Board of Police Commissioners, Evening Community Meeting
10:30PM May 9, 2024
Commissioner Bernard
Chairperson QuanTez Pressley
chief investigator
You heard about Rian Johnson when I well. Critical accident okay April 28 So she said Oakwood and Dearborn they have simply had no visitors testing audio Mr. Hani sigh
Can you hear and see now
thank you really cautious deal
is your community. Broken Hill having more fun zoom cohosts
Can you confirm that you can hear see now? Thank you. i Yes, I can. Thank you. Thank you court reporter. Thank you zoom. co host no tests needed thank you
how she recovering well, she's
not doing any introductions No, no, not for missionaries or staff. Okay. Okay. She wants to talk. Rest. Let me know when it's five minutes up, so we won't be doing it
one more minute. Okay.
Monday when I went out to Tuesday, purple gray who's our best friend
cameras coming for sure. It was a no. They were
waiting to give her 30 Sunday to replace the tear of the spine of her blood pressure. I don't know if they probably don't. They did. It. went ahead and fives. This is the first one and munity right. Why weren't? They talk about we knew that we're going to do oh yeah, for sure. Yeah, your prayers. Alright. Oh, she recalled
that evening, ladies and gentlemen. Again, I'm Commissioner Linda de Bernard. I represent the second district and as you know, part of this precinct is part of this district is in my district district two as well. It's a pleasure to see you all this evening. And I look forward to hearing from many of you through public comment. As you know if you want to speak during public comment you have two minutes. You have to give this gentleman to my immediate right here. A piece of paper there should be pieces of paper there. We have them at the front desk, okay? So just put your name on it. We don't need any other identifying information, just who you are to speak and you'll be given that opportunity to speak the as you can see, we do not have a quorum yet. But we're going to start with the information items related to the commission. So as not to hold you up unduly on this rainy Thursday evening. I'd like to open the meeting, call the meeting to order and I'd request that Chaplain discharge. Irwin senior provide us with that invocation I'd ask everyone to please be silent and or bow your head. Thank you.
Amen. Heavenly Father, we thank You for this another day a day that you have allowed us to gather in this place. We come lifting up before you on this evening our city ask that you continue to watch over it and keep it safe. Lift up our mirror before you and the city council and our police chief and all the many officers that are on patrol we ask that you continue to watch over them. Cover this board of commissioners on tonight God and continue to bless them and watch over them trustees meeting and allow the agenda that is already set forth to be accomplished on tonight. Bless the people that are here and allow this meeting to go forth according to your will in Jesus name we pray
amen. Amen.
The next item on the agenda that does not require a quorum to be present, is the board secretary's report. The gentleman immediately to my right. Mr. Robert Brown for your information has been with the Commission for more than 20 years. He is currently the acting board secretary.
Madam chair there are currently seven incoming correspondence under my report. The resignation of Mr. Roy gamble to administrative leave without pay. A DPI great grievous for your request. And last but not least OCI weekly inventory report.
Thank you, Mr. Brown. I'd like to indicate that we're being joined by my sister Commissioner Tamra Liberty Smith, and she does represent this district in its entirety. Miss Smith, good to see you this evening. The next item on the agenda will be the Community Impact Report by Reverend Jerome Warfield who was also the head of our Office of the Chief Investigator, Mr. Warfield. Good evening, Madam
Chair, and thank you so very much. I want to give an update on where we are a year later. From coming to the office of the chief investigator. Last week we celebrated our one year employment there with the Office of the Chief investigators. I want to give some highlights in your binder. You do have the numbers for the month of April. We will go over some of those but I want to talk about some of the challenges and some of the progress a great deal of progress that we've been able to make during this time. Speak
directly to our audience. Thank you.
Thank you, ma'am. I feel as always, I would always like to mention that the mission of the Office of the Chief Investigator is to fairly effectively and objectively receive, investigate and make recommendations regarding the complaints concerning the Detroit Police Department and his personnel. And it is the goal of the Office of the Chief Investigator to assist in improving the quality of law enforcement services by instilling citizen confidence in the integrity of the Detroit Police Department. One of the things we want to do is just highlight some of the things that we were able to accomplish within these last 12 months.
We are very happy and pleased that we have hired a number of new investigators as a matter of fact, by the end of this month we should be fully at full capacity as relates to our investigators. We should have 23 investigators, we've been operating on average with about 12 investigators and our office.
So we've been at 50 Just under 50% and we're right at 50%. And so by the end of this month, we should be at full capacity. We also in an effort to make sure that we were wanted to be more efficient. We created and implemented an automated report form that reduced the time to actually type our reports from seven hours to about an hour and a half and that makes it a lot easier for investigators not only to get their report done and finished on time, but also to start working on the very next report. In addition to that we started to start in and develop a timeliness initiative plan to make sure that we're addressing those concerns that came out of the Office of the Inspector General's report. When we came into the office a year ago there were four investigations going on as related to the Office of the Chief Investigator. And one of those investigations is still underway, but we've already started to address a number of those concerns from those investigations and make improvements. We additionally we've dedicated a backlog group of new investigators who are doing just an outstanding job in tackling the backlog cases in our offices that came from the office. of the Inspector General. In their report. They indicated that there were 705 cases that were closed but yet not fully investigated. We reopened all of those 705 cases, we send letters out to all 705 of those constituents. And we are in the process of renewing reinvestigating those cases and then we are also in final negotiations now for new case management system. We are told that sometime in June we are hoping that our windswept case management system would be before city council and we will be able to even add more efficiencies in our office as relates to how we're processing our investigators and the higher we're processing our cases. I just want to give you an overview of our staff right now. Right now we have three supervising investigators, four senior investigators. One quality assurance reviewer, that person makes sure that our cases are nice and accurate before they come to the board. And to it as of today's date. We have 18 investigators and we're expecting six more to come on board by the end of this month. When we look at our April numbers. Our April numbers are actually trending. Were really the first four months of this year are trending higher than they were last last year the exact same period of time. Last year. We had we receive a total of 442 citizen complaints. And this time last year we saw 335 allegations this year the numbers are a little bit higher. We've seen this year 575 citizen complaints and we've closed out of those 575 citizen complaints. We've closed 189 cases this year alone. So our investigators are working extremely hard to make sure that we leverage all of the resources that we can moving forward right now to date as of the end of April. We have 1910 total cases in our office. Of those 1910 cases. 375 of those are current, meaning they're between zero and 90 days and 1535 cases are what's considered backlog and of course included in that backlog figure the number of cases that came back to us that we had to reopen from the Office of the Inspector General. So all in all, I believe that we are certainly moving in the right direction. We're making significant progress, ma'am to the citizens making
significant progress to make sure that all complaints and concerns are being addressed appropriately in the office. Thank you very much. We're having more filled. Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to acknowledge the presence of three additional commissioners who have joined us first and foremost our chairperson Mr. Presley to my immediate left. Next to him is our Vice Chairperson Tamra Liberty Smith. And next to Tamra is Hey, Zeus Hernandez, also a member of the Board of police commissioners, we still don't have a quorum, but the chairman is going to take over now and thank you for your attention. Thank you very much, Commissioner Benard for leading our meeting this far. And again, to each of you who have come out today. We don't yet have a quorum, and so we will remain in our amended agenda. And because we don't have a quorum, we can ask any questions they'd like for the chief investigator and so we will return to that section. Once we do indeed have a quorum moving forward with our amended agenda. We will receive our announcements from our Acting Secretary. Good afternoon, Mr. Chair. Good afternoon. The next bill PC meeting will be Thursday, May 16 2024. At 3pm. take place at Detroit Public Sector headquarters 130 1/3 Street the next community meeting will be Thursday June 13. At 6:30pm with the seven three cent hosting with the location to be determined right now. A monthly committee meeting. House committee meeting meets Tuesday, May 14 at 5pm. Since complaint committee meeting meet Tuesday, May 21. At 5pm. All those meeting takes place at Detroit Public Safety headquarters. You can also view them on Zoom announcement. Thank you so very much for those announcements. And again, noting what we can and cannot do. We can move forward at this moment to provide certificates for those who we are honoring and appreciating. Although we can't move forward with the resolutions, certificates. We can move forward at this time. And so I'll turn that over to Vice Chair Tamra Liberty Smith. Out there the podium right away.
Good afternoon, afternoon I am Vice Chair at Samara Liberty Smith, representing District One over the eighth precinct. Today I have two certificates of appreciation. One will be for officer Baron Coleman. Officer Coleman Are you present you well office a call me you know me you go way way back. I love you dearly. He has been truly my ride or die. has been rude me off just from being a community activist to where I am today. Officer calm and we would like to appreciate you for developing strong ties with the residents and community organizations and enhancing police community relations. For better public safety in the eighth precinct. We love you. We appreciate you. I heard that you have some health challenges and you are here and healthy and present. I love you. Thank you so much.
Next, I have a certificate of appreciation for the Detroit Police Department, the entire agency. We appreciate you for your unwavering dedication and tireless efforts during the 2024 NFL Draft. Three days of commitment to ensuring that the public safety of our residents and community during the NFL Draft while fostering positive police community relations in the city of Detroit is commendable. Thank you for your service and your invaluable contribution. So my halfing public safety. We appreciate you.
Thank you
very shearsmith I'm going to ask you to remain down there because I don't want you to have to come back and forth. Yeah. Somebody can grab it for I just don't want you to go up and down. How do we do have a quorum. We can move through the beginning of our agenda and then you can go to your resolutions
Thank you. Okay, so now we do indeed have a quorum. And so we want to move towards our formal agenda. And so we do so by the introduction. of commissioners by our Acting Secretary Mr. Brown see
a person Presley here but suppose and Smith, present Miss number not present. Mr. Banks exploit excused absence commission bail expert SKUs absent Commissioner Burson burden expert SKUs. Absent Commissioner car Expo excuse absent Commissioner more present represented
Mr. Hernandez president, Mr. Woods present.
alright with that we do indeed have a quorum. We will now move on to the approval of the May 9 2024 agenda is there any objection to this agenda being approved? Very no objections. The agenda is approved. And now we'll move on to the approval of the minutes for the May 2 20/24 meeting. Is there any objection to those minutes being approved? Hearing no objection, Those minutes are approved. We had several closed sessions last week. And so now we'll move on to the approval of the minutes for those closed sessions first of the approval of closed session minutes for Police Officer Abdullah Nazir of May 2 2024. Is there any objection to the approval of those minutes? Hearing none Those minutes are approved. Now we'll move on to the approval of the closed session minutes for police officer Kaler row from May 2 2020. For any objection to those minutes. Hearing no objection to the Pueblos minutes Those minutes are approved. Now we'll move on to the approval of the closed session minutes for police officer Brandon Jordan may second 2024. Is there any objection to the approval of those minutes? And finally, the approval of closed session minutes for Police Officer Anthony darling may 2 2024. Is there any objection to the approval of those minutes? Hearing none Those minutes are approved will now have the introduction of the LPC staff chief police elected officials and representatives as well as community leaders by Secretary Brown.
Good afternoon, Mr. President, we have Chief Investigator Warfield and is definitely the bail on zone two because investigators phone and slow Miss Jasper Taylor Dunn yonder would ASL sign language. This your caller and Dr. Stephanie BD. senior investigator Tiffany Stewart and our VIPs that Mr. Don Davis office of council member for do house over office and Miss Murray overhaul officer State Representative Tyrone cod.
Thank you and again, we're grateful for everyone's participation in attendance and our hope is that it adds to the productivity of our meeting. Now we're back at the border police commissioner's offices report we're again I'll turn it over to Vice Chair Tamra Liberty Smith actually provides a resolutions
Thank you Chair My first resolution will be honoring grant chic. Craig P. Fuqua Bay are you present?
Whereas grand Sheikh wa bass recent acclaim across various social media platforms, stems from his pivotal role in shutting down hookah shops found selling vapes and marijuana to underage individuals. This action garnered significant action, landing him a feature on CBS News 62 where his commendable efforts with blessed hands full pantry were highlighted. Furthermore, his dedication to community service has not gone unnoticed. recording in progress my the honors bestowed upon him by the operation of flip the script, the Wayne County City Clerk's Office and prestigious awards such as the National Action Network, Dream keepers Award and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference Distinguished Service Award. His commitment to Moorish leadership is palpable as he emphasizes the importance of coupling leadership with impactful deeds. And whereas grant sheet Craig P. Foo Park Bay journey as the Morse leader has been marked by unwavering dedication and numerous accolades. His service extends beyond conventional boundaries, earning him recognition from the state of Michigan for his contributions to the msta sample number five. Sample 25 with over three decades of faithful stewardship as the Grand Sheikh he amplifies the essence of leadership. Energy intertwine with benevolent actions. Oh qua Bayes recent recognition underscores his enduring commitment to community activism and his steadfast belief that genuine leadership must be grounded in virtuous deeds. And as we celebrate the remarkable achievements of grand Sheikh re P. O qua Bay it is evident that his impact resonates deeply within the great state of Michigan, and a place he affectionately refers to as his home. His tireless advocacy and unwavering commitment to service has left and an inevitable mark on the communities he serves. Let us join together and honoring his exemplary leadership and his steadfast resolve to make a positive difference. In the lives of others. Now, therefore, it be resolved that the Detroit board of police commissioners speaking on behalf of the residents of the city of Detroit and the Detroit Police Department recognizes and commends brand chic brake P foo Kawabe for his dedicated leadership and contributions to improving public safety and police community relations in the eighth precinct. We thank you and congratulate you ran sheet Fred P. Fuqua, obey the
chair entertain a motion to accept this resolution into our archives. So moved. properly moved and seconded. All those in favor, please signify by saying aye. Aye. All those opposed, no. The eyes have it congratulations.
Thank you our next resolution will be honoring Miss Gill tups Are you present?
Whereas Miss Tubbs has been a Detroiter, since 1991, and a proud home owner and the one square mile block. We lovingly call it the Ohira Park community. The community borders the West seven mile to West eight mile and from South Hill Road to Evergreen road. She comes from the humble beginnings and hails from Honolulu, Hawaii. I didn't know that. That caught me off guard. Gail is a first generation college graduate with degrees in administration, administration and leadership from Central Michigan University. An avid U of M fan. She retired her U of M after over 16 years of dedicated service, her passion for youth and guiding them to be the best version of themselves while offering options that will embrace the brightest future gave her real joy. And whereas as Gail writes the next chapters of her life she turns to service in her neighborhood and involvement with the O'Hare Park Community Association having a mission of strengthening the O'Hara Park community to become the community where people chose to live with the new task of serving as the eighth precinct Police Community Relations Council, starting as an intern, treasurer and now a newly elected board as president. Gail Tubbs actively collaborates with the eighth precinct and Easter Halloween National Night Out and a police Appreciation Week. Miss Tubbs hopes to solidify and structure increased memberships and observe how her team can engage. The communities served by the eighth precinct was founding days and were as a member of the Executive Advisory Board at the Detroit Regional Dollars for Scholars. Gail serves on the next level scholars committee whose objective is to inspire and prepares students to succeed in life after high school. The goal is to target resources, experiences and support students as they navigate their path to post secondary education and whereas additionally she enjoys her two grandsons, Elijah and Aiden as he still parents, three adult men, a dog and a cat. She counts it as an honor and a privilege to serve this thriving community and anywhere that she can make a difference. Hoping to achieve what the following quote describes. Great leaders don't set out to be a leader they set out to make the difference. It is never about the role always about the goal. Yeah, therefore, let it be resolved. The Detroit board of police commissioners speaking on behalf of the residents of the city of Detroit and the Detroit Police Department recognizes and commends Miss Gail Tubbs for her dedicated leadership and contributions to improving public safety and police community relations in the eighth precinct. We thank you and congratulate you miss Gill to the chair
and contains a motion to adopt this resolution into our archives. So moved there second. properly moved and seconded. All those in favor, please signify by saying aye. Aye. All those opposed, no. The eyes have it That motion passes Congratulations once again.
Next, resolution is representing Mr. John George, are you present
let's go to the next one just in case he arrives at a later point.
And our next one is Mr. Harrison Shelby Are you present? You want Okay, no problem. Okay, thank you. We have Miss Rhonda Mitchell today that will be accepting the resolution for Mr. Harrison Shelby. Mr. Harrison Shelby is a dedicated young community activist, organizer, mentor, consultant and speaker with a passion for social justice and equity. With over 10 years of experience working in grassroots organizations. He has facilitated numerous community programs and initiatives aimed at empowering marginalized populations and creating positive change. Harrison is known for his strong leadership skills, tireless work ethic and ability to bring people together to address pressing issues facing our community. He is committed to advocating for the rights of all individuals promoting diversity and inclusion and fostering a sense of unity within the community. Harrison is affectionately known as Mr. Community, and he continues to be a vocal advocate for social change. And whereas Harrison serves as the electric corresponding secretary for the eighth precinct Community Relations Council. He plays a crucial role and facilitating communication and Fostering Connections within the community. He helps organize activities for Easter and Halloween for the kids in the neighborhood, in collaboration with the neighborhood police officers to make significant positive impact, providing safe and enjoyable events for children, strengthening community bonds, but also fostering positive relationships. between law enforcement and the community. Harrison Shelby is dedicated and passionate, a passionate advocate for social justice and community empowerment. His commitment to serving others and making a difference in the world is truly inspiring as he continues to make a positive impact, and as whereas here's his previous roles as organizations like the Detroit Phoenix Center, the University of Michigan Detroit center, and brilliant Detroit, further underscore his commitment to serving underserved communities and youth in Detroit. His work with the me community, My Brother's Keeper Alliance, and the Henry Ford college black male focus group demonstrate his dedication to improving life outcomes for boys young men of color and supporting initiatives. That address food insecurity and educational success. His involvement in launching the halls nests at Henry Ford College, a student food pantry and his participation in mentoring programs aimed at supporting Black male college students highlight his passion for addressing critical issues like hunger, educational success, and community empowerment. And whereas his extensive service as an AmeriCorps member, was the public. Does this allies completing over 3400 hours of community service over two terms short showcases his dedication to serving others and addressing community needs. Additionally, his participation in leadership programs such as leadership for a debt, educational equity fellow young elected officials, frontline leaders, Academy, fellow and young people for fellow demonstrates his commitment to developing and leadership skills and advocating for equity and social justice Harrison's experience as a Regional Youth intern with Michigan's roundtable for Diversity and Inclusion further emphasizes his engagement and promoting diversity, equity and inclusion within communities. Its involvement in volunteering on political campaigns and active members and the Michigan democratic part party as well as serving as an elected precinct delegate in Detroit highlights his commitment to civic engagement and advancing progressive values within the political sphere. Now therefore be it resolved the Detroit board of police commissioners speaking on behalf of the residents of the city of Detroit and the Detroit Police Department recognizes and commands Mr. Harrison Shelby for his dedicated leadership and contributions to improving public safety and the police community relations in the eighth precinct. We thank and congratulate you Mr. Harris and Shelby,
the chair agentes emotionally adopt his resolution to our archives. So move there seconds we've properly moved and seconded all those in favor, please signify by saying aye. All those opposed, no. The eyes have it Congratulations once again.
Mr. Harrison Shall we
thank you so much.
Was any other here so we
know we're not gonna read or sugar. Okay. Okay, that's fine. And our next resolution is for council member, James Tate, who I spoke with earlier, who is having some issues with his staff as well as death in the family. So he's going to be unable to receive the resolution. But he did. He did thank me. Thank the board, and he will receive it at a different time. Okay.
Mr. Chairman, can can maybe she read the resolution into the record and we vote on it today with the other
well, if it's going to be received at a different time, I think we could just wait into that moment.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
And Commissioner Bernard, you have two resolutions as well.
I have just one resolution and with the audience's permission, I'd like to read it from here. I can see it easier. I've had eye surgery and I don't see that well. So I need as much light as possible. And I'll come down there present. This is a resolution ladies and gentlemen for Nicholas a raddon. Jordan a Redden and Dr. Lewis Ratan, the second do are they present? What can you come forward please to the to the podium or my colleague is.
Okay, all right. Thank you Tamra for standing here with them while I'll come down right after we finish this. Whereas one family a shared vision in three enlightened black men nuggets equals nuggets cannabis company, a Detroit legacy in the making. After years of research and development and a two year freeze and construction due to COVID Nuggets broke ground in 2022 Nuggets opened its 6000 foot facility retail facility at 18270 Telegraph Road in the eighth precinct in 2023 80% of Nagas employees are local community residents residents and 95% are African American nuggets strongly supports DPD in the city by adopting a family and being actively engaged in the community. Now that says the only known retail marijuana operation in Michigan and even the USA, headed by a physician, together with his two sons, Nicklaus Arman, Miami International University in Jordan Alexander, University of Miami. And whereas Dr. Lewis retina second do a native Detroiter is a board certified spine surgeon and graduate of Michigan State University College of Medicine and Duke University spinal fellowship residency program. As the founder of spine specialists of Michigan, Inc. SSM he treats 1000s of Detroit residents and is frequently seen and television ads because Dr. Redden is committed to quote patient wellness and pain management without addictive narcotic drugs. He has a laboratory on site at nuggets and can prescribe cannabis based remedies for pain that do not risk addiction or other side effects. Nuggets is unique in that it is vertically integrated as a state licensed manufacturer, grower and wholesaler to other licensed retailers and processors in its 9000 square foot facility called harvest in Lansing, Michigan. There are plans to build a third state of the art facility on the adjacent two acres in Lansing are service manufacturing wholesale and distribution related enterprises. And whereas because executive management and business operations vote is in their blood, Nicholas Armand Whedon and Jordan Alexander read and serve as creative director and project manager respectively and are the link to marketing sales in new product development in Michigan and other states. There are numerous opportunities in insecure transportation of product, Sorry, can't see customer transportation and laboratory testing which African Americans and other industry enthusiast can take advantage of although cannabis products are widely used by African Americans, and some say we're the number one user of them for both medical and recreational purposes, only 2% 2% of cannabis retail located locations are owned by African Americans. Nationally, and less than 1% of African Americans are engaged in growth and testing facilities. And whereas, city council president pro tem James etait, Jr. strongly supports African American ownership of marijuana businesses and Detroit nuggets wholesome multiple cannabis licenses and created a specialty product line called The Doobie ran, which is unique to the Detroit market, allowing for the extract and manufacture of cannabis material. Including concentrated oil and branded edible, edible, drinkable and topical or vapor products. Now therefore be it resolved. The Detroit board of police commissioners speaking on behalf of the residents of the city of Detroit district one and district two, and the eighth precinct recognizes and honors Nicholas Arman raddon and Jordan Alexander Redden and Dr. Lewis in red and the second for their pioneering initiative in the multibillion dollar cannabis. Industry, which has historically been close to African Americans, except in the commission of crime. Nuggets is legally licensed and operated. And Dr. brand's commitment to serving the community as a physician, businessman and jobs creator is worthy of recognition by the Commission and law enforcement. We thank and congratulate you Nicholas Armand Redden, Jordan Alexander when and Dr. Lewis in reading the second quote ahead of the herd for your for your service to Detroit and mankind. We thank and congratulate you. Thank you.
Chair entertains a motion to adopt this resolution to our archives. So moved. Is there a second? Hearing no second there is no motion. So there's a problem moved and seconded. All those in favor, please signify by saying aye. Aye. All those opposed, no.
It's a no for me. Right?
Can we get a roll call please.
Your person Presley?
VICE CHAIRPERSON Smith. Yes. Commissioner Bernard Yes. Mr. Hernandez? Yes. Mr. Moore. Mission words, or no?
Right with five Yes. Votes in one no vote that motion passes congratulations.
Okay, all right. Has
Mr. John George arrived. Right. And then commissioners, I'm not sure if there was any confusion around the last resolution. That we have
for Nancy Thomas but it's also on the agenda which is why I'm seeking clarity now on
okay, I'll read it. See, I didn't know it wasn't my issue here. resolution honoring Nancy see Thomas, are you present?
Okay. All right. So what we'll do is we'll read the resolution for Mr. John George into the record and receive that although he is not here with this, and then we'll find out what's happening with the resolution regarding Nancy Thomas.
Okay. Okay.
So go right ahead. So we'll do both resolutions quickly and expeditiously. You will, Mr. Chairman.
This is a resolution honoring Nancy C. Thomas, whereas Nancy T. C. Thomas joined the police community relations Council for the 12th precinct. And the 1980s. Her support and advocacy for residents and neighborhoods and local leader James Parker to invite her to a council meeting, which she attended. Some 40 years later, she remains very active and engaged with with the precinct and the council. And whereas Mr. Thomas served on the council's election committee for many years. She currently serves on his advisory board, countless residents, police officers, precinct precinct commanders, and city leaders have benefited from her deep knowledge and wisdom, decade after decades. And many and whereas many police commissioners often work with, with or heard from Miss Hamas about police actions or community safety. She is then a future she has been a fixture heard me at precinct events. Her support a program such as the annual net net national night out and the annual Community Relations picnic helped ensure a successful and fun time for everyone. Over the years Miss Thomas has taken special thought in the annual feed the Police Day, where she donated delicious dishes and served held heaping plates to precinct officers. She also has enjoyed donating treats and engaging with children and parents at the precincts Halloween activities. And whereas Mr. Ms. Thomas part of me believes in service to others. She provided a warm and caring presence for Sinai Grace hospital visitors and patients as a volunteer at the hospital gift shop and in the surgical lounge for more than 40 years as a volunteer with the hospital and with the 12 precinct Miss Thomas has touched and benefited generations of Detroiters. She remains a driving force in the community as she celebrates her 100th birthday. Her friends and family will honor her numerous civic contributions and continued service to the 12 precinct Police Community Relations Council on Saturday out on Saturday, April 27, a couple of weeks ago. Now therefore be it resolved. The board of police commissioners speaking on behalf of the residents of the great city of Detroit salutes Nancy C Thomas for her tireless contributions to strengthening the bond between Detroit police and its residents. Our city is forever indebted to a tireless, past and present commitment to improve public safety and police community relations in the 12th precinct. And across Detroit for the benefit of neighborhoods and the Detroit Police Department. I saw move this resolution. Mr. Chairman,
is there a second? Second, improperly moved in second. All those in favor, please signify by saying aye. Aye. All those opposed, no. The eyes have it that resolution has been adopted to our archives. And so finally to read into the record the resolution honoring Mr. John J. George.
Thank you, Mr. Chair. The resolution honoring Mr. John J. George, whereas Detroit native John J. George, Executive Director of Detroit blight restaurateurs co founder the neighborhood revitalization nonprofit in 1988 when he and two neighbors took a stand to make their own neighborhoods safe over time, DBB has grown into an internationally recognized grassroots organization committed to being a positive catalyst in Detroit by stabilizing, revitalizing and beautifying the city of Detroit. Working with 1000s of volunteers each year. George blight busters, tear down abandoned houses, renovate existing homes, clean up parks and other public spaces and helps people become home and business owners. And whereas supported by corporations, foundations and individuals, donors DBB brings people together from all walks of life from both the city and the suburbs to make George's vision of creating safe, clean, healthy, viable neighborhoods for all children in reality, in 1995, the organization purchased and renovated a former Masonic Temple into the Motor City Resource Center today provides operational space for tenants and programs. It also offers full banquet and meeting facilities that are for rent and assessable to the community. And whereas George George's efforts has spawned a variety of other initiatives in the area, including artists village Detroit, Motor City, Java and tea house, creative juices, public artworks and united peace relief, Veterans Village Detroit through his ongoing neighborhood stabilization and revitalization efforts. He has helped create a variety of new businesses, including sweet potato sensations and Detroit tire and wheel. He recently was instrumental in helping secure the development of the Meijer mega store for local residents He was the founding chairman of the bright Moore Alliance, and past president of the ol reffered Business Association. In addition, he has co founded farm city Detroit a collaborative project between fertile ground collective and DBB to reclaim two city blocks and turn them into the urban farmland providing free fruits and vegetables to residents as well as picnic grounds and the meditation garden for other community areas. And where is George was awarded a point of light and President Bill Clinton was named Michigan of the year. In 1995 by Detroit News, he was selected to speak at the Detroit Regional Chamber policy conference on American island. Mr. cherrick my eyes, no problem.
Oprah Winfrey recognizes him as one of the country's Community Heroes. He has worked with past six Detroit marriage to bring neighborhood issues to the forefront and help run Jennifer grant Holmes Michigan Prisoner Reentry Initiative in 1995. He also coined the phrase angels night and convince then Mayor Dennis Archer to take blight busters community cleanup known as blight flight citywide, later known as clean sweep. A former insurance salesman George is a graduate of Bishop Borges High School, and he and his wife Alicia George, have three grown children all of which have worked in various capacities furthering their father's cause. Now therefore be resolved the Detroit Border Police Commissioner speaking on behalf of the residents of the city of Detroit and the Detroit Police Department recognizes and commands Mr. John J. George for his dedicated leadership and contribution to improving public safety and police community relations in the eighth precinct. We thank and congratulate you, Mr. John J. George, the chair entertain a motion to adopt this resolution into our archives. So moved. been properly moved and seconded. All those in favor, please signify by saying aye. Aye. All those opposed, no. The eyes have it. Congratulations, Mr. John Jacobs.
Thank you so
that concludes all of our resolutions. And so you might return if there's nothing else that will be it. Thank you. And so as we are still under our Board of police commissioner's offices report, in the Secretary's report, we were made aware of a letter of resignation. That was tendered by Commissioner Roy gamble. And so the chair entertain a motion to accept that resident rental moved. It's been properly moved and seconded. Is there any discussion? Hearing no discussion? All those in favor, please signify by saying aye. All those opposed, no. The eyes have it That motion passes. Now moving forward, we will now have D. Use me D Well, we did our community impact report but not having a quorum. There wasn't an opportunity for any questions of for our chief investigator and so I'll open up space now if there's any questions or comments relative to the Community Impact Report. All right, hearing none, we'll move forward with our chief of police report and the eighth precinct report. Good to have to know
my name is Jacqueline Pritchard. I'm the deputy chief of a Western operation
Think they're it out? Let's try that again.
I'm Jacqueline Pritchard, Deputy Chief of Western operations. Feel feedback. There's an update on Sue injured officers. There are currently two department members who are disabled and recovering at home due to an undo the injury. The two detectives are from SVU domestic violence on May 2 2024. The detectives were injured by another vehicle while driving an unmarked department vehicle. The detectives sustained multiple injuries and one was admitted to the hospital. Both are now at home resting the crime data as the five A 2024
Let's see. Commissioner more can you see if she can use your mic and see if that might aid us here
so yeah, man, it's better. Thank you. The crime data as the five 820 24 the homicides are down 22% and non fatal shootings. Are down 27% robberies are down 28% A total Part One violent crimes are down 11% And I carjackings are down 50%. We had a direct waste in detail that started back in April every weekend. So the enforcement for the past weekend. There were 45 people investigated. There were six traffic stops big citations issued 11 vehicles investigated for those vehicles were impounded. There was one felony arrest one weapon recovered. They responded to two blog parties and they issued 16 spectator tickets. Sold year to date my mental health related costs for service we have had 5178 calls for service year to date compared to 5017 last year. So as of yesterday's date, we had his 161 more calls for service for mental health. Well, there are some significant incidents that we are seeking the community's help in solving these crimes. The first incidents that occurred on Saturday, May 4 at 11:10am officer was dispatched to the 2600 block of Blaine to investigate a dead person officers arrived and as they're the victims suffering from womb to the right shoulder in the back of the head, Medic 14 and fire 39 arrived at the scene and provided medical assistance. The victim however, was pronounced deceased by medics or the investigation revealed that the 911 call came from a nearby gas station. After reviewing the video from the gas station it was determined that the person who made the 911 call was was a male wearing a dark hoodie and gloves. detectors are still attempting to identify that person and the circumstances surrounding the incident incident is still under investigation. Detectives are asking anyone the additional information to contact Crimestoppers at one 800 Speak up or Detroit The second incident was a triple shooting that happened on Sunday May 5 at 1:53pm officers were dispatched to 3800 block of 33rd Street to investigate a shooting. When officers arrived they observed medics providing medical attention to victim one who was suffering from a gunshot wound to the throat. officers went into the location to check for additional victims in a discovery of victims two and three suffering from gunshot wounds to the head. Both were pronounced deceased at the scene. Officers sorry detectives determined the witnesses heard several shots being fired in a location and that in that after the shooting the suspect entered a great dash Durango. And drove north on 33rd Street. A suspect was described as a black male with a skinny build short hair and wearing a white t shirt. This incident is still under investigation. So once again we are seeking assistance from the community to provide any information to contact Crimestoppers at 100 Speak up in or Detroit rewards that TV and the final was another fatal shooting that occurred on Sunday. At around 4:15am officers were dispatched to Henry Ford Hospital to investigate a shooting. When they arrived at the hospital they were notified by security that the victim had expired from a gunshot wound and that the victim was transported to the hospital by witnesses who were waiting in the area. The witnesses stated that they were at a block party in the area Stansberry in West McNichols, when they heard shots being fired shortly after victim ran to them stating he was shot they conveyed them to to Henry Ford Hospital officers and detectives responded back to the area and discovered evidence of a shooting in the 16,000 block of Stansbury they canvass the area and checked for available video. This is the incident is still under investigation. So once again, detectives are asking anyone with additional information who might have been in the area of Stansbury and West magnetic was early Saturday morning. So please contact Crimestoppers at one 800 Speak up, or the tort rewards TV. There's some positive notes as well on the bad news. So today we had a dedication ceremony for fallen members whose plaques were placed on our memorial wall at headquarters. The following members that were honored our lieutenant Frederick Bowens Sergeant Amanda Greer, Travis and police officer, Assam Qassem. So tomorrow, May 10, Steve White will attend and speak to the Wayne State University Mike Ilitch School of Business DPD Leadership Academy graduates 16 DPD members will be graduating from the ninth month program with the graduate certificate and business. A certificate equates to almost half the credits needed to achieve an MBA. So present events the fifth precinct yesterday had biked to School Day, which they roll with 200 kids from three DPS schools to local parks here. It was a great turnout. So today the sixth precinct hair Career Day and man elementary school and Tuesday 5/7 was coffee with the cop at the 10th precinct. Oh, those are other reports for the Chiefs report. This board.
Thank you there any questions? Mr. Moore. Thank
you, Mr. Chairman. Chief, I just need you to do a follow up for me with the system chief Eric Yuan. bout a month ago I asked him about some crime statistics as related to justifiable homicides, vehicular homicides as well as suicides and the reason why I would like to see that information is because there has been a comparison between 1966 and occurrent crimes of Texas as relates to homicide. I'm acutely aware that in 1966, all of these different categories were grouped together. So I just want to make a comparison for myself. So if you can follow up with assistance even you and I appreciate
the chair you say justifiable homicide, vehicular homicide as
well, and how they're the group and as far as how many occurred in 2023. and Western you may or may not know and this is kind of a couple of weeks old how many arrests were made during the NFL Draft. If you know,
I don't know that information. I'm not sure that's fine. Thank you, man.
All right, any further questions? I have one at our last community meeting which was last month we were made aware of a non fatal officer involved shooting that took place on remote and Finkle. It was told to us that again there was a suspect who was 16 years old, who allegedly pulled a gun from his side and officers shot to shot striking the suspect once in the leg. I'm mentioning this because it had been the customer of the department to provide us a critical debriefing that I don't know if I missed anything, but I hadn't been made aware of that. Critical debriefing so the commissioners could review the body worn camera footage and to get any updates on where we are, and then also to see if the department is in line with the 45 days that the chief has offered when those videos will be released. So again, I think that the date of that incident was on April the fourth and now here we are in May the ninth and haven't yet heard anything and so if we can get some follow up on what's occurring with that non fatal officer involved shooting that that will be appreciated
through the chair. I will make sure the chief gets your request. Tomorrow morning. Thank you got an update for you.
Okay. Thank you, Commissioner Banagher. Mr.
Chairman, I'll wait because my question related to the same incident. So
any further questions? Thank you so very much. And so now we will invite the eighth precinct leadership to come forth and provide their report as well.
Good evening, everybody. Good evening. I'm district lever. It's my pleasure to be the commanding officer in the eighth precinct and serve this community. This evening. I'm going to give you a overview of our crime and crime strategies, some community programs and upcoming events in the eighth precinct. So I can say it eighth precinct, I'm proud to say that our crime is down overall crime is down. I can give you exact numbers criminal homicides are down 36.4% I can tell you I'm not through the shootings are down 6.5% a sexual assault so down the left 2.5% are Robert excuse me are aggravated assaults are down 6.6% robberies are down 7.4% Are larceny use down point zero 4% will take when we can get it. A motor vehicle theft is down 4.7% And our carjackings are down 55.6%. The only Yes, yes, that's right. The only the only uptick we have is in burglaries and we'll talk about that a little later. So overall on part one crime and I'm referring to part one crime over last year this is 2420 24 Compared to 2023 is down 7.1%. So so our crime strategies, they're simple. We follow the chief of polices deep whites, five and 12 point plans. I can go over him I know he's very public and bottom increased deployment for rapid response police presence, community engagement, traffic enforcement, noise enforcement, crowd management and correlate code enforcement, community partnerships, drag racing and block party suppression. street closures. Kaspar undercover unit engagements, open alcohol and park curfew enforcement and eyes in the sky policing is that will be our helicopters and rooftop surveillance. And that's our approach I saw crime strategy approach we just follow up with the chief lays out we and we use data technology and information to make that come true. So overall, an eighth precinct our strategy for our specific strategy. We use targeted enforcement with that data with that information. We it tells us where our crime is where we're spiking. So that's where we spend our resources to deal with that. We have high visibility traffic enforcement. My traffic enforcement guys are out in areas that we had identified as a problem areas for either speeders or accidents to enforce the law. We have restorative audit practices for violent crime suppression bar sub special operations. We have an embedded Crime Unit crime intelligence unit right here in eighth precinct where we have the big giant TV we can watch. With our green light partners. We can partner up and get real time information from them over a real right over the radio. We're transparent with my community, always and forever. And we're proud of our partnerships. We partnered with the a USA the Assistant US Attorney we have our federal partners FBI, ATF to help us here MDLs Michigan Department of Corrections help us as well. We have our DPD specialized victims units here to help us as well. We have our CBI unit, which is our community violence intervention team, where we support or supported by Detroit 300 and People's Action. We have our building safety engineers to help us out as well, and our suburban law enforcement actually partner with us to keep crime down. Our strategy results. Again, as I said, crime overall crime is down 7.1% I can tell you that our hard working officers have taken 141 guns off the street here today. Speaking of transparency, we do have two crime trends that I want to talk about. We have our robbery crime trend. We have six in the last month which is more than we were expecting so that's an uptick. However they are being addressed by our our detective unit. We have made two significant arrests, one for robbery of a person at the gas station, he's in custody. We made another arrest of a robbery of a business that he's a customer as well. So we have partnered with the FBI. I told you what our partnership what we did is we they came out with they talked to some business owners and we have signed each up to let you know that it's a federal crime to rob the store so we're looking for the results that to be positive. When we have a burglary Trent I know I talked to my community extensively about the burglary return we had we all partnered together and the partnership the police in the community and we're able to be successful, but in the last 28 days we're up we have five we I can tell you this, I want to share this with you. We were up like 75% where I had to literally go down and make a presentation in front of the Chief Chief Police. We're still up 5.8% But I haven't stopped. We were persistent. And we're still talking about our beauties and we're still following our strategy. So we're down about nine about 70% which is good. They're still being tracked. I still have a big team active. Again we collaborate with the community. As a matter of fact, we got our largest tip to make our four significant arrests from a community member who was out walking their dogs. I surveillance operations continue. We have one we still have one that was identified. It was out we had locked him up. They released it. We're still on his trail right now. And we're persistent. We will continue we're not going to stop. We're not going to stop until we feel that we have everybody in custody who's responsible for victimizing our citizens. So we're we're not all about enforcement here. We are addressing quality of life issues right now. You should see my team how are we addressing blight complaints? SeeClickFix complaints right now in unsafe driving? almost finish. In our community. We have community programs. We have an embedded social worker who works with us every day. She's not here today. I was gonna invite her out but we have a BDL immediate access to counseling. We have immediate access to counseling resources and services. And she does an after action follow up. She does a four or five day review, and she keeps me posted as well. We have a ceasefire program and that's where I'm throughout special operations. And again, we're more than we are more than enforcement. They run a brotherhood program where they take where they pick up youth and teens. They take them to play basketball with them. They box they have one on one mentoring sessions with them. We do our restorative practices to try to repair families through our ceasefire program. We run an anti gang anti bullying presentations at schools. We have police counter education's at schools and one success for success story I'd like to tell we have one troubled youth who participated in our ceasefire program. He actually joined DPD more overt he actually works in the eighth precinct. So we have our neighborhood police officers I talk about them a lot I'm I'll deal with them a lot. And with them there are non emergency police resources. We do see what they do, or we do I'm sorry, we do senior citizen in Richmond events, neighborhood mediation and conflict resolution. We have school safe zones where we follow the kids to school, we know where they are we make sure they get safe. Get their safe. We have our prescription to scope disposal program. We have gun lock safety programs, community recognition programs much like tonight but we have a very all in house safety assessments as needed. We offer them out when we have an obesity problem. And we have our chaplain services to support the police officers and the community. Last thing on the agenda upcoming events. We have a walk a mile with the chief to dip to be determined I'm told this sometime in June I asked today they told me sometime in June, so please stay tuned. I will let everybody know as soon as I know. We have a monthly council meetings here at the eighth precinct, the last Monday of the month. This month. It'll be on May 27 2024. If I'm not mistaken is crystal John's Are you in the back? What time would that go off? 630 may 2008 Miss girl Tubbs here I apologize is May 20 And it starts at 630. We have a district one monthly meeting there on Saturdays and then with Councilman Tate there be to be determined. We have the a USA peacenik walk in presentation in June to be determined I don't have the exact date but I know it's going to be in June as soon as I know everybody else will know. Police Week is next week. auditorium and stage a beautiful auditorium stage and lighting. We still have more lighting is available for our community events. Graduations recitals, just call my front office at 5963135965810 We'll get a reserved for you again 313-596-5810. We'll have that reserved for you and follow us on Facebook for the stuff that told you we are at DPD eighth precinct now to give you some of the dates that I was talking about. And last but very absolutely positively not least, I would be remiss if I didn't think the eighth precinct officers for the hard work and dedication to make sure that our community is safe and to keep our crime down. And that's it for the airport.
You have
any questions?
Commissioner Moore.
Thank you Mr. Chair. I just want to say thank you, Commander to you and your team. I've ordered you several complaints since you've been commander of eighth precinct. I'm not even the police commissioner at day three saying but you've knocked them out you and your team. So I just want to say thank you and your staff for handling those complaints. Thank you. Thank you, sir. Mr. Hernandez, thank
you through the chair. I'll just add a little bit more to that. I'm not surprised with the approach that you're taking based on the work that you did when you were in risk management. In particular, I have to publicly thank you for a critical incident that occurred a few weeks ago that you were very hands on and empathetic with specifically with family so I appreciate that.
Any further questions comments Commissioner woods.
He the reason why I was late. real mission Banagher
a quick question commander and congratulations again on your success and and the success of this precinct. We have and our materials and everything everything is listed, of course as a homicide or if it's if there's criminal, if it's a crime, but my question to you is this. How do you define homicide versus vote? What is called a justifiable homicide.
That wouldn't be a classification for me that would be a data quality so I take the information and statistics that they're giving us. So I wouldn't make that determination because at the eighth person we don't have we don't handle homicides per se. We are responding units. However the homicides are handled by homicides section.
Okay, thank you.
You mentioned words you have something called self defense. Do you I know. It's justifiable homicide on the book. You know, I know you have the self defense law. But do you categorize homicides by justifiable homicide?
Again that will probably so we're gonna say categorize you say justify that will probably be Wayne County prosecutor so we don't charge so we'll be responding uniformed my officers number eight will will respond will protect right will gather information.
You guys you guys present the charges. Yes. Well,
no, that will be homicide, but yeah, so
the Chair if I may. Where crime was occurred in the eighth precinct. Some crimes are handled by the precinct detectives and the prison detective unit. homicides are handled by a unit downtown. However, there are certain instances in certain cases where the homicide might be deemed by Kym worthy madam can work this office that it was self defense which makes it justifiable. We don't make those determination. The Wayne County prosecutor looks at the facts that were presented with the actual incident and make that determination but there is some homicides are backed out because they are deemed justifiable or self defense and just charged with that crime.
Mr. Chairman, just a follow up quickly. So our homicide report would not include quote justifiable homicides
it is correct, ma'am.
Your commission more or I mean just to clarify, when our fire chief or homicides are initially org or deaths are initially handle as they are homicide whether suicide justifiable what have you and they want to submit it to the prosecutor's office. That's what is determined what it actually is.
It is correct through the chair. That is correct. All
right. Any further questions? And my question again, today's precinct is we have had our chief investigator provide us a report on the work that our OCI office is doing there is a breakdown in his presentation of four community Citizen community report allegations by precinct. And while there has been such amazing news that has been shared with the precinct, I do want to draw to your attention that at least in the month of April, the eighth precinct is leading in the number of CTRs that have been filed against officers within ranging from service to procedure to demeanor. Is there any response you would have about what maybe you might be doing or communicating to ensure that officers engagement with citizens don't lead to complaints?
That's a good question. And thank you for your question. I apologize. I missed this. I missed this report. So I don't know what it said. However, I expect professionalism out of my officers. I'm here. I'm here from six o'clock in the morning, usually to six o'clock at night. So I see all three CEOs. I talk to him I mentor him and the people that I identify who may have problems, I literally bring them up to my office and not talk to them personally. So I expect to expect my community be to be use me. I expect my community to be policed with dignity and constitutionally, however sometimes I will say this sometimes people don't want to go to jail. I did take a look at the complaints that were outstanding because we have constant and have to ask for those as well. So a lot of them were pending. So I couldn't give you an exact answer on the ones that are current right. So for the ones for me, for this month, a lot of them will probably still be pending when I look in my system. However, if it's a person that I recognize that needs some extra assistance, I have no right with a sergeant. I'll talk to mom myself, but again, I'm in protocols, probably three four times a week as the commanding officer passing the message that we're going to police constitutionally. We got to be respectful to citizens.
Thank you. And just to be clear for the citizens again, these are allegations that have been made, and not that the cases have been sustained, or the officers had been found in wrongdoing, but yet with the number of allegations that have been made. Eighth precinct is number one with 3512 precinct is number two with 31. And then the sixth precinct is number three with 23. Just your sheriff
mad this is not an excuse. However, we are the biggest and the most populated city precinct in the city of Detroit and probably make some of the most contact with citizens
and that's important context. Thank you for that clarification, but
I still expect for it to be professional.
Thank you any further questions or comments?
Um, through the Chair of commission more I have questions. I mean the answer to your question regarding how many arrests were made during the draft. In fact, the footprint there were two arrests that were made. A male and a female and there were two juveniles detained for fighting. Outside the footprint there were 18 and those consisted of fighting, MTP and trespassing with some of the charges but the 18 outside of the footprint. Oh,
thank you to the chair. So you say outside of the footprint outside of footprint could literally mean where we are right now. So when you mean outside the footprint What do you
know outside up to the chair outside the footprint downtown you know, where's campus Marshals at the theater and where that evolves where you go outside that area like Greek town, up by Wayne State of by LCA, those areas with us consider us at the footprint. And so during the draft, there were 18 arrests that was in the area of the draft would not end up. Understood.
Thank you, Chief. Right.
Yes, go right ahead. Excuse me, sorry
for there's no problem here if you're here for so if you take a look over to your right, my left, we have Captain Brian Bowser here. I'm gonna put him on spot. He is one of the reasons that he's my second. I'm gonna He's one of the reasons why crimes are down. He's a crime guru. This is probably going to be his last Board of police commissioners meeting, but in one spot now, and if you'd like to come up and say something on his way out he used to do we would love to hear from him. It's so it's okay.
Excellent. After how many years 28 years. Thank you for your service. Thank you. Anything further? All right, hearing none, we thank everyone for their questions for the chief of police report and the async precinct report. And now we'll move forward to oral communications. And again, for those who would like to make public how many of you're in the room there should have been public comment cards at the door when you came in, that you can turn in and then those who are on the Zoom, you can identify yourself as we move forward in public comment. Mr. Brown, who do we have? That
afternoon Mr. Chair we currently have 13 speakers are called those in attendance first, the Saudi to Williams followed by Minister Eric blunt, followed by Miss Bernie Smith.
Hello, everyone. Hello. And I like to say this very. Everything that I'm getting ready to say is from my heart, okay. I cannot speak about the 2000 police officers, but I can speak about the police officers. And it's our rally that I'm here at the community center concerning you know, my issue I've been going through and the officers that came out to the police I mean, out of the hospital came from the A so as I discover a lot of people like Hernandez just say thank you very much. Apparently I'm not special enough for them to do their job correctly. Because it looks like a lot of people are calling in favors to cover up this rate. And if they was doing a job correctly, this person dead rate me should have been locked up. So when I say this, this is coming from my heart and I mean this. I know for certain certain police officers. They act like they the black black mafia family with badges. That's how I feel. They all district they disrespect a badge. They steal adult from the evidence room steal the money, it didn't steal money from the casinos. So how can I respect anybody like that? And that's the bottom line. I've been coming here for over a year. And if you are choose not to do your job correctly, it's accountability. You always say accountability, transparency, I can tell and whoever calling me a nice famous got a lot of power from the hospitals all the way down. And at this point in time, I don't know what to believe or who to believe. But I know my body can you can put a price tag on it. And we're getting this money from the be able to pay for DoorDash Cash App. Gift cards. You tell me they got a hotline for me take pictures and post them. That's how they keep track on me. So you say it's no undercover officers where I live at this like the woman who was undercover who abused her daughter got dropped off our transit police. Transit Police didn't give me a ride after they told my car. Thank you.
Minister block
I don't want anyone to be deceived, even by the written statements of this board. On the second page of your agenda, it says falsely that this board acts as the final authority and imposing and reviewing discipline of DPD employees. That is not true. So many of these officers that are voted to be disciplined not just keep their job, but they get their back pay through binding arbitration. Not only that, the 2022 contract negotiated under Chief white requires that discipline and not be used in determining an officer's promotion. So where is the accountability? Hard? Hard to find? And yes, your mission Bernard, I must once again read into the record your statements on this meeting, March the second 2023 page 32 When you said I request that everyone in this room being promoted, would you please stand? You went on to say I am attorney Linda Bodnar. If there's anything I can do for you, as a lawyer, or personally or professionally, please feel free to contact me. If that's not solicitation, I don't know what is. This, if
I may with the permission of the chair. That was the remark. It was not an illegal solicitation. By any by any interpretation by any court or other body. It was a remark that I made ladies and gentlemen, two young people that I was looking at who had just been promoted as officers. And when I say that to people, I say it to citizens all the time. When I talk to you I tell you my name is Linda, you can call me if you have some problem. Usually the questions relate to child support. What do I do about this? What do I do about that? I'm I don't think I've ever gotten a question about criminal law matter, or matter that would be a disciplinary matter, but I'm proud of my reputation. I'm proud of what I've achieved. I'm the only African American with a Master's of law the first one to graduate from the University of Pennsylvania. I earned my JD from Wayne State University and my bachelor's in three years from Wayne State University's Monty's honors college I've argued in one, three precedent setting cases in the Michigan Supreme Court, which changed the law for everyone, all of us in this room. I'm not going to go into detail my chairman might have a fit. So but I want you to understand that I'm licensed in five federal courts, including the US Supreme Court, I have nothing to be ashamed of as a professional. And you cannot and will not shame me by by my remarks, which were quite frankly charitable in nature to young people who don't know the the legal system, particularly as it relates to their family law issues and others when I made that remark. I'm proud of it and I would say it again and I say it to everyone in this room. If I can help you. I'm on this earth to help you to serve. If I can help you please call me and I will do what I can to help you negotiate or whatever it is you need or tell you really I just tell you the right direction to go in. So thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Next speaker this
evening to everyone here present. Good evening. I didn't think I was gonna make it because you're so far out and then I got my cane. But Linda, let me tell you something. When you are doing a good job, you are getting criticized all the time. I was accused of hitting people with my cane. And I was ready to go to court and I was good. Didn't have to talk to the Lord. That's something most of us need to do. We need to talk to the Lord and being a minister. He comes here every week and complains about
some bad sure that your comments are
gonna speak to commissioners. I want to let you know. The members up they're doing a hell of a good job. I know it because I was number one on the Coleman Young. So I know what you're going through it. So lender, don't worry about it. lookups to the man. He'll take care of everything. Believe me, he will. Now to my police department. I want you to know I love you. I told everyone that I saw since the weekend. You did a hell of a job for this city. I am going to the convention next month, or this month rather, which is in Chicago, my home. I've been here 70 years and I love it here. I was born and raised in Chicago. And I want you to know I'm going to brag my behind off when I go over there and talk about my police department here because you know why? When you put that uniform on, you're protecting me and everybody else in this auditorium. And I want everybody to understand, this is your life and you have extended to save us every day that you put that uniform on. I happen to be 7179 Damn, I don't even know 91 years old. I will be 92 May 31 And I hope the good Lord, let me stay here so I can talk some more and especially at the convention in Chicago. Take care everyone and bless you
Mr. Chair your next three speakers would be Zevia cubus followed by this Linda Marcel followed by Mr. Joshua Budhia.
Good evening everyone. My name is Xavier Kala, nice to see all of you always a pleasure to see some familiar faces from the lovely Media Services Department. This past Sunday was Cinco de Mayo. I was present working in event I've covered for the last few years. This year is however, was slightly different as I'm sure many of you have already been made aware. There were, of course a large police response to quote unquote overcrowding, resulting in the dispersing of a vast number of visitors and residents, the closing of number of businesses and the detainment of seven individuals, one of which was myself. Now, I'm not here to ask you all particularly any questions or for an apology nor am I here to antagonize you. I've heard the responses I understand people were doing their jobs and following orders. I am However, here to of course encourage you all to do a better job as well as you know the residents of this area and just throughout the city to become educated and informed on the rules and regulations and processes of organizing community events. So that our celebrations can be as respected and protected as events that attract 1000s of non residents to our beautiful city. While the developments and improvements occurring in Detroit have been exciting to see I hope we can continue to ensure that there's always a place for the diverse people who call the city home for generations and continue to live here. And I'm also here to an extend an invite to a community meeting tomorrow, May 10 at 4pm in southwest Detroit regarding some of those very issues and questions and events that occurred on Sunday. So if you would like to hear more, I'll be there and several other officials will be there as well. So thank you
know where? Oh,
yes. Here let me grab the address real quick. That would be 7752 West Werner Detroit, Michigan 48209. So thank you.
Thank you. Commissioner Woods
who WG bridgid Do you have any insight as relates to this matter that happened and seek at the mile
there? Let's hold off on that because I believe maybe the next few public commenters have likewise a grievances and so that way you can be comprehensive in your response,
this linear follow up on Josh.
Good evening, everyone.
Good evening.
I actually wasn't going to speak because there's somebody here that was said they were going to be here but they're not and I decided to speak because I see my community here with me as well. And I think it's extremely important that you guys hear us when we speak it kind of was a smack in our faces to say that the police does a very good job within all of Detroit, because that's not true. We have seen it 1000s And countless of times, how we are treated once we're outside of the beautification. of Detroit. I also want to address that there are officers who did assault me never arrested me, but assaulted me. I have my scratches on my side, my bruises, and I still have a sore bruise and a bump on my arm from holding me down. I also wanted to dress that officer 1154 must, but I mean must be investigated. There's officers there that didn't have a badge. And he told he told me I have 300 complaints against me one won't be more when I went to the Fourth Precinct and I started to make my reports. I was greeted very nasty. And I even have it recorded he decided to take his body cam and record me as if the cameras inside the precinct wasn't enough. That doesn't intimidate me. Nothing intimidates me because Detroit built me and I want the very best for my community and for my officers as well. My uncle is an officer I helped him study. I'm very proud of my uncle. But what I don't agree with is the nastiness that a lot of these officers have. And a lot of these officers who are chiefs do not see it. They don't they want to protect them and I understand it's their blue color code. When I was in the truck, I asked them can you book with me because I was having a panic attack in the back of the truck and I hit my head going back and forth. I was ignored completely completely besides one who decided to open his mouth. I have a recording when I was in the back of that truck how much he was talking smack with me. I was that's
your time. But I do want to point your attention. I am having a hard time seeing with the lights. I'm supervising investigators back there with their hand raised. Can you see here? All right. So if you can go to her so again, we do have our limitations as commissioners, but some of the allegations you made is the responsibility of our office of chief investigator to investigate matters of demeanor and force which are heard in your comments. And so if you don't mind, if you can share that information with our chief investigator we will indeed do a thorough investigation on your behalf
and it's much deeper than investigation. Yep,
I hear that definitely last
fall. About Armando Perez about this law report.
Y'all know how to celebrate yourselves. I mean for a whole hour award for this award for that but there seems to be like a disconnect between what the other community members are coming up here and saying and how you guys are talking about yourselves. There's a disconnect of how you how you enforce the you know, enforce the law at the draft and how you came to our community relies on our community members during during the celebration of our heritage there in our day around the weather that is helped me understand why that is what why you why you were brutalizing my community members. Why you're despite your spring our celebration, was it was there a problem? Was it was there a danger? Why is there such a juxtaposition? Between how that how you guys were behaving there and that a draft that I didn't see any of that I'd rather have to arrest right in the in the shoe. So please, please help me out. I understand why you why you feel the need to come to a Latino community of black and brown community and treat us like that helped me understand that. Another thing I want you to educate me on is civilian oversight and accountability. How many how many understand what kind of direct measures does the community have on you guys? To to you know, to help you guys serve us right? What what what, what accountability measures and what What power does the community have to dictate what you're going to enforce and what and your police policy? So if you're going to answer those two questions, I would very much appreciate that. Thank you.
Thank you.
So I mean to answer the first part of your question is is a 11 member board where seven of our members are elected. And so that's your first level of accountability is you know, paying attention to who's representing you and you have the right to vote for who you think best represents you. And then also, there's always openings and opportunities for you to participate. And so as you talked about policies, the chair of our policy committee, Commissioner Linda Benard, you can attend those meetings. You can give suggestions on policies that we're reviewing, you can provide feedback on whether or not you feel like those are accurately representing the community needs. But those are primarily the two ways that you'll be able to engage with the civilian oversight board and holding us accountable as it relates to what it is that you're desiring to see in your community. Right ahead, sir.
Thank you. I like my appear wasn't going to speak but I'm gonna just tell my story. So you have just another perspective born or raised in Detroit, love my city. I think overall, you guys do a good job. But then there are moments like Sunday Cinco de Mayo that just don't make sense. Very little explanation, very little communication, frustration from everybody because we are just enjoying our holiday like we do every year. And then you have cops that disrespectful are the aggressors for no reason they don't even communicate. They don't talk to you as they should if you are just a civilian and thing that triggered me was there's a shooting on Michigan and 33rd. And so you would think all of the precinct the whole all of the cops are just on Vernon to stop my people from enjoying the day and instead, deal with issues that are happening on Michigan. Deal with the actual problems that are going on. In the city. Instead of taking down an event where we're just trying to join there were more people last year than they were this year but they were saying that there were capacity issues. None of it makes sense. My my homegirl who she got hurt my one friend he got arrested me I almost got arrested just by stating my piece there my voice What's the problem? I want you to take your attention where it belongs. And so we get taken down half of us had to leave the other half not knowing how to get home if they see you say grow up and figure it out. So we're trying to do but that's my piece. That's my two cents.
Thank you
again, I don't want you to think that we are not being responsive. There are two things that I do want to make clear that again as the board of police commissioners, we are the civilian oversight board. We don't speak for the police department, but again I will provide DC Prichard an opportunity to respond to many of the grievances that have been lifted. I just want to get them all so that she can be comprehensive in her response. Our next public comment to miss
parks followed by Mr. Ronald Foster, followed by Miss Cynthia West.
Good evening. Good evening. Last week, Attorney Hawkins was interviewed by the board who is qualified to be the secretary of the board. Did you guys get a legal opinion on whether or not attorney Hawkins can be the secretary of the poor? That's one question. My next question is how many of you, board of police commissioners are appointed by Doug the next one as the community still wants to know where or when will you have a complaints on all the citations that was given to you? Maybe a year or two ago for the office. There's who were called the booty boys. These officers were born Oh wow. The City of Detroit doing body cavity searches without any warrants or anything so that's that's another question and I know you guys know that he was also the chief of police is chief of staff. The number one with the boys. There's a sense in District Council for several of them across the city, where law and other several across the city. I would like to arm come to the board of police commissioner's meeting. But a lot of people in the community don't attend when they are at the headquarters. Why? Because a lot of people are intimidated by going to the headquarters to tell on the police about what happened to them in the communities. That's another one. Last of all. Do you guys know why? The board of police commissioner's was created in this city? I don't know about no other city. But I can tell you about this city. And if you don't know you need to read up on why called me Young had this board of police commissioners created if you don't know not at the Board of police commissioners, thank you and be police officers. Thank you. Thank you
for your time and again yes. Yes, we did get a legal opinion relative to the potential candidate for the board of secretary's position. Four commissioners are appointed by the mayor. Unless there's an elected member who vacates their position then the mayor has the opportunity to also to appoint them in duration. And if you have the citizen complaint number for those officers you were referring to we can get a status update on that.
Go right ahead. I'm sorry, like a
criminal matter as well. But you need to check with the Wayne County prosecutor on that
issue. But again, if her statement is accurate, and I don't have any belief that is not that the citizen complaint was filed. I think her question was where we are on that investigation. So whatever that can be. We'll give her that update. Go right ahead.
Good evening. Through Eva. Firstly, you're wanting to say is just and then support well for dishes six community, I will firmly say that bigotry, on any circumstances should not be allowed within the city. Secondly, if we listen to the community, one of the things they highlighted is they don't believe that the higher command knows what goes on. So I think it'd be beneficial if we acknowledge that we have potential problems within the rank and file. And then we can start working on policies to address those things, but we have to acknowledge the damage that has been done or potential damage that has been done to your community members. Thirdly, across our city, I'm here to advocate for black men to be held accountable for their role. In our community. Our society is not government's job to feed our children. It's not government's job to protect our grandparents. It's not government's job to do any of these things. It's the black man's job to protect his family and do that. And it's been too long that we have not held the black man accountable. And his role within our society. We go straight to the police. And we do all these other things. We as black men have to stand up and take our responsibilities that down yes, shame. Do what you have to do and contribute within our communities and uplift it. Thirdly, I appreciate the work of Sikh Spire. They stand out obviously different from the other organizations with character and a lot of other things. So I do appreciate the work that they do. A couple of people to ask the in the community events all the time, I see Commissioner Moore at all the community events CDM commander here at all the community events which is accessible to us as citizens so I do appreciate that. I got a lot more to say but I have previously advocated for active recruitment and District Six and now was last year sometime if we listen to our community and a lot of tenants we again in a better place to prevent Thank you. Thank you
This west.
It evening. My name is Cynthia Kailyn Marie West and I would like to speak about the events of Cinco Demayo. I have some statements from the community that I think is very important. What protection were the police providing when they shut down multiple Latino owned businesses in southwest Detroit on Cinco Demayo taco trucks Fiesta vibes that el club shutting down Bernal burner, multiple people couldn't get home I had to park their cars and walk around. multiple businesses missed out on income revenue on a day that community has been planning for. Artists came together to celebrate a day of pride with our community and they closed everything down with no threat present. It's hard for our people and for the community to say that this wasn't racially motivated, or that this wasn't done with prejudice. My question is how many protests how many posts how many riots will it take before we actually really feel like we are heard and we are seeing and we are protected. There's only so much a person can take before they feel they have to take matters into their own hands. So when will we actually be seen and heard and to feel safe? And incident that happened in southwest Detroit what not be going on in Sterling Heights would not be going on a Royal Oak would not be happening in Birmingham. When do we as Detroit residents actually get to feel that piece of security. And that's it for me. Thank you,
Mr. Chair.
Your next step would be Minister obey the while
he's coming up.
I got to lay cards do you want okay, yes, Mr. Bae followed by Julian Fernandez. Followed by Emilio Fernandez.
Good evening. Good evening to the board here. I see we got a major problem often. I would suggest on trial go out there and have a meeting with the people be transparent. Let them know we're here for you and hit our complaint. That will be something that will be monumental just to do that alone. You could add, but I had a couple of concerns a question. Is marijuana still considered a drug? I just wanted to know is it still considered a drug on the federal level? What is it I just want to know is it not still considered a drug on the federal level? Is cuz? Is it considered a drug on effect? Yes. So Mike, okay, that's what I wanted to Okay. So I wanted to get that out of the way because we have problems with our youth in the community period. Let's take that on gateway drug along with other things we need to address. I hear a lot of statistics up here. I don't know what they talking about. This is down seven. That's up nine. Give me some base numbers. What do we have 100. Now we're down to 77. Let's come with base numbers because people can always blog you with statistics. Some people may not speak on I'm speaking on it because I'm here to sub 3.2 is down 6.1 But we're not at a jockey Raisa auction or something like that. Talk to the people, you know in plain language. Now I heard this see preaching Barbie DC Pritchard given us all the statistics. I hear it all the time. People like they really know how many y'all to hear really no budget statistics. How many y'all really know what it's saying. There you go. I mean, y'all would like to know what it says when they say in all these seven to three, give us the number do we can really see what's going on. And our committee and our community. I appreciate that. We had something going on over here with the inspectors, they hire you so you hired some more inspectors, investigators investigators, but now you said something about it. You can get through the job quicker because they do and what what did you say they was doing? He told me they bring you on some
through the chair. What we're doing, we're doing several things. One of the things we're doing is that we automated our reports that well what does that mean? That literally means that the report now it takes about an hour and a half.
Okay as you can speak to it, so your time is a expense but I'll allow him to respond.
Is because I called him for the job. They told me you had to be a typist. You had to type so fast. I see we have animated age right now where we could just speak to test and to put it on the paper they say they didn't want to spend
duly noted, we're doing it time is elapsed. So I owe it to the other public commenters. Well, we won't talk
about dress those statue. I want somebody to speak on just like you spoke on some of that.
I got you. Yep, indeed. Yep. There are some standardized practices that goes into our hiring that's even beyond our office that's done by the city HR process. And so that's, you know, a part of parcel about how we hire investigators with you know, there could be a conversation here regarding it. And thank you. I mean, again, we don't want to just be here to be here, but particularly since we are volunteer we want to be effective. And so to your recommendation about using the base numbers over the percentages, okay? Help us to be the information be more accessible to our communities. And so we'll take that to heart. Yeah. Yes, ma'am.
My name is Julie Fernandez. I'm a Mexican American girl. I'm 21 years old. So for as you know, a lot of small owned businesses were shut down by the Detroit Police. She was writing in like the military telling us that we didn't have permits, or we're hearing them that we're illegals. I just think that was honestly a very racist crime that I experienced. I honestly never thought I would experience that with my life. I was actually one of the artists at a club there was a there was also 40 artists probably mourn that we're going to perform at a club. Everything just went downhill when the police came in just telling us a whole lot of racist stuff. And after I was done with my shown I went outside to get some food with my brother actually. And that's I went outside. That's when I saw lady young she was picking right now detained by Ford police officer case I can see one moment I never seen that my life. I never thought I would I really think that is social injustice right there.
And I went outside. Police Officer were just blocking roads. They were just blocking roads. I heard. This is from what I heard they were knocking on people's doors. Trying to shut down small Latino owned businesses. This is a holiday that we celebrate every year. I'm celebrating my culture and if I can't do that within my community, then I honestly don't feel welcome here. I was born and raised here. This is my home. Thank you.
Thank you. Beautiful.
One concern I do have with the Detroit Police Department is its use in collaboration with surveillance technology, especially with one called see what's called on. It's one formerly known as a spot shooter now known as, let's see, what's it called? Yeah. Now it's gonna understand thinking it's a surveillance technology that is also being used in in also collaboration with also with other servants with LG like also in in countries like UK and in Israel as well to us that uses this technology to like unlawfully detained Palestinians in the West Bank. On the same technology used in a poor black and brown neighborhoods in Detroit. I just asked like for the Detroit Police Martin to cut ties with the South Tekin corporation to no longer go To Nowhere collaborate with them. And to immediately end its program. And that's my main concern about in its funding still, is I still am collaborating with something in cooperation with the formerly known as Potter
you actually do we still use ShotSpotter technology. Yeah, yeah. So we do. Yeah.
As just a real concern, basically, major concerns with that, with that technology as it's used as it's already been used to like unlawfully detain six Detroit residents as well, too. And it's used that that technology is also used by an illegal apartheid apartheid regime as well too. And it shouldn't be an issue that kind of technology should not be operated inside the city. Thank you.
This next week is will be on Zoom. Mr. myko Williams, followed by Miss Betty Werner.
Williams. Hi, can you hear me?
Yes, we can go right ahead.
Yeah, hi. I would like to know if this question can be responded to what is the qualification and the professional resume of the secretary. I'm really confused as to how you all are doing this process. Can you please lay that out for me? Clearly. Also, I want to give my statement of concern about the Mexican town raid by Detroit Police. This is a 55% white police force that was barely out today. That is very much misrepresentation. They also shut down some of the businesses that was unlawful because I'm sure that they had permits and licensing that had been held up by the city. All of the events are basically held up because of its function. That is unacceptable. And you should apologize to all of those people and release those that you've arrested with no fine. It is unacceptable for this police department. To really come to the stop. Oh, that is Gustavo Patek. It's unacceptable. And it shouldn't be tolerated because you made those people feel in their own community. It's almost as worse as the ice rain. Thank you for taking my comment. Please answer my question from before what is the qualification of this board secretary please lay it out for me, Mr. Chairman, thank you.
Right, and so my response to that would be that the responsibilities of the board secretary is enumerated in our city's charter, but as it relates to the responsibilities as we have, are now under deliberations about hiring a board secretary is under review. So we're trying to get a description that is more accurate to the role of our challenge has been is that because it's called the secretary to the board, and most believed that it's a clerical role. However, the secretary to the board is more like an executive director. Not only do they serve as the liaison between the Board of police commissioners and offensive chief investigator, but they also serve as a liaison between the Board of police commissioners and the Detroit Police Department, overseeing a substantial amount of staff a committee structures in the like, and so we're hoping to, again, a rewrite the job posting so that it can be more accurate to what the role of the board secretary is, but as it is stated in the city charter, you can find the responsibilities of the board secretary.
This Werner
Good evening to all within the sound of my voice. I'm Betty a brown president of DeSoto. Elsewhere black Association. I first wanted to start off by saying Congrats to the Detroit Police Department for the work the successful work they did for the NFL. In regards to the issues for the event with the parade and the community and southwest Detroit. Did you put the Detroit Police Department needs to work with that community to bring some peace so that they need needs to be whatever happened. They need to be some piece so the people will feel comfortable and having events and their community and I'm in support of my police department. But this is my opinion and what I feel Congrats to the work that AP St. is doing and their community. I'm going to talk about my 10th precinct. I want to talk about and brag on our MPOs officer Sumpter officer Parker, Officer berry Officer of Rogers, and opposite Barber, the my direct NPO is Office Assumpta. Whatever I need, she stepped up to the plate and helped me to get issues resolved. But if she is not available, what I like about MPOs any one of the ones that I did was step up and make sure the problem is resolved. Kudos to our MPOs also want to know want to say we're participating in feed the police this week. We're feeding 10 pre Saint on Friday. May 17. We're going to be feeding all ships. That's 12000 limonoids. If you'd like to donate, please bring your food, good food to our precinct living noise and Elmhurst and last but not least, I want to say kudos to my police commissioner Ricardo more. He he is so onpoint
Mr. Chairman last to speak with will be one of the coldest followed by former Commissioner William Davis.
Hello, are you there?
Can you hear me clearly?
Yes, go right ahead.
Okay, Tara, police officers warrant officers in practice right now. To the Hispanic brothers and sisters their pleas in took an oath to protect the 30 citizens of the city of Detroit. So we took you gave your word when you gave that oh uphold it. Commissioner Bodnar impressive resume. Minister eric berg. I've heard you numerous times. Say disparaging things about Commissioner Bernard. Your man or the club man and clergy and this goes out to all the black Hispanic pastors ministers. This is Robin is in the city of Detroit. The Detroit city clerk has been caught blue handed ly on public record in regards to an Augustine investigative report about allegations of absentee ballot voter fraud. We have Detroit trap houses here in the city of Detroit. That's right Detroit trap houses now regular Chophouse slangs dope. These particular trap houses slinks votes, they slang votes other houses here in the city of Detroit. There's no bigger issue than the right to free and fair opening out of selections here in the city of Detroit. Now this report that was proffered by the Department of Elections puts the nail in the carpet clearly demonstrates that not only do we have absentee ballot voter fraud here we have international international absentee ballot voter fraud happening it occurred in the 2020 boy United States presidential primary election. From one to a four to six street over in district one James Tate Jr's district. What are the choices?
Well, Commissioner Davis
Good evening can't be heard.
If you can go right ahead.
I like to start off by saying I believe that the Border Police Commissioner budget should be increased, especially as we find more and more police officers on the force of the dip of a different demographic than what the city of Detroit has. And it's continued to evolve with in 1973. During that election, when Coleman Yang was elected, and the board of police commissioners at the city charter was changed to create the board of police commissioners. There was a lot of problems in Detroit because the police force was predominantly Caucasian, and the city was becoming more and more black. Now the city is even more black and the police force that was imbalanced for a while it's returning back to being more and more white. I know I got a lot of complaints about Cinco Demayo day and about a lot of people in southwest Detroit. I think that the boy should have been a town hall meeting in southwest Detroit. I think the boys should be a little bit more proactive. And the boys should recognize that people feel like they are not being treated properly. And there may be some some something right and sometimes you know something's wrong, you know, and something needs to be done. We need to make sure everybody feels comfortable in our city. I know for a fact. Most of the time when you have even more people downtown Detroit, like Tiger opening game, where you got a whole lot of white people down there drinkin drinkin urinating on the street, but very few people get arrested. But you in southwest Detroit you have majority Hispanic and minority communities where it's not as big of a crowd because I've seen big crowds out there. Unlike some of you. I worked out in southwest Detroit for 34 years. So I think something needs to be done. Something needs to be straighten this out. You know, we do not want conditions to get worse this summer. Thank you.
Thank you. All right, DC Pritchard
through the Chair, I have invited the fourth person command team who was out there Friday, Saturday and Sunday to approach the board and the board what they did what they saw and some of the reasons why suddenly things happen. Right
please come for
Good evening honorable board, and Commander Shelley holder Brahma the Fourth Precinct. This is Captain Brandon Lewis. Cinco de Maya was a three day celebration. This year was a little different. Cinco de Mayo fell on the same day as the parade. We have over 50,000 people from Bernard Woodmere to Bernard a 21st, which is over two mile stretch. The parade lasted three hours and ended at 3pm and that is when the extended celebration started. Eight people were ticketed and released there were no arrests. Nobody went to the DDC. No baby incidents were on Werner. We close down a nonpermanent outside illegal event at L club. It had a wrestling ring in it a stage and two food locations with diminished the actual capacity of the location. I did receive an email from the city that was not permitted was an illegal event. We also shut down and non permanent mechanical bowl stage. A lot of people towards the end in the evening hours, a lot of public drinking marijuana smoking, loitering and attempting to we attempted to move the crowds and attempt to clear the streets so we could open them up and making it safe for the public. It did become a public safety issue. And we have room for improvement. And we will be working with the businesses in the communities next year to make sure that it's it's a safe event for everybody.
All right, I'm gonna ask the public commenters Please maintain your decorum. Are there any questions or comments for commissioners relative to that report? Excuse me became public commenters. I'm going to ask that you would do your best to maintain your decorum. And my question is, you know,
I think you stated around the fact that the parade and the Cinco de Mayo observation observance Phil on the same day, but I mean, this celebration has been going on for years. What made this year different?
Um, I think, sir, that the difference was Cinco de Mayo will happen and we get folks from all over and outside in the suburbs, and everybody comes in on May the fifth and generally then the parade is on a Sunday. Always the parade is on a Sunday. To this time, the parade and Cinco de Myles fell on the exact same day. So it brought in a lot more people we had well over 50,000 people in in just from the perspective for me and captain on Friday and Saturday we did get a lot of calls and complaints from actually legal businesses and folks who you know, have their businesses and it is a big event for them. And then folks coming up and setting up illegal vending places and selling the same things that they were selling. So we did have a city license person with the officers so we did shut down illegal vending people who did not have their permits to do that on Friday and Saturday. And the two events that we shut down on Sunday, which one of them was el club we shut the outside event down but we did not shut the club down.
And I'm not going to imagine again a public commenters community. I'm gonna ask again that you maintain your decorum. So to two things in that one, and I think that you mentioned that, you know, obviously it doesn't resolve the harms that have already been done but to be more proactive next year because again, when it came to the NFL draft or the fireworks or any of these other events, we can predict the population is going to be out there. And as a result there plans and measures that are often put in place prior to so that any police intervention is not taking them off guard or surprising. It seems as if this one may have caught us off guard.
Well, I don't think so. Sorry. I think we had more than enough officers. Me and the captain were out there from 8am to midnight, and the celebration didn't stop it went on to all hours at night. Unfortunately, I could not open the streets up that's how many pedestrians we had the streets were full and so we couldn't open up for vehicular traffic. On Monday. I myself with the capital requested a meeting that we had today with the event coordinator because we want to do better. We want to work with the community. We don't want to have to shut things down but there's laws and there's rules and as the police, that's what we have to do we have to enforce the law.
And then obviously there has to be some level of repair and reconciliation apps because as you stated you didn't shut down at the event on the inside but I can imagine what the kind of police presence that was there or there may have been some level of intimidation that might have caused people to disperse regardless of whether or not the inside was still open. And so again, repairing that sense of trust and relationship in that community I think is going to be paramount to again moving forward. A Commissioner woods
are you doing, Commander right okay. Yes, sir. Yes. Is it possible that you guys can engage? I lost my voice to engage with this particular community to have a conversation with them to see if there can be some mediation with with the situation.
There's a meeting tomorrow at four o'clock that I know they've already mentioned that I will be present, along with Councilwoman Santiago Romero. And, you know, sir, just so you know, I lived in this community for a long time. My children went to school in the Catholic schools here. I've always worked for 26 years DPD coming to southwest Detroit was a dream that for me, because yeah, so may hint they follow you status the less Korean or no, but definitely, we're going to work we're going to work with them. The you know, I feel like this is my family. You know, my my children are Mexican, American. And
yeah, excuse me, Maddie again and actually public commenters. Please maintain your decorum. Thank you.
Yeah. Did you did you guys identify anything? That was alarming to you guys. In terms of as far as officers wise,
me and the captain and been watching the body cameras. You know, it's hard because all officers are wearing their their body cameras and mics because it was such a long event. It takes a minute for them to download but we have been watching.
So you guys are taking a deep dive into the situation. Absolutely. Got to deal with the any bad actors if you identify though. Absolutely, sir. Okay, thank you.
Any further Commissioner more?
Yes. I don't have a question for the captain will command or more so for Chief Investigator during public comment the badge number 1154 came up. Can you look into that and share with the board what your findings are?
I'm pretty sure the young lady did file a complaint at the precinct and it was taken by the the watch commander on the desk.
Well, we think may connection here tonight. And any comment that is made during public comment is a matter of public record and we make CCRS based on that as well. So I'm confident that it has been recorded and if not we will ensure that it has been any further questions or comments. I don't know how we will do this. I mean that meeting tomorrow at four o'clock if we can get a investigator there somehow so that whatever might be mentioned if there's some complaint, some allegations of misconduct that are lifted, we can follow up on that as our role and responsibility. And it's a fair Yes,
Mr. Chairman, because the community is actively tremendously actively involved in this meeting this evening. I've asked our our board our ACTING BOARD SECRETARY Mr. Brown to provide me a copy of the written testimony, if you will, of everyone that spoken today during public comment, and I'm sure he will share that with the rest of the board so that we can follow up appropriately. Thank you for your patience with us by shearsmith
Yes through the chair and just to reiterate what the ones that complain today the proper process for them to make their complaint does not through the police department but the proper channels. Could you please explain that to them again, please?
Yep, Chief Investigator what ways can individuals file CCR
Rs? Two to chair
a civilian
citizen complaint report? Thank
you through the chair. There are several ways that citizens citizens
can do that our number at the office of the chief investigator is airy code 313-596-2499. Again 313-596-2499. You also can file a complaint right online on the board of police commissioner's online page, and you can go right on there and file the complaint there. You can also fax that comment in as well as you can email it to us as well. And we did give out several brochures tonight. For members who had spoken during public comment we already have received some complaints in our office concerning the sequel demiral event and some of the complaints regarding how officers interfaced with some of the citizens. So our investigators are well aware some of the concerns of the citizens and Commissioner Hernandez, thank you through the chair. I'll be entirely brief and I think there are still facts that need to be submitted and I look forward to every resident who felt unsafe, that they have a platform they feel they have a platform to actually be able to file those complaints, independent of what that process might look like. I think my colleagues have have expressed the need for repair to occur. I think there's always going to be ongoing relational buildup that needs to happen. The job that commander Shelly holder Baum and her team are leading at Fourth Precinct is not an easy one. I will say though as a lifelong resident of Southwest Detroit, more needs to be done in the sense of just bringing people together. It's not just the fact of submitting a complaint. It's the fact of the follow up work that needs to happen which that responsibility falls on this board. And I think that our team has been doing good work and it's not to put anyone on the spot including our chief investigator. But there needs to be additional format and to I think the gentleman who was here who said it before there needs to be statistics that are digestible by the community so that we know that improvement is being made and that oversight is properly being delivered. So with that, I know that I've been in communication with Commander holder bomb every single step of the way. She's been very cooperative. And with that, I'll withhold any additional comments until I know more of the facts that are happening and I look forward to seeing and reviewing the body worn camera personally. And I know that you've always been helpful, so I appreciate the work that you're doing. I also appreciate all the residents that have come out and i i Actually anticipated and hope for more residents to be here from Southwest Detroit. I know that it's a little bit of a drive but either way I appreciate you for showing up. Right. Thank you. With that now we will move to the presentation to the board by the eighth precinct Police Community Relations Council. So we invite you to come forward now. I'm gonna make this brief. Yes, we've been here for a minute. Yes, I will say this and I'm gonna start with this and I'm gonna do my welcome. And I'm gonna make sure you know, I'm a cheerleader for the eighth precinct. So disclaimer, I'm a fan. Are we perfect? No. Are we individually perfect? No. So having said that, I'm going to make this as short as I can. But I would like to say a prayer protection and a prayer of healing for what occurred on Cinco Demayo or for any any transgressions that you all may think of has happened in your past. It's always get a sprinkling of healing, protection and know that you are valuable. You are appreciated. We are all children of God. We are daughters of the King. We are sons of a king. At the same time, we all got to act like we daughters of the King, and we got to act like we are sons of a king at the same time. All right, so let me let me get out of Thank you. So I want to do a welcome. Real quick. I want to welcome the board of police commissioners to the house of day three seeing and in our humble opinion, the best of the best men and women in blue. So whereas my eighth precinct community I'm a little biased just a little bit. I would like to also acknowledge our commissioner from District One Tamra Liberty Smith, and also liberty, Linda Barnard from district two. I had the distinct pleasure of sitting next to miss Renard at the mayor's State of the City address and it was a pleasure to have talked to her. And as far as Commissioner Smith, we are out here on the streets. Constantly. So I know what she does. I know what she stands for, and she has a lot of passion for the people and doing the right thing at all times. And a heartfelt shout out to the commissioners over the other districts and the staff members that fall under you. It's a big task and responsibility. Thank you very much for what you do. And again, welcome to the house of the eighth precinct. So I wanted to say something about our board of directors. Now I got some of them here and some of them are not here, so I'm gonna go over them pretty quickly. Yes, I'm President. My name is Gayle. Tubbs. And yes, I actually hail from Honolulu, Hawaii. So I'm gonna give everybody one more time and aloha. Oh. Aloha means hello, goodbye. And I love you all at the same time. One word so present myself vice president is Michelle Ruffin. She's not here tonight. Treasure Valley lever was the young lady that was here. She's got recording secretary key to Walker waiting to everybody here. Correspondence Secretary Harrison Shelby. He was in here and he was also part of a resolution. Sergeant at Arms is vacant members at large. We have random Mitchell right here. Peggy noble who's actually her birthday is today so she's celebrating with her family and Deborah Chapman. So the mission I want to say that this is a newly electric board that was elected in November. So we are really trying to make sure that we get to we get the team together, get the team dynamics together and make sure we're in one accord when it comes to the goal and the mission. So the mission of the eighth precinct Community Relations Council is to promote a favorable relationship between the community and law enforcement agencies to initiate and participate in educational programs that will enhance the security and well being of the community to act as a liaison between law enforcement agencies, citizens, churches, business schools and other civic organizations and to disseminate information and to promote and initiate programs that are beneficial to the community. That's the mission of the council. The purpose we as a board came up with this and our planning, meeting, the early part of March, and all of us had a hand in these pieces that we call the purpose. So our purpose is we are committed to growth and to inspire our community with vision, respect, exemplifying integrity, while engaging with our police department. So that's our main purpose for council values. We picked four values. One of them the first one was respect I want to sing r&b But anyway, respect we will be kind, courteous, avoid interrupting or talking over one another or causing disturbances. Think before we speak and check our language and tone. Thank you back then. Yeah, second value integrity. We will be honest, accountable, reliable, transparent and ethical in all that we do. Third, third value diversity. We will promote the representation and participation of different groups of individuals. And additionally, we will embrace diverse points of view in order to come up with sensible solutions. To support our communities and public safety. And our last value is inclusivity inclusivity, which means making sure everyone feels welcome, value and respected no matter who they are. Or where they come from. Thank you for the a man back then. All right. These are our 2024 goals, develop the board structure, increase membership, construct committees enhance frequent communication between the eighth precinct and the board and to plan a community event and holiday function. So some of the community led crime prevention measures, Citizens Radio patrol they are in the Virg Laaser community, grand Mont old Redford and Rosedale Park. If anyone here is interested in forming a radio patrol in their community, please contact Mayra Gracie, Detroit Public Safety headquarters chiefs neighborhood liaison and the number is 313-596-2520 or Gracie m 800 at Detroit Another community led crime prevention measure is to reduce violent crime through community violence. Intervention CVI shot stoppers, Detroit People's Action Detroit 300 and new era or era and how you want to play it. Detroit people's community there was a 26% decline from November 23 through January 2024, which is a three month period. Detroit 300 In the same three months, did not have a decline and my understanding is they had to go back to the drawing board to do some more strategic plan some more strategic measures to make sure that we move the dial in their area. And lastly, New Era e while New Era 35% decline in the same period the three month period between November 2023 and January 2024. So I'm getting ready to end this all y'all good go eat go watch some TV, what have you. But I'm gonna say this last thing we do love our eighth precinct, our beloved eighth precinct. I'm here we love our commander Dietrich lever. We love our captain Brian Bowser. That's going to retire. I remember when he's a lieutenant captain and Pio Sergeant crystal John's come on at NPO Sean children with that fine hair cut she got yes NPO Baron Coleman aka BC aka mayor of the eighth PRESAFE MPO precious read NPO Troy Westling and NPL Dario sharp we love you. So our meetings here for the Community Relations Council is generally the last Monday of each month at 6:30pm right here in this auditorium. However, may we have Memorial Day holiday, so it's going to be May 20. June is fireworks. So it'll be on June 17. We do convene have meetings from March to November and then December Our meeting is the holiday event. We didn't have one last year we will have one this year.
All right. So we go eat good people. Okay. Coffee With A Cop we have here NPO Sergeant Johns, she conducts that that's at 10am second Wednesday by bi monthly the next one will be June 12. After that August 14, October 9 and December 11. There is a great opportunity for all the individual communities that the eighth precinct serves. They come out and they get updated on what's going on with our precinct what they're doing in our neighborhoods and bring issues to light. So we continually communicate with our people. It's a continual thing. And lastly, Commander lever did do some a he didn't mention the upcoming events. We too are having our police appreciate appreciation luncheon on May 6 17. The peacenik comes back to third year in a row to my park O'Hare Park on June 29. National Night Out August 6, Halloween October 31 is tentative and again we hope to have that holiday celebration in December to be determined on the date and exactly what that looks like. So lastly, I'm I'm closing now I want to thank the Board of police commissioners it's the first time I've ever experienced this. It is an experience I want make sure I eat before I come on.
we got some some in the back there for you. Yeah, I don't know if you guys do that. But here in the eighth precinct, we okay, we and we make sure our people eat as well. Because there's something about eating my mother used to say to you just to say baby. There's two times two conditions when people are more relaxed and you can introduce an idea. You can have maybe even change your mind because they're in a relaxed state one is at the table when they're in. The other one is on a personal level, but that would be
pillow talk a man.
Okay, all right. I'm done. Y'all. Thank you so much for this little bit of time.
Thank you. Really appreciate your report. Any questions or comments? Hearing none again, we thank you for your report and the amazing work you're doing in this community. With that now we will move quickly to new business a bulk of the reports from our citizens complaint committee and our policy report. I have no action items. And some for the sake of time, I'll ask that our colleagues read that and if you have any questions be prepared to respond to those at our next week's meeting. Is there any further new business? Commissioner Banagher.
Most of our audience is gone. But for those of you who are still here and certainly for my colleagues on the board, and in the department, I want to wish every woman in the room a Happy Mother's Day and a blessed Mother's Day. And for those persons who are present who are men who have served in the role of both mother and father of their children. Happy Mother's Day to you as well. Happy Parents Day. Thank you.
Any new business Commissioner more
because very quickly, Mr. Chairman, I know we accepted the resignation of Commissioner gamble. Yes, as the mayor given any timetable when he's going to replace No, thank you.
Any further new business? Hearing none the chair now entertain a motion for German. I'll move their second problem moving second all those in favor, please signify by saying aye. Aye. All those opposed? No. The eyes have it. This meeting is adjourned. Thank you