Well, I just just before we get going, I'm just gonna, I'm just gonna show you just very briefly. Oh, well, I don't have to change the color. I downloaded the color changing scheme. But anyway, let's get off the meeting.
All right,
I'd like to now call this meeting to order. Welcome to the January 12 2021. regular session council meeting at the last City Council. Can we start with roll call, please. The mayor is here.
Thank you, Mayor Councilmember Christiansen
Councilmember Duggal fairing,
Councilmember Martin.
Councilmember Peck.
Councilmember Rodriguez.
Councilmember waters here near you have a quorum. All right, let's
go ahead and start with the pledge.
Harold, why don't you lead us? That's very creative. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States.
It literally would not unmute. Yeah, yeah.
Yeah. You've just earned yourself the next 15 meetings. Yeah, I'm sure. Yeah. between now and November. All right. Just a quick reminder, the public, if you want to call in, this is how you do it. We're going to have first call public invited to be heard. That's the number. That's the meeting, Id get in there. And then you'll be called pursuant to the last three or four numbers, your phone number. When that happens. It's your time, you'll have three minutes, three minutes, I'm going to have to cut you off No matter how much I hate or love what you're saying.
All right,
let's go ahead. Do I have a motion to approve the January 5 2021 minutes?
So moved.
It's been made by it's been moved by Dr. Waters. It was approved by council member in our little fairing. All in favor say aye.
Aye. Aye.
Opposed say nay. All right, the eyes carry it. Any agenda revisions or motions direct city manager, Dr. Waters.
Thanks very badly. I you all received a draft of a resolution from Don. If you've had a chance to look at it, it is intended to support a piece of legislation that is yet to be introduced in the state legislature. That's part of the fix oh six coalition attempting to repeal What are now statutes that were house bills 10 1009 and 1023. In 2006. During the bill Owens administration, there was a special session that addressed immigration issues. The two pieces of legislation that came out of that session, exclude Colorado residents who are not who are undocumented residents, exclude them from receiving financial aid, small business loans, the kinds of resources that people need to get educated and prepared for work. There's a second piece of legislation that denied people who are undocumented residents, licensing, professional licensing and and to be granted permits to do business like food trucks or kinds of businesses locally that need permitted. So there's going to be a piece of legislation. It's introduced to repeal that legislation or repeal the skip the statutory, statutory, and I have the statutory references in front of it. There's a much this is just one part of a much larger effort by this coalition. When I submitted the rest of the resolution to Don, I assumed that we would have a bill to read in a bill number by the January 26. Meeting is the timing on this is going to be important. But it turns out we've since learned the legislature is going to be in for a few days this week, and then they're going to be out until like the first week or second week in February. So we won't have a bill now bill numbers won't be assigned until the legislature comes back and reconvene in February, the all numbers will be assigned them. And we'll have we may have text language of a bill before them. My intent was to move that we direct staff to put this on the January 26 agenda. But my motion will be now to direct staff to place this resolution on the first council meeting after a bill number is assigned. And we have a chance to see both the bill number and the text of the legislation. That this resolution would support
Right. It's been moved and seconded. Kazmir Christiansen.
This is a little strange to me, but we don't usually well. Sometimes we do. Sometimes we don't. If we vote to do this, I will, then we have the first or we have an additional meeting with Colorado Municipal League. And I will bring this up and say that we are in support of it. If we are indeed supportive of it, I certainly am. So thank you.
Councillor Peck.
Thank you very badly.
So am I, a councilman Martin, I mean, waters. How does this differ from the slate of bills that Sandy cedar brings to us to see if the council is in support of those bills? Why would this resolution make any difference than that? I personally would prefer to see the wording on the bill before I make any motions to put it on any agenda.
Yeah, I fully understand wanting to see a bill before voting on the resolution. That said, I'm not going to change my motion, the motion is to put it on an agenda once we have a bill number. And once we have a text that we could read, and the difference is this. I have no idea. The difference between this and what we normally do with Sandy, or what Sandy does for us. I have no idea where CML will come down on this bill. I'm certain that Dola is running a bill that addresses part of the issue here with respect to undocumented residents. It's my understanding that dolla dolla bill, for the intents and purposes takes Doa out of the process of of dealing with immigration status, but leaves unaddressed licensing. I think it addresses professional, professional licenses, but it doesn't address permits or the ability to receive financial aid. That said, I think before you vote, what up or down on the resolution, that yada yada we all want to see the language. But regardless of what CML, a CMS position I want once we, if we if we pass the resolution, my motion at that point in time will be to direct Sandy to do all she can to lobby CML to support the legislation that addresses both 1009 what we're 1009 and 1023.
Wouldn't that be a councilman Christensen's job to work with CML in lobby on behalf of council? Not not the assistant city manager because I think we already have this process in place.
You can vote no on the on my motion. But I debate what council member questions would roll
up on one second. So let's go let's don't get into a back and forth. We've had our say is there any other and we're gonna vote on the motion? Because the motion has been made Councillor Martin? Thank you, Mayor
Bagley, I would say that we have a process in place for assistant city manager Seder to bring forth bills that she believes are of interest to the city and one of her sources is the CML recommendations. But I don't think that that process precludes a council member from finding another another bill and putting it before the council as part of that prog project or process. Um, I further think that this one is important enough. You know, I'm the person who insisted that we changed the assistant city manager cedars Prost process, because the old process often made it too late before they came before us, for us to vote on them in time to recommend to the legislature. This one is really important, and we don't want to miss what might be a really rushed date because of the constrained way that the legislature is offered operating, so I personally don't see anything wrong with doing it this way. When we have the bill number Angela and the language the final language, You don't like it? You can vote no.
We're ready to commit commit one more comment. I'm gonna be quiet. Councilmember Martin's point your timing is going to be important. That's the reason for wanting to have this and you can vote up or down on this motion and the subsequent, you know, resolution when it's on when it's on an agenda if you voted on an agenda, but the timing on it is important for municipalities, county commissioners, school board members To be assertive in the in their support of this legislation at the time it's introduced to being heard in the legislature.
Thank you, Councilman waters and Mir badly, I just need to say that this is the time to discuss and ask why this is bringing up outside of the process. So I'm gonna pick
or Councillor pack what I was referring to was the process. I'm not saying that you shouldn't have it. I'm just saying that a free for all. On the way home is not. I'm just saying that as we go back and forth, I'll just call on people. So we're not having a discussion. That's it.
But it wasn't a free for all. I was asking a legitimate question as to why
Councillor Peck? I'm not I'm not? I'm not. I'm not saying that. I'm not saying that you're engaged the free for all. All I'm saying is instead of going, Tim, Joe, Tim, Joe, Tim, Joe, Tim, Joan, everyone gets their chance to speak. So we each get a chance to speak once. And then I will call on someone to speak and everyone can speak. We have a motion. Everyone gets to speak two times. That's Robert's Rules. That's all I was saying. I was saying we're going to follow Robert's Rules. That's it. Not more not not no judgment. Just correcting everybody to say, hey, reminder, let's follow by Councilmember Christiansen.
I would suggest though, that if we want to actually be supportive of these, we find out the sponsors. And I'll find that out for you and lobby them. They're the ones who are voting and not CML does have a vote. But you know, that's hundreds of municipalities. So the people who are actually voting on this are the state legislators. So we need to lobbying our particular representatives at the state level. And that would be something I think would be a good idea. Thanks. All right, Councilmember,
though, fairing? I thought I saw your hand up.
Yes, it was. Actually, I just wanted to, to clarify, because I kind of noticed the conversation was taking a little bit of a turn. We're just voting to get this on a future agenda, to then discuss whether or not we want to proceed with the resolution. Um, I know that in the work I've done with the Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition, and through immigrant rights groups of groups through the Colorado Education Association, these you know, I, I think it's very powerful to have a city council who makes a written statement in support of pro immigration law or pro immigration bills, because it has implications for our students, our student graduate, our graduating students, you know, one of the things that we're trying to lobby for right now and I as I'm reading this language, and just in conversations I've had with folks from circ today, this could have implications for allowing internships, we have a lot of students who are part of the P tech. But if they're undocumented, they're not allowed, they cannot apply for any of those internships, which in turn, they cannot be part of those programs. So legislation like this will help help rectify some of those inequities for our kids are DACA recipients are students who are in our public schools. So you know, I would like to bring this forward to to have further conversation on on the topic. And hopefully by the time it does come back in our agenda in February that we'll have a bill number, and we'll be able to actually read what the what the bill states. So yeah, I will be in supportive in support of this.
All right, so we have a motion. So you know, for the discussion debate, let's straight up vote. So all in favor of putting this particular issue on the first first regular session meeting, after we get a bill number assigned to it and have the actual wording. say aye. Aye. Aye.
Opposed say nay.
All right, were there any counselor pack and Casper Christiansen, you and I or did you abstain?
No, I said I
Okay, perfect. All right. Motion carries unanimously. All right. Anything else? All right. See nothing. Let's move on to city management for pertaining to COVID-19 Terrell.
Do you want to do the proclamation first before I go?
We can do that. That's fine. That's fine. Yeah, sure. We can do that. Do we have we can do that out of order. Do we have the folks receiving it on hand? Specifically, do we have an up James here?
Hello, Miss James. How
are you? Thanks for joining us and England.
And Glenda Robinson
I don't see Glenda Glenda, are you here?
I am. Hey, hey there.
All right, we can't see you. But I'm going to go ahead and read the Proclamation. There she is. There she is. Welcome, welcome and that and Glenda, so your job is every year is to sit there and look beautiful while I try to read this without mistake. Okay, so here we go. This is a proclamation designating January 17 to the 23rd 2021 is honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Week, in Longmont, Colorado, whereas January 18 2021 marks to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday on which we honor Dr. King's unwavering fight for the absence of oppression and the presence of opportunity for all who sacrificed sow the seeds for movement of peace, equality and justice. And whereas across the nation in the state of Colorado and in the city of Longmont honoring Dr. King has become a week of service without our within our communities. events held throughout Boulder County are made possible by the commitment and dedication of many volunteers from diverse backgrounds. The combined efforts of these volunteers are fulfilment of Dr. King's dream and highlight the importance of the civil rights movement and the need to take action. And whereas Ms. Annette James has a dedicated commitment to outstanding community service and sharing the importance of the civil rights movement, Dr. King's legacy and keeping the dream alive for future generations throughout Boulder County. Now therefore, I Brian J. Bagley Mayor by virtue of the authority vested in me and the City Council, the city of Longmont do hereby proclaim the week of January 17 to the 23rd 2021 is honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Week in Longmont and invite all to attend in virtual program honoring Dr. King. So Miss James, thank you so much for being here. Congratulations on that recognition. And as Robinson, as always, you do so much for this, and we appreciate your efforts. Would you like to say something was robbing cinemas James.
So thank you so much, Mayor Bagley and to your council members. Indeed, it is an honor to celebrate the legacy of Dr. King and that the city of Longmont understands that recognizes it and is willing to do it. So again, thank you very much for honoring Dr. King, and on behalf of the NAACP Boulder County. We look forward to a wonderful celebration this weekend. Thank you.
And of course,
I gotta say something. I want to thank everybody, I want to thank you Mayor Bagley and city council members for your years of support. This started with a conversation. everybody's having a conversation these days, in 2005 with a conversation between Carmen Ramirez and I, and we started in the city council chambers. And so I just want to say we are here today because of that conversation and that support. And that push and that just affirmation that you guys have given us and celebrating the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King. I also just want to make the announcement that and I expect every single one of you to be on the premier YouTube premiere. I'm trying to connect with 1000 people. And so at least 1000 it's going to be worldwide. So Mayor Brett Bagley, you will get a chance to invite the whole world to the city of Loveland. We've never been here before. The other thing that's different about our celebration is not only will it be virtual, but if there's ever a time that we needed to come together. I think you all would agree in unity. That time is now so and that's the president of the Boulder County NAACP. We have the city of boulders Human Relations Commission, we have city of Longmont, l Mack group. We have Silver Creek High School, we have young people, and that's so important today to be passing that torch so we have city of we have Silver Creek High Schools, jazz band and choir. We have la nyuad High School's
And we have boulder High School's orchestra. I think it's like 70 pieces or so. But anyhow, it's going to be pretty impressive. We will also have an exhibit from the withers Museum of Memphis, Tennessee. That's the museum that Dr. Ernest withers was known as the civil rights photographer. So he will be on we will also have Mr. earn it, Mr. Dwight.
Oh gosh,
I'm having a senior moment here.
Pardon me.
But anyhow, Mr. Edward white. He was the first African American astronaut candidate, selected by president john F. Kennedy, to be the first Astor African American astronaut in space. Well, after President Kennedy was assassinated, he was kicked out of the program. But he is an awesome sculptor. And he has sculpted the picture the sculpture in city park of Dr. Martin Luther King. I had an interview with him, he's 87 years old, and I asked him if he wanted me to send a wheelchair something apart. He said, Are you kidding me? I run two miles a day. I'm gonna run over there, and I'll meet you there. So he's a walking history book. We are awarding him, the Living Legend Award and the Trailblazer award Anyhow, I think it's, we're thinking it's going to be phenomenal. But we don't want you to miss it. So Anna, thank you. I'm honored to stand with you and receive this. I'm sorry, I'm not a person of a few words. But
there you go.
What we like your words. Glenda,
we like your words. Thank you so much. And we'll see you next week. Before before you go, can you please tell the world where they can go to get the link to access the meeting?
Okay, so city of Long mots l Mac page. If you go there, it'll tell you how to register. It's YouTube premiere. So it's free. But you must register because we you register on Eventbrite, very simple. We want to get a count. You can also register on city of boulders, MLK weekend events. You can register there. And that way we will know who we have from around the world. tell all your friends.
We'll go to the city website. And we'll get that done.
All right, fine. Thank you.
Thank you. All right. All right.
Thank you. And Harold, can you make sure that that's clear?
Right. Yeah, I work with Moroccan and they're going to be hitting that pretty hard on our social media to get that information out.
Perfect. All right. Thank you. All right. Okay, Harold, can you go ahead and update us on COVID-19?
I will. And I know you all have a big conversation later. So I'm gonna through this, we don't have as much to go over. I'm seeing the map. With the
Yes, we are. Okay.
Refresh that screen again. So as you can see, we are all still in orange.
So when we look at Boulder last time, I believe we were in orange in terms of the to E cumulative incidence. We were like at 349. It's been vacillating. But it's been between 360 and let's say 345. Right at that orange barrier. When we look at the positivity rate, we're now at 4.9%. You can see that we're loving days of declining or stable hospitalizations in Boulder County. No council asked the question the other day of what is this hospitals in Boulder County or is this the people from Boulder County? There's been some there were some back and forth on that. But we are informed last week that on the Thursday I've been called it's actually the number of people that are hospitalized from Boulder County, not in Boulder County hospitals. So when you look at Boulder County, I'm going to kind of go to our surrounding counties. When you look at layer 385 6% eight days declining. Well, counties 548 9.5% positivity rate 10 days declining. Jump down to Denver 19 7%, nine days and then we'll end Jefferson for 30 36.4% 11 days declining. Look at the data from Boulder County. Are you all seeing the Boulder County page now?
Okay. You can see that I'm going to point this out because I'm also going to show you some of the wastewater data so you can see that there were approximately 198 cases on the fourth you can see another 127 and then 130 around the Nine, eight or nine out of January and then you can see this traveling when you go and you look at so what is this compared to Boulder County residents and those affiliated with cu Again, you can see on this date, there are 15, to see nine, still 112 121 189, you can see that movement. When you go to testing, when we look at her positivity rate, you saw on the other screen, it was 4.9, you can see her, it's now 4.5, you can see the movement, but we definitely change it down. And we've stayed between four and 5% recently. And when you look at the number of tests they're performing, they're still in excess of 1000 tests. And you can see the number of positives out of the total test. They did have a graph on the vaccinations, they've moved it to the vaccine page. But I can tell you that we're still in a number of conversations with vaccines. As you all may have seen today, there was a recent change at the federal level. So we're all trying to actually understand that. And know Dan and and Shannon Mulvaney from our emergency management office are involved in those conversations, and we spent some time on it today. But more information will be coming out of vaccines. If y'all have any questions, we can get to those at the end. Again, when you start seeing the trends, you can definitely see how we were moving down. You know, they were watching the 75 plus category. And you'll see it when we talk about what's happened in our assisted living facilities. And you can see that then it spiked, it looks like it's now coming down. There was this slight spike. But hopefully everything continues to turn down and I went and I'm pointing this out, because I want to go to the wastewater information. I'm going to start referring back to some of these other graphs. When we look at the trends, you can see that we we dropped we spike and now we're at 95.6, on the five day average number of new cases. So we hope that we can continue this downward trend as we're moving forward. When you look at the deaths that we've had recently, you can see that on one day, we had 20. Part of that was a lag in reporting in terms of what we're hearing, but the big piece is just the number of deaths that we've had recently associated with long term care facilities. So you can you can definitely see that the number of cases that we were seeing within long term care facilities, then translating into unfortunately, more deaths in our community. And then you can see how, as you can just see what was happening in the other graphs by community. And what's interesting now, as you start to see along a lot in this section, you know, we were the majority of cases in Boulder County, you're now seeing the L towns in terms of the number of cases have more cases as well as the other municipalities compared to Longmont in Boulder. And then this is a number of residents that we've had test positive as we move through this. And then this is the rate per 100,000, we now have the highest rate of 100,000 in total cases, and and then when you see the the race and ethnicity numbers, you know, we still have a lot in the Hispanic population testing. But in terms of over representation that we were seeing early on, you know, we're definitely seeing that in terms of the overall percentage. And I think that's really a product of the work that our cultural brokers have been doing and can junction with the county and just an increased emphasis and talking about what we need to do and, and really targeting our communications. But we still have more work to do there. And then you can see that percentage is dropping, and then when we get to long term care facilities. So you can see at the end of December, is 59 cases, in long term care facilities. And you can see that we were having a lot of those cases, develop in our long term care facilities, which then you see when you stretch out further in time, are seeing the deaths that were being reported associated with this. And so you can see that, unfortunately, that connection. And then when we look at the end the hospital status, again, we tend to be in green in those areas, as we were there in the air after the initial surge, but let's say mid summer, you can see that the med surge beds is pretty stable. Again, keep in mind that we have
you know, the elective procedures unavailable ICU beds is relatively stable. And what we're seeing generally, when I get the numbers is, you know, we were at 80 to 100 hospitalizations early on, we've dropped and we'll wait to see what we get an admin call Thursday, but that's definitely better. We're in a better spot than we were. I mean, we hope we can continue moving that you can. You can change tomorrow, though based on the numbers but what we're hearing is we're still in that Stable period with locations. Now I'm going to talk about the wastewater graph. So obviously, I showed you this. And you can see, I'm going to show you the seven day time lag, because that tends to be the one that really gives us the best sense of what we're having. So here's Christmas. And you can see that we were sort of bouncing all over the place, and then you get to about New Year's. And you can see that spike right after New Year's. And so, for us, when we look at that, that's sort of telling us, that's probably what we saw around eighth or ninth in terms of the number of cases. And then we're seeing it trending down. So what we can say is, we see the spike, we saw the spike in cases. And then we see this movement. So generally, what history will tell us in this model is that we can expect that that downward trend to continue the number of cases. Again, it's a really general look that we have. But we are talking about this information more in our admin calls. And I know in the last one, Jeff had some questions about what we were actually seeing in this data and how it's correlating to the number of cases. So we're really, I'm really starting to pay a lot of attention to this, as the math continues to become more clear. And what we're seeing. So this is, this is a good sign. So if you really see where we were when we were hitting high numbers in Longmont that's really corresponding with this, versus where we were as we were moving into it. So we hope that we can continue in this form. That is a quick update. Does Council have any questions for us?
council member Michael fairing and Councilmember Peck.
So I have a question on Thank you, Mayor, I have a question on the vaccine rollout. I was then on a meeting where it was discussed that there seems to be just a little bit of trouble getting to the 70 and older, you know, making sure that they're getting the information they need, that they're getting vaccinated, because of folks who don't have internet or, you know, they're not, you know, on top of all this social media and, and very tech, technologically savvy is one of the one of the folks had said, and so I was wondering what we're seeing here locally? Because it was a statewide? Yeah, so
it you know, it's interesting. And so I ported some questions in today to ask that question. I think we're probably seeing a little bit better connection into social media, just the nature of Boulder County and, and what we play. But I think it's something we need to keep our eye on. And I know that is Shannon and Dan are working to plan, the Joint Information System or just are just, they're working on their communication plans. And you heard me talking about cultural brokers and some of these other pieces, we're really trying to also talk about communicating and non traditional sources. I don't know the answer. But I can look and see, are we seeing the same issues, I know that I talked to one of the CEOs of our hospitals, and they were running a clinic for individuals that are over 70. And I think they had every appointment full today. Okay. And I know that the uptake is there, I just don't know if we're missing anything. But until you is they're also talking to Michelle to other options, and we've communicated about our housing authority issues. So there's a question, let me verify that for you.
Okay, and then kind of making sure that we can find them, too, because, you know, I think about folks that I've connected with who live at the mobile home park office 17th, who don't have access to a lot of, you know, internet or, you know, don't even be able to find them. So we want to make sure that a lot of our marginalized communities are getting contacted.
big issue for us. That's part of the conversation in terms of vaccine clinics. And so they are talking about what's the next stage and how do we handle it? And how do we have clinics within our communities that people can rely on? on certain days. And I know we're gonna get updated on Thursday on that. But to your point, I have an issue with my mom, who is nine hours away, who refuses to touch any computer. I was fortunate that I had an aunt that was computer literate, who also knew what was going on, and was able to sign her up because I didn't know what was going on there. And I get that issue because I'm actually dealing with it. So at least reach out and see. Make sure we're closing those gaps. Okay,
thank you.
Councilmember Christiansen and then customer impact. I'm
so sorry.
This is also for Harold. Um, I was going to ask the same question as Suzy because, you know, someone wrote into the paper today and said, Well, my husband and I were in our 80s. We don't have computers, we have a phone, we don't have a cell phone, isn't there? I mean, they're their doctors should be calling them. But if their doctor hasn't called them, shouldn't we advise that they call their doctor and the
If they don't if they're very pigheaded? Like my parents were and they don't have a doctor because they
don't like doctors?
Is should they call the public health department? Or
can they can because the public health department can I do have an information page, but I would say if they don't want to call the doctor call the public health department and they'll be connected to the appropriate place because there's also okay, sign in function on the public health piece. marayke is on this meaning. Right, good. You have the number can you jump on and give me the number for them to call? her she anyway? She'll come in in a little bit and get Okay. Okay.
Yeah, because people may be listening tonight. And they may be able to get some information from from this.
Well, what I said and again, this is general information. And same thing I told my mom, call your doctor, call your healthcare provider if you don't have a doctor, call the county health department if you have to, and in many cases I was doing it for but that's what you need to do if you're unsure and you don't have the technology to log to connect into the system's
Thank you, Mayor badly. Harold, I have a question as well as a suggestion. Um, I have the same questions that Councilwoman Hidalgo fairing had. But going forward, there's been a lot of conversation about eliminating the second shot. And I'm wondering if you've heard anything from our governor, on what he thinks about that going forward? Has that been addressed in long run at all? And I'm sorry, in the state?
so as I said, I know there was a lot of conversations today you may have heard that. I know, a president like Biden was saying we need to release all the doses that are available today. The federal government said we're going to release the doses sort of in alignment with that. Dr. Fauci I don't think no one's saying they're going to eliminate the second,
I said that. I said that incorrectly extended to use all of the vaccine for the first shot, and then wait to the second wave of orders come in to distribute the second shot, could be months. They're
the two that yeah, that's what everybody's trying to find out to see what their plan is. I know that I heard that Pfizer said they think they could hit the timeline. That's what everyone's trying to understand. Because one of the challenges in this, and I think this is the hard part about the communication, the federal government controls the vaccine, right, they then release the vaccine to the States, and then the states release it to the providers. And so I think the number we're at what we get in on the weekly basis as a state. Before some of these announcements was 70,000. But they also talked about today in the briefing, and this is what we need to understand is also that those states that do a better job of getting vaccines in arms, federal government's reserving the right to reallocate vaccines to states that are doing a better job. So when it's all said and done, I think this was another one of those changes that happened very quickly, that everyone's trying to understand. And we'll probably have more information next week. And next week. I know it's the open forum. But we've scheduled to have Jeff Zack on every third week. And so we would like to have him talk about it. And he'll probably have many of the answers to the questions that you're asking, talking about vaccines, because I think we're all scratching our heads right now trying to go What is this new change mean for us?
Okay, and actually, I just want to make a suggestion that came from someone from another state, and it addresses the issue that had Naugle fairing brought up about people not being able to sign up because they either didn't know how they weren't computer literate, or they were of a different ethnicity and couldn't read the website. Some States or counties have used their library with social distancing and plexiglass to actually sign people up getting their information and signing them up for shots either with their county or with Safeway or wherever that place is being done. So that's just a, that's just a suggestion that we might look at. If it gets crazy. The other one is going forward, has Boulder County thought, or perhaps they should think of using football stadiums or large school events like school gyms, the high school gyms to be able to move people through faster, if we do go to opening it up for using that, giving everybody one shot and a mass vaccination process. So those are just suggestions that I'd heard about through family and friends that other states,
I can tell you, we are talking to them about locations, part of the uncertainty is this shift where the state said they're going to take over some of this mass vaccination piece. Again, that's just something we're trying to figure out right now. But I know I think I actually have meeting Friday to talk about some locations and how we can partner. As I mentioned, last week, the county did say they're really going to look to cities to help support some of these efforts just because of the pressures that are just being placed on the entire system. And we're seeing that continue. Just a lot of the man that's hitting the health department, which is the counties which then we're trying to cities help with as well. The COVID call center number 303-776-0822. And so if somebody doesn't have access to connect online, they can call that number. And those individuals will help someone get into the system so that they can be notified.
Thanks for ICA.
All right that Harold. All right, and let's go ahead and move on to first call public buy to be heard. Let's go ahead and take a three minute break. Come back. And then once we're back, we'll kick you off.
Alright, see
you soon guys. Okay, folks,
for those that are watching our live stream, now is the time for you to call in. please dial the toll free number 1-888-788-0099 then you'll be prompted for the meeting ID please enter 87652237178 this information will get you into the waiting room. If you are asked for a participant ID you're going to need to hit pound, the pound sign on your phone. Once you call into the meeting, you will enter our waiting room. You will then be admitted into the rest of the meeting. please mute the live stream for further instructions. If you don't mute the live stream and listen to us through your telephone, you're going to be behind about 20 to 30 seconds and you will not hear me ask you to unmute.
Thank you People are
in the line
I've allowed six people in. That's all I'm seeing at the current moment.
All right, let's go ahead and get the rest of council on. And once the last persons here, let's go ahead and close it off. All right,
let's give our livestream just a few seconds here to get caught up. Okay. And for those of you who have joined us on the call for public invited to be heard remember, please turn off or mute the live stream now. Please listen to the instructions that I'll be providing to you through your telephone. I will be calling on each one of you one at a time in a list, and it's just ordered by randomly your phone number. I will call you out by the last three digits of your phone number and ask you to unmute once you are able to speak please state your name and address for the record. And you'll be given three minutes. Mayor Shall I begin?
Yes, please.
The first caller, your phone number ends in 499. I'm going to ask you to unmute 499
There you are. Yeah. Can you hear me? We sure can. You may begin.
Thank you. This is Joe Kelly of barberry Drive. And I'd like to acknowledge from watching City Council for many months. As far as I can see, this council has good intentions and wants to do right by the people of Longmont. With that said I continue to assert that the city's plan to roll out smart meters is not for the highest good of all concerned. I assert that the science continues to show this. It is my belief that the microwave injuries caused by such a rollout will fall squarely at the feet of council and staff supporting this rollout. Is this what you want your karma to be? I would like to know the exact how of how having smart meters will get us to 100% renewable energy by 2013. In fleshed out detail, I would like to know, what is the plan for paying for the AMI? Will it be covered exclusively by short term utility rate hikes recently announced? Do you have an end date for when the AMI is to be paid off?
What is it?
How about the liability insurance for lawsuits that may come as a result of microwave injury and or fires started by smart meters? How much will that cost the city if it can even get it? Or will you ensure that vendors of all ami equipment be willing to certify it against damages and personal injury of the population by microwave exposure? Will you publish answers to all these questions publicly so that the citizen may can see your answers? We are after all on a need to know basis. Now, as to the mountain pact letter on tonight's agenda I noticed in the first paragraph the letter uses the branding term build back better from Klaus Schwab the great reset shrub and his band of Merry Men, Bill Gates, Joe Biden, Prince Charles Justin Trudeau, Boris Johnson and other millionaires, billionaires and elites disguised as environmentalists all echoing build back better. Born in 1938. in Nazi Germany, Schwab created the World Economic Forum and now wants a world where you won't own anything and you will be happy. In addition, he's openly called for a great reset that leads to a fusion of our physical digital and biological identity and other words transhumanism conspiracy theory hardly, their plan is all out in the open and Longmont is falling into lockstep in this mountain packed letter, no matter the good intentions. Thank you so much for your time. Thank you. All
right, next caller.
All right, the next caller, your phone number ends in 332. I'm going to ask you to unmute 332
There you are. Good evening. My name is Mitzi Nicoletti. I live at 1261 button rock drive Longmont, 805. And for tonight, I'm calling because I've been very concerned about the extreme voc that spiked, that were measured at the union reservoir error monitoring site. The one that was especially concerning was measured last Wednesday, March 6, around 830 in the morning. I'm sure you all are aware of this, but it was the highest reading ever seen in the state. These levels are extremely high. And there was also a spike that registered yesterday, Monday. My family and I live very close to Union reservoir. I'm extremely grateful for the air monitoring the city is providing. But I'm wondering what actions the city is going to take to find out what's causing these extreme voc spikes. When these occur, I always get headaches and have sinus problems. So I'm calling just to find out what's being done in the information that's found out if it could be presented. I appreciate your time and taking my call.
Thank you next caller. All right, the
next caller your phone number ends in 418418. I'm going to ask you to unmute
418 if you hit star six that might help you as well on your phone. All right, let's go on to the next caller. Caller 8950418 Are you there?
Yes. Was it 5418 that you want it?
I only see 418 sir. So I I'm sorry about
that. That's fine. You
may begin.
is am I on right now?
Yes, sir. You are. Please state your name and address for the record and you may begin.
My name is Stan toll. I was 28 years resident here in Longmont. The reason I'm calling is about the RV ordinance and One of the testimony that was in the hearing is that the RV ordinance is illegal that was from the American Civil Liberties Union, their attorney. So the legal advice is that it's an illegal ordinance. The problem is, is that when the city is threatening to impound the people's vehicles, people are supposed to be notified that they have a right to a hearing, as to the legality of their vehicles and property being impounded. As at this point, there does not appear to be any compliance with this basic 14th amendment right that people have before their property is threatened, are actually take it. The other issue is, is that are we actually going to get assistance and getting housing? My personal experience was a phone call today, telling me that I am being dropped from the program that I've been involved with. And that, you know, they, if I, let's say, was willing to relocate to Pueblo are out of state, there wouldn't be a problem. So it's curious about what's happening with this idea that we are going to be getting housing, if possible. But also, I want the city council to be aware that I talked to the city attorney about this, that the city of San Diego had a similar ordinance. And they are now in settlement talks on a multi million dollar settlement. I think that maybe we'd have a better use for spending our money, because there's the city of Santa Santa Barbara, California, that has a very simpler system that does not involve a dark colony and setup. I'll try to get you a copy of that program as soon as I can. Thank you.
All right. Next caller.
Right. next caller we have your phone number ends. Hang on just a moment. In 895, are you there? Yes, I am. Thank
you so much. I owe this is Carl Peltier. I live in 1915 Sundance drive. I've been a resident in northeast long for about 12 years now. And I'd like to thank Mayor Bagley and the Council for giving me an opportunity to speak briefly on the relocation plan for the Creek Golf Course maintenance facility. For some context, I'd have the opportunity to work with. with Miss cantana and Mr. Dominguez and the professional staff that run the city every year, as I put on the bicycle race, we've been running in downtown Longmont for almost 30 years. And when we do that, we work with the managers and the parks department who get our permits, and we run a successful race. So it's in that light that I was really surprised that the city was looking for a variance from its own permit in relocating the maintenance facility. Now my understanding is that the city is asking to essentially violate its own standards so that it doesn't have to incur the costs of development along the highway 66 corridor in northeast Longmont. As a resident of that neighborhood, we would all greatly benefit from improvements, including sidewalks, which currently frankly, start and stop multiple times along Highway 66. So we're really calling on the city, to lead by example, to demonstrate to developers and citizens that there's a right way to do development, that these standards are in place for a reason. And that we would want the city to build on what you're doing along the Spring Valley Greenway with the plans for union reservoir and the future recreation facilities up here along county line and 66. And really use this as a first opportunity to develop this part of town properly. So I would strongly encourage you to reconsider the current plan. Please keep the maintenance facility in its current location where it's been for 25 years, and use this as an opportunity to modernize not just that property, but that intersection and this area along Highway 66 for the benefit of all town. So thank you very much for your time.
We have one more caller right.
There at two more.
All right.
Give me just a minute. The next caller your phone number ends in five, five For, I'm going to ask you to unmute 554
can you hear us?
Yes. Good evening. This is Paul styles. I live on Sundance drive Longmont. My topic is the same as my neighbor Carl's previous topic in terms of concerns regarding the youth Creek Golf Course facility, development and location. I just wanted to draw the council's attention to some specific language in some of the recent submissions, which is of concern to us. I refer to the documentation regarding 1211 and some of the application letters. And Mr. Ross, the architect acting on behalf of the City, so the city is both the applicant and approver approver. I'd like to read this language to you that's in there. It is the opinion of this applicant, the denial of the CEOs of the variances being requested below would run counter to the goals of the comp plan by placing the selfish and self serving desires of the few wealthy homeowners above a system wide approach of providing the recreational needs of the community as a whole. My first concern is specifically that that sounds a rather arrogant, unprofessional and provocative response to someone who should be acting to meet all of the requirements of code to get the best solution and ultimately being paid by our tax dollars. So I would ask the city to consider whether he is the right person for the job as I consider that unprofessional and not a good reflection on the city. Secondly, there is additional language that talks about meeting the intent of the various codes and that the application meets the intent. My request is that rather than making intent, which is a very subjective thing, and a very self serving determination for Mr. Ross to make, that the proposals actually meet the codes, the codes are not subjective. They have very specific requirements. And given the city's both gamekeeper and poacher, it's even more important that the city is held to its own standards. Certainly, I'd like to raise the fact that the progressive progression of the applications seems to have a disconnect. And I appreciate the time that Harold has taken to share with us his views on trying to make the proposals meet all of the various considerations to be met financial, of course, being a big one of them. But it does seem there's a little bit of a disconnect between the applicant and some of the positions that Harold has shared, we would encourage all parties involved to be talking before additional dollars are spent revamping and resubmitting proposal after proposal. And then finally, I'd like to highlight that given the course is meant to be a long month premier golf course. I contacted the designers of the course Trent Jones. And they were equally surprised that a consider a plan to put a maintenance facility in basically the entrance area right next to the clubhouse and the practice greens in the driving range would in their mind be completely alien to the approach to this being a premier golf club and this being an improvement and they may be contacting the city also to share their view but I relate their comments on their behalf. Thank you for your time.
All right. Thank you, sir. last caller.
Last Call your phone number ends in 589589. I'm going to ask you to unmute. Are you there?
There you are.
Yeah. Hello. Hi, this is Sarah Morgan. I'm the owner of martinis Bistro at 543. Terry Street. What I am asking for the board to consider is currently short term permit. For sorry short term lease permits can only be held by individual citizens versus an LLC, or as a long term rental can be held through an LLC. I'm asking for the consideration. Same consideration be given to the short term lease permits are our business our building is a mixed use space and we have the restaurant downstairs and we have an apartment upstairs the apartment really is not suitable for a long term tenant with the restaurant being operated on the bottom floor. But it is perfect for short term tenants and it is something that I would like to consider in the growth of martinis veestro. Being able to offer wedding packages in the future. We would also like to be active with Airbnb, and brb Oh, like we have been in the past. But the current permits we can only hold this under a sole proprietor or individuals name. Obviously the reconsideration of having this being held by an LLC gives additional liability coverage that we are looking for and that we would need in order to protect the business. And so we're asking The city to reconsider this, this obviously would bring more tax dollars and use sales tax to the city. So it would benefit you. My understanding currently is that this was made the LLC, or not being able to be held by an LLC was in order to limit the amount of short term lease permits. I'm asking for a reconsideration of this, of maybe applying a number certain allotment of short term leases within a certain radius, or just letting people kind of weed themselves out organically when they see that Airbnb market start getting a little bit more saturated as it has over the years less people will, I think move to have that if they see it's not so marketable. I'm just asking for reconsideration on the short term permits and help bring a little bit more money obviously to our business and an empty space and then also bring more money to the city upon not so thank you so much for your time tonight. I really do appreciate it and all your hard work.
Alright, that will conclude this week's public invited to be heard. Let's go on with agenda item nine the consent agenda and introduction and reading by title of first readings or in ordinances are first reading of ordinances. Thank you.
Mayor item nine a is ordinance 2021 dash oh five a bill for an ordinance making additional appropriations for expenses and liabilities of the city of Longmont for the fiscal year beginning January 1 2021. public hearing and second reading scheduled for January 26 2021. Nine B is ordinance 2021 dash oh six a bill for an ordinance approving the modern West concert plan amendment, generally located north of Nelson road, east of Airport Road times up south of Rogers road and west of Anderson street public hearing and secret readings scheduled for January 26 2021. Nine C is ordinance 2120 2107. A bill for an ordinance authorizing a farmland lease agreement between the city of Longmont and Patricia echo on the echo property, public hearing and second readings scheduled for January 26 2021 90. Is ordinance 20 2108. A bill for an ordinance authorizing a farmland lease agreement between the city of Longmont and Thomas semen and Diane semen on the bolender property public hearing and second reading scheduled for January 26 2021 90. Is ordinance 2021 dash oh nine a bill for an ordinance approving the third amendment to the lease for Benz brand Municipal Airport parcel SW dash p one public hearing and second reading scheduled for January 26 2021. Nine F is resolution 20 2104 resolution of the Longmont city council approving the 2021 intergovernmental agreement for bus service between the city of Fort Collins and the city of Longmont. Nine G is resolution 20 2105 a resolution of the Longmont city council approving the intergovernmental agreement between the city of Longmont in the town of Lyons for a permanent utility easement for the development of a subterranean pump station. Nine H's resolution 20 2106. a resolution of Longmont city council approving the intergovernmental agreement between the city of Longmont and the state board of the great outdoors Colorado Trust Fund for grant funding for the Longmont emerging land stewardship needs project. Nine is resolution 20 2107 a resolution of the Longmont city council approving the intergovernmental agreement between the city of Longmont in the state of Colorado Department of local affairs for grant funding for defense counsel first appearance grant program. Nine j is resolution 20 2108. a resolution of the Longmont city council approving the third restated and amended intergovernmental agreement between the city Boulder County and the city of Boulder for cost sharing for the COVID-19 Recovery Center. And nine K is support and sign the mountain pack letter to the Biden Harris transition team.
All right, and then before we start, just keep in mind that the consent agenda is there because it means that we're all for it. So if you want to pull something, you would hope that we would be against it, but talk waters. Well, I
was gonna pull lag D I'm not because I'm against it. But because I do have a question about the NRL and Rmi.
We can we can ask questions, I guess
Go ahead.
We're gonna pull B
then I'd like to call my pull might be okay. All right.
I'm gonna move the consent agenda list item be second. All right. It's been moved and seconded. All in favor of the consent agenda list item B
say aye.
Opposed say nay.
All right.
Let's move on to ordinances on second reading. Alright, 10 a one the river set annexation resolution 20 2109. a resolution finding a parcel of land known as the reverse annexation, generally located north of Boston Avenue and east of sunset Street. It was eligible for annexation. Councillor Martin?
Don't we need to put in up the column page so that people can I guess we
Yeah, I guess we do. Let's take a three minute break. I just got ahead of us because we got we got through the consent agenda with just one item pulled.
I was just excited. All right,
let's go ahead and take, we're gonna take a three minute break to allow people to call in. And then we'll get on I believe staff, why don't you go ahead and get your if you've got a presentation on that. I guess you can prepare it. If we feel we need it. All right, back back in a second.
So once again, folks, this is an opportunity to call in however this is to call in to speak on one of the items under second reading and public hearing. So if you're looking at our agenda, those are specific items you will need to call in right now if you want to speak on any of them. And then as each item comes up, the mayor will ask if anyone would like to speak on an item.
So again, now is the time to call in for public invite, I'm sorry for public hearing items. That phone number is 1888788099. The meeting ID is 87652237178 you will need to press the pound sign. When it asks you for a participant ID. You will then be entered into a waiting room and then led into the meeting. please mute your live stream when you've entered into the meeting. So that you're not getting the delay from the live stream. Thank you. So I've let one caller in. If you are calling to speak on a public hearing item, then you may remain on this call. Otherwise you need to probably hang up.
Color 589 you were still in the waiting room from the previous public invited to be heard. Call her 589 did you want to speak on a public hearing item? No, ma'am. Okay,
hang up from here. Yes. Okay, I'm so sorry. Thank you.