Hey y'all welcome back to another weekly word with Jada. I am back with another Tarot meditation for the dates of April 10 through April 16. I'm really excited to get into today because y'all, we have a card that has returned to visit. Now, before we get into it, I want to make sure that everyone who is listening gives their consent to receive this message. And if that is you, welcome, welcome. Welcome. Now, let's get into this card. So what's the overall energy that we're focusing on this week? This week, my old friend and maybe yours, too. It is the full card. That's right, we're right back. I am so grateful and just really enjoying, like the energy of the fall, right? Especially now. It's just such a beautiful time. Here in North America, I'm not sure where you're listening, but where I am, and Texas, there's just been so much life just buzzing right like, just like all of the like wildlife and like, bugs are coming out like a beautiful lady bug was just on my window. Yesterday, and I've been seeing like rabbits and like, just like all of these like visitors have been coming by. And so it just, it just makes me feel good to just just bask in the busyness of life bustling about in spring, especially after coming out of like, the quiet slumber of winter. And so this to me, like, it just gives me the energy of the fool. Because the fool is charting a path that they've never been on before they're doing something they've never done. They're saying things they may have never said they're making new decisions to receive different results. And so I think that's just a really beautiful place to be in. And so even though it's the first card in the tarot, it's a card that we come to time and time again. Because you know, life works in cycles. And so as we are we many people listening to this now, maybe beginning a new cycle, maybe this week, you are trying on something new, maybe you're entering into a new relationship dynamic in your love life or your friendships, or even in your families, maybe you are looking for a new job or interviewing for a new job, maybe starting a new position. Maybe you are an entrepreneur, and you're opening up your books for new clients or starting a new project, or selling a product for folks to purchase. Maybe you are finally starting that passion project that's been on your heart that you haven't told anybody about. And now you're ready to make that move. Whatever it is, it could be a list of things this week, has like the blessing of like new things blossoming. And all you have to do with the message of the four is to take the leap, to bank on yourself and just go for it. Now I asked a couple questions to go along with the energy of the fool. And the first is, what energy should we be embracing? Or what energy can we embrace. And I receive the two of cups. Now, the two of cups is just a beautiful card. This speaks about intimacy. This speaks about partnerships that speaks about love. But it's not always in the romantic sense. It can be but it doesn't have to be limited to that it can be more expensive. If I'm thinking about the full card, you know, on the on the in the Rider Waite Smith deck. There is a dog, there's a companion with the full. So even though like the four is doing something they've never done before experiencing something they've never experienced. They don't have to do it alone. They don't have to do. They don't have to chart this new path. They don't have to go in this direction by themselves. There's someone with them. And so this two of cups is suggesting to us that on our own paths. We can
be welcoming to Through the relationships, and the people around us, who not only partner with us, but are in agreement with where we're headed. Because a lot of times, especially when you're in the season or the fall, you're jumping into something that you may not be familiar with. And there is nothing like the safety of a friend or a loved one, a mentor, a guide, a teacher, someone who can come alongside you to say, I am in agreement with where you're headed, I am in agreement, because I know that you're capable, I know that you're worthy, I know that things are possible for you, I believe in you. Like we all need that. And I think that there's something that we sometimes forget with the full card is that companion, and I love that as a dog, because dogs tend to be loyal companions. Dogs tend to be friends of ours that are their love is unconditional. They're always excited to see us right. Anyone who has a dog or who has had a dog there too, like when when you come home, let's listen your dog makes you feel like the most important person that ever walked planet Earth. And so like when I'm talking about the two of cups in that companionship, I'm speaking about the the love and community and support that is available. And that is something that we can embrace this week. Now, I always want to ask this question, how do we invite that in? How do we invite in the energy of the two of clubs to support our full journey. Now two cars actually presented themselves to me it was the Emperor card, and the three of wands. Now, with the Emperor card. The sometimes the Emperor can be a little bit intimidating, you know, this masculine person usually, is to pick this up on this throne. And, you know, sometimes they have all this armor on. And they have like this certain power and almost like a representative of the state. And so like that can be kind of, you know, in your face when you're first looking at it. But I tried to find the pieces and the parts of the emperor that that we can learn from and glean from. And so one of those things in my own thinking about how to invite in, I'm thinking about the fact that the emperor is someone who does rule over folks, but I'm going to try to think of it as the emperor is maybe like an elder. And so I'm thinking about the spirit of an elder and more of like a village type of situation. The elder doesn't usually rule or govern or make rules or guard over the people by themselves, there's usually a council, right. And so even with emperors, or with elders, you need more people, you need other folks around you. And this is important because even though you're going on your own journey, there are going to be people that you need for the sake of accountability. There may be people who you who are safe, who you can bounce ideas off of people who are wise counsel, right? Not just you know, Billy Bob, on the sidewalk, we're talking about people who are trusted, who are, who have wisdom, people who know you, and support your vision. And that's super important. So this what I am gathering from this Emperor card and how we can invite this in is thinking about how the Emperor's or the elders position of power is really a place of protection for those
that they care for. So when this elder is making decisions, they're making decisions as to best for the folks they're responsible for. There's always other people in the in the equation, right? Even on our fool's journey, there's other people to consider. So even if we're thinking about like, if you're maybe starting a business or doing a new creative project, or whatever it is that you may be doing, there are other people to consider. And so I think that that is something to bring with us on the journey is to think about how we can get really clear about our vision, and even get clear about our ethics when we're talking about this. There's Water in their structure that is associated with the Emperor card as well. And so some of that order can be our own ethics around how we're going to move in this next season, how we're going to care for our clients, our co workers, our family members, our loved ones, how we're going to care for them, even in the midst of our own journeys, right. And this doesn't mean that, you know, we're, we're going to these people, for them to like, dictate how we go on our own journey. It's not, it's less about that and more about inviting people in as like safe spaces. And also, I think it's important to even create boundaries. And when I think about the Emperor card, also being the number four, I think about boundaries. And, and like we talked about structures, but I still think about the boundaries of four. And it's almost like creating a fence around your creative space, and your creative energy. And I think that that's going to be really important as well, as far as inviting in when we're talking about inviting in folks, onto the journey with us is making sure that we create enough safety and, and boundaries and borders and a fence around our ideas, our creativity in our own personal energy and what we are exerting along the way. Now the last card that I pulled was the three of wands. And when I was talking earlier about getting real clear about the vision, this is what I'm talking about. I love the depiction of the three of wands, and this particular deck I'm using today, and that is the afro goddess, Taro. And in this particular car, there's a feminine person who has stuck three ones in the ground. And they are they have their backs to us, we're looking at their back. And they are have started on this curving winding path towards an a door opening where we can't see where it goes. But on this path on the right side of this person, there's a rhinoceros. So even in this particular three of wands, we're seeing a person starting a journey, actual movement forward. So this is beyond just the jump the leap of faith in the false card. Now this person has created a plan, they have set their intentions and they were moving forward. But even they're not going by themselves. They have a companion in this rhinoceros, there is always it seems like there's this thing, this common thread of moving forward of making decisions, and also having people in support around us. So whatever it is that you are embarking upon this week, I hope that you have access to good people around you, who love you, who support you, and who believe in you and your dreams. And I think that it, it bears. It bears repeating or embarrassed to say in this moment, the beautiful thing about the full card is that the false journey is not something that happens to you is something that you start and you set into motion, the leap of faith, no one pushes you off of the edge, you make a decision. I want things to be different and you leap. So this card is about newness, it is about changing and changes. And like I said we encounter the fool's journey over and over again in life. And every time we go on the journey, we got we learn more,
we understand more. And so once we make it back around to another level, it's not even just about ascending to a certain level of of excellence or mastery or anything like that. But the full journey also beckons us to go deeper. So we're going higher and deeper into a thing. There's a depth there. So for me this saying that we are change agents, and the more that we evolve and change on our journeys, we are becoming newer and better, more healed versions of ourselves. And so with that, I just want to close with a beautiful word from our ancestor, Lucille Clifton, and the word is very simply a changed changer. I continue to continue. Once again, this a changed changer, I continue to continue in this message is just simply say that on your journey, every time you come to the edge of the cliff, you are changed. And you are creating change every time you take the leap of faith. And the more steps you take toward that goal toward that dream toward your liberation toward your healing, you are continuing to continue. And that is a major feat, because the false journey is not always easy. But you have the love and support of trusted people. If you have those things, then you too will have the emphasis and the energy to continue to continue. Have a good week y'all