Whoa, just carry. Welcome to Just curious media. This is let's talk Cobra Kai. I'm Jason Connell.
And I'm Sal Rodriguez.
Alright, so we're back for another episode.
Yes and episode that I will continuously push us toward
you are, you're shoving us down the old path there for this exploration because today we are breaking down. Not breaking down. We're discussing The Next Karate Kid 1994. Trailer, the trailer for this movie, which sounds I haven't seen it since it came out. The trailer was released. Sure. It's as hokey as I remember.
I don't know now that you mentioned, and I don't know if I've ever even seen the trailer before today. I mean, I saw the movie what, at this point about a year ago now, I don't know if I ever saw it as a kid. And don't know if I ever saw this trailer ever.
Wow, that was enough to probably have you say, Huh, that's what I did.
This trailer would have been running alongside of movies that were released in 94. Right? Or 93? Maybe,
right? Yeah, exactly. But I can't believe so. That is 10 years after the credit card. Because really, it feels like 20 years later. Can you believe that? If the credit card comes out, it does all you know touches the world. It's this huge hit. Then they have the two sequels. And then there's a little bit of a lull, but it's only 10 year cycle. And they've already got this out in the theaters.
And I don't think that Miyagi pet Marita looks any older in this one that he did. First.
Go back and watch it. Okay. He's definitely aged. For sure.
Well, because Miyagi was, I think younger than us when he did the first movie. And yet he officially looks older than us, doesn't he? Yeah, I think so high
lifestyle living the high life after the first Karate Kid, the original Karate Kid. So the reason we're talking about this trailer not breaking it down beat by beat but discussing it because we are getting closer and closer to talking about the movie. We joked about doing like a mystery science theater 3000. For the movie, we could do our classic scene by scene breakdown. But you know, lately we've had on since a gym true. And since a Christiansen of true martial arts academy, because they had origins to the next Karate Kid. I live in Boston, now, Boston, Massachusetts, where the movie was filmed all these locations. So I feel more tied to it than ever. And while that's going on, we all think there's rumors that we can have Hillary Swank, join Cobra Kai in some capacity, it's all those things that have kind of put this in motion, for sure.
And Jason, I would just like to be absolutely clear and transparent to our listeners and viewers that you happen to wind up where you are, just by chance you happen to be where you are, then you happen to realize these places are so close to you, that ties into your Cobra Kai Karate Kid world, right? All this just kind of happened.
It just kind of happened. I didn't know I'd stumble into this dojo and talk to them and they were affiliated. I didn't know other things. And I'll get into some of the locations in a minute. So this is also leading up to an episode that I've hinted out for a while, is visiting Julie's house Julie Pierce's house, which is only like a 20 minute drive from here, but no to answer your question. completely coincidental was not the plan.
I think that it's coincidental and I believe in coincidence, but sometimes a coincidence is just so almost so strange.
Oh, yeah, maybe there's another being that does put me here something else is at play. The stars have aligned and I'm supposed to be here. But but there's lots of movies filmed here. So I mean, let's talk movies. Recently, I've been doing filming location episodes, because I'll be in Vermont and I visited the funny farmhouse that we went to Camden, Maine where they filmed in the bedroom and I live real close to where they filmed some of the fighter which is in Lexington and Boston area. So which is a great movie, David Russell, so I'm exploring locations because it's in my DNA. Yeah, that's for sure. It just so happens that a Karate Kid movie not the original three not the trilogy was filmed nearby. So it's like hey, why not explore this and we're doing so and then the trailer does seem like a good kind of funny to look at you and I watched it earlier. We were gonna kind of stream it live but logistically it wasn't there was not a sync. So you and I watched it earlier for some reactions. And then what was talked about a little bit and and some little insights, and have a fun little episode here as we prime the audience, our viewers, our listeners for The Next Karate Kid.
Yeah, we will be tackling that at some point soon. At some
point soon, so but before we go any further so that was a heck of a lead in. We gotta have a word from our sponsor. He was a lead in for our sponsor. Yeah, exactly. All that was for manscaped support for let's talk Cobra Kai is brought to you by manscaped who is the best in men's below the waist grooming and offers precision engineered tools for your family jewels, join over 4 million meander worldwide who trust manscaped and with this exclusive offer, you'll get
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grace, Jeff manscape to keep it up. So here we are. Now we're not going to break down the caste and all that stuff. But we are just gonna talk about the two big players in this movie we already have you have Hillary Swank two time Oscar winning actress. They didn't know she'd go on and do that. So they cast that very well if you're gonna not have Danielson good job on Hillary Swank. I mean, she's good as Julie very good, but the movie has its own problems. And she's not the problem
was she was what we would call today. An unknown at the time. Yeah, I
mean, she was relatively unknown. Yeah, like she had been on 90210. And she got a reoccurring role. I forgot about that. Later, though. This wasn't known until we know out of the gate. You know, the show drug on for a while. You know how I always want shows to end early. Sure. Beverly Hills did not do that.
Yeah, cuz when I was an extra on it, it was I think in the beginning, like in the very beginning, probably for sure. Like the first season. Well, they were still in high school. Yes. Okay. Then they graduate in that. And then they went to the peach pit and all that.
That was, that was kind of a mainstay, okay. But as far as like them in high school, which by the way, I used to go to Occidental College all the time and walk both my dogs separately. But they filmed a lot of it, their exteriors and things and then went to college. And then some of the college scenes were there, actually. And so it's like, not, hey, they're going to college, but they had to progress them further. But the storylines, and then it started to get watered down. More and more. Now
I remember and you helped me remember a lot of this because when you found out that I'm with Luke Perry, you're in it. Yeah. You a lot of memories came and just now I remember. I think I did work in a scene in the peach pit
once. No, yeah. That was in Pasadena. Yeah,
I did work in a peach pit scene. But I remember I didn't watch the show even then. I was in a lot of shows. I didn't really watch them. But I was there. I remember being in the scene in the peach but yes, I was in for sure. One scene there.
See? There you go. Man. He was Nate.
Maybe Julie was there or what have Hilary Swank? Oh my god. What if I was in a scene with Hillary Swank and didn't even realize it today though. That's meta. If we're sitting here talking about Next Karate Kid and I might have happened to be in a scene with Hillary Swank in Beverly Hills not to know back in the 90s that would be pretty interesting.
So I just looked this up just to get my timelines right. She had popped up on some shows but you know, even like Brad Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio they popped up on shows when she was also on growing pains like the both of them were for a few episodes. We're just like, you're on evening shade, which is another show. And then she gets this movie. Boom for her big time right next credit kids are the lead. All these people are trying out. She wins. After that. She went on and had a stint on Nano to one. Okay, so like 9097 9098 It was after that where she really went to the next level boys don't cry. 1999 wins an Oscar. So I couldn't remember in my head like what's it needed to know leading into this? No, this was the springboard for that show. And then boys don't cry. And then years after that Million Dollar Baby. Another Oscar by the way. I did a documentary on the producer of Million Dollar Baby. Albert s ready. So there's some metal there. We got some tie ends. We got some connections. Tough Enough. Tough and enough. There's even a show on Paramount about the making of The Godfather and it's ready story. Essentially, it's his book and they base this whole thing. So it's like I feel connected. Loosely. Sure. So yeah, so she's launches has this great career Pat. Marita, you know, we've known him forever from stand up comic to Happy Days. was Oscar nominated for plane Mr. Miyagi in the Karate Kid. Amazing.
I always forget about that. I don't know why that fact always escapes me. So he didn't know
when she's two time winner. He was definitely nominated. My opinion should have won. I want to know who he was up against, though. I know. We lost him. Not in 2005 at 73 still relatively young, but he had an incredible life. And this is the last time in a movie that he portrays Mr. Miyagi. So there was always that go back just for him on Julie is really good, too. And they play off each other now the writing and this, that and the other. And if you watch the trailer, you said it when we were watching it? Yeah, I wish they would go back and redo the trailer because I have a lot of issues with the movie. Right? Really? I do. But there's some moments and you could make the trailer better because it doesn't even represent what the movie even the beauty that is in the movie. It's like, oh my gosh, what is this? I'm kind of confused by this trailer. In fact, I encourage everybody to go watch the trailer, just to see your opinion and what your take is on it.
Jason? I will say in total honesty. I liked the movie more than the trailer. Exactly. Most time it's the opposite. Oftentimes, this trend I don't think does the movie justice. I don't think it does. Yeah,
well, we're gonna talk about it regardless. So, but lastly, it's interesting on this movie, and we'll talk about this more are on more episodes when we break down this movie is the fact that this one movie is the only time that Mr. Miyagi has a different first name. They call him Keisuke. Keisuke Miyagi. And of course, we've gone over this on the episode recently accosted in this episode, which is great. But in the original, it's always Miyagi. But Hideo was written on the dog tags that were the car keys for the keyholder for Daniel's car, and then the credit card part two and in Cobra Kai, he is called What Sal
nor Yoshi Miyagi, and I love that. Yeah, I think that's the one I'm most familiar with.
Yeah, it's all over the place. He's called it it's on the gravestone, but for some reason this coming after those, they call him Keisuke. I don't know why I don't know why that is. But that happened. So what cracks me up about this trailer? It's got that famous trailer voice sound. Yeah. What's his name again?
Don LaFontaine, rest in peace. So probably the most famous movie trailer voice guy.
And if it's not him, it's someone doing a great impression. But I think it's him. Yeah. And so I thought it'd be funny or fun if you did the script, because there is a script. And while this is being read, you're in a world like that type of trailer. There's all these sequences and fun things we can talk about. And you know, a few more things and then we'll wrap it up. But go ahead, sound give us your best impression of this trailer?
Oh, consider this a voiceover audition.
Oh, yeah, there you go. Focus. Discipline. Courage. That's I have to stop it for a second because you're describing the movie goer to stomach this movie, right? You must have these three things to get through this movie.
Spend your belief? suspend your disbelief.
Yeah, just go with it. Just be courageous. Okay, sorry, continue.
I gotta be honest. The first time I watched this movie about a year ago it was ya know, I was just so focused on Pat Marita, I was just so excited to see Pat Marita that I had to then watch it again just to enjoy the movie itself. Right because the first time I was just so excited to see Pat and read his final betrayal. You
hadn't seen it? So yeah, I tried to watch it as a teen and it was like what and then I went and watched it and I was touched by some and you know a lot eye rolls and some other things. That's all I'm gonna say. Okay, but now we know people in the MOBA we know since a Jim true instead, Chris Jensen, and we got connections now.
The movie is closer to us now.
It's way close. Yeah, yeah.
Okay, let's try it again. Can't take to focus, discipline, courage, they prepared to face anything, but nothing can prepare him for The Next Karate Kid. She's like no student he's ever had. He's like no teacher she's ever seen. Together, they'll face a challenge they've never known this summer. And ancient tradition is about to collide with a new generation. The Next Karate Kid.
Wow. So this is like a summer blockbuster.
I feel like that script that narration is better than the trailer. It is just give that to the people. And I think that would have been enough. And great job, by the way. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
It was the best part of the trailer. You're absolutely right. And while that's going on, he would take breaks in those sentences. And we'd see all these things on screen. And so let's talk about some of these things on screen. We have well the opening is great. So we have a flashback from the Karate Kid trilogy. Little sequences here like Daniel first seen Mr. Miyagi. And then we see who on the pole they're doing a crane kick. So who was that exactly?
Our friend Darrell Vidal. Yeah, great kick on the beach. Yeah, that was Darrell the dog portraying Mr. Miyagi,
which we just recently had Darryl huddle on the show himself. So please check that episode out. And he tells that story and many, many more, so I thought, hey, I should tell him he's actually in the next trailer. Yeah, he doesn't know All right, maybe
he doesn't know that. Maybe because you know what I think I think he's do a check if that's the case, I
think he is I think he's do some royalties. So and then we see the credit card part two, and apart from three now notice three is just like them and the beautiful outdoors. Nothing with the whole valley. We don't see that but we are setting the STEM
at the what is the devil's cauldron or devil Exactly. Yeah, right. It's
beautiful. That is a beautiful sequence. But we stopped there and now we're in and sound out of nowhere I'm hearing the intro to poisoned by Bell Biv DeVoe and how does that go?
Never trust the big button the smile back girl is pulleys to do to do Yeah, that was big. Because you know what I think when you when this movie came out, yeah, right after high school for me, used to get a lot of agent over clubs. And believe me Bell bibbed of Oh was huge. This song is huge.
They were huge. Well so it comes on for just a second and they rip it off and put on another song because I'm excited. And that's it. This movie does sound bad. That sums it up right there. You want a little bit this excited about poison Bell Biv DeVoe not so much excited about excited about Pat Merida. Maybe little Karate Kid action. Now this is something completely different. That is the impetus of this trailer of this movie. That's it right there. So good night.
Yeah, I completely agree. I think the trailer doesn't do the film justice. I think the trailer there's a little moment where you almost think it's a comedy. Like it's just a comedy movie. Yeah, it's not officially a comedy for sure. Yeah, it's like
a little Three's Company. It's like a Yeah, hey, we put these two people live together for all the laughs It's gonna be hilarious. This old ancient Asian guy who does martial arts and this rebellious team haha it's like oh my gosh, just the tone of the trailer. They just missed it completely. But let's go into it a little further. Mr. Miyagi walks in on Julie changing clothes awkward. Totally make for a great season finale of this new series. But in this exchange this the trailer is fast and Mr. Miyagi is very apologetic. In the movie, we're gonna give you just a little behind the scenes. Here's a spoiler. If you haven't seen it, we hear Mr. Miyagi, say these lines, and this is the only representation mentioned at all of one. Danielson and Sal, why don't you play Mr. Miyagi here. So this is not in the trailer. But that sequence leads to this in the movie, because I was always like, what are the Daniels? There's no mention? Well, there's this one mentioned.
Wait, hang on Jason. The sequences from the previous movies that we see in the beginning of this trailer. Is that in the movie?
Oh, like the flashback? Yeah, the first three No, this is not not a Friday kid to or Karate Kid three, which will give you a little synopsis. We kind of go in at all valley or the end of two where they're having the fight to death. No, this does not start that way.
Okay. It's just for the trailer. It's just for the trip. I got it. Okay. So yeah, so he walks in on Julie changing and then he has to issue an apology. Yep. Miyagi apologize. You see before live with a friend Daniel son. Daniel son come in Miyagi room. Miyagi come in Daniel son room. No big deal. Boys easier. That's it. I think that's pretty good. They get the dog at the park.
You're definitely hired you're better than the trailer but Mr. Miyagi kills that pet murder kills it. But yeah, that's it. That's all we know. He used to live with Denison and it was easier. Not Hey, he's a college or, you know, I might call Daniel. They could have been scenes where they fate called him. But maybe they just didn't want to go there. Daniel Roth macho was just not having any of it. And so that's it. That's your throw away. I know on that one episode I talked about my episode with Chris Jensen since a Christiansen I mentioned in a flurry exchanges like there's no mention of Daniel. Well, I remember there's a mention, but I was should have expanded upon that. There's not much of a mention. There's no justice there for Daniel's character at all. That's what I meant. It was it's a travesty that it's like here's this throwaway line. No as a matter
of fact, I almost think that this line they should have had no mention. No mention I think it's better with no mention. Yeah, because this is just weird. And that's the only time we get a mention of Danielson after this awkward interaction
with the sat her down at one point in time and they had a heart to heart. Yeah. And so it would be maybe a little I met someone like you years ago. Yes. Turns out to be a really great friend of my life. And tells a story that's like Connexus
this doesn't have or maybe even have like a little picture he shows or something.
Yeah. How about on the fridge and every time they go by we see a young rough module you mean be spread with a soccer ball or something? Soccer Ball, like Robbie always would see Robbie on Johnny's fridge and Miguel are going. So now we see Julie, this is actually a pretty good stunt. She jumps up on top of a pizza delivery car, right? Because it's zipping down the road. And it's kind of like, what was it $7 million? Man? What was it?
$6 million, man $6 million, man. Yeah. Is he a billionaire? Today? Inflation calculator? Yes. Yes.
So $6 million, man, pretty cheap guy. So she jumps up there like that, too. And lands on it. And you watch the movie, you discover that it's party time pizza 5551235. We're never late sale 30 minutes or it's free. No wonder that guy's gone like 50 and a 25. He's got to get some pizza somewhere. So that scene happens right after the exchange about going in and seeing her change clothes. So she's furious. And she's so that was a good stunt. So those are two things we're not supposed to share, but we share they're not in the trailer. But as far as the Name of the pizza place that is because it's too fast to read. So then we see Mr. Miyagi wax in his car on the driveway a quick shot love that cell for obvious reasons.
Wait a second if I'm not mistaken then this is the first time we ever see Miyagi himself. Yes, solo waxing his via solo waxing. Okay, that's pretty special. But he had to know it to teach it to Daniel. I know. But we've never seen we've seen him teach Daniel wax on wax off. We've never seen him do wax on wax off.
Exactly. Yeah. Like Daniel was teaching Anthony. But you know, Anthony, he
hired the guy with a TaskRabbit. Yes, yes.
So and then we see Julie and Mr. Miyagi?
Dancing. Very sweet, almost reminiscent of almost like a father daughter prom scene. Yes, there might be a
father of the bride scene or something like yeah, movie. Yeah, that's your touching moment, though. You don't get the heartfelt things that you do in the original or in the sequel. But you get them dancing, and then Mr. Miyagi. So I don't know if this is real or not. But he catches an arrow that shot at him from across the room and just right, right before it hits him.
Yeah, it's like headed straight for his heart. Yeah. And he catches it.
Yeah. So in the first one, we see him take out the bottles. Yes, yes. bottle shop. And now we see him catch this error.
Yeah, it's like next level. Almost. Supernatural. Yeah. And this is all just in the trailer. Now. Just to be clear and defensive, Mr. Miyagi? A long time ago, there used to be a show called that's incredible in the 80s. I used to love it. And I'd real people was also real and real people. Yes, indeed. There was a guy that caught an arrow on one of those shows. I think it was That's incredible.
You could probably do it timing. Yeah, you get it down to a science. Yeah, catching
an arrow. You think it's impossible, but it's actually not impossible. I believe it has actually been done. And here now done by Mr. Miyagi,
Mr. Miyagi. And then I noticed there's more explosives in this Karate Kid than any Karate Kid or Cobra Kai movie or show they haul into this trailer. It's just explosive. I think I'm watching lethal weapon or something. I don't even know what's happening here. But a lot of explosions
No, but it's funny that you mentioned Lethal Weapon because I think if you maybe look at the popular movies at the time, if the movie was released in 94 probably shot in 93 What movies were released in 92 that had all kinds of action that then inspired explosions. Yeah, we don't have the explosions in the Karate Kid movies.
Now I mean diehard had already come out Lethal Weapon already come out, but they both had sequels. Right? So they're kinda in the theaters. What was a Rambo during all this? Well, Rambo was before this first blood Rambo but Rambo part three was even before this. So this is like Shawshank territory. Okay, right. So anyway, but lots of explosions. The movies of the time. You're right. And there's a lot of other things too. We see Julie doing big kicks and training with Mr. Miyagi, like Daniel does. And the original. He's got mitts, like almost like catcher's mitts. Yeah, but it doesn't have a mask on doesn't have the male mass. They didn't do that. But there's a lot and you can kind of see them bonding, but the whole thing just feels it's just kind of missing those notes. And I remember seeing this trailer and I was appalled. I was, and I don't think I saw the movie for so long. Because I was just like, This is ridiculous.
Is it because also we don't They don't tell us anything. Obviously. They're going to assume the viewer knows who Mr. Miyagi is. Obviously, they showed us the history with him and Daniel right. And it's only 10 years later. Okay, well, I don't know who is this Julie? Girl? We don't know anything about her. Right? They don't show us anything about her.
Now, she's only been on a few shows relatively unknown, as you said, because then have to know was after that and are growing
meters character, Julie? We don't know. Oh, you know, came out of nowhere. Yeah. It's like, Who is this girl? Why is Miyagi training her?
Although we're talking about this because she very well could be on Cobra Kai. That will be amazing that it would almost make sense. Now this movie existed for that reason if she's ever on there, and her character is more than just an ally into episodes and gone. Like if she's really a mainstay, or I would love to see her be someone's mother or maybe she's in March or something. If you just have her on as a cameo, and I kind of want more, or give me a few episodes with her in it. She's a great actress, and she'd bring weight to the scene. She's very compassionate. And she's earnest and yeah, I've always really enjoyed her as an actor. So anyway, we will see we will see but I'm only bashing this because it was my take on the trailer. I learned to appreciate the movie more.
Yeah, exactly. We are talking about the trailer today. Let's talk about the movie. We're talking about the trailer. Like I just said the trailer. I don't like as much the movie I liked the movie more than the trailer. So this trailer, please watch it everybody listening watch
because I set the bar low. Yeah. How about that you
watch the show, but then you watch. You're like, Hey, this is not as bad as that trailer was. I just think the trailer is a little bit misleading is because that's what
it is. And then the credits come on, because if you don't know, it's like producer Jerry Weintraub now he produced all of them and many other things. And I'm a big fan of his. He knows success. He was milking a franchise and he was definitely the producer of this. It was also composed by Bill Conti. Now, I don't know if it was the whole movie or there was his music pre existed the Karate Kid, he still got credited. I don't know about that, where that line was drawn. But after that, it's not John G. Robertson. It's Christopher came. Who did movies like The principal, which I really liked and Young Guns, which I also really liked.
I think young guns I would say is a classic at this point. Yeah, that was before. Yes. led up to this. Oh, wait a second. Young Guns was
before 94. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Before
this. Yes.
Yeah. So he done those got some clout, and was chosen to do The Next Karate Kid. And then it was written by not Robert Mark Heyman. Not him. He had the characters credit Yes. And is written by Mark Lee. So
interesting. See, I swear till today I didn't even know Robert Mark Kaman was not associated with the next credit card.
Well, no disrespect to Mark Lee, but had no real it's nothing against Mark Lee at all had came in written the movie, it would have been a much better movie. Had Appleton director this movie, no offense to came, it would have been a better movie, but I don't think they wanted anything to do with it had Danielson been in this movie more. We could look back now and have fonder memories. But some people didn't want to be involved Sal, and they moved on and the train kept making Karate Kid movies. Now there was not a Next Karate Kid, Part Two or Part Three, because it was not a success. Yeah, at the box office. But oddly enough, the Karate Kid remake was a huge success financially, which came out many years later, like 2010. And I was shocked. I didn't make a sequel of that off the money it made but they did not.
I think the key to the Karate Kid reboot with Jackie Chan. I think that was a good time for Jackie Chan as well as kind of riding his wave, kind of almost the end of his wave, I would say.
And he's fantastic. And it is good to see that. And it's an interesting movie, as I talked about with sensei Christiansen recently. It's an enjoyable movie, it just should have been called something else. Right? Because he was like, they're learning Kung Fu, the Kung Fu kid, you could even went that route and call it the Kung Fu kid like a little tip of the cap and not try to be the Karate Kid. So that is the trailer. It's fun. It's still fun to watch. Because the music's like, it's all these graphics. And it's actually fun to watch. And it's a headshake look
good. Yeah, it starts off Bell Biv DeVoe, which is I think officially r&b.
And then it's off a pop, and then metal. And then yeah, it feels like a sitcom in the middle. And then it ends with like a lethal weapon diehard movie and you're going why? And by the way, we did mention this. We've mentioned it before. No Cobra Kai?
No, no, John
crease is his other guys. Michael Ironside, who you might know from top gun and a million other movies always plays kind of a jerk. He's really good at it. They're all wearing black shirts. And they're just kind of like this vigilantes in high school, and they all look like they're 30.
Yeah, we don't even know. These guys are in this trailer. It's like who are these guys?
Now there are more people in the movie that you would know like Walton Goggins is what ought to be a big actor. He's one of these guys, these jerk guys. So there's no Cobra Kai, there's this these guys trying to like, Michael underside is running these guys to run the school and they're all guys and with an iron fist. That's Cobra Kai, you're not trying to learn fighting or Taekwondo or go to an all Valley tournament. You're just, you're alive. It's like a prison. They're in school, but it's a prison. And of course, Julie gets on the wrong side with them and chaos ensues. She's got a bird that she hides into school and she takes care of she's dating a guy that I swear he's college. You know, I like the guy. But come on, you know, there's that storyline love story. And then her grandmother is the one that knows Mr. Miyagi brings him in. He sees how angsty she is and just upset. He's like, Oh, you go to California goes to receive yoga Park. She's staying there. We wish it was a museum to this day. And she's out of the picture never to be seen again. Go say hello to Dan did it go by and no, none of that none of that stuff. And then he's there with Julie and to rehabilitate her. Essentially, that is the story. And it Toki but in the middle of that she does churn. There is growth with Julie right. Yeah. Yeah. And that's kind of nice.
Well, the whole point was for Miyagi to was to mentor this, this young girl who was having a lot of rebelliousness, a lot of yeah, just trouble in school, right? Well, her parents were
both killed. Right? And so she's really mad about everything, and her grandmother can do nothing right. And she's just mad at the world and Miyagi could sense that. And I do like her character. And I didn't mean to get ahead this far. But we see that growth on her. And she's a really good actress and she's athletic enough, and she could do some of the moves. So anyway, one of the next things I'm going to do, it'd be the reverse from all the times that you've gone and done locations, like when you go to South Seas, or Ali's house or the Cobra Kai dojo. So now I'll be the person pulling up to Julie's house in this neighborhood, and everyone's gonna look at me and think, What's this guy doing? Right? And I'll be talking to Sal Rodriguez.
Yeah, look real suspicious look like the guy in the neighborhood watch signs.
Yeah, hey, let's do it at midnight, stood late. So on the location front, I've actually already visited to Next Karate Kid locations, saving the house for our phone call. And I'm gonna just quickly touch on a few of these, the two that I've seen Tufts University, which you may have heard of well known. I've heard of it. Yeah. It's right outside of Cambridge. Cambridge is where Harvard and MIT are, but it's in Somerville. They're just just adjacent. I play soccer real close to Tufts University. But one day, I got on my bike, and I was like, oh, yeah, I know. There was some scenes film there. So I rode my bike and explored the campus, you know, the outside the track and just thinking Where would they have done some of these scenes because it's they're not clear. They don't come and tell you like, oh, this was filmed here. Because when I had since it, Chris on, he was telling me his scenes were at Brookline High School, which is Brooklyn's another town nearby. And they did a lot of the scenes interior exterior at Brookline some at Tufts. So I don't know what was where, but it was kind of neat to explore the campus. It's really pretty, I could see it being the backdrop. And that was neat. So I did that. I didn't want to do a call with you. Because there's really it's hard to pin down where it was. Yeah. So recently, we've been exploring new england quite a bit. And Sophie and I, it's beautiful this time of year, like go up to Maine and you can go to Vermont, New Hampshire, these states are all really not very big, but they're just so close. It's like being in Europe, you know, boom, United States all doing it on the coast. It's gorgeous. So we're coming home from Marblehead, beautiful part of Massachusetts. And she's like, Hey, let's go to this state. We've talked about it Castle Hill on the cranes estate. We looked online one time many months ago, like yeah, when we're in the area, we should go. That's about an hour from our house. It's gorgeous. It's like a castle, rolling hills to a private beach. It's so many acres, it became a historical landmark because the people that owned it passed away and they, you know, went into the registry of historical
sites. It's almost like the East Coast version of the Hearst Castle are gray stone. Whereas gray stone,
the gray stone castle in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood. Ah, so that sort of as we drove up was like those are a little more grandiose, I would say, but this is amazing. And you get more acreage, well, maybe not the Hearst, but more acreage than you do at Greystone, but they were closed that day. So we couldn't go in the home per se, but you can just walk the ground.
But wait, hang on, you're gonna tell us right then this is what I'm floored by is that you were there walking around and join an afternoon did not know itself. You did not know where you were in relation to the move.
No, I just knew I was at this place that we wanted to go to. Yeah. And I'm walking around just going this is and this is the end of our trip. We were gone for the weekend. And so it's like we stopped in and thought, well, you know, we were there longer than we anticipated. But this is a place you could go to for a day you can have a picnic and just do your own thing. And so I'm walking around and there's this one garden, you go to this open area, and there's these two turrets like a castle, and they're on opposite sides. And they look really cool. And it's it's beautiful. These rock walls. It's just so manicured. And we're even talking like, wow, would it be great if it was like a b&b here, you could stay in one of these. And even Sofia is like, yeah, it'd be a great place to film a movie. So we're just taking it in. Yada yada yada. So I come home to prep for some of this talk about The Next Karate Kid with the senseis and put it on. So the monk monastery in the movie was filmed at the Castle Hill on the crane estate. Those turrets that I was so enamored by Mr. Miyagi sleeps in one Julie sleeps in the other. Mind blown. I put the moment I was like, Sofia get in here.
I'm feeling lightheaded.
It was out of body experience.
I think that's very crazy and very cool. Yeah.
So I would have had you on the phone, but I didn't even know where I was out. So that's Bernanke's to me. No, I like it. And I highly recommend checking that out for anyone in the area, Massachusetts visiting go to the castle hill on the granite states for many other reasons, but also they filmed among scenes, which aren't in the trailer.
I was gonna say that yeah, if you re edited the train, get it twisted, as they say, Yeah, bring
some of that element in because there are moments that's where she goes and learns how to have inner peace. You should not talk and you said it earlier, though, you said it right on, we should read out the trailer. Maybe there's a fan out there that wants to re edit the trailer and upload it. And I bet you it'd be great.
I remember a few years ago, I think on YouTube was all these fan made trailers. And now we'll get a horror movie make it like a comedy, they get a comedy make it look like a horror movie. And I really got a kick out of these things. A good editor should do a new trailer for The Next Karate Kid. I think it would do the film justice as well.
If I had time, this is something I would love to do my younger days like, oh, yeah, and you could do it, too. He spent two weeks on it, though. But anyway, so that's it. It was fun to explore that Next Karate Kid trailer. Yeah.
And you know what, man after talking with you today about this trailer? I am excited to tackle the movie. I mean, it seems, yes. We know how much is involved with reviewing a movie the way that you and I do it. You know, that's gonna be a big mountain. But I'm really excited about it, though. And especially after today. I'm very excited to analyze The Next Karate Kid.
Me too. And we can spend 30 plus minutes on the trailer. So I'm a little worried we can have Yeah, exactly. Four hours the movie. Well, we get more context than just the trailer here. We're kind of setting the stage we're getting ourselves excited, as well as our audience, because it's coming. And it's that thing that we haven't tackled yet. We haven't even done the trailers for the trilogy. But we know we hold the movies in such high regard. Yeah, this is that distant cousin, second cousin movie, but it's loosely related because Pat Merida, but now these things are at play. So it's in motion. I feel like it's now Canon for Cobra Kai. Were a long time ago. And like Don't even mention that thing. Yeah. And now you can.
Yeah, there's more pressure on this movie now because they bumped up season five of Cobra Kai Cobra Kai, we thought was gonna be released Season Five in December, maybe January, like the last couple of seasons, right? Yeah, but now it's gonna be September. So now we're like, oh, now we got to do the next credit kid a little earlier than we had thought. Exactly. Because we were gonna probably push it out until November or something. Exactly.
It's changing things. So
there we are. Anyway, that's it more pressure. But hey, it's kind of exciting. We're on board guys. We're as excited or more than our listeners are we I don't know our listeners as excited as we are out there. Let us know.
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