but like, I'll take me a long time and it will be very unsociable. When I used to do automation, I used to write in legalese keep like a, like a journal sort of thing. It was like you had to keep a blog. You keep a blog of everything you do. And everything I did was maybe similar to that. Yeah. I don't know how in depth do you go into that?
Because I got pretty good at that. But I have to get back to that. So it's part of this is part of my final project. And it was those 100 pages, but I like have to do, obviously, I have to reference everything I use. I have to reference everything I have to like put, like all the interviews I do at the moment. So a lot of interest in in our in zoom, I had to upload them
all to YouTube, you have to film all the Zoom ins you have to film
them or how to like link them all how to like, I have to attach and like, like all the consent forms and everything like that. But yeah, I've had to do that,
too. When are you going to sit down and like lots of like,
yeah, is stopping. And I've got three interviews on Thursday. And then after that, I need to like stop. Because I feel like I've done a lot of interviews and I don't really know where I'm heading with them.
I didn't know I was on material, you got to look back.
A lot of them are like, a lot of them are like having a conversation and then then passing like passing my information on to someone else to then have another conversation to then pass that information. So I've had conversations with someone on my course, she actually designed because I'm also doing the cultural identity for the city. So I'm collating all these artists, collaborations and artists responses and then creating them into like culture identity city. So I got in contact with one of my uni friends. And she are like the cousins on my course at the moment. And she's actually already done a place brand for a town in Scotland. And she created the brand from the complete beginning. She's done the whole process was really helpful. So I spoke to her about how she did it and what were like, her inspirations and where she kind of got her materials from and then I got an interview with her manager who was the product manager on the project. Yes, it was sort of like me, I was like she
was so I'm thinking I'll
pass it on. And then there's another government course with Lizzy and her manager, steering group to bed. And he's not like jumping around and proper names. Do
you enjoy that? Do you enjoy like secret? No, I hate that.
I hate that. I think it was like nine people but yeah, I hate it. I think it's just the most awkward like I feel like this morning I didn't really had enough jobs about I don't know like the creative side effects. It didn't really because he literally because I was expecting him to just be like, Oh yeah, the creativity of the ship which one of the other organisations said like, it basically explained the other organisation that basically explained that there isn't any collaboration between the city and like the smaller companies which I tried to explain to Johnson he was like, No, it's completely fine. Like there's nothing wrong with it and
maybe this is the your theories about what your research is set up. Like, what you kind of like, do like needs to be fixed and like
yeah, that's my that's what my research question came. I was like researching, like things I thought needed to be fixed. And then I was like, actually, I just need to create something in response to something else. Because otherwise she's not educated
on like what who operators aren't and I will be designing just exactly
what they're actually this is a thing a lot of designers if it's a Hampton they don't operate time to operate Manchester, a lot of the companies because obviously when she's just full of our everything I was like in which Why would you place your business in Southampton obviously solo, but that's it creatively. And actually before like thinking it's got Hansard. That's why it's working
towards having museums.
Exactly. When you think about time to line up and you go, but like, I just see it, I experienced my tutors I've never been in before re industrial
actually is the more thing it's actually because I always have a maybe it's like a sort of, maybe less the slope. It's like the football sports for me to be like hazard Welcome to town in that sense, but when I think about it as a place to go, yeah, like I'm like, Wow, can you go anywhere else and this is lacking, like greenery. It's like, everything is
great. That's how I feel like these centuries. Yeah, I don't know why I just feel like that. But then they would the city of culture bit. They basically tried to do like artists and stuff around the city. So they've using this guy called Nathan, who's an illustrator and they've kind of like passed his work like everywhere that I can see. Yeah. And then they've chosen some other people to do like murals across the city, which again is great. It's a topic of conversation, they've obviously done it for the City of Bend, which is like they're coming in. Because this is your portrait bed, people that come to the city and like explore the city for themselves, to see like, what they've done, what they can do better. So from that perspective, like they're doing great in like, I mean, showing off this more, but I think that's such a small pool of people, which is what really frustrates me is that that's like four people that they've used. This whole sea of artists. Yeah. And then I was explaining that to what the organisation I spoke to the other day, and they were like, Yeah, but maybe they're gonna like widen the pool after they win the bid. And I said, Yes, it can be understandable. But why would you not write them up for now? Why would you widen the pool before bed? So that's what makes me want to want to widen the pool post bed. Yeah. And just show that, like, we have creativity,
you'll find it harder to find something more. You get more ideas to begin with. And I always think, like, that's weird. I agree with you. That sounds pretty counterproductive. Or they've done yeah, they've like, already got just four words like why would you not like start
with 2020? And then bottleneck it? Yeah. As
the creative process works like that, isn't it like, not having four and then, like, it's not like a tube, it's like it goes to actually be decisive. And that's where like, the ideas like that are good. Like, so I feel like what you're doing is the right is the right style, even though you've got to do that hard work of like, maybe they'll maybe those four will come to conclusion quicker. But they won't have explored a lot of style.
Options. Yeah. Yeah. And then it was like, then there's like the other side of it. That's like, what am I actually going to meet the guiding, which is like, what is my final and
this is what this is what my brain has been insisting that my brain has been like, just like, right, like an anamorphic, like designs and stuff from the street sounds and I'm like, it's just not it's not the one like, I mean, like, I don't think it's the one like, yeah, it could end up being that but like, I feel like it needs to be, especially from like, you're trying to do something really ambitious. Yeah, I feel like you're gonna need to do something digital, like something to be bulky, evoke community digital, makes it interactive, and so much easier ways. Because it's like, like, and accessibility then becomes, you know, just just people have got this like, not hot. It's not like an overreach anymore to ask people to have accessibility to like, yeah, yeah, I think that digital is the way to go. But then if you don't want to make it purely digital, because you want to, if you're talking about place you want to ground this is this is like, there's there's something really meaty, and now that I feel like I've, I've thought about before, and it's like, it's bringing it out. Giving you the right form is so good.
Yeah. Well, basically from I don't know if I mentioned but I basically spoke to my friends from uni the other day, they're part of like a collective for this assembly practice. And they're part of like, they basically give advice to companies on like, sustainability board or like, product design. And I went to them and was like, Look, this is my brain. Give me some ideas, guys, I need a different direction to go in. Because I feel like I'm constantly on this path. And I'm not like in my head. My path is I don't know whether you've seen this animal or elephant parade. Okay, I'll show you this. This is like the elephant
it's basically like these, they're these massive elephants. And they're, like, placed around the city, but they're like, by artists. They did a similar thing in London, right? Yeah, they've done a similar thing. And a lot of places. Or hippos. Yeah. So that was my original thing. Like, oh, I can get artists to collaborate on like, a structure or some element. But then the other day from this thing, I don't know if you know, but like, by I'm also that I'm really sustainable. Basically, but by I'm just going to draw us by 2050, sometimes Georgia solids offence with 100 water. So it's going to have a completely new coastline because of the amount of fees rising. We're basically going to be so the city is currently I'd say like this is really bad, but like say this kitchen, like that. So that's the current and then by like 2050 it's meant to be like, it's like completely new shape. So like their concept that they gave me was like you could do so I'm basically looking at like 10 artists collaborations or like 10 responses. Yeah. So then there'll be like these 10 along a 10 responses along the new like water line. Yeah, that would then
certainly alleges sea level is gonna it's gonna rise and what is the by like, quite substantial amount? Yeah, I think it's by over like a few metres. Yeah,
I think well, obviously it's gonna lose we're gonna lose this month by the amount of that is gonna rise
because I've got this image in my head, like, so. Like the things that like you were saying like so. One thing you think about even this sounds really horrible as it sounds is like that is that's the word used to describe to me the impression you get from it's grey, like so. I mean, like, for some reason what I'm thinking about then is like saturation. Yeah, saturation. And then I mentioned this. So what about like, saturation? Southampton? Yeah, has a nice ring to it. Yeah, like with the coil on the middle.
Because then also, I use those exact words in the things that say we'll practice the other day. And then they like instantly for like said about the pollution of our cities for pollution. And they said, Why don't you create something like this a sculpture that would then also try and like, take away some of the admission, like neutralising the application, so it would have like two benefits to so we would help them two ways it would be? Yeah, so it will be like, it would have Yeah, so two different things, it would be like creative, but also it would have like a positive effect on the environment. So how can you make it environmentally neutral. And then they went on, like this whole different rampage of like, I don't know whether you've seen these, these things about in the sea walls, that basically helped like coral and stuff to survive. And they put them along, like the coastline, in cities. And they basically said, like, how can we then bring that out the ocean, 3d, maybe 3d prints are my type is that then people would come and like, collaborate on many fronts, whatever their responses, and then these go on my wall as a matter of like, installation response.
So I'm trying to link this up, right. So like, the I, like, I get, I get caught up when when I like, I get too excited by like, the names of stuff. Okay. So like, for some reason, I feel like that could be my typography. So come back to me, that's like that maturation, like with, with the colons that I felt like, that's a nice ring to it, and it could be designed well, with regards to this here. And now this Okay, so like me, like, Okay, so one thing is, first of all, I was thinking like, well, you could have is, with, like landmark syllabi, I'm thinking that it's gonna, like, if you introduce some sort of, like, incorporate some like VR into it, where like, people could like, look through like devices and some of that and then see, like, see designs rather than having to like, you know, permission and like, actually having to, like, physically place all the stuff there. But that can be incorporated later. But like, imagine somebody designed some sort of like pattern. And then you use some sort of like 3d mapping. So like, you get, like a basic sort of like idea of what the scale is, when you can, like use a very basic like, like cubic, like 3d model, like, wherever somebody thinks, they project that onto the 3d space. And then it can be seen through the like, through the lens of like, whatever, like the intractable but also I was thinking is that could go very hand in hand with this sea line that you actually mapped out, like, how, like, if you knew where the sea line was gonna raise as well, and then becomes like, the buildings that underwater through the VR sort of thing. And then you can see it when you're looking through the thing, the design kind of acts as like a water line on the buildings in like certain places. Also, then, if you've also got this idea as well about having the tiles maybe that x is like, the key point for like, there's more to see, like, you know, you see that it draws attention and then you're like, through these like people are like what is that like as they do with a lot of like, if there's a there's an artefact somewhere that doesn't look like it belongs there like a great piece of like intrigue to God like read about it, perhaps and you're applying next to it saying like, if you then download this thing or like you look through this, your optic device or whatever, like just like then you see these projections on the buildings I mean, and then you get to see the full artists work together really asking is like learning to create like a pattern responses. I feel like that's like, I don't know, I feel like that's a lot easier for like, and it still allows like fluid the pattern if you just strip like a pattern like yeah, that's a good one that's like accessible for a lot of different artists, regardless of what they are like you could then bring into like, a lot of like, his stuff is the illustrator you showed me his name he got a lot of his stuff his jokes and stuff is like, like, it's like life drawing isn't like that. But there's consistency is mediums like it's a lot of ink, it's a lot of like watercolour from what I just saw there. And then that could feed into his texture. So like you're summarising each of the creative voices and the texture and just then gives like I say that right? This is rather than saying people like give me a credit expense based on what you do, you funnel it in. So for me it would be something like I'd have to analyse my portfolio of illustrations while giving you something that is based on the sort of like paint exercise and maybe even have, like facial features that could be then like, then the way you get onto the plate, then using your explain to me again how the tiles come from me this thing in the ocean.
So basically, the title is going to be placed in the oceans, they're meant to be, because we were talking about this whole thing about seagrass the seagrass is so much better for the environment, trees, like grass or wildflowers, we're talking about how some seagrass is really good. And then they're also there basically, still, by helping the poor and helping them see titles, they're meant to see what brought them out. And what we did them or like 3d printing them in a way that then allows you to collaborate with others was thinking about your role, you know, that kind of thing that, that it can be like constantly a part of the city, because the biggest thing feels like, I don't want it to just be there. I want it to be there. I want it to be not only for a networking point, but like the Creative Forces community
opportunity as well means collaborate with the one of the greatest scientific universities in the country. We've got some universities like, I'm sure, I feel like there's a lot of like, marine scientists that could help you make some
reached out lots of things. I'm the guy that was called to use a 3d printer. Like me, he was like you said, from your city, he can then play it you can do any books? Any if you just send me obviously I just why didn't you just send me a model file, I can really bring you a claim file and it wasn't there was this whole thing about like, seeing things within a five mile radius, like keeping it inside and keeping it from Southampton? Because that is making it very lonely using talents
and resources, thickness, you look you can like logistically do those steps if like, I'm not saying this is a theory, like just the lingo these things together. And usually, I'd speak to university about, like, if they do they make, like recently, those sorts of things, will there be a department that knows about them? If not some metrics that are, like know about the causes of why that may? Or may feel like they might give you some more insight that could be useful? And then figure out schematics? Like what are they? How would they look? You know, they actually look yeah, I've seen pictures
that was probably a really bad season. And they have like all these holes and stuff.
So I get this month and then give those to your 3d printer. And it's like life as well that it's like having one of those and be able to photograph that they're like yeah, and then use like post production to get the designs on it. So like, it's just again, like I'm thinking from my like third year down brain where I had to just like fake that people have done things to actually like paint all these things or like make marks that's what they want to do. At the same time if you choose to like go with something just like over the overlay the design and then you and then you show like then you can even like photograph them or like folk like composite them onto the actual environment that actually goes down to like that's the steps of like, I feel like you've got the steps here of like how you present this idea. And then if you didn't want to take it into that 3d One then that's easy again because you got the photo of the tile on the wall or like maybe there's also the that you wanted to make it like the literal like sort of like the ocean breathing interaction like through these holes then becoming like that's going to be the seabed but I'm just thinking that's the place to start I think that's that's central to the idea Yeah, and then it's easy to present at the end when you've got like the the patterns are on the tiles then become like maps on the walls like I don't know how difficult would be I need to move around and blend assumes like pretty modern like characters. I don't know how hard it is to like
for easy to use. afford 40 Cinema Wow. Yeah, great. Am I Like building out there.
I wish I would do some 3d now. I wish that was what I specialised in university. Like, I was too good at escaping hard work. Yeah, and like learning things. And then when I got to those, that's why they gave me a solution is that I didn't feel like I've got any more skills like got by on the skills I had for my foundation course. Yeah, but that's, I think that's such a good skill to have for these if you can, if you could do that, then I feel like it'd be so super easy to like, show him through, like, show him the 3d software how you'd like put the, like how you can do that. And then even you don't even have to do it, but do the research on how, like, there's this there's like, there's like guys like kimchi and chips I'm gonna be about out of them. Like they do like projection artwork, like, oh, so like, I don't know, if you could like, you could propose you collaborate with a team like them. Like that, like a lot of universities actually don't mind you going like, this would be what I would do. This would be the sort of people like you've researched into it, and you've got the names of somebody that can do. I mean, the minute becomes ever more like tangible when you can go like, Yo, these guys do this. Like, rather than being like, if this technology existed? We could we could do this. Yeah,
you know? Yeah. No, yeah, I definitely agree. And then I just have to take all of that, but it's like this, I don't
give it up myself a lot today, right today.
David, this is gonna be I mean, if I actually.
Like it, obviously, you can do this as simple as we, when I was in a position, like, definitely break it down into like, right. Action Plan, you have an action plan of like, how you can implement something as all people want to see versus like, either way that you're going to master your another level. I feel like it would be helpful to just like, literally have, like, because you if you're not going to be there, especially representing somebody have the simplest like 10 step plan. Like one, like, I the artists, like how like so how you get to the artists, that's number one, like so you do advertise online? Like how do they see how the artists come through and be like, Oh,
well, this is the thing I was like, I was gonna do like, I just the sense that amount of artists, but then it would then then that was kind of like stop the coverage and like stop wouldn't it wouldn't be wouldn't be continuous. Whereas I feel like now you're saying like, whenever it is continuous collaboration.
To ask them to do you. Do you come do you go to them? Yeah. Okay, because one of them is going to be like, non discriminatory, but like, one of them is like, you looked at the artists and going like, oh, yeah, you I like your and you're doing what the guys that are doing the Vietnam? Yeah. And one of them is like,
Yo, yeah, we're not doing that. Right. We're doing, I think we should do
one of them is, that's what I mean. So like, figuring out like, like, so and then if it's this one, if they come to you, how do they? How do they access you? That's like, that's like the second one. So like, show, like, visualise in like a very easy way could just be like literally, you just gorilla advertise it. I don't know, you're like, how are this festival? Like? Yeah, you know, I
think Instagram, Instagram. So it was like
on your site if
your visual design Instagrams, like the best thing.
So you show the like, you showed the channel like the media channel, like how they get to you. So social media channel. Like, very simple, like, visualise it. And then three is like, then what you're asking from them. So like, what did they make? So like, let's say like, so they just put three is like, so you, I guess, define and like, and define and give an example of how they give you that great response. So like, that's like the only so like, the pattern or like, they pass on this or they give you like, pieces of their work, anything like that. And then four is then you've got it like, like how you use it. Five is like so it goes on like that. No, these downs I feel like I had I need to know
this helped me so much when I was in my last year like I did like a I did a similar thing. Like when people were like to our people's words, like I wanted people to write stuff about. Like, it was about social media like, like it ended up being like about how Oh, no, no, I forgot completely what it is now. But it was like I wrote like, I wrote like poetry. Like it's so good poetry or close wasn't poetry. It was good. But like,
did you take words from what people said just basically,
does word theorise. Like I didn't take words. I gave him like a very simple thing. I'd say like Like I said, like, what would you rather be doing than like, that being on social media? Like, sure. I mean, like, if you could say like, the, like, the physical, like, the physical world was no different than you going out, like, Would you rather be doing right now like, and even, it was like simple stuff like, you know, it was just cool to have responses without online being like, Yo, I'd rather be like working out rather be doing this social media like, it's about me like monotony and that sort of thing. Yeah, like but the thing that I think I'd like got me like the grade is it's not all about the greed or whatever because I feel like it was very fulfilling to have that grade. But like, is this like, I had eight steps of like, I put the this is where I put my gorilla advertising things that have a call to action on them. Yeah, so like, as the as one of my poems that I've liked, that gives my feeling like so gives give you're like what you want to do to the city. Like, if you want to saturate Southampton last, you're like, you need a call to action. And then they then it gets them interested in it like you want, you're obviously looking for creatives. And then you give them at the like bottom of like, whatever you're advertising on social media, then it would be like link below here, they follow it, you asked, like you don't have like a, this is
like what it was called, it's like a name for this, like, process something. I started on a project on this before, but I get what you mean
Yeah. This maybe isn't gonna help just realise because I feel like I've missed out steps I'll just keep talking about it will help. And then, see, this is like, I'm just trying to think of like a circular sort of process here like that, then you don't have to manage it the whole time as well. So like when you if you provide the way that like these responses get back into the city, like when you place them up, maybe then those responses then continue on the whole thing as well, like so they the designs are changing as well all the time. So like, maybe with those designs, when they put there is also another call to action and the whole thing just spirals out of control. You know,
well, I also think that there's like, there's a whole, like, there's loads of paint and stuff that like artists like responded or they like cooperated, there's there's a paper that wraps evolution, which then can be used, I felt I'm just trying to get this over as the last group that reacts like evolution to evolution really, really bad one day, then the pink tonnes different colour to like, symbolise those. So that would be cool. Because then that means like it's always changing.
Yeah. And then
yeah, like that would
be. Do you want to use that with these tiles? Well, yeah, I feel like there's that could be a lot. So the dad Lucien, like the paint that kind of response to the evolution. How about like, forget this for a second. I'm like starting something else.
Like you're gonna need pay. Like,
but like the hexagons are still relevant. Yeah, so like, you paint on these things that you're saying look like, what how many fucking sizes? Like like, it looks like this sort of thing. Yeah. Like, am I wrong? Like that? Yeah, that's so like, you get the responses onto these things. And then, like, I'm not sure if this is, like more, like a basic sort of collaboration, but it still could have its own like sort of visual appeal. So you find what like again you probably like this could be easily simulated I guess you're good at what you said you are good at like 3d stuff. You could like break an object down into like, like how you know like, that's not like an accident. But like, you know what I mean? Like, there could be this like 3d now not sure how it would even look like you know, like and then like becomes this whole like all like, you could like Yeah, that's cool. You could like then put that it's made at the tiles which has got like the sea paint is then the air pollution. Yeah,
that then those tiles I guess those tiles could then be put in like different locations. Like as if this is like one four. Yeah, that's shape and then that goes into like 123 And then they're like, my other idea was like creating some sort of like wall between them. So you could like I don't know, if you know, something like the walls the walls is like such a historic thing to do and time to make is one of the top
I was like, you walk the creative, like, landmines are like the creative responses. So I'll be cool. If you then
what about putting them up putting these rather wild drama now and it's reminded me of like a wilted flower. Like, imagine if you made loads of wilted flower made out of these Mexican times. Yeah. And you put them in like, because I think that could be quite naughty mean a wilted flower
or what? Like a dead flower.
Definitely, like you make a sculpture of a dead flower to really large that dead flower is painted responses, like the shape, the construct is a still accidents but like yeah, for some reason this is making me think like you could do it with like a Mexican man has his like, these may not be like well put over. I'm not sure how that I didn't want. But like, you just I don't know, you maybe like hang them. And so I feel like there's something in that. You're talking about this, like imminent rise of sea levels have been an evolution. Yeah, wilted flowers seems like something that. Like, it's not like why you'd be like, why we put multipliers on the web. But it's I think there's a generation as well that respond to that more than you put in something pretty they're, like, creative things. Like there's a half this, you know, as to shop the form the form that doesn't have to be there for visual appeal. Like, yeah, I think that creatives these days are more like, they're, they're more like, incentivized by things that are going wrong. Like they're making stuff that looks nice. Yeah. So not like, I can't allow you to make characters now. I feel like I told you so much. Did you know I mean, like, if you're a designer, that's like, what you're, you're you're, you're trying to lose weight, you're like, I guarantee you as well. Like, there's a lot of people on your course that have got like, their main thing is like, well, I need this to be centred around. Sustainability. I mean, this was around, like, sort of like, yeah,
that's just Yeah, I feel like that's more a Gen Z thing. Like, you know, like, and I feel like, they also like, has problems and they focus a lot on like being looking for, like getting opportunities for young people. So that would all like tie in, like choosing to like focus it on younger people. Yeah. Would all tie in together? Yeah.
Are you just gonna leave like, you're just gonna leave it there? It doesn't like you said, maybe it's, maybe it's easier just to make like a bow. Rather than like, just, you know, like,
lobby, I think I'm gonna be cold, because then it'd be like loads of different people. And you would never know, like, you're going right next to him, I
think then as well, like, you'd have to do some research. And so like, maybe you obviously don't have to, but like, I think it could be cool. If you then research into like, minimalist sculpture and just in a ball. I'm like, cuz you like if somebody asks you like, why would you say I just have all like, it's just the, like, one of the artists is yes, it's actually logistically possible to make all that Excellent.
Yeah, like a goal. But then I was like, I was like, Oh, I could just use like, a sculpture artist from the city, and then just, like, hover their sculpture in, like, all these other people's artwork. Yeah, like all the other artists artwork, because that would be cool as well, like just basically just getting them to do some sort of sculpture that they see fitting, or like a series of sculptures as they see fit. And then over the top, these different artists who come along and do the whole lot, hexagon, they could even do squares, or like triangles, like whatever, like that little touch. And then it could add to it in a different way, I guess, with artists that you kind of need to give them a brief to respond to, which I hadn't really thought about, I was just kind of expecting them to respond to, like, more like the landmarks, if anything, but yeah, I feel like that's a bit boring. So maybe not online. But I want to create cultural landmarks for all them anyway. I don't know. I feel like it'd be like, you know, almost like mosaics.
Yeah. That's like the ultimate collaborations. And so people see like a collage of stuff. And they're like, Yeah,
exactly. Yeah. Yeah, like a collage of different things together, but I feel like it would have to be, these would have to be pretty big. Yeah. Otherwise, it's like tiny little, again, maybe not a mosaic but otherwise, just hoping to give you enough like space to be able to do what
I did something similar in a lot something similar to this. But something similar in terms of like, this sort of retrieval of designs. We had COVID is prequels for the Design Museum in London, I believe. You had to do like, we had to do something that was like they come back a year later. You have to do the same
thing. I know we'd sorry, redid the Science Museum. So because
of that That's, like we have this thing where was like, great, like an exhibit in the main domain that allows operators well, they go into like, so that you can use the whole space in the staircase. Yeah. Like, there's something they can, like, keep that guessing to come back next year. But I think a lot of people as well had this sort of like they want to do to take away something and bring it back. That was like the thing that everyone kind of gone into, but like, like, our brief was so like, I don't know. So up in the air like that, it was like so, you know, blue sky thinking? And like, come across very well. Yeah. Like, we had this idea, people would like, take away through this cube of like, that was gonna be like, Minecraft, you could get in the middle of the design. And then you're gonna, again, a little bit ended up using like, one stuff, it's pretty wide range, that's even more expensive ways to like to do with deployment, like I didn't really understand, like, how to do that at that time. So I was like, Yo, is a big, modular big, like virtual square. And then Design Museum. Do you take these away like a random everybody's random votes, random shape, and you just like, do whatever you want with it. And then you take it away for a year, like 20 with photos that you've taken throughout the year, and then bring it back. And then the end like you, when you come back to New Zealand, like rebuild this cube again, now, like, the different pieces or whatever, cuz we've come back to a regime for that year. Otherwise, it really just sort of like, like, it was almost Christmas. Trump's in everybody's photos, but it's just so hard. Like, it's looking back on that now. It just, I don't know that I'm trying to think of the reasons why it failed so that you have like a, you know, like shortcoming so that the mosaic idea can work and like they say they need to be big. That's one of the things you're asking artists to design can't be like small boys economically.
And to get them enough space.
It's just like, the form is so important as well, because the form that I chose was this this cube, he was designed to getting covered up wherever eventually. And this sort of like, the sort of the sort of like, why would why do you go back? wasn't? It wasn't strong enough? Yeah, like, but
also I, I want people to like be interested in it. Like, it has to be like the land. Yeah. Like, I want people to like want to watch the next one and be like, intrigued, like, Okay, this is pretty cool. Yeah, that's the thing. And I also, I feel like there's such a thing about interaction, not from the artists themselves, but also from like, as I said, before the community like they're very happy, like walking a lot. But like, what,
this what I mean, this, I never found me on stage, like it never seem to get easy. One way seems to lose everything is that like, you can put stuff down? It's why that happens to cities that is there, people will look at the set on whatever and then there in the city, they will do it. But like, Why do they want to interact any further than that? Like, why do they care about what's actually been put there? Like, yeah,
because I feel like if it was to do with something like my with my project that I literally did that was identical to that, like your brief was, as we saw in the museum had to be to do with the archive to get more retention for younger generation. Yeah. So I my responses, like, what was my marching to an object in the archive? Then my friend night? Yeah, exactly. But then that interaction, you got to take something away from it, people could get a different response every single time they did it. Like that's something different that you get from it every single time. But then it's like thinking with this project, what the what the community getting out of this other than it being in their city? Like, I think that's where I started doing from a sustainability aspect, like, is this going to mark something interesting? Or is it going to change colour? Or is it going to do something else that because then you talk about, like, the digital aspect, like if I did something that was digital, or maybe one of us had, like a code on or something? That would be like, what, what is it it's doing? And like, what is it this is, you know, this
is why that's so hard.
It's actually like, physically, it physically pains me that, like, there are a lot of like, responses. And it's not, there's no reason to, because I was kind of when I get frustrated about this, it's like, the point of all it's not to solve problems to like, bring it up into like, I always think like, if there's so many ways to, like sounds nice. Jet, we rarely have the skills to actually like, you know, I mean, like do the science stuff. We do have an obligation to do is like, actually, like, rip out the sort of like, a part of like society or like individual services lanes. That shouldn't be like, that should be questions that you brought into question, like so like, that's sustainability. do you do if I put it like, last? Do you know, it just frustrates me that like, the birds we can go is like, like putting stuff in the environment that like root cause it's a question and it's like, I don't I think this is why people have got like, such a, like, you know, people aren't artists, like, they just don't do anything and they don't deserve this one is torturous, because we can't do anything, but we're trying to, like, try and cause them to like, cause it like, somebody needs to worry about this, but it's like, at the same time. Like, I just, this is what annoyed me. So, like, what are we actually actually do? Like, you know what I mean? So rather than feel like there's a problem here, do you know what I mean? Yeah, like,
it's just very insightful. Isn't that I feel like I've come up with so many ideas. What am I actually doing? Like, what's the point?
It just felt it felt like everybody to do graphic design, I think is just the nature of the beast monster is like, we used to never see anything. Like it's the most it's like the least, like especially these bricks because these briefs on the briefs that like 90% of the jobs people are working on is not like this world changing city ecology but you know, I mean like that it's trying to like change location it's really conceptually they love for like universities love that to be their groups. But a lot of the briefs like when you get a job in general will be like this company wants your market this is a lot more easy to recruit brings, but it's like the idea is you're trying to get them to look like this you kind of get on to you know, which is why I
think it should be really conceptualised still I still fill out and think like like why am I willing
to do whatever you like however crazy
no I know any project I do I end up hating it like I look back on everything even my interior stuff like I hate every corner
that could be like feel like that's just generally an esteem problem you know
that certainly means that I like if you're a graphic designer and you hate your work yeah good to see you guys
can even tell what is even going on with this
there's a way route through
minimalist sculpture you made this a couple of ways yes that's what's leftover and I was like yeah because I
was taking so much time to drink
my you guys could even pick up on the tax again and then
you're gonna need you would you mean you're definitely gonna need
cooking fire on you and it looks at you couldn't find
really no. sharpies I was having a panic attack downstairs go for a smoke
you are you is your writing acting
oh no no he's literally gone upstairs he's super stressful well everybody know he's still got loads and that's fine that's why he's dressed well, he might even need you to live close
I solution I know it's going to
you're gonna I'm just gonna say these I'm just gonna hotspot my mind it's gonna say these
are she doesn't record now she did how many short because if you've got
these tabs, yeah, let these were the these were the living sea walls. This is what they look like. Yeah. This is what they look like. And they look like Yeah, so basically they just put against like the the 3d printers Yeah, interesting. That's cool. And then there's another one which are these ones which again like you could so easily have people like respond to that and that's them like that's what made me think about like a mural is because that's really built up and then we were also talking about like mini biomes which is what these a lot of these things are Oh and this was like where so I'll have two new water lines going to be so that all the riders Where's as soon as it's gone and this is also another cool thing which is kind of what I think he was saying with the buildings is this this is a projected line where it says yeah, water level is going to be nice and that's in a city which that's very
well slick as well like that going around. So even like a temporary ocean A temporary installation in like certain areas is so cool yeah so much in a photo shoot everyone in like, bikinis and swimwear and then we'd like and I just like tend to be swimming like I'll be the ultimate conceptual like and you have it like so maybe like you'll have like a white line around like the white line where the sea lands and you have everybody likes the beaches and stuff like
love look completely unrelated thing and you haven't like advertising like your new beach like if you haven't like as an advertising like do you see so like they're getting ready to to be in the waters not only yeah
okay, so
you yeah I mean there's so many like these are the whole like see whatever is steep off it's meant to be really good I felt like this was another one I used to tell I've got so many tablets you just don't really get something on my website was the elephant
oh that was the elephant
no this is this your horses?
Yeah, this is my process because then I also like before I was thinking about like, obviously I was thinking about this like the animals and then I was thinking like how can we create like these are like landmarks so how can we like create landmarks that like interesting and like be creative way so these are just basically just photos and then that's like the whole like colouring the city and just basically picturing cities in that would like more colour because I was like researching like, right I don't know what city that is. But it was like the
tower Tower Bridge covered in seaweed for a second.
It's a floral thing it was done by like bloom and wildflower advertise and bloom. Yeah, it's pretty cool.
Yeah, you could do. But then what would you cover? And see we'd like the City Walk. You know?
Maybe a typical response. Maybe it's maybe it's not about actually because it's nice to put stuff on buildings and nobody else is sort of like it's so that is not about it's not about the place a lot of people in our space and you create jeans may not see me and they actually look like you're if you've got like any zany like career universe there's something hidden like jeans made out of seaweed that like they walk around to show them that they get skinny waist high in like the sea and you learn you distribute them in science and get people to wear them Do you don't like then you will be do you think
you could do Okay, great. Yeah. No. Also like with the sustainable people the other day the guys were just like, just you're on a boat to Cabo Cabo. I was like, it's
all about boat guys.
skills like, that can be something super funny that like, you know, like, I don't know, I just feel like you need something that makes you ask the question like, Why the hell you? Like, like, like, what is city of culture will grow on CBD. You could do that. Dude, like, it's something I can see in like, creative review. Like that's something
stupid. Yeah, it doesn't respond to our research pressure does it I call it create a cultural landmark from CMC.
I think you're not arguing like you need to write some argue and to be able to make them be like, you can argue that this is the beauty of the poster. What is so annoying about really creative stuff, because the beauty as well is that you can argue that that is responsible. Like don't be limited by having to be in the place like in like a stationary way. Maybe the thing you can see is people wearing cvgs Yeah, you're
gonna have to write out now no discovery of the recording. My lectures are gonna be like you're just gonna see
it yeah like I don't know. I'm just thinking I'm just trying to think like just to see so you don't get books into things
i do i That's why I want to talk to as many people as possible as I do sometimes feel like I was bogged down so books into the first idea, but then I was like, logistically like this isn't gonna work like yeah, sure there won't be Whitewater.
If you went to the Santa Council, and you're like, you gave him a pair of CVG and you just gave them to you like, you just chuck them in Table What's so funny?
I've seen just checking out my checklist. I don't think there's anything else guys. It was pretty good. Yeah, yeah, pretty good. I can always I'm just gonna contact you again.