Good morning, everyone I would Not like to call to order our public health and safety standing committee for today, Monday, September 16, 2024 May the clerk, please call the roll.
Council member Gabriella Santiago Romero present. Council member Scott Benson aye. Council member Mary waters present. I'm sure you have a quorum present.
Thank you, Madam Clerk. Given a quorum, we can go ahead and go with the rest of the agenda. Move forward the rest of the agenda. We have received our minutes from our last session. Is there a motion to approve? Motion Hearing no objections. Our minutes from our last session will be approved for chair remarks. Just want to share that today we will have lengthy discussion regarding the toll rates. We will hear from the toll rate commission, and wants to make sure that we get right into discussion at 10:20am so we're going to go into public comment now. Public comments will be a minute and a half, given the lengthy discussion that we are going to have for the toll rate commission. Usually this is a two minutes public comments committee, but today, due to the amount of business that we'll be discussing, everyone will have a minute and a half for public comments. We are going to begin with the folks that we have here in person for public comments before we turn it over to our online public commenters. If you are here for public comment, please raise your hands now, and we will go ahead to put you on the queue. And if you are online, I ask that you, please raise your hands now so that we can add you to the queue as well for public comments. I will be cutting off public comment at 10:10am, so if you're here, you have made it to to the queue, and if you're online, please raise your hands before 10:10am, we are going to begin with the folks that I have here in person. We can begin with to the first two. Else I'll make it my way over. So to my left, to the right. For this rights, we can begin to bring folks up. I saw three hands up so folks can go to the table, turn on your microphone, and please give us a second to put the time on the screen. Please state your name for the record whenever you're ready to begin.
Jackson. I'm here about voter fraud in Detroit. I came forward with information on how they was using residents here in Detroit that moved away to reregister and back here without their knowledge and their permission. Mary waters, you brought up those absentee ballots. The only reason that we ain't pull those election, that election is because I don't trust what foot you coming out of. But absentee ballot fraud is happening here on a massive level. Santiago Romero, you keep mentioning that report, if you go back to that report, you'll see my name is in that report, Ramon Jackson, I'm I'm a victim of this pattern of corruption with voter fraud. They did not answer the fraudulent, fraudulent registration that he that they did on me when I moved that report totally didn't mention it. They admit that it happened, though the report didn't mention it, but they're not saying that this didn't happen. So before you get to saying stuff about something was debunked. Wasn't anything debunked? If anything, we're finding more and more and more and more people who was victimized in a voter rights. Voting Rights was stepped on and trampled upon. A lot of y'all don't supposed to be sitting up on that council. Something gotta happen. We can't go on like this.
Thank you for coming down discussion. Vice Chair like to
read a statement from the Secretary of State, and this is to debunk this type of information and misinformation. Michigan citizens continue to be subjected to lies and misinformation about the state's elections. As elected officials, candidates and others, continue to profit politically and financially by spreading the falsehoods. By doing so, they endanger American democracy, and the factual information on this page is provided so that all Michiganders have access to the truth. It's
Mr. Jackson. I'm going to need you to
this web page. Vice
Chair, one second. I would like to hear what you have to say. Mr. Jackson, you've had your time to speak. I'm going to ask that we please keep order. Vice Chair, so
the web page where you can find the statue information and Madam Chair, order, please.
I'm trying to Vice Chair, I believe so. Mr. Jackson, I'm so sorry. I thank you for coming down. Madam
Chair, someone cannot comport from someone's property. They should be escorted out of the chambers. Please conduct business. He's
he's walking out the door. Vice Chair, thank you. Thank you. And
the web page where these facts can be found to debunk misinformation, backslash. SOS, backslash facts, backslash elections and campaign finance, backslash fact checks. Misinformation is dangerous and endangers our American democracy.
Thank you Vice Chair. We will now hear from our last our next public commenter again, if you wouldn't mind stating your name for the record, and then whenever you're ready, you can begin.
Good morning. My name is Chip Clark, um, thank you all for having me this morning. I was just coming to make a public announcement of public call. Um, excuse me, we are in the process of building a coalition. We have our own insane version of project 2025, and so what we're doing is we are calling out to all of the constituents, all of the community leaders, you to come together with us. Um, we're going to be meeting for the first time in person as a community on September the 25th now we're calling a specific group of people. We are calling those individuals who would like to see a reduction in corporate ownership in the single family homes here in the city. We're asking people that have been negatively impacted by the job loss as a result of the EV mandate here in Michigan, if you've been impacted, you've lost a job and you're a part of the UAW, if you are upset that the schools are closed in our city, if you are upset or if you have been negatively impacted as a result of us losing residential property in an attempt to power downtown corporate spaces. If you are a retiree and you feel that you are at risk of being left behind, we are building a coalition of people who are preparing for the civil wave. And last but not least, if you are someone who stands against the buffer ordinance and believe that we need better spaces for our families and not better spaces to end them. This call is for you when we'll have more information on tomorrow. Thank you very much.
Thank you for coming down again. I would love to know which organization you're with next time you come down here, thank you, Madam Chair, Vice Chair, through
yourself to my staff, we can please get that information. Interested in more information about that. Thank you very much for sharing that today, sir. Thank
today, sir. Thank you, Vice Chair. We have one more person here in person for public comments. I will be cutting off public comment now. So if you are believe this is the last person in person, and we are now cutting off public comments whenever you're ready, you can state your name for the record and begin
Good morning. My name is Troy Guignard of Troy stone and the Detroit towing Association. I first like to let you know that there is someone trying to join online, and they're not. They have not been let in. They want to make public comment as well. I think there's two individuals. Thank you for discussing the toll rate commission today, we have provided everything asked of us during the process, and as we value transparency, it is important and 11 years overdue. Each of the Detroit Police authorized tours have been in business more than 20 years. We bring the experience, professionalism, training and dedication it takes to perform this hard work. We work long hours without compensation. Compensation for many of the variable items we have to use to clean up the accident scene. For instance, bags of oil dry must be used to clean up accidents. We often use anywhere from one to 10 bags and are not reimbursed. Since 2013 the cost of oil dry has increased more than 100% I know my time is short. We appreciate your support for the for the toll rate commission and tour rate increase. Thank you.
Thank you for coming down. Noted that there are two folks online. There are some folks with their hands raised. If you wouldn't mind letting us know who those are. We'll go through the queue. Miss Duncan will be there, and we can identify who they are. But there should be online. Hands are raised, but we can figure this off.
Well, one of them in particular said that she couldn't even get into the meeting. Okay. Her name is Julie SEMA. Okay,
so there are instructions. I'm going to ask that you work with Ray on the back end to get her on to the zoom, but she should be able to get it. Thank you. Thank you. With that, we will now turn it over to the folks that we have online. Miss Duncan, whenever you're ready in I guess if there are two folks that aren't online, if you wouldn't mind sharing the instructions for them to join the zoom, and since they've been noted for us, they can join the queue, but they will need to join the zoom to be able to get on the call. So we'll work with you on the back end, on that Miss Duncan, who was our first caller,
yeah. Madam Chair, the first caller is
black bag room.
Gabriela Santiago, Ramirez, I find it very suspicious that you saw that report on May the ninth, the one the findings on the allegations of voter fraud by anonymous citizen report done by Janice Winfrey, and you see he saw it on the ninth but if I recall correctly, I called your office, I brought it down and gave it to Leticia darrison, Coleman, young and Fred duha on the 22nd of May, and they hadn't seen it. So how were you privy to view it on the ninth and they hadn't seen it on the 20th or the 22nd when I gave it to him. Now the report is out there, and Ramon Jackson just spoke about that in that report. It never speaks to that registration of him, nor does it speak to the John F zero, Kennedy the third. And then they threw Mary Elaine Beckman in the report. And she's an overseas citizen voting from Germany, and according to the Department of Elections, they sent out an absentee ballot request form for her on absentee ballot on
the 14th of
and received it back on the 26th that's 12 days. That's poppycock. You can't
the next caller is Rochelle Stewart.
Good morning Council. My name is Rochelle Stewart, and I'm with the People's platform, transit justice team. I was just calling that 70% on time is not acceptable. We need to get the running at a better rate of on time this. And also we need to make sure that we have enough money there for DDOT to be able to give the drivers, the schedulers, the mechanics and the dispatchers the right wage that they should be paid, because if not, we're gonna have people leaving smart done up they gain and I'm quite sure some of these drivers and other people are going to leave to get that better pay. So we gotta be more efficient and proactive on getting a decent wage out here to our DDOT employees and all city employees that were debunked doing the bankruptcy. You know, everybody's health and wages, was sacrifice for this city, and I think we should sacrifice a little bit to give back to them so they're able to sustain their sales the way they should in retirement, especially those retirees, they are really complaining when they can't get something done because they're a little bit over the threshold on getting the roof fixed. I don't think that's fair, and I think we should do better by public employees and get their wages up to par so they're able to maintain and sustain their families. I thank you, and you all have a blessed day.
Thank you. You as well.
The next caller is Betty a Varner,
good morning to all within the sound of my voice today, well, I'm going to say I'm president of desoda Ellsworth black Association, but today I'm going to advocate for people, for seniors who are disabled, and for people with disabilities, I applied for the Detroit home accessibility program, the home entry and exit modification to help people with disabilities modify their homes. This is a good program. I was denied because I do not receive. SSI, you are leaving out. The city is leaving out a population of people who are disabled. Everybody who's disabled aren't eligible for SSI, but we don't have a great amount of money. Once we pay our bills, then we are preparing for the next month. We can't afford these modifications to pay for myself that the city is offering. So the city, or whoever sits down and come up with these programs they should be a little more open to. There are a whole population of seniors and people with disabilities who just maybe receive Social Security and a small pension, but they still not their income that's under $20,000 a year.
The next caller is Cunningham.
Thank you.
You're welcome. You're
welcome, sir.
Can you hear me?
Yes. Good morning. Mister Cunningham,
yes. 31344491143134449114, it would help if I can see the timer. 313-444-9114,
that number was made so you can remember it and on Facebook, expensive vehicle repairs. On Facebook, expensive vehicle repairs. You'll see my picture and some interviews I had with the great and honorable Gabriella Santiago Romero, who rode the busses Rashida to leave the deputy mayor. Other little, small interviews in regards to riding the coaches for the next four days, everybody at home, I'm asking you to pray in the Holy Spirit, chant, drink a lot of fluids. And what I'm going to do on the way out is I'm going to pray. That's all I can do for DDOT. For many issues, running low on bus tickets, need to get hand warmers gloves. Don't know how it's going to get done, but God, make some way. Shan yada, my son, DOKO yada, My son yada, my Shan Kuya Rama, Mr. Cunningham, the next caller is caller number,
ending, 534, caller number ending 534,
yes, good morning. May I be heard?
Good morning? Yes.
Okay. First of all, member Benson, I typed in that site you gave it says the page you're looking for may have moved or is no longer available on our website, and so please make the report that has been discussed that allegedly debunked these concerns available to the public. I'd like to talk about the what I'm very concerned about the excessive prices for demolition. 7.10 close to $93,000, 7.14 close to 100 and it's 100 around 153,007.1 507,000 I looked up online, and it says that the director of Luan counts, it looks like she makes over $160,000 so I would expect for that, that they really, really try and cut these costs, because all this money is being blown on demolition, but we're not fully funding our health department. So who do we really care about in this city? I'd also like to know, Can I get a yes or no? Did any one of you get see an alternative study about alternative solar installations, other than doing a massive solar farm? In other words, were any alternative studies, or was this the only plan you were presented with? Yes or no? May I please have an answer. I would appreciate that. Thank you. Answering yes or no won't take a lot of time, even though Mr. Benson gave a lot of time to some of the other people. Please pay attention to me. I am
the next caller is William M Davis, good morning. Can
I be heard? Good morning? Yes.
Okay, I like to bring to your attention the fact that the senior citizen solid waste discount application deadline was yesterday, but also an application you should mention fact that there's a room that you could go to downstairs 130 but it's, it's close to the public on Fridays. You know, that information should have borne out also, because I had a few senior citizens going down there Friday, paying the park and going and finding out that they could not process their application. You know, the city can do better than this. You know, the city should be doing all it can to help seniors, you know, especially retirees, but you know that are suffering because of what's going on in the city. So I think that y'all should extend the deadline, or y'all should do more to give out good information. Also, second subject, and I'd like to encourage everybody, if they have not registered, to register and to vote, we need to make sure we have a strong voter turnout in this presidential election and also a strong vote to turn on next year. So I encourage everybody, if you haven't vote, if you have no plans to vote, make a plan to vote and vote. We need strong vote with the turnout this year and next year. Thank you.
Thank you.
The next caller is Felicia Brock,
good morning. Can I be heard?
Yes, good morning.
Good morning to all. I am Felicia Brock. I am the owner of BBK towing and recovery, Inc, as some of you may recall, my husband, Dennis Brock, is the original owner of this property. He passed away october 17, 2021 I'm sorry, owner of this company, and I inherited the company, and so I had to do a whole lot of what you guys are currently doing as his wife, I knew some things, but I certainly appreciate all the time and effort that you guys are putting into learning more about towing. Now what I will tell you is just a few of the things that I learned. This is a 24/7 business. When you're sleep, we're towing when you're vacating, we're towing when you are enjoying your family meals. We're towing. And this is the only business or occupation I've ever seen that has not had a pay or salary increase in 10 years or more. So I would just ask that this council would take all of that into consideration that we certainly are providing a service to the city of Detroit, its resident, its leadership, and we deserve an increase in our pay that we are receiving again. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Next caller is. Caller number ending 270 caller number ending 270 you
Yes, good morning. This is Malik Shelton. There are not only charges mr. Benson of absentee, of absentee voter fraud in Detroit. There is specific documented evidence of incidents of absentee voter fraud in the city of Detroit that sham cover up, so called investigation that the City Clerk's Office did, it completely skipped over and avoided Mr. Kennedy, Mr. Jackson and many other others who swear to the appropriate documents and affidavits that they did not vote. Mr. Kennedy has sworn that he has never voted in any election. Yet the city clerk's office has been voting several times, and they have been voting as recent as February of 2024 Scott Benson, your attempts to gaslight the residents body reading a statement which has been debunked, by the way, by the Secretary of State, a general statement this is that's just not going to work anymore, because it could not and it will not expunge the concrete, specific evidence of voter fraud that still stands, and these charges are not being made recklessly, just or just spread.
Thank you,
dangerous rumors.
The next caller
is Ariel. I
Ariel, hello.
Can I be heard?
Yes. Hello.
Hi. Good morning. So my name is Ariel Lefkowitz, and I'm the puppy mills policy specialist with the Humane Society of the United States. I'm here in support of the Humane pet store ordinance number 6.6 on the agenda today, which is simply an ordinance that will help drive the pet market towards more humane sources like animal shelters, rescues and responsible breeders. I do want to thank the city of Detroit and the Detroit City Council for your consideration of this ordinance. This is the perfect time to be considering such an ordinance, because the city does not have any puppy selling pet stores. The ordinance is very simple in that it just prohibits pet stores from selling cats and dogs. It still allows people to get the pet of their choice from an animal shelter, a rescue or responsible breeder, and by eliminating this major outlet for puppy mill puppies, it decreases and minimizes the demand for those puppies, and it will protect both the consumers in Detroit as well as the canine residents. And so a proactive measure like this will by supporting it, Detroit will join the ranks of nearly 500 municipalities across the country, including 10 cities here in Michigan, like Ann Arbor and Ferndale that passed something similar just last year. Thank you so much for your time today.
Next caller is Karen, Hello, good morning. Hello,
good morning.
I have interest in and finding where the commission I mean, you know all the commissions and boards and the members that are attend those boards are on, you know, create those boards because we, we the public, need to know. There's no way we can monitor whether there's conflicts of interest. You know, how many committees or task forces, or whatever individual members people are on you should only be on. Matter of fact, the state says no two or less, which means basically one or may say no more than two. So anyway, you can't be on any more than two, particular whether it's a board or a committee, whatever you're trying to be on, especially when you're talking about different case in point, like I just read somewhere that council president is on the riverfront Conservancy. That's something the public needs to know, you know, and as well as Miss Stephanie Washington from the mayor's office. So we need to know who's on these boards so we can, you know, kind of mesh, you know, and make sure things are running smoothly and legally. So I would appreciate if I could be directed to, I know, Chair once you told me to check it out on Twitter, but I don't have a Twitter account. Thanks for, you know, directing me that way. So we, we the public, need to have access to the information for transparency. Thank you.
The next caller is Bernard monjeski,
hi, good morning. Can I be heard? Good
morning? Yes.
Good morning,
Madam Chair and members the public health and safety committee, my colleague Jamie Jr, and I have sent some literature out to each member of council. We're still waiting to answer, but we are basically getting support for transition to zero emission or low to no emission, paratransit services, we had a wonderful discussion with the Chair of the disability Task Force, Fred der Hall, on some changes that we can make within our current structure. I would like to also share proposed resolution language with your office and also members of this committee as well, too for adoption and consideration the efforts for cleaning or the efforts for putting paratransit on purity with fixed line bus service for climate and sustainability goals. This is our effort to do so, because there hasn't actually been a stated efforts to include such vehicles in our fleet, given that we are transitioning to a low to no emission fleet by 2030 and then also, ultimately 100% by 2050 in line with the current president's goals and also our state's goals. So I'm really looking forward to hearing a response from each of you members in that regard as well, too, in terms of you know what I yield the rest of my time. Thank you so much. Thank you.
The next the next caller is Steven Boyle.
I happen to be in the room, I approach. Oh
yes, hello, Steven. You can go right ahead, take a seat, make sure that your microphone is on, and then whenever you're ready. All
right, I got down here as fast as I could with the bus and and I checked out a Mogo bike. So I do understand intermodal transit. My biggest concern right now is the condition of the Rosa Parks transit center when it comes to our overnight visitors to the transit center. This transit center is not open since we got rid of the Transit Police, DPD has deemed fit, I guess that they just need to run a security force around it, and those that visit the transit center for relief are left to sit on the cement outside at this point. I don't know how many of you know about this, but it's been going on for months now. As a person that has a job that gets me out of work close to one o'clock in the morning, it's been rather interesting trying to catch the Dexter bus. One night, I missed the one o'clock bus. I thought there would be a two o'clock bus, but no, it was three o'clock. I decided I'd try to get a Mogo bike and see what I could do. And unfortunately, my search for an E bike through the Mogo system all the way up to new center, was fruitless. So it's nice that they offer them e bikes, but when they're all locked up along the path, there were only four of them along the path I took. I went all around Wayne State's campus. We need to improve access. The way I see it, opportunities presented are not truly our opportunities if we don't have access to the opportunity. Access is key. It's very important that we actually start voting in our elections because voting opens up the access that we all need and deserve. So please get out and vote and do something with our transit system. Please.
Thanks, Steven for coming down absolutely just so you know, we will have DPD sharing a little bit about the bus system, and if not, next week, in two weeks, so tune in for that, for this committee, and I am very much aware about the transit center being closed. This was one of the conversations that I had when I was with Brother Cunningham. So he showed us he we saw. We meet with DPD regularly. So let me have a conversation. They are looking at transit police as well. But you know that all of this is, you know, gray to have transit police. What does that mean for, you know, for the treatments of the of our bus riders at the center itself. So thank you for coming down. Thank you for letting us know. I don't think the public was aware that the transit center was closed. It's not being utilized, and the winter is coming, it's a place where people go rest as well, and that's not it's been like, we need to make sure that it's available. So thank you, and we can definitely continue to talk with them about this closed
at this moment, it's closed and there are no public bathrooms down there,
right? Thank you, Steven, thank you for coming down and for lifting this up. We will continue to have these conversations with DPD. I believe we will now go back to folks that we have in person.
Caller, number ending 234, call, number ending 234, welcome.
good morning.
Hi, yeah. Conan had told me about this meeting, and I wanted to speak to you guys about the DDOT system. And I'm talking about like how bad the bus system is high and the transportation, I'm from North Carolina, our transportation down there was way different, because when we got your bus stop, you can get there, you know, and the bus going to be on time here, we can wait two, three hours some days, and sometimes the bus don't even come. And it's just, it's kind of sad that they have a system they have, like the
what's it called
the app that I use, DDOT app, and it's not accurate at all. Nine times out of 10, it hasn't been accurate anytime I've used this app here. I've only been here for a couple months, but I think the system should be updated and should be more precise. I If
still speaking, you've cut off, ma'am,
yes, that is all. That's all I want to say.
Thank you for calling in. We appreciate that. Welcome to Detroit, and we know what's work we have to do for our bus system, but thank you for calling in to continue to advocate for that, for us to continue to push for those solutions. Miss Duncan. Who's our next caller.
The next caller is Jules.
Jules, you're up next.
Good morning. Can you hear me?
Good morning? Yes.
Thank you my for not being there. Julie from towing.
Thank you sure,
Julie, we can hear your proposal today.
We have gone more than 10 years. Yes,
hello, you're a little sparse. I'm not sure if you have spotty signal right now, if you wouldn't mind trying to speak again to see how the connection sounds. I questions.
And Julie, if you want, we can come back to you. We can add you to the end of the queue, because now we can't hear you if you are speaking. Can you hear me? Now? We can hear you now. We'll give you your time back if you want to go ahead and begin. Thank
you so much. My apologies for not being there. This morning, we had an auction this morning. I would like to be there, but I could not, so I'd like to let you guys know that I'm Julie summer from 70s towing the vice president of Detroit towing Association. Thank you for your support the Tory commission proposal today. We have gone more than 10 years without an increase, while our expenses have gone out without doubling in time, we have gone we have been loyal to the city and have worked side by side with police department. When considering our increase, please factor in the dangerous nature of our work and the size of the capacity that we've been towing 142 square miles, regardless whether the tow is five miles or 25 miles away, we received the same current rate for this and other reasons. You will hear us today. It is imperative that we receive and recommend an increase. We ask for your support, and we appreciate all you do. Thank you and God bless.
Thank you. You as well.
The final caller, Madam Chair, is Mr. Ronald Foster,
good morning.
I appreciate y'all allowing me to have public comment. My phone was acting up a little bit. I just wanted to speak on a few things today. Hopefully you guys could pass or consider some ordinances to protect them. Mentally ill. We cannot have people provoking our mentally ill to justify self defense and so to to protect our mentally ill, we have to provide ordinances that protect them and their conditions, and so they cannot get punished or arrested or assaulted for being disabled. Second thing I want to remind just city council, board of police commissioners, and particularly in our district two of the 14th Amendment, which means equal rights for all. This particular district tends to be leaning towards and advocating towards more women. Thanks. They're making announcements at the Board of police commissioners seeking women for positions, and there seem to be no equality there, when it comes down to block clubs in this district, when it comes down to other things throughout district two, well, it's whether it's a district manager or the City Council is all biased towards women. Those things have to stop.
Thank you for calling in, Miss Duncan, that was our last caller. Yes, Madam Chair, thank you. Discussion. Vice Chair,
Madam President, just want to reinforce how important it is. I'm going to call up the document and so there's a document reinforce how important it is to combat misinformation around our elections. And so there's a document that's been established and now being circulated by the state of Michigan Secretary of State, Miss Jocelyn Benson, the Michigan bureau of elections. And the document is titled election misinformation, the act of spreading misinformation about the election process, voter rights or even an issue on the ballot is a serious threat to election security. These efforts, be they foreign, domestic, partisan or simply malicious, are designed to create mistrust in our elections process and are damaging to a healthy democracy. And this is a much longer document, and it goes into deeper facts and gives areas where you can find and debunk misinformation, as well as an email where you can talk to the Secretary of State and let them know where you've seen misinformation or people trying to impair or or disenfranchise Detroiters or Americans from your right to vote. And so I'm hoping that people will take this and be engaged in the process to ensure that we are in franchising people when it comes to voting versus disenfranchising people, which is what happens with the election misinformation and a simple Google search on Michigan Department of State fact checks will bring up that web page, and it's a very long web address. I'm not going to restate it here, but a simple Google search on fact checks Michigan Department of State will pull up the fact checks web page that is on the web page, City of Detroit, city clerk, the city council, all of our elected officials take election misinformation seriously. We have heard the voices of our residents. We have had special presentations and formal session about this, where we've even brought in the Secretary of State of Michigan as well as the Detroit City Clerk, to speak to this election. Misinformation is dangerous and it needs to be debunked, and I appreciate all the work that people have done to educate our residents and enfranchise our residents on voting. Thank you. Thank
you. Vice Chair, we should be encouraging people to vote it is safe, and we have had plenty of discussions about this in committee and in session. At formal session today, we will now turn it over to the toll rate commission discussion before doing so, just briefly, were we able to speak from the two folks that were calling in, who was the gentleman that was great, wonderful. So with that, I'm going to invite our auditor general up to the forefront here. And not sure who else will you have joining, but whoever is going to be a part of the discussion, you can feel free to join. We have three, three chairs in the front. We can make space for an additional looks like two or three at the second level, there for whoever wants to join us, and for the public, as has been mentioned already during public comments, today, we will have a discussion regarding the proposed toll rates changes. We're going to hear from the Commission, and looking forward to this in depth discussion, just for expectations of discussion. This is a rather long presentation. I'm going to ask that we stay succinct, that we go through it. It's a lot of information, but it's pretty clear. And then, given the the the amount of work, the impact that this would make, I will ask that we bring this back in the week to allow for my colleagues to review, to discuss, we can come back answer any questions that we might have from now until then, and then, I think we should be good to move this forward. But you know, I care about process, making sure that we get the questions in before this gets to the full committee. But with that, I will now turn it over to you, Ms, Auditor General, whenever you're ready, turn it over to your colleagues, and we have the presentation up now. I will just full transparency. If it's looking at we're at a 35 minute mark, I will give us some time, some times, but whenever you're ready, you can go ahead and begin.
Thank you and good morning, honorable City Council body. Thank you for this opportunity to present the recommendations of the 2024 touring rate commission. Next slide. Thank
and as she's pulling up the presentation, we believe we can get through it very quickly. In this presentation, we'll talk a little bit about the commission. We'll talk a little bit about towing in Detroit. What are some of the city standards affecting towing, the proposed towing fees as recommended by this commission, and a few other related items, and we'll talk about the memorandum to city council, and then a few next steps about the Commission, the city charter Division five towing subdivision recommends the composition of this towing rate commission to be composed of the Auditor General as chairperson, the director of building safety engineering and environmental department, or designated representative, the chief of police, or designated representative, a representative of the public appointed by the mayor and a representative of the towing industry as appointed by city council. Our duty was to review the administrative toying service and storage fees for police authorized towing at least once every two years, and submitting a recommendation to city council by October 1 of the year of review in the event that the Commission failed to act the if the toy rate Commissioner fails to forward such a recommendation within the time provided City Council always has the authority to adopt a resolution to set the administrative towing service and storage fees without such recommendation. I just want to note that this towing commission was convened on Monday, January 22 by the public health and safety standing committee. We requested appointees and designees, and that took some time. Our first meeting was not held until june 13, 2024 and the final commissioner was not seated until July 2. So we've worked very hard to get to this point and to provide these recommendations to city council. With that I'd like you to meet the 2024, touring rate commissioners. Again, I'm Laura goodsby, the Auditor General as chairperson of this commission, then I'd like we have four, three of the other Commissioners here, good
morning, public health and safety subcommittee. I'm a familiar face. I'm Peggy Goodwin, representing the private sector police authorized towers
and MS Goodwin was appointed by city council. Good
morning. I'm Captain Jason Adams. I'm over the management services section. I oversee the police towing and impound unit. I'm the designee of Chief James White, and I think this is an honor and privilege to be able to serve in this capacity. Thank
You're my microphone, if you had a mind, sharing a microphone.
Morning, honorable body. My name is Andrew and young. I'm representing the director, Mr. Bell of the building safety, engineering, environmental department,
and not here at the table, is Isaiah Ike McKinnon, who, as you all know, is retired city of Detroit police chief. He was appointed by the mayor's department to represent the public. Next slide, why review towing fees? Now, the last review of towing fees, if you've heard was not convened or was convened at the last 2012 trc Commission, in that the 2012 trc recommended to city council a towing fee increase that is currently in place. The current store towing, storage and administrative fees were adopted by City Council resolution on August 24 22,013 and with that through the Chair, I just like to ask Mark Lockridge, the Deputy Auditor General, to speak very briefly to the fact that this commission hasn't been convened since 2012 mister Lockridge was the prior Auditor General, and was the chair of that 2012 2000 commission.
Good morning. My name is Park Lockridge, current Deputy Auditor General. Good morning, Madam Chair and members of the committee, yes, the last Tory commission was convened in 2012 at the call of of the council. And prior to that, the prior Tory commission was convened in 1996 so it had been 16 years since it had been convened so as a practical matter and and not in accordance with the charter, but it would be convened when the Torrey community would ask council to convene it, and then council would ask for the Torah mission, Torre commission to convene. So the race were implemented in 220, 13, and at that time, we were at the brink of bankruptcy and and after that, there was no real appetite to on the tourist parts or even Council's parts to to review those rates at that time. And so, as has been customary the torrent community, they did come before Council. I'm not sure exactly when they asked, in 2012 but in and so we did convene now our 2024, point rate commission. So that had been the practice. And as I said, it's been a total of 26 years, and this is the third time that we have committed
Thank you. Thank you. And this tolling rate commission and this chairperson recognizes the responsibility as laid out in the charter. It is our intent to abide by the charter and in two years start that review process again. Thank you again. Why towing fees now, as has been mentioned by several of the tours that have called in the cost from 2012 to date, we noted that the consumer price index has increased by 28% we noticed that the national average wage index grew by 42% the cumulative inflation rate for the average price of motor vehicle insurance, which is a cost impact to the tours, is estimated to have increased by nearly 97% a gallon of diesel fuel, adjusted for inflation, was 375, in 2013 and although it's it's currently now at 423, we do note that it spiked to $6.16 cent in 2022 and there have been cost in Other materials. Of one of the tours mentioned the cost of all dry bags, which are needed to clean up all spills and gas spills as accidents, that has increased from $8 a bag to now $20 per bag. Next slide, our approach and our methodology. We conducted benchmark studies of towing fees nationwide and in Michigan. We analyzed trends and changes in consumer price indices. We reviewed data. We reviewed the proposed fees and other input from the police authorized tours. We reviewed the Detroit Police Department towing and impound unit financials and operations, and we also reviewed towing industry guidelines. Just a little note on our benchmarking. We did do nationwide benchmarking, and then we focused on relevant Michigan cities, Flint, Novi, Royal Oak, Troy. We also looked at Monroe and Kent and Washtenaw counties. We compared the rates for those different toll classifications, including looking at land mass, population and median incomes. Much of the information was difficult to get it was not always posted on our website, such as the Detroit tour rates. Our touring rates are not posted, and so we're going to ask and recommend that city council, once approved post the new touring fees. We had to contact the police department, and in some cases, they would tell us to contact their tours. So it was just a different set setup, but we were able to get some good information, benchmark studies. We're happy to provide that with you. Should you desire that just real quickly three types of toes, and this is important to understand, and it's important for our public to understand the towing rate. Commission is responsible for reviewing the rates for police authorized towing, and it is, I won't read all of it, but our police authorized towing are companies that are contracted with with the city of Detroit Police Department. They are dispatched to accident scenes by the Detroit Police Department, and they are there to help remove stolen and abandoned cars and to assist with accidents, flooding and the crime scenes by removing vehicles debris and hazardous materials. These vehicles are often moved to police authorized toll yard, impound yards, and the city of Detroit is what we're doing here. Sets the Detroit towing fees for all police authorized tolls. And then we have non consensual tolls. These are cases where private property owners may hire towing companies to remove vehicles not authorized to be parked on their property. For example, you go to a fast food change, and they may have signs parking spaces designated for their customers only if a person parks there and goes to the business next door. They may call that private property owner may call the toll company that they've hired to remove that vehicle in Detroit, and this is called ppi, or private property impounds, and then we have consensual tolling. These are the tolls often requested by vehicle owners on the most common example is when a call this place to a motor club, such as a triple A because the vehicle will not start or breaks down while while driving. So it's important for this honorable body to recognize and for the public to recognize our responsibility was relating to police authorized tolls only next slide just very briefly to talk about police authorized tolls. The department, the Detroit Police Department, carry out those tolls under Michigan law. And I listed the relevant section as well as the city charter, it is the city's responsibility to maintain clean, safe and functional streets. Residents and visitors are entitled to a safe and well managed vehicle towing system for non consensual tolls that affords them a high level of customer service, convenience, courtesy and professionalism. DPD is responsible for enforcing the towing ordinance. The dpds towing and impound unit was established in 2018 and includes both towing and impound operations in 2023 and 2024 the Detroit Police Department, storing an impound unit, performed approximately 20% of all hooks ie tolls in the city. So what does that mean? The other 80% next slide was performed by our police authorized tours. The police authorized tours, I'll call them P, A T's are experts in toying and they are efficient, professional and organized. They have the capacity and are focused. They work side by side with the police on crime scenes, and are trained to maintain the chain of custody needed for evidence, and that's very important. Approximately 80% of all DPD hooks in 2023 and 24 were performed by the P A T, S police authorized toying is 80% to 100% of each of the P A T's business, and that's why this proposed, these recommended fees are so important to their business, so that they continue to serve The city as they work with Detroit Police Department in 2012 there were 27 PhDs in Detroit. However, as of August 2024 there are 5p, A, T, S, operating under D, B, D, contracts, which were approved by city council and are effective December 2020 22 through July 2027 next slide, just briefly to talk about city standards. There are two city standards that really impact the tours, and it's two that we looked at as we looked at all the costs we tried to look at all the costs impacting the police authorized toes. One is the city standards regarding bonding and insurance standards. These are the standards that would be included in the contract, any contracts that come before you administered through the Office of the Chief Financial Office, Office of contracting and procurement. We just want to know that these are the current and the proposed record of standards. We the charter. The charter states that it is the board of police commissioners to set the standards, or not set the standards, to recommend the standards to City Council for approval. We noted we requested some information. We have not received the final response. So for our purposes, we are assuming no change in the bonding and insurance standards. Next slide. The next set of standards that affect tools is licensing and permits. These licensing and permits covered junkyards, scrap yards, other open storage yards and marijuana sites. We note that the current and and proposed rates are with the current the proposed rate is still in line with the current rates. And we received this information a confirmation from our very own Commissioner, Mr. Anu. Well, next slide.
And now to go into our towing fee structure, we looked at the towing fees really have a three part structure. One is to the category to determine how tolls fall, or what vehicles and other items fall into which tolls we through much discussion, we've ended up with the following categories, motorized vehicles, which include recreational vehicles, boats, campers and trailers. There's a misalign miscellaneous category, and then we'll talk about out of town retrievals for each of these categories. We then looked at what is the toe classification, whether it be light, medium or heavy duty, and then we had to focus on guidelines. What guidelines impact these various toll classifications as it relates to the categories Next slide. So our first major category, of course, is motorized vehicles and recreation vehicles. And as you look on the slide the we've noted the various toll classifications, light, light duty, second truck, medium, medium duty, second truck, heavy duty, heavy duty, second truck. And what that means the light duty second trucks, or those second trucks, are separate fees in the event that a second trucks needs to be called out to that particular accident scene for whatever reason, you can see the current fees. These were, again, the fees were that were adopted by city council in April of 2014 you can see the current weight guidelines. And now let's turn our attention into our proposed fees and our proposed weight guidelines, and also note that there were some classifications that did not have a current fee, that we're now proposing a fee. The major change, and I'll go through the various toll classifications, but I just want to turn your attention to the changes in the proposed weight guidelines. We did our research, but could not find any documentation to support how the current weight guidelines came to be. You'll notice that there really is a break between 10,000 pounds and less, and then there's this large category of 10,000 to 60,000 pounds. And then it's over 60,000 pounds. We'll talk about very briefly how we came up with our proposed weight guidelines and our proposed fees. Next slide in terms of the category light versus medium and heavy duty tolls, you'll note that light duty tolls include motorized vehicles, which includes your SUVs, your minivans, your passenger trucks and recreational vehicles. In other words, this is the classification that that will mostly impact the residents. Your average Detroit resident. And going back, our current fee for light duty tows is $125 we are recommending an increase in that fee to $225 and again, the weight class is still the same, 10,000 pounds and less. Medium and heavy duty totals are usually commercial vehicles. And going back to the previous slide, we are recommending. The current rate for a medium duty tow is $175 we're recommending an increase in that rate to $425 and for heavy duty toes, currently $300 to a proposed a recommended fee of $700 I do want so in terms of the current weight guidelines. The reason for the changes, as I mentioned, we could find no support for how the weight guidelines were determined in 2013 we our current, our recommended way guidelines, however, are being proposed based on industry standards. The towing I think I have a note, the toying rate, administer toy towing recovery Association, which is their industry standards have provided us with the weight guidelines, and so we have voted and agreed to adopt those weight guidelines in terms of the proposed fees. It is their base research based they've been vetted and approved by a majority vote of the 2024 trc commissioners, I will note they are within the national and Michigan benchmarks, and then again, a proposed weight guidelines. Yet they are per the towing recovery Association of America. Next slide, I
in terms of the boats, trailers and camp campers, the heavy we're recommending that all of the both trailers and campers fall into a heavy duty toll rate, and that's based on information from both the P, A, T's, as confirmed by D, P D, that the majority of those types of tolls would fall into the heavy duty toll rate. So in terms of, I don't want to say simplicity, we are proposing that we have one category, one single flat fee for all boats, trailers and campers, and again, the the amount the proposed proposed fee is consistent With the heavy duty toll fee for motorized vehicles. Next slide in terms of miscellaneous toes, This category includes motorcycles on and off road, all terrain vehicles ATVs, jet skis, scooters, mini bikes, four wheelers, line equipment, paddle boats, non engine row boats, etc. So there is a wide range of items that can fall into these miscellaneous toll categories. Through discussion, we agreed that most of those would fall into the light duty toll classification a current fee of $100 but we are recommending a different flat fee for this category, which is $200 it's a little bit less than the motorized vehicles flat proposed rate. Given that we understand that these items may not necessarily be as large as a vehicle. Next slide out of town, retrievals. I've given the information as to when that would kick in, and we are proposing the current fee is for light and medium duty tow truck, that is if it has to leave the city of Detroit. And there are occasions where Detroit Police Department may request a tour to retrieve a vehicle out of town. Most of these tolls are handled by DPD, and they're towing an impound unit, but we wanted to make sure that in the event that the tours are requested, the police authorized tours are requested to do that, that they are compensated accordingly. So for light, medium and duty tolls, the current rate is $4 we're proposing $6 per mile. And for heavy duty toast. Current rate is $6.95 cent per mile. We are recommending $8.89 cent per mile. Next slide in terms of storage fees, we have categorized it by motivate motorized vehicles and RVs, boats, trailers and campers and motorcycles within the motorized vehicles and RVs, we are recommending three different rates for light duty, medium duty, heavy Duty. Current rates 1520, and 25 recommended rates are 3040, and $50 respectively, for both trailers and campus, consistent with our one rate toe heavy duty. Current daily fee is $25 and the proposed and again, these are daily fees $50 and for most motorcycles, $15 current daily fee. We're proposing an increase to $30 daily fee. The last component of our proposed rates is the administrative fee. The first administrative fee was included in the City Council's resolution in the 2012 Commission. It was codified in our charter in the 2021 toy division ordinance, and that really gives the Detroit Police Department to establish an administrative fee subject to the approval of this honorable body. The current fee is $75 DVD is proposing to keep that fleet, keep that fee the same at $75 I do want to note that our nation benchmark ranges from $10 to $100 the average was $49 there was about seven cities in our benchmark that had an administrative fee that we could glean from the information. I also want to point out that the 2012 trc recommended $50 however, City Council approved the $75 we could not find any record of the dialog that took place before City Council with the $75 but we do want to note that it's within the authority of this honorable body to approve the fees as they deem appropriate. Next slide, this administrative fee is a service fee supporting the following operational costs within the Detroit Police Department towing an impound unit. It supports gov tow, which was actually recommended by the police authorized tours over the last few years. It is a vehicle tow management and tracking solution. It supports the Michigan's law enforcement enforced Information Network, which is a series of net networks that DPD can use in their operations. It supports staffing, including, but not limited to the toll desk staffing, which are our 24 hours, seven days a week, the auction and abandoned vehicle officers, impounding, officers, supervisors, office, managed, management assistance. I should have added there are folks in the the PT, IU, that review the invoices that are submitted by the by the PTS, and other operational costs that may not be specifically listed here. Next item, next slide, just a few other relevant items that we'd like to bring to the attention of the public in this body that the touring division ordinance, there is a hardship policy. This was put into place in the 2021 ordinance, and it requires that any toll contract initiated after calendar year 2021 shall be evaluated to determine whether an income based rate structure or toll hardship policy is feasible. Such findings shall be submitted to the city council via resolution for consideration. I'm not sure of we could not find that, but I do want to know that the current police authorized towards contracts with effective dates from 2022 to 27 that DPD implemented, they implemented a discretionary program which allows owners a vehicle stolen in the city of Detroit to apply for a poverty waiver for DPD authorized towing, to waive those DPD authorized touring and storage fees those if that fee is waived, it's the police authorized towards is still paid. It becomes a city cost. DPD also has the authority to waive or reduce fees, and they are responsible for reviewing, approving, and if applicable, waiving or reducing fees in accordance with the with the ordinance, I do know that they have included a in addition to this hardship policy for stolen vehicles, they have included, and I Like Captain Adam, speak briefly to that included other policies for the citizens of Detroit.
The Detroit Police Department waives fees for victims of violent crimes, anyone that's a victim of a part one violent crime, CSC, aggravated assault, surviving person of homicide, those fees are waived. The hardship waivers address hardships, and then there's the stolen vehicle waivers. So a citizen that has a vehicle stolen and recovered in the city of Detroit where their insurance does not pay for the storage towing fees, those are waived. And so this is a great benefit to our citizens, that we're able to do this through our police towing impound unit. Next slide,
I just want to talk briefly about this other item, regarding disposal fees. This came to our attention during our meetings, the P, A T's advised the commission that currently, there is no mechanism that allows them to recover the cost of disposing items not redeemed and left in their storage lots currently through the city's competitive procurement practices, DPD outsources disposal of items not redeemed on the city lots through the city contract. We did. We discussed it. We determined, at least the commission determined that we have no authority to set or even recommend disposal fees, since it was not specifically listed as one of the items or duties in the touring ordinance, as it relates to this commission, we resolve that it's an operational concern between Detroit Police Department and the police authorized tours in any resulting Changes in contract terms would go through the city procurement process for subsequent approval by city council. But we do wanted to bring it to your attention in case you want to address this important issue for the police authorized tours. Next slide. And with that, I don't know if it's attached, but we have submitted to you a formal record, a memorandum and recommendation for police authorized towing other fees. It is in the format of a fee schedule with all of the proposed fees, as we've outlined here attached, we are hoping that as a result of your approval of the fees, whatever they may be, that we do post those fees in a easy, readable and accessible fee schedule, such as the one attached to the memoranda next. Slide. What are the next steps? We are here as your commissioners to provide responses to any questions that you may have, and or, as you suggested, we will be available next week, or whenever you decide to bring it back. We're expecting our final meeting of this towing rate commission. We're hoping for September 26 but again, that depends on your request to us, and we are expecting to convene in 2026 which is in two years, sometime in February, to review these whatever rates are in effect. Next slide with that. On behalf of this 2024, touring rate commission, I want to thank you. I first want to, first of all, want to thank as well, the commissioners we were able to jump in very quickly, and our goal was to meet this target date of providing you with these recommended fees way before the October 1 deadline. And I do want to thank them for showing up and being willing to discuss the fees and making concessions wherever it was needed for us to arrive at this point. Thank you.
Thank you. Thank you all for being here. Thank you for the presentation. We do appreciate the intentionality behind it, and there is a lot so there's a lot to digest and to process. I do want to allow for myself, our teams, my colleagues, to take this information, reach out to any questions, let us know what questions they might have, and to continue discussion next week, I see that you would like to have your last meeting is next week as well. So my hope is that we can digest, ask the questions and have more of a discussion next week. I will allow if there are any immediate questions now for my colleagues. If not, we can save for next week, but I can do quick ones now and then. We'll bring you back for next week. Because what member waters? I see your hands,
yeah, just a quick one. I am not as informed about tolling as I should be. However you said police approved towing. So do we have copies of those that are approved by the city slash police department?
So Madam Council, the police approved towers are, please, authorized tours are the ones that are contracted for the city. We currently we have five that are under contract to toll for the police department.
Okay, so we have five. I kind of like to know who they are, and you can send them to me later. So, so what I want to understand so these other toll companies that come in sometimes in tow cars, they can just do it if they're being called by what private company or something. Is that why they come in? Well,
there's, there's three classifications of tolls. The first is the police authorized tolls, and that's done to the police department. The second would be private property in pounds, and where you see these, where you have prohibited parking and private property where they have it posted, say at the hospital, where they'll typically have signs that say violators vehicles will be towed at owner expense. That's a private property impound. And then you have the consensual tolls, like AAA, where the citizen calls for toll for themselves. So the the toll rate commission is focused by ordinance on the police authorized toes, so that those are set rates the private property impounds and consensual tolls are not regulated. To my understanding, under the police authorized toll ordinance,
I get that, but you know what I find frustrating, and that is, sometimes these tow companies are here like vultures. They're driving around trying to see whose car they can take. Then they overcharge them. I mean, it is crazy when they take those cars. So that is my frustration. It's as though they're not even necessarily called out to do that. They are circling around themselves to do exactly. And you sometime you can see him on in the various grocery store Park parking lots, just looking for people to tow. And so I don't know how we address that, because sometimes people are at risk of just losing their cars or whatever because of that type of thing. So that's that is my frustration,
and mine also, and part of my responsibilities of being over the police Tony impound unit is I serve as the department's toll monitor and we field external complaints, which would be like the vulture toll. It's the best way to describe it, where a driver will solicit a person at an accident to tow the vehicle. That's actually against the law. It's against city ordinance. It's $1,000 fine. The problem that we have is that the drivers that do that know that very well, and they're very coy and how they approach the citizens to where they're not overtly saying, I'll tow your car. They they kind of manipulate the situation so they're very difficult to investigate, but we do investigate those, and I agree with you. It's very frustrating. And our colleagues here from our private tours, they're aware of it. They're ethical towers. They're good partners for the city, but not every toll company necessarily is and I agree with you, and that's something that is a concern for the police department as
well. Thank you, Madam Chair, thank
you member waters. Vice Chair, thank you. Just
a couple questions. Looking at the motorized vehicles and recreational vehicles page, there's toll classification, light duty than light duty second truck, and that's one set that's going to be bumped to 75 to 175
recommendation. What
is a light duty second truck? What does that
mean? Yes, I'd like to defer this to miss Goodwin from the Detroit Association. Good
morning. Council member Benson, the light duty second truck is when there's a situation where a second truck needs to be called to the toasting for whatever reason there might be several cars, um, excess debris, so there's and that's the case with all categories. Okay,
that's helpful. Thank you. And then out of town retrievals. Why would we be doing the out of town retrieval as part of our program here,
the out of town retrievals really are relegated to evidence vehicles, the instances that I can think of where a vehicle used in a violent crime was located out of state, and we had to retrieve that vehicle for evidentiary purposes.
Okay? And then there was last question. Is about administrative fees, I believe, and that was $75 and it's remaining at $75 administrative fee, despite the increase in other fees. This one was sent, I believe in 2013 or 2012 but there's no recommendation to increase that. While there's been an increase in all the other fees based on inflation and just the cost of living, I would
defer that as well to Captain Evans.
The police department doesn't have a position on the fees. It's our responsibility to oversee the facilitation of towing and the operations of towing the administrative fees used for cost recovery, and we didn't make a recommendation to raise it or to lower it, but I was asked to provide justification for the cost involved. And there are quite a bit of administrative costs. One could argue that administrative fee could be higher for the personnel, for the software, for all the things that are needed to facilitate the tone functions for the police department,
okay, and there's no and you obviously said there's no recommendation on an increase, and that's because Police
Retirement does not take a position on on the fee schedules.
So then, from the the body assembled here, was there no thought into that, or just there was no way to justify an increase or a reduction? Is that why?
Again, through the chair that fee was proposed by DPD. We did have some discussions, and if I recall correctly, DPD felt that the current rate does cover their cost sufficiently, and also understand DPD does toll 20% of the tolls in the city, so any increases would, you know, go to the towing unit as well?
Okay. Thank you.
Thank you. I do have one question for the chair. We like to know, what are the next steps for us, once we have the discussions, how does it come before City Council? What's the timing for that? Because from what we've seen, it was the 2012 commission submitted their recommendation to you in September, 2012 and the next thing that we found in our records is the August 2013 vote
okay for approval. So that's a question to me, although we have not gone through this process yet, so we will figure that out. Vice Chair, were you around? So that's a question that we will figure out the process. So no worries as for us in the immediate right now, making sure that the public, my colleagues, see the presentation, get their questions to you. If there is nothing to no major changes or anything that will yield for larger discussion, we can move this through, and then it'll just work. We'll work with the clerk's office. We'll work with whoever we got to do to figure out what the process is, but that's that's on us for next steps. I have one quick question. I have a lot of questions, but the one question that I'll ask here is really about your approach. So a lot of the issues that I've heard, the constraints that I heard, were things that are coming from beyond the city. So we're thinking insurance, costs, inflation, when it comes to approach, when it comes to approach to solutions. Are there any discussions with the states, with the federal government, about the current policies that they're creating that are causing these constraints, the gas prices, the insurance because a lot of the costs that are gone up are now costs that we're going to ask the public to to endure. And I'm wondering, has the Commission, the towing committee, Tollers, are you also having these discussions with federal and state governments, letting them know that what they're creating is more constraints for you, that you now have to go down to local governments and to the public to ask you to be able to cover those costs? So it's a question for you. Peggy, if you wouldn't mind.
Thank you. Chairwoman, yes, we are always in communication with the state and federal government on our needs, wants, desires, issues. That's that's a constant for the Detroit towing Association. It's a very complex industry, and it's affected by many variables. So this is a non stop. And I don't want to say fight discussion, yes, but I do want you to consider, when you're considering this rate increase, also consider their time involved. They could be on the scene from one half hour up to three hours. Consider the distance. Detroit is a large geographic area. They're not compensated for mileage, as they are in other communities. So time, the complexity, the unreimbursed expenses, such as the oil dry that you heard about the contractor bags, please consider that also with because they, you know, yes, they are private sector, but you also have an expense with your public sector towers too, even if there's a fee that's waived because of crime, you've got a tow truck driver who has to be paid. You've got equipment that's very expensive, you've got fuel and you've got time. So please consider all that when you consider these rate increases. And we appreciate it, but we will get back to you with more information on what we're doing on the state and federal level. Okay, thank
you. And through the chair, we did have some discussions. It did not. We are aware that we're asking for, for we're proposing an increase to the fee. I think the question before City Council is, how do you make that happen? We had some discussions about, you know, some scenarios about different ways City Council could approach it if they were to adopt the fees. However, at the end of the day, we recognize that it was out of our scope. Our job was to recommend to you and to the public fair and reasonable rate fees for towing, for police authorized towing in the city of Detroit. Yes, understood all of that. Thank
you taking it all into consideration. My question is, because I'm a systems thinker, I'm seeing how all these things impact and how we're all paying for it. That's it. Thank you, Peggy, did you have something else you wanted to add just
quickly, because you mentioned the federal government, the towing and recovery Association of America, those weight guidelines were recommending, were done in conjunction with the Federal Highway Administration. So those that was in partnership with the federal government. It was also at a time where a Michigan tower was president of the tow rate recovery Association of America. So we're very proud of these guidelines, their industry standards, and we appreciate you approving them. All right. Thank
you all so much. Thank you for your time. I hope you all have a good rest of your day. I will now move us along to the rest of the agenda. So we just had our 10:20am discussion. We will now go into unfinished business to the rest of this agenda. So and
So under unfinished business, 6.1, this is contract number 3076693, this was the reference contracts regarding removing and disposing of boats. There was brief discussion about this last week, but we're bringing this back to confirm the source of funding. If there's a motion to discuss motion, Mr. Washington, do we have someone that can discuss 6.1 with us?
Yes, Madam, Chair, we have Eric Cooper
online, if we can move them over as a panelist.
These are joining us, madam,
thank you. I picked it up. I got you. Thank you. Applause.
We seen that you joined us. Thank you for joining us. If you wouldn't mind stating your name and title for the public.
Good morning. Eric Cooper, Office of contracting and procurement, good morning,
Mr. Cooper, last week, I believe my vice chair, had a question of the source of funding for Item 6.1 were you able to verify what source of funding will be used to pay for this contract?
Yes, ma'am, through the chair, this will be coming from the police, police department's funding.
Vice Chair. Any other questions for 6.1 No,
that's it. Thank you.
Is there a motion to approve 6.1 motion Hearing no objection, 6.1 would be approved, since a formal with the recommendation to approve. Thank you, Mr. Cooper, thank you moving us to 6.2 this is contract number 6005673, utilizing 100% city funding. This was the mobile inspection invoicing contracts for fire. There was a brief question regarding sea OGS, is there a motion to discuss 6.2 motion, Mr. Washington, who do we have to discuss 6.2
Yes, Madam Chair, we have Jim Gladman as well as Robert millander.
If we can move them over as panelists. If you
wouldn't mind stating your naming title for the public,
excuse me. Jim Glavin, Office of contracting and procurement.
Thank you for joining us. Jim, wondering if we were able to find out whether or not 6.2 this contract needed a cogs reports through
the chair. I reviewed the matter with Department of Information and Technology last week. And Seahawks does not apply this contract. The application has no components that will either circuitously or nonrepidously. Monitor, observe, watch, listen, capture, track of persons or group of people's movements. It's used to give city of Detroit fire inspectors the ability to do mobile field inspections displaying pre fire plans for on their computer or smartphone and integration to the city's financial systems for Billings. There is simply no surveillance here, simply a product for which the city inspectors can do a better job scheduling mobile field inspections, reviewing pre fire plans and billing the customer for set fire services. Thank
you for verifying that information. I have no other questions for 6.2 Are there any other questions for 6.2 hearing, none. Is there a motion to approve and to send to new business? Motion? Hearing, no objection. 6.2 will be approved, sent to new business with the recommendation to approve. Thank you for joining us. Thank you. Moving on to 6.3 through 6.5 these are the emergency demolition contracts that member Callaway still has some pending questions on. Is there a motion to bring back 6.3 through 6.5 motion Hearing no objection, 6.3 through 6.5 will be brought back in one week. 6.6 is the ordinance to amend chapter six of the 2019 Detroit city code, animal care, control and regulation by amending Article One definitions and Article Seven, pet shops by renumbering Section six, dash seven, dash three, sale of disease, injured, maimed or sick animal prohibited. Section six, seven, dash four, injured or sick animals to be reported care by licensed veteran or veterinarian or others. Section six, dash seven, dash five, representations as to health or pedigree. Section six, dash seven. Dash six, human treatments, humane treatments, humane treatment of animals. Section six, dash seven. Dash seven, seven, approval of departments, agreement by applicants and licenses all to prohibit the sale of dogs and cats by pet shops. This is for an introduction and setting of a public hearing, and as we heard during public comments, this is to have better regulations at our pet stores. Is there a motion to refer 6.6 to the lot apartments? Motion? Thank you, Vice Chair, this will need to be approved to form. So a lot apartments, there's been a motion for this to be referred to you to be approved to form, and is there any discussion, or is there approval? This would need to be through the chair the law department,
through the chair Graham Anderson law department.
I was in contact with Councilman calloway's team last week, and we would ask for two weeks to complete our review, and then we'll be able to move forward with this project.
Perfect. Thank you. Thank you. Is there a motion to bring back 6.6 in two weeks? Motion Hearing no objection. 6.6 will be brought back in two weeks. 6.6 and 6.7 are both various memos that have been replied to without objection. These can be received and filed. 6.9 is an item that should be that is currently in PDD and should be removed without objection. 6.9 will be removed from our agenda. This is an item in ped This brings us now down to new business under the Office of contracting and procurement. 7.1 contract number 6006452, 100% city funding to provide environmental consulting services. Contractor is mth consultants. They're located in Detroit. This is for a three year period with 500,000 for BC. Is there a motion to approve or discussion? 7.1
motion to approve.
Thank you. Vice Chair for brief discussions, if you wouldn't mind. Thank you, Mr. Washington, if you wouldn't mind letting us know who can give us a brief overview of this contract. I am interested to see how this may impact the air monitoring work that so many of our residents want to see. Mr. Washington, Yes,
Madam Chair, are we able to bring this back to the end of the agenda? We
can 7.1 without objection, can be brought back into the end of the agenda. Thank you, Mr. Washington. I do want us to hear about this contract, so we'll come back to 7.1 moving us along. I
7.2 this is contract number 3072472, 100% city funding. This is an emergency demolition at 8757 Homer contractors in our city for the total amount of 30,500 is there a motion to discuss 7.2 motion, Mr. Washington, or Ms Duncan? Do we have our director on with us? And if so, can she be made into a panelist?
Madam Chair, I did not see her online.
Mr. Washington, would we have anybody else to discuss construction and demolition contracts?
My apologies, Madam Chair, was a request for demolition contracts.
Yes, we're discussing 7.2 i Two, and it seems that the director is not on with us. Want to verify that, if that's the case, if there's anyone else here to discuss demolition contracts,
no, I believe director counts is in the field somewhere. Let me try to reach out to her if we can bring back demolition items toward the end as well. Okay,
we can do so without objection. 7.2 will be brought back into the end of the agenda, moving us along.
Madam Chair, yes. Vice Chair, we want to go ahead and bring back all 7.2 through seven point 14 as well demolition contracts to the end of the
agenda. Yes, sir, without objection, we can bring back 7.2 through seven point 14 at the end of the agenda. And apologies I'm having technical issues. So if I'm slow, it's because I'm trying to pull up the information from my phone. So moving us along seven points 15 is also a demolition contract, so that can be included in the in the bring back as well as 16. This is another chair. Are there questions for seven point 16?
Okay, seven point 16 is a furniture, furniture
that this is also going to go for construction and demolition. So we might have some questions for that as well. Okay, we can bring that back so we can begin to discuss seven point 17. This is contract number 6006373, utilizing the 100% city funding to provide two year rental agreements for gas monitors. Contractor is Argus Group Holdings. They are located in Sterling Heights. This will be for 320,184 this will be for fire. Is there a motion to approve or discuss seven point 17 motion to approve? Are there any objections? Hearing, none. Seven point 17 will be approved to be sent to formal with the recommendation to approve,
Madam Chair motion to send to new business. Seven point 17. Hearing,
no objection, seven point 17 will be sent to new business with the recommendation to approve seven point 18 is contract number 3077772, utilizing 100% city funding to provide the activation fee of 550 new replacement radios on the Michigan Public Safety Communication System. Contractor is the state of Michigan. This total contract is 137 with $500 and this is for police. Is there a motion to approve or discuss 718 motion to approve? Are there any objections? Hearing, none. 718 will be approved to be sent to formal with the recommendation to approve motion to the new business. Hearing, no objection. Seven point 18 will be sent to new business with the recommendation to approve seven point 19 is contract number 3078051, utilizing 100% grant funding to provide an emergency purchase to restore functionality of existing police surveillance van used for The investigation of crimes such as homicide, narcotics operation and trafficking. Contractors, work services. They are located in South Carolina. This contract would be for 76,500 and this would be for police. Is there a motion to discuss seven point 19
Thank you. Vice Chair, Mr. Washington, who do we have to discuss seven point 19 with us?
We have Stacy green Travis online as well as Richard Gove,
if we can move them over as panelists? You
Madam Chair, I don't see those panelists. Can
you repeat the names? Or they raise their hand,
yes, um, Captain Stacy, green Travis, I believe she's under green Travis, 023,
thank you. Mr. Washington, thank you.
And then I believe the other name of her was Richard.
Yes, that's correct, Madam Chair, I don't see Richard, so we can proceed with the DPD. Rep,
all right, Captain, I believe you've joined us. Can you hear us?
Yes, ma'am. Can you hear me? Yes, I
can. Thank you for joining us for discussion for seven point 19. I do have brief questions, wondering if you wouldn't mind letting us know what the current state of the other two vans are that are the DPD has
good morning to offers. Ma'am. I am not aware of another two vans that we have. I am newly assigned to organized crime. I just know about this van up for discussion today. I do not want to provide you any wrong information. So can we get back with you on that?
Yes, that's very valid. Thank you for that. So since you are new and you have information regarding this van, would you mind letting us know the current states and what you wish to do with it? Yes,
ma'am, we need to upgrade for this van. The technology for this van is old. The technology is from 2009 we will want to use this van for the purpose of illegal dumping, to place it in areas where we don't have any pole cams, and also for graffiti.
All right, it says that you will be using new technology. Do you know what that is?
Ma'am, it is all in the request of everything that we will need, and it's the request that I have, and I think you guys have a copy of it as well. It describes out everything that we will need for this van.
So we do have that information. It's also very helpful for the public to understand what the vans will be equipped with as well,
which is why we ask the questions at the table. So I do have that listed, if you wouldn't mind sharing that as
well. As the van will be equipped with audio and video. The audio will be primarily used for officer safety. The way the van is constructed, the officers will not be be able to see if anyone is approaching the van and video will be used that has a range from approximately two blocks. So it will be equipped with cameras, which is audio and video.
it says that the van is currently on its third year of life. Wondering, do you know how often you look to upgrade your vans?
We've had this van for approximately 15 years, and it's never been upgraded.
Okay? Do you have any other vans that do this type of work for DPD?
My knowledge? No, okay.
And just wondering, how has the lack of technology or this van impacted your work so far in your investigations.
Van is helpful for areas that we don't have pole cameras, because the van will primarily be used by the general assignment unit, which is responsible for the illegal dumping and graffiti. We do have pole cams in certain areas. However, the areas that we want to try to identify as new areas and also areas that do not have cameras already.
Okay, understood.
Are there any other questions for seven, point 19? Hearing none. One final question that I have, Captain is hearing a lot of surveillance, being the chair and being a part of a lot of conversations in the public about surveillance and seags. Would you happen to know if there would be a sea OGS report needed for the new technology that you hope to put into this van?
I'm not quite sure we will need any additional information, but I can find out for you and get back with you.
Yes, please, if you wouldn't mind just verifying with your team whether or not there would be a sealants report needed for any of the technology upgrades to this van we do under. Oh, we have someone here in person that might be able to answer these questions for us. Thank you for being here. If you wouldn't mind sending your name and title for the public
Robert Mellon, Director of Public Safety, and to answer the question that was stated by the Sears report, the CRS report was issued for this and is currently posted on the city trust purchasing web page and went to the board of police commissioners for approval.
Wonderful. Thank you. I completely missed that, so I appreciate that information. Discussion. Vice Chair, anything else you wanted to add? Nope,
that was what I wanted to do. Thank
you. I appreciate that flag. Okay, that was my final question. Hearing, no other questions. Is there a motion to approve seven point 19 motion? Hearing, no objection, seven point 19 is approved to be sent to formal with the recommendation to approve motion to send a new business. Hearing, no objection, 719 will be sent to your business with the recommendation to approve. Thank you for coming down. Thank you. Thank you, Captain,
you as well. Yes, ma'am. Have a good day. You
as well. Moving us along. Seven point 20. This is contract number 6003881, amendment number one, utilizing 100% major street funding to provide an extension of time and increase of funds for traffic management consulting. Contractor is a com they are located in Detroit. This contract increase would be 937,000 with 500 which would bring this total contract to 3,000,750 and this would be for public works, is there a motion to approve a discussion? Seven point 20
motion to approve discussion.
Thank you. Vice Chairs and a motion to approve mr. Washington. Is there anyone that can give us a brief overview of what we can expect with this additional funds for the public to understand the impact?
Yes, yes, we have director Brundage online, if we
can move our director over as a panelist,
he's rejoining Madam Chair.
Thank you. Applause. Hey,
good morning. Madam Chair,
good morning director, thank you for joining us. If you wouldn't mind sharing with the public what they can expect from contracts. This is line item seven points 20. We are adding an additional 900,000 for a almost $4 million contracts. So just given the amounts, would hope that you can give us some overview of what the public can expect with this increase.
Sure this is our contract with AECOM, who manages and operates our traffic management center. Our current contract was set to expire, and at the end of this month, september 30, 2024 we're just asking for a one time extension for one year to extend this contract for an additional year so that we can ensure that we have no interruption in our traffic management services. We're already working with the Office of Procurement to ensure that we have a bid out in time to to have a new contract in place when the current, if approved extension expires on september 30, 2025 so again, a comp provides all of the services relative to the operation of our traffic management center. Thank
you. Are there any other questions for seven point 20? Hearing none. There was a motion to approve. I believe. Are there any objections? Hearing none. Seven point 20 will be approved to be sent to formal with the recommendation to approve a director. Quick question for you. While I have you on seven point 21 this is contract number 600408. Or nine, eight. This is regarding waste removal services for transportation maintenance facilities. Would this be your contract, or DDOT contract? We have it under transportation. This is a discussion, I guess, for the clerk's office as well.
Director, yeah, Madam Chair, this is actually a DDOT contract.
It's a DDOT contract. Thank you for verifying. Just wanted to get that information all right, Director, I believe that is all that I have for you at the moment. Thank you. Thank you moving us to seven points, 21 this is contract number 6004098, utilizing 100% city funding. This is amendment number one to provide waste removal services for department transportation maintenance facilities. This contractor is works, works, environmental. They're located in Detroit. The total increase is 300,000 bringing this contract to 1,318,320 this would be for transportation. Is there a motion to approve or discuss seven points? 21
motion to approve.
Are there any objections hearing none. Seven points. 21 will be approved to be sent to formal with the recommendation to approve seven points. 22 this is contract number 6006495. Utilizing 100% grant funding to furnish bus OEM parts contractors, Neo part transits. They are located in looks like Pennsylvania,
and this is a five year contract for $674,354 and this would be for transportation. Is there a motion to approve or discuss seven points 22 motion to approve? Are there any objections hearing none. Seven points 22 will be approved to be sent to formal with the recommendation to approve under the departments of appeals and hearings. Seven points 23 is the dangerous buildings findings and orders for August 30. 2024 is there a motion to receive and file motion Hearing no objection. Seven points 23 will be received and filed. 7.4 7.4 through seven point 28 under the Office of the Chief Financial Officer, Office of Development and grants, has a number of grants. Seven point 24 is to request and appropriate the emerging threats grants. Seven point 25 is to accept an increase in the appropriation of the Unified work program grants, 7.26 is to accept and appropriate the opioid settlements, prevention grants. Seven point 27 is to accept and appropriate the infection prevention and health care associated infection response support grants and seven points 28 is the Public Safety Foundation requesting to accept the Explorers program grants. Is there a motion to discuss or approve seven points? 24 through seven points, 28 to approve Hearing no objections, all of those grants will be approved. Is there a motion to send to new business? Motion, all items will be approved, sent to new business with the recommendation to approve, moving us along to the legislative policy division seven point, 29 is a resolution to recognize February 7 as J Dilla day in Detroit. Is there a motion to approve or discuss seven points? 29 motion to approve, Hearing no objection. Seven points 29 will be sent to formal with the recommendation to approve under the departments of Public Works, city engineering departments. Seven point 30. There are a number of items under the city engineering departments, all related to the International Bridge Company. We will be bringing these items back to allow for the representative to be here from the administration to discuss these items. He's not able to be here with us today, but the items. Just want to make sure that I group these together, seven point 37 point 31 Madam Chair, Oh, Mr. Washington,
I do see Luke Colton online. Oh, Luke is
on with us. So then, if Luke is on with us, we can discuss the following items with Luke these all would have to do with the International Bridge Company. Is there a motion to discuss seven point 37 point 31 seven point 34 seven point 36 through seven point 39 motion hearing objections, we will discuss these items if We can bring over Mr. Luke as a panelist. You
and this Duncan, do we see Luke online?
It looked like there might be an issue. It looked like he declined to promote it. Is there another available person? Mr.
Washington, I'm assuming you can see Luke online.
Yes, Madam Chair, we are texting now. I'm not sure if this happens, yes, if we could try one more time,
let's make Luca panelists.
Good afternoon, Madam, Chair and committee. How's everyone today?
Good afternoon. We're doing well. How are you very well. Thank
you. Good to hear.
Thank you for joining us. So we are discussing seven point 37 point 31 seven point 34 seven point 36 through seven point 39 thank you for joining us on behalf of the administration. I do see Kevin here on behalf of the bridge company. You can join us. And then I do believe Sam, who is a part of Hubbard, Richard, is online as well. If we can meet the panelists, just in case we need any insights from all three parties. But what I will do is, while we move see and over as a panelist is kick it over to Luke, if you wouldn't mind sharing with the public what we're discussing today and what's also being discussed in ped if you wouldn't mind introducing the full party that you have with you today. I know it's been a long time coming, but Luke, before I turn it over to you, I guess I can kick us off by saying that this has been a lot of work done through our office. Member was, quite frankly, the whole council and the bridge company to ensure that their desires to expand their footprints also comes with some protections, some benefits to the community, which are being discussed in ped right now and today. What we have before us are all of the requests for easements, encroachments for the developments that they're going to have in Hubby, Richard, but with that, Luke, I'll turn it over to you to explain to us what these requests are. Thank you, Madam
Chair, through you. Thank you for the opportunity to address the committee and the public about this important project and say a little bit about the process that brought us here. I think it's particularly noteworthy for purposes of this Committee's review, to understand some of the hard work that was done between the bridge company, on the one hand, and the Hubbard Richard resident Association on the other hand, the support from the city, including members of city council, most especially, Member Santiago Romero and member waters along the Council President, to bring two sides together, to talk about project that's necessary for the bridge company, but to pursue that project in a way that stays sensitive to the needs of the neighborhood and gives the neighborhood the necessary protections and assurances and commitments that The neighborhood needed to see in order to support the project, and I mean to speak for Mr. Butler on behalf of HRA. But by way of a community agreement between the bridge company, the city and the neighborhood association, there's indeed a framework document whereby the community express the support for this project and the approvals that are being brought before Council today and a PED and and yet outlines its requirements for the bridge company to make and keep promises necessary to protect the neighborhood. Some of those include lot donations and property donations that are important to the neighborhood's future and redevelopment objectives. Those are being donated to the neighborhood, but for purposes of this committee's purview, I'd like to highlight one, one key piece of the street and alley elements, as Mr. Calzinski can explain in greater detail, this project would propose to close st Anne street between fort and Lafayette in order to enable a an expansion of the customs processing Plaza around the Ambassador Bridge. And working with the neighborhood, the bridge company has committed to constructing, in fact, that work is already underway, and dedicating a new 16th Street to create another point north, south connector into the neighborhood to compensate for the closure the proposed closure of CNN Street, those specifications of that to be dedicated Road, should this council so choose to accept it were done in consultation with the neighborhood and include pedestrian safe instruments that The neighborhood requested. So it's just one of many examples of the bridge company and the resident Association working together to outline common priorities and make and keep commitments. So look forward to answering this committee's questions and discussing those in further detail, but I do think for purposes of today's approvals, which largely centered around civil engineering requirements related to the bridge company's project encroachments and the like, the major elements of today's presentation and discussion really are the proposed closure of st Ann Street and the proposed replacement of that length of sand street with the new 16th Street With those pedestrian safety enhancements. So again, just to conclude, Madam Chair, there are rezoning approvals and a community agreement approval being reviewed by this by council in the Planning and Economic Development Committee in parallel, and in order to keep this package of approvals coordinated and and to give this body and that body and members of the public observing these proceedings full transparency, those items are back at committee on Thursday at planning economic development, and we would ask, should this committee be Ready to take action that those items and the items before the committee today converge in formal next Tuesday, all is one package. So with that, I will hand it back to you, Madam Chair, and ask whether you prefer some more introductory comments from bridge company, or she would like to go straight into question answer. Thank
you. I will turn it over to the bridge company representative to introduce yourself and then share with us anything that you like to share about the process and what we have in front of us so
far. Yeah, good morning, Madam Chair, nice to see you again. Member waters. Member Benson, nice to be here on this occasion of bringing these forward. I think Mr. Bolson did an excellent job giving an overview. I know you're all familiar with it. You know for the public, just a little bit about the level of engagement. It was a 22 month process. When we did the timeline. During that time, there were dozens of in person, meetings, Zoom calls, phone calls, and the involvement of the elected officials, including your office member, as well as the mayor's office, was really critical and crucial to pulling it all together. And we're happy with where we're at. And I think Luke did a good job of an overview for the public regarding where we're at in the committee process, got the community agreement and the rezoning with ped, and we're here today with the dedications, encroachments and vacations that are all underlie the project and are necessary to move the project forward. Thank
you. I believe we have Sam on with us. Sam Butler, if you're on with us, I would like for you to join us as a panelist, just to share your insights of the process so far. And I know that closing st Anne streets was not at all in in the in the cards for community, but I know that we've worked really hard for a solution, and we still have some more work to do to ensure that we have safe streets in hubris, but we're working on that together. But wanted to give you an opportunity to share your thoughts on the process and your hopes as well.
Thank you, Madam Chair, yeah, as you mentioned, closing saying, a portion of st between Lafayette and fort is viewed as a major concession by the community and and you know, 2022, months ago, when we started having this conversation, it really triggered a lot of fears that the bridge company would just continue expanding their Plaza for years in the future, and that's why, in the agreement that we negotiated, we we negotiated strenuously for some dibc properties To be given to the community, which we feel is critically important. One of the most important properties, of course, is the former Greyhound site. The we do feel like the acquisition of those properties once they are in community hands, along with the non acquisition area that was outlined in the contract does effectively put, for the most part, any future questions of Plaza expansion to rest of course, we have questions about, you know, dnbc, Future plans and other parts of property holdings that they have surrounding the area, but with regarding this street closure, we feel like we've done the best we can to get adequate protections for our neighborhood.
Thank you, Sam and I do know that there is open space for communication with Hubbard Richard and the bridge company to continue building on those relationships, because the IBC is a neighbor of Hubbard Richard. So any future plans, would want to make sure that we include community to the bridge company. Madam
Chair, just two things that I thought of that I thought might be worth the public hearing. One is on 16th Street, and I just in your office. I may be aware of this. You may be in, have been involved in some of the discussions, but you know, after we came to the agreement, we got on with permitting. 16th Street. We wanted to build it. We wanted to be ready to turn it over to the city. We got a permit. Sam reached out to me and said, Hey, we've got some concerns about, you know, what we might do for traffic calming, we engage in an interactive process. We change the design on the fly. We added the requested traffic calming that was suggested by the community. So to your point of an open line of communication, I think that's a pretty good working example of where I'm not sure in the past that would have worked quite as smoothly as it did, required a little bit of flexibility from us, required a little bit of flexibility from HRA, and required some help from the city. And I give credit, both to the city and the HRA for coming to a reasonable position about what we could do, and then the city helping us through that permitting process that we had to reengage in because of the requested changes. I also wanted to just point out that, you know, we're moving forward in good faith. You I know you see what we're doing down there. We've taken down the Greyhound building already. That's well in advance of when we're required to do it under the contract. We're putting it into a position where we can convey the property upon approval of the community agreement. I forwarded Sam the Phase One for for what we call parcel one, the part of Greyhound that'll be transferred to the HRA or its designee, all to let you and the public know that we are underway. We are doing what we said we would do, and sort of following up on your comment on that improved line of communication. Thank
you. I appreciate that, and that's a huge win for me, I would like it for folks to talk to each other, figure things out, and not have our office have to be the one to facilitate these tough conversations. But we did. I'm happy we did. I'm happy that there is now a more working relationship, instead of what we've seen in the past. And I'm hopeful, and we will continue to work forward. And if this continues to go well, then we can continue to develop harbor Rashard together, ensuring that everyone benefits. So thank you for highlighting that and for showing us in the public that you will continue to do that work. We appreciate it the items that we have before us, again, as Luke mentioned, happy to move these all out next week together, to have this be a full package that's before formal session next week on Tuesday. What that would look like is that we can bring these back in a week, move these outs for new business on Monday, so they would be at formal session on Tuesday, along with the PED items. So Luke, does that sound like proper steps forward that would allow for all the packages to be together at formal session on Tuesday. I would ask everyone to be there on Tuesday in person. Sam, if you're able to join us, just in case, if there's any other questions, concerns, insights that people might need, but that's what I'm thinking for the best course of action moving forward. Luke, what are your thoughts?
Madam Chair, I am happy to follow your lead. I think that particularly sounds great, and appreciate your your willingness to coordinate with the other items.
Okay, wonderful. Are there any other questions for the three folks that we have here with us discussing the dibc items, hearing none. We will be bringing back 737, 31 seven, point 34 seven, point 36 through seven, point 39 in one week. Miss Duncan,
Yes, Madam Chair, it's line item seven, point 37 point 31
seven, point 34 through seven point 36 and seven point 39
Thank you, Miss Duncan. I appreciate being on my staff. Thank you so with those items, all of those items will be brought back in one week. Thank you all for being here. We'll see you soon. Thank you for moving us along to the rest of the agenda. We are almost done, folks. I know it's been a long one for us. Today, we are still under the departments of Public Works, city engineering. Seven point 32 is a petition of Chalmers Island investments LLC requesting to vacate with the reservation of utility easements. This will be for the installations of city utilities. Is there a motion to approve or discuss seven point 32
motion to approve
Hearing no objection. Seven points 32 will be approved to be sent to a formal with the recommendation to approve. 7.33 is a petition of A and S and JD. This is a request for an encroachment for a rail guard that will be constructed in the right of way. Is there a motion to discuss seven point 33 motion? Thank you. Member waters, Mr. Washington, Oh, I see Mr. Doherty. Is on with us, if you would in mind sitting your name and title for the
public. Richard Doherty, city engineer,
thank you for joining us, sir. I have a question regarding the compliance issue. It looks like there was a compliance issue with this construction. Can you give us a little bit more context into this note
the site had they had a fire on the site in the past and lost one of the buildings, and I think they reconstructed a new building, and there was some damage to the sidewalk east of this area where they want to place the encroachment. And we ask that they complete those improvements before we move forward with this petition, I believe that all that work has been done
Understood. Thank you. Is there a motion to approve 7.33 motion Hearing no objection. Seven point 33 will be approved. Since a formal with the recommendation to approve, we are bringing back items three point 70 or sorry. Seven point 34 through seven point 36 seven point 37 is a petition of iconic downtown property they are requesting an encroachments for the installation of a new sign. Is there a motion to approve or discuss 737? Motion to approve hearing objections 7.37 will be approved since a formal with the recommendation to approve seven point 38 is a petition for a request of vacation for a utility easements. Is there a motion to approve or discuss 7.38
motion to approve, Hearing no objection.
Seven point 38 will be approved, to be sent to formal with the recommendation to approve, we're bringing back seven point 39 in one week. Seven point 40 is a petition, a request for vacation, for utility easements. Is there a motion to approve or discuss seven point 40 hearing objection? Seven point 40 will be approved, since a formal with the recommendation to approve seven points 41 is a petition of the General Services departments for a dedicated land as right away for the use of the Joe Lewis Greenway project. Is there a motion to approve or discuss seven points 41
motion to approve
Hearing no objection, seven point 41 will be approved. Since a formal with the recommendation to approve seven points 42 is a petition of HM em LLC, they are requesting an encroachment for the installation of a four steel razor, an exterior stair and a landing. Is there a motion to discuss or approve, seven points 42
motion to approve without objection.
Seven point 42 will be approved until formal with the recommendation to approve. This brings us down to miscellaneous, and we still have a few construction demolition contracts to go back to. But under miscellaneous, seven point 43 we've been asked to bring back in two weeks. Motion, Hearing no objection. Seven points 43 will be brought back in two weeks. I will now move this up to the remaining items, starting with seven points 21 mr. Washington. Who do we have? Thank you. Miss Dorothy for joining for joining us. Mr. Washington. Who do we have to discuss 7.7 point one with us, we're going back to 7.1 is there a motion to discuss member waters motion? Mr. Washington,
yes. Madam Chair, we
have Ray Scott online, if we can move them over as a panelist and
also as a point of clarity. Was Item 6.2 and 7.22 moves to new business.
A question for the clerk's office, if you would in mind giving your seconds to verify that information.
Line item 6.2 was moved to new business through the sheriff's and Mr. Washington. What was the other line item that you needed.
Thank you, and Item 7.22712
does not have a motion yet.
I'm sorry, seven point 22
seven point 22 was not moved to new business. Thank
you, Madam
Chair, could we also request that be moved to new business as well? Madam
Clerk, what item is seven points 22
seven point 22 is contract number 6006495,
or Neo transport LLC?
Would this be for transportation? Is to furnish bus? OEM parks. Oh, understood. Is there a motion to send to new business? Motion Hearing no objections, will send seven points. 22 to new business with the recommendation to approve.
Thank you, Madam Chair,
you're welcome. Mr. Washington, and for discussion for seven points. 21 excuse me, 7.1 who was our panelist again, Miss Duncan.
Mr. Scott, Madam Chair, and he's online. Okay,
good afternoon. If you wouldn't mind seeing your naming title for the public,
good afternoon. Madam Chair. Raymond Scott, Deputy Director. BC,
thank you for joining us. Deputy I just have a quick question for 7.1 this is an exciting contract for environmental consulting services. Wondering if you could share with us in the public what you hope to accomplish with this contract.
Thank you, Madam Chair, this contract is for nth Consulting Services who will assist us in implementing our air quality program, our long awaited air quality program within the city of Detroit. We will have approximately 19 monitors throughout the city, in addition with the seven that Egle already has established, which will allow us to do particulate matter specifically, particulate matter 2.5, particulate matter 10, we also have within certain monitors, we will be able to monitor for metals, those that deal more specifically with inhalation problems, such as chromium. And then we're also looking, based on how we're able to move our budget around, we're also looking to add volatile organics. We're looking to do 15 sampling events in regards to volatile organic so this will be a comprehensive air monitoring program throughout the city of Detroit. Our contractor will be responsible for the installation of the monitors. Several of them will be what we consider stat stable monitors. They will be affixed to some of the city buildings, such as libraries, police departments, things of that nature. And then other monitors will be mobile, and so they would have to certainly do the upkeep of the monitors, as well as to work with our IT department to ensure that the downloads are uninterrupted. And so they're going to carry it from A to Z. The information that we will receive will be automatically uploaded to the portal that we will be putting into place so that the public, at any time, see what the air quality in regards to particulate matter and metals are for those monitors in their area. So we're very excited about this. We are finally here. In fact, we have all the equipment in house now, and so this is the very last piece of the puzzles to get the contractor on board so we can move forward with implementation.
Thank you, Deputy. This is incredibly exciting, something that residents have been asking for for a while. So thank you for for doing this work. Just briefly, I'm assuming you mentioned this is going to be all comprehensive, so we're working together with the states, assuming we can also be connected with the county, because they have some air monitors as well, and there are also organizations like just air. I'm not sure if you've heard of them, but just want to make sure that we are going to be also including them in discussions, correct? Yeah.
So there's a standing committee that brings all of these organizations together, and we will certainly have dialog with them. The difference between our program and the county program is that they're using sensors called Purple air, and we're using federal equivalent monitoring, and so we have what we consider a very robust system, but we will work, certainly with the state, of course, as well as the county, to try to make sense of All the data and have it displayed in a localized area, so the big picture of air quality in general, regardless of what organization is monitoring, will be accessible to the citizens of Detroit. Wonderful.
Thank you so much. Are there any questions, any other questions for 7.1, if not, is there a motion to approve to new business
motion here, no
objection 7.1 will be approved to send a new business with the recommendation to approve. Thank you, Deputy mr. Washington, yes,
yes for Item 7.2 I don't believe we had taken this up yet, but there is a request to remove that item, the demolition won't be occurring there, and this contract has been
rescinded. Okay, is there a motion to remove 7.2 motion Hearing no objection. 7.2 will be removed from our agenda. And Mr. Washington, do we have our director on with us to discuss the remaining contracting? Construction The motion contracts.
Yes, we do. Director councils online,
if we can move her over as a panelist. And what I'll do now member waters is, while the director joins us online, is go over the remainder of the items. I don't think we have questions for all of them. I did have a questions for 7.2 which will be removed. I'll move us along. 7.3 through 7.8 are all various emergency demolition contracts. Are there any questions for discussion, or is there a motion to approve?
Motion to approve 7.3
through 7.8 will be approved to be sent to formal with the recommendation to approve, which brings us to 7.9 This is contract number 6006330, 100% bond funding to provide prop and trash out release group, 18 contractors, Premier contractors. They're located in Detroit. This is a one year contract for 85,000 with $302 is there a motion to approve or discuss 7.9
motion to approve Hearing
no objection. 7.9 will be approved central formal with the recommendation to approve 7.87 point 10 is contract number 3074490, utilizing 100% city funding to provide emergency demo at 9006. Oakland contractors, inner city for 92,777 is there a motion to approve or discuss seven point 10 motion to approve without objection, seven point 10 will be approved. Since a formal with the recommendation to approve, we have discussed and approved seven point 11. Did we not? Thank you, Madam Clerk, seven point 11. This is contract number 6006547, utilized in 100% city funding to provide Roof Repair for two municipal parking locations. Contractor is Mac roofing. They're located in Detroit. The total contract is for 320,000 Is there a motion to discuss or approve seven point 11, motion to approve Hearing no objection, 711 would be approved to be sent to formal with the recommendation to approve seven point 12 is contract number 3077418, utilizing the 100% city funding for emergency demo at 9635 Pinehurst contractor is Detroit. Next. They're located in Detroit for 19,000 their motion to approve or discuss seven point 12 motion to approve, Hearing no objection. 712 will be approved since a formal with the recommendation to approve i Seven point 13 and seven points 14 are both emergency demolition contracts. 713 is emergency demo at 5281 Addison, seven point 14 is a demo and commercial backfill for 9000. Oakland, as well as sidewalk repairs. Is there a motion to approve or discuss seven points 13 and seven point 14? Motion to approve Hearing no objections, both of those items will be approved, since a formal with the recommendation to approve 715 is emergency demo at 11850, Van Dyke contractors, intercity, for the total amount of $107,444 is there a motion to approve or discuss 715
motion to approve?
No, we're Hearing no objection. Seven point 15 would be approved, since a formal with the recommendation to approve, I believe the last item that we have to discuss for today is seven point 16. This is contract number 6006489, utilizing 100% ARPA funding to provide furniture design and installation for DP DS Oakman building. This would be for y ti office Express. They're located in Detroit, for the total amount of $682 with 30 with 282 with $300 and this would be for construction and demolition. Is there a motion to discuss, approve and discuss seven point 16 motion. Thank you. Member waters, if we can bring over our director as a panelist to discuss seven point 16.
Good afternoon lawand counts, director of the construction and demolition
department. Good afternoon director, if you wouldn't mind sharing with the public what they can expect with these with this contract, this is ARPA funding for furniture design and installation
through the chair this particular project would allow us to provide the actual furnishings for the location. There is a separate renovation contract that is currently underway, and this this location was a location that was acquired in the past. I don't want to misspeak, but it's been a couple of years, maybe three to four years ago. And so this renovation effort will allow us to have actual operations be moved into it, but they would need furniture to support them, so that furniture is going to range between cubicles and desk and chairs of that sort.
Thank you. This is ARPA funding. Were there any other sources of funding that were looked at for furniture
through the Chair? I'm not able to answer that question at this time. If you would like an answer, I could definitely reach out to the various departments to see but I'm I'm not really clear
at this, and I do understand we need to spend down ARPA, and this might have been already set aside for arpa. I don't love the idea of spending ARPA money on furniture, member waters. I'm not sure where you stand on this contract. I feel comfortable moving this out without recommendation, allowing the full body to decide for their own but I would much rather have this be moved out without recommendation. Member waters, unless you feel differently or strongly any other way,
motion to send a formal without recommendation, Hearing
no objection. Seven point 16 will be sent to formal without recommendation. Thank you, Director,
thank you.
I believe that is all that I have, Madam Clerk. I'm getting verification that we have gotten to the end of the agenda. Member waters for anything from member reports. No nothing for me, other than just thank you all so much. For a good lengthy discussion today with dance without objections this meeting will now be adjourned.