So today we'll just go over some of the basics. I won't go for longer than an hour if it's shorter than an hour. That's fine. For needs to go a little longer. That's okay, too. But yeah, so I'll just Hi, Jolene. I'll just go through some of the basics, some of the like fundamentals for using the nightclub website, and how to just get the gist, like, I don't want to say a basic user experience, but just to make sure that you have the basics down. That's where we'll start. And then I have some support questions that I have queued up that have been submitted. So I can address some of those. And of course, if you have any questions along the way, it's totally interactive. I like to have fun with these things. So you know, feel free to type in the chat. If you do want to come on and ask your question with audio. Sometimes that's easier. That's cool, too. You can either just raise your hand, or just typing the chat, you want to ask a question. Cool. Thanks, Joe. You listened to number one, and it was helpful. Glad to hear. Okay. So the very basic beginning for everything nightclub is need to be logged into your account. That's the that's the basic basic. So the URL for that is nightclub dot Andrew Hall, check, comm slash dreamer login. But you know, you could you could access that From the homepage of the website. Oop, that's the old one. Just from nightclub, Diandra Hall, jack calm, you'll see there's easy ways to login. Okay, so you've logged in. And guess what happens next, you are instantly redirected to my dashboard. So after you log in, you enter your credentials. The next thing that happens is you get redirected here to my dashboard. And the goal for my dashboard is it's it's supposed to be your place to navigate everything within the nightclub. So ideally, you come to my dashboard right after you log in, and you scroll down this page, and you'll be able to find everything, access everything, do everything that you need from within nightclub. So that's the goal. So just know that before I scroll down the page, I'll just highlight some of what we see right now on the screen. Just let in a few more people. So from the start, and as you can see, I'm logged in, if I highlight if I hover my mouse over my dashboard, it's just gonna see some of the these are like the the most requested the most news subtopics that you can find underneath my dashboard. So whether it's the latest posts, which are going to be all of the latest events that we've recorded and posted onto the nightclub site, whether it's my account, you know, from here, you could manage your your account, your password, your subscriptions. Or you could also get directly to my subscriptions. Here you can meet fellow community members, which is pretty cool in the nightclub community. That's actually what I want to focus mostly on this morning is the nightclub community. You can see upcoming events in our schedule, sign up for email notifications, check out the support forum happening now or change your password. These are just some of the some of the highlights. So I'm gonna scroll down a little bit. These are the event offerings that we have For example, virtual hang up, which I'm sure some of you have been to on Thursdays, we consider that an event Movie Night, which some of you may have been to on Saturday, we consider that an event. Okay, BHS thanks for your question. I appreciate that. I'll get to in just a second. So these are just that. These are quick ways to access the different events we have going on. Let me switch my screen real quick. Okay.
pretty frequently, and you may have received emails for the event today, we send out reminder emails. So I'm going to go to one reminder email right now, this is a reminder email we sent out for a previous virtual Hangout. And I just want to go over, you know, when you get a reminder, email, sorry, my dogs might start barking for a second because someone's coming over. So apologies if my puppy start talking. So when you get a reminder email, the purpose of sending these reminder emails is because we want you to know an event is coming up. And we want to make it really easy for you to gain access to that event. So you'll see in these emails, there's all these clickable links, everything that's basically underlined, and highlighted in this way is a clickable link. So I'll just click, let me backtrack for a second. The most important thing for these emails to take you to the live events is you need to be logged in to nightclub. So I think this is what be addressed. Your question was about, I'm often asked to log in multiple times, I log in and go to my dashboard, choose an event and then have to log in again, for no apparent reason, especially on my iPhone. Okay.
Well, technically, that shouldn't really happen. Because what's supposed to happen is once you once you're logged in, like you see I'm I'm logged in right now. can see I'm I'm logged into my members dashboard. So if I click an event from the same browser that I'm logged in on, because I think this is where it gets a little bit becomes not so much of a nightclub problem. But there might be some browser issues that we have to look at. But you'll see because I'm logged in, and I click the link, it's just going to take me right to this members page. This is how you can tell if you're logged in, it's going to say members in the URL, one way you can tell you're locked in another way is it's gonna say lockout, meaning you're logged in. So yeah, so my thoughts around that be a tracer. You know, sometimes when we we login from like private browsers, not saying that's the that's what's happening in your situation. But you know, the way that these websites are member who's logged in, they kind of have to track cookies, and, you know, keep track of IP addresses and who's like, Who's tuning in from where, and sometimes when you have a private browser, or if you're browsing from using a private browser, it will create some login issues for you. I can't ness, I can't say exactly that. That's what's happening. I just know it shouldn't happen like that. But maybe we could work on that separately. on that issue separately, you could send me an email, Night Club at Andrew Hall jack calm and I could help with that. Because I don't think that's a really a nightclub issue. Because once you log in, it should just work. So I'm thinking there might be something else that's preventing the whatever, whatever browser system you're using, from recognizing, oh, this person's logged in, my I'm asking her to log in again.
Okay, back to the dashboard. So just scrolling down the dashboard, you can see, like I said, we want the the dashboard to be where you can access everything. So you'll see the event schedules here, we've got another sidebar, making it easy to access different parts of the nightclub. Scroll down a little bit more different ways to just get into the content that we're offering here on the right. This is this is my test profile. That's why it's a sandy Kay test. Here you can see community topics that are happening. So I definitely encourage you to browse through the dashboard if you haven't had a chance to because really, you'll just You'll see everything that we have to offer a nightclub interview series, all the offerings, everything's here. Okay. So that's where I suggest people start. But I do want to jump over to the community, because that's kind of what I want to focus on this morning before I answer some of those four questions. Okay, Joe, I see your question. I like to listen to the programs while outside working in my yard, no internet access there. Is there any way to get audio files for the virtual hangout? no internet access? Well, the easiest thing I could think of doing would be to download the file in advance. So I'll show you how to do that really quickly. We go to the virtual hangouts page, scroll down to the virtual Hangout. So the recorded sessions. Let's go to this one. This is one way I think you could accomplish your goal jail and, and the goal is how to listen to recorded sessions being offline for particularly for the virtual Hangouts. But you could actually do this for any of the nightclub recordings. So I'm going to go into a file. This is racial hangout number 57. You can see here, this little downward pointing arrow, maybe you click that you can download it, it's going to for me, I'm on my computer right now. So it's going to download right to my computer, if you open this on your phone, it would download to your phone. And then you could just listen to it from whatever music player you have on your phone, that's where this file would open. Also, if you downloaded on your computer, you could send it to your phone. Not as convenient maybe, but it works that way. And I'm trying to think there might be one other way to do this. Scroll down a little bit more on the Sorry, just letting it.
Okay, scrolling down a little bit more. So here we have a it's a playlist, basically. So the purpose of having a playlist is that you can just click play. So say, for example, I want to play number 58, I can just click it. And it's gonna start to know everybody as the arranger and when it finishes, it's gonna automatically go to the next track 57 and then 56. Or it might go reverse if you start at 54. And then it finishes, it'll automatically go to 55 and 56. And it's just it's gonna keep playing. So I don't know if that answers. I don't think that's going to help you for being offline necessarily. Let me see one thing if you can get these. Okay.
Hello, everybody.
Hi, Angie. So yeah, here's where you would access the play the sound clad for that playlist on SoundCloud. So you can see all the files again, I don't. You know, I still think you have to be online to access these. So I think for now, the I think you're going to have to download the files to listen to them offline. I'd have to look more at like the offline listening experience. Now for the interview series, it might be a little different. Let's see what Ty said. Maybe one can install the SoundCloud app to download the audio files to the smartphone directly. Yeah, I think that could be a workaround, too. Might be a little bit more technical. Thanks for suggesting that. I know, Bertie, I'm not on my dashboard right now. But good question. Right now I'm looking at the SoundCloud playlist. So this is from this is the the virtual hangouts page. You get there under the when you're logged in, you hover over events, and you click virtual Hangout. You know from this page, you'll be able to go to the live sessions, submit questions in advance, but here we're just looking at the recordings. Actually, we're looking at the playlist. So this is we're trying to improve the listening experience as much as we can in you know, for all of our events. So that's one of the reasons why we have this SoundCloud playlist. The benefits being you can just click so if you want to listen to you Yeah, just a particular virtual Hangout, for example, you could click on that particular Hangout.
But if you want to listen to all the, all the recordings all the way through the playlist gives you that advantage. Now there's one thing. No problem, Bertie. I don't mind downloading but can't do it. I have the SoundCloud app. I wonder why you can't do it.
Just walking me in some new friends. Hi, Iris. Hi, I'm Rachel welcome.
Well, I'm not sure why you can't download, I'll just show you again, how to download one of the recordings. So go to the actual hangout that you want to listen to. Once you're there, go to the audio recording that you want to get. Once you see it. Just find the arrow points down, that's the download arrow, click it and it should download to your desktop or phone. Yeah, thanks. So there's one thing I'm gonna do before I hop over to the community because this Gil this, I think has an offline listening component. And this is what we plan on doing for all of our nightclub events within the next one to two months. So let me go to the interview series. So for the nightclub interview series, and here's how I'm going to get there. I'm covering two in the main menu, I'm going to the events. And then I'm hovering down to interview series. That's how I'm getting to the interview series page. So for the interview series, we have what's called a private podcast feed.
Grab to think there's something real quick.
They don't all have the download choice. Okay, thanks for pointing that out. Joe, they all should. But they're, you know, there's a chance that like you're saying they don't all let me know, if you find some that do have, like, for example, if you go to the number 57, you should see that it does have the download choice. Yeah, I don't know why, like we put the settings so that they all should have downloads. But if you come across one that doesn't just let me know. I'll look into it and see maybe why it doesn't. Okay, just give me one second here. I want to do something.
I hope you don't mind the music in the background either. Okay, at least it's coming in. Cool. Thanks, Joe. Okay, so I want to go to the interview series. Because this is what I want to show you about the private podcast feed, because I believe there's an offline listening feature with this. Which means that in the future, all of our recorded events will have an offline listening feature. Yes, great point. Beatrice.
Yes, so when. So there's two memberships and nightclub, right, there's the free membership. And then there's the premium membership, at least that's how we have it set up now. And if you have access, so for premium members, you know, they have access to the interview series, the webinar series, book study group they have, they have access to the premium events. So if I'm a premium member, and I'm logged in, and I click interview series, it's gonna take me to the interview series page for premium members because I have access and one of the ways to know you're in the right place, or one of the ways to know when you're in the right place, but the fact that it says in the URL members dash interview series means that I'm a premium member with access to the interview series so I could get all the recordings etcetera, etcetera. But Beatrice is pointing out that if you're a free member, for example, and you try to go to the events, and you click interview series, it's going to take you to a different page where the URL says events, because the free members don't have access to the interview series on the premium page. So they try, they're going to get to the events page for the interview series, asking them to either, you know, upgrade, sign in, explaining what the interviews are, etc, etc. So that explains the difference. You pointed out being interest, but Thanks for pointing that I hope that clarifies. You know, why it might say, events or members. Okay, so I'm a premium member, I have access to the interview series. I go to events, click on the interview series page. Now I'm here. And I want to click private podcast feed. So I won't go into too many details here. But we have a private podcast feed set up for the interview series. Which basically means that so you listen to your podcast on iTunes or Apple, or a host of other podcast feeds. You can add the nightclub interview series, the 40 plus interviews that Andrew has done to your podcast provider, meaning so you don't have to log into nightclub to to access the interviews if you use this method. When a new interview, if you if you have this if you subscribe to the private podcast feed for the nightclub interview series. And we upload a new interview. For example, we just uploaded the Ian Baker interview, it's automatically going to appear on your phone. Once you go into your podcast app, for example, your if you set it up with iTunes, or Apple podcasts and you go to Apple podcasts, you'll see the new interview there instantly. So that's where I believe you have an offline listening experience that you can set up, you know, with your Apple podcasts or whatever your podcast provider is. So yeah, I definitely suggest checking that out a private podcast feed. It's right now we only have it set up for the night nightclub interview series. It's an awesome feature, everyone who has it set up we've got like almost 500 people who are using the private podcast feed right now. Really cool, really convenient way to enjoy the interviews. And like I said, that's our plan for all of the nightclub content, so that you don't have to log into nightclub. Of course, we still want you to come to nightclub if you want to access your content there, but we really want it to be as easy for people as possible to meet to meet you all wherever you're enjoying your content already. So that's our plan. And you could get a glimpse of it with the interview series.
Okay, how does a premium member signing in initially so that it's different from a free member, same sign in same place, no difference, our system will automatically track it. So it knows once you sign in whether or not you're free or premium. So same place from the once you go to nightclub dot Andrew Hall and check calm on the homepage. You can see I'm logged in right now. So it's it's just giving me the logout prompt. But if I were logged out, it would give me the login prompt. And also down here, you could just click Log In, and it will take you to the login page. Same for premium and free members. Joe Lee and I love having the private pockets feature. I use our packets and you can download from there if no internet. Okay, sweet. Thanks, Darlene. So, yeah, Joe, that's one or two more months, we'll have all of our audio content on these private podcasts feeds. So like Jolene, saying it will be super convenient. And you'll have tons of opportunity for offline listening, etc. Okay, let's see ty. I've already signed up for the premium but I'm still asked to get premium plan to exit to interview series. I'm a little confusing. Okay. That is a great question. And that's apologies on our part, because we just switched to the premium plan. So we had the Emerald plan originally, and now we have the premium plan set up. And so I think we're just Working through some of the little kinks, and I'm really sorry about that. Actually, it's something I could fix right now.
This is the this is the great part about support forums. I get to do support live. Okay. Yep.
All right, thanks so much for bringing it up tight. And
okay, you could try for the interview series now. You'll see it should be working. And just like that, and let me make sure I get that for all of the other premium stuff for the
premium roll.
Thank you. Okay, so that'll be done in just a minute. Cool, thanks. All right. Let me hop over to the community. That's something wanted to address before I get into some more support questions.
Is that the whole address nightclub at Andrew hall? Check. COMM twice I have tried it it doesn't go there. It goes to a spammy looking page. nightclub dot Andrew Hall check that guy. Yep, that's it, Lisa. No spam, it should work. So Andrew, if you go to Andrew Hall check com that's his like main website where he puts up his teaching events and his books and his bio, some articles from him, etc. Cool. And yeah, just give me five more minutes that and then I'll resolve all the rest. Super Sorry about that. And thanks so much for being here. Yeah, so Andrew Hall checks the main nightclub that Andrew Hall check that home. is the is the subdomain but it's where nightclub lives and then community dot nightclubs that Andrew Hall Jagdtiger. I mean, how many more can we keep going back is where the community is. So the community is super cool. One of our like, initial vision for the community was kind of to be like Reddit, but for lucid dreamers. Not that we could emulate Reddit necessarily, but just to have an active forum where you don't have to be a premium member to participate. You know, the forums for everybody. But just a way to connect. The lucid dreaming path is like Angie says it's solitary by nature. But the community all the events we have going on, it's so great. It just makes it makes the journey so much more enjoyable, fruitful.
I mean, for myself, I know going doing the different events like the dream group. Primarily the dream group, which meets on Sundays, it's a really great place to, you know, hold one another accountable. But that's really what's great about the community is that we can connect on our own time, see what other people are doing, etc, etc. But in its essence, the community is a forum. So yeah, so here's the community homepage. Once you get there, you'll see just pinned to the top is the upcoming events scheduled for nightclub. So you can always come here to just see what's happening. But then we have the most recent posts. And you can see the community is great. It's active, it's growing. There's so much awesome content here. And so there's, you know, there's topics that members post, and then you can see when it's like when there's a nightclub logo. That's the first poster. The first picture is the first person who posted when there's a nightclub logo. This means that it's a record usually means it's recorded to recording to a nightclub event. This interview series that you're seeing here, this is a premium offering. So if you're on the free plan, it wouldn't show up. But we do post all of the recordings into the nightclub community. And that's one of the biggest things. Angela? Yes, Emerald membership became premium. Exactly. And we got rid of the gold and the silver. So now we just have free and premium. So yeah, one of the, one of the most, one of the questions I get the most I would say is, you know, where is a recorded event? Or what how can I find a recorded event. So I encourage people to always go to the community first, because it's so easy for us to post a recording into the community, we do it always within 24 hours, oftentimes within dwelve. But we do it really, we have a really quick turnaround for posting recorded events into the nightclub community. So a lot of times people will go to the main website first. And they'll look for the most recent virtual Hangout, and they won't see it for a couple days. Granted, our goal is to be much quicker with the turnaround getting to the website as well or getting there. But for starters, check the community first. Because we'll post all the recordings, they're super quick. So for example, this here's the Ian Baker interview that was just posted, the recordings, their meditation session, number 19. From this previous Monday, it's there. And when you click on one of these, you can see it's great, because so this is a book study group from May 11. In the nightclub community, you can see we've got all the recordings, you could get the transcript. And then you could connect with people directly on the posts and offer comments, I think this is a nice way to find content, and offer comments after.
So in the community, like I said, the main page that you'll see is the latest posts. The other page I really like to use is the or the other view I really like to use is the categories view.
Because this
just a different way to you know, navigate the community. So here on the left side, we have all the different categories that are in the nightclub community. And then on the right side, we still have the latest posts. So the interview series, for example, if you're a premium member, and you click the interview series category, you'll see here at the top, we've got access to the private podcast feed, because we really want to hammer that point home. But then you'll you'll dive in, and you can see all of the interviews. So there's some people I know who just used the community to digest all of the nightclub content, because they like they're comfortable with the community experience, things happen faster there, they can comment directly on the posts there. So it's a turtle preference thing. But yeah, I just wanted to highlight some of the benefits of so really, you can just go to the nightclub community. And you can spend all your time there and not miss anything. Because you'll have all of the events, we post announcements in here. We post all the recorded events here quicker than we posted onto the nightclub website. So it's a good place to come. It's active. It's a bit more flowing than the website. I just because of the you know the nature of the software. So yeah, come check out the community. You can see we have tons of different categories and subcategories set up to try and help organize it. And really, this is just the beginning of the community. For us. It's this software is so powerful. It's so cool. So we're really excited to keep growing with it. Chris, you can see my screen share. Maybe try logging. I hate this. But maybe try logging on logging back in or if anyone else is having an issue with the screen share, let me know. So the last thing I want to show how to do in the community because I do encourage you to come in and explore. As you can see, there's easy ways to find your posts that you've posted. You can bookmark posts that you want to read. It's really cool. If you click so you click your personal profile, you'll see notifications basically. Then you click these three bars. There's really cool stuff you can do, like. So this forum gives away badges. When you accomplish things like when you post something or when you get like 10 likes on a post or 50 likes on a post or when you've been a member for a year, you get badges, which are cool. And the way we plan on using this more going forward, is actually inserting discounts with the badges, which I think will be really fun. So as people are more engaged, as they become more power users or longtime users, you know, we're going to be able to reward our members for being active or for being a part of our community, which is super important. Users, this is cool. So you can see, you can explore the different users on nightclub. And if there's someone that you're interested in, or you like what someone is posting, you can actually click on their profile. And you can see some of their replies, comments, etc. And you can send them a message directly. Now, it's only showing delete, because I'm the I'm the admin, you won't be able to delete anyone. But it's it's a nice way to connect with people. And yeah, it's a nice way to connect with people on to further the conversations. And like I said, I really think this is only the beginning of us using this software. So I'm really excited. And most importantly, people ask how to create How to post a topic or how to add something to the nightclub community. So quite simply, when you're on the community homepage, you click new topic. Okay, good to know, Chris, thanks. Um, you create the title of your topic. Tags are optional. We haven't really started using tags much in the nightclub community. But if you're really clear on tags, we definitely encourage you to use them, if you if you want to totally optional, and same with this category, so that by default, it puts all new posts into the general discussion, which is totally inappropriate place where, but say the your post is. So you're sharing a dream, and you want to post it into the dream journal. might be hard to see. But see if I could help make this easy. Okay.
So this is going to be a dream journal topic. So yeah, so if I want to share a dream, for example, I could put this into the dream journal category where it says, share your dreams in the dream journal. If If I have a support related question, you know, type support, and then it's going to give you the support category. So like I said, you don't have to get it right. By default, it's automatically going to put any new topics into the general discussion category. But if you want to get more specific, you know, say it's about lucid dreaming. Start typing lucid dreaming, and you'll see what categories you can post into the lucid dreaming, for example. And then type your topic. content.
Create the topic. Cool. And now it's posted. I could go to the main page. I could see it there. There. It's like that.
Okay, Lisa, I'm reading your message.
That link Yeah, I don't know. Did you get that link from from an email? I would just not go to that link. I don't know. Thanks, Chris.
Yeah, we could talk more about that. Lisa. That's I'm not sharing where you're getting that link from? You could maybe it's from an IC it's an Amazon something. Yeah, Lisa shared with me a link that's, I guess maybe you got from an email or something that should take you to somewhere on the nightclub website, but okay. Well, just feed me a little more info Lisa and I have to Julian, how do we use the tags. So now that I've created my topic, I'm going to go back to it and I'm just going to click to edit save Easy actually, when you create a topic, you can still edit it. So, if this is a, you know, a dream journal post, when I'm sharing, sharing a recent dream, and you know, maybe there were monsters in this dream, I create the monster tag. And maybe they're also airplanes. My dreams are funny. Monsters airplanes, airplanes are a huge dream sign for me. So that's, that's how you would do it. So you would just type any tags that you feel are relevant. And then once you've updated it, you just click the checkmark. And, you know, one of the cool ways you can that you can see the different tags we have is you click these three bars, quick two tags. And these are all the different tags posts that we have in the nightclub. Like I said, we really haven't taken advantage of the tags yet. I think there's so much room for us to to build this out. And we've gotten really good feedback on how to do that. But yeah, I'm looking for it. Here's my monsters, my monsters tag, you click it, and you can see my post. So that's basically how it works. I hope that helps. Okay, well, when I go to Night, how check calm.
So I really don't know what's happening. We said, maybe what I would suggest is, you know, if you go to, I'm not sure what browser you're using, I'm using Chrome. But if I click file. Now if I could click on Chrome, and then I click Clear browsing data, you could kind of see it in the top left corner. The first first word is clear and says Clear browsing data. This is how it looks in my Chrome. You might want to try clicking that because it seems like for whatever reason, when you type nightclub Diandra halachik, calm, it's redirecting you to a broken link, which means that somehow in your in the browser you're using, it's like a weird cookies got stored or something when that shouldn't be the case. So if you just clear your browsing data, that oftentimes will will solve the problem for you. Another thing you could try is opening a private browser on Chrome it's called an incognito window. But that basically means like there's no cookies being tracked or anything like that. So if you try opening up an incognito or private browser, and you type in nightclub, Diandra Hall, jack calm, see if it's still redirecting you to that weird. Link. Man does yesterday's hangout on the site yet? In said he is working with shunga lab? Do you have the name of yesterday's hangout? Not on the site yet? Right when this is done, probably like 1520 minutes or so. It's going to be on the nightclub community first. So Amanda go there in like 2025 minutes, I'd say. And you'll see the virtual hangout recording from yesterday in the nightclub community. Okay, community. Beatrice, can the general public access any of the podcasts? Are there public podcasts? For example? Can they access any episode of Ask the sleep doctor? Or do they have to join the free community? So we have with the podcasts, there's a few of the premium of like the full podcasts that have been made free. Like I think the one for Reba Bogues around. David loi, those two I think have been made free. There's a few of the full interviews that have been made free. And with all of the interviews, there's a 30 minute kind of like a sample, or snippet that's also made free and available to the public. As the sleep doctor stuff, it was free for the first few months. Just because we wanted to give everyone you know, a taste of the offering, but that is also a premium event. So you know, most of the premium stuff is it's kind of walled off for the most part. But you know, beeches if you're interested in becoming a premium member, just send me a message. You know, there's I can definitely talk with you about ways to becoming a premium member if that's something you're interested in. Lisa, first on safari came up with weight loss, oh, no. Then I'm chrome said this site is not secure. And I shut down a browser security app. Both Chrome and Safari. Try the private browser. Okay, yeah, try the private browser, went to the correct place. Okay. So next thing you need to do then is just clear your browsing data. You know, clear it for because it gives you like a timetable. You could try 24 hours or something. You know, so basically, what's going to happen after you clear your browsing data is if you if you have like, say you're, you're logged into Amazon. com, for example, currently, and you clear your browsing data. Next time you go to, it's gonna ask you to log in again. So just a heads up when you do that stuff. But that will definitely resolve the issue for you. I'm 100% confident at this point. Thank you. Okay, cool. So let me just answer a few of the support questions that I received. And if any more questions come in, or anything like that, I'll definitely share cool stuff as they come to mind. Okay, so this question was, I would like to join the book study group, what is needed? Should I just now you check. Okay,
so let's go to the book study group.
So if if you're a premium member, the book study groups included. You don't have to do anything. So the first book we read was Andrews dreams of light book. So right now I'm looking at the book study group page for non members. Or I guess, if you could be for non premium members, I'll say, right, because it's saying it's events, as opposed to members, that's the little inside tip, I'm giving you all. So the first book study group was dreams of light. And that finished about two months ago, then we started reading a walk in the woods, with Dr. Joe parents. And that just finished last week. And next we're doing dream yoga, Andrews book dream yoga. And it seems like we're gonna be waiting till September. Now, that's actually been the feedback from members. You know, no more, let's just pause for the rest of the summer on the bug group, and pick it up again in September. So that's gonna happen in September. But as a premium member, you get complete access to, to the book study group, to all the recordings. So, you know, say for example, you just purchased Andrews dreams of light book. And you want to listen to the whole recording with him. like to read the whole book with him as he's giving the commentary, etc, you can still do that, all you have to do is become a premium member. And I'll just give you a sneak peek of what that looks like and how it's organized right now. Cool. So now I'm looking, this is session number 29, from the genes of lab book study group, and just go back to the beginning, you can see here, all of the, the sessions for genes of light, then it switches over to a walk in the wood. And then when we started the new dream Yoga Book, it's just going to continue so. So yeah, you'll have access to all the content, just like that. And if you're not a premium member, and you just want to sign up for access to the book study group, we're now giving that option as well. So so you're a free member, or you're not a nightclub member yet at all. And you're interested in the book study group. So you click Sign up, you could see here, you could gain access to the book study group by becoming a premium member. Or you can just sign up for the book study group event as like a single event access, if that makes sense. Cool. Thanks, Amanda. Okay, next question. Okay, I'm running because I want to swap payment methods. I'm trying to phase out the card currently use and just simply request to provide an alternate card instead. What is the most convenient way of doing this? Yeah, great question. Okay, so I'm going back to. So from the community page, if I click my dashboard here, it's going to take you back to my dashboard on the nightclub website.
Let me do something real quick.
Okay, so I'm back on the main website. And I'm looking to change my, my card payment for my subscription. So I'm going to click on my subscriptions.
some reason the, the account pages to take a few extra seconds to load. Okay, so here I am in my subscriptions tab, and I want to update my payment method. So I click Update. Oh, yeah, well, I use PayPal for this. So it's saying to update your PayPal account information, please go to But if you use a credit card, when you signed up and you click Update, a pop up is going to appear. And just from there, you'll easily be able to update your your card method super easy. While we're here in this subscriptions tab, remember I got here by hovering over my dashboard, click my subscriptions. You can see all of your recent payments if you've had any. But in the subscriptions tab, I can also change my plan. So if you're interested in upgrading or downgrading or cancelling or anything like that, because I'm already on the premium plan, the only way I can go is to the free plan. But if you were on the free plan, and you clicked here, you'd see you could upgrade actually. And you could also pause your plan. pausing means no Billings will will recur. But it doesn't actually cancel the subscription. So you'd be able to restart your current active subscription, or your current POS subscription. canceling would actually cancel the subscription. Still, no Billings will occur. hope that makes sense. Okay, there's a few more than your close up for today. It's been nice to hang with you all. Thanks so much for the questions and comments. Every time. Okay. I was surprised to find that the time of the weekly q&a has shifted to 11am. Eastern time. Okay. Yeah. So two weeks ago or so we had a late change to the to the schedule. And you had an event had something that was coming up in Thursday afternoon. So we decided to make the virtual hangout Thursday morning. But the update happened after the the schedule, email goes out. So every Monday, we send out the schedule, nightclub schedule email for the week. So that schedule email said that the virtual hangout was happening at 4pm Eastern time. And then a few days later, we have to change it to what time did we change it to 11am Eastern time. So here's what we did to mark the change. So the first thing we did was we, when Andrew said the change happened, we updated the events calendar. So not that we expect any of you to see this to check this regularly. But just know that we we update the the events calendar regularly. And that was one of the first places that we updated. The next place that we went to update was here in the nightclub community. So we have a category called announcements right here. So we made this post right when the change was announced, and we pinned it to the top of the feed. So I really hope to try and get people who are coming to the community to be aware of this change. And then the last thing we did was we sent out an email reminder, the problem was we sent the email reminder too soon. too close to the, to the live event. And it didn't give people who hadn't seen the previous updates. It didn't give them enough time to make it. So that was totally our bad. And we learned our lesson, that when the schedule change happens, it seems like most people rely on email. And we don't want to we already feel like we've bombard people enough. don't like to use the word bombard. But we send enough emails that if we didn't want to send an extra one, but in hindsight, we probably should have. So that was our bad and sorry about that, if anyone missed the virtual hangout on June 10. Not that we we didn't make a permanent time change to this last week. Yesterday's hangout was at the regular time 4pm Eastern time. This was just a one time change. And we're still trying to figure out the best way to, you know, to get these les changes out there for everyone. Cool, thanks. Yeah, as soon as, as soon as I get a second here, I'll, I'll fix the rest of the big promise there. And glad you like the email reminders, and everyone likes him.
Okay, at least I'd love to see it offered again, in the not too distant future. There's a lot of content and navigation to go through. Thanks. Okay, you're, you're talking about these support forums. Thank you. Yeah, I'm gonna do them once a month. So I did the first one last month in May. And, yeah, we're gonna do these ones once a month. And we'll archive them. You know, we're trying to figure out the customer support bs we're growing. The website's growing, we're still a small team. We've got so much happening. And we really want it to be easy and accessible to everybody. So having the support forums feels like one nice way we can connect with people. But of course, you know, feel free to reach out. Definitely, we'll do our best to respond in a timely manner. Yeah, the email reminders are good. I'm glad everyone likes them. Because it's fun for me too, because I get to put those cute little Jiffy pictures, you know, those like three second videos, animated sometimes? I have a blast with those. Okay, let's see. Two more questions that we could wrap it up for the day. Next forum five weeks from today. So just, you know, you could check the nightclub schedule, but we're scheduling the support forums every five weeks. Okay, so greetings from Spain, I noticed that in my dashboard of above courses, it says certifications. Could you please explain to me which certifications we can get? Okay, yeah. Okay, we don't have any certifications. That's something that we'll have to just update. Sorry, I'm trying to find where I want to show you where that where it says sort of certifications. So we use a educational type software. It's called LearnDash, if anyone's familiar with WordPress type applications, and we use LearnDash to organize all of the nightclub content. So if you hover over events, this is basically where you'll find all of our different content. Like if you want to find the virtual Hangouts, you click there, if you want to find the meditation group replays, you click there, click study group replays, interviews, etc, etc. The way that's organized on the nightclub site, we use this LearnDash program which which kind of organize things into is almost setup like courses, essentially where, you know, we can now weekend, I mean, we can but you can track your progress. You can mark when you've finished an interview, or you've watched a webinar, because some of the feedback we were getting is holy cow, you have so much content, I don't even remember what I watched anymore. So we were looking for ways to make that there's LearnDash software, which organizes the way our content is posted on the nightclub website. So that's why you'll be able to track your progress if if you're doing it that way. You don't have to use nightclub this way at all. Um, it's just the way we set up to try and make it easier and more organized for people to You browser content. But because it's a educational type software, they do have this option where you can give certificates when people complete courses. Now, Andrew has been this idea of providing certificates to people has been brought up to Andrew in the past. And I know he's toyed with it a little bit. I don't think we're anywhere close, unfortunately, if you're interested in that, to doing any sort of certificate type of offering. But I guess that just explains why it's there. And I think we'll be able to remove that just with some code in the near future to, you know, not complicate people. But yeah, maybe you know, when you when someone watches and completes of the meditation group, yeah, episodes, you can get a little certificate. Maybe we will do that could be fun. Cool. Thanks, Lynn. Alright, last question. Is it possible to change my username, not my password, I could not find way to do this. It's not very important. And not at all urgent. But I would appreciate if you can help me with this. Thanks, BHS.
Shortly, so two things, you can't change your username on the nightclub website. Whenever you registered with sorry for clicking around and just looking for that. Okay, so my account profile, that's where I'm going to look at my username for the nightclub website. You can't change your username on the nightclub website, you can change your email address, you can change your password. But the username that you registered with, unfortunately, can't be changed. That's just so we built the nightclub website on WordPress. And that's how WordPress has it set up with their when you create a user account, you can't change the username. But you can change your username in the community if you want to. So like I said, I'm the for the main website, you can change your email address no problem. You can change your username. But for the nightclub community, you can change your username. My Profile? Where will I do this? preferences. Okay, so I go to my little profile picture here. Click on this profile person. Click on this little bolt Preferences Tab. This is going to change my username profile picture in the nightclub community. So here I am setting my preferences in the nightclub community. I can change my username, username in the nightclub community. This is how people can mention you, as it says here. And this is how you'll appear in the nightclub community, you can change your profile picture. And you can change your full name here, email etc. Only for the community. While we're here, you can also change the host to settings in the nightclub community. If you'd like to receive email notifications, you may or may not receive them. I think it's really cool. You know, when someone replies to one of your topics, it's nice to get an email notification, notifications, etc. And you can get pretty granular with it. You can you know go into some security preferences. So it's all there. The community is really cool, I definitely encourage you to check it out and have some fun if you haven't had a chance to already. Alright. So I think that about does it for today. Thanks so much, everyone for hanging, it was really, it was really nice to be with you all and share some nightclub wisdom. And I'm so excited really for you know, the future of my club. And I'm just so happy that all of you can be here with us. We've just got a great community we've got a really great thing going on. So yeah, so may continue, and maybe for the benefit of all beings. Alright, thanks so much, everyone. Lots of love. And see around the club. We have movie night tomorrow night. It's the last night of wild wild country that starts at 9pm Eastern time. So if you can make it and then the following weeks, we're going to watch some new movies do some new things. So that schedule is coming out tomorrow for the new movie night. Sunday we have our dream group. Monday we have the meditation group. Tuesday we're not meeting Wednesday we're not meeting so yeah, you got the you got the picture. All right, everyone, Happy Friday. All the best. Bye