Well welcome everyone to taking the time from your busy schedule to have this conversation. As you
may know, our administration, President environmental gardeners, consider our role. We believe that union. We believe that, and I certainly do that anybody, regardless of whether they've been a member of the union or not as organized for the eight hour work day weekend. District leaders are holidays. And I met the President this morning. I know that he shares organized in that way.
Understanding this
is an investment in prosperity.
So I'm looking forward to our conversation I also have been asked by the President in the United States to lead our league. And I said, really organized labor leading into us. And I look forward to our conversation this evening and others auspicious day which is today through art, invest an additional $30 million in Mexico with technical assistance and cooperation that assistance will be directed in particulars and helped implement
to strengthen labor
conditions. And then as it relates to a number of uses here to address the risk of fatality. And then to do the work that we must do to stop. So, thank you for all that you do, again, the underlying principles. Our perspective. The writing always used to be important to be able to be able to work together
to support it.
We understand that the importance of collective bargaining is actually evident in the phrase. If we all realize it is a bargain, is to have a just out there, then we must agree that the way to produce a fair result is, people are equal, then the market is an association. But to require one worker to bargain against an employee is to ensure that workers come together and advocate, has been replaced with new and innovative. So the first thing you want to Kramer's charging your Vice President. Thank you everybody.