okay. All right. All right. Good morning. It is an honor to be here. Thank you all for joining us today. We will now call to order I shut up October the 24th and if our cargo please call the roll.
Councilmember Scott Benson. Scott. Councilmember Leticia Johnson coac Overo present. Councilmember Barry waters present. Councilmember Angela wavefield Callaway. Present.
Councilmember comio, the second council president pro tem James Tate. Council President Mary Scheffer. Madam President, we have a quorum,
a quorum that we are now in session and we are going to kick our morning off with a invocation we have joining us Pastor Robert here is of St. Paul Church of God and Christ located in district five. Good morning.
Hey, good morning, counsel. Let us pray. Father because of your Word gives us light and life. We declare this as the day that you've made we rejoice even in difficulty we rejoice because we know this time last year. It wasn't as good today is better. And our future was bright. So we bless you for good government. We thank you. For this honor. We bless you grace and strength give wisdom and knowledge Oh God as we make decisions and vote and calls dollars to flow to support our citizens and every worker in this fine city. Oh god give strength now wisdom and understanding. Bless us all as we come together every citizen as they see and flow every decision every dollar God calls it to redress any concern and every concern across every district. Hallelujah. We bless you for every member the president pro tem we thank you for every at large member in every district. Oh God even in the streets that we support and undergird. Hallelujah, change things in our lives, change things in our city and cause things to be better. Give us strength where were we in Jesus? name we pray we thank you. Oh, God calls every concern to be heard. Even during public comment, aka hallelujah. give strength to every concern, resolve issues, and solve our problems in the name of the church seat. Let the city say a man. Amen.
Amen. Thank you so much, Pastor Robert Preston, we appreciate you feel free to hang on as long as you can. If you have to jump off we also understand I also would like to take a moment to do a moment of silence. I know we recently lost a Detroit leader, the president of the Detroit synagogue to metal wall recently, who has known a lot of people here in Detroit was definitely a leader. A lot of people have personal stories about how kind of a person she was. And so if we can do a brief moment of silence for her and her family, Asa LaVale Anderson, who was a young four year old boy, who was mauled by a pit bull here in Detroit, I know his family is currently grieving as well too. And so if we can briefly do a moment of silence and lift up both of their families this morning before we begin with our agenda.
Right Thank you all right, the agenda well this session of October the 23rd will be approved there being no reconsiderations or unfinished business. We will proceed to the budget Finance and Audit standing committee for the budget Finance and Audit standing committee seven reports
from various city departments.
The seven reports will be referred to the budget finance an audit standing committee for the internal operations standing committee
13 reports from various city departments.
The 13 reports will be referred to the operations standing committee for the Planning and Economic Development standing committee
six reports from various city departments.
The six reports will be referred to the Planning and Economic Development standing committee for the public health and safety standing committee.
24 reports from various city departments
the 24 for 24 reports will be referred to the public health and safety standing committee. We will now move to the voting matters under other matters. The president under communications from the mayor and other governmental officials and agencies there are no idols Madam President. All right. So we are going to knock off for our public comments. Everyone will have a minute and a half for public comment. If you have not raised your hand for a card who would like to speak you do so at this time and we will cut off the comment momentarily. And we will start with Ronald Foster. On our foster come on down followed by to real George you will be next.
Right hit morning.
Well, the ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people. But the silence over that by the good people. I'm glad today to see the people are assembled today. I want to let them know that the excellent city council that listens and influences action. After voices are heard today and you are winning your fight and the fight continues to injustice everywhere. It's important to know that the fight continues with your children and your communities as well. We must educate ourselves on our land value tax and a lot of other policies and ordinances that affect our lives in our community. I'm grateful for Miss waters and public health influence as well as Dr. VTEs. acknowledgement and advocacy to policymakers for social change within our communities are grateful for pro Tim Tate and district one has strong community ties. That is showing a shout out to the Java house. And just a quote from Martin Luther King any just unjust law is no law at all. So once again and I have some other things I wanted to say today but I was just overwhelmed by the people assembling and that it's important that you continue to assemble that you know that Your vote matters that you're that your voice matters, and that you continue to advocate for any and everything that you need and don't be a stranger down into city council. Because they listen and so once again, I encourage you all on your spine. I know that your voices will be heard. And just when it is one that we continue this fight Thank you. Thank you
Well, George, the rail George
Good Morning, morning. I stood here before this great body years ago, receiving the Spirit Award. I stand here again today as a single parent fighting the same fight. My grandparents and your grandparents fought wages, health care, good retirement, protections for our job. And last but not least, respect.
No matter
no matter how anyone feels about our actions should all agree that respect should be given not earned. And three years working in these casinos. We saw the industry come back stronger. But we we saw them making record profits. Everyone is getting their share except the workers. So we are tired of being sick and tired
and last week rally wasn't about strike city. It was about union stand together say enough is enough. Support us we will support you. So please support any resolution that may come before you to support the strike Where's because it's time for Detroit to know where value and we are hurt thank you
right all right, Mr. McAllister.
Right. Thank you for having me. You have to follow that. You know my name is Mila from a caster. I would like to ask the city council to support our resolution supporting our strike. been employed that Greek town for 14 years. When I get that call, far as an opportunity for a job at Greek town. I was decided like many members you know, good wages. Benefits. You know, we went through the pandemic. And you know, we helped the companies come come out of it. A lot of us scared, not sure what we was going to be dealing with when we was going through it. Losing family members, co workers and we still showed up every day supporting these companies. Now, when you look 55 years ago, Martin Luther King led the poor people March he knew the importance of good wages, benefits. And here we are today. We're still trying to fight that battle. What the hell, it didn't matter if you're black at that point? Why? That Tino? He knew it was important for good, fair wages. And we are asking y'all to support us, with these companies going to the table getting a good contract for our members. Thank
you Tara Coleman, Tara calm and followed by Satya Thompson. And then should tell you Thompson will be next.
my name is Latoya Coleman. I work at Greektown Casino. I'm here to call on the city council to support our resolution to support our strike. I live in Corktown, which is the city of Detroit. I have a house to Habitat for Humanity. We are on strike for economic justice. We was promised all these great jobs but now they are offering what they are offering is not matching up to the cost of living.
The end of proposals that they have came to us for health care is not beneficial for us. They promised us benefits and a job with the good paying jobs and good health care. But without those jobs and old health care benefits. We cannot support our family so now we're choosing for groceries or to have our kids with after school program. Maintaining what we have is what we would like to maintain so please support us in our resolutions to support our strike. Thank you and
also cut off our public comment. Mr. Clerk if you can know we've been joined by pro Tim Tate as well. Purple Soto. And finally sigh facts will follow our next speaker. Good morning.
My name is Samson. I'm a resident trade sorry about that. I am here so I'm here asking the council to support our strike. As we try to maintain our health care. As a mother and a wife. I am currently pregnant with my third child and I am considered high risk. This past weekend I spent days in hospital. So maintaining my health care is the most important thing ever. So I asked for you guys to support the resolution for our
right thank you
Kimberly side effects followed by Alicia Weaver will follow behind our next speaker.
Morning Ladies and gentlemen of the city council. My name is Kimberly sidefx. I'm a 22 year table games dealer at Hollywood Town Casino. I stand before you on behalf of Greektown MGM and Motor City casinos. We call ourselves the other big three.
I'm also
I'm also a member of the UAW and a proud dues paying member of Local 7777 I proudly serve as the chairperson for Greektown casino I resident table game page cashier, man bank count room slot technician and sports. I am a Detroit a first I was born here raised here educated here. I'm glad to be here. I am also a single mom and my son graduated high school I was 37 I needed to make some important decisions. I needed benefits such as health care 401 K, job security, Social Security, anything that comes with a job I needed that stability. When the container decided to open in Detroit, I said this would be the perfect opportunity for me. The casinos had promoted fabulous package of making a substantial amount of money, low costs and health care and decent contract contributions to 401 K. It was what I was looking for. As of now the wages we receive absolutely do that right after do not keep up with the rising costs of inflation, groceries rent to Western gas utilities. Insurance all tied in I keep going
you can wrap it up because we have to be respective of everyone has to have the same amount of time so yep, for redhead
I hear the struggles of my members. It deeply saddens me. People are living paycheck to paycheck. This should not be happening. All three casinos feed in the city of Detroit, when that's a great thing. I love how my city is growing the thing is the casinos got to feed us as well as other as most have given a blood sweat and tears out of these 32 years. I've had three surgeries. Two of them was a knee replacement and hip replacement. Yep, I'm the Bionic Woman. Okay. God I had to healthcare to get surgeries. I strike it because we're being cool or ready. This has been a long time coming. One job should be enough. All right. They want to offer us pennies in wages that raise the cost of health care. Make that make sense.
All right. Sorry. I'm sorry. I had Dr. Powers were asking
for you to support Okay, and we've found a dancer
All right. All right. Are you Miss Alicia Weaver right. Yeah. Okay, before we move forward, just I want to Dr. Powers just to speak on the rules. I don't want anyone to think I'm being unfair. I want to hear from everyone. But we do have to order in council session. So Dr. Powers if you just explain the timing so that people understand our process here at Council.
Certainly, during public comment, each person is allowed only the amount of time that the chair has allotted and for each of you is one minute and 30 seconds. And so when that buzzer goes off, I hate to tell you this, but you got to stop talking because otherwise we're all going to get in trouble under the Open Meetings Act if I know you don't want to know. Thank you for your cooperation
yet. And just so you know, you don't have to apologize. I wanted to make sure you knew you know, I want to hear from everyone. I just want to make sure people understand what that'd be fear. So who are missed? What shame again, I'm sorry, I'm so Weaver. All right, Miss Weaver. Go right ahead. The floor is yours.
Okay, my name is Alicia Weaver. I'm a 24 year MGM Grand employee I've been working near and housekeeping on the GRE does a guest room attendant and I stand before you today just asking you to support us and our endeavors going forward as far as our site. We all like to maintain our health care. We also would like to have a livable wage. There is no reason for anybody to be working in these casinos and be homeless is that's just totally unacceptable. But most importantly, we just want you guys to understand the work that we wear every day to help create the revenue that come into the city of Detroit that helps feed a saw. I just want you to make sure that these companies realize our worth and time for them to take care of us
Anthony Dragneel by Wayne chambers.
Good morning. My name is Anthony McNeil. I bring greetings from the UAW international Vice President Mike booth, his assistant and co current assistant director Johnny Dorsey. As leadership we stand in front of you, and we have no ask for one. Stand with us. Don't Hi. Getting fun.
Being upfront.
When you look down as we speak, it looked as if we're not important. makes important make the casinos understand that $2.2 billion in revenue over the past two years should be shared with the membership. It should be given to every one of us. Nobody in this room should have to work two jobs sustained. Nobody out there on the street should ask for a got it with these casinos they need it from. The other thing we want you to recognize is that health care is the utmost of importance to us. The casinos came to us and wanted to double our co pays. They wanted to make sure that we felt it on both ends. They offered us pennies and it took back Dallas. We will not let them you will not have it. As I stand here that will means everything to me. And I want you to know we will stand on this street from here to eternity to get what we want.
Right Mr changes. Good morning. Morning. My
name is Wayne chambers. I'm a Hebrews construction worker for 27 years and the reason I'm coming here to speak about against we should have skilled trade, laborers working responsible contractors. We get contractors come in here. They don't do work right. They don't pay pay taxes. They are lack of caring and lack of training, lack of skill and don't care a city of Detroit as a labor contractor working for 27 years we get to work right the first time. He's outside. I've tried to come in the city and take the money and do the job over and over. Never get it right. Did any of you have to go back and do the work over again? The sample subcontract it come into cities 58 by auto and it can fix that the hole is the hole to be higher springs not flat it's not come around and do the same thing over and over right. So we get outside contractors come in don't do the work right because they're getting paid. And we as we do the work is skilled is done right the first time. So used outside contractors coming to doing the work they just take their money and run. Thank you
Mr. Clark acknowledged member Young has joined us as well over 10 minutes ago. Miss Hill?
Yes. Good morning. My name is Dana Hill, and I'm from labor locally level 91 and I'm a construction laborer for over 30 years. And I worked in the city of Detroit for 30 years with fair contracting fair wages and responsibility, contract policy, responsible contract policy support and encourage fair wages and protections for workers. employed by companies, contractors and subcontractors. And just districts where these policies can be found are often in janitorial building services, and construction. And I would like to all ask you all to please support union workers. At the end of the day.
Thank you. Thank you.
Right Kenneth Johnson
Lord everyone my name is Caleb Johnson. I'm 1191 laborer out of Detroit, Michigan, we all know. With that said, we have to have companies be responsible for contracting procedures and practices. At one point in my life. I had a career. I had nothing I did not know what to do my career. Then I got what 1191 And we helped build. We helped build Little Caesars arena. With that said before then, I was doing asbestos, no mask on with no masks. We did not know no one pulled us aside and told us Hey, you have to wear a mask. A you have to have a hardhat you have to have steel toes. Hey, it was union who did that for him. It was a union made me it was a union who helped me to get back into Wayne State as a union who helped me get back into Wayne State. Now I'm taking us away from getting my bachelor's degree. I didn't know I was going to do but 1191 All unions, especially 1191 Thank you. 11 nine one we need to have fair wages and make sure that Julian stayed on the jobs all the time. They were pulling up off the street at one point and just putting us on jobs. I was doing I was doing a special removal for maybe $10 an hour. We didn't we did not know but we were just looking for a way to make money. I had never made that much money before in my life. But now I was given my life for jobs. That wasn't enough. So he can't change also, I mean, he contacts his office site and make sure that we have that we keep us God bless 91
to do
Alright, are you going to do labor out of left 91 been a labor over 25 years and I like to say responsible track contracting is a practice that is important for sustainable companies, employees and consumers. It involves complying with labor laws, and adopting responsible practices which is good for businesses and supports local and local income.
Right Thank you.
Right Miss Mellado El Dorado Acevedo
Hi my name is no that's a little more about my love. And 91 billion is put on my convenient years, their union for like 10 years. And I'm here to support responsible contracting practices. They are essential essential to attracting retaining and protecting the qualified workplace Thank you.
All right, thank you green Miller, Dorian Miller.
How y'all doing today? I mean, I've been a construction for 10 years living it one out of my whole 10 years. All humans are the same. I just want to say that all humans are the same. In all the years I've been doing this everybody big planet. I'm tired of asking. I really am. It's to the point where really gotta demand and we we demand what we want. I know the words to say. We've been asking for years and years but now we really want our content really want our benefits our health. I have three kids, which are given us it's just not fair. So we asked for more. No, I take that back. I just can't do it for myself. We tell you we won't move. So that's pretty much all I have to say. I thank you for hearing us out today. Thank you. Thank you
Byron Osborne followed by Barbary Logan.
Morning to this council solidarity forever, so good day here in Detroit. Yeah, my name is Byron Osbourne district five resident lifelong city Detroit resident also a union rep for the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers and comments that I want to speak about today is responsible contracting. I got a short list because it's just one thing. I also stand in solidarity with my brothers and sisters here. Who are on strike. Always, like the UAW rep said, I'll be out on the streets with you. So responsible contract a few things that it touches on safety. Safety. First, you've heard from a previous comment about how things can get in constructions real dangerous and dirty. We want to make sure our contractors are responsible to their to their workers with safety protocols, OSHA 10, continuing education, things like that education. Apprenticeships, apprenticeships provide real opportunities for careers for a city of Detroit residents who work for contractors that get these get these awards. Sustainable workforces, Legacy clauses pensions, annuities, health care, all the things that organized labor fights for these things are awarded to contractors who provide these options for their employees for working families. So to close it up. Stand for workers stamp of working families stamp for citizens in the city of Detroit who deserve an opportunity in this town on contracting projects. Thank you.
Thank you. Thank you, Byron. All right, Miss Logan, and then followed by Sinead Redmond and Eric grossinger.
Good morning honorable Council and all others and I'm happy to see all my former employers employees, I used to be in MGM Grand and I resigned due to the discrimination due to the lack of opportunity that they just wouldn't listen to us about but I didn't come for that. I came here to re emphasize that Justice delayed is justice denied. Again. That's it. And I'm specifically talking about the housing problem in Detroit and the way that the city of Detroit did its citizens years ago. Within the last 20 years that was say in over assessing property taxes. And still, we have not had a resolution about that they have not had figured out any kind of way to repay us and a lot of people who lost their homes due to that in part or in in full and I filed a Freedom of Information request with the law department in the city of Detroit in July. And in September and I still haven't gotten response and I'm asking the city council to identify those people who were over assess property taxes and to make them whole. And that's only fair. We pay taxes and we shouldn't be over assessed and is like oh well we don't know how to repay you. That's not fair. So that's something please Gotcha.
Thank you so much.
Miss Redmond, followed by Eric grossinger.
Good morning. Um, thank you for the opportunity to speak to you all this morning. My name is Sinead Redmond, an attorney with baud PLC. We represent caps and Eric grossinger. You'll hear from him in a moment. We're speaking to item 17.1. Your agenda today is a rezoning request. This is for a project that was originally reopened in 2019. And the developer dev dev Detroit has since left that rezoning lapse there before you to to redo that rezoning process, and they would like to establish a pretty large residential development on that property. And we're urging you today to delay your decision on this matter. The plans that are available online for the public to review and presumably for you all for review are pretty severely out of date there from 2019 and as Deaf Detroit, noted at a committee hearing last week, the conditions on the property have changed pretty dramatically since then, such that can no longer incorporate or to the existing buildings that they were planning to incorporate into their development because those buildings are in the process of collapsing. So we urge you to to to table this matter until there can can produce new plans that show what the development will actually look like they can conduct a new traffic study that will incorporate new information. Since the businesses across the street that I represent have their business has increased a lot is 2019. A lot more traffic. We also are to delay a decision on this because there's litigation between the parties and there's a hearing on Thursday. We urge you to do like thank you
Morning, Morning first I want to say I support strikers in their fight for fair wages and benefits. My name is Eric gross singer. I'm the president owner of cat wholesale Detroit big business for 43 years. We distribute fresh and frozen meats throughout the Midwest. Our business is located directly across from their proposed development and we've adamantly oppose it. We encourage the city council to vote no on this rezoning request or at least vote to table it till the blight is addressed and the updated building traffic plans can be reviewed the rebuild of 375 and the Gratiot i 75 interchange will significantly alter the traffic flow here. A new traffic study is urgently needed in light these developments. Develop Detroit has not been a good steward of this property and there's not been a name. roofs and walls and structures are all collapsing and the buildings are harboring rodents is the owner food service business. This threatens my business in my employees livelihood. Develop Detroit has ignored these issues for years violation of consent agreement with the city which requires debris and weed to be managed. You can see the pictures developed in fraud is not doing I would encourage the Council strongly to table their vote and see the updated plans. Thank you for your time,
sir. Thank you
all right, that will conclude in Person public comment we do have those who have entrusted us virtually so we'll turn it over to our virtual public comment.
Good morning, Madam President. You had 18 Caller for hands raised before you would cut off public comment the first caller is EDA leader President Sheffield.
Good morning Council. Thank you. Me I've with coalition for Property Tax Justice. And for with the Detroit affordable housing and homeless Task Force passed the property tax reform ordinance This will prevent this illegal overtaxation Thank you Mary waters for having the courage that you have. You are a lioness. Thank you member Callaway as well and the other two trans dev heroes. The land value tax is a mechanism to give more money to rich developers illage Gilbert Ross the same people you union members are fighting we're fighting because they're stealing our land in our home you will have nowhere to live. You get your job get get more money. We have been loaded up $600 million close to a billion dollars, man and assets they have illegally foreclosed 100,000 homes, throwing people into poverty and throwing people into homelessness all of this was orchestrated by Mr. Dugan. Marisha po James Taylor, Scott Benson, Coleman Young Fred your hall, rubber stamping, Dagens Negro removal program and plot from an insidious Monopoly game that they've been playing politically Mary Sheffield, if you want to be mayor, you need to pass get this ordinance passed to protect us for more illegal taxes.
All right, thank you and our next caller, please.
next caller is Carol Hughes.
Our next caller please.
next caller is sterile Hughes.
Good morning, honorable body and through the chair. May I be heard? Yes, ma'am. You've heard about the clergymen who came in this morning and he he prayed over the city. of Detroit had asking the leaders to listen to the people here the people. Last Thursday there was a public hearing. The parliamentarian told council member a young that he could close the meeting. And I had posed three questions that would remain and pertinent to the public hearing. That's total disrespect, and we pay her salary. And I'm pretty sure that's not in we're within Robert's Rules of Order. That is not the order of the day. I should have been heard and my questions should have been answered. It was a public hearing must adhere to the public. I know it is. It's in your craw. You don't want to do it, but you're gonna have to at some point, we are the public. We pay your salaries, you take our tax dollars and do what you want to do with them. I think to Hara talked about the reform. I was overtaxed on my home, and I have not received anything back. I didn't get any Arper money. You all are just raping the citizens of every resource that they have. Please do something for the people. We are not getting anything out of our taxes out of our funds. Nothing coming directly to the people. It's all going to contractors, which many of them don't deserve our dollars. And you're hearing that from the people. Please support the unions because this is a blue collar union town. Please understand that. Thank you. Number Yeah.
Thank you bad crazy. Firefighters won't say them today. I'm so sorry. You had that experience. But that's what public funding for and she's referring to the public the mandatory public meeting, public hearing that we have which is on my birthday. So I had a birthday celebration if I didn't have to me to get seven, and I'm turning 41 Thank you. So I just wanted her to I'm sorry that you couldn't be able to speak to that. But that's what public comment is for. And we have our next event we want to make sure that you're upfront, sir. Miss Ahmed, I just want to say all due respect, I say this to love but I had nothing to do with the planning of $600 million over taxation. I had nothing to do with that at all period. So respectfully that I just disagree. That's not true. And I just want to say the reason why I have the sniffles right now because I was standing outside with the casino Council and labor, fire for barely wages and better working conditions and I stand with you and support you, I'm sure as well all my colleagues. Thank you very much.
All right, our next bar
next caller is Cunningham.
All right, Cunningham Good morning
Can you hear me? Yes, we can you Good morning.
Good morning, Madam President. Thank you for all you do. Thank you, every city council person and everybody on the sound of my voice you at home especially go to 3134449143134449114 and on Facebook. Forced subservience cutting out for us subservient. subservience, Kenya, you know, sometimes you got to stand up. And that's what these unions are doing. I'm not real sympathetic, you know, because I'm gonna be poor my whole life and what they're white fighting for. Nobody even in my circle was making that kind of money. With the auto industry or the casino. I'm glad they're standing up. I'm in solidarity with them. But there's a lot of people out here that are poor like myself and always will be. And, you know, they think you're fortunate as you are now, let alone you know what you're standing to get. And the rich people are getting richer. That's true, and that's not good. And they need to share the pie. Sometimes in life, like I've been seeing driving around this entire city, everybody's striking a lot of them are they blowing the whistle. You gotta sometimes you got to stand up. Do what you got to do. And blow the whistle keep me in the bird and I pray for you as well. Thank you so much, y'all.
caller please.
next caller is Miko a Williams.
All right. Good morning.
Hi, good morning Council. I want to make this recommendation for to Mara Liberty Smith, to be appointed to the board of police commissioners by recommendation of former with motion to approve to Mayor Liberty Smith is a very effective woman she fights crime. She has a Facebook page that helps find people stolen cars. My car was stolen and she helped me a few years ago. I also want to say to Mayor Liberty Smith is very active in the community. She has a following of people that we need to report and also trust so that we can have justice delivered to Mary Lou to mirror Liberty Smith for district one. I hope all of you approve her say yes. And let's bring leadership responsibility integrity. Back to the Detroit police commissioners. I also want to say I stand in solidarity with the union. All the unions but I wish the bus workers, the city of Detroit workers and other workers shut the city down. Stop business for a few days, weeks or months and let people see how it is without us essential workers, how they can get back and forth to work to school to gamble at the casino and you don't respect us workers Cunningham was right. There are some union plants down there that will support but I see others that don't even get any of the money or benefits. But I do stand in solidarity. With all of the unions in the city of Detroit. Thank you counsel and please approval. Thank you.
Next caller is Stephen hollering
can I be her?
Yes, you can Good morning.
Awesome. So I stand in 100% solidaire. The but the brave union workers who came here today. You know, I feel like we're at a time when labor is being attacked by corporate greed. Mainly Republicans who think that labor workers are overpaid and less than Well, you know, labor workers, they work about a house. If you see the physical demand and the amount of hours they work, compared to your typical office worker, I mean feel like you definitely deserved that they are the most essential employees and you know, like casino I knew a WR one time but I wish the media was acknowledging just how underpaid these bus drivers are. Which is you know something I've been criticizing the last couple of years and it seems like the mayor doesn't seem to care and just because the sales pitches which is frustrating but you know, I also want to say is I am still disappointed the city never did a resolution condemning the Hamas attacks on you know, handless Stein people who are saying Palestine needs to be free. Well, they'll never be free until Hamas is wiped out. And you know, this whole protests going on anti Israel protests led by Tricia and Taylor and all those
like Thank you.
Next caller is William M. Davis.
Good morning. Can I be heard?
Yes, you can. Good morning.
Okay. I'd like to start off by inviting everyone to come up to date between two and five to Colwell, recreational Sunil Owen Lasher. We're going to be helping people apply for Internet credit and also apply for the credit could also be possibly used for the cell phone and I want to make sure people are aware that also, I like to speak in support of Agenda Item seven point 12. Of course, I think they need to be in a city track retiree employee recreation, I mean, Task Force. Awesome. I'm somewhat interested in the in the appointment to the board of police commissioners, I think it's well needed. I think she's outstanding candidate. But also I'm interested in the fact that it looks like the language is going to be a violation of the city charter in that this section. Three dash 105, you know, indicates that if there's a general election and the primary coming up more than 180 days from now, there's an August end in November, so I would think that perhaps that person should be appointed until the next election, according to the city charter. There is a presidential primary election. There's an election coming up in August, because I'm going to be a candidate but precinct delegate and there's an election in November. So I think I should take another look at the language on that. Thank you.
Mr. The next caller is Galaxy S 22. altra.
Hello, can you hear me?
Yes, we can. Good morning.
Good morning. This is Mr. Holloway call and I'm very disappointed right now in the city. I've been coming down there fighting for the house next door. My city cops so the Cheshire Johnson know I've been fighting for the town. They turned around and sold the house. I've been in my no didn't give me no notice about the auction nothing to stand right next door used to take care of the house stopped a lot of people from moving in selling drugs. Then you they let this Newport SS LLC come in and steal the house from right up under my no and the House still needs taken care of. And I call Wayne County. They do they spend me so much Detroit land bank and Wayne County Land Bank I call them and my city council know that and they said that we have to keep coming down that and repeating the same issue to you guys. Over and over don't make no sense. As we voted you guys in pay you pay our taxes. They take care you guys and this is thanks we get I'm highly pissed off because I've been dealing with a lot and then I got to deal with this other man I've been dealing with the fumes I've been down now. Nothing being done but open software Detroit now they're talking about the truck Let not feel. What about us over here. We'd forgotten once I've been raising hell about this house next door and no one stepped up and said that I could get the house. But then you turn around and auction it all up on my note.
All right, thank you. Mr. Johnson was respond.
Thank you Madam President. And Mr. Holloway. We will stay on top of the house next door to you it was foreclosed on and was auctioned by Wayne County. But we will make sure that the new owners of the property maintain the property or I will certainly request it goes through a nuisance abatement process to seize the property from the LLC. Thank you, Madam President.
Thank you. Our next caller please.
The next caller is Karen hammer.
Good morning hammer. Good morning. I want to say that I do support responsible contracting and that any step forward by any collective working body including unions, is a benefit for all people in Detroit. I support casino workers just cause for benefits and livable wages. Those wages they haven't been livable, and decent working conditions. I also support a ceasefire and negotiations for the Gaza Strip. Humanitarian aid including fuel should be increased and sped up because people are dying, exponentially pressure the United States and Israeli governments to stop those crimes against humanity. And I have I'm a no vote on the vet land value tax plan. It violates parts of the Michigan Constitution by allowing the mayor to pick and choose who will get raised or lowered taxes. This invites corruption. No one has been allowed to do this in Michigan for over a century. The city assessor says his office is very badly understaffed and doesn't have the Stanford Technology to implement this program. The mayor can cut taxes that he's already created and escalated over the last many years and a lawsuit.
All right, thank you Miss hammer.
next caller is Marguerite Maddox and Scarlett.
Morning Good morning I'm
Mark, do everyone is oh about the painting taking would add in your design but Oh, me. Oh, good. Good. doing because we we fit in including the ADA guidelines but he may say that you earn
you're poor. No women are good. But Gary I wish you luck on the hi upleg Good job. That is Sunday. And the job that I legally did with it was time over and I'm
job day your lead pilot pa so
I weird Yeah. Oh the buttons maybe Ah he's me. Didn t good no workers because Oh, you work. Thank you and God bless everyone. Thank you
the next caller is Betty a Varner.
Thank you. Thank you Miss Maddox.
The more I need to ask my name is there a burn up president of DeSoto elsewhere, black Association aka debug. D is for dedicated E is going involving b is for believing a is for all ways we believe in our community. I want to send a special thank you to my council person. There
Mr Darrell
for initiating the resolution for my vice president, who we lost September 29. Gwendolen Diane Lanier to present to her family. I want to thank all of the council members for supporting and signing the resolutions. I'm also still looking for a contractor to support our mission to have a walkway on the diba community park. That was going it's good to dream for our neighborhood. Also, please continue to support my organization, pink corridor and other projects that we will be initiating. I plan to have a ceremony in Queens honor I support the unions. Please do not clock.
Thank you. Thank you, me foreigner.
The next caller is phone number ending in 711.
Good morning. This is Malik Shelton. Based on data from the net the morning based on data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Detroit is ranked the most dangerous city for drivers. And US News has it as the number three in the nation for the most dangerous drivers is also ranked as one of the most dangerous cities for the debt for pedestrians with six deaths for every 100,000 residents in the year 2021. Every time I drive around Detroit, I see people and I'm sure you all have noticed this as well. Going way over the speed limit, often as much as 30 or 40 miles per hour over and blatantly running red lights and running stop signs and driving very recklessly. I've also witnessed on numerous occasions, traffic signals being out at major streets and thoroughfares and intersections in the city. And there's no police officer, no traffic director at these locations yet in downtown Detroit. Even when the traffic license signals are working perfectly. There are police officers dispatched downtown to direct the traffic. There aren't enough police officers available to direct traffic and the rest of the city. There shouldn't be enough police officers to direct traffic
right thank you Mr. Shelton.
The next caller is phone number any one to four?
All right, yes. Good morning. Can you hear me?
Yes, we can. Good morning.
Yeah. First of all, every time Mr. Halliwell combs is down. And he speaks about those fumes. And it seems like nothing is being done. It just breaks my heart. Like really, folks that Joe Biden issued an environmental justice Order Now that said it would seem that applies and Lantus made billions in profits. So good god sit down and make them do the right thing. And it's just in the land bank. Shame on the three members here. That voted for it initially, which was Sheffield, Kate, and Benson. I warned them that this was going to be a disaster and don't any of the rest of you reapproved this thing, they got blighted properties here, they don't board up the windows. The rules don't apply to them. They let the property right. I do approve the grief and bereavement grant because we need that. No money to Ryan Friedrichs who's the husband of Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson. They both work for the billionaire Stephen Ross, and he should know better. I'm pretty sure he's an attorney. He should know better that he shouldn't be destroying emails. And if they do get any representation, it shouldn't be $450 from some Bloomfield Hills attorney, because that is not what the people getting. evicted, or you're getting they're not getting $450 An hour attorneys and by the way, with all the people getting evicting evicted, a lot of them are letting their animals run free. I had to deal with three pitbulls running through my neighborhood and I helped them
the next caller is Frank Hamer.
Memorial honorable City Council. As a retired auto worker with 43 year residency here in Detroit I express my support for my UAW sisters and brothers. Striking the other Detroit's other big three the casinos. Like us auto workers were all confronted by corporate greed. In the case of auto workers that can companies use the Wall Street financial crisis and the auto bailout to radically downgrade auto workers pay working conditions, health care and pension benefits, which now auto workers are demanding be reinstated with their now 40 Day strike. Similarly, the pandemic has been used to similarly downgrade, casino workers and their paying working conditions. The greed of both big squeeze is was forced workers to withhold their labor, a great sacrifice to themselves and their families. A few weeks ago, the city council unanimously voted to support an excellent resolution and supportive UAW representative auto workers do the same for the casino workers and while you're at it, you can support the UAW represented Blue Cross Blue Shield workers to thank you very much in solidarity with the Palestinians fighting a genocidal Israel. Thank you
thank you
the next caller is Cindy Dora.
Ms. Dark Good morning.
Yeah, I just want to say that we need to do something and I don't know what we can do as a city and individuals but call for a ceasefire and maybe the Council could pass a resolution and get the state to do the same to call for immediate ceasefire and, and equality which we don't have here. But one eye when they say free and free Palestine if they're talking about what's left in Palestine, it used to be huge. It sound there's so little that maybe they need to make one nation that has equal rights for everybody. I don't think that the Hamas actually killed all those young people. That was probably done by Netanyahu to shore up this government. That's a paranoid view, but I think it might be true. I'm totally against this new land value thing that they're trying to get through the state. I think the previous caller said it's unconstitutional. That's what I questioned 13th congressional district meeting Saturday, as well as it's unconstitutional for me to vote my millage to go to schools and they take it and give it to developers that's unconstitutional. And I don't want the mayor controlling the property tax thing. So that we can't You can't change what they pass at the state legislature so don't let it
Thank you, Miss Daraa.
The next caller is Sonia Mays.
Hi, thank you to this honorable body for giving me the time to my audible.
We can hear you.
Okay, thanks. Sorry. Thank you to this honorable body for giving me time. Comment. My name is Sonia Mays. I am the CEO of developed a trade I am here in support of items 17.1. My organization developed Detroit is a nonprofit affordable housing developer that has worked throughout the city to bring affordable housing to Detroit errs, who make less than $45,000 a year. The project that is before you today is a 100% affordable housing project that is going to be located in eastern market on the northern edge of what used to be the historic black bottom area. My organization has worked tirelessly as a nonprofit to bring affordable housing to this site. We deeply believe that all areas of Detroit should be accessible to to Detroit errs regardless of their income and we work tirelessly to bring that vision to life. Over the last several years we have done homeless housing for veterans. We've done affordable housing in a number of places throughout the city. We are co developers in the Detroit Food commons building which is going to house the Detroit people's food Co Op a community owned grocery store in the north and our project in the Eastern Market has faced some delays related to the pandemic but has received overwhelming support but for one, one stakeholder who just simply does not want to see housing coexist. That's to to that person's business. I am on hand.
Thank you so much Miss Mays.
And the last caller who raised your hand who raised their hand before you had public comments is Renard moshevsky.
Right Good morning, Mr. miszewski. Mornings can be heard? Yes, you can.
All right. Good morning, Madam President and members of council. I am speaking as a resident of District Six, the city of Detroit and also as organized with Detroit people's platform. I just want to speak in support, first of all, of the unions that are currently striking in the city of Detroit from UAW to the casinos, and possibly to other unions, they may decide to take that action, of course due to their membership. And the thing is I do agree with other callers workers are under valued in the city and that includes the municipal workers, including the drivers that are under compensated, quite frankly, and have given up a lot over the past 20 years. So I just don't understand the holding pattern that's going on right now. Lack of communication from the administration in terms of how these union negotiations are going. It's like everything stuck right now. So what is going on with that? Other than that? I want to speak in support of line item 17.5. This is Lenny has various petitioners speak as speak for I speak about i 375, which there are a lot of concerns from community about this project. The impact on riders alone, impacting up to 100,000 rides during the weekday. For our major routes on that area when they start construction in 2025 is area of concern. So I'm just wondering which body of this council or committee will be addressing that issue? Thank you.
Thank you. All right. That concludes our public comment. Thank you for those who call the to make comment. We will now turn back to our agenda in college if there's no objection I would like to take up 3.1 which is the responsible contracting followed by the casino workers resolution while everyone is here since they came down for that resolution. So if there's no objections, we will proceed in that order. From the law department
on their whole introduction of an ordinance line item 15.1.
Councilmember Hall
Thank you Madam President. line item 15.1 is a proposed ordinance to amend chapter 17 that a 2019 Detroit city code finance Article Five purchasing supplies division one good service subdivision a general by amending section 17 Dash five Dash 117 Dash five dash l 17. Dat five Dash 1317 Dash dash 57 to provide for additional definitions for the division. Additional equalization credits and clearances, clarification and amendments the bidding process and other technical changes. And will that ordinance be read twice by titled or printed and laid on the table?
Are there any objections? Hearing no objections that action will be taken by the law department
council members shareholder resolution setting a public hearing on 15 Point to
Councilmember Dara
Thank you Madam President. I move line item 15.2 for approval to set a public hearing for budget finance standing committee for November 1.
motion has been made for the scheduling of a public hearing again for the general public this is for the responsible contracting ordinance. Are there any objections to schedule a public hearing? Hearing no objections that action will be taken. Thank you. We can now move to 19 point 20 And this is a resolution for support for our casino workers. And Mr. Clark, we're going to scroll down to 90 Queenie.
Madam President, Council Member councilmember Cohen Young on behalf of council president Sheffield a resolution plan on 19 point 20.
Just move for discussions. 19.1. All right. But just wanted to open it up. First and foremost want to thank everyone for coming down. I'm sure all of my colleagues by no of my colleagues stand with you and I'm sure they have their own comments they'd like to make as well but just thank you for the work that you guys are doing. I stand in solidarity with him. I had the opportunity to go out I think he was at a rally not too long ago last week. Economic Justice Park for workers to up to the betrayed I was there in person with you all on the line. today. Our office will also be out feeding workers because workers on the picket line as well but we appreciate the support. Yes. Yep. We appreciate what you all are doing. Like I said I think is this is really a fight the middle class throughout our entire country. And I stand with each and every one of you, you guys really, really build this. You all should be at the unity and respect that you deserve. And so I just want to open it up if there's any additional comments or statements from my colleagues and they do want to read the entire resolution as well as the record or they want to hear me read it. Yes.
All right. Number one, a Johnson. Johnson.
Thank you, Madam President. And good morning to all of you. And thank you all so much for being here. I just wanted to share I support for all of you as a union member. My husband is a UAW local seven active member, and we as a family stand in solidarity with all of you and look forward to economic justice for all of you because I know firsthand how being underpaid and not having the benefits that you deserve impacts a family. So thank you all for being here. And thank you for tuning in again,
remember Callaway Yes. Good
morning, everyone. I support your efforts. My dad passed last year with a 42 year member of Teamsters and that's why I support unions. I was a member of the Detroit Federation of Teachers for 17 years. went on to become a member of an organization of school administrator ministration I'm sorry, repeated organization of School Administrators and supervisors and as a member of that union with dpscd for 10 years. So I absolutely love unions. We need unions. Unions do good work, and no one should have to work two jobs. No. One job to pay you the wages that you deserve. And that you need provide for your family. Again, nobody unless you want to work two jobs should have to work two jobs. So I support you and my prayers are with you.
Never waters.
Thank you and good morning solidarity forever. And when I say that, I mean that I've lived that. I'm a former union organizer for UAW local 2500 Cross Blue Shield and I've been out with my sisters and brothers. Absolutely.
On that line.
So you see casinos can't have it. One way with Detroit first money pay our people share those damn profits casinos.
Oh yeah. Smash
all with the second.
So the Chargers.
Here's to all of you. Within the sound of my voice, you might be listening online. You might not be a member of the Union. I'm currently a member of the American Federation of Teachers, formally a member of Detroit Federation of Teachers. So you can see I've organizers and I continue to be a member. That's because I believe that so strongly, I support you 100% I stand with you 100% You can count on that. So I just want to get to the majority never pass a picket line
Thank you. Thank you remember why waters Member Santiago Rivera. Thank you Madam President. And good morning everyone. It is so good to see you all here. I was with you last week when you all walked out. Out of all three casinos. I represent you in District Six. I represent GM and Motor City but you have also an account representative that loves you that respects you the ones the very best for you. But those of you that have heard my story you know that I grew up to a single mother in a working poor working class family. My mom was a housekeeper at SunSun hotel. I then became a caterer for the Henry Hotel. Every hotel you can think of in the region working multiple jobs in three to five jobs at a time while I was in school full time at Detroit Mercy University. So I understand how completely unfair it is, how difficult it is to be able to work and try to keep your self esteem. You're working to work not Sullivan that is not okay. So I am so glad that you are here. I am so honored to represent you give me so much hope and so much joy I will be back tonight with my colleagues on the line as long as you are there. Thank you all so much for your and remember remember y'all know when we fight
when we fight
we fight.
Thank you all so much for being a member Dr. Hall.
Thank you Madam President. Good morning to you all, who are standing here. Standing Strong, unite. Strong I stand with you as a UAW member as former teams to remember, but just a brother to labor every step of the way. I gotta give special shoutouts to the George's brothers. They know those on my brothers. Also miss the Winston who is a rock star. Now all Unite Here, listen, keep doing what you are doing. This is what changes the status quo. It is more than just a show. It is easy for us to set up here but you guys live that every single day. When I hear your stories and you're talking about your family. That's more than a news clip. That's more than a news article. That is something that you live every single day. And so I sympathize and empathize with you. You have my full support as well as the members of this council. Go get what you deserve. Okay. So tell me what democracy looks like.
Show me what democracy
looks like.
All right, I love Yeah.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Thank you, Mr. President. Good morning, everyone. This is very special to me. Because my father, honorable Coleman, Alexander young. The mayor on the plane fought extremely hard for us have casinos and sacrificed a great deal for us. To have Casino. And so for us now, to be the beneficiary of that work. And for us to abandon those who make the casinos what it is to break their backs, making sure that it's clean, whose members died during a global pandemic, to make sure that the casinos were profitable, to make sure that people were fed to make sure that it was running at its optimal level. For them to be making the billions of dollars that they're making it for us now be this position. How dare we not go pay the workers, what they have earned. What they what they sacrifice for what they bled for, what they broke bones for, what they sacrificed the time from the kids for what you die for. If you need it, any other reason to get involved and say solidarity, whatever this is, it's so I just want to say thank you, because everything that we have now. pensions, healthcare, good working conditions, collective bargaining, the weekend is because of you want to you and you need to keep fighting until you fair pay. You need to keep fighting to get equal work for equal pay. Equal pay for equal work. You need to keep fighting to you make sure that we are no longer living in a situation where you got to make a decision. Am I gonna fill up my gas tank today? I'm not gonna pay my rent. I'm gonna heat my house today is my kid gonna be able to get a meal? That's what you fighting for. Our generation is being defined today by the work that we're doing. Just like my father set the split the platform for us to have to see those now. You're setting the platform so that the kids after you will never have to live in a condition where they are working in positions. They're working in hotels and they work in casinos that they can't afford to stay in, where they build a car that they can't afford to buy. So I just was I love you. I thank you. I appreciate you. God bless you. And let's go on to victory together.
Don't remember Ensign
right. Thank you. Hey, good morning to you all, everyone. Thank you for being here. I just like to saying this is something that's not talked about. The City of Detroit is here today because of you all when one of your members talked about. We are the big three. You are the ones that fit the city of Detroit, it is on your labor that we are able to pay the bills of the city of Detroit and it's been that way for 30 years. So you all should be very proud about the work that you do. I am proud to be affiliated associated and support you all in your endeavor to get your money because you all deserve that money. You deserve those benefits. Because you are the one to keep this city afloat and don't let anybody tell you any different to work for the casinos. You would not be a city that pay is ill so we are dependent upon you all being able to work and healthy being able to feed your families. So I am in edit the rest of this Red Dead and I support you so go get your plan
Alright, so as you can see you have united council that is standing with you all so let's Yeah, let's flip the fight together. You all know that the fight is not easy as well you know as you are striking, you know, strike pay, etc that it is definitely a challenge but I want to leave you all with Galatians Galatians six sign that says Let us not become weary and are doing or at the proper time we will reap our harvest if we do not give up and I just wanted to make sure you all know do not grow weary in well doing because at the proper time you will reap the benefits of everything that you all are doing today. All right. So with that being said, we are going to move forward with the passage of the resolution and I am going to read some of the resolutions so that individuals know what we are approving I can just pull it up one second please. Alright, this is a resolution in support of striking workers in our Detroit casinos. Whereas on October the 17th 3700 employees of MGM Grand Motor City casino and Hollywood casino at Greytown walked off the job after negotiations failed to reach new collective bargaining contracts, whereas employees voted 99% in favor of the strike including dealers cleaning staff food, beverage workers valets engineers and others. And recipe striking employees are represented by the Detroit casino Council, which includes the United Auto Workers Teamsters local 1038 night here local 24 Operating Engineers local 324 and the Michigan Regional Council of Carpenters whereas the Detroit Council of council casino Council has articulated five core concerns that the companies have failed to address which include protecting employees health care benefits, additional job security and technology contract language common in other casino markets improve the value of the retirement benefits reduced workload resulting from the 1500 you work casino jobs since the COVID 19 pandemic and significant wage increases to compensate workers for their sacrifice during the pandemic. And whereas in September of 2020 you trade casino workers agree to a three year contract extension with a minimal pay increase in order to help the casino industry recover from academic losses, which resulted in a 3% pay increase for casino workers while inflation has sky rocketed. And whereas meanwhile, game revenue at Detroit casinos has surpassed pre pandemic levels. In 2022, the Detroit casino industry generated a record $2.27 billion in gaming revenue that they are on track for another record breaking year in 2023. Whereas despite the rapid recovery of the Detroit casinos, they are still operating with 1500 fewer workers than before the pandemic, meaning that current employees are forced forced to shoulder the extra work though without additional compensation. Whereas the Detroit City Council supports working people across every sector of our economy and recognizes that working people deserve respect adequate workplace protections and the right to a living wage. therefore be it resolved that Detroit City Council supports and stands in solidarity with striking Detroit casino workers and the Detroit casino Council as they continue to seek a resolution to the strike that results in improved compensation and working conditions for its members and further in for MGM Grand Motor City casino and Hollywood casino every town therefore be it resolved that a copy of this resolution be submitted to the Detroit casino Council MGM Grand Motor City casino hotel and Hollywood casino at Greek town. Thank you
yes yes
and if there is a motion as the clerk if we can move this for approval.
Councilmember Coleman Young on behalf of council president Sheffield a resolution 19 point 20.
Councilmember young
Move to approve the motion Madam President.
motion has been made are there any objections? Hearing no objections. The resolution is approved.
President welcome, thank you. There's no objection if we can put the resolution Council please
vote. And this will be in the name of the entire Detroit City Council. All right. Thank you again, you all please keep us posted. As you all move forward to your efforts. And I'm gonna take a quick, a quick, a quick pass colleagues as we allow people to leave the auditorium just click pause. Let's take a quick pause he can take ease ease at ease. I heard you say it before you're gonna stand at ease. At the top of the chair.
Okay. Be louder.
Now, yep, you don't get oh not necessarily
Okay. Okay, we're gonna start because I'm gonna be at it, but I understand what she's saying. I just don't want to you know.
I remember, I remember I know so.
Right, we will now come back to order for our formal session and cargo please call the roll. You pause. I pause to be long calls. All right, we're back. Sorry about that. And thank you for your patience. From the Board of Review.
Councilmember Gerhart, or resolution line item 13.3. Member Derma.
Thank you Madam President line item 15.3 is a resolution authorization for the 2024 homeowner property exemption, otherwise known as home policy and guidelines and coordinates in accordance with MCL 211. That seven UN has been recommended for approval by the committee Move for approval for line item 15.3.
Any objections? Hearing no objections 15.3 will be approved. From the Office of the Chief Financial Officer office, the assessor
councilmember DeHart resolution line item 15.4.
Councilmember DuBois.
Thank you Madam President. line item 15.4. The resolution and authorization for this special assessment hearing for the Detroit golf club Palmer woods and Sherwood Forest. This has required a second public hearing moved to sin line item five for for approval to set a public hearing on November 8, and the budget Finance and Audit standing committee.
All right motion has been made. Are there any objections or the scheduling of a public hearing? Hearing none, the one resolution will be approved from the office of the city clerk City Planning Commission.
Councilmember hall two resolutions 15 five and 15.6.
I remember Dr. Hall.
Thank you, Madam President, line 15.5. Is there any certificate application for the rehabilitation of a building into a 28 unit apartment building located at 1567 Church in the Corktown neighborhood enterprise zone area has been recommended for approval by the committee. And line item 15.6 is a an easy certificate application for the construction of 12 condominium unit located at the southeast corner of John R. And East forest and the Garfield condominium kind of the neighborhood enterprise zone area has also been sent and recommended for approval by the CPC Move for approval for line items 15.5 and 15.6.
All right motion has been made. Are there any objections? Hearing no objections the food resolutions will be approved for the internal operations standing committee from the mayor's office,
Councilmember Johnson a resolution line item 16.1
council member Johnson.
Thank you, Madam President Move for approval on line item 16.1, which is to appoint Tamra Liberty Smith, to the board of police commissioners, effective immediately and ending on December 31 2025. Representative district one
any objections?
discussion, discussion? I know Cameron Smith very well. We've known each other for a number of years, I think very highly of her want to make it very clear. There was an allegation online that what we're doing today actually was not proper. The language was not proper for resolution and I would like for a PD or someone to speak on that because again, while I support I know what she would bring to the board of police commissioners when we have these allegations of potential illegality of us going opposite direction of what the law says. I think we need to try it and make it very clear. We're not doing just that. So Through you, madam president, Mr. Washington, leave Washington or someone from PD provide us with why the agitation that the individual will come in and indicated was incorrect.
Okay, Mr. Washington.
Yes, Madam Chair. I did double check on this. And so the next election for these questionnaires is actually in November of 2025, and so on. Her resolution before he gets to bear her time would expire on December 31, which would be the day before whoever is elected that's when he's one five is seated after that election.
That's why I want to make sure I got somebody with some other that has been happening. LPD thank you for that mr. Washington. Sir LPD lot of problems
is the issue that she is being appointed now and that waited to a new election occurs
here. So I wasn't exactly clear what the issue was, but I just want to make sure that we are clear on what the process is and we're going about it the right way.
Well, she would be appointed now to fulfill an opening in a position it would be correct for you to take the action that you currently are under subpoena to select her in the manner in which you're doing
and the information that Washington provided there's no objection to anything knows. Nothing said I want to get it on record the election. will occur.
It occurred for then.
Thank you so much, Mr. Walker. That was my understanding as well just to get one imprint on the record when people are saying that we're doing things incorrectly. Thank you.
Thank you pro tem. A motion has been made for approval for the appointment. Are there any objections? Hearing objections, the resolution will be
forced to do the same.
Okay. I'm sorry. Okay, waiver has been requested. Are there any objections? Hearing none, the motion is approved.
Madam President, I neglected to request the waiver fine. It was 15.2 or 15.6.
waiver has been requested. Are there any objections? Hearing none, the motion passes.
Madam president for clarification was that 15.2 through 15.6 or 15 points 13.2 through
15.6 article, so
thank you.
Thank you, Madam President.
Okay. The Mayor's office.
Met apparently, we have done that.
Oh, sorry. About that. All right from the Office of contracting and procurement.
Madam President. There's one contract for vote today from the internal operations Standing Committee. It is contract number 0693121 2%. City thinks by paying for outstanding invoices or hosting of all city websites, including Detroit mi DACA. Contract is weird, Inc total contract amount $99,970. And recent. This contract is for do it. Councilmember Johnson resolution line item 16.2
Councilmember Johnson.
Thank you, Madam President Move for approval.
Motion has made for approval. Are there any objections? Hearing no objections. The resolution will be approved,
Madam President. Yes, I'd like to request a waiver.
Right waiver has been requested. Hearing no, we're Hearing no objections that motion carries from the department.
Councilmember Jonathan 11. Resolutions, nine out of 16.3 to 16 point 13.
Some member Johnson
Thank you madam president Move for approval on line item 16.3 through 16 point 13. These are various lawsuit settlement requests and requests for legal representation and indemnification.
motion has been made. Are there any objections? Objection? Member Johnson
objection to line item 16.7 16.8 16 point 11 and 16 point 13
are so low.
The other objections hearing no further objections the 11 resolutions will be approved from the Office of the Chief Financial Officer Office of Development and grants.
So remember Johnson's resolutions 16 point 14 and 16 point 15
Councilmember Jensen.
Thank you, Madam President Move for approval.
Right motion has been made for approval. Are there any objections? Hearing no objections, the two resolutions will be approved.
Madam President. Yes. I'd like to request a waiver on line item 16 point 14 And six point 15.
Labor has been requested, Hearing no objections that motion carries are the Planning and Economic Development Standing Committee under unfinished business?
Council President tape and audience noting a roll call line item 7.1.
Thank you, Madam President. Discussion on line 71. Please. Okay, discussion like to postpone the vote for one week on line from 17.1 I've had some questions that I would like to ask regarding the project. Some of the behind the scenes stuff that we became aware of not saying there's anything bad I just want to clarify. Ensure that there is no issue there on our end so like for the quest for one week post on it on 17.1. Please,
discussion and just further discussion. Before before I will go ahead and begin. Okay, I'm just going to call sign you up if you don't mind, Ms. Mayes. Just talk about some of the financing and any timeline issues we may have for this particular project. Please make sure to microphone is only
limited. Thank you. Again, thank you to this honorable body. I I understand the need to delay this and and we'll support that decision. I do just want to stress that affordable housing is what is intended to be built here. We have overcome a lot of challenges with the pandemic and with the financing markets. And my nonprofit is standing at the verge of being able to finance this. This 78 unit or 100% affordable building that has almost 60% of it is deeply affordable. And so I just want I just asked that this body keep in mind that time does kill developments. And, and I know that there's been some challenges with the site condition. Those are being cleaned up. Starting tomorrow. We are in full compliance with the City of Detroit's law department. Directors on this site. And again, I know that my organization's approach to affordable housing is aligned with this body but I just like to lift up that that word I've been faced as the nonprofit leader have developed Detroit as a single voice of opposition who has used his considerable resources to try to prevent housing. And again, I'll just also note that this was a zoning designation that was previously approved by this body so thank you for your consideration. And again, I do understand the need to take a pause and take a postponement to make sure that everything is in order with this request.
All right, thank you, Councilman Robinson.
Alright, thank you. And I that morning, something about often talks about it's just that there are many things that can kill deals with time kills all deals. And that I support the chair, the committee as well. And I would just like to hear what some of these challenges are, or if there's a appetite to take vote on this today, but do not provide a waiver, meaning that the risk leave the developer and go towards the city if there is an issue that needs to come back, that we could then reconsider a vote at that time. But to give the banker the development team the opportunity and a level of confidence that his body does support, something of that nature, but it still buys his body with the ability to correct something that needs to be corrected, but also allows the development team to go to the bank and say, Hey, we have a agreement. We need another week to make sure but removes a huge risk on the developer something like this. And I know that's something that we all support, and we talked before about housing all the time, but just ability to get something like this done at this type of level. And in this location. I would hate to see anything. Not that we would try to do something, but just things happen. There's COVID There was just so many things can happen to stop something of this nature and it is oh hard to get to this point to get deals done and to ensure that we're able to house our people, our residents at this level in an area where most people would never imagine being able to live at a level of rent. At this this price range. So just an option A suggestion how to move forward with steel give the city the confidence that he can recall in the bay.
Thank you member Benson member der Hoff.
Thank you, Madam President. And first you know, I do want to speak very supportive of this project, obviously in committee and also as a board member of the Eastern Market partnership board. A lot of members in our market are very supportive of this project. We are listed if you hear from one individual saying otherwise does not and that is not the narrative, Eastern Market and I want to put that on record from discussions from board members, as well as other stakeholders in Eastern Market. We are talking about one petition. And so I think that needs to be stated. Otherwise, I do support and always stand in support. With the fair, obviously a fair question relative to that. But I will also state that I understand the timeline particularly coming from the Michigan State Housing Development Authority before I got here. So the sensitivity of these deals and life tech credit and other financial components rely on expediency. But there are two and there's a hole that wants these questions get answered. At least next week. If that is we'll have a body that will move this forward and move it out. Even just based on the financing component, but I always support members asking questions. They have additional questions, particularly the chair of the committee and respect and so they want to stay on work. I am supportive of this project, and many folks in the market are as well. Thank you, Madam
President. Member Johnson.
Thank you, Madam President. So we did have a fair amount of discussion about the project in committee, and I had a subsequent subsequent conversation with the director of ARD relative to tax incentives and what developers are able to do on the property prior to receiving a tax. And so I know director Snyder did indicate that they're anticipating getting an opinion from the law department because I think that may be some of the challenge that developers don't do anything with their property because they're waiting for approval of tax incentives from the city and other entities. And so I think that's something that needs to be discussed maybe in greater detail, whether this is postponed or if we are moving this forward, just so that we're all aware of what that process is, and that we can make decisions accordingly. Thank you, Madam President.
All right. Thank you, Mr. Johnson.
Thank you, Madam President. So I really the questions I don't have I don't want to deliberate across the table. I think it's imperative that we have the opportunity to have those questions be responded to in a manner that folks can be truthful and I feel under pressure. So again, I asked for the one week postponement if no it's been said, you know, time kills deals. Literally. We got this last week. We put it on the agenda, we moved it and here we are today. I'm asked for a one week postponement. This project was previously approved the plan back prior to the pandemic. And so my support was strong. Do I support the project in general now, but I do have some questions that he answered from asking for colleagues to respect my ability to ask those questions and get that answered. I'm sure everyone will want the same for the project. They had concerns about as well but I'm one vote. And, again, I just requested one week of postponement to allow for those questions to be responded to. Members. Thanks. Thank you, Madam
President. I just want to say I'm ready to vote for the approval now I'm a supporter but just want to make clear you're saying just one week. That's just my way
that's number Jonas. All the rules allow for
right we just need to be ready. Okay, because I just I just believe it's very important. I think we all know about the housing crisis and things that nature I'm a huge supporter. I just, I just want to make sure we don't delay this as much as we can. So but you won't want a week. I think that's fair. I want to do that. Just wanted to keep that one we assess. All right. Thank you, man. For as I said my
motion. Okay. All right. So I'm pro Tim has requested that this be postponed for one week and I just want to want to publicly voiced my support for the project as well, too. I know. Developing Tory has done a lot of work in district five, particularly in the north end area with affordable housing and that is primarily their focus. So units that I see today have been outstanding. And so I do support the project, but I also will use to pay for when we bring back in here you also say that you're okay. We will do that. So with that being said
the President
just one more thing. Okay. Councilmember waters right.
I'm just just want to thank you for for bringing forward true affordable housing 30 to 60% ami. I mean, that's something that we've a number of pushing for CES arrival. So I really do appreciate it. We need more projects like that. So I hope I hope that you continue to just go with it. Okay, and bring us more like that. Because this signees that the residents needed. Thank you so much. Thank you.
Great. So I'm sorry, did you want to do anything else?
Thank you again. Thanks for your support.
Okay, thank you. All right, a motion has been made to or wasn't
dancing. I can move it move postpone the vote on items. I'm sorry. Move to postpone. Well, for one week online and I'm 17.1
All right. motion has been made. Are there any objections? Hearing none, line item 17.1 will be postponed for one week. From the housing revitalization department
allows the President to take a resolution on item 17. To
when a president move approval of an item 17.2 Please.
Right motion has been made for approval. There any objections? Hearing no objections, the one resolution will be approved. From planning and development department,
Council President take two resolutions lands 73 and 7402. Mt.
Thank you, Madam President. We're approval line item 17.3. With discussion, please. discussion. Thank you. If we can have someone from Curam it knows the question about JBS and the fact that there was a contract with this particular department. We know that they have been prohibited from contracts with the police department so just wanted to put some sunlight on it. Nobody received a response but I wanted to ensure that the public was aware of what we were providing. So Through you, madam president, we can have someone from procurement join us.
Right we can have someone come on with the Washington
I'm Chair I do not have presented from procurement online but if you give me just a moment, Mike reach on they can join us
for this. President we can postpone this item until the end of the agenda.
Right here. No objection, we'll postpone or move line item 17.3 to the end of the agenda
Move approval line item 17.4 is
just discussion please use application for 17.4 is the transfer of property from Penny to park red and this is 47422 Rosa Parks, excuse me 2599 West Grand Boulevard in 2603 West Grand Boulevard I just wanted to bring attention to the properties. This is something that our office has been working on for quite some time. There's a park right on the corner of West Grand Boulevard and Rosa Parks cart the MLK Plaza but has not had any attention investment oftentimes is not cleaned properly. So we reached out to GSD a while back our office hosted a meeting with the house commission ESD and the police department come to find out the city didn't have ownership of several properties. And so long story short we're here today we're transferring land over to SD GSD is our going to fully invest resources in the park bring it back to life. And so I'm just excited to see the progress on this particular Plaza right on the corner of Rosa Parks and Grand Boulevard so just wanted to thank GSD for work with our office in directing some resources to this particular park that that community over there has been asking for for quite some time. So thank you what a dimension that Councilmember waters
and I just want to thank you for your work on this. Because you know there are some things out in the Baptist Church Yeah, actually, they want to adopt it. And so this they said they had to wait in first till they brought it back in house and so that they can give them the opportunity to do so. So I don't know where it is heading after it gets to GSD. But you probably know yourself that they are interested in adopting that part as well.
Thank you remember waters, they may have to work together with a church to see what type of partnership can have for this particular park. All right. Right. So thank you pro tem, you have moved this already for approval. Are there any objections? Hearing objections, the one resolution will be approved. And if we can have a one on 117 waiver on
17.4, please.
All right here no objections at action will be begging. Madam Chair. Yes, Mr. Washington.
Director has joined us for 73 If you'd like to go back.
All right. There are no objections we will go back to 70 point.
What did you say? All right. Do we have to start? The morning? Right.
Yes, through the chair. If there was a question about LA JBS?
Through you madam president, I know that there's some concern and questions about li JBS and the fact that that they're being put forward for this particular item here yet. They were prohibited have been prohibited from on any VPD contract. So just one I know the word dinar had has bounced around a couple of times. It appears that that's not the case. But one of you to have an opportunity to put on the record for the public. And also from from members on what the status is of Li JBS as well as why are they allowed to purchase this particular property? We know the information in PD one a metro folks know here, why they're allowed to purchase this property though. They have some concerns with DPD and their ability to tow with that particular department.
Through the Chair. I can only speak to that contracting portion of it. I will confirm that Li JBS is on the list of departed contractors. However, the city did not award a police authorized towing contract to this vendor due to concerns from the police department. They do have a separate contract that does not have the same scope of services. And there were no other we're not concerns from the General Services Department for that contract. I would defer to the law department and be seed and HRD regarding purchasing land
records, and I just wanted to put on the record. We've kind of put it out that there may have been the bar in committee I just want to clarify this is not the case based on the information that we've been provided. And this is for again, the purchase of property, not so much even a contract at this point. So again, just wanted to put a put a pan of finality on this item that we discussed in the beginning. Thank you, Madam President.
Thank you. Are there any additional questions concerns comments for 17.3? Yeah, Madam Chair. Yes, number like
just real quick. I don't know if anyone is on the call who can what is the market value? Of these two parcels of land? Because $7,500 for two parcels of land seems a little low for me in this particular area. But what is the market value of these two parcels? That question
yes to Washington.
Yes. John truck from a from yesterday.
Okay. We will move him over now.
No, I'm sorry. Go right ahead. Just state your name and title for the record, please.
This is John from housing revitalization department.
All right. Remember Callaway.
Thank you, Madam Chair. Good morning, sir. Just wanted to know the market value of these particular parcels and 40 to one
through the chair. We didn't get an appraisal on the properties. I know in terms of the initial offer that the applicant made was $2,000. And so our brokers were tasked to increase that sales break. The two parcels are across the street from their current operation. There aren't really necessarily any other financial buyers for it. So based on the negotiations of our brokers with some commercial, they came to a price point of somebody $500 But we haven't gotten a formal appraisal on them. So I can't speak to maybe a more formalized fair market value.
I don't know how we thank you, Madam Chair. Thank you, sir. I don't know how we can sell property and we're just selling it and don't know the fair market value of the property. So, Madam Chair, thank you.
Thank you member Callaway. Okay. All right. Is there any additional comments or questions for 17.3? Right hearing hearing none, is there any objection? Objection. The clerk would note
was Oh, no.
17.3 for approval.
So no.
Hearing no further objections that one resolution will be approved. And our request to speak before city council,
council president potentate a resolution line item 17.5
Thank you, Mr. President. Bucha discuss please.
All right discussion.
Thank you for moving approval then with discussion. Okay. So this item did ended up being voted out from formal into committee. We have subsequently had conversation with your staff and we worked out a situation I know that the we're going to have a proposed plan discussion on aisle 375. That's to come. And the thought was to allow for Mr. Phillips was listed other names. I'm Helenius. And that's it. Allow mr. hands period opportunity to speak on that particular day. If there's any objection, we will deal with it in committee but believe that it's probably appropriate to allow him to have some time during that or after or before that presentation. No, there is no necessarily a vehicle to send that back to formal the request to present but we thought this was the most appropriate way based on conversations with LP.
Okay, so the appropriate action would be to receive a file this petition so the proposed date, I think is November the seventh for i 375. And that we'll be doing our formal session and if we are to receive and file this item, he would be able to speak at that formal session we was dedicate a certain amount of time for him to speak as a part of the discussion. If that is the word of the body.
objections on President Okay, so I'm taking action on
as a member Yeah.
Yes, that was for approval. Okay, no problem. Alright, so to vote, this particular resolution, and again, if they're approving this, it will be for this particular petitioner to speak at our November 7 formal session where we have our i 375. Discussion. Motion has been for approval. Yes, discussion?
Why does this participant need to come and speak you for counsel versus public comment versus, I mean, what for the
second was the original request to speak and we were saying that we were holding off on the discussion or allowing him to speak until before we had a full discussion about item 75. And this was something that was actually decided at this table, if you recall, so are we doing exactly what we said we were going to do,
which is to allow the person to speak in committee after we have our full
No, we had intended for it to come back as what was discussed from my recollection.
So it's coming
to the full body. Yes, during them prior to a conversation after the conversation on 375
Right now, so my understanding is that we will take this up at the same time as a discussion one November said, and then I will give every one to propose times to see what's reasonable as far as how long we would like the petitioner to speak. But we would dedicate a certain amount of time after the presentation for him to present before the fork.
possible that maybe the petitioners questions get answered at that committee meeting, that they no longer need to speak before us.
So I don't think his issue so much just even him want to express themselves to this body. Again, I had no problem with it, that we had discussed here at the table this this process and we're following through, but we all agree, I thought to happen, and this is what's happening.
Okay, thank you very much.
Any additional you remember Callaway?
Thank you, ma'am. Sure. I think we had conversations about this maybe six weeks ago, B seven weeks ago now. Mr. I think it's Hansberry I'm not mistaken made a request. He went through the procedure. He put it in writing and I was requesting that he come in but we, you know, we held up because we hadn't heard mdot. And I said we may never hear from him. And I don't think we've heard him down yet or this week. Okay, I haven't. Okay, I have. So I'm hoping that this gentleman think he's a third generation Detroiter who has a wealth of information about black bottom in Paradise Valley. And the whole area over there and your brush and fairy, the historic fairy Street. He used to work with the city's planning commission for a number of years. So I want to hear what he has to say I'm looking forward to him being heard on November the seventh. Thank you Madam Chair.
Right. Thank you member Callaway anything additional one is okay. All right. And just to confirm it is in that okay, all right. Cool. So um that will be present at the at that discussion as well. motion has been made for approval for 17.5. Are there any objections?
Great hearing so no, I'm sorry, or no. All right, hearing no further objections the resolution will be approved. For the public health and safety Standing Committee under unfinished business
council president pro tem take an ordinance during a roll call line item 18.1.
Thank you, Madam President. I moved to take from a table and ordinance to amend chapter 28 of the 2019 Detroit city code licenses article one city business licenses by amending section 21 dash one dash 151 Excuse me 28 dash one Dash 228 Dash one Dash 528 Dash one Dash 728 Dash one dash eight so, the eight dash one dash 13 to make technical corrections by amending section 28 dash one dash 16 to establish that a licensed business that is owned or operated by a person who is engaged in specific criminal activity on the business premises provides grounds for denial suspension, revocation of license by appealing section 21 dash one excuse me 28 dash one Dec 17 procedural procedures for denial revocation of license and replacing it with sections 28 dash one dash 17 procedures for denial and non renewal of licenses 28 dash one dash 18 suspension or revocation of license and 28 dash one dash 19 Emergency suspension of license to establish and appellate procedure for the denial, revocation and suspension of a city issued license by adding section 28 dash one dash 20 action pending appeal of the denial, non renewal revocation or suspension of a license to provide that compliance with an order decision license suspension or revocation which is the subject of an appeal is not required except where the conditions exist warranting the emergency suspension of a license by adding section 28 dash one dash 21 closure orders on the suspension or revocation of business licenses and section 28 dash one dash 22 Emergency business closure orders to provide that it shall be unlawful for any person to continue operation of a business if the business operating license has suspended or revoked subject to a final judgment of suspension or revocation of a license and or the face or removal of any closing notice from a business without authorization from the director of building safety engineering and environmental department business licensing center. laid on the table September 26 2023.
Hearing no objections that action will be taken potentate.
president I move that the ordinance be placed on the order of third reading and considered re
there being a roll call required. Excuse me Hearing no objections that action will be taken. Tim Tate
president I move that the ordinance be passed as submitted. There being a roll call
required with the clerk please call the roll.
Councilmember Johnston? Yes. Councilmember Santiago Ramiro? Yes, council president pro tem tape. Yes. Councilmember waters? Yes. Councilmember Callaway? Yes. Councilmember yo, yeah. Council President Sheffield. Yes. Councilmember Benson. Councilmember girl? Yes. Nine yeas, zero nays.
The ordinance is approved. Oh, Tim. Tate.
president I move that the title of the ordinance be confirmed.
Hearing no objections that action will be taken.
Thank you so much, colleagues, Madam President and request a waiver on line 18.1. Please.
All right waiver has been requested Hearing no. objections that motion carries the office of contracting and procurement.
Madam President, there are contracts for both today from the public health and safety standing committee. First up we have contract number 6005590. Was was in our planning to write a new athletic Erdogan in Chandler Park. Contract this LS Brinker company $13,964,497 This contract is for construction and demolition. Madam president line items 18.3 to 18.5 are all emergency demolition. Contracts for construction and demolition. Next card up is line 18.6. Contract Number 60054171 2%. ARPA funding right security system designed for DPD training academy after the Shaw systems and interior integration programs at amount $127,920 And this contract is for the police department. Next question is contract numbers 60056271 2% major street funding right retro reflective sign sheeting rolls, frequents and sign manufacturing accessories. Catherine has asked her Associates Inc total contract amount $240,173.25 And this contract is for public works. The next contract is contract number 3069344 1%. Sign waste management and funding the right payment for refuse refuse messaging services delivered to residents. Patrick is Twilio Inc suricata Comau $110,000 And this contract is for public works. Last contract it's contract number 6005616 93 major street 7%. City funding right rock salt on an as needed basis to various cities power locations, cutters, Detroit saw company LLC sort of 100 mile $2,999,995.13 And this cancer is a city why country council members such a mayor eight resolutions not 18.2 18.9 No nine out of 18.2 was postponed plans for the session.
Thank you, Councilmember Santiago Amuro. Thank you, Madam presidents. Motion to approve 18.2 Okay, any discussion? Discussion? Member Johnson.
Thank you, Madam President. I just want to say thank you to all my colleagues for your support in making sure that all residents in District Four have access to recreation and community space. Well, I am asking for support and move this item for approval. I am also asking for continued support as we work with the administration to ensure equitable access to recreation and community centers. Throughout District Four. Thank you Madam President.
Member Callaway.
Thank you Madam Chair. I absolutely support my colleague in District Four but just $13 billion of our dollars on a public athletic pop up don't, to me, is a waste of my time I'm going to support it. of our dollars for $2 million, could absolutely build a brick and mortar, brick and mortar something permanent. That can be used all year and hold events. I just you know I'm gonna support it. But I just do believe it is a waste of $30 million in ARPA dollars when we can use the same 13 million to build a brick and mortar permanent that for your district. Thank you, Madam Chair.
Thank you remember Callaway member Johnson.
Thank you, Mr. President. I just wanted to share that. If I honestly thought that these ARPA dollars could be not reprogrammed. But if we looked at this and went back to the drawing board that this could be done by the 2026 deadline I was really pushing because I don't believe that will happen. I really don't want to have our residents continue to go without access to recreation. But as stated I will continue to make sure that the General Services Department and the administration are working with us so that we have something that our residents feel is permanent and that it provides all of the required uses in our district and for all of our residents. Thank you, Madam President. Madam Chair.
Thank you remember? Callaway?
Yes. Thank you. Thank you, member Johnson. Is anybody on the line who can maybe provide some insight into the use of Arper dollars whether or not they absolutely have to be spent or encumbered and whether or not the project the arbor dollars are paying us for has to be built completely. That's one of my questions. So is do the dollars have to be encumbered or absolutely use the before the deadline? And I don't see anybody is on the line who can answer that question. There's a difference.
All right, Mr. Washington. We have someone on
don't share. We do not have anywhere from our CFO but I'm not sure as it relates to some department punches direct accounts may also no
promote both of those individuals. Anyone from LPD to Whitaker No.
Oh, Mr. Quarterly figure he made no.
Madam President, yes. Oh, thank you. Yeah, no city council. So it's my understanding that the APA dollars have to be encumbered by December 31 2004. And the monies have to be spent by December 31 2026.
Thank you. Thank you, Madam Chair. Thank you.
All right. Thank you. All right. So, err, I don't see any additional further discussion. Okay. All right. motion has been made for approval. 18.2 Are there any objections? Hearing no objections, the resolution will be approved. Councilmember Santiago Ramiro. Thank you, Madam President. Motion to approve 18.3 through 18.9.
All right, motion has been made. For at 3d 18.9 discussion, Councilmember Young.
Thank you, President warner and no 18.4 Is anyone from the administration that can explain to me why you are approving this contract was so low in value. What $806 I thought had to be a certain way in order to afford or a certain dollar amount or to come before Council. Everyone knows that because sensitive nature of the contract. Explain or
Madam Chair, I would defer to Director counsel on this one.
All right, director comes
Good afternoon the one counts director of the construction and demolition department and through the chair to Councilmember young. The way that I understand it is this that these three contracts actually should have come over as one. I'm not exactly sure what happened on OCP side that it did not get structured that way. But these all three of these issues that happen are how we currently operate. We wait until we have all of that information together. And then we submit for the notification and the final contract to on the emergency to city council as a package. So these incidences all happened separately, um, but they should have all come over as one
Okay, all right. I understand. I just want to make sure that when I'm voting for this it's still gonna be valid despite the limitation that the money necessary in order for it to come before Council you're gonna say give me the money. I don't know the exact dollar amount but I know it's gonna be higher than that. I just want to make sure they will vote on it. That that's valid, because I understand that happens he's supposed to come with a contract if he's breaking number three, I get that. On the procurement side. I just wanna make sure when I'm voting on this because the sensitivity of what you're dealing with because this is a big issue, the city's issues within the past. So I understand this needs to be approved. I just made sure when I vote on its ballot, because of its importance, this divergence of testing soil material. Good, good or
not through the chair. Understood, and like I said it was I'm not exactly certain what happened on the OCP side. But that's the intent was for it all to come through as one package. And it just did not.
So level four is still good, right? Correct.
Thank you. Oh, god, thank you, Madam Chair. They are present. Excuse me.
Still Still discussion. Remember Callaway? Yeah.
Are we still at 18.5 Okay, through Director Cast. Do we have blueprints for any of the homes? Since I've been on council? It seems like we have to go back quite often. Because a basement was not contemplated before we enter contract for demolition companies to demolish properties. So most of the houses probably misspeaking in Detroit have basements. I'm not all of them. And I'm just noticed we have to come up with quite a few times increase the amount of contracts for these demolition companies because they discovered a basement
or the chair. Yes,
this location is a commercial location and we do not in fact have blueprints on majority of the partial locations that we encounter. What we have experienced since since this actual demolition has taken place, is that we the department no longer submits the emergency information to be submitted to the city council in Chuck's we wait until we've actually began the execution of the demo to determine if there's a basement in place. And so when we send over packages now we have included any of those unknown base misses that we basements that we encounter throughout the course of the emergency demolition. On our residential side, we we perform surveys have headed ahead of time and so we know that those basements exist on our scheduled demos. And in emergency situations. The assumption is that there are basements with the residentials hence why you don't have the the additional costs come in separately. But like I said, in this case, all three of these costs should have came together. And I'm not clear as to what happened and why OCP package them in three instead of it'd be in one package. Thank you. Thank
you, Madam Chair.
Thank you remember Callaway. Any additional questions or comments? All right Hearing none motion has been made for approval. Are there any objections? Objection? All right number Santiago Amuro. objection to 18.6. The clerk would know 18.6. Any additional objections? All right, hearing none. The eight seven resolutions will be approved. From the Department of Public Works city engineering division.
Councilmember Santiago Romero resolution line. Item 18 point 10 noting that this item was postponed from last week's formal session.
Councilmember Santiago Romero motion to approve. Motion has the made for approval. Any objections? Hearing none, the one resolution will be
approved and approved to waiver one 18.6
waiver requested for 18.6.
Any objections? Hearing none, That motion passes, Madam President. Yes. I don't believe that I asked a waiver for don't was that 18.2?
Yes. No, no, no,
not a waiver was not requested to request a waiver for 18.2. Right. There's a request for a waiver on 18.2 This is the dome for recreation and district for any objections for waiver. Very none that motion carries the President. Yes, member waters.
Before we move into new business I have. I'd like to request consideration or two line item
what items are held in river water
67 16.8 16 point 11 is 16 point 13.
All right, Mr. Clerk, we can take these together. 16.7 16.8 16 point 11 and 16 point 13. These are all legal representations and benification. Is there a motion to reconsider these motion? All right, Hearing no objection, that action will be taken. And Mr. Clerk,
Councilmember Johnson for resolutions 6.7 16.8 16 point 11 and 16 points or team
member Johnson.
Thank you, Madam President. Move for approval.
motion has been made. Are there any objections? Object objection? Objection. Okay, we'll start to my left.
objection to all four member Johnson
was so low
Santiago no objection to all fine
items. was so no
objection to all four member Callaway Hello,
folks and in objection, all four
waters objection to awful so no
better president. I'm sorry.
Their objections.
Okay, well, those four items fail
those resolutions fail from the office Okay.
All right, we will move to the new business portion of the agenda from the mayor's office.
Awesome young resolutions line and 19.1 and 19.2.
So member Yeah.
Thank you, madam president to approve line 19.1 and 19.0
all right motion has been made and these are various city departments approved. Are there any objections to the new resolutions? Hearing no objections, resolutions will be approved
to waiver for line 9.2
waiver has been requested for 19.2 Hearing no objections that motion carries.
manforce First I'd like to request the waiter for light. I don't make any point one
waiver has been requested. For 19.1 Hearing no objections. Motion carries from the Office of contracting and procurement.
Madam President, there are two contracts up for a vote today from the public health and safety Senate committee. On today's bill business portion of the agenda. First we have contract both contracts for the police department. First up we have contract number 30689181 2%. Grant funding to write payment for research on the opioid abuse diversion program contracts Michigan State University in total Patrick amount $63,080. The next factor is country number 6003398. A two one 2% funding amendment or to an extension of time for Detroit community based crime reduction CbCr contract is Michigan State University total contract amount of $100,000 Councilmember Santiago Rubio two resolutions nine and 18.3 19.4.
Member yeah I'm sorry. Motion to approve. All right motion has been made. Hearing no objections. The two resolutions will be approved from the Office of contracting and procurement.
Madam President, there are contracts up for today from the Neighborhood and Community Services standing on today's business portion of the agenda both contracts and for General Services Department. versa we have check number 6004544 a 1.2%. City funding amendment number one to run an increase of funds for high and hard to access graffiti Tag Removal with the city limits of Detroit had a sponsor that landscaping services LLC protocol is about $500,000 The next contract is contract number 6056241 2% on funding to write design build services for our planet. Grants. Here's a landscape contracts major contracting, Inc. photographical, Mt. $2,450,000. Councilmember Jung two resolutions, ladders, 19.5 and 19.6. Now we're going to vote for items postponed from last week's formal session.
Thank you, Councilmember Yang
Thank you, Madam President. I would like to motion to postpone like I don't make 2.5 to allow the department to respond to questions by council members.
Right. This was postponed last week and there are still outstanding questions that have not been answered today. Okay. Is there any discussion on postponing for one additional week? Right here no objection to doing so. 19.5 will be held for one week. 19 point 6 million
Thank you, Madam President. I move to approve item 19.6.
motion has been made. Are there any objections to 19.6? Hearing no objections that one resolution will be approved. From the Office of the Chief Financial Officer officer development in
Santiago. Resolutions. Lamps 19.7. To lighting point 11
Councilmember Santiago Rivera. Motion to approve. motion has been made for approval. Are there any objections? These are various grants. Hearing objections, the five resolutions will be approved wow. Oh sorry. I'm from the Office of the Chief Financial Officer officer development in grants.
Awesome. Young three resolutions. 19 points were 19 point 14x Number Young.
Thank you, Mr. President. Oh to approve line item 19 point 12 through 13 point 15 or 18 point 14 Those are.
motion has been made for approval. Are there any objections? And again, these are various grants as well. Are there any objections? Hearing no objections the three resolutions will be approved.
Madam President, this waiver for last night's eight point 12 or 14.
Request for a waiver has been made. Are there any objections? Hearing none the motion carries for a waiver. On resolution resolutions,
Council Member Johnson for resolutions plans 19 point 18 To 19 point 18. So member Johnson
Thank you madam president Move for approval. The resolutions are to cancel committee for the rest of the week for the retreat.
All right. motion has been made for approval. Are there any objections? Hearing no objections or resolutions will be approved. Under resolutions,
Councilmember Johnson resolution scan session noting a roll call and on lighting point lighting.
Councilmember Johnson
Thank you, Mr. President Move for approval.
They are being wellpark quiet as the clerk councilmember Santiago Romero. Yes. President Pro Tem tea. Yes. Councilmember waters? Yes. Councilmember Whitfield Callaway. Yes. Councilmember young? Yes. House President Sheffield. Yes. Councilmember Benson? No. Councilmember Hall? Yes. Council member Jackson Johnston? Yes.
Eight yeas one day.
Thank you. Resolution is approved. Resolutions.
Skipping to nine point 21. Councilmember young, a resolution 19 point 21
member Yun.
Thank you Madam President. I move to approve my item line item. Nine point 21.
motion has been made for approval and this is for the park residential parking area. Are there any objections?
Push for the President.
Okay, discussion.
Thank you to see it's like a potential walk on and looks very similar to this particular item. Just wanted to get some clarification because I haven't seen as prior to today. Walk are
there some things to do different areas within brush? This is Southern.
Madam Chair,
yes, Washington.
Yes, I believe Pro Tem may be missing the documents to you then if I'm correct.
Yeah, we do have a copy. So should we replace the version that was just while I'm doing today? Are these are similar, right? That's what I thought.
No. So Madam Chair for 1921 that is actually for some brush part which was in a neighborhood this past week. So that item is fine. What is it before you today is line item 23.32 referrals. That is just to set the public hearing for Northern brushwork, right?
Okay. Okay, pro tem, so we're okay moving forward with 19 point 21 as yes, this is the southern portion of residential parking and we'll walk on to new business the northern portion.
Okay. You want me to get clarity and I'll discuss we'll have discussion in a second.
All right, any other discussion on it point 21 Free none and Hearing no objections. 19 point 21 will be approved. And before we go to referral, we want to take a morning to relax and we can go into referrals. For the president's report one study committee referrals and other matters for the budget finance audit standing committees.
So one memorandum.
One memorandum will be referred to the budget Finance and Audit Committee. Internal operation standing committee reports. On various city departments. The five reports will be referred to the terminal operation standing committee for the neighborhood community services standing committee
for reports from various city departments. All right, and
if we can move 23.3 to new business or vote motion to do so. Remember, yeah,
Okay, motion to move 23.3 to new business. And before we do so, discussion, yes.
Just what's the time sensitivity here? You might say that this has not been the committee to set the vote. Why not have schools through the committee discussion prior to setting a public hearings? I know they were concerned by the longtime stakeholders who have been there for over 100 years. And were there for it was everything in the city of Detroit. I'm just concerned about how this will impact those stakeholders. And they letters indicating their concern about the postponement. Probably to have more conversation prior to attending a public hearing on that. Please get this
yes, this just scheduled a public hearing. Yes.
So if you can speak I know, email came out. This is regarding timeline and trying to get this actually scheduled prior to so if you want to respond to a number.
Yeah, I just want to say the reason why I made the motion for line 23.3 from the neighborhood community referrals was to put them on new business due to the cancellation of committees that week. So that's why I'm going through this process. Now. I'm also moving 3.2 as well. So just based on the timeline, but I totally understand where you are probably making good points when I'm doing it.
Okay, so I understand that 23.2 That is definitely time sensitive and I truly support that that puts us in a great spot but still concerned about 23 reasons hasn't gone through a compensation process. I don't believe the stakeholders area have had their concerns addressed and they are on the record identifying concerns and not supporting that central parking plan, which will have a huge disruption and their ability to operate in a long time neighborhood. Living with 100 years. This is something that we talked about NPD a number of years ago to those who we knew will be coming back. And this is what when we talk about gentrification these are the results when you don't respect the long time stakeholders in an area and have a potentially huge disruption to their quality of life and their operations. I don't want to use the G word. I would just like to see that one postpones. We have more conversation, understand the potential timeline what they would like to do once we think more answers need to be provided prior to the conversation with comments.
I thought that's what we were having the public hearing on November 9. I mean, that's why we're gonna have that because that's one of the skills to have that discussion because you're right, we need to have robust discussion. We need to let everybody who gets to hear about us for doing that while going through this process so we can have it on November 9. Before we go on respects. So that's really so I really that's what I'm trying to get his process so we can address the issue that you're talking about.
But he just thinks after a year the issues have been addressed yet that we really still need to have those conversations prior to going to the public hearing portion just yet. Okay,
I see what you're saying because I say this because I like to put all right there sir. Wait, oh, sorry. Because I like to do it all right there. Everybody gets in that same area. Everybody has it out right in that area. So because I don't like to have conversation before because before you had the public hearing and people who don't show up or their people who need them, they go on public housing. That's why I was excluded. Your call but no good. Are you trying to keep me from the meeting? It's like we haven't. All right. Everybody says right. It has that discussion on that date. I think that's the best way to kind of legislate the best policy because there was there and it's happening in real time. I understand what you're saying. I'm not staying away from it. I think it just preference is just the chair, how I like to do things.
I support the chair preference, but also I support those longtime stakeholders who have been there for over 100 years, who have not had their questions answered and who put their opposition on the record over a year ago and we talked about this Edie to those new residents wanted to make changes and have a huge impact in the quality of life on those stakeholders who have been there over 100 years. That is really have to go back to long time stakeholders over 100 years and their quality of life. I'd like to see if we can have those questions answered prior to still eventually have that public hearing to make sure that we can move the process forward and either have an up or down vote but really want to make sure that we defer to those 100 year stakeholders in that area. And there are more than one are numerous.
Not I'm sure. Yes, Mr. Washington.
That's probably not super late. But we do have the director hutches online if he can provide an any additional clarity for what has occurred thus far.
Right director Hutchins, we can promote him as well.
Rector Hutchins,
yes. Hello.
All right. Good. Good afternoon.
Good afternoon. I just joined so I'm not certain why um, what has been said and if there was a question asked,
yes, if you can just speak to some of the progress that has been made regarding the northern portion of the residential parking where there was a lot of really contention with some of the long term established residents that were there and some of the new residents in the area and what has taken place thus far. Has there been any agreement any consensus on anything and where we are to date as there is a request for us to move this for the scheduling level of public hearing, versus going through the regular committee process?
I think I can do my best to share with you what's what's occurred during the meeting. This was the one area where there was contention. We've had really successful support in Cass Park and set Selden and in southern brush Park and even in our central brush Park. Initial community outreach. Northern brush Park is the one area that there is contention. And that contention was from the residence both previous previous residents and new residents. Now when I say residents when I'm affirming this, define that is people who live there, those are residents and those residents at a serious desire to change the parking allowances to a point where it would almost eliminate the ability for non residential activity of which there are multiple entities that have been in the in the neighborhood for extended periods of time. And what we communicated during those events is that the goal was not to not to eliminate the those historically active organizations, but to try to find a resolution that solves everybody's needs as best as possible. So the residents seem to understand that the entities, specifically two entities in the area, had the right to continue to exist and operate and seem to back off from their perspective that we should over assign the parking to a point where it would do eliminate the ability for non residential entities to function primarily on Elliott and on Erskine. The other side of contention has to do with historically Rigoletto for for attorneys. One which I'm a member of Kappa Alpha Psi and Alpha Phi Alpha. They were concerned about being able to function in the area and had some concerns and we're seeking to have the status quo current usage which I explained that to do that would not be able we would not be able to provide some type of support for residents. So there would have to be a compromise. In both situations. As I mentioned, the residents seem to understand and soften their perspective. I have had some conversation with the attorneys. I understand that one of the attorneys has already sought to get additional parking support. The other fraternity, I believe, as more parking support and doesn't have quite the same parking pressures and even in the initial proposal, we had provided parking for those those two entities. However, the parking was metered parking because of the pressure and it's not just coming from the residential parking, but also the pressure that was coming from whether it's Little Caesars arena or Comerica Park but also the Detroit Medical Center and Wayne State and then some city parking that was bleeding into the area. So we gave an extensive plan to help everybody understand all the various pressures that were occurring in the area. And outlined and at this point, there's nothing we can do to make any one route perfectly happy. What the the, the conclusion we came to was a fair and equitable conclusion which we're going to have requesting a public hearing to to further discuss this. And we tried to make sure that we allowed for those historical Greek letter fraternities not to be eliminated from functioning in the area. We didn't think that was appropriate, but we also had to do some things to at least provide minimal support for residential parking in the area. That is, is where we left off with the public engagement. And so the changes would be fairly minor, if any, for the presentation that we would present to the city council, neighborhoods and safety committee when we have the public hearing.
Thank you, Director Robinson.
I still make the request that we postpone this and allow for more Conversations what my understanding is that there was a need for additional conversations there.
Okay, thank you. Mr. Benson, member, potentate?
Yep. Thank you, Madam President. I'm 100% concur with Mr. Benson. I didn't necessarily hear what that compromise would be. And maybe offline would have an opportunity to discuss what that looks like. But just hearing me metered parking alone, to me, doesn't necessarily satisfy the spirit of a compromise. And again, it's just where I sit where I see it. And so I agree wholeheartedly with I've never been always better to have these solutions in advance hearing as opposed to getting there and you know, the thing about it is we found hearings go if decisions are sometimes already made in advance, to the lot more difficult to advocate your your position. So, again, we'll very much more very much in support of requests to a postponement.
Just to be clear, we're not postponing it, but just allowing you to be referred to Committee is the request because it's already on the agenda as a referral. Alright, so again, remember Yun?
Thank you, man. I just want to say I think there's just a difference in terms of preference in terms of, you know, how to do things. We want to make sure that we honor those institutions want to make sure that we honor those 100 year institutions that have been there and in no way have we had it and we have three plans that are set or anything that said in terms of what we're doing. And you know, I want to be careful not to legislate too much outside the committee process. This is just about making sure that we had that discussion at the public hearing. That is what we're going to be doing. And we want to have that date set for the sake of time. We're going to knock all those questions that you have out. We're going to answer all those questions that you have. If there's anything remembered, CD opprotunity are a member of Vincent that like to be out there to complete it. You want to have a dress, please let me know. I will be gladly to do that. That's not what I'm trying to do at all. I'm not even saying that this May. I'm not even gonna be successful. I'm just trying to make sure that you just have that process all at the public hearing. That's really well, I think this needs to be had, and this is going to expedite that process. Thank you, Mr. President.
All right. Thank you, Director. You have your hand raised because we would like to get ready to move on.
Yes to the Chair. I just wanted to clarify we're not talk about postponing the central brush Park hearing correct.
We are referencing line item 23.3 which is the northern portion of brush Park residential. Okay,
and just for the record I why I asked is there was overwhelming support for the central brush park and I would not want to hold that up for the residents while we have it sounds like additional conversations regarding northern rush Park.
Right? Yep, we're on the same page. Okay. All right. So there was a motion to move 23.3 to new business. Is your motion still stand member young? Yes, ma'am. All right. Are there any objections? Project? Okay, the clerk would know.
Kaspersky I've been subjected
member Callaway objection.
Any other object
Okay, so the resolution is approved. That
Correct? Approved to move to new basis? Yes. And moving to
new business. All right. All right. We will continue for the Planning and Economic Development standing committee.
Madam president has been brought to my attention. That line item 24.2 By planning and development departments should go to the public health and safety standing committee. So I'm requesting that item be moved to PHS.
All right, is there a motion to do so? So Hearing no objections before pointing to present to public health and safety.
Madam president when he was with one office and procurement
for the public health and safety standing committee,
nine various city departments noting the addition of line item 24.2
The nine reports will be referred to the public health and safety standing committee. And before we go to the consent agenda, we can take up line item 23.3. Mr. Clark,
as a member you are resolution Lanham 23.3
Alpha member Yeah. Move
approval. I don't want a 3.3
Just to be clear, the public hearing for this for what would
they November 9 2023.
The resolution that I have actually says October the 19.
Those are different ones as
this has been a northern November
so if we could get the resolution that was just submitted and the last resolved says at the public hearing will be held on October the 19th. So
yeah, would you like to amend the resolution? You don't pass a resolution with the wrong date,
right. Absolutely. Like to make a motion to move line item 23.3 with the date of November 9.
So yeah, I think that's what he just
did it the right way. Or do I need to
delete it? Just to
do it the same way or repeating. Okay, well, Mr. All right. Thank you, Mr. President. I'd like to make a motion to substitute the date of October October 19. For November the ninth to October 19 2023 to November the ninth 2023
All right. motion has been made. Hearing no objection, objection. Oh, I'm sorry. Objections. Okay. Yes. protegees.
So, no. So no,
that's when Scott Benson object. Perk was
number Callie objects are cool. So no. All right.
That motion is approved. All right. I'm sorry. 23.2. You want to walk on this event?
Yes. Walk on line 23.2.
Is to new business
because I like to make a motion to walk on line 23.2 new business.
Right motion has been made. Discussion
okay, you can already been
okay. Thank you, Dr. Powers. Member Yeah, if you can now move your amended resolution, please.
Thank you, Mr. President. I would like to make like to approve line 23.3
As you
as amended the MID RIGHT HERE no objections. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. They're just saying the same for
authors. Against objection. Callaway object.
No objections.
All right. That motion is approved. And we have one more Walker member Young.
Thank you, Madam President. I like to walk on to the agenda. I don't want 3.2 This is the position of the Delta 40 partnership to request Monday Night Football tailgate on October 13 2003. Circus park hours or 2pm to 6pm.
Any discussion on walking distance one discussion discussion number Benson.
Why was this walked either I'm opposed to like the process was to just announce that we have the Monday night game or was this just a late thought process?
Remember, yeah, I understand
that. This is about the time but I like to let the ministration be able to speak more clearly.
Okay, Mr. Washington. Can we please have someone come over please?
Yes, ma'am. Chair. We do have Rokk on online, as well as Ryan Epstein from DDP.
Alright, we will promote both of those individuals
you can just make sure your cameras are on so that we can see you
I apologize. Madam Chair. I'm actually on my phone. Um, in regards to the question, it was a it was a late thought brought to us by Ford Field just as a result of, you know, wanting to leverage the success of the lions this year. So it was it was just a late addition and that's that's why we are in the situation that we're in.
Thank you, Madam Chair. Yes, ma'am. Callaway.
Yeah, thank you, Madam Chair. I support the event as well, but we we serve in our own processes for certain individuals and certain organizations. And we have requirements that we don't adhere to we have deadlines that we allow certain organizations not to adhere to. So I suppose, you know, we, you know, yay for the Lions. But we seem to always allow this circumvention of our or avoidance or lack of adherence to our own processes and procedures. Oh, this is less than a week away. And, you know, you'll look like we don't support the lions if we deny this request, but this organization didn't follow procedures and processes and it seems to be commonplace around here. Thank you, Madam Chair.
Thank you. Miss brocail. Well, do you have anything else additional to
throw the chair? Franco no Government Affairs Coordinator. I do understand. Member Callaway is concerned and we do apologize for the the late arrival of this petition. However, it has been socialized to all the departments and they're all on board APD and our fire department I'm sure
thank you. Thank you, ma'am for that Miss Newell. I'm hoping that this type of deference and preference and exceptions will be made for the individuals in different communities who may not have may not come from an organization this I hope they will also be allowed to have exceptions made in their favor as well. And I'll be making sure I monitor those decisions. Thank you Madam Chair. Thank you, Mr. Poole.
Thank you, Mr. Galloway.
Thank you, Madam President. I just want to co sign with member Callaway. I agree wholeheartedly. We move mountains for some bigger entities and I think you know, I want to enjoy myself. Well, we love it. I love the fact that we are winning this year. I mean, I did, if chance any of the games in person, but I believe we get a number of requests from General citizen who also you know, have situations where they didn't necessarily know the process or didn't understand it. Miss deadline and we shut it down and we close them off and say no and follow the rule. While I again, hope that this is a great event, I think it will be a support to my report The city also to remember Callaway is point we have to be fair across the board and not just to those who are so called connected to us. Thank you very much.
Thank you, member. Yeah.
Thank you, man. I want to thank all my colleagues on this. I just want to say this isn't necessarily this will this isn't preference to DTV this is for Detroit citizens that want to participate in a tailgate you know, especially now the Lions have been winning season. And I don't know wherever you are, I know my committee for backwards and bonfires was a smaller company. I went to hell and high water to be able to get that data. And I still got a paper trail from sort of step ahead. In our problem doing it, I remember having to plead with some council members just to be able to get that through and I'm not too proud to beg. I'm just saying we'll all do that. I don't know about everybody else's experience. I'll know whatever I say I didn't know for me personally, that while my community we want to treat everyone the same way we don't treat everyone equally and I want out of my way for a bigger events going away for smaller events. And there's no way to try and give favoritism to downtown Detroit partnership. We will respect them and shout out to them. But this is really about them choice citizens. They want to participate in the lions and the Lions have a winning season. How about the lions? So I really think just a good overall paper by to be involved in I just want to make that clear the
President's Alright, thank you remember Yang broken this.
So I don't want to personalize this because this is not about individual council member chairs or party or committees. It's about our action as a body because once we approve, whatever we approve of this table, it is not just a chair. It is not just a committee. It is the body and once I'm being asked I'm just saying now personalize it for me once I am being asked to vote on something that I don't necessarily believe is that I may have challenges with it now looks me and in my opinion counts at that point just as my vote. So again, I don't want us to personalize it. This is not about an individual member. Or committee. It's about our policies and our processes begin concur and reboot every California vote to move to intubate please.
Before I have to go to you I have to take up the motion. There was a motion to end debate. Are there any objections? Understand I had to go based on motion. It was a motion to intubate the objections. Hearing one objection or two objects, I'll object to go to that motion is approved. Member Young.
Thank you, Madam President. I Well, you asked me to speak to this or he asked me to refer to the approval at
the end of the
debate right. Now was getting good. Rap I'd say write
original motion that was on the floor. Yeah. That was to walk on that particular item. Okay, so we're back for that now. Okay. That's my point two 3.3. Member Young.
Thank you, Mr. President. I moved to make the motion to walk on line item 23.2.
To new business, new business. Are there any objections? Hearing no objections that action will be taken. Mr. Clerk?
Councilmember? Yes. Resolution line 23.2.
Member. Yeah.
Thank you, Mara. Moved to approval item 23.2.
Are there any objections? Hearing no objections that action will be taken
by the president with the line item 23.2.
waiver has been requested or no objection motion carries. Under the consent agenda, there are now call for member reports.
Move to suspend reports.
There is a motion to suspend. Are there any objections? The Kirkwood note member Yeah. Local. So. Okay. That motion carries. We have a 3pm closed session today. However, the 3:30pm closed session has been canceled for today. The opposing counsel has asked to reschedule. So we will have one closed session today at 3pm. Under an option without committee reference,
no it was Madam President. Under communications from the park a reportable proceedings by the mayor. That report
will be received and placed on file under testimony resolutions. special privilege,
Councilmember Benson three resolutions 30.1 30.3.
Awesome. Member Benson. Motion to approve. motion has been made. Are there any objections? Hearing no objection the three resolutions will be approved. Under testimonial solutions and special privilege.
As a member young resolution line I'm 30.4
of every young.
Thank you Madam President. I move to approve line item 30.4.
motion has been made. Are there any objections? You there none. The one resolution will be approved. Right and there being no further business to come before us this morning. We will stand adjourned and just remind the public that all committees is will be canceled. To the city council legislative retreat. Everyone Have a nice day. This meeting will now stand adjourned.