Whoa, just curious. Welcome to disk curious media. This is that's a crime. I'm Jason Connell.
And I'm Sal Rodriguez.
All right, so we are back for another crime. And another update, which I know you'd like for the most part.
No, I like updates I do as a true crime fan. And it just the person who reads headlines I'm like, I want to know what happens later, you know, but this is very disturbing, you know, can we, we don't ever give up disclaimers on our show. But to the listeners, you will be hearing some disturbing things.
That's so true. I discovered this and thought, oh my gosh, there's details in here that we didn't have the first time that I wanted to share. But it's not a pleasant update. That it's not, it definitely gives you more information, which I thought if we'd had this initially, we would have shared it. That's the reason we're bringing it to you. But yeah, even reading it, I was disgusted. But here we are on a somber update. But before we get into it, sell a word from our sponsor, and ready. Support for that to crime is brought to you by manscaped. Who is the best and men's below the waist grooming and offers precision engineered tools for your family jewels. Join over 4 million men worldwide who trust manscaped. And with this exclusive offer, you'll get
20% off and free worldwide shipping with the code. That's a crime@manscaped.com
Yes, indeed. So today, we are revisiting the True Crime Story of the porn stars iconic tattoos solve murder case in 2022. Yeah, very, very recent. And again, this was an Italy if you heard the episode, which I highly recommend starting there if you have not, it's an Italy and I had a hard time even getting some of the facts. You get all these publications with a lot of the same stuff, right? And then we got the gist of it. But you and I even walked away thinking, how did they know each other because this crime deals with two people, for the most part, the victim and the killer. And the victim is Carol, Moll Tessie, who had the stage or poor name of Charlotte, Angie. And then the killer in this instance was dama de Fontana. So we were even speculating. Like you were saying, well, maybe it had nothing to do with her career, right? And I was like, well, probably did there were neighbors. And I thought there's probably some sort of fetish with some of those things are answered here. And I thought it was important to bring it to everyone's attention. Usually, we would do an update, like things would come to light many weeks, if not months later. But all this because so much happened with the case. Just recently, I was looking at something to kind of tie into the you know, the description for the show notes and whatever. And new information popped up on Google like oh, wait a second, like Kamal testes father chimes in more information about you know, something was leaked. And the story that confession was leaked. It's like, oh, okay, how do I not present these facts? So here we are, just to cover these few things to kind of have the most information that we had. And it's incredibly sad. This is a very grotesque episode, one of our most besides the parents that were also dismembered by the son that yes, lied about it. But that
young man didn't do a play by play confession of how we did it. Right. We're getting some insight into the mind of the killer. Yes. As far as almost a play by play of the murder itself. That's right. Yeah. Very, very painful to even read. It is. So
again, this was my Tessie 26 year old Italian porn star mother of one. Very sad. Here's what I found that this a little bit more information about her. And she was previously working as a sales assistant at a perfume shop. However, during the pandemic, lockdown COVID-19, she changed her professional career, like a lot of people sell businesses shut down.
She went remote like us.
We went remote. We've not seen each other since 2019. In the flesh, which that is painful in and of itself. Yeah. Now I'm on the other side of the country, but there's that. So she changes her career, very entrepreneurial. She starts uploading adult content on only fans.com and gives her an entry into the world of porn, okay, hey, no harm, no foul. It's like legit, just
do it yourself porn nowadays. Right? And we get into that
as far as only fans on the episode, but I didn't know what she was up to before because it was like this much information. So I also checked,
Jason and I just mentioned this, you know, please, just for the benefit of this moment, and our listeners, I worked at a newspaper for five years, it was a local paper wasn't anything big, but as a local paper, and I did have access to some information, city records, county and so forth. And what you'll see or what you'll notice, if you read a lot of headlines and watch a lot of true crime, or probably any news articles for that matter, is you'll kind of reach the point where you realize that you're just seeing the same article over and over, copy and paste it over for various news. outlets, so you're not getting any new or additional information. You're just reading the same thing over and over again, from a different source. Yeah, so we were kind of at a stalemate with information. We didn't have the information beforehand. So now we finally do and that's bittersweet.
So we knew that she went missing some lap dance thing. It was real vague. Well, here's exactly what she was missing from Montecillo did not appear at the Luxi erotic festival to which was at Lexie club mulatto, again, this is in Italy, on March 11, and 12th and 13th. This is when her fans and eventually police began to investigate things. By this time, she had already been dead for two months, approximately. Yeah, so this is what the ruse that Fontana was keeping alive. He was texting on her cell phone with people. And then so keeping anybody worried at bay, but when she didn't show up to this thing, which he probably didn't know about, had he known about him and like I cancel, I'm not going but thank goodness, he didn't. And then things started to fall into place.
I gotta hand it to her. Also, she changed careers. And then it appears she was reaching successful. Yeah, she was doing she was doing great.
Yep. Her fans, I also read that they started to worry about her because she didn't show like, hey, you know, it's like going to a convention. Hey, my favorite such and such isn't here. And then the police use the fans to identify her or bar put things online and fans are like, hey, that's Charlaine Angie, and Mel Tessie, so things fell into place.
How confident do you have to be in yourself and also the desire for justice to openly publicly say, Hey, I watched porn. And I know whose tattoos those are. That's right. Right. You kind of gotta kind of out yourself in a way. Yeah. So kudos to whoever did that fans. Yeah, maybe more people. Yeah, props and shout out to them. That's very cool to kind of, I mean, you know, there's still sort of a taboo around porn, even though it's 2022. Most people won't even admit to watching it. So to to publicly say, or at least to the authorities. Yeah, I watch it. And I know who that is. Thank you and props and shut up. Yeah.
Well, we also learned and this is sad. We knew that Montesa was the mother of one. She has a six year old son. So he's living we don't know much about the father. She does have a mother and father of her own lives, the grandparents. So you know, we just knew that she was the mother of one. So now we find out the son and he was six or is six. And yeah, that just makes it all the more sad. I just wanted to share that because that was in there.
Well, you know what's worse? Jason? It's like, it's horrible that at six years old, he lost his mother. But worse than he lost his mother at six than at let's say one. Right? Or maybe I'll memory of her. Yes. Oh, yeah. You will have a memory of your mother from six for sure. Yep.
So now more about David de Fontana, that 43 year old Italian banker. I learned that he was also a food blogger. So whatever that means it mentioned it all of a sudden it wasn't there before. So I don't know. Maybe that's how they got conversation started. Not sure.
Not on the radar for a murderer if he's a banker and a food blogger. Oh, yeah, this guy's a killer. You're not gonna
I also learned allegedly that him while Tessie previously dated or had previous relations, so so they have a history. I mean, there was footage of them in a car together, they knew each other. I know, you might not be best friends with your neighbor. But here's the single guys a banker, here's someone in the rhotic he can afford her services. So there was some sort of pass in history there. So there's that. Now, there was a leaked confession, or at least part of and Fontana on record will go back and forth. Again, folks, fans, listeners, viewers, this is not easy stuff. Even saying it is hard. So we're gonna go back and forth. Just this is the confession that was leaked. And this is kind of the lion's share of the episode, but then there's something about her father as well. So it begins with, we were supposed to make two films, again, Fontana and Mazzi. We're doing only fans or maybe it was just a private thing. Not sure. We were supposed to make two films, with the second one being more violent. It was the morning of January 10 or 11th. And we were in
her house. And it continues. We finished the first film. And then we went to the bedroom where there was a lap dancing pole. I tied her wrist to the pole and put a plastic bag over her head.
She was completely naked, and I also tied her feet up. I had a hammer and started hitting her on her body not hard starting from her legs.
Then as I worked my way up, I started to hit harder until I got to her head. I don't know why I did it. I don't really know what happened. She was still moving her head but I carried on hitting her.
This is hard to say in here. So I just got so
we real we don't think we've had this on
Shall before I've never had something like like this, this information is never been out there. But we had questions. I mean, there's one more part to read. But it's like, he tried to get in front of it and go in front of the cops and say, Yeah, I kind of know her, but I had nothing to do with it and a hammer. So it was so wonky how they caught him. And so this to come out was like, well, it does fill in those gaps. He did admit it. In our episode, it was like, he cut it with a hammer, and they blamed it on him. But I did not know he went to this level of a confession. And not to mention style. And I'm not done yet. But there's footage of this. This was being filmed. And let us hope and pray that it never surfaces.
Well, if there is video footage, they're gonna want to get their hands on it for the prosecution. Right? That's evident. But I
mean, beyond that, like keep it on lockdown like it was it never TMZ or doesn't go public. It just some things should not.
I don't know. I mean, obviously, there are videos of people dying. But I don't know if there's any video footages or video footage of people being murdered online. Is that my hope? And on the normal web? I don't know about the dark web and all that. But I don't know anything about the dark web, but supposedly we hear about it. But no, I yeah, this would be horrible if this ever got out publicly. Yeah, horrible.
So this is the last part of this leak confession. Then I suddenly realized what I was doing. I took the bag off her head. I thought she was dead. There was a lot of blood and she was hurt badly. I didn't know what to do. So I grabbed a kitchen knife and slit her throat. It was an act of kindness. I could see she was suffering. I mean, what the eff man.
Also he broke a trust. You know, if a person let's say lovers, hey, tie me up. You know, there has to be an element of trust. You are trusting this person. Which is why by the way, I've dated one or two women in my life. Hey, let me tell you up. So I was like, nope, nope. Flat out No.
Right. On the episode.
Enough to to let somebody time. Yep. So yeah, this is she trust this guy. He ties up.
Terrible. Yeah. And he went too far with it. There was some other things not clear that maybe he was mad because she was moving away. So I don't want to speculate on that. Whatever it was, he took it too far. And she's in that pain. So he's going to do her a favor. It's it's like when you hit a deer with your car and you're shooting to put them out of their misery. It's like, really? Like you don't know what her state is right now. Call the cops Call the ambulance, get her help. And then he goes two months of keeping this lie alive. Of course. If you haven't heard the episode again, stop this. Listen to that. Buddy dismembers her chops shoved into bags, puts him in his freezer, keeps the body you know frozen and then drives in the countryside and starts tossing the body parts out. It's like, honestly, South Street Justice as you said last episode comes into play here someone like this in prison. It might be like Jeffrey Dahmer, or someone's gonna be like you did what to who? And prison justice takes over?
Well, you know, in the case of Jeffrey Dahmer, I don't necessarily know if the person that killed Jeffrey Dahmer did it out of revenge or if it was just like a I don't know, a jailhouse, you know, murderer and having nothing to do with Donruss crimes. You know, I don't know that.
I didn't trust him and didn't want him around. I don't know. But this was just if you believe an eye for an eye then I believe David de Fontana should suffer the exact same way that he had Montecito
what we're gonna hear from her father, and he has his ideas. Yeah.
So yeah, so there's someone who's much madder than anybody. That is Carol's father, Fabio Montecito. So, in the midst of getting this new Intel, he goes to social media, and post on Facebook. Now some of this was translated Sal, because there was some of the publication's it's like I couldn't even understand it. Bad translation. You know, it's like words aren't working. So we kind of reworked a couple of things to make them fit, but we just have what he wrote. And I think there's even more to be honest, but he kind of went on a rant, but we'll read this as well as he addresses Fontana online. Why didn't you hit me? Up sup? Blank. I'll wait for you when you get out of jail. Even if it's 30 years. You're a psychopath, monster butcher. How dare you take the life and torture my angels beautiful face and body.
You are a devil, a cursive murderer. You have destroyed my angels life, better rot in solitary confinement or go die there. Since this cannot even be accepted by true criminals who have a code of respect for women and children.
See, I mean in prison this may not fly with some of the inmates someone who takes a porn star out because they have some your fantasy. And again, I think some of this is still jumbled with translation, but you get the gist of it. This guy is gonna go, you know, vigilante, if and when Fontana gets out, because we don't know how long he's going to be put away for that the sentencing hasn't happened. At some point in time. Maybe we'll mention on an episode. There is one last thing. Fontana did have a statement that kind of a response. I don't know if it was to, you know, her father or just in general after the lead confession. But he says, I am a coward. I am ashamed for what I did.
I don't even know if the word count. He's like giving a bad name to the word coward.
Exactly. No, it's
like a coward. Yeah, he's an evil person is what he is.
So that's really it. It is dark. I'm glad we had this information to come to light. I felt like there were some things missing. And I'm also glad this information got out there for the mortalities just to, to know I mean, it's tragic. It's horrible, it's grotesque. But I'd almost want to know that the killer admits it rather than like, I don't know what happened. He never really know what happens. Now you have the information you can process it is terrible as it is,
I think without an actual verbal confession or written confession. There's always that little bit of doubt. Yeah, maybe it wasn't them. You know, maybe he did just, you know, hear a noise. He didn't really he was exactly there's always
an accident. And then I got it over my head. And that's kind of what I thought I thought he hit her and was like, Oh, I gotta hide this. Well, now you know where it went?
Yeah. So it almost sounds like he admits to killing her. He doesn't know why. Right? He just flipped out or something and went into some weird altered state. But he does admit it and you know what, I welcome a confession. Because it's theoretically saves a lot of time in the courtroom right when you have exactly not not having to hammer the evidence home. Yeah, he admits it. There you go.
So that covers the update of the porn stars, iconic tattoos, self murder case. 2022. And Sal until the next crime,
yeah, thank you, Jason. Rest in peace, my tesi
absolutely rest in peace. So unlock your confidence and always use the right tools for the job with manscaped
and get 20% off and free shipping with the code. That's a crime@manscaped.com
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