Can you tell everyone a little bit about you and your business?
Yes, well, I'm a sales page copywriter. And I have been writing content for over a decade. But I just recently switched into conversion copy and niching down into sales page copy. So this is where I'm at right now.
I think a lot of people like think, oh, UX, that's just microcopy, or that's just for website. So I was super keen to talk to you today, because that's not your focus at all. But I guess what was your experience? Like, had you written some website copy before? Or what was your experience with copywriting before you came into the programme?
My copywriting before before BWC was I've been writing content for brands that were more like the content like blogs and stuff. So conversion copy is a different beast. It used to take me a lot of time, I had no idea what I was doing, I was trying my best to like find the right templates, because I wasn't really sure how I didn't have the confidence in myself to kind of make my own decisions. And the editing process was more about when I went through it to edit, it was more about what sounded good and less about, like the strategy behind it. So again, I was like second guessing what I was doing, and it was just taking so much time.
What tipped you over into going okay, Beyond Web Copy is for me, because you do have a slightly different background to some other people that have joined.
Right? So what took me over for sure was you saying that I would be able to write faster, which I totally have, and just you like, I'm just so jealous of your speed and your kind of quick decisions with copy. I've seen how you work. And I've seen how you can just... You're such a, like a gift with words, but in a strategic way and how you've like massaged messaging. So that was a real, real seller for sure. Both like the speed that you could make a message more effective. And just the time that I would save for myself.
Totally. So tell us about your experience within the programme? Because you're very active, very engaged, what was it like on your end?
Well, yes, I mean, I had many questions for you before joining, joining because of my the fact that I wanted to niche into sales pages. And I wasn't sure if it would apply right to the sales pages. But right away, like inside the programme, I discovered just all the tools you used, like the story mapping, the 60-minute story mapping and the content comb and all that and how they can be applied to just one page, one sales page. It's just so the the frameworks that you have inside the programme are like nothing I've ever seen before. And just so effective in that they kind of walk you through the whole process of creating a web page, if that's what you want to do, just like one page. Like one of my favourite parts about it was just understanding how words are not just your content that you write, but also how they're presented on the page. So what they where they are on the page, if they are meeting that buyers journey, or that readers journey and where they're at and where it is on the page. So just learning about all that really made me think about how how I am writing and it really it my gosh, it totally upleveled my skills for sure as a writer.
So what was your favourite part of the programme?
Okay, so my favourite part of being web copy was all the frameworks that you had in the programme, like the basketball method, the five C's of microcopy, but also the q&a parts where I could kind of show up where I was at, like I was working at my own pace, but I really had some things that I could get your eyeballs on, so it was very, I loved that part too. Even even with the time differences you made at work.
Actually, this is something that I'm hearing sometimes that people are worried that the won't be enough time to get their questions answered that they're gonna have questions about this because it's completely new. And will there be enough time? So I'm going a little bit off piste here. What would you say to those people? Did you feel like there was enough time to have all your questions answered?
Oh, for sure. Like there was so much support. The slack group was amazing. And that I mean, you were right. You told me this in the beginning, like that's where the magic happens. And it really was like a place to pop in. And I liked the Yeah, for sure. I would say to someone who's worried about if there's enough time that the modules and the content is so so laid out for you in a very user friendly way that you could almost go through this programme alone, but then using your q&a time and the slack group for just like applying it to your own situation and like finding new ways to spin it, because you explain everything that you need to do in there. So yes, that was very helpful. And having the extended Facebook group to was like just such a back cushion. Well, you did the website critique, which was like, just amazing. And all that just to have you on our side to kind of have your eyeballs on her stuff was just so valuable.
Oh, yay. So what were some of the results that you've had based on the work that you've done?
Some of the results I've had, well, I doubled my rates. And right after finishing this programme, because I was just starting out, I was laddering up my prices, I knew that I was just more confident in what I could bring. So and not only that, but I was able to add value to my existing offer, like wireframing the sales pages, and I'm really giving, like a next level approach to my clients, because I had these new skills that not a lot of people kind of know about, but that the it's so it's it's such a different experience when when I handed over the, like wireframes sales page to the designer. She couldn't believe it, because it was all laid out, I knew how my message should mind I knew how my words should come across, I knew the hierarchy of it. And I saw I'd communicated it and laid it all out. And then that designer ended up hiring me for her sales page, because she'd seen like the eye that I had now for the message hierarchy and the journey down the page and stuff. So that was, that was amazing.
So how has this programme changed the way that you write copy?
Well, I definitely write faster for sure. And using these frameworks. And it's also changed the way I write because I can now take your frameworks and like squish them into all of a copywriting other copywriting training, I have to kind of come up with my own unique formula. So I feel like I write more confidently, and I write more strategically. That's when you sit down and write, you're actually not having to write a lot, you've already done all the back research. So that's just made it so much easier.
So there'll be people listening to this who are like, I'm not sure I'm ready. I'm not sure it's the right thing for me. So if you think back to where you were, when you're on the fence about joining, what would you say to Jessica back then?
I guess, hmm. So I would, I would say that it's really the course it's going to turn you into a consultant. And it's, it's, it's just so so much based on strategy, that it's kind of unlike any other course out there that it really complements any other course you've taken because it's so different. It comes at it from a completely different angle, that if you want to position yourself as a super amazing copywriter like these are the skills you need now, especially with AI coming out, especially with all this stuff, having a bird's eye view of the strategy is what you need now as a copywriter, and this is such this is the course you need that will give you those skills. Oh, I mean, it was just so amazing Susan that I and it really was like I didn't I was you know, I was so worried about not being able to have time to go through it and and like now I'm starting on this new sales page and I'm opening it up. So it's just so exciting to have that there for me. I want to be able to take your course and I print it out and just like paste it all over my office and go through. But no like, I mean yes, you really did think of everything