TeachingTIME! Using Stop Motion for Student Voice & Choice
12:26AM Mar 17, 2023
All right. Well, thank you for joining us this morning and Robin are so excited to bring to you a new Lunch and Learn series called it's TeachingTIME. What we are hoping to do is every third Thursday at 11:30 am (CST), we want to share some fun tools and resources, things that are trending things that you might need to be aware of. This one's a real fun one on a tool that I absolutely love to use Canva , hopefully give me a thumbs up if you're familiar with Canva. And if not, I mean, you've got the reactions. Hopefully everyone can can find the reactions. Let me see if you if you've used candle before. So this one is great. Excellent. Thank you so much. This is one of my absolutely favorite tools. We do things like Pear Deck, we also our next one coming up is going to be all about chat GPT How many of you have heard of that? Is that not a hot topic right now. So AI, and the things that are trending, that's going to be something we really focus on. But today, our focus is talking about how to incorporate some student voice and choice using Canva. As for stop motion video, so I by no means want to say that Canva is all inclusive just for stop motion. If you know anything about Canva, you know that you can do documents, you can do presentations, posters, infographics, basically, everything that I use for Mossad business and things like that I used to create in Canva, I make my Zoom background, I do all of my promos, or social media, graphics, all of those things. But something brand new that came out, I believe it was at the end of last year, it might have been I don't want to tell you the wrong date. But I know it was in the in the last year that they started adding video, it was a big launch. And I've always struggled with trying to learn video tools that were easy to use. There's really great ones out there. But usually I had to use a lot of different things to get the effects and pull in from multiple tools. So what I loved about Canva was it was all in one place. And it's not expensive, especially for if you're an educator, so it's perfect. So anyway, I wanted to test the limits with it. I was in a time where I was needing to spend some creative energy. And I'm like, What can we do with this, what would be another way, I'm always looking for alternatives for my son who doesn't like to write my younger son, he doesn't really like to write, but he likes hands on projects, things that allow him to create and develop and he's into gaming and things like that. So this was something that he could really kind of dig into. And he was like, that's really cool. I didn't know you could do this with this tool. And so anything that gets kids excited about the learning process, not just for them, but also for the adults. And it's something that we could use to create educational resources. So I want to walk you through just a few of the things I've learned in my short time of doing this. So I'm by no means an expert. But I want to share with you all the things that I know about how to make this happen. If you want a copy of my slides, you of course got the QR code that you can scan there, that will take you to the to the Canva actual link, I should be able to save a copy from there if you want. Okay, if you need that again, at the end, please let me know I'm gonna go ahead and move forward. This is our our objectives today, we always have to have objectives, right. So at the end of this, my goal is for you to hopefully be able to have a solid foundation of what it takes to create a stop motion video. Okay, and then I'll let you think about all the different ways you would incorporate it into lessons at the end, I've got a really great slide that shows different students work. So it'll give you some inspiration on ideas beyond just the stop motion, but different things you might use this tool for. Okay, so we're going to talk about how to create it, I'm going to show you a couple of examples of things that I've done, tell you the differences in video types, like if you export a mp4 versus a GIF file, or a GIF, depending on how you say it, but it's spelled gifts. So di F. That's the one that doesn't have audio, we'll talk about those things. And the another thing that I hope that you gained from this, if nothing else, I want to show you some really cool shortcuts that you can take back and amaze your students if they don't know about it, or your colleagues, your friends and say, oh my goodness, did you know that Canva does this when you're presenting? So hopefully those will be surprises to you. Really easy, quick things to do. And those are what I hope you walk away with today. Okay, any questions before we get started? We've got a small group so feel free to just open mic pop it in the chat Robins in here monitoring this morning. I know we had like I said a lot of people that had asked for copies of the recording. So just so you're aware, we are going to at the end of this we'll record through the recording. We will edit it, pop it up and send out a link so you'll have another copy to refer back to in addition to the handouts So why stop motion for student choice? And I asked, why not? Why wouldn't you have stop motion? Actually, it's so fun, right? So for me, the reason is that the innovation, the creativity aspect, the part that lets you really just the opportunities, and the possibilities are endless. So this is actually my first little video that I did, I had taken a new position. And I'm going to tell you a couple of different ways you can do these stop motion. So yes, this one, I actually set up and took pictures of this little skeleton guy, my son had shown me a little tick tock video of this guy. And he's like a little six inch skeleton that I carried around. And he did not know what that was going to ignite in me. So I started taking this little skeleton everywhere and setting up him props and taking pictures of him. And so I decided, oh, this would be a fun way to test canvas, stop motion, and see how you actually do this. So I made this one weekend, just to do a little introduction, I think I took a bout 90 pictures. So it was like click, click, click click, you do not have to always do it that way, though. So this one, I wanted to show you an example. Again, I did this with setting up a tripod, setting up moving this little guy taking a picture every so many movements, and then lining that up on my timeline, right. But another way that you're going to see it's probably the way you're going to want to focus on with your students that might be a lot easier is using the elements that are already in Canva, using the images using the different things they already have created for you. So you can be extra and do it like this. Or if you have something specific that you want to maybe focus on Legos are a great one. I also love them, but they make great stop motion videos. So anyway, things that you can think about, do it with real pictures, also do it with the elements inside. And that's why I chose stop motion, because it's fun.
Okay, so I think we got thumbs up from everyone in the audience. But in case you're not aware what is Canva. Again, it is this amazing tool, you can create lesson plans, create graphics, create resources, all kinds of things. And, of course, stop motion video, which is what we're here today for. So possibilities. Like I said, you can go in and look at just about anything you need to create graphically. Or maybe you need to enhance something. We're not going to get to get into this. But when we might have some questions time at the end Robin for questions. But if you did not know, I know we're talking about AI in our next session. But Canva has AI now, if you did not know this, it has a feature that allows you to do text to image. So I don't know if any of you are like me. But I've often spent so much time trying to find the perfect graphic. Now you can actually go out to these AI generators Canva has it built in, click on that option, describe what you're looking for hit generate, and it will give you four options. And it just artificially creates this, like within seconds for you to have these images that you can pick from and choose for for your for your presentation, or whatever it might be. Not only does it have that, which we're not going to get deep into said, but it has the ability to if you use the new document feature, it can help you write blog post, it can help you write lesson plans, you can give it prompts for different things to help you and then you go in and refine it. So just wanted you to know about that amazing tool, keep your eye on it if you're not using it because it could save you a lot of productivity time and give you some fun options for students to pick different things to demonstrate their learning. Okay, hopefully everyone in here already has an account. If not, you'll get this you've got a copy of these slides, you can scan this, this is going to take you to the Educator Portal where it is where it is free for educators. So I urge you, if you don't have that to get signed up, if you do not have an Educator License, or email address, then it's like 1299 a month for the pro license. So but it's free for teachers and students as eligible schools. So here's the link to to get signed up. Now creating a stop motion video. So I showed you that one video, this is the back end of when I was creating that. I actually for this specific one, like as you can see on the left that I took pictures, I took those images of this little skeleton that I had moved little by little and I uploaded them directly from my phone into Canva. And if you upload them directly, it keeps them in the order if you click them in the order and you upload them so just a little trick as you're getting them uploaded. So then you kind of can just take them in to your timeline. And if you're doing stop motion, I'm going to recommend to you that you take your timeline you'll go in to start a new presentation which I'm going to walk you through this here in just a moment. But this is kind of showing you what it looks like. You would open up a new file a blank file. It's a video file at template that's a blank one, you open up and upload your images here. And then you take your timeline, she'll drag that timeline down to point one to point two seconds, that's going to give you the best effect for your, for your transition to get that to make it look like there's movement. So unless you have text on your screen, if you're trying to show movement, I'm going to recommend that you have that you take your slides down to that to that length of time. Okay, so in this one, you add images, then you can go in and add audio text in different elements, you can preview the video and then the different file types that you have, the two that Canva gives you access to is the mp4, that's going to give you the audio that goes along with it. The one I have actually playing in this clip right here is a GIF. And that's the export of a video file. That's just a bunch of the images looping, okay, so it's just going to keep rotating, and in a looping image. So those are the different ways that you can use the different file types and export them. Okay, so I'm about to show you. And I'm going to give you a template for this. But I wanted to show you up front so you can be looking for. And I think the audio is on Robin, let me know if you don't hear it. It's pretty quiet, you should hear crickets playing here in just a moment. But this is all the elements that I used on for this clip that you're going to see on the next slide. And what I did was I wanted to demonstrate the life cycle of a frog. So you're gonna see the background here. These are all the different images, I just did a canvas search in the in the elements and found these images so that I could use to show the cycle of a frog as he moves as he changes, then I want you to look and see if you can locate the frog. I'll let as we go through here, it's just a circle, right. But if you'll notice, in the elements to make it look like this frog is blinking, I'll pop that on to the graphic sometimes. And that's how we get that effect. Also the frog tongue, it's just a shape. So I just wanted to show you these things. And like I said, I'm going to give you a template. I'm going to play this video, let you see it, I've added the audio. And but I'm gonna let you break it down. And then we're going to open it up and take a look at what it looks like on the other side. So you can see, this sounds like it took me a long time. Honestly got this one that was my first one in under an hour. But I have played with graphics quite a bit. So I don't want you to feel like though that it's something that was going to be super time extensive. Once you get the hang of it, it gets a lot quicker. Okay, so these are the elements to be looking for.
Awesome, let me know if you could see those. Could you hear it? Robin? You hear the sound? Okay, perfect.
Yes, every time I see that I just am amazed by that I'm not a graphics person, though. So
Well, thank you. It was fun. So I'm gonna go back to this this previous slide. Could you find them all? Did you see when the when the eyelid came up, give me a thumbs up if you were able to see it, let me know or pop something in the chat. Cool, cool. Okay. Now, this I told you, I was going to give you some things to amaze your friends. So I'm going to pop out of my presentation. So excuse me for just one moment, this is part of the presentation. But the shortcut I want to show you in case any of you are following along and you have your Canva open, if you will open up a presentation or some kind of project that you're working on. So I'm just going to go over here to the template of my lifecycle of my butterfly, Robin. Okay, I'm so excited about this feature. This was my favorite, my favorite thing to show. Okay, so I don't know why the extra effort to go over here and click on things, but it seems like that's effort. So if you will click the little forward slash button, it was on that slide. Pull it back up this forward slash button right here, you're going to see magic Are you ready? Magic. It's going to give you all of these options, right? So I'm going to click on my slides here. Go in, I can go into add text, share my design, do more add graphics to match my design. These are all the different things it gives you whenever you are working. Okay, so here it is on when I was in the development. I'm in my slides. Again. I like having to click over here. Now you just click the forward slash and you have all your elements that you need. You have to be working on an actual document or a presentation to be able to get that to pop up at As you can see, just saves you a little bit of time. Magic Trick, okay. So this is I want to walk you through, I showed y'all the frog lifecycle, right? This is the video that we just watched, I'm going to give you the template to this. So if you want to take it, modify it, do what you want, animate it, turn it into something else. We're just kind of see how it's done. Those, I wanted to share that with you. But I'm first going to walk you through. And I'm going to close this. So we can see more of the slides here. And as you see, this is my timeline down here at the bottom, I started out with just a slot, right. And what I did was I took that picture of the rocks. And this grass here that you saw was my big image here. I took that, and I placed it on the background. And what I did was I would duplicate my slides, right. So as I duplicated my slides, as I start trying to show movement, all I'm doing is I'm cropping that image, I'm taking this image, and I'm making it look like it's zooming in. So that's how I got this cropped effect, as you can see, then I will have things move up here and change. So you'll see my timeline here, this, this first one has words in it. So I'll put it at 4.5 seconds. Whenever I start to get into the movement, I take it down to point one seconds 2.2. This one has a little bit of variation, when we get to the tadpole movement, you will be able to go in and refine it based on whatever you're doing. But I wanted you to kind of see how I did that. Another thing you need to be aware of if you don't know about this, and it's going to save you so much time, it's an amazing feature. It's called match and move. So if you notice this little magical thing, little stars here in between all of my slides down here at the bottom, that indicates that I have this match and move. So what it does is it takes any kind of images, any kind of elements that are the same, if you move them in the next slot around, it's going to make that a smooth transition. So it's going to make your animations look a lot more fluid. So that is one to keep and know definitely about as you're you're matching your transitions, okay, or as you're trying to get things to look like they're running smoothly. So as you go through here, you'll see I have a lot of slides, I think there's close to maybe 16. Let me check how many pages I get to the very end of it here. But I've given you a copy of it 64, there's a total of 64 slides, they vary in the link. But I urge you to go through, I'm going to pop it up here in just a moment where you can get back to it and see this. But I wanted to show you just quickly, here's one of the elements where the frog is. And all I did to make him look like he was changing, you know was just making his hips, dragging his saws and making them bigger or smaller to make him look like he's moving closer, closer or further away. Growing whatever it might be. You'll see there's the shape right there that I just put the little frog on top of it the frog Tang here. Those are just basic shapes if you go over to elements where you can tap in and add those in. So those are that is how I got that top of animation in that one. Now I'm going to go back to the slots for moments so that I can share with you all that template. Okay, I love that part. Oh, this is also my favorite part. Are you ready? For a few more shortcuts? Okay, then, then I'm going to give you the templates. Here we go. And that is just by clicking the date. So I'm putting them up here on the slide. So I didn't know you have to be in presentation mode. So these are the shortcuts I was talking about. But if you're showing a candidate presentation and you click the D, it's gonna give you the drumroll. If you click the Save, you're gonna get some confetti. Okay. Maybe you've got a rowdy audience and you need them to quiet down. Got the cue, okay, the bubbles it's the Oh, I'm not quite sure what that one score. Maybe you can get creative and use it in some way. And then Robins very favorite one I saved the best for last. I think there is one or two more. I urge you to go out there and try to find them and see what they are and then tell me about them maybe message me and let me know. These were my favorites. And this one is from Mike that's m if you did not know that Canva had these shortcuts. Please let me know give me a thumbs up or something in the chat indicate because my mind was blown when I found these out because I was like oh all the opportunities are missed. You're in love presentations to wow people. Okay,
Mic drop. The mic were pink. But other than that, I love the Mic drop.
So if only we can did request them to let us, you know, edit those elements, you can edit them, but you do get them as a shortcut when you're in the presenting mode. So hopefully, that's something new to everyone that has not seen those before. And that you can take them back and use them. Okay, I promised you the scan here is a link to the lock the frog lifecycle. If you want a copy of that, you can scan that or if you have a copy of the slides, you can always go to that what it's going to give you is that template that I just showed up, it's going to let you open that in your Canva file, have it to edit, it's not going to mess up the main one. So do whatever you like with that one, okay. I'm going to leave that up for just another second or two. And then I have another one that I want to share. Of course, I had to build a butterfly lifecycle, I could not just do a frog one, and I need to do more subject areas. Robin, I think I can do a lot like to indicate math equations. And all different when I started thinking about this, my mind just started spinning with ideas. If anyone has any ideas in chat that you want to share that you can think of this would be fun to do, please pop them in the chat and let us know. Okay, here's the butterfly life cycle. This one's a shorter one. But I wanted to show you the difference in how the export to the videos work. And I'll pop this one up here in just a moment as I'm describing how these how the video file tops work. But I'll let you take a copy of this one as well. So that way, you can break it down and see comparison on the two different files of how I set them up. This one took me about 30 minutes to do. So actually, no, this one was a little bit longer, I think I had to edit out some of the images like had to crop them. So maybe this one was about an hour. Now that I'm thinking back on some of the editing, so okay, I should have showed this before. Here's the video setup that we had earlier. For the slides, I told you the slot transition, I mentioned the match and move. This is just the way that I set up my videos. Here is the file top for the file type for a gift. So what I have playing here is if you go over to whenever you're in Canada, and you're going to download and export your files, you can choose an mp4 or choose a GIF. This one's a gift. So it's not going to have any sound. It's a series of images that you can play that will loop Okay, so this is one I did the butterfly lifecycle. Again, you can't hear anything. I'm going to show you on the next slide. And hopefully you're going to hear some some ambience of like nature in the background
here and anything, not hearing anything. It's okay because here's how we're going to show it to you in that format.
Hey, I changed that one up, Rob. And I don't know if you knew that or not. But those were like swooshes and some random sounds in there I was testing, pushing the limits again with what with what Canada gives you because as you'll see here, all those different sounds. I found those through the audio over here, you just go like one of them's a spotter footsteps, you can see one of those back and forth this swish here insect wings, that's the butterfly. So I want you to know, I wanted y'all to see that in the template that I gave you that you have that you have all those options. So you can get super, super creative with the options and opportunities and it's a love. If you're in like a presentation and you're trying to export it as a video, you're not going to have this audio layer down here. So you need to always make your stop motion in a video started as a video file, because it gives you the audio track that you can adjust and have multiple audio on one file. Okay, I feel like that was a whole lot of information. I'm going to get back to wrapping up to the very end. And I wanted to share with everyone I told you that we had a really great example of some student examples. This was shared with us by someone that works at Canva. And they they keep awake lit and so it's got like it's always updated has different resources. So I urge you to take a look at this and check back and just see the different things that like they have Twitter feeds that are embedded in there. The projects that are going on all across the nation using Canva for different ideas and tools. So that is a resource hopefully for you that you can use in the future. I'm going to announce like I told you at the beginning we are so excited. This is something Robin and Aw. It's a near and dear to our hearts and we just want to share share the information as much as we can with everyone and let you know the different things that we know and share as much as we can about the tools that are trending. We'll do a lot of that research behind it and then share it out with you. So the next one coming up is going to be on April the 20th. Robin is probably going to be the main speaker for that one talking about chat GPT and what educators need to know. But if you would like to sign up, there's the sign up link, we'll be sending out some information. And I am going to open it up now for any questions that we might have.
I'm going to start with I love the butterfly change and I'm so happy that I have this partner who knows how to do all this graphic stuff. Because it's amazing. It's amazing. But one of our things about teaching time and this is something brand new that Amanda and I have started and it's it's designed to save teachers time is to find the tools that you just might need a little extra tutorial or information on. And so that's what teaching time is designed to do. So if you have an idea for us that you think hey, this would be really something cool that I would love to learn or something that I need to know something about. Just go ahead and email us we'd love for to make contact with you. You can see it's Amanda at Teach and Tom dot online Robinette teach and Tom dot online. And we would love to have any questions that you haven't seen if we can't find some answers for you.
Yeah. Awesome. So I'm gonna check the chat. Robin, do we have any questions in the chat? Thank you. Awesome. Thank you, Stacy. I'm so glad you were able to join. We will be sending out a link to this again, please, please reach out to us. Let us know if you see something that you would like us to share. And that's what we are here for and the work that we love to do. So thank you so much for joining us this morning. Hopefully we will see you on April the 20th. And we'll hang around here. Thank you. Thank you again.