Hey, y'all. Welcome back to another weekly word, this is your week ahead reading for the days of March 20. through March 26. I know we're a little bit into the week a little bit, but that's okay. Because the energies are still doing what they need to do, and we can embrace it anytime we get this message because even though like we might be talking about what's happening this week, I truly believe that the gift of Tarot is that we can like like, the messages are evergreen, like we can partner and CO create with spirit anytime. And so if this is what you want for yourself, just open your hand and say, Yeah, I'm going to start moving in that direction. Let's go. So what is the vibe for this week, we're looking at the ace of wands this week is really like a week, I really just feel like spirit is like handing us like vitality, new passions, like new power and Ashay. Right? To go after that which we desire to go after that which license up. This is a call to really dive deeply into our passions. And this can be in a creative pursuit, this could be within our careers and our jobs and hobbies. This can be within love and relationships, like this could be sex and all of the good, mushy gushy stuff. Like it can be all of those things. And so like the ace of wands is really just giving us like, letting us know about potential, like new things burgeoning forth. We have been talking a lot about new things when we talked about the fool a couple of weeks ago. And then last week, we talked about the Eight of Pentacles. And just like revising, and, and doing a thing over and over again, maybe even relearning lessons, or maybe old lessons returning to us so that we can approach them differently. Now we have moved forward into the ace of wands. And so now, we're going forward with this fire energy behind us. So what is it a We should be excited about this week, I have the Justice car here. The justice is here to tell us we need to be excited about the truth. The truth of the matter is, and I'm excited about justice being on the table, because this card is saying that anything that has not felt fair anything that has not been things that have been counted against us. Justice is here to say enough is enough justice here to say I'm here to set the record straight. So I love this for us because there's anything that we've been going on going through and are live, anything that has just felt like imbalance, and just an unjust justice is here to say no, I'm going to tilt the scale again. And this time in the favor of what is right, you know, justice is not bias. So if there's anything that maybe we have done, that has not been for the betterment of our own alignment to the betterment of folks in our community, people that we love, or even people that we know, justice is really going to come again and set those set the record straight and make sure that things are back where they need to be in balance and alignment. But this is the car that sang the something we should be excited about. And I think that we should be excited because when we're talking about the ace of we're talking about like the chance to begin again. So anytime we have an ace, this is a new energy. And so with this being the case, if you have been someone who has been on the receiving end of maybe poor treatment, this is a chance to say that we can the scales are going to be balanced. And where you have been hurt or where you have been hard things are going to be set straight. And if you have been someone who has caused harm, know that the same applies, things will be set straight, and you may get a chance to mend the situation to work on this situation. And the reason why I say that this may be the case, the car that is showing up for us as something we should be mindful of
this week is the 10 of Pentacles. And wow, some people do point out the very important theme of family and legacy and like you know, long money, right money that lasts for a while inheritance, all of those things. I always see community, I always see family, there are so many people in living things in the 10 of Pentacles. And so we're talking about newness and the ace of wands and we're talking about things being set straight in truth coming to bat into the forefront and the Justice card. This to me is saying that this week, we're going to get a chance to men relationships, to mend relationships. So this doesn't always have to be just with us. Other folks, even though that's what I'm sensing, this could be mending our relationship with money, this could be mending our relationship with our faith traditions, this could be mending our relationship with our ancestors, this could be mending relationship with our actual bloodline. This could be mending a relationship with ourselves and our higher good and, and really partnering with the, with the Creator, to make sure that things are done right this time, and justice is going to make sure that we do. So if that sounds good to you. I just want to leave us with an affirmation card. And it says simply, when I lead from a place of love people respect, when I lead from a place of love, people respect me. And so I want us to be to take the the wind, right, this spirit is handing us with this ace. And I want us to take that and let that one represent love. That if we think of the ace of wands, like you know, if you have a familiar with the ace of wands, and what it looks like in the traditional rider, Waite Smith Deck, there is a hand that's thrust from the ether, right. And they're holding a wand out to us to take. And so if spirit is handing us this baton, if you will, it is up to us to take the baton and keep running this race, we're going to keep going. And so we are going to let that the time that we embrace and take from the universe from spirit from God, let that be a wand of love. And that is going to be what propels us forward. And as we move through this life in love, people will see us they will know us and respect us. And so even if they don't have the words to say it, even if the way in which you are leading with Love is not something they agree with. Make sure that you like in the Justice car, that you're cutting to the truth of the matter that you're doing right by people, but also make sure that you're doing right by yourself doing right for yourself. And I think that it's important for us to always remember that and loving other people, we should never abandon ourselves. But when we have a healthy love for ourselves, that overflow is how we love other phones and love them. Well. That is the legacy and abundance that I see presented here and the 10 of Pentacles that was your weekly word. I hope that you enjoy and if you did send this to a friend let somebody else get this good word. And as always, you know you can book me for a Tarot reading by going to my website www that Jada K story.com. See you next week.