Progress. Present, Commissioner Bernard, present, Commissioner banks, Commissioner Bill, Commissioner Burton, present, Commissioner Carter, Commissioner Moore is excused. Commissioner Hernandez, present, Commissioner Presley here, Commissioner dewash, is excuse, we have answer.
Introduction of staff. Oh no, we got to do that, right? Commissioner Hernandez, what's your pleasure? Thank
you, sir. Through the Chair, I'll make a motion to head into closed session pursuant to section eight A of the Open Meeting, act MCL, 15268, A, the department's request for the board to consider administrative leave without pay but with medical benefits for Police Officer Scott McKenzie, badge, 3284, assigned to the eighth precinct. Okay,
motion made by Commissioner Hernandez in one second, second by Commissioner Smith, any discussion. All in favor, say, aye, aye, and one opposed. The motion is carried. This is a two minute recess
again, recording.
Is an agenda. They
have a parliamentarian conference to figure out a better way to do those though. Yeah, one closed session with All your agenda. Yeah, I