Good morning. We'll get started in a couple minutes if everybody could drop their name and title in the chat just for attendance purposes that would be helpful.
Morning, Katie, thanks for being here.
Thanks for having me.
It's great to see you too.
Now, in the last video, we went to more minutes and then we'll get going, but thanks for joining
Oh my gosh. The Vice Chancellors here.
Yes, we're blessed.
Trying to stay Cognito under the radar.
All right. That's not Anthony. That's not Tony. Just text Tony. I was like, wow, we're honored. Thanks for coming on. I wish this costume is guaranteed.
We don't know the price yet which has me concerned Robert because I was always told when you have to ask you can't afford it
okay, I'm gonna get going here but Welcome, everybody. Happy to have you all join us for our February regional meeting. As you know we do most of these virtually which really saves on our travel time. And travel costs. So that's the advantage of it. Although we do miss getting together in person sometimes, but glad everyone could join us. We've got a really packed agenda this morning. It wasn't originally by design, but we ended up having a lot of time sensitive things that needed to be included. In the agenda. So we're going to go fairly quickly today through our presentations and things. And with that, I'll pull up my brief slide deck just so we can all stay on track and know where I'm what I'm discussing and why. So once again, I appreciate everybody being here. Welcome to February. I know we had some inclement weather but it's been really nice lately. Today's sunny and warm. So happy to have that on happy for all of them. Those of you have expressed concerns. So moving right along. February is Career Technical Education Month. So hope we've had some good events and press releases and things coming out. I think it's important because this is our month to highlight all the important work we do in this space. Because primarily what we do is support career technical education, often called career education in this state, and it's important to highlight that and so I'm really glad the Chancellor's Office has made it a point to really highlight this effort as well. And I appreciate that. We were supposed to have our special guests today. Don Davis who Joe. He's the new Senior Advisor for workforce and economic development and strategic partnerships in the chancellor's office. He's formerly a K 14 technical assistance provider in the Bay region and I've gotten to know him over the last year. And I think he's a great addition to the Chancellor's Office and will really help communicate that voice to the field along with our new Vice Chancellor Anthony Cordova who's also have has a lot of field experience and I think that's really crucial to our work and to us really moving these efforts is having that communication. So I know Don was planning to be here. I hope he has time to join us but He will be included on our regional communication and meetings. So if he has time and opportunity and inclination to join us, so I just wanted to share that because I think that's important. We have been scheduling our upcoming meeting dates, past June. These are the dates we've proposed. I know that not every date works best for everybody, but this is what we're planning currently. Please
me know if there's some serious concerns. You have there the president we're planning to go dark in December maybe send out a just a written communication to the field. And we will send out calendar invitations but I wanted to communicate that that's upcoming. Just to let you know there is a small working group of around artificial intelligence AI that Don and I are both a part of, we meet every other week where we've put together a survey instrument that'll be launched early next month to the field and it's really just sort of an assessment of how people feel about artificial intelligence if they're using it or not. What are their concerns? Because we want to produce some professional development type activities for folks in the field as we learn in this space, which we all anticipate will transform not only education but also the workforce. And how we prepare students. And we are there is scheduled a statewide conference about this with the Chancellor's Office on September 10. And that'll be somewhere in the Foothill DeAnza district. Online you don't like muting yourself if you're in other countries. There we go to care that So more to come on that but I just think that's this is exciting and transformative and we need to really try and stay ahead of the curve on this chart and reacting later on once it's it is impacting our systems and much greater force than it is now. So more to come. I had the pleasure of attending a regional convening separate from our workforce economic development sector. Earlier this week in Galena, it was about the vision aligned reporting metrics, which has been a pilot program over the last three years with 15 community colleges and it's really trying to allow the reporting to align of reporting metrics with the vision 2030 goals. Most of those are around you know, Mesa and C and E LPs. But they have included the local strong workforce as part of this initial metrics. And so that was the impetus for my attendance. I wanted to see what kind of data will be needed to collected be collected in this space because you know, the region doesn't work. directly with a local share. But I know most of our practitioners in the field and at our districts and colleges do work with the local share reporting, and it may ultimately impact the regional share. So there'll be more to come on that some interesting implications and how that rolls out. Just to stay aware. I wanted to be on top of the conversation. Well, there we are moving forward somewhat under the comprehensive local needs assessment. I've been in discussion with our job developers, and we are embedding a survey instrument into our Career Connect platform for regional employers. We're hoping this will be a better Avenue than an emailed survey instrument that we tried a couple years ago. We're hoping to capture some more data through that process and I understand there will be some new guidance on the CLn a process for Perkins applications forthcoming soon from the chancellor's office, and then we can really move forward with how we're going to do this if we're going to support a regional plan or if we're going to do a more localized endeavor by individual college each are acceptable in my understanding, but just again, information sharing. And then in my discussion with the job developers, we've got some good career. Fair events coming up later this spring, I believe scheduled April 10. There will be a Santa Barbara County wide at both Santa Barbara City College and Allan Hancock College and this will be a career fair event that will be structured around family engagement. So hoping to get the entire family out there. And I understand it will be aligned with the Guided Pathways majors. So we'll try and structure it it's going to be intentional and structured around some of those majors and more targeted. And then April 18 Cuesta College is planning a similar event. So I'm looking forward to those. I think that'll be exciting. I know Oxnard College did one of these I think last year so I think this is a nice approach to work career and employer engagement efforts. Ollie Can
I heard there's one second, actually that one is Hancock is March the eighth.
Okay, thank you, Tom. I didn't have that. So that one's earlier. Right around the corner. Yes, ma'am. Thank you. Thanks for telling me. I do heard that Antelope Valley and is working with Palmdale on sort of a services fair targeting, you know some of the special population students in terms of career services. And General Services veterans, homeless foster youth etc. Someone's if you could mute yourselves, that would be helpful. And then our job developers have agreed to do absolutely, what they're calling Lunch and Learn or you know, bring your lunch sort of brown bag opportunities for employers. To learn about how to post jobs. Make sure the job description or the information on the job really aligns to what they're looking for. So those will be available monthly as a service to employers interested in hiring students who are taking interns. So that I think that'll be a nice approach and we'll share more information is that occurs and I think that's lost my cursor here. I believe that's the end. of my slides. Let me check. Yes. So with that, thank you, everybody for joining. I'm willing to turn it over to our Chancellor's office staff. We our regional program monitor Katie Gilkes for just for her general update on what's going on in the chancellor's office. Welcome, Katie. Thank you for being here. And if you've just joined us, please drop your name and title in the chat.
Thanks. I'm gonna go off video it says my internet's unstable sorry. Me so I'm gonna piggyback on the first item I think that Molly mentioned with var the the convenings are still happening. That's the I think, March. There's one in San Diego, one in Oakland for those of you don't know, that's that local share vision align reporting. There's a manual that will be going out and you can access it on the Chancellor's Office website. And the update from our division that was sent out by Amanda also includes the link to navigate to that website. It also gives you those dates that are remaining for those convenings and so you can find out and update. I do want to mention that the larger division that wed belongs to is the azulay division. And they are creating an update as well for the entire division, which includes student services as well as the workforce division. And so you'll see updates from as Lee that will include some information about what's happening in the workforce and economic development unit, but we will still be providing this update as well. I know a lot of you have reached out to me and asked if just the web updates will still continue. So yes, we will continue to send that out and this will kind of give you guys some information about specific programs to CTE. So with that being said, I Holly mentioned the Perkins program where you know, going through the comprehensive local needs assessment, and there will be guidance. The Perkins team is working on that soon, so stay tuned for that. I also want to mention that the Perkins program is going to be offering office hours to help support you know any questions that you may have about the headcount certification process, what you need for your CRNA assessment and then just the local application so those details will also be shared soon. And then of course, if you need any other support, feel free to reach out to me and ask any questions and I will do my best to answer them. On the strong workforce, side, again, I mentioned that the VAR the vision align reporting manual is out and so you can find that in our update. For strong workforce, 2.0 allocation, those funds expire December 31. I know. I've had several of you reach out to me and I appreciate that in terms of having an extension the due date for those funds to be fully expended was February 15. But I know there are some circumstances with certain districts and you know, issues with reporting so if you are encountering some issues or have concerns that you may not be able to expand everything, please reach out to me so we can talk about a possible extension of that. And then for 2.0, the 2324 allocation. All of those plans should now be entered in Nova and they're fully fully allocated the new four year regional plan so the regional consortia Holly that was due by January 31. And all those plans have now been uploaded into Nova. And now I want to talk about the whole back of funds for strong workforce I know there's been a lot of questions about you know, how to expend the funds or when you can use some. So if there are funds from rounds one through five, the distribution of those allocations if you haven't spent those our offices holding back any new allocation, but so I urge you to reach out to me if you have any round one through five allocation that hasn't been expended so that we can you know, discuss some options and possible, you know, new programs or new budgets that you want to use those funds for, please reach out to me because I would hate for them to hold back any of your funds. We want to see that you get those all suspended. So there is some guidance and for the expired. But again, you should reach out to me if you have any questions. Those are expired funds begin the moment that you set up your budget for carryover and the novice system. So if you have any questions about that, please reach out to me. And then I want to talk about round five, the expired funds for round five. You can still add those in Nova there is no timeframe. For expanding those funds just yet. So email me and let me know if you want to chat about it or if you have some ideas or if you determine that you just are not going to carry over those funds and let me know so that we can talk about the process of invoicing those dollars back and then again for us WEP the reporting reminders You can find that on our website. That will give you an update of the calendar dates first for updating that information. And now I will talk about K 12 strong workforce. We just finished round six for the LE A's. The North far north did have some funds that they weren't able to allocate so they will or they're conducting another application period and that will end at the end of this month. And so hopefully they were able to expend all of those dollars for economic and workforce development. We are in the process of setting up the face sheets for the regional centers of excellence and the statewide hub. We are still in the process of doing that it's going through our legal office and our budget and accounting office so those face sheets should be going out to did I lose you? Now we can hear you. Okay, good. Anyway, I'm sorry. So the senators have excellent grants are going out. They do have a start date of January 1. We now will be having a performance period of only one year. I'm not sure if you're aware but ew D is scheduled to sunset, January 120 25. We are seeking to either extend the program or perhaps introduce that trailer bill language that we did last year to continue the EW D program and have many of you been around with Economic and Workforce Development Grant Program. We have always had to go to legislature for extension after five years that's always been a five year program and we've always had to seek either an extension of that or approval to continue the program so we will do our best again in the office. I'm know Anthony is aware of that as well. So I will keep you informed if there are any changes but hopefully that will be extended again. After the may revise and with that I am done. I don't think I have anything else if you have any questions all right. Silence is golden. Thank
you Katie. It's important to note with the budget and the state it's in right now that you know we really want to show demonstrate that we are expanding our funds. Right. So just plant a bug and everyone's there. I see Isaac with this handout. Yeah,
just wanted to say how much I appreciate the updates especially around CL MA and wanted to also say how much I appreciate Katie. I think it's important to also acknowledged when we do good work and when we get responsive, colleagues that help us do the work. And Katie, I appreciate your responsiveness and your help in navigating policies and timelines and your guidance. So just wanted to say those words of appreciation. Thank you. Oh,
thanks. I appreciate that. I always forget the deadlines too. So that's that's nice too. Too many programs too many calendars to keep track of but I appreciate that. Thank you.
Thank you. Yes, we all appreciate you, Katie. Yes, Mike, I see your hand up.
Oh, who's gonna second that as well. But I wouldn't ask Katie a question. The if Perkins. The guidance hasn't come out to do we expect the deadline to for the applications to shift back as well, to kind of reflect this? I wouldn't have expected some sort of guidance at this point. Yeah,
I'm assuming that will happen. Again, I think we've had to do that the last couple of years because of the nature of that. So let me reach out to the Perkins program. And get back to you Mike. Yeah, cuz I'm not sure I just know that. We did get an update from that. Staff and they, you know, said that they would be reaching out and I would encourage you all to take advantage of using those office hours when they become available so that you can ask some of those more detailed Perkins questions that will be helpful in JC Bonita is in charge of that was the lead for Perkins. So he's great.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Thank you. I see Anthony Cordova with his hand up welcome, Anthony. We're thrilled to have you this morning. Appreciate
it. I'm honored to have the invite. So appreciate you extending it and allow me the opportunity to come in. I'll address some of the the Perkins aspect of it as Katie mentioned the memo should be coming out the last couple of weeks. Um, they're finalizing the information and the program report ran into a little bit of a delay being able to run the reports those program reports for your headcount and allocation so those should be coming out here shortly. We're hoping to be able to make sure that you have ample amount of time to be able to get those CLAS completed and your applications in the system. I want to encourage right, the CRLA is still there. Last year and one of the things that I've had to do in the past was download the Word document and start working on an offline type of thing. So the content information should still be available and should still be relevant. So encouraged to continue to work towards that direction, as we still have that same expectation, the guidelines I don't know about the dates and all that we'll take that into consideration based upon when the final stuff comes out. But for the most part, I also appreciated hearing the great work that Katie does on multiple levels because I see it but then also when I get to hear from the field it really warms my heart at the same time because it's one of the things that we're looking at making sure that we bring to the to the field is that our Chancellor's office support right and making sure that we are supporting everybody in the field as much as we possibly can. And we look at it as a partnership right a walk along the side of everybody in the field, but then also at the same time, bringing bringing that visibility back what you guys do in the field and bringing it back to the Chancellor's Office and really highlighting and promoting that so that information sheet that Holly shared about CTE month, right. That's just the start of it. We're going to be doing that a lot more often. And really showcasing and highlighting the successes that are performed in each of the regions in each of the institutions. So the more information that you can send back to us so that we start to compile and collect. We'll look at finding a depository. Location, right. So that way, I'm probably on the Chancellor's Office website. But at that same time, I'm also making quick well outreaches to all the different regions in the districts to try to make a personal presence and attend whether it be a regional meeting or whether it be just a standalone district wide meeting to get to know who the workforce members are and who everybody is and but then also share the implementation of the vision 2030 So we all I hope we all know what the vision 2030 is. If not, please take a moment and I just threw it in the chat. There's a link to the vision 2030 But it's the roadmap that aligns with our extension of vision for success and roll it over into the vision 2030 And there's a lot of demonstration projects that we've got to really start moving the middle and supporting our students throughout the state of California and the workforce. So it's really it's not only just the students, but it's the workforce as well because they're showing a fairly hefty deficit in the skilled trades and non traditional areas. So I do have to jump off, I got a 930 I just wanted to take a little bit of a time to show my gratitude to you guys. And my appreciation for everything that you guys do and we look forward to working with you more closely and hand in hand.
Thank you, Anthony. I appreciate it. For those of you don't know Anthony Cordova is our new Vice Chancellor for workforce and economic development in the chancellor's office. So we're thrilled he could take time out to join us today and you were recently a CTE dean at Bakersfield College Anthony that I
was I was I don't I mean, that was a CT day and I try not to you know, brag about where I came from because yeah. I've heard a few things or so. But I do come with a little bit of a bias in regards to like the baccalaureate programs and and you know, the work that we did for CSIS AOA, because I also chaired the The BDP committee and then also part of the executive leadership team for CCC we so it's building those partnerships. You know, it's one of the things that we've talked about in the in the association as well as the chancellor's office is really being strategic with our partners, and expanding our partnerships and being supportive of what that looks like. And that's one of the roles that that Don's going to be doing is really looking at how we could leverage and and bring in these eight regions and how we could actually support the regions throughout the entire state but bring bring this whole state perspective into those hubs and support the work. But yes, thank you for that. And by the way, please, it's Tony. Not this VC stuff, not this. This title, whatever that is, I try to make it more personable and it's about the work that we get to do.
Thank you, Tony. Much appreciated. I think that's a breath of fresh air for all of us hearing that. So appreciate your time this morning and dedication.
No problem. Thank you. I look forward to working with you guys.
But I do have to jump off. Okay.
We'll be in touch. Thank you.
Thank you, ciao.
Next on our agenda with our K 12 Strong Workforce update. Dr. Giselle vice
Good morning everyone. Happy Friday. So just a quick rundown of what we've been doing with K 12 SW P continuing the work from last month we've been meeting with around six grantees. And what we've been doing is going over have been funded, going over the comments that our selection committee members have made. Also just taking a bit of time to recognize them and to plan schedule further meetings, of course to help support them and to really execute those objectives of their work plans and what they're being funded for. So that's been really exciting to see it's been really great to see some veterans that are really improving and really spiraling the work around CTE but also it's also really neat to see some newer and first time lead Lea so that's been very exciting. So it's been consuming a lot of the work in K 12. Also, as we're moving forward around that piece, we will be reconvening the selection committee to figure out what are those funding criterias. And what that is, is every year along with the RFA, it's a list that's specific to our region, about what's going to guide our steps and funding the next round. So they can be things like limiting sectors limiting funding amounts, it really is that local control and it is controlled or navigated by our esteemed selection committee. So we'll be doing that in the upcoming months and also just taking time to do a little bit of traveling to highlight all the great programs. I don't know if Katie still on it, but definitely echoing her support. And I'm really thrilled to show to that based on the hard work and our partnerships with our community colleges that we're doing with our K 12. Department of Finance. From the state wants to actually come down and see best practices throughout the state with this K 12 SVP funding. So they will be traveling they will be wanting to see highlighting a couple of programs. They also just want to see and talk to those in the field about how are you bring funding? How are you? The relationship building, and it is both on the K 12 And on the community college and so I'm really excited about that too. It feels good to know that you're being recognized when we've been kind of under the gun with legislation, especially in a time and I'm sure, Mike and some work CCCA we folks will talk about the legislation and just making sure that we are grateful for the city funds and as of right now, nothing's on the chopping block. So thank you so much, everyone. That is it for me.
Yeah, this Katie I just want to chime in. Piggybacking on the deal of site visits, they are conducting a site visit in Sacramento they were looking for a site close to home to begin with. So we will be doing that on March 1. They will be coming out to Roseville to look at their automotive program. What started out as a few people has increased a lot of people I think, which is a good sign for us in terms of maintaining the program at the community colleges. As you may be aware, there have been several years where legislation has been proposed. To move this back to the Department of Education and there's a real effort and support from the Department of Finance to keep it at the Chancellor's Office and so we'll be highlighting one of our successes in the north Far North Road. You know Roseville High School, and Sierra College. We'll be facilitating that meeting with DLF. So I will keep you all updated with that. Right now. We don't see any new legislation but you never know. So, but I just want to thank everybody for all of your efforts and helping to continue to support K 12.
Thank you, Katie. Yes, thank you. It's important to note that the State Department of Finance is one of the biggest supporters of the K 12 strong workforce program and really thinks it's it's intentional. Support for the K 12. And Community College partnerships is unique and should be encouraged and supported. And they're happy with. They're more happy with the Chancellor's Office and how funds are managed and accounted for and tracked. So we do have support at that level and we're hoping to really showcase that we are moving the needle in terms of those work based learning opportunities, dual enrollment and the other aspects of this funding support. So thank you for the update. They're next on our agenda is the fiscal agent update. Luann can't be here this morning. She's got another commitment, but she wanted to me to communicate that you know, whatever. Katie said, please listen and follow because it's most of what she was going to reiterate anyway. So we appreciate you Katie. The only thing that she added was she'll be doing a an extension on the regional collaboration coordination. A master agreement to take it from 20 to 23 are mean ticket from June 24 to the end of June 26. But she did want to remind everybody that all the funds must be spent by the end of that grant period, there will be no carryover that we understand. So probably a good time to start planning your fiscal management of those funds. Please reach out to Luann if you have questions, but we do anticipate that unless you have any other additional information Katie is that correct? That's
That's correct. Yeah. We just want to encourage you to spend them in a more efficient way. I guess. We've just you know, it's difficult to manage all of the rounds, too. So I think it would be I think Luann and I have had discussions about that. But if you have any questions, I'll reach out to me.
Great, thank you. With that we have a little bit ahead of time, but that's okay. We've got Laura Coleman, who's the statewide director for centers of excellence here with us this morning to really talk about you know, the new centers of excellence grant and performance and what we can expect in the short term and how in the longer course of the year this will roll out. So with that, I'll turn the turn the speaker over to Laura, and welcome Laura, nice to see you. As many of you may be aware Laura Coleman, used to be our Centers of Excellence director in this region many years ago and is now the statewide director. So, Phil, a familiar face to many of us.
Thanks, Holly. Nice to be here, everyone. Thanks for having me. Yeah, so a lot has happened and you've heard Katie talk a little bit about our program earlier. We're funded through the economic and workforce development program. We're about 15 years old in this current form, I think, older than that, if you think back to previous iterations of the centers of excellence, but in this current iteration, where we're research focused, we have been doing this for about 15 years. And as Katie mentioned, every five years, our instructions are updated. And our funding is reevaluated as well as our locations are re competed, as did happen just in your region as well. I happened across the state. So our network, this spring is nine locations at a I think it's eight districts. And yours is transitioning over to Santa Clarita College of the Canyons. So we've been in touch with Jeff, and talking about the planned activities for that grant. So I just wanted to give you a quick overview. If you're unfamiliar with us just a little bit. I'm Holly's it good if I share my screen Yeah, I believe you should have access to that. Awesome. So apologies if this goes a little glitchy I think everyone has been through that hopefully. So well, one has a start with our website. So our website address to CoA, CCC dotnet. This is a great place to come and learn more about to car and the type of work that we're doing in our new construction pockets. You know, we have received additional funding to expand the number of people that are doing research, which is just always good, and then sort of expand our umbrella in terms of what we research, but also how we deliver training as well training on data and research opportunities and other types of support to the future. So that's sort of just gearing up and the for the first year we've sort of we've set achievable goals. So we'll continue to maintain all the services of the technical assistance that we've been providing around data needs, labor market needs, and the things that you're used to and that's and then we'll be doing some special projects related to apprenticeship related to equity, and some other work that will be determined as staff come on board at canyons. So we'll make sure to keep you all in the loop about those projects. So this is our website. And then as you can see here like you can go straight to the South Central Coast page has not been updated yet. So I will say that so you'll still see a doll's face but it will be updated soon. You can also just scroll down and search you know, choose your region search if Oops, I did something there. Okay. So you can see all of the more recent things that have been posted for your region, you can filter all of those good things. So I just wanted to give you a quick glimpse into the website you can also join and become a my CSV user where you can save favorite reports or that functionality is still being built out should be built out more this spring. So if you have questions about the website, definitely get in touch. But all of the work that is done by the Center of Excellence is expected to be published and published on this website eventually. So sometimes a college may not want their report quite yet up there and we always you know, work with them on that. So the other thing that I referenced earlier was the program recommendation process. So the regional program recommendation process, the COA provide a labor market assessment report are for that process. I wanted to give you a snapshot of what that looks like in the last 30 days across the state. So in the last 30 days, we had 84 requests across the state. You can see here the little green pie it's not normally that large I will say South Central is usually a much smaller piece of our pizza. But 13 is is pretty healthy in 30 days from all of you. And then you can kind of get a glimpse about you know, what happens in the other regions. But additionally, like where those requests come in to they come in through the regional for regional program recommendation, people doing exploratory work, program modification, etc. So, if those needs, you know, definitely submit a request the link and I will put this in the chat afterwards, and I know Amanda has shared it out as well. We have a link to this form. So all of those requests across the state come through this form and this link and as you go through the form you'll answer a series of questions that will help prepare us as to what it is you're looking for and to prep us for the first initial contact with you to discuss your request. So you know, we ask questions about who you are, where you are and what you're looking for. And that just kind of gives us the ability let's say College of the Canyons was requesting something and gives us the ability to kind of help curate your ask and also like prep any questions that we may need answered by and that can only be answered by you so I won't go through the whole form with you. There's a lot of questions. I'm not going to make you do that. But that's if you need any help with the form. That's something to get in touch with me about Absolutely. In the next couple of months. So right now well. canyons is doing their search to replace the director position. We have engaged a contractor one master gal and he is a former Assistant Director for COE in LA at Mount San Antonio College. He's now an independent contractor and he supports the requests that you put in the form until the new team is onboard and ready to go. So you know please submit early one will be in contact once you hit submit. He's usually within 24 to 48 hours, just to set up a call to make sure he has he understands your request or has to ask any questions he might have about your request. And then he'll get to work on it. I'm not sure about his turnaround time. Right now. He's also doing this for the other two regions that are in transition and don't have staff yet. So he's had his assistant and Inland Empire and he's also assisting in Central Valley. So I think he's he's working pretty hard to get these done. Quickly. But we always encourage early submissions. We don't want you to be surprised by anything. We don't like being surprised by anything, so please submit early. So I'm gonna put all the important links in the chat before before the meeting ends. But I'm you know, as Holly said, we're a few minutes early so if you have any questions for me, please feel free to ask.
Thank you, Laura. Appreciate the information. As many of you know we are in a transition in our region centers. of excellence used to be housed at Moorpark College and with the new grant who will be college of the canyons and they are just starting the startup process. So I'm really appreciative to Laura and Juan for at least you know, providing some option to get this crucial data out from the field visits needed during this process, then please feel free to reach out to Laura or Juan directly with questions or concerns, but College of the Canyons is intending to hire two positions I understand to support this, this work and well. So we will hear more on that as we move forward. Yes, Katie, I see your hand up
Yeah, I just want to add, we have we had a little bit of delay with the face sheets in our office. So we went through our legal office, it's gone through our budgets, but I'm anticipating maybe another couple of weeks before they get out. So I would encourage you to use that form that Laura showed you and reach out to one if needed. Because, you know, as you're aware in our office, sometimes a fully executed grant agreement can take a very long time. It still needs to go to the district for signatures so I just wanted to put that out there. We're doing our best but I'm anticipating within the next couple of weeks that it hits the districts and then we can get those signed and returned to us. So if there's any questions about that, I know Jeff was probably very anxious to get started and I apologize that you know, it's just taken we've had that transition of leadership and so things just kind of fell through the cracks here a little bit. So thanks for being patient.
Yes, thank you. Amanda has messaged me saying to remind everyone that our regional consortium has elected not to do the Notice of Intent process at the moment in terms of the program recommendation, so just be aware we we do allow it but it is optional in this region. And I understand too, that this new centers of excellence grant does have a more comprehensive scope. Is that correct? Laura
originally conceived under the previous administration, and in sort of parallel with the previous ew D legislation changes. Unfortunately, that bill did not as Katie had mentioned it did not pass and so we are expecting as ew D if it does get extended and potentially a new reauthorization packet is put forward. We are expecting that Chancellor Christian and her team will probably put their own sort of initiatives within that. So we may see some adjustments. So the RFA that we competed under I think it's maybe a little out of sync with leadership not entirely, but we do anticipate some adjustments. The scope of work did ask for a more balanced sort of portfolio of technical assistance services. So in addition to the research, which I would say is about 50 to 60% of the portfolio. They asked for about a significant increase in developing a training infrastructure for practitioners to learn about data and research. This is in parallel to development for on the Chancellor's Office side of new launch board tools, and things like that. So we will be working with those teams to coordinate our training and offerings. Additionally, the third sort of bucket of work would be around sort of just having a hard time describing this because it's kind of similar, but it's more around employer engagement, support to that. Really kind of taking the research into a more evaluative frame for at the regional level and helping to support the region as they implement strategies to address some of the recommendations in the larger reports that the Center of Excellence produces.
Thank you, Laura for the clarification. So it's really a move beyond the program recommendation, labor market.
Focus so yeah, I would say like it's an expectation that the work is perhaps more nuanced and evaluative in terms of the delivery training, delivery or in the regional or the college side of the analysis or on the supply side. If you're familiar with, normally address. Working with all of you and all of your colleagues around the state to kind of incorporate more best practice analysis literature reviews, what's been done nationally, bringing some of that more frequently into the work and into the lens, and also assisting as we always have the other workforce systems in the region with their research and support. So in kind of following that, if you've been following the master plan for career education, and thinking about a regional infrastructure that spans across agencies or across systems, sort of also doing that so we don't have duplication of research or other efforts in the region, you know, with our workforce partners, or our K 12 partners.
Right, thank you. I think that'll be welcomed. That's great information for all of us as we develop this whole workforce ecosystem more fully in our region. So thank you, Laura, for your time. I appreciate it. I know it's been a little challenging in recent months with the Centers of Excellence transition, so bear with us. We're working on it. With that we're only a little ahead of time but I do see our next presenter, David Teasdale. has joined the call. Are you ready for your presentation David? He turned off his camera did he dropped out? He was here and then he's gone. Yeah.
We'll give him a minute here. Is there any report out from those who attended policy day? This week? In Sacramento is there any specific information are
buried Mike, do you want to would you wasn't were you adding this to your report to jump in on this seemed like
real quick as we're trying to save some time here. I know leave the balance to Mike as he does as RVP report out, just want to let everybody know that we had over 55 attendees this year to our policy Summit. It was well attended and we had some great representation from our regional group here as well. So I appreciate you being there. The first day was spent with Austin Webster, our policy advocate and gave us some onboarding what to do, what to say and how to work with our legislation. And on the following day, which was Wednesday. Everybody spent the day in the Capitol, either visiting assembly people or senators advocating on various areas of career education. How's that guy?
Saying any better or Perfect?
Thank you. I appreciate those efforts. They do make a difference from my perspective. So I appreciate those who could attend and participate in that welcome back. David, are you willing and able to jump into your presentation at this point?
I'm willing to see if they able working. So
we have your slide deck on file if you want us to share it.
Yeah, that would probably be easier. I'm having trouble with the bluetooth tethering with my computer of course, and I apologize from doing it from from my car at UCLA Medical Center, but this appointment came after we agreed to be part of the agenda. So but hopefully we can start the process of generating some excitement. Even if it's from you know, the the front seat of a So are you guys sharing the slides?
Can you pull that up for me Amanda? I believe it was emailed to you directly. Yes, I will. Thank you. We'll get that up for you momentarily.
My name is Justin on Yes. I'm here with you, Dave. Oh, you're just you're one line below the bottom of the screen on my phone. So sorry, I missed it. So Justin's happy to have me here because otherwise he would have had to
Yeah, Dave was almost gonna leave me hanging.
For those that you don't know. Could you introduce yourself David and what your role and how you interact with our region?
Sure. My name is Dave Teasdale. I am Executive Director of Economic Development and corporate training at Curtin Community College District for almost five years. We'll probably over five years with strong workforce. I had prop 39 Director for the South Central Coast region and central region. And in that role, I supported colleges with enhancing the delivery of their energy and energy adjacent programs with the latest energy efficiency and, and other technology information. And so go way back with Holly and I see a lot of familiar faces and a whole lot of new faces too since it's been about three years. But the reason that I'm here today is that current Community College District was selected as one of the first community college Industrial Assessment centers by the Department of Energy, and we're partners with South Central Coast region and the central region on this. If you go the next slide, please. Oh thank you. And so what is an Industrial Assessment Center and why is this a great workplace learning opportunity for our students, and that's real assessment centers are designed to train the next generation of energy professionals. It really had a focus on engineering before and it's broadened since the Department of Energy had decided they wanted to make this available to community colleges and trade schools and unions. And the idea is that faculty get trained on doing these industrial assessments. For small medium sized manufacturers. Students get trained on doing these assessments, and then they go out and do free assessments for small and medium sized manufacturers on how they can reduce their energy costs and reduce their energy usage. And obviously by reducing energy consumption, you contribute to reducing the impact of that manufacture on climate. And so that is the genesis of these industrial assessment centers. And until this year, until just now, they were only available to for your university. So it's an exciting opportunity for community colleges to be able to, to participate in that. So imagine if you will you have a student who has gone out and conducted an actual real life, energy assessment on and manufacture as a team. They pulled together a report, they report out to the manufacturer on what the potential savings are, and how to approach implementing those savings and what the cost savings would be for the company. I think that's a pretty good thing to put on your resume and your portfolio as you're completing a program and that's why I was so excited to help apply for for the for the two regions. So I can go to the next slide. Please. So you'll see there the target programs that it but it's not limited to that we can have a discussion, if we think there are other programs where their students could benefit from these assessment, but the obvious ones are like industrial automation Mechatronics manufacturing, H back environmental controls, business so that makes every one of the colleges have folks who could benefit from this activity, architecture and construction and the idea is we're going to enhance students skills in assessing the energy usage of manufacturing facilities, but we're also going to be enhancing their skills and doing data analysis and presenting to leadership recommendations for improvements. And we're going to be collaborating with industry with workforce. There isn't a part of this grant that allows us to train our friends in the building trade unions, and we'll definitely be doing that in the current area. But if you're building trades partners in the south central coastal region are interested, they can be incorporated into this project as well. Next slide please.
So what are the opportunities here? Well, for faculty, there are stipends available, and they would participate in a train the trainer was using. The 16 hours of it is going to be via zoom and then there'll be one day in down in Irvine in person doing an assessment of their buildings and facilities down there so that there's a practicum of doing a real assessment and how you would calculate the potential savings. Students would participate in the same train the trainer activities, the faculty, and they would also go to Irvine we have funds to pay for those travel costs in the grant, and students would get a stipend upon completing a an Assessment and Reporting it back out to leadership. And then for small and medium sized manufacturers, you have an opportunity to work with the colleges and get a free high level energy assessment and recommendations and what they would need to do is give us utility data in advanced to work on and then allow our team with a faculty member and students on site to do a one day assessment at the bottom there. We won't go into all those details but it has the definition of what a small and medium sized manufacturer is. Our two regions have a lot of manufacturers in that space versus large manufacturers, but we definitely would love to have the college's help identify them and I think that's a nice way to solidify a relationship with the manufacturers as well. Next slide please. So, what our ask is, is that you help us identify and introduce potential interested faculty to myself and Justin and Justin, I should have had you introduce yourself. Again, we'll do that. Here is as we take questions, so that we can keep them informed about the training opportunities and the resources for incorporating assessments in to their programs. We could use your help identify the the small and medium size manufacturers who historically have saved anywhere from 15,000 to $100,000 per year based off of the recommendations from the teams. And we have a goal of 48 small and medium sized manufacturers. Now. You ain't colleges aren't you don't have to do all of that. This is a 23 college group. So it's between both regions. So I think that's doable. And then we also will want you to help outreach to students who might be interested in participating in this, connecting them with Justin or myself. Our goal is 120 students. Go through the program and conduct at least one assessment by the end of the three years. And the other thing if you're good last page, it has our contact information
we get the next slide.
Thank you. But I also wanted to point out that there is a potential here that we see for your students to participate in the assessments to also get internship opportunities with the manufacturer, helping them come up with a implementation plan for the savings that are identified. So I think that that's a possible next steps after the assessment for some of these folks. And there's also potential incumbent worker and contract training opportunities that will arise out of these relationships we build with the manufacturers around their energy management and energy cost reduction. So you can see I put Justin's information first because he's the South Central Coast Regional connection for this, but we're both happy to help you guys. Felisa, I saw your request that you'd like us to come out and present to your faculty, and so I can coordinate with Justin. You know, I'm in Bakersfield I always like an opportunity and excuse to come out to Ventura especially as the weather starts getting hot. So that that won't be a hard sell. And so I want to let Justin introduce himself open it up for any questions you have. And or we can table them and you can reach us individually. Thanks.
So the only thing that I would add is you know Dave is the the king of getting grants and a time David calls. You always have to answer. And so Dave has a lot of great ideas. We've been working with him very closely with our contract Ed unit for the past couple years. So when Dave present this opportunity with us, we would initially to our faculty in our sustainable architecture program got a lot of positive feedback and a lot of positive encouragement that hey, that we'd be interested in that. And so that's kind of the program we're going to be piloting. Not to say that we can't do this in either Business Administration, Gary choir looking at you, and then also bringing our construction tech folks in as well. So there's a couple of different programs we'll be targeting over the next couple of months and reaching out to these individual faculty members. But again, this is another touch point for us, which is why we wanted to get involved to connect with our local business and industry partners to make sure that we're giving them some value added. We do a lot of training for them, which is great, but also if there's another way that we can help them save some money that then strengthens that relationship and that friendship and really solidifies. You know, hey, we're the trainer. We're the college of choice and they want to continue to partner and work with us. So it's going to be a win win. We're really excited to get started on this and looking forward to it. So happy to answer any questions.
Thank you, Justin. Any questions? I did see a comment from Moorpark College who's also interested. I'm really pleased with this opportunity. I think it's innovative and supports a lot of our efforts and allows workplace learning opportunities for students and serves our employers. So it's a really great collaboration. Yes, Robert, I see you have raised your hand. Yeah.
Great. Thank you, Holly. Thank you very much, David, Justin for your presentation. We've been struggling with a Solar Tech noncredit program where we just can't get the enrollments and we just launched a landscape management program which really focuses on you know, I guess energy and it's in that space, I want to say so we'd love to have you come out. I think David has already reached out to you by the chat. We we host a monthly Career Week. Or I'm sorry, a career workgroup meeting. Seems that we don't have to have the drive out here. But we'd love to have you on a zoom and we could send you an invite for a future date. But the question I have is that with a lot of the work that our three colleges for our district have been involved in in the conversation with a Florida way near me with this whole wind turbine discussion. Is there any tangible benefits the what the work you're doing to how we're trying to at the college level? Develop program pathways or refined program pathways that you know, support sustainable energy and you know, etc? Is there is there a connection here or is it something totally different?
Robert, I think it is it's probably the more narrow than the whole spectrum that you're you're talking about but I would love to be engaged with that I run a wind turbine technician training program and are up to speed on all of that this opportunity, though. It's what's interesting. I kind of excited for that opportunity is it includes government owned manufacturing facilities. So I think that the portal why Nene? We wouldn't be able to work that in as a place that could get the assessments and get information about potential energy savings, maybe especially in my helping you know, with the offshore wind efforts that are that are going on. So I would say probably I think that that's one that we could work in, and it would probably be worth a discussion with both the DOE and the porter with me and the Navy about what we could do. Great, thanks. The other thing I wanted to say quick, quickly, and we're still open to questions and we can move on is just today, the next round of these IAC grants was announced. And they have something new, which probably College of the Canyons would have appreciated having our rounds since we went with the full implementation grant, but they have planning grants, they have planning grants of 100 to 200,000, if any college was interested in becoming an Industrial Assessment Center themselves, and so I was going to talk to Justin about that but I I'm not stingy. So that there there is another opportunity is you could participate in in the Central California I see as well as have funding to do planning and work to see if having a full IC made sense. It's possible that after that it doesn't, or that you apply and the implementation rounds are like 700,000 to 2 million
Thank you, David. Appreciate the opportunity and the information. I'm excited about this and I'm I'm glad you could find a way to make this work sitting in your car in a parking lot. Because I think it's important information. So thanks again. For the questions we'll move down the agenda we have packed with presentations this morning. Healthcare Simulation Antelope Valley High School and Antelope Valley College, Erin and Teresa Are you ready?
Yes, I think we're ready to go. Thank you so much for giving us this opportunity to present I'm going to put a link to our slides in the chat as well. There are some things that might be helpful. If anyone is interested in these. I'm going to share my screen it's been a while since I have taught online so
I'd like to also recognize that Greg Gorman is on the call. He's the dean of CTE for ABC and this was his and Diane Walker's along with Karen coffees on inception. And so it began over there I got I was I adopted this as part of my new position when Diane retired. So thank you to Karen for spearheading this work and to Kaiser for stepping in and helping us make the work happen and making it meaningful. So I'll give it to Karen to take it away. She's our academy coordinator at Eastside High School and bio medical science teacher. She is a wonderful, wonderful person and a very hard worker. So take it away Karen
Thank you so much. I'm so this is a picture of our students in the Healthcare Simulation internship and we just want to share a little bit about what we did. Excuse me. So the motivation for developing this project was that I was having difficulty finding work based learning opportunities for my students specifically paid internships. And so every time we had meetings, I would talk about how I was really struggling coming up with some ideas for my kids. And luckily Diane had some contacts with people. Long Beach Unified. And she had heard about a program that was similar that they did Long Beach and then Long Beach, shared their curriculum with us. And we were able to kind of take their curriculum and then turn it into something that would work for our students in our area. And to pay it forward. What we decided to do is kind of put it together in a package. So we could say, Hey, if you have a local community college, healthcare partner, and a high school then you could do something similar so we've kind of put it together so it would make it easier the next steps for whoever else like to do something like this. And we wanted to show you a little video that are actually at our school, we have a film group as well. And so they put together this video and so I'd like to share it with you and let me know if there's any issues with the chat or with the sound
Yeah, it's not working. The sound isn't on
um, I am sorry, you guys. Is there something that I'm supposed to do that make it work? Yeah.
Yeah, I was gonna say what you can do is you stop sharing, right? And then when you reshare it, it tells you to share sound down in the bottom corner. And if you click that, then we should be able to hear your sound. Right before when you're about to share you'll see a little box that says share sound
alright? Okay, totally. I got it. I'm so sorry. See it like this for a full year and I still am. This is
a good sign though. This is a good sign. We're back in person and less virtual than ever.
Let's try here.
Thank you for the assist.
They were one what's your emergency?
Social workers
so I'm Dr. Casey Skidmore. I'm the Associate Dean of Health and Safety Sciences. I'm also the nursing director. Okay, so we
well, I guess what we can do is just have you finished watching her if you're interested in seeing the presentation, they're kind of an overview of what was happening in our group. And so I'm gonna move on to the next slide if that's okay, is that good?
Yes, that works. I'm sorry that the video isn't loading correctly. I was actually it's glitching the whole screen so you might have to stop sharing again and then start over. Got it?
I remember anytime I wanted to share a video it made me nervous. We should do this. Okay, so we wanted to share a little bit with you about the involvement of ABC. So this was definitely a collaboration a partnership between ABC Kaiser and our high school district and we kind of collected some thoughts from ABC. They were the people who pre be pre briefed with the students. The the staff at ABC set up the entire simulation ran the simulation, they would debrief with the students and the Kaiser Permanente staff and then they did all of the skills acquisitions with the kids. They also were in charge of sending out the surveys after the simulation. Really, we found that you just have to have Rockstar people involved in all of these parts. And while I was coordinating the event from the high school side I really they couldn't have done any of this without the people at ABC and Kaiser. So the ABC lab was fabulous and they just were able to put everything together. ABC reported back that the reason that they have appreciated this partnership was that they were able to refine their simulation experiences for their own students with ABC students. And they were kind of fired from our students like how excited they were to be a part of this experience. So here's an overview of the simulation. And we also have really in detail with all of the curriculum like specifically what happened on each of the days. In one of the things that I'll share with you coming up but basically, the simulation involved patient who got in a car accident, and then through their entire experience at the hospital starting with the emergency services and then being admitted and then even through getting discharged from the hospital. So every day there were certain skills that the students were learning, and we have those to share with you. So if you want to dive deeper, you can do that at another point. So here is our timeline for our application and selection process and we're happy to report we're getting ready to do our third cohort. So twice and then this summer we're planning for our third cohort, and we had 15 students in our first summer and then last summer we had 20 and we are going to have 20 Again, this coming up summer so we will introduce the program to our students. In mid March and push out our applications. So we do that on the high school side. And we have our students that are juniors going into their senior year. Those are the people we have about 80 Students in our program and those are the students that we are targeting for this. We have the applications due around April 1. We review the student applications actually the high school the teachers don't have any part in selection. So we leave that to the district and then the college and the Kaiser personnel. And then we schedule an orientation so this is a paid internship and we have partnered with the American veterans whose job center job center and they organize, getting the students paid and then also they pay for uniforms so the students all have the same scrubs that they wear at Antelope Valley College and the nursing program. And then that the program actually runs in June. And I have an example of that application will provide all of those for you so that if you decided to do something like this, you could just adjust it for your group we included some student testimonials. So you can see. This has been a huge thing for our students. We've had so many students come back and say it really changed you know their trajectory for what they were choosing to do. In college. Some of them found things that they didn't even know about that they were like okay, I definitely want to be a radiologist and others that they wanted to be something and then they were like me, I don't want to do that. And so we think that's a valuable experience as well. Our students do senior defenses and every student that has done this has included this in their defense as just a really pivotal part of their
um, Kaiser we were serving fluid for Kaiser's participation. So their medical professionals came and worked with our students, our students shadowed them and Kaiser. There were some people that maybe had you know, they were going to work with us one night but only one of the nights but then he decided to come back for the other nights just because they were so excited about working with our students. It made them feel like you know, oh, they remembered when they were younger and and they were getting excited about these types of things. It was just really fabulous for everyone. We
had people in the room anywhere from medical billing, to radiology, to social workers to you know, X ray technicians and Rad Tech. We and doctor so in nursing, so we had quite a few Kaiser employees in the in the room.
Definitely. And on this site if you're interested. We put together a little toolkit so that I found one of the most difficult things was just like the organization having the forms and the you know, like the step by step the guidelines of what was happening. So we put together something like this and it has things like a press release that you could use it has links to all of our proposals like our initial proposal to the college and to Kaiser frequently asked questions the links for the AJC See, we had a one pager for recruitment for the people at Kaiser and also for the ABC employees. So we thought if we've shared this with other people, if you wanted to do something similar it would take out some of the legwork that sometimes it gets tricky, um, here's our timeline. Here's the units that we did with the kids and so it has if you open these it has specifically the skills that are happening and again, we developed these from long beaches. curriculum, which is also included here but it has an example of all of the skills, the employability skills and you know, an overview of the situation. And that's for each of the units, which is each of the nights that we did with the students. We have our timeline, like I said, I'm sorry, I clicked back. We have promotional materials. So we included the student application and the recommendation form a call for volunteer, flat, the flyer that we use for a call for volunteers. This is a staffing that you would need if you had your health care partner. And then we even have a quote for the consumables that the that ABC we ordered that high school district, I was able to fund the consumables and then we ordered those for the lab when it was being used at ABC. So um, that is
this is all funded through K 12. So this is your k $12. At work we also paid the nursing staff and ABC that the nursing instructors for their time through K 12 funds and so in Diana saying the partners work together over a period of a year to get everything organized. And it was this has been a just a priceless thing for our students and we plan to expand in the future to our other schools that have biomedical Academy programs.
One of the things that one of my mentors told me a long time ago is the sign of a good program is one that will stay even when the you know Aboriginal people are moving around and so shout out again to Diane, for helping me with this, you know, get this idea started and we have had some staffing changes. And even with a staffing changes, the key partners are still because they see the benefit of the program are still willing to move forward and so we're really excited about things that are to come. And I hope that this continues on even you know far after when I'm gone. This is just super exciting. It's been really really fabulous for our kids. So we put together here who are your key partners, this is who we worked with. And we would be happy to assist if anyone had any questions on how to develop this at your sites.
And you're all welcome to come see it in action this June and July. Is it all during June this year? I think it's June. Yeah. All June this year was student presentations as the fifth the fifth meeting so the student presentation evening is always fun. Any questions? Thank you.
I'll add to it briefly. The amount of involvement from Kaiser from year one to year two was far greater because of the results in the in the turnout. And then from a college Centrix aspect, the partnership and allowing casualty lab to see our facilities we have now on multiple classes through our curriculum committee and we are now going to offer BLS classes several throughout the course of the semester and market them to the medical facilities around the campus as a place where they can come get recertified. We anticipate we're going to run into in the fall we anticipate that's not going to be nearly enough. We've invited Kaiser and their personnel to come get their BLS certification. Everybody checked everybody in zoom to understand what that would mean. We anticipate going into the spring, probably having to run a dozen or more sessions of that at least that one in there. So we run through curriculum to make them actual classes so that we can get enrollment and then partner even further with the medical facilities around us.
Wonderful. Their facilities are phenomenal. If you haven't had a chance to tour ABC CTE programs yet I highly suggest you do and then come see what the high school district does as a vertical alignment to the that's pretty, pretty cool. All of it is. Yeah. All right. Yeah. Well, thank you so much. We appreciate your time and seeing our K $12 at work. Thank you.
Thank you. It's important to see how we can really make an impact for our students or educational sectors in our industry by being planful and strategic with these dollars. So this was a great presentation really highlighted what we can do. We really put some planning and effort into it. Thank you so much. Both of you. Great presentation. I did want to we're getting towards the end of our agenda and our time today. Before I get to brief report outs, I wanted to mention that there's four new let's see these are certificate programs that have been proposed all by Ventura College. They are on the agenda but administration and early education, special needs and teaching introduction to infant and toddler teaching and introduction to Transitional Kindergarten teaching. So those are on the agenda and we'll be moving forward. And with that, I just want to open it up to any particular report outs that any group or college may have before we wind up today Yeah, is that your finger? Nancy, Joe, are you wanting to speak?
I'm so sorry. It is a long meeting and I won't be long but I think the most important thing for me to report out is a little bit of confusion as we hire part time faculty for CTE disciplines. Often, of course is topcoated vocational, but the discipline itself has a master's minimum qualification and as we hire professionals from industry, we're finding that not every industry has industry professional has a Master's, so I'm going to let you know that it's not difficult to add to the disc. In curriculum net to include our you know, CTE qualifications, which you would just add the language or bachelors plus two years experience or associates with six years experience. So that's my recommendation. It does not take a big effort through a PMP to get those approved, but it should open up your ability to hire part time faculty for CTE programs.
That's it. Thank you. That's important information, because I know that's been an ongoing challenge for a number of years and getting those right faculty members is really what allows us to offer courses so thank you. I see my coffin with his hand up.
Yes. All right. Thank you very much. I want to since we have time, I'll give a I've produced a written report that I've sent to Amanda. But on behalf of CCC AOP, I'm the regional vice president I want to give a quick report on the policy summit which just a couple people who participated in a bunch of people we had eight people from our section or region who had participated in this and among those are Oscar Rambo who was here Rob come Brawl Gary choir Giselle bass Slean Park. And myself. So we were well represented, represented there was Letty Rodriguez and Wendy brill, asked them what what was what it was about what happened at the policy Summit. We were divided into groups of three. We went met with members of the legislative staff or some of us met with legislators. We talked primarily about a couple of pending bills that that we need to be aware of in CTE land. One is a b one 313 70, which is the reauthorization of the Economic and Workforce Development Act. That's what helps us fund our original Consortium. So Holly, I think that's probably near and dear to your heart, as well as the regional collaborative. Grant, which is our, our grant for employer engagement, so we were lobbying on behalf of that and also lobbying on behalf of a pilot bill for a bill that would create a pilot Baccalaureate for 15 campuses in the state for nursing a baccalaureate program in nursing. So that was one of the other things that we're loving about. It's coming out of a senator in the Inland Empire. So we're talking about that as a because we all know about the problems that we've encountered with baccalaureate programs and so the resistance some campuses have obtained them. Some efforts have been been stymied. Anyway, there's this separate bill that says here we're gonna start with 15 Campus pilots for a baccalaureate in nursing. Altogether, I think there was it was good second in terms of CCC AoE. The spring conferences coming up in April, April 23 to 26 things on April 23. In Sacramento, there's a CCC AOE spring conference, so I'll see if I can drop that into the into the chat. So that's the other thing that's happening or anybody has any regional issues. You know, send an email to me and I'll see if we can bring them up to the organization. I like any questions.
Thank you, Mike. I appreciate everyone's advocacy on our behalf. as legislators working through its budget cycle, it's always important that we put names and faces in front of them at this time of year. So I really appreciate those who took the time to travel to Sacramento and meet with those folks. So thank you to all of you who participated. Do we have any other report outs this morning? There's a here's your opportunity. All right, well, seeing that I think we can adjourn our next meeting be March 15. But thank you all for attending today and a lot of great information. Hope to see you all soon. Take care.
All right. Thanks, Amanda. I will be in touch later. Thank you, Holly. I do apologize for my lateness Do you want to stop the recording? Yeah, you don't seem to do it on my end even though I'm co hosts. Oh, that's see. That's so weird. Um, yeah, I'm not gonna stop either. Well, we can just log off. Okay, we'll talk soon. hear anything? Sounds good. Take care.