That all gotta be, yeah, there is a steering committee meeting December, 23 2024 it is 706. This is the new steering committee. Welcome. Peter. Okay, just starting over because we were talking, but we only mentioned like two things. Steering Committee has to sign conflicts of interest and exposure forms. Those forms already made the original steering committee back in 23 had signed them. We didn't resign them for 24 mostly because we forgot federally matter to the same people. I think we need to submit a before I forget, we need to submit a bylaw. No, we already did it, a bylaw modification to make two steering committee people. I think that's already in there. No, we didn't think we have to clean up language or make sure there's no language to clean up. Clean up with regard to education and membership coordinators being split. I mean, that's when we're going through the bylaws a few weeks ago, yeah, and I think I saw that in a couple places, but we weren't done updating them all yet. So this is where the current bylaws are. This is not done, but garbage share my screen super quick. The nice thing about putting them here is that so we have like a table of contents on the right. This is also on mobile. If you hit like that three line icon on the bottom, you can kind of jump to the portion you want to go to. So it's nice, like, table of contents. And then if you go to like, view discussion on this topic, what is timeline? Sorry, that's not what I want. So this is what me and me and you Chris, what we were doing of like, previous version, Red Line version, new version. So this is what we basically did throughout. We're not done yet. We're near done. I think the big chunk that we had with that me and you Chris, that we did at the end, that's still done. That's the left okay, but yeah, this seemed like a decent way to do this. And now it's on the forum. And then if anyone has, like, questions or whatever, and I guess we can put that here, if you have questions, comments or suggestions or about the bylaws, please leave a reply. Yeah, anyways, the any bylaw discussion can just be kept in here, and it's all kind of on the spot. Hey, Basma, Hello, yeah, I was just sharing my screen. Let me share this link again. Basically, so far, we just have that steering committee. It's assigned those conflict of interest forms and disclosure forms. There's somewhere in the drive we should do it at the next meeting. And then I just wanted to add to make, like, let's go to the bylaws again when we're done with all the previously submitted modifications and see if there's anything else that, like, mention education slash membership coordinator that needs to be cleaned up. I don't necessarily think we need, like, a vote on it, since we're just cleaning up language and not really changing the meaning of anything. But he OSS do that. So I'm just putting we're just trying to go through old business right now. The other thing was Tanner suggestion for voting by proxy. We have to have a discussion about that in old business. And there was the Central Valley working class unity coalition meetings. I think we should make a thread about them ahead of time, see if we can come to some sort of consensus on what they will look like, and then have a
further discussion at the general meeting.
Yeah, and then we can decide, I don't know, on format, date, who invite, etc, at the general meeting. I guess any other. Old business that we I mean, I know mommy investment are going through the old presentations. There's a lot of old business that has been left unattended, stuff that's like within the last two months, or something. Old business that we have,
we have to vote to approve minutes.
Oh yeah, the bulk vote for, okay, that's, I guess I'd hold business
and plus process, or new process for minutes. I don't think we have time now right to because we're oops,
to go through which ones we haven't voted no
to submit a bylaw modification, yeah, because the meetings in less than two weeks, we would have to do it on a 19, yeah, but we can, I guess we can talk about, because we were talking about how, like, for the bylaws, we should just have it where, if it gets posted two weeks before the general meeting, that we just, we don't vote, we just say, like, is there Any comment here? And then, if not, then it's just it was, like, auto approved, basically for the fact that it was posted for two weeks, and no one said anything which kind of mimics the process we have for our bylaws. Or we don't, like read them out in full anymore. We just kind of talk about what they what they are, and then take a vote.
Yeah. I mean, I'm finally back. Yeah, that way
no one's got, like, you have two weeks look at it, and if someone does have, like, a debate on, like, I think it was this, and you can talk about it, but like, you know, we're
still gonna go over the the bulk changes, though, or whatever. Like, they're not, they're separate from bulk changes. They're just, we're just going over saying, Hey, we added this, and then we can have discussion on
it. This is just for the minutes, right? Yeah,
for minutes got you Sorry. Thought we talked about by law modification, yeah.
So this would just be talking
about new process for the minutes, gotcha. Or they get posted two weeks before the general we have states comments. Otherwise they are automatically approved without a vote. Yeah, I think that's fine. I mean, yeah, as long as they're posted two weeks before, there's plenty of heads up, and we really can have a higher bar for minutes than we do for bylaws. So yeah, that's not too silly. Um, yeah, any other old business? That was a good one. I guess this counts as old business, but the annual bylaw review business, because we're always saying, have to schedule it whenever, in case members not are interested? Yeah, I don't know. Figure out, let's we gotta figure out a day in January, or we sacrifice like, two, three hours to do a deep dial on the minute or on the by law, any other old this, like non campaign or side plus old business.
I mean, we'd filing for the actual 501, c3, three or four status. And then I logged into the database, and I was already locked out, so I don't know what the hell happened there.
No, I recovered it like a week ago.
Oh, you did recover it a week ago. Okay, I was probably right before you did that. Okay, no, yeah, it's okay. I knew it. I knew it. Did that, and I signed in, but I didn't, maybe I didn't sign in. I did on mobile, so maybe I wasn't, I don't know. I'll make sure
I do a small button that I saw on desktop where I was like, restore, but it was right next to the button that said it's too late. It's been removed already, so I don't know Jesus
Christ. Well, I whatever what I'm still working on that I'm going to have, I'm actually, I've set aside time with Dennis to look at it so we could think about how we could get that last bit of it done. But aside from that, yeah, the tax status and
Okay, we have time to make a Excel sheet of the payments stuff you want
to make one or
Yeah, so under Campaign Committee strikers folder here at. This one or the other one? Yes, you're under IRS and invoices. I put all the invoices I've had so far okay, and I tried to keep the naming consistent. I think I was trying to do like date, company, what we paid for seed or order number. Most of them are like, exactly the same number over and over again. You know,
they're just the billing. Okay? I think
cloudways was different every time, because they it was like, based on usage. I think so that's kind of mattered on, like, how active the forum was, but like, This forum is just flat fee every month.
And then, sorry, do we do we want that in the same format as the tax document?
Yeah, I guess I mean, up until we get like this stuff in a database. Cool. At the last meeting, no one had any comments on modifying our the actual one of before a nothing. This can just be once we get, once we get those numbers to plug in here, we can submit it. Because this, we're just waiting to fill out these numbers.
Perfect, yeah, that's cool. I'll get them in. Okay, I'm making a note right now.
And then I think we just wait for response and do it happen?
Sounds good.
Okay, anything else that we have all committed, I guess, hopefully that I didn't see anything in a lot meeting minutes that we had left overall time. So what can be set up?
Okay, well, you can't think of anything, yeah, I guess you need business. Then
I guess we throw the tenant union campaign. So, yeah, hopefully I have time to finish my section of the handbook, but this should be done by the next general meeting, and I'll probably just post it similar to the this. Everybody's going to keep everything the same, like on the forum. Should we put it somewhere else? I
think it should be on the forum the way it is, then you can track it.
Yeah, I guess if we can have, like, a little link, like questions
ask here,
otherwise we're just gonna it's just gonna be in some Google Doc that we can't find, like it always is
our messy Google Docs,
exactly. That's what we can never find. Which google doc anything's actually and the by law review was particularly bad for that because we had like three, we had started three by law reviews. Yeah,
the only thing that helped with, like going through bylaws that we approved were the meeting minutes and the recordings. Honestly, yeah.
I was like, Yeah, best month, going through the actual PowerPoints and, like, going through the minutes in the recordings, and being like, did we actually, sometimes we'd type it up and then yeah, and the actual meeting would be like, we don't have time to skip. And then we'd never go back to it.
That's, that's,
yep. Or sometimes you guys would just like, introduce a bylaw change, but wouldn't actually vote on it, and then so in the minutes, it'll say, like, approved. But like, not necessarily that like, the initial reading,
yeah, the initial reading was approved. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. So hopefully by then we'll be done with that. I think I'll talk to hopefully I can talk to Nora and Sean like next month's plan about cow villa.
We wanted to have a meeting, right? We wanted to do one in December, but it was, like, too late of notice,
yeah, I think we were saying, like, the first Saturday. And I. The problem was like, we don't, we still didn't have our handbook ready. Yeah, offered. So hopefully we have that, and then we can offer them The when is this for first? Saturday would be the fourth. So, yeah, see if we will have the handbook and the we have handbook and we have the other rules and regs uploaded somewhere, and then invite people to
First Saturday
meeting with calculator. That's when we said we'd hold it. I think one thing we also have to do. And I don't know if I talked about some What's that group, or maybe it's just with Riley, like we were saying, like, let's branch out right for the tenant union stuff. But I think we need to be, like, targeted, because, like, we're seeing like, because we're not going to get the whole city into a tenant union, obviously. So like, we should target the buildings that are owned by the actual power players locally that, like, one live locally and do politics locally, or, like, have an economic impact locally. Yeah. So that will involve some level of research ahead of time, and we go find them and, like, it's, you know, like targeting them, like one help will be easier for us, because if they're, like, known people in the community now, to someone where, like, their public perception actually matters, versus, like, random Intel worker, like, how Villa who, like, lives out on the bay summer, like, it's really hard to target that person, yeah,
for for the tenant union going forward. So I know you said, like, talk, you're gonna talk to, like, Nora and Sean about it. But like, what, what is the plan for, like, the next step forward, because from code enforcement, we haven't been getting anything. And from the which, Hoa, yeah, it's also been silenced too,
yeah. I think the what I talked when I was talking to them, what we were talking about was how, like, code enforcement was an attempt, like, if they'd done like, half of what we expected, it was something we might have been able to build off of, yeah, but like, they've done nothing, which, like, I don't think I expected them to do nothing. Yeah, and so it's been like, Okay, we've been trying, like, this whole community approach, where we go after the HOA, and we go after, like, we use cockroaches to go after the HOA, but, like, without code enforcement's help, like, Hoa is really insulated from like, pressure, because, like, you need everyone to have buy in to then pressure the HOA. And like, we don't have that yet, because it's like, it's like, the first thing we're asking people is, like, to go on, like, do a big strike or something, yeah, and it's like a really big hurdle. So we were talking about how, okay, let's people still have problems with their landlords, like their one on one landlords. And so that's why we really started pushing, let's finish the handbook for the end of the year, because we need that, at least, to help people with their landlords. And so we were going to pivot for a cow Villa to pivot to. Let's start. Let's go back talk about these one on one problems. We can still talk to people, like, about cockroaches, and see if like people come as, like, a medium term thing, just even get enough people to come to a meeting and then maybe do, like, a collective effort to just get rid of the cockroaches, even if the Lent like, the HOA is not going to pay for it, like buying the supplies needed to, like, kill the local infestation. Probably isn't going to be that expensive. Oh,
we talked about, like, gathering community, like, funds,
yeah. And like, at least do this, yeah. And so this will be, like, maybe 100 bucks, a couple 100, maybe for like, that much. And like, it'll help a little bit at least. But before that, it's like, okay, people still have individual problems with landlords, so let's focus on, on our end, let's finish the handbook so we have some level of knowledge to like, give to people. And then we'll go back and, like, go through our surveys of like, who had smaller problems with their landlords, and like, help them address that, which is, like, it's one person that gets one landlord, which is much easier, yeah, and then use that to kind of build and then, at the same time, if we have a handbook that lets us go and reach out to other tenants in other places as like, an offering of like, here we have this thing. And then also for COVID, it was that we were going to use the rules and rights. So ccnr, the HOA bylaws, as like, we have these things, and we know you want them, so join our WhatsApp group to access them, and it's not gonna be secret, like everything would just be on the forum anyways. So it's not like they can't just link it to each other, like we're not withholding it. Really, it's kind of like, if they haven't talked to anyone yet, come to our WhatsApp group yet, like Sean and Nora both thought it would be a good idea to kind of use that as, like a defensive to get people to interact with us. Yeah. And the hope would be that we and like, yeah, I guess I regret, like, the way we did the code enforcement thing, because, you know, we had talked so much about, like, let's don't be a service org, yeah, and then we kind of did it in a service way, and it was kind of the hope, like, we're in this grid lock. Let's use this to break the lock and, like, get something else afterwards. But, like, it just ended up with people being like, oh, stuff will be done for me. We don't have to go to the meetings and stuff so well, you know that what the fear of doing service organizing like happened anyways, even if we were trying to avoid it. So I think, like, what would be nice is if people would work with us and put together like a welcome package for cow Villa tenants that have like the rules and regs and the bylaws translated to like normal language as kind of like a community building exercise of like, if someone, if you notice someone's new like, send them a link to the WhatsApp group. If you have print out of like, the cow Villa pen and handbook, give that to them. So that's kind of the plan for cow villa, which is like, not pulling back exactly, but like, recommitting to not going against the HOA right away. Yeah, I don't know if you guys have thoughts around that. I
think it makes sense. Makes sense, honestly, like we like, we can start off with like, smaller wins for like the tenant, especially because, I mean, when it comes to like the cockroach issues, if I were a tenant and I see, like, Y'all have been trying to do this for a while, and code enforcement isn't doing anything, not that I wouldn't trust you, but I would just be like, okay, then what's the point? Like, I might as well just continue doing what I've been doing. Yeah. So starting off smaller things, like individual issues with like landlords, something more like manageable just to, like, even build up the members of the Union. I think it's a good idea, yeah. And I like the idea of, like, having the WhatsApp group and having the tenants write their own like, welcome package to send to others. I like this new step. Yeah,
I like it. I mean, the only foreseeable issue, and this has been an issue the entire time, but it's dividing tenants and unit owners and landlords and just the nature of Cal villa, it's not that. I mean, it's going to have to happen, and it's had to happen the entire time, but it just creates, I mean, that that was where the whole vote thing came in, where it's like, okay, we could all vote. And just, I think there needs to be an action on HOA before we do anything. And I don't know, I need to talk to Nora. And I can't remember their name, I need to talk to them first. Yes, I need to talk to them first, and then maybe they have a better solution for that. But I think talking about that and getting HOA just to acknowledge, okay, we have power in this situation, will make people realize, Oh, now we can start solving individual issues, but we're going to have to have three different types of of organizing essentially, which just creates a lot of chaos, but that's, that's where we picked. I mean, that's it. They don't deserve to be left behind because of that. Yeah,
that's COVID. Maybe we should go, like, we still haven't gone to any of the HOA meetings, yeah? Well, maybe we should, like, prioritize for this month to actually, like, figure out when their meetings are, and then we can reach out, I forgot her name, the two landlords that showed up to the yeah meeting.
We can also the also the older gentleman actually gets to them, like, yeah, um, yeah, we can go, I mean, I think yeah, it's hard to bet. Like, I think we overestimated the number of people who are living their own unit, landlords, yeah, who, like, have votes. So it, yeah, it does make it hard to, like, go after the HOA,
yeah, but I think, sorry,
no, I just like, I don't. How many of the board members are, like, aware of us? I know what's his face is we Tobias? To Tobias? Yeah, but I don't know if everyone else is and like, I don't know if we should alert them to our presence, since he can't really do anything about them yet. So I don't know. I'm gonna just show up as, like, a tenant. They have no idea who
lives there. They don't know who I am, they don't know who we are. They
don't know who comes and goes, Yeah, but yeah, definitely, I think we gotta kind of like map out in more detail what to do going forward. So for capital, at least, I
for like, three months, I guess, and then, but for like the broader because I think we should also just for our own personal sakes. We need to venture out of COVID in like, the strategic way, because this is, like, you know, final boss level difficulty.
Yeah, we started off with such a, I
know, complex. The only benefit is, like, making it this hard has meant, like, we've had to figure out how to, like, the best way to do it. And like, that means, like, once you go anywhere else, it's going to be, like easy mode compared to capital. So it's like, the skills we've built up, and there's still a lot of stuff we have to build up, but like, at least that knowledge will be useful going forward. But, um, I think figuring out how to map out the the landlord scene, I guess, and the rest of San Joaquin County will help direct where we need to go next. And after that, then it'll be like the normal process of
like trying to recruit new tenants in new buildings. And we should also map out that process to see what works and what
doesn't. Just gonna say if we start venturing into like, other like apartment complexes, um, in terms of, like, capacity of the or and like, how many people are actually going to show up to the canvassing, should we also, like, start, I don't know, going around, asking, like, for volunteers as well, not just tenants, but,
oh, to help out, yeah, to help me in one sec, sorry,
from what we talked or what the, like, the LA tenant unions talked about. They're supposed to head those things. We just haven't been doing that because no one's interested.
Oh, they're supposed to have, like, volunteer programs. Okay, they're
supposed to have tenants because they're supposed to know each other. Everyone knows each other. Hypothetically, it's obviously different, and it's stocked. And so it's different, like, in that way too, but it's like, you know what your neighbor at least looks like. But the idea is, we just, we just facilitate a, you know, a meeting space. They, they're supposed to do all the actual organizing. We can give them ideas and be like, did you try this? But that's, that's the problem with COVID too. Is no one's interested in spearheading that. They're all, I mean, understandably, but it's like they're all very busy with their own things.
Yeah, they're all just trying to, like, get by
huh? Because I'm trying to think, like, I, I think venturing out to other like, out stuff outside of cow Villa will also be a good help, right? We can learn from that too. But I don't want what initially happened with cow villa, with like, canvassing for cow villa, to happen again, where it was only like, I don't know, maybe two people showing up, or, like, three people. We did have a couple canvassing days where a lot more people showed up. Well,
I think, and the reality is, in this something that lot two talks about, too, is like, it would be ideal if you could get people within the community who are interested, that could help you canvas. But that's, that's the problem is, like it was, I mean, we did get Nora. We finally got some people so,
well, she's moving. Oh, she already moved that last
we have her. A roommate, I forgot his name or housemate, yeah, but yeah, maybe we should, yeah. We definitely should have, like, volunteers from the actual community, you know, I don't want to speak for them or anything like that.
Yeah. I mean, I don't know if they should recruit volunteers, because we don't want that vibe in the org of, like, the nonprofit vibe where, like people come and volunteer.
Well, I was saying, oh, sorry, go ahead. Very good. I was just saying in lot two, remember, they were saying, like, we, they need to have an autonomous org outside of our org. We can suggest things, but they have to go and do those processes. But, you know, it takes a lot to even get there.
Yeah, I think the, yeah, I don't know, I was talking to someone else about how like, like, just this process of like, because the idea is supposed to be okay. You go talk to people, you talk about collective action, you talk about, like, the landlord tenant relationship, and like, all that kind of hints at like, building class, class consciousness, but it's just like hinting at it. You know, it's not really fully there and like, it's good. Like the you know, have people feel like protagonists in their lives that they have, they can have a real effect in their lives, like, that's all good. It's not really building class consciousness, like it's building these other things. But like, even people who will tell you to go lobby, like Sacramento will tell you, like, they could say this is protagonism. Like you being able to go lobby in Sacramento and getting some bill passed because, like, you having an effect in real life or whatever, yeah, um. And so, like, even if you go through this process, and, like, we saw this at the 18 conference of like, people were like, what do we want? A world without land, how, you know, and like the how of like, like that should never be like a whatever thing, like, there should be like, socialism and like that. Disconnect was like, so big for people, and it's like, I wonder if this tactic and like, we do it in labor unions too, right? Of like, go engage, engage someone like, when they are very agitated, because that's the only time, like, that's organizing conversations. You go and they're agitated. You give them a plan, you give them some hope, and then they trust you. Because either they're so mad or willing to lower their level of like trust to be like, Okay, this guy's telling me I can do something, or you are just a very convincing person, or you've, like, convinced a bunch of other people, and they're kind of just going to the crowd and that turning into some sort of action happening, winning something locally. And, like, all that is good. I don't know if it always translates down to class consciousness. And it was just like a debate of like, and same thing in unions, like, you can win a contract, that doesn't mean you're a socialist. Like, you know, plenty of people are strong believers in unions and participate and don't come out of it. You know, being fully class conscious outside of, like, I'm a worker and their boss, but like, they don't really question it. They just like, I wish that relationship was fair or something.
So it's like, sorry, just to wrap up, like, and so I wanted to kind of like question, like, this tactic that we have of, like, I don't know what else to replace it. Like, you can't educate everyone either. Like, that's also a mistake. And you can't turn everyone into like, a cadre. Like, that's not going to happen either. So it's just like, like, how do we navigate that? We're like, we're not just repeating the cycle of like, let's and like, that's kind of why I was hinting at like, let's go to places where there is like, a major landlord, because then maybe it becomes easier to talk to those people about like, you know, look, these people have like, not only control of like your housing, but of like City Council, of like, how your kids are being educated, and all of that power comes from them having capital and like, but the only reason they can own all this farmland and all these businesses like, you know, make that mean more because it means less when it's a guy that is like A white collar Intel worker, yeah, versus like, groupie, you know, like, so I don't know. That doesn't answer the question of capacity whatsoever. Just complicates. Like, what are we really trying to do with the tenant union long term? Yeah, I don't really have good answers to that, but I don't know. Maybe there's something we can talk about the general meeting or something. Yeah. I
definitely think it's something that we should talk about. Because was, like a lot of what you were saying was, I was reading, was it called revolt or reform or Revolution by Rosa Luxemburg? And she was talking about how, like, unionizing by itself doesn't really do much, right? Like there, it doesn't really raise class consciousness. It just makes the strength of, like the hand choking you a little lighter. Yeah, so I agree with you that, like, I do think that like targeting someone locally, or at least a name, a face that people know, right? Or even if they don't know and they like control the education system here in the San Joaquin County, it's easier to make them like a common villain, right? Like someone that's like, Oh, you're not. You're hurting every aspect of our lives. And in terms of capacity, because I was thinking about it like, I know there's like, I don't want to become a volunteer org. I don't want the nonprofit model of like, oh, come here for this. And then there you can check off that you're a good person for the year and you did as much as you can. Like, I don't, yeah, that's not the thing I want. The good thing about it is that it does get more people right. Like, it does increase your capacity. Um, yeah, I it's, it's something that we need to figure out. Because I do think that this is important stuff, and like doing all this together, like focusing on the villa and other apartments would be great. I just want to make sure that we are have enough capacity in terms of like people showing up to the events to actually do all of this.
Yeah. I mean, part of it would be like, being willing to let go of places. So it would be like, you fight and like, but this goes back to like, the organizing model, like you have to strictly follow it. And like, if there's no agitation point, you're like, Alright, bye. Like you have nothing to do here, even if there is agitation, it's like, we're going to hold a meeting. We're going to invite people if they don't come, we're not going to do extra stuff. So, like, you know, like, we're not going to go and do the corporate letter by ourselves, yeah, and just ask you to sign it. Like, we're not going to do like, we'll do outreach, and we'll definitely do attempts to get you to come to meetings. And it's not like, first meeting, no one comes and we, you know, give up, yeah? But like, those extra steps, like, if there's no one there to serve as, like, the local organizer, then it's like, then we will have to, like, revisit, maybe in a year, see if the problem still there, see if there's like, a new person there, yeah, you know, and like, be much more strategic about, yeah, like, if we don't find someone, then we gotta just move on, instead of just exerting a lot of effort over and over again. Yeah.
Well, also, if we don't find someone, maybe we can, like, try to rethink tactics, because that could also be an issue for why, like, people aren't coming out, but yeah, we do need to learn when to like just, yeah, take a pause, and
there's, there's a lot of and I've been meaning to like stuff. There's a Marxist center collapse. They were like Bernie 2016 to like Bernie, 2018 19. Is it like when they were alive? Their group, they like, dispersed and they died. But they were like split between. They talked about, like the four tendencies on the left, which was like the electoral list people, the people who were like the like, anarchist slash international people, I think the people that wanted to like form, there's another version. It was like, local or something. But then they were like, trying to build like they would. They're like, we're gonna avoid electoral politics like it was much more closely aligned to us. Of like, electoralism isn't going to work. You're not going to push the Democratic Party. We also can't just be, like, Mao is talking about the third world all the time, like, we have to be local and try to get local people involved and, like, non leftist involved, especially, I think they tried to grow too fast, like a year in they tried to hold, like, a national conference. But like, no one's contacts were, like, really overlapping. And at least one person I talked to said their group collapsed because they really underestimated, like, how, I guess, unwell, like how, like, the local population they were trying to, like, turn into organized. Advisors was, and I was like, not not appreciating that, like, you guys are probably the college educated people, like, who have calendars and blah, blah, blah, like, you can do organizing work. And they were like, but the local people, like, one person had like, a mental break and like, for the safety from, like, the stress of, like, doing organizing. And like, yeah, kids weren't safe anymore, so they had to disband the local tenant union, like, to protect her family, to be like, we're not doing this anymore. So, like, you need to stop worrying about this, because not happening. And then COVID hit, and I think that really just stopped them from doing organizing anymore.
That's a really important, like, note when it comes to organizing, because, like, first of all, like, burnout is bound to happen. And second, like, it's, it's a lot, it's a lot of like pressure to, like, put on yourself. It's a lot of like responsibility, yeah, like, and if you don't have the, like, a means to vent it, right, or like a healthy way of venting it, then it just yeah, You yourself just begin to, like, collapse. Um, yeah.
Yeah. I mean they also, there's one author that was a part of it that also have writings on, like, you know, I felt like I have to be a cadre, and I have to be, like, super organized a person. And that's just not a way. Like, you can't sustain it, and you can't turn other people into that probably, so you need to find some alternative model. But yeah, I mean, they have a lot of good writings it would be nice to check out, especially because they're trying to do something similar to what we're doing with, like the local organizing. Yeah, I be he's not working. Yeah, I mean, I think so. I think the RE up for the tenant union campaign is actually in February, or maybe it's in March. Re up meaning, yes, we have to vote again to approve it in February. Okay, okay, no, I think
no, in March, yeah, March sounds correct, yeah,
it was supposed to be August. We were supposed to renew in August, and we didn't. We renewed in September. So we have until March. So we have like, two more months, essentially to kind of figure out to do something different, and then we can evaluate to see what we're really trying to do. But yeah, I think all of these questions would be good to kind of tackle going forward, and then really managing capacity going forward. I um, yeah, I don't know any other new business that we like talked about that we wanted to do already. So I think like in January, we'll probably have like, a couple of canvassing days, hopefully to get people to come out to a Calvin meeting. We'll probably have a couple days on like researching for, oh, I forgot old business.
Oh, yes, so
we gotta at least do that. So we'll have our article. So we'll have a couple of canvassing days. We'll have like, a couple of research days for the tenant union campaign, in turn, in terms of like, let's try to figure out what other places we should hit up. We'll have few days like, we'll have decided on what Article we're going to write, and hopefully we'll have it decided for the rest of the year, but then that timeline will kick in. So we're gonna have a couple of days of like, meetings and drafting that outline of the first article, whatever it is. And we'll have, maybe we'll have our Central Valley working class unity coalition meeting, um, sometime in January.
Um, have to do outreach for that, right? Yeah,
so we'd have to figure out what it looks like and then hold it near the end of the month, or something. Um, oh, that's right. I wanted to do, like, a end of year review, and this is not really worth here, but I was gonna actually talk to Peter about this, like, three weeks ago, and I never did it, um, just to make a post asking people to post. A Pictures, thoughts on WSU this past year, and then we can make a social media post or blog post summarizing everything and asking people to join for the new year,
new year, new
year. Word, yeah. I mean, it was just kind of, it's just the, like, I have some photos, but it would be good to just get people's thoughts and, like, some sort of testimonials or something, um, so we could, like, put those on our website, and we're asking people to join,
speaking of recruitment, do we want to do some kind of like recruitment event in January or, like, in the upcoming months?
Yeah, probably, oh yeah. I was talking, I was talking to Pete about this, about, like, for like, the tenant union, stuff like, and, yeah, I mean YouTube, that's more like we were going through the old PowerPoints. And it was like we had talked about all this, like, theory behind why tenant unions are important, and it's like, not something that we've talked to any of the new members about, like, including vessel, I think, I think we approved that campaign before you got
on board. I came in blind,
yeah, with no onboarding, we're just like, Here you go.
Well, luckily, I knew the importance of these things. So, like,
Yeah, but still, so maybe we can hold like, and depends on, like, your capacity, Peter, hold like a workshop or something like, not for tenant rights, but like, why tenant unions are important. And then that way it's a refresher for our members. And if it's like a PowerPoint or something, we can just like, link people anytime, like a new person joins, it could be like, Here's a video of, like, our focus campaign. You can watch it, but then it'll also be like, a nice recruitment and vehicle also, hopefully, okay, select tenant union, I don't know what do you call it? Workshop, no
What are we called?
I think it would be, oh, actually, would probably
working on it's more of like,
just like a tenant union. Like, why we need tenant unions?
I mean as, sorry, I was thinking primer was coming to mind. Oh, where is this? Sounds like a kind of one on one. Why they're important, yeah,
I think primers, that's it. That's what we should use.
Okay? And, yeah, we have a lot of material already. Yeah, and I think, did I ever send them the book? I think Sean, okay, I didn't send them the book. I apologize. There's a book called rent strike that just came out by like, one of the a tune or Latu organizers. So I don't know if they're reading that currently, but maybe we can. If they are, they're like, we can get their help to make the presentation. That's supposed to be a good book on this. A lot of people are referencing it. I think it's called that strike, um. Strike, plus our and plus our old reading group, we've done a few readings on kind of uni stuff before,
primers. Maybe we should also do like for new people coming in, or like, people that are interested in, um, what's the word organizing? Like, why organizing is important, why you should join an org, why you should do something. I don't know if that's better to like, just tell people. Or like, yeah, people,
um, I wonder if we should have, like, internal talks about that stuff, because especially now, during the era of, like, the left is dead, I feel like there's a lot of, like, a lot of need to be questioning what it means to be an organizer and like, what really kind of do? Um. Yeah, so maybe we can just hold, like, internal workshop or something,
yeah, well, I think we should have one either way, just so we, as an org, know what we I know we talked about it during one of the meetings. It was the one where we were talking about, like, the points of unity, but like, even just, like, Okay, what do we define organizing as, what do we want this organization to be? What do we want to do in the long term? That's not just like become a social fabric. How do we do that? A more in depth conversation?
Okay, I think if we could also, and Peter, you can part. You can do this after, I guess, if you want up to you education, like a primer on the like one on one for capitalism, socialism. I think even having that for the public would be nice. And, yeah, we have done a lot of work on this the right. Already. It's more about like paring it down of what we already have. Um, but yeah, this, it can be a back burner thing, because I think we're rapidly doing this stuff. Yeah,
But, yeah, but yeah.
But I know you and me, Harpreet, we talked about the well, one for capitalism, socialism, but yeah, I think that's also a good idea that, as you said, we already have like stuff in mind, but yeah, I can help, like, pare that down. That feels like my job, honestly feels like most of it, like, like 85% like pairing things down for, like, students, but also for staff, depending on, yeah,
for all the people who we can't expect to be, like nerds about this stuff. Okay, so I think for this month, the technically, it's a bit of stuff. So in terms of events for like, you don't have to schedule anything right now, but there's this one. We'll make a blog post about this. This is going to be an in person event, just to count how many we're going to end up doing. This is just a talking point. This will be an event for us, at least
my favorite.
This will be a whole thing, but once we vote on it, I think at least it would be good if we could keep that communication on the forum instead of, like, having a meeting about it, just to avoid the usual stuff that's been happening where, you know, it shouldn't just be this crowd again, writing the article, because we're holding meetings at like 7pm on a Tuesday, the stuff will be in person, urging the meeting, hopefully I can just meet with them before I end on every vote this, though will probably be better to be at least have, like, one in person research meeting to at least get everyone on the right page. And then I think this is stuff we'll talk about right how to deal with capacity at the general meeting.
I'll ask everyone, I just post this on the forum. This like depends on how you want to handle it. Peter, do you want to do like, strictly forum posts and use like, nag people, Hey, like, help me put together this presentation. What do you think should be in it? I or if you want to hold, like, one in person, or wrap things up, or something I don't know, or virtual,
I mean, yeah, like, maybe a forum post, just as to, like, Hey, I'm like, starting to work on this PRI say this primer for tenant you unionizing, or for the capitalism 101, and maybe from there, if people are interested in, at least, I don't know, like the 15 min, 15 to 30 minutes, just one on one, with people who are interested, just as to, kind of like, you know, as to what they may have to offer. That's at least how I'm thinking of it right now. Yeah, yeah.
Are we going to bring this up during the meeting itself,
the general meeting? Yeah, okay.
Because then we could just ask for people, because we could also ask for people there, if anyone's interested, because I don't know the amount of people that actually like are avid users of the forum.
Well, that's the hope. You can force people to do it. Oh, yeah,
sure, I would use another forum. Are the same people that do attend these meetings. I know that.
yeah, just to summarize, that's like five in person events, if we include holding the tenant union primer event.
Yeah, are we also going to do like, a another game night or movie night type thing? Yes,
that's what I was going to say. So we have five in person like event events. We have our general meeting. We have two working meetings, honestly, like updates for like, this kind of stuff. With sending theory talk, we could also do it, like working meeting to, like, catch up more people. Yeah, so that's 5678, plus eight meetings. And then yeah, we should do for like, the social stuff. Other orgs that have been doing it, they said to just stick with the same day in the same spot and just keep doing it over and over again forever. Yeah? So maybe we can decide on something at the meeting, or, like, this can be a thing I know New York or North Central Valley does, like open mic night at some bar or something, and it's like, the same thing. It's like the same thing over and over, yeah. So yeah, maybe we can. I mean, they do it in conjunction with North Central Valley labor fund. So yeah, I don't know if we want to do the same thing, but we can talk to people about it. So, like, continuous, always, same time, same place, social event,
side on place.
And then, yeah, oh. The only other thing was, I know we stopped doing a Palestine focus campaign, although all the news you read about that is it's more pressing.
The last thing, literally, tears.
Hey, yeah, it just gets worse and worse. I know we missed out on this. Where did this go? I don't want your Instagram posts come on your actual website. Uh, I know labor for Palestine had like a new August assist. Their post, they had like a new campaign, nope, I didn't copy paste. They had like a new campaign or labor. I forgot what I can't find it now. I don't want to hold people here to launder for an hour. But anyways, I thought, like, maybe we could bring up doing what we had talked about before, like, least getting into communication with, like, local labor unions. Like, it's not a campaign. We're just doing, like, outreach to the political committees of local unions to just be like, do you guys want to join this labor for Palestine? Like you want to add your name because there are a bunch of unions who have already signed on. And, I mean, it's not really like that. It can do a whole lot at this point, but it's more maybe. Maybe Josh takes a little bit notice of, like the local unions who, outside of them, anyways, of them signing on to this, because there are, there are a lot of unions who have signed on, but seem to be in like New York and LA and stuff.
It's the big cities, yeah,
oh, yeah. So, I mean, we can talk about this, I guess. I don't know. What do you guys think? Or should we just avoid Palestine stuff.
I'm very biased, very pretty biased. I
mean, I don't think we should avoid it. I just it's incredibly difficult with the energy that people like. It's the give and take of energy. I think. It's worth reinvesting in the campaign and talking about it. I just think the problem is people are fickle, like everyday people are fickle. If you can get unions on board, that's great, but it just, I don't know, it's not going to be talked about. Everything else is going to be talked about, and people are going to they're falling off already. I mean, we've moved on
already. So far, it's so nice. Been
falling off for I agree with you, though. I think if we do want to do, like, even if it's not like a focus campaign, or we just do a couple events, or like a side quest, I think we do have to rethink the way we go about it? Yeah, um, I will say for like, individual people, like, just your average person, um, a lot of people do care about Palestine from, like, during the campus get the canvassing, there are a lot of people care about it and didn't even know that there was any sort of organizing. So I do think we should continue, um, even if it means like working with, like local organizations, although I don't or like local unions, although I don't really think Josh harder is really going to care to be completely like blunt. It's not going to change anything with him. But yeah, I think Palestine is being talked about less and less. And there's like, even more horrific stuff going on now. Yeah, and even when it comes to like Surya, they're literally just talking people are saying some crazy shit. That's, that's, that's how they were saying some crazy stuff. Yeah,
the Yeah. And this would just be outreach to like, we'll put together a little package, and it would, it would, the hope would be, we connect like, because they're going to be at least the people are in the political committees of like, unions, for the most part, do Lean further left than, like, their average member, yeah. So at the very least, it would be good to connect with those people. And like, those people don't always overlap with leadership either, yeah. And like, it depends on what the makeup or how those committees are made in the union, so it just be good to have those connections, and then hopefully in, like, some of the more conservative unions, that internal conflict leads to better, more left wing leadership, and it's just a way to like agitate, I guess so
is is the point of the outreach to agitate within unions or, like, because I think it's a good idea, but then what would be the point of it? Is it just like to build connection between us and these unions, and then that's it? Or is there like, a
well, like, we can't really, I guess, influence the internal, like, ourselves? Yeah, without like, having someone would buy it. Like the hope would be the political committee just passes and signs on, and now this is like a tool we can use against Josh going forward, and like a tool even inside the union when they're having like these endorsement debates inside for the unions that have those debates where, you know now pro Palestinian members would feel more emboldened To be like, we can't endorse Josh again. Like we even passed this pledge, like, how are we going to endorse Josh? So it's just like, Yeah, it's like a tool to give people on the inside, hopefully, more leverage to move away from supporting Josh. Okay, and then I totally forgot about this. I don't know if you still want to do it. Want to do it. I talked about this with Peter, but the conversation around Luigi, the assassin guy, like, forgot what the hell we were talking about. It's just so divorced from like, anything. It's just like, he's hot, and it's like, god bless this is all we're going to talk about. And, like, not anything about, because it was an it was like an opening for the left, I feel like to talk about. And maybe the opening is still there, because he's still kind of in the news. And so maybe we still want to do this. We wanted, like, an opening where people are talking about their personal problems with healthcare. Problems with healthcare, yeah? And instead of talking about, like, how it is the overall cap, like capitalism that we live in that is causing these problems, not like individual CEOs, that's like, the direction the conversation is going. And people are like, Oh, healthcare CEOs are bad. Yeah, maybe
I voices, working classes. I think a good segue for that. We could have people submit stories or whatever, and we can compile them. I'm going to write it down because
approach. I think one thing looking at like the social media narrative I've noticed about. The Luigi guy that I find problematic is how like literally seeing people, like portraying him as a saint again, like, kind of like playing this figure, like this one person up on a pedestal, which the voice is, everything from actual organizing, like so and so is not going to save you from the horrors of healthcare. Yeah, even if this, even in this case, like, yes, he, he did kill, like a healthcare CEO, but you know, he's, he's going to be in prison for the rest of his life. And how, already, how, you know the police and healthcare companies are reacting towards that and like just the wealthy elite in general, it's like how you know already, it's just like a trying think of the word, but like, cruel reactions and like, you know, to what had happened that, yeah, I'm losing my train of thought. But yeah, that's just one problem that irks me about it, where it's like people are focusing so much on Luigi himself when, again, it's, it's like they're missing, uh, the point as it that none of what occurred, like the shooting itself, like, like people are so focused on that, whether they fight morally like morally opposed it, or, you know, people who somewhat see the connections with the horrors of healthcare, but are still like treating Luigi as a savior and forgetting that it there's more to it than just him, you know, it's just about like, how do we take this like, for anger and frustration people have in that to like, actual like, you know, to actual organizing effect, Yeah, there's,
yeah, I forgot. Honestly, I wish I'd like written down what we talked about, because I feel like we had a really strong, coherent argument, and I forgot what we talked about now, but it was just like, yeah, like, you don't people are mad, and people keep taking this, and the left keeps doing this. It's like idea that just because people are mad, that means they're turning more left wing. And like, that's not true. Like, you can one, this is one guy out of three, 50 million people, okay, like to take his, what he did, and extrapolate it out to anyone else is, like, pointless and like, even if people are mad, it can go in either direction, you know, like, you could also be this mad and then be like, well, we can't beat the CEOs. There's nothing we can do. Like, one person tried to shoot someone, they fucked his life up, and so no one else is going to do that again. So you know what? I can't beat them, but at least to make things cheaper, I can kick out all the immigrants to make sure they don't get free health care. So at least it's a little bit cheaper for me, right? Like, that's the other direction people can go in, and there's no reason to assume people go in the direction of, oh, I should organize. Like, why would they Right? Like, the there are actual politicians in power who are saying, we can make things cheaper for you if you just kick out the immigrants, which is a much more likely thing to happen for people than we're going to organize and, like, defeat the healthcare industry,
I do also think I 100% agree with you. They could also completely like, go the Robert Kennedy route of like, Fuck medicine, you know, like some crazy ass shit. I think people forget how replaceable CEOs are, right? They're not the root of the problem. They're just a puppet that is, you know, for you think that they are. Was I going to say, Yeah, I think when it comes to like, Luigi Mangione, mengione, he definitely, like opened the conversation, kind of of like, oh, you know what? Like, we have all been hurt by healthcare, even this rich guy. I think it was like the perfect situation that he was, well, not perfect, but like, in terms of, like, how people react to certain things, right? If this was any other person other than a white, like able, cisgender man, attractive man as well, like an educated this would have been a completely different like thing. I feel like people would have taken it very differently. Um. Um, but yeah, we definitely have to, like, open the conversation of like, Hey, man, like, this is not the root of your issues, and kicking out the immigrants is not going to do anything in the slightest. Um, yeah, talking about, like, the heart, the core of of the issue, and then trying to raise, because I think this is the closest we've been to, like, some sort of consciousness. But, like, actually, you know,
but it's still an independent union thing where it's, like, very surface level and, like, exactly, that's what I was like, like, you have an attempt to, like, really dig deep here, and instead, you know, people on Twitter a week ago were like, Oh, What books did he read? Let's read his good reads. Let's read his fucking Reddit comment just like, what are we fucking doing? TMZ, shit here for, yeah, when, like, we could be actually totally stop talking about him like he is not relevant to the conversation, like it happened? Yeah, whatever. Like, who knows why he did it? You have no idea why. Apparently, it wasn't even his health insurance. Apparently his back was fine. He just took a bunch of drugs and had a psychotic break and, like, disappeared from his family and, like, shot someone. So it's like, you have no idea what his politics are. It's probably not a good idea to tie your politics to his politics or his reasoning. Even
it's not even important, like, even if he came out to be like this crazy, like, racist or like, super Republican, super whatever he ends like, that's not super Republic. We shouldn't be like, I think we tend to glorify people a lot, especially like with, we're so used to it, right? We glorify the president. We media, like with, with, like, what's the word, celebrities and stuff, we're so used to that. And you're right. It's definitely taking away from like, the actual conversation, and also putting him on a pedestal, takes away from like, the lives, the actual, like work of the real people that you know didn't go and, like, kill a CEO, you know what I mean, like people that are still fighting for their own to to get the stuff that, like, they deserve. Um, I think it takes away from it. And, yeah, it is everything. All the conversation is very I've seen some like, you know, non surface level conversations about this. But that's also, you know, the kind of things that, like I would watch and read anyway, um, I mean, it hasn't
been used as an opportunity to reach out to people and, like, bring in people who are upset. Like, let's bring you into the fold. And like, because I it's like, the same thing with so many like, like, people know, this is a problem. What's your solution? And like, the left just assumes, like, there's so much of like, letting other people do the work for you. You know, it's like, BLM wasn't a left wing thing. Like, it happened. And left was like, Oh, it must mean the like, what we want is about to happen. It's like, why would you think that you had no part in this? Same thing with this? Everyone's upset, and it's like, ah, but we want Medicare for All is going to happen. Why? Why do you think this is going to happen? And it's like, unless you actually engage, and then yeah, people in a direction, it's not going to like, I'm sorry, but like, fate is not going to solve the problem of you not being able to organize for you. So
that's what people want. Is fate is literally going to keep us in this cycle. Honestly, I will say though, that this case has opened up another conversation about like police and how quickly and how much work that they put into, like finding Luigi, versus like an average woman who's like, Hey, man, my stalker is literally outside of my Door threatening to kill me, and they're like, Hey, man, Sucks to suck, I guess, like, buy a gun,
which it's not even sure he's the guy that did it. Still, like, exactly,
exactly like, there's no but there's no real proof. But, yeah, I do think like this, this is definitely a wave that we need to, like, what's the word I'm looking for?
Take advantage of. Yeah,
take advantage of. It did open a lot of conversations, yes, surface level. And I think it would be our job to take it beyond just the surface level, like, oh yeah, what a hero. Oh, my God, he's so hot. Wow, I love hot killers. Like, no, that's not every
every post. That's all it's about. Either it's like some person doing, like, weird identity politics over it, or it's people just drooling over him, and you're like. This is pointless, yeah, corrections, it's,
I feel like I've heard this said elsewhere, and what you Harpreet and Basma were talking about, like people looking at Luigi, like good reads, like ways what he's doing before he shot Brian Thompson, like, it feels like we've been culturally conditioned, especially with the internet, to just like, and, you know, just just in general, just like, regardless of political spectrum, of just like, doing pointless little side quests, or, like, Easter egg hunts, yeah, off of our, like, ideological leanings are what our pop culture interests are. I see myself doing it sometimes, and yeah, and I feel like that's just like a on a specific version of that problem. Like, I think it's a problem. Yeah, it just like conditions people not to just hyper individualize everything,
yeah, yeah.
It's, yeah, it's just, like, very consumer driven. I mean, the left does it like we follow for all the shit we say about like we're not going to be electoralists, even those people follow electoral cycles like, it feels like this partially blew up, because this is a void period between elections, like, Trump's not here yet, and Biden is basically a dead person walking. And so there's like, No, there's no politics happening right now. So it was like we had this moment of like empty space. And like, Luigi filled it. And like, after Trump's sworn in, I'm sure you can do some shit. And like that will, like, fill in the media cycle. And it's like, Why are we always like, it's fine to chase the media cycle. And like, you know, like you're saying best one, like, take advantage of something, but we always write it in like, the most stupid way possible, where it's like, it's like, just watch, we just watch a TV show together. Like, that's easier than like, write a review about it. Well,
I think this opens up, like, a bigger conversation about like, we a lot of like people, a lot of individuals, think that they themselves are not capable of having change, and it has to be this heroic other person that will save them. Um, that's, I think that's why people are idealizing Luigi, because it's like, Oh, I could never do that. I never thought about or I never did that, right? Here's this hero, this grand person that, like, did this selfless thing, and has to face a life in prison. I think it definitely, like, opens up the conversation of, like, Hey, man, no one's going to save you. Like, super human, Superman is not going to come down and save you. It's going to be you and the efforts of, you know, the people, like, it's it's not just going to be one person that will solve all of our issues. Um, but, yeah, this, it's an interesting time to be alive, guys, that's a lot crazy time to be alive.
Um, well, okay, really quick. I can't remember where it is. It's in. It's a Marxist principle, and now I can't find it. That's what I've been looking at. But it says there's an explicit part where he says that exact same thing that you just said, Bosma, like, literally, word for word, like, it's not there's no singular entity. It's like, solo activism doesn't work. We need collectivism, or else everything is going to fail.
But, I mean, I guess the point of all this was, if we had talked about also holding, like a town hall type thing on, yeah, on this, I think asking people semester stories would be good, but yeah, maybe I was going to make the thread last week of just consolidating all the bitching I had to do about Luigi, like the Luigi. I never got around to it, but maybe we can add this to like something we talked about general meeting, or I'll try to make a threat ahead of time.
This is more of a funny side note, but I was talking about Luigi was just making me think of the one anarchist guy who shot and killed McKinley, you know, just as I wonder how the left respond to that when that happened, probably in the similar way. If, if I'm being completely honest, I'll be in the social media, but I'm sure there was, like, leftist newspapers or pamphlets that were idolizing him, and then people yelling about, like, maybe we should talk about the broader point here, about here American imperialism. Because, you know, it's like just shooting killing the President doesn't change anything. Yeah, it's dramatic. Late.
Like, my thing, please learn from the Arab Springs. Like, please look at what happened. Like, we got rid of most of our and it's even worse now. Like, I, I don't know what else. Like, you're definitely right, Peter. Like, people think that, like killing this one person, or, like, stopping the president from whatever is going to solve the issue. But it's systematic. Like, I it's bigger than just this one person. So like, please to anyone that thinks that just like killing the President or killing the CEO will solve anything, please read up on Arab Springs. Please look at Egypt as a terrible example of what to do. You know, like, don't do that,
yeah, Theresa Chile, not killing every but like,
well, actually, you know, that was a no,
the Constitution thing was that Chile was there somewhere else.
Oh, that was Tunis Tunisia. No, Chile. I know Tunisia. Their president was writing.
They had a vote on, like, sorry, I drilled everything. Oh, they were doing a new vote. They had a vote to write a brand new constitution. And then leftist decided to be and they voted it down.
Oh, oh, wait, no, that was Optimus. Was that Chima?
Sorry, Peter, I cut you off with it.
I was talking about it was Chile. I was just agreeing with besma that, yeah, like the Arab Spring is even better example of why I was just like, mine was just an offhand joke. But yeah, like, yeah, yeah, just getting rid of the person. Power doesn't solve anything again. And yeah, I Yeah. Like, just that. That's a very good example. Like, more, better contemporary example.
Well, and like, These people aren't even the people in power, you know what? I mean, they're,
it's an employee of the guy, shareholders. Literally,
it's, it's the face of, it's just the face, right? Like, it's just the puppet. Like,
yeah, he's literally, I mean, it accomplished what their role, their goal is, right? Like, you be the face. We take all the profit
exactly. You can get shot. You are, you are just literally the, the bodyguard of them, right? Like, I feel like all
they did was probably increase CEO compensation. Because all of them are probably like, Hey, we're risking our lives out here
half an hour over our hour, yeah, much. Okay. Um,
any other new business? I feel like we have too much new business. We will have to decide at the general meeting what we actually do, because we have like five different plans going into next year. But, um, outside of what we talked about at the end, we added continuous meeting place, let's, I guess it would be side quest ish for labor, for Palestine, and then maybe, like, maybe not Medicare for all, but like some sort of health care, like redirecting people either, like A, not A Primer, but like more of a town hall. And then, if we can figure out a way to, like, ask people for their stories of healthcare problems, um, maybe we can turn that into like posts and use that to, like, get people to come out, um, and, and, yeah,
I think if we do this, the medical the Medicare for All thing in a similar fashion as we did the presidency conversation, the post elective conversation, I think that would be like, a really good way also like, because if one person shares their story, then, like, more people will feel comfortable to share as well.
Yeah, and I think it also helps, like a Palestine is important as it is. It is like, not something that, like, actually affects people's lives
on a daily basis. It does. It does for the
people that watch it and care, yeah, but the hopefully healthcare thing is like a broader net that can bring people in, yeah, and then hopefully have some more influence than we do now. But okay, I think that's a lot. It is a lot anything else we want to add, new business, old business,
for the for recruitment, maybe not this month, since this does seem very like a lot, and I don't know how many people would want to go to like, eight or nine events in the month, but like, we can. We've been talking about tabling for a while for like, recruitment, oh, at Delta. Uh, anywhere, honestly, except, I guess food for lessons. We don't allow that, yeah, but some sort of, like tabling recruitment event, okay, yeah,
maybe someone knows. I think even going to like local events that are being held, people already congregating. I think so far, we've had a lot of success going to those kind of events and then kind of hijacking it. Yeah. So maybe that's what, maybe we can just do something like that serves as, like, a way to go out and go do something as a group that's half social, half group,
yeah. Also, what's better? There's, like, a lot of people that are better than, like, standing in a parking lot of them all chasing
and it's usually like they're there to kind of relax so they have time to talk to you, versus like, I'm sorry, I have 50 things to do.
Yeah, I have to go pick up my kids. Yeah. Okay,
alright. Well, thank you so much. Pete and betsma, your first steering committee meeting, yay. Now you know how meetings are planned. They're just that's disorganized, and just bring onto a sheet, and then we go from there. They were, okay. What else? Yeah, I'll make this thread the end of year review thread, and then, yeah, I'll follow up with Nora and Sean. But outside of that, I think we're pretty chill, unless you want to make like he unless you want to do like the tenant union thread before, before or before next year, you can, but I think no one's really going to respond. So it's fine, take your time. I
mean, I'll, I'm still, as I told you at the start, this being Harpreet, still getting over a cough, yeah, hopefully I'm getting, I, yeah, there's been some stuff for the group I've been wanting to get back to doing. So I hopefully before the end of this year, I at least do a little bit of that.
Yeah, no worries. Say that. Um, Merry Christmas. Everyone. Enjoy your time off. Yeah, my time with friends and
family. I'll, get the two missing meeting minutes uploaded before the next meeting so we can just, like, vote on those two. They don't have to be like, another individual vote for approval. Okay,