Bessman Okafor Trial Opening Statements Part 2 08/20/15 Brienna
4:32PM Sep 10, 2024
living room
front door
home invasion
I'm going to Go down there. I
first coming in. Hang on. Just a moment. Oh, to what the state's obligated charge one photograph would show that there was a deceased person here in that place. Your Honor, instead of having three fairly gruesome photographs admitted to show basically the same thing, multiple photographs previously the photograph the stream close up, allows identification of the individual, which is an
element that they which is an element. That's the only one in which the face is actually visible. The second one shows the position of hands, given what's on the whole line. I don't either they are somewhat bruising. I agree with you. I obviously, in
one photograph, do not give a big deal
to the others in a big deal. Finally,
okay, are we ready to bring our jury back in? Okay, let's go ahead and bring the jury in. Please. Lost Jeff. You can go ahead and bring him in. You Mr. Mosley,
I'm going to call on you anyway.
You can announce that you want to reserve you.
one of the bathrooms, Oh, I thought we had that taken care
of. Told Jeff we need to work out a timeframe, whether 1520 minutes, 30 minutes or not. I you,
apparently we have one juror indisposed at the moment. I think that's the proper way to say that I
Dave, do me a favor. Make sure this microphone is on. I can't reach it all right after.
Please be seated, ladies and gentlemen, welcome back Mr. Moseley defense opening reserve. Okay, the defense will be reserving and placing presenting their opening at a later point state call your first witness, please. Amy
Scott, okay. Amy Scott,
ma'am, be very careful on those steps coming up, please have a seat. Pull that microphone down to you, if you will. And okay, very good if. First of all, would you introduce self, introduce yourself to the jury, and spell your first name and last name for the court reporter, please. My name is Amy Scott, a, m, y, s, c, o, t, t, thank you.
Please proceed. And
good morning, ma'am. What address do you live at 648
butterfly Creek, drive in Ocoee.
Butterfly Creek. Drive. Mm, hmm. And how long have you been living there? 18
years you
were living there back on September 10 of 2012 Yes.
Do you know an address 503, Bernardino drive? Yes, I
do. And where is that in relation to your house, directly behind me? Okay? And is there a so their backyard would adjoin your backyard? And is there any kind of fence or anything between the backyards? Yes,
six foot high, wooden fence.
Alright, let me take you back to that day of September 10, 2012 at around five o'clock in the morning. Do you remember what you were doing that at that time?
Yes, I was getting ready for work. I was in my kitchen. Where did you work
at the time, I worked at preschool in Apopka, alright. And was anyone else in your house with you at that time, my son and my husband were asleep, they were asleep and you were getting ready for work. Yes, did something unusual happen after five o'clock in the morning. Yes, I was in my kitchen getting ready. The light was on. I heard a little loop to the back garbage can, and then turned and somebody was ringing the doorbell with blood dripping down out of their head and screaming, we've been shot. You say somebody was it? A man, a woman, a woman, woman, young woman. She she had blood streaming down her head. Yes,
is that when you open the door, you just see through the
I have a little glass by my door, and that's why I could see through the little glass window beside the door at that point. When you did that, could you only see that woman or do you see anybody else at that point? I could only see that woman at that time. What did you do when she's standing at your door screaming about that? I screamed. My son and husband woke up out of a dead sleep, and I grabbed the phone and went to turn off the alarm and went to well, open a door. My husband opened the door. Now, let me ask you, this young woman that you saw, did you at that time? Did you know who she was? I really didn't know what her name was or anything. No. Did she look familiar? She looked familiar from the back because of their dog used to jump into our neighbor and our yard, and she would come around to get the dog. Okay, you just didn't know her name or anything. No, so. So then what happened when your husband, I guess, opened the door? Oh yeah, we saw there was a man on the ground naked and bleeding from the back of his head. And by that time, I was trying to call 911 and they were transferring me or something. I was like, don't transfer me. Don't transfer me. And
you did call 911 Yes,
I did. Let me show you what's remarked.
And any states seen
this before? Yes, I have listened to this. Yes. I have,
yes, it is, this time I would like to enter into evidence. States exhibit a and play for the journal. Any objection? All right, it'll be mark as states first exhibit what is that number one? Okay?
We need to have it so we can mark it and is going to be played. Is that correct? Folks, this will be played for you, and this will be back in the jury room with you, since it has been marked as an exhibit into evidence,
12, the time. Oh. 524, fire. Medical decline is recorded. Medical we have somebody that just came to our front door that been shot in the head and needs an ambulance. What's your address? 648 butterfly Creek, drive of curly Florida. Okay, Is he breathing? He's breathing? Yes, okay, let me get you to the fire department. We have Felicia on the way out. Thank you.
Orange County Fire Rescue. What's the address? I'm sorry. What is the address? 648, butterfly Creek, drive in Ocoee. Are you off of white road? Yes. Okay. What's the phone number you're calling from? 478, 7772 77290, okay, tell me exactly what happened. I'm here in my home, and somebody just changed my front door so they been shot and they need an ambulance of bleeding under my front porch. Okay. TD, are you responding? Yes. TD, is in route. I I don't know. I think we need police to because yes, ma'am, this is the police department. We have the police on the way. Okay, an ambulance? Yes, ambulance is coming to hold on one second. You
uh, that call is identified as being 5:24am, do you believe that's the correct time? Yes, it is. You mentioned that the young woman you you didn't know her name at the time. Is that right? That's correct. You since come to know who that is. Yes, it is. Who is that? Brianna Campos and you said there was a naked young man with her, her brother, Remington. All right. Thank you. I don't have any other questions. Thank you, sir. Cross Examination.
Good morning.
Miss what brought your attention to Ms Campos, first? Were you up? I was awake. Yes, I was in the kitchen getting ready for work. And did you hear any noises prior to her coming knocking at your door? I heard the garbage can, which is right, but I was in the kitchen, and the windows right there, and the garbage cans right on the other side, and I heard it go, Oh, didn't hear anything else. No, nothing further, any redirect. And just to be clear, you didn't hear it. Gotcha. No, I
did not. Ma'am. Thank you so much. Please be very careful stepping down there.
Call your next witness. None of the state calls officer. Daniel Schilling.
Daniel Schilling, please, you. You
can do I'll just ask
you. Good morning, sir, thank you for joining us. Move that microphone up a little bit, if you would please. And you want to be about two to three inches from the microphone, if you would. Would you introduce yourself to the jury and spell your first name and last name for the court reporter? Please. Officer Daniel Schilling, with the echoey Police Department, that's D, A, N, I, E, L, S, S lings, S, C, H, I, L, L, I N, G, thank you. Please proceed. Thank you, honor Mr. Schilling. Where are you currently employed with the Ocoee Police Department, and how long have you been employed with the Ocoee Police Department, since June 1 of 2009
What are your current duties with the Ocoee Police Department? Currently, I'm in the canine unit, prior
to joining the k9 unit, what were what was your assignment or your duties? I was a patrol a road patrol officer. I think we know. But can you tell us what a patrol officer does or what you were doing when you were assigned to patrol, usually assigned to a district or a zone in the city, and I handle calls for service, anything from, you know, robberies to noise complaints, pretty much everything, when someone calls 911, I go to that. Mr. Schilling, were you employed and on duty with the Okoye Police Department back on Monday, September 10 of 2012 I was what was your shift that morning? I think we were on a 6pm to 6am schedule at the time, so you were still on shift around 5am is that right? Correct? But your shift was about to end, correct? Did you receive a call referencing a gunshot victim that morning at approximately 5:24am, I did. And did you respond to 648 butterfly Creek in reference to that call I did. Where were you located? Physically? When you received the call to go to that address, I was at the intersection of Blueford and old Winter Garden Road, pretty much parked right across the street from the coy Police Department. Do you know approximately how long it took you to get from that location where you were when the call came in to 648, butterfly Creek drive I was responding to that call, lights and sirens, so I would, you know, venture to estimate less than two minutes, 90 seconds somewhere in there,
you said you were responding lights and sirens. What does that
mean when it's a well, as we refer to as a hot call, or something that requires an emergency response, activate our overhead lights and our siren on our vehicle and usually try to get there as quickly as possible, but safely. And you did that on this morning to this call. Is that right? I did? Were you driving in Mark patrol car? I was What were you wearing that morning? As you were on patrol, I was wearing my police uniform. Now I used, and you have responded about 648, butterfly Creek drive, where within the city of Ocoee is that located roughly it's off of Orlando Avenue. It's kind of a little bit in the middle of our city. Does Orlando Avenue change from change names from one name to another? Yeah, yes, between Blueford Avenue and Clark road that run north and south. Orlando Avenue changes about halfway and turns into white road. So Orlando is both Orlando and white. Correct approach to witness what's been marked as states Exhibit B and Shelby Council. You may officer Schelling to composite of two maps, please look at both of them and tell me where you've had an opportunity to do.
So I have you recognize the two maps in space Exhibit B, I do and what do they depict? They depict the area or where the incident occurred, those maps fared after depictions of that area that you responded to in the morning of September 10, yes, at this time, the state seeks to admit states. Exhibit B, any objection, all right, they'll be admitted as the next number. Exhibit composite of two pages. Thank you. Permission to publish states too.
Yes, sir, you may. Officer
Schilling, I'm going to put the maps up on the screen. You should see it in front of you. Use the screen. Touch it more as you see fit. As I ask you questions. Start with b2 You
two officer Schilling, you referenced Orlando Avenue. Can you show us on the map where that is? Okay? I
now from, and I'll clear that off from. What direction did you approach butterfly Creek drive that morning, I came from the west, so I was traveling east on Orlando Avenue. So from left to right on the map is that. Right, correct, okay. And how do you how did you get to butterfly Creek? Drive that morning, if you could show us on the map, all right? And what road is that, sir, sleeping harbor. Drive. Okay. And then you turn left on Jackson, left on Jackson, which turns into butterfly Creek. And you said it was 648 Correct? 648 butterfly Creek, because you actually went Yes, p1 and
I'll clear off your previous marks. You
it's now. Can you see 648, butterfly Creek drive? Yes, I'm pretty positive it's a second house. Go ahead and mark that from Chicago. All right. Now, off of the end of sleepy Harbor Drive, there appears to be a vacant space or some type of open field. Do you know what that is? I'm sorry, which, where are you talking about?
Again, the south end of sleepy Harbor Drive.
Okay. You talking about, can I mark it? Yes, sir. Go ahead. Are you talking about this? Yes, sir, okay, yeah, what's the Do you know what's in that location? I think that's where the basketball courts are now, okay, small park, yeah, the in the bigger portion of the parks, off to the well, if you're looking at the map, off to your left. Okay, so you took a left on Jackson and went to butterfly Creek drive. Yes, did you come to find out that the actual crime had occurred at 503 Bernardino drive, yes, I did. Now, did you ever personally respond to 503 Bernardino drive, no, I did not. 503 Bernardino drive, is that in Orange County, Florida, okay, so backing up for a moment. You arrive at 648 butterfly Creek. Drive. Were you the first person there? I was law enforcement officer there, yes. And you had your lights and sirens on, correct? I'm Correct, correct. What happened when you got out of the vehicle? I walked up to the front door. I saw some people walking around at the front door, and I approached, and I the first thing I noticed, right off the bat was there was a male sitting down outside the front door, but in the entryway, and he was either he looked like he was naked and he was covered in blood. Okay. Did you eventually speak to him? I did, alright. Did you you said you saw some other people? Did you see anybody else with injuries? I didn't. There was a female there as well who was walking around on the phone. I think she was on, I think she was still on the phone with the 911, dispatcher. I'm not 100% sure who she was on the phone with, but she was kind of walking around and I didn't realize she was injured in the beginning, but I eventually asked her a little bit later, and then she told me she was never see any blood on her person. I did when I finally it was it was still dark, so I finally shot my flashlight at her, because she had mentioned that she'd been shot in the head, and I could tell that her hair was soaked in blood. Now, earlier, I asked you if you were the first person there, and you said you were. Did other units eventually arrive to assist you? Um, at least one other officer arrived with me on butterfly Creek, and then once we figured out that the actual incident happened on Bernardino, the rest of the officers went to that residence, but you stayed at 648, yes, yes, I stayed at that residence with The two victims. What's
been marked the state's exhibit T and show them the council you may officer Schilling, I'm showing you T. It's a disc. Take a look at it and tell me if you recognize any markings on it. I do. My initials are up here at the top right. You recall watching that this I did, and what was depicted on it? It's a, looks like it's a surveillance video from a house, and you can see me driving to the scene. Okay, so this video had a timestamp. Is that right? Correct? And you said you saw your or the first patrol vehicle on scene arrive in the video. Is that correct? Correct? Did the time stamp on the video match the time that your vehicle arrived at the scene? It did.
One moment. Your Honor. Yes. No further questions. Thank. You cross examination
officer showing so you you had no involvement in any other investigative issues in this case at all. I did not. So the only thing you did in this case was just arrive at butterfly butterfly Creek and wait until assistance came to your location. Yes, I waited for the I mostly waited for the medical personnel and detectives to arrive. Yeah, did you ever determine who Miss Campbell was talking to on the phone? No, I did not. And are you pretty sure she was talking to one on the phone? Yes, I recall she was on, I think she was still, like I said, I think she was still on the phone with the 911, dispatcher, but I'm not 100% uh, who she was on the phone with. Thank
you. Redirect. No, your honor,
sir. Thank you very much. You may step down. Please be careful and step behind you. Thank you. Call your next witness.
Next witness is Brianna Campos, okay.
Brianna Campos, you
would you please Good morning.
Please bring that down to you, and your voice is a bit soft, so stay very close to it. If you would, would you introduce yourself to the jury and spell your first name and your last name for the court reporter? Please. Brianna Campos, b, r, I, E N, N, A, C, A, M, P, O, S, thank you.
Please proceed.
How old are you today?
I'm 23
How old were you back in what? What's your birthday?
February, 4, 1992
so back in May and September of 2012 you were 20 years old. Yes. Where were you living at those occasions in May and September of 2012
at 503, Bernardino, drive, Ocoee, Florida,
who whose house is that
my parents
let me take you back to to May 9 of 2012 were your parents living at that address at that time? No, they were not and where were they?
They lived on the coast.
They were not in the same town as correct. Okay, so who was, who was living at the house at 503, Bernardino drive back on May 9 of 2012 myself and two brothers and a roommate. What are you? Who were your brothers, Remington campus and Brandon campus? And if you know, what are the How old were they, or how much older or younger than you are they? Remington's three years older, so he would have been 23 at the time, and Brandon, the youngest is a year less than me, so he would have been 19. And you say there was a roommate there as well. Yes, Alex aldevar. And how long had Alex been living with you? In May, maybe six, maybe six months.
What? What kind of house is it at 503? Bernardino drive. In other words, how many bedrooms? It's a four bedroom, two bath, all right? And there were four people living there. Did everybody have their own bedroom? Yes, I
You may approach that's not necessary.
This looks like a blueprint of the house, the floor plan. Yes,
it is, yes, any objection,
it'll be admitted as the next numbered exhibit. Thank you. I
and I would like to publish this to the jury, yes, sir, I.
Is that visible on your computer? Yes, okay.
Do you see on this,
on this drawing, where your bedroom was? Yes, I do,
and I think you can just draw on it,
okay, and that's where your bedroom was on May 9, yes, yes, by the way, was that where your bedroom was also
September? Yes, it was,
tell us where the other people slept. My younger brother would have been in this room. Right across from this is a bathroom. Was he okay? So yes, it would be right here. Then okay,
and we can, we can actually erase, I don't know how to do it.
Alright, let's so this is your bedroom. This is your brother's right. Okay,
right here. Would have been Remington with Alex right here. Okay, is that where everybody's bedrooms were on May 9 and on September 10 as well. Yes, let me first talk about what happened on May 9, of 2012 What were you doing? Say in the middle in the afternoon on that day, I was in the living room with my brother and one of his friends watching Netflix on the television, and if you could show us where the living room is, right here. Okay, so
what you were there with
your brother, who said, yes, my younger brother, Brandon. Brandon, anybody else there? William was there, who they both carpooled to school. Alex was also home, but sleeping in a room in Remington was currently at work. Alright,
and you mentioned William. Who's that? One
of my younger brother's friends. They went to school together. You
know his last name, yes, Harrington.
So was you Brandon will watching TV in the living room? You said, Yes, remember what you were watching Netflix. I don't know what Show All right, and Alex was asleep in his bedroom. Yes. Did something happen? Unusual that afternoon? Yes, we got a random knock at the front door.
Remember about what time this was
because William and Brandon were home from school. It had to have been between 1230 and 1pm and you're just watching this movie on Netflix, and there's a knock on the door. Yes. What happens? I look at my brother who's sitting in a chair in the living room across from me, and asked him, Are you expecting anyone? Who shook his head, no, and I said, Me, either. So I sent him to go up to the door and see who was there. We have no peephole. It's just a side panel glass to look through, and as he peered through, he didn't really have a clear look, and so he opened up the front door, and that's when I heard two gentlemen there and tell him to step back into the house.
You say two gentlemen.
Describe them a little more. It
was two black males standing at the door and what looked like just t shirts and basketball shorts, okay? And so, so they're, they're the ones at the at the door, yes. What happens? Then they pull out two pistols in my brother's face and tell us to get back in the house and get the fuck on the ground. Okay? So what happens? Then we proceeded to step back into the living room in front of the fireplace, where William was sitting on a love seat, and he was still sitting there in shock. And so they had to repeatedly tell him, get down on the ground. And so now all three of us are face down on the wood floor, and they just tell us, don't look, don't look, where's the money? And they start rummaging through the house to find stuff.
Did they ask you anything?
They asked Who else was in the house, and we didn't say anything. We said, No one. So they start looking through the house. You say, yes, one of them did. I guess yes, one stayed with us in the living room, while another went through the house, checking rooms for anything of value. And while they happen to be on the backside of the house where Alex's room is, he yelled out to the living room, oh, there's another jet sleeping back here. And they pulled out Alex in his boxers and then laid him down on the floor with us three. Okay, so all four of you are now on the floor. Yes, and did they tell you what they were looking for, or what they kept asking for drugs and money? And saying, asking, this is the Grow house, this is the Grow house. And I said, no, they look through the windows in the backyard and there's just a pool in the yard. They checked the whole house. They found small amount of cash that was there between all four of us. And when they were disappointed with their fine, they then grabbed backpacks and duffel bags and filled it with laptops, cell phones in our pockets and various other electronics. Okay, now you say you were face down on the floor, did you? Did you get a look at these two guys? Yes, I did. Between all four of us, we tended to look up and view them before they yell at us, and at one point it was a bessman Okafor actually picked me up off the ground and dragged me to my room because he thought there was hidden drugs in there, and dragged me to the room and found nothing. And then he placed me back in the living room with the other three. Now you say bessman okefere, had you ever seen him before? No, I did not. When this is happening. You don't have any idea. I did not know his name. No. And did you notice anything about him when you saw him? Yes, he had a scar on his chest that it almost looked possibly like a burn, like it was kind of bumped up a little bit. He was wearing a black V neck. So right in the V neck, where it comes down, there was like, almost look like a boil or a scar, or some and he also styled in his eyebrows like three slash marks in his eyebrows. Okay, so he's looking for drugs, money, something, yes, okay. And you say they they loaded up cell phones and laptops and that kind of thing, Xboxes and yeah, okay. And then what happened? Then they continued to tell us to stay on the ground. We're not here to hurt you. Blah, blah, blah, after they placed everything in duffel bags and made sure there's nobody else in the house, after finding Alex, they asked Whose vehicle was parked in the driveway, which was Williams who drove Brandon from school. They lied and said it was the older brother at work, so he had the keys. Didn't take the vehicle, but then they checked all our pockets, found house keys from Brandon coming home from school, and as they left the house and grabbed the duffel bags to walk down the road to wherever their car was, whatever, they used Brandon's house keys to stick it in the house, front door lock and make sure it would unlock and lock like they were going to come back when you were lying face down on the ground, where you Did they tie you up or anything? Yes, they took Xbox controllers that they left behind, and they would they tied up our hands and feet, and they used, like Halloween costume handcuffs that have a button to release. I believe they put those on William so he was able to get himself free and untie the rest. All right, so they, after tying you up and taking the stuff, they leave. Yes, they left. Did you ever see, or could you ever see how they you know, any vehicle that they came with when they exited the house? No, but before the knock there was a suspicious car that was driving up and down the street, but we didn't think anything of it. And did you get a look at that suspicious car after the whole incident? Yes, we did identify the vehicle as as it was driving up and down the street. Yes, we did. We have a large TV screen on the mantle of our fireplace with Windows directly behind it. So with the blinds open, it causes a glare, a reflection on the black screen. And we kept seeing what looked like a purple or blue Monte Carlo driving up and down like maybe it was pizza delivery lost. There was no topper. And after about the fourth or fifth time, I believe it was Alex or not. Alex William commented on it like that, vehicle's lost maybe 10 minutes later, that's when we got the random knock on our front door. Okay, so the robbers take the stuff, they leave the house. Then what happens after we get our cell phone tied we have no cell phones in our pockets, and we don't have a house phone for there, so with no way to contact the police, we had to walk out the front door, which the two individuals left open when they exited. We had to walk out the front door and go to our neighbor on the left and have her call 911 for us. And after 911 was called, did the police come? Yes, they did. No, you, you had never seen these guys before, right? No, I have not. Was anybody able to help the police find these guys? Oh, William offered help, knowing that the individual stole his iPhone, which he happened to have a Find My iPhone app on, and when he brought it up, a police officer for a co APD said he also had an iPhone. William downloaded the app and tracked his own phone that was stolen and it showed a red pen where his phone was at that time. Okay.
What happened after that? I. After
that, we remained out front of our house. Why police left to go see that location and find out how accurate the radius of that pin was. Did you eventually hear that the police had found something or found some people? Yes,
and how did that come about?
We were sitting outside, and we heard from one of the police officers over the radio there, there was a foot chase. You could hear the canine barking, but they did say that they have some individuals that match the description, even the vehicle description, and that they also recovered William's phone with them, and
you had given the police the description of these guys, and,
yes, clothing, the scar, the eyebrows, yeah, okay, so what happened after that? After that, it's probably now three o'clock in the afternoon, 330 we got picked up in undercover cars, me bringing in one vehicle, and then will and Alex in another. And we got driven to a church off a coey Apopka road, or Apopka Vineland Road, actually. And as we got there, there's other detectives, and they informed us they would take us in another unmarked vehicle, single one by one, to a nearby neighborhood to do what they call a show up, to identify who they had arrested. Did they explain anything to you about this show up and what the procedure would be, yes, they said they wouldn't be able to see in the vehicle we would park down the road and sit in the back seat. The detective I was with had a recorder for me to talk into and describe and say, Yes, this is him. And they pulled out an individual parked on the other side of the street and pulled him out of a vehicle in handcuffs. And let me, let me just ask you, before that, did they tell you before they ask you to identify anybody, whether they thought these were the people or he said they may or may not. They just said they called individuals that matched the description that I gave them. So they needed me to identify all right? And so when you did this show up, you drove past these guys after they did the show up, and I said, Yes, these are the individuals I saw. Then we proceeded to leave, and he drove me by the house that they found them in, and there was the purplish Monte Carlo looking car parked like on the grass and the sidewalk. And the two individuals that you identified, were you certain those were the two individuals that I was 100% positive, yes, we're 100% positive. Yes. Do you know the names of those two individuals? I
do know what were their names, bessman
Okafor and Nolan Bernard. And bessman Okafor, who you identified at as May 9 of 2012 Would you recognize him again? If you saw him today? Yes, I would you see him here in this courtroom? Yes, I do.
Could you point him out to us? I'm sorry. He's
five people down there, which he's the second from the left. The left, second from the left, Veronica, the record reflect she's identified Mr. Okafor, the defendant.
Record will so identify, so show. And
was it your understanding that both Mr. Bernard and Mr. Okafor were arrested that day. Yes, did you get back most of the property that was stolen? Yes, around 430 they allowed us to go to the police station, and they asked us descriptions of what was stolen before they unveil it in a box and return it.
Were you ever notified about a trial for this case, for this home invasion? We did receive various things in the mail for subpoenas in our deposition. Yes, okay, now you mentioned the deposition. Did you actually go to a deposition? Yes, I believe me. Will Brandon and Alex all wrote together, okay? And what? What is a deposition, as you understand, it was like an interview with the state and the defense, pretty much just like a transcript of what happened, what we're doing now, this is the defense attorney essentially asking you questions, yes, getting more information about what your testimony would be, yes, and did you testify at that deposition again about how to identify these people and how you were prepared to testify at trial. Yes, I did. And you say you also got a subpoena to for a trial. Yes. And do you recall what day that trial was scheduled for? It was set for September 11 of 2012 alright.
Let me take you now to September 9. September 10, 2012
did you go to sleep at some point that
night? September 9? Yes, I didn't.
And again, that same bedroom you pointed out to us, Yes, who else was in the house at that time? Let me ask you this, who was, who was living at the house back in September 9, September 10, myself, two brothers and Alex zaldabara and people. Yes. Okay, so you said you went to sleep in your bedroom? Yes, I did. And what were you wearing when you went to sleep?
I was sleeping in my undergarments at the time. All right,
you were in your bedroom by yourself. Yes. Do you have a dog? Yes, I do. How old was your dog at the time? He was about four or five months at the time. And where was your dog? He sleeps in the bedroom with me. Okay. Was your bedroom door closed when you went to sleep? Yes, it was, did you know who else was in the house when you went to sleep? I knew my older brother Remington was but I wasn't positive about Alex, because he had left to drive my brother to a friend's your brother, Brandon, yes, and he must have came home later than I went to bed already. All right, so was your understanding that Brandon was not going to be sleeping there that night? Yes, I knew he was gone, okay? And, and you knew that Alex had taken Brandon, and you just didn't know if he'd come back yet. Yes, all right. And Remington, you say was was asleep in his bedroom. Yes, so you went to sleep, any idea about what time it was you went to sleep wee hours of the morning. It was probably maybe 1am because I wake up a lot. I was where I finally got to full sleep. All right, did anything happen after that? After you went to sleep, I normally wake up around 430 from a phone call my boyfriend getting ready to go for work with his dad, and like an internal alarm, I must have woke up a little bit shy of 430 I checked my phone, I believe it said 4:24am so to stay awake and wait for the phone call, I got up and used the restroom, went back into the bedroom, and I must have fell asleep. The next thing I hear is the dogs barking. I have my dog in my room. My younger brother across the hall has a dog as well that was still locked in the room, and I hear the dog, Brandon's dog, yes. And I hear both dogs barking at this point. And then I start to hear banging coming from the living room. It sounds, I mean, the the pictures are vibrating up against the wall. So it's, at first I thought maybe Brandon came home and there's an altercation in the living room. Maybe he's been drinking and he got pushed into a wall. Well, the banging didn't stop. It was like three, four more times to where I said, okay, something's wrong. I need to diffuse it. Let me. Let me just stop you there. Do you know about what time this was a little bit after I remember seeing five, but I don't know the minute it was after 5am. Little bit after five. Yes. Okay. You hear the banging. I hear the loud banging. So I decide I'm going to get dressed and go in the living room. I open up my closet door to put on basketball shorts and grab a t shirt. And as soon as I do that, the banging ended up being my front door or my bedroom door being kicked wide open, and there was like a lag, maybe two second lag, and as I peeked around my bed or my closet in my bedroom, all I see is an arm stick out with a long black sleeve, and it looks like a T shirt wrapped in his hand holding the butt of a gun. And it's just the barrel of the pistol comes around my corner, where my closets next to it. And I peeked around, and I went like this instantly, and he just said, Shut the up and get in the living room. And while I'm still trying to put on my shorts so I'm not in my underwear, he grabs me by my armpit and drags me out through the hallway to the living room as I'm sliding on my shorts. And could you see this person at all you described? He's holding a gun with a holding a t shirt with a gun. See anything else about him? The only part of the skin I could see was just around his eyeballs and his nose due to T shirts covering them up. You see, he
had T shirts covering up his face. Yes, it looked
like he had a t shirt where he just put his head through the hole and let it almost drape like a scarf around his neck. And then he had another t shirt where the part where your head goes was like here, around his eyes, and he had it look like tied in the back, so all you could really see from his face was his eyes in a slight hairline. That's it. You say you saw a little bit of the hairline? Yeah. Could you tell the race of this person? No.
Could you see about what kind
of hair it looked like he had? His hairline was showing so, yeah, it looked like short, buzzed hair, maybe a fade, you know, it was real faint, but a solid, clean line right on his head, all right.
And could you see anything about his build?
He looked tall. I mean, I'm small, so everybody seems six foot. But he was wearing all dark. Clothing really baggy around him because he had layers, so it made him look tall and lanky, and that's that's all I got. He wasn't a fat guy or anything like No, he didn't appear to be No, all right, so he drags you out of the bedroom. Yes, can you look around at that point? Or what? The only light on at that point was in the hallway between mine and Brandon's bedroom. So I could
Alex's silhouette. He was already face down on the living room floor.
So you're
taken into at gunpoint into the living room. Yes.
Were you able to
say anything about the gun? This a handgun he has.
It appeared to be yes, holding Yeah, with one hand, yes. Do
you know anything else about that gun? No, alright.
So you're, you're taken into the living room. Does he tell you anything about looking around or anything. He tells me not to look around, to lay face down on the ground, alright? And that's what you did. Yes, say Alex was face down on the ground. Yes, he was. Do you recall how he was dressed? It was dark, but it looked like he was only in a pair of basketball shorts, alright? And he's face down on the ground. Could you tell whether there was any other bad guy in the living room? I didn't get a chance to after I seen Alex laying down, I was pretty much forced to lay on the ground and not look anywhere. All right. So and were you placed face down next to Alex? Yes, our heads were practically touching like this. Okay. Do
you remember anything about Alex's hands at all
at that point? They were laying down at his side. Okay,
so you're face down on the ground.
The guy with the T shirts is standing over you, as far as you know. Yes, all right. Could you see him anymore at that point, or is he kind of behind he's standing behind me. Could it sound like he was walking around, but no, does anything else happen? You say Remington is in his bedroom? Yes, I can hear another person while the individual with the T shirts is standing over me and Alex, I hear rummaging, and it sounds like they're not wanting to touch handles. There's more banging like they're kicking through every door. And it sounds like they kicked open the garage. And then I hear what sounds like Remington possibly fighting with someone. And then 30 seconds later, that's when I see Remington come walking out, and there's someone behind him that orders him to lay down on the floor. Okay.
How is Remington dressed? Oh, he
didn't have clothing on,
all right, you say you could see somebody behind him. I could tell there was someone there bringing him to the living room. But I didn't physically see a face or clothing or anything. No, be anything at all about this person, a build or anything? No, I can only assume close to remington's the fact that he wasn't taller, standed out wider than him. Okay, so somebody is bringing Remington into the living room? Yes, what happens with Remington? Remington Zen ordered to lay down on the floor as well, and he lays down to the side of Alex.
Now, this person bringing Remington out, that's, that's,
that's, that's a separate person from the person who's standing over you. Yes, alright, so now all three of you are lying down there on the ground. Yeah, face down, right. Yes.
Did anybody, any of the bad guys, say anything?
I think there was only one person out of the two in the living room that was asking questions, and he was asking, Is this the house that got robbed? And we didn't say anything. It kind of threw us off, like, does this make us a target again? Because we've been hit once. So we didn't say anything. Remained quiet, and then they asked, where the other two? You
think that was the same person? Yes, where?
Where is the other two? Referring to Brandon, who was gone, and our friend William, who was there during the first home invasion, but he never lived in the home. Think that was the same guy that I believe it was the same guy. He was the guy doing all the talking, it seemed so, yes. So he's asking, Where are the other two? He's asking, Where are the other two and who's the naked guy, which is Remington, because again, he wasn't home during the first home invasion. He was gone at work. So after there was just no question, no answers, no answers, and they asked again, where's the drugs or the money? So I told them, you're going to be disappointed, like last time there's nothing here, take the electronics and go. And then someone said, Well, it looks like y'all are going to get shot tonight. And in my head, I just kind of like smirked and chuckled, like, oh, you know, he's trying to scare me to do something. What can he do? What. So then we start hearing the rummaging through the house once again, but now it's things being knocked over and breaking glass, like they're just making it look like a robbery. That's what it sounded like. And the individual that did the talking, he remained in the living room with us while the other is doing the rummaging, and he's telling him, yo, keep it down. Keep it down. You're being too loud. And after all the noise stopped, they came into the living room and they asked again, where's the money? Where's the drugs? No noise. We didn't make any sounds. And then it was just real quiet, and I heard elastic gloves get put on, like the snap of latex gloves on the wrist. So in the first home invasion, we were tied up. They had got evidence off the court's fingerprints, so I'm thinking we're going to get tied up again. I crossed my hands and my feet to get tied up. It is
a narrative. Let's break it up a little bit. Okay.
So you're expecting to get tied up again. Yes, I am.
You mentioned about, I think you said at one point they were going through the house. You saw two guys. Is that? Right? Yes, I only seen two. You saw the one that got you out of the bedroom and was with the T shirts that was holding you at gunpoint, and then whoever it was getting Remington, yes, Okay,
so you say you Hear the snap of you.
I held my breath for what felt like five minutes, and I just wait there still as I could. And after what felt like an eternity, I looked in my head up and called out to Alex, and there was no response. And after calling out to my brother, he popped up as well. So okay, sustained. Sustained.
At this point, let's get back to the narrative. So you
felt the gunshot in your head. Where did you feel it? Right on the left side of my head.
Could you tell whether you were bleeding from that?
I could hear the drops of blood hitting the wood floor, okay? From your head, yes. You say, you then heard another gunshot, a second shot. Could you to give any idea who, who was being shot at with that shot? I had no idea. All right. And then you say you heard a third gunshot, yes. And after lying still for what you described as you felt a long time. You hearing noise at that point, I didn't hear anything, and it was dark, like they turned off the light in the hallway and everything. So you ever hear them leave? No, no, I did not. So at some point, though, after waiting, you did what you looked up. I looked up and I didn't see anyone, and it was quiet. So I said, I need to go Randy. You got to get up for you pass out. And I checked Alex, and he wasn't responsive. Wasn't moving. And when I called out to Remington, he popped up and looked at me and her blood everywhere, and he just said they missed you too. I said, I need to find my phone. I couldn't find it, so we left. Okay. Did you go into your bedroom looking for your phone? Yes. What did you see in your bedroom? My futon was flipped over and like, snapped in half from just being thrown over. So you didn't see your phone in there. When you looked in, I didn't even try looking. So what did you do? Then I went back out into the living room where Remington was and made sure he could get up on his feet, and we both ran out through the back porch, through the backyard, and hopped the fence. So your backyard, there's a fence in the back of your backyard, yeah, and so you got over the fence? Yes, I did. Remington able to get over the fence also. Yeah. Okay. Who was more? Seemed to be more hurt. You were him. Okay. Did you have to help him at all? Yeah, I had to help him through the yard and to get over our back fence. And luckily, the neighbor behind us, their yard slopes down to where when he hit, he was able to roll down and pretty much get back on his feet, because I don't think I could pick him up on my own. And then I helped him get over the gate to their front yard, and we ran to their front door. Okay, so you have to run around their house, kind of the neighbor's house, yeah, through the backyard at that point. Did you know that neighbor? I knew her, but not by name. We used to skateboard with her neighbor, and like she said. Our dog used to jump our fence and get into her backyard. Okay, so
you you went up to her front door. What rang the bell? Yeah. Was 911,
call. Yeah, she did for us. Do
you know about how long it took for the police to arrive? I don't know exactly, did the police, though, arrive? Yes, they did. And what happened with you? I remember being in the driveway Remington, still on the front porch, sitting down. I was in the driveway talking on the phone with, I think, paramedics or police, when I was approached by at the time, I thought it was a paramedic gentleman asking me to have a seat and calm down. And then I just remember getting into the back of an ambulance. Now you say you were on the phone a little bit also, with was that Amy Scott's phone? Yes, it was okay. Were you telling him that it was another that Alex was in your house? Yes, that
there's still someone in the house.
Did you think he was dead? Yeah,
what? What happened with you? Did you get taken somewhere?
Yeah, I got taken to a hospital in Orlando. That was with an ambulance
or a police car, ambulance, all right.
You know about how long you stayed in the hospital, I think one full day. All right, then you were released. Yes. How are you today?
Physically, from this gunshot,
all that remains to this car where my hair doesn't grow. It's about it.
The guy who came into your room with the T shirts. Would you be able to identify him if you saw him again? No, I would not. And the I assume the guy that was taken Remington out of his room, you wouldn't be able to identify him. No, I would not.
When this all happened, were you
under the did you have any knowledge about whether Mr. Oaker and Mr. Bernard were still in jail? As
far as I knew, they were still in jail.
Did you ever go back home and see whether anything, in fact, was stolen out of your house in this home invasion that happened on September 10? Yes, after we released from the hospital, we met with detectives at the house who had us do a walk through and show them what happened and where it happened, and also to identify if anything was missing and everything was still there. Thank you. I have no further
questions. I I assume you're going to be a little while across all right, we are at a good breaking time here for lunch. Ma'am, you can step down right now if you want, be careful on those steps, please. I'm going to ask you to be back at 130
ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I'm
going to go ahead and excuse you for lunch. Let me give you some cautions, as I did yesterday, but as you can imagine, they're more important now because you're hearing testimony and evidence in this matter. Do not discuss this case amongst yourselves. Do not discuss it with anybody. Anybody includes family, friends, neighbors, people you know, people you rely on, people you respect, maybe for advice. Do not discuss it with anybody at all, and do not let them discuss it with you. That's the other side of it. You may feel like, well, if they're telling you their thoughts, you're not telling them anything that you.