DPSCD School Board - Regular Meeting - November 12, 2024
10:14AM Nov 13, 2024
roll call
moment of silence
national anthem
agenda approval
minutes approval
public comment
student ambassadors
election results
tutoring program
climate and culture
enrollment increase
finance report
superintendent's report
public comment policy
closed session
Good evening. Good evening. The time is now 533 we want to go ahead and get started and respect your time. Thank you so much for being with us this evening. Today is Tuesday, November 12, and we thank Principal Perry and his entire staff for hosting us today for the regular board meeting. We will now call the meeting to order Madam Secretary, can we please have a roll call?
Angelique Peterson, maybe I'm present. Misha stall worth West, Sonya Mays, Dr Iris Taylor, Sherry gay, Daniel go, Latrice McClendon, present, Bishop. Dr Coletta Vaughn, Madam Chair, you
may begin Thank you. Meeting norms. We respect the right of all persons to participate in this public meeting of the board and kindly request that everyone engages in behavior that supports the same in the event that anyone engages in behavior that is not in support of the good, we request that you refrain from that behavior. We will now go into our moment of silence. During our moment of silence today, I wish we had no names to announce. However, we have. Our fallen DPS, CD family members, Alexis Brooks, a teacher at Thurgood Marshall Elementary School. Min Yang, a teacher at Northwestern and Young Miss Alaya Hunt, a ninth grader here at Martin Luther King, Junior Senior High School. So during your public comment, I'm sorry, during your moment of silence, if you can remember those families, in addition to Mr. Walter Bailey, a retired assistant principal from Cody High School, Moment of Silence, please. You.
Thank you. We will now go into our national anthems. We have Persian High School color guard here this evening, and also Star Spangled Banner and Lift Every Voice and Sing will be performed by cast. Text is it called madrigals, if we could please stand I
Oh say, can you see By the dawn's early light, What so proudly. We
hails my stripes were so
valid. US were so
gave proof that our flag was still there. Oh say.
Let our
rejoicing rise high as the listening skies Let it resound loud as the rolling sea. Sing a song full of the faith that the dark eyes has taught us. Sing a song full of the hope that the presence has brought us Facing the rising sun of our new day begun, let us march on to victory. Is
let's give it up for the technicians. Yes, great job. Thank you. And also for our color guards from Persian High School. If we can give them a round of applause as well. Thank you. We will now move to item number three on the agenda. The chair will entertain a motion to approve the agenda. As presented. Motion to approve it's been properly moved by member. Mays properly supported by Vice President, stall worth west to approve the motion of the agenda any discussion, if not all those in favor of approving the motion on the floor, signify by saying, aye, any opposed motion carried. Thank you. Item number four, approval of minutes. We have item 4.01 regular board meeting minutes from October the eighth, 2024 4.02 finance committee meeting minutes from october 25 2024 4.03 academic committee meeting minutes from october 28 2024 4.04 special board meeting minutes from october 29 2024 4.0 Five. Special board meeting closed session minutes from october 29 2024 4.06 special board meeting minutes from November 7, 2024 and 4.07 special board meeting minutes, closed session minutes from November 7, 2024 the chair will entertain a motion to tie bar items, 4.01 through 4.07 motion is there support? It's been properly moved by member. Mays properly supported by member. Gay DAG, no go to tie bar. Items 4.01 through 4.07 any discussion, if not the chair, entertain a motion. All those in favor of the tie bar signify by saying, aye, any opposed motion carried, the Chair will now entertain a motion for the tie bar of items 4.01 through 4.07 is there support? It's been properly moved by member. Mays properly supported by member. Gay Jack, no. Go for the tie bar of items 4.01 through 4.07 any discussion the motion on the floor, if not all those in favor, signify by saying, aye, any opposed motion carried. Thank you. Public comment, registration has closed. The time is now 541, public comment, registration has just closed, the time is 541, thank you. We'll now move into the chair. Remarks, I know we have a couple of introductions that we want to do. If we could get our students, our student ambassadors, if we can get those young people in here so that they can be recognized and introduced to the community. In addition, oh, they're sitting in the front. Okay, so let's recognize Avery, heard, 12th grader from Davis aerospace. Please stand
Hi Avery,
and we're going to also recognize Naomi Babatunde. Was that right? Naomi, and that's a 10th grader from DSA, and she's serving as our alternate and returning we have Micah West, 12th grader from Cass tech. We welcome our student ambassadors. We're really excited to have you your viewpoint and your voice at this space. We thank you. We know our student ambassadors go through a pretty rigorous process. They're not only nominated by their peers, but there is aggressive training that accompanies their appointments. So they will sit with us at the December meeting, and going forward, you will see them on the stage as well. So again, let's welcome our student ambassadors. Thank you. Many may be unaware, but we had an election this past Tuesday, last Tuesday, losing days. But in that election, among other things, we had an opportunity to elect. We have three school board seats that will become vacant in January, and so we are proud to announce those who were able to rise to the occasion, and for the voters, actually, for the city of Detroit, we have our very own returning incumbent, Sherrie tag. No go. Please stand. Thank you. We have Miss Monique Bryant. I think Monique Bryant may be here, if not she she was dropping her daughter off or picking her daughter from school, so Miss Monique Bryant was able to win one of the seats. Let's give her a round of applause and Miss Ida short, not sure if she was able to make it yet, but if we could give Miss Ida short a round of applause. So those three board members will be taking their seat in January. For that, you know, people doing their math, then that means that two board members the tenure is coming to an end on Miss Sonia Mays and Miss Misha stalwart West, who've been on this journey since 2017 after elect emergency management and the election again of a Empower school board. So we will honor you all next meeting. But I just wanted to let the community know the I have a couple comments as it relates to the tutoring program I know we have, and many may know that we have a paid student tutoring program. Nearly 1000 students signed up for this program began on yesterday, and the demand is extremely great and high. So we're looking forward to Dr Vitti providing some support around the effectiveness of this program and trying to find out if there are any modifications that we need to make for the program. We know we have school staff who have also signed up to work in the program, and of course, these dollars are all in a really where we're trying to reduce. Literacy, so that that is coming from our literacy lawsuit next climate and culture. So I just wanted to mention that the district the board came together and had a special meeting as it relates to climate and culture. So for those who who have reached out, please know that we heard you. We want to make sure that from the superintendent office to the Board Office to school level, that we are prioritizing what type of climate and culture we want to have in the district. So there was an active RFP that ended on last Friday. We look forward to further information around how the work around climate and culture will be done. So please stay tuned for updates regarding the work the exam so november 17 is the deadline for exam and application schools. For those in the district, please note that our exam schools are cast tech, Martin Luther King, Renaissance High School, southeastern and the school at Mary grove. Those are the five exam schools. The application high schools are Academy of the Americas, communication media arts high school, Crockett Midtown, High School of Science and medicine. Davis, Aerospace Technology High School, Detroit International Academy for young women and Detroit School of Arts. So the application for those schools, exam and application schools is active until november 17. So please go to the website and apply. There is a we do have in terms of the way that the applications are submitted and received. There's a priority for those who are currently in a district right now. So if you have young people who are in charter schools or outside of the district, that's a different window. So that window was communicated to them through their local schools. This is the window for those who are currently in our school district right now. Lastly, I'll say that there's a vacancy for the Library Commission. So those who are interested should submit their applications to Vanya Moore at Vanya V, as in Victor a n i A dot Moore at Detroit K twelve.org applications can be submitted beginning tomorrow, and will run through November 30 again Library Commission. So those who are interested, please submit your applications for those who are interested to Vanya Moore, Vania V, as in Victor a Nia dot Moore at Detroit K twelve.org, that will conclude the chair's remarks, the Chair will entertain a motion to accept the chair's remarks. Motion, is there support? It's been properly moved by member Mays properly supported by member gay diagonal to accept the chair. Remarks, all those in favor, signify by saying, Aye. Any opposed motion carried. Thank you. We'll now move into the finance report from our CFO, Mr. Vedo i
Good evening, board members and community this evening, we'll be reviewing the financials through September, before I get started.
I just want to report down the election on Tuesday. Proposal s did pass that was a restoration millage that will return the operating Mills back to 18 mills. Also in the ballot was the Wayne reset enhancement millage that generates about $20 million to go to the district. That was also approved. Regarding DPS, we received $13 million on our capital debt, the 13 mills and another 14 point 5 million on our 18 mill operating revenue, we were also able to make supplemental debt payments in September. This brings us on track to close out the operating debt next year. On dpscd, revenues were slightly behind. This was mostly due to timing of interest income payments as well as federal revenue. On the expenditure side, we were slightly ahead, as we were closing out some of the grant periods, but we were in line and on track for the year. Regarding cash, we ended the month with approximately 20 weeks of available cash. As you'll recall, we don't get a state aid payment in September, so we still have plenty of available cash. We have now received CDA payment in October, and we're on track for the remainder of the year. That concludes my report.
Thank you, Mr. Perdido, for those who are joining us, we have subcommittee meetings, and so majority of the working portion of the report and the questions are asked a lot at the subcommittee meetings, but I did want to open it up to the board if there were any questions or comments for the CFO I just had one. For some reason your mic isn't
on. Just Mr. Bodido. Could we. Of Finance Committee coming up, I'd like to be able, as much as you're able, to have a conversation about stress testing, given the national election and some of the implications with education
policy education. So can you repeat the question? Mr. Perdido,
yes, the request was at the next upcoming finance committee that we do stress testing around our budget, given the national election and the potential changes at a national level of funding, federal funding for the district, as well as potential changes at the local level, given the change in the state legislature. So yes, received, and we will prepare for that.
Thank you.
Thank you, Mr. Perdido, any more questions for our CFO? If not, Mr. Perdido, thank you so much. You can file the report for auditing purposes, and we'll turn it over to our superintendent for item number eight, Superintendent's report.
Thank you, Madam Chair, good evening, everyone. I have two recognitions before I go over our metrics. The first is a team at central office level, our homeless team, led by Miss Parker, the homeless team since about 2019 by memory, went through a reorg and Miss Parker became the new lead for our homelessness work, we've increased the identification of homeless students, which is sad but at the same time encouraging, because those students and families receive more support as they go about their challenges, overcoming Homelessness or house insecurity. And so our numbers in identification have increased from 600 to 3000 and we know that there unfortunately, are more students in dpscd that would qualify for homelessness, but it does require the student family to fill out paperwork. But this team, I think, has done a great job over the last couple of years to just create more awareness, better problem solved with individual principals and teams at schools to increase identification and ensure that students and families receive a number of different resources, from additional transportation, sometimes even dresses for homecoming, other toiletries, Home Goods, all the things that many of us take for granted. A lot of families struggle with, and this team has done a great job of identifying and providing the resources. So tonight, I want to recognize Miss Parker, Miss Bowens and Miss Prince. If you three could come up and please be recognized. You
aren't you All right? Here, 321,
you. Okay, our next recognitions go back to schools. Obviously, the FTE window is closed. We're still trying to get as much final recapture as possible. Excited that we budgeted at 48,200 students, and right now we're at about 48,680 students. So we've seen a strong improvement in Asheville. FTE talk a little bit about enrollment, which is even beyond that, and that's an ongoing challenge that you know, that we face as a district, which is we have more students that enroll after the FTE account, and we're not really funded for that, but that's a separate conversation. Tonight. I want to recognize k8 principals and high school principals that showed the greatest percent improvement in overall enrollment. Our start with the k8 and harms elementary led by principal Ramos, they saw a 28% increase in enrollment from last fall to this fall. Also, Edmonton Elementary, with principal Johnson, saw a 22% increase in enrollment. Third, we have go lightly. K8 principal Naylor. With a 16 percentage point improvement in enrollment. Barton Elementary, with principal Glover Adams saw a 15% improvement in enrollment, and then we have Dixon with another 15% improvement in enrollment, led by principal Pitts. You let's do case, and then I'll do Michael.
I Okay.
Now we have our high schools. The high school with the greatest percentage of improvement from last fall to this fall is Davis aerospace led by principal Davis, with a 35% improvement in enrollment. And second, we have Crockett Midtown High School of Science and medicine, a 25% improvement principal lively. Our board chair is always excited about this number. Martin Luther King, Junior High School Principal, Perry, with a 25% improvement in enrollment, and that 25% equates to 200 more students this year at MLK. Certainly, our transition from a neighborhood to exam school is finally flourished and excited about that work in principal Perry's leadership. Fourth, we have CMA, communication, media arts in high school with a 25% improvement in enrollment led by principal Cox. And then lastly, but certainly not least among the five, is Northwestern High School, a 17% improvement in enrollment led by principal Rogers. So once again, we see a good example of a balance of our exam schools, some of Our application schools and our neighborhood schools as well. Applause,
321, so I know we were only able to recognize 10 principals today, but obviously with a over 600 student FTE increase. We saw improvement across the district in enrollment. It's really a testament to our principal leaders, but also all staff that contribute to promoting our individual schools, whether it's through canvassing, improved customer service or improved student achievement. At the next academic committee meeting, I'll be talking about our baseline data, just where we are with attendance, and I might be able to get to enrollment, and then use some of that information at next month's board meeting, just to review our metrics for today, and then I'll conclude the presentation. As I mentioned, enrollment is increased, actually as of today, or around today, we have 49,083 students enrolled in dpscd. That's over 1000 student increase as compared to the end of last year. Unfortunately, although 49,083 students are attending dpscd, the highest count, if you will, FTE, count that we'll receive is about 48,600 continues to be a challenge that after the count window, more students enroll in dpscd, we're going to really look at who those students are, where they're coming from. Hopefully we don't see a trend that they're coming from charter schools and other places that actually get the FTE and then maybe release those students. But prior data has not indicated that, but this this number is much higher than we've had in years past our. Re enrollment number is slightly higher than it was last year at 71% it's about a one percentage point improvement. Average Daily Attendance right now is 86% district wide, which last year we ended at about 82% right now, if you look at where student attendance is, 52% of students are trending toward being chronically absent, which means missing 18 or more days. That is high, but trending lower than we were were last year. Right now, 97% of teachers have excellent or moderate attendance. Our surveys right now, the surveys that are put on here are taken at the end of the year, but we are taking interim surveys throughout the district right now to understand how students are experiencing the learning environment. As I mentioned, we do have baseline data. I'll present that to the academic committee at our next meeting and then use that at the board meeting. So all these metrics are linked to baseline, mid year, end of year achievement data, I will note that our graduation rate, our tentative graduation rate, has improved. Two years ago, with 74% it has improved. That won't be official until about another month or so, but we continue to narrow the gap between the district and the state and our college going rates are also higher than they were, but we won't have those updated numbers until later. From a staffing point of view, we have about 37 teacher vacancies right now. Only seven are special ed or ese related. We have four assistant principal vacancies, two counselor vacancies, 14 academic interventionists. That does not include the literacy lawsuit interventionists, where we have, I believe, 200 right now hired in addition, six security guard vacancies, four para pre K vacancies, 16 ese pair of vacancies and 24 contracted custodian vacancies and 34 custodian rather cafeteria staff vacancies. As you can see here on the chart, most of our numbers are trending. Well, the only area that I'm concerned about is breakfast. We're seeing a slight decrease in the percentage of students that are eating breakfast. Initial analysis points that some schools may not be offering the breakfast in the classroom because of disruption to the learning environment, but I have to continue to look into that number, not dramatically lower, but still lower. So it's raising a concern. The other numbers, from a procurement point of view, paycheck error point of view, is all below where they were last year. The only thing that I would mention before I close is excited that obviously we have the DFT two year contract as part of today's agenda item, we've negotiated a two year agreement with OSAS, which is our administrators that are unionized. DFP da doe also is a part of tonight's agenda. We're still negotiating with afme and Teamsters. Once we complete that, we'll have two year agreements with all of our unions as we go into the holidays. That concludes my presentation, open any questions or concerns that the Board may have.
Thank you. Dr Vitti, are there any questions or comments concerns from the board as it relates to the Superintendent's report? So, Dr Vitti, only thing I'll ask is, you know, as I as I visit schools, if I'm there in the morning for breakfast, what I notice is that some schools, I've even been a part of this giving out breakfast bags as they come in the door. So I know, if that's not the standard at scale, and others, it's in the classroom, but can you just talk to that? Because several I know we give them out at the door.
Yeah, so we all schools are giving out the breakfast. I think it depends on the individual school, and I would probably say the individual teacher, about whether they're eating in the classroom, how long they have to eat. And so sometimes, whether maybe teachers are absent for that day, or you have a sub. You know that can disrupt the process, but what these numbers initially indicate, and again, I we have to spend more time looking into it, but the initial feedback has been anecdotally from some of the cafeteria leads at each school is that they're seeing fewer students eating in the classroom as part of the process, and that's disrupting our numbers. So that's really just problem solving with individual principals, who then would problem solve with teachers, from just an operations point of view, to make sure that it's fluid and it doesn't disrupt learning. But that that seems to be the reason, but I'll need next month. To accurately describe that, but that's as we use these numbers to problem solve, that has been what I've received to this point, as far as what is the root cause here.
Thank you. And just really quick, can you speak to the vacancies? I know you gave your numbers. So are you saying because sometimes when we go to schools, they'll tell us that they have vacancies that aren't being accounted for. So what constitutes the numbers that you're reporting out?
So these are the vacancies. So if we do not have a certified teacher, then it's a vacancy. So a long term sub is a vacancy. I
Anything else for the superintendent, if not the chair entertained to accept the Superintendent's report. Is there support? It's been moved by Dr Taylor, supported by Vice President stall, worth West any further discussion. Motion on the floor, if not all those in favor, signify by saying, aye, any opposed motion carried. Thank you. We will now go into public comment. Members of the public are welcome to address the board during public comment, Individuals wishing to address the board must register in person or raise their hand online prior to the chair announcing the close of public comment registration today, that time was 541, for those in person, the Chair will call the names of individuals to address the board in order to receive please remain seated until your name is called for virtual public comment that will be facilitated through a zoom webinar, the link and phone number for which can be accessed at Detroit, K twelve.org, backslash board meetings. Individuals wishing to address the Board may do so by choosing one of the two options. One through your computer, you can select raise your hand, and that's option on your screen. Or two, through your telephone, you can press star nine, and that raises your hand on your telephone, the Chair will select the individuals in the order received you will remain muted until it's your time to speak. All comments will be limited to three minutes. The superintendent will reply to questions or concerns raised today that do not violate ethical, legal standards, confidentiality, privacy of others or require a different additional information to respond. If you would like a direct response to your question and or concern, please forward an email to the secretary of the board Daniel Moore at venue dot more at Detroit, K twelve.org, we have our two microphones, and we will move into public comment for those in person first, if we can have Elizabeth Roman and Steven let to one mic, please, and Jacqueline Foster and Mama Helen Moore to the other mic, please.
Just let me know when you're ready. I'm sorry. Oh, and I was wondering if you let me know when you're ready. Oh, okay, yeah, go ahead. Okay. Thank you. Good evening. My name is Elizabeth Roman, and the matter that I'm here about is the teacher referral program. And I was rejected for the bonus because the person, the candidate that got hired did not put my name down on the referral. So I have a lot of emails here. I emailed you, Dr Vitti, hello. How are you? And as you talked about the vacancies, I helped to fill one of those vacancies at Clemente with the principal, Maria Ramirez, Maria Hernandez, what is her last name? Martinez, um, I referred ESL teacher to her. He went through a rigorous process to get hired. So he also moved from Texas, and I have his emails, and I emailed you everything, Dr Vitti, and it went through, um, it went through. Aisha green, it went through Caitlyn English, and they kept forwarding my emails onto all four HR people, and they said the process for how the bonuses will be paid out is still being determined. And then later, I believe it was Aisha green, she said that they need to put your name down in the beginning of the process. So the candidate who is now hired at Clemente in the ESL, very needed vacancy. He also wrote in the email explaining that he moved here from Texas. He did the rigorous hiring process, which I made a copy of your process. You apply, you interview, you have the offer, the pre hire orientation, onboarding, assignment letter. He went through a rigorous process to get hired. Right so you. Along this process, I help the community, I help the district. I help for our students. I am also ESL teacher, and we do a lot for our parents, and have our teachers come the families come in to make sure we increase the enrollment instead of the students. I'm sorry, our parents, they send their students to the other schools around our school. They're the charter schools, but they send them there. They go to Dearborn, because I'm right near Dearborn, so we're always working in the community. We're always trying to keep the parents there, and he is filling a vacancy. And so I believe that I should receive the referral. Miss Martinez. Maria Martinez can send, I included her in the emails. She can send verification that I am the one who recommended him for the position that she hired him for. So Dr Vitti, I'm here today because they said that you listen. Thank you. Thank you. Thank
you. I Yes, yep, thank you so much. Steven let
Good evening. I'm here to ask the board to retain, retrain and restore myself. Stephen W let to active duty, dear DPS, CD board members in March. The last time I was in front of this board, my team and I were advocating for noble to be a part of the bomber group summer school learning program. And as it turns out, that request was denied, but this board saw fit to determine, to investigate further and determine that there was something alternative that could be done to ensure that noble had Summer School this past summer with over 100 students enrolled and present every day, we look to increase those numbers this next summer. What a tremendous success that was for those students and very proud of the work we did this summer, but unfortunately, suspiciously and immediately after that board meeting, there was an anonymous tip made to the Office of the Inspector General to investigate fraud and waste by Steven let I have been charged with I have been overcharged with violations. The HR Department has issued and reissued conferences of findings. Over the last few days, I've been denied union representation. They kicked my building rep out of the hearing. I have been lied to and deceived. They told me that the state of Michigan Police Department and the Michigan Department of Education notified the district that I had new criminal charges added to my criminal history. That was not the truth. I'm currently suspended, and in spite of all of that, I'm standing here this evening as a testament to my own character and my unwavering commitment to my family faith, the noble profession, pun intended, noble nights period, and my sincere dedication to serving my community as a husband, father, son, sibling and devout Christian, I've built My life around the principles of love, integrity and service. My role as an educator and developer of teachers has allowed me to pour these values into every facet of my career. Since joining the district, I've consistently earned highly effective ratings, except for this year, go figure. I've received perfect attendance awards. I've gone beyond the classroom to make a difference. I coach. I've taken students to major sporting events throughout the city of Detroit. I was instrumental in helping turn noble knights into a school of pride and promise. And while I'm proud of these accomplishments, I am humbled by what's going on with me right now. I have not taken anything from this district. I have conducted business up standing, and I'm asking that the board not terminate my employment. Thank you, Mr. Led,
we have Jacqueline Foster, thank you. You can. You can, you can put it right on stage. Thank you so much.
Madam Chair, yes, if we can, if we have new people testifying tonight, can use, for the sake of clarity, let them know that responses come at the end to members trying to leave papers. They're not completely clear. Obviously what the process is,
okay. Thank you. I think you just told them. Well, for those who are attending for the first time tonight, we we listen to all the public comment questions and concerns first, and then we respond to them. So please, if you make a public comment tonight and you need a follow up. This evening, please just wait to the end of public comment, which we have 513, more, no, 11 more. So if you could just wait to the end of public comment, if you made a public comment and you want your question address, please wait to the end of public comment. Thank you. Member gay Jack, no go. Thank you. Jacqueline Foster, please,
good evening, Dr Vitti and the school board. I am an Academic interventionist at Ronald brown Academy, I have been charged with job abandonment. I was sick for 12 days with COVID, starting on September the 18th. I was given a work excuse, which said that I could return to work the next day on the 19th however, I was so sick and living at home by myself that I did not even look at the work excuse because I was sick, I'm here tonight requesting that my job not be terminated with the district.
Thank you, Miss Foster Thank you. Mother Moore, and if we can have Terry Granger and Lexi Byers,
go ahead. Mother Moore, okay,
I just want to get the attention of everyone in this room. Doctor Viti, you probably know what I'm getting ready to do, education and research. The other day, the next president of United States talked about this before time. Everybody, please listen. This is important project 2025. Envisions a transformative approach to education and research, fundamentally reshaping this sector to align with conservative values and principles. One of the most radical proposals was in Project 2025 is the abolition of the Department of Education. The project argues that education should be managed at the state and local levels, free from federal oversight and control by eliminating the Department of Education, Project 2025, aims to reduce federal influence over curriculum standards and funding. In other words, they going to send us back to slavery. It's already on the books, and the President, next president, has just talked about it. If you aren't listening to the news, one of the first thing he talked about was getting ready of education as we know it. Now. Why is that so important? All these years we've been they've been taken away from us and then giving it back to us when we fight. It is important because you all are still treated as slaves. Our children are still slaves. They do not like people that are doing the education thing. They do not like us making progress with our children. It's been there since slavery. Every time we move a foot forward, they pull two feet backwards. Now, Doctor Viti has talked about the progress we've made. We are public enemy number one because of the fact that we are educating our children and moving forward. You know, I'm a, I'm a, I'm a person that has talked about the Board of Education. Power is in our hands, and we need to move it forward. But as soon as they see all the things that we're doing, they now want to make sure that we go back to slavery. All of you that don't have this book, it was sent to me. You need to get it, and you need to read it. This is the future of our children, back to slavery, back to no education, making sure there's no education department. This book is a catastrophe. And this new president, I I don't want to even call him president, is on it, and he's already talked about it on television. Pay attention. Get this book. This is the future of your children. They do not want black children, especially, to have a quality education. Be aware. I'm going to sit down. Get this book. Y'all see it, don't sit there. I see you shaking your head. This is
the two Thank you.
Mother Moore, Project 25 if you don't know, you should absolutely look that up. Terry Granger, please. And. Alexei Byers, next,
hello. My name is Terry Granger. I am a ESC para professional at Thurgood Marshall Elementary School. I am also the paraprofessional of the late Alexis Brooks. I'm coming to you this evening, asking for support. It has been a month as of today that we have not had Miss Alexis Brooks in our present in our classroom, also, we have not had a certified teacher in that classroom within this last month is becoming overwhelming with myself, along with the other paraprofessional in the classroom, we are there every day, along with Our children. All of our children are there every day, and I'm just asking for support, asking for because we're not getting it within our school. Also, the day after her memorial service, we were hit with the blow that our administrative staff were immediately transferred, so now we have new administrative staff along with the like the passing of our teacher and I'm just asking COVID, you broke it and asking for support, because we really do need it. Me and, like I said, me and the other para professional that's in the classroom come there every day for those kids, and we are not getting any type of direction. I am in the period of teacher program through Ryan Reese, Alexis Brooks was my mentor teacher. I'm pulling resources from class, but right now is it's running out, so I'm just asking again for support. If we can get a certified teacher or some type alone turns up or something in that classroom. Thank you.
Thank you. Miss Granger, the school is Thurgood Marshall, Lexi Byers, and if we can have Maya Davis also make our way to the other mic, please.
Hi, I'm here to be a student voice to inform the board of the things I feel ought to be taken more seriously than my own school has. I'm a sophomore in DSA dance department. Last year I had some issues with my African dance teacher, Miss Imani Taylor, when the issues got to the point I was unable to ignore them any longer, I told the head of our department, who taking myself and the other students who spoke about spoke up about this seriously, went directly to our principal with the information, our principal has done very nearly nothing to handle the issues. So after more waiting progressing issues and a younger class of students being mistreated. I felt the need to bring this subject to a higher level of authority. There are many issues I personally have with this teacher, between fraud, cussing out students, or even spiritual rituals being practiced in the class or before a performance. My first topic of issue is that while it's perfectly fine for a teacher to practice their own religion by themselves, including the entire class. And the practice of a religion in a public school is not fine. This teacher has gone so far as to have mandatory recitations in her classes, most of which have something to do with the worship of ancestors, honoring what she believes to be spirits inside the drums, or worshiping of the spirits of the actual dance itself. Not only is she requiring students to recite these affirmations, she has also given out Florida Water, which is part of pagan rituals belief, to give good fortune with the spiritual realm. I personally have very different beliefs from this teacher, and have a problem with their beliefs being pushed upon students. The second topic I'd like to mention is that of fraud. And while I'm sure much of what I'm saying sounds completely unbelievable and far fetched. I would like you to realize that if I was going to lie on a teacher's name, I would not go to the effort to spend my Tuesday evening at a board meeting to give a speech I spent hours writing as crazy as it may sound, the same teacher who practices their religious rituals in class has also committed fraud with grant money, she was given a grant to have an after school drum and dance class. However, many students informed her they were unable to attend. Even still, she required them to fill out the forms and applications. Anyways. So it appeared she had students in attendance, even though she herself was not present, some of us students felt uncomfortable filling out these forms. However, if we tried to get out of it, our teacher would stand over us and watch us fill out. The form as to not let us get out of it. The last major issue I would like to address is that of professional behavior. A teacher ought to be able to conduct themselves in such a way to communicate maturity and professionalism. No teacher should be cussing out students when they are upset. Nor should there be any question of where the teacher is when you are responsible for a group of students, they should always know where you are and vice versa. However, this is rarely the case with her, and on more than one occasion, the teacher has yelled and screamed at students or told them to get the f out of her classroom. This is very unprofessional and inappropriate behavior in the workplace, and needs to be addressed. These issues I have brought to your attention only scratched the surface. I chose to highlight what I felt to be the most pressing matters. I hope the board will take into consideration the things which I have brought to your attention and take action upon these matters. Thank you for your time.
Let's give Lexi Byers a round of applause, young student advocating, if we can now hear from Maya Davis is Maya Davis still here, if Not Melissa Redman, Mama Redman, and Miss Aaliyah Moore, i
Good afternoon. School board. Dr Vitti, good afternoon. The only thing I'm really here for today is I have a couple of questions. When we moved over to the CMA building, they said they were going to come over there and fix our gates. That where the staff parking lot is. The gate still has not been repaired. That's the only question I have for about our school. The next question I will have is, What is going on at CMA, far as their sports? Because when I picked my son up, the girl cheerleaders were outside during practice. Um, the children still do not have, I guess a gym where they can practice. I know Dr reedy said previously that it probably won't be too until 2027 but what are we doing about the children that are there now, because it's been promised to them. So we, you know, sports is big when it comes to DPS, so I don't want none of our children to get left behind when it comes to football, basketball, none of the sports because they don't have a field to play on or anything else. So those would be my only two questions. I yield my time.
Thank you, Mama Redman for clarity, you mean the students who are currently at CMA. Yes. Thank you. Thank
Ms Moore,
good afternoon board and Dr Beatty, just have a few questions before I go into my comment, still lifting up the cell phone tower revenue. It's just not enough transparency about that. You all went over a couple contracts not too long ago, but I mean, at this time, it's just sounding like a broken record. All y'all got to do is just present a slide and just tell us what his money is going the president stated months ago that we would have a presentation. We haven't had it yet. So just, I mean, cell phone total revenue, show us, put it on the website and let it be because it's not going away, because you all are continuously generating revenue, and we don't know where it's going. As far as the culture and climate of this district, we have two board members that will no longer be with us, congratulations and farewell, and I'll say it again when it's time again. But it's just very unfair for you all to sit up here and not even take any ideals or suggestions for the incoming board members. You know, how would you all feel? Or maybe you all have gotten into this space before. You just want to do retaliation on the next set of people. But, I mean, where's the equity in that? You all want to talk about it, but you're not living it. Just give these people the opportunity to talk about the culture and climate as well as this public comment. And speaking of public comment, how can we be at a second read to try to block, restrict, restrain, refrain, the public that got you all in these positions, and we didn't have a policy meeting in September or. October, so am I lost? Do I not know etiquette? Or Wasn't she supposed to have at least one meeting discussing this in a committee meeting before it just goes to a second read and the fear it shows you all are so fearful of your own public and it's quite embarrassing, because if you want to dictate these three minutes so tight and make them to whereas, oh, you can't scream, you can't shout, you can't entice you can't stomp your feet, you can't hit furniture. Where's the furniture? But the point is, all of this restriction, instead of just taking your three minutes and use it constructively, right? But you all are taking it personal. You want to know people's residence. What does that have to do with anything? Do you all not believe that report card was given by residents? Or do you think that was some suburban people that are just trying to be haters? Let's be for real. Lord. Lastly, and I'm going to sit down, you all are are neglecting the ESE department in the high school level as well as you all are failing these kids with the illusion of a tutoring program that's going to pay them $2,000 but they can't miss one session. Where's the equity? One
thing? Equity? Thank you. Miss Moore, if we can go to miss Drake, if you can facilitate the online public commenters, please.
Nicole. Conway,
go ahead with your public comment.
Yeah, I just want to turn the other sound off. Go ahead with your public comment, yes, sir, turn the others you
Ms Trey, can you go to the next person until You until we can get Ms Conway back? Okay? I
Hi, Miss Conway, go ahead public.
Thank you. Thank you. Okay. Good evening. This is Nicole Conway, proud Detroiter and teacher and organizer with the coalition to defend affirmative action, integrate immigrant rights and fight for equality by any means necessary. I first tonight, would like to thank you know, congratulate those beginners, and thank all the my fellow candidates, including the cilia Moore and just and the 25 plus 1000 Detroiters who voted for me. It was a great experience, and thank you to everyone who hosted events. And it gave me a lot of hope that we are we have a community who is prepared to make the fight we are going to need to make to defend our students and our public education as a whole, after what we heard, what miss mom, Mother Moore read today, I think we all know how serious the situation is, and I know a lot of us are ready to step up and make that fight. I want to voice support for the workers who are here tonight fighting for their thoughts. I believe it was Mr. Steven let and Miss Jacqueline Foster, particularly in Miss Foster's case. I I've been through that being terminated for job abandonment, and we have lost way too many people in this district to that job abandonment who were sick and trying to, you know, not not given FMLA rights, not even notified of the rights coming back from a sickness. So I want the board to please take that very seriously, and don't just, you know, unanimously vote on these terminations like usually do, without really asking questions and making sure that you have all the information that people get due process. Other thing I wanted to say tonight is on this um, following up on Miss Moore on the question of climate and culture. At the beginning of the meeting, I heard the board president say there's going to be an announcement about an RFP. Um, and that was it, and that this, this indicates a lot about where the problem is coming from. There's just a complete disconnect. And the leadership of the district is really out of touch, thinking, just throw more money at it. Not that we don't need, you know, money, to solve these problems. But this, the climate and culture, is really about how you treat people. And again, I agree with Miss Morris said the new process being proposed to limit public comment says everything about why we have the problems with climate and culture that we do in this district, because we have leadership that does not respect the people of the community and tries to, tries to keep people as distant from you all as we can and limited, and rush through these meetings and do have closed sessions to try and push people away. That's the problem with the climate and culture and money is not going to fix that. We need new leadership for that. I
tape Brian Joe, please
go ahead with your public comment.
Hello. My name is tab. I also want to concur with Nicole and Leah Moore and congratulate the new board members. This won't be the this won't be the first and last campaign that Detroiters have to stand up and fight for the education of our students. I'm here today to speak against the policy of limiting public comments during this session. I believe that when we fought and got rid of emergency management, that we fought for our voices to be heard as Detroiters and the Detroiters want, should not be limited about what we want to address to the board. The board is accountable to the people that come here every day speak out and advocate for the students of Detroit. Detroit deserves a board that is accountable to the people, and the only way the people can hold them accountable is through public comment. Like every like Miss mama Lord said earlier that project 2025, wants to eliminate the Board of Education. I mean the Board of Education at the federal level, we have to. We have to stand up against the racist attacks, against the against, I mean, that's coming from Donald Trump himself right now in Detroit, now is the time to stand up and advocate for our students the most we cannot, at this moment in history, limited the public comments to this board. We voted in two new board members those this was this agenda item should be tabled until the new board members take effect, because those who will be voting for it will be leaving. Let's urge them to table, this table, this second read, and let's keep public comment as it is. Thank you so
Madam Chair, that concludes virtual public comment.
Thank you. There was one person who had a really difficult time with their technology and asked that this public comment question be read. So I will take this opportunity to do that now. My name is Stacy Davis beard. I was born and raised in Detroit, having been a first graduate from the prestigious Renaissance High School class of 1981 have a daughter who will be 17 soon after being once being born 26 weeks and rescued by University of Michigan at 30 weeks, 16 years ago. We are now back in the city, and I'm simply appalled at the way in which I've been treated and trying to get my daughter enrolled in the district since April of 2023 I have completed two enrollment packets previously, and I'm now being told that I need to complete yet another one. First, I was hoping to get an understanding of the enrollment process. Second, considering to date, no school has enrolled her, where are my personal and confidential papers along with my application and enrollment packet given to two schools thus far? Are where are they stored, and can I please have them back? I have spoken to five different people on several occasions regarding her enrollment since April of 24 to date, and have had some of the most unpleasant conversations, and am now being told no one has my personal information that I previously submitted. The school lied and said they contacted me when they did it, not by phone or email. Thirdly, I like to know what is the process for extenuating circumstances, when there are barriers and disabilities to repeat attempts to enroll it. I informed these individuals that I, along with my daughter, am disabled. I was told there are no exceptions, no accommodations, and that the first school does not have my information. After I contacted the school, I was told she could go and get them during the get the enrollment packet. Unfortunately, my daughter has not been formally educated since she endured assault and physical molestation from another school district and hasn't been formally educated. Missing grades six, seven and eight, part of the purpose of moving back was to get her enrolled and educated. I have adult children who attended and graduated dpscd. I have hit a brick wall, and I am now asking for your help so that will conclude all the public comment questions and so dr Vitti, if we can go ahead and start with the questions that were raised,
sure, as far as Thurgood Marshall, we do have a new principal at the school. The initial reports are positive. We do have to find a teacher to fill that vacancy, and I know HR will prioritize that. I also will make it a point to visit Thurgood Marshall in the next couple of days, no later by next week, thank you for raising the concerns about DSA. We'll have the Civil Rights team review that as long along with internal auditing to see if there's any misuse of after school funds, I will need to look at the status of the CMA gate, and then I'll write back to mama Redman directly. The CMA field will be done by 2026 the CMA gym by 2027 the cheerleading situation. Obviously, we want our cheerleaders to be inside. If it's colder, there should be space in the building for them to use. So I'll have to follow up with the principal to understand the status of that and work with the athletics team if there's a challenge with the use of the building, my understanding that was an issue at Paul Roberson Malcolm X, which is at the old CMA. Or maybe I got that confused. It's the it's the current CMA, one of the two, I'll email and ask about it. And then lastly, as far as the cell tower, there are 21 remaining cell towers on buildings going into this year, or in this year, that'll approximately generate $120,000 all that money is used for the back to school events that we had at the beginning of the school year, which we use for food to support the events incentives For family, staff and students the buildings that have self remaining cell towers at the adult ed west building, Bennett Burton, Carver Davidson, Denby, Evie Emerson, Jr, King, Lawton Mackenzie. There are two on the Northwestern High School building, one on Osborne past year. Two at Renaissance, the old tricks building Verner Wayne and Western High School. Just for clarity, the paid literacy program is explicit literacy support. It's not just general tutoring. So all schools have funding for general tutoring, for reading, math or S, A, T. This is Orton Gillingham based literacy intervention, and every session builds off the previous session. So it's a sequential, scripted approach to make sure that the basic skills that students may be lacking are improved. And so that's why we're putting so much emphasis on daily attendance, because we only have one or two AIS or teachers at every high school. And so if a student misses that, then the students that were there the previous day can't be engaged because the lesson just moves on to the next. And so you defeat the purpose of the intervention if you're not there regularly and you don't attend the full 40 hours. So if students attend 20 hours to get $1,000 if they attend the other 20, then they get the other $1,000 that's why we're putting such an emphasis on attendance. We also have limited time. So because it's 40 hours, obviously that's going to take us to winter break beyond and then session two will start. It, where hopefully we have more teachers and ais that are trained to offer it, and we can offer it to more students. But just wanted to specifically explain the importance of the daily attendance. It'll just create a log jam of the intervention, and then the two students who are there won't be properly intervened the next day, because you have to go back and re teach the last lesson, and unfortunately, we don't have enough trained teachers and ais that are willing to do it after school, so that also doesn't create as much flexibility with the attendance.
Dr Vitti this email that I read, if you could just personally send out a response back to that regarding the enrollment process and the challenges that this parent is experiencing with her daughter, with getting enrolled and getting her papers back from the schools.
Chair, just as just we'll route it to the constituent service process, and I'll copy the entire board on the response. Thank
you. And I know a lot came up. I know we have an action item today around policy. I would just like the policy chair to speak to the public comment policy that I know some discussions were had at the policy meeting. If you could just speak to that policy please. Vice President stalwart was
sure. I'll start with policy process. So the approval process, since I heard a specific question about that, the approval process goes like this, policies are reviewed at the committee meeting, the committee can approve the policy to then be reviewed for a first read by the full board. At that time, the full Board can ask questions, make comments to edit or not if they do not have any of those things to say. And then it moves to a second read of the full board at the next full board meeting, at that point, the Board may vote to approve the policy or changes to an existing policy. There's only an additional committee member committee meeting if the board requests it because there are substantial edits just for the public, you may hear discussion about a policy, and when the edits are easily changed, we may vote to approve with those edits without it going back to a committee meeting at that second Read another point of clarification, any policy can be reviewed for amendment for change once it is adopted. So no policy is adopted and then permanent forever to this specifically, specific policy. Broadly, much of what is in writing is how we already operate in board meetings. The policy is in accordance with Robert's Rules of orders, Robert's Rules of Order, which this board operates under, per our bylaws. It is in line with the Michigan Association of School Boards best practices and guidelines, and it is in line with the Open Meetings Act. Its intention is to ensure that all of the constituents of this district are effectively represented, and that despite regardless of the volume of your voice or a particular way that you may express yourself. You may be heard so but again, we have reviewed it. It has gone through the full process, and it reflects how we already operate in this meeting in writing,
thank you, and I know there will be further discussion around that particular policy when we get to that part, that portion of the agenda, I did also want to just lift up around the comment that was made around climate and culture. We understand that throwing money at the problem is not going to fix the problem, but we do need resources to help unpack so that we hear in totality, kind of identifying where those challenges are and how to address that, and so the bandwidth within the district, we thought it was more advantageous to get somebody external to do that, so that there's a comfort level in sharing information, so the community will be apprised of that information as well. But I did just want to lift up that is not just throwing dollars at the climate and culture issue. Is to get resources, people, organization, who's who specifically does this type of work externally, so that they can do it. So the comfort level for those in the district who will be participating in this, in this activity, to try to move the climate and culture can move it forward. So that, that is the purpose of the RFP that went out was for companies who do this type of work. This is the work that they do, having them come in to do the work for our district. I don't know if there was any more comments or questions for public comment. For moving to closed session,
we're going to come back and discuss, as you stated, the policy, the policy, yes, okay, we do. I can hold my comments to those times. Okay. Item
number 10, closed session. The chair entertain a motion to enter into closed session pursuant to MCL, one, 5.268, A, C and H of the Michigan Open Meetings Act to I consider personnel action at employees request. I i to discuss strategy connected with the negotiation of a collective bargaining agreement, and I, I consider a written legal opinion. There's a motion on the floor to go into closed session, made by Vice President Stallworth West, is there support? Supported by member Mays, Madam Secretary, can you please do a roll call for closed session?
Latrice McClendon, Sherry, gay, Daniel go, Dr Iris, Taylor, Sonya Mays, Misha sta worth, West, entity. Peterson. Mayberry, yes. Madam Chair, you have a quorum for closed session. Thank you. Applause.
Okay, thank you for those of us who are still with us, we will now entertain a motion to come out of public Comment. I'm sorry to come out of closed session. Motion, it's been properly moved by Vice President. Stalwart was properly supported by member. Mays to come out of public comment. All those in favor of the motion on the floor, to come out of public oh my gosh, to come out of closed session. Signify by saying, aye, any opposed motion carried. Thank you. Well, now moving to item number 11, 11.01 administrative terminations.
Is there a motion? Motion?
There's a motion to motion, motion to accept the superintendent's recommendation for administrative termination
with the Edit went through, yeah, with revisions. With the revision.
Madam Chair, I'd like to make a revision to my original recommendation for employee SL, from termination to 30 day suspension without Bay.
I'd like to restate my motion to accept that revised recommendation.
Thank you. So the recommendation is been moved forward. It's been properly supported by Dr Taylor. The motion was put on the floor by member Mays with the friendly amendment to the motion to the superintendent's recommendation to make a revision based on employee SL moving from termination to 30 days without pay. Any discussion
point of order we terminate. Yeah, Madam Chair, I believe that motion was related to the term, yes,
I'm sorry. So that was 11.02
No, wait, I'm sorry, yes,
we mixed them up. We're confused, right? So, so can
we start again? Okay,
so I make a motion to table. I mean to describe that motion,
so you have to withdraw most withdraw
motion. Withdraw. Okay,
Madam Chair, I'd like to make a motion to accept the superintendent's recommendations for the. Administrative terminations with a change or held item, as discussed
for JF,
GOT IT support.
Dr Vitti clear, yeah, okay, okay, so the motion on the floor is for administrative terminations or for job abandonment. And so there is one revision to the recommendation by the superintendent for employee J, F. So the motion is on the floor by Vice President Stallworth West, and it's been properly moved and it has support by member Mays. All those in favor of the motion on the floor signify by saying, aye, any opposed motion carried now, 11.02 terminations for cause.
Madam Chair, I make a motion to accept the recommendations, including the noted change of the superintendent.
Thank you. There's a motion on the floor to accept the noted change for employee. SL for the superintendent, the motion has been put on the floor by Vice President. Start with West has been properly supported by member. Mays any further discussion on the motion on the floor? Not all those in favor of the motion signify by saying, aye. Aye. Any opposed motion carried. Thank you. Item 11.03, recommendation for employment pursuant to MCO. 380. Point 1230,
Madam Chair, I make a motion to accept the recommendation listed in item 11.03, for employment support. Thank
you. The motion has been put on the floor by member, Vice President stalwart less, to accept the recommendation for the superintendent for employment pursuant to MCL three. 0.1230 it's been properly supported by member. Mays any discussion on the motion, if not all those in favor, signify by saying, aye, any opposed motion carried. Thank you. The last personnel action item, 11.04, recommendation for non employment pursuant to policy 1460,
Madam Chair make a motion to accept the recommendation listed in 11.04 for non employment. It's
been properly moved by Vice President stall, worthless, properly supported by Dr Taylor, to accept the recommendation from the superintendent for non employment pursuant to policy 1460, any discussion of motion on the floor, not all those in favor signify by saying, aye, aye, any opposed motion carried. Thank you. Item 12, administrative action. So we have 12.01 the approval of the 2024 through 26 tentative agreement with DF, Detroit Federation of paraprofessionals, D, F, P, food service workers and noon our age. Local, 2350 bargaining units, 12.02 approval of 2024. Tentative agreement with the Detroit Federation of paraprofessionals. Local 2350 bargaining unit M and approval of 12, 12.03 approval of 2024 through 2026 the tentative agreement with the Detroit Association of Educational office employees. Madam Chair, I move to tie bar
12.01 to 12.03
Thank you. There's a motion on the floor to tie bar items 12.01 through 12.03 is there support Second. It's been properly moved by Dr Taylor, properly supported by Vice President stall worth west, to tie bar. Items, 12.01 through 12.03 any discussion with the motion on the floor, not all those in favor of tie bars signify by saying, aye, any opposed motion carried the chair will now entertain a motion for the tie bar. Of items, 12.01 through 12.03 so moved support. It's been properly moved by Dr Taylor, properly supported by Vice President for the tie. Bar of 12.01 through 12.03 is any discussion with the motion on the floor, if not all those in favor. Signify by saying, aye, aye, any opposed motion carried. Thank you. Item number 13 is all the consent agenda items that went through committees. So we have 13.01 through 13 point 13, the Chair will entertain a motion to approve the consent agenda items.
is there support, or it's been properly moved by member. Mays properly supported by member? McClendon for items 13.01 through 13 point 13, which are all consent agenda items, any discussion of the motion on the floor, if not all those in favor of the motion on the floor signify by saying, aye, any opposed motion carried. Thank you. Okay, we will now move to item 14. 14.01 these are all second reads,
Madam Chair, I make a motion to approve policy 14.01, amendment to policy 2266, support
is it? It's been properly moved by Vice President, stalwart was properly supported by member Mays to approve amendment to policy 2266, any discussion, if not all those in favor of the motion on the four. Signify by saying aye, any opposed motion carried. We'll now move to item 14.02
Madam Chair, make a motion to approve 14.02 new policy. 2264, support.
There's a motion on the floor. It's been properly moved and supported by Vice President stall worth West and member Mays for the adoption of the new policy. 2264, any discussion of the motion on the floor, if not all those in favor of the motion on the floor, signify by saying, aye, aye, any opposed motion carried.
Madam Chair, I make a motion to table. Item 14.03 until the December meeting and pending further community education about the changes. Thank
you. There's a motion on the floor to table. Item 14.03, amendment to policy 016, 7.3 public participation at board meetings and committee meetings. Is there support for the motion on the floor? Support it's been properly moved by Vice President stall worth West, and properly supported by member McClendon. Any discussion of the motion on the floor, if not
one item through the chair to the superintendent. We'll just be looking for support from staff on community education efforts and platforms related to this,
specifically Communications.
Thank you.
Madam Chair.
Thank oceans on the floor. Madam
Chair. I move Madam Chair, I move that we accept the recommendation of legal counsel given persuade.
Oh, I'm sorry, yes, we have a motion. I thought, I thought you were talking about 14.03 let's vote on that. First all, those in favor of the motion on the floor of tabling to December, 14.03 signify by saying, Aye. Any opposed motion carried,
Madam Chair, I move that we accept the recommendation of legal counsel given pursuant to a written legal opinion to initiate legal action, persuant to policy, 1125, legal controls.
There's a motion on the floor. It's been properly moved by if know
I'm like,
wait, remember gay Dino go and properly supported by Dr Taylor, the motion on the floor. Is there any discussion? If not, all those in favor of the motion on the floor to support legal opinion, signify by saying, aye. Aye. Any opposed motion carried. Thank you. We now move to announcements. Are there any announcements?
So in addition to wishing our vice president Happy Birthday on Thursday, we do have a couple of upcoming meetings, the face department holiday sponsor and family Wish List survey is now live and will close on November 22 so the family Wish List survey is now live and will close on November 22 the face department has a coat distribution. It happened on the today at Brenda Scott from two to 12. Yeah, today at Brenda Scott from two to 330 tomorrow at Mackenzie, from 10 to 1130 and on the 14th, at Marion law from one to 230 so if you know any young person who is in need of a winter coat, please show up at those locations. Policy meeting scheduled for Tuesday. November 19 at 9am finance meeting is scheduled for Friday. November 22 at 9am academic meeting is scheduled for Monday. November 25 at 11am Thanksgiving break is Wednesday the 27th through Friday the 29th school resumes on Monday, Monday, December 2, and the next board meeting will be December 10. Here at King at 530 Are there any other announcements before adjournment? If not, the chair entertain a motion to adjourn. So moved no objection. So moved with no objections. Thank you so much. Everyone. Have a great evening. Great evening. Thank you for spending your time with us this evening.