The regular meeting of the town of Johnstown Town Council for the 15th of May 2000. Please stand with people with Allegiance. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and
justice for all.
Call the roll.
Councilmember Burke Here. Councilmember Dominguez, Here. Councilmember Mulliner, Councilmember Morris, Councilmember Yang here Molland.
Your agenda. Going to strike one item off the agenda. And that will be item number six on the consent agenda. We will revisit that at another time. They're just having too many problems right now. And I've tasked the town manager, the town attorney to go and see what can be done either through our development agreements or municipal code. Any permits that may have been issued for this development? See what recourse we have because we've never had this kind of issue with any development. So until the staff can provide me with a get well plan. When we're not very entertaining, I'm not going to bring to you anything regarding this subdivision. I do expect that this will take not too long because I want I want this to be taken care of expeditiously. But I've got to say no more. Mr. Mayor,
I make a motion to amend the consent agenda, removing items six, amend and Reese, amend and restate the water and sewer services agreement. Purpose farm subdivision with 6037 Johnstown LLC. Okay.
So the motion is to approve the agenda. Striking number six is consent agenda. All those in favor say aye. Aye. Those opposed? The eyes have it. Motion carries. Public comment. This is the time where we invite citizens to comment on items on the agenda that are not subject to a public hearing. So with that, I have Mr. Sean York First, SEAN
Thank you. My name is Sean York. Hello at 301 McGregor lane. For my time starts I'd like to pass out some items are right to the to the
I'll start with saying I'm glad that you to hear what you just said. I'm here to say that as a neighbor of purpose farm, I'm extremely disappointed with the lack and attention they've demonstrated in their capability and willingness to step up and comply with the standards that they're already supposed to be adhering to. in April. We had a few windy days as you can see from these photographs. Please keep in mind however, historically, March and April are the are the months in Colorado with the most wind. This wasn't an anomaly or something that should have been unexpected. We've seen zero dust mitigation from Purvis. at all so far this year. There has been obvious drainage issues that the builder assured the community that the town would not would not be an issue. While we did have a stench, a substantial amount of rain last week, I'd like to preemptively refute any argument the developer may attempt to bring to the table about this being an errant, uncommon or an unprecedent unprecedented amount of rainfall. May is in fact a month where we received the most precipitation in this area to closest cities, I can pull data from or level and really, they both show that may receive the most precipitation. In addition, while this event did fall into a top 10 event, it should not have been unforeseen to the extent that it was by this developer. There have been drainage issues in the past for houses in the estates that backup the purpose one of the main points brought up by the residents in this area was drainage. And the developer assured the residents in this council that there would be no drainage issues. It appears that the residents in the town were completely bamboozled on this by the developer. It's my understanding that the drain was covered and clogged by mud from improper improper drainage. And that caused flooding in several basements over in those houses. In a state drive was covered in mud after the storms that you can also see in the pictures. This neighborhood has been there for over 20 years. And the only place this amount of could have come from as the pervious development, we're not talking about a relatively small amount of mud from the rest of the streets around town that were caused by random washouts, which we all saw, the amount of mud on your state drive was substantially more than anywhere else. And the only place that could have come from was that development and the improper drainage. Much of what I'm going to bring up forward may be able to be unproven, just as I brought up in the notes I sent last week or last meeting about the developer losing their builder and being put on hold. I believe that mean, in that someone in that meeting said it was only scuttled that, that's fair enough, I can see that point. However, I like to counsel to apply some basic logic to these points here. More or less relying on the old adage of if it looks like a duck walks like a duck quacks like a duck, it is a duck. So again, it's my understanding the development was on hold. And from what I was told by an Excel infrastructure engineer is engineer as well as the common sense of observed observation from us. The zero work has been done since the weather was allowed, has allowed work to restart. We all know that time is money. And I think it's very logical to assume that if work could have been going on, it certainly would have. We further argue that work has been taken a step back as some of the sewer water pipes that were over there and on site had been removed. I would also like to preemptively addressing the arguments that the builder may bring up that the reason for any flooding was because the work was not yet complete. If you're a surgeon, you don't take a break in the middle of the surgery to go have a ham sandwich and come back and say, oops, the patient died. But it wasn't my fault. Because part of my part of the surgery wasn't done yet. You take precautions beforehand, you don't stop working or remove critical items from the from the operating table. Just as a surgeon, I feel like I understand that the developer may have come up against some issues. But sorry, just as a surgeon, you don't. If you're a developer, you take precautions and have adequate reserves in place you continue. I've only got about less than a minute left. Lastly to Richard to reiterate the comments I made in the last meeting by email, this developer has proven constantly to be a bad neighbor. I feel if they ran an apartment building they'd be considered a slumlord. Never taking any actions, any proactive actions, only doing the bare minimum and only when forced to do so. They've they've passed out they've have asked themselves their way through this entire process so far, when they were told to make all the lots of minimum square footage they didn't. When confronted, they said oh, that's an honest mistake, and we'll fix it. They obviously miscalculated on the drainage or either carelessly did did the work which caused the flooding. They clearly don't care about the dust they've because they've done nothing to mitigate it, as you can see from the pictures. Additionally, there are now weeds over a foot tall and remnants of weeds from last year over three feet tall. I'd like to see some accountability from this developer and I'd like to see counsel make sure all these eyes are addressed and fixed fully before proceeding with anything at all regarding this development. Any further delays that this might cause the developer, they have brought 100% upon themselves. Thanks for your time.
Thank you. Okay, and Hannah, we have some online comments.
Thank you, Mayor. We have an email or a comment sent in from Kristen Ireland, and she notes the cell tower as you enter the amazing community of Johnstown is unattractive. However, in necessity, I propose the town consider considering the cell tower whether it be to look like a pine tree or church steeple. But regardless, the locals and visitors deserve this facelift. Thanks for considering my idea. I am a new member of the community after total loss in the Marshall fire and bought home here this year. I raised my children in their original town superior and always took pride in my original town. Thanks so much.
And I guess and I'm just going to preface it or the cell tower that she is talking about in question is actually in the county. So we asked her to come with the county, see if maybe there's some recourse through that. Okay. Thank you.
Thank you, man. The next comment is from TJ home and he notes repairs are the potholes on Poplar street would be appreciated. Last year the locals were putting in cement and to fill up the holes that are own cost that should not have to be repeated. And he also notes County Road three south of highway 34 is an unsexy on sectionally. in poor condition because of the condition the road has caused severe damage to many vehicles. The inability to turn west off of County Road 13 versus residents coming north from Johnstown to use County Road three, it is dangerously unacceptable. If you have trouble hiring integrator, please let the community know or I am more than happy to learn.
So with this one, the screens that she talks about is a Larimer County Road. So it's again, Steph has Astra petite with the county on that particular item. And Matt is going to probably have some has some information in his For an email to us about the category, there is a problem out there. And we know it. He's got more rock than Don's has little pills coming to fix it right now. As
you can say, we've had neighbors on the, at the end of rolling hills Ranch, where you go out is a bunch of potholes, and they've sent emails in about it as well. And I'm like, it's weather.
Yeah, well, and I'll comment on this later. But it was we had a weather and yeah, we had some damage. The town is going to make every opportunity or make every effort to get around to it. But we only have so many people and so many shuffles. So there are some places where the, in my neighborhood where this street has given the way a little bit and those streets have been fine for 25 years. So it just is. So well the organ fixed. I take great pride in our condition of our streets. So one more Hanna that was well I thought there were three
PJ had sent to you.
Very good, thank you. Okay, going on then to the consent agenda. As always, we can have these removed and discussed separately if Council wishes, but I will have the clerk read by heading ordinance number 2023 To 48 to 49 to 50.
Thank you Mayor ordinance number 220 23 Dash 248. an ordinance repealing articles one through eight of Chapter Six of the Johnstown Municipal Code and re adopting articles one through six of Chapter Six of the Johnstown Municipal Code, concerning respectively general business licensing solicitor licensing tree Contractor Licensing and short term rental licensing. ordinance number 2023 Dash 249 an ordinance amending regulations contained in chapter 10 of the Johnstown Municipal Code, including subsection 10 dash four four dash a four of Article Three concerning harassment section 10 Dash 62 of Article four concerning criminal trespass Article Nine concerning fireworks and article 12 concerning tobacco and ordinance 2023 Dash 250 an ordinance granting to Comcast and Colorado IX LLC a nonexclusive. franchise to construct install and operate a cable system and provide cable television service within the town and in connection therewith to make reasonable use of town streets and other public places within the town.
Thank you, Hannah. What is Council's pleasure on the Consent Agenda?
Mr. Mayor Move to approve the Consent Agenda. Second,
motion by Damien seconded by Ed to approve the consent agenda. We shall vote electronically.
And the school board works. Motion passes and the consent agenda is approved. Thank you town manager report.
Good evening, mayor and council hope you're all doing well this evening. I'd be happy to answer any questions or comments you have about the date day activities in town is if you'll recall, we are doing monthly written reports. But I do have a few things that like to keep you abreast on first and foremost in your informational packet is the club Neri or final downtown wayfinding sign want to make sure that everybody is comfortable with it. We're starting to prepare a an RFP right now for the actual fabrication of those signs. We'll see how far we can get there's about if I recall correctly, there was $300,000 allocated this year for that signage. So we may do something where we bid it all out. See if the actual contractors willing to actually hold their bid on that second kind of phase because I don't think we'll get all that done in the first phase or maybe with small escalator and see what we think about that cost as we bring it back to you for consideration but if you do have any questions or comments about the signage that's being proposed, please let me know so we can make at answer any questions or anything adjustments that are necessary.
Any other questions?
Oh, I got a couple. Okay. So flood recovery Uh, the Public Works Department did an amazing job of trying to contain all the damage as best as possible some interesting situations with the hail, certainly accumulating in various areas throughout the community as well. The team is working 510s right now to help clean that up. Because not only do we have to clean up the community, but we also have to prepare for barbecue days, which is right around the corner as well. So there's a lot going on, but I've authorized for them to work overtime two hours a day. We're gonna see how we're doing on Friday to see if we need to continue that for the following week, as well in preparation for barbecue days and other events in the community. The email transition I know met with a couple of you wrote before the meeting, I'll try to get this all figured out. Talking about me personally having some anxiety when I have six emails in my entire system on Sunday. Needless to say not a whole lot work got done on Sunday. But it was Mother's Day so it's probably time better spent there. If you do have any questions comments about the email transition, please let me know I will get you in touch with our IT team to help you transition the email which is running under 365 which is cloud based system out from underneath the exchange that we were running back to the county road three PJ's common. We are aware of the fact that that section of County Road three from Colorado or apartment from Highway 34 down to roughly Ronald Reagan has been closed, we're waiting for it to dry out before we can get back on there actually graded out get some new rock, we've had 400 ton of rock delivered, we have an order for 1500 Total tons of rock the most that the the provider of the rock would sell us in any given day was 400 tons. So we got that one order. We're gonna take it each day. There are other people that need the rock as well, I'm guessing see dots one of them to another section of roadway that is currently closed is from Thompson Parkway, where the Big Thompson crosses up to 20. C, both of these sections of road we would strongly urge residents not to cross these roads, they're filled with significant potholes. If you bought them out your car or you damage it. Town is not going to cover it from an insurance standpoint. That's not what there's a reason why there's a road closed sign there. It is interests in the interest of their safety and and the community safety at large. So we would really advocate that they be patient. But again, that road we'll be getting on just as soon as it dries out as well. The problem is, I don't know when it's drying out. Because it's supposed to rain all throughout the week, I think so. If they're urgent issues, please contact Town Hall, let us know so that we can address those things such as the potholes and rolling hills ranch that has been passed on to the public works department. They will get to those as soon as they finish the recovery efforts related to the storm event. So we go from a response position to a recovery position, and then back to a normal operational situation.
So Matt, if somebody wants to report a pothole, or something to the town, how did they do that?
So the easiest way actually, is to get on the town's website. We do have a link on there, I think it's on how to do it. And you can actually report everything from pothole, to problem with a park to a streetlight being out. There's a whole host and basically, when you submit that specific response based on what type of action you're requesting, it goes to specific individuals and or departments that are directly notified of that issue. So while I will certainly take those direct emails that I receive, I gotta be honest, sometimes I can be a bad middleman, right? And the better action is to hit the person directly with that with that request to or through our website.
And those are we track those some way
we do we have a system called breifly that we use for work order management. Very good. So once it goes into the system, it tracks it and they'll even send out additional reminders if the work order is not closed out buying Individual employed
any other questions Informatica. Okay, thank you man. It's been a busy week busy. Yes sir. Two weeks. Anyway. Abi, anything tonight
Good evening Mayor melon and council. Y'all doing well. I have nothing this evening.
Thank you any specific questions for Avi? Questions for the other town staff that's here. No hiding in the background.
Okay. I'm just thanks again for the streets, public works Police Department everybody during this last couple of weeks of the record, rain and hail so I know it's been taxing on everybody and I know a lot of them personally. So just please pass my thanks. Everybody involved.
Alright, let's go and start with the meat of the meeting here. The first item is a public hearing regarding resolution 2023 days 23 approving the preliminary and final subdivision plat and preliminary and final development plan for Mountain View West. Third. And with this I suspect we'll hear from Mark ever popular town planner.
Perfect thank you Mayor and council Good to see the steaming Excuse me. Yes, before you tonight we've got our Mountain View West Third replat. So Mountain View is across the street over here kind of behind the Johnstown why, let me see if I can use this to put it to you know, pointed at you anyway for fun. Okay. So from a vicinity map standpoint, you can see settlers way there Mullen are on the north side and mountain bluebird and then Centennial County Road 46 and a half on the south side. So the the little boxes you see at the top are sort of that first phase of that townhome project that's being currently built in occupied over there now. And then this the red areas, the 17 acres and about 17 and a half acres that is continuing to develop as part of this mountain view West PUD. So the background on this obviously, this was annexed quite a while ago, approved for a PUD with some residential some commercial, we obviously as a town to portion of that and turn it in our YMCA rec center. And so the remaining portion was always intended to be developed residential in particular as a sort of medium density sort of townhome type density development, really with the intent of being able to walk to the why the library Town Hall downtown, be able to take advantage of trails that are going at it at little Thompson River and things like that. So this is an extension of that I will tell you North is now to the right. And so we've got 125 townhome units that are continuing on here, the north south street that's going to run through on the east side is called Condor way. And that is an extension of a street that went to the north into that first phase. So Molinari Street will actually go into sort of a T intersection at that place, and then go to the south and wiggle its way around to come out at mountain bluebird drive. There is a small area, you'll see there's about a an acre and a half an odd little piece that was sort of left over from the Rec Center property. We've I've worked actually with several different prospective developers on this one, it's a really interesting property. And this is probably about the best configuration, we've been able to find where we've got townhomes facing out on a mountain bluebird drive with a driveway access running along the rear side of that. And so overall, there's 30 buildings, sort of 30 clusters of buildings. Most of them are access to these private drives that go to the garages. Each of these homes does have a two car garage associated with it. And altogether we've got about 125 units in there. This is just to give you an idea of sort of I know sometimes we see our landscape plans and they're also in black and white. This one was kind of handy, where we were looking at where are those areas that we've got more native seed, the orange areas are sort of these rock beds. We've got some shrub beds, as well as that brighter green turf that's often like written right out in front of somebody's front yard, little pocket parks that have been sort of tucked in there so that they're a little bit more usable. And certainly the landscape plan itself also shows some trees and shrubs and things like that. But just to give you an idea kind of how water use is working in some of these areas and how we've been trying to trying to do good at water conservation, while also making sure that there are some areas within neighborhoods that have some of these turf sort of pocket park areas to be able to enjoy. We did also and I will notice I noticed earlier that there's a couple of red lines that didn't come through on this one for some reason for additional parking. This is being processed as a PUD and under our prior code, and we don't have that requirement yet for that guest parking. But we did work with the developer to identify some on street parking, as well as some off street parking. So they have 17 off street parking spaces that are included on here, three of those being ADA spaces, and quite a few on street parking spaces as well. So just to kind of give you a little update on that, um, it is something we are regularly talking to our developers about townhome elevation. So these I believe are the elevations that are built currently on that that Northside obviously the color scheme is a little bit different. But this is the elevation that was originally proposed. And one of the things that we noted now that we are looking at and I'm just going to bounce back here real quickly. So if you look there's a lot of these buildings have the side elevations facing along mountain bluebird there and our typical requirements for Windows and and sort of, I don't want to say fenestration of a building to have those sort of openings on the side is 15%. This was coming in much smaller than that. These were built on that Northside. But again, most of those homes were facing public streets so that the side elevations were more facing each other and not as much of a primary streetscape element. So with this, we worked with the developers, and actually they came back with a modification and I'm sure Mitch will speak to this in a little bit here. But a modification to that side elevation that actually also steps it back a little bit and gives a little bit more articulation to sort of the front of the buildings. Staff looked at this felt like it was certainly meeting the intent of providing a little bit of extra visual interest along the streetscape and would recommend approval of this. It does not meet our full 15% openings. But I think that the overall general intent with the masonry with some of those extra roofline pieces and things like that certainly starts to speak to having having that that more interesting streetscape there. Overall, this does conform to the Mountain View West PUD design guidelines, certainly we're talking about a little bit of a modification to the architecture, but in general, it is in substantial compliance with town codes, regulations requirements, we are working on sort of some of the final tweaks on engineering plans. I know there's a modification still expected an update and revision to a traffic study and kind of some discussions there. That is also included in the proposed development agreement to finalize those pieces. But feel like overall, this met the intent of the mountain V West PUD and providing some different housing sort of within the downtown area. Planning and Zoning Commission did hold a hearing there were no public comments and Planning and Zoning Commission and staff recommend approval of this one. Any questions? For me?
Real quick. I think the number of proposed homes in this third face comparable to what's currently in this in the built out.
I believe the first phase, if I'm not mistaken, was 159 units. You see if I can bounce back up there. So that was 159. Kind of a little more concentrated because of because of the way this is being laid out. We're at 125 with this one. Okay. Thanks.
So my concern is I walked this quite often and they are definitely moving a lot of dirt right there. And I know there's a lot of construction traffic but with the new developments just east of there. Johnstown firms fine three. And also the other traffic right here at Centennial and 17 is getting back into meaning just traffic. I mean, I live on the other side. So I just walk across the street, but I'm worried about these homes. Why? Because they're going to do arterial from what I get that the way I've read in the west side is to pull the traffic out of the subdivision onto Centennial through 17. Correct?
Yes, I mean, certainly you're going to have folks obviously using all three of those those accesses mountain bluebird, settler and Milan are get to get out. For obvious reasons, clearly, we understand No, But
in seriousness, it took me safety wise for him. There's a lot of walking citizens around that area, which is great, right to start from the West, but we weren't we're increasing a lot here. I'm worried about the traffic. And I didn't see anything in the studies that related to 17 and some of these side artillery shoots pouring into the now so as we're getting the developments going into there, it's challenging, especially as there people are trying to go south on 17. Right. It's it's the line. I mean, I at one point, there was at least 20 cars back up on Centennial trying to get south on 17 Some of those construction traffic, which will go away, but a lot of those homes up there east, John some fine three are getting out the morning to do their morning commute. Sure. And that's the way they gotta go. So got it. I don't know if the traffic engineers have taken that into account. And again, right now what we have what we have, I'm looking at as we continue to grow that area that sir Phillips
Yeah. And I do believe that was one of the requests, I would have to look back at the FAQ comment, our traffic engineers comment on that traffic study. But that's one of the reasons we hadn't finalized that traffic study, I would expect to see this area. And when I say this area, I mean, both this particular piece, and there's another developer doing the commercial piece that's immediately to the west there, that is also a piece of that. And we're very much looking at all those pieces to figure out what does need to happen at those intersections, what that timing should look like,
yeah, I just, you know, my feeling on traffic engineers, citing. Obviously, it's 17 and Centennial or 46, staff, whatever you call it, is gonna need to be addressed. And I just made sure as we started, especially in the commercial side, in the funding or the proposed on that, I'd like to see something concerning. I mean, what's done here, and it's great. I mean, it's going to be good property and development. I don't mind that. It's just I'm, I'm seeing that the leads that are coming. I walk in almost every other day,
right. And we did request that this development, bring an updated traffic study, because the one back from you know, 2017 2018, it was, it was time to update that and take it take another look and take into account the existing development that's going in around it as well. I
agree. But we're approving tonight, a preliminary and final plat, or subdivision plat so that traffic studies are relevant when it comes to us later. Once we've approved this
I don't know that I would completely agree with that. We still take it into account just like we do all of our other technical studies.
What you guys take right for ours or our approach? Sure they can come back. You've proved it.
So we allowed to put an amendment in there for that to be updated with traffic?
Well, I think this was fine. I'm talking about the future ones. That's really what I'm looking at the commercial that's gonna happen.
And that is one of the reasons I don't have the full development agreement appear. I'm apologizing for that. But there was under the exhibit v3, the Special Provisions did talk about needing to get to the point where we have a final town accepted traffic study. And that there, there may be some pro rata share of final improvements that would need to take place with this property. I think we would have to look at what what those triggers are and what what that requires. I'll be honest, definitely. Thank you. Thank you. Questions for him. Thank you for putting that together. Okay. Thank you for
the applicant.
Good evening, Mayor and Council. Thank you for having us. My name is Mitch Nelson with Mr. Holmes. Our address is 33105 Greeley, Colorado 806341. Quick note, the existing subdivision that was mentioned as 143 units just to clarify, but it is less or more dense, excuse me than what we're proposing here. First of all, thanks, staff. As we've worked through this one second round of review with staff here in Johnstown, we've had a good experience. And we think this has improvement on our glass to metal. So I'll do my best not to reiterate what Kim has already touched on. You guys are familiar with the location. This rendering just as a little bit more fancy version of what Kim was going through. But we do want to highlight quickly that there's a lot of open space in this phase compared to the previous phase, almost 50% of the site is going to be open space, whether that screen area that's like Kim said, zero or some turf areas for functional use. And we do meet and exceed all the previous standards of the PUD. So we think this is going to be a great complement to the proposed commercial and the YMCA. And we're really proud of what's going on the first phase and things to be good continuation. I'm not going to jump into this too much. I think Kim did a great job of summarizing we acknowledge it, it's important for you guys to have some architectural standards and we worked to add additional masonry and glazing to our side elevations. And I think that coupled with the fact that we have a lot of open space compared to the previous filings so there should be some more room in certain areas to set back and provide variation will be a really good and complimentary architectural edition of the community. We are just to be clear at requesting a minimum of 5% glazing on those side elevations that we would have to adhere to. But we are in this next slide shooting to be closer to the 15 we just want that flexibility if we have a smaller unit with less windows in the family living areas that we can we can meet that 5% And be compliant. I really quickly wanted to touch on the traffic. Just to be clear, we relied on our traffic engineer J engineering to work with FAQ. Kim mentioned pending approval we did receive a stamped FAQ copy. It does not mention a signal in the near term. aren't being necessary for our improvements. So one of the things you had mentioned was, you know, other developers coming down the pipeline, they do mention that that will probably be something to be addressed. But our 125 units did not trigger anything on that. And then I just want to mention, there's about $500,000 in impact fees from our permits that can go towards improvements to hopefully help offset there. So that's kind of where we're at with that and the development agreement, but I can answer any questions on traffic. And then the last thing I'll mention is just that, we have a couple final tweaks with staff and we do intend to move into construction this year, hopefully provide more homes to Johnstown residents and continue to provide attainable quality homes too. So with that, thank you guys again, and I can answer questions.
Questions for the applicants.
I appreciate that you put some parking in there. Let me open space. Yeah, that is what's really nice.
Thank you, sir. This is the time in the public hearing, round take public comment either for or against this collimator and final subdivision plat and final plenary slash final development. Sir, any public comment? Seeing no public comment? Is there any other questions that the council has for applicant or staff? Seeing no comment or questions I'm closing the public hearing and would entertain either discussion or action.
Rare based on the findings and analysis presented in this hearing. I moved to approve resolution 2023 Dash 23
second motion by Damien seconded by based on the evidence submitted in this hearing. To have approval of resolution 2023 approving the ordinary and final subdivision plat and preliminary final subdivision plan for Mountain Dew West Third replant those in favor say aye aye. Opposed the ice habit motion carries and the resolution is adopted. Next item is another public hearing. This is a public hearing regarding ordinance number 2023 to 51. an ordinance submitting to the registered electors of the town of Johnstown a charter amendment adopting a water policy for the town of John and match you obby. who's presenting this?
Sure, we can probably both tag team this a little bit. Good evening, mayor and council are you do have ordinance number 2023 Dash 251. This would bring forward to the voting members of the community on April 2 2020 for a proposed Homeworld charter amendment which would establish a clear water policy for the town. If you'll recall last time we discussed it, there were concerns about clarity related to item G. And that was the Calculation Method regarding how do you calculate exactly 1.2 Or Or basically 120% of the water that we actually have used on an annual basis. And where we landed on that was that actual component would be codified in Johnstown municipal code. But it would put in terms of the 1.2 times the annual usage that would be included in the home rule charter amendment If approved by the voters. We believe this is in a form that is satisfactory to the council. But we will be happy happy to answer any questions or clarification you might need about the ordinance in its current form.
I know we spent a lot of time both at our retreat and at our just in in council trying to firm up the language and and have it say essentially what we wanted to say. I think it's important that we codify our water policy so that there is no situation going forward where there's ambiguity or uncertainty of how Johnstown deals with probably its most precious asset is its water. So to me, this is exactly spot on where we want to be near the beggary. At this time, is there any public comment regarding this ordinance adopting a water policy for the town of Johnstown? Seeing no public comment, I will close the public hearing. And would you please read the title of the ordinance?
Thank you, Mayor. ordinance number 2023 Dash 251 an ordinance submitting to the registered electors of the town of Johnstown at the general municipal election to be held on April 2 2020. For a charter amendment adopting a water policy for the town of Johnstown.
What's the pleasure of Council?
Mr. Mayor I'll move to approve ordinance 2023 to 51 Upon first reading Second.
Move motion by Jan seconded by Diane to approve. ordinance 2023 days 251. On first reading the council vote electronically
The eyes have it The motion passes the ordinance is approved on first reading. going on then to new business. This is Thompson Moran's amenities extension request.
Marion Council Good evening again, before you do have the topic of Thompson River ranches Community Center time extension request, as part of a development agreement between town Johnstown and Clayton properties, specifically for filing number 14, County number 12, which was adopted in 2021. In September, called for the earlier completion of the community center for 500. Suggested finsih are by June 30. And I note that the 500, C, and C were not included in phases, one, three and four of their development. They are moving forward on that completion of the community center. But it does not appear that they are going to complete it by June 30. They're probably pretty close to actually completing the poll itself, they could probably get TCO, I think it would be stressed and mean that it's better served to have the entire complex done. It's certainly a prerogative of the council. And Clayton properties if they want to move forward with the TCO on that facility. And I think that's simply because of the fact of the need for facilities at the floor as well. For laboratory and other cleaning type facilities. They are requesting requesting an extension to September 30 2023. Hopefully they can finish up before but you can see the short bullet list of items. Probably the biggest issue is the electrical switchgear that they need delivered as part of the project. The applicant is here to answer any questions you have regarding this project and its progress. And the expectations staff does recommend is for extension to September 30. For this request on completion of the community center. I'd be happy to answer any questions you have about this agenda.
Any questions from Matt on this? That seems reasonable request,
I think communicated this with the citizens in this area.
So I would defer to Mr. Gregg ideas here to answering those specific questions. My My assumption is more than likely.
Good evening, Mayor Council. Yes. The committee was notified. I think probably about seven days ago, seven or eight days ago. Through our metro district, they sent out a news blast to the community informing them that it looks like mid August for TCO. So, about a month and a half delay.
So essentially, supply train issues have been holding me up.
It's been difficult with the electrical switchgear and transformer what Matt was mentioning also the weather delays was very snowy and cold winter and very wet spring. We actually had issues with the pool the other day with all the rain had been dug back out. So yes, it's there's been a whole host of delays that are beyond our control. Unfortunately.
We do have a lot of residents in Thompson River Ranch that did anticipate It has to be done before the start of the summer are extremely disappointed. We do appreciate it, we do see that you're working on it.
We're disappointed as well.
When you said those last two main email,
paper information, or anyways, it was a news blast, I believe it went on the metro districts website. And also, if they are signed up for email, they also get the email.
So we had an applicant for open seat that talked about it and how they were promised three pools. And it's been six years. And they're, you know, they all have to still pay their same Metro district and their same taxes, but they're not getting what they signed up for when they bought their home. So is there anything that can be done about that to, you know, help them with, you know, their money that they've spent out for not what they're getting over the last six years?
Sure. I, we've been discussions. Well, we could deal with this delay. I mean, it's unfortunate. I think one of the options that we've been looking at, and this is really, we need the approval from the metro district to do this, but we have influence with a district obviously, so probably could happen. But one would be to extend the season for the pool this year. You know, in Colorado, typically, public pools are open from Memorial Day to Labor Day, because of the delay in opening the pool this year, we could extend it possibly into September, mid October, depending on the weather to get it
would appreciate. Yeah, especially with like the changing hours. And because they're really upset. That would be at least Olive Branch.
Yes, I'm sorry, we'd be happy doing that. The hours. And the time, I was thinking
you're gonna cut the Metro district in half or something.
So I guess, your request if it's possible, and again, I appreciate you, you know, the honesty in the way you said here. And I get the you know, phasing you know, getting it all completed for you open for the safety, all the amenities. But if there's a possibility of phasing in where you can get certain amenities open to be used that are safer to citizens, and don't impede your progress. If there's way I mean, I've seen that happen and other things. But again, safety's ultimate and also not delaying the final thing. But instead of getting a big bow on the final thing and say now it's done in September, if you can phase some things that they can actually utilize before and it'd be appreciated. But ultimately safety and not delaying the final project is the key key points are
understood what we'll look into that we've already been exploring different options of potentially opening the pool prior to the clubhouse with tap power and that sort of thing. So
Troy, you can hand out towels.
How do you feel about the September 30? Deadline? Do you feel like that's feasible? Or is that going to be something that might need another extension? No. And
that's that's exactly why we asked for September 30, was we're anticipating early August, mid August, but we want to have that extra cushion there in case it keeps on raining like it has or other things come up. So that way, we don't have to come back again, hopefully and asked for another extension.
And just to clarify, it does sound like it could possibly open the pool a little bit earlier than everything else or is that
we're looking into it to see if it's possible with the temporary power and other items that we need to kind of address beforehand with the safety.
Just like the hot tubs in Steamboat, they'll have a snowfall and they crank them up, just crank up that swim into November and might have to move up there.
Sir. Any other questions? Thank you, sir. Thank you appreciate what's Council's pleasure on this time.
I'm going to prove the extension requested by Oakland for the sub sort of Ranch community center for improvements as detailed in a test letter from Oakland homes. Second
motion by Jessie and seconded by Diane to approve the extension of time as requested by Oakworth for the Thompson River Ranch community center and pool improvements as detailed in the attached letter from Oakwood homes. Bought electronically.
Always have the motion carries and the exemption is approved. Next item. This probably has to do with items that we just talked about in public hearing. The subdivision improvement agreement for Mountain View West Third replan with Mountain View land developers. Gosh, what did I think it was Kim's thing?
Thank you, Mayor. Yes. Tonight we've got the subdivision development and improvement agreement that would accompany the Mountain View West third replat that we just discussed. This is based on ours. standard development agreement template, real similar to what you have seen before. The special provision in there doesn't address that traffic impact study and I have had a chance that we did get a, an approved something or accepted from from fhsu. That came in the end of last week. I have not had a chance to review any of those pieces yet, but we will definitely take a look at some of those some of those conversations as to what needs to happen. I do think there was a comment to about a left turn lane out on to Parrish Avenue, if I remember correctly from one of the streets as well, to your point of those left turns are usually usually what gets jammed up. So any questions on the development agreement itself?
Looks pretty boilerplate. Is there any questions? All right, what's Council's pleasure?
Mayor I move to approve subdivision development and improvement agreement for Mountain View West Third replat. subdivision.
Second, moved by Damien seconded by Jesse to approve the subdivision development improvement agreement for Mountain View West Third RepRap subdivision
that electronically. The most carries the agreement is approved. And on to the next item water and sewer service agreement.
Thank you, Mayor. This is the water and sewer service agreement from the US third replat. The only interesting thing I think about this one is that there is a bit of an excess water being dedicated and portions of that will remain with the developer as a credit and portions are being allocated assigned to the parish LLC, which is the original developer across the way I think it's a bit of a combination of where that water came from and who paid for what. So instead of getting detailed into into separate agreements and all that we just took it all in as a single dedication. And then the credits will be sort of split in this regard. So we do have that tracked within our water banks and things like that, that the the water engineers keep track of forests so we know where everything comes from and goes to. But in general, we do have the demand covered with the dedications that will be coming to the town. Thank you.
Any questions for Kim? Didn't think so. What's Council's pleasure on this?
I move to approve the water and sewer service agreement for Mountain View West. Third replat Subdivision
Second. Move by Diane seconded by Chad to approve the Border Service, water and sewer service agreement for Mountain View West replat subdivision. Those in favor say aye. Aye. Those opposed. The eyes have it motion carries. The agreement is approved. Going on to our last item a new business first amendment to a non potable irrigation systems of inter governmental agreement.
Mayor and council before you do have a fairly complex agreement, so I'm going to try to explain it as best as possible. What you have is the first agreement to the nonpotable irrigation system intergovernmental agreement and this is with the Thompson crossing Metro district number two. This document complements the nonpotable irrigation system IGA. There's also two separate documents which are associated with 2534 Master Association, that is nonpotable operating agreement and then the amendment non potable water irrigation agreement. The agreements with the 2534 master Association actually outlines operating and capital planning facilities for the most part. The Thompson Carson Metro district has the ability to assess fees more or less throughout the agreements. And what the Thompson proximity metric district number two is requesting is the ability to assess the surcharge to those commercial developments inside of 2534 Johnstown Plaza development that are exceeding the allocation that they are provided in non potable water. non potable water is provided through the farmers ditch. And I think it's priority number one which consists of three CFS of water to irrigate the landscaping in there with non potable water. A detailed analysis is done on each of those commercial developments to determine how much non pot water is necessary to irrigate those systems. And as I previously mentioned, some of those are beginning to go over their allotments, they want to charge a surcharge fee, when they go over their allotment set their allocated no different than than what we might do our differences, the town, if somebody exceeds their water sewer service agreement, we go back to the actual developers tell them additional water needs to be dedicated for the project. So in this case, they're they're trying to curtail that excess water use through a surcharge fee, they are proposing a $10 per 1000 Excess surcharge does have an escalation, building on it for the first five years 5% each year. And if after the, after the five, first five years. If they want to increase that, again, they will need to come back and negotiate with the town. If we can agree on a reasonable fee, for based on their excess of water usage, it would stay at the rate that is currently on those escalators that are put in place. So they are also required to notify us each time that a that a fee is increased on that surcharge and writing step does recommend this and hopes that what will causes better water usage by the landscaping companies out there.
So can I try to summarize your summarization?
Yeah, man, I think it's pretty simple to summarize, but I looked at these documents far too long for me not to share my information with everybody.
So the Metro district runs the non potable system out there, more or less and but the water actually belongs to the tap.
So it's interesting that you bring that out, because we only own point, five shares, I believe, of the farmers ditch the actual shares reside, I believe, with the 2534 master Association, correct? We're going to start getting into some gray area,
let's not get into let's not get so far into the weeds that we can't find the grass. Well, I guess what I want to know, is the, we really don't have a day to day operational aspect of this. And And essentially, they're they're asking us for permission just to charge the overage fee. And we have to the service plan probably says that they have to ask us to do that.
That's a fair statement, I would go so far as to say that the town does have the ability to take over this non pot system if they desire to do that at any point. We have notified the Metropolitan District. But yes, you are correct. I would just add that as a welcome nugget.
So can I clarify a little bit so we have an IGA with the district that allows district well, it allowed them to construct the system and to impose rights for the system. So I'm not sure if it came from the service plan or from that IGA originally, after we did that the district went and entered into the rental agreement with the master association. So the master Association actually runs it. But they're regulated by our IGA with the town as to what their fees can be and their fees can can't exceed what our fees are. So they've now come to us and ask in order to exceed with our fees with the ability to impose a surcharge so they're gonna have to turn around and work their own side agreement with the 2534 master associations. I don't know if that added any more clarity or you
know, and and the rate for the town's non pot system is based on their initial usage, the the increase to $10 or 1000 is only on excess of what each entity is allocated for the water consumption.
So it was certainly that's between them and their water customers. I personally don't have any problem authorizing comments, council Fair. Seems fair. All right. What's the pleasure of Council?
Well, I moved to prove that the First Amendment of the non potable irrigation system inter governmental agreement as presented
by Dan and seconded by Damian to approve the First Amendment to the non potable irrigation system, and our government mental agreement as presented, and we'll vote nice buttons.
And we did score a hit with that one and the IGA amendment history to council reports and comments. We're gonna start with Jesse tonight was Gary.
I was asking myself that question.
Housing Authority meets tomorrow night, and we're gonna discuss several items, but one of them is this ongoing process to get out from underneath USDA, pay the loan Danis probably contacting soon, Matt about there. Now there's the open data to do the payoff. So I think because the money's still in the town account. So anyhow, so we'll get that paid over here pretty quick. We're going to skip the site on set date, and things are falling into place. All the paperwork getting done so soon, hopefully, we'll be paid off and get moving on along. And then we're just waiting for some info also for all the vouchers for all the tenants to keep them at the same rate and get them to vouchers in the county. But that's still in the process. Awesome. Things are moving along. Thanks. Thanks for your work on that just Amen.
The only thing I really have is we have upcoming Memorial Day observance in observances will be Monday, May 29. And our annual memorial day observances will be at the Johnson cemetery at 11am. And that is hosted by the Johnstown veterans that through the JM post, all are welcome to attend and pay our respects. So that's the only thing I have
to give Amen. But that's it.
I just wanted to thank everybody in the community for all of the applications for the vacant council seat, I think they said there were 13. And as a council, that means a ton to me, it means you all want to be involved in this committee. And the final four are just phenomenal. So whoever we get, I'm really excited. And I think that we're in for a treat. And just thank you everybody that came out and, and interviewed with us. The other thing I wanted to say is thank you to Johnson police department, we had officer Rebecca help us with an adorable last dog. And she just went above and beyond and really appreciated that help. So thank you all.
So I want to give kudos to our town manager, Matt. I really want to say how much you care. He personally came out risking not only life and limb, but a really nice pair of shoes, and took on an on hands approach to come out to our situation where we have, you know, flooding and mud, and you rallied the troops and the town was there. And just want to know, you know, all of the neighbors have no mention how much they have set your picture. I'm like, Don't dive in there. You're gonna die, you know,
get one of me in the water. No, right.
Well, I was. I was really worried. You know, I do OSHA, you know, safety, you know, furloughed. So I just wanted to let you know, and how much we appreciate it, and that you care about the towns and the citizens that are living here. So thank you. And I think he needs to, you know, build some shoes to the town fund. And as those babies are not going to work out.
Get some waiters.
That's what I said. He goes, it's exactly I didn't know I was gonna fish it. So yeah, that's what I said. But everything else I mean, I know that we all went challenges a lot of people had flooding all over, not just our neighborhood windows were busted out and letting water flow in. And if the town's really came, they cleaned up the streets as much as possible. I really feel for the folks on Charlotte, I Joe Biden was like, yikes. So with all the water, so we have a town that cares and we're working as fast as possible to to rectify the mess. So thank you, everyone. Thank you. You're welcome, Mayor.
Just along those lines, just storm related. Do we know are we bringing out adjusters to look at ropes and
see. So I think we'll bring out adjusters to get some evaluations on that. I don't believe Sirsa does much these days on roof hail damage. They've taken a liking over over time, but we'll we'll have them come out and check out the damage. I might mention, and I put this in a report that recently sent all of you that I'm estimating somewhere around $250,000 Just in cleanup efforts related to storm. So it's gonna be expensive.
If we do, have somebody come out and look at roofs if we could just include the library. Sure, on that as well. Well, we, we have our your own insurer insured. I mean, we pay for insurance up there. Okay, we take care of and, you know, just with weather and delays, the library landscape project continues to move very slowly. So we're, we're looking forward to seeing some movement on that. And nothing else Historical Society meets on Thursday. So report after that meeting. Thank you.
So I had the honor of being downtown during our Cinco de Mayo celebration. I think a good time was had by all wise, my year, Chrome's are still ringing from the mariachi. I would have liked to acknowledge that it was a safe environment for quality because it we did see some koalas rope walking around down there. I didn't see any of those but definitely close.
I can do anything.
counsel may remember last year, we entered into an agreement with the county with some funds for basically senior or disabled. Right? Providing that money is still hung up in C dot it's the if you may recall the MMO web, it's mobility money. There is a real snafu about getting contracts out of that section of C dot right now. And it's frustrating, but we're, I'm been pushing on our transportation Commissioner. See what can be done. Anyway, it's a source of frustration for me. Arbor Day event that we have in the schools on last Thursday. We have a interesting set of fourth graders in Johnstown. There, they were a delightful bunch. And they really, really had some interesting ideas and some interesting thoughts regarding trees and Arbor Day and that kind of thing. So it was a really good day, a good day to celebrate. We didn't get to plant the ceremonial tree because it was raining, but maybe next year. Last thing, before I wind this up, just a little bit of acknowledgement for ag morons out there, the rain has really hammered some of them, especially the hail. It's going to make it really hard to get into some fields for a while to, to do something to do any salvaging there might, there's likely going to be a lot of replanting. It's unfortunate, but such as the way of agriculture and so thoughts to our agricultural friends out there who are really still, in my opinion, the core of our community in many ways. We're gonna now vote to fill this seat right here. It's a comfy seat. No mileage, just had it replaced. Hannah's gonna pass out paper ballots. And if on the first ballot, there is not a candidate that has received four out of four votes So we will take the top two vote getters from that vote and choose from those two.
Right Thank you Mayor. We do not have a majority of four we have the three to two.
Okay, who were those names?
Denise cook and Lance Walker.
Okay. Council revote. How did we get 300 Nevermind yeah it was a single bed. Yes. I figured that out so Council will find their votes to either Mrs. Cook or Mr Walker.
Ready to start
and where we have a tie
I'm going to go with one more round of balloting and we'll see where we end up after that. I will say that
it's very difficult to some you know if it's in would help we could also have a second interview at some point in time but I would rather this be taken care of tonight if we could
you're so organized
Thank you
it is still timer Did you ever just decide
you're the mayor? No,
I don't have that authority. Okay. Do I?
Have any anybody? So, I guess we could have a short discussion, or we could have I'm open to suggestions
or discussions. Okay.
Do we plead our person or private?
Avi, I was gonna say, what do we have to be careful on this discussion on the candidates in the public forum? How do we have to proceed with that?
Public in a public one, right? Oh.
Well, like Vanessa said, to start off with all the candidates, it was really tough, because they're, they can all be up here, which is very pleasing. Very much caring want to be part of the talent help out. So it's tough to even start with that. But to let help Jesse, I appreciate all that I'm here we are. Still that makes it tougher as
Mr. Mayor use you suggested, you know, re interviewing maybe those two candidates, could we look at an established set of questions that we provide to those candidates?
How much time do we have to the point isn't a month, you
have 30 days from the resignation? So you basically have insolvent 31st?
Here's, here's the dilemma I'm running up against it is that we would essentially have to call a special meeting. For the appointment. And I, my personal calendar is insane Shambles after this week, until into June. So you know, we're kind of up against the wall there. You know, to, to the point. Can't think of unfortunately, I can't think of a better set of candidates to choose from and the thing that is driving me a little bit is we have one candidate that has more government experience than the other one, none might, even though it is a different kind of government. So that those are my thoughts. I would still like to try it one more time.
I could say something, I could say something out of both the candidates that we have for two showed up tonight, and one is in the running. And I think that speaks volumes also. As to their commitment and passion for this seat. I like to point that out.
That is that is worth noting.
I think as far as my take on, on this position, being someone who's been appointed before, is I look at the candidates overall thing, not just the interview the interviews, good to get to know the candidates and to ask the questions that we did. And I look at the body of work and the candidate and say, Okay, this is an 11 month appointment, where we have a lot of meaty things going on the learning curve, as we all know, is very steep. And 11 months, we're making some decisions on here, educated decisions about some of the both the historical things that impact our town, but as well as the progressive things that are also impacting our town. I looked at those traits, those traits in the candidates, and I kind of wait that what decisions are that candidate gonna make in the next 11 months that can impact us whether they want to run again, or they not that's up to them. And that's that's what's been decided my decision tonight is I looked at the overall breadth of the experience of the candidates for that 11 month period. And that's, you know, that's where I given notice, so that's just my take my point of view being instances.
That's a really good point. Yeah, we've been here a year.
But yeah, there's a learning curve, as we all know, is extremely huge. So by the time you're getting your feet on 11 months, you're done. Not that mature. And that's right, kind of looking for someone who's got kind of that breadth of knowledge, I can step in here and in swim a little bit pretty quickly, with guidance, mentorship, there's no doubt. And one candidate for me stuck stuck above that just because that candidates experience
overall, now was the two the
three guys talking about the same candidate, like I'm sorry, I'm like, I don't know these people personally. So I'm kind of just like, I read all their stuff.
So um, yeah, I guess. Yeah, I just we're trying to be agnostic as possible
and getting that and then would say, even if that I don't know exactly who you're speaking with, though, whoever it is, if the person is here, it shows a commitment to be here to learn and the commitment that they've shown throughout their public service for quite some time to learn it and be here and show their commitment to this town. I have not I'm not sure I've met anyone with more love for this town then, you know, the folks up here so it speaks volumes to me for that
and fair enough I just know that you know the and as well as I do think this is going to tip our hands very easily right now. But personal life and work and everything else like that can sometimes conflict with counsel, I've missed meetings and I've really, really wanted to be because I've had work and I've had other things we've all had personal stuff. So whether persons here or not, I don't use that as my litmus test. So I'm just saying that that's just my list. I'm
just showing a commitment to be here. I'm saying
I guess I don't I don't know. So I just think we have some good conversation right here. So I would unless anybody else has got more conversation Mr. Mayor, I'd recommend another vote. I'm not sure if that conversation swayed anybody but at least it's something besides blind votes
or how do we okay let me I don't know if you
want to pass out another set of ballots please
give me something to think about Damian civic
you can always write me in as well
sure we'll make it more complicated
All right me out that's even better. Both Canada's kidding I'm done I'm done. That was a joke that's not real.
Thank you Matt psaltery to three
so two people switch their votes
I guess I am just unsure because one of the candidates we're talking about the two one has been I'm not reading between the lines one has a lot of experience in the school system and government sounds like the other one had some experience in law enforcement so that's also government so that's where like I said I'm not exactly sure who y'all are. Because
I looked at administrative functions on the job.
Okay. That helps. Thank you.
I mean, we read we read we make a decision What do you mean by administrative functions reading it and showing up and
leading in department leading a entity into governmental entity whatever that entity might be. One candidate had that one candidate not so the leadership part of it okay, because this is a leadership This is a 30,000 foot position
so one of them protected the community and lead
nothing's nothing's bad with any at all, you know, my background,
but I think so to life and limb. And there's not a lot of pain comparatively to most people.
Do we want to try one more time and then figure I guess, I don't know.
All right. I'm willing to do whatever you guys we have lots of paper in the office but actually, is there a paper shortage met? Okay. Thank you. I just have some paper shortage that's all right.
As these votes, I just want to say Miss read, none of this is personal. We've got great candidates, which is nice. It's just the way it's the way that our democracy works. Did you give your teeth here's
the folds are getting smaller.
Soon, there'll be paper airplanes,
the slingshot, which is why we wouldn't do that
is still a timer?
Matt, come on, help us out here. No, just kidding.
All right. I'm open for suggestions. But recognizing that we, it's probably something that we'd have to get done this week.
I am flying out on Wednesday. And I want to be a part of the vote. So
what do you kind of have to be so I am leaving
Wednesday, and I will not be back for till the following Thursday.
You can always schedule a virtual if you want to send out questionnaires, you can always schedule a virtual meeting to do this.
It could just talk more about it or more.
Are you talking about, you know, 10 o'clock or something? I mean, attorneys perspective on you have two obligations here, one to fill within 30 days and one's getting majority that
would like us to be able to satisfy both. But I'm certainly more interested in you all satisfying before that. So not ideal to go past that 30 days. But if it's a practical matter, we can get it done.
I guess I like the virtual option of maybe virtual to choice point mismatch point interview with the two candidates, since we have people out town with as chats. Question was structured questions, so that there's no deviation on what we asked the candidates, they all get the same, whatever questions and then discussion ensuing from there, then call for a special meeting for a vote after that when everybody's back in town, and I'm fortunately in town for the month. So I mean, that's kind of a compromising right there. So people have time to think we have time to interview the candidates, again, virtually, if that's a possibility on travel schedules. That would, Matt, obviously and I
are, well, how about this? What have we came up with a battery of a small battery of questions that they just fill out and return to us. Those that would that satisfy the RE interview? Criteria?
You know, I think the written word can be so misinterpreted. I agree. I would rather I think this needs to be whether we do it virtual or, you know, I will ever
I would rather do this in a virtual setting, I guess. When you think about this and I'm I'm asking for a little bit of help here. When, when would we be available to do this?
I'm open. Do you want to do it next Monday like we normally do? Or Mondays or?
Okay, if we could, I'm definitely would be virtual at that point in
time. I could do virtual that's yeah. No, they were saying virtual.
Yeah. That'd be fine. And, and then see Tuesday say
Monday. Okay, so Monday, virtual
Wednesday or a Thursday special meeting?
Like really interfering with my vacation.
I will be out in town on Thursdays. We have a reservation I have at my phone. And I have worked. I actually double booked
on Monday the 22nd What time would you be proposing after hours?
Oh, yeah, definitely in the evening. Like stuff
in Jackson, Wyoming and I cannot give that up.
You're saving money right now virtual in the evening on the 22nd pass for interviews. Hey, and then in person special meeting on it'd be a quick special meeting. It wouldn't take long.
When was a special need to be? That's what we're discussing. Yes. So I'm see the, the 29th is Memorial Day.
Yep. Right. But I'm gone Sterling, the 26th and won't be back until June.
There's no way to do it. Let's just keep talking about it. Keep debating our choices, maybe? I don't know. There's no, there's no easy solution. Who's
all gone Monday? You'd have to do a virtual Monday.
Gone. You'd have to do virtual memory by Monday.
No. Wednesday, Thursday, if meetings you'd be virtual Monday, I'm not open. You could be here. Yes.
I mean, I'm just wondering, could we interview and then,
and then Roosevelt has a senior awards night doing on Monday? The 22nd?
Yeah. Oh, I like that idea. Chad. Can you work your thought? I'm sorry? Could we do a virtual interviewing on the virtual right back to back? Sure.
Do a virtual interview interview? And then
why not? We can accommodate that?
And what if the candidates aren't available? What? What are you saying? What
if the candidates were not
available? Because like I said, there's a there's a senior awards night on the 22nd at Roosevelt High, there's gonna be people that you know, are probably going to want to be at that
mall, you're saying chat is your idea that we condense it all into one night? So Correct. Interview? Okay,
good. Just like, I'll push back a little bit on that, because you also made the claim that this is important that candidates be here, that they need to be here. But then if that's the night, then they need to be here. So we're on
for their child or something. But again,
I agree with a good presentation for a scholarship on words. And I, I'm willing to find somebody else. Because this is that important, right?
I'm just saying everybody's got their things. Yes.
Can we can we do it this week?
You could do something very crazy. And I mean, flipping coin is not the right answer here. But you could vote to agree that we flip the coin and then the vote for that person. I'm not at all advocating to get it done that way. But
leave it to fate.
I'd like to interview. Okay.
I'd like to interview we need another one would be
comfortable as well.
So I'm looking, is there any space this week? In the schedule? In your schedules?
I'm open this week. I'm open
tomorrow only when tomorrow night? Tomorrow? Is it? Jesse evening, Housing
Authority meeting tomorrow night,
I've got library for
Okay, so this week ain't gonna work.
Let's stick with the 22nd. I liked that concept of doing virtual interview and then followed right by virtual vote.
We are going to we'll have to have a special meeting of special virtual meeting is that causes issues
will just, you know, we do have provisions to allow us to have a special meeting or tool we'll just we'll do a special meeting where you'll ratify everything at the next regular meeting. We'll have to figure out the voting process. Maybe it'll have to figure out how to have the vote.
For those that are here, could we meet and then have whoever needs to virtual in?
That's up to you out we haven't really done that a lot in the past just as a hybrid is not great. But if you are one, you know we can accommodate it. It's absolutely one do.
Historically, it's just been offered overcome. Or worse, because of the logistics associated Sure.
I just think it would be better with like two virtual rather than all six, and you can't have conversation and I'm gonna
throw this monkey in the wrench because I got to ask before we get all this planning done, and I'm all for this. Is there anybody sitting on the council right now? That is on the fence? Or would possibly change their vote tonight? Because if there's not then I say we go forward. But if there's a possibility of I'm on the fence, I changed my vote and I'm willing to keep talking. But if we're locked in tonight I don't I don't you see where I'm locked. Yeah. It's worth the effort. It truly is. There's just a question.
Let me Can we let me spin this just a little bit further down this down the road. Then we come to the situation Boom. We've got we've done the second interview there's in we're still deadlocked. How are we going to resolve this? Let's just see what time is your 630 starts? Probably 730 be done. I could be back row by sevenish. Dr. Chatterjee with that library.
I was I don't know how long the interview all we want to candidates. I don't know if that's 30 minutes. Well, I'm
confused because you just said if we're locked in you want to finish it up tonight?
No, no, no. Your lock. Why go on tonight. Let's get it rescheduled. The other way around?
Well, again, I'm looking. Worst case scenario, we go through this motion me still.
I think we can discuss those options. I don't we can't. We don't need to solve that. Like this moment. We got logistics. We don't even know what the schedule yet.
We're doing tomorrow, or we know we're gonna do it next Monday. Okay, next Monday. We were talking about
starting today, I didn't know if there was any
time. Next Monday. Let's lock this in. And let's Monday,
Jesse, your meeting is not next Monday, then that's a different day. Okay. Just making sure sorry.
And again, this is contingent on the candidates.
Okay. So if we're going to, I'm going to say a shotgun to that Miller. If we're going to do this in a virtual sense, I don't think we necessarily need to be locked into a seven o'clock or six o'clock. thing? Because then that gives us some breathing room for for for the awards thing. Would there be any objection to do this at five o'clock? On Monday,
no problem. No problem. Attended you say, five? Whenever he was at five and then. Yeah. Five
to six. We'll give each ended at about 20 We don't need to half an hour. All right. 20 minutes.
So Monday 5pm versus the virtual with each candidate? Are they going to be on both at the same time and no one and then the other? Then somebody's going to make up the questions are all going to be the same questions that are different from the other.
Our esteemed town manager and town attorney. Come up with a set of questions.
Would it be okay if we did just 515 so I can make it your own? No, we're not.
No, it's all virtual. It's virtual. Oh, yeah. But yeah, can
it still be even 510
Okay, five.
Thank you. Very 15 by 15 i 15 virtual Thank you. And then we are building that night that same night we will tell as long as it takes to come to a decision
and I suggest the bones should be by email to Hannah. Right
So whenever you're ready to vote yes make sure everybody's got their email squirt. Yeah, email
working I don't want to do it by chance I'd rather do it by email better records
Yeah, because when new teams are wasn't voting option but I got a look into that I didn't like it we got time if you
did do teams you could send it through the teams directly just to her and said with a whole
new private chat for teens
private chat Oh, well you all can electronically figure that out. If we just
send it to my marriage I can think about that per minute for records retention purposes and mess with both you can
record you can record the team but yeah, again the logistics will let you guys worry about that I think right now for us because
zoom does have we have a Zoom account and you have the option or grade room where each person individually goes into that room cast their ballot with Anna information then jumps out of that room temporarily.
However you want to correct that we will let you deal with the logistics
about the room is bad. I've never done the rules and I will tell you that when you know when the whole company's there you can email just one person one thing and nobody else sees it but the one person or you know chat with that and then you're gonna send an invite out. Hi, oh my gosh.
Three to five, three to five. And I suppose
we Do we all come up with a question or? Oh, yeah. Do we all come up with a question?
Do we just rotate it? And do it that way?
Same question. Same question for each person.
Question. Yeah, reach out. Yeah, correct. Yep.
We also not group email, maybe so we don't duplicate questions. Or like, do you want us to send a primary question on the secondary
issues directly to me? Perfect. Senator, questions to
Diane point out, obviously need to be sure both candidates available.
Yes. That would be a plus.
One of them is here. Should we find out?
Okay, so have we got a game plan? We have a game. We have a game plan.
And I'm going to pick the brains of other lawyers in the meanwhile to maybe cross this bridge and see how they have dealt with it and make sure you get past a tie starting a
five by 15 by 15. Because of the son in the yard or thing. Okay. All right. Is there any other items that need to come before Council? Seeing none, I declare that we're adjourned. We declare, declare, Oh, right.