Care of Magical Shippers - Episode 36 | Sweet, Sweet Viktory! w/ Hostwitch Bess (Hermione Granger/Viktor Krum)
11:58PM Nov 6, 2022
Care of Magical Shippers Podcast
Hey there listener Fancy seeing you here. Look, sometimes due to the things we discuss on the pod, it might contain potentially triggering content. But the good news is you can always review the episode description for a full list of the warnings applicable to this episode. Oh, and just so you know, this episode is rated are really filthy. It includes adult themes and explicit content. So if you're an adult, buckle up, Gird your loins and prepare to flood the basement because we are going down with these ships.
So Bess any last minute questions or things before we get rolling?
I'm given to understand that it's just chaos. So I'm ready to embrace it. Perfect. Literally,
you understood the man though. I'm already like, I'm just so glad you're here. To enjoy yourself. That is my only Instruction. And I'm very psyched for this this. Okay,
I gotta say I'm nervous. Jeff has a lot to live up to.
Jeff is intense. They're wonderful. I just like Jeff is so much fun. And they came on a second time. So we just had them last weekend, right? Yes.
Yeah, they came on last weekend. Because they did we did a surprise like
persevere. And they wrote a really great story.
They did. It was it was I'm very proud of them. Just because the the envelope was pushed. And I feel like we did that. That was the thing that we did. I mean, Jeff wrote the story and they are incredibly talented. And that is obvious, but I'm just very very proud and proud that our podcast could have done something so wonderful. I'm just yeah if you haven't already go listen to that episode because it'll be out by the time you hear this one definitely
All right, so ready I'll get officially
This is the longest like preamble we've done
Oh, I was gonna ask so how is it that you say your is do whatever W rzd like how do you say your pod? CRD radio that's what I thought like I was like because I of course I read it and I automatically do wizard radio but
right because in but in the states you have your radio stations or we'll have these like weird so that makes sense. Because we don't do that here but but yeah, because like in The Simpsons they parody it with kB Big L which is the only reason I know that happens.
We have four letter letters
for the coolest signs not a thing in like Europe.
Well, I don't know about Europe, but in the UK, we don't have that. It's very much like ours all have individual names, but they don't have initials in front of them. So there's things like classic FM Heart Radio, BBC 123, whatever. There's there's a whole bunch of different ones, but they're just they know that they are ordinary names. I'm not here to plug individual radio stations. You can go and look up a list of them. But it's your fun. It's just I've never really thought about how they're named. They all have names like I know
what it's like with
what what am I doing now? What
I just like we've we've totally gravitated away from the podcast to wow. Radio stations work
interesting. Isn't this what
it is? No, no, it's funny. I just I just it's just makes me laugh. I just love it. It's so funny.
It's I'm just the human personification of chaos.
Yeah, as you can see, obviously, we haven't even started the podcast and it's been seven minutes
I was worried about coming on I'm a very like short talker and I was like but their their episodes are is like an hour and a half almost two hours and it's gonna be like 10 minutes and done with me but I'm feeling I'm feeling more comfortable now
by the good, good, good. And that's why it's yeah, it works for us. We've tried structured and structured just kind of like I don't know, it's like then I'm then I'm constantly worried about following the structure because that's also part of me. So when I'm like okay, just go in and have fun. That's pretty much all we do is we just go in and have fun. So all right, so now I'm going to start things ready again, underground production space.
Let's go to ship big. I don't care if I guess he stolen my bearings. Well then you can hit the bricks. This is my own seat. Down with this shirt.
Welcome back to Care of Magical shippers podcast, a Harry Potter ship culture Podcast. I'm Meg's
Nathan. Welcome.
And we are so excited because we are just we are just rolling on this summer guest train because obviously I continue to lie to everyone that I am not going to be on the podcast and I continued to be on the podcast. But But So this week, we actually have the best from WC rd radio with us to talk about one of her favorite chips. So if you want to tell us about your podcast and what you do, and before we get started,
sure thing, Hello magical friends. Host which best of WC or D radio it is I like to say a podcast with radio station ambitions. Hmm. Oh, because I always wished that there was a wizard rock radio show. You know, of course you don't know how to build a radio station. You'll learn how to podcast. Yeah, yeah. So now twice a month, you get half an hour of music plus interviews, upcoming Harry Potter events. One two scopes, the most accurate fortune told based on your one's makeup.
Oh, wow. Nice. Look cool. That's yeah, that's super neat. So this week, as far as the ship that we're doing, we had actually dove into them in a poly situation a little bit earlier on. But best came to us being like, you know what, I love that you talked about them as three. But how about these two on their own? Because it's different. So we got to do this again.
Totally. I deeply offended email. Like how could you possibly just leap right over this ship to go on to something even more complex? They're right here. They're simple. They're beautiful. Did
so it's like so let's come back. Yes. So this so we're actually going to be going back to and sticking with for this episode theory.
Episode. Okay. Sticking with where we ended up talking about Snape, we're gonna talk about he always comes into it somehow.
Yeah. Yeah, sorry. Yeah. Sorry. I know. So we're gonna be doing Hermione Granger and Victor Chrome. Sorry, Ron, we'll see you later.
We are here today to talk about the good ship SS victory.
Yes. Yes, this will be so much fun. So how long have you been shipping
them about? Possibly over half my life now basically, since the fourth book came out?
Oh, wow. It's a long time to be invested. I imagine that your relationship with them as a ship has sort of grown as you've grown as well. I'd know what like your thoughts about them changed from what they were whenever you first started shipping them more?
I think so. Um, that was trying to remember how I imprinted on it as a youth 1415 years old when the books came out, because I grew up with Harry Potter. So the last book came out when I graduated high school, the last book came out when I graduated college. So I was like, 1415, when Goblet of Fire came out. I was the bookish girl, I was no best with the books. That was my entire personality. I was starting to get interested in activism, organizing Day of Silence at my high school. And Hermione being the girl Yes, was very easy to identify with. Yeah, so then there can the story where the epitome of the successful cool guy fell for the nerdy Mason activist, bookish girl. And you see how this begin?
Let's see why you think Yeah, I think I can understand how that sort of synergizes and I'm, I'm here for that. That's quite, that has quite cute origins. I imagine that that then I don't want to speak for you. But I can imagine that blossoming into something, as you've said, because you said you've stuck with these characters now for over half your life. So I can imagine that that must have that must have developed a little bit since then.
Yeah. I mean, as all things do in your life evolves. At the beginning, it was just, you know, like, a teenage romance. Yep. And I'm honestly surprised that more of us, you know, nerdy girls that were in love with Harry Potter weren't into this shit, because that is such a classic. Yeah, like, why a fantasy of the cool guy and the nerdy girl. But then as an adult, it's a lot more. They're both extremely talented, capable, competent people who can lift each other up and give each other breaks who are who are very equal partners. I'm actually in a discord exclusively devoted to Hermione Victor Nice, nice. So I asked them, you know, what do you want me to tell them when to come on this show and they're very excited, by the way.
Nice can't wait.
And the very first note that I got was the jock nerd trope is quote, hot AF.
And we just did this with perservered. No, we we are 100% behind.
I was gonna say, I'm so glad you did. Like, yeah, we know how this works. with it. We we vibe with this big time I have talked about how that vibes with me as well or how I get some sort of degree of Max's favorite Winter's coming up catharsis from it.
I really, I get it. But also, I am interested in what you think specifically about why, particularly Victor with Hermione, because we've established through several of our episodes that Hermione could have pick up whoever she likes. She's, she's got broad appeal, let's just leave it at that she has broad road appeal. So why do you think that she should end up with why is Why is Victor King in this situation?
I think it is kind of the just the competence porn and being seen when you felt invisible, you know, a combination of those two.
Yeah, I definitely agree that like if he had been continued to be somewhat a part of the series versus just a plot device, obviously, he was a plot device in the fourth book, and it just happened to be, you know, like, Oh, hey, we're gonna have this guy that actually impacts like most of the characters like he has a strong presence in that book. And then all of a sudden, he's gone. Which, you know, which is crazy until we come to fleurs wedding, and you know, shows up and he's Yes, but what I love about Victor's character and how he was developed as even though he is famous, he doesn't act that way. He doesn't see himself that way. And he went for someone who was like, who wasn't following her around was quiet, like someone that he obviously saw, as a person over someone who was just like, in his face, like wanting to get his attention and whatever, because obviously, he doesn't want that that's not the life that he really signed up for. It's like, it's not his, you know, like, even with Harry, it's not my fault that my parents died. And I was famous because of it. Like, same with Victor. Like, it's not my fault that I happen to be this like, young, reckless, amazing seeker, but I'm also really awkward and smart. And like, like, if you thought if you think about taking him his like Quidditch NISS, away from him. It's kind of like what you said, as far as the like the shared brilliance thing, like he's just a really smart, confident person, that just happens to also be good at sports. So and they're
also very, like, isolated because of their Yeah, ultimately, just a high schooler, but he's also a world famous top of his profession, Quidditch player, but he's still in high school. So he can't socialize, be part of the community as fully as the adult, you know, right. But his players, but because he has that experience, he's not just a high schooler. So he's very alone, and Hermione, high schooler, also, hyper intelligence mocked by her peers doesn't quite fit in. So I think they share that as well.
But also, there's that thing built into crumbs character of when you're a celebrity, you can't really you sort of touched on it, you can't really socialize. In the same way. There's that element of suspicious pneus that creeps in to everything, because it's like, you're not sure of anybody's motivation, you know, what's their angle on this? What do they want from me? How are they going to capitalize on my celebrity add to that the fact that there's a serious language barrier there that we get in the funny, you know, Herman, any jokes and things like that, you know, there's, there's more than one obstacle to him excelling in that environment. But I think one of the things that continues to, I suppose, endear him to the audience is that he isn't really bothered by that. He just tries his best. And I think we admire anybody that is that dedicated, despite the obstacles, you know, we admire it in her mind, definitely time and time again. But then because she's in all the books, we sort of are not necessarily diminish her struggles, but when we're more used to her as a character, so we're more we're along with her for more of the ride. Whereas with Victor, like you say, he just comes into the fourth book, he has this massive influence on the narrative and everything. And then poof, he's gone. Yeah, no. So I think for for that reason, he stands out almost more because you don't expect to, to have these almost secondary characters be developed to that level of, of depth. But I think it says something that we still continue to come back to him and have sympathy for him, despite him being set up as this plot device, you know,
because when I think about Victor's character, like, up until this point were introduced to him at the World Cup, he's already famous, all these things, I kind of see him as a character that potentially had a normal life, like, had his normal life, his normal friends at Durmstrang, and all of that. And then all of a sudden, his talent was seen, things started to veer in a different direction. At some point, he became very important to Carter off, like, he was the star pupil he was, you know, famous, it was literally piggybacking on that fame, I can see that being having created some of that isolation, the fact that it's like, he used to probably have been surrounded by a bunch of friends, and then was separated from because all of a sudden, he was special, and like, you know, unique and was then ostracized from everything. And that has to be really, really hard for anyone, like, when especially like, young, famous people, but all of a sudden, the line is drawn for you that your other like, it's like, no, I'm the same person I was before. It's like, but you're not like, it's not your fault. But it's literally what you're exposed to, and how things are like, I just can't imagine what his day to day must be. Like, I'm trying to imagine how he and Hermione like, managed to, like, have fine time together, you know what I mean? Like how he, you know, like, with the amount that he was at the library, I'd have to think on the ship. They have stuff, you know, like, they probably have their own library and things like that, like, for him to be like, Oh, I have to go to the Hogwarts library, obviously, for reasons and whatnot. And so and part of it's like, oh, yeah, he went because of her mind. He like, well, you could see it like, yeah, he there were there were texts and things that were there that they either didn't have that he knew that he could utilize and learn from and I happen to notice her while she was while he was there, which is, you know, great, too. So I just, I feel like they they met because of shared interest, if that makes sense. Like they happen to both be there. And he saw her versus like, Oh, I saw this girl wherever and then went to library because I know, that's where she went to like, I definitely think that it was there was this quiet girl in the corner that he was like, why aren't you up in my face? Right? And then that's what kind of, you know, made her scream louder. I guess you know what I mean? Yeah,
yeah, I don't, I can't see any obstacle to the fact that there is some sort of translation spell. So no matter what language your book is written in, you could just like point your wand at it and translate it into your desired language because I was thinking about this. And I thought, you know, most of the books in the Durmstrang ship will probably be written in different languages, considering that the Durmstrang school is based somewhere off either in Russia or somewhere really cold and North anyway, we don't know. It's, it's cold, and it's potentially Eastern European or something, something like that. I want there to be a reason and I was trying to think about it while you were talking for Hermione to underpin the Durmstrang library. I think that would be incredible. She like she's like, Oh, I have this opportunity for for like new secrets. slightly dark, slightly dangerous knowledge. You know, I could see her wanting to sleuth that out and scope it out. So I love
that story. Okay, okay. Okay, so that's their first date, but Hermione doesn't know it. Yes. Like he's like, oh, like we have more books on the ship. If you want to come see them. Oh, my gosh, books like Yes, that sounds amazing. Let's go do that. And it's like, you know, it could be like that bell in the beasts moment of walking into a new library with all these things. And Victor's like, you know, obviously, it's like, oh, I want to show her these things that I know that she loves so that she could love me and the whole time she still liked books.
I do think you could basically map Hermione Victor on to beating the beast, as you said, Oh, for sure. He's grumpy. He's irascible. He's unapproachable. Her first thought was he looks really grumpy. Yes. And then we bond over a love of books and she discovers the heart of gold and then they kiss and he turns into a prince or something. Whatever. Yeah, I don't know who Mrs. Potts is in this story. But you know, I'm sure you could work it out.
Oh, yeah. No, that was that's perfect.
With your mop you know, instead of instead of like, back off into the cupboard with your chip. Oh, hello ducks. With your mock
oh gosh yeah now I mean now of course I see it because like you think of what they were what they had the where to the Yule Ball like it feels that feels very royal you know in comparison to the like, you know tuxedo style dress robes have you know the number one else? You're
right you're exactly right. This is just a ripoff of Beauty and the Beast. Disney references in every single podcast episode we do. Every I swear we don't go into them trying to be Disney when we don't don't. Just so perfectly. This he
does all the romance tropes. And we're talking about romance. Don't let them lie to you listeners. Before I hit play, they were like we gotta get Disney into this however, you can squeeze it in.
Oh, yeah. And even just yeah, that's just so. Oh, that's just so I just thought that I want to read that now there. There has to be so I mean, at least there has to be something Hermione Bell Enos just because of like, you know, just like Emma Watson and the correlation anyway, like people already. Were like, Yeah, we're gonna put her into a Disney movie. Yeah, no, I got a lot.
I would want it to happen without the scary element of the Stockholm Syndrome, though. Because Beauty and the Beast has heavy. You know, I'm imprisoning you in this castle. And now France sing you to be in love with me volumes. And I would like to think that Victor isn't that Machiavellian is ambitions. I think Kasparov definitely is
to bring in my half a psychology Master's into this. But that's not how Stockholm Syndrome works.
Oh, oh, I'm about to be schooled to tell us more.
Stockholm Syndrome is is confusing the smallest kindness for affection. So like, you know, being fed regularly. And okay, humming to sympathize with your captor. Whereas beating the beast is very much more. I mean, still unhealthy. I'm not going to pretend that I'm presenting some way to begin a relationship. But they come to appreciate each other in the middle.
Yes, but there is an element of in order for that to happen and for them to find that middle ground. It doesn't emerge organically out of okay, I'm appreciating you and a whole new light just because it's literally that force proximity thing of, I can't go anywhere else. And there is only my captor here and his weird animal animal compatriot friends that are all inanimate objects like I get served a five course banquet by a bloody French candlestick.
By that logic school creates Stockholm Syndrome.
Yeah, you're, you're you're not wrong. That's just how relationships
happen if it takes what like, what was it? 10,000 hours to create a friendship just by proximity you make friends as an adult by seeing the same people constantly consistently. You're just saying the same thing? Well, we really have gotten off course here.
Anyway, but But yes, no, but I do love that story for them being like the classic of you know, Beauty and the Beast. He's he's seen as not conventionally like handsome like he's literally his drawers the fact that he is famous, so I, I can see how that would be something that like someone needs to get to know him before like making assumptions of like, oh, because he's famous or Oh, he's not necessarily super attractive in comparison to in the movie, obviously. They're like, we're gonna find some beef cake. Just and give him no lines whatsoever and just have him be there. So what are your thoughts with that? As far as like movie versus books like
I feel like that comes up a lot when you talk about the the Harry Potter movies how they cast beautiful people in right roles that are not supposed to be conventionally attractive, like Hermione with the big teeth and the big hair and Viktor Krum with his his slouch and his stupid his broken nose and persistently solid expression. That was another point that someone in the discord made was that they they fell in love with a ship because they saw the movie and thought they were hot.
So it does help. Yeah, yeah, I think we talked about that a little bit with the trio one two is like oh, like, obviously Ron and Hermione both think but yeah, no, I think Oh, what was the was that Wait, was that you? I'm trying I wish I would have listened to our episode before we started with this. Someone said like because you're the interest in the character came from seeing the movie. Someone said that. I can't remember.
I don't think it was me because I said I'd had the opposite experience where I saw the movie I didn't think he was attractive in the movie at all okay. But he's but then we googled recent photos of the actor and then it was like, he grew into his looks. I don't I don't know what I was put off by maybe it was the buzz cut or you know, it's just something about it made him look not like I pictured him in the books.
Well, it just for me, it just was the fact that he dripped confidence that didn't exist in the books. You know, like even when we first see him, he's like, obviously like riling everyone up and getting everyone height air. Yeah, you just like yeah, it's crumb. Whoo. And like, he I just can't see the book character doing that at all. Like, if anything he's like, I'm gonna pretend that 30 billion people aren't here. Like,
I appreciate his shyness in the books for us. Yes, yes. I love Quidditch. Yeah, this makes me very uncomfortable. I am just I am focused. Yes, exactly.
I think there's a certain amount of parallel there between Quidditch star and pop star, that thing of like, when you're on stage, you can be very exuberant and confident and over the top, but then once you're, you come away from that, and the performance mode switches off, you can be a lot more sort of insular and calm and introspective. I got that from his book character a lot more.
Yeah, he's confident in his competency. Not necessarily personal skills. Exactly. Which is another reason why it's so much fun. As a parent, I'm curious what y'all would imagine for their first meeting.
Well, I can't get the like the ship library. But of course, that's like, acting on having seen you know, the person and whatnot. And see, I feel like, I feel like Hermione having like, hat was like, we see her moment. Like when we're there at the at the Quidditch World Cup. They see the flags and like you said, like, she was like, Wow, he looks like really grumpy, like, not pleasant. And, and when he comes and everyone's all like, she's obviously very kind of turned off by it. So it's, I feel like he her initial reaction to him. Like she even tells Harry and Ron like, it's so annoying him being at the library, I can't get anything done, because there's all these silly girls there. So her like it's It's the moment when it can actually shift with her being able to see like, oh, wait, you like actually have true intent and find me interesting. For real, not just, you know, because I feel like she's a very stubborn individual. So it would take I think it would take a little bit to get her out of one sheet when she makes an opinion. She's very, like stubborn, in that opinion, to be like, Oh, which is like, you know, like, everyone has their flaws. And that's one of her flaws is like when she obviously feel something strongly. It's very hard for her to be convinced otherwise. And so how would Victor change that for her would be really interesting. Like, what, what would he have to do or say, especially with said, language barrier or anything like that, like him being able to talk to her, we see how kind of awkward it is, like, even at the dinner when they're sitting with Harry in them and, and whatnot. It's like, man, something unless literally, it just was like a moment of like in a movie where it's just like the lights, you know, go all in and the wind comes in her mind his hair's blowing, and it's just that moment to lock eyes. And I just I don't know, it could be as dramatic as that. But I think it'd be interesting to see how Hermione would change change that mindset like to get out of her head of she can't for being someone very bookish, she can often judge someone based on the cover until she really, you know, takes the time to see things you did. Try not to like I was really trying to, but it had to. Oh, so yes, I don't know how that moment would be. But I just I just would be interested to see how people would write that first meeting. You know what I mean?
Maybe Hermione makes the first move. Like, maybe they see each other in a library, whether that's the Durmstrang one or the Hogwarts one. And she just decides that there's gonna be a moment where she puts the books down. She's like, as much as I love my books as much as they are my you know, that I vibe with them and then they're what I am here for. I'm also, you know, I can I can put my energy somewhere else. And she's seeing Victor as though for the first time and That moment to me is really powerful. Because there's a, especially in the early books, we get this, this sense from Hermione, that she's really driven from, or driven by academics and, you know, book smarts and that this idea that she sets herself apart by excelling. And I think it's, you know, initially because she's Muggle born. It's almost like she has a point to prove, like, not only is she, you know, coming into this other world, but she wants and she doesn't just want to be okay, she doesn't just want to coast, she wants to do the best she can. And so and that's how she excels. And so in this moment, where she's seeing Victor, it's almost like we're seeing her priorities shift a little. And she decides then to put her energies into this other way of appreciating herself and this, this other mode of be of excellence, you know, I can see that happening. What are our thoughts with this?
I also picture like, either Victor has the book she wants, you know, like, he's sitting there and has like, has the book and like, maybe he's had it for a while, like, keeps coming back to the library with that book, and like opening it, and maybe even not even reading it and just driving her insane. Like, she just finally is like,
what drove me up the wall,
forget it, like, slams the bar book on the table and walks over and there was like, Are you done? Like, please, are you done? I really need this book. And then that even could have been the moment that Victor finally, like, notices her because she's someone who's literally like, obviously, frustrated with him and has like, you know, a completely different reaction to him as a person. And then just probably her SASS or some, like, spark that she has. And then he finally gives it to her, and she just like storms away, and then all of a sudden, he's just like, wow, like, who was that? You know, it's because that happens to like, you could not notice someone or you knew they existed, like you're aware of that person, then all of a sudden, like something said, or something's done or you experienced that thing, and then all of a sudden, you're like, I see them and like I see them more than I did then just seeing them before. So I just I just love Hermione being annoyed with people so I just think that would be really fun of her just being like, I'm so done with you just holding on to a book when I'm actually here to use the library the way it's supposed to be used not to meet girls and all this stuff. And even though probably Chrome is like, seriously, I'm trying to do this. But he stays because of you know, because I couldn't see where her mind is coming from it's like okay, get the books you need and leave find somewhere not here that's not bothering everyone else. But in the end he's there for you girl. He's sticking around because he wants to keep seeing you so I love that I
hope someone writes it hope you write it.
Your cheese. Yeah, it's added to the attitude list. It's just
Oh, okay, so you do wizard rock? In your opinion? What kind of wizard rock would be there first would be like their meet cute song.
Oh my gosh. So one of the great tragedies of wizard rock is there's not any Hermione Victor music you get.
I'm feeling something and the like, maybe
they know in the wizard artist from like, people like oh, what's your music about numb like, victory? Okay, this
Yeah. Okay, so it's like you're literally Hermione in that moment of like, okay, literally anyone anyone else except for? We know what you want
it's just Snape in that moment of no one. How disappointing. But in fact,
I work on the PD accom Club, which is where I put out four albums in the year. And we asked him to come up with the themes for the album and every time I'm like, maybe victory and it's just crickets. Oh, no one can bring into your album about that. And I'm like, but maybe yeah,
it's Yeah, I mean, hey, people, right? There's like, I'm less like I'm less foundation people are able to have
people but some people I guess, are big remaining stammers. And I understand why because it's Talon. But I also think, and this is just a reflection of my personal opinion. Again, not trying to be dogmatic about this, but my opinion is generally canon chips are boring, because they're explored in Cannon already. And fanfiction gives us an opportunity to look at different kinds of ship. So I'm all about victory because it's, it's why wouldn't you want to ship them together? As I've said, like you could ship Hermione with a lot of people, I actually think you could ship Grom with a lot of people, but like them being together somehow works because it's like, I don't want to get cheesy about it but it's like love that transcends barriers love that. It's that sort of love across the barricades thing. And I want to believe that, you know, when, when Emma Watson is Hermione is giving that speech about, you know, international magical cooperation.
Yeah, I just, I'm with her in that moment, you know?
Yeah. And I like that. It's easy, because like, Ron, Hermione is a very, ya ship. It's very volatile, full of like, big emotions, not explosions. But then Hermione and Victor, it's just easy that no one's feeling inferior to anyone else. No, there are, you know, those big emotional understanding. So just like, You're brilliant, I'm brilliant. I support you, you support me. That's why you get a love fics when they're older. Mm hmm. You know, as adults, we've come together and Hermione is a, you know, brilliant charms experimental scientist and Victor is works for the international task force. Not that I'm quoting a fake one of my friends wrote or anything
which, which is made by whoever to cloak that.
The observer effect y'all. It's amazing. There's physics of magic. Oh,
I can't do that. People can do that.
I don't know how they did it. It's brilliant. But like her my user brilliant. Charms creator and professor and Victor's like I'm having this problem. And she's like, Alright, we're going to break this down to molecules. And I'm going to teach you the theory of magic. Oh, my.
Wow. Oh, wow. That is that's a take that I have never.
It's also a thriller. So that's just like one small scene. It's a whole thriller. Victor is chasing like international terrorists. It's,
it's slow. I would I need to do we need to do an episode about this.
Read it after this. We'll definitely yeah, it's 150,000 words, you could pull an entire episode out
of it. Wow.
That's Oh, wow. I love I love especially for rare pairs when there's like, especially like that thick that it's like everything else is like a one shot. You know, like most of the time with rare pairs. It's either just porn, or it's just a fluffy little random something. And then someone's like, you know what? This this is my ship and I'm going to give them the epic they deserve. And they do it is just amazing. Like, that's awesome. And then you get sad because you're like, and that's the only one that it's not to say that that's the case and this but that's often the case with rare pears like you're just like this was amazing. I need more of this, but there isn't and so I guess I have to make it and I don't know when that's gonna Well, that's so awesome. I mean, that I know that I personally am there as far as having a main character like as a main character. I find Hermione personally intimidating because of that brilliance. You know, like sometimes you feel like I'm like, am I I mean, I guess I get the same way with Snape to like, I feel like they're both very like smart characters. It's like how do I how do I make it sound like I'm smart? Being making them? I don't know. But yeah, just because
you're like okay, let's let's examine that thought for a minute. How do I make it sound like I'm smart there's no you're not incredibly intelligent, like, Okay, you see red hot
it's just a personal like, you know, like struggle thing not that I don't end up in the end succeeding. Like it's just it's hard like it can be hard to do so it's like still a dating thing to do. But it's just I It amazes me when someone can take like especially like Hermione and have that be the character that they get to know and understand and write all the time because of all you know, like because I can sit and like kind of talk and obviously like analyze her as a character but as far as like committing to okay I'm going to write her or write from her point of view like I can write people interacting with Hermione EZ how she responds to people and stuff like that but as far as like getting in her head I feel like I'm the meme with like all the physics stuff like I'm just like what it's all like there's just has to be so much going on in there that I'm unprepared for it but of course it comes down to actually doing it like people who just you know I mean, who's to say the the first story would be like why felt like that wasn't enough and then you just once you get to know a character and the way you think their mind works and it gets easier but, but it's definitely that's pretty fantastic that they were able to get into some actual, like physics and how tos of like how things work and things like that. That's just fascinating. I just
amazing blew my mind. I was in awe. Yeah.
I just like I'd, I'd love to see how much like maybe because I'm not a good planner, like some people like really would plan and think things out and really make it happen. Whereas I'm just like, this would be cool in this moment right now like risk. Which also worked for different people, but neat. So what did you say the name of it was, again,
the observer effect the
observer effect? Cool. Yeah. With that. I'll definitely have to give that a read.
Yeah, I'm very much more of a one shot or like you were saying, like, Oh, this is cute. Done. Yeah, having someone who plans and does research, right. This incredible. Yes, is very exciting.
Yeah, I know. It's like, it's great to come across that and be like, Wow, I love you for existing and making this thing that I know that I never could. And that's great. I'm glad that you are that person to make that thing. So that's so cool. I'm so excited that there's a story like that, or at least at least one story that's, you know, significant for, for that, but so cool. And I think that's part
of what makes writing them as adults more common, because when they're in high school, they're extraordinary. Hermione is the brightest witch of her age. And Victor is the youngest seeker. And yep, but then when they're adults, you know, everyone's kind of little. So they're still like, you know, really clever, very competent, but it's not as intimidating because everyone else has their competencies as well. So you feel more on equal footing.
Hmm, yeah, sense.
Um, that's a lot of the reason why I like post Hogwarts stuff as well. Because it gets to you get to appreciate characters is more human, generally, because when they're in school, it's this sort of big galvanizing cauldron of, okay, how is everyone? Essentially the same, but different. But then once you're grown up and adult, you get to appreciate them for the sort of the human space they occupy, as opposed to the reasons why they're no good at their job, or why they're in love. Because by that stage, you've examined that I am fascinated by if they're still together, why they're still together, regardless of the couple is, like, what fascinates them about where they're at, in that point in their life, regardless of what their ages. And that's what excites me, because number one, it's outside of Hogwarts. So you have a whole world of location to choose from. And because it's magical, it's not just like, Where in the world is it? It's like, where in the magical world is it? And what are they doing with that, and some people have fantastic imaginations. And I love, I love when people lean into that. It's one of my favorite things.
And I love the stories of like, we had our moment in school, like, obviously, like fourth year, they met and had a thing and maybe they wrote to one another, and maybe she did go visit him or whatever. And obviously things fizzled out, but having that moment of like, right person, wrong time. You know, like, it's like I met the person, but obviously, like, you're about to graduate and go off and do you know, famous Quidditch things until you don't anymore and I'm still in school for another at least three years. And then surprise, my best friend has to take down a dark lord and all those things. So it's like after everything settles, and then it's just when Be it the universe or destiny or soulmates or just because when you you you meet that person again, like I love that too, when it comes to post Hogwarts of like, it could be like 10 years after the war, like they could have had previous partners or families or anything, and then all of a sudden you come and you're like, Wow, it really had always been you. It was just couldn't work then but now it does. And it is and look at us go.
I touched on my other favorite headcanon for them. There's the older them when they're done being extraordinary, and just get to relax and be themselves. And then there's he invites her to come visit him. And imagine if they had so they have a lot of stress, right? He's dealing with Carter off and being the youngest seat seeker who's brilliant and awkward and cranky all the time. And she has to keep Harry alive. A summer fling stolen time, just like a beautiful summer before they have to go back to the horrors of their real life.
Oh, that's I see a love that but it's also there's a slight tragedy implied there, which is that it that it's still in time, but it's, it's finite. There's an end to it. And you know, I always bang on in these episodes about how I want the characters to have the Happy Endings because I have to believe that that's possible. But I also put there's something there There is something lovely about even though, knowing that there's a full stop at the end of this, or whatever, that that you almost get to enjoy the time more. Because you know, it's more precious to you because it could run out at any time or one of them could have to leave for any reason. And that and that they choose to find this place and share this space between them that is just theirs. That to me is magic. Yeah, this
is the closest you'll ever catch me coming down next. I am. Yes. Your fourth person. I used to have the ending as well. Yeah,
yeah, that's and they have now I don't want my brain does this but it does this. Now I'm focused really heavily on like kind of analyzing some candidates situation right now. It's like okay, so Chrome was invited to fleurs reading, right. So obviously was still really close friends with FLIR and I'm like, I'm like, why was he still so close to Fleur, but not everybody else? Like, why? Like, how did that? You know, how did that work? It was like he should have been around like he's still.
Yeah, for the, like purpose of the narrative, I can see why he wasn't just because it didn't run closer. But he should have been. Yeah, I agree. And I think had he been an ordinary normal human, he would have been as because because you don't just don't just sort of have that whirlwind romance. And then nothing like doesn't just unless they broke up. And it wasn't amicable, but I don't want to entertain that possibility.
Well, it does go well, with the summer fling, you know, they're beautiful summer, they know, it can't work off the island or whatever to use. Ye trope. So they're just, you know, they're happy with the time and then they they go the separate ways contented with outcome. So that that could fit into the, you know, not keeping in touch.
Yeah. I don't know, I have this scene in my head of like the two of them on a big blanket. And there's fireflies in a jar. Like, exactly.
Hermione reads to him, or he reads to her to like, practice his English, that would be so sweet. Like to be reading to her.
Oh, that sounds so cute. I'm not even going to talk for the rest of the episode. I'm just going to entertain that visual.
And I know, I know. I definitely just picture like now I just think of them like on a blanket with books and reading to each other. We're talking about books, and oh, that's so sweet. Oh, I love that so much.
And it does also lend itself to comedy. Because of the language and cultural barriers. A lot of the people in the discord live a lot closer Bulgaria than I do. So they're much more familiar with the cultural nerves. And apparently Bulgaria is one of the countries where nodding means no shaking your head means yet
ah. Wow, interesting. Oh,
that's not something I had heard before.
Yeah, I've never verified but this is what I'm told. And I believe them. So there are some very funny things out there where there's just misunderstandings or panic, because, you know, he doesn't have a lot of social skills when he asked her out.
That's so funny. I, yeah, I just, I love that He has this, like, sweet sensitive side to him as well, that that she obviously taps into because he feels like he can have this genuine connection with her because she's got no ulterior motive. And I love that, that they sort of bring out the best in each other. And that the comedy almost arises from this gentle place of honesty. That to me is really wholesome. And I didn't think talking about this episode that I ended up in a really fluffy, you know, place with it. But that's I just have by the process of what's gonna say osmosis, but that's not right. So let's just hop skip past that.
Feels I mean, I don't know, like, I'm even like, you kind of talked about like, that's as close to NX as I can get. It's like, I'm trying to think I'm trying to make it angsty. Like, like, normally it's so easy for me to just go straight to angst with everything. But no,
I'm into my fluffy world. I live in Candyland.
I know. I'm like with this with this. It's just yeah, the only thing like semi like hurt that I could imagine is like you had said it had to come to an end when it did. And it was like that bittersweet. And, and I don't know, unless they're I don't know. I don't know unless it's we get into completely like out of character stuff. Like who we see Victor is like as we read them and see him like he's totally a different type of person, you know, when he's with Hermione or whatever, even the two of them and
well they both have past trauma, if you're talking about them as adults, Oh, for sure. That's the hurt part. Yeah. With the relationship you come into the Comfort part. Yes. Yeah, I'm so sorry, the last few episodes, you've been talking about pegging and breeding kings and you brings her flowers, it's adorable.
He brings her flowers together
if you want to talk about taking if you want into it, we can't.
I just thought, why? Because we can't I, that's where I live in the fandom. So anything, you'd have to leave that
I've been so established before, I think it was in Bella myeni. We've established before that as a as a, as a mature person, Hermione knows what she wants, I can see that side of her presenting itself, in this situation as well, where it's like, I know what I want, I know that you're a little bit more timid. But I am going to I'm gonna lie on this blanket and tell you exactly what you need to do. I have everything prepared. So so I could see that too. I mean, just because that's fireflies in a jar and a big stack of books doesn't mean that one of those books can't be a book of particular inch.
I appreciate that the dirtiest you can get is they have consent and clear communication.
provided those consent.
And mean hey, I can make Victor a brute. That's not.
I mean, I realized that noncom stuff happens as well. I know that there's an entire fest about that. I'm just saying that that's not my area of expertise. I'm not here to hate the fandom if you hey, if you'd like NomCom. And that's what you want to do, is do it. I'm not I'm not here to shame. But I just that's not that's not what I want to read.
Oh, look, in the last episode we had Jeff on and we were talking about St. Andrew's Cross is still love, you know, I get a lot filthier than they have consensual sex
and communication number it's very important to
communicate about it. Yeah, exactly. What you know, they have they talk about it, and there's consent involved, but then they just Yes. Oh, man. Yeah, I don't know when it comes to the two of them as far as like, I mean, even just like how their dynamic would be. I mean, because you can see, obviously, it's someone submitting to Hermione, but then also Hermione being someone who's in control of her life on the day to day and wants control of everything to then be able to trust and let someone else you know, take control for her. So yeah, I do. Yeah, I just Yeah, I don't I definitely feel like my little black rain cloud of like, angst and and filth is like getting like, overshadowed by a cotton ball like cotton candy. Which is like, I mean, but with some pairings it is that way. Like some parents that is really hard to even imagine fluffing a thing. Like someone may write it and you'd read it and believe it but it's like, that's not why I would read this pairing. You know what I mean? Like sometimes there's like, like, you're just, you know, like, I love James Potter ins and Severus Snape. Like obviously, I'm like, I love it because it's toxic. It's it's its rivals, there's, you know, there's bullying and all this really, you know, dark stuff involved. And like if someone makes a fluffy story like okay, yeah, that's cute. But that's not why I am invested in them as a pairing. Like, it's not what I'm trying to have me convinced that that would be the way it is. And so when I think of Hermione and Victor like, I just, I see, I see them as far more compatible than I see most people are far more compatible with Hermione than Ron is, you know what I mean? Like, it's just so I definitely can see them as a very, like, just they fit like they fit like it's and I think you said earlier, like, it's easy. Like you don't have all the complexities besides, as we mentioned, traumas that then they can support each other through or being able to understand it, you know, different levels of things. And so, so yeah, I guess Yeah, with picture in her mind, he, I just, it just feels very, it just feels sweet. It just It tastes, it sounds, it's like everything is just so sweet for them. And I love that for them that they have been able to find that person when they otherwise wouldn't have, you know what I mean? Like with the Triwizard Tournament Tournament didn't happen, like, yes, they saw Victor at the World Cup, the chance of running into a famous Quidditch player, it's like few and far between, like, so it's just having that moment of like, seeing regardless of everything else, that they're surrounded in and stand for and are expected of them. And that they're actually two very, like compatible individuals that through everything else that could be a difficulty or a barrier, like they can navigate it or are willing to navigate it for each other, which is really nice. Yeah,
I like I don't want to whisk the conversation off in an entirely different direction. But you're talking about not being able to see any, any angst, it sorry, Mags, just a wonderful, like, if you're if you're watching this video, I don't know if we're going to because we're using a different thing other than zoom today. So I don't even know if we're gonna get the video, it will sync. But if you're looking at the video, there was just a very nice little Wushi thing that you did with your phone. Anyway, so just taking the conversation off in a slightly different direction, you were talking about angst and not being able to see that for them. The only way I think I could see it is in a kind of a hurt comfort situation, where say, Hermione visited crumb in Bulgaria, and they happen to go like to his childhood home for for whatever reason. And because in so in my head, he's this really famous Quidditch star, from a really young age, he has to have been of not necessarily a victim, but he has to have been a part of almost sort of pushy parents syndrome, of, you know, I want my child to do well, even sort of at the expense of him living his life and having a childhood and what effect it gets slightly triggered by that and is slightly, you know, insecure about that side of his past and his it's slightly, that's a bit emotionally difficult for him. i You see, in this situation, Hermione being the one that helps him get through that. That is because she's so she's hard to be around to hurry and run. So she's dealing she's hard to be around a lot of sort of emotional obliviousness. And, and I think that stands her in good stead to be Victor's rock in that situation of, of being that stall walk person for him. And similarly, you know, what if I mean, I know, we've talked about this before, as well. But what if Hermione tries to restore her parents memory, and can't get there for whatever reason? And he is consoling her through that? You know, and being that bridge for her, you know, so I see there being, you know, potential for areas of exploring vulnerability, but I don't see it getting dark for them, as far as them being a couple together, if you see what I mean.
Yeah, they both have experienced, like normal life trauma of being high pressure performance, but they also have experienced wartime trauma. Each of them has had an unforgivable performed on them. Mm hmm. Yeah. So they have the space who have been traumatized, but they're just so fluffy together that, like you were saying, there's just, there's no pain in the couple. Yeah. And
I like that. Yeah. And that's like, the Yeah, that's really nice. Like, it's great. Like, hey, if someone's like, Okay, I'm gonna put pain in there. Like, do it, like, do that. But, but yeah, like just seeing those? It is. That's all I can say. It's like, it's easy for them. And that's just so that's so sweet. I don't know.
Yeah. And sometimes, like we've talked about the the need for fanfiction to be escapism, sometimes it's just nice to read a love story that's uncomplicated by any of that extra above that, that we all have in life like because, you know, life even if it's good for you doesn't go smoothly all the time. And it's just nice to read something that is like, the story outside of the two of them could be quite complicated. You know, there could be in the middle of something huge for them. Inside that little space they share. It's like an oasis of calm.
Yeah, I do love when when it comes to Hermione having to go like get her Parents like, either because of that's another opportunity of her doing some world traveling and then him happening happening to be there in whatever circumstance to be involved with. So I don't know. Or maybe like, maybe they had been, like just friends this whole time, like, you know, had been writing to each other keeping in contact until was like, oh, I need to go get my parents and for whatever reason, like Harry's busy doing his thing, and Ron is dealing with his family, like, you know, obviously, like losing Fred and family stuff and random things. I've definitely read different stories where Hermione felt like she had to go alone, you know, because like, the other two of the trio had their own burdens of things to clean, like, clean up after the war, essentially. And then, maybe a surprise would be that Victor's like, Oh, you're going alone? Like, oh, yeah, of course, like full. Do you want me to come with you? And it be like, they're kind of like journey together to like, go find her parents and support her through that, and then obviously, come back together and all of that. So and now I'm picturing like, them trying to convince her mind nice parents that like, Oh, you're actually my parents? Like, is this your husband or senator or something like that? It's like, Oh, he's so wonderful. Like, just like her mind. He's just like, No, or like, are the movies where you're, you have to go along with it for the sake of like, the other person of like, Oh, if we told them that they weren't like, they're obviously in a delicate state. So we have to keep pretending that we're actually together and then you end up together because that's how it works. You know, like, that's just the
Yeah, you didn't make the rules. You're just going along with
man, just like, Oh, my mom actually accepts that I'm the daughter. Yeah. It's like, you're such a great daughter to have because you have this amazing husband. She's like, I can't tell my mom that forgot existed that he's not my husband.
That's a sentence you never thought you'd say. No, I can't tell my mom that forgot I existed.
That feels like a prompt. If ever I heard one. Yes.
Tell my mom that I never existed that these not my husband. Oh, man. It's so sweet. It's so sweet. And I mean, we know and we know Hermione obviously is supportive of Quidditch. Like, she's not super into it. Like she doesn't play it or whatever. And so I feel like it the time that they would actually come together would be post his like Quidditch career. Because like, for most people that get into that, it's like, you're traveling all the time, having relationships is difficult, or unless, like, you're gonna be a partner who's like, yeah, I can travel with you, or I'm all about this. And so then, maybe he like, maybe she works at the Ministry for something, you know, brilliant, like she do. And then he's trying to find his next step. You know, like after Quidditch, like, what did I want to do? After I knew this would, you know, run its course. And then somehow they end up like working together or him being some sort of like, I don't know, like contact, like Bulgarian contact or things like that. And they're working together professionally, and then things, you know, turn romantic, like they do. So. Yeah.
That's a good point, though. I mean, not to again, this is like just a side note, because it wouldn't be like me, but no, I'm just thinking. I'm just thinking, why don't we see any older people playing Quidditch? Because it's established that wizards live to like, 150? Yeah. Why are the only people that we see playing Quidditch? Comparatively quite young, especially for wizards?
Well, that's like asking why you don't see people over 35 playing American football? Yeah, to bludgers to the face when you retire. Yeah, that's true. Saying I'm 32 and I'm not playing Quidditch anymore. That
is too dangerous. Yeah, cuz I was like, because I was like, I because I played roller derby. So I know all about that stuff. And even like, I had teammates that were like, 50 And I'm like, Man, you are something like That's amazing. And I'm like, looking at my bad ankles and wrists and things and I'm like, I'm done. Like I'm so done. Oh, man, but But it's true. Like potentially like, you know, like, I mean, like I've I've written older like Harry still playing Quidditch and stuff like that because of that like being like, Oh, they technically could potentially age slower to because of being you know, unless it's just you get old and then you continue to look even more old but you're still alive like or whatever. Like then we that's what we get into the what is it the neck, Nicholas Formel for the Fantastic Beasts. I'm literally a walking like, like I'm just being held together by here. Real power and magic right now I practically the burro like I'm just like, if anything were to go wrong, I just kind of just completely fall to dust. It's really funny. But anyway, what the heck are we talking?
Because we were talking about, oh, your options for Chrome. But it's it's not beyond the limit of possibility that he is one of the ones that does play Quidditch when he's older. And I could almost see him setting up the world's first older people's Quidditch team. Oh,
yeah. Yeah.
And being a part of that, because I could, because he Okay, so he probably has another job. But that will always be what made him famous. And I feel like it's always going to be a part of his life that gave him joy. So being able to pick that up again, and do it in a fun way, whether they raise money for wizard charity or whatever it is that they want to do. I could totally see him doing
Yeah, well, my dad is 65 and he plays hockey still, but it's no check hockey because they know that it's like, you could get really hurt if we if these guys were still checking one another so maybe they just have a bludger list League. You know what I mean? Like it's like, your
family is very physically active. Yeah, roller derby hockey. Yeah, very full contact life huh? Just there are fics where he coaches kids. Oh, that's so cute. Right work if you want to go very domestic. Oh,
that's adorable. I love that. Now I just picture him being like that random person that like come like either comes in to teach like all the next gen kids like or something like It's like Hermione is like, Oh, I know. Like maybe even at that time, it was like Ron and Hermione their divorce and they had their kids and whatever and was like, Oh, my friend will come in and help and whatever. And then that's when Victor comes in is teaching everyone Quidditch and of course, Ron is like, low key like, like, oh, you know, still kind of jealous of him. And then obviously things are happening between them and but like in Harry's, like, oh, cool crumbs. Fine. And Ron's just being Ron like Ron do. And so
Oh, I love that. Imagine if Hermione was teaching at Hogwarts. And then madam hooch retired, right? And then Chrome came in, he started calling penalties. Nice.
And then in that scenario, you could have the side parenting of spooge go as they go off and enjoy their retirement are finally able to because then, oh, I forgotten her name, who teaches her biology, which is terrible.
Which number one
because I imagine they retire at the same time. And then so Neville comes in and does the whole thing. And Chrome can come in and do the Quidditch thing. And then they're free to explore their golden days together, which is just perfect to me.
Oh, and then Crum and Hermione start their golden date their early golden days together through school and learning and togetherness and whatever. And oh, man, gosh, this is just my body aches, because I'm just so cute it out right now. Like, I have, like the hurt the pain and my cheeks and my body. And I'm just like, it's just so it's so cute. I love I mean, honestly, I love Victor like I love. I feel like Victor because of the reasons why, you know, we really discussed his character and even with Hermione, like, there's just so much potential for him to have his own story. Like, regardless of who he's paired with, or if he's paired with anyone at all. Like he's he was a developed enough character that was unfortunately just had a job and was there but there's so much to be done with him, like that we didn't see and could see in the future. So I do love reading about Chrome like I think I think he's a great character that doesn't get explored enough and it's great that he does in fanfic, because you know, that's just great.
It helps that he's so underdeveloped in the books it gives us that that freedom to make him the next Quidditch coach or an international task force agent and are for Minister Granger.
Yeah, I like to think about the moment where like, because you know, people have their different like, specialties of like, I'm really good at potions or I'm really good at charms and, and even though Chrome is like super brilliant, obviously super magically gifted, obviously with Quidditch as well. And then he's like, and now what I give you is half a shark, like. Like, he's like this is this is the best I got right now and it'll work and then luckily Harry was there. So the Her mighty didn't lose her, you know lose a limb or anything like that. But I love shark head crop. I just think it's the funniest thing. It's absolutely wonderful but it just like shows that maybe there's this one thing that what if it was something he was struggling with and did ask Hermione help for and of course, she had told Harry like, I'm not helping it with anything and she she's like, I seriously can't help you because I couldn't even figure it out with Harry. For whatever reason they did it. They couldn't. And that still blows my mind. I'm like, how could they find nothing? I just it's like bobblehead charm. Sounds like something that would just be in an average charms text if you think about it. But But yeah, then he's just like, Yeah, I'll just turn into a whole thing. Shark and then that just doesn't happen. Just typing it.
That is proof that he cared so deeply. You know, he probably had the transformation down pat. And then he panicked, panicked. Yeah, he was like, Hermione is gone. Hermione is dying water. I have to fix this. And did the transformation version of splinting himself.
Yeah. No, that I can totally see that. Absolutely. Just being like, it's like, dang it. I mean, at least it's the part where it gives him gills so he can breathe or whatever. But I also think it would be really funny slash hot to have like, merch shark crumb. Like
are we gonna get into a little mermaid? Are you
ever going to wanna buy one? Yes. That's the thing. Mellie being half shark,
huh? Oh, that's so funny.
That's two Disney references in an episode.
Oh, my gosh, they're so I just every time every time. It's just so easy. They have all the tropes, they follow the tropes. What was it? Yeah, Matt, what was it last time was magic carpet. We talked about magic carpet. And a whole new world. So fun. But yeah, so awesome. All right. Well, man, gosh, an hour and a half. Hey, fast, you got more than just 10 minutes. Look at that. Well, this was so much fun. I mean, that's like, it's, it shows that obviously, we did an episode about Ron, Hermione and Victor, and we're able to do that and be like, Okay, now, can we do this, if we just make it about one of them. And it's like, it's true. Like what we kind of just did a, when we get into poly, if we don't explore, you know, the set like one on one pairings, like, we're we're not able to analyze this stuff for as long like we're literally bouncing around and trying to connect all three versus focusing on this is why this character and this character without that character, make, you know things happen. So that was that was fun, especially for me, like when I you know, being the obvious slash shipper that I am. When we did that episode, it was so easy for me to hone in on Victor and Ron. So to be able to have this episode and focus on Hermione and Victor was was great. So this was a lot of fun. I'm so glad you reached out to us, and that we were finally able to do it. Because I was like, Yeah, let's do the thing. And then wait, we can't do the thing. And I don't know when things are happening. And we're just gonna do whatever. So chaos.
Yeah, the second I heard that episode was like, How can you do this? And skip victory? It's the very angry emails to the editor.
Oh, I'm glad I'm like all of your traitorous wizard rock friends.
No, you're all wonderful. Don't listen.
Like well give victory. You know, we'll give we'll give them their moment. So that's,
um, to be tip. So to give a bit more context about I think why we did the trio at the time was like, That was back when we were trying to be more structured about the way we the the structure of how we did episodes. So we would try and do like a slash ship, and then a femslash. And then her time and poly. Yeah. And then as time went on, we were just like, let's just talk about stuff that we want to talk about. And I think at that, at the time, we were doing that we were due to do a poly ship. And and that was one that I think we had both sort of thought because we obviously were excited to talk about Victor and
I feel like it was because we tried I think we tried twice. We tried twice to do Ramayana. We tried we did and then we're like why are we not into this and that's when we kind of came into the light because we saw all of their complexities and stuff through canon and like and I believe them as like a side pairing and other things. But then I was like, but what if Victor was there and then it was that it made it all you know different for us. Send.
So like Victor makes everything better.
It was so that was so much fun. So who knows why we pick what we pick anymore? We don't We definitely don't.
But you're right though best Victor does make everything better. I'm so glad that you were here, but they understand as well now in the context of that why Hermione would need someone like Victor to escape to because she's just so exasperated from being around so much stupid all the time that she's like, I need a break from hiring and run right now. And you know, Victor seems like the obvious choice because like you say, it's easy. And I'm not saying that as as the path of least resistance, but there's just no drama there in the same way.
I just thought of something so we know wrong being wrong, is like just always talking you know? Like he's just he's always has nonsense to say he's funny like it it makes him endearing the way he is the way he is like he's just talking all the time. He's out there. He's always got opinions. He's got a button to everything. Part of the reason why I could see Victor also being like of interest or her mind is that even though part of it could be the language barrier of him not being sure quite what to say is that he listens. Like even if he doesn't understand everything that she says he's happy to sit and listen to her speak versus, like half the time Ron or even it's just like Hermione, no one wants no one cares about that. You know, the number of times people are like, who else besides you cares? Like, obviously, just you and then she's like, I can literally talk about everything, and Victor will just listen to me. And that's all she's ever wanted is to be listened to. Because even in classes you see with how Snape treats or and probably other I mean, even if like teachers don't necessarily treat her like the way Snape would treat her like when you're the No at all, and you're the only person that makes answers like that you're gonna start getting overlooked because it's just like, I need other people to be at your level too. Like, I can't have you carry everything and so over time, I could see her being like, you know, even though I'm trying to be the best and, and be seen and heard that's actually going against what she's actually receiving. So to have someone like Viktor to actually, even if he's like, I know two thirds of what came out of your mouth, but I'm just gonna smile and listen, and she's probably even thinking to herself, he probably doesn't understand any of it. But he's so cute. So I love that anyway, so any other any other last thoughts with these two?
I feel like we've covered it. It's fluffy. It's easy. It's people supporting people and having a an easy home to find another person.
I can also see them if they had kids like obviously because if he did Quidditch and then maybe he retired and was like stay at home dad, Edvald Hermione did all of her activism dreams. You know, whatever. Like that would be super sweet that Victor's like he's dad, he just you know, stays at home takes care of the kids and does all the things and then mom's number one cheerleader. Like, just so cute.
I'd also like to note that I did grow up in Mary a tall dark and handsome Russian man so my Victor dreams. Oh, that
is incredible. Why did you wait until now to reveal this
self insert into the like, like 14 year old me dreams. And then it's like, like literally 15 years later. Oh my gosh, this is actually happening. That's amazing.
That's pulled off the Ginny Weasley.
Oh man. I
love that. So how long have you been married to decade? Wow. Oh, that's incredible. I'm so happy for you making your dreams a reality. That is so
nice. Oh, that's so good. Oh, man. So yeah. So how does your husband feel about this ship? smug, I think mug Oh, that's funny. All right. Well, best. Thank you so much for reaching out to us and us finally being able to connect and do this. This was so much fun. I'm glad I've been able to keep coming on and, and Nathan has been able to do it too. So this was this was so great. I'm so happy we're able to do this.
But I'm so glad that you came on. I feel like this is an episode like no other. I'm so proud of us for it. I'm really glad you were here. Thanks so much for being a part of it. I really appreciate.
Yeah, especially as actively reaching a point realizing like okay, how can we make this filthy and like? Yeah,
if you do, you know, dirty stuff. There are authors out there and Elon was ARCA. But in general, we're just for fluffy happy people,
which is wonderful.
So this has been fun. Thank you so much.
You're welcome. Thank you. And so dear to our listener. urs See you next time bye bye