Order. May we have a roll call please. Chairperson Phil Goldstein, your Vice Chairperson Marty Jo's. Commissioner Lisa Bard, Here. Commissioner Tom woods here. Commissioner Jeremy Holt here. Alternate Wendy Nolan. Alternate Mike Lewis here.
Commissioners staff any amendments to the agenda? Administrative determination of alternate voting i i believe when these do the vote tonight based on my notes here, okay. In place of, of Marty Joe's chair person and vice chair person voting election. Marty I'm not sure how many of you know, Wendy Marty and I were reappointed recently by counsel to new four year terms. An endorsement I certainly appreciate very much. And I believe, safe to say Marty does to Marty and I are up for reelection door officers positions respectively. I'd asked that. I not hold it against Marty. He wanted to be here. In fact, he was going to come back just for this, but he's got some family circumstances. I told him that that should take precedence over this certainly. And so we're not going to hold that against him here as he stands for reelection to Vice Chair nor what I asked you to hold it against me for courting him that that privilege. So we are up. This is an opportunity, as I recall from past years, if there's anybody that would like to supersede us in those capacities, now's the time to speak up. Now. All right, well, hearing that I don't I don't necessarily blame you. But so we need a motion and we vote on each position separately. Okay, so with that, I'd like to have a motion on reappointing reelecting. Marty, just as vice chair, so moved to have a second second. All in favor say aye. Aye. Opposed. And I'd also like to have a motion on reappointing yours truly is chair for another one year term. Do I have a motion? So moved? On a second? Second? All in favor say aye. Aye. Opposed? Very good. Thank you all appreciate the face that you have in in both of us again. Public comment, this is an opportunity. Oh, did I just this is an opportunity for anybody who wants to speak on anything that is not on the agenda. And we have precious little on the agenda. I wanted to make a note that anything that is is stated in open public comment as it relates to agenda items that have been pulled is not part of the of the official record and my correct staff is that did I phrase that correctly? So I would encourage you, anybody. I'm going to allow public comment three minutes each, for anybody who wants to speak Got anything to do so, but would encourage you. If it was on an agenda item that has now been pulled, I would encourage you to come back. When that item is back on the agenda right now, it's these two items are scheduled for July 18. I would encourage you to come back. And at that time when you speak on it, and it is on the agenda, it is a matter of the of the permanent record of the official record. Correct, Kevin? I get that. Okay. Very good. We have the Can we have the public comments? So Natalie's ma signed up for general public comment? Okay, who's first pleased? Bill Jenkins? Bill, I'd this seems like a good time to mention. While I I want to stretch this out as much as possible tonight justifying the shower that I took. We are we are limiting this in any subsequent two to three minutes. And we'll be
I'll be way shorter than it's very good. All right, go right ahead. So they name and address? Sure. It's Dr. Bill Jenkins 5507. Sugar love court. And based on your comments, I did have a brief comment related to the two cases that were pulled. So I will cut my comments short. And the only thing I wanted to make sure is that the commissioners had copies of the letter from James Sylvester. Oh, and I've handed you a copy. So I'm, I'm happy with that.
Thank you. Thank you, Bill. Everybody has a copy of these. Correct? On Natalie. Who's next? Liz Newman.
Good evening. Can y'all hear me? Just stay close to the microphone. So that said 1000s of people out there watching at home will be able to hear you as well.
We don't want that. Don't need that. Okay. I think I wrote that large working out. Good evening. My name is Liz Newman. I live at 1944 kedron. Court in Fort Collins, northern Colorado. It's a wonderful place to live and work. And whether we like it or not other people from other places recognize that fact and are moving here. Growth is a fact of life, especially in Colorado. And growth isn't necessarily a bad thing. As long as communities are thoughtful about that growth. I believe Timnath and Larimer County have been thoughtful about growth going back years. Part of Timbits vision goes back to before the pandemic was a regional Employment Center at I 25 that created amenities for our community. Jobs for our region and tax revenue stream from Timnath Timnath can depend on for decades to come. That is exactly what the Madera development offers this area. That is why I'm here tonight and excited to state my support for the Madera development. The economic benefits to Timnath and to Northern Colorado more generally are truly impactful lindera is anticipated to generate 10s of millions and impact fees for the town of Timnath expected to generate 100 million in sales tax for the town over the first 20 years of the project, and will create hundreds of jobs for the local citizens. This revenue puts the Timnath puts the town of Timnath in a financial position that will allow them to adopt or adapt excuse me to growth proactively. A steady and reliable tax base is essential for a sustainable city. And ladera undeniably offers that to Timnath. Some folks have voiced concern over traffic, but again, growth is inevitable and traffic is going to come with it. If developers use smart design in the building of their horizontal infrastructure, more growth does not equal worse traffic. Developers of ladera have paid to widen Weitzel and connect it to county road five, added a roundabout for smoother transmission between transition between both sides of the development. And there's more to come. The deras developers continue to prove that they are willing to pay their own way allowing the town to gain new infrastructure that we will all benefit from for years to come. I hope that the Timnath Planning Commission sticks with the plan that they thoughtfully helped conceive and allows the data to move forward. Thank you for allowing me to speak.
Thank you. Nice question.
Dustin camping Good evening. My name is Dustin camping I'm at 704 for for thunder View Drive. I will say this The job of the planning commission is not easy. Planning Commission members are charged with being a voice of the people and doing what is best for the town. However, people have different viewpoints and perspectives on just about everything, including development. I want the Planning Commission to know that there are voices out there that are not being heard, but which are just as valid, valued and valuable. As those that have been more vocal. There are a lot of folks out there who want to see ladera become a reality. They and I want a place to have fun with our kids without having to convince them to stop staring at their phones. ladera will be the kind of place that kids want to take their eyes, off their phones, and engage in their surroundings. Take it from me as a father of seven. Getting kids to engage in fun without screens isn't always easy. I know many of you understand that all too well. And it'd be fun to have a place to take out of town guests where you can have a good meal get outside and take a walk around the lake do a little shopping amongst beautiful creek all of it. Not only am I a father and a husband, and Timnath, I operate a business in northern Colorado, my company serves Timnath, how nice would it be for me to be able to take my team to ladera to celebrate a great month or a new employee, rather than having to leave 10 minutes to do that very thing. And it'd be especially nice if when Timnath residents are eating and playing in the town attendance, those tax revenue dollars go back to the town rather than elsewhere. But really, this isn't all about money. It's the fact that Madera is about as well thought out of the development, as we could hope for at the corner of harmony and I 25. This mix of uses combined with more than 100 acres of open space is really, really good. Nothing is perfect. And we know this, I know this. But I will say please don't let perfect become the enemy of something. That's really, really good. Thank you for your consideration. Thank you.
That's it. The question? I think your question leases, my colleagues question was the fact that somebody doesn't live in Timnath does not prohibit them from offering public comment. I know, as the advantage of coming to council meetings, and I've heard that I've heard them accept public comment, so that we would not deny somebody the opportunity. Ah, there we go. Property in 10 foot regardless, we we still allow that so that it's your question. Okay. And we have nobody else signed up. Okay. Correct. The we haven't moved on to the we have to move on to the Consent Agenda. The Consent Agenda. I'm a little off my game here tonight. Maybe I'll get unelected here. The Consent Agenda consists only of approval of the march 21 23. Meeting Minutes. Commissioners any additions or corrections to the minutes? Oh, do I have a motion? On the consent agenda? minutes. Do I have a second? Second? All in favor? say aye. Aye. Opposed? Consent agenda is approved. The two business items, as mentioned previously had been pulled. Move on to reports.
You still there? There is the request for them to be tabled. Oh, so you still have to technically open each one and then motion to table to the future date.
Okay. All right. Yeah, they're if they're there, they're being tabled. Technically, as opposed to having been pulled on. That's okay. This is a first for us. Okay, with that, so there's no discussion on this. Okay, so
you will need to technically open each take a motion on each and then and then
close. Okay, so I need a motion. What were you understand what Kevin's explaining to us? Okay, so I need a motion on business item six A which is effectively correct to table that correct. Okay. So moved with a motion to to table item six, eight. I have a second. All in favor say aye. Aye. Opposed? Item six B Madera plan to vote. I should have mentioned the item plan development overlay amendment. Do I have a motion on Item six b to table this. So moved. Do I have a second? Second? All in favor say aye. Aye. Aye. Opposed. Items six A and six be our table. Move on to reports, commissioners. Any anything? Staff? On Natalie. Staff anything? Okay. With that? Do I have a motion to adjourn? I have a second. Second. All in favor say aye. Aye. Opposed? We're adjourned. Thank you