Episode 64: Cobra Kai - Season 4 - All Valley Karate Tournament Promo
8:34PM Jan 17, 2023
Jason Connell
Sal Rodriguez
cobra kai
karate kid
Welcome to Just curious media. This is let's talk Cobra Kai. I'm Jason Connell.
And I'm Sal Rodriguez.
All right, Sal, we are back for another special episode. And Netflix bought us back this time.
Yeah. And I need this. I really need this because I've just kind of been floating around, you know, just just kind of hovering. So I needed this. I need I needed. You know, I've said this before on previous shows, the keys to happiness, something to do someone to love and something to look forward to. Oh, yes. And now we have a definitive month anyway, for Cobra Kai season four. Yeah, it
was a matter of time till this happened. And so as I said, Netflix bought us back. Because last Thursday, August 5, they dropped another one of their classic little promos. And this time, Sal, it's unique. It's a little teaser, but I liked the way the whole thing is a tribute to the upcoming tournament. So they actually called it Cobra Kai season for all Valley karate tournament promo, which was what we're going to call the episode as well, but I love that they just kind of kept it right in that wheelhouse. Because sound we haven't had an all Valley since season one. Really? Yeah,
I thought there was an all Valley season to
know. And then three was kind of the build up again. So now we've only had one on this show ever. And we've only seen three in our lifetime.
Yeah, that's true. They're gonna take it for granted. No. So they
don't come around that often. When they do, hey, you got to promote it.
Well, one thing if you notice, I know you I know. You have noticed you're the kind of person who hasn't noticed. They seem to have removed the phrase under 18.
Right after your podcast?
Yeah, like you don't have to be under 18 anymore. Are they implying? Maybe there's gonna be people over 18. Right. If you if you remove those words, it's no longer officially under 18. It's just all valid.
That's a really good point. I hadn't thought about it, because we put so much emphasis on previous episodes as the past like, how old is he and what's going on? Here's Mike Barnes really under 18. So absolutely good point. They don't want to emphasize it because some people could be high school seniors and still 18. Right. It can happen. There's people that graduated with
a high school senior. That was I've talked with 18 year old high school senior. Yeah, so
I was too. So yeah, who knows? Maybe they didn't want to get caught up in the weeds as we have on this very show. And I'm sure they have in the writers room. I mean, we're just doing a podcast. If I was in that writers room, I'd be like, hang on, hang on. We got to clear up the past here. Much like they did with Ali. Her exodus from Karate Kid. Part two. They really fixed it this last season,
right? Yeah, they put a bandaid on it. They put a bandaid on. Yeah,
that revisionist history, if you will. So this is a very, very short teaser. I would say 30 seconds. And we'll just go through it beat by beat and there's some talking points. There's some fun stuff in here. And I'll have you if you wouldn't mind being the kind of the voice that trailer voice What was that guy in a world? What was that guy's name? You remember?
One man? Don LaFontaine? Yes. When you talk about the movie that it's that guy. Obviously there are other people working but it's that guy he has that iconic gravelly. I mean, I can only hope to sound so masculine one day, you know,
well, rest in peace we lost on September 1 2008. But man, a legacy he left behind?
Yeah, he set the standard.
So I'll have you do the VO The voiceover and then I'll kind of fill in the visuals. And then we'll we'll talk about things.
Yes. I'm not gonna say if our listeners have seen this, I'm assuming our listener have seen this promo.
Quite a few watches on the Netflix YouTube channel by now. It's
quick, though, you know, any fan is going to pause. If you don't pause. It's going to fly right by you. I had to pause and then I went Ah, I see. But believe me, I watched this several times without pausing and missed a lot. So yeah, so true. You got to pause it to get everything in its entirety.
So go ahead and start with the VO So
fasten your key. Tie your belt. Karate is coming to the world's biggest stage where legends are born. Welcome back to the all Valley karate tournament.
So while that's going on, we see fast cutting high production value in this really cool looking room. And we've got Tory Johnny Demetri Johnny and Daniel clip from 1984 is the Karate Kid right before the Crane Kick retro graphics our like really cool of the all Valley championship now that's one thing sometimes called championship which I always call it then it's called tournament in the promo so that name is interchangeable it seems. Then we see Miguel was shaggy hair. Hawk Sam Daniel crease and Robbie with short hair. And it's a mash up of black and white geese but all with black belts.
We have three geese here we have the traditional Waikiki. We have an all black newer Gi, right and then we have the traditional Cobra Kai black with yellow trim. Yeah,
it's a good mashup for sure. Yeah.
So three games because remember where we're at in space and time where we ended Season Three was some sort of unification of Eagle Fang and Miyagi dough, right?
We don't even know what gets called yet.
Exactly. We so that's where we're at in space and time. So I think that these all black GIS or maybe the new Miyagi Fang Gies, maybe
I like it. Yeah. So continue with your wonderful VO.
The soul of the valley is on the line.
So great line. And this sets up these super super fast cuts, not even a second probably or summer, second summer, half a second.
You know, Jason, I'm telling you in all my years watching any given content, I don't think I've ever seen cuts as fast as this.
So there's seven quick clips and the first one I believe, correct me if I'm wrong, is Daryl addressing the crowd on the blue mats? And I say Darrell, because I looked it up and he is in one episode. Oh, so that's false.
It was a spoiler. Yeah, right.
Maybe they only put the first one. So
that's that's how desperate we are for Cobra Kai that like, oh my god, Darrell.
So then we get to Tori in Cobra Kai gear on top of and about to punch Robbie with long hair still are shaggier hair.
Well, that scene looks like maybe there's a little more going on right? Oh, yeah, absolutely. Yeah, I mean, we because of my cinema Nisha correct me but Robbie and Tory there's been no funny business between the two of them right now. Okay, so this could be a new thing. And for season four, then Robbie,
you think it's a romantic takedown? Yeah, yeah,
there was some, I think some romantic undertones when she's on top of them. Yeah, she's got her fist
Or maybe I'm just a pervert, maybe your
wishful thinking. So then we have Daniel Miguel doing forms cotton's in Miyagi dos dojo, outdoor dojo. Then we have Daniel and Gianni doing a fist bump.
Yeah, they were a little close for that. I think. I mean in proximity, you know what I mean? I think there should have been a little further apart.
So then we have probably my favorite in the whole mashup is Johnny and 80s gear with bandana and headphones hitting through a cement cinderblock. It's very like Rocky for Ask the background like John has gone rogue and he's training you know, very rocky balboa style, I would say
yes. Iberia style. Also, since he's wearing headphones, Jason, what do you think he was listening to?
Oh, man, you know what? You know what? hairbands metal or something?
I know what he's listening to Dee Snider. Oh, you think
so? I think he's listening to the rocky four montage theme song.
And which one was that? What was the main rocky for song?
Well, there was one that James Brown sang, right? Oh,
yeah. livin it up. Erica.
Got to have a celebration. Do I feel good? Oh, but I remember here we go. Here we go to Worlds Collide rival nations. It's a primitive past that. That's
like it's well done. And then out of nowhere, you have someone jumping from one building to another. Like, you know, one or two stories in the air could be Tory, I'm not sure.
I think it's either Tory or Sam. It's it's got to be one new character. Well, that'd be interesting to introduce a new female character in season four. If it's not a new female character, I'm thinking that it's Tory the body type was more Tory esque than Sam ish. Yes, I agree. That was a very broad
jump. Are you saying that because it's a woman?
Who No, I met Why'd? Why?
And then the seventh and last clip, Sal. I'll let you take it away.
Wow. I paused on this one. I just kind of analyzed it. It took me a second. Um, so sometimes I'm so lame. It took me a second to go. Wait a second. That ponytail. Kind of an older looking person. Terry silver. Holy cat. Well, obviously speculation but I think most of us would agree tie his ponytail. Yeah, because remember, Terry says his ponytail is not like a low ponytail. It's like a high ponytail. Almost like you know the back top of your skull instead of the back bottom of your skull.
And now it's a silver ponytail. Yes. Yeah,
he is a silver foxes some people would say
so then that leads us to the end of this wonderful promo.
Yes. And Jason. I just want to say one thing just for the sake of the newcomer, when they say Valley they mean the San Fernando Valley Yes. So I say that you know, home sweet home.
So I was we in this trailer. So go ahead and get intend to?
Well that it says on screen, Cobra Kai for this scene right here was from season three. Yep. In the promo for season four is a scene from season three. I don't think I've ever seen that done. Talk about flipping the script Cobra Kai, always flipping the script. And now we have Amanda, talking to Johnny and Daniel. And there's also Ali there. Although you don't see her. She's actually talking to Ali. Yes, yes. She is talking to Ali and her line is, as she's like chewing on an olive in our martini, right? Is that what that is? Yeah. So have the bad boys filled you in about the whole mortal enemy. dojos battle for the soul of the valley thing.
So good. That's why they brought it back sound because it was like the line of the year.
Well, it also culminates the word soul. I think the word the operative word is soul here, and
it worked great here to end it. And then of course, on screen. This is the big reveal of Netflix besides promoting the tournament itself. They're telling us the month in which Season Four is coming.
Only on Netflix coming this December. Wow. Okay, well, that opened up a whole can of worms because then you think, well, when in December when that's a whole 31 days, they've got 31 choices, right to drop this and all I have to go out all we have to go on is the past. Right? So we've got Cobra Kai Season Three dropped New Year's Day, but it was supposed
to drop later. And they flipped the script and had Johnny go online and change the day. Right?
Okay, but were both of those dates Fridays it did drop on the first which was a Friday was the original date also a Friday. It was supposed to be the eighth a Friday, which was Friday. Yeah. Which was Friday. Okay. So if you look at the track record, season three was gonna drop on Friday, the eighth instead dropped on Friday the first. So I'm thinking they're going to drop it on a Friday. Okay, in December, we have 12345 Fridays available for them to drop. Okay, now, two of those Fridays are quite significant, because one of those is Friday the 24th which is Christmas Eve. And the other is Friday the 31st which is New Year's Eve. Okay, so I'm going to get rid of those. I'm gonna say it's not going to be Christmas Eve or New Year's Eve. I'm going to say they are going to drop season four. On Friday, December 17. That is my guess.
Okay. It's not a bad guess. They probably will do a Friday. Now. If they wanted to have another Omashu. They could do December 19. Course December 18. Was 1980. Fours all Valley. Yes, classic from the Karate Kid. But that would be a Sunday. So I don't think they would do that. Your Friday is looking pretty. Because the 31st although it'd be kind of money to make it the 31st although people have New Year's Eve plans, and they might be bummed out. And why did the 24th then, and this show moved it up last year to do it on the first so they got everyone ready for the eighth? And then I made it January 1. So would they really move it up to Thanksgiving? Would they pull a fast one on us and release it in November? Do I trust them yet?
You know what? You brought up a good point. Yeah. I would say no. I would say that we they're always pulling the rug out from under us. Yeah. Which by the way, keeps it interesting. Oh, but yeah, so they tell us December?
Yeah. November 25. Thursday is Thanksgiving. They drop it on us families are together and everyone's in awe
dropping Cobra Kai Season Four on Thanksgiving of 2021. You know what? Sounds interesting. And knowing Cobra Kai knowing our producers, I would say that's incredibly possible. Yeah.
If Johnny gets on the internet again, and has his way it'll be it'll be an all Valley Thanksgiving.
Okay, so Is that your final answer? Yes. Okay, so you say Thanksgiving, which is the 25th of November, you think they're going to flip the script on us? entirely possible? And I say Friday, December 17. Okay, so hey, listeners, what do you think? Hey, do you agree with neither of us? Do you think both of us are full of it? And you have another idea? Believe me? Let us know because these are all guesses. We're on the same boat. As we always say. Unfortunately, we don't get any advanced copies. We are not at that level yet yet.
But Sal, if things go our way, and we do get press copies, we will be ready for season four. Otherwise, we're going to watch it with everybody else. And we're going to get in the studio, crank out episodes and release them as fast as possible.
Yeah, we're doing our best. We're doing our best folks.
So that's it. So I know we're gonna see more from Netflix as we get through the month of May. We're not even out of summer yet and they're already dropped in there. More to comes out.
Yeah, I'm gonna guess in the next few weeks, they're probably going to give us a little more than they have already.
Yeah. But exciting. It's all Valley, it's going to be a great season, we're getting back to fighting in a tournament in a safe place. A lot of speculation, we can probably save some of that speculation for future episodes out because I'm sure we're gonna get little snippets of Terry silver here and there. And, hey, there might be a mic barn spot in in something so a lot more to come, and might as well save it for future discussions.
Yes. And you know, you just brought up Terry silver again. And I think this whole time I've been so focused on the fact that Terry silver is going to be in season four that I didn't once think, what's he going to do? How is he going to help? John crease you know what I mean? I mean, what, what, what can he possibly do? I hadn't even thought about that. I was just so excited about him being there. I hadn't even thought about what he's going to do and what he's going to attempt to accomplish
because their plan and the Karate Kid part three really backfired when a point and then lose a point, so his mastermind and he didn't even train my parents. He came pre trained. He was a fighter on the circuit. However, in the Karate Kid, Part Three, the parts that I enjoy more than others, is you see Terry silver practicing at his wonderful Enos house. He is very skilled at martial arts. So if anything, they might get back to brass tacks, and they might just be training the troops not just to go out and instigate in the world but real fighting technique.
Well, I'm definitely looking forward to it. And thank you Cobra Kai, thank you Netflix for giving me and us something to look forward to.
Absolutely. So thank you so much for listening and please be sure to subscribe to Let's Talk Cobra Kai, wherever you get your podcast. You can also really help us by giving the show a five star rating on Apple podcast.
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