Mentor, trainee CRD - with a focus on a trainee who is struggling and needs heavy scaffolding
3:08PM Jul 12, 2022
success criteria
So yeah, so from your seventh lesson today, focusing over on golf shoes. So follow on lesson from last week's lesson. So we started off doing the Van Goughguard copy, then we're going to refine it today and then move on. What do you think your strengths were from today's lesson?
I gotta say, behavioural management or think is better, compared to what we had last time, I do feel much better, and they are more engaged. But however, in terms of Round Table, talking about Jodi's table, I personally think I will have a new city plan on a girls and boys.
Okay, so make a note for that. Yep, I'm gonna look at a comeback to that element, because that's one of your areas to which you can improve. I want you to really focus on what went well, in the lesson today. What was your strengths? What was successful with the lesson?
I mean, I didn't mean men name or a success criteria. So I think number one, as we mentioned yesterday, I told him the beginning of the lesson, I stopped read often as I went to see the mark vacay. I ended up nessa article remind me so I probably need to do some more in the eyes of lesson. So I have to remind him
again. Yeah. So I'm going to pause you there again. So you just say explain to me how you kind of take some of your targets. So one of your main teacher targets for this week is to focus on. Assessment? Yeah, absolutely. So yeah, to be teachers must use information from assessment to inform decisions, and make pupils were the next steps. So you've looked and you've been in multiple ways today, you've paused throughout the lesson. So you've given success criteria made that really clear, actually learning objectives. So they knew what the learning was all about mark making, and you had that really clear, you had your examples, you did a demonstration, you ask them questions, and use your questioning really well, with getting them to refer back to the slide, which was really good and really strong. So that was your strengths today, that you have touched upon areas which we can improve, which is one of your top over targets, which is establishing your behaviour routines. You have recognised it as you've got couple of tables. So the one at the front, you want to change your seating plan. That's good, why you want to change the seating plan, what's not working?
Because I feel like it may just keep it low my instruction, my separate plans that look any Swedish never nice. And even though I get no consequence, our senators say well, if like a C two c three Americans at home, still not listening. So I feel like I probably have a conversation with parents, or I want to give them the challenge of spinning up first. Yeah, so I'm not sure which one's right.
What good instinct, what do you think would be the right thing to do? What do you think's?
I guess no couple changes already. I told him like, Look, if you keep doing these new seating plan, and I kept doing that, so I thought, I do need to split them up because I sent them to already
do it. You've made that decision. You sit you recognise it's not working and not focus with them together. So you split them up, you are in charge, you can split them up, and you don't have to give reason to them. You say right, your said, Have you ever were in Vegas? Again, our school rules have derailed us from your ass, you have not followed those instructions yet. So again, you're breaking the school rules. And it's reminding them of why you're giving them the consequences as well. And encourage them to do the right thing. Split it around, praise them or praise other students who are doing what you want them to do. Because I've not seen that. And actually, I'm getting this is good attention from doing the right things. I want you to refer back to the walkthrough booklet as well, especially with your commands. So again, using some of the instructions in that it does have some really good notes in there, which gives you those instructions of I now need you to do this. And it's been really assertive. But I can see you have been practising that with your voice which we animate your voice, own your space thing. I need you to do this without pointing at them. Yeah, I need you to do this now. Thank you. Please give me this. I want to say please, I need you to do this now. Thank you. beneficial. And then yet, towards the end of the lesson, it's checking how the students met your success criteria. So how did you know from today that they've met your success criteria
by looking at walks I don't like, as you mentioned a while ago, and our lessons is quite normal. As we mentioned, some of Nandita will finish the jewellery for an hour, two hours lesson. So they started last week. And a nice way it's been two hours from now they are not finished and which means they didn't make my subsea criteria. So that's why we kept them for about an hour, 15 minutes. So I find that good technique I can use. It should tell me if you don't focus. You can do that after the school that afternoon so or after school. So all I do it at home, and why
is that important? Why do we want them to continue on with the work? Why do we just have just leave it? Why do we want to continue?
Because all we do kids to learn, so they have to early stage, like, I don't want to let it sit there for an hour. They don't do anything. So I think it's really important for them to get what you want on it. And I'm good at that. Okay, so your choice students, Caden and Adam today may engage with me may not even know in terms of day that at the end of day, and they say it's not sure, after I twist the topic for them, they feel really proud.
Yeah, because you use a different station models as well. And you had use your examples where you broke it down, you also did the demonstration and that did support them, you are going to get students who are struggling with their skills, and it will take them longer. Some students will rush and do it really quickly. So it's reminding them to use it success criteria whatsoever just to look at the work, look at the images, observe, use their prior knowledge and their mark making skills and apply that to the images. And then it's also remembering to tell them where they go into next. Why are they doing this skill today? What's the point in this lesson? In pointing forward?
Thank you. Yeah, about eight today. Year, eight today. haven't put anything there but yeah.
So yeah, with your year eight lesson again, you really organised with that lesson you had all the materials all prepped, ready, fantastic. Um, you were really clear of your instructions and you got them started super fast, which I want you to try and implement that routine more than two years. So we're in classes now. Because you're really strong. Starting your lessons up a year right you're, you've always got it well plan, you've got it well organised, everything's prepared and ready to go. Whereas a year seven lessons are sometimes a little bit muddled. So again, it's reapplying the techniques you use in your eighth lesson you put it into your year seven lessons good use of using students names who have praise as well that was really good. So you praise may deputy especially to students who are tend to be a little bit more disruptive or disengaged. Really good with bell as well keeping on top of him given the consequences. And you did actually explain why. Which was really good. Again, be more consistent with your explanations sticking to your seating plan as well we know we've got covered in that group we like to go for a bit of a wandering we're really hot on them today. You're how you're scanning of the room was really good. So when you were circulating around, I could see you looking especially watching Peter like he was Captain fidget pants today, he was everywhere. But you really focused on like, Peter, can you do this now? And he did and he was really polite to you as well as he did it. So it's thinking about okay, he's going to need those kind of movement breaks he's clearly needing that right now. So again, you did it really positively. So okay, Peter goes down any followed. So just being aware. Lesson wise, again, you have really good examples, you pause students and you're pointing out good examples in the work so you are assessing for their learning is assessing towards the success criteria at the start, which will be really really good at was getting students to read toy. So you receiving your voice, you are letting them read it for making sure that they were aware of the success criteria is on the board. Okay, don't just have the PowerPoint there for no reason it's a visual resource for them. So and it was good that you're getting to refer to that so you can use that new year seven lessons to refer back to what's on the board it's there as a guide to help them it's not just there because you said yet and they were using it as well you could tell that they were pointing to each of us in our lock plate that's the next thing you need to do. Thank you for you allow them that creativity to
thank you so
yeah, so moving forward. So to kind of like forever kind of progress wants to keep looking at this. I also want you to observe some of the detail lessons of what should i routines so at the start of the lesson and how they're giving out consequences and how they what different types of techniques are using to engage people at the start, especially with the year seven essence. If there's a particular student you want to kind of monitor I suggest you go follow those for today and watch and then start to their lessons. Just to get an idea of what river teaches strategies for that particular student. So for example, maybe effin it's at the start of the lesson or at the end of the lesson for him. Yeah, that'd be really good. I want you to have a look at the NSE website as well. And that will give you some more resources. And I know you've signed up to that summary to look at the resources to support you with your different ways of assessing especially if different points of the lesson and we start seeing that now more. So say Okay, at this or we say to me at the end of that lesson, we go for our next feedback. We say, Okay, today are pieces of strategy, and you can explain why you use that strategy should recognise it, but again, you can confidently tell me