Attorney London Bernard district to welcome everyone
Saturday Banksia sort of bringing
we will ask for these keys to access
this conditioner Burton.
Police Commissioner Carter leases conditioner Ricardo more as well excuse taps us however he is on Zoom.
Please Commissioner Police Commissioner Jim Holley police commissioner quantas Presley
you have a call you have a quorum, sir. All right. Thank you. Well, I want to make the motion
for the March 2 agenda with change and this change would be under
committee report.
There's no committee report on here. We're gonna have a committee report from the committee chairperson kurtsan trainee, which will be
through this. So moved. Second question.
Chair and where
would that be under line item number four, approval of a march 2 agenda.
Mr. Chairman,
you have to state where you're going to place this on the agenda.
We will place that we will place that right after the minutes right after the minutes
we could place that right after it well communications. Could we do it now. Like to do it sooner. Okay. We can place that right after number five.
Any further discussion all in favor? Hi.
All those. Okay. Sorry. I have been adopted. No. We need your approval for the March 2. Some of
Any discussion? All in favor. Hi. All the polls. That has been not approval for the minutes for February 23 2023.
So moved. Any discussion? All in favor? Aye. All opposed?
Hold approval minutes have been passed. to it as well. Awesome. Can you do introduction of the LPC staff item item item five right now we're gonna go straight to item five personal training.
Thank you through the chair I have two brief updates to provide a series of motions that I'm going to follow after my update. The first is in regards to candidate explore your shop for the position of course Secretary negotiations have occurred after the motion was made last week. By this body to provide an offer letter at the salary range of one to $505,000 or $115,000. Just taking that offer was accepted by Miss Victoria Shaw. So at this time, I would move that we appoint Victoria Shaw to the position of board secretary at a salary of 115 1,002nd.
Second any discussion? Roll call vote is lost. Chairperson Yes. Sure. Hold. Yes. Commissioner Bernard. Yes. Commissioner paints. Yes. Commissioner person. Listener Carter. Turner Hernandez. Yes. Mr. Hawley Yes. Just gonna Presley who had arrived yet, sir. You have five Yes. votes. Yes.
Oh, that motion has passed. Thank you.
Thanks for this chair. Again. Second update would be for the position of chief investigator. Again same process after this body adapted a motion to provide a contingent offer letter. We did it provide that offer letter after further negotiation and thoughtful consideration, recommendation that we actually walk away from this process as it relates to candidate Warfield for the position of chief investigator and revisit this vacancy as urgently as possible. With that I would make a motion to rescind the previous motion adopted to provide an offer letter to Jerome Warfield for the position of Chief Investigator at a salary of 105,000 out. Yes,
clearly Moulton or this motion from Mr. Hernandez. Don't be from committee. No second is required. Thank you. Thank you.
And without a through the chair again, I have an additional motions to make in line with with the two action items we just took up. A motion will be to refer this matter back to the personnel and training committee to provide a new recommendation to the full board by Thursday, March 16 2023. Again, that's out of committee. So no seconds needed.
Roll call vote. Yes. Yes, Mr. Bernard? Yes. Thanks. Yes. Commissioner Holly.
I don't have a problem. I'm having is with the with the motion itself.
What's the motion of UbiComp if
you can provide another candidate I'm gonna do something that basically make an attempt to do this. You're going to do it
right yeah. Action would lead to allow the personnel and training committees to provide another recommendation through the Chair. I'm sorry. And yes, yes.
Ask us. Yes. And Commissioner Hernandez? Yes. Mr. Chair,
you have six Yes, close.
That motion has passed. Go back to the committee. Correct? Yes.
All right. Further,
so now we can go to line item six, we can do PC staff.
Mr. Chairman, you cry introduce the staff I want to acknowledge Sergeant clan of GPP. For audio services leading services for audio and video or ASL team includes ASL team, Mr. Pada and Dr. Bd. Going to staff we have Dr. Jackson you're calling materion. Attorney Adam SASB. We have on Zoom, please HR director between our Pattillo ministration staff join our Underwood and Candice Hayes. We also have in the row, senior investigator Annesley calm kerwell And I don't believe anyone else
entered supervising
investigator cases and calm calm well. Okay.
See, good to see you again.
Yes, sir. Good afternoon.
Who do you have with you?
I have Deputy Chief Mark Lewis and I'll just let everyone know.
Hold on. So have
those kind of marking on for the LSA.
Ah, I see Ron back here.
Ron. Can you comment from BPI vice president and who's actually run I got this TV blocking. All right.
Fantastic, cheap. Let the record show that missing a burden has entered the building.
Thank you, Commissioner Burton.
Elected officials or representatives.
Mr. Chairman, in the room, you have the DP DT officials who are already introduced her president of the second precinct Police Community Relations Council, and on zoom you have a former Commissioner William Davis and really overall a state representative Tyrone Carter's office.
Fantastic. I want to say again,
welcome everybody. I see some new faces in the audience. I want to say thank you for coming out. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. And I also want to apologize for last week's outburst. It was outburst in the room with some conditioners and I want to apologize to the public and everybody that was in the room and everybody that heard it. We are professionals. And that's how we should act. I know sometimes things get heated. We want to get our point across. There's a better way of doing it. And the way you do it is with your vote. If you disagree with something, I'm gonna vote comes up your vote that way. All right. And if you're going to outbursts hold me aside. outbursts me a big boy I can take it. You want to jump in jump in on me? I can take it Alright, well please not jump on one another. does not have that we made so many enrolls in this coming as far as we've come in right now. Alright, and I want to I want to keep going forward. I don't want to digress. So let's keep that in mind when we have enough discussions. Um,
yes, sir.
Thank you.
Yeah, I know. Um,
another thing I want to say is, again, here's my public service announcement.
When the police get behind you, and they turn the lights on Oh, oh, older.
Don't get away. Especially when helicopters get up there. Don't run out of gas cost me
All right. All over. It ain't gonna be that bad. It's not all over.
Quick going through the neighborhoods and smash a car up hurting yourself or hurting somebody somebody else will either hurting offices
just all over. Give up.
You're not gonna get away. Trust me you're not. One thing I do know about BPD is good at what they do. And they won't stop. Trust me they want because they got the pelvis help. And they're not gonna stop it just not I get it on my phone all the time. I'm like, wow, you just gave up. I got another charge. So that's my private service and announcement for today. Without
further ado, she, sir. Sir, T.
All right. Ready for the report, sir. Yes, sir. All right. Once again, good afternoon board. I start with the crime Overview report and put it in context. This is a year to date numbers meaning same time last year. We are experiencing some slight updates a year still early. We were very successful in cutting into the first quarter data last year in crime reduction.
Don't mean don't mean an abrupt you, would you would you like to do the opposite. When you want to do your report card.
I actually like to do my record first expecting here and I'm gonna be recommending to the board for them to be here so I can present them to the board alright. Anticipating quite a few people entering that door here and maybe we will be moving recommendations and row. Motions are very important. They should be here and presented in front of the board for those promotions. But in any event, it was not their fault. It was just a miscommunication with a commanding officer who should have directed him to be here. Any event I get back to the primary court and I was providing some context to the report. We compare year to date data. And with that our criminal homicides are up 13% was the same time last year. We were up plus five. With our homicides, a sexual assaults are trending the way that they ended last year. We're down 14% Which is good AGG assault, aggravated assaults are 7.5% up robberies were up 19% But we're down in our burglaries 8% A large things are up 4% And we continue to see an uptick like many other major cities and auto theft. But we are confident that our strategies will continue in the right direction we'll be able to bring those numbers down. The most concerning of the numbers are our violent crime numbers which are homicides and our non fatal shootings are non fatal shootings are up 18% We were very successful last year we ended the year with over 100 last non fatal shootings than a year prior and so we are fighting the good numbers of last year but we are concerned that we are plus 17 over where we were at the same time last year. We've continued to work through ways of bringing down violent crime in our community. I will move into the injured officer reports.
that is not true. We have three officers that are home nursing injuries. I don't have the exact numbers. I apologize to the board. This is this information is incorrect. There are at least three officers that are home nursing injuries and I'll provide the board with the
updated report later
on in detail we'll be starting April 1 of this year. We do periodic checks of the hotspots for drag racing and drifting so the problem in our community has been a unusually dry winter. So we are seeing sporadic drag races and drifting pop up throughout the city. We will be ready this year. We will take lessons learned from last year complement those lessons this year, as you indicated, Chairman that we will be in the air as well as on the ground utilizing our helicopters to propel those areas as well as partnering with the Michigan State Police and utilizing their helicopter as well as our own to ensure that we safely get these folks off the street was attempts to put our community at risk by doing this very, very dangerous activity. Moving on to some significant incidents. First significant incident happened last week or 26. Officers were in the area of the 10,000 block of Greensboro routine patrol and they heard gunshots in the area. Officers began canvassing the area and discovered it seems black male lying in a nearby driveway and visibly upset family members after location. But what's important the Austin silver Chevy Impala was in the area and that was involved in the shooting. Shortly thereafter, officers discovered a vehicle matching that description with one male occupant inside of the vehicle and he was also shot it was later determined that that male occupant in that vehicle was involved in the earlier shooting and I just articulated with the person was deceased, and he was conveyed to St. John's Hospital for treatment and later arrested and taken to the DDC officer that the original scene also made contact with a female who was also shot in the arm and the female was conveyed to St. John's Hospital and she was in temporary serious
condition. The
at the hospital stated that it was rather that was shot and then basically what happened is you had a huge fight break out out of family home stemming out of a domestic situation where the woman who was shot had a problem with her partner, a romantic partner was unable to resolve that invited her family members one of which was her brother to assist her. All of them had guns. All of them started shooting and it resulted in four people shot. One person dead and the others facing non life threatening injuries. arrests were made. And we're continuing to unpack who did what and why and who was defending themselves and who were the aggressors. The next incident was a curse in the middle crisis. On Saturday, February 25. Officers were dispatched to I 96 and Illinois on the freeway to investigate a woman on the freeway with a machete. She pulled her vehicle over out of the vehicle just robes, kicks this machete and begins to try to walk up the vehicles that were passing by these vehicles was shopping, swerving. Ultimately, the Michigan State Police assisted us in shutting down the freeway. Our crisis train officers responded. We're able to get her to drop the very large knife or machete. Get her to the hospital for treatment. She was petitioned by the Michigan State Police and that incident ended safely officers on the scene did a phenomenal job without incident. Get well without further incident getting her the help that she needed. Incident Number three is on Saturday February 25 officers from an area of people in in Grove and observe the black price of 300 Driving without a license plate and disregard a stop sign officers position themselves behind that vehicle which was the black price of 300 and indicate it was time just 300 over the course occupying the 300 prior to Scott after the officers officers continue to pursue this bounce back very courageously and investigate. Officers heard another shot offered Notice five responding units and they were taking fire description of the vehicle and occupants were given an A continue to pursue. They were they lost over the vehicle. And shortly before finding that the vehicle was in a vacant field and still running. responding officers were able to get in the area and were able to arrest the female passenger but was unable to find the driver. Very good word by the detectives of a homicide unit. The responding officers on patrol as well as the Novi Police Department and the Michigan State Police. They were able to determine who this person was by analyzing evidence recovering showcasing our community using one 800 Speed cops Crimestoppers with all of that work within 48 hours we were able to identify the suspect. Get them off the street. Go to the no vibe with a special response team. engage him and without incident and get him into custody before he hurts someone else or or other officers. So again, great work.
And so number four happened yesterday.
Last night. Wednesday, March 2 incorrectly stopped responding to the 18,000 block Winningham investigate a police run of an assault in progress. It turns out that this person was also suffering from mental illness.
He had
bitten his mom
assaulted several members of the household and they called the police on this subject. Upon arrival the officers were he had left. They see him leaving they get in the patrol car follow him. He cracks up the passenger in the vehicle had been assaulted. They attempt to arrest him. He punches one often in the face. He fights with the second officer, the second officer sustain a broken wrist. they deploy their Taser and they were able to get him in the custody without injury after tasing him here's someone who chronically suffers from mental illness and it was taken into custody. First getting treatment Second, we will be prosecuting him or submitting a warrant to the prosecutor's office for the injuries that are often sustained. again last night or the night last night. Police officers responded to a 15,000 block of shaper to assist another officer with a subject officer scanning or were in pursuit of a subject was running from an officer with a they were attempting to arrest as they were chasing him one of our officers were running across the street or was running across the street was struck by a tow truck. Sustained very serious injuries a broken clavicle, a broken arm, laceration lacerations, internal lacerations, and it was just under a tremendous amount of pain when I met with him last night. He is currently still in the hospital and being treated. So he's got a long road to recovery. They're doing some internal look at some some injuries that he's suffering from, but he is expected to make a full recovery. And as a side note, his father was a commander in the police department at the eighth precinct. And as you can imagine, even though he's a grown man on that Gurney, too, when you see your child on the gurney, you're looking at your baby. So he he is going okay, but as you as I indicated he's emotionally tied to and connected to the situation and that's where we're at with that. But again, Alex is expected to make a full recovery officers are doing amazing work. Day in and day out. Showing up and helping to keep our city safe so they should be commended.
And that's my report. Let the record
show back. Commissioner Presley Welcome sir
I'm just gonna Hernandez
Thank you, sir. Through this chair.
Two very quick questions.
The the five point plan that you instituted in the I want to say it was the summer of last year and if I'm not mistaken, is various Chancellor's and upcoming refreshed version of that was so many changes that have occurred. And it could be I'm thinking more of blank and obviously but it could be an electronic version even.
Yeah, so
through the chair. We are going to stick with the tenets of the five point plan going forward. It was very successful last year. You know, we again, when you have good numbers after implementing a plan that next year, you've got to beat yourself from those numbers the previous year. And so the know the numbers are still not normalized to what they were required to five point plan, but they're not as strong as they were when we implemented the five point plan. So we do see slight uptick with crime across across the board. So we're not going to change the plan. We're going to add some resources. One of the things that we try to resist doing is chasing the shiny objects and not holding the line on what we're trying to accomplish. We know that we need to reduce violent crime in the city. And sometimes when you have things at peak, you have a tendency to want to move those resources over to chase that thing that's peeking. But if you do that, then you lose sight of the fact that you're trying to drive on violence. So we do that like our auto stuff, number of numbers. But I don't want to move violent crime moved from violent crime chasing auto fast so we got some ideas about auto theft. We know that we're going to bring on auto theft, we want to use LPR so that we can identify where those cars are being driven in our community that are stolen and if you get a license plate reader and they just send a resource over there and say the stolen car is over at seventh and evergreen go get it but I don't want to pull those officers off of the violent crime and disruption that they're doing in the community. So short or long answer to your question. We're not going to refresh the five point plan. We're going to add more resources to the pipeline plan.
Perfect. Second question is a quick one. I see that there are opportunities for best fittings upcoming Yes. Has there ever been any kind of upgrades to the caliber and I'm not as versed on the verbiage but the college or the caliber of the range that it can protect against for officers? Yes.
So we had a very long and detailed negotiation for the contract. A very savvy Lieutenant over the LSA put in the upgrade to the lieutenants and sergeants best. We did that. And it was it was the right thing to do. When we did that, we looked at the numbers and said why don't we just upgrade everyone else's best as well. So we are getting a higher threat level for lieutenants and sergeants contractually, we're doing it for the police officers by policy. And we went from a level where it's black level. Create a three a three A is the one that that's able to stop some of the high power weapons that we're seeing. And we've already started that we are going to be putting out we've already got the dollars identified for that and as we implement the new best for those folks. We're gonna go ahead and give those those folks those new baths right away.
Perfect. Thank you. Thanks. Yes, she mentioned
that happened that incident happened on the second
March. You yesterday, today is the second of March.
Okay, so let's check if you check your records. You mentioned the second
time thing they've been happened and I'll double check. Oh. So either after that night or yesterday half so it may be a mistake.
Okay. So can you give us a briefing on the community of policing? How is DPD minister and DPD is working on was taken out by like five units a briefing on some of the things that they're instituting is takedown to violent lie. I'm not gonna say a little bit of that. Just a little sneak peek here. We're
not gonna get too detailed because then that'll right Right. Right. But certainly, you know, we're data driven organization. So we don't, you know, we're not again, we're not going to chase shiny objects. We're not going to chase, you're not gonna, you're not gonna distract us from our mission by flare ups, right. So we know that we have a strategy that's based on data that tells us where our violent crime is happening and what year it is, what five point plan you have, we know that violence is in this area historically, all the time. I mean, if I say a certain street to you, you would say yep, I know that street and I know that there's violence there. So what we're doing is we're utilizing our data we're deploying in older areas, we're looking for the violent offenders in older areas, those people who who was historically victimized the community, those those those people who have violent felony warrants out for their arrest, increasing our patrols and also increasing our community engagement because we have said many times, you're not going to arrest your way out of crime. So there has to be some cheating in the community. How we're engaging our federal partners. We're not looking for for credit. We're we're looking for collaboration, we're looking to reduce crime with all of our partners, our federal partners, our state partners, utilizing our local partners, I mean, we're going to do everything we can to provide a safer community for our residents.
Now, we know that four or five years ago that the ninth precinct raised five was one of the holes in the world
crime. Okay, now, what are some of the other
areas so many other things such as major problems with crime?
Zip codes with savings. Okay. So we've seen some pics. Number nine has done a phenomenal job of driving down crime. Again, we're talking about first quarter crime. I look at everything from the number of homicides, non fatal shootings that they've had. So you know, just to put it in some perspective for you. You know, number nine, is still a free thing that we are concerned about, but they're moving in the right direction. When we look at the datasets that tells us how they're doing with their crime. I'll just give you a couple that are are right now very successful and what they're doing the 10th precinct right now has 75% reduction in criminal homicide, if you're looking at a 46% reduction in sexual assault again, first quarter over first quarter. So you know, this is a very detailed conversation, but conversely when I look at the Fourth Precinct, there are 100% non fatal shootings that sounds extremely alarming. But we're talking about, you know, four non fatal shootings more than he had at the same time in the first quarter last year, just putting into some context. So we're concerned we don't want one fatal shooting. If you look at the, you know, the fact that there are plus four, it's alarming, but it's not a number that we can't make an impact on by simply, you know, holding the line on what we're trying to do over there. I'm going to be announcing this afternoon. A new command officer recommendation for that person who I'm super excited about have worked with for a number of years and a number of hats. She has worked for me and many different entities, particularly with the consent judgment. And And I'm confident that she's going to be able to implement the strategies that we have, encourage motivate our officers, keep the morale high work with the community, and all those things will work together
to bring down crime. Mr. President,
thank you, Chair sheep. I have three questions. The first one is regarding the non lethal equipment that the department has acquired. Where is the where are we with the policy development around the use of those that equipment
so you're developing policy to improve the concept we do have some non lethal weapons that we purchase. And we want to make sure that we bring this board as well as council. A strong policy recommendation we have a we've we've implemented a special order to use it now and do a proof of concept and then we will be providing a comprehensive assessment on the tools and making the recommendations so that we can budget for a full department implementation right now we have a small group or a mental health group or special response team. And those are the pepper balls all over the US and it's one of those two and they impact launchers are no guarantee or replacement for lethal force. I cannot say that enough. What I don't want to do is misrepresent what these tools are. They are not a replacement for lethal force at all. Loop of course encounters our loop of course encounters and older based on facts and circumstances that each officer encounters with this is the non lethal option when it applies and gives you options and opportunities to loss from distances tools that they didn't have before. We know that the Taser only has a limited distance on it. This gives an artist an opportunity to to to launch a bolo wraps and some other things. We've got about 10 cards outfitted with it. We're doing assessment on it now was deployed in about 30 days. I'll have a strong policy recommendations, as well as identify funding sources so that we can make a larger purchase for the entire department.
Thank you. The second question I need to turn to you on mass shootings has obviously become a huge issue around the country is really any technical definition for that DPE is that three individuals more than one,
the federal definition that all law enforcement follows is four or more people shot at one time.
Okay. And I'm always asking that relative to the data that we receive around homicides and I don't know you you get inundated with hate me probably drowning with data, which is wondering if there's any opportunities to see if any of these increases shootings are happening with multiple in one scenario versus wanting one each case?
Oh you had a mass shooting on the one I discuss with the family on family violence. By definition that was a mass shooting multiple and now I'll tell you another data set that they they draw on. So if you look at an aggravated assault, and let's say you have 30 people in your home, and someone drives by and shoots one bullet in your home, just shoots into your home and hits one person that's 2930 aggravated assault plus one person does not feel the shot. So when you look at the data you say well you've had you've had an increase in and aggravated assaults. Well, everybody that's in that house is a victim of the crime that the person is tempted on by shooting out of that house
takes nothing to do particularly as we looked at the numbers to see that some of these increases in numbers might be a result of one incident having multiple victims. Last question. Obviously we have some hires that are coming and we've had a compensation relative to mentor ship that might be provided for our officers. And so just wondering if there's been any further conversation on that about creating a you know, a program or come into a ship for those who are being promoted.
So I've hired a policy person here that is identify themselves. He will be getting on your calendar, sir to show you what we've implemented. We've already started a Cleary program to future leaders. And I can't think of all the cards to identify now but there's a leadership program, that it's all about mentoring. The lieutenants and sergeants when they are if and when they are promoted in the next few minutes. Are there training is to have a mentor. So we have gone department, why would mentorship.
Great, thank you
no further questions. Mr. Burton?
Yes, Mr. Chair. First, I want to start off to achieve condolences to you on behalf your officers and number five. So my questions I will raise here. How many health professionals have how many health professionals in the past two months have gone on runs with two colleagues? And also some years ago, she when you were sitting assistants years ago, on this department I raised questions about officers we're in love with three facets have have our officers start to transition into level three. That's to give them extra protection that they need. Are they in the field? Yeah, so
we were back in two years ago, we were at the top of the industry with the threat level of deaths that we had. What we've found over the past few years is and I don't know commission, I apologize if you weren't present during the recent discussion about threat levels of bats. But we are getting ready now to transition the entire department to a higher threat level as it came out of contract negotiations with the defendants and sergeants Association. We agreed to do that and in doing so we identified some funding where we could implement it department why? I mean, certainly there is no cost and why so we had to come quickly with some dollars that we could do that. So by policy, we're going to do it for the whole department or the police officers, but by contract, we're doing it with the lieutenants and sergeants. They actually have that in their contract when we allowed it to crush the police officers as well. So that's already started. But because you're talking about plus 2000 members, as you can imagine, $600 or best there has to be budget of course what we decided to do was so that there can be a quick implementation. Those who are getting their baths, you know, due to expiration will get them now and then we will work our way through the whole department. What we can't do is just essentially throw a vest away. Now there are also some officers that have their own masks, and obviously, you know, their, their implementation is when they decide but we have to strategically build through it so that we can pay for it.
You know, thank you, chief. I mean, that was something that I remember, recall advocating some years back on the board and it's good to see that also it's gonna be a higher level protection. At the time when I raised it, it was actually something that I was recommended as an option for the whole repair department. You know, at what point whether it's this year or next year the whole entire departments gonna be wearing that hire talent. Yeah. So
the full implementation I think was a bliss was a 3.2 million.
That's awesome. And so I think it's important to note though, that the current events aren't inferior. Okay. I just want to note that they're not, they're not inferior product. This is an opportunity to be better. And so you know, with the additional $2 million on sheet 1.2 That's a $3.2 million add to our budget and we're very top of the budget you know, with what the raises another thing, so we have to be fiscally responsible, and good stewards of taxpayer dollars. And so we found that this was the best implementation that our officers you get what they need. I get to add additional 2 million bucks. And we can do it responsibly. And so I'm hopeful you know that the full implementation will take just about a little over a year. But again, they're not buying any of the other vests so everybody that needs the best guess the new VAs and then we work our way back to everyone else. That's that's the goal. Now we do have we will expedite that because we did find a space or gap where some of us were already purchase. And if you're not gonna wait four years before we purchase the next batch and what we'll do with those is pull those back in those will become emergency best for when people best expire. Something may happen. It could be on furlough or you're sick or something and they come back and invest is expired. We'll transition to those best as emergency baths and they will still order them the new house so we have a comprehensive plan. But it is something that came out in negotiations recently.
You know, thank you. She was also I had opportunity to spend the whole entire day up in Lansing just today and and actually sat in on some different sessions and there was no discussions you know, that was taking place and I was no advocate on the behalf of my district and things of that nature and and I'm looking to be going back and forth, up so LANSON more often spend more time up here but thank you so much for what you shared today.
I see your vision with me just a moment. I like to tell you the think about this decision. I have to see if you would catch it and see if you like the minute and I can may or April that we have a state of the crime safety report to the community. I see about I have a venue where there are six houses and people can be at no cost to you. I like to see where the when they have a place on their agenda. I like to see where up young adult people will have a place in the only agenda Music Oh I also like to have a word the chief basically parks because the city in terms of where we are and where are you feel we need to go and how are we going to get there? I see the mirror I watched the mayor he used to do each year and it just your arm up and trying to put stuff together in terms of speech and so forth. But I just feel like there's a whole lot of things that we see here that other people don't see. I feel like there's some good stuff that you to police departments doing. I know we do small things, but I like to have what you call a state and clients lately. A report to the city of Detroit where you get to people in communities leaders, neighborhood president he had to basically help people that basically helped him with the UK. Crime and stopping crime and so forth. I just really feel like that this is something that will be our president, based on the fact though, where we've been and where we are in terms of the city and what's going on around the country. I do feel like we have a nice report to make and that we again without being redacted it would be when on the program in terms of how we work with mental health is so important. We can get to 2000 runs a month or so with mental health. I'm just here to hear what's going on what's going on in the city but at the same time the hope that you the mayor does business and certainly the neighborhood. This is in terms of safety, this your responsibility and we always fight I just like for you to think about it. May or April. Again. I just feel like reports to the city in regards to the safety and the and the fine the safety of acidity Joy doesn't make any sense to you at all.
It makes sense. And I'm certainly given some consideration. I just want to make sure that it's outcome based. Because you know, policing is in large part reactive, right? I mean, we can do some preventative and proactive things. But it's hard to measure something that doesn't happen if we were affected right. So by the time we get the call something bad has happened. And so that speaks to the fact that crime in large part is a community issue as much as a police issue and we have to work together
to reduce crime, because I'm calling on community engagement. So I
can tell them, but but we it's it's outcome based. I'd like to start the conversation with the solution in mind, you know, what are we solving for? And leave them with that, you know, because I think clergy should be more involved. I think community engagement non police and police you know, resources jobs, education, all these things that we all know drive crime have to be at the table not just mental health but and mental health. Because once the police are called we're reacting to something and we were not going to be in every living room every front yard. Not gonna just drop the family that calls other family members. To shoot other family members. Unless something intervenes. We'll all be for the police or call.
So I'd be interested. Thank you.
Commissioner Bernard.
Yeah, afternoon, everyone. I have a special request. Before I ask the questions I have for you. But she even had is that everyone in this room who is being outed would you please
and I would like to recognize you
and then I'll move
to the people who are responsible for those recommendations. Also, that includes your chief
you ladies and gentlemen are Detroit's finest. I'm currently entrepreneur, the Commissioner for district two. If there's anything I can do for you as a lawyer or personally or professionally, please feel free to contact him. You're very, very distinguished. Men and women. Thank you. Now she's the yesterday it was reported that and we were talking about that in Chicago, you said was up across the country in Chicago, it's up to 100%. So we're hopeful hopeful that we will reach those numbers here in Detroit. But I want to caution that I have for you. The first is what's the current status of the budget. Your budget requests, which we approved to city council, and if you have any questions just share those questions with us and your response. Below her is currently Yes, we have submitted
our budget first of all thank this body for approving our budget, including the increases as this board is well aware it is inclusive of everything from the wages per our officers anticipated over time. I think it was a very responsible budget. It also includes those that we just talked about, and a number of other improvements to our precincts. Money for a seventh precinct money for the nine precincts to finish up the ninth precinct. I think I'm very proud of the budget. I think it was fiscally responsible new vehicles or detectives, and a number of other things that we have put in there, including a little bit of money to buy uniforms, officers who lose a certain amount of weight and our DPD challenges you all really supported the department and approved everything that we submitted. And I want to thank my team for for their responsiveness and professionalism to submitting what I think is not only a fiscally responsible budget, but but a overall responsible budget that makes us and shows that we will be good stewards of taxpayer dollars for the city. So I'd like to thank them. There have been no questions as of yet. And if there are any questions, I'll certainly make sure you get a copy. Before as I answered them, I'll send you a copy of those answers.
We appreciate that. Too. Two points. Number one, what's the status of summer employment or school pal are they gonna be doing this summer with respect to engaging you?
So that's the one answer I don't have other than to tell you that there's a city program that is that we're going to be participating in this year where we have a number. The Mayor's Office has announced a number of job opportunities for you that's tied our our tenants out how many 7000 It's a great program we will have to do anything independent of the mayor's office. And I don't see
people in the police department as well kids as well.
A program that we're taking kids high school and getting them in a mentoring program, giving them opportunities from dispatch, those that want to be police officers and old enough for doing that too. So we'll continue to do that but this summer job that you asked about when we're running out of the city out of the mayor's office.
Okay, and the final question I have for you Chief relates to the the incident which involves two officers where they were both killed. Have you been able to determine Yeah, who was the aggressor in that and I understand that the officer that was not the aggressor, will have a fool but I'm calling a spade, a spade of funeral. And where are we with respect to all of that? Yeah, very, very
tragic situation, many officers that you're looking at behind me, personally, touched by the situation, knowing one or both of the officers so tragic officers that you see a virtue of the work that we presented to you this past week, are still working hard and doing what what they do, but still doing so with a heavy heart with regards to who was the aggressor. There's an active investigation known There's been a murder suicide. I have not received the final report but I have been in contact with the Livonia police department and they have been very forthcoming in where they are in their investigation and just they just not have officially made a declaration of of you know, who did what, but primarily is that we have already presented that it was a murder suicide. But when we get the report, I'll give the board a one on one with the details.
And then you'll do the funeral thing that we all participate in. Yeah, the
funeral is actually March 11. I believe. One
how are we going?
I mean, is the department doing this funeral? Is it like you do one officer that's it's a line of duty or killed?
Yeah, we are stating our tactical operations section or assisting but it's always whenever the family wants and we don't just take it over. It may look like that because most times have families do ask that we do. So we'll be glad about whatever the family wants. Thank you. Thank
you, Mr. Chairman.
You might have been a little bit premature and everybody stand up
thank you through the chair to do this, and I'm slightly embarrassed by it. As you might know, and I think you do that. I'm an appointed member by the governor's to the Hispanic Latino Commission states. Two weeks ago we can have I think it was deputy chief Hayes, I believe was present commander Russell, who was also present in full Shamsi who is not present I don't believe they were very helpful and providing a tour of the real time crime center to help 12 individuals or across the states. So they're commissioners for the commission, but also members of the Michigan immigrants immigration rights council as well. We had an entire group Grand Rapids can't count everyone was was represented. So a big thank you to the entire team.
Thank you very much, sir, for bringing it to my attention. And well, it's the same for me. The name of the program for the youth is rural Detroit, young talent and that's the mayor Fellowship Program and the merit fellowship program. So there are a number of jobs at least 7000 for IU and we are hiring so let's all that we know that's looking let's get him a job. Even put together a program that's going to allow those kids who can't get to work to be picked up and dropped off. So it's really a fantastic program. Fantastic. AC.
Thank you chair and applications for the program online. So in other words, both online and start applying. Thank you commissioners for your thought provoking cheap why you really allowed him to show his leadership with his responses last night. Oh really? Our grandma Roseville community Amanda cares did a yeoman's job and presenting ShotSpotter we had an incident we were my neighbors was totally this guy. He was a mock away from me. So when we sent out a call to the executive team, obviously commander Parrish responded immediately. And the way he presented it, I like it has been presented here on some occasions. I'll say maybe an eighth grader will understand all that we need to know about ShotSpotter the why and the rationale, the why and how effective it is. So again, we all felt real comfortable, that only like 32 people on the Zoom call. So again, we would command commander Parrish and his ability to talk ShotSpotter technology to the community. Thank you. And I think that's all Thank you.
Yeah, so I was on that call for that. And then the questions that were posed to him you handed one on one about listen, he bought that real quick,
with this way then that way.
He was very thorough.
So he put a lot of our our community at ease on that. They all want it. So that's good. What Thank you see now,
Mr. Chairman, why don't I get one more quick one, what the chief mentioned if I could add some clarity on ammunition. You need clergy to get involved.
In 2013 environment crime, you're gonna involve the community get people to help.
You they mentioned that No, no, he didn't. But that was commissioner crime. Yes. Okay. Okay. It's chaplains in both chaplains
are involved in the work that we ask them to do with the community but again, they react with us. I mean, they do their preventative pieces. But what I was talking about in the context of crime prevention and reduction, not reacting to crimes in the community, I'm saying it's all about it takes a village. Village is our clergy as well.
How are you explaining to me? How are you looking? To get
involved? We think it will require
a larger discussion. Okay. Let's talk. Let's talk.
Okay, thanks. All right. I see.
All right, of course, two promotions. Because we spent a lot of time I'm going to do them in as a group and then I'll do the two command officers first. The first is kind of
egregious. And
has 24 year than the Detroit Police Department has worked a number of assignments. In the interest of time I'll talk about the two most recent, I thought our Fugitive Apprehension team we also work. Yes, come on. Listen, we're on our narcotics. One of the things that jumps out about Lieutenant Rodriguez is that he has has consistently done about getting the bad girl or the bad guy off the street, the violence the most violent working narcotics a number of years. Dependent Rodriguez, one of the few people remained at narcotics from a leadership standpoint. Over time with a change of a number of different people at leadership, and to do that, you have to impress every new boss that comes into an operation such as that, and that, that impression that he makes on each and every one of them has to be part of his consistency of hard work and dedication. Most recently works for deep fat, faster, complete open, Fugitive Apprehension team, and those simply put the worst of the worst those are the people that we've identified as rapists and murderers. He and his team has just done an incredible job of helping keep our city safe. The problem is when you're out there, doing that type of work, you're not in the public side. You're not in the command teams I but we get to see the work that the results of the work that they do the collaboration that they do, what are three things and the fact that he consistently does that work after 24 years, makes me very proud to recommend him for Captain so that he can impart that knowledge on a younger police officer, run a command and make sure that we're keeping our city safe. At a precinct level and also continues to foster good relationships with the beef dads and the fast teams in our department. So with that, I probably recommend Lieutenant Rodriguez or Captain
through the chair.
I'll make a motion to accept chief voice recommendation for executive appointments for the rank of captain or Lieutenant Phillip Rodriguez, Jr.
Second. Any discussion? All in favor Hi. All the polls.
Congratulations. Thank you.
record show that Commissioner car has entered the building. welcome Commissioner Carter.
Good afternoon.
All right. Recommendation for commander is Captain Shelley hold a bomb somewhere. Hold on. I've known Kelly she worked for me. Let me tell her you've worked for me. Sometimes the only thought that I worked for her. But I first came in contact with Shelly hold on and all seriousness that was put over the consent judgment. And one of the things that really taught me is Chief at that time was commander commander. Appreciate. You know a lot. You read a lot and you're smart, but we're all smart, sir. So you got to be somewhere else. And so she, over the course of time, taught me what I didn't know about the consent judgment because she just Shawn's name is Jeff Romeo. He gets no credit for that consent judgment. We're really the team that helped orchestrate this current iPhone, nothing went wrong iPhone.
But she helped orchestrate
policy improvement for this department. Frustrating nights and days in meetings with Kelly, but always about doing what's right for this agency always. So I remember the consent document. We worked on the consent job and we had tremendous success, assisting our department and selling the department on the need to have these policy implementations over time when I had something to deal with. That was problematic in the department. It was a couple of Cannan officers that I called on often. Another one is in this room. Cynthia Russell, who was the command officer at that time, but Shelley holder bomb was on a short list of people that we've put in very unique roles in your organization to help make the organization better. Her role and her career watching her grow as a leader over the years has been nothing less than impressive. Acquiring her education, getting a degree, raising her family and then going back to school to get a master's degree what she's doing right now. It's quite impressive. We have a knee in the department, one of our retired commanders running the Fourth Precinct, which is a precinct that is historically underserved. Unintentionally, it just has happened but that community feels that it's underserved. Very important. Part of the work that we want to do is to make sure that all our our communities feel represented. Shelley rose up in the Fourth Precinct speaks fluent Spanish, and it's just committed to community which is number one for us eradicating crime through the community working with the community. It brings me great to recommend her to this board as commander of the Fourth Precinct through the chair Yes.
Pretty happy about this one.
I'll make recommendations to sub chief whites recommend. Actually I'll make a motion to accept chief recommendation for executive appointments at the rank of commander for Captain Shelley holder bone
speak no Spanish
is there any discussion? All in all,
All right, so we're gonna
I'm gonna do individually for the lieutenant's but I will say this. I have spent a good hour today with these lieutenants and sergeants is that this is a real real role and not just a parade, not just changing uniform. But this is changing expectations and a change and responsibility. I feel that they're ready. I feel that they're committed and I feel that they're ready to serve this community and lead these men and women. So with that I recommend at that provided the names that can be read into the record each and every one of them to sergeant and Lieutenant
this year.
I move that we support che police James E wise recommendation to promote to the ranks of Lieutenant
Sergeant Adam and Smith, Sergeant Myron P. Watkins. Come to the podium please.
Timothy Barr says Ransome C Williams Sergeant Michael
Moreland. Second, any discussion?
I want to I want to hold on to these promotions are bucking because we oppose that approach as opposed to promotion of Mr. Mas officer ransom has a litigation that I've seen as I was reviewing his records and I hope colts have promotion. It's time so that's clear. They'll cancel boarding
I don't see that name on there.
Okay, I'm all set promotion.
Okay, and it'll be in your
chief have a have a response.
I do not recommend it. The promotions and the ones are recommended. On the
pyramid. No, you won't take a bow.
Okay, more discussion? Okay. All right. Go ahead, sir. Sharon.
I recommend that we promote every man and woman that's on this list today. This department is long overdue for promotions. These men and women worked hard throughout the year of service in our community. They have gave more to the citizens have destroyed any body and so therefore, we should postpone anything we should move forward with these promotions. These are great men and women. And right now in this department is still and we we cannot postpone anything we need to move forward with this today.
Okay, any further discussion?
I'm not asking a whole squad
to please
Okay, can I please have the floor when you speak?
And just say what you have to say,
okay. You're I mean, I'm not holding nothing back. This is just what I believe. I read the record and just outstanding and you can do what no. Scandal? I believe in my heart.
Absolutely. So we're gonna call
Mr. Sherman What was the reason I never
need to be cleared up.
Attorney packet
All in favor? No.
I'm sorry. Oh call saw because we didn't have we have no roll call.
What are we doing the world call arms is chairman.
Oh the motion on these
on the motion to approve the promotions to within it. VICE CHAIRPERSON? Yes. I hope
Yes. Yes, Mr. Banks. No. Just number one. Yes. Mr. Carter? Mr. Hernandez? Yes. Mr. Hawley? Yes. Commissioner Presley. Yes. Mr. Chairman, you have
the 181 no vote.
I'm sorry, the motion was
okay, now Excellent. Okay. I move that we
serve Chief of Police James D. Weiss recommendation to promote to the rank of
police officer. Ryan. Ah,
yeah, well. You want them to come to this.
No. Okay. So many
police officer G Husa. Detective Brian Hill being in Orlando.
I'm sorry.
Merlijn Oh, okay.
Correct. No, no, I typed it wrong. Marlin Marlin l being and thank. Thank you so low to help me with that. Correction. Police Officer Alexander. See
grumps live meal. Ah, Sam's. He tried to cheer on us Landers.
Shamar. The carry.
Police Officer s. Rutledge
police officer Amir J.
Clemens police officer. See actions detective Vance peak. Police Officer Jeremy J. Roll son
we have two more sorry. Detective, Chu, Ma. Goins. Police Officer
said it makes it second, any discussion? I'm calling the roll call. Chairperson? Yes. I sure hope Yes. Mr. Bernard. Yes.
And the Turner banks. Yes.
Mr. Burton? Yes. Commissioner Carter? Commissioner Hernandez? Yes. Mr. Hawley? Yes.
Commissioner Presley. Yes. Is Chairman you have nine yes votes
this board is going to be watching. Right. The public is going to be watching.
Command is going to be watching keep watching my assets board. We get a progress report to see how you guys are doing. Right. Hopefully, six months a year. Make sure you guys are doing the right thing. Because you guys are going to be new leaders. Right? When the young officers mess up, we're gonna hold you guys responsible. Don't you lead them into the right way. All right. Again, congratulations. Thank you.
Can I ask one more question too cheap. Wake up.
One more quick one. Yes. Are
you from sergeant to Lieutenant Captain commander and all that they go to a standard probation like six months or a year when you're
when you're right. Okay, good.
Thank you see? All right. Thank you. All right. Thank you, everybody. All communications.
Mr. Chairman, you have currently 16 People who have signed up to speak we'll start with the people who are in the room. Yes, one of the CO hosts will bring up the clock or the monitor.
Give the newly promoted a chance to exit
call the names that you keep waiting to speak.
Marlon Marlon.
more follow, Bob. Chairman Good evening. Good evening.
Good afternoon.
Graduations outstanding. For most cheese. You have no idea how hard and the sacrifices they made over the years. And currently and what you're dealing with personally, but they don't show on the exterior, what they deal with in the interior. It's a battle for the city. Congratulations to them. I'm proud of them. And a couple of them I'm extremely proud of something that I'm never amazed at I'm always impressed. proud to have most respected members of my department. My colleagues are awesome. It's based on precedent challenges, while we prepare for new, unprecedented challenges as we move into daylight savings, and as we move into spring and summer, where we get to do it all over
again. We get to talk about
prayers, prayers, prayers, prayers, and we do it all over again while we countin mass shootings. I'll tell you what's needed was hated this crime legislation. Real real legislation reform failed. That Matters census to the matter and accountability criminals don't restriction legislation, ministerial assistance, clinics and hospitals for the unsheltered population, see because every week I come in front of you. That's what they face every day and if you can reduce those numbers can I don't have to face you as
much as time is now.
Time is Now we all need to ship it before it affects us. Not when it affects us, right.
I can't show you what it's like to be out there to feel what they deal with. And you will never know. But understand
it. Appreciate it. Respect that value. And never look down on these people risk their lives
every day. Thanks like it more. Good evening.
My name is Audrey Moore. My purse is taken out of my car at church. Valley Lutheran Baptist church back in April.
Speak until the mic we can just so much. Yes,
thank you. This was taken out of my car in April of 21. Was caught the money was gotten from him by the police officers and I've been waiting ever since. I've talked to Captain Purefoy nine preseason. He's packed the whole shade at 9am Cause Scott Benson I'm calling everybody I knew to call or I can get a number. I even spoken Minister thanks. But they gave me the wrong number for him. So what I want to know is when is this going to be handled and when am I going to get my money back?
Yes, through the Chair. Yes, ma'am. Let me take your information after this and I'll see to it that you get what you need. Are you sure I'm positive?
All right, thank you
Carolyn Nichols can Roslyn thanks. My
name is Bob Carmax. I was here last week. I'd like to thank all these officers that get promotion today. They deserve it. You Troy police deserve microphone. Like I said I wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for cutting out from rock. And the situation is that I wouldn't be here right now. But I was charged with the crime. And I was charged falsely. I just reported since I got an email in the mail mailed to my house. Right. He received it. That's not a crime. I have officers that went to their sixth district meetings without a complaint. To the judge on raising her hand is not a crime. It's a false arrest. It's also worn. That's a crime. She needs to be investigated. I got the documents here. Like to somebody investigated. You guys are commissioners you could investigate police. I knew that I presented the Detroit Police Officers do a great job who's always 1% This person here committed crime. She needs to be taken off the force or be punished for what she did. Did I get anybody to investigate? Look at these documents and so forth.
You're asking the question on
this trip was married to like commit a crime.
What you just said no. Just to be an investigation and I think you've asked the department to do that investigation. Yes. Yes,
sure. I can get his information and I will forward it to internal affairs. There you go. Thank you.
Thank you, Chair. Yes, you know,
I think it's important to have community members come out to the board and want us to look into certain things, I think, from shared responsibility. As commissioners, I think we should investigate these allegations as they come before the board.
Yes, yes.
But also, my understanding is that there's still a lot of cases in OCI as well for people from the community have came before the board. And have not heard back.
back as well. So
we handle that as we speak. Okay.
Board members I am Carol and Nichols, a retired Police Sergeant and a former investigator at the Office of the Chief Investigator at the OCI for a little over 10 years. It was my plan to retire in December 21. However, the retirement came earlier, workloads is becoming unsurmountable and the work environment was no longer a pleasant place to work. In addition, it did not appear to be an end to the massive backlog by leaving was meant to hurt chaos was retaliation. It was time for me. There was no planned mass exit. I disagree with the statement that was made that historically we've had a backlog after the consent judgment remained in compliance for years. It was the former chief investigator Pamela Davis. greatest joy to come before this board and say we have no cases over 90 days. returned when I moved to Merrill posets newless investigators was taken out of the normal rotation for prolonged periods. Investigators were assigned to the board of police commissioner's office. These positions were happy filled with investigators to investigate the plane. The complaints that were coming in. We were not. Over time. The employees leaving did not create the backlog. It was stated that we went home and did nothing during COVID. That statement is not true. We continue to work as we were being monitored daily. Regarding our work performance, we saw a number of employees leaving it would have been prudent to interview the employees in attempt to find out why they will leave me when I was contacted by Mr. Brown and supervising investigator Cromwell I was more than willing to come back temporarily to assist with the backlog. To be hired and terminated in a 24 hour period is unprecedented. The aw contract has provisions for temporary employees. I am able willing and ready to assist with the backlog. I'd like to know where we stand now. Thank you for your time and attention.
Nicholas, can you come back up?
Yes, sir. Thank you.
First of all, I want to say thank you for coming back and try to help only be happy in this board. All right. I want to apologize for the letter that was sent out was it wasn't by me.
Down there wasn't me saying the quarter record.
The tax investigators got that letter. It did not come from share.
On the record that appears to be a crime within itself.
So this fight is not all it is please bear with me. I got some other things and I'm trying to work through. So this is not all just hang with me a little while longer because I value your your knowledge and the willing to help. Let's get through this. This massive back backlog. I really do. Thank you, Chair.
We appreciate you coming and sharing
sharing your words. Thank you. Next speaker is
Cindy Dora followed by Yolanda McInnis.
Good afternoon, Laura. I am Ralston Vance. are retiring from the Detroit Police Department as a sergeant. I'm also retired police investigate. On my last day of work. I was told that as when I retired that I was one of the best investigators there. I was contacted as an investigator, Nicholas Carolyn Nichols said and I was also lonely to come back and work. I would like to know where the source and who was the source that gave the information that we were the reason for the backlog. Thank you.
Oh, you you weren't the best workers.
When I left my last job, I had contact with Willie bale.
He told me he was one of the best partners.
Yes really? Thank you.
You see she was she wanted to talk to her.
Senator, I've been trying to help him or her some of the police and some of the people that were involved in the whole thing when she got arrested. And before that she was thrown like the missile headquarters building when she tried to bring her backpack and her sign and her bicycle helmet and to the building. And of course there's no place out there and don't give me any place to store anything. So I tried to help her and she mailed the summons for the police officer that was the one that actually other people that have handled or so they refuse to change the services here in the police department and we don't know where they assign as colleagues. They really don't want us to know where they live or how they got where they were. So though we haven't been able to even finding the service is who's worked for her I felt well yesterday and because it had been they voted to indemnify all these police officers in that particular legal case. And I said that they should send that back to their committee and have the place because maybe there's not a reason why somebody wouldn't acting with the bad, you know, being really acceptably abusive. I don't think that's the intention of the police department to try and hurt people. And so that's what I'm wondering about. Is it true that you're gonna find regardless of having any type of hearing before you decide what you should recommend, I don't think that's proper, but hanging on. Turning over there, it seems like if we were trying to serve summons people no court case. Couldn't wait. too long to get
your two minutes. Thank you.
Can you ask him?
Thank you. I don't have
any funny thing after this?
No, I really don't.
The police generally, police officers are traditionally indemnified by the city of Detroit for misconduct that occur if you will, that occurred while they were serving as the police officer for things that have happened, you know, as a result of an incident, all employees not just police officers, or public employees are generally indemnify and Mr. Saxby can collaborate with them and if occation is pretty broad, unless it was unintentional, outside of their responsibilities, but it was a general sort of case they are indemnified.
From how do we serve? I'm sorry, how do we serve? My favorite US service here in the police department for the officers
of the police department? Will we receive your service? I mean, any work that they refuse that we mailed it to them? Well, they just send it to the to the cooperation Counsel's Office. Well,
we went there and they wouldn't take office. One second,
through the chair respectfully, unfortunately, I'm an attorney for the city and for the board. I can't provide legal advice to residents or has a legal question for me. I'm happy to analyze it if it's provided in writing and provide a legal opinion to the court. But unfortunately, I'm not able to provide legal advice to to a resident because I'm not their attorney.
For respect to you, and your two minutes is up if you like someone's costume asking for your respect
didn't want to answer Thank you.
Next speaker is Yolanda McCants before I move to the Zoom Room speakers, Mr. Chairman.
Good afternoon to
this honorable I'm sorry, to this honorable board. My name is Johanna McCants and I am a fixture in my community. I'm also the member the president of the Detroit Police citizen Academy Alumni Association. Some of us may not know exactly what we do, or who we are. So we're going to this coming year we're going to expand our sales out so that not only the people in the community where we live the different precincts and get to know us. So I just wanted to say to his board, we meet every second Wednesday, right here in this room. So if you would like to attend one of our meetings, I will be so grateful.
Thank you. The Chair
Were you being asked here
Yes, ma'am. If you were to email your flyer
we somehow get that information
out. So you're gonna email
your prior to his blossom. And do etc.
All right. Thank you. Thank you.
Thank you. Mr. Chairman.
If we're ready for the next group of public speakers. We'll start with a Zoom Room caller anything and 061
Hello, listeners, can
you hear me? Yes, we can hear you. Oh, this again for from the Obama weekend committee. I just like to say you guys are doing a great job. And I know that I know you care. And I also know that a lot of people are trying to recoup their pensions. Please listen to some of the things that they're saying and all that everybody has to be involved. But a lot of people are depending on you. A lot. of people like your children, your friends, because your siblings, your spouses, your parents, and maybe your grandparents. All cities have their problems. All cities have crime. All cities have poverty. All cities have homelessness, and all the risks. But Detroit has one unique problem. And I'm glad that you're beginning to address. The problem is drag racing and bleeding red light gun, please. As you stated earlier, you're trying to do something you're dealing with drag racing, please do something about the blatant red light. Thank you very much. And I just know that you couldn't your best foot forward because I've talked to some of you candidly, God bless everybody, and keep working on it. Thank you very much. Bye bye.
Thank you, sir. Chris Hill
Good afternoon. I don't understand why this issue with the OCI. We have former OCI agents and you're trying to fix this backlog. And it keeps going on and on and on. This thing is like a light lift. That and also, you know, we've been arguing points like whether Miss Miss Annie, is that large or pointed? But we still have this backlog. And on and on. We've had this position with the towing. Mr. Ball is being accused, and on and on and on. And so can we just get to the issue, which is about making this police department the best it can be and helping the citizens out. Let's just get the bat back log.
I appreciate who's been called the good or great investigator and others who didn't do work. That's all in the past. Let's just get it done. And just talk about every week you should say we're cutting down the backlog by this percentage. We've got this this done. We're almost at the finish line. Can we just get that done? And all this other stuff. Just stop. It seems like a distraction. It seems like some BS. We just need to be the best police department. We can and as getting rid of the bad officers to allow chief white to be the best he can be and everybody at this table.
We can we
can Good afternoon. And have you heard? Yes, you can.
Okay, I'd like to start off by saying this past Tuesday y'all missed we have an outstanding event at Focus hope you try chapter National Action Network was helping make it available for people signed up for the affordability connected connectivity program. That's a $30 program that you could get some mini Detroit this can get off their bill. Also, we was able to help pass out almost 200 free laptops. We had hundreds of people there and we're going to be having another event. It would have been very helpful if if if someone had been there from the Detroit Police Department to help sign people up because we have a number of young people who would have possibly been good candidates. I was under the impression that I was going to send someone but perhaps not
awesome. I think was
it's good that we look into some of the stuff that be going on in OCI for the past couple of years. Because you know, even while I was doing the book, I'd mentioned before that there was a question going on. Why people test people violating the contract and a number of things that shouldn't have been going on. I know that we are disagreeing and didn't care what was going on. But y'all should care. And you actually want to have no backlog.
Thank you. Thank you Marguerite paddock.
Yes, good afternoon.
Listen Kathy. Um hi
because the aim is to lane vehicle what, what are you going to do about pa ame I would like to learn about that when you make a birth balloon
how to make sure that the living area area
Thank you Thank you, Mr. Chair. Welcome. Thank you. Well,
let's go on. We'll have one question quarter.
Let's go ahead and this
question is I applaud her for being part of today's Leeton she's she's a community activist and leader over with aurizona wills. And you know, and we also have to keep in mind that, you know, we may have people that have various disabilities, whether it's speaking impairment or or vision impaired, or have mobility challenges I really applaud her for taking the time to be part of this meeting. I'll submit to something about ATVs and safety. I wanted to get the area of the area that she's referring to, since we have someone says we have one of the chiefs here, sitting at the table and the department can look into that. We didn't get a chance to get get that information from her today, but also in the near future. Oh, and for those that have speaking impairment if we can give them more time, other than just getting them off at two minutes, and this is something else that I've been advocating for quite some time. I think we need to be able to hear from all of our constituents from from all over and sometimes two minutes may not be enough for me today.
You know, where can you reach out to her find out what area that is?
I don't know her but I don't have her information and it would have been great if we
might be able to find I have gotten that today. If you see her out again. And I understood everything she said to free points. She said the ATV and then she said when you get pulled over go to a limited area. So I was listening in a perfectly good sense to me.
Absolutely same here but would have been nice if we could actually use this two minutes and look like we had a cup of wine just a little longer just to find out what geographic area I think that would have been also important but once again I applaud her for being a part of today's meeting. I'm Paul Hughes, who's chairman taking the time to hear one of our constituents from our community.
Your next speaker with a number ending 534.
Yes, hello
May I be heard?
Yes, we can hear you. Yes. Okay. First
of all, I'd like to say nobody is doing your dilemma daddy cuando no souffle and county propria. Perhaps Commissioner Hernandez can translate it. I do think three minutes would be more appropriate. You You have the wrong zoom number on your web page. I had to call your office. Thank goodness somebody answered. I timely raised my hand and it got lowered. I had to reraise it so as Cindy got a little something wrong. City Council voted to indemnify the prosecutors who I believe were unethical in this situation. We really need to take mental health challenges seriously. I have had Detroit police put their hands on me five times. Now. I was brutally slammed to the ground by a family member of police chief white. I had another police officer hit me with a throat strike the border the OCI people got that whole story wrong. Even Miss Brenda Hill was there at one of the events that citizens said I did nothing wrong. The cop said oh, I caused the disturbance but didn't say what the disturbance was. That's kind of negligent. I know from somebody who got an award for doing security work. And so really, this needs to stop folks because like I have to take medication to sleep and I want to support the men and women in blue who do their jobs honestly and ethically. But as Brenda Hill said, we need to clean house because it makes it dangerous for everybody. When you have folks on the force that are not acting properly. And now the crisis center that's being built at the former headquarters it's it's being built like a jail and the wind very politely doesn't do a great job. They need to do trauma training, not only for the citizens but city employees and
police. The chair
before we move forward I just tested via the prpc website and the Zoom link is accurate. I was able to log in with my phone I just did to
I just logged in
Mr. Chairman has a CD RW
the row
Yeah, I want to speak out to the members of the Detroit Police Department with Yeah, well Hello, can you hear me? Okay, I want to speak out to the Detroit Police Department officers who are in earshot. Now, what's going on is the mayor of the city of Detroit is a defendant in the case the biggest municipal bond fraud case in the history of the United States of America. They took out loans bonds and four forms advice and didn't inform any of the citizens and you guys got decimated Sheffield James tape. All defendants in his saying case that is pending. This case number Michigan State Supreme Court case number 16491 to 164912. Nothing has been decided. You can look it up not to James he's like, that's your books. But you got to probably and I gotta probably put these officers at their level precede. They arrested me seven times in 18 months and I think I'm getting down to the bottom of why did all that time arrested. Now. You got you steward commander level policing, overseeing it. Well, he's the deputy chief overseeing the level of policing. And then you got to Commander over there commander Pritchett and also a lieutenant Taz mark and a sergeant Torvill and Heather Fitzpatrick detective. Now the reason why I'm bringing this out and saying it to you cheap you want to talk to me, you your cat. Assistant Chief pairs asked me to send me emails on sending emails you I never replied to them. None of them. I never heard got a call back from nobody, not Chairman Ferguson. You oversee this committee, you know that. The OIG just went up in the OCR eye office and took all themselves out there. It's about 7000 here that Lourdes Akbar administers
a color over with I think that may be the same
Mr. Eric lOn. Can you hear me board?
Yes, we can hear you.
Yes, this is Mr. Eric Blanc from Sacred Heart Catholic Church. Why priest and pastor's father Norman Paul Thomas, the now deceased. No one should be surprised that Mr. Warfield walked away from an over $100,000 OCI job offered by this board. Due to the broad and wide corruption of this board. All of you must be replaced with people who are laser focused on addressing police officer misconduct. Chairperson Ferguson, your opening comments never mentioned last week's inspector general surprise sees You're up 1000s of brbc records related to complaint files. Your lack of action is very telling on these issues I've been pointing out for years to 2020 to 2020 to file seizure will include the years Commissioner Bell and Commissioner, Reverend Holly were chairpersons and therefore would surely include their corruption on this board and the manipulation of my own complaint that I have described many times. Recall that it was during this period of time that commissioners Commissioner Bell, corrupt instruction to then OCI Laurens Akbar to give him and only him all each and every one of the complaints to review. Commissioner Holly the passing of Father Thomas, you will be forced to grow up and mature to the point that you are forced to stop threatening me that you're going to talk to Father Thomas about me. Father Thomas has mentioned that some city and archdiocese officials have spoken to him about me. But Father Tom has never asked me to even slow down or calm down. He only reminded me and I quote, You know what they do to prophets, in quote. So publicly I stated If anyone in the Inspector General's office would like my assistance, I will make myself available at any place at any time. As the investigator in my complaint case, begin to adjust the facts and issues in my complaint, or language quickly changed after I stated that Michigan law allows someone to record a conversation. They are not a part of Commissioner Barnard it is wrong and correct for you to offer your legal service
to listed on the Smartsheet person Zoom Room or in the audience and Pastor drone
workout. And that's
in the Zoom Room or here that would conclude your oral communications are
all Thank you.
Thank you. I'm having a
record. So we have correspondents from the chief's office. We just had the appointments to the rank of commander and then the rank of captain and the sergeants wants to lieutenants and I'm gonna make my announcements for next week's meeting will be Thursday, March 2023 at 6:30pm services at Second Baptist Church. Four or one more roll street. That's right, two to six. Please know that you have parking at the street parking garage that said 1001 street that's across from the hotel so there's going to be parking across from over there. You won't leave those tickets. And those tickets won't be issued to you. In part for this meeting. next community meeting after that will be Thursday, April 12 2023 at 6:30pm and that's going to be in the precinct location. It's going to be forthcoming. And
Chairman. Yes, if I may, the 11th precinct Police Community Relations Council confirmed the location of that meeting is you want me to share that with Notre DOM at one zero bands in the heart of the 11th precinct. Thank you sir.
Chair, I'm sorry. May I have an understanding as to what it is you just shared? Please?
location for the next community meeting in
April. Item B. Okay. Thank you.
The multi committee committee budget, I'm sorry, the monthly committee meeting scheduled for March 2023. They meet every second Wednesday. But the committee meeting we'll be meeting March the eighth 2023 at
2pm. personnel training
committee will meet March 8 2023 at 2:30pm Policy Committee training policy committee meeting will meet Wednesday March 8 2023. At 3pm Citizen complaint committee will be Wednesday March 8 2023 at 3:30am and all the chairperson of that committee. Please make yourself available for all the questions and some citizens and myself made me happy. And all those committee meetings will be taking place at the Troy public safety headquarters. Any other announcements?
Yes, sir. The Chair.
Thank you, Chairperson. Just here on the forum. It's kind of reimagining public safety. The panelists will consist of the Detroit Police Department, Detroit Public School, the Wolverine Bar Association, and that Women Lawyers Association of Michigan, and what this one is for is to help young people and their parents attend so that there can be dialogue as to how our young people should behave when they encounter law enforcement. And unless there's a universal message you need to add and I'd like to remind us when the young man was shot in Florida, how even President Obama in that conversation to share unfortunately, he was talking about his great grandparents. He was supposed to behave when he encountered law enforcement members. Secondly former Commissioner Davis came on and made mention of man's
between the human resource director and someone who also was working with Commissioner along with Commissioner but but at the time, no this was after all, human resource director calendar, so she's texted me and asked me Shin would send the flyers, commissioners so that, of course it's fine and this would so that we could get those various recruiting opportunities on GPUs calendar.
All right. And then I have another announcement, as you know. It's gonna have the State of the City address the 2023 status, city address, and that's gonna be Tuesday, March 7 2023, at 6:30pm and that's gonna be at the Michigan central train station. And I will ask all the commissioners, you got to invite I would like for you guys to make sure you get there and get there early. Because remember this is a live a bit so we can't be scrolling in or late. We've got to try to get there kind of early. So and I'm trying to get us all so we can be sitting together. That's my goal. And that's what I'm trying to push for. I'm still that's a lofty goal right now because we don't haven't got CD yet. Yes,
we are aware that that's an invitation only.
Yes. Absolutely. Yeah, right here, Mr.
Chair. The pronouncements. Oh, I'm sorry. Thank you. I want to announce that yesterday I had opportunity, an honor to be up in Lansing to talk with a lot of house representatives as well as members in the Senate. Got a chance to sit in on a couple of different sessions on behalf of majority Detroit that wake up everyday in poverty. That also has concerns when it comes to policing mental health. Mainly concerns that my constituents in district five as well as across the city are often raised to me, continually joining with me was to analyze your network. We went up there, about 970 to 90 individuals spent the whole entire day up and like I said, I urge our colleagues to build relationships and relationships with your locals and state elected officials where you will come to be able to get things done on behalf or your distinctions that you serve in your districts. It was a greatest parents got a chance to spend the entire day up there and we were able to craft conversations got a chance to to hear some of the different sessions and got a chance to have some one on one time with many of the elected officials up in Lansing
Andrews during this trip,
we have commissioned a bank did you have one? Go ahead
and listen to your message your comment Yes. My concern. How's the backlog coming?
Not all the records have been taken. Okay, well, I can't I can't give you an answer. Okay. All right.
Thank you. Okay, thank you. Um,
hello new business, new business.
New business was chairman. Which brings a concern to me. Chairman, so good to share ru attorneys SASB like to know what entity can we send a letter of course job offer when a person will respond and accept the offer in a timely manner?
Through the Chair if this board has a legal question, please submit it in writing and not harm you happy to analyze it through the chair
me well, except that attorney
will have to come to you from the email chair.
Oh, email, want to email me so you sent me an email that then I'll write to him goes out
this week, and the person when I share with your commission poster man in July, he almost cried
to you that no.
New business chairman. Yes. I like to I like to take a motion today. move that the Board of police commissioners accept the offer that you new appointed as chief investigator. Lawrence. I'm sorry. I have to make a motion today. Step for the board to accept
the offer
that this new chief investigator Warfield accept it. Like for the board to accept that offer its chairman today.
Given that
this board moves to send and after the motion should we send that recommendation? That motion from Commissioner burger is out of order at this time?
How was Adam? Mr. Chairman, how was how to the camera How was the motion is out of order. Key Point
you arrived Commissioner Burton. The vote the board voted unanimously to accept the recommendation from the personnel created to send the offer that was made to chief investigator on you asked me for answering the question. I'm prone to answer it. Robert's Rules of Order prohibits anyone bringing up the same pattern on at the same meeting. That has already been disclosed. Okay. So this matter cannot be brought up at this meeting. Because it was disposed of by adopting the motion to rescind.
Okay, so, the chair. I like to say that for the record, that the Personnel Subcommittee to actually serve on that committee have not hangs together
to resend anything and nor would I stand and you know,
what I support we send something when this board have
that committee or committee adopted the motion to rescind it was this board it was the full board it was the board that adapted the motion to this committee could not send action taken by the board to bat does not have that authority,
but the committee has not made a recommendation so one person I'm a committee cannot speak for all members on that committee.
The whole board board did it. We're here for the vote. This is preposterous you're right. It may be like to have an adjournment so moved