason for this is again, I'm such a nerd, we have if I showed you our air table, I can't there's too much sensitive information on there. But there's all kinds of automations that you don't need until you're running volume. So this is where you're just having a you know, conversation like you know, let's see, so there was a live so this is a little bit you know, tweaked Devon's a client. So you'll see her I'm sort of sure she'll see this recording as well. You know, good to see you pop up. Let me know if you have any other questions. This was during a live event. If we don't have a live event, we will usually say, Hey, I'm just checking in. It's been a couple of days since I sent you the product page. Do you have any questions? It really can be as simple as that. You know, it can be as simple as that. Notice how we got a request to speak to somebody we basically request for a phone call. So we always, you know, again, for you, I would take it, I would say absolutely. How is 10? Today? That's what I would do. How is 1pm? Today? Notice I'm not saying when is convenient for you? I'm giving a very specific time it is very soon. And I'm asking a yes or no question. That's how I would reply. If I were y'all, since we don't do sales calls anymore. What we do is, you know, we punt to a text, right? So absolutely send your questions here. So B or I will reply. And that's how we do it. Okay, so want you to tweak this to what makes most sense for you. I would love for you guys to have as many as bad as as bad as as, okay, I can't, I cannot at bats as possible. There we go. We did it. Shikara for you, I would say you know, move to move to this, like I would, I would say you're ready for this and especially handling handling little ones and everything else do this, like instead of you know, start on your Facebook Lives, do have your call to action be DM me, send me a DM and then I would you know do voice memos, text, etc. We're gonna get into that in a second. So, um, you know, that's mid funnel, and that's where you're gonna have, you know, conversations, sometimes you get ghosted, sometimes that's where you're gonna answer question. That's the bulk of it, right. So that is where you're doing, basically, let me scroll back up, let me stay in mid funnel for a second. This is kind of the meat of like, if I was, for those of you that are familiar with our calling convert training, if I were to, you know, compare this and have two columns, we have our calling convert phone situation and our text situation, then, you know, this is the part where we're uncovering the problem. This is the part where we're weaving in a little bit of rapport into this with text, it's a little bit, it's less linear. So you're going to notice in your conversations, you're kind of weaving rapport into the whole conversation, you're kind of weaving, finding the problem. If you have an application, you've got a little bit of finding the problem in the application, but you might ask more questions of like, hey, help me understand. So like, for us a lot. A big part of it is what we want to know is do you want more income more freedom? Or both? Like we want to know what's, what's this person's main driver? I want to know more like, is it time with kids? Is it I want to Tenex my income? Those are two different people at two different stages. Right? So for you, what is it? Is it fatigue? Are you you know, like, are you, you know, do you have people that fall mostly into fatigue? And, you know,
I don't know digestive sin symptoms, right? Like maybe you want to find out what is it for them, right? So this is where you're going to have the whole bulk of the conversation that's very specific to you. I would pull from your calling convert script. Then we've got the last chance and the hashtag breakup text. So this is you know, ghosting happens. So again, don't get discouraged. Don't take it personally. Miguel Ruiz Four Agreements. One of them is don't take it personally don't think things personally, this is going to happen. I mean, it's guaranteed to happen. Okay. Ghosting happens. Sometimes just because people don't be people feel like it's a bot. That's partly why I like using voice memos and kind of mixing it up because a lot of times I'll get like, oh you're you're an actual person. Right, and people feel a little more like they don't want to be rude or whatever. So you might actually get a, a return sign of life. And sometimes this is, you know, when we start the conversation, believe it or not, like sometimes it starts at our last chance message, or we send a mid funnel, we waited two days, then we said, hey, don't want to, you know, like, you know, just checking in, and still nothing. And then we'll send like, hey, you know, I don't want to bug you, if you're no longer interested. You know, but it but you know, if you're, if you are like that, you know, whatever it is that you want to set. And so we can Well, I'll give you a couple of different, we're going to give you all kinds of templates for scripts. So there's a link for you on on here. So don't worry about that. And of course, I'm super happy. I love tweaking words. So if you guys have words, you want to wordsmith feel free to pop it in the Facebook group, and I'm super happy to help you tweak it. And the team is fantastic at this as well. So, you know, I guess I understand that people are busy, if you're gonna make any assumptions, you know, assume that like for us, that is almost always the case. That's literally why people need our program is because they're working too hard. So when you know, again, when they're like, I have no time over the next three days, I'm working 12 hour shifts, and when I'm not on a 12 hour shift, I'm either sleeping, eating or taking care of my children. Fair, right. And also, it's a catch 22 I'm like, I that's the conversation we need to have is like, I totally hear you, Hannah. And also that's why you you know, that's why I need you to carve out an extra hour to make this happen. Right. So that's the conversation that we have. Okay, so here's where you're gonna see my, my TextExpander in action, because I'm going to populate here. This is what I use for last chance. Right? So I like to use this, what you just saw is text expander, which we're going to get into we've already talked about that before, but I'll talk about it again. This is really what I like to use, don't want to give up on you. If you're if you're interested in creating an online course but don't want to bug you if you're no longer interested. Do you have any other questions I can answer and I like to keep it really short, sweet, etc. This is a great sort of, you know, conversation starter of like, you know, for whatever reason, don't want to give up on you but don't want to bug you gets us a reply. Okay. And we've tweaked a call a whole bunch of different words. But I think this is it's don't want to bug you and don't want to give up on you. That is That is basically the magic in this message. Cool. These are sort of our, you know, again, we do like, on we have DM Friday, for example, like, you know, like, this is what we'll send on a Friday, just checking in with you before we wrap up for the week. What other questions can I answer? And more importantly, this is really me saying, make a decision, dude. Okay, so the and more importantly, what is your gut telling you is really make a decision. Okay, so you guys, um, you know, go through the the texts that you and I had, or you and Andrew had on my team, maybe you Injil you know, all kinds of people on my team might have been in your, in your DNS, whoever it is signed off, go through it and take a look and see what you know, if there are any nuggets in there that you want to use. Okay, so then the other one is the breakup text. So what this means is if we're getting no reply, so we've sent the last chance we've done all the things, then we'll do something that is a breakup text. And what this is, is, again, sometimes this is where the conversation starts, I know, like, feel free to iReal here, because, you know, you're like how many more messages again, not efficient but effective. Okay, so, um, this was, you know, this is seldom applicable, right? Because we'd have to have a q&a call. But this is really the breakup, which is I so enjoyed talking with you over the last few days, you asked such great questions, I think it'd be a great fit for whatever your program is, we haven't heard back from you. This is really where it begins, we haven't heard back from you, and we're getting our ducks in a row. So I'm going to go ahead and assume it's not a fit for right now. So notice I'm pulling back. So in the sales training, when you watch the call uncover and I would watch that 348 16 times as you're going through sales, because that's what's really going to get you good at this, you guys like understand that you have been hired by you, as the salesperson for your company. So make it your job to get really, really good at this. I know maybe this isn't your favorite part of the job. This isn't where you want to be forever, doesn't matter if you're going to hire someone and you're going to train them to take over for you. You've got to at least be decent at this yourself. Okay, so um, you know, this is really I'm assuming it's not a good fit.
This is a pull away. I just wanted to let you know that I'm rooting for you. That's, you know, my own personality in there. Feel free to insert yours. If I don't hear back from you. I'm going to go ahead and close the loop on our conversation. Feel free to reach out anytime. That's what we call the breakup text again, that is in our shortcodes so we can deploy this you know, I love love. I think I have this one. It's bolding, but anyway, just so that you can see. Oh, no, don't have it. Okay, nevermind. So, you know, this is where we kind of sometimes this is where the conversation starts. Okay. And this is a newer one that we've been deploying just because we're constantly in there tweaking I don't think we'll ever be done tweaking the system, in terms of like, what gets us a reply and a lot of times team and I will be collaborating like Andrew and I will be like, Hey, I tried this. What you know, this got me a response. Okay, great. I'll try this too. Right. And so we'll be back and forth. Go Hey, this is actually getting me a response, I tweaked this, what do you think? etc, right? So we have a little bit of a collaboration. When I started, I did this for a long time by myself both on calls and in DMS. So I want you to think about the fact that, you know, again, it's you tweaking it, it's a really, really great time for you to get your hands in there and get dirty. Okay, objection handling, this is sort of the magic, this is really where the work is a lot of the times, and okay. So this is where it really gets interesting. So in a lot of ways, this is if you talk to traditional salespeople, this is what they'll say, like, this is where your job starts, right? Like the call the phone call, if you do if you do phone sales, you know, it's been a lot of talking about whatever. And then when they say I can't afford it, or whatever, replace it with whatever wording, you know, make sense to you. That is where all of a sudden, it'll be like, Alright, now I'm rolling up my sleeves. This is what I've been hired to do, right, this is where your conversation starts. So I want you to really think about it. So so if you're in the mindset, and this is like, I'll repeat myself a little bit here, from what I've already taught in the column, convert training, and also in the 60%, close rate, please review those trainings. Again, like I said, after you've done several calls, you're going to want to review them again, because you're going to get a second third fourth layer of the onion that you didn't hear the first time because you were so focused on the basics as you should have been, right and then you're ready for the intermediate, you're ready for the advanced, you're going to hear it in a different way. You know, what I want you to think about it is it is change your mindset from the the call ends here to the call begins here. Boom mindset. Like, you know, I really want that to like blow your mind, okay? Because the reality is, when you hear like, I can't afford it. Cool. That's where your job actually begins. Okay, I want you to think about that now, is it? You know, like, it might be one of those moments where you're like, Oh, I wish they would just, you know, say yes, and hand me a credit card. Yeah, cool, like me too. But the reality is, for most of us, we need you know, this is where it's gonna show especially in the beginning, you will receive more objections and later on these objections are see it as a gift. Guys, I know I'm a mindset nerd. But going into this with a solid mindset is really all you got. First of all, it's your only option, as Eminem says, But, you know, the reality is, it really is it's going to tweak your entire perspective on this of like, this is your opportunity to learn, where did you not explain things properly? Right? So from from a from a place of my mindset, my mentality, my motto, my value, my core value is Extreme Ownership. Jocko Willink, right? Of like, everything's my responsibility. I'll take a step step further and say, Everything's my fault. Everything's my responsibility. I lead a team, if anything goes wrong on my team, my responsibility, the buck stops with me, that's just the way it goes. Right? So and again, and I expect everyone on my team to have that same, you know, Extreme Ownership of like, again, you know, we're the first ones to say my bad I screwed that up. I'm fixing the process will happen again. Right? And and I also I want you to think about so that that's, that's what I want you to take into this not from a beating yourself up perspective. But really, where could you have done better? Could you have explained it better on your product page? Could you have explained it better if you have a training on your training? Could you have done on your Facebook Live Like here's the here's a huge opportunity on a sales call. You know, you'll get eight ideas of Facebook Lives like you should be taking notes, both on a sales call or in a sales DM, you should be taking notes on like, Ooh, that's a great question. Like, I bet you 25 Other people have this question. I'm gonna do a whole Facebook Live about this. I didn't even realize this was the thing. This is your opportunity. Okay, so
So here is where you know objection handling I could do I probably should do a whole training just on objection handling. But objection handling really what I see it as is your answer questions, of course. But what I want you to do your work really is to find the questions behind the questions and I want you to answer the questions behind the questions. So a lot of the times you're gonna get I'd love to but I can't afford it. I don't have the time you know, the the classics are, you know, money time and third party way you know, in sales, they call it spouse objection. For us, it might be business partner objection, it might be whatever, you know, third party objection, right. But you'll find 25 others usually they can be put into those buckets, time, money, and someone else that's a decision maker. This is the part where I love more than anything else using a combination of audio and voice memos. And the reason before this is because it adds a little bit more of your personality. But also it allows you to really add that frame of I can do really tough love conversation, I can get really deep and by the way, I'm going to share with you you know a voice memo and you know, you'll notice like I can be I can ask some real questions and be like hey, can I be honest with you, you know, some truth telling conversations, but it allows me to add a little frame and it allows me to use my tone to be like, you know, hey, like I you know, carrying Curiosity concern is the motto right? With with this, like, it's not about, like, if I did it on tax, it might come off a little bit more brash or a little bit more a little bit less caring if that makes sense. Cool. So with that we're going to get into, you know, a little bit of this. So, I'm just going to do a few, a few examples we can absolutely, like, I'm super happy if you guys get these, by the way, like, here's the other beauty of if you're doing if you're trying this out, pop in the Facebook group, like, you know, again, if you're if you're doing it on Saturday at three in the morning, not I'm not gonna be available, and neither will anyone on my team, I can pretty much guarantee you that. But do it like let's have you know, by the way, you don't have to respond to anyone in 30 seconds. Okay, like that is never been my my motto. So feel free to pop in and be like, I got this objection, how would you handle it? And let's brainstorm let's let's workshop it a little bit with each other. And, you know, with our team in the Facebook group, okay. So for example, here's one, again, the classic limitation is financial, definitely something I want to do I have the ambition to do it, my limitations, financial this, that and the other. And again, financial and time, you'll see it looped in here, we've taken out, you know, as much as we possibly can to kind of protect the innocent, as they say, and I watch too much Law and Order anyway. But you'll see financial and then there's also a timing September, right? Well, we find with timing, you know, is always like, it's if it's not now, it's never nine times out of 10. And that's basically what happened. So what you'll see is, you know, we again, we ended up with this conversation, it went back and forth to the point where we're going to start later, but we're going to get payment today. And, and so I want to kind of give you you know, a little bit of, you know, options, I guess on this. So again, so in terms of this, you know, you are you guys already know in terms of we have this payment plan that you can convert to pay in full by by month three. So you guys already know so that again, I even though I've said that before, I'm going to assume they didn't see it, they didn't read it, they didn't you know, whatever, I'm going to reiterate that. And then at that time, we had the seventh month free bonus. And you know, again, that was something that we did. And so again, it was a very, notice how this is totally up to you, right. So no pressure, I don't like to do convincing mode. I don't like to do a lot of what is taught in classic sales, which is very much it feels like a mallet over the head. So this is very much an invitation, you guys can feel free, you have your own value your own core values, feel free to steal my core values for your own company totally fine with that would love it, I would feel honored. And also feel free to tweak them. If this doesn't resonate with you. And you do want to be more hardcore sales and be like you have to do the thing. That's totally fine. That doesn't resonate with me, it doesn't resonate with my personality. So this isn't very much worded in terms of an invitation. This is a gift right in terms of both the timing, and also being able to honor that bonus, and you know enrolling now, so that means we take payment and a contract. And then you know, the official start date was September, right. So again, that is you know, I end it with as I always said before, you know again, here's a question. So again, isolating this is all in calling convert, I want you guys to I want you guys to go through that. I want that sales fundamentals right. But here it is on this top part for the mid September start. Is it feeling like a hell yes, with wanting to delay payment being the only thing causing the delay? I want to get really clear when I'm hearing a no, the most important thing in the you know, objection handling is isolation. And what that means is what I'm hearing a lot of different things notice I have a whole thing here, I got financial, I got a college, I
got another star, I got a saving up, I got all kinds of stuff. What I want to do is untangle and be like, Is it money? Or is it time? Or is it both? or what? But I want to end with a question. And ideally, if I can I want it to be a yes or no question. Why? Because that makes it easier for them. It's my job I do the heavy lifting as a salesperson, I need to make it easy for them understand that they've got a three year old hanging from their pants. This is my this is what I imagine they got a three year old hanging from their pants saying they're hungry, and they've got a phone with thumbs. Okay, so I want you to picture that when you're having the conversation with your ideal prospect. That is what's happening. They're not sitting here like this, but I almost spill my tea all over the place. They're not sitting here like this going Becca Yes. What is Becca say that this is not what's happening. Okay? They have a three year old hanging from their pants saying they're hungry and they have a phone with thumbs. So I am doing the heavy lifting. It's my job and I want them to be able to say yes or no with their thumbs. Okay, so I want you to think about that. Now, a lot of times I would do I would probably switch this to voice memo you guys are lucky that I happened to get one on text so that I could put a screenshot on here for you. But a lot of the times I will do this on a voice memo mostly so that I can have that cadence of like hey, totally up to you. But here's what I'm thinking, you know, what do you think about that? Let me know you know, and I can really have a conversational tone. They can really hear my personality, my caring curiosity and concern. And this really is voiced in a way where this is 100% legit. This was our bonus. This is what we always do in terms of pay in full you guys already know you've all received an email about it. For those of you that are on payment plans to convert by month three does not new. This is not any sort of it's just what we do. And I end with what do you think? And we got to Yes. And we got the enrollment. Okay. So, and then a couple others, I'm gonna give you a couple others. And I know, you know, look at us look at us, we're doing pretty good on time. We're doing pretty good on time. And I want to have time to answer your questions. So I want to give you a couple other kind of classic objections of sorts that might inspire you to create your own, I want you to build out your own library, I'm going to give you a really cool little piece of technology that is going to start you off with that. But I want you to build out your own library of responses for yourself and eventually to hand off to your team. Every time you do something yourself, please google docket for yourself. Police Let me save you eight years of figuring things out the hard way. And you know, so I want you to think about, you know, just building this out as you go. And this is another one is like, you know, again, this is someone in our in our group as well that ended up enrolling and it is really like in terms of like, basically the way I see this, and I don't I don't ever a lot of times people will end a question with, I hope you're not offended or something like that. Right. And I'm like, again, again, Miguel Ruiz, don't take things personally, right? It is very difficult at this stage of the game for me to be offended by a question. I recommend, if I may, that you guys adopt the same mindset, like don't get offended, people have questions. It's not about you. It's you know, their own thing. So with this, the way I would I would tackle this, the way I would kind of call this objection is a little bit of like, Selmy is what I would call this, right in terms of how do you compare yourself to your competitor, what that is, is like, give me your pitch. What that is, is a little bit like why should I work with you? That's another way that it's been worded in the past, etc. Now with this one, um, duh. Okay, so yeah, so in this case, there's little bit of a frame load of a question, right? Or, you know, sometimes it's,
I hope I don't offend, I always end with not offended at all, or whatever. And it is 100% the case, right? Because I know it has nothing to do with me. Now with this one, I went to voice memo, I gave you our links to our voice memo here. And what I want you to notice a little bit lengthy. So I'll let you listen to that on your own time. But what I want you to notice really in particular here is it's really conversational, there's no like, you'll notice where I'm like, What's the word for that? That, like, I don't like I don't go edit it. And I'm not reading a script. It's, it's me having a conversation, just like I am with you right now. Right? So I want you to notice that I want you to notice that I want you to do that. Notice there's no defending or convincing. So I do not, I'm assuming what he expected was, you know, some sort of lag in the sound better than someone's own design better in that prison. And this is how we're better than here is that we're killing it over there. I don't do any of that. First of all, it's not my sales style. I don't recommend it be your sales style either. I don't particularly think it works, quite frankly. So for me, it's much more Invitational, it's much more, here's what our clients have said. So it's much more testimonial based on like, you know, here's what our clients have said in terms of when they've come from other programs, why they like us. And that is much more how I'm answering it. And also, more importantly, maybe most importantly, I want you to understand that in objection handling, your job is to answer the questions, your job is also to get the sale. Okay, your job is also to ask questions. So in this particular case, I ended with a little bit of tough love punting the question back to him. In terms of you know, again, this is the mindset of, you know, we're not it's not just our clients choosing us, you know, it really is. So for you guys, it's not just your clients choosing you, you know, you're not doing the selling, you're also doing the interviewing yourself. So the interviewing goes both ways. Like, are you going to do the work? Are you the type of client we want? Are you going to show up coachable? That is oftentimes how I will reply to a question, right? It's like, I'll answer the question. And I'll also go with like, Yo, are you going to do this thing or not? Right, some version of that, and I want you to listen to it, listen to my tone in that voice memo. So always CCC carrying Curiosity and concern. Yeah, and that's what I like to add in audio or text. So we already went through them in a blitz through this, we already went through, you know why adding kind of audio and text, it adds a little bit of personalities, you're gonna see, you know, in terms of, you know, this is again, this is a little bit of a overlap with a spear phishing training in terms of, you know, it adds a little bit of like, is this a bot? Or is this you know, is this actually you and for you guys, you have the very great advantage if you're handling all of it, it is really you, it will really be you the whole time. Okay, so, so there's that Okay, so this I'm gonna blitz through it. I've said it before, you know, Cadence and speed, like live your life, right? Have your notifications off. I love notification off I love you know, being focused. So when you're doing it, do it and when you're not doing it, don't do it. So don't don't make us take over your life and be 24/7 like, you know, you're at dinner, I have to answer a message. Don't do any of that. And if you do any of that, do not tell your spouses or kids that I condone that because I'm going on the record saying I do not okay, come back when you come back. Like I will often come back on a Monday morning being like great questions from Saturday morning. Okay, so live your life, but I do want to say that speed does matter. Okay, so ideally, you know, if again, I'm assuming that you are a salesperson of one, you're also running all the other departments in your company. thing completely normal where everyone starts, just carve out some time in the morning of your of your of your, you know, weekday or work day. And in the in the late afternoon of your workday, if you carve out those 15 minutes in the morning to check in 15 minutes in the evening to catch up and have those Voice Memos back and forth. Stay organized, get it done, but don't ideally, don't let five days go by, okay. I can't see a scenario in which that if you guys are really in the sales, if you're in this program, I can't see a scenario in which that would happen. Unless you're, you know, I don't know, unless there's an emergency, God forbid. Okay. So again, here's what we're going to punt it to you to draft the following scripts short and sweet. I'm giving you you know what some of ours are for reference. And then with that, what I also want to give you is this, which is we use a couple of tools that we use, which is Text Expander. I've mentioned that one before, and Joel can definitely pop in the chat the link to that I'm going to take a quick sip. I'm prepared to have all your questions. And then for your iPhone, again,
I'm always my answer to all tech questions is if it's not Mac related, throw it in the river and go get a Mac one, just because I really don't know how to I don't know how to do anything on a non Mac. But on your iPhone, there is a thing called Text replacement. And again, questions on that Jill can definitely on a Friday call show you guys with a screen share how to do that. But it's basically the version, it's free. And on your iPhone, you can do these, as you know, as you saw me do really, really quick. So again, Text Expander simply works like this. If I was to I have a shortcode and it deploys the whole thing, right? That's sort of the short, short and sweet version of that. And what we have done here. Okay, well, hang on, hang on, I'm getting ahead of myself, um, Google Voice, definitely recommend that. And again, if you want to use the one we're using, go for it. I don't necessarily recommend you start with that. And then any and all social media platforms, you know, you know, they're free, and I would use the heck out of them. They're great as a matter of fact, on Facebook and Instagram, if your people are on there if they're not, but you know, I know some of you have chatted, like when people are more on Instagram, people are more on Facebook, my people are on neither great if they're on neither give them a Google Voice to answer. Okay, so what was I gonna say? Yeah, but otherwise, like, I love that they have voice memo capabilities. Just all kinds of different non sentences, okay. And people are on their phones all the time. So it is a really great way to get a hold of people. So what we've done here and by we, I always need my team who's much better at this than I am, is create a template for you guys. So this is our text expander it just gives you a little bit of something to get started with. I do believe Jill can correct me if I'm wrong. Maybe it costs what is it? $4 a month something like that. 499 a month What's it cost? Yeah, 433 after the 30 day free trial 333 A month who made up this number? Who is over there? Making up these numbers? Okay, that's fine. Great. So it's not free but darn near and I use it for everything y'all I don't I don't only use it for sales I use it for I'm trying to think what else like I use it for what do I use it for? What do I use it for that that is not that is something I can actually share. I use it for everything I use it I literally have shortcode so all it is is you know I will show you the the template here. Oh y'all really? Okay. So what you what you do, you're going to get on here and Jill, this is where I this is why I can't do any tax. You're about to subscribe. Okay, great. Subscribe, though. Okay, my snippets. How do I do it? Here we go. Okay, so these are the ones sorry, all you have to bear with me tech wise, because I am not a tech person. But these are the ones that my team has given you on here to get started with. Definitely go in here and customize them to yourself. Right. So for example, we talked a little bit about the dam Friday, like we talked about what that looks like, hey, just checking in before we wrap up the week, I like to then put a name here, there's a reason why I don't leave it like this, if at all possible. Now everyone on my team has their own TextExpander and their own preferences for this. For me, I don't like this because I'm always paranoid, I'll forget to change it. So I will leave it like this and remember to actually put the number or the name sorry, and then go ahead and hit send. So you know, this is where you can customize all of these you can plug and play feel free to use them as is of course some of them have our own specific wording to them. But basically how that works is this abbreviation right is you know on their like you know DM Facebook group, you just type in So use whatever nomenclature works for you for me, capital D capital M reminds me that that's what I'm going to do dem break up it you know it populates that Okay, so a lot of these are ones that either Andrew or myself or cat or Jillian have used and has put in here and as you saw, really all that all that happens is when you type that shortcode it populates whatever it is that you put in there so you don't have to type it you don't have to get it wrong, etc. I would even use it for things like your website, anything that is you know, something that you want to use You don't want to write over and over and over again. Here's an example of, you know, our address I, for my, for me, it's p o box, right? And I just write p o box and the whole address populates anything that I am typing, I use that thing for, I think it's well worth the $3.33 per month. I don't know why they do that. But anyway, cool. All right. So that is it. In a nutshell, we did it in only six minutes over the hour, which is amazing. I want to hear all any and all of your questions. First of all, I want you to want to know if you're picking up what I'm putting down, and I want you to type in, if that was helpful, type it in the chat. Of course, we're always going to ask your takeaways, I'd love to know what was the biggest takeaway from this session? And we'd love to know your questions. In the meantime, let's see, as you're typing that in, let me look at what I might have missed Kristin, should I do pre sales for people thinking about about trying to get pregnant so they can buy at a lower price point, then have them start the program later after pregnant? Or? That's the last thing about that later? You know, I don't I don't know that that's related. So
let me prioritize questions related to this. So it can all stay in one place. But definitely, definitely want to want to want to answer any and all questions as well. But let's answer these ones first. Good. So helpful. I feel like I have to listen to it three more times before I have my first sales call next week. Yeah, do it. And actually, I would suggest if it's a sales call, I would suggest listen to Oh, and if your first sales call, pardon me, I would definitely start with the calling convert for sure. For sure, for sure. Because that's going to be more sales fundamentals. And I would start there, if it's your first sales call, then of course, we have the 60% close rate training. And then this one is more DMS, as well as the spearfishing one. Awesome, awesome. It's totally normal to be nervous, totally normal to be nervous, and you're going to do it and then not die, right. So it's going to be amazing. Shikara says definitely want to get started with this awesome Shikara I would love it for you to get started with this. So you know, you probably already have your link out there for people to book calls. And that's totally great. And if calls come in, take them. But even with calls that are booked, I would even maybe like slide into their DMS and be like start with a triage conversation, and maybe possibly handle it there if you feel comfortable. And then also going forward, I would say like just mark it on your calendar, because you'll you will forget you will forget. So mark it on your calendar in terms of today is when I you know, you know, did my first Facebook Live with a call to action to DM. Cool. So you might have a little bit of an overlap, right where you have some calls sneaking in from your last Facebook Live that you said, you know, book a call. And now you have this overlap of now you're switching to DMS. So feel free to do both. Okay, great, great, great. Rebecca says I feel overwhelmed and glad to know about all of this and to implement it. Yeah, so definitely start totally normal feel overwhelming. Understand. And this is partly why I tell you guys like this is what we started with. And this is what we use today. So when you see like the fancy image that is all designed and whatever and shows our IG and our Facebook and our simple texting and all of that and automations and all that jazz. Understand, please, that we started with exactly what you're starting with nothing. Nothing, not one text built out on Text Expander not one nothing. Okay, so literally, like if I if I were to type out your two dues on this, which maybe Hannah can help me out with that, you know, it really would be, you know, get a Google Voice If you don't already have one. Right. And I would suggest like a good use of money. I mean, I always like to let you do the free versions of things. But I think a good use of money, get a TextExpander and start building it out as you go. So literally, my method for that was as it is without I love an SOP, a standard operating procedure. I love an automation, I love delegation. And so my, I always go into it with a mindset of I will be handing this off someday. So I would literally send the message, and then I would copy paste it into text expander. So I would do the work twice in the beginning, right, you work hard twice. And then you don't have to do it again. And then as I would go, I'd be like you know what, I want to tweak that message. So I tweak it, send it to the client, and then tweak it on my text expander. Again, just a little mini mini duplication. Okay. So that's how we built this out so that when I was ready to hire, I was like, Here you go. This is what I found works. And let's build it from here. So I want you to do it with that. So definitely start start slow. I would say Becca for you? I wouldn't I don't know that. I would. I don't know that I would start with this. I think I would start with a call and convert first. Okay. So Brittany says helpful framework excited to read through my computer. Great. Awesome, awesome. Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. Cool. All right, good. Any other questions before we wrap up? But I think that calling comer is or interpret selling system is pretty much a wrap and you've got all of the templates and all of those to deploy. So I'll let you guys copy paste. You know, plug away and definitely feel free to help to like pop in the chat. If you're in a conversation with someone. Feel free to pop in the chat in terms of just like we workshop mission statements or anything else. Don't overthink it too much. The reality is just like with everything and don't feel like you have to run it by us before you deploy it. Like most of the time you're going to learn this by actually using it did it work or not? Not really is going to be the answer. My my kind of golden rules is if you can end with a question, I make it easy on them you do the heavy lifting make it easy on them. Don't be like tell me your life story that does not work. It will never work. I can guarantee you it won't work. Don't use it. Okay, instead, my questions are and you'll see this in a spear phishing training is, you know, what is your goal? Right. So I have I think I have a DM, DM goal. No, damn both is what it is. Alright. Anyway, I have these, some of these triage tacks that are basically like is your goal more income more freedom, or both? So understand how a question like that will give me a one word answer more income, both more freedom, right makes it really easy. I do most of the words. So think about it with that framework. Okay, cool. Alright, guys. So let's go ahead and wrap this up. I want to hear your takeaways in the Facebook group. So let's start a thread there now. And let's hear your takeaways. I
want to hear any Aha. So want to capture those. Anything that came up from this training, want to capture those, and I'm going to see you on next Thursday's call. In the meantime, don't forget about tomorrow's q&a. Hannah, do we have any other announcements tomorrow? What time where I'm pm Pacific? Oh, if you already have questions, submit today. Yes. So same time, same place. So we'll see you in. We'll see you tomorrow on that call. And I will see you guys next Thursday. But I'm super, super excited to have this for you and have all the templates. All the Google Docs Joe will let you know where those are. And in the meantime bye for now, guys.