Whoa, just curious. Welcome to Just curious media. This is let's talk Cobra Kai. I'm Jason Connell.
And I'm Sal Rodriguez.
All right, Sal, we are back for a triumphant episode. I cannot believe this.
I can't either. You're speechless. I am. I can't believe we're here. I mean, it's been quite the journey. I mean, you know, this season alone is one. Yes. But now, four seasons, four seasons. Wow, this is an epic journey. It really is. And it's not even over. We're still on the journey. We're just now after this episode, we'll have a pause. But the journey continues.
It does continue. This is the fourth season finale. I cannot believe it. You're right. We started this. I have driven across the country during this season for us, you know, and you have you have as well, you've gotten places. So it's like this started two and a half months ago, because we do a weekly show. And here we are in the 10th episode, yes, two and a half months. It's like, oh, my gosh, and all that we've brought with us season one, season two, season three, three movies, all the other things. It's like, oh my gosh, this is the biggest, baddest, and sow it lives up to what it was supposed to be and exceeds it. It exceeds seeing this again, because I haven't seen this since I watched it initially. When they all dropped. It was I was floored all over again.
You know, if you're a fight fan, this is the episode for you. I mean, because Cobra Kai has many things. Karate is obviously one of them. Yeah, but if you're the kind of person who's like I want more fighting, you know, like, when are they gonna get back to fighting?
Well, it's right here.
Here we are. You like fighting? Here we are. Oh, before we
jump in. So how about a word from our sponsor? Let's do it. Support for let's talk Cobra Kai is brought to you by manscaped who is the best and men's below the waist grooming and offers precision engineered tools for your family jewels. Join over 4 million men worldwide who trust manscaped. And with this exclusive offer, you'll get
20% off and free worldwide shipping with the code. Cobra kai@manscaped.com
All right. Wow, here we are. But before we jump in, I want to go over a couple little mini things that don't worry, it's not going to be like the LORUSSO the Louis Oh, background. Yeah,
but somehow
origin stories? Well, just a couple of things, because I even alluded to it a second ago. But when I went back and watch this for notes, again, I've mentioned this in a previous episode that I have not gone back and watched Season One, two, or three, and sometimes since notes, unless I'm spot checking, sure, like, Oh, I gotta look at that fight sequence or just zooming in and seeing this particular scene. But when I am spot checking, it started to plant that seed. And the reason I waited because part of me likes to let things age a little bit. Right now just let it age just a little bit. I think if I had gone back into early for season one, season two, I just wanted to let it sit there for a minute. So I could almost be surprised in certain aspects. Not to mention when I spot check seeing the age difference, like kids just look older. Yeah, right. You see, like a young skinnier Miguel and Eli when I'm like, wow, you can already see how fast they're growing. But I'm super excited to do this. And that was kind of what I do with let's talk movies. Right? We're revisiting movies that are great because a you it's probably time you watch it again. Or if you've never seen it, you can see it for the first time. We're starting to do newer episodes on Let's Talk movies, like movies in theaters and reviews. But for the most part, that's what its genesis was and I'm excited for that. So that's why I held off it wasn't well he's moving on now. I'm really excited this offseason to do a deep dive and Season One, two and three in South. I'm going to be watching like a hawk. Oh, play the screech.
I'm loving his music. I hope you have a theme song too, because I'm noticing I'm starting to pay more attention. Eli has his own theme song It seems all the time and oh
my gosh, I want to you need one. You need a theme song. We're just bouncing around town running errands and whatnot. By Ali's house and the old dojo. I like it sounds theme song. Anyway, so also I'm excited to do this because it's going to kind of connect some dots again, because when you do notes and all these episodes run together, it's like I'm even and I have a really good memory and I can remember data and facts and but hell I went blank one night thinking was crease really at Coyote Creek was staying right? Well, of course he was but it's like in the moment you threw me a curveball and it's like, I haven't thought about that in three years. So it's like of course that was the episode Stingray became Stingray.
Well hang on when I when I brought that to your attention. I wasn't implying that. I was certain that Chris was no I know what I was thinking myself was Chris there.
You wanted me to bail you
out. I failed. I like Jason. You gotta let us know the facts.
Yeah, so I'm excited for that and that will spawn a lot of cool special episodes. I already have a lot in store so our offseason won't really be an offseason for our show. We're gonna have episodes coming out Lots of fun stuff to to cover. In fact, when I was doing notes for this episode, I was like, Oh my gosh, this is a great episode. Great special episodes. So a lot of stuff in store for all of our fans. And one more thing Yes. I mentioned last episode, there's never been a grand champion and all valid before right and that's true this way where you're doing a point tally and this that and the other skills competition. There's never been this type of Grand Champion. Yeah, but in the Karate Kid part three on the leaderboard is grand champion. Why? Because it was a very scaled down all Valley and US viewers fans only saw the final fight, right? We didn't see Mike Barnes make his way through the qualifiers. In fact, the leaderboard for credit card three just as semifinals for people finals, two defending champ LORUSSO and then finalist which was Barnes and then there's a grand champion the leaderboards very different than the first karate Yes, you get a chance. I just had to be looking at it because I was going through for notes for this episode. I thought, okay, they've actually had a grand champion before but a very different context for that. And I also mentioned sponsors, right, because I mentioned that last episode, I could see some sponsors here and there. So I went back to the 50 FL Valley credit championship which is on Cobra Kai, and you can see century LORUSSO Auto Group, and then there's like this one sign of all the sponsors, but they're real hazy logos and I could never pull them off. Yeah. And then in this 51st, all Valley I saw century Nautilus, trusted strength, Schwinn LORUSSO Auto Group, and then those same logos that blended in in the 50th. All Valley so there are sponsors and Larissa Otto is always front and center, which is great to see.
Interesting, I would almost think that's a conflict. You would think
you would think, but they also have some real ones in there. I mean, there were in Century GIS, I noticed that I like Eli's and so essentially it's a legitimate gi manufacturer. And then Nautilus is a big company and Schwinn funny how those real companies popped in there and the season
those are very real. I'm very familiar with Nautilus equipment having been a former personal trainer. In fact, I used to work at a gym called Nautilus. That was the name of the gym. Wow. Named after the line of equipment created by Arthur Jones created the variable resistance cam on the Nautilus equipment. I like that. Yeah. And then also who else we have Lewis Auto Group and who else did you mentioned Schwinn, Schwinn. Hello, who didn't grow much wins.
Schwinn, of course, I had a Schwinn growing i to Schwinns. Growing up, yeah,
our family had at least five of them. Yeah. I still have a Schwinn today. I think one of my bikes my beach cruiser is a Schwinn.
There you go. Just setting that out there. So those I saw other logos at some point in time, maybe we can lift those off or ask them they're probably like a lot of inside jokes like, oh, yeah, we love that pizza join and whatever. Something in Atlanta. Hey, when you're working at the gym, did you have a class called like body by Sal? Then people want to sign up and then you put them through the program?
Well, I would always do one on one training, but I did get in a fight once with an aerobic instructor who wouldn't lower his music. Okay. Yeah, it was a bad memory. Yeah. And I did not know karate. Unfortunately,
that's a tough jam match these trainers going at it with each other. Alright, enough of that. That's in the fast. Let's jump in here. So every episode of Cobra Kai is brought to you by Netflix. Yes, it is. And all the episodes in this season dropped on
December 31 2021.
Well done. You've been paying attention. I watch our show.
Yeah, I watch.
This again is season four episode 10. The rise. Last episode was the fall the fall tide?
Well, I'd rather be the fall than the rise instead of the rise.
In reverse. Now the IMDb Rating you're right south. Yes, I'm season high. 9.4.
Nice. I knew it. I saw it coming in waiting for the the voters were waiting to deliver their best score, right? Yes, they were. And you know what? To be fair, I think the episode deserves accurate. Yeah. Raise it up. You can argue that it could go up to 9.6 I would say yeah, I would say so. This you know what? 9.9 I'm not gonna tell you where there might have been something in my eye a couple of times. In this episode. It may happen
during the our show. So helmets, man, who yes. The synopsis for this episode is the tournament comes to a shocking end with the aftermath leaving its participants reeling and two champions facing uncertain futures. Oh my gosh, Sal, are you ready for our scene by scene breakdown,
I am ready and right away we get thrown for a loop and not even 10 seconds in we're thrown for a loop.
I have 11 pages of notes and we're already thrown for a loop here out of the gate. And we're at the I'm assuming West Valley general hospital or at least it's a hospital but but that's the hospital we know so well. And what We're in a hospital room and there's noises and brain scans. And so we assume one thing, but it's entirely something or someone else. Well,
if you remember the way the last episode ended the fall episode nine ended wars with Miguel writhing in agony on the mat. Yep. And we're getting into PTSD mode like is he re injured again. So we're thinking LIS opens up with him in the hospital. That's what we're thinking, right? Why wouldn't we think that? No, it's not Miguel at all. Who isn't it Stingray? He I guess he'd been in like a coma. Literally. back kick to the hill, the stop the Headstart stop.
Oh, boy could have killed stinger. I'm happy to know he's alive. But so he's a John Doe.
Yes. Interesting. Do you have any idea?
No ID and no family? Are we ever going to meet his sister? I mean, come on. These are the questions I'm asking Wait a
second. I just realized something else this very moment. So he's a John Doe. He was unconscious. Where did they find him? Yeah. And who reported him who called him? I mean, who
knows silver could have drug him out on the street. Oh, they're in your neck of the woods over Magnolia and
Lynch dump among Magnolia near near Colfax. Yeah, obviously still. In receipt it I'm not sure where that actually happened. But I don't know. I'm traumatized by the. It was terrible. I first I was calling to like, oh, when when silver beat up Stingray. He didn't beat him up. He assaulted him. It was assault and battery on Stingray.
Attempted murder. Yeah, but I don't want to jump ahead. So now we're back at the All Valley Sports Complex and or in the physical therapy room. And Miguel churns out south. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you just pulled a muscle.
Yeah, but you do see the scars on his lower back. Yeah, I'm kind of hard to see. He's a young guy with the scars on his lower back not, not pretty.
So we see a medic played by Josephine Roth and Sal, she is this same medic from season one episode 10 Watts mercy, and she was Robbie's medic in that episode, nice. So I love the call back bringing her back in mercy. She was wearing like a very different outfit. It's more cash, more like a polo this time. But he's got time so but he has 30 minutes to recover if he wants to compete again. And because it's just a pulled muscle, it's gonna hurt a little bit but let your body you know, respond and see if you can go or not, however, and the Karate Kid. Daniela Briscoe only had 15 minutes. Hmm. They have doubled at times have changed. Yeah, I err on the side of safety.
Yeah, a kinder, gentler all Valley.
Totally. And then we see Johnny Carmen Ambros. And they're talking with Miguel. And Sal. Like I've been saying for few episodes. It seems like Miguel is just disconnected. Yeah.
Now he's not in fight mode at all. And then Rosa was in greater fight mode. She says that she liked when Mickey kicked the guy in the face. She was pretty excited about that. But she was more excited about the kick in the face than Miguel was Miguel didn't seem like you had any interest at all in being there.
Yeah, not good. And now we have Robbie Keane and Demetri Alex propolis. And they're fighting and Robbie leads one nothing, we don't see that score. We just come in at one Oh, and then he gets a stomach punch to nothing, Robbie's up. But sounds interesting. The ref sends them to their senses. There's a lot of different things now that's happening like go to go to your senses. And then it's the Star Wars talks. Because Demetri is just he's always so good with this kind of stuff. But what does he have to say?
Dimitri says, I had a hard time beating him when he was on the good side of the force. Now that he's gone all Sith, I feel like a helpless Jedi young Ling about to get slaughtered.
And Eli, a former nerd, good buddies, says, Okay, well, you're taller, you have the high ground. That's how it will be one beat Anakin, right? So talk in his language, that helps Dimitri kind of snaps out of it. And and goes back in. And this is not the Dimitri from season one sad to be true is a force. He's really built up some chops in karate.
Yeah, we're following everyone's journey, the Ely Hawk journey, Robbie's journey to girls journey Sam's journey, we really don't get into much of what's Dimitris motive. You know, what's, why is he doing this? Because we're getting into the why, you know, why am I fighting? We get into that a little bit later. Also with Miguel, why is Dimitri fighting? I don't know, but he's doing great. Well, for whatever reason, he has self
confidence. It wasn't for Yasmine. That happened outside of that, but I think self confidence may be part of a team. I mean, he never really was part of a team other than just him and Eli making their cat videos and hanging.
Oh, yeah. And the was it binary brothers binary
brothers. And so it's a good battle back to the fight. It's a really good battle. Dimitri even does the Bruce Lee everyone's doing this sound? Come here? I call it the Bruce Lee because I've seen Yeah, Way back when
Yeah, a lot of fighters do that. That is actually employed in combat sports. They'll do that. Okay. Yeah. But I think it's all originates with Bruce for sure.
Yeah, as far as I know, and then Robbie does his Cobra guys do sweeps the leg and then has a stomach kick point winner and it's big surprise. Okay, yes, he wins but it wasn't just a give me and Daniel's proud, you know of Dimitris effort, but sound no shots of Yasmine in the crowd. I thought she was going to stay for the junior prom and all Valley but maybe she skipped at all back to Australia.
That's true because we established her at the junior prom yet, but we have not seen her at the Valley at all.
No. And we do not. Yeah, so dad called her back home. Yeah, well, not back home. But back down under. Yeah. So now we're in the locker room. And Kenny recovers?
Yeah, he's wiping a nosebleed is what he's doing. Was that from Robbie?
Where it goes back to the last episode? Yeah. Robbie had fought Kenny Yes. And embarrassed him. And so he's recovering. And yeah, because he was he was bested and then Robbie didn't even help them off the mat. And then Anthony enters Anthony loose and sound
attempting to apologize. I'm assuming it's legitimate. Right?
totally legitimate but not good timing. Yeah. After you're dealing with this and your egos hurt and Here comes someone you know that you have hatred for and he had been bullied by Yeah. The what happens?
Well, let me just say I'm a big believer in the proper time or place to say something. You may have something you want to say to somebody but when and where? Very important. Yeah, totally bad timing on Anthony's part. And he attempts to apologize Kenny's not having it. And Kenny Okay, would you say here Kenny assault some key Kenny? It's assault and battery. Not to the level of Terry silver and Stingray. But he does. He kicks Anthony. And then he just goes to town with these body shots. Then he has these flashbacks of him wailing on the dummy in the dojo. Yep. So he's working
all those demons out. Yeah, that scene from a Christmas story when he finally beat up the bully. And he was cussing. It's like he just let everything out. Not to mention what he just went through. His pride has been hurt his Madison say but his it's like a mentor looked up to his mentor Robbie Bassett him and not only that really just kind of embarrassed him to some degree, and he's down on himself. And he's got a little fire in him too. He's a perfect Cobra Kai candidate. And he lets it out on Anthony and it's hard to watch and thank goodness Robbie comes in and breaks it up.
Yeah, but at first Robbie doesn't see who Kenny is wailing on because at that very moment as Robbie tries to intervene. Anthony kind of falls into a heap on the floor. Yeah. And then he looks like Anthony La Russa was your bully. He didn't know this
finds that out. He didn't know this. But he still tries to help. And he can only do so much but Robbie is clear headed Kenny's of St. Anthony's heart, and we kind of were hanging on
Jason. There's one little thing here that I got to point out this little place. It's almost a Demetri ism, almost an Amanda ism. Because Kenny grabs Anthony and he says Get ready for high school next year. You're going to be in a world of pain. And we know that was not pa in but pay and E is his
last name. Kenny got jokes. Can you get jokes? Can he's on top of the world? Yeah, very tough scene. And so Robbie also sees the monster that Kenny has become Yeah, Robbie doesn't lose that, which that'll come up later. But that's something do. You know, it's definitely resonating with Robbie right now. Yeah. So now Tory Nichols fights powers, a Locust Valley fighter. And Tory gets a head face kick and wins. Now again. So in a different era, this may have been a DQ or point deduction. But hey, whatever. Great shot, she's into the finals.
Yeah, it's interesting. When you get into the technicalities of these tournaments, whether this this one all Valley or others, as far as what's not allowed and what is allowed. Yeah, right. I mean, you're allowed to kick someone in the face apparently, but later on, somebody has a problem with an elbow to the face. So it's like a
bow. Exactly. The foot was intentional, I guess and elicit from the Karate Kid. Let's go back there. They were legal. There was always this little rumblings that it wasn't legal that you could call it not but it was legal in that particular fighter because Daniel one on almost every ref missed it. Yeah. So then Samantha Russo's fighting, Krupa? Topanga karate fighter. And Sam has a nice takedown chop wins she's also one of the finals sets it up nicely Sal Tory and Samantha in the finals representing Miyagi doll and Cobra Kai. That's coming but there's so much more before we get there. So
there's so much more and you know what I'm really loving because I don't think it you know, correct me if I'm wrong here. You with no more than me, is it just me or is are there a lot more takedowns in karate now than we've seen in years past? I love the takedowns
having gone back recently and done checks, all valleys from Karate Kid, you know the original uncredited part three. Sometimes I call it chronic hit one, which is weird. But I go back and look at that. And you see people like Vidal doing like a killer takedown, even Johnny so you saw it? Absolutely. It existed. But you know, they've got to raise the bar here. We're seeing more all Valley than we've ever seen. Like you go back and watch the original, that montage covers so much ground. It's like, hey, let's put up like 80s movies. Let's do a little montage and we'll just fly through. Well, now they're having a really choreographed more stakes are higher, the lighting is really different, you know, go back and look at their other you know, the originals. It's like, wow, it's like a normal gym. Now. It's like this beautiful mood lighting. You know, something you'd see on like a big show like American sky idol in our Americans got idol. American Idol. America's Got Talent. I'm just I don't watch either one of those. So I'm doing a mash up. Yeah, but you know what I mean? Like the big production the light playing with it looks incredible. So they got to raise the stakes on the choreography, but I think you're right, probably more takedowns. But we did see it
historically. Okay, we did see it. So I'm just kind of noticing it more now. I
think. Yeah, they're nice. How often you just see a, you know, the usual stuff, you're gonna have to do some different things to make it more enticing for us. So now we're outside the locker rooms and Johnny runs in the crease. What awkward? o'clock or they saw each other. So make sure exactly. Yeah. And this exchange goes like this. And I'll be Johnny, you play crease.
Crease says, look what happened with Terry back in the old dojo. I didn't know he was going to do that. I don't have time for this shit. It didn't have to be this way. Johnny. You could have been with me and your real son.
You don't care about Robbie any more than he cared about me. Bullshit.
I cared more about you than anyone who had
a funny way of showing it. You forced me to fight dirty. And then we
have a quick flashback to Karate Kid. Three, right? Was the three are the original? No, the original. Yeah. Was your
original. That was the original sweet green when you said there Karate Kid.
No, you're right. Right is the original Karate Kid, where Chris tells him Sweep the leg. And then at first, Johnny's like, huh, and then Crisco is the famous. You have a problem with that? No Sensei, no mercy.
And then Johnny continues from before from current day, you sacrifice my soul. So Cobra Kai could stay number one.
That is not true. I wanted you to be number one. But you were down to to zero, and you're about to be beaten. And I knew that would take you into a downward spiral. And I was right. Because no matter what people say, it does matter whether you win or lose. And if I can help Robbie win, he'll remember it for the rest of his life. And maybe someday, he can be the one to keep Cobra Kai going.
Wow. Oh, keep it going. Hello. He's gonna pass a torch to Robbie. Oh, yeah. Well, then Johnny says, No, that's never gonna happen. Because tonight, Cobra Kai is gonna die. Wow. He
threw the gauntlet down there. Intense.
Who? And then we're just getting a drink of water. Yeah, there's just
gonna take a leak is all there. We're gonna.
Yeah, Lee. So now we're back in the physical therapy room. And so I noticed that. Let's go back. Miguel has 30 minutes to get ready. Yeah, right. Not 15 like historical. All valleys from the 80s. Well, it was 635. Earlier, I could kind of see the clock behind the medic, it was a little out of focus. Well, now we do see the clock right there. Right front and center. 6:55pm. So it has been a little bit less than 30 minutes or the 20 minute range. But I hear the PA announcer say it's the five minute mark. So you know, whatever. They're only off by a couple minutes. But
maybe that clock was broken. Maybe it was a little bit a little
broken a little bit. And then Miguel is loosening up because he's still like, you know, I'm gonna give it a go. Right? And then Sal, Johnny comes in at once you throw at him.
What is that a tube of Ben gay he's got or some sort of soccer ball. Maybe it was
Ben gay.
How do you know it was Ben gay and
moved his hand and it said it on?
Oh my god. And
as all the sports I play, there's always somebody that he will be at a huddle or will be in a team meeting or you'll just be on the field. Either the opponent or your own player. And you're gonna smell that Ben gay someone's got it
on. But I thought Tiger Balm was the thing to use.
They both interchangeable Okay, the Ben gay has that distinct smell?
It does and I always associated because when I was a kid, the Ben gay commercials. They weren't necessarily aimed at athletes. They were kind of aimed at elderly Yeah, I saw would show like a senior using the Ben gay so I never related Ben gay to athletics but rather to like just Senior Living.
Yeah. There's also some lame jokes back then. But that was the ad.
Oh yeah, truly tasteless jokes,
tasteless. And so then Johnny says, Do what I tell you and will not only take down Cobra Kai will show the Russo and everybody else who's really the best. And he also said, we're not going to get another shot of this. It's now our never now so I love the alternate take on you're the best kinda reminds me of simply the best that Tina Turner used for HBO like simply in
a bad stead of him. No, the rest are there it
is. And you said it earlier. He wasn't ready to fight and Miguel is like, yeah, Johnny is all fired up. He wants to fight. Miguel kind of sees through it. It's not his mission. And he's just tapping out and Johnny's just oblivious to it. He doesn't see it at all. He's like, you know, a little rah, rah rah and then we'll go get him but it's just not happening and
no, Miguel is not blood Thursday here and during Johnny's monologue there, we hear under Miguel's breath, that's what this is about. So exactly. Miguel realizes in that moment, it's not even about Miguel winning. It's this is Johnny's war. That Miguel is fighting it
reminds me of Robbie hearing his senseis talk. Yeah, especially crease. It's like yeah, okay. Are even here. Here's Daniel talk. It's like it's the adult war. And the kids are these pawns, as we've talked
about, they didn't start this war. They did not start it. Yeah,
I'm not saying Johnny and Daniel are is evil, like the Cobra Kai establishment the by stuffily Silver increase, but they're caught up in it. There's no doubt about it. They're kind of Bennett. Now we see Darrell back on the mat. So we're always like in the locker room or we're back on mainstage. But what is Darrell have to say? Because he's killing it is MC Oh, yeah.
I'm gonna take some of his technique and use it. He's getting me pumped up and I'm not even this flair. I'm excited about the blue mat. I'm not even at the blue mat. You know, Darrell says Cobra, Kai and Miyagi dough are neck and neck on the leaderboard. But there's a dark horse, or should I say a dark bird that still has a chance? Will Eagle fan karate stay alive in our dojo race? We're about to find out. Miguel Diaz has one minute to return to the mat.
Solid. What's the color of that mat? Again, the blue mat. I'm surprised it wasn't one more plug.
Yeah, returned to the blue mat. The beautiful is the blue mat.
And then we see a countdown clock.
they're going all out this new leaderboard. Unbelievable. And it goes all the way down, though. Very dramatic. Yeah. In fact, there's even some talk in the eagle Fang establishment with your favorite nickname of them all. Mitch beam, Peter, Sprint, and Devon. And they're like, yeah, they're coming. so dramatic. Yeah, it's all Valley and it goes all the way down salver waiting for this. Miguel is gonna fight. We're waiting. We're waiting. And yeah,
and there was even a 10 second countdown like New Year's Eve.
Yeah, exactly. But I had a bad feeling when Johnny Well, I had a bad feeling but I felt that Johnny should have escorted Miguel out like, hey, put this Ben gay on let's go. Come on champion on walking down the hallway like prizefighter, you know, but of course it wouldn't have made for this scene, the disappearing act. Yeah. But then Darrell goes on to say
Darrell says, well, it looks like Miguel Diaz is not going to fight.
There you go. There was the throwback. Miguel Diaz is not gonna fight.
Yeah. Miguel Diaz is not gonna fight.
Yeah, love. It goes all the way back to the original two
texts. You call him when you call them text that wasn't his, I don't know, he this looks like okay.
It's not tech. Okay. And then Eli Moskowitz wins by default, and he's in the finals. He didn't have to continue to fight with Miguel. And so he moves on down the road. And now we're back in the hallway. And Johnny, Carmen and Rosa, they don't see Miguel, they go to the PT room, they don't see him. And San Miguel is on the move. Because he spots Sam getting water in a different part of all Valley Sports Complex, the underbelly, so he's made a move strategically to avoid them and not go out and runs into SAM and just basically says in this, it's a very heartfelt exchange. And there's so much dialogue in this episode that we have so many of these scenes we break down, but some I'm trying to streamline a little bit, but essentially, the heart of it is they have this exchange, she's getting ready for her match. And Miguel just mentioned like, you know, Johnny isn't my dad. And it's like, wow, cuz she's talking about her dad's always pushing her and it's like, yeah, Johnny is not my dad. It's like, wow, and then she's like, hopefully you got there in the stands, and we're rooting for me. And he just says, I'm always rooting for you, Sam. Very sweet. That's all we had to say. He didn't say I'm gonna be out there. I had a feeling like Wow, he's really just, he's bowing out exit stage left and so then They kiss. And it's a beautiful moment, no matter what happens, thereby tighter than ever through all this. Yeah, it's really a beautiful thing to see.
Yeah, it was it was a nice moment. Because remember before this, they were fighting right?
They were but they still were like questioning feelings if the other person had feelings for Robbie or Tory and all this stuff and you know all this teenage drama, but at the root of it, these two care for each other. And it's great. And they're really great at karate. They are the future of the dojo in the valley. And then Sam has to report to the center Matt, because now it's finals time. And the grand champion Cobra Kai wins one match they take the cake and Miyagi dough has to win both matches to win so it's really down to these two dojos Eagle Fang has been eliminated along with all the other dojos This is it, but we also know what's at stake. And that is what
oh, that Whoever loses has to shut down officially, right. Miyagi dough potentially has to close their doors Eagle saying left to close the doors or Cobra Kai if they lose that was the agreement anyway.
I think Eagle Fang is still connected to Miyagi dough and the agreement so even though Eagle fangs been eliminated and they could stay open, if Miyagi Daniel could pull a fast one.
I like it. That's a technicality for one Oradour if Miyagi dough didn't place, then Eagle Fang one then they could have stayed. Yeah, if anything, they would have had an advantage then just by their sheer numbers over over a cup of coffee. Yeah, two totals against one effectively.
Exactly. And what is Darryl have to say here?
Good luck to all of our fighters. Let's go.
Let's go. And I wonder if it's a tip of the cap to Tom Brady. Because he's always saying that let's go. I mean, a lot of people say it, but he even has a podcast named Let's go. But I also like the fact that the boys fight first, thus making the girls match the main event. Interesting. That was really great to see that you don't usually see that you wouldn't usually see that. But this is the first time we've had boys and girls and
all Valley. So yeah, you know what I will say that, you know, as much as I love UFC, I think UFC. I don't know if they make a lot of female fights. If you have a men's title on the line and a women's title on the line. Yeah, yeah. The Women's aren't going to headline the evening. They're not no, that's why
they flipped the script. Yeah, this is not the norm. And I'm glad they did. And I think it's really good. I like and it plays into the storyline. Much better. Sure. Yeah. That's probably why they did it. Otherwise, it was like more about story than it was about us doing it for the right reasons. And then Sal Robbie, two time finalist, is in the fight. And his father, Johnny, three time finalist. Two time champ, no mention of the Father Son connection would have been a good time for that. I would dwell
on one hand. Robbie's not Robbie Lawrence. That slowly No, no, it's it's right over their head. Yeah, like maybe people don't know. Maybe. That's got to be I don't know. But yeah, that is something that I think will have to be like gossip in the stands like, oh, yeah, Robbie is that's his son. I don't think that maybe it's not above board,
Lawrence. But then creasing silver talk with Robbie, their little pep talk and what is silver up to say here,
silver says, time to show the Russo and your father that you don't need them that you're strong enough on your own. And then Daniel talks to Eli. And Daniel says, This fight is not about him. Meaning Robbie. Yeah, the biggest battle is always the one within. Okay, concentrate, defense, focus, power. You find your balance, and those points will come.
So it's a different version, but they worked it in that's straight out of the Karate Kid.
Nice tie in there. Yeah,
that's a lot to throw at somebody right before they go. Okay, just do this that this that the other end you'll be fine. In other words, everything. Keep it simple. And it's rematch time Sal, because let's go back in time so talk about Dan Mercer got Robbie fought Hawk I guess it's the first time he's fighting Eli. No, they fought. And that was the semifinals and it was one one. And then Hawk retaliated on something that happened and kicks him in the back not looking not while they're fighting by the way, you know, in between when they're fighting and Hawkins de cute. So this is a rematch that we've Yeah, I'm excited for this is great. This is the finals and we've seen this before. That was a one one so it's like they have a cool history and all Valley. I love this. And then it's Robbie Keane versus Eli Moscowitz. And it's on sale and Keane comes out with a stomach punch point. One nothing and Sal Robbie gets a little too excited here. And he like calls timeout where were these in the Karate Kid cell?
Yeah, fighters can call timeouts and I guess senseis can call timeouts.
And then the refs can call timeouts. And that's normal, but I'm just seeing a lot more timeouts. And this all valid than I've ever seen I've ever seen. Well, look,
you know, because you're a big football fan that timeouts are a huge strategy.
And they're precious. There's
only three. It's it in a football game. Yeah, only three per team. Three per team. Okay, so I wonder if they have any limitations on the fighters? How many times can a fighter call a timeout? Are there are there? Well, that's what we don't know. Yeah. Because I yeah, if it's a strategy, then I'll use it. I'll take it.
Yeah, I'm sorry. Yeah, it is three per timbers three per half. Let me just be clear. Game, there's six, but we just look at it half and you have three and a half. Sometimes you have to use a timeout to warrant an instant replay. So you really hang on to them. Because if you burn one early, it's like, oh, we'd have a timeout. It's crucial and football. But maybe it's unlimited. This is kids athletics. I get it. And I've just never seen this many moments. It's great for us as fans, we can relish these moments, and they can run over and have these exchanges. But go back to the historical credit kids. I mean, Miyagi had to go to the mat, literally to have a quick powwow with Danielson. Karate Kid part three, it wasn't like, I'm gonna call time out here. Let's get looser over here. You know, it's just kind of different. But times have changed.
Very interesting. You know, every time I think he just said something about kids. I forget their kids. This is so intense. The valley so intense. I forget. It's under 18. These are officially
children. Yes, officially. I know. So Eli is concerned that Robbie knows the moves, and rightfully so. So. But Daniel flips the script here. He flips the script so much sad that it reminded me of a great song that we know very well. This is a little, just a little rendition for you. Because this is what Daniel is doing here. And it blew me away. And go ahead and take this little moment, if you will.
It's the moment of truth. It's all on the line. This is the place. This is the time waited forever. It's now or it's never nothing can stop you now. Love it.
So get well done sound really, really well done. Yeah, I almost threw you off there. But what is Daniel say? Because he really is I feel like this is the spirit running through Daniel right now.
Oh, what is this what you're talking about? He says you were in Cobra. Kai longer than Robbie. Right? Yeah. You know each other's karate better than anyone put him on defense.
Yeah, I mean, now he knows he's got to capture this moment. He's starting to realize I can't just stay in this box. Maybe there's some other ways. And of course that sorry. I just felt like the energy was there. And Eli's like yeah, okay, you're right. And that's a great call because he wasn't Cobra Kai longer. He does know those moves. So great coaching here since a Danielson and it's an incredible epic battle. I mean, this is amazing. They're both attempting jumping front kicks. Eli connects point. One one, just like that. Just like their old fight. That's one one. Next, we have kicks, hits fakes, blocks, jumps. takedowns GIS coming on done. Yeah. what's just happened? Sal, by the way, when I'm sparring so many times you get to start to come on dashboard. If you think it's intentional, it's not but I liked that Robbie's is the one that this happens to
but uh you're not allowed to grab your opponent's ghee in tournaments are you?
You know what? It depends. I don't know their rules there are some that no others probably so if they're doing these takedowns I'm assuming you're gonna grab ghee.
Okay, well, that's the thing about like, with how big Brazilian jujitsu has gotten and you have the ghee and the NoGi jiu jitsu because the some practitioners believe that if I'm wearing a ghee, you can as my opponent can use it to your advantage. Yeah.
Hey, in football, back to football. I like to take things if someone has dreadlocks dreadlocks are part of the uniform. Oh, you can yank a dreadlock holy cow, like he can't pull his hair because they chose to have it and they keep it down and it happens running back to him. Now a lot of times it's defensive backs, and they're probably less likely to get pulled down. But yeah, it's part of the uniform. And I was thinking of some fighting when I was you know, younger, we all we weren't these gloves you really couldn't grab it was gloves in your head gear and padding on your feet. So grabbing pie wasn't a thing. But there's none of that in this all Valley. So I'm assuming those takedowns you can grab Ghee for leverage. But this again, is an incredible fight sequence and I gotta say so it may be one of the best fight sequences in Cobra Kai and Karate Kid history.
That's saying a lot but it's like I said in the beginning, if you're a fight fan, this is the episode for you. There is fights galore, and I'm loving these fights. I really am. I love seeing this.
It's like firing a mirror. These two guys are so evenly matched and they both do each other's Dojo styles. You know that's cool. I love that
said Robbie doesn't have any time. tattoos though. No,
he does not yet. Yeah. And then the three minute time limit expires, Sal, we're going to sudden death overtime. We haven't been there
since Karate Kid three.
That's right. Karate Kid. Part three, we went to O T. And now another time out. Both fighters go have quick chats with your senseis. And Sal Robbie decides not to fix his GI. Well, what does he do?
He decides to just take it off. He takes off his we're not the whole gi but the, what he called the top, the top, okay, takes off the top portion of the game. And Robbie's built. Rob has been working out. That's for sure. Looks great. And then
I was immediately saying, oh, Eli's doing it. I thought of the back tattoo right away. Did you know what as well, I knew it was covering. The minute I looked at him. It was like,
Oh, it's coming. And no, but I'm glad that he did.
Oh, yeah. It made for a better scene. Yeah, it also looks like something out of a movie. Yeah.
Great. They're both in great shape from I would imagine all the cast does karate now at this point, you know, but they're also lifted weights to you know?
Absolutely. If you're on the show from season one like Devon's very new, but think about the people like these guys, for instance. They've been around since season one, they were doing martial arts, then we got many years of that. Now, with that you can push things further. You can like, oh, you know, you're more comfortable with this takedown now. So the trainers and the stunt people can work with them more. And thus production goes up more time than Daniel ever had. And the Karate Kid. I mean, this is like this show keeps coming back. Everyone gets better. Everyone gets better. So yeah, I love it. Yeah, ruff macho and Pat Morita didn't have that type of time in the Karate Kid. No, it was just a movie. You know, here's X amount of time work with Patty Johnson among others. And then yeah, kind of get ready. So this leads to another amazing it's interesting. They raised the bar now three minute warning. Okay. Also overtime. I should point this out. It's next point whence Yeah, that's what Sudden Death means in this go round, which also happened in Karate Kid part three. And in this incredible sequence, Robbie does a backflip, which is ridiculous off Eli. Like, he's going towards him. He does a backflip off of him. And then Eli does one of those incredible moves, which Johnny did in the Karate Kid. You know those? You go to the ground, but you spring yourself back?
Yeah. Have you ever been able to do that? Close? Yeah. When I grew and
got taller, that became harder. Yeah. I'm not a big acrobatics guy. I'll do certain things. But yeah, that I never was graded.
I don't know what you call that. You're on your back and you do like a spring back to your feet. It's
like a four. Yeah, exactly. But the way it happens, oh, Eli comes up. And like he's like hovering.
It's like a Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon. And
looked cool. Yeah, yeah. And then he tackles Robbie. And then there's counters and it's like, oh my gosh, they're playing chess. They're like one move ahead. They know how to defend it. It's just so well choreographed and orchestrated. But Sal, Robbie could end it. He has a moment. Yeah. But what happens?
Yeah, he had that moment where he's about to deliver a Death Punch. And then he looks over. He sees Kenny, Kenny's yelling, he like he's seen Kenny's aggressiveness, and his anger. And I guess it kind of throws Robbie off. So then it gives Eli an opportunity to throw Robbie off of them, right.
Yeah, that moment look like forever, but it's in slow motion. So you probably have been at bam. It's like a bang bang thing he's about to hit him looks up. And that seconds gone. Okay, in a fight, he realized come to and flipped him off. And then Eli rallies and the battle continues. And like what happens in fighting and you could attest to this fatigue sets in? Oh, yeah. You can see it, they did a good job of portraying it. Okay, I've been going at this for a while. I mean, so you can even speak to hitting a punching bag for a minute or two minutes. You've got to be in good shape, you will gas yourself out.
Yeah. And you can be in good shape. And like even at the height of my fitness when I used to run marathons, I would run a marathon in three hours, 40 minutes, which is very respectable. And then I'd be like, Oh, I'm in great shape. I'm gonna go swimming and I go swimming. I'd be dying after five minutes of swimming. It's a totally different activity.
Very different. Yeah, you've got to get used to punching and kicking, not to mention adrenaline and controlling that adrenaline. I've spar with people where you're super nervous because they might be a belt or two belts higher. And you're controlling your nerves is its own thing. Like okay, okay, okay, I got a counter here, and it's all fatiguing you, and then you're sweating more. I mean, it's exhilarating, but it's exhausting. And Eli does a spinning back hill, Robbie blocks, takes him down. So you're like, oh my gosh, how's this gonna go? Who's gonna win it We live back hill kick point. Winner sow. I had no idea they were gonna go there, Eli. Is champ sound believable?
Yeah. Yeah. Pretty amazing. I'm very, very happy for him. Yeah, very happy for him. I didn't necessarily need Robbie to win. You know, no offense to Robbie. But I didn't need Robbie to win. I'm very happy that Eli won.
Well, I didn't know they do this because Robbie's already lost the all Valley finals once. Now he's a two time loser. I just thought, you know, what are the odds the show gonna go here? You look at it like, well, Eli's gone further than he's ever been. So that's great, right? And then Robbie could probably win. But now they threw me for a curve there. However, Sal, I should have seen this coming. Because Eli called his shot last episode, when he said, Why,
yeah. When he says, I know who I am now. I'm the guy who's going to win this whole fucking thing. Yeah, well, that was moments after being kissed by moon. I'll tell you see the magic of moon. That's why I'm a moon worshiper. Yes, and the actual moon but then, you know, but yeah, he had moved from Cobra Kai and Moon from Cobra. She is gorgeous. Yeah. So Eli wins on big time. Excited, very happy for him. And are we led to believe that if Robbie hadn't been distracted by that little little moment with with Kenny, or what some emotion kicked in or something or just a distraction, right, yeah.
Yeah. I mean, there's no Astrakhan this fight. No, Eli one. It was just a moment that happens in fighting. So yeah, I think they were showing us like, Hey, Robbie could have done it. But Robbie's there's head games things going on. Yeah, but I'm not even thinking about it. Eli's our champions his destiny. Yeah. And you know what? I'll go one step further. Yeah, I think he would have beaten Miguel, because he was so focused and his determination. And then Lucas. Yeah, Miguel was already kind of you know, he was going through the motions. In all in sometimes, yes, he had the old injury. But that injury, that back injury, little tweak probably happened because his body and spirit weren't in the same place. Yeah, he was somewhere else. And guess what, you know, something's gonna happen. It's like not warming up properly, or you're just not focused. And you're like, Oh, I'm in this, but not really. And you can't trick your body.
No, but you know, what this also is, is that, yes, Eli did a great job. Absolutely. And deserves to win. But it also shows you that sometimes the odds can kind of be in your favor, the stars will be aligned in your favor. So because of what's going on with Miguel what happened with Miguel because of what's going on with Robbie and what's going on in his head. Eli had a little bit of an advantage because yes, he was more focused than his competitors,
championships and all sports. You gotta have luck. Just to get through. Does the best team always win a championship? Absolutely not. I've seen great teams, even this last NFL playoffs, lose an early playoff game and three rounds later, you're like, oh, they would have mopped up both teams in the Super Bowl. Well, they only would have played one of them. But you know what I mean? And it's like, well, well, they didn't get past that point. The stars didn't align the ball bounced another way. And that's all it is. I mean, let's go back to the credit card, part three. everything lined up for Daniel to come in and just get one point over time. I mean, come on. He was not in shape. What Okay, he might have been in shape, but he wasn't in fighting. You know, he wasn't an all Valley shape. He wouldn't have made it through that tournament and met Barnes in the final. It just wouldn't happen.
No, not in a tournament star. Because remember, tournaments aren't like, you know, most mixed martial arts boxing, they go out they fight once for the night, and they're done. It could be grueling, but it's just one tournament. Give respect or respect is do people are fighting multiple fights in a day? That's crazy.
And I'm glad you brought that up. Because this is going to be a future special episode on Let's Talk Cobra Kai, but we're going to break down Daniels triumphant run, and the Karate Kid. The original karate kid has all Valley championship run. Because having gone back and done all this research, it's like you'll marvel at how many people he fought that day. Even in this day and age in this all Valley. They're not doing nearly as many fights and they had less time to recover. Maybe that's why they didn't have enough time. You gotta keep fighting Get back in there. It was America out here. Yeah, yeah, we gotta go. You have five more fights before you get to the finals. So anyway, it's a great discussion for another episode Sal. But Daryl comes out your boy and gives Eli a trophy. Right? Rightfully so. Here's the trophy that you know, Johnny gives Daniel and the original Karate Kid however, if you look behind them, no other trophies have been handed out yet. So I love that it's like a Yeah, what do the championship trophy first, but what about second, third fourth, but I just noticed that it's kind of funny.
It's kind of like, isn't it the case with either the Oscars are the Golden Globes where they don't put every award recipient on TV. Only like what like the top debates want to hear something they don't put like as you go down further.
Valley has gotten so big It's like, yeah, we'll give those trophies away. I'm just saying they haven't even hand them out yet, even behind the scenes because they're still over there. But I do love it. Eli has his big trophy. He's earned it. And guess what? Now they're even with Cobra Kai. And now it's winner take all sets that up nicely, and Miyagi dough celebrates, but while this is going on, so Johnny's a little unsettled, because he didn't when Eagle Fang is hanging in the balance, and it's all riding on Miyagi dough, and he's not part of Miyagi dough, per se. And then Robbie heads to the locker room because he just lost and it's a lot to take in and he's got a lot going on Robbie, more than most and and Miguel probably had the most spinning around in their universe right now. Yeah. And so I like that Tori kind of chases them down. I like what she says. Robbie, you all right. Call back there. Just a little call back.
You think so? To your right, LORUSSO.
Yeah, you're right, Lulu. So this the cadence of it reminded me of it. It definitely wasn't by accident. Robbie, you're right. It just that little but anyway, and Robbie and her have a quick exchange. He's actually more clear headed than I, you know, would have thought he's just wanting to process it. Yeah, I
think that that Robbie as emotional as he can get. I think like he's okay with losing like he doesn't Yeah, he doesn't. Really you know what I mean?
Yeah. Yeah, he's trying to think about other things. He's got a lot. Like I said, the Kenny moment really impacted him. And rather than be healthy, puffy, he's like, You know what, I'm gonna just clear his head. And he's has a nice exchange with her. They get along great. But as he leaves, someone else enters a lot of activity in the outside the locker rooms
here. Yeah. All these awkward interactions. take vitals of all Valley. Yeah, Amanda. Amanda walks in and she's face to face now with Tori. They have a brief interaction.
Yes. And they mentioned Dr. Hillier. I guess she's been going to Dr. Hilliard therapy.
And she basically Amanda's like, you know, I don't want you to hurt Sam, but she's not there to bargain with her like, hey, for a second, Sal, I thought what's this is this type of conversation? Yeah. Everyone thought that? Yeah. And she doesn't want Sam getting hurt. But more than anything, she wants this conflict to end. But I just gotta say, Amanda probably has great intentions, no doubt about it. But this is also very poor. Time. Fair as the story.
Exactly. And then this the Russos horrible atonement,
horrible timing. That was an all title for this episode. Yeah. And it's also unfair to Tory as a competitor. I
think so I think almost, you would probably be getting into breaking the rules at this point. I mean, for a parent to be approaching their child's competitor backstage. I mean, I'm sure that the board would frown on this.
Yeah, maybe it was by design, but maybe a man is like, this is my moment. They're in the finals. I want to say something, but I just don't think it should have been now. I mean, what's gonna happen in the match? Tory's gonna kill Samantha Smith is very tough. Even Tories, like it's karate. Someone might get hurt.
Exactly. We're not playing chess here. Well, we are playing chess, physical physical chess. But yeah, we're not sitting down to game of chess. Someone might get hurt here.
Yeah, I mean, again, I love Amanda. I just think it was not good timing and very unwarranted. And now the stage is getting set sour. Daniel approaches Johnny in this touching long overdue conversation, Sal. Wow.
We had to get to this. But look at Daniel. Daniel is really grown. He has everybody's growing. Yeah, I like that. I wonder if I'm growing. Everybody on the show is growing. I would have I'm growth.
You are? Absolutely. Go ahead and give us Daniel's wonderful speech which I'll take the other voices and one voices from the past which we love hearing from
him. So Daniel approaches Johnny, he says, I want your help. Look, you and I may be set in our ways. But these kids they're still growing. They can learn from both of us and use what we teach them to create their own way. I guess I didn't want that to happen because I cared so much about honoring Mr. Miyagi his legacy, but I forgot one of his most important lessons.
And then Sal we here for Mr. Miyagi from the Karate Kid part three. Just like Banzai choose own way grow because root strong. You choose own way do karate, same reason. And they're sitting there kind of repotting the bonds. I got special, beautiful so yeah, the beautiful background. Yeah, it's just like, wow, he's having this quick little moment with him. And then also from the credit card, part three Daniel in response. Yes, Daniel says Yeah, but I do it your way. Miyagi continues. I, which means yes, Japanese one day, you do own way. And Daniel's remembering this right? So it's like Yeah, yeah sinking in. He's having his own stuff.
There's a lot of flashbacks in this episode and and it really got me thinking is, all of us now is as adults, we're just kind of walking around kind of being run today by our past, what trauma and triumph, whatever it was. That's what propels us today, because it seems like every time somebody does something on the show, it relates back to some old memory of either party or pain, either one.
I guess if you haven't confronted itself. It's there.
So Daniel continues. I was scared of the influence you were having on Sam. But I see now some of what you teach can be good sometimes. And I'm sorry, I didn't realize that sooner. So
all of this Daniels sharing the Johnny and I love the way Johnny's just receiving it. He's just standing there like, wow, I you know, his guards going down. Finally, I mean, listen, I love these guys. And I love nothing more when they're getting along. So he's accepting it. He's not being standoffish Johnny. And he says, I'm sorry, to that's all I had to say. So I man, I love it. They're gonna get along just great. I saw you and Miguel bonding, and I freaked out. I was afraid of losing that connection. Now I'm paying the price for it. I should have just let him train with you. He would have been a stronger fighter. It mitting he was wrong. So admitting that egos using the kids as pawns and there's a lot right here. These guys are really growing before
our eyes. And then Daniel responds back. Well, since it seems like the water is flowing back under the bridge. What do you say we team up again?
You want me to help me Yagi dough when
Miyagi Fang. Just for today.
Johnny takes that in and says, Let's do this.
Right before he responds. Let's do this. He looks over and we SAS and silver. Yeah, he bounces from Daniel sees crease and silver then goes back to Daniel and does the let's do this. So yeah, he's motivated.
I love it. They're in now. This is the first and last time we talked about Miyagi Fang. They don't change it on the board. I was thinking that's strange. But just for these guys coming together, shaking hands and yeah, they are part of the team. They did train together for many, many months and are a few at least and then they went their separate ways because their egos drove them there. But I love this great moment. And it's showtime. And Darrell is center stage Sal and he's written as usual getting the crowd in a frenzy.
Yeah. Darrell says representing Cobra Kai, the queen cobra herself. Tori Nichols, coached by her senseis John Creason Terry silver and representing Miyagi dough karate, the Banzai badass Samantha Russo, coached by her father and sensei two time all Valley champion Daniel Russo, who have just been informed we'll be joined by sensei Johnny Loris.
Sad before you continue. When I was watching this the original time the first time I was like, Yeah, I would tell Sophia, this has to be fixed. They keep overlooking this a credit to the show. Because what happens
a credit to the show but a credit to Daniel liquid Daniel does. Daniel resolves a loon right in the middle of Darrow speech Darrell continues so we and then he pauses Daniel whispers in his ear. And Darrell continues. I stand corrected. Fellow two time all Valley champion sensei Johnny Lawrence. Let's go.
There it is again. Wow. Amazing. He gets his props. Yeah, he doesn't smile. But you know, who was checking this out and almost forced Daniel's hand was Samantha. Oh, she looked at him. They saw each other and then he would scurried over there because she knew like, Hey, he's my other sensei. And he's getting I'm glad it wasn't Samantha that went out there. It's beautiful that it was Dan. And if it was Johnny would have been pathetic.
Be sure you introduce me as
I'm a two timer. Almost a three.
Yeah. So I gotta hand it to Daniel Daniel in these last few moments. Very, very impressive. I'm really on board with Daniel here.
Ah, huge. On that note about going out and talking to Darryl it would have been hilarious if silver ran out there increase his behalf. He's a I stand corrected a second time. Yeah, that would have been
would have been hilarious.
So now Tory chats with Creason silver, and Robbie's back, cool calm Robbie. Great to see him there to support his fellow classmate student. I also like The fact that we haven't talked about this but all the other dojos are just lined up. It's not like you lost your belt and went home to penguins. They're watching like everyone's there not to mention of course the crowd, but I love that other dojo, Stan and unison and take this in firsthand. It just kind of builds the excitement. Yeah. And Sam talks with Johnny and Daniel. And Sal, this ends with a very, very touching hug. Oh my god. Yeah.
Have we ever seen? Well, Sam and Daniel hug
rarely. I mean, there was an episode that they went out in the boat that day and their father daughter, and they're very close, but this with all that they've been through recently, and her really wanting to learn Gianni style, you know, at least in the dojo is it was like, and then he says, go kick some Cobra Kai ass and hugs him and it's like, Ah, just your heart is full of joy. And Go Sam. Right? Yeah. Oh, Miyagi dough.
And I'm loving Sam's look, I think. I think our look at sort of tip of the hat to Chun Li from Street Fighter, and especially some of these positions that she gets into. Yes, I'm loving that. She looks fantastic.
While the match begins, and Sam's on the offense, she comes out with the flying tornado kick. So nice to Tori's head. Point one nothing. Yep. And what's a man to say when she sees this incredible thing go into motion.
Amanda exclaimed. Holy shit. So that was a good Amanda.
Was it one of these things where maybe Amanda didn't even know that Sam was capable of such a thing? Maybe?
Yeah, cuz she's thinking, I don't want to her to kill her. Harder a little. Oh, wait, hang on a second. What am I worried about? Oh, there we go. Yeah,
she didn't. She didn't realize that her own daughter was so much of an ass kicker. I guess she didn't even realize that really.
She's a mother, you know. So looking out. And then Daniel is impressed. And that's when he learns the name of this kick because Johnny enlightens them. And Tory is concerned style and runs over and talks with the senseis because I didn't see them on call a timeout, but I guess it's okay if you need to go over and have an exchange it's fine.
I think Sam does that or did that at some point where she ran off like everybody can just like run off at any given point. I guess. I always
feel bad for tennis players. I'm not a big tennis fan. I used to be growing up but in tennis you watch they can't even go talk to their coach. Oh, they're they're literally on an island and their coaches are in the stands they can only work with them before the Magi and they just sit there and saw Can I Can golf you have your caddy and you're always oh and I
know that there was a controversy in tennis where like the coach was giving special signals and he got in trouble Exactly. Yeah,
you have to figure it out. You have no one to talk to. Well they've made all Valley a little more inclusive. There's probably extra water breaks and there's probably a lot of stuff you know the in this all that we got snacks backstage it is snack is how's your blood sugar? Okay. We're you know, we're working on an app. We're checking how you guys all doing? Yeah,
every competitor has a peanut allergy is listed. Yeah, exactly.
So anyway, this is a great exchange and after the timeout and they're both on the attack this is just like the last fight you know the finals for the boys it was Eli verse Robbie. They're just like tit for tat. They know each other's moves. But they're great counters and this that and the other. And then Tory gets a stomach punch. Point. One One. So yeah, one gets a point. The other one gets a point. And then Sam does a flurry of kicks. Very impressive. And Tory does a spinning sidekick point to one of our girls in trouble. So she is in trouble. And Sam has a similar moment with her senseis which you just spoke to runs over chit chats with her senseis no real timeout but a quick exchange.
Well hang on. Hang on Jason. You use the phrase our girl meaning Sam? Right? Yeah, sorry. No, but you know what? The last few episodes are us the viewer and then through Amanda's actions were kind of true kind of feeling for Tory like Tory Tory is kind of becoming our girl too. Now at this point. I mean we're our heart is opening you know
that was not disrespect for Tory you had just said this about her remind you of these fighters so yeah, I know you're pro Sam but we're also pro Tory more than I've ever been. Yeah, yeah. Good point.
I mean in other words, I don't wish any ill will on Tori.
I want to see this thing just keep going much like the boys fun Yeah. Bom bom bom bom bom. But I don't want to see Tori pull ahead went through one. Right. So she has the lead now. And I was like, oh, Sam's in trouble. How about that? Sam is in trouble. And she runs over the senseis and has a quick exchange, no official timeout, whatnot, the books. And Sam says I'm attacking but it's not working. What style should I use? Cuz she's kidding. fusel they started their moves. She's learned how to attack but again, it's like fighting a mirror. It's like, just keeps coming back. And what does Daniel say?
Yeah, Daniel says yours. Trust your instincts. Use everything you've learned from me and sensei Lawrence. All of it.
leave it all out there. That's another expression you would relate to that. We'll just leave it out there on the floor or leave it out there on the mat. Everything you know, everything you do. And what is Johnny say? Your dad's right. Every now and then.
And this instance, he's right. And then Sam hearkening back to Daniel on the Karate Kid, Part Three. Does these loaves and he's freaky and Mike Barnes Yeah,
I'd forgotten about that. Yes. On Daniels. One point Yeah, Mike was like what the hell are you doing?
What do you what's he doing and then they're saying Go get the point. Silver Zealand ham increases you're gonna get the point. You know the point well, this is why you don't they if you haven't seen it, spoiler alert. Go back and watch credit kid and listen to our special episode. They been silver and crease. Bought time. Took it out on Daniel had Barnes really make a mockery of Daniel, when a point lose a point when a point lose a point forcing over time. So this cruel behavior could continue and continue but you run the risk of one point takes off.
Yeah, you run the risk, because their idea unfortunately, back to credit three wasn't to win the all Valley per se. It was to make Daniel suffer. That's what they were trying to do and went all out. And then when but unfortunately, in their strategy to make Daniel suffer it backfired.
And he goes into this move. And of course, Mr. Miyagi gave him the wisdom and the confidence he needed. And he goes into this thing that Samantha is doing here. And Tory is confused much like Mike Barnes was, and the fight continues. And Samantha does a stomach punch. No point out of bounce. Sal, that's a bad call.
Well, because Tori, if Tori went out of bounds, why should Samantha be if you push your opponent out of bounds, you
step out of bounds. It's like reset. However, Sam did. I've watched this thing in slow motion. I'm very unbiased here. But Samantha does hit her in bounds. But then she steps out of bounds and even Johnny's like she was in bounds when she hit her but the ref didn't see it that way. So that's no point to reset.
Okay, but it's not like sumo wrestling like the the main point of Sumo wrestling is to throw your opponent out of that. Yeah, circle area. Not that. So like, if you push your opponent out of bounds, you're not rewarded for doing so.
No, in fact, if you kept pushing an opponent out of bounds, you might get deducted, or if you kept running out of bounds. In the credit kid, Daniel runs out of bounds one time because he's scared he didn't know what to think. And so that can happen. But this just negated the point. And now we reset and we go back and forth until Sal Sam does a double punch and it's awesome. That Street
Fighter right there to to
that was straight up was great. And with to to the drama intensifies, is is basically sudden death. We're not at the three minute mark. In fact, I kept thinking, are they going to take this match there too? Because this went on for a while, right? Yeah. Well, the battle goes on. Like I said, the drama intensifies, and they do mutual takedown. And an accidental elbow is Sam's eye. And their official timeout. Yeah, sounds right. I she takes it right on the eye and it's already like darkening. Yeah. It was a tough hit. But Tory she was concerned it was not intentional.
Look what's happened to Tory Tories kind of loosening up kind of lightening up kind of her heart is slowly as ever since she laid her head on Robbie's chest at the dance at the junior prom. That's when she started letting her guard down. So yeah, I don't know. On one hand, I really I like people opening up to vulnerability but on the other hand, look out. Look out, it can come back to bite you.
Well, so Johnny wants a point deduction for that. Going back to credit card part three. But Silver has other instructions.
Yeah, yeah. Silver says to her, she comes in like that again. Give her a shot to the other eye. She can't see she can't fight. So
we know that quick silver.
He doesn't let up.
And then Tory says when I get disqualified
why she ran into your elbow. Do exactly what you just did disguise it in the counter. where she'll get is another warning. Trust me. This ref will never end the match on a technicality.
Honestly, mainboards Yeah,
yeah. I don't know. Like, does he know something? Does he Why would he say that as he had been through this before? I don't know.
We'll come back to that. Toria continues. It was an accident. I don't need to cheat to win. And then crease reflects And he looks at Johnny. Oh my gosh, this is Sal. This is when I was watching the episode. And it took me to new levels like, oh my, this shows manipulating me now, because I'm just like, hold on a second. I'm potty in your hands. What's happening here? And let's go through this, if you will. So Johnny, going back to the Karate Kid prior to opening sequence, audio only initially, because Chris is looking at Johnny crossed the way. And Johnny can be heard saying, That's not fair. I got second place.
Yeah. And we at first hear Chris, but then we see him saying second place is no place. You're off the team. You're nothing you lost. You're a loser. You suck. Yeah. And then Bobby chimes
in and says, Hey, come on, man.
Don't come on, who's the loser now.
And Johnny again says, You suck.
Come on, who's the loser, I don't hear you.
And this is right when he's ripped the trophy torn apart and has Johnny in a headlock. So this is all before Mr. Miyagi comes over and intervenes. But this is that Shakedown, when, you know, he goes off the rails. I remember remember, credit Kip are to crease comes out of all Valley sports complex. And he's mad. He remember he walks by Daniel and Mr. Miyagi, and Patty Johnson and the guy let's call Tex. And he's just like her. I'm surprised you didn't grab Daniels trophy. And then he storms off and attacks his students. So this is that sequence right here and crease of all people. So I know that you tend to have a soft spot for crease and I'm not gonna lie, mine began to open back up here, like, oh, yeah, there's a human being in there. And because he's looking at Johnny thinking, oh my god, what the hell? Silver's reminded me of who I was back then. But before we go any further, how about a word from no creases, finally seeing the flaws of his ways. But as this played out, so I noticed that this version was a very alternate abbreviated version from the Karate Kid part two, because I had gone back for research of all Valley. And just bear with me, but this is how it went down in the movie. So this was a different version. I got confirmation online. Reading the fact that the show runners used outtakes from the Karate Kid part two to establish some of this dialogue. Because Johnny does not say you suck. In that exchange at the end that way he says that word but not like that. You suck. You suck. So here's how it went down in the Karate Kid. I'm gonna just say the lines so we don't get lost. So Johnny says, Hey, come on. That's not fair. I got second place. Increase to that says second place. Second place is no place. You're off the team. That sucks. I did my best. What did you say? I said, I did my best. You're nothing you lost. You're a loser. No, you're the loser, man. Oh, I'm the loser. Huh? Yeah. Now who's the loser because he's breaking that trophy. That second place trophy? You know, you're really sick man. And then Tommy, Tommy rest in peace chimes in. Hey, and then Bobby says Hey, come on, man. And then Tommy comes back and says Hey, what are you doing? Increase finally says don't like holding those guys up. He's even swinging at those guys. he's got Johnny. He's popping them. How to second place Phil now, huh? So that is the scene their real life scene but they wanted to abbreviate it make it shorter, tighter. And therefore I just did long gated at the original.
Okay, but you don't think that increase his head? He wasn't as evil in that. Oh, no,
no, that has nothing to do with that. show runner said we have to condense. Interesting. So for our fans, I'm going to let you know that was the reality. This is what happened. Either way no impact crease is still like he's taking it in. He knows what he did. I'm just showing you what they did on the show. Yeah, a little movie magic TV
show. No, I like it. I like it. And also I didn't realize so is this our first time seeing crease experience? What would it be sorrow or regret?
When he brought Johnny back the second place trophy and Cobra Kai, that was a moment, right? Because he apparently went and got that. I thought
that was a manipulative tactic. I
know it was but there was a half moment of maybe he felt good about it. Or when they had that exchange at that home that he was living at for a while. Along the way. There's been moments but you and I know not to trust him. But this might be the first time that there's nothing to gain other than like, maybe self growth.
Yeah, he doesn't have an agenda. Didn't have a plot.
Ya know, unless he's looking at Silver because they've been having their own problems and their divide and maybe that's part of it. He's putting it on him now but back to the Cobra Kai team chat and silver continues.
Since when you disobey an order, increase response, let her do what she wants. And he says to Tory, you've come this far, this is your fight now. So whatever happens, it's up to you. Wow. It's almost like Chris is redoing the Karate Kid. Right? It's a it's a duel over. Yeah. And you know what one thing I love about the show, and I've thought about this many times off the air, but since we're talking now, to me, Cobra Kai represents second chances. There's so much, you know, if I if I could only do such and such over again, and then maybe you actually have a chance to do so right here. This is him kind of redoing that moment with Gianni.
I liked that. I liked that. And I'm going to add one thing to this. Yeah. If we can redo like you say things. Maybe we can redo the Karate Kid, Part Three.
All I'm gonna do is I'm gonna make Karate Kid part two, part three and make part three, part two, and I'll be happy.
And that was brilliant. You already put that in motion. And listen, I'm kidding. There's so much Accardi kid part three, I enjoy. But if I could do anything, I'd go back. Forget the one fight. It's not one point. It's what ultimately happened. But Daniel one put that aside, we know I have issues with that. Take that out for sure. But let's expand the all Valley and the credit card. Part Three. What I mean is like a reedit like Stallone did when rocky four or Coppola did with the outsiders or other movies that he's touched Godfather Part Three, just go back and leave all the stuff that we really enjoy. Take some of the cheese out and expand all Valley. That's all I want to see. We don't see any other fight and all valley we don't get the atmosphere. We never felt like we're even there. I'm like, okay, that's an afterthought. And that's the problem and you leave the movie like well, I didn't even get the emotional high, because it was just like a dud. And I think if we had 20 minutes of all Valley, and we got back where we love, maybe it would have been a better movie, right? So maybe that'll happen at some point in time. Maybe there's another cut come in at some point in time. And these show runners could do it.
That would be very interesting. I would like to
see a longer cut and I think everyone would be happy. I mean even I've read that macho still has issues with that third movie, rightfully so there's a lot in there but there's a lot in there to love
is it pains me to even read those headlines.
I know. So now we're back to the match. Oh yeah. There's a match going on here Sal and it's two two, and Sam and Tory are facing off and it's flashback time Sal more flashbacks. And Tory and Sam see each other circling at the school fight before they got into it. Tory facing Sam at the LORUSSO home dojo. You also like to call up Miyagi dough and see now I believe, Tory cutting Sam with What Sal
Ooh, her spiked bracelet.
That thing is gnarly. And then Tory kicking Sam and the home dojo and as Tory kick Sam, why that's happening. We go in the present so it's really cool cut. And Sam blocks a flurry of hits and blocks and slow motion dramatic scenes so cool. And the music swells and Soule. the unthinkable happens. Toria appears to do a Leg Sweep which is common in the Cobra Kai dojo, but drops to one knee kick Sam in the stomach point winner and I say unthinkable because I just didn't know who was gonna win this fight and I thought are they going to have to or I was really torn. I didn't know I thought maybe Samantha Russo de la Rousseau's don't lose all Valley. So to me that was unthinkable that show would go there towards the winner. And she earned it. Now there was the questionable out of balance point. But that happens in sports. You don't always get the call. It happens. But Tori shows mercy right after Sam goes down and hits hard. I mean, because she's right there to take the kick. Her head hits the mat. And toy does say hey, you all right. Also a throwback to your right LORUSSO. Are you alright? Lose a lotta, I'm telling you, there's something to that cadence that they put that there for a reason. But she shows compassion. Okay. And she's already I mean, she knows she wants Victor and her first moment is to check on her opponent and big kudos to her. Yeah, she is
growing. She is opening up her heart is softening is what's happiness.
Meanwhile, Kobrick eyes go wild. And then Daniel and Johnny console sale because she's devastated. She's let the dojo down. This is the first grand champion not only is she not champ, they lose and the handshake deal. This is too much pressure for teenagers. But what is Darryl comes back on the mic and what does he have to say?
Give it up for your first female champion, Tori Nichols and the winner of the Grand Champion trophy and still the baddest Dojo When the valley Cobra Kai,
oh my gosh, he loves that name. He loves it. And then silver like he does in the Karate Kid. Part three grabs the mic.
Thank you. Thank you. We couldn't be prouder for our hard won victory. And we're just as proud to announce will soon be opening Cobra Kai franchises throughout the entire valley. So every one of you young men and women here can be part of our championship Dojo to learn Cobra Kai's way of the fist. Thank you. You know, I took away from that. What's that? franchises? What?
Oh, my God.
It's like, he doesn't want to spend the money. So he's gonna have people buy franchises. Yeah, because he don't want to spend the money to open up other locations.
A few points here. First of all, it's no longer John crease karate, that got thought out. Also, if you go back to the Karate Kid, special episode, we did the first thing we ever recorded. In fact, at some point in time, I have to redo it because it was so long ago, but watch it again and have different thoughts now. But maybe, however, we talked about this in there and the fact that I remember I was shocked that someone didn't go out and create Cobra Kai franchises because the name was so strong and kind of be that chakotay of dojos not just the valley. I just met across the country. Sure. Now that the show is what it is. I wouldn't be surprised but Terry, such a businessman can't pass up a moment. I mean, it's hard to get par three he's going on and on. Like he's like the best thing for the valley. But yes, he is promoting and he doesn't even say you know way to go Miyagi dough Eagle Fang and all the competitive No, he's just immediately pumping his
friend sales and marketing.
But Sal, this is your chance to join a dojo sounds like join a dojo. I
can. I can open up, you can own a dojo I can open up a Cobra Kai franchise,
so let's do it. Let's talk Cobra Kai will have our own franchise
and do it. Imagine if we open it up. We didn't have to kick out the spiritual store over here. Yeah, let's
do that candle shop,
the candle shop. Whatever. Yeah, open up on near Lankershim and Magnolia.
Sorry, guys, you're out. I'll do one in Boston. You'll do one there. We'll be bicoastal. Well, Daniel and Samantha are devastated. They know the cost of what happened. And Daniel still has to try to be a father to the situation. And when they're talking. I liked that the leaderboard now says thank you for attending, please drive safely. I assaulted all valley the sportsmen to serve booze this year. I mean, I love it. I mean, definitely drive safely. But it was like there might have been a raucous crowd for a reason. Well, you know,
interesting, because, you know, I've seen some local Muay Thai organizations at the Burbank Marriott, also former Sportsman's lodge in Studio City. And yeah, they serve alcohol. But these are minors. I know competing? Probably not. Probably not. I think they should. But I bet you that they
don't maybe a section. That's that rowdy section over there. It's like the bleachers risk. Risk, man. Yeah. Well, Johnny talks with Carmen and Rosa. And so I love that Johnny was unaware of what
Yeah, Johnny didn't know what an Uber. Johnny is still Rip Van Winkle. You know, where has he been? This whole time? Yeah, cuz Carmen says one of the parents sanmiguel Get in an Uber and Johnny says what's an Uber? And Carmen continues. It's like a taxi. He left before the finals.
That reminded me so much of airplane 1980 Leslie Nelson. Yeah. When he's like, this woman has to be gotten to a hospital. A hospital. What is it? It's a big building with patients. But that's not important right now. I really thought that Carmen was gonna say that. It's a taxi. It's not important right now. What's important is where's Miguel? Like? That was a funny exchange to me having funny for a moment. Yeah.
Leslie Nielsen is an airplane. Oh, yeah. I completely forgot about
like He's the doctor. He's amazing. Oh, that's right.
A leader with a confused him with Peter graves.
Oh, yeah. Also in airplane. Yeah. But yeah, he's incredible. That exchange though as like, oh my gosh, these beats it played out perfect. And then she didn't say because it would have been off you know, if she had said that's not important right now. Yeah. But also, what did Johnny think when she said Uber like what I love to know what's in Johnny's mind like Uber or McGill? Like what? What is he even thinking it is
he got in an Uber he's someone said they one of the parents saw Miguel get an Uber. What's an Uber?
Yeah, what's Johnny? Well, common arose to leave assuming Miguel headed home. Right. So okay, that's a fair assessment. Sure. And now we're outside the all Valley Sports Complex and Cobra Kai chance continues on how do those go?
What are they just getting Cobra Kai Cobra Kai Cobra Kai and they're
from classic. And then Kyler is having a house party this time not Stingray RAM, and no one's heard from him. Right. But we also know who's going at One, queen cobra.
Oh yeah, queen cobra Tory,
new nickname Tories Biden. And so I've never seen Tory this happy.
Yeah, she does smile. You know what she showed her character doesn't get to smile
doesn't get to smile. And the night of the prom, you're right junior prom. She did let her guard down a little bit. But it's not just winning. It's just the elation. She also cared for Samantha in the moment. And it was just Yeah, it was pure. And it looked good on her man. It really does. Like when Robbie goes around with that scowl. And then he was more happy Robbie. Because Robbie, we've seen that side of him when he was with the Russos and it was wonderful to see. Wow, nothing lasts forever. So yeah, and Tori is gonna go to the party. But she'll be right there after she goes inside for a second. Maybe use the restroom. But yeah,
go back to the locker room. What happens? Oh, boy, she walks back in Yeah, very hard to watch. She walks back into the locker room area over hears people talking. Looks not to covert either. Because when you once you're in the house, and you see where she's standing right there, and we see it's Terry silver talking to the ref. The same ref who reffed the match between Sam and Tory
who called toriana. Bounce. Let's not forget, so
he is standing there with with Terry silver, and we hear Terry silver say the money will be in your account tomorrow morning. So that's where we gather that the ref was paid off by Terry silver. And I'm wondering also does Chris know about was Chris and on this? I bet you not Wow. Okay, so that is so the implication is that Terry silver went behind even Chris's back, did a little secret deal with the ref paid him off. And by the way, the money will be in your account. Really, you want to have a traceable? Maybe you shouldn't hand the guy some cash. How about that?
How much money are we talking about here?
Okay, so you're a ref in the valley. How much are you willing to give me to basically ruin my career?
Okay, no,
you get to me. I'd have to get at least 50 grand. At least you would.
I don't think this guy I think he's taking 5k Yeah, Sal Rodriguez needs 50k cash in a bag. Yeah, wire. Maybe you'll take crypto. But definitely, I think it's 5k. But whatever it is, you do not need to have this. Not that I'm trying to cover up for tear seller. I am not. But I'm saying for such a good businessman. You don't even need to have this exchange. We don't need to talk at all valley. I've already talked to you. You'll get your money. We'll just talk later. But they have this exchange where there's glass people can see through. And yes. And I'm glad he's caught. At least Tory sees it. That's all we know. But it's also hard for her to take in because then she's thinking, Did I win this?
Yeah, it's hard because on one hand, you would be ratting out your sensei, on the other hand, you're kind of ratting out the fact that you didn't really win, maybe maybe you didn't really win. It's questionable. Exactly. Yeah, there'd have to be an investigation and all this and it already taints your legacy. There's already going to be an asterisk next to your victory and all that. So yeah, what do you do? What do you do in this instance?
That's true. It's tough. It's a tough one to see. And I was really bummed out at the same time that I quickly thought back to the match and thought, yeah, I mean, that was a tough call. There was other ones that were blocks and you never know the whole tournament is corrupt now, not just toward exactly every fight and you want to almost sweep this under the rug and say it was such an incredible event. I mean, the stakes here so this was the best Valley ever. How do they even top it? They can't have a scandal on their hands.
Yeah, yeah. Nobody wants to have this brought to life. Even people once they find out like Tory and others maybe yeah, it's this is it's tough. It's almost like you'd have to do the whole tournament over again.
Yeah, and I don't want that and I wasn't even thinking that but I just also felt really bad for Tori just for her to her Buzzkill. If she only had that moment 10 minutes of 10 minutes is like now get life does suck and it's really unfair. And you can trust no one. Tories right back. Yeah, hearts hardening again close. Yeah, yeah. So now there's an aerial nice shot of the valley and Johnny drives cruising along and he goes to Cobra Kai receita the one he opened. I want to call it the OG but it's not it's the one he opens Cobra Kai's original for the show receipt of flats. Yeah, in receipt after receipt of flights, and so space for lease. They moved out. They're already gone. I thought they were waiting for all valley to end but they're already gone.
Yeah. Why do we know why they left this location? Well, he wanted
to go to the original. But I thought the whole idea was once we went all Valley Yeah, we'll move here and then we'll keep expanding but he jumped the gun silver while he also paid off Iraqi he knew it was a shoo in. And think back to the conversation. In the match this rafts never going to end this on a technicality yeah I know this to be true
yeah he's definitely one not in this
move early we're gonna move on what if Sam had scored all these other points are someone else's not not Sam spotless a different Cobra Kai fight? No know what's going on here. You know whenever there's like a real fix in sports, which has happened historically and you go back and watch it like oh my gosh, look at this or, or this player was paid and Basketball, basketball is a real easy game to throw the game because one player can make a huge difference. It's only five on five on the court. So things have come up in time and they've gone back and research the game. It's like, oh, yeah, look at how he is playing uncharacteristic mistakes or, or there was a big referee in the NBA who got prison time for his cheating and manipulating game. So
it happened but he was he was he paid off by coaches or something paid off. Yeah,
I don't really want to read the book. I don't even know. I just know what happened. It's definitely documented. There's been kickers in college football, a kicker can really determine a game paid off enough like I just shanked that what are the right you know, so it's terrible, but it happens. I didn't mean to go on that dark hole. But it does exist, unfortunately.
Well, no, the show brought us to that dark.
Thank you cover guy for taking us there. But anyway, they've moved out. Right. That's backyard point. And so Johnny's having flashbacks of opening this dojo where he was. Remember the the slogan he put it on the wall, he stenciled it on the wall. And then who arrives? Yeah,
very strange. Very surprised to see Robbie walks in the door. And props and shout out to Tanner Buchanan because he delivers a monologue. Unbelievable. I would love to as an actor would love to deliver it as good as he does.
tears in his eyes. A key kills it. Yeah. I'll let you do the honor, sir.
So Robbie's walks in, he sees his dad, his dad sees him. And then Robbie starts to break down and he says, it's this kid, Kenny. I thought I could take him under my wing. Be the mentor I wish I had when I was younger. But when I saw him today, it's like looking in the mirror. And I realized I screwed everything up. I had all this hate inside of me, for you and for Miguel. And I thought I could use Cobra Kai to control that. But it just made things worse. And now it's never going to get better.
Johnny takes it in much like he listened to Daniel earlier. But this is what a day for everybody.
I mean, seriously,
yeah, you're gonna recover day you need to recovery after this.
And Johnny is listening to his son, his estranged son. And he says, That's not true. You had a good thing going with libro. So I got in the way of that. Don't blame yourself. You blame me.
Oh, and Robbie says in tears. I'm sick of blaming you, dad. That's huge. You know what for him to say something like that at his age. Because I don't think I stopped blaming my parents until my probably my mid 30s. It wasn't until my mid 30s. I'm like, You know what, it's all on me. But here he is in his teens forget that the actors in his early 20s Robbie's in his teens, and he realized this I'm sick of blaming you dad. In other words, he wants to start taking responsibility for his own life. That's a big deal.
It's a great line. well written. And Johnny says it's going to be all right. We'll figure this out. Okay, and they're embracing. And I don't remember and I could be wrong. Ever seen them? And Brian? I don't
think so. Well, I don't think we've seen this let alone for this length view. Even if they gave a hello, goodbye hug. Not like this, you know with emotion and tenderness and a connection between father and son. We've never seen this
beautiful really choked me up it really?
I think I might have had something in my eye in the scene. Maybe I had a
lot of something's in my eyes. Yeah, I don't know. I was cutting onions though. To be fair. I was cutting onions. Just seeing Yeah, I was lot of sniffling. Yeah, honey. It's okay. Don't look at me. Right. So now we're at Silver's house outside to be clear and they're like a little fire pit you know so style
Yeah, one of those modern fire pits very modern gas fire pit.
He and Cheyenne had many nights out here with wine and hanging out I'm sure Sal the senseis are celebrating. Yeah, and what are they celebrating with?
1998 Ballinger is that a very expensive champagne. So what that is
Yes, well I don't know how very expensive but I did look it up you know several $100 I don't know this one.
Okay, hang on my my budget to me anytime. That's a ton. Anytime a bottle is I think over 80 bucks to me. That's an expense. Yeah, over 80 bucks. That's what that's my threshold.
Yeah, it's nice. And he's been hanging on to it for a special occasion. So this is a special occasion for silver increase. And it's even more special as we continue the same, yes. But he also mentions that he's thankful. Silver that is thankful. And he is awakened. Something inside him has awakened. Yes. And this whole process. And then they were even here that pop at the top and I was very cinematic. And then they have their glasses and they're toasting and Chris says to Cobra Kai
dink Tink Silva says, the number one dojo in the valley. And here's where he pivots. I got to say, I'm surprised you backed off on nickels in the finals. That's not like you.
Well, what can I say? I had a moment of sympathy.
That's the first. You remember when you asked me what I thought your weakness was?
It's Johnny Lawrence.
That's what this was all about. Right? It was never about us teaming up or bringing back the glory days. That was all bullshit. That's not true. Silver responds, Yes, it is. And I fell for it. You know why? Because everyone has a weakness, John. And mine is you.
You think I'm your weakness? Well, you got it backwards, because I'm your strength. I've been your strength ever since Vietnam.
Yes. There it is. I can always count on your playing the guilt card. How many times do you expect me to repay that debt before we're square?
And then right when he says this, And Sal talk about good timing for silver, I don't know how you time something like this based on the events where
Yeah, exactly. It has to be perfect timing.
Wait a second. And we see police cars pull up and you know, lights increase says, Why did you do? Because he knows this isn't going to be good. There's something a mess here. Yeah. And Chris is picking up on it.
Yeah. Because obviously Chris realizes that something went down and he was unaware.
Unaware because as far as Chris knows, they did it.
Yeah, they did it. They're having sham champs. Everything's work. Everything's great right now
everything according to plan. Yeah, it was tight. It came down to the last match. But we did it and Miyagi dough is gone. Eagle Fang is gone. Johnny is gone. Daniel is gone. And we're top
of the heap. We're gonna open up franchises all over the valley
and have this great champagne champagne. Yeah. Well, we're back at West Valley General Hospital, Sting Ray Raman in his hospital bed still hasn't gotten out of the bed. But there's a detective there. And he wants him to identify his attacker. So at least in a sting ray has his wits about him. He's no longer at John Doe. Thank goodness. Yes. And Stingray begins to have flashbacks of the beatings that he encountered or took from silver.
Yeah. And we see silver says you want to be Cobra Kai? Oh, yeah. And here's a line that we didn't see. When he says I'll make you Cobra Kai, but you got to do something for me. Yes. So that line we didn't originally know. Yeah,
kept they kept that from us before he rarely knocked Raymond and nearly killed him. I mean, this whole plan of Silver's would have been kaput. If he had killed
a madman which could have happened. Absolutely. People have been killed. There was a recent story of two guys fight on the street. Some guy got killed one punch because I think he got punched and then I think you hit the concrete
deck and happen dead can happen. Oh, yeah. Obviously so yeah, he pushed it way too far and scary and poor Stingray being another pawn in this system. Well, Sal Stingray tells the detective
what? Yeah, the detective says, Tell us who did this to you. And then Stingray says sensei John crease.
Because we don't know watching this. It's like no, we know who did it. Yeah. So what's it gonna say? However, when you see the cops and you see what's going on, ya know what's
Yeah, now it makes sense. But at first it's like, why would he say that? Here's why he says is because Terry Silva is framing John crease for assaulting attempted murder on Stingray.
Wow. And it all happened that day. He had the all night he drank he stayed up all night. It was mad because he felt tricked by crease. And he came up with his own devious plan and in walks young Raymond Sting Ray, and he was like, Get out of here. Get out of here. No, wait. I can make this work to my advantage. The beating ensues and the whole time he's this music starts to kind of swell. And it's Bill Conti from the Karate Kid part three and the name of the track is Terry's next move.
Whoa. I didn't know. Wow.
On believable kudos to the show. Wonderful as always kudos to you for catching that as well. I think so I appreciate that. And now we're at Silver's house again, outside with Chris and the police. And silver goes on to say what?
I'm shedding my weakness, Captain. And the detective says John crease. You're under arrest for aggravated assault and attempted murder. You have the right to remain silent. And silver says John, what did you do? I'm sure I can dig up an old friend or two to help out with Cobra Kai while you deal with your legal problems. And I'm right away thinking Mike Barnes stick up an old friend. Yeah. Who's the other guy? Snake
wild snake in them. They were whatever. I'm just thinking Barnes and maybe there's How about an original Cobra Kai? Or how about Dutch?
Oh, no, Angel.
That would be an ace about Dutch.
I love it. Okay, so
Chris says, Yeah, you're gonna regret this. I am Cobra Kai.
And then last line, Silva says, and don't worry about Lawrence. I'll take good care of him
too. Oh, Mike. Scary. Sal.
Yeah. What does that mean? Exactly.
Listen, in this season, we've had this discussion. Oh, who's more evil? More evil, crazy silver. Well, I think we have our answer. Silver wins hands down. He's the most evil narcissistic sociopath since a in the valley. And now he's running Cobra Kai.
Yeah, you know, it's one of those things where like, if you're an evil person, and you influence someone else to be evil, yeah, that person will become more evil than next level. Yeah, they'll take it to the next level.
So crease should have let sleeping dogs lie and never went and got Terry out of his box. And he built for himself. He just shouldn't have done it. Because this is what happens. He meets someone who has a darker side than himself. Because in business, he was cutthroat. He has this in him. Yeah, he played games of Miyagi. He did things that crease this wouldn't do like crucell Push it. But he doesn't. He doesn't take things that far. He went and stood up for Toria that one time and took her manage around. Not that I want to sing his praises, but not Terry silver. No, he's done some good deeds in his day. I
know what you're saying is basically even John crease has boundaries. Whereas Terry silver does not seem to have any bounds.
And he's got money and power makes it even worse. Super scary,
because then you can be evil at a nother level. Yes.
Well, that's a lot to take in. But this episode has more what this episode is like two massively condensed episodes in one and it was an undertaking and we still have some more pivotal scenes to come. Another beautiful aerial night shot of the valley. And now what receita apartments where Johnny and Carmen and Miguel and we think Rosa sometimes live and Johnny's walking and he hears from Carmen's apartment, common in Miguel's apartment, some noise and you think, Oh, he goes, opens the door, finds that Everyone's upset. And a gal left a note cell. Yeah, he's not there. He's left an old
school. Also, gonna set the text or an email I tagged.
He sat down and wrote out a note. And this is a really amazing scene. It's a voiceover with Miguel, which we've seen in movies and shows forever, but it's so well done here. And while that's happening, there's lots of visuals like the Russos coming home from all Valley in their state of mind, crease in the police car. And then Miguel where he's ultimately at which I'll save but why don't you be the voice of Miguel and speak his words?
Mom, I'm sorry for leaving a note like this. But I thought it was the best way. Maybe the only way to say what I have to say. The last few months have been a roller coaster, my injury rehab, me and Sam Sensei and Mr. LORUSSO. I convinced myself that I could get over all that by focusing on the tournament. I thought that if I won that everything would work out but I was wrong. Tell sensei that I'm sorry. I bailed. His karate helped me grow. But I'm still not sure who I want to be. And to figure that out. I think I need to know where I came from. Since they were scared to find out the truth about his past and honestly I am too. But overcoming that fear is the fight I have to face instead of competing for a trophy. I need to meet my father. This is something I have to do. Please try not to worry. I'll be safe, and I'll be back soon. I love you mom. And yah, yah to
Wow, that's good writing and that hits every point and Miguel, I get it man. This quest makes sense, especially what he's went through. Never knew his father him and Johnny bond. They had that moment where he was really heartbroken. And he just wants answers. And this is a beautiful scene. It actually works better as a letter. It works. It's better in this way. It really does,
I think, becomes more sentimental, more heartfelt in a letter. And let me tell you this, this is totally me being transparent here. I mean, I have me it's me and two brothers and two sisters. But let's just talk about the brothers for a second. All of us separately have had to go on these. Locate your dad find your dad, who's your dad? Where's your dad?
Wow, you can relate? Oh, yeah, definitely.
I mean, I did. I did in my late 20s, my oldest brother did in his 30s. And then my other brother, I think is doing it now in his early 50s different dads, you know, have different fathers, none of the fathers in our lives. So yeah, we all had to go through this. If done right, I think can be very cathartic. very cathartic, because you can possibly heal instead of you won't necessarily open up old wounds, you can heal old wounds, because they were like when I'd sent out with my dad in my late 20s, after our many years of not speaking, I came to a lot of healing in my life in my in my late 20s. So he probably did too. Maybe so yeah, so I think it can be a very good thing. But it's also you got to be careful, especially because we're going to be learning some stuff about Miguel's dad more than we knew before. So it can open up a can of worms. So but I absolutely relate. Absolutely. You had
brothers going through the same thing. So did it help you that three of you are going through the same thing? Did you guys lean on each other? Yeah,
it was time. It didn't happen at the same time. And but of course, but I am very proud and saying that, I guess I mean, he says so that I was pivotal in my oldest brother locating his dad good. I provided him information, which he was not able to access. I got him that information. He was able to find his dad, his dad's relatives, long lost uncles, cousins, a whole batch of family and in Ireland in County Cork, that he would not have been able to Yeah, he would not have been my grandparents are from you. And I probably related through marriage.
Cork and I went to the film festival was strictly background years ago as my first visit and I was in front of the audience going. My grandfather is from here. It was an honor to come here and play in the court Film Festival. County Cork we probably are related. Yeah, Salvador Connell. Jason Rodriguez. I like it.
So I totally relate. I totally understand the especially young man's journey to try to find their roots and all that. And that's what Miguel is going through. This is heavy duty. I'm really looking forward to see how this comes out. And turns out in season five,
yeah. So part of that visual and I am too so absolutely. Part of the visual which I left out till you finished was he is getting on a bus headed to Mexico City. Well, that's what we know. Yep. And Miguel is off on his journey. And it's beautiful. And then Johnny comforts Carmen because they're taking this and they've already read it. But Johnny's hearing it for the first time. And he basically says he'll bring Miguel home, like, man, he's gonna go out and just in case he gets an over his head over his skis on this journey. And so what else do we learn?
This is that little thing we did not know. We knew that Miguel has a father somewhere out there. And then his father wound up yeah, like his dad was like, I don't know if his dad was a bad guy, or maybe at least got wrapped up in bad things. My probably with bad people. I don't know, bad influences could have been a number of things. But what we learn here, Carmen tells Johnny that Miguel's dad does not even know that Miguel exists. No. Oh, boy. That's gonna be an interesting visit in Mexico.
Yes, it is. And again, recently, I've gone on record saying I'd like to see just my little requests for the show runners. Miguel is father played by either Benjamin Bratt as a mirallas or Lou Diamond Phillips and we both agreed on as a mirallas. So that's our front runner. We'd love to see it perfect. Any of these guys would kill it. It's going to be someone that we know I think are familiar with. I would think this show does that. It surprises us. But anyway, I'm on record. You know, it's three so if I had to whittle down to one I'd say as emeralds, but it could be any of them.
Okay, well, then on topic. I've thought this for a long time when it comes to the topic of dads, you know, they play with who Johnny Lawrence his real dad is. We may get to meet him one day may maybe if he's alive, you know who I'd love to see as Johnny Lawrence's dad on the show Chuck Norris. Okay, Chuck Norris is my number one choice for Johnny Lawrence's dad but you know who might but that might be too obvious you know who my second choice is?
Let me guess I got that one. So let me think about this for a sec actor do we know an actor well
known actor know martial arts?
Oh, not much. But let's think of the age group that he'd have to be in to be to have to be kind of Chuck Norris this age? Yes. Yeah, sure. Is he won an Oscar? Maybe? He's big. Bet Robert Redford.
There you go. Bam. Good. Right. You weren't good. Robert Redford appearing as Johnny lorises dad, who knows could happen, but you heard it here first.
I'm in I'm in on all that. And if there's flashbacks, let's just take it one step further. If there's ever flashbacks on Daniel's father, because he only knew him at a certain time and his early childhood, before he passed away, someone could be his father and I don't have anybody in mind, but I think this show would do that. It could do that for us. Right? Yeah. Lucile young LORUSSO. So anyway, so but we don't really have to name names now, but I like that I feel good about nailing that I'm done. I'm out. No, no, there's more. There's another scene and this incredible episode epic episode. And now we have that LA skyline, which we've seen before this dawn the stunning shot. We saw it in a recent episode. I remember saying it reminded me of the night of the comment, that movie, this 1984 movie, I believe, but just has that kind of look and feel the night this comment comes over and all these people die. Silly movie, but check it out nonetheless. And we are at so this place is sacred for us. In the Cobra Kai Karate Kid universe, and it is where are we? I'll let you say where are we?
We are at me Yagis gravesite. And now I don't know if this is this an actual cemetery thing. Maybe they turned a park into a cemetery. Do you think?
Yeah, I'm not sure how they staged I'm not sure. But we've seen this before. Anytime we're here. It's like
it's almost like being in church. I would almost say in fact that with him kneeling also. It's very much a church like quality here. Yeah, Nora Yoshi, Miyagi born June 9 1925. Died November 15 2011. beloved husband, father, teacher and war hero 400 and 42nd Regiment received Medal of Honor I would have added there like you know karate sensei or something maybe I would have been a teacher
and I think that said it all Okay, could I said sensei but I was thinking the same thing as I wrote this down like, but yeah, that's it. He was a teacher.
Well, sensei he was actually does mean teacher doesn't it? Yeah. I don't
know the translation of it. I'm sure it does. But also says Father and yes, we know that he was the father of a child who died in childbirth, but he was also a father of Daniel. In a lot of ways, and yeah, since a does mean translation is teacher so it says it all teachers. It's a beautiful word. And wonderful that Daniel is here and he probably comes here to get centered. I mean, he just lost this thing. And he's a stand up guy, Daniel Gianni. He might not remember the handshake. But Daniel knows that the bet was this. And it's like, how do I honor he's more about honor. Right? Because of Mr. Miyagi is influence. And then Daniel on his knees says to Mr. Miyagi, he's speaking to Mr. Miyagi. I did everything I thought was right. I followed all the Miyagi dough teachings, I even put aside my rivalry and teamed up with Johnny. None of it worked. Now, I'm supposed to give up my dojo and stepped down as a sensei. And he continues, but there's too much at stake to honor an agreement made with men who have none. Good point, Daniel. Good point. If Cobra Kai is going to keep growing and getting stronger, I need to do whatever it takes to stop them, even if that means going on the offense. And then, as he says, this last part, he gets off of his knees and stance. And we're taking this in and we're about to get one of the biggest reveals that I can remember and I'll let you make that reveal. But here's what Daniel says. I know this isn't your fight. And this is a lot to ask. But will you help me finally put an end to Cobra Kai? What happens next out, I have watched it so many times is that sequence because while he stands up, we hear this great song by Def Leppard switch six to five which has so much energy and it's just such the perfect track here. And Sal, please just tell us what happens
that last line when he says but what you helped me finally put an end to Cobra Kai we're assuming he's still talking to Miyagi right? No one else is around but all of a sudden the camera pans out and we see to Daniels left chosen standing there. So that last line I know this isn't your fight and this is a lot to ask but will you help me finally put an end to Cobra Kai was not saying that to Miyagi was saying that to chosen who was standing right there. And also very interesting that Daniel allows chosen to see him being vulnerable there in front of me August gravesites a very interesting moment.
It's wonderful. And then he has a quick line chosen to us. I didn't catch the line when he said it was more like a Miyagi as a Japanese line. I think he just said yes, I think he took that line that I said early high, high and he just says that and chosen to Gucci played by Yugi Nakamoto. Yes. And it's beautiful. He just says I is off to the side then who comes and joins Daniel, both facing Mr. Miyagi, because chosen has nothing but the utmost respect for Mr. Miyagi. And the lineage of he is running Miyagi dough. You know the He's the holder of the keeper of secrets. He has the dojo at the museum, whatever he has it all. And he's a great keeper not because he's trying to be Terry silver because he's a great steward of this and he wants to pass it on so yeah, he's not
the same guy from Karateka to he is not that guy. Yeah, go
back and watch season three episode five Miyagi dough and you fallen in love with Joseph your I love this guy seeing him and his strength in his presence. He doesn't have to say much. He just says that comes over joins Daniel. And Sal Miyagi dos future looks bright. He brought him over, he must have called chosen and said, I'm in this dilemma. And yeah, him and Johnny can go back and forth. But they need another one. Someone at another level that can kind of come in with clarity, and bring something that they don't have. And I love this moment so much. It's incredible. I don't know how you felt, but it floored me. It floored me.
I was utterly amazed by this ending but also it left me with a whole slew of questions because I'm thinking okay, not only we're gonna have to wait a year to find out but not quite a year but yes. Okay, now a little less you're right. Yeah, a little less now. But what's gonna happen here what Stan you're gonna have him do and meanwhile Terry Silver's gonna go dig up some people from the past. Who was he going to bring up yeah, what the hell is going to happen in season five five
I don't even want to speculate. I'm just trying to process what I just went through. We just went
this was intense though. I would say I don't know it's it's hard to say that it's a lot of time has passed now but this has probably been the most intense episode. Yeah, as far as also up and down couple tearful moments chopping chopping onions
Yeah, chopping on Yeah, yeah, this
was intense.
And the rise means so much the fall is Miguel going down we go black. It's like oh, and then the rise well, obviously it's gotta be Miguel he rises up and he fights a good fight and he wins all Valley again on the rise. It means a lot other things. It's Miyagi dough rising. It's all these stories. Robbie, unfortunately Terry silver, right. Hairy silver rise. It's everyone's going up a notch. And Tori, Samantha, maybe she'll grow from a loss. You do learn a lot from a loss. I'll tell you that right now. But yeah, it means so much. And it has set us up for season five. However, if he's bringing chosen over to end Cobra Kai, does that mean we're one season away? I mean, can all this play out in a season? I don't know, man, this is a lot. And hey, how much is chosen gonna be in the next season? I'm elated for this. You know, this is going to be a season where hey, this season we're in Okinawa, and then Cobra Kai is on a field trip and are we going to Okinawa we're going to see a change of scenery and Cobra Kai the show. Anything's on the table here. So
well, I'm always partial to seen Tamlyn Tomita. So of course, if we have an opportunity to see her in season five, I'll be quite happy. And I got to stop myself. I
don't want to overly we are
speculating. Because I know because I got caught every season ends on a cliffhanger. So we're gonna it's going to happen. There's going to be that speculation. But yeah, here we are. We did it. We did. It's been quite a journey. Season Four, Episode 10. Again, not only just the season four, but four seasons down. We've done it. This has been quite a journey. And has Thank you for having me. Jason.
My pleasure. Yeah,
it's been quite a ride. And I'm happy to be here. And this episode was intense. And this season was intense.
Our longest episode ever. I mean, the uncut, the unedited ones over two hours now and running on YouTube Live. This matches some of the times we've done movies. This is like a movie like this is a movie like because, yeah, it's 47 or What in the 4547 mountain range. But it's so dense with the we cover movies, you kind of have to cruise through some of the dialogue and scenes because there's a lot more scenes. Well, there's a lot less scenes here. But it's like, well, the context of this is that if we want to go back in time, we've got to shed light on that. And when I was doing notes, I was like, Oh my gosh, this is taking me hours lot longer than normal episode but well worth it. We did it Soule. I'm excited. I'm over the moon. Yeah, we'll come back with special episodes. We have so many in store. Yeah. Which are short sale, which are fun. You and I were
talking about the special episodes. I mean, if you look at how many shows we've done, so there's been now 40 episodes of Cobra Kai and three movies, three movies, and then the rest are all special episodes. But actually, we've done more special episodes than actual shows that go with each episode. Yep. So it's almost like the episodes are special or special
episodes. They became that yeah, it all it all changed. Yeah. And just to throw this out there for our fans. We are literally on the verge of a significant number of episodes being released sound do you know what that number is?
Oh, okay. Well, we pass this we're close. We're close to our 100th episode then. Right?
We are very well are just a couple of ways. Really nice. That's it. AZ when we started this journey, it's like, we're almost at 100. Wow, almost at 100 is a lot
of content.
I'm impressed. That's
a lot of entertainment. I mean, I would say if you are like a long haul trucker. Yeah, you know, this is your show. You have so much content to listen to,
to the truckers. Keep on track. Yeah,
we've put out a lot of stuff. We put out a lot of content, thankful to the creators of Karate Kid and Cobra Kai. And now here we are. We've been through a lot. There's a whole lot more to come a whole lot. I'm proud of what we've done.
Me too. Yeah. When I put this show in motion. I never thought you and I would be here. It's exceeded my expectations. But the bar just keeps going. So I think this is the best episode we've ever done. I truly believe that because of the content. Sure. Come on. It's the show. But we were right there with it. And hopefully our our viewers and our listeners are enjoying it and have enjoyed it and keep coming back for more because if they're listening and watching, we'll keep showing up. That's for sure. And sometimes in GI
Yes. Jason is wearing his actual gi
Yes, I was ready to throw down and all Valley South turns out not under a team. I was waiting for Masters division.
In fact, I would almost say considering our show and the format and here you are. I think this is almost cosplay. But like oh, it's like cosplay, but it's a real game that you actually use in martial arts actually
use it.
It's like next level.
Well, let me go back in time real quick. If I may, when we were doing the first two seasons in the studio in Toluca Lake, I'd come over, not every time but a lot of times, I would come over right after I would finish karate. Yes, a martial arts class would end and I would drive over set up and I would keep the ghee on. We weren't doing video. And I was like, whatever. I mean, I didn't even have time to shower. We set up the thing we record two episodes. So it's not like I've never done this, but I figured it was fitting for this episode. No,
it's a celebration. You're wearing your GI I'm wearing my shirt that I wore on our 100,000 downloads special episodes. So this is not a GI but it's my special attire.
Maybe that'll help us get 100,000 downloads for this episode alone.
Oh my god. Everybody listening everybody within earshot the season four. This is now the final episode of season four. But guess what? Let's talk Cobra Kai continues we will be back there's a whole lot more to come we stay in the Karate Kid Cobra Kai universe so we will be back.
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