who's going to tell you about how we're going to proceed from here. So thank you. Thank you, and thank you for those again that have joined us here, and for those online, we are going to go right into it a few reminders, especially you can go back, especially for those online, by participating in the Zoom meeting, you are granting permission for your name, image likeness, as well as audio and video recordings to be used by DDOT to use the raise hand feature, you can request to comment that's online, and here you will be able to just raise your hand. Star nine, if you are using the dial in only phone option, you can enter star nine to serve as that ran raise hand feature, to request to speak or ask a question, to submit questions or comments to DDOT staff. You can do that in the chat. But again, this is for the public hearing, so those comments, please limit those to what we're discussing tonight. And before asking the question or comment again for tonight, that would be your public comment, you will unmute your audio. You would state your name and organization, and then, following that comment, you would mute your audio. Now, DDOT is proposing a set of frequency improvements and route realignments for implementation on June 23 of this year. Now this represents a significant step toward implementing the final plan resulting from the DDOT reimagined process during 2022 through 2024 now note that some street segments would lose service or be served by a different route. Now in tonight's public hearing, we will provide details on those proposed June changes. We will ask for feedback during the public comment section. Now as a reminder, with this public hearing, all your public comments will be recorded, and we will not be able to make an immediate response to any concerns or questions. So again, you'll just be speaking, and then you'll have two minutes, if time allows, following the official public hearing comment period, DDOT staff may be able to address some of the comments now we will not allow for comments or questions that are not pertaining to tonight's public hearing.
I will now turn it over to my colleague, Maisie.
Hi everyone. I'm Maisie melikin. I'm a planner in scheduling and service development. I work with Steve Patrick. He was not able to be with us here in person tonight, but he is on the line, so if we have time after the public hearing comment, he will be able to answer any questions that I can't answer competently, but I'm going to be giving the presentation tonight. These are all the routes with proposed changes for June. I'm going to walk through each one individually and just give you the rundown. The first one is Grand River, which is a designated quarter for enhanced service, according to DDOT reimagined and what was decided upon during that process. So DDOT improves. It proposes improving daytime frequency to every 15 minutes on weekdays and every 15 minutes on weekends to achieve that service. Next we have Jefferson. This is just a side note, the first kind of set of Route realignments that we're looking to implement from DDOT reimagine, and this is one of those. So Jefferson would be extended to Mac and alter via alter Charlevoix Chalmers and Mac, and that's where the Aldi supermarket is, if you know. And yeah, that means the route will no longer serve any stops that are east of Alter, and that includes the smart transfer point at Jefferson and Lake point, another brief side point construction on the east Jefferson. Enhanced quarter is slated to begin this spring, which is super exciting. So, yeah, okay, and then Dexter has multiple changes going on here, so it's going to be extended via outer drive to old Redford Meijer, and service will be removed from Greenfield to Northland, and then it will be realigned to the front of beauty mercy to better serve that campus via Puritan and Livernois. And there will be daytime frequency improvement, so every 15 minutes on weekdays and every 20 minutes on weekends. Next we have Conant. Conant will be replaced by 52 Shane at Jason Hargrove. The northern end of line will be relocated to Conant and East Winchester, via Nevada, Ryan and East outer drive. And then this is what 52 Shane will look like. So it's going to be realigned to Jason Hargrove, like I said in the previous slide, the accountant State Fair and Woodward. This will remove service from Nevada and Van Dyke. Additionally, it will be realigned between Milwaukee and Canfield to operate on Russell and serve the new Justice Center. And there will be weekday frequency improvements, so every 35 minutes during peak periods and every 45 minutes during midday base. You
I can talk about McNichols. So this should look familiar. It will serve the nighttime extension to Mac and morose at all times during the day. So that's just going to go along Mac. And there will also be daytime frequency improvements. So that means consistent, consistent 30 minute service on weekdays. And so these are two routes that don't have route realignments proposed for June. Greenfield has daytime frequency improvements, so every 15 minutes on weekdays, and every 20 minutes on weekends, and then Cadillac Carper with weekday frequency improvements, so every 35 minutes during period, and every 45 minutes during midday base. I don't know if we can go back to Russell. I well, I can just describe it too.
Yeah, so I
So, okay, perfect. So Russell will be joining Conant at a new northern end of line at Conant and East Winchester. This will discontinue service on otter drive east of Ryan road. So yeah, and that is it for the proposed changes.
Thank you, Maisie, I just want to let everyone know too that tonight's presentation will be available online. Give us a day to have it on there. So if you missed anything tonight, as far as viewing it, you will be able to view it again for the public comments. Now you will you can provide your public comment verbally. Tonight, you'll have the opportunity so that it can be recorded to public record. You must state and spell your name for the record. Before providing your comment, you'll be given two minutes, as we mentioned before. Now, if you would like to make a comment after today, you have until April 19. You can also provide comments by you can email it DDOT comments@detroitmi.gov or you can send it through the mail. US Postal Service. Attention. June 2025, hearing Detroit Department of Transportation. 100 met Detroit. 48201, and of course, if you have any questions, that's our customer service. 9313933, 1300, March 20. That's today's date. The changes of course will go into effect on the 23rd now I will as far as Before we officially open public comment. We are going to do online first, and then we will take everyone in person.
So Kristen, you want to
Robert uses the first hand up you.
Hey, Robert, if you can hear us, Can you unmute I?
I want to try someone
who's the next thing. Bernard. Bernard,
if you can hear us, Can you unmute?
Yes. Can you hear me?
All right, can you hear me?
Hello, can you hear me?
Oh, wait, the headphone body is muted. Okay, people get here online, okay, all right, give us one second, and we'll have you start over. We good. Should we Okay? Go ahead.
All right, thank you for the record. My name is renardsky. I spelled that r, e, n, a, r, d, M, o n, C, Z, U, n, s, k, I, District Six, resident of Detroit daily bus rider, organizer with Detroit people's platform, wanted to express for the MC Nichols route going to Moros. I think that's a good change, since other routes gather at that hub, and I just hope that the DDOT reimagined can put a shelter or hub there to make it more attractive for the Dexter to Meijer relocation. The good part of the change is that it connects to other routes that stop at Meijer. My main concern is that for those that use the Dexter to access Providence Hospital, they may not be aware that they can use the Greenfield bus to go there in lieu of the Dexter not going there in June. So I suggest that there needs to be a lot of communication, verbal announcements by the driver, flyers, and also digital communication to that effect as well. Since a lot of Dexter riders use that bus to access Providence Hospital at the end of the route, otherwise, I reserve the balance of my time for other people to speak. I have no other comments at this point.
Thank you, Robert, are you able to unmute?
Good afternoon. Can everyone hear me? We can hear you now. Go ahead. Perfect. Sorry. I think we're all having technical difficulties this evening. Good afternoon. Good evening. Everyone. Robert plowsky, here, long time bus rider and transit advocate calling in from South gatewayne County. So kind of just to echo Renard point, I do think that these are wonderful changes that are going to help the service increase and improve connectivity around the communities. My only concern, and this also goes not just for the Dexter bus, but also the Jefferson route. Most of you in the audience know that have ever ridden smart they have their program in place called the smarter mobility platform, and they are actively taking engagement on theirs, which involves a lot of routes, including routes near the Jefferson that will have extensions, but those won't receive an extension later on until maybe a year or year and a half or so. Those have concerns with these route changes happening now, especially with Jefferson going to all these what is that going to do with the improved connectivity around having an easy drop off and pickup point for the route 610 with Jefferson, because that whole route was to connect the 610 when it first was introduced, that is my only concern there. And in terms of Dexter, the Dexter route, it I like that we're having that connection to the old Redford Meijer. But just to echo renard's point, we have to really consider, will people know to transfer off the Dexter to the Greenfield and that, while was very much a connectivity point to Providence Hospital and Northland from Rosa Parks Transit Center, and that service is very essential if we lose it overall. I am very much in support of this plan, and I think it's going to be really good for the community, other than the two minor enhancements and concerns I've made here tonight, I would like to really discuss more with the planners, some alternatives when getting into the logistics of this plan, because, like I said, my concerns, I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one sharing those tonight. So Maisie or Steve, I would love to connect with you and give you some more ideas going forward before the April 19 deadline hits. Secondly, I do think that
the record please, of
course. Sorry, I have a lot that I got into. It's Robert Pawlowski, P, A, W, l, o, w, s, k, I, I hope you guys got that
Yes. Thank you, Mr. Verse, yours is the next hand up. You
I may have you heard? Yes, we can hear you. Go ahead.
Okay, wonderful. My name is Larry Donald burst. That's L, A, R, R, Y, D, o, n, a, l, D, B, as in victory, E, R, S, E, verse, and it's a song, a poem, a chapter, verse in the Bible. I'm a member of transit justice team of Detroit people's platform, and I live in district seven. My major concern is this I understand and can appreciate the routes changes and possible improvements. However, I must ask on those, some of those routes, where they are being removed from certain blocks, how does that affect the people that catch the bus on those blocks? And if you leave out a single person, I think this should not be made.
I yield the balance of my time. That is my only comment. Thank you,
Mr. Boyle, yours is the next hand up.
Okay, I'm on the bus. I'm not sure. How about this is, can you hear me? Yes, go ahead. Okay, regarding the Dexter bus, I'm really glad to see it visiting a Mogo stop that's on Livernois, by going down Fairfield. It was missing that opportunity. One thing I am concerned about is the northern reach of the Dexter bus, because at one point I was looking at possibly getting a night job in the suburbs, and it would have been my lifeline to get it's going to be available with the plan changes, because I don't think that the Greenfield is going to get me close to Wyoming and Funko, so I have to rule out being employed outside of Detroit. At this point, my only destinations are within the city of local I need, I want you to understand the impact on people's lives as a result of making changes in the system. Thank you.
And we do need you to state and spell your name for the record. Please.
My name is Stephen, as, S, T, E, P, H, E, N, Boyle, B, O, y, L, E, and I'm a constituent in the seventh district of Detroit.
Okay, great. Thank you very much.
Phone number ending in 169, is the next hand up.
Can Hello. Can you guys hear me?
Okay, great. I just want to say hello to DDOT and the power that we thank you for Brother Cunningham.
Close something down.
Hi, Jen, yes,
oh, okay, call or try again.
I Okay, can you guys hear me now?
That's much better. Thank you. Go ahead with your comment, but Okay, call your name first, please.
Oh, I'm sorry. My name is Rick, um, R, i, c k, Johnson, J O, H N, S o, n, um, I'm calling off the west side of Detroit. Um, I just wanted to say hello to DDOT and the power that be. Um, thank you for praying for brother, Cunningham. I see mild improvements in the frequency of the bus lines. Um, thank you, Mr. Kramer. The Bible says touch not God's anointing, neither do his servant, Cunningham. No harm again. I say no harm. Cunningham has been doing this work over a decade with no pay and no benefits. Thank you for my time.
Okay, thank you. Ms Maddox, yours is the next hand up. Thank You.
daughter, D
comment Is this
thing to
You You? Yeah,
different areas where you
gotta make making sure that you are standing at the right best.
If you are not,
are not at the best
and and if you are what I
it the driver passed by That happened to me?
The next i
staff Thank
you very much.
Thank good.
Thank you, Miss Marguerite. The next hand up is Jacob Graham. Whoops.
Hello. My name is Jacob Graham. That's j, A, C, O, B, G, R, A, H, A, M. Thank you very much for the opportunity to speak tonight. I am I'm very happy with all the modest frequency increases. I am a occasional writer of the 12 in order to access the Woodward and I am I'm a little bit disappointed to see the new proposed routing for the 12. I'd love to see the 12 continue to go to the Hargrove Transit Center. I think the Hargrove Transit Center is an amazing investment, and I just would like to see increased utilization of it. And it seems like all of the routes that are ending in that area should, should have have a great destination point, and that being the harbor of transit center. Thank you so much.
Forgive me. Did you stay and spell your name for the record? I did? Yes, great. Thank you very much. Those are all the online comments, so I'm going to turn it over for the in person comment, and
I'm just going to pass them.
Okay, we are going to move in person.
And I would you'll just have your two minutes. I can kind of if we're okay with I'll just start from the front to the back. Cunningham do the honors.
so I'm from east, west, north, south. My name is Michael Lamont Cunningham Junior. I go by Cunningham brother. Cunningham B, as in boy, R, as in rabbit, O, as in operation, T, as in Tom, H, as in house, E, as in entertainment. R, as in rabbit. C, as in cat, U, as an umbrella, N, as in Nancy n, as in Nancy I as an IT and it's a Nancy, G as in girl, H as in house, he has an apple, M as a man. Okay, so I had a driver on the Grand River today said they they would like at the ends of the lines, porta potties, cuz they having a hard time that they're having a hard time, you know, find a place to use the bathroom on the Grand River. I do like the changes. I do like to change this to six mile in Grand River. I think that is well needed, kind of being a taxi cab and outreach Jefferson is very frequent. Those changes were good over there, but that caused me not to make any money off of that line because they're so frequent. And so the Woodward made changes, and it's so frequent, it's causing, you know, loss of funds. And then Grand River is going to be improved, and that's probably going to be the same thing on Grand River because it's so frequent. But I love to see the changes. I love to see things getting better. But again, it does affect me being a taxi cab. You know, people know they can get a bus every 10 to 15 minutes. You know, you lose some but I do think that's a good thing. And anybody, anybody need to hit me up at 31344491, 313-444-9114, that's my hotline number in regards to public transportation. Thanks a lot. I brought along in my bag anybody that wants it. I got some low income housing lists from mishta, about 20 of them. So if you need any for people, let me know you.
Thank you. My name is Luca. That is spelled l, u, K, A S. Last Name, L, A S, as in Sam, E, as in Edward, C, K, I and I'm here with transportation riders united. I'd first like to say I really do appreciate all of the the changes that have been provided, seeing these gradual frequency improvements toward the dream laid out indeed at reimagined I'm particularly impressed with what's happening with brand River. Every 10 minute service on that route is going to be a game changer, because it deals with some really high crowding right now, and that leads to really unpleasant conditions. As for the reroutes, I sort of have mixed feelings on the Dexter, because it is nice having that connection to Northland, but with both Greenfield and Dexter running every 15 minutes, it won't be too terribly hard to get to Northland from the Dexter now, so that that sort of alleviates that concern. And it will be have nice having the northwestern hub at old Redford Meyer, and seeing the frequency increases to those hourly routes, the the Shane and the and the Cadillac Harper, will be very nice to see some of the, some of what what are currently lifeline routes getting those frequency increases. So all told, I agree with the majority of these changes, and I'm glad to see DDOT continuing to move in the right direction. Thank you.
Good afternoon, everyone. My name is Whitney Clark. That is W, h, i, t, N, E, y. Clark is C, l, a, r, k, e. I am a resident of district five. I am also a member of the community development board at the oasis of hope, church and a public transit advocate as well. I just want to take a moment to say thank you all for taking steps in the direction and increasing the frequency as we continue to just advocate for just better transit overall, so that this is a step in the right direction, and we just want to continue to enhance the quality and the frequency of all of our routes. But these definitely address specifically the routes that I use, I know the Dexter is increasing the frequency and things that are nature. It's very, very important. And so again, I just say thank you all as we continue to improve the quality of our public transit here in the city, thank you.
Hello. My name is Zander bird. Z as in Zebra A, N, D, E, R, B, y, as in Ypsilanti, r, d. I have a written statement. Good evening. I'm I'm Zander bird. I live between the crossroads of Van Dyke Avenue and East outer drive and northeast Detroit, and I'm here to express my opposition for the proposed changes to drought. 40 bus line aims to cut off a bus service to the east outer drive and east of the quinder Avenue. Personally, I'm disabled, and I've used the Russell line from where outer drive and Van Dyke is a lifeline for years to commute to work and access the wider East Side Community and Hamtramck for years, this proposed change would make it much more difficult than it already is for me to access the parts of the city Russell would otherwise get me to that issue. Additionally, there are plenty of people who regularly use the stretch of outer drive to access fresh produce at show Randazzo fruit market, or students at Pershing high school who are going to the Rec Center on outer drive after school. Additionally, there are people on the east side who use the Russell to Access Van Dyke as a way to go get up north to the suburbs, or eight mile via the smart connection. Given all these points, I am struggling to understand what enhancements this proposed route shortening would bring up about or what this would ultimately benefit, or who is evolving benefit. I'm worried about the loss of the service on auto drive would hurt northeast Detroit, and I strongly urgent the powers that be to scrap this. I'd change and amend it to keep the route accessible to Van Dyke, perhaps even to consider extending frequency on Saturday mornings for market day and Eastern
Market. Thank you. Hello everyone. Good evening or afternoon, wherever. How you look at it. My name is Marvin Clark, and I'm a victim service advocate, so I deal with individuals who probably been victimized in certain areas. So I'm here because I don't see her, but it was a, I think her name was Jean something, Winfield or whatever. Yes, yes, yes. She had it. Let City Hall know that we were get more shelters. Bus shelters and bench and we didn't have none going in District. What can I can speak on that? That was part of the changes they spoke on, that that was part of the changes that they was going to put in changes put more bus stops and areas where people can say that that was part of that. They spoke on that, but they told me to come today. Well, I think something's incorrectly because,
oh yeah, yeah, yeah, just because we're talking about the June service changes, and this is for the record for that, and then we'll still get your comment. Okay,
right? But that will be part of they spoke of that to the City Hall. That's why I'm here. Is this part of this room service? Okay? So this is separate.
So I just talked with I just wanted, I just confirmed with her. I just wanted to make sure. Nope, no problem. Like I said, we will, we will still, we will still get your comment. Did you have a comment regarding our service changes? Okay, are you coming, but not both. Okay, okay, no, this is okay. Did we miss anyone online who are making comments regarding the proposed changes for June? Yes. Okay, so, okay, okay, we're gonna go back to those we are still in the official comment period.
Okay? To make sure everyone gets a chance to comment. The people who have not commented yet, belita, yours is the next hand up. I
Yes, yes. I have a comment about the changes to the shame. My name is belita, B as in boy, E, L, I T as in Tom, a as an apple. Last name is Jackson, j, A, C, K, s, O, N, as in Nancy and I have a comment about the shame being cut off. How are people who live off of Nevada going we either have to walk to seven mile, which is a half a mile, or walk to six mile, or walk to Van Dyke, or walk the tone it to catch a bus early in the morning. So how are we going to be addressed? And that's what my comment is, that's our main bus line. So if that's gone, we've got a long walk, either way we go. So are they going to do something about that? The shame is our lifeline. Thank you. Thank you.
Call in user one.
Can I be heard? We can hear you. Go ahead. State Plan for the record,
I'm going to do that. My name is Ms Shay. Let me get straight to the point. I wish that you all will increase the hours for the Lynnwood instead of it cutting off at 9pm it should go to a minimum of 11:30pm Mr. Kramer, we have reached out to you today, and we reached out to you last month. We asked to be able to communicate with you to let you know what's been going on with para transit service, and you have not responded back by way of email.
This is a comment, public comment for the service changes taking effect in June. Do you have any comments about the service changes?
I would have gotten to that had you not been so rude and cut me off. But I wanted to make that known first of the service changes, I would like to know, what is the increased amount going to be done for the Dexter as it is, skipping an hour's time continuously during the mid morning hours? I'd like to have that answer without any rude interruptions because I am disabled, and so I would like to know that under Americans with disabilities, how are you going to increase the time for the Dexter the Linwood and the joy road? Nobody gets to address that. And I'd also like to know from Mr. Kramer, when are you going to have the public comments that people can ask you questions without being cut off, since nobody responds by email. Mr. Kramer, Robert Kramer, finally, in the changes you're going to have in June. I would also like to know from Mr. Kramer, when is smart going to be able to join up with DDOT to increase service for Michigan Avenue Woodward with the 454 60 and 200 which combines with DDOT. This is the
student comment period. Thank you very much.
Hello. Okay, so again, we are not trying to be rude, but as we mentioned, this is today's meeting is for our public hearing. So any outside comments, you can always email or address staff with those. So what we're going to do, since that are all our public hearing comments for tonight, we are officially ending that segment of tonight's meeting. Now what we did is, I know we had at least two people that had a couple of comments. We have a few DDOT staff here who will be available to take those comments just for a few minutes. So again, thank you all for your comments tonight regarding the June service changes those The hearing will be up, and you have until it was the April 19 to comment. Thank you. Hit Stop recording. Recording stopped I