18 months of runway left. Part of that was kind of intensified by every proposal being funded in Cielo. So adding sales pressure to cielo which we also considered not great. So we did a bunch of simulations and models and ultimately we came to this 10 million number because that would give us about 18 to 28 to 30 months of stable coin runway, which reduces the risk for settled community Treasury allows us to operate and account better, which was kind of another element. We didn't have great accounting because everything was in Cielo and if we would, so the funds are not going into a specific proposal. It's still going into cielo community treasury. And in order to get out it needs to be passed through governance. But maybe a final note to that is that it's also a lot of work to create new CUSD risk parameters analysis, swapping token, so it's also not something that you could do theoretically every three months. It would be a lot of work. So his initial proposal is for about 20% of the salary that mentor was going to send back a little bit less, I think, 17 or something. So it's not by far not the full amount. It's kind of between 15 to 17%. But it would give us stablecoin runway in addition to the cielo for about 18 to 30 months. Awesome. Thanks.
Okay, I think we can just move on with the first proposal Celo Europe DAO. Who is going to present the proposal?
Hello, guys, how you doing? This, John? Well, first of all, it's a pleasure to be here today and thank you look for the introduction. It serves me as foundation for me for for beginning the presentation. I want to do something very quick. I don't want to spend your time because I think we don't have that much time. So I will start sharing my screen. Let me know if you can see. So it's a quick set up. I don't really know. Luke was sharing with us still a proposal it's can be found within within the slogans, guidelines and public goods funding. So the budget we're asking for it's within this proposal if everything goes well, next week, we will by the by the end of next week, Friday, we will submit our proposal, okay, for those who who doesn't know that you can take a look@zillow.edu about what we have been doing during the past during the past season. And a quick report about the different kinds of initiative we took and we created and we organize around Europe in order to tackle or in order to organize the next season that it takes from January in until the beginning of July. We have identified three different in three different initiatives. The first one is Evans and community development. The idea he needs to take or to deliberate thanks to already existing events in Europe as well to organize a very important one, which is silica during understanding the current situation at cielo right now. We think it's quite important to be able to gather all the community and the most important stakeholders in order to define how we are going to operate in the coming months. The second main area we want to focus it's a business development and investors relationship. We have identified a very important lack of resources here, thanks to talking with different kinds of projects within the ecosystem as well as investors. So the idea here is to be able to work two different kinds of pipelines from one site investors the heat get kids to to have a chance to at least contact more than 50 investors in order to understand what they are looking for and how they can be related or connected directly to the seller ecosystem and from their side we will be working very close to the sum to all silica system projects with one goal is to organize Silla Demo Day at the beginning meet of June that via it's going to as we said before, try to link investors and projects in order to be able to grow the seller ecosystem. And finally, the third but not least, initiative is to focus on the content production. And as you already know, during the past season, we created different kinds of mini documentaries. So it's quite important for us to keep that ongoing regarding some important players and some important important team members and we can identify Luke Weber who happen as you know leading soldier down during the first season and right now it's it's leading the slope boots proposal. Then we have Nico, who will join the team and Multisync Sanger. We also have Marco from impact market, and it's quite important for me to work on a lot who will be one of the key contributors. For the next season. I want to share with you one important update from my side. I just stepped out from Africa today in order to be 100% focused on on silver for the coming months. And what this budget it's something that you can take a look and please if you have any any comment if you have any feedback, we'll be more than glad to discuss with all of you. And that's all from my side. I think today we says we have people from from Celo House and relatives and the Kenya and Rwanda that I think they they asked for five minutes in order to to present what they are pulling for the for the coming months at sell house migrate. And well if you have any question, please. I'm here to to answer you.
Hey, Joan. Yeah, I'm just answering in the in the forum. Let's let's see if at the end of the call, they can present the Celo House. Tim you have a question?
Yeah, Team Go ahead. Sorry, wrong button. I'm driving and I hit the wrong button. Go ahead. Okay, so if anyone has question, or
Anyone has questions for Joan, Eric?
hey, Europe Delta team. This may have been covered in the proposal, but I would love a sort of like, what we did what we're going to do and why that changes between the two proposals. I know you folks have been extremely active. And again, I may have missed it. There's a lot of proposals right now floating around or updates but just as a call out some single simple highlights would be really great to see like all the great work you folks did and why the shift into like you had said like this focus on building investor relationships and things like that. I think all of it sounds good. But for folks who maybe don't have the time to review, even this call, some more simplified overview would be very helpful. So thank you.
Give me regarding why we're focusing on trying to grow with the investors relationship, or even like
more so from like you had you had raised funds before you're coming back for more fun. So it's like, how does that how does the story What's the story between the two? What did we learn and things like that? And like I think that's probably covered, but it's like a more simplified version because some of the proposals are extremely long. And not everybody is, you know, English as their first language. So I think some simplified TLDR can be very helpful and help motivate people to vote. Not this is not a you know, a negative it's more of like can we get a little bit more simplified information for wider dissemination I think is the main goal and I looking forward to seeing updates. Thank you.
Okay, forgive me, if I'm currently understand you. So you do want like a quick introduction about what we are planning for the next season, like something like that or know what
I mean. Okay, so in the previous proposal, here's what we did and what we achieved. We're going to shift X here's what we're gonna do with x. Like, it's very simple and not like some of these can be like five pages long. Again, like I'm just trying to get like a really succinct description of like, the simplistic overview of what's coming. And then that can also be helpful for rallying votes. You know, like, Hey, this is what they did. Here's what they're doing. Because as someone who tries to get as much voting done, very lengthy proposals require more time for people to review and things like that. And so it's good to know that the proposal is coming online soon, you're going to submit on chain, but as a hint, I think it'd be useful to have like, very, very simple TLDR like too long didn't read here's what we're here's what we did, here's what we're doing. And, again, appreciate all the work that your reptile is doing, just trying to help make it easier for folks who are, you know, small token holders that want to vote and get get involved? Sometimes it's some of these rules are just getting too long to comprehend. So anything you can do there would be great. That's it.
I think the first thing we have to say that the situation or cielo ecosystem a couple of months ago was quite different from what is today. Things to Luke's work and the blue goods proposal. We are trying to shape that situation. We're trying to create new kinds of frameworks in order to operate in a proper way and guidelines. Through the proposal, it's quite aligned with that new framework, which is quite important and having into account key stakeholders just straight collective Frequenters Muric Rene are kind of protocols within the within the ecosystem, we have to identify these three kinds of fragments we need to work on the first one, it's the growth of zero awareness within within the Europe ecosystem. So that's something that we are going to do leveraging on existing events like if I like London, Amsterdam, in Berlin, Barcelona, finally Brussels, made by me July. The second one, because we have been talking we have been working closely to all these projects, it's at most of them they are facing quite big challenges and problems in order to to raise funds to keep being able to keep growing. So that's why after talking with Craig, collective and Frequenters, who are to be quite important players within the silica system, we have found that we will have to work on this. So the idea here is to organize this kind of solving some of the malaise in order to try to connect both both ecosystems, investors and projects. And finally, regarding the content production, we think it's quite important for us to be able to you know, like show of what sellout and what we are doing and the value we can add regarding like the whole reef ecosystem I don't know if this answers your question.
There's another question. I think this all sounds great. I would love it just replied to the forum post so that it's easier to share, but I love what I heard. Thank you so much.
Okay, yeah. All right. Lorenzo you have your hands.
Yeah, I don't have actually a question. I just want to add something that probably was for the communities is important. And, disclaimer, I have no relationship with seller Europe, Tao in any way, but I found really, really cool. The fact that from the previous proposal, so the, the, the first cell or Europe Dao, you gave back to the seller treasury, around 28% of the funds, and I think this is a great testament and it's also a great highlight and something that we would really like to see more from, especially all these regional dowel that sometimes it's hard to track exactly how they spent and where they spend the funds and the fact that after your first season, your first let's call it pilot, you say hey, we spent only this amount and we are giving back to the Scylla community found part part of the proposal budget that I think was was really good and really great testament of your good intention. So congrats.
Thank you. Yeah, we must say that the whole team is looking to build something for the long term, but from not for the short term. The budget for season one, it's very tight. So we know we, we know we will have to work for free, but it's not a problem for us, as long as we can add value to the ecosystem and we can keep building on it.
Okay, thank you, Joan. For the presentation. I think then the next the next presentation is the contract release the number 11. So who is going to present the proposal?
I will be presenting it okay.
So we should the screen
so hello, everybody. It will try to keep it short, pretty much introduced Lauren's proposal for the contractual salon. There are two main changes. Both of them are related to fee currencies, we are adding two features. The first one is allowing multiple tokens to share an Oracle feed which means that if there will be any new fee, fee token or fee currency token, so we can decide whether we will use some of the existing feeds or whether we want to create the new feet. The plus side is it's definitely easier and cheaper. The downside is that in case of debugging of one of the tokens, this might lead to DDoS attack, but we discussed this and we should be your V will be very easily able to remove the particular currency from the whitelisted few currencies. And we can mitigate it like this. The second feature is guess currency template. And what this allows us allows us is to use fiat currencies that don't have standard ating the symbols which cielo is using and most of the ecosystem is using about half for example, only six s DC has. And this adapter is pretty much sitting on top of the token and it doesn't hold any value but rather it just translates like just six digits to 18 digits. And the biggest reason why I introduced this is because of gas price minimum is relatively low and subtle. And it's just not enough to to specify it in six digits online. And yeah, that's pretty much it. Besides that, there are some minor minor fixes some some like stuff for for our for better tooling and also we are fixing one of the kind of like edge case bucks in governance which is allowed to unlock unlocked like seller from the locked seller, in particular case, and I can share the link and it's pretty much it's good to matriculate. Do we have any questions perhaps?
Questions for this proposal
Okay, in this case, thank you and I guess we can move on.
Okay, thank you. The next proposal is the proposal for community development in India. So, who is going to present this proposal? Ah, there is there is a question from Eric in the chat. He's asking when this proposal is gonna be on chain
that's a good question. Currently. We are still we didn't get so I cannot like guarantee it but I would expect like in I don't know, two three weeks or something like that. Deal. Depends on the audit. But in in weeks, I would say.
Okay, thank you. Yeah, so we can move to the next person. The India India proposal, who is going to present in your proposal
I am going to present India proposal. Hello everyone.
Hey Chiti Yeah,
yeah, I just have my screen
Yeah, the screen is visible. Hello. No. Is it not visible?
Okay, now is okay.
Yeah. So the main objective of this proposal is to implement a community development program with a focus on educating rural Indian people and organising meetups and providing training on web three and cielo ecosystem project temper individuals in India. Already we are doing this activities in India I finally I will show the bot all the activities we are doing in India. Okay. We will see one by one. Okay, we are requesting fun for those activities. Here. We have four members, Chitty Babu myself then Kandaswamy Raghunandan is technically doing some projects and working with some blockchain company then when then he is social activities and and blockchain enthusiast it then Shawn is a marketing guy is working for as crypto companies. So budget because Matt is $59,800 Okay. So we are seeking fun for developing community in India Sylow community and especially cielo community in India okay. The way we are going to improve implement Salah Kaminski, India through education meetups and and training programs, okay. The key performance gateway we are giving us 900 participants this is minimum we can get more than this. Okay. Then we are expecting minimum of 200 to 300 downloads of seller wallet like valuer and the seller Well, it's and we are planning to conduct 10 to 12. It will be more than that education programs and three meetup events and one seller meeting and to sell activity with Zillow participation. Then we are requesting funds from this month February to June they expected amount is 59,800 rupees. So this is a pilot project and we are asking for this fund if any fund we have at the end we will repay to the SLO Treasury okay. So I'm leading the community is Shawn will lead social media and business revenue then we'll program coordination impact attracting and Kandaswamy will do the technical support and development activities. Okay. I will show the our previous works, what we did where we conducted programs and all I will show the last week I conducted one program in Tamil Nadu so nearly 171 participants were in the program. I explained about a banking system. This is very, very rural place nearly 171 students from commerce discipline alone. The whole college is having more nearly more than 1000 students. They are asking for seminars and workshops, so I'm planning to do it in next month. Okay, this one next this is one program I conducted so I asked them to install valora valid slo valid on their mobile and I practically how to work on that I explained to them. This is also one another college likewise I visited so many colleges all over India. So not only giving training program so we conducted one big meetup at a right but this is a northern part of India. We can go one big meetup at riper. We got a good response there. So another meetup in Chattisgarh. This is the meetup participants or their Ico this is one program at Southern part of Tamil Nadu this one I gave training to the teachers I trained the trainers like that program. So I trained nearly 100 professors. They are all PhD holders from various colleges nearly 100 colleges and they participated in the program I learned so many things related to Zillow and Zillow ecosystem projects to them. So this program was nice program so they will implement the Cielos like products in that college students. This is also a college of professors training program. This is the this also same thing. This is Mehta program at Bangalore. This is a training program. In one college I do
Is there a metric conference at Goa. So these are the work be done earlier. So we are planning to expand this program to all over India and we are planning to do more accurately in the rural part of India and we are going into planning to implement reefer related activities in India. So we need we are planning to form train detainee programs and we want to expand our team also that's all if you have any question please
I have a question. Is just like more. Not a question about the proposal is how are you planning to submit the proposal this proposal are you planning to submit this proposal like right now with the framework we have in at the moment are you are going to wait for the implementation of the new framework and you are going to present this proposal like inside the Regional DAOs or what are the plans?
Yeah, actually the font is minimum. So I need a suggestion from technical people or I need suggestion from Eric or some other people. How I can do this? Because I don't know that much a technical things and all
Yeah, I am I agree with the edit. Eric said in the chat like because at the moment. I don't know how he's gonna. He's gonna be if you submit the proposal right now, because we don't have like a frame framework. At the moment. But when we get the bullet Woods framework, there is a scope that is regional Laos, and this is going to have $500,000 So I think you can submit your proposal inside this inside this scope of the original doubts. I think, yeah, I think you maybe you should wait until the implementation of this new framework, and then you can submit the proposal in this scope.
Yeah, but by $2,000 means as a deposit amount or I'm not able to get it
what was the question?
Yeah, I use it $5,000 as a deposit amount for the proposal.
Yeah. I'll explain it. So the public goods Vaughn proposal has multiple buckets of money. And what one is saying is that there is a dowel bucket just for proposals like yours. So he's suggesting instead of submitting right now to the main Community Fund, you should wait a bit until public goods goes on chain and hopefully successfully passes and when it does submit through that process. I also think you should find time with the public goods team, because it is looking positive in that direction of passing. To get feedback on your proposal. I think the numbers look good. And I know that you do speak to a lot of people I think we met once in India. And it was great kind of seeing all the people you've reached out to but I think the public goods team will have their own types of feedback. How to make your proposal more likely to pass through their process, but I think it's gonna be presented here. I would suggest chatting with the public goods team, and then going through that process because otherwise, it'll be harder for this proposal to pass at this particular stage. Better to wait one or two weeks for the next proposal to go to referendum pass hopefully and then move forward there. But overall, I love seeing the update here and looking forward to a follow up from India down so very excited. Thank you.
Yeah, okay. I will wait for one or two weeks no problem in it. I will go with that. Actually, I'm one node. So actually we are now depositing 100 Selu as an on chain deposit correct.
So the submitting a proposal right now requires 100 Settle in the public. There is a a call out to potentially raising that. Now I don't know if that's included in the proposal on chain but that will possibly change in the future. What it how it changes after public goods fund exists. I'm not actually sure I don't know if you're still gonna need to submit on chain so I would actually help hold off on everything. Talk with public goods team and then see if this can fit inside there. Dell, the Dell bucket of money as one had suggested. And also this may be a good question for Europe Dell to I think Europe that would fit in there as well. I know there's not you know there's a big ask for both combined together here. But I do think that the dowel bucket for public goods is a great point for both of the proposals here. And separate from the contract, core contracts update I think that one is more much more of a technical functionality change that is not at all affected by public goods proposal. So So I guess my feedback to Europe, Dow and India Dell is make sure you're chatting with public goods. Thank you folks are and looking forward to you know rallying people to to vote for each of your proposals. Thank you.
Thank ya,
Just to give like a highlight in the voting process. I think the public goods way of proposal going to vote is going to be through a snapshot so it's gonna it's gonna be more easy. So but let's wait the the proposal get passes and approved. I think Luke is gonna make a communicate or something like highlighting the process and hopefully in the long run Europe DAO can go through the this process. Okay, if there is no more question or somebody has a question for India DAO.
If nobody has more questions for India DAO I think we are we are we have already covered or the items the only missing one is the last last request for the Madrid Celo House, they want to just highlight some insights. So, Madrid Celo house if you want to speak 3, 4 minutes
you're on Do you know who is going to speak from the Celo House?
Yeah. Myself, share my screen but Renata is gonna, gonna start this introduction. We're going to try and keep it short. Thank you so much for for your time now.
This Screen is already on
there is no screen shot in the moment. No, no, it's okay.
Okay. Hi.
So we just wanted to share a little bit of what we are being doing and what we want to keep doing we just say hello emigrate. Celada is hosted in Casa Stella will provide you a new plan of in person and online engagement creating economic and romance for learning, innovation and community building. Roads are critical teams of refi sustainability and blockchain technology development. With the support of different protocols like ethical from them beginning we embarked on a mission to generate curiosity and educate about new technologies to anyone who has interest. Through 2022. We organized workshops and talks on the basic topics of this ecosystem. And we saw the basics of blockchain using valor as a tool for these and encouraging users of this space to pay using it. In 2023. We were part of different events organized worldwide for the crypto community and we also organize some of our own so concerning to see DBT hand in hand with different protocols also. In person seller, we firmly believe that wealth comes from inclusivity so among our events you can find basic finance workshops, meetings of sustainable toggles communities, programming workshops, tasting of coffee, coffee, Oracle cooperatives with high impact, and it is precisely in this variety of visitors that the value of our outreach lies. We have an active Eventbrite community of around 300 300 people. We're based in downtown Madrid, so we're really nearby a flea market that on Sundays has around 100 It helps him people go from different places from all over the world.
So here, let me share with you how we are, how we're going to we're going to do this for for the Paciello we've planned to in in person events, an opening event, starting from these big community that we already have on board have a more than 300 members. So for these members where we want to want to give now is a possibility to engage a little bit more with us and to deliver what we would they were needing that is something that could coordinate all their their efforts in in the in the cellar project. So here we thought is having three online sessions, where we could learn about a raison d'etre about sustainable development and about a coding a little bit in Taylor. How do we deal with these smart contracts they're using and a during these sessions we will have competition with our students a that will give them late later on access to these closing event A again in Casa Bella Marie, and they will they could have access also to these these prices in the galleries and words. So how are going to do this through the through a bigger infrastructure covered by smart contracts in Taylor. So with these while we can have a super long lasting, a long lasting participation and also a we can engage these users for these long time period, not just having them in these a real real life event. So from that side, we could be able to trace it through trace them easily. So here a that's where they at least was the organization and what we plan to do this quarter and the matter.
We believe that the community will restrained by encouraging these types of activities, integrating different communities. And this is an open invitation to participate. We will because we want to take the events to the next level and make them not only an update for the community, but also an opportunity to add active users to the ecosystem, implementing challenges to show the diversity abilities and benefits of cielo blockchain.
And we all
know so Northside thank you so much, and we hope to see it happening soon.
Hey, thank you so much for the insights. I think we need to reopen crewneck or something like that to be to people be able to present the the advanced and insights but thank you for sharing the advance of Casella. So I think we are done with all the governance call. So thank you, everyone for joining this governance call was a great call and see you in one month in the next governance call. And thank you, everyone for joining us. Bye