Here's the thing this week, I was at a birthday party for my niece. And my dad said, john, I get he still gets the he gets the stones, river emails, he says, How many sermons you're going to have on fasting and prayer? Like, I'm already I'm kidding. I kind of getting tired of seeing emails about it. He was just messing with me. And he's not here to defend himself. So I can just talk about my dad all day long. Because of that. He just turned 70 years old. How about that, huh? Yeah, pretty awesome. Um, here's the thing. We're gonna keep talking. I'm gonna keep sharing about this. I know that this might get a little monotonous. I don't want to beat a dead horse. For those who haven't been here. For the last. How long has it been Greg month, two months, we've been talking about prayer and prayer and fasting as a church to prepare us for mission for what God has for stones River. And so I here's the thing. When was the last time you heard an amazing sermon? And it really changed your entire life? Oh my gosh, geez, geez, that was a good one, Greg. That wasn't bad. For those who don't know, Greg preached last week, obviously. It's the joke. I thought it was nice getting he was really good. It was great, actually. Um, I thought about that this week. And yes, far occasionally, I've heard a sermon that's just changed me forever. But usually, I forget about it. By the time next Sunday rolls around. I mean, anybody else? Let's just be real. Like, maybe you're like super jacked. And like Monday and Tuesday, you're doing something with it. But by the time the week, next week rolls around, you're like, what are we talking about? Who was preaching last week. Um, that's why we're doing this. Because we want to see sustained true life change. And so that takes place of us talking about things, wrestling with things as a community for a number of weeks. And we think it's I think it's vitally important. I think prayer and fasting is an area that in the church, at least in America, we're predominantly pretty weak at. In fact, it's been awesome to hear people come to me saying I've never fasted before. Thank you for talking about fasting. I'm starting to pray more like body. Like I didn't ask her to say that. She sent me a Texas I can I share something like amazing, right? That's incredible. Like, I mean, she could she could be on her phone, playing Candy Crush. And instead she's walking around schools and praying for the schools, right? Nothing wrong with playing some games on your phone a little bit. But it's so cool. It's so cool. So what we're going to do this week, we did this two weeks ago. And so sometimes when I asked for participation, some of you go, yeah, I can't wait. Maybe not quite that enthusiastically. But others of you like, oh, Lord, Jesus, aren't you supposed to preach john so that now whenever asked her participation, I don't make anybody. So no one get nervous about that. I'm not one of those teachers. That points people out. Maybe Jared Wilson, occasionally just mess with him over there. But for two weeks ago, we looked at four passages, I believe in the Old Testament, I had to do with fasting. And I told you, when I teach again, when I share again, I'd like to do that, again, with some passages in the New Testament. So I want to do that this morning for passages. And we're going to wrestle with it as a community. Because guess what, we're community? Yes, come on, let's go man. This isn't just about me. If you're new to stones river, a lot of people talk here. There's just the way we that's the way we roll with things, as you can probably tell. I'm gonna read Luke chapter four, verse one, and I want to I want to ask two questions. What is this showing us about prayer and fasting? And how can we apply it to our lives? super simple, okay? Like, practically seriously, actually, like, live it out? Like, how can we live this thing out? I'm gonna start with Jesus's temptation in the wilderness. Jesus has just been baptized. So you know, the Holy Spirit's descend upon him. He's heard the father speak. And then it says in Luke, chapter four, verse one, then Jesus left the Jordan, full of the Holy Spirit, and was led by the Spirit in the wilderness for 40 days, to be tempted by the devil. He ate nothing during those those days. And when they were over, he was hungry. The devil said to him, if you are the Son of God, tell this stone to become bread. Then he tempts him with a couple more temptations. All right. And I do want to read verse 14,
actually, with 12, so he gives these temptations to Jesus and it says in Jesus, all right, I'm sorry, verse 13. After the devil had finished every temptation, he departed from him for a time or looking for a particular time, opportune time I believe some translations say, then Jesus returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit and knew about him spread throughout the entire vicinity, he was teaching in their synagogues being praised by everyone. Matthew talks about that, and not only talks about the teaching of the synagogue says he casts out demons, he healed all who were sick, all that kind of stuff. So this is what happened after he comes out of this temptation of the wilderness. So let's ask this question. Don't be afraid. What does it share? What does this show us about fasting because Jesus did not eat. And you know, he was praying, she is waiting, just sitting around the desert, not talking to the Father for 40 days and 40 nights. What does this show us about prayer and fasting? And or, like, what does this mean for like me practically, or you practice or practically us as a community practically? Don't be shy. Oh, almost probably fed back really bad by putting that microphone next to that. David said, it's intentional. Right? The spirit directed him out into the wilderness. And he intentionally did that. Yep.
I think it provides strength because later on, he's able to withstand the temptation that Jesus brought in. Jesus, Satan,
say, we know what you're talking about. That's true, like that temptation. in the wilderness. One of the ways that Jesus prepared for that was through that, that prayer and fasting, right that yielding himself to God, what else? I'm gonna just dance and stuff until people talk. You don't want that. David, Here at microfocus, we want to get it recorded.
Jesus stayed focus. It was constantly it is written, it is written. And I know we've heard sermons good about, you know, well, Jesus focused on the Word of God. Well, yes, he did. But that's where his focus began. And he stayed focus with the fasting, that's good.
So that prayer and fasting, help Jesus to stay out, just go boom, boom, boom, help Jesus to stay focused.
This is going to be stating the obvious, but he was hungry. When you fast, don't be surprised that you get hungry.
That's really good, john. That's the practical teacher. And that's and, and also, you might get hangry, which is hungry. And Deborah knows all about that.
This kind of fasting requires that we are filled with the Spirit.
Hmm, amen. Let's go. So this this type of fasting require that he be filled with a spirit, because it says he was full of spirit before he drove out into the wilderness. And then right into Next,
I really liked the word. Well, I don't like it. But wilderness, I feel like I've been taught that wilderness is a place where I'm all alone. And he was led into the wilderness by the Spirit. So sometimes we're called to a season that's true of wilderness. But like, Mikey just said, full of the Spirit.
It was a sign up for a season of wilderness. Let's go. But hey, what happened at the end? Well, we can talk about that.
Just to kind of piggyback on that I was thinking, you know, this tells me that there is a strong connection between fasting and your connection with the Holy Spirit.
That's really good.
I mean, Jesus, Jesus Himself, you know, relied on the Holy Spirit when he went out to preach and to resist these temptations. So I think there's something there for us to learn.
Good. there absolutely is a connection.
So we've mentioned before that in this story, in particular, fasting is a preparation for mission to preparation for Kingdom work. Jesus is about to launch into a ministry. But I think this story maybe highlights that that preparation through fasting entails a confrontation with the things that tempt us and would distract us and undermine our ministry. I don't think these are just random sort of here's some hard things that you might have to deal with I think they they stand at the foundation of what the what the kingdom ministry will be like. Yeah. And I wonder then for us in this time of prayer and fasting as stones river, I wonder what the temptations that we need to confront are what's surfacing as we fast together and how Then should we respond in order to launch into ministry in this new season?
Really good. That's right. That's great. And we're rolling today man just had to prime the pump a little bit here. You know, at first everyone's gonna like what
so I want to piggyback off of what was said about the wilderness and it got me thinking about Exodus. You know, Jews came through or baptize through the separation in the sea and enter into the wilderness, right where they were provided for manna, although they grumbled and cried and moaned and groaned about it and wanting to return back to their enslavement. But here Jesus comes into the wilderness after right after being baptized, and seeks after God's heart, withstanding the temptation in following him.
Absolutely, absolutely. Chuck. And then we don't have to do two or three of these if we keep going today. That's good, though.
When Jesus followed the spirits lead, he took away the power of the evil one.
And he was able to go through the entire fasting period, without falling to temptation. That's right. That's good. That's spiritual with the Holy Spirit's lead. Nathan just said, the reason that everyone started going was because I danced up front, and it helped everyone, like get going. So true story.
I was just thinking of fasting here. And it's almost like ankle weights for a runner. It's intentional suffering, so that you're going to be tempted, but you can overcome that temptation by trusting in the Lord. And so this is almost like a micro version of what you will face in real life. I was just kind of thinking about it's a training almost, for what real life could bring.
Thinking about that, because me as we lift weights together, I don't know if you could tell. Probably not that was the joke. All right, I'm gonna I'm gonna roll on so we can keep swinging, keep going here. The only things I want to mention, in addition to this was because most of the stuff that I was going to share has already hit on. But the Israel in the wilderness is a big piece. We talked about, I guess it was last two weeks ago, how Moses went up on Sinai, and how long was he up on Sinai for 40 days and 40 nights, the Israelites wandered in the desert for 40 days, for 40 days, for 40 years, I bet they wish it was 40 days. Jesus is identifying with the people of Israel, kinda like I'm just thinking of Andrew and just talking about justice and part of fasting, almost, like, fasting is, is communal all the time. But when we see individuals fasting, almost always it's fasting. With, for with the people, identifying yourself, like Jeremiah did with the people group, right with the people of God. So that's huge. So fasting isn't really about you. I mean, like, there's benefit that it brings to you. There's benefit that helps you in temptation, but like I agree, like, for a long time, I was taught that fasting was just about me and helping me in my own spiritual thing. But when we looked at the scriptures, it's it's all about the community of believers, right? The family of God, the nation of Israel, you know, and all this stuff. So we see that, and then we see the church being birthed. It's about the church that people have got it just beautiful. It's amazing. Um, another thing that I noticed, was kind of interesting was that, at the beginning, it says, In Jesus left the Jordan, full of the Holy Spirit. And as he goes through this period of fasting, at the in verse 14, it says, he returned in the power of the Spirit. And I thought that that was really, really interesting, because Jesus, when He breathed on, the disciples had received the Holy Spirit. He also told him to go Wait, which is where is it going to segue into this next thing for power from the Holy Spirit. So I see that there's an empowerment from Holy Spirit that we get, as we fast and we pray. And we drive away the the evil one, right through overcoming the temptations that he throws, but Greg's point was really good, too, for us to I mean, that's something we should really be thinking about. What are the temptations? What are the cultural temptations or the temptations that we have one of the things that the enemy wants to bring to us as we, as we fast and pray? Alright, let's go to Acts chapter one, verse 12. Just a segue over there. Jesus has his has left. And when we get by the time we get to verse 12, but he did tell them, many of us have read this 1000 times but wait to be clothed with power from on high, right? The Holy Spirit's going to empower you to so they they've seen this resurrected Lord, they've walked with Him, they've been disciples for a number of years, but he says, I need you to go wait, go wait for power to do what he has to be witnesses, right? Like they still needed a power to be witnesses. And so this is the birth so we see Jesus's ministry I put in quotes birthed in prayer and fasting. Right, that's the various at the foundational pieces of being baptized and all these things. This is the church. This is the birth of the church's mission. Jesus, in his mission being born, was prayer and fasting. Now what happens to the church, as the mission is being released that God has for them? It says in Acts chapter one, verse 12, this is after again, he's told him to go wait in Jerusalem, for the Holy Spirit. It says, then they return to Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives, which is near Jerusalem, if you can, if you're in Jerusalem, you can just see the mount of all of us right there. And it's a base of it's got a bunch of dead people buried over there so they can anyways nevermind, I'm not going to go there. But it's just right there. A Sabbath day journey away. When they arrived, they went to the room upstairs where they were staying. Peter, john, James, Andrew, Philip, Thomas, Bartholomew, Matthew, Jane, James, a son of alfia, Simon the Zealot, and Judas, son of James, they were all continually united in prayer, along with the women, including Mary, the mother of Jesus and his brothers. All right. So what does that show us? What does this show us about prayer and fasting, and how we could live this out as a community?
There we go, Bruce. Here, um, he puts you on the microphone so we can get on the podcast or whatever, people listen to it. And we need to hear your wisdom. And then you had your hand raised. Greg, is that right? All right. One is that that, as the community was, was doing this is that it, it was part of their anticipation that they knew that God had called them into something, but they didn't know what it would look like yet. But they were convicted of the call. And so they they set themselves apart, because they said we must be ready and, and able to hear what God's gonna say to us when the time is right. And so they didn't push it. They didn't rush it, and they didn't make it up themselves. Right? Instead, they committed themselves to backing up and waiting for God to make it clear to us, right? It's good. And as we sing, and we wait upon the Lord, but the waiting for them was communing with God praying and fasting and waiting, listening to what his direction was waiting for what he was going to do.
Well, and along the same line, I think this coheres with the point that you were already making about empowerment right? They're they're waiting specifically for the power of the Holy Spirit to come upon them. And so that was the nature of that waiting is not just a sitting around. They're not they're not just chillin going like Well, I guess God will do and God wants to there. I mean, the the language of being constantly dedicated to prayer, like there's a seriousness of in this waiting, and an anticipation, but a participation through prayer.
Right? Love it. Love it.
Right on anything else. It's communal, yeah, that's good. And that was those you guys already just nailed all the points that I was gonna I was gonna bring up. But it was it was it just it is Stark. It just, it's just, it's just, it just makes me stand, stand back and think a community gathered together. Constantly devoted to prayer, into seeking God like and that was there waiting on God. So as a community, what might we do? as we as we think through because this is just a season where we're just we're sitting back and, and asking God for that holy spirit for that direction, in that leading sounds, rivers on so many incredible things over the year, seriously amazing things. And we want to continue in listening to Holy Spirit, and as a community. So what might that show us? Should be together in prayer? Like, it's like, it's like taking it seriously, right? That's what they did. They were constantly devoted to it. I think that's amazing. There's also a patient's that that had to come with that because I thought about this. If I was one of the disciples, you've seen the resurrected Lord Jesus didn't say, don't tell anyone like you can't tell anyone. But there was like this patience of waiting for this and powerful Lord before blasting out because I might have been like one of those guys. I was like, dude, I got to go tell everyone. Let's go. He said, Wait, be patient. Get my power. You'll be more powerful.
We've been talking about social justice. Let's take special note of the fact that the women were included here.
Yes, right. There you go. I almost said that. Would you appreciate it me saying that?
Yes. Oh,
Go into the passage before Jesus was praying and fasting and talking to God. Because I mean, if you want to do what God wants to do, and you don't ask him how to, or when to, there's no connection with him. So fasting and praying as, as the body of Christ tells us what to do as a group. So if we are disconnected in asking in different parts, and in different ways, we aren't connecting as a group to do what God wants God wants us to do. And I think fasting and praying is just another connection. And if we're connected together, then we can accomplish more than one person relying on something and one person doing something else. And it's just, it shows us how to be together.
Super good. Amen. That's right. There's no, like, I learned this. And then I fail on this. There's no cookie cutter way. Like, we want to see our city change. There's no cookie cutter way to it. I wish there was because it'd be easy. And I come up with a book and everyone could do three steps to have in your city come to know the Lord and following Jesus and seeing Justice raynox there's no cookie cutter way. Like, oh, man, so many of our teams. I'm like constantly going, Oh, Lord, what do we do next and like to pray and pray fast see God like it's, and I love that it's not a cookie cutter, because if it was cookie cutter, then we wouldn't even have to have relationship with God. like God loves relationship. Then we've got and we do this together. So good. All right. Let me see what time it is real quick. We're gonna be done by 1130. For those who were anyone to get Nancy over there. Acts chapter 12. I've wanted to bring up this one because this shows the church in a practical, challenging situation, and how the church as a body was handling this together. So Acts chapter 12, verse one, about that time. Sorry, I lost my place already. King Herod violently attacked some of those who belong to the church and he executed James, John's brother with a sword. Let me stop for a second. Sometimes you can just read past that. This is James a son of thunder. This is the first apostle that got martyred right here, boom. Right, James and john Sons of Thunder, James is dead. He got killed by Herod. So following Jesus doesn't always mean unicorns and rainbows. It's seriously like he died because of this. When he saw and he's talking about Herod, when he saw that it pleased the Jews, he proceeded to arrest Peter two during the Festival of Unleavened Bread. After the arrest, he put him in prison and assigned four squads of four soldiers each to guard him intending to bring him out to the people after the Passover. Here we go. So Peter was kept in prison, but the church was praying fervently to God for him. All right, so we're seeing what's happening to Peter, and James, and the political leaders in what the church is also doing to participate in what was happening to them. Okay. I'm just gonna real quick, just bust through the story. I'm gonna read this because I think it's just so powerful. What Herod was about to bring him out for trial that very night, Peter bound with two chains, was sleeping between two soldiers. While the centuries in front of the door guard at the prison, suddenly an angel of the Lord appeared and a light shone in the cell, striking Peter on the side, he woke him up and said, Quick, get up in the chains, fell off his wrists. Get dressed, the angel told him and put on your sandals, and he did wrap your cloak around you, he told him and follow me. So he went out and followed, and he did not know what the angel did, excuse me, did not know what that what the angel did was really happening. But he thought he was seeing a vision. After they passed the first and second guards they came to the iron gate that leads us into the city, which open to them by itself. Then, excuse me, they went out side and passed one street and suddenly the angel left and Isn't that incredible? Now listen to what happens at the church with the church. When Peter came to himself, he said, Now I know for certain that the Lord has sent his angel and rescued me from Herod's grasp and from all that the Jewish people expected. As soon as he realizes he went to the house of Mary, the mother of john mark, were many had assembled and were praying. He knocked at the door of the outer gate. And a servant named Rhoda came to answer don't wrote us forever known for this silly incident. Would you love that? Would you like to be rota I love it. I think it just cool. She recognized Peters voice and because of her joy, she did not open the gate but ran in and announced that Peter was standing at the out gate You're out of your mind they told her but yes right that's a good point Johnson it really be wrote of them. Yeah didn't say that Rhoda was totally lacking faith. But she kept insisting that it was true and they said it says Angel and then it goes on to say Peter ever kept on knocking in when when they opened the door and saw him they were amazed So what does this show us? There's at least a couple moments in there that it mentions the church praying and fasting but what does it show us about the community of believers? All right, praying sorry.
There you go. You can pray for something and when you get it you won't believe it. I think that is incredible isn't it? Like we read I love how the Bible is so raw and so real because like it's so easy oh man we had the faith in you know if you have the faith of a grain of a mustard seed, you know, Greg talked about you know, all these things, but like, these guys are like, Oh my gosh, like, it's his, it's his angels. Another interesting whole nother topic that I'm not gonna go on, but like they, they were, they were would have been believed more that Peters Angel had showed up than what they were actually praying for would have come true. Now. Maybe they weren't praying for him to be released that night. Maybe they're hoping Oh, the next day, hopefully Herod will let him go right and God does this miraculous thing and they're like oh my goodness. What else?
John's got something I want to get we got to get it in the microphone. We got to get it on tape. God responds to their prayer. Yeah. If we don't pray Why are we surprised that nothing happens well, that's good. God actually responds to
it said in the text that when Peter was in prison the church prayed fervently Yeah, I was curious what that really meant so I looked it up and it said the dictionary say passionately or enthusiastically and so you know if we're just like putting somebody on a list to pray for him but you know, we're not fervently praying I think that's a big difference you know, we got to be passionate about it's good when our prayers are as
good so it's not like we're just throwing up a flyer occasionally. Hey God, I hope that you do something for this person had been that would be nice. Anything else? Good Brandon. You made me walk all the way back here and then now I'm walking all the way I'm just kidding you can I can do that anytime get exercise
I love the gifts that are presented here like Mary's hospitality they're meeting in her home and then I just always love it when God appears to the least of these so sometimes we don't want to listen to certain voices because we're like he's not gonna tell you I mean I'm sorry but you know sometimes and and so but I love that Yeah,
that was one of the big things that I was as I was read through this again was just seeing the church operate together like there are times whenever there are people on the front lines Peter in this scenario was on the front line. And what is it is the church go well let Peter do is saying no, the church is praying, right? We have hospitality being shown we have the church getting together. And guess what there may be a time where there would was a time where john mark or someone is on the front lines. What's happening, then, is the church getting together as Peter praying for him? I bet he probably was. Right. There's those like, it's just it's a beautiful piece to where the church isn't just going well we just Bless you. We bless you brother, or sister. Like it's we're in this together. Like this is a thing. This is we are as we pray, like we are part of what's taking place. Man, I think we get lied to by or we just believe it's not that important or something. This is big time stuff. Greg got something because he had his, his Okay, I gotta go all the way to the very back. So I didn't want to go back there. And then I'm just kidding.
I think one of the things that's interesting about this story is sort of all of the collateral blessing. They're the things that they weren't praying for that God went ahead and did. Right. Peters own faith is affirmed. Yeah, he's like, he's a little bit out of sorts to know what's going on. And he says, Now I know that the Lord is answering prayer, and there's a sense of he wasn't expecting it either. And I'm and why would you you just saw James die, you know, that's on the table. And so and I'm guessing they probably were praying for James too. Yeah. You know, sure. And, and then and then, you know, the church's own faith gets, they weren't praying, Lord, do something so that we will have more faith and more trust. Yeah, but that's what God does. Right? And There's all this stuff. And so one of the things that, like, excites me the most about praying together is we know what we're praying for. But what we don't know is all the stuff God is going to do. On top of that, that we get to be surprised by and I don't know, that's just exciting.
Yeah, it's really good. He's pretty, pretty good god. It's just an Yeah, man. All right, one more, and then we'll probably about probably about 1130
I want to thank Brandon for his his thoughts and contribute to I would challenge you to look at your life to your prayers, and even keep a journal of answered prayers. Yeah, I've done that for a season. And it just blows me away. Yeah, when I look at it, when has God just going through the motion? rate scriptures, when has God just going through the motions? So you know, sometimes we say, your I've, I've preached that, you know, those who oppress others who are made in God's image, are mocking their Creator. If we just go through the motion, are we not mocking God? Should we also pray as God is working? Yeah, with that same type of purpose and intentionality?
Yeah, it's good. Awesome. Thank you, David. Thank you. I love to that there's like a spontaneous maybe nature of the church. Like when something's going on, they get together like they're, they're willing to it's they didn't have to wait. They didn't say well, let's wait for Sunday morning. And we'll get together and pray. It was they didn't say well, we have to I mean, maybe I don't think so. We need to make sure Peter approves so we to get the pastor to approve this prayer meeting that we're doing right here, by the way, if you're not aware, none of that going on here. Like seriously, like, I love that they they're saying hey, there's a problem there's an issue or there's something good there's we actually see I'm not going to read it. But if you want to I was gonna do Acts chapter 13, where it talks about them fasting and praying. And as they fast and pray, the Holy Spirit tells them to set apart Barnabas and Saul for the work that which he is called. So that's the community in Antioch. Right? And so they are the churches fasting and praying because they're on mission, they're on mission going, God, what do you want to get? What are you wanting us to do? Where are we to go next? The Holy Spirit tells them, and then when they receive it from the Holy Spirit, what do they do next? They fast and pray again, they fast and pray and they lay hands on, and they send them out. So I think that that's huge. that's hugely important, hugely, just incredible, incredible. So let's do this. As we end we've been taking a few moments to listen to the voice of the Lord. And when just time two minutes here, we're gonna listen to God's voice. Feel free to listen, feel free also to pray for our city to pray for Michel Nilson, if you want to in this couple minutes here, but we're going to do that and then we're going to we're going to end So just a couple minutes here. The Lord they would like to share,
you guys. I'm here to encourage all the ladies to please please be a prayer sister. It It means such a lot. I've been saying the doctor for about six weeks. And I didn't tell my family because I didn't want to. But eventually I had to. And so we went to the doctor on Friday, and I got a diagnosis. And when I came home, I opened my first card from my secret sister. I don't know who it is, but it says the same God who moves mountains and part sees is watching over you and there's nothing he can't do. Praying Hey strengthen Jew and blesses you today and in the days ahead. Allah love your sister. And I was diagnosed Friday with cancer. Yo, Yes, that's me. Yeah.
Thank you. Father God, we'd lift up Louise or healing Morning in the name of Jesus. We know that that word cancer seems to strike terror, deep into us just as deep as that tumor is. But Father, we know your power. Yes, Lord, is so much greater than anything that would come against us. Father, we rebuke this cancer in the name of Jesus. And the evil one has no, no rights in this. Amen. We pray, Father, for her miraculous here healing in the name of Jesus.
Thank you.
May it be just gone. Amen. Thank you, Jesus. And Father, we pray that you watch over Louise and her family and walk with them every day. Father, may we continue to lift her up in prayer. And we love You Lord Jesus. Amen. Amen.
Amen. I also want to encourage Lonnie and Louise here that you've been there for your family. For so many years, so many years, you've constantly cried out to us to pray for your family. It's okay. You have permission. To ask for our prayers continually. It's okay. To seek God for yourself. And to, to have needs and let those needs be known. Bonnie, we pray for you. Because this will drain on you. And I know you'll be there as you always have. And so we pray for your marriage to continue to grow stronger and deeper. And that different healings will take place. You remote emotions, your your relationships. Above all else. We know that fear is a liar. We're not going to give in to fear but we will give in to God. Thank you father in Jesus Christ's name, Amen.
Thank you for you give you another hug if that's okay.