All right, everybody muted. I feel like oh, I should go announce this in Slack. I will do that and then start things off here
Oh, the zoom bar is right in the way of my slack. There we go
all right. Here we go. Announcements sent. So I will get started and let people join us they will and I, yes, I am recording. Okay, so hit subscribe state of the business. And I'm not sure if I updated the month though I did July 2024. So off to a good start here. I could have sworn I forgot to do that. So announcements so far, or announcements for this month, I thought I'd throw this one in here because I saw the mailing list emails going back out. And I get the sense that there's a lot more like content moving through than there was. So it seems like a good time to announce this. In general, we've got some, you know, I would say like a relatively strong chance of landing some major new client deals. And this is to go along with established clients that are kind of starting to work through backlogs that they've had, and gearing up to do more orders after they settle certain things. So what all of this is adding up to is a lot more content probably on the horizon for the second half of the year. And it's unambiguous that the market for content and digital marketing stuff is more favorable than it was a year ago, I guess everybody gave up on Chad GPT replacing everybody and you know, Silicon Valley's investing again, or what have you, but in in any event, there's a lot more just general activity in the market going on. So hopefully that translates into more work for everybody that wants it. A second thing I'm going to mention here, Erin, when she's back from vacation, this is sort of going to fall under her umbrella, but we're looking to hire an SDR which is short for sales development representative. So what we're thinking is, this would initially be an entry level kind of position. And part time, so a contract to hire kind of thing. And it would be helping out, keeping our CRM organized and coordinating sales calls and things of that nature that are sort of clerical like sales support. But that eventually it from a career perspective, it could lead to, you know, doing actual sales calls and participating in that process, and perhaps, eventually commissioned sales. So if you know anybody that would be interested in something like that, or you are listening, and you think that might be interesting, you can reach out to Erin, the role would report to her. So she can supply more details on that. So if you or anyone you know, are interested, let her know. But not until Monday because that's when she's back in the office. This has been on the slide or on the deck every month for quite a while now. But it still applies if you're doing any kind of work for us in good standing and you want to be featured on the website team page. Just let us know submit, we need a bio and a headshot. And you can send those to Gavi, I'll, I'm responsible at the moment for CMS administration. So there's it's a little delayed and happening. It's almost certainly my fault. But I will get those done kind of in batches as they come in. And that's it didn't have any announcements for anniversaries this month, as it turns out. So on the opportunities front, I will have this slide here that I always have. And again, this is the referral program. So if you facilitate a warm introduction to somebody who goes on to become a client, we will pay you as a thank you 10% of the first year's revenue that we do with the client first year as measured by when they come on board. So if you introduced us to a client that We started working with in August, we would pay you for, you know, August 2024, to August 2025 10% Of all the revenue that that client gave us. The other option is if you're working for a company or something, and there's a conflict of interest of some kind, the other option is we can give that discount if you will to the client. So if you're working for a company, and you want to make an introduction, but it feels like a conflict of interest to you, to pocket some money for doing that, you can introduce the client to us, and we'll give the client a 10% discount because you're a friend of ours and refer the client. So either one of those that you prefer, we are willing to do that. And in a nod to that, I'll try to make it easy for all of you to refer business, what I've taken to doing here is putting in a slide where I kind of explain a situation that hit subscribe could probably help a client and try to make it you know, sort of tangible. So one thing that I hear people say all the time, and they're pretty much always wrong is the algorithm killed my traffic, the algorithm didn't kill your traffic. I mean, you know, there are always exceptions, but people are wrong about this way more often than the right. So if you hear someone saying that, you could send them an article that I've linked to on the site that explains Hey, the algorithm probably didn't kill your traffic, here's what might have. And we can also do a console with them, I would say that usually, during the course of a discovery call and just kind of looking at their site from the outside end, there's a decent chance just on the call, I can probably tell them what happened to their traffic. But absent that, we could do a form of engagement, where we do a site inventory and actually look at what happened to their traffic, and diagnose this, which is an offering that we that we have, like a first class offering is traffic recovery. And so the point here is if you encounter somebody who's having this obvious pain, introduce them for a consult number one, it's a relatively small engagement that you would get the referral fee on, obviously. But number two, from a referral perspective, it is much more likely than not that that initial engagement would lead to more business. So this can be like an easy way to recognize an opportunity to earn this rev share income. And I'll keep trying to brainstorm those to throw them out there in case that makes life easy. This is so the showcase files concept that I've talked about the last few times we haven't published any additional content. So I still have the same slide up from last time. Which is to say that we got an article up and published by an author. And thank you Theo for that. I went in and distributed the dev dot two. And I think we promoted it on social media. So we were kind of getting our bearings and creating an operating procedure for getting those articles up and getting them published and syndicated, and so on. So going forward, we'll have a procedure for doing that. And even though we haven't done anything material on this front just yet, because it's been a pretty busy time, and we've had some vacations and such, going forward, Tracy is going to be more involved in this. So expanding what she's doing in community and social media to helping with this explicitly. And she sent me something this week where we've got people who are interested in contributing to this program, we're starting to get those lined up and trying to get submissions approved. And if you haven't heard of this, as this is the first one where you're turning tuning in. The idea here is pretty much if you want to blog about using a developer tool of some kind, we think of that a showcase content. So this is how you use you know Visual Studio or something like that. If you do that, we're hoping that by linking to that brand and tagging them and promoting the content on social media, it will get their attention. So this can be a way for us to generate leads. And what we're doing to support that effort is offering to pay you as the authors out there. You're authorized to create content. So it's essentially like hit subscribe as becoming your the client. So we would pay to publish things on the hit subscribe blog. And on top of that, if it does result in business, because of your efforts here, we will also pay you the Rapidshare. So it's kind of like, you know, becoming a client hit subscribers becoming its own client to help with lead generation. And hopefully it's fun for authors and gives you a chance to write some blog posts. So that's kind of the general idea there. There is some caveat, like if you are proposing tools to write for and the brand like makes no sense for us as a client, we probably wouldn't approve those. So there would be some screening of the topics or what have you. But beyond that, we're happy to run the program. So that's the idea. And it's gonna get more organized than us just throwing it out there. Me just throwing it out on this call. Tracy's going to be talking to you and seeing if you're interested in content for this and then helping organize and publish it and so on. And that is it does Anybody have any questions might open the chat here in case you don't want to unmute. I don't see any ahead. No questions ahead of time and slack so I might be getting off the hook here for q&a. So going once, twice. Alright. I will wrap it up there, assuming I can find my control by Oh, there we go. Yeah, so that's it. I appreciate you all joining or those of you who are watching or reading the transcript later, thanks to all of you and have a good month if they don't talk at you. In the meantime.