2021 jul 01 gratitude stories while eating scrambled eggs
11:58PM Jun 30, 2021
Rob Nugen
sliced cucumbers
Today as most days I am blessed with breakfast made by my wife's mother. It was some months ago that I realized one of my dreams of the future had come true. I thought when I'm rich, I will hire an in house chef to make delicious meals for me that are healthy and nutritious, delicious. And I realize a few months ago that my dream had come true. My wife's mother owned a restaurant. She's a Chinese chef. Taiwanese. She's a Taiwanese chef. And she cooks for me my preference. I want lots of vegetables. Raw, no dressing. So I just have a plate of lettuce, sliced carrots, sliced cucumbers, some of which come from our garden. And then some eggs, scrambled eggs with cheese. And a couple of sausages. Deal with the sausages later. But for now part of my breakfast and appears magically in the kitchen most mornings. And for that I am incredibly grateful and I always thank her with a shout from the kitchen, like thank you very much. Mama Thank you very much. And she's always like, Yeah, no problem. Enjoy. So I enjoy. I do and today was just reflecting that for the past. I don't know several days. I have not been using any utensils to eat the salad and carrots Of course it's just dries out I just eat it with my hand and for the past few days that has continued to the sausages they okay a little bit of grease. And today I was just smiling. It's like I'm eating scrambled eggs with cheese with my hands and feeling the the texture and burping into the microphone feeling the texture. There's a light layer of oil on my fingertips that I can feel rubbing my fingerprints together I can feel the fingerprints and there's this sliding gently and it's amazing. I'm sitting here in my room just eating scrambled eggs with my hands and I love it. I'm so happy and grateful for this moment. And gratitude for my wife's mom living here with us able to happily preparing breakfast for me each morning and I'm just so grateful that my dream has come true and that I recognize my dream has come true. Have a live in chef and the payment is gratitude. The same thank you to her thanking her each morning which I don't even have to do but I do as I I love it and I appreciate it every morning. I appreciate it. Magic food, that's your amazing.
So notice the dreams that have come true in your life. Notice the blessings that are true in your life actively manifesting in your life. Maybe once, maybe continuously. Breathe in to the wealth, and abundance you have in your life
as you create your reality through your thoughts, which become choices which become actions, which ripple out into your experience of the world,
which ripple out into your world and reflect back as your experience of your world. In this simple way, you create your reality. And certainly, we can argue that they don't reflect back. But the mindset with which you engage the world informs what you notice in forums, therefore, what is your experience so it doesn't even need to reflect back. It's already happening immediately within you. So breathe in To the gratitude for all aspects that you can muster in your life. There may be some things you still don't like. So all right, let those go for now. But where are the parts of gratitude
increase those inflate those in your life. Bring them forward consciously Blessings
Let's them roll off. With your tongue
There There's a difference. Between Simply Thinking And actually creating sound word intention into the world. I'm learning more about that. And I'm grateful for that distinction. Recognizing there is a distinction
that which we manifest through voice has more power than just a thought. So speak your gratitudes
I say thank you for the eggs. Mama. Thank you Well the eggs. Eggs thank you for the experience of oil on my fingers It's amazing and Delicious And Since you Rain Thank you for the Background Noise rain Thank you for watering Orange garden.
roof Thank you for protecting me from rain.
Rain thank you for dripping onto my shirt as they took out the trash earlier today. Day I can still feel the coldness on my shoulders. Thank you for this reminder that I'm alive. I Opportunity In the world to experience new things
Thank you My Feet Being waterproof, being able to happily walk in the rain splash in puddles. Live Last night, he did a Why walk and talk What In Main teaching The shrine Near Yo yo yo Part Two
Locked in right? Two minutes Closing time Essentially had the park to ourselves
it's a shrine like a park beautiful trees beautiful pads
Thank you trees for creating the space for us to experience nature in the middle of Tokyo. Thank you Tokyo for providing the contrast to help me see the beauty of the trees more fully.
Gratitude from 1996 I think went to Costa Rica and the cloud forest and rain forest was amazing and never ending.
gratitude for the amazingness of green. I can remember experiences just thinking it's green everywhere and I was getting tired of the green so that helps me thank the concrete jungle for the contrast.
I'm sure if I Were to allow myself to settle within the green I would see more nuance down to the miniscule level, as deep as I wish to go Thanks Forest for having more wonders to behold. Thank you
The scale of consciousness has no limit We can perceive On This level Problem One key Human Body
We can Focus our attention Too Small Point
We can focus our attention to a large area of the universe. And imagine imagining the entire universe.
After watching the movie powers of 10 at the Monroe Institute, we were asked to maintain silence afterwards for an hour or something. And I went outside and collapsed down onto the sidewalk and just cried over this grain of sand, who had been neglected, and walked on for years and years with no one ever seen it. And probably no one ever noticing it since that moment, is my guess there are many grains of sand in that concrete sidewalk. And I happened to focus on one and project onto it, this light of being small and yet it's perfectly holding the sidewalk together and that space exactly its size perfectly.
We recognize size doesn't matter.
With the heart,
the heart is what matters. Our response is what matters.
Letting go of comparison, and embrace the blessing of the moment. Both inwardly and outwardly. As the moment blesses you. Bless the moment with your gratitude, with your focus with your attention.
As we begin to close out this process of mindfulness,
allow the overall process to continue the unfolding of life before you within you, co created by you.