NEPT Alumni Quarterly Training and Support Session
8:13PM Feb 2, 2022
immune system
time or energy, I should say every cell in the body except blood cells. So that's mitochondria. And so what ends up happening is that a lot of these toxicities end up damaging the hormones. they damage the mitochondria, they cause neurotransmitter deficiencies. And then of course, there's the lifestyle issues where people aren't eating right, they're not exercising enough. Or in this case, they're kind of exercising too much, which ends up which ends up they get the virus and then they go back to exercising too soon, and the virus isn't gone so their body can't tolerate it and then it just kind of throws them into full blown adrenal gland dysfunction and mitochondrial dysfunction, which in turn, has a negative effect on the immune system and its ability to manage the infection that's present. So that's kind of the deficiencies and then the toxicity is are things like heavy metals and chemicals, and molds and other infections. You know, we do know that people who have long haulers have, what's the stat it's there is 73% of those people who have long haul or 73% of them also have Epstein Barr Virus. So whether the fact that they had Epstein Barr Virus caused them to have the long haulers whether or not they got long hollers into that deactivated Epstein Barr Virus, we know but it's pretty much the more stuff that you have in your body. I tell people that they're FOS. They're full of stuff, right? The heavy metals chemicals, molds, infections, allergies, negative emotional patterns, electromagnetic fields, the more stuff you got in your body, the more likely your immune system is going to be dysfunctional, and consequently, the more likely you are to get along.
So what this brings me to is the stuff that we do, right when people come in and say, hey, I want to balance my hormones. I want to do this I want to do that. The kind of approaches we take are setting them up to not be so prone for that, right so the the lifestyle stuff though, get them exercising, get them doing mindfulness practices, Get Them Eating, right, check their nutrient status, replenish their nutrients, that all the stuff that we're doing with people is helping them to prevent this sequela of COVID Is that what I'm hearing here?
Absolutely. But there is one more thing you know, one of the things that happened, you know, I had chronic fatigue for five years, and I was doing everything, right, you know, and my wife was doing everything. She'd been a meditator for like 10 years. So sometimes you can be doing everything right be gluten free and all this sort of stuff. But if you have heavy metals, chemicals, molds, infections, all that sort of stuff, like you know, it's it's just, it's just really hard. So you have to, you have to do everything that you're saying. And then also be using a sauna or doing some sort of detoxification mean depending on how much down that rabbit hole you want to go. The more the better, but just as kind of like something that all you guys can be recommending at this point, is having people take a binder, you know, or making sure that they're, you know, they're having bowel movements one to two times a day, preferably twice a day, you know, doing something with detoxification where they're doing detox baths, you know, whether it's magnesium baths, or whether they're doing saunas on a regular basis. That's just going to take the layers off because just about the number of layers that are present.
And again, going back to that's what we teach, right? That's what you guys have learned. If nothing else through all your years of nutritional endocrinology training, that's the that's the approach that we take is the layers right? Get the detoxification, reduce the toxic load, if they're people who are doing like, everything, right, quote, unquote, are they exposed to mold? Do they have a prior, Epstein Barr all that kind of stuff? So it's like the better situated so if somebody has been through you know, come to see you for a program and you put them on, you know, and gotten them. You're much you're setting them up to not have these long collars or to reduce the risk of them having long collars and that's what I'm hearing. Okay, so some people get it, some people don't. Why is it so hard to get them back in balance? Okay, I'm gonna give you an example. And it's somebody you and I both know who's in I won't name names, but in mindshare, and has been posting and has been an unhealthy diet and all this stuff yet. She's been dealing with these long haul symptoms since December 2020. Right long time, and she was seemingly healthy on the outside. So I want to make sense. Right, right. It's yeah, I want to make sense of this.
Yeah. So a lot of it has to do with the fact I mean, there were there were some things that if this is the person that I'm thinking of, there were some things that this person hadn't addressed, that were in there, there was some toxicities, that's, that's part of it, and living in mold and stuff like that, that they weren't aware of. And that's the biggest thing if you can just learn a couple of simple things around mold I don't know how much you touched on in your program. Yeah,
we talked about it for sure. Yeah. Yeah.
Okay. Yeah. So I mean, that's, that's like, the biggest thing that I see is like, best by so many functional practitioners is, is that they is mold plus an infection of some sort, because generally they run together. And so making sure that people aren't living in a moldy environment, if they got mold in their bodies, that you get them out, get it out. But the other thing is that there is the virus is persistent and it is live. So there was one study that was done that looked at people who were asymptomatic four months after getting acute COVID and 50% of those people had live active virus on intestinal labs. So this hasn't been done in people with long hollers but we can presume that 100% of those people have live active virus and that's what we see when we when we start to treat the infection. So, in terms of treating the infection, we kind of do a number of different things we we want to balance out the T regulatory helper cells so like th one and th two autoimmunity, right, so we're looking at high dose vitamin D, high dose fish oils glutathione. We want to oftentimes because of the immune system dysfunction, you know, some people are now utilizing high dose sillies conventionally have antihistamines or mast cell stabilizers. So we're using a number of other things like you know, like quercetin, which is also a sink, I own a floor so it helps it get inside the cell so that you can get at the Spike protein in several different ways that you can stop replication. But a lot of this, it comes down to acknowledging that there is a live active virus that has to be remedied and all the consequences of that. So there's a lot of clotting that's happening. And there's a procedure called apheresis right now, which is being done in Germany and what they're seeing it's kind of like a dialysis where they're taking the blood out. They're, they're, they're separating out the clots. They're putting the blood back in and the amount of clotting that they're seeing is just tremendous. So
post COVID, right. So we're seeing like, they're, they're over the active stage, like they no longer test positive, but now they're okay. And that's where we're seeing a lot of that micro clotting is one of the complications, right?
Absolutely. Yes. Part of the long hollers. Yeah. So um, you know, I'm talking about you mentioned this, this, this woman, or this person, and they, this is one of the things too is that you know, we're using things like not kinase or serrapeptase, or some of these natural things in addition to fish oils, high dose fish oils, which are also awesome for inflammation, right, but we're decreasing the fibrinogen which consequently, you know, part of why the infections do this and this isn't just from the COVID virus, but other infections do this as well as in order for them to travel throughout the body. They love to create graphs for themselves, and that's my thickening of blood, and that's by increasing the clotting factors. And so using things to bus the clotting is also really helpful. Those are just kind of some of the things that we're finding are now and just progressing quite nicely and some of the things that we're finding are be really supportive. Some of the other things too, is like coming at it, but with a number of different antimicrobials. So we're looking at like, we're using combinations of things that include the cancer graph is, but then we're also including things like ivermectin, so, you know, part of our four step process that we do in step three, we're opening up detoxification pathways to avoid die off. And then you're really just limited because that's really what you want as to how fast you ramp up on these antivirals. And that is and you're limited by how much how your ability to detoxify and then you know, work with your different detoxification pathway. So that's one of the things that we focus on a lot. That then allows people to ramp up higher on their anti microbials and then have more success. Oh, the last thing too, that we're seeing is that which really confuses things a bit is that we're seeing that COVID In this context is acting as a biofilm disrupter. So some of the symptoms is 250 different symptoms that we're seeing, sometimes they're from COVID. And it's because anyway, the blood goes COVID ego Yeah. But we're also seeing that some of the symptoms are from the VSA and Bartonella and Brasilia and Epstein Barr Virus, so a number of like the lime and lime co infections. And so sometimes if we're not having success going straight at the COVID We're going after I'm like, gosh, this really sounds like the VCR. Let's go after the VCR. And we're using all their herbal products. We go after movies, and then we have success. So it's like well, why is that happening? And it seems like it's because it's a biofilms.
So are you saying that the COVID I mean, we use biofilm disruptors when we're working on chronic intestinal stuff before really going in with the heavy hitters. So you're saying that COVID actually has this positive effect of disrupting the biofilm, but then some of those symptoms or die off reactions? I mean, is that what I'm hearing
a little bit different, okay. So, in terms of the, so biofilm can disruption can be positive or it can be negative. If you're not ready for the bugs that are in the biofilm. Yes. Right. If you don't have some sort of if, let's say, take the iceberg analogy if let's say the amount of particular infection that is visible by the immune system and by the herbs that you're using, or whatever is outside is is outside of the biofilm. You break up the biofilm, all of a sudden you got 10 times that amount that it overwhelms the system. And all of those bugs if they are they will, they will they will express themselves through your symptoms. You know, so for somebody who's got the Vizia they're sweating, spontaneous sweating, sometimes during the day, sometimes at night. They've got dyspnea or shortness of breath. They they have really bad sleep, they've got depression to the point of suicidal thoughts. And they have anxiety to the point of panic attacks. Oftentimes, they don't have to have all those things, but those are generally what we see. And so when we're pivoting and we're kind of going after the VC and we seek resolution of these things, then we're like, okay, that's what it was. But if you're not ready, all of a sudden, you can have you know, if you get COVID, and then all of a sudden you're having panic attacks, right? Oftentimes it can be because the COVID broke up the biofilm release Indonesia, and that's why you're having these symptoms. One One study as a side note, there was a retrospective study 265,000 People who had COVID, six months later, 33% of 35% of those people had a mental health diagnosis. They were looking at electro at EMRs. And so these were official diagnoses of some sort of mental health issue. 30%
Wow. So this goes back to my question earlier on is I want to be able to really prepare people because it's all around you. No matter how careful you get, it's likely that you're going to get exposed and get it unless you just lock yourself up in a closet somewhere. And what we do to prep people and what we do to to coach people because lots of our people in our communities are saying hey, I just got COVID and I go at them with Okay, AUD and yours is zinc and your question and all this stuff, but what can we do to help them before like if they don't know that they have this Babesia thing? This overload, right? Well, how do we help them so that if they do get COVID they don't end up in this horrific situation? Where the biofilms being disrupted suddenly they're having this symptoms of BBCs. So are there ways that we can help support them before they get there? Before the lead flying off?
Yeah, if so, I mean, there's the testing isn't great when it comes to infections. So most of the time, we're testing you know, based off the symptoms, so the things that I just mentioned for Vizia. It's a lot more accurate. than actually doing a test and if you don't have those symptoms, because you don't know because it's in the biofilm, then you're not going to treat it. And so I think that you need to treat what is present. And when you have heavy metals, chemicals and molds you're a lot more likely to have infections become more opportunistic later, because those things heavy metals, chemicals and molds, they hijack the immune system off into left field, right. And so then those then the bugs can become opportunistic, so the more that you can remove those, and then taking a lot of the stuff that you mentioned at therapeutic doses, proactively and preventatively. For COVID, you're going to be a lot more successful and you know, because ounce of prevention, how to cure sort of things. You know, where I've definitely recommend that people are taking, you know, 60 milligrams a day a zinc and that they're taking 10 to 20,000 I use per day of vitamin D and that they're taking, you know, 1000 milligrams a day of quercetin you know, so those things plus if you want to take it to the next level, we would be taking preventive doses of ivermectin, you know, which you can you guys can prescribe but then you can also potentially get from India. You know, way way, a lot of people are going to what is it all day pharmacy, all the pharmacist. So there's, there's a number of sites that you can do that where you're taking ivermectin twice a week
and I've heard I don't know if you've heard this or not, and I can't remember the source was that because ivermectin is a an anti parasitic dewormer. So, so to speak. And Artemesia Anya is a really super powerful I've heard that you can use those interchangeably. Is that true? Because it's non prescription. And everybody can you know who's a health coach or, you know, naturopath, well, naturopaths probably can prescribe either but who's not a licensed license to prescribe could use it. Have you seen that? Have you used it?
I have not. I mean, Artemesia is wonderful and it's used the world over for things like malaria and whatnot. And NBC is like the North American malaria, so aren't immune. There's no reason why are to think that Artemesia wouldn't be helpful for a lot of the intracellular stuff that we're seeing, but I don't have enough experience to comment. And I wouldn't believe the ivermectin stuff besides, I mean, there's good research on it. Now, if you go to what is it see 19 ivermectin calm to see all the latest research, but also clinically, to see what people are experiencing and some of the die off and some of the improvements as well. So it's operating. We know now it's operating in four different ways on the spike protein. And I just don't know how are teenagers?
Yeah, I'm just thinking of it in terms of people who don't have a license to prescribe going to get in trouble for prescribing because that's what's happening. A lot of doctors are getting in trouble for prescribing it for COVID Because it's not, you know, it's off off label, whatever. So I'm just thinking outside the box with that. So you have a four step process. So you mentioned step three was the treat the CO infections I forget what you said. Exactly. But can you just take us through what those four steps are?
Absolutely. So whenever I'm looking at somebody, I kind of took this out of you know, my one on ones with people, you know, what's the first thing that you do is you diagnose, right? And so what I came up with was a questionnaire that people could go through and determine, based on 75% of these causes can be determined by their symptoms. So the first time through, they're looking at their causes just based off of their symptoms, and they're able to determine 75% of those causes. But in step one, it's assessing those causes. Okay, the other 25% that you can, you know, what labs to get based off of what comes up for your symptoms. So it's assessing the causes, first of those 33. The second step is replacing the deficiencies. So even though this process is all about step four, which is removing the toxicities, the heavy metals and chemicals and molds, infections, etc, etc. We know that people do better when they are more robust. And what I call the Big Three of the mitochondria, the adrenals and the thyroid. And when you put those things, everything works better immune system works better, you've got less inflammation, they can deal with the stress of getting rid of the toxins, your detoxification pathways work better, all that. So that's kind of what we're doing is we're replacing the deficiencies and step two,
are you testing for those deficiencies? Are you using your clinical judgment? Like are you doing any specific lab tests?
Some of them we test for so the ones we test for vitamin D, B 12. Those are kind of the main ones but adrenals mitochondria, thyroid are all done subjectively. We do what's what we call a fibroid ramp up. Because probably much like you you see that people are that lab tests are imperfect and that people are grossly under dosed on the thyroid. And so we ramp people up to a little bit too much and then we take them back to their ideal dose, and we don't really care I don't really care what their TSH looks like, looking for free T free free T 484. But also remembering subjective is most important and then also remembering that you have to take it in context with adrenals where if adrenals are low, thyroid, 53 and 54 are going to be falsely elevated. That sort of thing to get you to boost the adrenals and then you get a clearer picture. And we do it in the order of adrenals mitochondria, and then thyroid because oftentimes are nine times out of 10. Your thyroid is going to improve its function just by going after adrenals and mitochondria and then you can decide how much time the person actually needs.
Do you do anything like an organic acid test to look at mitochondrial function?
I don't. What I found is that everybody that I work with who has chronic fatigue or long hollers has adrenal gland dysfunction and mitochondrial dysfunction. So I don't test for
Okay, well, how do you address it? Then do you do have specific herbal formulations, nutrient formulations? What do you do for that?
Yeah, so because I'm dealing with so many different causes, but you know, everybody who's got chronic fatigue, long hauls has 20 out of these 33 different causes. So I try not to pill overwhelmed that overwhelm them. So I'm trying to give them like the best bang for the buck and like one supplement her. And so my favorite adrenal support is adrenal px by restorative formulations. It's got Eleuthero root and it's it's got holy basil. It's got some Rhodiola they're actually changing at the pulling out the Eleuthero starting this month, and they're just going with the Rhodiola and the holy basil. So we'll see how that goes. But they say it's gonna still be great. So I'm gonna stick with it and see, and then for mitochondrial support, I like the ATP 360 which is by research Nutritionals. And then with thyroid, I start them off with thyroid support complex by pure encapsulations. And then if they still need some additional thyroid support based off of their symptoms, I'm going to give them a glandular like thyroid 65 by I don't remember who makes that but you know, I operate in the in the online space as a health coach. And so I'm not prescribing everything that I'm doing and you know, when you get is all you guys know from taking Rita Marie's program when you get really good at functional medicine. You really don't have to spend so much anymore. I think the only thing that I miss occasionally very occasionally, is being able to prescribe testosterone and occasionally T for levothyroxine. But for the most part, you can do everything else naturally. So those are that answer your question about
what Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. I'm curious. You do the thyroid from what was the name? I forget what you said but
I wrote 65 from come back at some point. Okay.
But and you use the diary px from restorative have you? Is there a reason you don't use their thyroid px because I've had good rounds,
but I'm trying to remember I think that the dose of iodine might be too high
to virgins, but yeah, okay.
So I think that's what it was, or there was something where it was, it was too stimulating in some way for for some folks and so I pivoted away from it, you know, and my belief is that we can arm wrestle about this if you want. That's always a fun time. But you know, there's there's books written about how too much is is, is bad and too little is bad. And so there's kind of this Goldilocks dose and so I like to give people a little bit and if they want to try out a higher dose I generally am not recommending more than like a milligram a day to see how they do because there is some research to support that it does it can trigger auto immunity. Do I think and make people feel worse? I think probably what's happening is that it's got the antimicrobial effect. It's probably killing off some whether it's yeast or Bartonella, or something that that's making people feel worse and triggering some autoimmunity so, so I dipped my toe, but I don't go full in after high dose I don't ever do like
an iodine load test to see what they need, where they fit.
I don't I used to do some of those, but I didn't get very good responses. And so tell me otherwise. I'll go back to triangle again, but I didn't have a lot of success doing it. So I stopped.
Cool. All right. So anything else that I didn't ask you about that? You want to share that people need to know about this situation? So it's a question,
Mark. But first, let me just finish off the four steps. Oh, yeah, the first and I'll do it quickly so we can make sure we have enough time for questions. So step two also includes neurotransmitters which you don't have to replace because you're gonna fix it when you go into step four with the toxins. There's lifestyle habits, which are so important, which I consider you know, deficiencies and good food deficiency water, movement deficiencies and sleep and then step three is opening up the detoxification pathways and liver and kidney and limb and neural limbs. I really liked the Byron White formulas. He talks one, he talks to his binder and there's a number of binders that you can use but everybody really needs a binder. BTB talks for limits and NTP talks for neural link for the width of the brain. And that is a really nice product for bile salts, as well as opening a lot of toxins in the bile too. So those are kind of the ones that I like to use. And then for people who are more sensitive oftentimes we're using exogenous or external treatments, whether it's get some honors, or coffee enemas, or people taking things and putting them on topically and then we go into step four, which is removing the heavy metals, the chemicals, the bones, the infections, the allergies, negative emotional patterns, electromagnetic fields, and we have we have a trauma informed neuro nervous system retraining coach in our program, and then we also have community check ins and we've got mindset in addition to the physical stuff to try to complement all of the all the different components you know that we all deal with functional medicine.
So it sounds very comprehensive. It sounds kind of like almost parallel to the the four R's for got repair, right. You're just basically going through a strategy of very systematic not doing them in random order, but doing them in an order so that it maximizes the body's efficiency on it. Awesome. Awesome. So anything else you want to add before we open up to questions?
I don't think so. I'm here for you guys. I'm an open book, whatever you want to ask it, go for it.
Go for it. So Shonda had a question.
Thank you so much. Such an honor and privilege for all the information you're sharing with us today. I have a claim to my my people don't get tested. We're not interested in the government having any more information about us so we're not getting tested and there's no point there's so many false positives. So we're gonna have symptoms. But just as mine, I see so many cancer advocate in the room. So the Conservatives because we're hearing a lot, ivermectin, helpless line. Are there any kidney issues? A bunch of
ivermectin helping with live? I'm not familiar with that. Cool, cool. Check. That out. But as far as I know, with I mean, it's, ivermectin is incredibly safe. But for somebody with one kidney, you always have to be cautious and you probably want to start with, you know, half a dose. If you take a look at apostrophes. They'll probably make a recommendation of 25 to 50%. But most of the time what you can do is you can provide some additional kidney support to be correct by I think that's designs for health and you know, some of these other ones can be really helpful the detox one by burn white formulas is good Parsley is really nice for good for kidney health. And then with like so many of these anti microbials it's really this dance of ramping up as much as you can, while balancing that with the die off trying I tell people I want you to do so we know that something is happening, but we don't want it to stress out. So that's what I would do. is I would start off with three milligrams and probably increase every week or every two weeks and see how they do and get them up to maybe point 4.6 milligrams per kilogram, which is probably 30 to 40 milligrams per day.
And thank you so much. And it's my dear sister. Oh, I do everything I can.
Absolutely, absolutely huge. Okay, who else questions comments, you guys must have some thing.
So yeah, the answer in the chat says the causes number one replacement efficiencies over detox from taxes. Great way to go Valerie. Somebody's taking notes. Thank you. Yeah,
anything more? Have you seen any of that in your practice? I know you do some home health if you are you at least you used to do are you seeing much in the way of COVID and long haul
but we asked him,
I was asking Valerie because she posted she does she does home health or was doing home health so she
um most of the seniors because they're seeing yours. Not so much that they told me just in some things that they have shared but I'm not at liberty to handle in the traditional arena. I have seen some some actual expressions. Yeah,
but I can't do anything because of the Yeah, the handcuffs that you are wearing to the job. Yep. Yeah. Where are you Allie urine you know medical practice over inch now Ali's in the NHS and UK, but she really she does locums over there. She pulled herself out of the full time there because of the handcuffs and the hand slapping for prescribing vitamin C and probiotics and things like that asked me to
record and I didn't describe it. I just recommended they went bought probiotics. But yeah, so we're just beginning to see some long COVID But the COVID is sort of really looked after in specialist areas at the moment but I'm sure it's going to come to us and general practice. But I'm sort of leaving general practice now. I've finished my salary job in December I'm just doing some locals until I got enough momentum in my business because at last I feel okay talking about the spiritual aspects of what I do because I'm an energy healer a psychic surgeon as well as a nutrition endocrinology practitioner. But before I dance and post what I do on social media or anything, compare the General Medical Council, but more and more people are open to it and it's the main part of what I do my own health, and it's what will help my people more. So in terms of long COVID and chronic fatigue syndrome, there is a specialist chronic fatigue syndrome department that we can refer to. There are now specialists on long COVID guidelines, but it's all a new artist and the NHS approach is well the NHS approach to chronic fatigue syndrome is not allowed to check has been D levels. If the TSH is normal, normally the thyroid what's adrenal fatigue now that doesn't exist. That's the NHS approach anyway. We know that
Yeah, it's really unfortunate I think that I mean, obviously stepping I'm so happy for you that you're you're stepping more into this and I love despite the fact that you said psychic surgeon. That was that was super cool. And for all of you guys, I think that you know the whole point of this is that you don't have to necessarily treat on COVID and it's wonderful if you want to step into that and support people in that way but it's about identifying that any new symptom that they got after November 2019. Could be from COVID Whether it's a mental health issue or they're like all of a sudden they got anxiety years ago, but I think admit like I think it was situational. So many of this. So many of these things are from infections. That's such a big focus of the things that we do, whether it's COVID Whether it's Lyme, you know, plantar fasciitis,
about chronic Lyme disease, a lot of these other infections EBV and the other the other one that we're talking about in conjunction with heavy metal toxicity and hormone imbalance, it isn't just the one thing and people wouldn't get sick if they were looking after themselves body, body, mind and spirit taking the right food and taking the right supplements. They would not get sick and wouldn't. Everybody who gets exposed to cold doesn't get it and the same applies to COVID.
Somebody for two hours on New Year's Day, thinking she was safe because she never got it when my son has his girlfriend. She never got it when she was with him. For a week every day. So as she's immune, I find out after sitting next to her and hugging her and talking to her, you know for two hours that she had tested positive two days later. So I was very much exposed. And so vitamin D 100,000. I use vitamin 100,000. I use large doses of zinc, you know, all that stuff, and I never got it. So, you know, and I think that going back to what you said about anybody that develop these symptoms after I think that's a critical question to ask, When did these questions start? Was it after November? 2019. Because back in early on, there were the testing was minuscule. So people would get sick and they may have had it thought they had a cold flu or whatever and and they did have it so they could have developed symptoms as a result of having that but not really known it and never had a diagnosis. Now now everybody can stick the little swabs up there knows at any time of day or night and you know, find out if they actually test positive, but I think that's a really good thing that we need to add to our criteria of questions we're asking right and really hone in on when did they start to develop these symptoms? Yeah, we always ask do you do explore you exposed? Did you have a flood in your house? Do you know all the things that help us to identify heavy metals and molds and all that but that's an awesome question to be adding to our arsenal of questions. Yeah,
yeah, we don't we don't care if people tested positive officially. Yeah, you know, like, I mean, if you got weird new symptoms, then it's very like,
do you ever test antibodies to see if you know if they had a prior exposure? I know we do that with EBV. We sell is it prior is it active? Is it are you doing that with COVID are not even bothering?
Yeah, and with a lot of different antibodies. The question is, what are you going to do with the information in some of its diagnosis but I, I you have to remember that you know, when people have heavy metals, chemicals, molds and infections, immune systems dysfunctional. So any sort of data you're going to try to get from the immune system is potentially dysfunctional as well. Right? And then you look me with the new testing, PCR and whatnot, you know, infections love to hide, so that's why, you know, I mean, we learned in medical school that you know, 90% is the only thing I took from medical school, maybe not the only thing, but you know, 90% of diagnosis is history plus symptoms, right? 5% or 10% is physical exam plus labs, right. And so the same applies here is that we really have to lean more on history and symptoms to just listen
to people. Yeah, I love that. You said that because I say this all the time. And it's like, most medical doctors don't remember that. They learned that in school. Right? Like 90%. Well, I know why do I need to spend all this money? Yeah, I'm gonna run tests when I think it's necessary because I can't figure it out. But we get 90% And nobody remembers the fact that they learned in medical school.
I tell people, especially practitioners, you know, that if you lean too hard on your on your labs, you're gonna fall over?
Yeah. And a lot of folks that's what I hear them. They'll say they're new and are proven that Oh, I have this person. Which lab should I run? Like, tell me more about their history? Did you ask them this? Do you know that did you do and we have a very extensive module on teaching people how to do a history, but it's not sexy, right? We want to I want to run 1000s of dollars worth of tests on people and it's just it. It's not always necessary yet necessary at a lot of times to really narrow down and hone in if the things that normally work don't work, in this particular case. Lazy. It's lazy. It's the
laziness. Like I'm a nurse, I taught nurses to get them to stop using machines and use their brain. use their hands
hosters Oh, so now all right, all that
say, forget the machine. Verify with what? Your person is in front of you. Right? Yeah.
Can I jump in? Please?
Let me just make one comment on that. So I would say that, you know, automating questionnaires can be very helpful because like, you know, I'm human, there's no way that I'm going to remember all of the questions to ask anybody. So, you know, having them fill that out. Like, it's just so incredibly helpful. But I keep coming back to the sexy comment. What is sexy is if you can tell somebody that, hey, based off of your symptoms, I'm going to know 75% of your causes. All of a sudden, it becomes sexy, and it becomes a selling point for people who have spent tons of money on functional medicine labs already,
right. There's a couple things you said, Evan, if you don't mind just a little bit deeper. really piqued my interest when you said the vaccine can take away long haul COVID symptoms and I'm curious as to what your thoughts are on why that's happening. Yeah. And then my other my other thing is it's very interesting, the mental health stuff after COVID actually was sick before they announced quote, like it was in the media. When I got sick the end of January, right when COVID was sort of heading in to Canada. And I would not be surprised I don't think I've been ever in my life. And this the year after that, never before suddenly, I'm having panic attacks. But I've never had the word. Like I'm like, I don't know how to manage this because this isn't me. Like I feel like I'm not myself anymore. mentally, emotionally, all of those things. So that's very interesting. I think that's really interesting. And I'm gonna love that little nugget of knowledge.
Welcome, glad to help. So, you know, just let me caveat first, so I'm not advocating that everybody needs to be vaccinated. So that's that's the I guess the first thing okay. I think that some people potentially meat it based off of who they are, what they're eating, and it's, you know, it's not people in our world generally. But in terms of what we're seeing with the occasional person who's reporting there's been some some surveys and some gathering of data about people feeling better after vaccination. Most of the time, it doesn't stick. So people say I felt better for a month, but then I went back to my symptoms, but I think it has to do with the fact that the vaccines are more immune modulators. You know, and so they're changing the way that the immune system is relating to the virus. And so you know, that there's something called LDI or low dose immunotherapy which does something similar from a more natural perspective, but I think that if you you know are symptoms if you work backwards symptoms are, are inflammation, right? And inflammation is the immune system's reaction to something. So if you stop the immune system from reacting to that thing, and you're creating more of a balance, like let's say, so and so's got COVID in their body, it's causing a bunch of inflammation, they have a bunch of symptoms, and then you turn off that inflammation right? This is why prednisone and why steroids have been shown to help as well. If you test denied the nebulizer, steroids and whatnot, it's because it's shutting down the immune systems response to COVID. Well, the vaccines working I think in a little bit of a different way, but it's changing this response so that the system is no longer responding the way that it did before, which means you're having less inflammation and less symptoms. So that's my guess. I don't really know why. But I think what it does speak to the fact that the the vaccine is more of an immune immunomodulatory you know, experiment as opposed to some of the traditional vaccination techniques.
What do you get back to something you mentioned earlier because the vaccine piece is stimulating it for me, you mentioned it's like five, anti coagulant type things like natto kinase or peptidase, etc. Where does that fit into your four steps?
So I actually put that in step four. So you know for each one of the things in step four, where you're actually removing the item, I have, you know, remove COVID and I have that in there. So it's kind of COVID itself is broken up into like a four step process with the T regulatory helper cells, the the immune system modulation, getting rid of clotting, decreasing inflammation, and improving vascular health. I know it's five steps, but it's kind of it's all it's all in there somewhere. But it's approaching it in a number of different ways or that the biofilm going after the other bugs so it's just making sure that you're you're nothing if not thorough, definitely been accused of a lot of things. I pride myself on
being thorough, you know, it's interesting that you'd be having to four steps. If you told people you had a 37 step process for that. They'd run away. And really, if you break each of these steps down into the sub steps, it's probably 37 steps, but nobody wants a 37 step process. They want a three step a five step seven, step at the most once you get above that people are running away because it sounds too complicated. So I totally see how you can go on put these guys together into so you're gonna remove the clots if you you know, so to speak, right? It's in the remove it makes sense. And the other thing about the clotting is that we're seeing that people are having micro clotting after the vaccines. So connect the dots here with the the clotting after the vaccine and the clotting as a as a symptom of the long COVID. And then it do you do testing like doing what's the day the name D dimer and fibrinogen and testing for those things?
Yeah. I don't know why that's happening with some of the vaccines and not the others. You know, I mean, it's it sounds like it's been worse with the JJ or j&j rather. Yeah, I don't I don't really know. I mean, once again, I think it comes down to it's a toxicity that's being introduced to the body. And I don't know I mean, I think it's probably mimicking the mean. The idea is that you're introducing a small amount of the vibe is the whole idea of vaccination right? Introducing a small amount of the infectious particle are the infectious thing, a particle of its into the body and the immune system reacts and then you get it. Right. So something that they are introducing, and supposedly it's not a virus, right, but something they're introducing is replicating that and then you're getting similar symptoms that you're getting from the virus. So I don't I don't entirely know unfortunate. So
do you think that like people who are just, you know, maybe they're not working with functional practitioner like us, and they've gotten COVID And they're not necessarily in the best health right? Do you think they should be getting like fibrinogen and D dimer type tests to see if they're at risk because they're just going on their merry way? Right? And they may have some of this stuff that pops up later or presents itself into it as a clot somewhere that has some, you know, very untoward symptoms or result.
Aha, people who are getting vaccinations, oftentimes, I'm recommending that they take some some natto kinase on a regular basis after for several weeks, especially with the j&j. So that's something and then in terms of Yeah, so in terms of labs, as you can tell, I generally don't like to run a ton of labs, but fibrinogen can be helpful. That's kind of a big one that we're looking at. You can look at D dimer, but usually that's the one and there is we used to check for let's see, what are some of the other ones for for clotting and inflammation like CRP and Myeloperoxidase. And one other one that we used to use right yeah, like PTT PTT, PTT, INR, usually we're just looking at fibrinogen. That's that's gelling. But you also don't need it in order to because you know, not so kinases also biofilm disruptors. Yes. Yeah. So, it can be, it can be beneficial for folks who you're decreasing the risk of having a heart attack or stroke anyway, just by giving them not too tiny. So if there's any sort of risk of that, that can be supportive there as well, in addition to the biofilm disruption, so the answer long, long answer to a short question, yes to fibrinogen but we don't always need it. Okay.
Great. All right. Last Chance, guys. We're at time and last chance for questions. So what's the best way for people to follow up with you and get more information if they want to do you have a website and you have you know, stuff I know you have a website fixer fatigue, not funnel fixer a But, you know, do you have the information on their website that place that they could send people if they have clients that they want to get help with this and they don't want to handle it?
Yeah, so yeah, definitely send people to the websites. You know, we give people free calls. There's lots of free content, there's quizzes to see whether or not they qualify as a long hollers. It's just like four or five questions. And so that's the website if you guys want to email me, with you know, if you if you have any interest, we're going to be launching a Longhorns Practitioner program, a fixture fatigue Practitioner program. So if that interests you at all, just email us and just say that you were referred by Rita Maria because then you'll get a discount. So just just let us know that
and then I saw you give me a link to get a free copy. A free copy of your book the whole book or is it just a chapter your ebook? The whole book, but nothing but okay,
nothing but the book. It's on Amazon. It's the first edition you'll get the second edition which is in PDF form.
He's gonna put the link in there. So you can download that. Have you upgraded that the second edition to talk about long haulers? I have not. Yeah, no, no. Okay. We want the third edition then. Third Edition. All right. All right. Thank you. Everybody. Thank you for being here. Thank you for your participation for your beautiful contribution to making this world a better place and I you know, I just love hearing you haven't come full circle, you know, from the medical training and then going wait a minute. This is the one good thing I learned in medical school, right. 90% comes from the history. I love hearing that and that you're using what you learned there, obviously because we need to understand this and how it works. But you're like, I don't really like their way of dealing with things. Unless it's obviously an acute emergency, whatever, which fantastic Western medicine does a great job there. Don't get me wrong, but I really just appreciate you and your dedication because I know that when you do it out like we getting our hands slapped a lot of times, you know when you're in the system, and then you try to step out of it. You you run the risk of getting your hand slapped or worse. So I appreciate you having the courage to do this and all the great work that you're doing in the world. So thank you so much for being here.
Thank you for having me. You guys totally rock you know, everybody who's associated with Rita Marie gets major props for me. So keep up the good work.
Awesome. Thanks, everybody have a great rest of the day bye
recording somebody was on there with me and just shut the thing down. I wonder that was Oops