All right, let's do this. So thank you so much for for accepting to being here. I know it can be overwhelming and challenging to be like, Oh my god, I'm going to expose myself. We're going to just have a conversation the two of us and also recording soon. Whatever I asked you like, I don't want to answer that. You say that we edit that out? No problem. Okay, like there is nothing that you're gonna be like if I asked you something because God knows I can ask questions. If I ask you something that you're like, not comfortable with that being every life anywhere. You say no, I'm not answering that. And then I said, perfect. Cut that out. And then we begin again. Okay, perfect. Okay, are you ready? Yes, recording in progress. Hello, everyone. Welcome to another episode of the podcast. I am sitting here with a very special guests. A client of mine who has done detox their mind, reset your mindset, and she is currently being coached in my most extensive coaching program be the CEO of your own life. Her name is Laura Marissa and I will let you introduce yourself in a moment Laura so that you can tell people who you are, but I wanted to tell you why I chose you to be here. Cuz she had that question in your head.
So that was my first question. Why we like wow, I know Do
you have a fascinating story of transformation and I know for a fact your brain you say like what how it was formed to anything yet. But you have and I want to bring you back to before you did the talks. You messaged me and you said I'm thinking about being coached, but I'm not sure that this is the right fitting fit for you. We jump on a quick call. And then you were describing how none of this could work or this could and then you showed up diligently to detox and then you really should have to reset. And every single time you spoke, first of all, which you thought you were never going to do, but you did you challenge yourself. You had incredible insights. That's true. And I will see you just smiling in the calls me like yes, I am taking note and then opening your mouth and letting us into your wisdom which was incredible. So I think I'm gonna title these getting out of your own way, which is what you've been doing every step of the way. Your brain has offered all the resistance, and then you have also very tools you'd like. But we're gonna do it this way. You have been actively getting out of your own way. Yes, that is a skill worth talking about. Okay, so I'm gonna dissect your brain here with everybody so that we understand how did you get there? Because you're thinking like, I don't know how I got there. So I'll ask you the questions. But first, why don't you introduce yourself with our audience?
Yes, Hi, I'm Laura. I I'm, how do I you know what, that's a great question. Because the first thing you say is how you really see yourself and identify yourself and in the past, I want to say hey, I identify as a mom with a child with very serious needs. And I'm like, I don't want that to be the first thing that comes out of my mouth because it's it's part of my life. It. It is. But that's I don't want that to be who I am. That is not who I am. That is something I experience and the circumstance. Yes, it's circumstances, but it's not who I am. So who I am right now is someone who is I'm retired. I'm at the stage in my life where I want to know what it's like to really, really live. How do I feel like I'm alive? I am excited about my life. I want to experience things. I've done existing extremely well. But I want to live and that is my goal. And so when I contacted you, it's like, okay, I know I want to live how do I do that? How do I do that? How do I feel alive? How do I feel excited about my work? How do I do this? And that's what the programs have helped me very much in seeing possibilities for myself that I did not see.
Oh, I love it. So you're a mom, as well.
I am a mom. Yes.
Your grandmother, your grandma, your sister
I'm a sister. I'm a brand. I'm, I'm an artist. I will call myself an artist. And I used to think all artists, people maybe who sell work who are renown No, I'm an art I do art therefore I'm an artist. Do
I have a side business of designing people's thoughts?
Absolutely. I am hugely passionate about decor and real estate and housing and home refreshing and I I have can have so many doubts about myself and my skills and my abilities, and then that one area, I am 100% Confident. So I'm like, okay, I can be so confident that I know what I'm doing and I know I'm great at it. I gotta move that to other areas of my life.
Oh, I love that. When did you start thinking that way?
Um, since the program since the program, I'm like, Well, I've always known that I'm good at what I get good at that skill. I have that skill. I'm great at it. But the thought that you can transfer that to other areas of your life. You don't only have to do I don't only have to excel it that I can excel it on things. Confidence is a big thing belief in myself. It's a real struggle. It's a real struggle because decades of this mindset, the I'm not enough mindset. You don't change that overnight. It is work it is repetition, it is falling backwards and then moving forwards and it's a lot. It's a lot to yourself up front.
And you often said no to coming to the podcast because of that belief. Who am I talking to?
Oh, when I got the email. Well good would like to do a podcast with you. I think my brain just been waiting. I knew kid what is this a joke, although still podcast me. And so I said Um, let me just think about that. I said this. And then I now I have tools. I had no tools before. And so I gave myself you know a day or two of like thinking yeah, that's no. And then I said, No, you're gonna sit down and do some thought work. And I wrote down all the things the reason why I am not person to do a podcast. And then I sat there and I said, Hey, I trust all implicitly. If she wants me to do a podcast, there is a reason. So she sees what I have to say as potentially worthy. So and then I got to the bottom and I was writing all this out. And I got to the bottom and I'm like, Yes, I'll do the podcast. Okay, that's it. I will do it. And I texted to him and I said, Okay, I'll do it.
You made me cry. Yeah, you made me cry because you you're trusting me. So thank you that I don't take that lightly. That's very, very powerful for me to hear. So thank you. But also because you did exactly what I invited you to here to talk about. Get out of your own way. You were about to deprived all of our listeners from listening to such a real story that is yours of how your brain operates like a human brain, and it gives you fear of doing things that are good for you or you know and others because being here is good for everybody else. And yet you found a way to or past that and think of like psych yourself into it and be like I am actually potentially excited about doing this thing that I was saying absolutely. I want so thank you for not saying no. And stay there. Thank you for reflecting doing that work in letting your god your heart guide you because this is essentially what you're describing. And then you your heart spoke just now and made me cry. So thank you. And ultimately what happened in that process is that you trusted yourself and your decision you took the time to process fear. And then you got to what was behind fear and that was more powerful than fear.
Yes, yeah, exactly. That's it exactly. And, and I had I also had to be fear, but I'm like, I probably wouldn't be more inclined. To do it. If this is not videotape. myself on a screen. And then an interesting thing happened. I'll tell you at Christmas time I was speaking to my daughter Julie and about what my little grandson would like for Christmas and she said he would he'd love a picture of you because they live in Victoria. So because he in his bedroom, you'd love a picture. So I printed a picture. I got this photo. I looked at it. I criticize it up and now I can't send that oh MA and I just you know just tore myself apart. Two months later, I got the photo. Damn, I look pretty good. Photo Frame. I framed this thing and I'm sending it to him. Like good for you later, two months later from seeing who do I pretty good there. I'm gonna send it
so I'm picking up a theme here Laura. This is gonna coaching for you once again you go out of your way yeah, like you got in your way and then you postpone delay criticize like you said, you broke yourself apart. And two months later, you're like, I'm doing this I look them hot. So it sounds to me like one of the steps you take to get out of your ways. Give yourself time to feel the being in your own way to receive notice. You give yourself the time and then you budget for it. Like I'll tell you having two days. All right, let me think about it. Yes. You didn't say no entirely to the gift. But then you gone your own way set with your own misery thoughts. And in two months things change and then you reevaluate it.
Yes. And it's like, when I looked at that picture, he's like I saw a different person. This and I just saw a person that was very sweet looking and very nice and kind of looking and I didn't see that the first time.
So what do you think changed in those two months for you? If you had if you had like wisdom, like from above, and you're like, Oh, this is what changed over the last two months that allow me to look at myself differently. What would that have been?
It would be awareness of how I speak to myself. And catching myself when I say negative things about my looks, my abilities like anything. And one thing that I love about the program so much is that there are like key sentences you could say to yourself and challenge yourself with when you have those thoughts. And one of them is like a so simple, but it's like is that true? But is that even true? So I have a tool to question myself when I say that oh, you look really bad that picture. Come on now. Is that even true? The simpler the tools, the better and I find those questions really helped me
a lot. So we have for those listening who are taking notes on how to get out of your own way. Give yourself time to feel that you're sitting right in the middle of the way you're the obstacle process those feelings by feeling that and then ask your question your thoughts. Is this even true? Because then you you get answered to that. So you're you're talking about so you did like you want to. I want us to I want you to break it down for people what you got from each program because you think you're currently thinking CEO. So you've moved off every time you're like, I want more. I want more from that you went from the person who I don't know this is gonna work for me. I'm not really sure. I'm like kind of contemplating it, too. I want more and I want more. But before we do that you're talking back about now I have tools now I have tools I know what to do. So I'm so grateful to see the WorkKeys actually being integrated. But you didn't have those tools before you join your first detox. For those of you who are listening here for the first time you don't know what the folks in mind. This is a five day life coaching workshop and I teach it once a month. So if you want to check it out, it's $97. And it's on the website. You can go check it out, sign up today for the next one. But Laura, you didn't have me you didn't have the tools and you had doubts about it and you got in it. What resources internally did you have because at that point you decided to get out of your own way.
Sure. What was so well two things I did have. I didn't know of you obviously because we had with it before and counseling and so that was tucked away in my in my memory bank. And I came to the point where sitting where I was being in the pain I was in was just no longer an option. I cannot do this anymore. So what what am I going to do? And I don't recall exactly when it happened. But all that popped into my brain just a minute let me go on and see what all this went on the website. And then that's how I signed up for detox because yeah, I just I for me, it was the fear of making that move versus staying where I am. I'll pick the fear because I can't stand where I'm at right now. It is not working.
This is so powerful, like the unknown was preferred or the pain you were experiencing.
Big time. Big time. Yeah, and thinking like, is this where I am right now and this pain? This is what I want for the rest of my life. No, no, no, no, there's a way out of this and I was in a deep hole. I have to just tell people this is not like just a little this is a lot this is this was a way of me thinking and shutting down and being depressed and like for a long time. So it was a it's a big big hole to climb up through. Not a small thing. So I did detox. Oh, I know. I know I said to you. And I remember I said I don't know that I can talk to Olga like and I often I go back to like my childhood and school and stuff and I'm like, if a teacher I thought the future was going to ask me to speak I in my head. I'm like and I thought I'm gonna do the same thing with all that I can tell you. She says Lord gives me to say I'm gonna want to scream. This is what I have to say. Back off, exactly. And but I did and I showed myself i i guess a lot of that too is vulnerability. How people are gonna see me or am I gonna say something stupid. We'll set the negative wheel that turns. And I remember like, very quickly, I said, I'm here to do this. So do it and press that button, unmute yourself and say something. And yes, now I remember. The very first time I spoke. I got off that session and I'm like, Oh, no. Why did I speak? Why did and I you know, we went over it in my head and I like all I didn't know which I didn't do that. And then I spoken to reclass after that. I don't know that there was very many that I didn't say something. So, practice, boy because this is not this is not something that comes easy to me. But I mean, I'm speaking to you now mind you. I'm super comfortable with you. Think I see? I love seeing other people out there. No, I just do and I'm super comfortable with you. But it's I think it's like any other skill was anybody born knowing how to be a public speaker? It's you build it. It's a skill, you know?
So yeah. I like this because in actually in mindset for everybody listening, what makes us change an unhelpful thinking habit is to understand that the pain we're in now is worse than changing. So sometimes we think change is going to be painful. And we choose not to we're like okay, I don't know what it'd be like to quit smoking. So that will be really painful. But we don't realize that what is worse is to be trapped in an addiction, right? That that's actually really painful. And sometimes we need to touch bottom to be rock bottom to be like, Okay, this is a lot of pain. And now you have leverage, like it cannot go backwards from here. So I can only go forward. Sometimes it's like life forcing if you haven't taken care of this part, then let me let me help you. And so it sounds like for you, Laura, that was it. Like your brain went like this pain is too much. So do something about it. And immediately naturally, when we start thinking like I don't want this pain, your brain will offer a solution. So you associated me with help. And then you look it up and then I was offering detox right and so for anybody listening, notice how that's gonna happen to you. The moment you ask for the teacher, the teacher will show up the moment to say okay, I want to address this but the best worst way possible. Things will pop into your head where you're like I remember being comfortable with so and so I remember my neighbors saying they went from through something like that. So I'm gonna reach out to them and see who helped them. Your brain is always willing to offer solutions. And so you can get out of your own way because you've determined that you don't want to be that pain, whatever that pain is for each of you. Now, I love that you challenge yourself to speak regardless of how you felt and memories from the past. And obviously, you must have gotten something out of doing so because you kept keeping yourself motivated, which I think is I think that's how we create change rather than repetition and it feels good. Like okay, actually speaking I can do it. We give the brain new evidence I can do this doesn't feel so bad. So at the end of that five days, if you remember, I know you've taken detox twice because you're just that committed. But the first experience which is group setting, like you said, not easy for you and actually not easy for many people. What was that experience like to just experience group for the first time
extremely helpful, extremely helpful to hear other people's take on things I have done over 3040 years and my struggles. I have gone to more typical therapy so many times. Yeah. For me, I can only speak for me I'm not saying for anybody else but coaching by far. Superior to and particularly with you I mean we can we can do this without offense. So let's let's just say that
I don't pay her to not getting paid for advertisement, but
100% just the feeling that you're not alone. There's other people with me, we're we're all trying to do our best all of us. We're all trying to grow. And when you hear something that you identify with, it's just like it's just gold whereas when you're sitting one on one with this person looking at you, it is you can't compare it you cannot compare the experience for me that I get from the coaching environment
in a group setting. I love to hear that because I know that was like You call me like I know that I can do this. And I can't offer anybody reassurance that you're gonna like it. You might not like it, but you might give it give it a go. The reason I do it is because like I just finished coaching and set reset and we're talking about anxiety. And for those of you who suffer from anxiety or depression and you have thoughts that you think nobody in the whole world can know that I'm having these thoughts and then you hear somebody else say it or you like what these other people have my thoughts? Oh my god, you feel so normal. So we just came out where a whole bunch of us were like, raise your hand if you've had this type of thought that gives you anxiety and everybody's like me, and we will all laughing like it felt like such a massive collective relief and I think what that's why I operate in group settings because to me, it's you need more than just 111 Coach, you need other other peers to just validate your experience. I love it. Yeah. So So you went from that one week. How did you how did you feel at the beginning if you recall and how do you how did you feel after that one? Just one week of coaching
excitement I think was it like just my body felt like there's hope hopeful, hopeful I can I can do this. I got so much out of just five days, that when reset was offered, it was like a no brainer. Like that was one thing I didn't think about for a second I said yes I'll maybe reset and my brain and the human brain can offer us so much resistance to pretty much anything. Yeah. You know, so committing to a 12 week program, and more money and stuff and like, but I didn't I had like no reservation This is the best path for me. And I did reset and absolutely love it as well. And I remember sitting at one of the classes. This I think is the first time that I feel like accepted by other people I feel like people understand because I can have this feeling like nobody gets me. Over here you have sometimes I don't get myself so I get it. Yeah, that's a struggle too. But I felt accepted. That's the word I felt accepted in that setting. And then that's very motivating. To want to go further. Yeah.
So what do you think were the elements that made you feel accepted? Because you were all strangers, right? It's a group of Yes, individual woman who like felt called to be in this program to reset their mindset. And yes, you do. Get to know each other throughout the obviously a tough weeks. We don't add new people. It's the same people for the next 12 weeks. What do you think are the elements that made you feel accepted?
This sounds kind of funny as I'm seeing it even to my own head because we're all on screens. Yeah. But I could feel compassion from other people people identifying with with me and just you know if if I said something that was really hard and then another mentor would say, you know, I just want to say like thanks for sharing that one word that was difficult and it's like, being validated and like, you're really a being there. You're You're we're feeling like we're happy you're here. Yeah,
we're happy you're here. So I'm gonna add to our getting out of the way time to process question your thoughts. Understanding the pain your are it's not it's is much more than the pain behind change, and then your brain will offer solutions. I'm going to add acceptance and compassion because you think it was given to you by the group that really you gave it to yourself? It was you showing up saying like, Okay, I'm gonna be compassion because I did just have a moment of emotion in front of a group of people. And then we all connected in that emotion that you had right of acceptance and compassion. Right, you still are getting that manual here how to get out of your own way. I love it. This is this is my thing. And I told you, I have you for those of you listening. I didn't talk to Laura before what we're going to talk about. I'm like, I just want to talk about getting out of the way because this is what I see you do effectively. I want to bring you back to what you said at the beginning, Laura, where you said you were really skilled you're retired. So most people will be like, So why now? Right? Because you told us that you had been really skilled at existing, and when that becomes your habit. Like why now why Why didn't you let the brand be like it's too late now you've walked too far now, of life feeling this way? Why? What do you think, sparked that desire to just show up to your life and fully realize?
I can tell you it was my 65th birthday and in ages, years have never meant anything significant to me. For some reason, 65 was very different. Even though I was retired for six years, so it wasn't retirement or anything. It's just that age and what it was this bell went off it said you only have so much time ahead of you potentially work are you in the best of terms. Are you 2035 years whatever you have, you got 65 years behind you, you're closer to the goalpost than the beginning. And how do you know how do you want this to play out over the next 20 years is the way I am today the way I want to be the day I die? No, no, no, no. I want to learn a lot more. I want to I want to live I want to pay if I don't feel like I lived I and that's that might sound a bit funny Of course I live but I want to live like an excitement in joy in and part of living in being a human is sorrow and grief and all that stuff. But I was only in that. I want the full spectrum. I also want the joy.
Luck. Yeah, we're going for it. Okay, so I'm adding to our list. If I don't change what does life look like for me in the future? Because I think many of us delay that we're like, Well, I have plenty of time to like, address this at some point that we keep postponing our time do we happy our time to experience a full range of joy? And I think this is such a valid question. You see all the wisdom you brought in before you came into coaching? Like Hold on, is this how I would want to live the next 20 and even even if you guys are not 65 Think to yourself, is this the way you're going about your life how you want to live the next 20 years?
True. That's very true.
I don't want to have anxiety for the next 20 years. I don't want to be depressed for the next 20 years. I don't want to have a rocky marriage, whatever it is that you guys are working like is that what you want for the next 20 years? Yeah, absolutely. And let that serve you as motivation. So what what will you say Laura to somebody who was feeling as hopeless as you were when you reach out to be the first time who is still doubtful of whether or not this could work, whatever it is that they're contemplating whether that's coaching or counseling, and you were getting coaching at a brand new trial. You've never done coaching before. I do life coaching you hadn't done any? So you didn't really fully know what what it meant. So the week in details give you a taste of coaching, okay.
The detox week is was so positive for me, and I just finished doing it for the second time and the seeing, like joy and excitement came back from from detox. So I would say I mean, getting out of your own way is pushing, pushing your boundaries pushing you're pushing your limits pushing where you what you think you can do and we all try to limit ourselves and so it's really just pushing it it's the fake it till you make it. It's all those things. I'm not gonna walk into the first day of coaching and be like, Hey, I got this. Yeah, but I'm there to learn. I'm there to learn and get everything out of it that I that I can
and I think it companied to that is I think you you said it, but it might be worth like reset. pushing your boundaries and and acknowledging that you're afraid of doing that. Yes, I like you just you had the courage to at least let me know this is fearful to me. Like you kind of create a bond with me of like, okay, so we're both in agreement that this is a fearful thing for me to do. I needed to verbalize it and acknowledge it. But I'm gonna do it anyways. But it kind of feels like you're in company. You know. So walking a breach. Holding the head of somebody when you're afraid of heights might not be as terrifying as doing it on your own.
Yeah, you just said that makes total sense to me and just the word beautiful, like how often in our lives. Do we have this persona? And how often are we real with people and say, I'm really fearful about that. We put on this persona so that I think everybody around me is super confident, because I can't see in their brain where they're going and I'm scared of this. Well, we all have the same thoughts. Everybody's fearful about something. Yeah. Yeah, everybody and just like be real. And just the power of saying that to you is like I'm fearful about this. Yeah, that's more that's normal and do it anyway.
Yes, I'm here for you. I'm so happy. I'm so happy when people tell me what they're afraid of because then I can be like, Of course you are. Like, what are you you've never done that. So it's normal that your brain is offering you some feelings of fear. So tell me a little bit for the audience because there might be people here who don't know the programs I offer and the transition and like how does that even work? Now you are two months in be the CEO of your life, which it's my 12 month coaching program for those of you listening and it's intense. We just we have three calls as a group a month, and they have to one on ones with me a month and they have pure coaching with their peers. So there's like no real a lot of space for you to like wander off into a dark place all by yourself without being pulled by the group or myself. How has that how have you like now that you've experienced detox, reset and you're in CEO? What do you see happening with yourself? Do you see about that sequence? Did it make sense for you? What adjustments or changes are you doing internally? Like just describe that for our listeners?
So I said a few times that detox and reset for me were just energy giving and knowledge and I loved it and would maybe motivated to do SEO. And then when I got into CEO, whoa, the self node was off the charts off the charts. It's like, what did you do? You're not in this league that bow on excursions. I wanted to quit a number of times but then when I thought about quitting, I'm like, Oh, I won't feel good quitting. I don't feel good going. Oh my gosh, I'm in the middle of this never Neverland. What am I going to do? So I won't tell you for in my experience that the transition to CEO has been easy, but I'm also not looking for easy, but it has been challenging. It has been challenging because it brought up so many thoughts that I have about myself and comparison to other people is very dynamic group of women and my tendency to say but they're younger, they're smarter there. Is meets me every time you know I do something and so it's been it's been a challenge, but the thought of not doing it is just not acceptable. I went today I get a lot of my insight when I go on walks, it seems and on my mind walk in this thought will hit me and I'll be like, Okay, so, Laura, every option is on the table. There's only one that's not on the table and that's quitting CEO that's not on the table. Look at anything else. Look at anything else to help yourself.
I'm writing now and that is a point to get out of your own way when you don't give yourself that option to be on the way you're like No, I'm not going to be the obstacle.
Yeah. Love it.
So what do you think has made it difficult to be here like so they're comparing you're comparing yourself to other women, okay,
hearing myself to people being the oldest person very successful women, you know, in their jobs and stuff. The comparison factor for me is a lot. Yeah.
Okay. So, one of the things I say about group coaching which is so healing is a highlight parts of ourselves that we've had there all along, that you might do on a regular basis that you're not as painfully aware as when you are like, you know, when you're single, you're aware of your weaknesses, but when you're gonna relationship, those come out pretty strongly. I like oh my god, yes. Somebody is reminding me that this part about me is annoying until we just we can do a lot more self growth and we're in partnerships because we have to interact. It's not just us in ourselves. So I bet you anything, whatever feels uncomfortable like that comparison that might have been something you've been doing for years and years and years without healing it or being this container forces you to heal it because what are you worried that you like you said, that's not an option. You can't quit now. So you're in it and you're thinking like, so then what other ways can I think about this dynamic, successful women who are around me? I must be one of them because I'm sitting with that.
Yeah. It's true. I had the most wonderful session earlier today with in the peer counseling with one of my nice fellow CEOs. And I said to her, I haven't told anyone this but I'm going to be doing a podcast with Olga and she was so kind and so encouraging. And I said to her, I wanted to quit twice, you know, and she said, much, and she said, You don't know what we get from you. Oh, you're gonna cry, cry.
Just said don't quit are so valuable.
Feel free you
just felt so comforting and one of the things she said about me and she's a i She does have analog when you speak like I get a lot from you. I relate to a lot of things we don't we don't have to be the same age. We don't have to have the same job. But she says you're reporting to the group and I really I would say, anyone said that to me, but even more than I've said it to myself. That's
no it says you got there. You've been comparing to say, I don't have a job or I don't have their age. I don't I don't I don't right. So that allows you to see what you do have what you do bring to the table. And so do you know what you bring to the table now? Are you becoming aware
becoming aware of becoming aware because I only looked at it from my lenses negative and I'm like, I've been through a lot and I i am i do have some knowledge. I do. Have that wisdom. I lived through a lot of stuff. So yeah, it's just challenging my mind to go beyond that negative because staying in the negative it's such a awful place to be when you stay there.
So I think this is our our last lesson for getting out of your own ways to validate yourself to value who you are, so that you can bring that value places each time you're getting on your own way. Are you not only delaying your progress, your healing your happiness, you're also depriving the world from you. Because then you're questioning do I say this or not? If you don't shine your art into a role, we don't get to enjoy your art, which is enjoy. You don't get to share your wisdom because you've been on this planet for 65 years. If you didn't want to say anything about like if you didn't want to look at your life experiences as like valuable lessons you've received just by having been on earth this long, you're like, Okay, well, I've got something that a 30 year old might not know, a 40 year old might not know and I'm going to teach you. There's research that shows that women in community do best and that like in a regular community like the grandmas and the aunt and the sisters and the children all together, because we are learning like the kids are teaching us something the teenagers are teaching us up there. The Grandmothers are teaching us something the mothers are teaching so like it's so powerful to just recognize we each bring that value because of just simply who we are. That's it not the job we have, or the expertise we might have. But because of our lived experiences that come with unique wisdom that we can share and support somebody. Right?
I love that. I love that I said again in my call this morning when I was telling her about it. I'm like, when I heard this I thought Why would Olga even let me into SEO What the heck is that? What is a little bit thinking? That I'm like he she's pretty smart. There's a reason she led me into SEO focus on that one.
I see. I see you. I see. And I think you know, I see you. Yes, I do. I see you That's my gift. I see. I see people and I love that you brought that last aspect because in CEO we don't just you don't just it's not like you're willing to get in and then you're in there is an application process that I take very seriously because to me this group, it's everything right? Like the participants in the group make the group and so it's less about what I'm about to teach you and coach you but what we're about to create together. And so I'd like to meet with people for a little call to just find out what they're struggling what they want to work on. Because I am a lawyer you probably have seen that there is similarities in the group like we we might all be different but there are many things we have in common and we support each other. And that's what I'm looking for. If in my heart. I know I can't help the person through this program or I can't help the person. There's no way I would lovingly accept you. I would just lovingly refer you somewhere where I think you might get more help. And so there is an application process, which is not complicated. I think you fill out a form. You get in a call with me. And thanks jointly, we decide does this sound like it's a great thing for you or not? So the group this group is only 10 Women in it, but that feels cozy it does. You feel like you're building new friendships. If you had to like summarize what what are you getting from this? Like if you were talking to Laura of like, before detox from this perspective with the lessons you've had, and she's terrified of making that decision of joining detox or reset or CEO or whatever our listeners are contemplating joining. Will you talk to that Laura, who was afraid of doing that who was even afraid of doing this podcast?
I would say Laura, you will be amazed at your growth and what you're capable of what you have to offer. What you can experience in this life just you will be astounded by how far you can go. Yeah.
We're just getting started. Just the beginning, Laura, you've got places to go.
And I will say when you said that you see me. I think that's one of the most beautiful things, isn't it? You see me until I mean I could see myself
that's exactly my job. And that's why are
you Yes, yes.
And that's why I a lot of my clients actually say the word hope that they feel helpful after how I spend time with within my programs. And that's because I see I see them for who they are. I also by the way, and you might you might have felt this, I don't know but I don't feel that I am here to do the work that you need me but I see you fully capable of doing the work. Right. I hold that believe so strongly in my heart. And I think that's what makes my clients feel confident in their own abilities because I am so confident in my clients abilities to just overcome whatever man mental blockage they might have.
Yeah, absolutely. And, and you provide us with yourself with tools with guidance, encouragement, to understand that we as human beings, we all have our own answers. We have them. We got to access them. We gotta believe we have them. But we've got them.
Absolutely. I look at you. You just gave us a whole guide to get out of your own way.
There you go. Maybe that's my nation that's your own way guide.
It's so powerful. I know people listening to us now are feeling a connection to you because they can relate and are probably taking notes. Okay, give myself time to feel that resistance. question my own thoughts. I realized this pain I'm experiencing now is worse than what will be on the other side of change. I'm gonna accept. This is how I'm feeling this is who I am and feel a lot of compassion. And if I don't change what's ahead of me what kind of life is ahead for me if I don't change these if I don't give myself the chance to be a priority? And lastly, quitting or staying without change is not an option. Will you add? I imagined you would but will you add to do to doing the things with fear in company of somebody who can help you like a thought? What I call a thought a thought guide like me a coach or a therapist or group of people? Will that do you feel that that that's an added step to getting out of your own way to have like another person who looks at your blind spots and can kind of challenge your thinking when you're in the middle of being an obstacle for yourself?
100% But I will say that you have to be in the mindset where you will take that again and not be insulted by it now but just be open to it. Yeah, be open to it. If someone says you know, you or someone else Cecil asked you a question. Don't take it as like an insult or whatever. It's just like, think about it. Think about it. Ponder things like awareness question things B, I love when you say Be curious. That's it. Be curious. Why am I doing that? Why am I thinking that? How else can I be be curious?
I think that's such an important step to get out of our own ways our readiness to actually get out of our own way. Because we might say Okay, I'm ready. I'm ready to not be the obstacle but when that comes from a place of like, I should. You are going to think the coach the therapist is against you, or it's not working or the program wasn't for you or like blame something because you were not actually truly ready to leave that in the past and just open up yourself to learning so once you see all the wisdom, Laura, and then
unless like I'm just so happy that I do this no, like, from a place of there's no way I'm doing the podcast to I want to meet that person. Laura. Let's patis one wise, what the heck. And that's me.
That's you. And you don't want you have this episode to play yourself anytime you're in doubt.
Yes, yeah. It's very empowering and enlightening for me to be able to speak like this. Like it's just it's wonderful.
I love it. One of the things I I am used to doing is asking myself so how come I don't feel like when I'm feeling blah, how can I feel good after what are the steps that I take? Like exactly what we just did? I just become curious to be like, Oh yeah, if somebody else is that they are grooming How have I grift in the past because we all take steps we all do consciously or unconsciously. So sometimes taking time to just understand how we take steps our own processes that we follow you know, every day or each time we experience an event. Help us to then verbalize it and for ourselves to be like okay, I'm on my way what are the steps that I followed in the past that I can now begin to use and that is to me that's the power of being coach because you become so self aware of? Okay, I do that step. I do that before we started this podcast we like I don't know how I'm gonna explain this. Like what do you want me to explain? And look what naturally came out to you. You knew exactly the steps.
Yes, yeah, exactly.
Was that so I think yeah.
Because it is a process and it's that you'll never go back to step one more you started because you might go back a little bit but then like I said, you have tools. Oh, dear. I just lost my train of thought there for a second but oh, well basically, you can't unknow what you don't I now know I have to also I can't say I don't know what to do. Yeah, you do. You do know what you can do and the bread and I've written down like when I'm feeling this way. What can I do? I can go and look at that sheet, journal that or call someone who like how, how are your cheat sheets to help you? Yes. You know, and like you said, How did I How did I get out of that last time? Write it down because you're gonna next time you can pull it out and look
at it. You have a guide that came from you. You're always some
you're at write your own guide. Yes. I had to borrow
this. Yes, yes, we all have that wisdom. And we know it worked because we're not there anymore. So it's just paying attention to what did work. And you probably have had also played pay attention to what hasn't worked. So why are we going to do that scenario? Again? That's when I lovingly come and say like, are we repeating the pattern that we already know didn't work? Why are we doing that? Because it's comfortable because we know it so even though we know it doesn't work. Sometimes. It's our habit to just go back to what we do know even if we know brings pain, Laura, I've taken so much of your time I am so so so so deeply appreciative that you got out of your own way and came to share some of your brilliancy with my audience. I think this episode is going to help a lot of people feel like they had to, to go to and maybe even ask yourself for those of you listening, how have I gotten out of my own way in the past? Maybe you have added steps to this list that will be helpful to you. If anybody's contemplating joining CEO, all you have to say to them, and they're like I don't know about being coached for 12 months. What will you say?
Oh, the 12 months is hard as part of the thing that really appealed to me. Because you it takes us a while. It is not a short process, changing your thoughts changing your habits changing that you've had for decades. I've had them for 15 years. They're not changing in five days and detox. But the change begins. You build on it and you repeat and you build on it and so that to me, the one year was a big attraction for me because the 12 week reset I did went so quickly and I loved it. And I didn't really want it to be over so yeah, a year for me is a bonus
gifts time you spend 2% to learn and to freak out and come back and to freak out again and have a community to rely on. Should you be telling people a year is good. Anything else that you'd be telling this?
Absolutely. A year is the year is yours probably the minimum like a year and then maybe another year who knows?
Yeah, I you know, well, you see that in the group right now.
I have seen that there are repeat people there are a good number of them. Yep. Because there's always something we can work on. There's always something we can work on or something we want to understand about ourselves. And maybe do you think about differently. So it's and we're in different stages of our life. There's different things we focus on. So yeah, we're always evolving. So guess what make coaching part of your life I agree for basically forever.
Forever. I am a life timer. Do I think I'm tired of just leaving my pops anymore let's just let's be but life coaching to me. It's been it's added so much to my own personal life. I appreciate it so much and I I really personally I really enjoyed obviously, I enjoy coaching too, because it just gives me almost the same amount of insights like today I'm learning. I'm learning this stuff that's so fascinating to me. So you're a client and a teacher. Thank you.
Thank you. Thank you so much for asking me all about i i thought you are a bit crazy. I am now I thinking.
I have a bit crazy, let's be honest. But not because I asked you just because I was born a bit crazy. Oh, this has been really helpful. Thank you so much. For those of you listening, I want you to head over to the show notes. Check out the special links we have there so that you can figure it out a way to be coached by me if any of what you heard here today spoke to you and you feel that you will want to have an auger or me on your side. I'll be so happy to be a part of your team and to have you meet my community people like Laura so head over there to see what's happening. What's coming up and I will be so excited to get to know you. Bye for now. Thank you Laura.
You're really welcome. Bye bye. Thank you. recording stopped Wow. Oh my god was that woman?
I was I see.
Oh, that was crazy. And it wasn't hard. And it just I didn't have to think about you know, memory told you. Sometimes in the classes more at the beginning. I would I wouldn't even hear what people are saying as I'm thinking about what I'm gonna say. There was none of that it was just you asked me something. And I answered it. It's not a pause where am I?
Because we tap on your wisdom that let that be the feeling that the feeling of like this is my wisdom speaking. Right. I want you to remember what you felt here today is your wisdom speaking. So anytime you're in doubt come back to like these. This feeling you're having right now. Like I've got wisdom. If I tap into it. It feels really comfortable to flow with it. It does when you're stepping out of your wisdom. It feels uncomfortable when you're like I had nothing to say that's not your wisdom. So supposed to feel uncomfortable. So you come back to wisdom.
That's exactly like that just felt comfortable. I can just spoke amazing, but obviously though, I mean, I have to come back to you. I know I'm great. But I mean you're amazing too. So
I just asked you questions, because I know when I see. Tell me about that. And I pointed out. Look, we've got 12345678 points. Eight points. We gave people eight suggestions. This is what I'm all about. Let's break out what's in your brain. So that other people can copy paste.
Because it's easier. Yeah, you're right. Like to talk about what you believe. And I believe in everything I said. Therefore it wasn't hard to say it but no, but think about it. It's just this is what I this is what I see. This is what I believe this is my experience.
That's your wisdom. That's your wisdom. That's your wisdom. Each time you're stepping away from wisdom. It doesn't feel right because your body's like going back to wisdom. If you're speaking wisdom, with with Your wisdom in alignment with what's in your body and in your heart and your true it feels like empowering you and energizing.
Exactly. And I I just can't believe that I did that that I feel so good about it. Like I wow. I mean, this is a huge, huge step for me. So well we
air it, you're not gonna feel that way. You're gonna be like, Oh my God, I don't want to hear myself I've experienced this at all levels. When everybody's where there's a nervousness again come back like how is this going to how many people are gonna listen to this today sounds stupid. And then you hear yourself you're gonna be like, actually, that was amazing. You come back to this feeling your wisdom will remember. That was a great feeling.
Yeah, yeah, that makes sense to me.
So we're probably gonna air these in June. I've been really busy recording a lot of episodes so we're like, ending may already. So I'm probably gonna start June with you are around there. And obviously will let you know. Sam is going to ask you for a photo and a bio so that we can promote in our social media. If you don't want your photo then we just use mine. But, you know, like, there will be a video caption in my Instagram. Just a part of our podcast you talking about something and then this will live in my in my in my podcast for forever and ever and ever so that you can always go back and listen to your own wisdom and be reminded.
That's awesome. That's wonderful. Thank you so much. I really appreciate this opportunity.
Thank you. We know there's a lot of people listening to the podcast and I I know this will help people so thank you. Absolutely. For a helper at heart. I love I think in all your time I sent you a voicemail well
did you get it? Oh my god, I sent it somebody else. Text yesterday text message. Okay, good. I sent one to me rather than to you through iMessage because I didn't have you on WhatsApp. Have you iMessage
okay. Yes, yes. Awesome.
Okay, good. So if I didn't send it to the wrong person, I'm just gathering thoughts from from people just to see what's working what's missing in CEOs. If you want to offer any feedback. I know you wrote me a very nice email the other day when I did ask, but if there isn't anything that you want to add or tell me like, we'd be nice if you give us coffee every morning like I just want to hear feedback of how best to support you to think about it and then get back to me. Give me your suggestions. I also recorded a video this morning for all of you. Give people some feedback as to what I think we'll explain why we have the guest speaker so I've already heard back from some people, so I wanted to explain some points, and then encourage you guys to
so hold on, what do you what are you sending them on? I just wanna make sure I know.
So I sent you a voice memo. Now I'm scared that I sent it to somebody else.
I probably just can't see it maybe. So it's not on what?
No, it was on your cell phone I would have ah no, you receive voice memo, Amazon much No. Start here. So maybe it didn't go through. Okay. I'll give it back to me. Okay. So it's to answer this question. What's working really well for you? Is there anything missing for the program for you to feel supported? And additionally to that any feedback you have where you'd be like, I would love it if we did more of these less of that. I am not promising to make everybody happy because we're 10 But hearing what everybody has to say allows me to just create make changes and adjust know how you guys are feeling. So before we go down six months, eight months down the road, and people be like, Yeah, that's a good idea. I love this. I'm like, oh, did you say it? So?