Happy Happy Friday everybody. Um, so this week for some strange reason we don't have you know, really we don't have any pre submitted questions but as usual, if you are watching this recording please think of something one good things that have happened today and as well as fun plants you have with this weekend, like what Sylvie was talking about yesterday, having any kinds of wind in your life is absolutely important. You have to look at it doesn't matter how big or small it is a win is a win. And we want you to have that mindset of, you know, like really digging into find the good in life and so that when we keep on moving forward, even if even if it is getting tougher, you know that there's some good tests happening. And I love that Elizabeth is still at Lake House. I have to say yesterday when you're on the camera, that background looks just like I am so jealous in the beautiful out there. So this,
okay, my own house. That's my house. I'm
at a different house now. Okay, so lake house is cool. Dignitas, though not so much. Okay. Oh, boy. Alright, so again, just wanted to reiterate, the purpose of the call it is to ask follow up questions for your critique before your next submission or more questions for Thursday's call or even for you find out what's next steps are or anything else you have in mind. So think of this as as an additional office hour from the team to give you more clarity and continue on your journey. Okay. Alright, so today, we do have a live question from Elizabeth and, Elizabeth, why don't you unmute and just let us know what your questions is.
So today, when I was kind of going through all my social media stuff, I had received an update from LinkedIn, that there is a new platform or new algorithm within LinkedIn, that allows you to really get your posts to rev up. And I know, we don't talk a ton about LinkedIn, we talked a lot about, you know, Facebook, we talk about Insta. But I am also very big on LinkedIn. And so wondering if we just transition our videos and our lives to LinkedIn? Are there other people that know more about LinkedIn, or what is going to be the best way to kind of elevate ourselves on LinkedIn, that's where a lot of my professional contact?
I see. Um, so as far as LinkedIn, I think in my point of view, I use LinkedIn for more of a professional side of things, right. So a lot of people are either looking for jobs or sharing more of a business insights or, you know, professional type, connection type thing over there. And I think it is a little different from Facebook or Instagram, you know, comparatively, because you know, they are, I guess the setting was different. And earlier, before anybody hopped on we were he and Joe, were just talking about how, like, occasionally I'll get LinkedIn ads, and it is not so much like, oh, you know, here's this awesome product you have to buy, like, I get LinkedIn notifications for MBAs. Do I look like a Mvmt? I don't, I don't know what I don't know what it was. But yeah, I mean, in fairness, I did get one from Harvard School of MVVM light, feeling a little bit cooler about myself. But other than that, like, I don't really see much of the ad or marketing part per se going on. So I'm guessing because it's a very new thing, it is maybe worthwhile for you to explore considering if you are also trying to help your fellow health professionals, right, like, remind me, what is your mission
statement again? So mine is it's okay, is I help caregivers that work with brain injury survivors to help them live a happy and meaningful life. And so on LinkedIn, I am connected to 1000 other professionals that work with brain injury. And so one of the things that I have been able to capture and and I get questions, it's like, Hey, can I refer clients directly to your program? And so that's why LinkedIn for me is going to make a lot of sense because I can I'm connected to hospitals all over the world and those hospitals can connect to me for this program on the tail end of when people are leaving.
Yeah, absolutely. And I think you know, this is something maybe for you to poke around to like if there is a way for you to maybe do one Facebook Live and then share that to LinkedIn or, or you know, to Instagram for that matter. I think that would be really one one Rocco TOS tubers, right. Like I think that that would make sense, especially if you say that there is a connection of, you know, healthcare workers around there or the specialists that are particularly working for people that will need your program in order to carry on and they feel better about themselves. Sure, I think that is definitely worthwhile. But one thing that I will keep in mind is we don't want to I don't know how much it is promoting your posts is going to cost you well, how much is that is going to be. But I think just within your current network, even without promoting your posts, just just as a visibility purposes, I think that is even worth just sharing that. And I think you can even run that the same way you run your Facebook group to write here's some tidbits for caretakers who is taking care of brain, you know, brain injury patients. And here's a little thing that you can do today to make you feel better, right like to, you know, lift your mood a little bit, right, I think you can run that a little bit similar to your Facebook group where you're sharing free little tidbits and, you know, like tips for people to carry on with your everyday life as a caregiver, I think that would be awesome as well, but I wouldn't, I would steer clear if this is, you know, if you're promoting your posting, that's enough going to cost you $500 $1,000 to it. Okay. Great, then I would say, you know, I don't see any problem with it. I mean, just with your existing network. Again, this is all about visibility. Referrals are awesome, there's nothing wrong with it. And if this is just simply, you know, I My thing is, I don't want you to do three things and three tasks and make it a three some type of work. If this is something as easy as if this can cross over. I can post in Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram, copy and paste, copy and paste, copy and paste much easier for you all for it. For sure. Awesome. Thank you. Awesome. All right. Um, let's see. Is there anybody else would love live questions at all today? I know we don't have any pre submitted questions today. Oh, I see Kristin with it. Wait, you're back from Florida already. Although I could see a good, good tan going on over there. I love it
a little bit. I'm a mom of three. So I run around too much and don't get a chance to 10. But my kids came back very tan. Yes. And it was really crazy. Because I came back to New York. And it was snowing here when we arrived, and I was swimming in the pool yesterday. So it's horrible. But yes, I'm happy to be home. I did a ton of work on the ride home while I was driving, just catching up on a lot of videos and things like that. But I'm sorry, I didn't send them my question ahead of time. I'm still trying to play catch up. But I just realized when I logged on that I just posted a perfect question. I think for you guys in the Facebook group. I'm on like the Monday kind of thing I think I did somewhere I posted it. But anyway, I'll ask you guys here, I'm working on module two. And there's a spot on there about if you have an email list to you know, send out there was like forums or some sort of pre written emails, I didn't even open them yet. Because I wanted to know I'm I'm kind of very green on email list, I understand that there are ways to collect emails for certain purposes. I've never done that before. But I have my original email address. Since I first had an email address. I've had it for about 25 years, which means in my yahoo email, like phonebook, I have 1000s of contacts and names that I have connected with over the years that I just never lost, because I never needed a secondary email, or never got rid of that email. And so my question is, is that a probe? Is that what you mean by email us? Or are you only suggesting an email list that we're collecting emails for the purpose of, you know, marketing our course to? Or is this like our warm market emails of friends, family and people we've collected over the years? Could you just explain the email list that we would be using and what's appropriate, and maybe give you a little direction on how to do that, since I really have never sent out a mass email before?
Sure. And so, you know, I think for the email list that you have in your yahoo.com, I think you can view this as reconnection, right? Because we don't know how long have you been connecting with these people? I mean, if this is, I mean, just for the sheer fact is Yahoo was probably a while. I don't know, I haven't my yahoo email is, I don't even know I don't even think is active anymore. But if there is, and I think this is a good reconnection email, right. So this is not a full on, you know, so the template that we have in module two are called I'm sorry, in the nine Word template. And basically, these are powerful marketing tools for those. I think it would be more suitable for those who have shared interests and or have emailed you for inquiry about oh, I'm curious about more of your programming, tell him Tell me more. And those will be the parts powerful marketing email that you do. However, for the Yahoo situation. I think this is better, probably better. To do a warm reconnection email, and say like, Hey, you know, I know we might have, we might not have been spoken in the past few years, I just want to give you a few updates. I am now a mother of food, I just came back from Florida Hey, what's up with this I, you know, nice enough suntan. And, you know, I just want to also share with you that recently I have started this program to help new moms and you know, to master them of motherhood. And so if this is new to you, or you know, anybody who are around you that can use this kind of help. Please give let them know, here is my Facebook Group link here is my, you know, book Calendly link as well, we'll be happy to talk to them. Or if you are curious about what my program does for maybe your family and friends happy to chat with you as well no obligation is you know, necessary. You right they so I think that will be a good reconnection warm up email for all the people that the 1000 people that you have in your yahoo.com email, for sure. Especially if this is a Gmail account that you haven't been using for a long time. And there is a primary email that you wanted to do this with, then you wanted to give, also send now that you know, I understand that you probably know me from my previous email at blah, blah blah@yahoo.com. But here's my new contact email as well. We'll be happy to reconnect with you and you can get here's how you can find me, here's how you book a call with me if you're interested type of thing, I think that would be great as well. But as far as moving forward, if this is, you know, say it when once you set up your Facebook group, this is one of the questions that you can potentially ask right, like, okay, so why are you interested in joining my group? And here, can you provide your email address, we promise no spam, so that, you know, we're not selling your information. And that could be then when you were you could collect that email, you know, list and say, hey, you know, if you are I'm sorry, if you're feeling that you are inadequate, being a new mother, I'm sorry that you can feel insecure to start, you know, to, you know, even explore this new motherhood, I don't want you to do this alone, make a book a call with me. And then that marketing email will be powerful. But this new list of people who are interested in somehow already show up in this realm and saying that, hey, I'm interested in your program, and just kind of dig deeper on. Hey, if you are not ready yet, talk to me. And let's see if you're ready for this. Okay, that sounds good.
Sounds great. Thank you, that's perfect. I have some work cut out for me, because I have to create my Calendly link, I got to get my Facebook groups going. So I got to do all this stuff, first create the email and send it out. It's, there's no way to move those out. Like I can't. So I did create a new email for, you know, my program. So I call myself the new mommy guru, and I have a new email, I can send it out using that right? It's better to send it out from the original email and just refer to the new email to like reintroduce it to people, is that right? Right.
Okay, right, and you can send out from there and then copy your new mom grew, you know, as well. And so then you will have both copies. But if you want to start with the new one through there is nothing wrong with but know that because it's a brand new email, chances are you'll probably have to follow up in a week, because most of the time, it actually gets filtered straight into spam. And this goes the same way with your module five when you're making connection for your affiliation. And this goes to all of you if you're sending a brand new email asking for affiliation of brand new connection brand new marketing, email, whatnot, if it goes it feels like it's a rock throw in the water is gone. Chances are it's probably in their spam folder. What you're going to do again is the tracking list and say okay, I have sent an email on February 25 and have not heard that the next Friday follow up and say you know, I understand you probably are busy just want to reiterate I'm starting this new program if you're ever curious, let me know or if you know anybody around you that can use this service book of have them book a call with me and I'm happy to chat with anybody. And any kind of new networking email is going to require you to follow up in about a week
or so. Okay. And when you think to create the list do you mean like in a in like I'm I'm trying to think Excel like an Excel spreadsheet,
you can start from Excel and then the easiest thing is you start from Excel and you can export it to MailChimp right? Don't Yeah, so that will be easier because then the Excel will allow you to track right you can say like, here's a list and you can start a new column and say, Okay, here's the people He has people, here's are the days that I reached out to them from. So there's that new tracking system on when do I do this. However, if it is more of a, you want to send out a mass marketing email using MailChimp, that would be also a very easy way to do if you have an Excel file going.
So is it possible to export the emails from my Yahoo into MailChimp or No, I just quit. I'm not like just for organization, you know, they say I have 1000 names in that list. And maybe there's 100 people in there, I don't want to send it to for whatever reason, I know that they're not going to be I know, we want to send it to everybody, because maybe they know somebody, but maybe there's just someone for a professional or personal reason I don't want to send it to, and I want to support them. I don't want to like just send it to everybody on the list, I want to send people out but I don't want to send individual emails, you know, like is kind of green on sending a mass email, I can send an email to the 10 people I know when I type their names and but like doing like a mass email or like a group email, and then also keeping organization I'm hearing MailChimp, I've never used MailChimp before I'm wondering, should I start with that, learn that system, export all those emails into it and do it that way? Because I don't want to have to redo work later just for organization. Yeah,
I think that would be good.
I don't mean to drop. I've done mlm marketing before. And that's where I got lost with it was when I had so many contacts, I couldn't keep it straight with who I was, at what part of my process when, and I needed an organizational system to tell me Well, this person, you're at this stage with this person, you're, you know, you need to send a reminder email, this person paid already, this person started the program already, and like each person is going to be in a different place. And so I'm just concerned that, obviously, I don't have any BIM super in the very beginning of this. And I'm just a type A person that worries about things. But I just said, I like to do it right from the beginning and not redo my work. That's why I asked these questions as I'm
trying to look. And I think that is definitely more of a Jill question. And she's, again, the master of automation and simplifying everything from the get go kind of person. Also, yeah,
yeah, I mean, I think if you're going to start if you're, if you ever think if you ever think you're going to use MailChimp, start it now. Just start learning around it. And I will say they have, I've said this a lot. And I'll say it over and over again, their support documentation and their support options, being able to contact them with questions is amazing. It's one of the biggest reasons why we recommend them. Also, because you can get started at a really low cost. affiliate link, you can start one free, and then you don't need to pay that
lesson for the week. So I'll start reading some getting involved in that and watching some tutorials on that. Maybe I can start moving my emails over and start using that rather than using all these different things at once, because that's when I'll get confused and lost. So
yeah, there shouldn't be you know, if you have that new email that you just made for your business, there should be a way to to connect that one, you know, to your MailChimp account. And then for that Yahoo account, I don't know this because I haven't personally used Yahoo. But I would imagine like with other email platforms, there's a way for you to get all of your contacts out of that email account that you want, and get them to MailChimp. Okay, great.
Watch some videos. Thank
you. Yeah, and I think another good thing about MailChimp is because a lot of times with marketing email, you always want to make sure that people have a way to unsubscribe and MailChimp also just give you that opportunity in that language down the bottom. If people are just like, No, I'm not interested in one opt out, they could. So it also kind of just have that readily available for you rather than when you're sending it from your personal email or your business email account that that is a little harder to do. But MailChimp definitely would basically cluster everything in one place for you. That is easier to see. And yeah, so that would be a good start. And they do have a lot of good tutorial videos as I think Christo was also pointed out over here they have a lot of tutorial videos and everything. So it is it should be pretty user friendly from the get go for sure.
The follow up question to that, um, nor I know that I know this is super extra and Sylvie just wants you to get things out even if it's ugly, but um, how do you go about making your email look pretty like with a header or a photo of you? Can you design that in MailChimp? Yep. Do you have to pay someone to do that? You can do
that all in MailChimp. You can I don't remember what's available and free but I believe there's a way to do headers and like custom headers and footers in MailChimp for free. I think if you want to start getting really fancy about it, they'll they'll start having you pay for that when I believe that They also have people on the MailChimp team who can help you design stuff. And they've also got templates for days.
Yes, that doesn't have to be something I'll permanently use. But I just don't like sending out a black and white email it just make it look a little something to catch somebody's eye a little bit better. I'll look into Mailchimp this weekend in this week, then. Wonderful. Thank you so much.
Yeah, no problem. I was Yeah, I would also tag along, there's got to be some free templates that you can start with. And then as you grow bigger, and you want to, you want to be like, Oh, I don't like this color scheme. I don't want I want something more personalized for my program, then we can talk about that later, for sure.
Oh, yes, I will. Because I like the whole branding thing. But I know I have to wait a little bit. So I'm gonna get crazy with ya. Have it look a little prettier than just the regular boring words and on white paper,
so Okay. Sounds good. Alright, so in the chat, I see Christina has a question. She said, I sent one MailChimp email. And I'm curious if they went to people spam, if there is there a way to get around from marketing emails going straight to spam. Unfortunately, there is not a good way for you to filter and make sure that it didn't land in spam. It just somehow, sometimes it doesn't matter. Like I would, I could have something that I've subscribed to and half of their email would go to my regular promotional, you know, folder, and then have him go straight into spam. I don't even know why. And it just is how the system is designed that way. So that's why you want to make sure that even if you're not doing it weekly, you want to make sure that you follow up. So you know, it could be that, you know, say the first one is, you know, I I'm starting this program, bla bla bla bla bla, right, this is the notification email that saying that I'm launching this, feel free to book a call with me. Maybe by 710 day mark, you go, just in case you missed it, I'm starting this program. I understand everybody's busy and probably have 10s and 1000s of marketing emails in your folder, but I could I'm definitely I just genuinely feel that my program is going to help a lot of women out there with their, you know, regain their, you know, reproductive health and their, you know, having painless period and all that. Like, I would say that you just follow up in about seven to 10 days just to make sure that it pings them in the inbox again. So that will get pulled out from the spam tool, in a sense. So yeah. All right. Good evening
in the chat for that as well, too. That's a little helpful. Just a couple things that can help but yeah, there's really no way to, to guarantee that your things will never go to spam. There's just too many filters in place in email systems these days.
Yeah. Um, let's see. All right. So Michelle, has you have your own email system? Let's see. Okay, the last question that you have is your website is about you. It has its own email system. What system is Silvia Sophie using for her Crow's outline in modules look like? WordPress. So right now, yes, we are on WordPress. It is someone okay. You know, for for people who have the artsy skills and want to start a free one. WordPress is actually pretty interactive and easy to use. But we are actually switching our platform pretty soon. So for bigger, better things. And so yeah, like if you want to start something free, there are so many different websites that allows you to do this for free at you know, a reasonable outlook. Again, if you want anything fancy, it will cost you so let's start free to be in with our rides. I think that was Oh, I see Christmas hands. Is that a question? A question hand or the I ever want
to get some clarification on in the chat up here. Jill, you were mentioning if you want an email like the team, you know with your business name at the end, you have to purchase the rights the domain. So I heard I went on so I'm learning all this terminology. I went on GoDaddy and purchase the website rights to my name that I created. Is that what you mean? Or I need to do something else in order to get the email portion?
I'm not familiar with GoDaddy, so I don't know if that's included in their domain setup. Like for example, the Sylvie McCracken one that we have like Sylvie pays for Google workspace. And that's how we have our business name as our email. But GoDaddy might include an email in your in the purchase of your domain. Some places will do that where they'll say you purchase this domain. Do you want to add an email for this? I think some modern website builders will do that for you as well like Wix or Squarespace. So GoDaddy might have that
capability. I'll go read my fine print a little It's better than or reach
out to do a tech support and see what is included in that price. I think that is biggest GoDaddy is I doubt they don't have it to be honest with you. But it's a matter of maybe just reaching out to their tech support and see what the packaging
for sure. Howard just dropped in the chance that you can purchase
from GoDaddy for cheap, so Ah, better nice.
It's got to be in there somewhere.
I'll go back. What maybe I didn't didn't even realize what I bought. That would not the first time. Thank you.
Yeah. All right, Chris, do you have a question? Oh, you're still muted.
On my phone, different. Um, so I just did my first Facebook Live today got that over with which felt good. And it was sorry, my baby. It was more of just like an introduction, because I don't have my I'm getting submitting my PJs this weekend. But do you guys I know. It varies for everybody. But do you typically expect like a better response and maybe more interest in booking sales calls once you start doing Facebook Lives about like specific problems, the PA system versus being like, Hey, I'm doing this program for women involve a blah, reach out to me is that typically how you expect because I feel like this far, I've done a couple posts and created my like Facebook page, and it's all been just, you know, promoting my program and what it's about. But I haven't really gotten into like, you know, specific problems, I guess. And I'm wondering if I'll get a better response by doing that.
Oh, yeah, absolutely. And I think really, like, you know, especially Hi, baby, sorry. Um, you know, if anybody has the same issue where you can't talk normally when it when you're in front of a baby and or animals, like he just, he can give you a little bit. Sorry. Um, so, it is absolutely the PS is designed the way it is for a reason. And I think, you know, for, for your programs specifically, it is it is different when you're just doing a Facebook Live and say, you know, I am having a program helping woman, but with women, about what, right, and then once you are, you know, settled with your PA, and then you're you can talk about, like, you know, are you the type of, you know, woman that have every month you dread the time of the month coming, when, you know, when and flow is around the corner, you just Oh, hate that feeling. And it just leading up to it, you're already anxious. And then by the time inflows in town, you're just like, painful every day, and you just like, you can't even stand up straight, you're struggling. And then you know, if you were to call in a day sick, then you feel guilty for skipping a day. Or you know, when when you're so painful, you know, and you literally call off a day, every month, you started to feel like, oh, maybe my coworker started hating me because I'm doing a hormonal thing, right? If this is you, my program will help you. And you know, let's look at ways that we can help you manage your period a lot better without pain. And this is what you were wanting to book a call with me. And let me see if my program will help you. And that is much more powerful in a marketing strategy rather than Oh, you know, I have a program that helps women with their periods. Right, that will be more specific and targeted to what your program is treating, and or not maybe not treating, or helping or assisting, eliminating or reducing the symptoms. And yeah, you're calling out to them and with problems. Okay, cool. Yeah. Thank you. Yeah, no problem. All right, let me double check on the chat and see if we are not missing anything. All right. I don't think we God capture anything that I didn't.
I don't think so. But you know, if somebody feels like we miss something holla Yeah. Things can get buried in the old chatter through
a now and Michelle. Hey, guys, how are you? Good. So I have a question for you. I, um, I created my page for my Facebook page. So expressive art experience for healthcare professionals. And it came up as being public and I'm like, oh, I want like two pictures off and like, and then I was like, Oh, I don't want to report like the ad can't figure out how to make it. Private, like, you know, it's gonna be a private page for those who sign up. And what Gil, what am I missing on that? How do I get in the backend to make that private? Because it's got to be, I have to invite them into the page.
So you need to make a group for something private like that a page is for like a business. So those are always public.
You have to keep, they'll keep that then.
Okay, you can totally keep that. And that can be another marketing page for you, for sure. But for your, like, private clients who are in the program, you'll need a group to make that
private. So I can make a group now. I can do that now. Okay, I'll mail that will have the name? Yeah. Perfect. Okay, that's all I cuz I, we've been pulling up my Facebook, and I'm like, Oh, no. Okay. Thanks, Joe. I appreciate it.
No worries, the the page versus group comes up all the time. And even in my brain, I'm like, can you make pages private? Because Facebook changes overnight at this point. So
doesn't it? Yeah. And again, you know, just to reiterate to like, when you are first starting off making a Facebook group, you know, remember that link you're providing for after your Facebook Lives, or when you're trying to get people's behavior interested, you have to send some of their issue you wanted to know more? Join this group, right? The first group that you generate, for general public should still be private, but visible. Okay, you want to make sure it's private, but visible. The reason behind it is you can ask, right, you can ask several questions like why are you interested in this group? Can you provide your email address, right, and this is where you can also pull up your email address and say, Hey, don't worry, I don't spam you. But I will send you some tips. And you know, things that you you need to know are some really awesome articles that can benefit you if you have similar situation. So that's where it was. And that way it helps filtering out the spammers out there. You'll be surprised like how many people like I think I might have already chatted with Michelle about this, like when I first signed on, using, you know, the the Sylvie McCracken comm email, I have so many friends requests from just random people all over Africa, I'm popular in Africa, obviously. And so like, you know, if you have a private but visible group, at least you filter out the spammers. And so if those people who are really interested who are interested in what your program is offering, they can still join. Now, if you are later on, you start making sales calls, you're making sales and you have private private clients that are paid, then you are doing a private but hidden group, right. So then this is like our CHP, Facebook Facebook group where nobody can see this is all yours is only for you playing paying clients. And you know, so that both of them are blocked, private, one is visible, one is hidden. So just so you know, when you are generating those groups moving forward?
All right, we will always use Facebook, or would you use other things like telegram or Viber? Or would you like how, what do you you always recommend Facebook? For?
We start with Facebook, because number one, most of the things are free, and it's very easily accessible and honestly, is one of the most powerful marketing tools out there. And if other tools are you you're mentioning over there, if they have a certain level of audience you already have, by all means, like I said earlier with lisabeth question with LinkedIn, right? If this is as simple as you can copy and paste, copy and paste, copy and paste. Remember, your one man team right now, however, is easiest for you the best. But if that means I can copy and paste on many different platform with the same message, by all means go for it. But if that is not the case, let's start one place free. And start with one of the most powerful marketing tools out there. And to start there. And then if you want to expand to other platforms later on, happy to do so when you have a team to help you do that as well.
Okay, yeah. All right. Um, is there Can I ask one more question? Is there any other questions? I don't want to be a hog. So go ahead. Alright, here's the next question. Like, is it the norm for people to be able to finish this program and actually have something up and running and making income with that six month mark, what is your rate of, of success with this program?
It depends. We have a client who had $80,000 income within two months. We get that's definitely no. I mean that and that is she's as your brother Hiten. She is very quiet about her wins, actually, and she just graduated. But if you have poke around the interviews that Sylvie has done with Mariah, she also is very successful. She went from, she basically replaced her whole income, and then some within the matter of six months. And then really, if you look at don't look too far, remember Shakira? I know, I know, the her program is launching February 28. Next Monday, y'all, she is launching her stuff. So can you do it? Absolutely. Lee, right. It's just that everybody's at a different pace.
We got to be able to see other people's programs we can see like, like Shakira is program that's coming up, do we have to sign up for her program to see her program? I mean, I would love to, to see what she's built in also be able to cheer her on doing
well. Again, this is her program, so you might have to ask her about it. But as far as I know, she's only recording talking head videos, providing Google Slides and just doing Q and A's and help tickets. And that's about it. So she is doing exactly what everybody else is doing. She's building the support system like you did in the worksheets she's going through, she's actually just starting her PJs and doing Facebook and stuff. So you know, it is all you this is all the same process. It's just that everybody arrived at a certain point in different types of time. Yeah.
Okay, totally. one brick at a time.
Yeah. Michelle, I like that question. Because there's like a part of me that's like, Are there any pregnant people in Sylvia's class that want to come to my first one, just because I feel like they would give you that real raw feedback of somebody who knows what you're doing on the backend, and will experience it as a client. And I would love to have somebody that knows Sylvia, in her course that might be interested in that would love to kind of go along with the first ride, but me with paying clients to just so I could get that feedback, but I didn't know if that was frowned upon, or if you were allowed to invite anybody that you wanted to. But I was like, That was that was such a good idea. Because you just feel like they might be really honest with you about like, how it helped them or what didn't help them or what was good timing, you know, and things like
that. So right, because we're a team and we're learning together and I in my thought is, we should be building off of one another's mistakes and wins. Because your mistake is going to help me, my mistake is going to help everybody else. But if we're all in little bubbles, we're not helping anybody. So that's why
I want you to also both turn around and think again to like, wow, it is awesome. This idea of asking for volunteers within the program and say, hey, you know, can you help me run this thing and give me your just literally honest and ugly, you know, truth of your opinion about everything, right? But at the same time, if they're not paying, you're working for free. While it's valuable to get those, those feedback, it is still you are working for free. And I don't want you to discount yourself right on that. Because you know, your worth, and you have all the experience over these years, and your education and everything, all these built up, it costs you money to get you where you are, to this point to offer this word of free program for honest feedback. While it sounds pretty good on the books, at the same time for you to slave for free. I'm not sure if I love that idea, right? Because it is honestly like, you know, I think there is a difference between, you know, I get that like it is a wonderful idea. But at the same time I just, you know, having hear Michelle talking about oh, you know, I want to do this, I want to do that, like you know, there's so much thing we have to explore so much tech we have to go through to figure it out. And then we're working for free for somebody I don't know, like, I don't know if it is really worth your time. And I think really your paying customers will give you honest feedback as well because they invested. Right? I don't think they're going to be like, Oh, I spent $2,000 I'm just gonna be nice to you all the time about you know how this goes. Right? They're going to tell you and believe it or not all the new moms, you know, while I hate it when people say women can be hormonal. When they're hormonal, they go and let you know. Oh, yeah. So so I don't want you to while it's I think is a nice idea. I don't want you to feel you know that you should work for free for honest feedback. At the same time, yeah. Okay. All right, Krista, your hands is up. What do you got?
Yes, that kind of made me think of this question along with what you were talking about with paying customers? Do you guys ever recommend doing like a, you know, 30 day money back saying or any type of, you know, money back guarantee if they started and they're totally not happy with the program? And then also, following up on that, do you recommend giving, like, discounts to, you know, family members or close friends? It's like, I just, I feel weird. If somebody were to reach out to me, who's really interested, and it's like, you know, a family member of mine, and then being like, yeah, give me $2,000. For this. I don't know why maybe that's because I haven't really done anything entrepreneurial like this before. So I just wanted to get your guys's thoughts on that.
Sure. And I think this this is actually it comes up kind of in circles in a Gil, like, I feel that we've heard about this maybe last month, and then the month before, like, every month, it kind of circles back. And we'll hear this again, whether we should give, you know, discount to friends and family, or if we should, you know, provide any kind of money back number one, regarding money back, I think honestly, for if you're talking about 30 days, money back, that is four weeks of your time, your investment, your energy, everything. And at this point, and they were like, well, since I have 30 days to regret it, and take my money back, I can just cut off and learn as much as I can download everything that you got in the program and call it good and say I don't feel great, have a 29 day mark, and I want the money back. Like I don't think this is protecting you. And honestly, your energy, your intelligence, and everything, like you have put forward so much to make this happen. And so to to give them this opportunity they invest. That's why the contract is set up the way it is just to protect you as well, right? While we want ultimately, the customers to be happy, you also wanted to know that they are paying to be committed to do the work to receive that outcome. So when you're saying that by 30 days, Mark, I'm not seeing the outcome? Is it because it's your program, disappointing them? Or is it that they are not doing their share of your work, and then turn around and say, Oh, I'm not satisfied, because I didn't see anything like I didn't lose that 10 pounds that you said I was going to lose, right? Like, I don't think this is fair for you. And your energy, and you know all the things that you have done leading up to that point. And as far as discount, honestly, it is all up to you. I understand that there is a little weird thing going on, especially when it comes to friends and family. But at the same time it is also again coming back to your time, your energy that you have input to create this program. In addition to having a day job, no babies have everything that's going on. This is it should never be a free program. If you want to come up with a discounted price, do a quick cash injection, right? So that would be in September 2021 event is one of those videos where you're calling out to for five people, I'm looking for five determined woman and this could be your friends and family, right? This could be just random strangers, I'm looking for five determined woman that wanted to change their period that experience with their menstrual cycles all together in a matter of eight weeks. For 1500 a pop normally this program is at $2,000 each. But if you join now, I have five people that I will work with you for 1500 And I would say that that was it
is a quick cash injection is that covered in a future module? In September 2021
events have you can give us a link over there W
I look under that tab. Do you does it explain in there when is a good time to do the quick cash injection or is it kind of you can
do it now. I actually just talked to Becca about starting this. So I don't know where he's at with that. And I think that goes along with you Kristin and Michelle when you were talking about finding volunteers right I think this is probably a better one to give a slight discount for the newbies to start and help you run through every nitty gritty things about every week, every single module so you can officially launch on 1.0 I think this is a better way to do it rather than having people do it for free. But I would say that even if this is family and friends This is your sister, this is your, you know, brother's wife, I don't care who they are, they should still pay because when they came, remember, so he said this, when they pay, they're committed. If they're not, they're less likely to do the job that they are supposed to do in order to do reach that maximum outcome that you your program, and you promised that they are going to get right. So yeah, yeah. So you made yourself 100 100%
When people don't pay, even if it's let's say, you $11 program or something like that. They don't value it. They don't. And they don't follow through 100. Right.
Yeah, right. And this goes along with anybody who wanted to price their Hello, Minute Manager want to price their programs, lower. Same thing. Give you a quick example, I think I told Michelle about this art program that I signed up, and it was teaching me how to paint leaves, flowers and birds. It was only $27 for lifetime supply, lifetime access and everything. Have I finished in a day? Not yet. I pry my paper and that's about where I am at my commitment very low because I have lifetime access, right? However, at a higher price range limited time bound. I would be like, Oh, God, I only have eight weeks. I gotta get this going on. And I guess I only have this much time, right? So think about that. When you're moving forward. Anytime you're feeling like oof, should I get a discount? Don't because if they paid less, they are less likely to have the same level of motivation to come complete and follow through as well. For sure.
That's yeah, super helpful. I probably would have already quit this program right now if I didn't have so much money on the line. So it's good to put that into perspective.
Exactly. Girlfriend. Exactly. Okay, thank you, Manager has spoken. Alright, do we have any other questions? Over here? Before I let you guys go? There's no questions. Oh, right. Well, it's always great to see you. Well, you know, join in anytime again. Remember next week, we have the virtual conference. We're happy to see you there all day. Great training all day. We have three sessions going on is free of charge for you guys. You are already invited. And then from Friday, Friday, I think it would just be additional training if you want to join. But I honestly Thursday, Thursday. Thursday's a key. You can join us I'll be awesome. And if you have any more questions, again, feel free to drop them in Facebook or email us at support at Sylvie McCracken calm. I can't speak today for some reason. Um, but I would we will see you virtually very soon. Okay, everybody keep fighting on and we'll chat with you soon.
Thank you. Bye for
now. Have a great weekend.
But yeah, have a good weekend everybody. Okay, take care.