Oh raining really hard. Yeah. Ah. Oh, hopefully. Hopefully the weather doesn't impact traffic with accidents and power outages or anything like that or flood and just a reminder to everyone that that we are recording and I'm just going to apologize in advance I'm going to be turning my camera and mic off frequently during the meeting because I'm having I'm having a seasonally based, like sinus issue. So I'm doing a lot of throat clearing a lot of coughing and blowing my nose. So I'm going to be on and off camera and in and out of the mic. So Elijah having said that, I don't think this is going to clear by tomorrow. So remember my plan had been to leave the sprint planning but there's a it's highly likely that I won't be able to do that. Okay, no worries if anything we could just have me or even someone else. Sprint Planning. Yeah, and you could do it that way they get to because what I wanted them to do. I wanted I wanted them to see the to call leads do it before they started doing it but I'm not likely to be able to do it tomorrow. I've been dealing with this for a few days now and it hasn't led up so yeah, and just because yeah, just because someone is going to be leading the sprint planning session doesn't mean like we're going to leave you all alone. No, no. You know, I like to set people up for success so you know, having a chance to see it. Once or twice. People feel very comfortable after that. So Nikki J or Angela, are you guys are one of you comfortable leading the sprint time tomorrow? Or do you want me to lead it again?
I dropped it in the slack yesterday I had a last minute client kickoff reschedule so I'm actually not gonna be able to make it to sprint planning tomorrow.
Okay, okay, no worries. J Angela.
Honestly, I know the timing for tomorrow's sprint planning is. Is that 7pm? i Sorry. Is that 1pm Yesterday? Or 2pm? Yesterday?
It's 2pm yesterday.
I'm just looking at my shed do making it early. I still have to like adjust or move a number of things around. Because I have like an impromptu meeting, which might run into like the first half of the same time we have in the sprint planning. So okay, it's just the but the next one
Jay, you're able to do it. Is that make sense? Yeah,
I can do it. I just have to follow that PowerPoint right and write everything down. Yeah,
yeah, pretty much pretty much the same thing that I did suddenly lose track of like, what you're trying to say. Right and and, and of course facilitate the backlog grooming session, as well. Right exactly. Exactly. Alright, so J you'll be leaving a sprint planning session tomorrow. Thank you for volunteering.
Yeah, can you just send me like where I can find everything that way? I'm not fiddling around on the computer during the meeting.
Like where you could find what they call it the demo slides? Yeah. And the backlog. And the backlog? Yeah. I'll make sure to do that. Right after this meeting. You could just send me a reminder if anything if I forget but yeah, anyways. Having said that, why don't we take even like five to 10 minutes, Elijah at the end of this meeting, and you could just go over all of that with everyone like it's sort of like a how to, you know, how to run a sprint planning. session. And you go walk everyone through it? Yeah. Yeah. I mean, that's what I was pretty much going to do in that sprint planning, preparation and the agenda. That was gonna be Oh, I didn't realize that's what you meant by that. I was thinking of it as okay like the kind of okay okay. Basically, both great minds think alike. I just didn't realize we weren't thinking aloud. Sorry. All right, for sure, for sure. So yeah, this is the agenda for today, if everyone could see in the Google meat chat. First we're going to be talking about the summary insights from the design and Dev meeting and that design client meeting, as well as the design client meeting today, which I could talk about since I was only one that was there. It was pretty last minute. And after that, I put priority adjustments like if we're going to use the if spice framework or not, most likely depending on how like the summary insights part of the agenda goes, we won't need to do that we can just head straight to the roadmap adjustment. Then after that. We'll prepare for the sprint planning tomorrow. Sounds good with everyone. Did I miss anything? All right, cool. So anyways, yeah, so let's first talk about Yeah, yeah.
I bought the project go. That was supposed to I
have a project goal. Yeah. Totally forgot about that. What do you think you need? Oh, um, so far as the project goal is concerned, I think that that we could move that to Wednesday. You think? If anything, I think we could move that to Wednesday, because the product roadmap is going to take some time. Yeah, it's going to take and that will lead us to the project goal. Yeah. Yeah. Does that sound okay?
Yeah, that's fine. Okay.
Sounds good. All right. So let's first talk about the design and client meeting that happened on what was it Thursday, I believe. Right. Cool, was able to attend that and take notes.
I attended it.
Alright. Can you share some of the insights that you got out of it?
Yeah, so I think huge priority is definitely the landing page. And the admin page, that's what they're really looking at. And that's that was the main focus of the meeting. The client wanted like an animation thing too, but they push that to the next phase. But that that was the primary goal. For both meetings was definitely definitely admin page and definitely the landing page.
Okay, and what about the admin page? Exactly? If they went into specifics?
They did. It's really just they're trying to figure out what components they're looking at what components they want to focus on, primarily, Dev is really getting into that and they're going to start working on a few components to figure out what will work what won't work, but they want the evaluators to have that page where they can upload their certificates. If you if you're self certified, they want you to not be able to use the page right now. You have to be actual certified and then they're going to have it go through a process where you'll upload your certificate. It will be approved or denied. But they're trying to get someone on the back end to double check it because right now that is thought of as an automated process. But we don't want someone to just upload any kind of PDF and get approved so they want someone to double check that so they're working on that too on the back end. They want to be able to print out a PDF summary. After the evaluators go through everything. They want the admins to be able to print out a PDF summary so that it has everything that they need, including any notes that the evaluator has written down, and then they're thinking of the plans between three evaluators to six evaluators. So they're working on all of that. But admin page seemed top priority for sure.
Okay, from who's the client, the all of them? Okay. Anjola. Go ahead.
Yeah, just I wanted to add some things to what Jay said. So with regards to I think some notes I made here was regards to the landing page. I'm the one said do accent questions regarding the video on the landing page, if it should remain there, like the video on the landing page, and then the colors for the user forms. Now therefore, in order to establish a good visual hierarchy, you should actually because the color is blue for the user Signup Forms is blue. So it should align with the colors on the landing page. And also, there's one thing I'm also trying to guess you already mentioned the animation visual hierarchy and then the self certification process which should show a dimension for the evaluators and how flexible they are on the type the the navigation and the typography and the colors on the on the page on the landing page especially. So yes.
Okay, okay, got it.
It was just one more to that I forgot to mention they want to have a form where the producers will enter the ingredients that they have, so that they can submit it. So that evaluators can evaluate.
Okay, and is that something that they weren't designed to do? Or is that because I remember that the client is supposed to give something to design to basically designed by they can't get it finished until earliest next year. Was that mentioned? Do you know what?
The form the form that was mentioned was something that was new that was brought up. They're going to work design and Dev are going to work together to try to figure that out, see if they can do it for this phase or if we have to push it to next phase. The client really just showed like an animation that he is set on to have for the food, which is another thing that design said we'll have to wait till next phase. We can't get that in for the end. Of this phase.
Was that what you were talking about Elijah or could you elaborate on what you are referring to? Because i j I agree with you with what they said about the animation. Oh and Angela are maybe Angela has an answer. She's raised her hand.
Well, yeah, I think it has to do with the animation on one of the user forms. So there's the animation of a cheese and design talked about design talked about the fact that it will be it will be a tad bit difficult for developers to actually implement that in this face given the time we have and and we as given the time we have so I think it was just like the development part that was very tricky. And design was like Okay, that should wait a bit because the animation is tricky to
write. I came up just in that meeting. And it's, it's it's like the sandwich coming together. It was Yeah, summation of a sandwich coming together all of the different ingredients. I know. I know exactly what you're talking about, which is like emblematic of of the of the process which is Yeah, it's a progress bar. Part of it is a progress bar that you guys are talking about. Well, right. Yeah. Is it a progress bar or is it just showing you that like at the end like this, like the the whole thing coming together? Yeah, that's an animation that lasted a certain number of seconds where the sandwich forms itself, but it almost doesn't matter because it is not likely at all to happen this phase. But what I wanted to clarify was, was that the thing that was that what you were referring to Elijah? No, it wasn't but I know where you guys are talking about. Yeah, it's basically it's basically the progress bar. So what the client was thinking was so Windows
Forms so the nation would show the stages
Wow. You're kind of lagging Anjola But anyways, that's besides the point I get, I get what you guys are talking about. So, so elaborate on what you're talking about, because I'm still not clear on what you were talking I need. I need to double check on that. Honestly, I need to ask, design, what form they're waiting for from the client. Yeah, but anyways, so in terms of what else an admin, okay. So basically, Dan is basically working on evaluate or user stories. To be honest, I don't know is that is something that that design pointed out that hasn't that they haven't developed on there and yet, you find prospective evaluator user stories. I don't know. To be honest, I don't know. But, yeah, so Dev, the dev team is just working on the back end of the admin page plus the what they call the skeleton for the landing page. Yeah, okay. Cool. Well, let's see. Anything else from the design client meeting before I move on to the design dev meeting? No. I meant, man, let me went first design client or design Dev? Well, it was what they were two meanings. It was designed, designed. Okay. Anything else from design
and then design client. Everything I said is from both meetings as I was in them back to
God he got he got it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Does anyone else have anything else to mention from both meetings? Well, there is a an evaluator summary that's missing. But someone may have already brought that up, but I wasn't sure. So I wanted to mention it. Right. We're basically two things that were missing and that but those are both on the design and they're not right. Yeah. Yeah. So I'm not quite yet again, I'm not quite sure on. I guess you'll have to check. I think it was that. So it's 418. So we might want to pick up the pace just a wee bit. Yeah. Yeah. So in terms of the forums, that's less of a priority. So it'd be landing page and admin page that are the biggest priority for this phase. While design is working on the forums, the the need to focus on the landing page and admin admin page to the most in terms of the landing page. From what I got from the design meeting on Friday. I actually answered that question in slack when we just double check. What question the status of the landing page. I asked that question during the Friday design meeting. Oh, okay. Yeah. So, yeah, they keep on needing to push it back because the client is very nitpicky and keeps on wanting to make changes. And by tomorrow, hopefully, they're going to ask the client to stop making changes because it's holding the now. And that's something that we should think about, is there something that we can do to support that? So, but there was a meeting today as well between design and the client and at least some of the dev right yeah. Yeah, they didn't get to the landing page. Today. They're going to talk about it tomorrow. You talked about the admin. Today, yeah, it was mostly admin questions that Dev had last week. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, exactly. So what can we glean from the meeting today? That helps us to look at the work that we have to do today as well. Because we're we're looking at prioritization, we're looking for alignment between the client, the design and Dev. But then there's the wildcard as I would put it, because there's meeting and to my knowledge, you are the only one who attended that meeting was the meeting between design and the client today, and that was on the admin dashboard, which we know is one of the two top top top priorities. So what yeah, there's nothing too important that will drastically affect the roadmap. Just asking clarifying questions about the admin page. They are basically what I got from it was Dev is working on the back end for the admin. I took a quick look on the design roadmap, they're gonna start working on the UI for the admin page. Was it next sprint I believe? I want to say it's next sprint. But let's see anything else that's worth mentioning. No, nothing else worth mentioning. They're also working on the navigation bar. Getting it finalized. But yeah. So Anjola has a question or comment Anjola Go ahead.
You're able to type your question. Oh, there. Can you hear us okay, can you hear me? Yes, yes. Yes. My audio nevermind. Yeah. It's being very glitchy. I'm sorry. Can you just type down your question and Google meetcha? Yeah, you're it's cutting in and out. So we'll only catching bits and pieces, but if you type it then we can repeat it to the group and Okay, okay.
Yeah, besides Angela's question that she's going to ask, Is it anything else that anyone could think of that was mentioned? That should be brought up?
I'm curious to know if they clarified their concerns across Dev and design about like the max width issue, because like, from where I'm sitting like, max width is a pretty easy, like we just center it past a certain like, break point. But that if I'm not mistaken, got brought up again recently, if not at the last meeting. So I'm curious Yeah, if they have made any like forward progress on that, especially considering how I don't want to say wishy washy, but like how editorial the clamp has been?
I think I'll feel that one and two things about that one, that won't impact our prioritization. So at least in terms of our work, Dev is still working on resolving that I believe, that they believe I believe that they believe that they have settled upon a solution but there was a lot of there was a really deep dive in the dev meeting that followed one of the two meetings last week. There were some multiple issues having to do with I guess, impacts of you know, one thing upon another. So it turned out that the issue wasn't just purely the max width it was that in combination with some other stuff. But having said that, it was clear to me that they are on their way to resolution on on that they are experimenting with some things with the way you know with how certain things are. operating together, like trying different things with code and seeing if that meets the specifications. But it at least for like design and for the client it's not an issue that like design and client have to be concerned about at this time.
Okay, cool. Then good news for us is it doesn't change any priorities for us, like in terms of us being able to, to kind of think about do we need to do it a prioritization of exercise right now, or do we have enough confidence in, in particularly client design alignment and, you know, ultimately, client design dev alignment around priorities that we can that we're able to safely state what the priorities for this phase? are, and to begin to refine that very rough draft product roadmap that we have, that everyone, all of the teams, including the client are anxious for us to finalize, wondering how people are feeling about that, because that if we're able to make that step we should only make that step if we feel confident about where we are with prioritization between the stakeholders. But if we can, that obviously will speed things up in terms of us refining the product roadmap. Oh, and Elijah has his hand up. Yeah. So you said they were experimenting with with That's what you said. Right? No, what I'm saying is there are multiple kind of coding related issues or or concerns or you know, trade offs, things like that, that they were considering. So it was it was beyond just like max width, or it was it was several things that were going on. So they went into this deep, like dev dive around that. So it was beyond the issue of just like should we use max width okay, and that wouldn't affect? No, no, no, it's like it's a deep dive into a coding related issue. Not a problem. Just you know, one of the many challenges a dev team is going to come come along on the way to to coding something. Okay? But they, they're considering different things and they they are they like they really know what they're doing. So, in terms of my confidence that they're going to work that out. That that's not going to stop them. My confidence is very high. Okay, got it. Got it. All right. So, since we got all that information out, is should we just head straight to the roadmap? adjustment? What? Well, that's what I'm asking. So the oh, it looks like I'm frozen. Can you hear me? Yeah, we can hear you. Oh, okay. Maybe it was just a little frozen on my end. But what I'm asking is because before we say oh, let's move to the roadmap is everyone feeling and I get some thumbs up emojis would help. Is everyone feeling like we have that alignment between client design and Dev around priorities?
Honestly, I
think that we really need to have this meeting with the client which they mentioned last week during the meeting, but I think they're going to solidify it this week. With like Nikki said not not wishy washy, what was the word you use Nikki? Not wishy washy. Editorial without editorial the client is we really have to solidify that there are going to be no significant changes going forward. Which is something that Devin designed to get into the client. Because once we have this solidification that we are not making any changes then we will feel comfortable doing this
what are the changes that they suggest going to go like? Suddenly the landing page is not a priority and admin page are not a priority. You know what I mean?
Not I don't think it would go that far. They might change what is priority in terms of right now admin page seems top and essential but landing page they may change later on to be top and essential. So I think that is fine, but in terms of the design for it and what the client needs, there tends to be some back and forth with it.
Right, but again, I guess what I'm looking at is the last meetings I attended, it did not appear that the order of landing page then admin dashboard, especially combined with the fact that there is less work that has been done on the admin dashboard. So it looked like it was looking like if we were putting together a product roadmap that we could start with landing page and move to admin dashboard, but I see Nikki has her hand up
Yeah, I am. It I'm curious to know like if we're or rather how we're prioritizing beyond like, landing page and admin dashboard, because a few different like, I guess, Adams of those elements were brought up in the design meetings. So like we had touched on typography we had touched on hierarchy we had touched on like all of these smaller elements that are definitely going to be applicable to both the admin dashboard and the landing page. And with how frequently it seems like the goalposts are kind of shifting and with how kind of like, differential both are not differentiable, like, with design and debit feels like there's a lot of like acquiescence with like, oh, we'll do whatever you want to do. Oh, we'll do whatever you want to do it kind of I just want to know, like, what exactly are we, in concrete terms? Try to get in order for the roadmap because I know it's more than just a landing page. And
so my thoughts on that are that if you look back at the old at the draft version of the product, roadmap that that we that we presented it is, you know, the roadmap is a higher level, it's not the task by task by task of the backlog. And so my thoughts are that while there are issues to be settled around typography, for example, what we do know is that design and Dev were aligned around the fact that that there should be alignment within in terms of forms and landing page around typography and around colors and things like that. That's something that we can express on the product roadmap, but what we don't have to do is we don't have to do the same deep drill, like at the at every individual task, that should be on the backlog. So in that sense, we are not, we may not ultimately and then as I said, in the Oh, I'm sorry, this was actually a message that I shared with Elijah. So I should say it to you to the group which is that if we can get something for design and Dev to react to, we would be able to further refine it in our Wednesday meeting. And there's going to be another meaning I as I understand it with the client where they're going to try to where they want to work on getting the client to understand that there has to be a stopping point. And that was actually a question that I kind of threw up and Elijah It looks like he has his hand raised. Just finish the sentence and hop out, which is what can product do to support that. Go ahead, Elijah and then Elijah Anjola. Yeah, yeah. So I totally forgot to mention this. So for the landing page, I, as far as I know, typography is finalized. What they're still trying to finalize is the color shadings for accessibility reasons. And now, those the color components will determine how the form and I guess everything else will look like if that makes sense. And aligning them because remember, there's like different like, one is like a deep blue and something else is like this light blue. So they want to get alignment around that. And that like we can state that on the on the product roadmap. You know what I mean? Like that's, you know, and that's why the landing page is a priority because it has all the key components that will be needed for the rest of the pages, whether that's the dashboard forms that's a really good point, Elijah. Does that clear that up? Nikki?
Yeah, for sure. Cuz it's, like objectively looking at like, okay, landing page roadmap seems like it would be a really easy thing that to put one in front of the other but it seems like we're kind of getting like these like cyclical conversations about like, edits and smaller elements of the design. So that totally clears that up for me. Thank you.
Okay. And I also want to point out that's another reason why I'm really pushing for us to be able to to produce a another better roadmap there because because I want us to do what we can to help steer the to help create that alignment and we've got to get stuff out there for people to react to. And to start to see things. It helps to put the things into a type of a perspective, and a type of acceptance. And we can do that with the client too, which, with the product roadmap, that's not all we need to do. And that's something we need to think deeply about. And we need to come up with some ideas this week, which is to help the client to get to the point where they're comfortable letting go and saying okay, further changes will be next. Next phase. This is not the end of the iterative process. Right, and hopefully that's the case. Tomorrow when if and when Heidi mentions it, but let us think because this is something that normally the product team would be driving but because of the special relationship between design and the client. And the design team, you know, doesn't take the product team approach of driving prioritization and being kind of ruthless and prioritization and a little more ruthless, for lack of a better word in terms of helping the client to get to a point of acceptance for what's going what we can do this phase. That's something we can help with. And we have to be thinking about how we can do that. I don't know that we have time to talk about that now, but folks can think about strategies that we could, that we could use that might be helpful for that and we can async that with each other but right now we have what is it like? Little over 20 minutes, and I know we wanted to it sounds like we feel like we're ready to take another pass at the product roadmap. Yeah, exactly. We have 20 minutes left, but before we do that, Angela, can you Yeah, Angela?
Yeah, so I'll just say this quickly. Can you guys hear me? Yes. Okay. So um, I remember the lead designer mentioning during the client meeting that it would be important for us to know how involved the admins would be in the produce producer and evaluator process. So in terms of like, so I remember Ryan mentioning that they would have like influence over how many how many forms that the evaluators would get, and all of that. So it would be important for us to maybe in the sprint planning tomorrow to get clarity on just how involved the admins would be. Because I also have this question of all the UI admins be added clients their clients, okay, so like, just how involved they would be in the entire process, both the producer and the evaluators process and everything so that's why I wanted to raise that's the concern I wanted to raise.
Yeah, okay. That's yeah, I can talk about during the sprint planning tomorrow. Okay, we have 20 minutes left. Now, do you think it'd be wise to? Because I don't think we'll have enough time to get to the sprint planning preparation. Do you think it'd be wise to like, move the roadmap to Wednesday. We got all the information that we need now. We pretty much digested it, but I don't think it's the the unfortunate thing is is if we if we if we tackle if we wait until Wednesday. To tackle the product roadmap, we will not be able to get feedback that we can act upon in order to further refine it for the client meeting because Elijah, you me and Anjola Remember the first sprint meeting? Right, right. Right, right. Right, where we presented it as very preliminary and draft and right. So yeah, um, my suggestion and we'll see what everyone else thinks is we have like 20 minutes are people able to go like an additional 20 minutes you know, above the norm, our normal stopping time and tackle the sprint planning and then spend some time at least on the product roadmap, maybe we can because whatever we can accomplish on the product roadmap today, we can put out for comment to to our you know, internal stakeholders, design particularly and then Angela, put our thumbs up. Nikki? I wasn't sure. Are you able to go 20 minutes over?
I'm not I've got a sprint planning right after this. Well, unfortunately, I know my agency has we just closed a bunch we just want a bunch of contracts. And it's like we're going to be held a week.
No problem. So how many people does it look like and stay on? It's Jan Anjola. And me. Okay. And Catherine's not able to stay on Angela. Well Nikki, Nikki is not able to stay on. I was asking about Katherine. I didn't hear you mentioned her name. Yeah, Catherine isn't here. Right. She isn't okay. You guys. I told you. My head is a little. Yeah, okay. Okay. All right. So there's three of us that can you know, do a little something and put something out there for them to react to. All right. Yeah. All right. So let's, let's focus on Sprint Planning preparation first and then the roadmap. Yep.
And if you guys want to share, like whatever you come up with, with for the roadmap, I will be around this evening to like, check it out a sink and
yeah, of course, familiar with it. Okay. Let me grab the copy the link posting here. Here's the figma file for the sprint planning tomorrow. And we could just use the same one, I guess. Yeah, we just delete this one and I don't really need this one. So go to 1024 planning 1024. Just make sure Okay, delete this page. Hopefully Mirja doesn't get mad at me. Okay, cool. All right. So pretty much keeping the agenda the same for the most part right? Unless I'm missing something. All right. So let's go to this. Let me delete this. All right. So questions questions that we need to ask designed? Let's see. Can someone start us off?
I don't think we got any user stories for them. I think they said they were working on that. So that's something to ask
about the user stories. Like what's your progress on user stories like that?
Canada, yeah. Well, what I what we said we were going to do and I think it might be, I just want to ask when do you want to do this is did you want to just sort of do the did you want to fill in the the sprint planning agenda first and then kind of walk the team through how they would present it in the meeting? Yes. Okay. Okay. Just ask him for that clarification. Sounds good to me. Okay. We have 15 minutes left. I'll make sure to send another meeting link right after this meeting. Like as Mickey, you could just move on to your other meeting when this meeting ends. I'll go ahead. Yeah. You can set it up. Okay. I can go ahead and set it up. Because you're you're you're doing the inputting right. Yeah. Yeah, I'll set it up. Okay, and make sure to send it in Slack channel. Of course. Yep. All right. Cool. What's your progress on the user stories? User Stories for what exactly again?
They didn't bring any user stories for landing page for admin page for anything. They just did not have them for the meeting.
Good. They say they were going to make it. Sorry for you already. Okay, okay. So I'll just leave it at that then.
All right. What else? What are the questions we need to ask? Were there some questions that we did not get answered last week? Let's see. Can you hear me? Yeah, we can hear you. Oh, sorry. Sorry. I totally missed that. Yeah, go ahead. I was going to say so.
Okay, she'll get back
design system components. And geladeira is a question you want to ask design that I told you that should be mentioned during the sprint planning what was a
drill can you hear me?
Okay, does anyone else remember?
Okay. Do we know if they settled on a top nav design? Because I remember during the design meeting, they had two different versions one was like the dark blue header probably isn't a question for for tomorrow. But if they said
that's not really a question for tomorrow, but to answer that question, no, they have not settled on it. Yeah. They tried talking about it today, but it was going over time. So yeah. That's actually probably going to be something they talked about tomorrow.
Okay, cool. So it's like really that and like the form in color accessibility and design is what we're kind of like waiting on them to finalize this week.
They're finalizing the hopefully the landing page the nav bar the form now they're not finalizing the form yet. I wanted to say that. Yeah, right after they finalized the landing page and nav bar. Then they all put their efforts into the admin UI.
Cool. Sounds good.
That's okay. I can't think of anything. Okay. How about the dev team
what's your
landing page and I know they only got the skeleton but I'm not sure what else we have. Or what else they call it I don't know what I was trying to get. I lost what I was gonna say.
Are you doing Oh,
there you go. Yeah, yeah. I can hear you. Yeah. So
it has to rejoin the weather is causing some network glitches. So yeah, so my did question I reached was how involved would the admins be in the producer and evaluators process like in terms of like, How much ever evaluations can be submitted and how many forms the evaluators Can, can take. And just like the general involvement of the admins in the entire process of submitting,
right. Would that be a question for design or do you think? Design right?
Actually, this is a question I think, would be a question for design because I remember was designed I raised it, but I can't remember what the contributions were or what what the insights that were given? Were. So I think either the design lead, or one of the apprentices can shed more light into what those were in the in the meeting and the meeting with the client, the mission of the design client.
Okay. Are you in the figma file? Do you have access to it or now?
Um, no, not at the moment. I'm just to kind of like who didn't for me.
Okay. Can you repeat the question one more time so I can type it down?
How involved will the admin how much involvement would he had means? In the producer, slash evaluator process? For instance, would they be able to influence number of evolution or number of forms submitted to the evaluators? Did you get that?
For instance, well, they have influence on the number
of number of forms that would be submitted.
To where
to the evaluators
sorry. Let me tell you what I have, how involved will the admin how much? How much involvement will the admin have in the producer slash evaluator process? Or instance will well they have they have influence on the number of farms that would be submitted flavor Yes, to
the number the number of forms to be submitted for evolution
or evolution.
You mean, you know that for the for the evaluators to actually do their work? You have to like get the submitted forms right from the producers like do the field forms from the producers? Right. Am I mixing anything up? Like that the process?
Can anyone help me here
in terms of like the forms that the evaluators would evaluate in terms of like the what the evaluators will evaluate the forms that will be filled in by the producers for the evaluators to evaluate with their influence over that in terms of like, how many comparisons at a time, you know, like, I don't know if you understand
I think I do Nina Do you know?
how much influence like dev or design has, I think I get it like we're asking about like, processing capacity for like, evaluation forms is that
yes, yes, in terms of like the admins would they be able to like influence the number of forms that can be submitted per time? Would they be able to just influence the evaluators or producers process in any way, shape or form as what I'm getting that not just to submission of forms, but just in general?
So as far as I know, admins would be able to edit forms for either producer evaluator if needed. Like if they asked for help, like, if they ask, let's just say the producer asks for help through customer service slash admin, then from the admins end, they can edit it. So then the producers don't have to do it.
Yeah, so it would be just be it would be good to have like an idea of how much involvement they would have. So aside from the point you mentioned, is there any other thing or any other things that they hadn't been able to do that would influence the producer and evaluators process it would be good for us to know as a product team, like any other thing else, aside from what
I see what Anjola is what she's getting at, which is, are there some things that were unaware of so on the one hand we clarified that the admin folks are Kara and Ryan, they are the admin team, at least until such time as there's been so much growth that they're able to hire on, you know, additional staff, but certainly when it rolls out, it's the admin team is power and Ryan and they are going to be able to exert a lot of influence and will be able to make a lot of decisions about like number of evaluators and also being able to step in as needed and particularly when help is requested from the producers who tend to be on the more low tech end of the scale, to be able to help them with forms even helping them to possibly complete parts of forms for them on behalf of them. But as Angela is asking, are there some other areas that maybe we were not yet aware of that you know, might be Oh, yes, we will also or we would also like to do this, are there some assumptions going on out there that they may have that we may be unaware of? Yes. Okay. Got it. Got it. Make sure to keep that in mind and also J keep that in mind. Okay, I get what you guys are talking about now. Any other questions that we need to ask design or even though we just do both?
See, question I was typing. What's your progress on the landing page? Progress? On admin back in anything else?
Nikki, before you go, can you think of anything else?
No, I think mommy questions have been answered, but I will drop in the chat if I have anything else that comes up.
Okay, got it. Got it. Okay, cool. So, yeah, let's go ahead and move to the second link already. Before this expires. Nikki. I'll see you on Wednesday.