the time is now recording on progress, March 20, I would like to bring the board of police commission meeting to order
we have invocation by Deputy Chief
Madam Chair, please announce that there is no corn. Thank you. There
is no quorum.
I would like
to call invocation by Deputy Chief James. How, zoom, are you present?
Yes, I am. I'm fresh.
Can you hear me?
Yes, you go ahead.
Okay, Lord God of grace, in the name of Jesus, I ask you just to look down upon this great commission. I ask you, Lord God, just to bless the chair, the assistant and the board. I ask you just the Lord, let your blessings be upon them and draw them, Lord God, and bring them with one mind, look down upon our chief. Look down upon our Honorable Mayor. I ask you just to bless, touch and anoint, bless the citizens of this city. I ask you, Lord, just to show your mighty power. I ask you just to give us, Lord God, your blessings and Lord God continue to help this city to be great, and Lord God continue to serve the people of this. Lord God, great city. Bless the commissions. Lord God, strengthen them, give them, Lord God, soundness of mind, and let your love and peace be upon them. We thank You, Lord God. We magnify your wonderful name, and we give you the praise, honor and glory and your wonderful, mighty name. Oh God, amen.
Thank you. Thank you so much. Forward to oral communications. We do not have a quorum. Please remember to keep your comments limited to two minutes, and please refrain from any inappropriate language or comments that may delay our TV broadcast or video post.
Thank you, Madam Chair. We'll start off with,
I'm sorry. We'll start out with
young then we'll go to minister Eric lot, then we'll go with Miss Bernie Smith,
good evening. A couple weeks ago, I haven't been here for a couple weeks because I had some business or I missed the meeting with the board of police commissioners, there was a comment about the contracts that protect the men and women that serve this great city.
Those contracts
are protective measures, and they have been righteous to a great degree, the men and women of this department face uncertainty every day. 15 seconds don't make them no 15 seconds don't break them.
These individuals
are often just harshly based on an allegation
or an insinuation,
to deprive them of due process, fairness, understanding
would be unconscionable.
I have so much respect for my colleagues, for what they face every day that you would never see if you sit in those shoes, you have a different understanding of what they go through. It's cumulative, and they manage it well, I'm not here to say that we're perfect. I'm here to say, you need us. We want to be here. It's very difficult. And if there's no understanding of who we are and what we do then you don't deserve
Thank you.
Good afternoon, board. I'm Minister Bucha from safe Catholic Church here in Detroit. President Mark Young had a lot of good points, but I disagree on various things with him. One is that we don't need bad cops. We do need good ones. Yeah, that we do need, but the bad ones have got to be getting gotten rid of. And how can you do it? It's almost nearly impossible. Yes, with the latest union contract of 2022 and officers disciplinary history cannot be used in determining whether or not they get promoted. You tell me what other profession in this country has that type of leniency and availability to do something like that. It just doesn't happen. So these decisions you make to suspend with and without pay. Three weeks ago, Mark Young said it again when I brought up the point that so many of these suspensions never really take effect, because there's a back door with the arbitrators that normally get them off.
whatever we do, it seems to not matter, unless an officer is convicted of a felony. That seems to be the only way we get rid of a bad cop. But there are a lot more things that are bad about some police officers that we never address. OCI chief, Reverend Warfield brought up, I want to say, a year not too old, the growing trend about officers handcuffing citizens, but never arresting them. To me, that's a form of terrorism, intimidation. Those are the type of things we should be looking for before a lawsuit comes or a death comes. Thank you.
Thank you. Applause.
My mother spent a few of your last oral comment. You can go ahead, since you're at the podium, thank you.
Sorry, yes you can Okay. Good afternoon to my commissioners and above all, to my police I love you dearly. Last Last week, no, I was before last one of your commissioners made a statement that I was no police commissioner. Well, I had to go through my history, and let you all know, in 1970 I got my notes here in 1973
when Coleman Young was elected mayor,
there was a committee that
listed that we needed a commission. Crime Commission, at that time, they called it and then it happened to be on it. Who happened to be on it was Charlie Williams, Larry Simmons, Conrad Alex senior, core, Sheffield and Nelson J Edwards, who appointed me to Coleman Young. So therefore I do say I may not be a commissioner to some people here, and that's not the name that they used at that time. It was crime committee, and our first police officer that we had investigated was Sergeant Butler. I think it's but anyway, I just want to let you know, and who was on it with me was Joe Madison, Albert dunmar, who was editor of the Chronicle at that time. And then we had a president of the Arabs Association, Grocers Association. Then we had a woman that was from down on in southwest Detroit, and she was the president of the Veterans Association. And then come whole little me, who was nominated by the mayor at that particular time, he had the reference from Jack Nelson Edwards, who was president of the UAW at that time. So I'm taking you back to the 70s, guys. I want to let you know I am for real. I'm not a phony. I did do my job, and I loved it that that time. And as far as the police is concerned, there are bad ones and they're good ones. But I want you to know one thing, when they put that uniform on. They're not thinking about themselves. I have said this over and over again, and I'm serious about it, they are looking out for every one of you that's out here in the city of Detroit. Oh, thank
you. Thank you so much. It is. I appreciate you. Thank you.
We have one, Madam Chair.
Thank you. Can I please have the introduction of the commissioners? You
need to have the adoption of the agenda and the
proof of the moon? Well, that's going
to come after the introduction. We
haven't even started
introduction of commissioners, my apologies. Right ahead,
roll call. Right ahead.
Commissioner Smith, present, Commissioner Bernard, President District Two, Commissioner banks district
district three, Commissioner Bell present. District Four, Commissioner Burton, President. District five, Commissioner Moore
Presley here, Commissioner Dewas present.
Nine present, Madam
here, have a quorum. We now have a quorum.
I'd like to entertain a motion for the approval of the march, 20, 25 agenda,
support. Discussion,
discussion, any discussion? Yes, Madam Chair, I like to move to postpone item AC until next week. See
with amendment item 8c
I made a motion
yes for the approval of the agenda, and the commissioner moved to postpone item 8c that motion to postpone is of a higher rank and should be handled first,
second to the motion
second. So I was reading
it. No, the motion is to postpone item 8c right? So you need to state that motion. Wow,
yeah, I was saying, I guess I wasn't saying
it correctly. No, no, I was responding to Commissioner, Hernandez. Okay,
Hernandez, I'm sorry,
we're postponing. The motion to postpone. It needs to be voted on. We
need to hold on. I'm reading it. Any discussion for
discussion terms? Is
there any discussion take over?
This is what's wrong.
Alright, so we're there's a motion on the floor, yes, and was it second? Yes, okay, any discussion?
Yes, sir. Can't ask why, but Right, I'm interested in knowing why.
Had a very question.
Information, additional information about going to detail that unless you just
want to go through the whole process, I'm just
trying to save some
time. But okay,
sometime, yeah, well, well, we know we can't discuss anything out here, so, so we need to go through the process. So all in favor, say, Aye. Aye. Unopposed. Any opposition, no, no opposition. All right. Well, the motion is carried.
Motion to postpone.
Postpone is carried, right? All
item. All in favor, say, aye, any just say, any discussion. All in favor. Say, you said it one more time. Opposed. The motion is carried. All right, so we back into the agenda where we had on the agenda. I entertain a motion for the approval of minute for March, 13, 2025, motion made by Commissioner Presley and second by Commissioner Hernandez, any discussion. All in favor? Say, aye. Anyone opposed, the motion is carried. So we're going to go to the introduction of the OPC staff and so on so forth.
Board. Excuse me, board of police commissioners, staff, present attorney, Dante Scott, chief investigator, Jerome Warfield, senior, Drew freeze, Felicia Tyson, Theresa blossom, Mary Barber, Candace, Hayes armisier, Joshua, johnya Underwood, doctor, Francis Jackson, parliamentarian, DPD, HR director Katrina Patel, board, police chief Todd Edison is this afternoon, Deputy Chief Franklin Hayes. Our interpreters today are measure and Dr Stephanie. Needy court reported on handicide. Andre Jackson for audio visual. Charles Henry for media services, video, elected official, officials, representatives, Marie overall for state representative, Tyrone Carter's office, preacher, Butler, second, priest and community relations, President. Ladon Davis, via zoom office of council member Fred your hall, the third Lieutenant Mark young lieutenants and sergeants Association, Mr. Ron Thomas for DPO, a and former Detroit Police Commissioner William Davis, those are all I have registered at this time, sir.
Okay. Thank you very kindly. So next we have plpc officers report. We don't have any reports at this time, chief of police report,
good afternoon to the honorable body. Sorry excuse me and those in attendance. My name is Frank and Hayes, Deputy Police Chief, sitting in for honorable chief. Edison statistics here today, we are 9% in homicides. Last year, we were at 34 this time and this year, we are at 31 with again, that 9% reduction, or three less homicides, not federal students, we are 33% last year we were at 102 this year we were at 68 so that 35 and less non fatal shootings and three less homicides. There are 38 less victims of gun violence here in our city this year compared to last year. We were down in robberies as well 16% last year we had 203 this year we are at 170 33 less robberies total, part one, violent crime. We are down 11% we had 2090 incidents last year. This year, we are at 18 159 and one of those groups which we continue to trend down is carjacking, where we are down 32% 25 this time last year and 17 this year. Updates. This past Saturday at our training center, we had a one day hiring fair where more than 100 people individuals applied to become police officers, and another 20 applied to be professional, to be hired in as the professional staff of the police department as well. So we are excited for the growth the Youth Advisory Panel, Patterson, along with MSP, Colonel Grady Wayne, state chief Anthony Holt and chief Shaheen from Dearborn attendant the bo PC Youth Advisory Panel event, the great questions were asked about policing and our young people, and it was a very beneficial conversation by all those that attended our responsible driving initiative where traffic enforcement. We work to make sure that those are operating vehicles, operating them within speed limits, that they're not transporting illegal weapons or narcotics, that the vehicles that they're driving that they're properly licensed, or whether it be a plate or the paper plate that's on there. This week's initiative in the 12th precinct through again, this responsible document initiative, we have 26 felony arrests. One firearm was recovered. 43 ordinances were issued, including seven from the license plate and 17 for the paper license plate violation. There were some that when stopped, they literally folded up a piece of paper, wrote, they they own this blank piece of paper, and taped it to the back window. So again, it is certainly a goal to educate before we enforce but we cannot turn a blind eye again to those that are irresponsibly operating motor vehicles here in our city. Fox Two highlighted our unsheltered population response team on the 17 where, again, Fox two joint members of unsheltered population response team to show our outreach efforts in the city, the team made contact with several unsheltered individuals and provided them with resources. The officers also checked hot spots and parking structures to check for any individuals that were in need. On Tuesday, March 18, Senator Alyssa Slotkin visited the real time crime center for tour and to discuss our crime reduction efforts and also needs for the department and our efforts to make this community safe. And lastly, tomorrow, March 21 at 10:30am at tabernacle, Missionary Baptist Church, we have the graduation ceremony for recruit class 2020, 5c 20 new officers will be joining the police department. And anywhere anyone interested in joining the DPD can visit join Detroit honorable body that concludes my report at this time for the chief, and I will gladly answer any questions that I can. At the moment, if I don't have it, I will test your team to
get the chair. Thank you for the report.
We actually had an incident that happened at Clark Park and South West Detroit, which I think most of us received the briefing on, but it brings to mind the summer detail. And just when that might be activated, I know that obviously temperatures coming up, folks are outside, there's a lot more potential for activity to happen, fortunately, so just if you could speak on it
through the chair, our summer initiatives have started. They will be starting this week that will include our presence in the downtown area, as well as drag racing in the legal street parties throughout the city. So those initiatives being mindful of the weather change, we want to get an early jump on it, being mindful that what happened last year in our ninth precinct, we have efforts and again, resources committed starting this week, and we actually had an iteration last weekend as well to address those very concerns, sir.
Yeah, record reflect that Commissioner currently and Commissioner Woods is present. Um, the any more questions? Yes, sir. Commissioner Bell, thank
you. I just want to commend the chief for his traffic enforcement initiative instead of Detroit sure we all agree is needed with one his priority in terms of addressing that issue. Mr. Second, I just want to appreciate the chief for attending the advisory panel. It was excellent. This unique form, and Commissioner was here, Commissioner Carter was there. I want to acknowledge miss, awesome and our
team interacting with young people.
We need leadership, not just PPE. We had dinner one we had state police and so these are very important for the leadership to engage terms the young people. They asked them, but they held a question. Thank you, sir through
the Chair, I will certainly convey those words of appreciation to Chief medicine, Commissioner Bell.
I want to follow up on what you said about Miss Teresa blossom, the member of the Board of police commissioner staff, not only did she organize this event, contact Wayne State University. Get young people involved. Get I mean, educate them on her own time, hundreds of hours. Quite frankly, the grant from the Skillman Foundation. She wrote the grant proposal and she obtained the grant in order to advise the youth in the city of Detroit about the police department and then get them, get them engaged in the policy making and law making, if you will, of the city of Detroit. She deserves our total appreciation and congratulations.
The board of police commission made some powerful decisions. So we're very, very appreciative of what she did, and with this team and the staff done, it was not only her, but you know, all the staff members that were there, and we also want to highlight to the team power the Youth Advisory Council itself, because you give them a lot of autonomy and so, you know, to be able to create and organize the event themselves. They came up with good questions, robust programs. So definitely, hats off to off to him, and I want to belabor the point, because we have to move on any other things before we go to the next item. Get right here. Yes, sir,
did you? No, no, no. I was pointing to you just so you
saw you. Oh, okay, Deputy
Chief, I really appreciate you. Uh, the other day with that brother, uh, you know, referred you to, okay, he was having a lot of problems. Nobody wanted healthy, and I appreciate you. He didn't get his results because he was calling me constantly. You know, it all locked into was firms refer him to somebody
signed up for sir.
Thank you so much. Let's go to oral communication.
Minister chair. You have two speakers in the room, and then we'll go into zoom. Our first speaker will be Miss Williams. And then after Miss Williams, Nate sereno, please forgive me I mispronounce your name.
Hello. Share. This is what um you Liberty last week you look like I'm so happy to see you so pleasant. And I said this. I said, I don't be mean and hateful. I'm just very disappointed when people do not respect their jobs and they play on both sides of the fence. I've been speaking about homeless people officers in the shelters over 10 months. Like I said, maybe somebody would have did a job them, two kids would have been living it's a coincidence the deputy chief is here because he made a point to say no one is in the shelters to have badges, period. That's what she rightly said. That's not the truth. It's very unfortunate that I sit up here and complain about equality and justice for all in this a lot of people in this room who do not respect their positions and always want to cover what was really going on. This could not be going on in these facilities, officers or anybody associated with the Detroit Police Department, either via the academy, they're coming in every weapons. That's illegal. It's organized. They sat down and executed. How they gonna get over on the system. And like I said, they mean that libraries, wood, Manchester, Myers call me a comment building both sides the front rows apart on the busses. Places I go when I'm on the bus and I pay attention, and they co workers put me in this system. I've been going through this over four years of Detroit police officers, I cannot say the whole department, and like you said there's some great officers on this department, but it's a lot of recruiting. Like, are they getting mental evaluation when they smoke a marijuana, drinking popular pills? These are the officers that you get the badges and guns to. It's not accepted. Period. I don't know when my time is up, but I know officer put glass in my shoe this morning at 3426 Mack Avenue, and I went to make a claim it is not acceptable when they continue to record me illegally in the nature of my life to do social media. Okay? Thank you. Thank you. Have a good day. Yes.
Next speaker.
Hello, board. My name is Sabino. I have been a long time resident of City of Detroit, and for about the past 17 years, I have been harassed by a neighbor across the street. I've made multiple police reports about it. Didn't always doing it, until about a year and a half ago, made a police report about it, and the police have just failed miserably doing anything about it. I've had this neighbor make hundreds of false one calls on my house. Fire truck runs gas leak calls made a police report about it. Nothing was done. He allowed himself to be arrested last year, I believe, in August, by coming out his house, he was immediately loud that same night in September, but he failed to appear for a felony court hearing about it seven, eight months ago, and nothing has been done about it. Arrested. I keep in the story very short here, I don't know what else to do about it. I called the police station. I just get nothing but adversarial attitudes and the runaround. Nothing's done. Words won't be issued. Basically, I've been told by my victim advocate that basically nothing
will be done. Third precinct, okay,
Mr. Savino, this is the first time hearing about this. What you described is not the level of service that we strive to provide for each and every member in this community, whether they're a resident or whether they're visiting. I have Officer Nelson here, who will step out in the hallway. He will get all the pertinent information for me to look into this matter, and I will follow up with you within seven days with the plan of action of everything that's going on and what any potential next steps would
be. I've heard that exact name story. I came here last year, maybe in August, spoke to an officer or the outside, same kind of thing. Oh, I'm going to take care of it turns into getting a run around, no response, nothing but nothing. But nothing. Deputy Chief Williams, I spoke in the past. I've spoken to the police chief everybody you could possibly imagine. The commander there finally made a the chief investigator report about a week ago, but I've been, you know, I didn't want to really do that, but I was left with no other recourse. What do you have to commit as a city to actually get arrested? How many decades do you have to deal with a neighbor doing this? Seriously? It's beyond ridiculous. I'm just what else can I go other than one of the city? I hear your goal to get everybody to move out of the city. That's the only thing that
makes any sense.
They're going to get your information, follow ups some more. You know, if you saying it's going through the court process already, you know, you know, it's under the jurisdiction of the prosecutor.
Well, the court process, they would have to arrest him and keep them in jail and make him go to court.
Okay, I don't know,
but everybody tells me, somebody else's, oh, that's you gotta deal with the court,
you know, so he can help you within the jurisdiction of the Detroit Police Department to handle we expect that to happen.
Mr. Will report back to you within seven days when,
yeah, I'd like to, like to be included in that as well Deputy Chief Hayes. This is one of my constituents in district five. So third precinct is definitely five, okay? And I like to give you my card
for you. That'd be great, approximately 17 or 18 years,
early 30s. So supported
chief investigator, sir, as of last week, we did receive Mr. Savinos complaint, and we do have an investigator, senior investigator, assigned to his complaint.
Okay, so your OCI complain is received by the office, and that will be investigated on high end as well, and you will get direct service from us. And with Deputy Chief Hayes has made his commitment, we expect an answer within seven days. Okay? Thank you, sir. Thank you,
Mr. Chair. We're going to go into zoom. Our first speaker will be our first speaker will be former Commissioner William Davis, after former Commissioner Davis will go to Mr. Jehovah and MS Tara Brown, and we have others. Okay, all right,
Commissioner Davis. Can I be heard you're making her sir, okay,
certainly good. I was wondering have, yeah, backlog cases decreased. I know I would think that they have, and yeah, I should be given, like, say, maybe at least monthly or quarterly updates on the backlog and making sure it's going down, especially as I understand it, that Detroit is going to have to be more responsible for holding prisoners, because I know at one time, Detroit got in trouble Justice Department. I don't know if they get trouble with or not with the injustice in that department, but I was more closely associated with the Justice Department. In the back because I was part of what Justice Department task force up under Obama and Trump for his first term. And I think we should make sure that we're doing more, especially with the backlog, and y'all should start thinking about how y'all gonna go approach, or what language I might need to do, as relates to Detroit starting, or we will be restarting the house its own prisoners. Also, I think a greater incentive need to be made to make sure more people are there on time, more commissioners are there on time, or at least give notice that they're going to be late, are not showing up. Thank you.
Thank you. Chair to respond to his first inquiry whether to the backlog. As you know, we do have the dashboard that is available on the board of police commissioners website, but as we integrate that technology, there is data being input that's making it a bit difficult to have a strong number for the month of March. Of our expectation through the chief investigators office that we'll be able to update those numbers in first week of April, 1 week of April, and so that we presented that not only to the actual but also here at the Board of these commissioners meeting. So the citizens know where we are up to date, but we can say confidently that the OCI staff has been working diligently getting cases done. I'm looking at several now, and so we are confident that we are putting it in the cases that are coming in for investigation. Thank you. Chair, yes, next
speaker. Our next speaker is Mr. John K Smith, after Mr. Smith, it will be Miss Howard Brown and Miko Williams,
good afternoon. May I be hurt? Yes, sir. Did you guys miss him or start off with that? Also want to say very, very much. A shout out to the bo PC staff. Miss Underwood, not genuine. I'm sorry. Uh, the lady who did, who does, uh, the youth council did an excellent job with that program. Um, Tamara Liberty Smith, I'm gonna let you slide, because it's Women's History Month. You know exactly what you've done. Um, especially when coming to my church and talking to people about me, not a nice move, not a nice thing to do. But I do want to talk about commissioners, Hernandez and Presley, you guys have, along with the chair, stopped a lot of motions. You guys have caused a lot of confusion on the board and done a lot of things to negatively impact citizens complaints, citizens comments. Also. T pains, I hope you actually follow up with this complaint, because when I have my complaint, you told me something that was very, very incorrect about my situation. So I hope you actually help this guy. And that level of service that this, this gentleman, is getting today is not typical of, uh, general complaints, when people, citizens have complaints. So hopefully he gets some some some help or something. But usually we don't get that type of service something from anybody in the department. Also, we have great leadership in the department now, but officers still need to work on things, especially stealing shoes from each other. Think that's kind of a negative factor. And, you know, having faith. Also, I would like to get an apology from Lieutenant Brandon Cole since he has, since he has sneakily become back on the force, and would have never been publicized, had we not figured out. Shout out to Tara Brown, my girl. She's a analytical whiz. Um, that's my only thing. If I don't get it, if I don't get an apology from him, and he doesn't go through dei training, I'm going to file a complaint. I'm going to stay honest until we get some some action on this, because if he's over protest, and he has the power that he has before. Nobody who protests to say that man said racist comments to me. He had political views he was spewing at me, and he didn't even have a body camera on. How do you have a lieutenant with 25 years in the force who does not have a body camera on at a protest?
Thank you. Speaker.
Good I just want,
I want you. I want to keep it light today, because I see y'all got a lot of stuff coming at you, but I just wanted to say, y'all, please try to be mindful of your attendance. And I say that I know things happen. I know work happens. I know a lot of things happen, but you all are determining who we're going to have on the board of police commission later on. If people get mad enough about your attendance, we might get some of these people who are running right now. And yeah, some of them are excellent, but then some of them are not the best. As a matter of fact, one of them, I believe, had court today for BME. So again, we need y'all here because you represent these districts, and even as recent as yesterday, I'm out of district five, and apparently the Ethics Commission hauled my commissioner in about attendance, and you all are getting the letter about attendance. So please, please be my attendant. On another note, please also make it a point to find out what is happening with mister savinos case. I don't know him. We live in the same district, but yeah, what he's talking about is very concerning, as is what gigante was just talking about with his issue with Brandon Cole again, y'all please follow up on these issues. Don't just leave it to the commissioner whose district is in, because if they forget and the police don't follow up, it's all gone. Thank you for your time. Have a great weekend.
Thank you so much. Next speaker.
Next speaker,
yes, can you hear me? Yes, sir, can you hear you. Yes. Hi. Demico Williams, private citizen. I'm also a resident taxpayer, Legacy Detroiter, and I just want to call and say I'm very disappointed with this board allowing Brandon Cole to get back on the force. I'm still traumatized from what he did outside Black Lives Matter by him putting my picture in a racist discord chat to go to white supremacist to do god knows what. To me, I'm still shocked and traumatized by the Black Lives Matter protest in which chief, former chief James Craig is running today. I'm still traumatized by Mayor Duggan running for governor. There's not a true squad or a fact squad to tell what's been going on. And also, why are you all continuing to hire these cops that are accused of misconduct? Indemnifications that are not explained at city council, when we when they come to the internal affairs to be approved for private settlements that we don't have the money for. If those officers are in bad shape, they should be cut. And I'm still upset from what happened back then, my reputation was almost destroyed, and you allow Todd Betten to become the chief without giving me an actual apology for arresting me at a charter meeting that I had nothing to do with. I am a victim. I am a traumatized victim, in the sense under this royal police force, and I'm sick and tired of it. You.
Thank you so much.
So we want to go to the presentation to the board the human resource director,
Katrina Patillo,
the resource Report for the month of February.
So the department, I think February, was currently billed at 97%
were sworn. We were at 98% bill. We had 2621
police officers with 52 agencies. So
civilians, we were at 92% Bill vacancies for police assistance. We were at 91% bill in 2032,
three vacancies
for sworn recruiting. Beginning at the fiscal year. We had a total of 1277 total applicants. 502 were in processing. One, withdrawn. 245, that was archived. We hired 96 within a timeframe. 87 temporary disqualified. 66 currently disqualified in 280. Was waiting on goals or the physical and written agility for the month of February, but the written test schedule, 94 appear. 65 passed. 29 bill. We had 9070 no shows but the physical duty. We had 169 that were scheduled. 111 that appear, 77 that has 34 failures and 58 no shows
for Academy graduates. We did have a class that graduated with 24 or new hires. We had a total of 52 so 23 sworn police officers, 29 civilians for Detroit residency breakout is for total sworn for Detroit, 6074, 30 civilians and 15 police assistance for 90 graders, 2014 for sworn 325, for civilians, 14 for police assistance. And of those numbers for the February new hires, we have 13 Detroit residents, for civilian professionals, and six for sworn police, or tradition, we have a total of 3519 sworn 15 civilians, one police assistant, and then for the legal access for sworn FMLA, continuous. We had 14 civilians, three FMLA, intermediate, 114, civilians, 1558, as were paid rentally. We had 11 sworn one civilian medical leave, one civilian, six restricted. 42 for sworn nine, for resilient professional staff. 21 disabled for sworn three Brazilians and state
suspensions. We had a total of 1211, police officers, one sergeant. And then for monthly separations of February, we had a total of 19. The breakout was 13 police officers, one investigator, three sergeants, one lieutenant, one captain. And then, for our truck defer program, we have a total of 496, and then just over some other numbers. When we look at our calendar year, from January 2024, to the present, we had a net gain of 120, 6 million professional staffs. And looking at that number, from January 25 to the present, we had a total of net gain of 11 thus far. And then for sworn we look at the numbers from January 2023 to the present, we have a total net gain of 343, police officers. And then for the calendar year, as of right now, we have a total of net gain of five. So 300 so pretty much since the contract, 343 net gain. Currently right now, we have six classes in the academy total, 156 students, as deputy has already said we have class that graduates on this coming Friday. Any questions? Commissioner, boss, yes,
thank you for that report. I just have a quick question on the Demographic Report pages. You have one for the total numbers, and then you have one for the age of sworn members, by race and sex, are those numbers supposed to add up? I mean, I'm sorry, are they supposed to be the same in each category? Because I'm looking at, for instance, the total demographic report of Hispanic males is 120 and then on the age of the officers. On the Hispanic male column, it says 118
so that could just be a variation of what those reports were full.
So each one of the columns is like two or three off compared to the total. And so you're saying, I guess I'm not understanding why that would not be the same.
So I can dig into it more. But what I'm saying is this, the demographics could have been for a different day than the other report. Okay, all right, but I will go back.
Comparing reports, the numbers should be the same. I'll go back. Thank you. Okay,
please report Commissioner boss, that Information
Commissioner, Bill,
thank you. Chair, is there an update on the officers? I think there were initially around 30 who were waiting for M Cole certification, yes, referring to Yes. So
there was initially
so where we are right now, all officers have reported back to the street. Five of that, number two of the five resigned couple months ago, but we still have to process their paperwork and get up to ankles, and then we have three that we're working with right now to analyze their paperwork.
Thank you, Commissioner
Bill, thank you, Mr. Chair.
14, always to 2023
24 we had a tremendous issue in terms of recruiting, hiring. Do you recall when you came on board over the numbers, somewhat,
yes, so I've been here for approximately four years. March of 2021 I believe approximately over 300 agencies for sworn police officers. Where
are we now?
As of Monday? I mean,
as a Monday, we're at 38
tremendous job in terms of recruiting, hire as chief, White was impressed, and the mayor was impressed. We was impressed with Joe due in terms of working this up in terms with all we just see that all over the place, in terms of there. And thank you for your service. Thank
you. It is a team effort. Collectively,
everyone too.
Any further questions? Okay, we have a hot agenda today. So thank you so much. Thank you, and thank you for the work. And this update to Commissioner, the boss, yes, all right, thank you, Mr.
Chair. I do have a question, you know, maybe the department, because we know that there were some gaps that needed to be identified relative to how there were officers who were there was some conversation about an investigation being done, and I just want to know who's doing that investigation, and what timeline we can expect to figure out that those gaps have been closed.
Internal Affairs is doing that, and they're gonna have finished answer it. The concierge had a conversation with the deputy
chief through the chair,
as indicated by the chair internal affairs, it is handling that investigation, and is my understanding, this is just brief, that they are wrapping that up, so you should have it very soon as to the findings of that and also a solution and what's been put in place, so we never revisit that again. Thank
you. Thank you Chair. Thank you very question
this Deputy Chief, though, okay, yeah,
I'm fine with Director. Thank you, Director,
Deputy Chief. Back in January of 2025, there was a young man was shot, 19 years old, on St Mary Street, and for blocking, I know he was blocking the driveway, and the police officers, the Detroit Police Department, was saying that they were willing to shoot him. They were going to shoot them. This took place on St Mary's Street, and the mother is very traumatized. Is there any way where I could see a video cam on that to make sure that Detroit Police Department follow a procedure with this year act? And also, can you reach out possibly to the parents, the mother on the shoulder that they can lean on, also a chaplain, and I got a degree in re counseling and chaplaincy, and I can help the parents out. So can you through this carefully?
Yes, so we see behind me
who oversees our family unit, who has the outreach that you just mentioned. So post meeting, I will get the particulars on the incident. We will certainly reach out to the family, and as far as what happened that day, I need to familiarize myself with it and then make sure that I get that video or that you're looking for, make sure that it is available for this body's review. Thank you,
Deputy Chief, thank
you, Madam Secretary.
Have six commissioners today are the various documents and communications the announcements for today are listed next board meeting next Thursday, March 27 3pm here at headquarters, our next community meeting is on Thursday, April 10, 6:30pm and the ninth, recent at Ford Community Center, which is located at 15491, Madeline Street, the next committee meetings, budget meets April 1 at 4pm your headquarters in the Woodward conference room. And also the same day, policy committee will meet Tuesday, April 1, 5pm in the wood room here in public safety headquarters, there are a as we spoke about, yeah, meeting on Saturday, as all have noted, was well attended. There's some further information for commissioners under your FYI tab. Okay? Thank you.
I have the
resistance been posted for for the administrative system positions, the
one position, I think Commissioner, it was posted. But we've noticed that there are a couple of and absent that that one is posted. So
So, so we have to so one is posted and one is being straightened out. Yes, sir. Okay, and so for the public, look on our website, right? Or the city of Detroit website, Detroit. And if you know anybody who's looking for some employment who has the skill set to be able to help us continue to do the work, uh, please apply. And so that we've been getting a lot of good responses in the past, you know. So we encourage you to look at the city of Detroit website and buying commissioners due to
the chair, we'll actually share out both links directly with all commissioners so that you can distribute out to your communities, churches, universities, wherever you might know. But yeah, both both positions are under review for accuracy, okay? And we're working diligently with HR to make sure that those positions get posted very quickly.
Okay, so we got to make sure we do a deeper dive and make sure we don't have those mistakes. Okay, thank you. Thank you for your leadership. Hearing straight now, yes, sir, this
concern the board secretary, when can we anticipate your assessment of your job and also other staff? I assume that you've been on the job X number months, but how can we anticipate in terms of reporting out to the entire board, in reference to your experience of being the board secretary? I for
being the board secretary
that can be something that could be scheduled through your prerogative. I mean, as we see fit to make those valuations necessary. I mean Secretary that I think might be just ensuring what your schedule and priorities might be absolutely
commission and at this Yeah,
actually think that's inappropriate. We, two weeks ago, we made a vote this body made a vote to send that particular item to my committee person on training, and that's exactly what we're doing. What the priority item is right now is getting the two postings up and then handled. We have a timeline to be able to do that, but we'll gladly take that item. Obviously, the vote, the board voted to do that, so we'll do that.
And hopefully it's very easy. What would be the time?
I'll do a report out, yeah, on what that timeline is. And I'll even invite you up to the committee if you're available, because I still don't know the particulars of what you're even asking. That's not a matter that we're going to take off assessment,
oh, and also assessment of the staff that she's hosting.
Well, okay, well, let us
again. I'm taking that, taking that item up. We've done it before. I mean, we've done it for past four Secretaries of time and practice. I'll just remind everyone, we run on a fiscal for the city. Run on a fiscal calendar, not January to December. So it's a my instrument with that timeline, which I follow, city, HR and legal,
I'll report. I'm more than happy to build a
phenomenal job in that space. I just wanna make sure leadership, and it's been refreshing what you have brought. And I think we have strong committee chairs who's doing and participants in these committees that's doing God's work, you know. So thank you. Let's move on.
So we got new business.
Is that your motion?
My motion? Yeah, it's for the policy
I need to entertain this motion. Okay? So it's not a report, okay? I entertain a motion to adopt as policy director two Oh, 1.6 stolen and wanted motor vehicles, Mr.
Chairman, the chairman of the committee needs to make motion first. Okay, thank you so entertained.
So she can make it.
I ask that the board entertain the motion. You make the motion. I mean, entertain as a motion, the approval of it's two which
one I just make sure this is by direction of the policy committee, or is this just being
brought by that I was reading a case that we're getting ready here. I'm sorry.
I'm confused in terms of it should have gone through the policy committee, and it did okay. So then that means to us, policy committee
should be providing this by recommendation of the policy committee. I was trying to clarify. Commissioner Brown was making the motion as a commissioner, which will require a second intersection, as opposed to being by the direction of the policy committee
is the most
important thing here. There
is a policy memorandum highlighting the activity of the committee in incoming correspondence, as the parliamentarian has advised us the motions themselves. The motion is to be made under tab a, eight A and 8b the first motion on the policy that was recommended out the
the report. Her
report should be in here, and it should be by recommendation of the policy committee that we are approving that report, you know, and that's been written up. It's the minutes or the report prepared. Is it in my package? So,
Mr. Chairman, the board has been approved the minutes, right? The report. The board also does not approve recommendation
of the report. About a recommendation of the policy committee. We they, we're going to approve the board report, right? We usually do
the report, Mr. Chair, if I might clarify before confusing, what you have requested, actually in the gardener, okay, just kind of hidden here. And so it's right before tab a memorandum that comes from the policy committee meeting on March 18, 2025 and in these minutes are the two policy directives that are on our agenda. And so if Commissioner Bernard, as the chair of that committee, can locate that in reminder, and again, just by recommendation of the policy committee, give us the first directive, and in the second, I think we can, we can move forward. Thank you. Okay,
first of all, attending the committee meeting for myself, and,
oh, I'm sorry you.
Oh, I'm
sorry. Along with Commissioner Parrish and person from his office,
Chief parish, I'm sorry, Commander, Commander. But anyway, the commission, I met commander, I'm sorry, our assistant, policy assistant of Felicia Tyson from the board, the commander, Michael parish, we said that, from the professional development Bureau, the DPD Planning Research and Development lieutenant, Michelle, my eyes are very bad to dance difficult to see. Michelle Averell, DPD planning research and deployment, planning research and deployment. Victoria Camille from the Coalition for police transparency and accountability. And Molly morning, graduate student from Wayne State University Law School, we had a spirited discussion about two issues, and then one that we've deferred. The first was the directive two, oh, 1.1 uniform patrol. The director was held for held for further revision to ensure compliance with current laws and best practices and to incorporate input from the Detroit Police Department and our community stakeholders. There had been some changes, and everyone wanted to look at it again. A future presentation for this memo will be determined. The second out directive was policy directive two, oh 1.6 stolen and wanted motor vehicles. And
four, oh 1.4
unconfirmed on unconfirmed members. These directors were approved by the committee and forwarded to the full and we are now forwarding them to the full board for a vote. So I move that those two policy by recommendation of the committee, that those two policies be approved by the board.
Any discussion.
There been no discussion. There's no objection. This will be approved. Okay, all right, so let's close to close session. I guess we're going to D I entertain a motion going to close session, to Section eight A of the Open Meetings, act MCL 15.268, A, the department's request for the board is to consider administrative leave without pay but with medical benefits for the police officer, Cheryl and Lacey batch 1718, assigned to the third percent. So moved by Commissioner Hernandez, all Presley and second by Commissioner Hernandez. Any discussion? All in favor. Aye. Anyone opposed, the motion is carried. This is a three minute recess.