up to me. I look like and I look like, Oh yeah, I'm even in a restaurant.
Okay, you not know. I didn't even know him, but first I had to go look at
Yeah, Governor
night, and they were recognized by saying their husband is really
doing a wonderful
job. Thank you.
Okay, okay, thank you, ma'am. Thank you so much. Good afternoon. I'd like to call this order. We will have recording in progress. Chaplain Gregory. Gregory Wilson, are you on Zoom? Please? Yes, I am.
You can Alright, alright,
Father, we first want to say thank you. We want to thank you for all that you've done for us before we ask you to do anything we thank you for your love, your grace, your mercy and your kindness. God, we ask that you bless this Board of Commissioners. God that they do everything decent and in order, Lord, knit them together in unity. God crown each member with the wisdom that you give God. Your Word tells us that if any lack wisdom, let them ask of God that he gives to all men liberally and unabred not, and it shall be given we thank you. We ask that you bless their homes and their families, touch them in their body, if there be any sickness, and God will be careful to give you the praise and the glory. We ask you to do this in the matchless name of Jesus the Christ. Amen. Amen.
Thank you, and I would like to have an introduction of our commissioners roll call. Please.
Relationship, Commissioner Smith present, Commissioner Bernard, Commissioner banks,
Commissioner now, Commissioner Martin,
President on behalf of district five, Commissioner Carter, Commissioner
Moore, Commissioner Hernandez is excused. Commissioner Presley here, Commissioner president,
okay. Thank you. Have a quorum.
Next, I would like to entertain a motion to of approval of February, 27 2025 agenda. So moved support move by Commissioner Presley, supported by Commissioner Moore.
All those, all those in favor, any discussion
I motion
is that motion is carried. Okay? I would like to entertain a motion of the approval of the minutes for February 20, 25 so moved by Bernard and supported by Josh.
Any discussion all those in favor? Aye.
Now, the Motion
carries, and now we have an introduction of the OPC staff, Chief of Police, elected officials or representative and community leader.
Person today are attorney Dante cost, Chief Investigator Jerome Warfield from also Office of Chief Investigator, la Sonia, Sloan, Felicia Tyson, Mary Barber, Teresa, awesome, Candace, Hayes, amicia, Joshua and John Underwood, DPD, HR director, Katrina Patillo for Chief of Police. Todd medicine is Assistant Chief Charles Fitzgerald. Our interpreters today are Ms Chicago and Dr Stephanie, court reporter, Don handy side Jackson, audio visual, Charles Henry media services, video, elected officials or representatives, excuse me, signed in as of the beginning of the meeting. Are as follows, Marie overall for state representative, Tyrone Carter's office, region. Butler, second three cent community relations. President Ladon Davis from the Office of council member, Fred your hall. The third mark, young president of LSA, Ron Thomas, President DPOA, Scotty Bowman Community Advisory Council and former Detroit Police Commissioner William Davis, are those registered at this time?
Okay? Thank you very kindly. I don't know if the record reflect that out that I am President, but the I think most report,
good afternoon,
yes. All right,
Commissioner Bernard, all right. We're gonna go through our crime status briefly, down in homicides, 7% down in non federal shootings, 11% down robberies overall, part one crime is down 13% and 6% down in carjacking. So with a lot of hard work, we will continue with those trends just briefly. The work of the officers in the sixth precinct, they were dispatched to the 6700 block of Penrod. It was a 13 year old that was kidnapped and taken from Garden City. When the officers approached, they knocked on the door really, really clever about this 13 year old. She was texting her mom to stay where she was. Officers approached the suspect in this case, who was, this is not his first time doing the same thing, ran into the back of the house and found himself in the head he has since deceased, but the officers just did an amazing job getting me quickly, getting this 13 year old girl back into the arms of her parents. So our unsheltered population assistance, we just got a conference on the city's plans for assisting our unsheltered community. Moving forward, Chief Edison is directing that we pay special attention to the parking structures, but just cars in general, in parking lots, sleeping in cars. We're going to do a widespread searching of that and trying to find folks that are trying to live in their car when they really shouldn't. You know, we had an unfortunate incident last week where this gentleman was sleeping in his car using a propane canister to heat himself and passing to animals. So just awful. But we're going to do a much better job of trying to identify these these folks and get them to assistance they need. Announced that anyone who's on shelter can go to any police precinct, and then at that time, we've assisted 25 people finding shelter and also transported another 61 folks to shelter from location. So really good, positive things. Also, this week, we met with some local business owners, Chief Edison, and the chairperson was with us, and thought that was just a really, really good conversation, very impactful. A lot of it surrounded the notion of selling stuff to our children, which, you know, obviously drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, that kind of stuff. Still more to come on that. I just thought it was a really good meeting. Very well attended. So we're going to do a lot more in the works of that coming in the near future. And then lastly, we had another procedural justice Summit. AC Ewing had a very good group of about 30 members from the community, and also chief Edison attended, and it was just very well received. So that concludes my report, and I'll answer any questions. You have
any questions,
I'll say it was the US
in the news yesterday, I believe yesterday, day before yesterday, as relates to that facial recognition matter, Can you clear that up for the public or address that issue? Yeah, absolutely
matter. I will say that we, 100% did not use facial Rec. This case would have fulfilled the requirement for facial Rec. We didn't have an image to use. We had a blurry photo at best. The detectives did what they needed to do to get to a certain location to identify a person, but it stopped there. There's an ongoing investigation into that as well. More to follow, but I would have liked to have seen the detective do a lot more. And unfortunately, we, we did arrest the wrong woman. Brought her in, she was released shortly thereafter, but no one needs to be
put to that shortly thereafter, between six
to eight hours, once they got her to the DDC that she was they had, they did an interrogation, they talked to her, and then she was released. After
that. How long do you expect that investigation to take place as it relates to that part of things?
Oh, probably no. More than 30 days. It should be a fairly quick one. Okay, yep. Any further questions? Yes,
thank you for that update. But I'd also like for the public to be aware of the fact that about an hour ago, the mayor had a press conference in this room, and it was, of course, attended by the chief, by the head of the housing home housing placement center for people who need shelter, as well as the new deputy mayor, who's an African American woman and was the former head of district five. Very impressive, extremely impressive women, both of these women that were in charge. But what occurred at that, at that press conference, where was the number of alkalis that were given to our chairman, Minister woods, I was standing there, but he was the man. He was the man of the hour. I did not realize that he had personally. He and the mayor met personally with the young mother who lost her two children in in the freezing cold in the car. But not only had they met with her personally and and but the chairman himself had offered his personal financial assistance and arranged for the funeral and everything that was at Solomon Kinloch church, Reverend Solomon Kinloch church. It was very nice to hear about this interaction between the mother and the leader, not only of the board, but also the leader of our city. And there were no cameras there. They said nobody was just them. And you could tell by the way, that both to both the mayor and and Commissioner woods were moved by even talking about it how significant it was, and I know that it is for all of you as well, because I can't even talk about it quite frankly without being choked up. The thought of a three year old as a corpse frozen to death is more than I can even imagine. And anyone in this room, I'm sure. But I just wanted you to know that that one, the chairman, went above and beyond, and so did the mayor, and I was very impressed Deputy Chief, I mean Assistant Chief Fitzgerald by that and by the officer that you interviewed on TV, the man who found them, the officer who went to was at the car and got the kids out and all that. I mean, he was almost in tears. It was unbelievable. I mean, the compassion that that the entire force has demonstrated with respect to this issue is just remarkable. And it was pointed out almost to hold it here. And when the mayor said that, another mayor called him from another city and said, Well, how are you going to get the police department to do that? Homeless people are going to talk to the police. They hate the police. And the mayor said, not in Detroit. They know that they can trust our police department. I just want to congratulate you, the members of the force, certainly the chairman and the mayor, for all that you've done with respect to this horrific situation. Thank you. If you don't mind, 60
people and taking them places. Thank you. Yeah.
Let me clear up a couple of things, you know, the, you know, a lot of things, you know, for me, for it, stay on those things, but it's lot of things been, I've been trying to do very, very strictly. One of the things to be out of services and things of that there's some things that we did help, and I want to keep that private, you know, because I think it's a very, very sensitive matter, you know, and and I think that the family deserved privacy, you know, so fires, funeral and all that type of stuff, I didn't help with any of that there was there to support the family during that time. But again, this is a very sensitive issue, and it's an issue for all residents of the city of Detroit to be able to stand resolute, to be able to help families in distress, like, like, like, I know all of us care, but what was very, very impressive is what she said, that I want to applaud chief Edison for his leadership in this situation, along With the mayor and the men and women of Detroit Police Department, because there it was a blizzard cold. It was Frigidly cold we within last couple weeks, on a lot of the days, and for them to be able to have citizens to come inside the Detroit Police Department and be able to get them the services that they needed. Needed was very, very powerful, and also to be able to go on the streets. I've been out on the streets with Captain Tanya Leonard and her team on feeding those who were just in distress and helping people that were in distress, and that was very, very powerful, what she has been doing for a very long time, and looking forward for those services to even get stronger. And definitely have to say that Commissioner Smith has been very, very actively involved in helping in this space. And again, a lot of this stuff is confidential. A lot of this stuff is private because it's private and personal for these families. So this ain't you know enough to be applauded for. I thank You for Your Thoughts though. Yes, sir. Yes.
Good to hear wonderful extending your heart like that was supporting that family you and vice chair, town of liberty. And here also is this, Mr. Long right here, Mr. Lund, this gentleman here is interested in, he calls me a lot. He's interested in becoming a Detroit police chaplain or, I mean, Detroit police reserve. I'm sorry. Can you hold him up, just the Assistant Chief of Detroit police department right here. Can you possibly, because he has a strong desire for that he wants to become a Detroit police reserve, real bad. And can you possibly get some mail please?
We'll take care of it right there.
See that guy in the corner?
Yep. All right, so let's go to Oral Communications. Thank you,
Mr. Chair, we have five speakers in the room. We'll first start with Miss Tony McGill Wayne, then mother Bernice Smith and Miss Radia Butler.
My name is Tony McElwain. I'm the president of ravendale community, which is a 50 block area on the east side of Detroit. Ravendale has been very fortunate to ask to play a part of the CVI zone. We are under family and friends, but because there have not been any service or assistance from family and friends, which is headed by great minds, I have been to different organizations and individuals to be how we as the community can play a part, or at least receive assistance from this organization. So I am asking you, and I'm handling you, and also we are working on a very desperate situation with travers, which is located on common Harper and we have taken it upon ourselves to investigate, because 50% of the crime that is happening in ravendale is coming from the traverse Inn. So I have met with him. I have personally went over there by myself and called some of the police officers to assist me in talking to them. And just last night, there was a incident that happened over there Travis. And so I'm putting it out there that we are receiving, we are not receiving any help from family and friends in terms of any service in the community. Our goal has always been, my goal has always been to get the residents involved in the total process of changing their own environment. They are the ones that are working in their community. So I just want to put it out there that we are working very hard to get traversing goes down so that that could be a safer community. So I'm just letting you know that that is happening, not because of family and friends, because of the community. So if anybody know what I should do at this point to get that type of service that is needed, or that family and friends is getting paid for because ravendale is getting nothing, the money is actually coming out my pocket, even for community meetings. So anyone know of anyone that can help us and get to the bottom of this? And even with the traffic, we are getting ready to put out a petition.
Yes, yes, ma'am, I want to ask one of the officers to make sure second focus here and connect with her, and you will get a response to what your request is. And thank you for the great work you're doing in the community. I know a lot about you and the work that you have done. Appreciate you immensely. And I will say this travelers in is, you know, it is what it is I want to say what I'm saying, but folks are very much aware of that situation. Deputy vote,
yes, if I may be a person, I don't know whether or not she also communicated with city council, but just because we don't have oversight, okay? CDI, so if you want to make grievances or whatever arrangement is there, then the City Council will be a better aid Chair.
Thank you. Thank you. What district is what?
Because she talked about
this district, ravendale located and
retirement, she's back, yeah, and I want to make this a property in reference to helping her assist into the whole gamut. She know how the system works. Yeah, it's not working for Raymond with her return. So I just want to say we need to do what we need to do address this situation, absolutely, standing around and addressing this more. Yeah, yeah,
absolutely. Thank you, Commissioner, Bill, and rest assured that we'd be willing to work with you on that to be able to get the help she needs on the radar. Are you done? Okay? Maybe her Good afternoon
to the commissioners. This past Tuesday, we were able to attend the funeral of Chief Knox, and I'm sorry I didn't see but one Commissioner there. In the meantime, I was very fortunate to sit with our chief, and the Southfield Chief, Chief Aaron, came, and I was very, very delighted to see him. But really, my heart is heavy because of the back of these children. When I heard about it last week, I called in regards to it, and I'm not going to tell you I talk with and I made the suggestion, and I hear that it's being said today with us having all the police precincts opened 24 hours. My suggestion was for them to have a list of all the available homes that these are shelters for these people that need the shelter to go in at night, I cried when I heard about the children in Pontiac. Concern we can do about that. But that is sad. That is really sad, and I hope that they take care of that mother. I'm a mother, and if I can do it, everybody else can do it, but this long time ago. But the fact is, mothers have to take care of their children. It's your pleasure of having children, they didn't ask to get here. It's your pleasure. And the two, or the two that died up in the casino that was unnecessary, the child didn't have having any clothes on. What happened? Have a blanket or something to put on that child and the other one. Where is the relatives? Don't we have relatives that look out for each other? Don't you care about what happens with these mothers that have these children? You don't care at all, because I can see each day when things like this broadcast on the TV, and it's sad that we cannot do anything about it. But I want us to be more able to have facilities that the police station I want the police to be able to help little more. Thank you.
Okay. Next speaker,
good afternoon. Good afternoon.
Commissioners President Trump has shut down the database which kept officers who have been fired violating their oath to go to other cities or departments and be hired. It is up to our administrators to be vigilant and held responsible for whom they are. The President has named heart has issued pardons to know January 6, criminals and some have committed more crimes after being pardoned. I have stated before about an article in New York Times written about officers being white nationalists or members of the client the officer who told the lady to go back to Mexico. If this was his only offense, I believe he should not have been fired but disciplined. Maybe there were more egregious acts he had committed that had caused his firing. I believe in fairness. Commissioners I am and receive calls about our NGOs not responding because they don't have workable cars. I have reported this problem before. To do their jobs, they must have more than a badge and a gun. Should the person in charge be held responsible to for the needs of officers in order for them to respond to the citizens, as I warned before, we are in a time where we all need to cooperate. Thank you.
Thank you so much. But
our next speakers will be Miss Sheena Williams and minister Eric blunt,
and then we'll go to the
Hello, everyone through the chair. I've been complaining about this for the last 10 months. Officers, not just police officers and fire department officers, also lived in these facilities maybe 10 months ago, somebody would have took me seriously and did they talk correctly? Maybe these kids would be here. I've been complaining about this for a long time. I've been to I am in here. It's going on two years, but for these officers to live in these facilities, if she couldn't even referral through him, that's not acceptable. These kids can't come back. So now you all want to act like, Oh, we got this covered, so that's cool, but these kids can't come back because funerals last Thursday. You sit up here behind these chairs. You know what's going on, but you choose not to do your job correctly. It's agno Dylan's. You was at one of the graduations I've been complaining about officers, you will say, Yes, speaker, these officers are on the Detroit Police Department website. I continue to claim about these officers living in these facilities. Like I said, these facilities are not for the people that have the means to pay rent. They are for the people who are not in the position. Payment period.
hands, I've been made grievance all on this for months, 10 months. Like I said, Now you want to act like everything. Well, you weren't here. Presley was the chair at that time, but at the end of the day, you can't sugar coat this, because, like I said, someone had a did they job and investigated it like I see what's going on. Because everybody calling in a favor. I may rejoice on this all the time with these officers. They meet at the library, oh, they getting their weapons from the Dollar Store to carry in and in the facility, because we have security, we can't come in. You come into a different way. They know exactly what they're doing, police, helicopters, drones. It's not an acceptable Thank
you. Next speaker,
good afternoon, board. I'm Minister Eric from secondary Catholic Church Commissioner Presley, you met the cat out of the bag, brother, when someone came to complain about their neighborhood and the services they're not getting, you said, Hold on, wait a minute. We're not in charge of that. And you're right, but yeah, the board of police commissioners wants to be as part of everything else. You can't have it both ways. And please concentrate on what you are in charge of. As far as oversight is concerned, these frozen children, I don't think any of you should have been there. I think the mayor should have been there. I think everyone responsible up and down the line of the convention have been there, apologizing and asking that it never happened again. Why do I say you all shouldn't have been there? Because to a third time a black person has been misidentified with facial recognition technology. That's where you should have been, been at the jail, apologizing to that person, saying you have resources to make sure that never happens again. But no, we playing here and there. And yet, for the last five years, citizen complaints have done and yet we want to run here and run there and take over everybody else's responsibility and leadership. There is more than enough work to be done right here on the board. And yes, since DPD couldn't remember Porter Brooks name, I'll say the name you should remember this time around the Donna Crutchfield. And yes, this is not an unfortunate incident. You destroy the whole family. You destroy the whole community. That's why no one trusts you. I don't care what the mayor says. There are very few people in this city that trust This Detroit Police Department.
Next speaker, Miss McGann,
willing to
Linda McGann, I'm almost 75 years old, and most of the police in the city of Detroit are doing a great job. I live through the 60s and 70s, regardless of what you may hear, we're not in those times right now. Yes, there's some changes that need to be made. My question is last week, and if I'm going to correct please correct me the federal police misconduct database was deleted. Federal Do we have a database here in the city of Detroit that list police officers witness. Thank
you that
keep track of all the officers that have had issues, both criminal and administrative.
So how would the federal is going to affect Detroit?
Truth, it won't affect us at all. Ma'am. We do our own background checks. We do our own searching through all the incomes. We do the exhaustive research to find out they're a qualified candidate for the city of Detroit. Thank you.
Oh, I don't know. I'm sorry. Go ahead only. As I recall, we changed the policy that said that disciplinary action regarding police officers would be deleted from their file after was it two years or three years? What is it? What's the what's the time limit? Because there's no record after that, the discipline is gone. In response to
it's two years to be used against them, something that is current, but we keep track, and we hold on to everything in their personnel file, so we have a dating back to the time they start to the time they leave.
But it's not public information, because the complaint to us came from the press itself, because they try to, when they promote people and stuff they want to look up everything on everybody and how the policy was changed. That's a fact. I remember
I'm sitting here, did we see Horford? Did we see her complain on that?
We didn't receive a complaint to my knowledge, on it, however, I will say that we also keep the disciplinary records the police officers from the time that they come into the department to the time that they vacate the department, and the allegations, whether they were sustained or not sustained, are all there and what they did. So oftentimes we get requests for disciplinary records, especially during promotion times and when officers are coming back to the city, the department reaches out to us and we provide that information so that they compare it, compare with their systems as well. Yeah,
no offense but this was negotiated with the union. I remember when it changed.
Well, you know what I'm talking about. So I
think we're speaking about two different things, ma'am. What we're saying is the record is always there with us. We always have the CI Yes, we always have the record of what happened, whether that disciplinary measure is or is not used against the officer, is not our concern. But we keep record of every disciplinary action that has been taken and any complaint that has been filed against an officer. We keep that on file in our office.
Yeah, there's been times within that we've been asked to acknowledge officers who have retired and looked at their discipline record and said that we didn't want to. We were not going to acknowledge that based upon the lengthy discipline record, you know. So, you know, is there we get it all the time, you know. So, so thank you, ma'am, and thank you AC any other public commenters, yes,
sir, we're going into zoom. We have five
speakers in zoom. Our first speaker will be Miss Julie after Miss Julie monkey rich Drew and then Miss Tara brown.
You may be heard
Good afternoon, commissioners. My name is Juliet Lyman, and I'm here on a different for different reasons. Here, I've been trying to contact Commissioner Darrell woods. Council president's office referred me to him regarding my husband, Cora Lyman, who was currently incarcerated. We he spent five years and 11 months, doing time. We were granted an appeals bond where he was out on a GPS tether for four years and two months and recently on January the 16th, after restoring relationships with his family and everything, all has been forgiven and well, we had a court date, January 16, in front of a judge and send him back to prison, where he, You know, he established his life. He's a pastor. He is a businessman, and so a husband, a grandfather, a father, and so I'm just trying to get some type of support or some information resources from Commissioner woods, if possible, or any of the commissioners that could assist me with just trying to navigate, to move forward, to see how we can, you know, figure out something here. I don't know. I'm just trying to get some assistance from,
I think I did get the staff did send me your telephone number. Yes, we I will get with you within next several days.
Sounds good.
All right,
you may be heard. You
uh. Next speaker.
Darrell woods, listen up, pay close attention. Uh. Willie Bell, when I told you back in 2021 that I was different, I meant it now. Camera Liberty Smith, you pay close attention as well too. Detrick Mott, detective at the eighth precinct on July 16, 2020. Opened up an aggravated assault complaint. Aggravated assault complaint based on information that he gathered and got when he arrived on the scene at the house where Kenisha Coleman was shot at, murdered, now suicide, he opened up an aggravated assault complaint on July 18, 2020, that complaint was turned over to homicide. When Kenisha expired. She met her demise and expired, and there it was assigned to investigative investigator Michael presage and him and captain, former captain of the homicide unit, Derek May, concocted a scheme they ignored the aggravated assault complaint because there's no mention of it nowhere after it was turned over to them, and they tried to push the suicide narrative, Kenisha did not shoot herself. See, that's a false, erroneous, bogus narrative. Now there's a seven and a half to 10 minute time period where Charmaine McLeod was dropped off at that McDonald's after leaving that house where Kenisha was shot at. Now, her grandmother dropped her off, went to her house before her grandmother got to her house with just seven to 10 minute chops away, she got a call from Charmaine saying she had to get picked up because Kenisha shot herself well. How the fuck do she know? Condition shot herself,
using for using profanity, profanity and like that, and shut up.
Next speaker.
Ms Brown, you may be heard.
Ms Brown, you may be heard, if you there,
sir, yeah, our next speakers will be former Commissioner William Davis and MS,
Betty burner, you may be heard. Commissioner Davis,
good evening. Can I be heard? Yes, sir.
Okay, it's good I could be heard because last week I had my hand up, but I wasn't able to do public I
apologize, but they they send me a text on that, give them take an extra minute today.
Oh, I don't need the extra minute. Thank you. Okay, thank you. Okay, okay. I like to start off by saying that, I think that the police champions and the reserve should get a stipend, or at least gas cards. I think they are doing very important work and very beneficial. Also, I think we need to make sure that all of the neighborhood police officers have vehicles. Because, you know, sometimes I've been hearing complaints that they're not able to do everything they should be doing, because sometimes vehicles are not available. So it would be good if y'all could have someone check and make sure that they do have vehicles readily available. I think they do a vital, very important job, and I think it should be more neighborhood police officers. I think that would help to reduce some of the tension that we have in the neighborhood, because far too often it's little things to build up to big things. If you can nip them in the bud early, we could probably, you know, drop our crime even more. Then maybe my homeowners insurance in my vehicles, I could be able to pay lower insurance, because I think our insurance rates are too high, so anything I could do to help to reduce that. And also for the Fitzgerald, recently, no, no Detroit police officer to come into the all pack meetings. I know they, they used to come regular. I met, I remember at one time, medicine used to come before he was chief. This is a few years back anyway. Have a good weekend. Be safe everyone.
Thank you very kind of
AC. Can you address the issue of the vehicles? Yeah,
sure. I'm surprised. I'm hearing of them. I have the feeling they want new cars. Most likely, I believe all the MPOs are assigned vehicles. The MPOs that live inside the city are assigning those vehicles to take home those that don't have to park it at the their station. But I have not heard that they're that short of vehicles, vehicles, self insured. Police Department Don't, don't tear up a car and think you're getting a brand new one again. So I got in my notes. I'll take a look. I'll take a look. All right. Thank
you. Next speaker,
good afternoon to all within the sound of my voice, I'm Betty a bond the president of DeSoto Association. I want to give kudos to the NPOs of the 10th precinct. They have been very, very good at assisting my association. When we have issues, they come and they're part of our events. They come to our black club meetings. And if my if our NPO officer Thompson, isn't available, one of the other NPOs will step up, we have a good rapport with the captain, but the little tidbit I have is that we cannot keep a commander at the 10th and we feel that community relationships are very important. I work hard on building rapport and letting everyone know what's going on in our community. And I was trying to get to Chief Todd better son, but I can't get his telephone number because I wanted to have a conversation with him. I'm not complaining, just a little tidbit it. And when we get a new commander at the 10th, I'm hoping we can get someone that we can build a relationship, that be there for a while and work with us and be involved in in the continuation of keeping our community safe. Uh, a good job is being done. I'm not complaining, but I take pride in having a relationship with the tent, and it's like it's a revolving door. So thank you for this time. God bless you all. Take care. Take care.
Thank you very kindly. Uh, next speaker,
I'm going back to Tara Brown, Sir, hello.
Yes, we can hear you. Make you heard. Thank
you. Um, I just wanted to say that on Monday, Detroit COC will be having a meeting from 2pm to 4:30pm at 18100 Myers, which is the Northwest activity center, um, public comment regarding homelessness, and the incident with Tatiana Williams will take place from 320 to 430 and if anybody has any grievances that they want to air, and I heard one today, that is where you need to bring it. I appreciate the Police Commission and the police officers and all their effort with the Tatiana Williams situation and the other various situations affecting homeless people in the city. However, it's not fair to turn police officers and police commission police commissioners into social workers. The city has social workers at press conferences where the the failures of homelessness are being discussed. HRD, Cam, the COC, non profits and HUD need to be standing there next to the mayor given an explanation as to why kids are still dying. Yes, this year it was Tatiana Williams, two children, I think her name was Amelia, and the little boy's name was Darryl Junior. Let's not forget 2018 when it was kamaya Davis drowning in sewage because her mother lived in an abandoned house owned by a friend. This cannot continue to happen, and we should not be resting it at the feet of the Detroit Police Commission meeting. You all need to come out to the northwest activity center and speak to the people who are in charge of this homelessness. And regardless of what you are been being told about, there's not enough money to impact homelessness. That is a lie. I'm on the board of the COC, I see the money that Detroit gets. It's time to stand up and make these shelters accountable, make the COC and HRD accountable, and say something if you are experiencing homelessness. Thank you. Thank
you. Very kindly. That's our last speaker. Mr.
Chair. All right. Thank you.
This is for AC Fitzgerald. AC Fitzgerald, what's the difference between a teaser and a stun gun?
I don't know if there necessarily is the difference between a taser and stun gun.
They're two different names.
Okay, okay, okay, thanks.
Electronically charged gives you a nice little depth that knocks you down.
let's talk to Secretary. Secretary. Do?
Report predictor,
you will find under tab five the two reports that were received in your office this week. And the announcements are as follows, the next board meeting is next. Thursday, March 6, 3pm period headquarters, the next community meeting is Thursday. March 13 and in the 10th preset at Union carpenters and millwright skill training center, which is located at 11687, American street in Detroit, the committee meetings. Upcoming policy committee will meet next Tuesday, March 4, 5pm in this room, scholar her conference room, and on March 11, the citizen complaints committee will meet in the Woodward conference room at 4pm here in public safety headquarters. And that's the report for today's meeting, sir.
Thank you very kindly. Any unfinished business,
I'll finish. Okay, yes,
sir, thank you, Mr. Chairman.
I guess this will be a question to share, because I don't think,
I don't think our secretary may be aware of it,
because before her time, before she arrived, I know the board has voted for the Rename, I'm sorry to name the board's conference room after the late Ron Scott. I know we celebrate black history month now and and you know in many of us remember the great works of the late, great COVID Young who created the board of police commissioners. Ron Scott, you know, was a trailblazer in our community, speaking truth to power. And definitely, you know, was known for coming to board meetings, being outspoken on key issues and when it comes to police brutality and police oversight, but also gave a lot of recommendations over the years, we, as a board, we have voted to name the conference room after him. I wonder, do we have any updates or anything about the plan and the bat because of something that we voted on a while back,
having no I will say that that's something that we do need to move on, be able to get some signs of this work, moving this blossom, as well as the secretary, to be able to make that a reality. You know, I don't know, you know, reach out to his family if you have family still around. And I think it should be something that we really need to move on. I want to see us move on that expeditiously, too, because that is something that we should do. We voted for it, and we should move on that. So Miss blossom, as well as secretary, let's have a plan of action as soon as possible in terms of work with Commissioner Burton and any other commissioners on being able to get this done as soon as possible. Yes, sir.
Yes, yes, sir, you know, I just wanted to say that, you know, the late Ron Scott was, you know, he helped us board out tremendously. I mean, he pointed out a lot of numbers of things that, you know, when it comes to policies. And he was real big on accountability. I just want to just add that and, and, you know, and I just can't wait to see that the conference room named after him, and see it more used, you know, by this board.
Absolutely. Thank you for reminding us of that any new business
through the Chair. Yes,
sure about the postings for the personnel and training committee. I'm ready to proceed with the motion. I know that we discussed some things in the meeting Tuesdays, but I'm ready to proceed with the motion so that we can get the positions posted. Please
do okay. So at this time,
I move that the job postings and descriptions for the administrative assistant grade two, with the salary range of $43,015
to $64,465
be posted. Support,
motion made by Commissioner Carter and supported by Commissioner or any discussion. All in favor. Say, aye. Anyone opposed motion carried
chair, yes. At this time I moved to post a job posting for administrative specialist three, three with the salary range of 67,726
to 770. 7634
be posted. That's for the OPC, LPC, second, okay,
all right. Um motion made by Commissioner Carter, second, by Commissioner um Benard. Any discussion? All in favor? Say, aye. Anyone opposed the motion is carried to the chair? Yes, ma'am elected
to say that the personnel and training Committee did meet on Monday, and this is a result, except for we had one of the job descriptions. We have the wrong title, so the correct title is what we move today?
Yes, absolutely. Thank you very Thank you very kindly, and thank you for moving on this and that and with the community. Should know that these positions help us keep this organization moving effectively and efficiently. Commissioners have time to do a bunch of things. We do a lot of things, private and socialized and all kinds of things. And we're we have a staff. We have a staff that is hired to be able to investigate citizen complaints, and what I want to make sure that we have on the agenda very, very soon is that we can have Miss Barbara, as well as chief Warfield, to take time out to update to the community in terms of where We had, where we are on citizen complaints and how they are being responded to, and how this organization is thoroughly engaged and doing the business of the citizens of the city of Detroit effectively and efficiently. And I'm very, very happy to say that, for the very most hard that we have a great staff that's doing the work, and so you see us on a weekly basis, but they're working on tires, actually five days a week and beyond, to be able to do the work, to be able to address citizen complaints, anything else before we close out?
I just want to acknowledge, once again, the great work that Commissioner Carter is doing District Six really out there, rolling up her sleeves, or along with her husband, just state rep along, Carter really blasting a lot of families over industry six, you know, doing this whole flooded water main break issue. But more importantly, they really hoping they put up these nice little kids out there touching families, unless you get over 100 calls.
Share, we've come together with a lot of community organizations, including, let's say, at sir Metro Ambassador Bridge The the 40 Howe Bridge Authority, along with our My AmeriCorps program at Wayne State University, and we did have, was it yesterday, distributed um cards? What are gift cards for the grocery store that's located right in that community, so that they would spend the money locally. We put together cleaning kits, which included bleach. They had dog supplies, beds, diapers, diapers, just a lot of different things, and it took the work of we just had to put it together, because it's what the community was out there requesting, absolutely, computers, dehumidifiers, forgotten,
harvest, yes. Thank you. Thank you.
To the chair, just to add,
if I may, is that the community, you know, they see commissioners and meet, they don't see what the commissioners doing outside of the meetings, and how many families they are blessing, families that they're touching. You know, pop up lessons. You got a lot of families in need across the city, but the Carter family have always stepped up. Have always shown way over in District Six, you know, they consider the Carters like the mayor of Southwest
and right
now, for many, many years, and they still holding it down together, blessing families in need, but they doing it. You know, you know they dig in deep in their own pockets, blessing people, but they also know how to work with coalition. He really, you know, getting the job done. But you know, I forgot to throw in.
Some people may not know this. You know, they Presley do it every year. Commissioner Presley, giving kids children backpacks, you know, making sure that every child have a backpack and have material you want
to say something.
Thank you. Commissioner
Burton to I know that there's an issue with Miss Barber, and I wanted to see if we can get that addressed being a task member, a task employee, or something like that, and something needs to happen for her to be moved into her permanent position. But
that hasn't been rectified.
Final stage. I was given the date of March 3 on yesterday.
Yeah, we've been rectified that.
All right, thank you. All
right, yep,
you mentioned last week Mr. Bird, and you also mentioned this week to what a great job that lady, I mean, Commissioner Goddard is doing, and Commissioner Dell is doing and in a district Wonderful. Let's, let's make sure that we lift up the people, the commissioners, that's not doing that good of a job. I'm not saying just you that in a district, you know that's not doing that great of a job in that district. Let's, let's, let's be a blessing to them. Let's encourage them. I'm talking about all of us on the board. Let's lift them up and and build them up so they can be strong in their district and have some tenacity to go forth and be solid in District.
Okay, Commissioner. Move to a German.
Motion is made by Commissioner Presley to adjourn, supported by commission or any discussion, all.