Question, are there any objections to calling the question? Objection, Objection, objection, so that does pass. Okay, so it fails. Okay, okay, so,
so move the motion stands to call the question. Move for approval for line items, 15 point
director powers Correct. Okay, okay,
dura, Move for approval for line items, 15.3 16.2 19.1 19.2 and 19 point 26
Okay, and let me just find my card. All right, so we are moving all items. The motion has been moved for approval for 15.3, 16.2, 19.1, 19.2, and 19. Point 26 are there any objections? Objection,
Objection, Madam council member Callaway objects
is that to all, pardon me, to all items, to all items.
Online item 15.3 line item 16.2, line item 19.1, and line item 19 point 26 Madam Chair and Madam Clerk,
right, and if you can show me Madam Clerk as a no on all items as well. 15.3 16.2 19.1 19.2 19 point 26 with a statement as well. Madam President, just
We are voting on all items. Yes. At the moment, yes. Okay, understood. Objection to 19.2 and 19 point 26 the clerk would note, clerk will still note, madam president Okay, and hearing no further objections, the five resolutions will be approved, Madam President, across the waiver on all five items, okay? Waiver has been requested objection on all five, okay? And there is an objection to a waiver, so that does fail. All right, thank you all for being here. All right, colleagues. So, wanted to get a sense of where everyone is, we are going to possible take up pastor Winans, item JZ rezoning, and then possibly take a quick break, if everyone is okay, for lunch, come back and then finish our agendas. See a lot of people are okay. All right, so we will move now to line item 18.2 if there's no objections. And this is the rezoning for perfecting church. President, yes. President, pro temp type,
if we can move both line items 18.2 and 18.3 please. Okay,
18.2 and 18.3 Perfect. All right, can we start with line item 18.2 Madam Clerk Council,
President Pro Tem James Tate, an ordinance noting a roll call line item 18.2
President Pro Tem Tate.
Madam President, I move to take from the table an ordinance to amend chapter 50 of the 2019 Detroit city code zoning by amending article 17 zoning district maps, Section 50. Dash, 17. Dash, 64 district map number 62 to show a PD zoning classification, where an r2 two family residential zoning class classification is currently shown on the land generally bounded by Carmel Street, Bauman Street, and vacated Penrose avenue to allow for additional accessory parking for the religious institution and establish the plans terms and conditions of a planned development district on Land generally bounded by Woodward Avenue, Bryson, Avenue, Bauman Street and largewood Street to allow for the construction of a of a religious institution and accessory parking lot laid on the table. June 25 2024
Hearing no objections that action will be taken. President Pro Temp Tate. President
a move that the ordinance be placed on the order of third reading and considered read,
Hearing no objections that action will be taken. Council President, pro tem Tate,
I move that the ordinance be passed as submitted.
There being a roll call required. Will the clerk please call the roll
council member Fred durhall, the third yes
council member Letitia Johnson, yes. Council member Gabriella Santiago Romero, yes. Council President Pro Tem James Tate, yes. Council member Mary waters, yes. Council member Angela Whitfield Callaway, yes. Council member Coleman, you in a second Yes. Council President Mary Sheffield, yes. Council member Scott Benson, yes, nine yeas, That motion passes. Madam President,
the ordinance is approved. Council President, pro temp Tate. Madam
President, I move that the title of the ordinance be confirmed, right,
Hearing no objections that action will be taken and yes. Council member Callaway waiver online item,
18.1 at this time, no, 18.2 I mean 18.2 Thank you. Thank
you. Waiver had been requested for line item 18.2 and Hearing no objections that action will be taken and Bishop Winans, thank you for being here. Thank you protecting church, church, looking forward to the progress there. Keep up the great work. Alright, alright, moving right along to under unfinished business. Council
president pro tem James Tate, and ordinance noting a roll call line item 18.3
President Pro Temp Tate,
President a move to take from the table an ordinance to amend chapter 50 of the 2019 Detroit city code zoning by amending article 17 zoning district maps, Section 5017, 62, district map number 60, to revise the existing r2 two, family residential zoning classification to the r3 low density Residential zoning classification for the parcels, commonly known as 1713917204, 713917204171981718017132,
oak Drive, 3856, West big Nichols road, 172131718117131
birch crest drive, laid on the table. July, 2, 2024
hearing, no objections that action will be taken. Council President, pro temp Tate president,
move that the ordinance be placed on the order of third reading and considered read.
Hearing, no objections that action will be taken with, with discussion, with discussion. President, proton tape, thank
you. I know it was mentioned earlier that the that there was a support letter from the community organization that was, and I would put air quote, fraudulently submitted without getting involved in neighborhood issues. It was clarified in the committee that in fact, that the member, the individual who sent the letter on behalf of the Community Association, did so on their own, and it was not a letter that was signed and approved by the association. From my understanding, the association remain neutral on this particular item. And just wanted to make it very clear that that that item was discussed in committee, and it was very clear that that individual did submit that letter, did so on their own.
Thank you, Madam Chair, yes
member Calloway, um,
perfecting churches in my district, and Jay Z was in my district, and I have not missed one meeting. And everybody who has been at the meetings has seen me there. We're very aware of the letter. Have copies of the letter. It was retracted. They understood where, where Mr. Short made a mistake and he apologized. He is no longer president of the university Detroit. Association is now attorney Aaron Ferguson. I'm very proud to be working with Jay Z simply because you guys have been more than willing to accommodate the residents I have been there. I know where it was at the first scale and how you have scaled down to accommodate requests, not siding with anybody. They own the property. They own the property. They have been there for over 100 years, educating students in and outside of the neighborhood where I live. I live in Green Acres, but I know the area very well, so they have been more than accommodating. Madam Chair, more than accommodating. And I am looking forward to the construction of the new development. I had a tour of the the original structure, Mr. The facility manager, gave us a tour. And I'm just happy that you're going to preserve it and maintain it and build around it and not demolish it. That was my expectation. I'm hoping that's still part of the plan. I will be monitoring it, but I'm happy that you're you'll be able to build over there on your land, and it will not again, not affect the property value over there. I just don't believe that it will. And so if they have gone through the process, it's been a long process. And member tape, pro Tim, you've allowed me to hold it up. It didn't even come before your house. And you and I had a discussion about that, because I was nervous about that area over there. Member waters has also attended meetings, and member young, so we're all familiar with the matter. Thank you. And I'm glad we're here today, and I'm hoping that it will move forward. Thank you, Madam Chair, and thank
you pro tem, thank you so much, pro tem, you have moved
What was your last? Reading?
Okay, alright, so Hearing no objections that action will be taken. Council President Pro Temp Tate.
President, I move the ordinance be passed as submitted. There
being a roll call required. Will the clerk please call the roll
council member Letitia Johnson, yes. Council member Gabriella Santiago Romero, yes. Council President, council president pro tem James Tate, yes. Council member Mary waters, yes. Council member Angela Whitfield, Callaway, yes. Council member Comey on the second Yes. Council President, Mary Sheffield Yes. Council member Scott Benson, yes. Council member Frederick Hall, the third Yes, nine yeas, That motion passes. Madam President,
right, the ordinance is approved. President Pro Tem Tate. Madam President,
I move that the title of the ordinance be confirmed.
Right, hearing, no objections that action will be taken.
Madam Chair, yes, request a waiver. Okay,
a waiver has been requested for 18.3, any objections. All right, hearing none. A waiver will be attached to those items, right? So at this time, we will take a break, break. I'm thinking, How was 45 minutes? 45 minutes. Okay. Also, would like to let the general public. Know those who are joining us and are here, we also have food for everyone. Um, in the atrium, colleagues, there's food in the conference room for staff and everyone. And so we will pause for 45 minutes.
Can we make it even? Even three o'clock? Pause
for an hour at three o'clock. Alright. We will see everyone back. We will take a recess, standard recess until 3pm Thank you. Applause.
Thank you.
I didn't see it on
the agenda. Hello, I would like to confirm that I I read the right