can show the recording made you a co host so you have, like anything else, but I can start the recording again. Nice.
I can actually record it now.
Do you want to record it on
your end? Yep,
yeah, I need to figure out, like, you can change the link or something, or ideas owner so you have like that on something? Yes,
I think I can. I guess you're able to record it. We'll just give everyone a few minutes to to join, and while people are joining, happy to answer any questions that people have about this call.
And I'm going to share the slides and share the tracker so everyone can take a look as we're getting started. And then we'll we will start the call in about two minutes, because we have a lot of initiatives to get through. Here are the slides I
and then here is the tracker. Anybody can't access them, please let me know. And then finally, we have the agenda here as well. The agenda is the order of everything,
and I will be in the chat the whole time helping out Alex. And there is a Mentimeter that has five survey questions for you that you can do kind of before we get going here or in parallel. And then there's a slide where you can just drop any questions you have. So it'll be a lot easier for us to collect all those questions on the survey, rather than pull them out of the chat. So any questions that you have, it'd be best if you direct them into the survey. Feel free to click the link at any time. I'll drop it in here a bunch of times. But there's a few slides that you could go back and change your answers if you want to, and we'll make all of the all the answers public later.
So we're gonna go ahead and get started now, because we have a lot of things to get through so quickly. You guys can see my screen. We're going, this is now the 20th kind of reporting call, or GRC call. It's the third time that I've been running it. Previously. It was done by L to beat and in sync is and Krzysztof. And so the purpose of this call is we're trying to create a positive and kind of helpful overview of the DAO initiatives, looking to improve coordination communication amongst the DAO and as Joe said, we have met meter for the call. Joe, is there anything you want to add? There?
No, it should be up now. Thanks, Paulo.
I will. I will shout out that. So in the future, I by the end of this week, we will publish the video the in the otter, and we'll also publish the tracker for everyone. Hopefully we're still making some updates to the tracker, because, as I'll talk about a little bit in a minute, there is a lot of data. There's a lot of different parts to it. And so we're improving this tracker, open to feedback. We'd love to hear how how you can best use it, so that for the next call, we will have more improvements. There now a few things, just to notice, a name, to set context for this. These are a few things that we've noticed from some of this Dao operations going through all these proposals and having done it for a few months. One is that tally proposals are not project requirements, and the things that you need to really help support initiatives are not everything that is done in a tally proposal. And we don't have a good way to update those things. An example, someone's timeline changes from the tally proposal. We don't have a good way to update that and have agreement on that. Secondly, some proposals don't even have clear objectives of what they're trying to get done and what their deliverables are, but we still voted and passed it through. Additionally, we're also comparing apples to oranges. GCP, entropy, wake up, labs, sequence or inclusion, other things like that. Are very different size projects, but we're still using the similar the same ways to compare them and provide them support. Additionally, it's unclear who refute, who reviews done and what that looks like? An example would be ARDC is kind of done, is like done. But have we agreed that they're done as a Dao, does someone check it? Does someone agree with that? And what does done even look like? As well as we've added a data point in a property in the tracker of how updates are given, because we found that a lot of times we want to know, how do I stay up? Informed on this, on this proposal, you'll see that we started adding that. We'll continue to add that throughout the week. And it's kind of inconsistent how people do it. Some people have weekly calls, other posts on forums. Others don't do anything. And lastly, this is a problem we all know and probably hear more about it, the incentives call, but it's unclear not only what the DAO objectives are, but also what the ecosystem level objectives are, and how the DAO plays into that. And that kind of lack of clarity can be seen in some of the initiatives and some of the lack of clarity that they have in the objectives. Now these are just a few things. Would love to get anybody else's thoughts and feedbacks, and we'll start to incorporate these into tracker. But also we will, Joe and I have a proposal up to do this more, continue to do this full time for the DAO, and we'll continue to work on some of these, along with entropy and foundation, other people like that. So that said, I will, I will share my screen, and we'll dive into the tracker, and I believe First up, we have a couple of the functions in the DAO, and then, and then we'll get into the foundation, and we'll start with some of the larger projects, and then get into the rest. One last note, we won't be really taking questions like voice open questions on this call because we don't have enough time, but drop them in the chat, or, as Joe said, drop them in the Mentimeter, and that way we will. We'll take all your questions, follow up, and we'll put out a forum post answering those questions for you guys sound good. So we just did the we just did the governance one. Now these function ones, we're going to drive through quickly, and I'll drop the links to them so you guys can check them out. But it's more so you guys get a sense of kind of how we could be approaching things in the DAO first one is the finance function. I don't believe regen is here, but if you guys take a look at this one in the tracker, what this gives you a sense of is you can use their token flow, and they're showing you a little bit about how much our transactions fees were and how they changed. An important thing to know is that our net spend from last month to this month has actually the net spend this month was only 2.2 million ARB, and previous month was 27 point 4 million ARB. They've also called out that there are still some multi six that have a lot of have a lot of funds to them. Excuse me, Alex,
one thing, I think we are not recording this, and we should,
you are very right. Krzysztof, I apologize.
All right, it is recording now. So, again, this is just a quick recap of the finance part. We won't go too far into this, but we will allow everyone to see it in the tracker, and they can dive in deeper on it. The second function that we're going to look at, if we're looking at the DAO or the Eco at the DAO as a business, is growth, right? This is something that we added this month because we wanted to show, is there anything like we'll be talking more about this going in the future. And I asked Clifton to next month talk more about marketing and other things that are going on. Just wanted to highlight a couple great growth things that happened. One, eight chain obviously, launched the Arbitrum portal, got a big refresh. And additionally, now there's up to over 50 orbit ecosystems. And in addition to that, Clifton, if you're there, I believe you have an update on the marketing analysis that was done by Robert at the foundation right
represent Robert is actually on the line right now. So Robert, you want to jump in really quick?
Yeah, sounds good.
I'll share my screen. Robert, you have about two minutes. Okay, let's, let's go.
I'll be very quick on this. If you have the if you have the link, can you mind sharing your screen as well? Yes, correct. So, yeah. So quick, quick intro. I'm Robert and CEO, founder of the web three marketing analytics consultancy company, and we advise a major l1 and L2 on growth analytics. So a great opportunity work at Taco Alex and a lot of folks in the team on understanding the marketing efficiency analysis for the foundation. So just quickly, if you go to the next slide, the problem that most of the L2 most of marketing, or whether it's web two or web three, phases is, how was my marketing campaign performing? What kind of users were actually acquired, and was my dollar spent? Actually is efficient, right? Did we actually reach out to the user we wanted to, or did we just AirDrop bunch of things and reward a bunch of tokens to things people that like might as well just engage with our programs regardless. So the proposal that we put together for foundation, and hopefully work with you guys in the future as well, is a holistic measurement framework that combines both the on chain data, including retention transactions, cross bridge actions and key conversion events on vertical combined it with marketing metrics on the things that evaluate efficiency for on the top of funnel, and we also introduce the mid funnel tracking as well. So the overall idea is a holy, holistic measurement framework with on chain and off chain data, and that effectively portrays the efficiency of marketing campaigns. So essentially, what we want to do is also ask the right questions, what are the type of users that that user are participating in our marketing campaigns? Did the marketing campaign actually drive efficiency in moving the sustained value actions in Arbitron? And which ecosystem actually drive the highest conversion of rent for Arbitrum? And then, and then, with the with this and the evaluated framework, that's how we establish the learnings. So if you quickly go to the next slide. We'll fly through some of the learnings. And folks who have access to Doc and feel free to read this lit further as well. So we know that actually campaigns are actually working for specific types of cohort, and we actually know that a lot of users are very that demonstrate a higher increase in their engagement on chain after the marketing campaign are actually light engaged users, and they actually created new wallets for specifically for it. So we know that some part of the campaign actually does really well in tracking a specific group of cohort, and we want to double click on that to see more. If you go to the next slide. We also do know that you know a lot of these rewarded group of users actually demonstrate lower usage on chains at statistics significant level after they were rewarded, right? So we wanted to make sure to see what worked well and what doesn't work well. And we also noticed, for specific l tools, the users that we acquired from those change actually demonstrated higher, like, for example, people we acquired from op, people acquired from base, actually demonstrate much higher than a lot of folks on polygon and things like that. So go to the next slide. Looking forward. We run it. We really want to optimize the campaign impact on each app category so that we can track, understand which audience group each marketing campaign is better driving, then scale that and have a learning repository that we can always look back to then decide this is a great campaign. We're starting marketing money efficiently and yeah, and that's it. And for folks who are interested, please feel free to reach out to Clifton and taka. Clifton and taka and feel free to go through the deck as well. Thanks everyone.
Thank you so much. If you guys have questions, please drop them in the meta meter, and then the next one is Clifton, did you have something to talk about about the event at Singapore and DEFCON?
Yeah. I have quite a few updates on marketing front, but thank you, Robert for flying through that. I do want to give a shout out to him. He's been doing great work, and then on, just moving forward, I'm actually planning to have a dedicated governance call on marketing so green Robert in to share more details around the framework that he built out, the analytics that he's churned out. And at the same time, also get taka, who leads marketing at the foundation, to share some of his high level initiatives, what his direction when it comes to like strategy, when it comes to branding and narrative for the entire Arbitrum ecosystem, is right? So keep a keep a heads up. I will be planning for that governance call, probably post DEF CON. And for some of you guys who's going to be in Bangkok, Taka is going to be there as well. So feel free to kind of chat him up if you have any questions. But yeah, I wanted to share a little bit more about our reverse that happened in Singapore. So on Wednesday, September 18, which is the first day of token 2049, foundation actually hosted its first ever, a reverse event, which is actually a part of Ethereum Singapore. So the goal was to achieve three aims. The first is to showcase the breadth and richness of global and regional partnerships which are only available and possible in the Arbitrum ecosystem in a new event format. It was also focused around video outreach, because we wanted to deepen the video relationship with existing potential collaborators based in the region, while going big with key partners. There was also a ton of focus on media partnerships. So we wanted to announce and kick off the road to DevCon initiative by global media partnerships with outlets like decrypt and rugged radio. Right? So some high level overview, and I can share this on the relevant channels. Process call, we've had over 2.9 1000 attendance, which had direct engagement with the Arbitrum band, a brand. So for our viewers, we had over 1000 for SVY Summit. We had over 400 for the azukin Arbitrum event. Similarly, we have 400 plus eth Singapore, we had 200 and then we have also what we call the Fed awards by O daily, which we had 900 so again, I'll send all these metrics out on the relevant channels. The earn engagement actually surpassed 11,000 at $24.37 per engagement, which was 2x of ECC, thanks to you know more, in person activations during token 349, week media partnerships and much more recorded content that made the online engagement span a longer period of time. So the Earn reach actually surpassed 19 million at one one cent per reach. So yeah, these are some of the high level metrics for rivers in Singapore. And for DEF CON, we actually have a slew of events planned as well. So what I'll be doing is I'll be creating a separate channel, or I could use the events and confidence channel on our Telegram, on our telegram chat, just to share more about the events that Arbitrum is going to have a presence in I'll just fly through them really quickly. We have edge city, which is a hackathon at Chiang Mai that's actually ongoing from the second of November to November the eighth. So quite a few foundation and off chain folks are going to be there. We're hosting summit that's on Monday, 11th of November. We have an azuki Arbitrum event. We have a chief of heit. We have an out layer roll up day. We have arbiverse 2.0 as well as Hold on, let me see a partner dinner, which quite a few important contributors and delegates have actually already received invites to so again, I'll send out all these links via the events and conferences channel, and I'll also be creating a separate telegram group just to bring in people within the DAO so we can just update each other on where we're hanging for drinks, where we are hanging to, you know, have A meal. So it's kind of like a social, a social thing where, you know, people can just get together and and hang out more when we're all in Bangkok together. Sorry, that was a long show. Yeah. No, no, it was. It
was awesome. Great job. So we're going to, we're going to go back to the foundation into RAM in a second on a Security Council briefly. I'll just show you again. This is another function within the product, within the DAO, within kind of the foundation overlap product and engineering. And in the future, we would have more updates of kind of things that have been posted right the big one is layer zero announced there that they now have an oft standard is now native on Arbitrum orbit as well as I'm sorry I forgot to add it in here. But now that there's fast withdrawals available on orbit chains, which is a very which a very big thing, and actually click the if you have the link to that tweet, would you mind dropping that in there? So and when we publish this later this week, you guys will have more updates in there on product and engineering. The important part here is, as we're trying to do these governance operations calls, we're trying to both communicate to the DAO what is going on in different functions, and also making sure that we're keeping up to date on the initiatives that are happening now. Clifton and RAM. Do you guys have anything else from the foundation on Security Council or on any other updates?
Rob, you are jumping with Security Council? Yes,
I can give the Security Council update. Alex, would you either let me share my screen or just put up the link that I'm about to send? It's just the tally home page of the Security Council.
Share my screen a second one.
Cool. So yeah, as I'm sure many of you know, the Security Council elections process for the September cohort has been ongoing for a few weeks now. We are approaching the end of the member election phase. So there is four days left to cast your vote. If you haven't already, we will know the final results of the election at about 3:45pm UTC on Sunday. So this is what the current standing looks like. So we've got GZ on from Offchain Labs, Emiliano, John Morrow from gauntlet uni, Denison mentally and consensus diligence. It's also worth noting that as of the 20th of October, there was a vote decay function which came into play, meaning that for every day that a delegate doesn't vote between the 20th of October and November, the second, which is the final day of the elections, their voting power linearly decays. So if you haven't voted already, make sure you do so ASAP, to ensure that your voting power doesn't decay any further. And then, obviously, once the elections are complete, there is a 13 day grace period. This is in order to give time for anyone who isn't happy with the outcome of the elections to leave Arbitrum If they wanted to, and withdraw their assets. But more importantly, it gives time for the election results to become recorded on all the relevant smart contracts across Ethereum, Arbitrum one and Arbitrum Nova. So then once this 13 day grace period concludes, I believe that takes us to the 14th of November, sorry, 16th of November. That's when the security council election results are officially in place? Yes. Alex, anything
else? Ram Clifton from the foundation,
I could share updates around, like, all the proposals when it comes to, like, funding. But do you want to just Yeah,
or you have any updates on, like, I believe you're talking about the strategic partnerships one, right?
No, I'm talking about like the hackathon one, basically all the ones that you listed out on.
Then when we get to those, you can, you can go into them.
So you want me to cover that now, or no, no,
we can. We can wait till we get to those on the initiative, on the agenda. Okay, so, now we have entropy. Entropy has a few different ones, and entropy will get about two minutes per Initiative, or as much they need to. And I will call out that entropy. We've we've added some information here about how they have updates, like, for all, for a lot of teams, we're adding information about how you can keep update on them. And for entropy, when you click on it, you'll go to their monthly update call as well as they also have bi weekly office hours. So if you want deeper information, go ahead and head there. Matt. You want to go ahead?
Yep, I'm going to try to speed run through it, because, as Alex already mentioned, we do have other formats where you can ask us more in depth questions about any of this. So one of our goals first, I'll start with our goals for October and where we are at them, and our success metrics. As far as getting events through snapshot, we were able to achieve that, and it is now on tally, or will be live for voting tomorrow, but it's currently, you know, pending on tally. The stylus sprint did make it through tally. So this is a in the work like this is currently taking quite a bit of bandwidth from Pruitt and a little bit from myself as well. In you know, the application template and the grading rubric are currently, currently being worked on with the evaluation committee. November 4, we'll be putting out a press release in tandem with Offchain Labs, who is kind enough to put out a blog post on it. So that's kind of when marketing will kick off with. November 11, applications actually opening. So, yeah, basically still in process, but happy to have that thing actually funded and kicking off soon. I guess. Call to Action there real quick, which is if you know any good rust developers, whether it be like Solana BD folk, or you know someone in web two who's a Rus developer, or someone wants to rewrite a computationally intensive app currently on Arbitrum or another EVM ecosystem, like please do reach out and start bolstering the applicant pool, or put them in touch with me or someone else in the evaluation committee, OpCo and forum. So the OpCo was posted to the forum last week. Upon posting, we were asked by the Arbitrum Foundation if it would be okay for them to give early feedback around if there were any potential glaring legal concerns. Although there were no glaring legal concerns, there was some feedback that we wanted to implement before reposting it, but that will be reposted today. So all things, if all things, go smoothly there that will be in the forum later today. So that has been achieved, and that our plan there is for that to sit in the forum for 21 days for feedback before feedback before moving to snapshot, Delegate code of conduct in the forum and through snapshot. So obviously we were able to get this in the forum. I put a little pause emoji here, because unfortunately, we were not able to reach the goal of getting it passed through snapshot. Yet, we are debating whether to put it up tomorrow or next week. There are some changes that, some small changes that need to be made. But we're, you know, internally debating whether it makes sense to put the snapshot now make the changes between here and tally, or just wait for next week, once we have a more finalized product that said it is, you know, in the process of moving forward, and it's going well, and we're very happy with how the delegate Code of Conduct currently looks vision, mission values. So this started as the proposal for mission, vision and goals, and unfortunately, we put that well, not even unfortunately, but we sidebar that and put it to the side, just because we thought that it was too ambiguous. It left a lot of room for controversy, and we thought that it didn't really achieve anything, so that there was no reason to really push it forward. We kind of collected ourselves and went back to the drawing board and looked at many other ecosystems and how they've gone about this practice. And we posted a mission vision purpose proposal, which we've already got quite a lot of great feedback on. We are currently in the process of making the changes, particularly taking into account the one overarching piece of feedback, which was that the one sentence explanations for vision, vision and purpose. We're not specific enough to Arbitrum, so expect that to be done today, and we're still aiming for that hit snapshot tomorrow. Slash that will hit snapshot tomorrow. The on chain sleuth is progressing well. So our goal here was just to get working on it. Unfortunately, our preferred partner, as far as the actual bug bounty platform that we were hoping to use, immunify came back early feedback saying that they did not necessarily want to put resources towards that project, so we basically started looking for other bug bounty platforms. But actually Paolo was nice enough to reach out to immunify CEO and help us out. So we are still discussing it with them that said the proposal is pretty much complete, and now all we need is a bug bounty platform to actually help us host it. Just for a little reminder on that it's basically a whistle blower program. Or, you know, there was some feedback that whistle blower was not the right word, but a program that hopefully allows anyone to anonymously submit misuse of Dao funds, so any funds that originated with the DAO, if anyone has, like, maybe information, whether it be through on chain analysis, or maybe there's like inside of whatever the initiative is moral, the story hopefully gives us a way to find and collect that originated with the DAO, the treasury management in the forum and through snapshot was another goal. This also has little pause emoji there, because, unfortunately, it has not gone through snapshot yet. The final updates are being made this week, as far as who's sitting on the TMC and GMC. That took longer than expected, because we realized that we wanted a bit of a diverse set of people sitting on the TMC specifically. So we wanted someone who was very risk focused, data risk analysis. We wanted someone who had portfolio construction exp, construction experience, then we wanted someone who had more experience actually writing a deliverable for Dao. That said, I think that we have finally cemented it, so those changes will be made this week and will go live for voting next week. Our expectation is that it will go live for voting next week, but that said, like we are apologetic that we did not hit a goal of getting it actually through snapshot. But it is still progressing, entering the incentives conversation. This is pretty like ambiguous, but at the end of it, we're currently talking with many of the different entities and parties who are involved in the conversation there, and seeing how we can help. So we expect that we will be involved in some capacity, and as incentives move forward. That said, it does seem that there is currently a bit of friction with like, different people working on different things in that realm. So we are doing our best to see how we can help and streamline, you know, the different aspects to incentives. Sorry, this is long winded, so I'll try to finish up quick goals for the coming month. OpCo on snapshot. Like I said, 21 days in the forum starting today, so hopefully it gets on snapshot in November. Stylist sprint kickoff, November 11, applications open, so that will continue to be a large piece of work for us. Sleuth in the forum. So we need to submit which bug bounty platform will actually be using treasury management through snapshot and tally. So our goal here is to have that RFP actually up and running, but by sometime in December, Code of Conduct finalized and passed. Very excited to actually have a code of conduct that we hope empowers people to use it within the Arbitrum Dao reward source Working Group. Deliverable posted so entropy has been leading the working group for tallys ARB staking proposal as the one related to reward source, Sam has been taking the leading the charge there, and that deliverable will be posted in the coming month. SOS posted. So this is the second iteration of the MVP, which aims to enable the data set concrete goals for the next one to two years. So while the MVP is very high level, the SOS actually allows us to, you know, really hone in on what we want to do and prioritize based on that. So that will be posted, but that will be quite a long process, from when the actual proposal is posted until we actually have strategic objectives. So expect that to be an ongoing initiative. And then finally, if the events proposal that just hit tally actually passes, we will begin working with the other parties involved to make sure that, you know, we're set and ready to go for the first event, which will likely be Denver blockers and risks. Nothing going on right now. Really, I think we're progressing pretty smoothly on all fronts. And then ask the delegates is just always, please pass those proposal ideas if you have stuff you want us working on, or, even more holistically, if you just have feedback. Like, we've been, you know, working full time in the DAO for two months now. So like, we'd love to hear from you if there's things that you want us to be doing differently, or things that you think would be cool for us to be doing. And then, yeah, like I said, the MVP will have the final edits in the next few hours or by this afternoon, and we're definitely hoping that people can review that as we're aiming to get that onto tally, or, sorry, onto snapshot tomorrow. And then to start thinking about one to two year strategic objectives. So like, as the SOS near is getting in the forum, just thinking about, like, Okay, I wonder what a concrete goal, in my opinion, would be for Arbitrum Dao in the next one to two years. Sorry, that was so long winded, but there's a lot going on. Also, we hired Katan, who was previously at Delphi, and before that, at chief governance. So he's been a huge help, and is only been active for two weeks now, but we're super excited to get him ramped up and helping us out nice.
And how big is the team now? Matt, because I know that's part of us. Comp, yeah,
so the team is six, and an intern, which we are not considering seven. So to date, we've received $100,000 in payment from the Arbitrum Dao for a reminder, basically, like, once we hit seven employees, the comp goes from 100,000 200,000 per month. We're taking it slow, or sorry, we're actually at five employees with a six that's already been hired, who's starting in December, our data analyst. So we're taking it slow, not trying, like, in any rush, to reach that seven employee threshold. We feel like, right now our team is really lean, and we're operating well. And an intern, Billy, who started two weeks ago as well, but not a full time employee, so it does not count towards that threshold.
Cool. If anybody has any questions for entropy, drop in the chat, and we can follow up on them. But otherwise, Thanks, Matt. I know there was a ton, and I will point out that one of the things we are doing with this initiative tracking is we are, we are adding for each initiative, like entropy is funded. We were classifying entropy as, like a kind of a funded provider, and they and we are adding for each initiative, you know what, how those objectives are going and what, where's all the information on it, etc. So even things like OpCo have that information now. Next up we have next up, we have GCP, and then the Arbitrum Multi six service that I'll do Dan and or Rick, if you guys are there. And as a reminder, the agenda is here.
Yeah, we have two minutes, right, so I'll go through the summary and then any questions feel free to ask. In terms of hiring, we do have a general comp structure defined, agreed upon, voted upon by the Council for the entire team, the first offer letters have gone out. There are interviews active for additional candidates in key positions. The thesis is in progress right now. So the formulation of how the sprint is being ran. The timing of the sprint, all that has been defined, and we should be starting on that in the next week. Short Term programming, there's been probably 10 to 15 teams that we've been discussing key partnerships with, studios, publishers, and they are being put through in initial due diligence process in parallel with the thesis. And then the last item is around in for stand up. So we are exploring different custody solutions, different setups in terms of like, what is on multi SIG, what is on a contract, etc. The KYC compliance providers are being vetted right now, so we're going through that in order to facilitate deal flow and and make sure we have that ready to go. And so a lot of progress being made across multiple swim lanes.
And then, and I assume these are the same swim lanes that you guys will have next month as well. And you guys, you guys will be also doing bi weekly updates, correct. And you guys have forum updates, monthly forum updates, correct,
that's correct.
Nice. And you guys can check out those updates on the link here, and for forum updates, go here. And I do also want to call you guys and add this, but you guys did have an awesome AMA and Twitter space a couple weeks ago with a bunch of different people and correct me if I'm wrong, Dan, but you guys also had both, both of your GCP council people were reconfirmed
That's That's correct. Thank you guys so much for the support. There
cool, anything else Rick or and if you guys anything else to add? Rick?
No, no, I think, you know, for the next call, we'll have probably a lot more just team wide infra updates. There's a lot of systems that we're putting into place, and then much more firmer grasp on, kind of, like the immediate headcount strategy. We're going to stay lean, you know, in the short term. But I think, you know, ruthless prioritization when you're this Lean is important. I'm sure everyone can appreciate that. And I think I see a bylaws question in here, yes, yes, Matthew, they are being being worked on in close collaboration with the foundation. Well, I would hope that we will have a big update on that, you know, in the next month, so awesome.
Thanks so much. If you guys have more questions, drop them in there, and we will link to the GCP information in a little bit. So now next up, I believe we have the MSS, which I'm driving. So the MSS, for those you guys don't know, it is the Arbitrum overall multi SIG. And I apologize, I don't know why I can't get these things to come up on a notion, but the Arbitrum Multi SIG is a single multi SIG that is able to fund a lot of the different initiatives there. So So actually, September was the first month where we were able to to be live, and now we actually have seven different wallets that are set up. Our job is to continue to up to these wallets. Our work has mostly been around creating processes to allow for these walls to happen and to have telegrams that are happening for everything. So now, whenever a new proposal gets pushed on snapshot, from snapshot to tally, we have a process in place to create a new wallet for our to create a new telegram group, create a new wallet for it, so so it can get funded, and then, over time, ensure that we are consistently doing the payrolls. The big thing that we spent time on this time was for the delegate incentive program, because there's a lot of KYC that has to happen for that and setting up that process. So lastly, we are, we are evaluating service providers, or we are evaluating tools to make these things easier for ourselves. There's been a lot of upfront work to make the multi SIG better, but when this multi SIG is done in in a year, or like an August 31 it should be much more simple for the future multi SIGs. As a reminder, you can see all of our updates here, and we have an event based form of things. So whenever we create a new wallet there, whenever we create a new wallet, we we add that update in there, and that is it. And lastly, I will say that we have started paying people. So September was the first month that people were paid, and this is how much everyone is is getting paid so far. If anybody has any other questions, if anybody has any other questions, please let us know. Now next up, we have region who is not here, but for I'll just give the quick update on regen. They weren't able to be here because they're out of office. However, we will post an update with with regen. They they were actually a part of the multisig initiative, but here you can see you can have access to all of their token flow creations. And additionally, what we have in here is they have their reports, what's included based on the tally and the their roles and responsibilities, so you guys can take a look and ask any questions of what that is. And their goals for the upcoming month are, they're including a new section on a transaction fees and major protocols driving the DAO fees so they're responsible for the finance function and explaining that in these in this GRC call, as well as improving this this part. But we will have a more specific update later on. Next up, we have the delegate incentive program. Jan Luca, are you there? And as a reminder, we have delegate incentive program that will have AVI and ADPC. Here is the agenda for people. Yeah,
sorry, I couldn't, I didn't have access to the 20 part of the program, so I couldn't feel it, but I will do once the call is ended. So basically, Delegate incentive program version 1.0 and this month, this October, will be the last month that will be compensating delegates based on the previous criteria. And from November the first, it will start delegate incentive program 1.5 in which we will change the way we
sorry. Jane Luca, actually, I'll just give you access, and we'll come back to you in the next 3040 minutes, and we'll just go through everyone else, and now we can have it right now. Is that good? Okay, cool. I while I give them access, next up, we'll have AVI and then ADPC. Lino, are you there? Yes,
I'm here.
My screen.
Can you guys hear me? Yep, we can we can hear you.
Okay, thanks.
May I share my screen? Would you like to just present the page in notion, and I can talk over it? Yep,
I'll present the page in notion and go ahead and get started while I'm presenting it.
Yeah. Again, you can you please scroll to the overview section. I've added a screenshot that it would be quite helpful to explain the first point. But yeah, in the meantime, hey guys, Lino from dAPP tra ventures initiative, we will do a short update on how we're doing with our deliverables. But before I go one by one, one of the main piece of feedback has been that for a lot of people, it's not necessarily super clear how things fit into each other and how they produce value that the DAO can use. So we made an update to the dao a couple of weeks ago, and we explained it there in more detail. I'm just going to quickly refer to it here in the quote, you can see one of the main statements from our tally proposal that passed. And ultimately, the objective is to produce a proposal to a Dao that's well considered evidence based and can support the creation of a
not objectives and other benefits to just being able to use grants. Um, in order to do that, obviously we need to pass some kind of a tally proposal creating that mandate and appoint management on oversight. And in order to support that proposal, we are writing a set of strategic recommendations document that's supported by a number of other artifacts that are listed here. And ultimately, we are starting off by doing a lot of conversations with people in the market, stakeholders, over 100 people we are talking with. It's not clearly it is clearly visible here, and there's a market consultation work that we've mostly been reporting on so far, indeed, people haven't necessarily understood how this fits into it, the whole thing. So you can come and review that. And, yeah, let's, let's go into the report of the deliverables, right? Yeah. So in terms of market consultations, we are on track. We were aiming to speak to hit 15 fund managers that we've spoken with by the end of this month, and 20 builder teams living 10 for next month. We reported on a slight change of prioritization a couple weeks ago because we started hearing a lot of the same message, and it made sense to spread them out a little bit until we can make sure we get the full benefit of these conversations, specifically with VCs we we kind of get got agreement from a few really high profile VCs that we want, that we definitely want to include, or necessary, not really high profile, but strategic Arbitrum, and they're taking a bit of time to schedule the conversation so it might be wrapped up after DEFCON, with 12 by the end of The Week, and with builders by the end of the end of the week, we'll be at 21 and same story we were. We realized that we've kind of can benefit from improving the coverage there. So a few of these conversations might be pushed for after they've gone because, for example, we realized we haven't spoken with a single active orbit chain. And that's obviously important, so we want to make sure these are included. Then with the with the thesis report last month, we suggested that by the end of this month, we'll produce a draft on the forum. We, after kind of speaking with delegates on some of the top level ideas, we realize it probably is a lot more actionable to stakeholders if we, instead of talking generalities, produce cases from for a few strategic deals together, build a narrative for thesis, and then allow people to dig into those specifics and then produce some kind of nice sounding narrative out of that. So that's the prioritization we did. We haven't raised
one more minute? Lino, yeah, sure,
yeah. Well, everything else is largely going according
to plan. You can see some of the some of the example deal cases which we are evaluating. If you scroll down, Alex, there's a screenshot here. We've redacted the names of the specific entities with which we've had those conversations. We've been surprised at the feedback. Well, pleasantly surprised. We were somewhat expecting that the feedback from the market translation session has been really positive, and this already produced and a large number of conversations worth following into. I won't go over this at the moment, kind of, if we scroll down to the Ask section, what we're trying to do is to get engagement from delegates who want to be a little bit more context and get in the weeds here so we can be having these conversations before we while we are able to produce kind of something that's consumable by the DAO, which we're aiming to do over the next month. Specifically, we want to focus on the next snapshot draft, which we've already discussed with the few delegates and received useful feedback, which we're acting on. So it's yet ready for the forum.
Yep. And Lino, when are what is your project schedule to wrap up?
So in turn, we were aiming to wrap up somewhere around DEF CON. I feel that, for example, things like the budget and operation plan don't make a lot of sense to be written up in the moment before we collect some some feedback on some of the other deliverables. So we're happy to extend that into December and deliver those then, because kind of we're ultimately aiming to produce something that is both meaningful and the DAO is likely to vote in support of and there's no point just checking the boxes from our point of view ahead of the to meet, you know, the deadline if we're not kind of accomplishing that, yep. So yeah, there's some flexibility on the end date from our point of view, and we're happy to continue pushing this through December.
Okay, there's any questions you can you can drop them in the chat or in the mentor norm Other than that, Lino, I think
it's, yeah, we released, we kind of based on feedback, we analyzed pretty much all the projects that have received any sort of grant funding or incentive funding from Arbitrum, and identified kind of a pretty long, long list of things To projects to look into, which we added to the long list of projects we are looking to interview, and some of the deals we are exploring. Is a subset of that we want to encourage delegates, if they know of a particular project that might be a relevant strategic investment for Arbitrum to just add it to that long list. The list is, the link is here, and yeah, that's, there's the other last piece. And yeah, our team is in Bangkok for DEFCON. We're very keen to speak with anybody
interested, so please. So we're going to continue to go through quickly, because we only have, we're shooting for 90 minutes, and we only have about four, five minutes left. Next up, we have ADPC and quest book. After that, ADPC will be done by Sid from Areta, quest book by Jojo and then, I believe, thrive and thank our of Katrina are here. Otherwise we will send a follow up post. You want to go ahead? Sid, yeah, of course.
So hey, everyone, yeah, just going through some of the October goals. So there were three primary goals around the white listing of the security auditors completing the launch of the subsidy fund and commencing phase two of tdpc. So all of the auditors completed the KYV and the contract execution process. So they're all officially white listed now with the launch of the subsidy fund, we've we received all of the applications by the 14th of October, and received and to begin the review process of 56 projects applied. The initial review process is complete. So now what we're doing is in terms of next steps, is communication with the security service providers and accepted and rejected projects, and the walkthrough of the marketplace that we've done. So what we're going to be doing now is essentially around, you know, once we've done this initial review, like the next steps, and I'll let you guys know, is essentially, you know, we'll send each of the accepted and rejected projects emails. So with the accepted projects, what we do is we'll indicate that they're moving to the next phase, and then after, you know, all of the next steps, essentially, so they'll receive individualized links to the marketplace via email, and yeah, they'll be able to access it. Each project will then be able to input their security requirements should be forwarded to the security auditors, who will then respond back with quotes. Each project then selects their top preferred auditor, and then we can match the shortlist, this initial shortlist, preliminary shortlist, of projects, with the quotes of from the top preferred auditors, and then make the final subsidy decision in terms of, you know the percentage of the the audit that will be subsidized by the funds. So all of those, those funds have been OTC by the Arbitrum Foundation now. And yeah, you know. So we're going to be utilizing the information that we gather from the Means Test and the selection of the preferred service security provider from the shortlisted applicants. So we're still we're all on track, and we're actually working to send out all of these notifications over today and tomorrow, and basically by the end of the week,
in, sorry, like 90 seconds left. Just, just be clear, where can people get the updates on subsidy fund. Is it all under the ADPC updates?
Yeah. And also there's a yeah, there's a subsidy fund notion page that the notion hub that will be updating. I don't think that there's a ton to update right now, because we were still going to the through the review process. So if compared to a couple of weeks ago, that's not been updated as much because we were just going through the review process and sorting out all of those elements, but the notion hub for the subsidy fund will also be updated. Yeah,
cool. And then just, just because we have one minute left, the phase two of the ADP has ADPC has started. You guys have the RPC providers in the events? Yes, so
yeah, right now we're working on the creation of the public market consultation, doing a bunch of secondary research around the market dynamics, market structure, etc, for that. And we've already done a draft of the public market consultation and got an initial list of the RPC providers we want to reach out to for that. And we've also started, you know, reaching out to the Arbitrum Foundation to coordinate on the legal aspect of how we want to construct that marketplace around the events we've I spoke to Sam about the events budget, we'll define the vision and the next steps post the tally vote, which Matt mentioned in his update. And then the last thing would be that we also connected with the aberrant foundation to identify how we can support them with DevRel focused events across the events outlined in the event budget vision. So yeah, like in the next GRC, the main goals, from our perspective, are to complete the market research, benchmarking, market consultation and identify the evaluation criteria for RPC providers want to create, commence the creation of the legal documentation for the marketplace After aligning with the foundation. And commence the definition of the events, vision of the entropy, post tally, vote passing, and coordinate with OC on this, and then, yeah, with the subsidy fund, essentially get to the literally, like the last legs of it by the end of this next month. The idea is essentially, obviously, over the last couple of weeks, we've been really heads down to the subsidy fund aspect of it, but have made progress on the RPC and the events aspects as well. And, yeah, yeah. And sorry.
So just because we have to wrap up, can you mind placing the links of how people can stay up to date on each one of these different initiatives for the RPC events and subsea fund? Is the notion events is the forum post and the RPC. And there's
an update thread that we post every two weeks on the forum with a detailed idea of, yeah. So essentially this is the update thread where you can keep up with that, and then I'll post the subsidy fund notion as well, after you move to the next one,
awesome. And so that was ADPC. Next up, we have quest book, and then think ARB. And after that, we'll go to frisson for expand tally support and ARP staking. Thanks. Sid, go ahead JoJo from Quest book too. Thanks.
So for quest book, I'll give you brief. We just had a call last week to wrap up season two, which effectively is now wrapped up. We're basically in in the last week of the cool program, most of funds are allocated, so we have published the first set of results of the approvals, and we recorded the code that is available in the forum. What happens now is that for the next six months, basically the work committee will work a lower regimen right to basically ensure that the grantees reach the miles on this post, payments and the reports for the SQL program. We are currently working on a third iteration of this grant program, currently talking with the foundation and delegates, and we hope to have something on the forum rather soon, a couple of weeks, top is the OP, if possible before, to avoid having that during that con, to introduce a couple of new things, including the fact that after two program of six months, we feel like there is enough maturity to spin up one year program that will, you know, avoid the gaps that we have between every season
cool. And that's for quest book three. And how can people stay stay up to date? Would you mind dropping the links of how people can stay up to date on quest book two? The different the end and cross factory,
yes, of course, for now we just have a section in which we effectively the grantees are publishing their own reports, and as doing allocator are posting the data. But we should have a new foreign trade Raz with the request for comment for the new season
cool and also Georgia. If you could fill this out before the end of the week with all the updates by by each individual DDA, that'd be helpful, because I know a bunch a few delegates were asking for that.
any any questions on quest book, I highly recommend you go check out their videos and their DDA specific updates. You can find out more specific information about then. But I do want to highlight one thing is that we've been trying to figure out if quest book is technically done, and if they can say that they are passed and they are not done yet, because they're still extended for six more months. Jodo of maintenance, correct? Yeah, 25% capacity, where you guys are just slowly dispersing the funds and also checking in on all the on, on all the initiatives, or all the grants,
exactly, yeah, cool, which, you know, it's something that we didn't have effectively in season one, and we did it during season two. But it was, you know, something that was missing the initial season.
Cool. Now, thanks, Jojo. If there's any other questions, drop in the chat. Otherwise, I think we have thrive here. I'm not sure if I saw Katrina. And if they aren't here, Katrina, are you there? Or Ben West? And if they're not, then we will ask them to to then we will send out an update when we get it on them. There's any questions on thrive, please drop them in the chat thrive, or think ARP, please drop in the chat and we can follow up on them. I will tell you that briefly, on on thrive, we've been trying to make sure that they are completing everything, and because as as JoJo raised, there's, there's still some funds that are left in there from the first from the first priority labs one, and just making sure that they put everything through there. So we will follow up with a better update once we speak to them. Now, first thing, if you're there, really expand tally support in the ARP staking,
yes, I'm here. Good to see everyone. All right, you want me to just jump right in?
Yep, jump right in. I'll set it up while you're talking through it. Great.
So, as I've mentioned multiple times on this reporting call and in other venues, the work for expanding tally. Support for the Arbitrum Dao is 90% complete, and really has been, actually, for over a month now, almost two months. The one remaining component is the upgrade to the Arbitrum on chain governance contracts. There's two there were two components to that upgrade specified in the proposal. One was to add proposal cancelation to on chain proposals, and the other was to add flexible voting to the Arbitrum core governor and Arbitrum Treasury governor. We submitted an on chain proposal that contained those upgrades. But that proposal was sort of ironically, like canceled socially by the DAO, because that's the only way it's possible to cancel proposals right now, due to some some comments flagged by Offchain labs that that they had questions about with regard to that upgrade proposal. And we got, you know, feedback from a number of delegates that they wanted to see those questions fully address prior to submit, prior to having to vote on the on chain proposal. There's the three things that were flagged by off pain labs were, number one, there's, like, a small piece of there's a small dependency of the upgrade that didn't have a published audit report. Number two, the flexible voting, which introduces, sort of like a new mechanism for delegation to be counted from tokens that are from our tokens that are in smart contracts, was applied only to the ARB in, you know, only to the Arbitrum core and Arbitrum Treasury governors, and not to the security council election governors, which introduces a potential, sort of like discrepancy and ability to reach quorum between the those two side kind of sets of governors. And the third was that they wanted to see the the upgrades format as a PR to the Arbitrum governance repo. So we sort of committed to fully address all three of those. The approach that we're taking, that with that we're planning to take, is to break up the two components of the governance proposals into two separate proposals. The first one, which we're is sort of like we want to move forward with in the near term, is to just do the proposal cancelation on the Arbitrum core and Treasury governance. It's, we think there's sort of a straightforward path to being able to move forward with this component of the governance upgrade, because it doesn't have a dependency on like the the audit that still needs to be published, which is the first piece, it cancelation functionality does not need to be added to the Security Council, election governance, which is the second piece. And then we have a like, we sort of have a clear plan that's straightforward implement to format it as a PR to the Arbitrum governance repo. So what we're doing, like a sort of like side learning from all of this, or like a meta learning that's maybe even more important than like the proposals themselves, is that we want to be very like, thoroughly aligned with other technical stakeholders, or even, like the primary technical stakeholders for Arbitrum governance before we go, even go to like, the forum with a proposal, and so we are, like, in the process of making sure we're fully aligned with off Game Labs and foundation stakeholders on This approach before we take it to the forum. And so that's what we're doing right now. That's why you haven't seen that sort of proposal on the forum yet, but it should hit the hit the hit the forum soon, and then we're going to run through the full governance process just for this one piece of the upgrade, which is another learning from last time. So you'll see that hit the forum. And then we'll go through the full like constitutional governance process for this upgrade to add proposal cancelation. And then the second piece is the flexible voting, where we plan to separate that out into into a separate proposal which has a timeline for after the next security council election. It's sort of like non trivial or material what we need to do to add flexible voting to the security council election governors as we want to make sure we have plenty of time to do that. And there's not like any kind of race going on between, like, the start of the next security council election and when this proposal would go live. So that one is a little bit farther out, but, you know, the same learnings apply. And yeah, that's where we are there. I know that was kind of long, but it's kind of nuanced, and so wanted to explain that fully and
and so lastly, just before we wrap this, this part up, I'll just highlight all the funds have been sent to you guys. You guys are just have to ensure the delivery, but all the funds already been sent to the wallet, and you guys have used them. Correct. That's correct. Cool. And now we'll head over to the our staking proposal, which is also you person you want to go ahead?
Yeah, and Paolo, maybe I'll answer your question, yes. The plan is still to change the governance contract address addresses with this proposal, I'm happy to, like, discuss the merits of that you know, further, maybe not on this call, but we can do it on the forum or on Telegram, either one to get if helpful, okay, ARB staking to announce that Change. Yeah, yeah. I think that's part of just address this and then we can keep going in another venue. Yeah, that's like, part of the idea of going through sort of the full governance process. It allows plenty of time for the AF to, like, help us coordinate and kind of socialize this change. It would be, yeah, especially with the new time Mark extension, there would be, like, I don't know, something like, Yeah, well, over a month before anything would actually be be implemented, between when it at the fastest pace, between when it goes on the forum and when
it's executed entire person we gotta, we
gotta keep going so hard. So similar meta learning here, right? Like this is, you know, a very important and sort of like, potentially fundamental change to Arbitrum governance. So the proposal that was passed was like the dao a sort of like signaling its alignment with the idea of implementing art staking and like the architecture that's described in the proposal, and also funding the development. However, there will be, like, another full governance process right to actually implement the staking. We've learned is like, we want to make sure, like, we want to turn on our staking, like, as quickly as possible, but we also want to make sure we have full alignment from all stakeholders. And it's like, maximally de risked and and and safe when we do so. So we are intentionally, actually moving a little bit slower with ARB staking than the original timeline out aligned in the proposal, which, if you've read it recently or remember, was actually to submit an on chain proposal for like implementing our staking in October, which would have to happen in the next 24 hours. That is not going to happen, but that is intentional. The biggest thing is, like we part of the proposal is there's two working groups that are sort of charged with defining the key outstanding questions from the proposal, one of which is, where do the reward sources come from? Where does the yield come from? A non and the second one, which is what is the definition of an active delegate in the system. So we've been making great progress with both of those working groups. The entropy team is actually leading the charge on the question of where the rewards come from, with a number of other valuable contributors in the DAO, and then the seed gov team is leading the charge on the definition of an active delegate. And another key sub question, which is for voting power that's in the in the Arbitrum, LST, where does it get like re delegated to if the delegation is not actively specified, and so we're sort of, we set a deliverable date, or, like a published date for, I think it's November 22 for both of those working groups. The Phase they're at now is like, there's a pretty fully formed draft that, like all the contributors, are kind of submitting their pieces, and the draft is being streamlined, and then we're going to do a series of interviews with key stakeholders in the DAO to get their opinion and perspective on what is recommended in the deliverable that will be that will reinform the deliverable again, and then it will be published, you know, by the third week of November, basically for feedback from the DAO as a whole and ratified via Snapchat vote. So we are developing, like on the product slash smart contract side. We are continuing to develop the pieces that we can of our staking, sort of in parallel with the working groups. But there are some outstanding items that we're dependent on for the working group from the working group deliverables in terms of, like the full implementation. So that's kind of what slowed down. But again, it was sort of intentional the development process of our staking, but we've made lots of progress still more to go, excited to continue to engage with everyone on this going
forward. And where can people stay up to date on these updates that you're giving? Would you mind dropping that link in here?
Yeah, there's, there's, like, two telegram chats now, one for each working group. So I guess what I'll say is, like, DM me if you're interested in in joining those telegrams. But you
guys aren't Publishing Any updates or anything other than this right now,
right? Well, yeah, so the we're they, we're sort of intentionally, like, gotcha wrapping the little in the working group, getting feedback from key stakeholders, and then publishing for feedback from the Dao. So that's kind of the order of operations, but the working groups, you know, are open. So if you're interested in contributing, just DMD, and I'll add you to the
telegram. And the last thing I'll just point out something here, this. This an example of this. This an example of something like in the statuses, we would call it delayed approved, where tally frisson, frisson put up what he thought the timeline was, and things changed because of outside of his control. But we don't have a good way in the DAO to accept that change of the timeline, even though you guys are obviously on track and doing a really good job. We don't, we don't have a good way to kind of show that and like, update that. So that was one of the things that we called out early, early on in the meeting. Sorry, first, and not to call you out, because you guys doing a great job. Anything else person before we move on to the next one? Cool. So we have step and Sam from steakhouse up next, and then we have ARDC one from synch. Hey,
everyone, just a quick update on step from my side. Step, as most of you may know, the stable Treasury endowment program. The goal is to diversify 35 million ARD from the Treasury into yield bearing low risk assets like us, treasuries tokenized us, treasuries, and the status on that as of now, five of the six selected providers have been funded, and we are getting ready to post our first month end report at the end of October, where we will create a new forum thread and dune dashboard, so that will be available for all to see and track the performance over time. But that is the the where we are now. As far as program manager, we have signed our contract, and we are officially online as of last month, so no blockers from our end, just waiting on the final deployment, and then we will post the update shortly,
and where is the update going to be? Is it going to be in the same step program, update? Would
you mind dropping the link here thread unless, and then everything will be kept in that one thread going forward?
And I'll I'll just highlight in here, because I know some people have asked what the job of steakhouse is to do. You can see in this, this is from tally, what their roles and responsibilities are. So you guys can see and ask any questions. As Sam, you are taking over now the step kind of management from Devansh, correct. Sorry, say, a long time and you were taking over, like the step management from from Devansh, correct. That's correct. And then do you guys have any goals for next month, other than just the forum update and kind of continuing the deployments?
No, that's the first order of priority. Shortly thereafter, we'll be following up with each of the issuers to do around due diligence. And then we'd like to set up an open community call at some point to give questions and take feedback on what they'd like to see, cool,
awesome Sam. Anything else that's all for me? Thanks. And I'll just highlight what Sam's talking about and what first and are both talking about. Example that we called out earlier on is we don't have consistent means of communication and updates from proposals and from initiatives in the DAO and that's probably something that we should streamline to make it easier for Sam and frisson and other people to figure out how to do it, and also for the delegates to understand where to find these things. And that's something we can talk about later. So now next up we have, so we just had step now we have sync is if you're there for ARDC, then after that, we'll have Event Horizon followed by incentives.
Yes, sir, I'm here.
So sync is, before you go in, I will point out that ARDC as an example of something that I highlighted at the beginning, we don't have a great way of saying is something done and accepting something is done. On behalf of the DAO we've titled, we've titled ARDC as in review, because they've pretty much finished all their deliverables, but we don't have a good mechanism to say, yes, it's fully done. So since you want to kind of show us where you guys are at in terms of status, and then we can talk about if you guys have anything else left to
complete. Yes, sir. Alright. So the ARDC one basically has concluded its mandate. In terms of the timeline for which the ARDC one was voted on has passed on october 1. Since then, we have paid all the members, all the Necessarily, compensation for their work, and the surplus of about 7000 arm has been returned to the DAO treasury. So in terms of financial the ARDC has been complete. In terms of the timeline, the ARDC has been complete, the two things that have are pending and it's the only reservation in terms of calling the ARDC fully done and complete is that the ARDC has been working on some mandates or some work streams that took us beyond the conclusion of the ARDC timeline. So even though we finished on October, 1 block works and and chaos labs were working on some things, and were had agreed that they will deliver them after the ARDC has concluded that had to do with the fact that they picked up those work streams in the middle of September, and there was just not enough time to finalize them before the end of the ARDC now, block Works has delivered the their pending deliverable to me for review. I have reviewed it, and they will be publishing on publishing on the forum by the end of this week. In terms of chaos lab, they have been working on a treasury management risk assessment, basically trying to define the risks that any sort of treasury management proposal would face. And they have kind of like, tried different approaches. They haven't been fully confident in what they have delivered so far. And there are two things that we are considering internally. One is to just scrap it and call it done, as if they just didn't deliver it on time. And since the ARDC has kind of concluded, I'm do not really feel comfortable trying to push them beyond, kind of like our timeline and in terms of resources expanded towards that deliverable. On the other hand, we have been kind of like we have suggested that the deliverable will be concluded and delivered to the Dao. So we're not sure how to approach it. I am in talk with with Craig the CEO from from chaos labs, to figure it out. I am leaning more towards finalizing a solution as soon as possible, whether that's delivering something that might be sub part to what they ideally want to bring out, or to just calling it, calling it a day, and just saying that they won't be finalizing that deliverable, which, to be honest, like to in their defense, it's not as if they didn't deliver. It's more about that they picked up the deliverable a there wasn't enough time the ARDC finished, and initially they wanted to go above and beyond and deliver it anyway. But seeing as it's just taking more time than expected, it might not be feasible for them to deliver Thanks.
Thanks. And then I'll just ask that whenever you guys are fully done and approved, just make sure you post that on the form. Yeah,
absolutely will do
so next up, we have Event Horizon incentives, quent, Ethereum protocol and interface. If any of you guys have a hard stop and then in the next 15 minutes, please raise your hand and I'll make sure that I prioritize you. And we also have, we also have to get through the delegate incentives program. Otherwise, I'll just continue through the Rodrigo. You want to jump ahead and go now. I know you have a hard stop.
Yeah, a couple of brief updates. So we have launched the attack a thon Academy post a link here. We're highlighting Arbitrum and the other sponsors on this page as well. The graph also recently joined as a sponsor. And then we are also planning a capture the flag event at DevCon, the main venue. We will also use this as an opportunity to highlight the attack a thon and the sponsors, and I think we have something like 70 sign ups from security research already for this event,
in in In sense or like, is this timeline still correct? I
I think it's very close. So currently a I think we are, yeah, launching in 25 days.
So yeah, and
then lastly, the other thing is, I believe you guys said you guys would be publishing reports or not reports, but like, updates? Do you guys have a forum thread where you guys are publishing updates.
We do not, so I guess we can create one in the DAO forum.
Cool. So well, happy to work with you offline on like, some of the things to talk to highlight, just so that people can stay up to date on it. But and then, and then we'll make sure that we add that information up to here so you guys can see updates of kind of how people are getting updates. And Rodrigo correct me if I'm wrong, but this is the sponsorship. Is what will be delivered. Yes, correct. And that'll be delivered by january 22
Yes. So currently, you guys are already listed on the leaderboard and the sponsor program landing page. I think I can talk to Mike about the Arbitrum Boost, Mike from immunify, and you know how exactly we want to run that with the Dao. So maybe we can talk about that async to see how to move forward. And
then just last question, who's been your who's your main point of contact within the DAO, or is it foundation or
from Arbitrum or Offchain? Yeah, either one, mainly cliff and Matt from entropy.
Perfect, as long as, as long as everyone knows, thanks, man, appreciate you. And if anybody has any other questions, please drop those links in or please drop the questions in the messages, and we'll follow up with Rodrigo. Thanks for joining Rodrigo. Next up we have Event Horizon incentives and then interface for transaction inclusion. Oh, go. Go ahead, Christian, and I will pop you guys over. Sure. We'll give you about three minutes.
Yeah, so we don't need much longer. Cool. Hello, everyone. So we had a couple goals last week. Most of them are complete, or, like, just about. So first complete, our first delegate voting, so make sure the product actually works and is integrated. That's done, it's working. So that was that was good. Next steps, defining road map. So we posted something in the Arbitrum forum last night, my time Europe time, which is basically all of the major updates. We've gone through the roadmap ahead and basically just a call for discussion. So you guys can check that. I'll drop the link in the chat after so that includes everything in the roadmap. Define KPI. So in that same post has these KPIs. So it'd be things like mints, voter pass mints, number of voters. Rationals collected delegates, onboarded and franchised voters. So basically, people voting with over, like $1,000 worth of voting power, because, like 99.99% of the votes do not have that regular community call. So I'm speaking with Clifton right now. The only thing he needs from me is a time and a date, so I'm going to give him that shortly. Partnerships. So we're integrating with Franklin Dao to do a delegate onboarding boot camp of sorts. So we'll be working out a curriculum and like a delegate score card with them over the coming two weeks. And then for cross marketing, we are pausing that. And the reason we are pausing that is because we are currently trying to hire one or two new people, so these would be growth people. So right now, our primary objective is more users, more users, more voters, and then engaging the voters to leave rationales and participate in the discord and whatnot. So that's our top priority right now. And so for the past, like several weeks, we've been putting out we've been receiving applications for Community Marketing, socials, things like that. We have over 600 applications so, and there's a lot of talent actually, so we're going through that right now, gone through several interviews, really, really prompts and candidates, and then the goal for next month, primarily would be onboard these one or two new hires, and then kick off things on social media, marketing and growing the community and engaging them very briefly. Things we've shipped AI proposal summaries. We want to expand that to what the delegates are saying. Right on the front end, we have a tutorial. So if you mint the past, you get run through a tutorial. We noticed a very steep drop off, because you have to mint come back, and then when a new proposal is posted, then try that's helped with Capture, rational capture, so now users can leave rationales. Another one that took up a lot of engineering time was just general back end code refracting, refactoring, database migration and then a bunch of other like UI tweaks. So some metrics since we launched, and this is all without any considered marketing efforts, because that will be what the hires are for. Cumulative voting power mobilized. So about $56 million of ARB has been mobilized by the event horizon community in total, and that's $56 million that have basically would not have been participating otherwise. So it's pretty cool. Average voter turnout has increased. Counting only get coin pass voters before and after the delegation, the the typical proposal, went from five to now it's about 15. So that's a pretty, pretty good increase for where we started. But of course, we want that to be dozens or even hundreds, and thus the highers. Voters pass, voter pass. Mints went from 521, to 583, and, yeah, all these metrics, you know, up into the right but we want them to be significantly higher. Thus we are really focusing on getting really top notch talent for growth. And then roadmap, boot camp delegate, boot camp rational, providing contest, community engagement, AI proposal summaries for what the delegates are saying and what was going on the forums and some UI revamps as well. So that's, that's where we've been. And encourage you guys check out the proposal, the the forum posts that we have in the forums. So thanks. And
you guys are gonna have, you guys are gonna have, like, an open community call so people can dive in deeper, because I know some people have had questions, so they can dive in deeper community,
right? Absolutely. Yeah. No, we, we definitely were, could have done a much better job being transparent. We just been heads down, and we have not been like posting the forums that that. We're rectifying that right now. So there's a forum post there. Anyone could post there? We also want to have a community call that we're setting up. Like I said earlier, we're talking with the foundation Clifton. Specifically, we try to give him a time and a date, and then we're good to go and
and Jordan here, just quick flag topping off everything. Christian just said, there everyone here, please feel free to go into pass completely free use the product, you know, get your your self, involved with it and experience it, and of course, bring any questions to the open community call. And also wanted to flag that I think all of us know, you know, kind of micro delegates that have, maybe not the largest delegation size, but they're super vocal, super active, great ideas, and so please do point them our direction. It's really a great way to get some of the vocal but less represented in less represented, uh, individuals involved. So, yeah, basically, please spread the word as as we take this off,
awesome. Um, if there's anything else, please drop a question in the chat. Uh, otherwise, we're going to head over to incentives, because we only about about seven minutes left, incentives, which will include cuenta if, if you're here in curve, otherwise, we will follow up about them in in the in the forum post. And then we'll end with interface for transaction inclusion. Gonzalo, which should be the last time on this. Matt Stein, if you want to go ahead for incentives.
Yeah. Thanks, Alex. Can you pull up the incentives tracker on the notion page?
Sure one second?
Basically incentives ended about six weeks ago. We're still wrapping up, mostly just making sure all the funds are returned to the Dao. So since last time, all the like Dao three reports and LBL dashboards should be set up by now. That's completed for the return of all the funds from the protocol. There's still a few teams that have unclaimed ARB in their like streaming contracts. So we're figuring out the best way to get those out with the LTP, multi SIG or the MSS that should be done in the next week or two. And there's one team that's kind of refusing to return the funds. So myself in the foundation, I've been in contact with them, and there's probably going to be a or there is going to be a proposal on the forum the next few days, similar to the previous for combo one, looking to ban them from future Dao programs. So that's still ongoing. The retro funding concluded the DAO chose not to spend that 100 kr. The research bounties have both been published. The one from PR, I think they're going to publish another report in about a month where they, because they wanted more time, ask the incentives to see retention rates and stuff like that. So there should be one more report, but they're what they said they would do. Has been completed, and then so what's left is basically claiming those last few unclaimed contracts, resolving that one protocol, withholding the funds, sending out the second half of the bounty payments. And then once all that's done, returning the ARB left in the multi SIG back to the Treasury. And then I think that's pretty much it. The Dao should look go ahead. No, go ahead. Matt, so the only thing like the DAO should be looking out for is that proposal I mentioned, looking to ban that one protocol, not complying with the program
rules in all of these funds will be returned to the multi figure. How do you How are you guys going to return all these
funds. So all those funds are in, are sitting in the multi SIG right now. There's going to be, I think, around another million ARB recovered from that are still in the streaming contracts. So the multi suit receptive claim those are and then it'll all be sent to the DAO treasury. Cool.
So before and you assume that by the next governance call, you guys all have that updated, so you guys can post that in the forum saying that this
has been done, correct? Yeah, by the next call, everything should be completely done. And
then are you also working on cuenta and curve or just supporting them?
Yeah, kind of just supporting them with quenta. They their stream got started on the same by the LTIP multi SIG, and then on the same schedule as the LTIP multi SIG, and then with curve, theirs was separate. They got their funding straight, and their incentives are much longer than the like, 12 weeks the pilot program had,
yep, and, and here's, here's the status update for for cuenta, if you guys want to look at it, I believe their incentive program has already ended, and they do not have any remaining funds. Correct? Matt,
yeah, they've finished. Curve
has not updated theirs yet, so we'll ask them to update and hopefully get it in into the form, or have a way to update that. Anything else, Matt on incentives or any any questions, I
think that's it cool.
And then lastly, we have the interface for transaction inclusion. And at the end, we'll have the delegate incentive program. We'll probably run a few minutes over so if, if anybody has to run, totally understand, we will share the recording by the end of the week and and so next up we have the interface for transaction inclusion. Gonzalo, if, if you're there. And also, I believe this is, this should be your guys last finishing delivery of everything.
Yes, I also think so. Hello, everyone. In our last call, I presented the demo request for feedback. While some community members may have tested it, we have received any specific feedback. However, the Foundation team has reviewed it and given their approval, so we'll consider that face close, I believe we have provided ample time for feedback. Anyway, I will share the link here in the chat for the update thread and someone want to comment something or text me you are able to do that. And saying that, said everything is prepared for Mainnet launch, so we plan to execute it next week, maybe the next one, but at least in 15 days. And aside from that, all development is complete. You can check the milestones in the original forum, update trail. Every new comment in the trail is an update related to a milestone, so you will be aware and realize about it really, really simple. And on the other hand, we are still waiting for an approval of two peers from off chain labs, but we are in touch with them, so if these are approval, we may even do an improvement with the Arbitrum. SDK, so everything is ongoing. Really, I think that we do a good job. And thank you all for for having me in these meetings.
Would you mind posting the update thread?
Yes, of course. It's right there. It's before of that post. You can also have the demo on our YouTube link, so you can take a look at it. The platform is also in product, okay, in Testnet, so right now you can check it
cool, awesome. Thanks so much. And at that point, yeah, they basically have published everything. So if anybody has any concerns about them not having delivered please, please highlight them otherwise.
With the Mainnet launch, we'll do the post and everything in social media, so you will be aware of that. Thanks so much,
awesome. And then lastly, we have Jana Luca, if you're there for the delegate incentive program.
Yep, here I am. Let me one sec. So as I was told, as I told you before, we on the last month of the delegate incentive program version of point zero. This will end October 31 we are actually tracking, collecting the data, the feedback and that from all the delegates participating in the program. November the first will start 1.5 version of the program with a new shift, the new approach, approach shift from a quantitative to a qualitative criteria. We last week, the something that were mentioned last week, the tele proposal, was approved with a clear outcome and a lot of consensus. So we are pretty glad for that. So as I was saying, deep 1.5 will start next November. We know that we are going to have a pretty busy month, because there's, there will be a lot of work to do. There are a lot of delegates that has just applied to the program, and there's a new way to measure the feedback that will will need more compromise from our side. It's glad for us to announce that in order for the deep as we saw, as we said we were going to do, we hired two new guys from the team, one intern chat, who will help us gathering the data, and one data analyst that will help us to double check the information gathered by karma in a more automatic, automated way, and now used to do it manually. So we're pretty glad on that. And Well, as I told you, in November would be kind of a interesting month from our administration point of view, because we'll have to shift, and we'll have, we'll start considering all the comments in the forum from the all the relevant comments from the forum, no matter if the proposals went to snapshot or tally or not. And also it's important to mention that karma is doing significant progress with the dashboard. It would be a much more beautiful dashboard than the one we used to work on for the 1.0 version of the program, and of course, the still in development. So no, I cannot share any advance of that, but the new interface will be much more friendly for delegates to consult their results
and and Jan Luca just, just to make sure you guys are wrapping up for the 1.5 we guys have any funds left over that you have to send back to the DAO or to the Treasury or or is there any, are there any Other reports or deliverables you guys have to complete for We?
Are we already complete the two reports? Because since there were two reports that we compromised, one at the midterm and one in this end, that we completed when we reached the six months of the program's life and about the funding, we the special multi SIG from the delegate incentive program has moved the Monday the funds to the MSS already. So there's no funding in from our side that we have to, we have to to to return to the let me talk with the MSS team to see, what are we going to do with the funds that keep left in the MSS from the 1.0 version of the program. And I'll can give you an answer why after I check with him, with them, cool, but there's not. There's not much more funding left in the MSS from the 1.0 version of the program, we kind of will utilize, utilize pretty much of it for September and October payments. Sure, awesome.
Well, we'll follow up on that for the return of friends. And I think that's about it for, for for this call, you guys can take a look at the GRC public here. I'll stay on for a few more minutes if you guys have questions, either on the status of certain of given initiatives, or if you guys have any feedback, Joe and I will probably host a call next like early next week to show more of this tracker, get feedback from people and figure out how to make this better overall as it goes Along with with our our full time contributor proposal. But for now, I will stay around. If you guys have questions, just please raise your hand. Or if you have feedback, please raise your hand, and if you got to
go, totally understand anybody have any thoughts or feedback on how we can make this better, go
ahead, Paul I'm Paulo. Yeah, I
was just reflecting a little bit on the previous versions that we did this call. People were asking questions as the presentations were going along, right? Yeah? And today we didn't do that. Yeah, and I kind of miss it, because we either do it like today was kind of a mess, because we could either do it on the Mentimeter, and we get the questions there, which there's questions there, but nobody knows who they are, or we could do it on the chat here, and while people are talking, they also have to read the chat and so on so forth. But there was a vibe today of not interrupting, right? And so, yeah, I think I have a feeling in the end of the call, it's like, okay, I could have, I could have just watched the recording whenever. I think, I
think that's fair feedback. The Mentimeter is something that we tried out just this time. I think we need to figure out how to make this interactive while potentially making interactive. While still we have so many initiatives to get through that we got it through in 90 minutes this time, but we also took out the actual interaction amongst it. So Joe and I are going to go back and do like a better analysis. Re watch this recording. We watch the previous recordings, but, but we, but part of what we have to do is, if we are asking people submit more consistent status updates and people and the delegates or contributors are listening to them or reviewing them over time, then people can, can connect, can ask questions throughout. But the problem was that last time we had people interrupt and ask questions, and then we ended up at two hours. And not everyone got through everything. So I'll, I don't have a solution for you right now, Paulo, but I'll come back with a better note.
I just tried the Google meet Q and A thing which is a different thing from the ship. Maybe might be confusing. Maybe you could use that, I don't know, instead of the multimeter.
Go. Go, go ahead. Christoph,
yeah, just just to know that, like, I'm kind of guilty of convincing this should be that way. And like, for me, this is exactly like, this is exactly how this call should go. Because, like, it's true that you can go watch it afterwards. But like, there is a point in time in which all those initiatives have to present their like, this is the deadline where they have to present their status updates. And for me, the goal is to get those status updates, not necessarily to, you know, have a funny conversation, so the conversation should start just right after the call, not during the call, because, like, if we if we just need to hang around and talk together, then we can spend like, half a day like that. And my goal is to actually get to know four or five minutes for each initiative, if it's going well, or if, should I intervene with it,
and I will, I will highlight one other thing on crystals point. I also think that some of that questions, updates, etc, if we improve the that that property and the notion of how to get your updates, then you can go to those specific channels and ask those questions in those channels, rather than than this call, like, if you have a question, go, go ahead,
so that I can add to it. Or I totally agree. Like, I'm not saying that having an interactive session is not a not a bad idea. Simply, I don't want to turn this into session. I need this non interactive session so that I have the reporting session. But it's okay for us to have, like, another thing that we argued to simply Chuck together.
Yeah, I think there's the best of both worlds. And, you know, I'd love to get like, actually, since you guys have slightly differing opinions, both Krzysztof and Paulo, you know, one of the questions we asked on the Mentimeter was around, like, are these updates of what they did the last month and what they're going to do the next month? What you want to see? Or would you prefer more, like knowing what two or three or four milestones of like showing success on the path to their ultimate objective, and did they achieve those and why or why not, you know, in blockers. So is, you know, like, did you have any thoughts about, like, the feedback format? Did you really like hearing this is what we got done this month, this is what we'll do next month. Or did you want more context of how it connects to the broader objectives? Yeah,
um, can I? Can I, yeah, yeah. I'm not sure if this call should be interactive or not. To be honest, maybe I came in here today with expectation that it would be and then I was like, oh, maybe there was more that than anything else. But I'm starting to wondering, like, why don't people put those updates on the forum, and that's it, right? And we just read the updates on the forum, and everybody should put the updates on the forum. And if this call is the weeping mechanism that will get people to post on the forum, because it had been historically right on the previous calls, it would be normal for people that would be talking on this call to be like, we just posted on the forum, and you would go and see, and the post was like, two hours before the call, right? So the call acted as a mechanism to force people to post on the forum at the update, and then came on the call and be like, Yeah, we did everything we said we're going to do. And it's, here's the link to the forum to for it to see the update, right? If that's the goal of this column, I think this format is okay, but then I would like to see an overview of like, all these initiatives were supposed to report, only these ones did report. And here are links from the forums and these ones did not report at all. That's what I would like.
Yeah, um, I think, I think it's fair, Paulo, and at the end of the day, Joe and I are going to go back and do a better analysis of like holistically. Because this call is only one thing, but it's more about, as, as Christopher said several times, it's about, how do we ensure the success of the initiatives that's the broader objective. And then also, how do we, how do we ensure the success of of the of the initiatives is that, is that fair? Kristoff, that's the highest level goal.
Yep, and, and it's like the like, sometimes people feel like moving to the database, or like the notion, or wherever it's going to go, is trying to add a tool, and what it's really trying to do is create, like a backbone that connects all these things. Because right now, you know, you go to the forum and one person names it update, and one person names it like, you know, like our progress report, right? And so you type update and what you think their initiative name is, and you can't find it, right? So, so, like, simple things like that are a lot of the feedback we've gotten from delegates. Like, how can I find it? Very quick, if I want to answer fast about this edition event status, where do I go? And who's who's a counterpoint, right? Like,
also, one thing to remember, yes, like those all should be on the basically, here you have a condensed five minute version of it in 90 minutes. So normally it took, it takes, like, the whole day to go through it find that, like, distill what's important, what's not Alex is putting tremendous and great job into into gathering all this data and condensing it in a digestible format. And like for me, that's exactly what I did, and I need to jump to you all on the incentive score in 15 minutes
see the last question I have for you guys, so these are some of the notice and names, things that, like Joe and I talked about as we're going through and trying to add this data, is there anything else that you're missing from here? Like, actually, now that I'm looking at this, one things i I totally missed is that, oh, go, yeah. Go, go ahead, Joe. Is there? Is there anything else you would add to these? Notice, anybody,
anybody who, like, wanted to speak up, like, I kind of like hanging out after the call here, and maybe you were just kind of listening along, but like, now there is a little bit of open space, and maybe we'll make this normal without the expectation of, you know, needing to be there, that we can get all the information people who need it, you know, down to, like, one hour, And then, you know, to have a little conversation around it. For those who want to chat, like, I'm loving, like, the things that are coming up in the
Lino I'm I'm curious from you, because you guys have, you guys have, like, milestones and deliverables you guys have to hit right for for the overall project, but you guys are also setting up. Here's our goal for the month. Is that helpful? Is there a better way to do it from an from an initiatives perspective?
I mean, to be honest, kind of my bias with project management illustrations is that it's really beneficial if you can be agile and kind of decide week last mid week helps change direction, and you get the whole auto management point of view when, when you're starting to work as an external party to, some sense, with the more established organization, sometimes you kind of have to do something rigid. So people can say, okay, they said they're gonna do that. Did they do that? Right? But that tends to get away in the in the productivity a little bit. So you need to, need to find a balance between those two things. So, yeah, I think it's helpful to have these milestones and reports on them so you can kind of build this rhythm and relationship. But then what we end up doing, in practice naturally deviates from that as well. Is that answering no, yeah,
that's that's fair. Anybody else who hasn't had a chance to speak yet. If you guys have other thoughts before you go, head over to the incentives call either sync is or James or larva or
one of our heaviest posters of the forum. That's cool. Data? I really like that data. Paolo,
yeah, the
the random little snippets, you know, it's kind of fun. Yeah.
Matthew, the GRC notion tracker is not linked. Oh, yeah, sorry. It is linked in the forum under the announcement of the 20th GRC call. Joe and I are going to kind of just review it a little bit, make sure everyone kind of added their updates, and we will post it again. But as part of the full time proposal, full time contributor proposal that Joe and I have up, we'll continue to iterate on this notion tracker and figure out the best way to use it for the different users and for the initiatives, and kind of go through it that way. Yeah,
honestly, anybody appreciated this call and really thought like, oh, actually, this is sort of helpful, having some people driving to make it better. I just posted the forum thing for where you can voice support for you know, us to be paid to do this and keep doing it. Because so far, Alex has been doing it like three months, like waiting to figure out how he's going to get paid, and I just started helping out this last month.
any other questions, questions or thoughts, before we let people go sink us? Paulo, anyone else?
I was just thinking that we already have too many notions, trackers for too many initiatives and just putting my, you know, tool builder cap on, and be like, we should have a better tool to do this, and we should have a better way to do this, like, as a Dao, and I don't just sitting on notion, but I'm saying, like, starting from the forum, we should be able to have this information publicly accessible. Because right now, you know, for us to find these links that are on the chat right now, for all these notion things is tricky,
like lifestyle of a proposal, like gets it basically ends when the proposal is funded, rather than moving it to active proposal in the governance system, right? And then in review, waiting for clarification that it is completed, right, but isn't in one place anywhere?
Yeah, it's the same kind of problem, exactly I mean. And the way the forum is structured as well, where we have the proposals category, and then we have the DAO programs and something category where that's where people are supposed to post updates, I guess, is also, you know, interesting, because some people, for example, on the proposal post, they post the updates, right? But then the bigger program, they also have to go to the DAO program category and post there, and so on, so forth. So there's also duplication there. So
this is all and then you have things like entropy is funded as entropy, right as like an entity. And then their goals are to get like, 10 different things done. Two of those things have their own tele proposals, right? Like the stylist sprint and the events. There's like six of them, like standing up, OpCo, vision, mission, stuff, which do not but they are things that people care about, right? And so there's this, like, organization level of understanding what that life cycle is, and like how a proposal then basically spins off like a child proposal or initiative, right? And which ones, which ones are budget holdings, so they need internal governance of some sort to make just future decisions on how that money is spent, and some of them are just simply, even if they're going to spend on subcontractors, they're really just a time bound initiative. Like, yeah, and
I'll, I'll highlight this one again, because this is one of the craziest things to me, that, or, like, not craziest things. But just a big note is that tally proposals are not project requirements, and we were trying to get everyone to report on things, but to report well, you need to have defined the things well up front and the proposals all the time, just trying to get something through, to get the funding, get the permission, but then we don't, we haven't defined those things, right? So like Joe and I are putting a proposal through to be full time contribution the Dao. We have to put up this proposal, but then and get through the DAO, but then, if our role and responsibilities change, how do we get the DAO to accept that? We have to go through Snapchat and get all of it. We don't have a good way to make
amendments, right? Like, like a full time hiring is not a, like, a time bound, you know, SMART goals kind of things that's different, right? Exactly,
because for most, for most proposals that go through the on chain process, they're going to the Russian process first, for a small part, or I don't know, but for the first kind of little project. And then, if they do well, and the DAO, because is that they do well, they post a report showing their impact, and then they go for the bigger one, right? So that's kind of the usual process that people follow, right? So the on chain proposals work in that sense, as in as if, when you're asking for money, the second time we the DAO will go and see if you actually deliver the launch your problems on the first one, right? But that's way too late.
Sometimes it works that way, yeah, even, yeah,
sorry, go. Go ahead, John,
yeah, yeah, sometimes way too late. Yep, I guess we're, you know, we're going to be planning on posting up something. Our goal was to get it up by Friday with kind of results of this call where a conversation can continue around. You know, the giving the results from the survey itself, giving some ideas around updates we think we would like to make to the call for the next time so we can get more feedback for next, next month's run. Yeah, and also maybe even spend some time, you know, just kind of open office hours, e showing people through, you know, walking through the the database.
Awesome. Anything else before we let everyone take a break before the incentives, call Paulo James or Matthew, cool, awesome. Thanks guys, and thank you for this work. Man. Cheers and happy and and please reach out in the DM. Sorry if you guys have any questions on how we can improve this and we'll, we'll continue, we'll continue To share more. Thanks guys. See in a bit