Wellington Board of Trustees Regular Meeting - April 25, 2023
11:56PM May 22, 2023
outdoor watering
municipal clerks
administrative professionals
I now call to order the April 25 2023. regular meeting and Willington Board of Trustees time being 630. Please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance.
pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.
May I get a roll call please? Certainly. Trustee Gator here. Trustee Daly? Present trustee Mason here, Trustee teats here. Firstly, weekend here. Mayor Pro Tem McDonald. Michelle see here. Thank you.
Are there any amendments to the agenda this evening? Are there any conflicts of interest related to the agenda this evening.
Now, we'll move on to Item b one public comment and if it were wishing to speak on non agenda items are asked to sign up and then approach the podium state your name and address, you'll be limited to three minutes.
Hi, Don peacock in Wellington, and I apologize ahead of time because I'm gonna scoot after this and watch from home because I tweaked my back in those chairs are not that friendly. I wanted to invite everybody let everybody know that this Sunday, April 30. At 5pm at Zion Lutheran is our first unity in diversity gathering. And we're going to the purpose is to celebrate acceptance, support and understanding for all members of the community. So every month, we're going to have a different speaker from a different spiritual background. And it's all going to be we're gonna be talking about about love, unity and compassion for any member that you know, for anybody and everyone but specifically to help with welcoming and supporting people who represent that diversity label, you know, however, it touches them, you know, whatever, whatever they feel is, is their place that diversity label. So we are going to have light snacks, and there will not be any childcare. And honestly, as a parent, I would probably I would probably say, maybe not younger than high school because of some of the topics that may come up. We don't know what's going to come up. So, but I did want to mention it and welcome everyone to anyone that wants to attend and earn that. Have great meeting guys. I'll watch it from home. Thanks, Tom. Thanks
I'm gonna cut out just like she did and don't mind. Okay. 6836 McClellan road Troy Hammond, chairman of the Chamber of Commerce. I wanted to come here tonight and give you hot off the press. Or annual. I wanted you to get it from me before you got on the street. Okay,
sir. You got on sir.
She's got a mailbox, man. Yes, yeah.
Thanks very much. Alright, so
we're excited about this directory. This year, we put a lot of work into it, you'll notice it's a full gloss caption. But what I wanted to point this to, to you as well is it we did it, we wanted to do more of a community guide rather than just a directory for our Chamber members, which we did do and covered very well in here. But we wanted to make sure we showcase all the hard work and things that this board and Mayor and the staff are working on and bring it to completion. Things that may go on, that people don't go search out, you know, they're gonna go to internet searches out, it's in a magazine here where they can see it. We showcase things in here, like the welcome letters from the mayor and the administrator. We showcase some cool demographics of Wellington, you know, residential, commercial demographics, we showcase our downtown master, not master plan, but revitalization, some very key commercial approved sites that are coming in, in future that are interesting. We showcase our top eight events that we see Wellington, they're in here, and they've got great photos of that a couple of things we showcase was some, you know, our major critical infrastructure projects that you're going to bring to completion that are very hard to work through. I think they're probably the biggest in the history of our town, okay. And it also showcases some, you know, very interesting market opportunities that our town offers to the region that are very big and Wellington is going to be in a big position to capitalize on this down the road and that's what we want to do. It also showcases our map and outlay of Chamber members as well. One thing that we're really proud of in here as well is that we showcase As various women owned businesses and professional ladies in their own right, and they're very nice write ups on them, and their successful business and what they do, very proud to do that we have never done that before. And we'll probably pick another category as we go into the years before. But very interesting, we got, we got our parks in here, what's going on here that big events for our parks and what's going on, because they're very nice, our parks are great. And Billy helped put this together. Ross made it with our library and what's going on there, and they're doing a great job there. And we're real proud of it. So I wanted you to be the first to get it from me personally, because I want to tell you, I'm thankful for what you guys do and helping us make this town together. And we're a partner, we consider ourselves a partner of the town, as we go forward, went to work with Caitlin and the downtown Main Street program and all that and economic development to do what we can with business retention, that sort of aspect, you know, because that's where we come in. And that we, you know, we get some interest as well in other areas. But we're real proud of it, I wanted you to have it firsthand, take time read through it, I think you'll be proud of what you're working on what you're doing. And, and this is what it's all about, you know, in the end. So I know you take a lot of heat, and you're working hard. And this showcases a lot of good things that you guys are doing. So appreciate everything, and always call on us when we can help. We did the fire department forum last night it went well, you were there. And any other thing we can do, there's great events coming up. And we'll keep you informed of it. And we just appreciate the town working with us and helping us do great things. So thank you for what you guys do. And your staff was wonderful getting you the information that I needed. Because it was buried, buried in my records. Alright, but it was good. So thank you very much, guys. And with that, leaving.
Thank you. Bye, guys. Thank you sir
Karen and I for to live on the nose. And I'm here to talk about the heat the prior marriage just mentioned. My heat is this. I'm traveling around, my son's transitioning from kids services to adult services. So I am all over this town and all over other towns everywhere for meetings and things going on. And I know I've brought this up before, but I think it's the right time to bring it up again. The neighborhood's roads really suck. They really suck in the nose, they really suck in other places. I was traveling down Ronald Reagan. And literally not even a whole minute goes by before that I'm that I'm that I'm that, um, that um, but I also complained about last year that the Knowles we've lived here for now, 14 years in August, has never received any road work or road improvement in the Knowles neighborhood itself. And when I talked about that last time, Bob approached me and said that it goes through like a stage of like, you know, certain parts of town, get certain neighborhoods get some of that attention, work done. But I've been here. This is my 14th year, and we've never had any work done inside the Knowles and it is getting quite a bit worse, and what's warming up outside. I'd really like to take Devon out on his adaptive trike and let him ride around our community and our neighborhood. But I can't do that when these cracks are so bad that that tricycle, which is adult size gets stuck in those cracks, and he cannot move it on his own. So I'd really like to put it back on everybody's fourth out of their minds. Our roads suck. Our neighborhoods really suck. But we really need some work done on the roads, not just in the neighborhoods, but around town as well. But 14 years I've lived here and nothing has been done on the knoll so I'm pretty sure that by 14 years, they can get to the nose and it still hasn't happened. So there's the heat that we had the mayor was talking about that I would bring to your meeting. You're welcome. Have a good night.
Thank you
next, we will move on to Item b two proclamations. There's gonna be three of them this evening. The first one is going to be a celebration of the municipal clerks week, Mr. Ethan moose, the town clerk will receive the proclamation on town or on behalf of the town. I will state proclamation now. Whereas the office of the municipal clerk a time honored and vital part of local government exists as one of the oldest offices of public servants around the world. And whereas the opposite of the Miss municipal clerk provides the professional link between the citizens and their local governing governing bodies, and whereas municipal clerks have pledged to be ever neutral and impartial rendering equal service of information and access to all and whereas it is most appropriate that we recognize the accomplishments of those who whom have demonstrated commitment to leveraging their skills as municipal clerks in service to the citizens of our town. Now therefore or I Keylor shozy Mayor the town of Wellington, Colorado, do hereby proclaim the week of April 30 through May 6 2023. As municipal clerks week, and further extend appreciation to Miss Patty Garcia. Miss cherry Canfield, Mr. Ethan moose and Miss Patty Lundy and Miss Verity gets Divor for their service as municipal clerk with staff within our county.
Alright, the next one is going to be a celebration of Administrative Professionals day as Patty Garcia, the town administrator will receive this proclamation on behalf the town Administrative Professionals. Administrative Professionals day is observed annually in workplaces nationwide to recognize the important contributions of Administrative Professionals. And whereas the work of Administrative Professionals require advanced knowledge and expertise in communications, computer software, Office Technology, project management, organization and customer service. And whereas the town of Wellington recognizes the importance and contributions of highly skilled Administrative Professionals to the success of office office operations, and whereas the town is extremely proud of their talented, highly skilled administrative professional staff and officially recognizes appreciates and supports them and their professional growth. Now therefore, I Kaler. SHFC. Mayor, the town Wellington of Colorado, both in Colorado do hereby proclaim April 26 2023 as Administrative Professionals day and further extend appreciation to the members of the town's
administrative staff.
All right, and then the next proclamation is a celebration of the Library Week. Mr. Ross, the town's library director and Miss Mary Curran, the longest standing librarian at the town's library will receive this proclamation. I believe Ross is out today, so we'll be giving it to Mary.
Yeah. Well, we are glad that you are here to accept it.
Whereas libraries provide the opportunity for everyone to pursue their passions and engage in lifelong learning. And whereas libraries have long served as trusted institutions for all members of diverse communities, and whereas libraries play a critical role in the economic vitality of communities by providing internet and technology access, literacy skills, and support for job seekers, small businesses and entrepreneurs. And whereas libraries are inclusive places that promote a sense of connection, understanding civic engagement, and shared community goals, whereas libraries, librarians and library workers are joining advocates across the nation to celebrate National Library Week. Now therefore, I Kaler shows the mayor of the town of Wellington, Colorado, do hereby proclaim the week of April 23 through the 29th 2023 as Library Week in the town of Wellington and urge all fellow citizens to visit our town's library and explore the wealth of resources available.
All right, next up is a presentation and it will be on the strategic plan update. Next we'll proceed with Item C one which is the strategic plan update the senior management analyst, Ally Sheldon will present this item.
Good evening, Mayor and Board of Trustees we one second I'll share my screen
with some fun, more captions All righty. Good evening, Holly Sheldon, senior management analyst for the town of Wellington. Tonight I'm going to be talking about the strategic plan update. As you're all here, you adopted a strategic plan for the year of 2023 and 2024. Typically, I will really be giving a quarterly update just on some successes we want to celebrate. But I also tonight, I want to update the board and the public who are on here, here in person and on online about a new tracking method in terms of strategic plans, which I'm really excited about. So to get started, instead, well, let me maybe
it goes, Oh,
still rusty, sorry. All right. Um, to start the four focus areas that the board outlined were fiscal responsibility, infrastructure planning and development and communication. Within those four focus areas, there are additional goals that are outlined in this the strategic plan. And then within those goals, we have some benchmark methods also that we are focusing on this year and next. slowed down a little bit. There we go. Okay. Start off with fiscal responsibility. One of the goals that we are highlighting this quarter is to maintain financial transparency and increase operational efficiency. Part of that process is auditing our financial systems each year. So currently, we have our 2021 and 2022 audit underway with a brand new auditing firm, they're doing a great job. I think the finance department is really looking forward to what's coming out of that and reporting on that to you guys at a later date. Additionally, a great tool and method that has been adopted through this quarter, last quarter of last year was the Finance Committee, they've done an excellent job of increasing that transparency and finding some efficiencies and just better solutions. Currently, they're working on finally finalizing a financial policy that will really be foundational to our entire financial system. And we're really looking forward to that. And additionally, we're looking at transitioning to a new bank, that new bank is going to be a local bank, which will be a huge benefit to us just having all of our sources local, that's going to improve operational efficiencies, in terms of reporting and just like crossing our different channels. This bank is going to provide a lot of great opportunity. Our finance staff is working really hard to make sure that that transition is very smooth. Additionally, in that financial, that financial goal, we have the to pursue funding sources for the positive direction of the community. The most recent grant that town staff applied for is that Colorado, open space recreation grant through the state for $100,000. For that parks, recreation, trails and open space masterplan, Provost, our parks and recreation, outdoor space and trails advisory board is doing a great job of creating goals and a vision for what that's going to look like. And hopefully we can receive some of that funding to keep it moving forward. The most recent grant we have received is from the Department of local affairs, that's $52,000. For a housing needs assessment, that was a priority project for the board. So we're looking forward to moving forward with that, and now we have some funding for it. And then town staff and the board have worked really hard on securing $5.6 million in grant funding already. So one of our priority projects is just executing and maintaining compliance within those grants we've already received. Alright, so the second pillar I'm going to look at tonight is infrastructure. One of the goals for that infrastructure goal is to complete that water treatment plant and water reclamation facility. Those are huge undertakings and town staff is doing a fantastic job on that public works department and getting those completed. I know you guys received the utility report presentation that went into a lot more detail. last work session and that explained different buildings that are being worked on at each site. Everything is underway. I currently on this on the slide have on time listed. As mentioned in the utility report. There were a few weather delays that would very common during construction projects, especially this time of year. Staff believes that we're going to be able to make up those in due time. So that is why the status says on time even though you have been told about those weather, weather delays and the previous presentation. Another infrastructure goal is to review and develop partnerships and enhance focus on transportation solutions such as Street Bridge facilities, sidewalks accessibility improvements. That is a great big goal. Just for this quarter. Specifically, I wanted to highlight some great partnerships we're working on with the Colorado Department of Transportation in terms of grant funding, as well as just partnerships on the lambrick County Road County Road nine, that intersection that you've received a lot of presentations on between public works and planning. Those efforts are still well underway, as well as the dams. I believe a presentation is coming from town staff here in a few few months, few weeks about the dams. So looking forward to that. And then additionally, I wanted to highlight again, the partnership with the Department of local affairs with the housing needs assessment that's going to be really beneficial to our community. Another goal is to analyze and pursue stormwater solutions. I know we constantly hear the joke about the community pool that we have every time it rains. A little bit of some stormwater solutions, we're working out the stormwater master plan was a huge undertaking, any Master Plan is a huge undertaking, and our engineering staff did a fantastic job that is actually complete. That's very recent news. That's a huge win in terms of benefits for our town. And we are already I'm John Stephens already applying some of those, those concepts that were uncovered in that master plan into the Cleveland Avenue improvement project. So they're working diligently to make sure that we're meeting compliance and we have some some new solutions, which is fantastic. Already another one that I want to highlight in that infrastructure goal is to ensure adequate current and future water resource use of our water resources and inform users about wise ways to save treated drinking water. Staff is currently working on pursuing additional sources of water that is a significant project. Water is very complex, and relationships are really important with that. So it's the town is very, is very beneficial that we have town staff that is dedicated to that. They are continuing discussions with North pooter irrigation company and other water source providers just in the general region. Additionally, we have a water efficiency program in place. One of our the new things we did this year was garden the box through resource central to organization that's based out of Boulder, but they are found in all over all over Colorado, they've been working for over 30 years and providing drought resistant and native landscapes for residents here in Colorado that matched the climate that we are in to reduce water. And so Wellington partnered in that this year. And we had a great turnout for just the spring, we were hoping to launch it for both spring in the fall. And we already had 21 of our 25 boxes claimed that was a discount code that they received through resource Central. So they will receive a box of plants that is specific to their landscape. And then they it has like a detailed guide of where to plant and how much to water. And it's, I have one personally and it's they're fantastic. So I'm excited for our residents on that. And then we'll open up the last four in the fall for fall planting season there just specific plants that survive better when you plant him in the fall. Additionally, we are providing irrigation audits free of charge for residents HOAs and non residential users. So like some of our commercial properties could apply for this. And that just allows the landscape technician to come to their property, they run the sprinkler system, whether that's a rotor or an in ground system, and they just explain where there's water waste, how they can improve their system. shocking how much water you can waste just by like watering a little part of your sidewalk. So that's really beneficial. We still have our showerhead exchange program in place. And then that project accelerator grant is well underway and we are holding a stakeholder meeting with our HOA leaders regarding ways they would like to be communicated with ways they would like to partner with the town in terms of water efficiency practices, that'll be held June 1. Another goal within that infrastructure pillar is to prioritize organizational strengths through retain, attract and support on staff. Staff really appreciates that that is a priority of the board. We had our first staff meeting this year on April 13, it was an opportunity for us to engage with each other and recognize the accomplishments of our team, which was fantastic. We are also improving onboarding processes to include staff tours, a lot of our staff is operating at a lot of different facilities. And there's not a lot of opportunity for us to see each other day to day. So I think it's really beneficial that our human resources department is encouraging that those tours. So when you start with the town, you kind of know where everyone's located and how to get every place. And then I just want to highlight that we've hired six new staff since the beginning of the year. So that is substantial and fantastic. We've got some really great team members, so just came on board. Alright, so I'm gonna transition to the planning and development infrastructure pillar. First one I want to highlight is to complete that downtown master plan and parks master plan, like I mentioned, proced is well on their way in creating their priority list and we applied for that grant funding. We shouldn't be hearing we won't be hearing from that organization in terms of funding until about mid to late summer. So once we hear about that, that funding will be transitioning into the RFP process and really taking that well underway. And then in terms of the downtown master plan, there's a lot of steps that need it'd be taken in order to start that process. So the the best big one is the adoption of the zoning map, which happened at the April 11. Board meeting. So next steps will be to create a budget that we will propose to the board in 2024, and then prepare that RFP to reflect that budget. Another goal is to promote that small town feel through responsible growth and sound financial practices. Town staff just presented some updates about what's going on in Wellington and our development activities. What we expect and kind of highlight are the expansion of our plants and what's going on there too.
And they presented that the biz West real estate summit just recently. So that's a great opportunity for wheeling to get there in Wellington to get their name out there and just show that we are on the map. And additionally, I just wanted to highlight the land use applications that are currently in review that kind of shows you the different processes that are taking place at all times in the planning and building department. All right, that last pillar I'm going to highlight tonight is communication. One of our biggest successes this quarter was an emergency preparedness townhall event that was held April 4. I know a lot of you were there. For that it was a panel discussion that discussed topics such as regional preparedness, personal preparedness, I know I learned a lot just about what I need to have ready to go at my house. And just different responsibilities, who's in charge of what how do they work together? Where does the town fall in place with our emergency management services. We had lots of partners president was fantastic. We had the Larimer County Sheriff's Office, we had Sergeant Sherry was there for work representing Wellington. And then as well, the Office of Emergency Management within the sheriff's office. We also had Larimer County's Office of Emergency Management and our Wellington Fire Protection District. Anyone that is watching online, that QR code is active. So if you want to sign up for this no Kohler, I have to I have to plug it a little bit. This is just a benefit for you to get alerts as emergencies are happening. It's a really great resource. If you Google NoCo alert, that's also an opportunity for you to sign up. Um, another goal within communications was to promote inclusive language and improve access to local government. One big undertaking that I know our communication specialist is taking on right now is that web 508 compliance plan, I'm not gonna act like I know the whole undertaking of what that is, um, it is an extensive process. But it basically is an entire website redesigned to ensure accessibility, there's a lot that goes into that the objective is basically to improve the experience on our desktop version and our mobile version, language, alternate text content updates, kind of you name it, it's a it's an extensive process that our communication specialists is going to be taking on, which is a fantastic way for us to improve that access to our residents. Another one I want to highlight is to increase engagement communications with all of our partners in town, our town administration just presented to the senior Resource Center on April 12. She's giving updates about what's going on in town best ways for the Resource Center to reach town facilities and the needs of the administration have in place. Additionally, in terms of local business engagement, we, town staff worked really hard about the water rate adjustment, because that was really targeting a lot of our businesses and in order to substantially impact their bill, just direct mailers were sent. And then additionally, we have an improvement process underway for our business licensing, much needed and we're working very hard to make that happen. In terms of improving access to local government, this is kinda what I was talking about at the beginning, we have a new way that we're going to be tracking our strategic plan. So as opposed to me giving you, the board and the public a presentation every quarter, we wanted to add to that I will still be giving presentations every quarter. But I think it's important in terms of transparency. And I know all town staff and the board agree it's important to keep our residents updated as much as we possibly can. We are hoping that this is going to be that solution. And we are open to feedback as we adopt this new this new plan. If it is not beneficial, we can make some adjustments. But the goal of this is to on a monthly basis update about priority projects within the strategic plan. So this is just an example. This is not real time or anything like that. But, for example, one of the goals the benchmark goals within the Planning and Development pillar that the board outlined was to complete a cemetery needs assessment. One of the things that we have to do first is to review the records we have in place, there is significant training that is involved with new staff and that as well as just a records management system that we need to get into place. It basically shows the steps that we are going to take to get there and we are where we are at so this would be a real time spreadsheet on our website that residents can see under the Board of Trustees page. That will see where we're at and so if it says delayed, there'll be an act explanation as to why we would love to complete a cemeteries needs assessment. But first we have to do X and then that's why it will show it is delayed. We are hoping this is an opportunity for the residents to engage with staff reach out ask questions that by all means that's what we're looking for. But we just want to ensure the transparency of what is going on with taxpayer dollars and just promote some inclusivity in terms of making residents feel like they're a part of this plan, too. And with that, that is my presentation for the night. Thank you.
Mr. Moose, when we have a comment from trustees, can we keep a time of three minutes from this meeting in every meeting moving forward?
Certainly. Mr. Moran, thank you.
All right. Onto the consent agenda for this evening consists of the Board of Trustees regular meeting minutes for April 11 2023. May I get a motion to approve?
So moved. I'll second. Make a roll call please. Certainly. Trustee Gator? Yes. Trustee Mason? Yes. Trustee Daly? Yes. Trustee teats. Yes. Interesting weekend. Yes. Mayor Pro Tem McDonald. Yes. Miss Johnson. Yes. Thank you. All right on to the action
items, we will proceed with first is a resolution establishing hours of outdoor watering in the town of Wellington, senior management analysis ally Sheldon will present this show I
didn't realize I was for somebody and I apologize for walking all the way back there. Good evening, Mayor and board Board of Trustees Holly Sheldon senior management analyst. This is the third meeting that you'll be discussing outdoor watering restrictions. So I will go through this presentation rather quickly. Just because you've seen this information this would be your first time seeing it so quick background approximately half of Bridgewater customers are used treated water for outdoor watering. We have had high demands for our treated water during the summer. And so something that we have been doing for the past three years is outdoor watering restrictions in terms of days and hours based on address. The town of Wellington is in a very unique situation right now it's hard to do peer community reviews in terms of what other communities are doing because they do not have the same strain on their current treatment facilities. So a lot of these this discussions we've had these past three meetings have been how we are looking forward to 2025 in which we can talk about opportunities in terms of outdoor watering practices, once our plants are up and running our current plant will increase the town's treating water capacity at the conventional facility on reservoir three, and really just the plants are gonna be pushed really hard the next two years while we are finishing those expansion projects. So, to limit consumption and limit the amount of stress and risk to those plants we are we are recommending outdoor watering restrictions. This is just a graph that you have seen several times but you are not seeing this hold on I apologize everyone online
he said that now. It's so funny Okay. Apologize.
So, this is a graph you have seen several times before it just talks about the the consumption and production rates are three plants for the past five years, so as you can tell, it varies. I wish we had a crystal ball to talk about how much precipitation we are going to receive and whether we are going to need these restrictions or not. But I think we have seen time and time again that being proactive with these restrictions so that we can communicate early and effectively has been beneficial. As you can see in this graph 2020 was quite a year of stress for our facilities. Everyone was home from COVID and we also had I mean I know I took up gardening you know it was everyone was out worker working on their lawns and stuff so it's just we're trying to prevent just significant strain on our plants. As I mentioned there's just operational risks. We are worried about infrastructure failure, do we have aged equipment we are so looking forward to the equipment that is coming in late but it will not be ready for this outdoor watering season well and well into next year's outdoor watering season. But what is exciting is new plant is coming and we're looking forward to it and we also have just have a lack of redundancy and in terms of supply and treatment and distribution. So we want to make sure that we are again being proactive as opposed to reactive. The intention of town staff in terms of communicating this these restrictions would be if the board is to pass this resolution tonight, water bill inserts will be provided. And social media will be an active form for people who will be receiving a paper version of this communication as well as an electronic version. You have seen this graph I know through so many presentations. But again, it just explains the current treatment capacities and how volatile that system can be and how important it is for us to really prioritize our infrastructure. I also just want to highlight that, while water restrictions are going are something that town's staff are recommending, we also have other water efficiency programs in place to try to reduce water consumption. Like I mentioned, that garden, the box program during that strategic Strategic Plan update, as well as irrigation audits. And then education and engagement is well underway with Bill stuffers, event promotions, we really want to get the word out in general about tips and tricks, because it's gonna help save them money long term too. And then we also have some indoor programs in place. But I don't need to go into those tonight. I will stand for questions. I know I ran through that really fast. So I will be here for questions. And thank you for your time.
Thank you. We'll start with trusty Wiegand.
I did not hear you mentioned how you're going to enforce it.
Yes. So the intention is in the resolution that's in your packet tonight. And then the enforcement, the first warning of a violation will be an informational opportunity for us to provide them a door hanger or directly hand it to them. Just explaining what the restrictions are. And then that second violation would be a summons to municipal court.
Where I appreciate what you've done. And I really don't like water restrictions. But I understand that we got to do it, especially with our limited capacity in our town keeps growing, it may not be growing as fast as what it has, but it's still putting the more of the strain on it every year. So hopefully in two years, it'll be done. And it'll be behind us.
Because you teach.
This is awesome. Thank you for the presentation, the packet that you presented was extremely useful, because I was able to sit down and actually explain some of this to my husband to help further his understanding of why we need to serve our water a little bit more. The only thing I didn't see in here and something I would like to see is in previous years, we had signs that when at the entrances of subdivisions. Do you guys plan on implement? Perfect, that would be the only thing that in here. I did not see mention, but was really useful, I think. And yes, we
received great feedback from Yeah, from residents about that we plan to do that as well.
Perfect. I have nothing else. For us together.
Yes, thank you for presenting. And I appreciate all of staff getting this in front of us multiple times. So this wasn't just vote on this today. And that was our only discussion, so much appreciated. I appreciate that we got things squared away. In terms of enforcement on this, I do continue to think that we should focus on in education work with the community versus the mandatory, but I appreciate the process we've come through to get here.
Thank you, Trustee Daly
um, I think important thing for the public to understand as well, for those in the room and online is nowhere in these restrictions or recommendations or, you know, for times of day and days of the week watering anywhere does it say to not water your lawn, it says you would do it during this time of the day, and on these days of the week in order to balance the load on our systems, right. And the times of the day are the most efficient times in addition to not being on the high volume times during the day. But also the time that the water won't be well evaporate because it's hot during the day. So following these guidelines actually save you money. So I want to point that out too, because you have to water your your yard last when you do it during the appropriate times of the day. So these guidelines are actually helping you to have better watering practices. And then all of these also maintain the best practices in our area for watering practices for yards to promote root depth or yards to have sustainable and better grass. So I want to make sure that people realize that by no means should anybody's yards be dying or crisp or horrible from these practices. Everybody's yard should be fantastic and great. It's just we're encouraging to make sure that we're being good neighbors to each other and protecting our assets and our In our water, and lowering your own bill by making you use less water and helping you to use less water. So I think it's fantastic. And I'm really looking forward to the community promoting this and being good, good neighbors to each other. So thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you for the presentation was Sheldon. Yeah, obviously, this was really important for us as far as our upcoming infrastructure goes. Obviously, you know, in my opinion, this is all about protecting those water plants until they come online. So yeah, I think this is good stuff. I'm glad we've got to this point. So perfect.
Mayor Pro Tem. Thank you. So that's
a lot of time into this. And I really appreciate all the hard work and information. Great work. And
yeah, I mean, we've got to protect the plants to protect the people. So it makes sense. Great work. Good presentation. I'm glad that we got time to go through it. So I really appreciate that. Are there any comments from the public on this agenda item?
Chris, Christine Gator, I just wanted to say that I agree with trustee weekend that this is I think the water has gone down because water bills went up, our rates went up. So I think the the water restrictions is redundant and not needed. I also want to talk about the enforcement. I'm assuming that the code enforcement officer doesn't work 24/7 So to have rules that he can't enforce kind of doesn't make any sense. Um, so if we can only water certain days of the week, but he doesn't work in the evenings, he can't enforce those. So Might I recommend that you just make rules that you can actually enforce? I don't know when he works, but my guess is eight to five, Monday through Friday. Thanks. Thank you
all right.
May I get a motion in a second on this agenda item please. No more.
I'll make a motion to approve. Resolution number 16 Dash 2023 A resolution establishing hours of outdoor watering.
I'll second. Are there any final comments for direct Board of Trustees? No. All right. Hearing no further comments may get a roll call on the motion please.
Certainly. Trustee Mason? Yes. Remember to McDonald? Yes. Trustee Gator? No. Trustee Daly? Yes. Trustee teats. Yes. Trustee weekend. Yes. Michelle. See? Yes. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Next will be
item E to an ordinance amending and ricotta recodified. Chapter 13 of the Municipal Code concerning municipal utilities is charity Canfield, the finance director and Megan Smith, Deputy Director of Public Works will present this item.
Good evening, Mayor and trustees, Megan Smith,
Deputy Director of Public Works. Good
evening. Charlie and I are coming tonight to review with you guys with you all Excuse me. The municipal some updates to municipal code chapter 13, addressing municipal utilities that we reviewed with the board and discussion and work session and Feb. February. Okay, thank you. I don't have a presentation for you this evening, as it's a little bit dried, put on a bunch of slides, just a bunch of bullets. So I do have the bullets of the changes outlined in the memo in your packet this evening. Quickly just around the utility system requirements. It was the same pieces that we had touched on during that board discussion around kind of some broad language changes around renaming, or having the the code use the term wastewater instead of sewer. That way it matches our actual water enterprise. As well as kind of being able to distinguish between stormwater and wastewater, a lot of times sewer depending on where you are in the country that's interchangeable term, removing some language around volume or raw water requirements, as well as some languages in there around bringing three quarter inch greater than three quarter inch taps to the board. Those are just ways that we don't operate any longer. We have both of those are adopted by ordinance or resolution and are included in other documentation and the town. We're looking at updating language to clarify prohibited discharge standards so that there is not duplicative or redundant language, there was a rather contradictory language, sort of cleaning that. requiring some adding language to require commercial customers to with grease interceptors just submit that documentation to the town. So we're able to track and monitor the how they're functioning in order to protect our wastewater treatment plant investment, also adding some language requiring commercial customers or multifamily customers with backflow prevention devices to have to submit those testing reports on an annual basis as well. That's a state regulatory compliance standard that we have to meet on our drinking water side. And then beyond that, just kind of making a sweeping removal of one whole section that had been with review everything within that section I've been captured and articles one and two. And then with that, I guess maybe the the broader tree trickier pieces that we are moving forward with, as we discussed, are proposing to move forward with the water yield changes for the two water sources that are outlined in code right now, which are both the North pooter irrigation company shares, and then the Colorado Big Thompson project units. So as reflected in the memo packet is reducing that yield that we allocate per share or per unit to the two acre feet per share for North pooter and a half an acre foot per unit for Colorado, Big Thompson project units. And that is in line with what was discussed during that board session. And with that, I'll turn it over to charity.
Thank you, I think there were just three major changes with the utility billing, we're changing the due date back to the 25th of the month and making code reflect what practice been or practice was been delinquent letters will be sent out no later than the 15th of the month in lieu of door hangers 10 business days prior to shut off. So that way, we have less staff time on the ground physically hanging door tags on people's homes, and the landlord initiation of the water utility accounts so that way, we have a stricter and more structured way of identifying who's responsible for our water utilities.
That would love to field any questions that you might have. Trustee Mason
got no questions. I think we've seen most of this before. And I appreciate you guys getting all the language out here. There's a whole bunch of changes I needed to be making made. And yeah, it looks good to me. So appreciate it.
Trust you daily.
I agree. We've seen a lot of this content before a repeatedly and explained to us multiple times in public meetings. So I really appreciate that and seeing it all together consolidated, so we can consider it all together. I think it's the best way to do it. So I appreciate you all doing that. So thank you very much. I don't have any questions.
Trustee Gator. So just a couple of clarification. So when we say we're reducing the acre foot, we're saying when you bring so for example, if you're building a house required to bring X acre feet per house as a developer, and then when we're saying if you give us one share of North Peter, we're saying because of drought and other conditions, there's less acre feet. So you would in essence need potentially more shares to fulfill the requirements. But then we're separately from this, or is this included? We're also looking at adjusting that building requirement, dedication as well or is that included in this,
the raw water dedication is not included in this update. So this is just for the Municipal Code piece. And then that raw water dedication and and cash in lieu of dedication will come separately separately. Yeah.
But the idea was a more or less balanced because this is addressing the piece of how much comes with a share of water. Correct? Correct. And the other half of that is when we'll make some tweaks to the potentially make some tweaks to the
dedication portion that's required. So
how much water we drink user will use. And then there's how much water will yield from the right that's turned
in. Perfect. And then wanted to clarify. So we're adjusting it to where the utility bill is now in the name of the owner of the property, they can ask that it be put in their tenants name, but they are still ultimately the one who's responsible for the bill.
Yes. And they have to initiate the change for the landlord to have the kind of habit kind of take over that. Okay, we're eliminating the process that anyone can call and just that I'm moving into this property, we like water service in our name.
Okay, perfect. And then the other question that I had was on the readings for when we can't read the meter, do we do an estimate? I believe the language is a little Sorry, I'm trying to find the page I had it and then I moved to a different page but it said basically, if it's if we can't read it because we can't get to it if it's unsafe. And then it also just kind of said for any determined reason to do an estimated reading, do we have a clear policy around when we do and don't do estimated readings, because I know something has been brought back a few different times is, you know, I got this estimated reading, I don't really understand why it's done. So that's actually
something we've addressed internally in terms of our data systems. And the only time an estimated rate pops up is if the data coming from census or meter reading software into QSL, is not accurate. And we have spent months and months making sure that we can identify those issues. So an estimated read right now is a really big one off. And what we do is we take the previous three months, same time last year, do an average and do an estimate based off that if it coincides with their current usage, where that gets difficult is the landlord tenant accounts, because you would have a different tenant possibly last year with a different amount of people in the homes. So it's one of those things where we make our best educated guess, to see current usage trends, as opposed to last year's usage to provide an estimated read, but those you're talking maybe one or two months at a 4000 tax audit.
Okay, so we really, okay, good. That's what I'm looking for just making sure. And then if we can, if we have that written down, and kind of what the processes and what determines that, if we just circulate to that the Board of Trustees, so if we ever do get
I think we can bring that
later. Yeah, yeah, no, I'm just so thank you very much.
First GTX. This is amazing.
So the redline document is actually one of the most organized and well put together documents I've seen since I've set up here. I love that it details every single change that you guys have done to this. It makes it very easy to read even on like a residential side when someone's coming to view this information. The one question I had was the water source one share of North pooter irrigation? Did it decrease to two? Because here it says 2.4?
Yeah, it did decrease to two from 2.4. So it was it currently is 2.4. And if this is adopted, it will go to two.
Okay, so I just wanted to let you know that that's not crossed out in the document. So it goes to the 2.4. So just FYI. And a note to look at. It wasn't redlined
it is actually it. If you zoom in on it, that there is a line, it's just because the four has the bar across. You can't you can't it's like one pixel off. But if you look really close it is there.
Yeah, ours, it doesn't show it. So I just wanted to make sure that we weren't voting to approve the 2.4. Again, and you guys had to come back to us later to have to read change it
and trust it. It's the ordinance includes the non redline version. So basically, the key point is to go to that document where it says 2.0, that red line, is there merely for the Board's reference. So
got it perfect, then no. Other than that, I don't have anything else.
Thank you. I
appreciate all the work and the detail that you went into a few questions I had trustee Gator already got. So thank you.
Perfect. Mayor Pro Tem. Thank you This
was a huge undertaking, like I'm not even sure if Megan and charity could calculate the number of hours that were probably put into the recodification of this chapter. But I'm sure that it was significant. And thank you so much for your hard work and for setting the town up for success in the future. Because I think that this code is really going to help guide the town in a responsible way moving forward with our water system. Thank you so much for all of your hard work on this project. This is fantastic. Yeah,
I mean, I'll pair Mayor Pro Tem, I mean, you guys did a heck of a job. This is wonderful. And it's gonna really set us up for success in the future. And I know you guys spent a lot of time going through this and spending time with us and going back and appreciate it. Thank you very much.
Actually, if it's not too out of line, I would love to call out Mike Flores superintendent of the wastewater facility and Jesse, tell us through to the collection and distribution superintendent who both read every single word of the whole chapter, which is a lot.
Yes. So thank you to everybody. Thank you. All right. Are there any comments from the public on this agenda item?
No further live in the north. And you probably said this, and I probably just didn't understand the way it was said. But it sounded like to me If you're talking about the tenant and the landlord, that the landlord has to apply for that to be put into the tenants name. And again, just want to bring up something I did before. There's a lot of programs that if that landlord is not putting that tenants name with these utilities, and that tenant is not qualified, will not qualify to get help from the state of Colorado, from Catholic Charities and from other charities around as well. And so I really don't know how this is done. But I hope there's something in place that can educate landlords that you really must allow, if you want this, this, if you want your utilities covered, and your tenants need assistance with utilities, you really need to allow them to put it into their name and not the landlord's name, so that they can qualify for assistance to get those utilities paid and keep their families warmth, with lights and all the great things that utilities provide for families, because that's really a necessity for any low income family. Any, any family that help falls on hard times and just needs a little bit help. You can't get that help without those utilities being in your name. So hope there's something in place to encourage landlords in the town of Wellington, to allow for the tenants that have had the opportunity to put those utilities into their name. That'd be a great safeguard for families across the board, I think.
Thank you. Thank you.
I would like to address that when I was researching that change in the code. I did reach out to leap and it is not a requirement to have the water bill in your name to be eligible for assistance. So that will not be a hindrance for tenants who do not have the water bill in their name.
Thank you for clarifying that.
All right. Can I get a motion in a second on this agenda item please.
I will make a motion to approve ordinance number 04 Dash 2023 In ordinance amending and re codifying chapter 13 of the Municipal Code concerning municipal utilities.
Second, any final comments from the board on this? No. Perfect.
Make it a roll call. I'm not pleased.
Certainly. Trustee Mason. Yes. Trustee Gator? Yes. Trustee daily? Yes. Trustee. teats. Yes. Trustee Wiegand. Yes. Mayor Pro Tem McDonald. Yes. Miss Jessie. Yes. Thank you. Thank you.
All right. On to reports. Other reports for the town attorney, Mr. sappy, and
the board's enthusiastic review their utility or utility code and chapter 13 highlights a project that's kind of been in the works for a long time. And that's regular review of chapters of the town code, which is a really exciting thing. Utility recodification of chapter 13, as Megan mentioned, included a lot of staff looking at a lot of different pieces of it that the pieces that directly impact their jobs that included meetings of at all levels of the town. And it's a it's a project that lasts a long time. And it's evident, it's important. Being the town code needs to be reviewed on a regular basis to make sure that it complies with state law, make sure that it properly demonstrates and reflects what's being done at the town. And the codes have been around a long time. So sometimes just needs to be cleaned up. So one thing that we're working on is bringing to the board, ideally, and test this out starting in the third quarter, kind of a quarterly code Chapter is the idea. And what was nice with the chapter 13 Is it was brought forward with some potential some potential changes that needed to be made as part of a work session before the full thing was brought in. So you can have multiple meetings to give the Board plenty of time to look at it to have presentations that are not just looking at the actual language. And then finally bringing the full package with the red lines, you can see what's being changed. And so we're going to be looking toward quarter three to start that out with something that I've been trying to get moving for a long time, which is chapter 10, of the Municipal Code two years, it's I'll be honest, the one of the red lines that I have is dated back in 2019 that I wanted to make some changes. So it's been a while. But but I think it'd be a really good project and you know, especially parts of our code that have been adopted sort of piecemeal over the course of decades. It's important that we go revisit those so we'll be kicking that off in quarter three, we'll have some more information as if that's successful. Ideally, we'll each quarter bring forward new chapters or smaller sections if they need to be more bite sized. But I was really happy with the enthusiastic response there to chapter 13.
So I look forward to more that perfect, thank you.
Other reports Miss Garcia,
sir. So I'm equally as excited about the code changes. It's, it helps it helps us work with an OIG, you start getting calls from community members with questions. And there's there's parts of our code that conflict with each other. This, this will help that and help staff do their jobs. As far as records, we're working charities working on a budget calendar. So that'll be provided to the Finance Committee and to the Board of Trustees here shortly I'm staffs gonna go through it this week. And, you know, start finalizing some of those dates. So you guys can start lining out the dates that you really need to be at a trustee meeting, don't take any vacations during some of these dates that we'll be having work sessions and things like that. Kelly Hadley, and I will be leaving, potentially tomorrow morning for a conference in Glenwood Springs. It's the Colorado's. It's this Colorado city and county Managers Association Conference. Weather's not looking great, but we will see what the morning brings. Kelly and I are both presenting, which is really fun for us to be able to showcase Wellington in and how I'm talking about how to build a great team. And Kelly will be talking about her work and her responsibilities as a Deputy City Manager, town manager in an organization. So really excited to be able to attend. And thank you for approving the budget to allow us to go Thank you.
Thank you. Yeah. Any other staff communications updates? No. Reports. There's the vegan nun at moment as he deeds, no, just very excited
for the volunteer appreciation dinner that's going to be hosted tomorrow night. Yep, we actually were able to at the last minute, add an additional trivia night for anyone who is a team and is attending. So there'll be a chance to stay a little bit later and have some fun with our volunteer community board, which I'm scared because I'm not good at trivia, but very excited about in general. But no, and just the support from our town clerk has been honestly massive, like the communication spot on? I can't. It's been wonderful planning this. So in a lot less complicated, believe it or not. So I enjoy that planning very much. So. So other than that, I don't have anything else. Just you get her
nothing new to report. Just one question. I really appreciate Mayer, really working to keep us on track. It's been awesome. I know what a few of our meetings we've had kind of a section for board questions and board comments and separated that. Something to think about, maybe there's a possibility to bring that back in. Because for example, if we have questions for staff, and then it takes them time to answer the questions, and then we run out of time to actually talk about anything. But if we can separate that out, maybe look into a way to do that. But I appreciate your work in and keep us on track. I love having my evenings back and being called reasonable hours. So appreciate that. But just I know thankfully, we had a lot of work sessions. So we were able to ask all those questions ahead of time. But every now and then we do have items where there's not a chance to go into in detail. So if we could think about some ideas on that would be great, but appreciate what you're doing to get us to the meetings.
Because you're dealing with Saturday
10am to noon, I will be celebrating Arbor Day from the town of Wellington and you'll see some volunteers there from the pros board. The you will have the opportunity to get a free sapling tree tree tree and to plan to dream so it will be planting a tree to replace some of the older ones that had to be taken down at viewpoint Park. A lot of people also don't know where viewpoint Park is. And it's, you know, our park with the biggest field that we have available. So like if your kids play football, you know where it is. But if your kids don't play football, you may have never been to this park before. So if you hit up the town of Wellington's Facebook site, you'll be able to see and for this reason they put a small little map on the flyer because viewpoint Park is it's it's not obvious there are signs but it's not one that you would normally drive by. It's in the middle of the neighborhood. So please come to that. It's wholly fat family friendly, kids will love it. They get to participate in planning this tree with their dreams and take home little sapling tree. So that's what's going on this weekend. And I think that'll be super fun. The other item I wanted to mention I got to go to the kickoff or the release party for this directory. I wanted to talk about it and give a special thank you out to the chamber. The chamber has really been picking up a lot of slack where we have you You know, haven't been putting specific attention towards economic development. I know we do that across the board in a lot of our different departments. And but we haven't done like these kind of marketing efforts in the past. And I know we're headed this direction. So I'm really excited about it. So I think the fact that the Chamber has taken on this effort and a different method this year, is really admirable. And I wanted to give them thank yous because it is more of a community guide than just a directory of their members this year. And also in the middle of it, if you happen to come across one, it does have the map of Wellington, which does have you Point Park there. So if you need extra help in defining that park, all the parks are listed in here too. So. But this, this is really great. And one of the my favorite parts of it is it shows the before and after pictures of the revitalized revitalizing downtown grants. And like, you know, those facelifts that most of our our businesses got downtown. So and some of the stories behind this and this is a wonderful, wonderful magazine this year. And also I wanted to put a thank you out there for North 40 Because they're the reason why we have upgraded and it looks like a magazine rather than just a paper type directory. So I wanted to say thank you to the chamber.
Perfect. Thank you.
Nelson for trusting me Mayor Pro Tem
real quick I just want to say thank you so much to Mike Flores and Jesse for your hard work on that recodification process. I'm sorry that I couldn't see you and that I couldn't include you in that shout out but I understand the huge undertaking that goes into that and the attention to detail that you guys put into that I mean, that's not something they tell you about on a public works job description. So thank you so much for your hard work on that I really appreciate it
perfect, thank you
yeah, thanks to everybody for doing everything that you guys do is individual trustees and the projects you guys head up and things we put together I mean we all do this together as a team and thanks to the town staff for kicking butt every day and taking on the chin sometimes I mean we got to do that you guys are doing a great job. So thank you I appreciate it. We all appreciate it. That's all I got. I think at this point we need to go into an executive session
so the
board will now consider entering an executive session should the board elect to enter that executive session members of the audience not required for the exec session will be asked to leave this room it will be removed from zoom I'm the executive session is going to be for the purpose of considering a purchase acquisition lease or transfer of real property pursuant to section 24 Dash six dash 4024 A regarding potential property acquisition with entitlements municipal purposes as required by CRS 24 Dash six dash 4022 d dot five to a band two ie the exact session proceeds will be electronically recorded and the recording will be preserved for 90 days through July 24 2023. May I get a motion to enter executive session?
So moved. I'll second. Make it a roll call please. Certainly. Trustee Gator? Yes. Trustee Mason? Yes. Trustee Daly? Yes. Trustee teats? Yes. Trustee Wiegand. Yes. Mayor Pro Tem McDonald Yes, Michelle. See? Yes, thank you