Hello everyone. I don't have any administrative functions on the Zoom account so I'm using the web-based browser version which it's not the normal platform. I'm just going to continue without it. You all can enter questions in the chat box and Jessica will take care of manning that while I situate this browser system that we're going to use today without my wretched original zoom host options. I won't have those. I will not be able to mute everybody and also unable assit with unmute. I usually will be able to do that for you but I can't do that this time. So we'll just have to remind you to mute if needed. I'm just going to move screens right quick so it won't look like I'm looking in the air.
Alright, so for area plan, we're going to go over the instruction portion of the area plan guide and talk about the changes that were made. And then we'll discuss the survey and then we'll take questions from you guys about what we have going on. I have received several emails about printable surveys so we'll talk about that also. I'll do a lot of sharing of my screen. I'm just managing between certain visuals to get you guys visuals of what we're doing. The biggest part of this, I found, is just kind of the instruction manual that's gonna get you all the information you're going to need to fill in the area plan document The biggest part is going to be completing the survey- getting the survey out and getting the responses back, then pulling that into your area plan. I don't believe there will be a lot of differences in what you've done before other than the objectives that you'll insert into your area plan. I have the form situated for you to design the objectives and better follow them. ACL requires that of us as an SUA and from there it trickles down from the state level to the area agency level. So the objectives that you're defining will be what you find exist for your area within the parameters of the broad objective they're asking us to meet. Let me see where my instructions are. Instructions only.
Okay, here we go
and then if it's gonna look tiny, let me know if it looks too tiny. I'll zoom in the page. But this is the half of the full document that I will send to you guys have all the instructions in it. What you'll need to do for each section, those that are already flipped self explanatory, didn't change much from last year. You will skip past those pretty quickly. The questions that you guys will have mostly are probably for the more involved horses are the area of play and objectives focal not necessarily the focal points but your sensors data inserting all that information I suggest because already pull that data for you. So you will either insert an image into your document or we will insert it for you if you have any issues with that. The PDF version of this there will be a Word version and a PDF version you can use whether you'd like to use to compile it. We do need it all back electronically, and they try to cut down on what's actually necessary and needed and focused on this is your plan moving forward for the next four years starting July 120 23. This is just a list of all the documents what you're what you're seeing on your screen, just a list of all the parts of the area plan. The page numbers the section numbers, I'm sorry, are duplicated to show you if these sections have more than one page. That's why you'll see those section numbers duplicate it. I try to give you enough room to put your spiel then do your typing insert whatever you need there. If you complete your PDF and there's a lot of space, when we get it and receive it. What we'll do is clean it up for you. We'll cut all that time down and delete the big white spaces make it more cohesive. So you won't have to worry about those parts. The submission some middle page is what these pages are scroll to. It does still have the November 30 date in it. That is not a problem. I it was a carryover from previous area plans. Were not done by that date. We will insert a new date into your documentation after we received it or before you get your signatures whatever I'm so sorry, I was meant to middle page. That's just the intro page. Whatever we need to do to update that day, that day does not matter. I just did not want to leave X's and a question mark in the print as I was moving on. A lot of these references is another area where I'm pulling data from I did not update anything prior to 2016 but also did not expand to that. However, a lot of the updates I've completed involve going back as far as 2016 Make sure we pulled in everything ACL is expecting us to receive the written documentation or the written part of this spiel that I'm scrolling through. Now. This is where you'll find a lot of information that you'll need to insert into your area plan. They talk about the priorities that you're focused on. Our priorities have not changed the same categories that we focused on when we're doing your budgets or your service delivery, access services in home services. Community Services is what they refer to they're supposed to those are concrete services and we we refer to them as congregate or some other types of services but in general, from the ACL federal level Community Services, houses a lot of those that you're still already familiar with. If there's something in there your agency does not do there's an and there's another agency that covers it for your parish. That will be ombudsman services ADRC CRM services, your triple eight does not have that designation, but you have a fellow triple A that does and it covers your own parish. So those are still programs that you are incorporating into your own actions. The evidence base is broken out because years ago we changed from health promotion and disease prevention. We changed to health promotion and disease prevention from health maintenance. I can't even remember the name of announcements a while but the 3d program has specific parameters. If it's not an evidence evidence based program, you either have to walk through getting it classified as an evidence based program or you're just unable to expand title 3d dollars doing the service that must be evidence based. family caregiver is also split out on its own and it does roll into
the care in support of those with Alzheimer's and dementia, things like that. Anything that deals with having a caregiver the caregiver service portion itself from the federal level was expanded and focus in upon for better resources, more successful delivery of family caregiver services. It was one that started back in the 2016 reauthorization started with the rice program or I F II. They have a specific program to push, more support and more successful support for caregivers across the nation. The rest of it, same stuff that was in the previous area plan. You guys read through this data you don't like the way it reads or you have a question or you have a concern about what it is, let me know and I can go in and update it. This document has existed before me and it will exist well beyond me. And whatever changes we put in it, but I do want to make sure it's all valid. We do still use exhibit one and two, given COVID Everything that we struggle with like this is a COVID Getting over COVID Living with COVID We have not done napus recording or help anyone to predetermined units of service counts. I don't know when we will move back to them that's coming top down from ACL to all State Unit on Aging. For every state that will be all the State Unit on Aging for every state are following this rule to be considerate of what we're actually all getting through when it comes to COVID. So when we do start that back up, we will focus more on exhibit ones into the first section is going to be a mission statement. That is up to you what you'd like your mission statement to be that's going to be cut and dry. You probably won't copy and paste from last year. You shouldn't have a copy of your area plan from last Brundtland, I'm thinking last year last cycle. You have a copy of your area plan from last cycle and you can use that to compare update. But that will be it will be what we will use when we're reviewing what you submit this year. We're going to reference your past year's area plan to ensure that you have appropriate objectives and that your data is cohesive enough to update and move forward. The description of planning and service area. This is one of the big pieces I was working on for the longest to change it and update it. I did try to give you as many definitions within your instructions to keep you on track without having to stop and research the the past area plan training document that I use to start from and ask the questions in such a way that was a bit confusing to me and every other program monitor that's been here since I took this position in 2019. If you don't feel like it's clear enough the instructions in this template is clear enough for you. Please let me know. We did a lot of work. We were all comfortable with how it ran we all took it and did our own revamp and clarity of what it was actually asking you guys. So this I felt like it was probably gonna hold you up the most. The the details in the narrative section for this is just a blank box. You're putting your information in detail these specific things about your planning and service area, the physical characteristic characteristics, the demographics, the unique resources, the constraints in the local service delivery system, the local service delivery system, it's everything available in your parish include, such as yourself, including yourself. So in East Baton Rouge Parish, we do have public transportation, we have Medicaid services that you can find at certain designated locations. We have an ADRC we have an Alzheimer's I can't even think of their name I'm sorry y'all. But there is Alzheimer's coalition that is here downtown. We have cancer support groups. We have a bunch of hospital systems that also leverage or partner with some of these other supplemental support systems like the
Our Lady of the Lake Cancer Center, the children's hospital that has the program to assist families were the guardians and caretakers or grandparents and they're caring for grandchildren that are in need of their services. This is all about your local service delivery system. It's just a brief narrative. You don't have to know the ins and outs of everybody. But what you're focusing on when you talk about this delivery system is for the seniors in our parish, why can't partnerships we partner with the Medicaid office in my parish, in order to guarantee that seniors are signing up for the correct services. We transport them there or if you don't transport them there any designated day of the week or time. We have a local transit bus system that seniors can utilize those. That's what that question is specifically asking for. I found that question was duplicated several times throughout the rest of the area plan document. This should be the only area where you're putting that Bruceville about your local service delivery system does mention something about your agency and what you do to support the elderly in your area, the older older adults in your area. And then there's also the challenges existing in your area from the local service delivery system. In the East Baton Rouge area we have the cat bus system. Cats is struggling sometimes with having proper vehicles. I noticed just from the news, I don't follow caste information. But I would see in a write up about the local service delivery system. The bus system is available. Many of our seniors don't use it. It's not convenient enough. We find that they don't have a lot of buses. You don't have to get into any specifics about the struggles that Kathy was going through outside of generalizing, what the system is, is it a challenge to use it? Is it successful? Is it a bottleneck? That's what you're mentioning. of you also will mention the successes achieved by the delivery system if your local Medicaid office is efficient with addressing the needs of those that are seeking their help. That's the type of success that you will write down the area profile and then a lot of this every time I think of this one, section four section two probably scrolling too far. I think about Wikipedia, if you go to Wikipedia put your information in easily something's not accurate. You can send them an accurate you may even find it you can pull a lot of information from Wikipedia and use that information if that's what you choose to do, just copying and pasting into the into your document and that's your spiel for your area. It satisfies the section and you can move on the area profile is what we have prepared and pool what we will load to the website with your census data. It should have some information in there about rural towns, urban towns, the actual cities, you probably will probably still have your maps in an accurate positioning from the last area planning cycle. I don't know of a lot of areas who have changed so much so that the maps needed to be changed. But um that's it I just am not aware of if there is make sure when you pull in your maps of your area. You can indicate which area is which city or town which is what they're requesting in this area plan information. B. Area profile in a lot of the ones I've reviewed a lot of the ones that I reviewed from different states they had a little spiel if you want to put your own narrative under this information, you can definitely do that. It does say describe the rural population. If you use a chart to describe it, then that's a that's a good enough description. It gives you a percentage breakdown of the population of that particular area that you're describing. That is perfectly fine. I know it says describe but I looked at your old profiles, oh area plans, other profiles on the internet for certain areas and then other area plans and instructions from all over the United States. That's pretty general that either you're going to type something up or use a picture or do both. focal points. That's not a problem. You're going to list all of your senior centers, all your areas that you have either a senior center or a meal site what the addresses there is a chart that has always been included in the area plan cycle I
I updated it to ask do you partner with other people and that's a yes or no other than you entering every person that you partner with. That pretty much comes up throughout the area plan document anyway who you actually partner with. And then you also have no control over those entities, their existence, their names, what they do to change themselves that way keeps your document valid. The map again, you'll use that same map. Sorry, I have a message from the governor's office they've been sent me updates. I'm not I am paying attention
Okay, so, description of your area agency. This is again something you'll refer back to what you've done in past area plan cycles, including the update you've gone through with your agency to make sure your data is as current as possible. We will move back to having to update our area plan document as we normally would have pre COVID If you are needing to change services, or insert any changes that you're doing, because our state is not under the emergency declaration. That's something that we've kind of briefly mentioned during our managers meetings that we will need to go back to being used to updating our area plan documents. So we have that information, current and up to date. And it also put us ahead of any nationwide updates from ACL that says okay, we need to go back to doing these things the way we use the organizational chart, just the picture puts it in there. shows us the distinct lines of command that comes down from the directors position and all of the staff members of the COA the triple A structure. You gave a picture in the first section of section for the second section, the triple A structure, you'll be explaining that structure. You know this, like you know your staff so that one's gonna be cut and dry for you. It's broken down into organizational structure administrative structure, functions, and then leadership efforts. There is the definitive defining those three segments, organizational structures, just saying what you have, we have program managers, and then they have staff or their own or we have designated staff that acts as program managers to roll some of our activities into one defined unit. Like what GOEA actually best is their own unit. But as the manager for that unit, I still confer with other managers you're explaining that organizational structure which you pictured in section one. When you get to your administrative functions. You are discussing what your administrative positions are doing your director, your assistant director, your board members, how you're conferring with making sure the decisions are made. If you need more guidance for that triple A structure section, let your program monitor know and we can get that for you. And then probably by the end of this if you guys feel like I need to add some additional information for the organizational administrative leadership efforts into the instruction guide. I can put that in there. Oh, your operational plan. This is something you guys have on hand that comes from how basically how your bylaws are situated, what you plan to do and this is what the details of an operational plan are. The next set of checkbox, items, coordinate your, your your delivery system. How do you check in your clients? How do you register a participant? That's how you coordinate your delivery. system for the services that you offer. should not change much from last year. If you did not have a part in the area plan profit last year or you are a new director. You don't have a copy of your agency's area plan from last year. Let your program auditor know we can get you a copy of what we have on file. Now we have we house everything electronically in our old building but we did move in October of last year. So there are some things that we have not touched or seen since February 9 2021 When they converted all of our files. So if we find that we don't have an electronic version for you, we'll do our best to dig up the actual hard copy. I'm not if I'm not going to read all of these things to you that are shown on the page just trying to generalize what each section is and why it was separated out like it was especially the differences from the last area plan document.
The planning process. This one we spent a lot of time on to define exactly what you're doing. This is really detailed in everything you expect to do to establish your Service Delivery priorities for your plant for your area plan cycle. So you you had a meeting with your board your advisory council had a meeting with your board then all three of the entities sat down and met together. You know, you review your units of service that you've been entering in the sands and decided that one service is really not as successful as you would like or it's not sufficient is not funded well. Enough. Your process for defining general enough. Once a quarter we review our service deliveries. we survey our participants. They don't care for a certain service the way it's delivered. They like a change administration reviewed it. We got staff comments and we decided that that service was not going to work. That's the process you went through. And you're right up. You're going to just describe how you do this on a regular basis. The responsibilities of each involved party that when we kept that part that's required. The Advisory Council, the Board of Directors, the triple A director, your advisory council should be giving you insight on what your agencies should be moving forward to for your service delivery. Your board of directors is there to approve your contracts or budgets review vary the management of your area agency. They're giving these directives and signed agreeing to directives as a whole a full board with involvement of the AAA director. The AAA director is in turn, making sure all of the plans that have been decided as the Go plan are being implemented by their own staff. The directors the staff of the Area Agency is for the Area Agency Director to guide and give instruction to be described how the AAA includes the following groups you know, in the template is just a blank page. You're dividing how you introduce and provide this information to us. You have public involvement public agencies, government entities, other organizations that serve the same populations you serve, is again leveraging off your partnerships. Know as triple A's that are not designated ADRC CR X are ombudsman locations. You mentioned your fellow area agencies in that reference, you know we have an ombudsman representative that is housed in parish a even though I'm overhanging parish F but my parents falls within their scope of service. We have ombudsman services available to our participants. We have seen our XR service available to our participants through our designated ADRC CRS area. Agency which is searched and searched because we're housed in their region of starting. This one for the needs assessment. The needs assessment itself is very particularly involved with data data collection of demographics, and service needs. API has done so much work. About three weeks ago when the survey was sparse. I felt like it was all done. We were all celebrating all this Okay, we're done with this next week. We're moving to the cleanup phase, staff went to a conference and we got new data from that was the week of August 14, matter of fact, new data about the survey elements. So that caused me to again go back to the survey, review some of the data and again clean it up change it up some so we can capture the demographics. These are required from the federal government. Federal funders, I'd say ACA always referred to them as the feds. It's enough of them. The federal level of health and human services is guiding these changes and updates that are required for this survey and older Americans act service.
This gives a lot of information about what the survey is, why you're conducting the survey, and then just what the survey actually affords. The Triple A. Once you are initiating the survey to your participants and your community, not just your participants, but the entire community of your parish. And what it actually helps you identify so that you can set your priorities. I'm going to scroll back up here. I'm trying to move too fast. One of the pieces that was initiated in the 2016 reauthorization was the incorporation of identifying LBG tq. Members, community members, I was still trying to figure out the best language to refer to that they have a whole conference on utilizing the appropriate language these days. And then there's also elders living with HIV and AIDS. The demographic and data collection for these two particular specifics are about ensuring these individuals are comfortable receiving the same service as their peers. They it's not about offering them anything more specific than the opportunity to feel included. So you have to be aware of the need to make yourself visible to these individuals. From the ACL information that's been provided, it's asking these questions that you'll find on the survey will go to the survey asking the questions on the survey. Leaf lets them know that you are aware and you're moving forward as an organization that is inserting requirements structures and changes within your organization that are pertinent to them. Which just means you're acknowledging that this is where the world is situated. It's like if it's not asking any more of you than you would delivering your services right now today not knowing either these two facts about an individual, but there's always an option on the survey that it's going to stay on disarray for every option. prefer not to answer you may never know but the stance that the world is taking. The ACL guidance is giving is to just asking, if you want to identify yourself, or do you need information about this particular topic? Make your organization more compliant to ensuring that you're not missing the needs of individuals of the LBGT community or elder suffering of HIV or AIDS? The list that you see now it's just a general list of what things do Oh no. Why didn't I do that? Okay, there it is. It's not gonna go any bigger is to be so it tells you what you're doing. You can use any of this information my hope is you can use any of this written information that I have in the instructions to complete your area plan whether you're copying and pasting it or just using strictly what you have. What you what you need from it. The excess in home legal services, percentages. will not change that we know. So I also entered them back here in the instructions. So you would have a reference point for those. When we go back to the percentage requirements for each of the categories of services, the party services that we're doing. We will notify you so you can incorporate that into your budget. We have discussed that a few times in managers meetings. We expect to have you go back to that starting July 120 23. Even if ACL has not already given State Unit on Aging, the instruction to make sure that is in place so that we can be ahead of the game so we can focus their instructions for Section six
come after that whole spiel each each section actually has instructions before it I'm gonna scroll back up because I think I don't think I mentioned that. You'll have a section of instructions. All this that I'm highlighting information and data will always be the first part of your section. It'll give you enough information to leverage from enough to ask questions when then there will be and there will be another section under the section heading that says instructions. This tells you exactly what you need to do to complete your area plan document. So the checkboxes are there to help you make sure that you actually gave some information about that portion. Is it the processes that you use to deliver the survey, the survey instruments that you're using all of this stuff is the exact same as it was in previous cycles, except we are doing a big push for electronic surveys. And we will get to that portion of the electronic surveys versus the paper surveys while we go through this documentation. I'm not gonna I'm not I'm not gonna stop now for it. I still put the written surveys in there. I know there are some areas that struggle with electronic access internet access. We're still very, very rural. But according to the census data that I review, I was updating this information. The lowest percentage I found on the census data for internet access and household computers was about maybe 67% of people of a certain parish had access to an internet or hadn't hopin a household computer so we'll leverage we'll discuss levers we'll discuss the need for paper surveys versus electronic surveys or telephone interviews. Within the instructions for discussing your surveys, I gave more information and definitions about LGBTQ it sends you directly to ACLs reference page on one of my links and then it also sends you to just the general dictionary.com definition. If you need that information when you're entering this. There are processes that you guys go through when you're doing your community meetings and your public hearings or your community meetings or just like your surveys. You're there. In front of all the people that come to attend your community meetings, you're getting their feedback, you're also incorporating that data into your area plan as survey data survey responses in person feedback, community meeting feedback, all of this information is included in your instruction. Oh your targeting. Targeting goes directly back to ACL requirements. reauthorizations of the Older Americans Act over the years. This entire write up before you get to the instruction part in Section seven for targeting is all about the changes that ACL has gone through with the Older Americans Act itself in order to update it every time the federal government has updated across the board policies for the state and anything basically anything federally funded. From the initial setup, which is the beginning. We all know we deal with greatest need greatest social need greatest economic need, we often refer to it as just greatest need. There is the greatest social there's the greatest economic, you can lose by
copy and pasting just about any of this data that's that's on this particular part for Section seven for targeting. Your target population is defined within the OAA and especially within the latest reauthorization of the OAA so we were back in 2019 pre COVID And we were getting ready to do an area plan. You can go to the Older Americans Act, the left the reauthorization prior to 20 I think would have been 16. With that wasn't wonderful word then whatever they define as your priorities, your subgroups, your target populations. Those are your same subgroups and target populations. What exists within your parish is what you know and what your priority focus is. Your target is any of these subgroups and target populations listed within ACL. But your primary objective involves those groups that you know exist in your parish. So I'll be specifically clear about this bar. If you are in an area where there are not any Asian Americans, not any Pacific Islanders, not any Latinos. No one with limited English proficiency if you're in an area that does not have any of that documented from your surveys, to your participant of seeking assistance. Anyone other agencies that you partner with they have not had anyone ask them those questions when you're doing your write up, your objective is still going to be should there be any person that would fall into the subgroup or target population of those that you know, have no documentation exist in your parish? You would still have an objective to assist them if they're there. Okay, so I listed all of them as they are currently in the last reauthorization of older Americans act and that's the 2020 reauthorization. They refer to specific populations and then they have population subgroups. So you got what we generally refer to for populations are usually race and ethnicity. And then they move into the subgroups identifying which one was which it's not required of us to make that definitive clarity even in your write ups. But when it goes to persons with limited English proficiency, this is one that was specifically added in writing the way you see it in this list to the Older Americans Act because there is a need to address the service deliveries and ensure that individuals with limited English proficiency are comfortable seeking your agencies and other agencies like you for service requests. And service deliveries. So you see that this list if I copy and paste it straight from the older Americans in the red note here was copy and paste from above if you need to. This was a lot of reading that section 306 of the Older Americans Act to define exactly what they're actually seeking for us to do when we're reaching out for our target populations. The one where persons at risk for instance, in institutionalization and institutionalized persons, persons living with HIV and AIDS. These three subgroups and priorities are also those that were listed specifically in the Older Americans Act. Now those that are at risk for institutionalization that's always been in there, but there's a big push for Title Three e related service deliveries, contractors success, that entire piece of the older Americans that have seen a hardship and a struggle to get those things in place. It's out of our control, but what you're doing is magnified. This is what I'm able to do with the correct resources. That's what you're defining in your area plan. They ACL they isn't federal funders. They do realize there is a difficulty to address that portion of what they're wanting the area agencies across the nation to do and it starts with them.
Let me see here, the instructions for target priorities and description of your priority groups. This is cut and dry. The thing that you guys have been doing but I do hope it's a little less taxing on your time and your research because you can find it all right above the instruction section. And this is where you're working on. The addressing your needs portion of your target populations, they strictly goes back to your priorities and how to overcome them. We're addressing the needs where we are acknowledging lots of things and lots of service areas that are needed. By the elders in our community. And you will provide your barriers, what you're dealing with, most of it will be funding, the funding and the lack there of institutions for these individuals that are at risk of institutionalization. And also those who are already institutionalized the lack of sufficient resources to assist that those two groups alone are going to be probably a lot of your responses for that one. That's mostly what I've seen in all of the reviews that I've completed. Over the last two years of area plan documentation. Community those are still the same. I didn't give a lot of information on how to go ahead and set it up. What happens what should happen I hope this section the sections that I included prior to the instruction areas will help the new directors because I know that we do have a lot of new directors and maybe a lot of other support staff or our existing directors that will be helping complete this area plan document, but they should help guide you with setting up your community meetings so that you can get some feedback from your community members. I am also aware that you don't have a lot of turnout for your community meetings in several if not most areas. I hope that will change given even given COVID Because we COVID A lot of people are in need of the basic necessities of life that hadn't had not been able to recover from meaning these things due to the onset of COVID. And there's also a big push from all angles on getting everybody right back on track and the priorities that we're experiencing have changed significantly. Across the United States, it's not just us and not just our state but what happens it changes what we're doing when we're delivering our services to our seniors and it changes the availability of certain services. There will be some services that we will have to stop delivering in order to focus on reaching even just a small percentage of individuals that are in need of or in greater need of a more sufficient service. So we will get more into that when we do service procurement and review your survey responses. The policy for community meetings is not the same as holding your board of directors meetings or your public organization meetings. very general you want to oppose to a notice that says we're having a community meeting we would love for you to attend time, date, location, and make sure you're giving people enough time to be there. So this one was in Charlotte and I talked about this bold statement you must conduct a sufficient number of community meetings. And we mentioned this, maybe at the Lakota meeting and a couple other people I've talked to about it. I left it in there the exact way it was written so that you don't end up in a box and not meeting the parameters that are in print. Sufficient means if you are in a small parish, but you know there is a division. You need to hold two separate meetings so you can reach each of these individuals. Holding one meeting won't get you a sufficient turnout and even if they've never come and you've done two separate meetings in a small parish all these years and they don't come you're still doing that you're still poised and ready to hold a meeting for left side and mean for the right side. And that way when you set your area plan and deliver your services and their outputs and about it you that's your backup plan. I I held a meeting to get your input but I didn't I didn't receive any attendance.
The larger parishes every zip code is one angle to take every district is another angle to take every ward is a third angle to take. However, you know the history of your turnout. You also know your community. So conduct enough meetings to reach enough people it will not be frowned upon if you don't hold a meeting in every zip code. But I will question whether or not you reached your entire community with a notification that I'm holding a meeting. So conduct enough community meetings to ensure that you're requesting and garnering enough feedback for your area of planned inclusion. There's lists for that if at the end, I'll go to the forum space to get there. Now the public hearings, the public hearings are different. They are conducted differently. They have different requirements. So the public hearings are held after the community meetings are held after you receive some survey results. You may still have some outstanding surveys, but for the public hearings themselves you should be offering a draft version of your area plan to those attendees. This is what we're meeting about. We want to establish this area plan for community services. This is the survey provided to the community. These are the responses that we received. And now those present here at this public hearing. provide us your responses in relation to the effects of my area agency existing in relation to this draft that we've given you in relation to these survey results and we share it with you because survey results aren't not setting up the public hearing. I haven't under what are the requirements for conducting public hearings. This one specifically says having an accessible location in each ward district or precinct of your PSA. Same thing with community meetings. And as far as the thought process of reaching individuals, make sure you allow for enough time for this one. I did include that you should give at least seven days in lower versions, who should attend and what requirements to conduct to give at least seven days notice. To let individuals know that you're going to have a public hearing because the attendees of the public hearing should be your elected officials. Those that are elected and those that are selected to be your community representatives. You want them there at your public hearings. You want to partner with other agencies to have them there your public hearings because you're offering this area plan right up. This is I'm working with these people I intend to solicit help from these individuals and those individuals should be there to attend. Also, same thing with community meetings. You may not have anybody in attendance. That's I've heard that from several agencies. Many if not most, that you don't get the attendance that you that. The gurus have this area plan document. actually expect a public hearing to produce but you've done your part. If you do your notification. Give them at least seven days and then you can determine from the start at the meeting how it's gonna go. The rule public hearings follow the same meeting rules that your board of directors meetings and any other public organization meetings have so the the timeframe is here. Current open meetings law is at least 24 hours notice for a meeting of a public body, but 24 hours notice there's not enough time for a public hearing to be noticed to the public or noticed by the public in order for you to conduct it'd be enough time for you to probably set everything up and conducted but you're trying to get people to attend it. So this specific section where it says expand the requirements of the State Unit on Aging GOEA involves the effect of noticing about your meeting. Current open meetings law says 24 hours you can do it electronically. You can post it at the location posted on your website, but that's not sufficient. So for the public hearing portion, you need to give at least seven days
the optional and if this goes this is the open meetings law itself with just seven days inserted. It's actually 24 hours but for every plan public meeting seven days notice the posting in the official journal of your parish that is no longer the sole requirement for noticing about your meetings, your board meetings, your annual meetings, any any public body meeting is no longer required to only post in the parents journal to meet the requirements of notice notifying about a meeting. So the option to post in your parents journal is listed there as optional. It is optional. It's optional across the board for annual meetings and all the parasternal should be used for those parishes that no the individuals are trying to reach are also reading the newspaper also reading the journal if they don't see it there. They're probably not going to attend your meeting. They're not going to know about it. You have the option to use the parents journal steel. You can not only just use the parents journal there's a template for the public hearings to collect the data that's needed attendees, the people that are 60 and up the elected officials. There is a form after all of these sections. Identification of priorities those are
I'm sorry, I'm reading
so that out identification of priorities. This comes from your needs assessment of all the priorities ACO would like you to cover with your funding. They do only expect you to cover those priorities that are needed in your area. So your parents has all healthy people and there is no family caregiver stuff going on. You're identifying that priority from your survey results you got 1000 people in your parents you receive 1000 survey responses and everybody says my I'm in excellent health. Just like the join groups and have fun and I don't have any caregivers. Matter of fact, everyone in my family is still living, living and healthy and we're all going to attend the Council on Aging to receive services then when you identify your priorities from your survey results. Keeping information on hand for caregivers services should they ever be needed, would be your priority is an example of a priority you would define all the other priorities would focus on those exit services in those community services. A priority of my agency is going to be ensure that I provide enough information on how to continue being healthy. I provide enough information on where to find a healthy meal. Those are the identification of priorities based on your survey results. So get it it's designed to scale to first let the public know this is what my agency is designed to address which is everything should there be a need. Part of the survey results that we garnered and gather this is what my agency is definitely and specifically poised to provide to our community members per their result per you know, per the survey results that we receive.
The area planning goals and objectives these relate right back to Section 10 Where you identified your priorities. This section also ties into state planning. Another portion of executing all of this data together for you involves reviewing what the state plan requirements were. Now I don't I didn't do a lot of research on when it started and how this got to this point but we have a state plan that we're required to write as a State Unit on Aging it will be we as in GOEA and other designated State Unit on Aging. It defines objectives that we share with all of our area agencies and have our area agencies take action to meet the objectives of the state plan we have defined will give you the broad objective to provide access services in your community. Within Novak's that services just use a general word. It's all of those services that are listed as access services. So that whole list that we saw a few pages back. We give you that objective. You give us objectives that tell us how you're going to actually provide those access services. What are you planning on doing? Our state is designed where you guys do the surveying of the communities. You write your area plan and then from your survey results. Our state plan is designed so your plans, your area plan goals and objectives that are inserted here and I think this would work much better for you guys as far as having a guide within your instructions for this section for airplane. Lift a minimum that you see listed in bold under this bullet point are the exact objectives. Our state plan must provide to ACL so we will use your goals and objectives to make a general statement in our state plan which will be due one year after you start your next area plan cycle. I believe I can get that right. So those goals listed in the instruction section. They must relate to the topics that I have listed the five the minimum of five so if you do 10 objectives, five of them must match the ones I bolded in this in these instructions. If they are single individual objectives. I did give sample objectives within the format, the area plan format guide. So one of them, I'll go back and show it to you. One of the objectives that I wrote, actually cover two areas and that's totally fine. If you only have four objectives and one of those four meets two of the topic areas that you still met the topic areas, but you will need a fifth goal. You'll need a fifth goal. You can combine topic areas in one goal. You may also find that your goal actually addresses more than one topic area it may address three topic areas in one. That's also fine, but you still will need to define a minimum of five goals when you do your area. Plan goals and objectives. For each goal, you will need a minimum of three objectives. So you got a broad goal of what you want to reach and then you'll have objectives
just a minute.
You'll have those three objectives that you need to write for each goal. You'll have your same thing that you've always done, your outcome, your measurement, your projection for the goals, your projected start and end dates for it and whether or not they're new or continued, you may still be working on a goal that you've been working on it you feel that goal is necessary and you want to keep that goal that's totally fine. I'm using a different format for doing the goals. It's not just that it looks like a social studies exam sheet to me. I changed that one to more of a defined document no one scroll through it now. It's just an example with the rationale the objectives, outcomes, measurement and projections for a goal. This goal I wrote, an agency will employ various methods. So bigger. It won't let me go. I'm gonna read things that won't let me zoom bigger and I can't tell how big it actually is. Showing up. Oh my gosh, ready to go.
Went away Hold on. Let me make a comeback
they are not too much going on.
I may reopen it. It like it
Okay, so the example goal that I have written in the instruction manual. The agency will employ various methods to distribute information and education regarding supportive services in all title three core programs available for older adults. Older adults, adults with disabilities and caregivers. The rationale for that goal is information on how to access services. promote independence, encourage wellness, self supporting lifestyle, while maintaining safety is vital for older adults who desire to age in place. In an effort to reach those who would benefit from the services the agency provides. We continue to be actively engaged and raising awareness and promoting the programs and services available to older adults, adults with disabilities and caregivers. So I put a note that this goal and objective the objectives listed below the whole set set of satisfies two topic areas that you'll find in the instructions, the core program topic area and expanding access to HCBS topic area so that go and that's one you got one down, which means you need a minimum of five with five topic areas you reach to your next door topic for goals will address the remaining required topic areas and then one of your own choosing if you align the objectives I put for this one, how are you going to meet the goal of distributing information and education about supportive services agency staff will work with hospitals, clinics, discharge planners, home health agencies, doctor's offices, everything that you already doing, to in a planning and service area to improve awareness of senior programs, available services and caregiver resources. So you're going to drop off your flyers let them know hey, I mean, this is where we're located. Our information is on this flyer Can I leave these for your clients to pool when they visit your location? The outcome of that is the community will receive current information and be better informed. So if you see them once a year, you may instead want to go see these other partner organizations twice a year or even send them something or have them come to your office and pick up data twice a year to ensure that you have current up to date accurate information out to the public versus Oh outdated information. Number of the measurement on this one is the number of community organizations receiving the information that is accurate. So if you are only seeing five organizations a year, then you increase the number each go year each area plan cycle year or you maintain it at six I'm going for this every planned cycle I'm going to pull in an extra organization and we're gonna put them in our rotation they provide them with updated information. Once a year, every quarter, twice a year. however often you define you need to do that your projections or the number of organizations you plan to reach first year reaching states. The second you're only going to reach to it probably should say two additional two additional and then in year 27. You're going to reach eight, but it depends. It depends on what you know you can do and what your staff can do. It's already marked over here that says this is continuing from previous years because this is what you guys always do. So that is a bonafide objective that for one you know you can reach it and to you know that it's necessary, so easy objective and it's you put the plan you're in their projected starting in times there if you needed to reset maybe and you couldn't start this until fiscal year 25 to 26 Louis fiscal year 26. Then your projected start date will be July 125, not July 123. Objective two for the same goals is three objectives for each goal that you're writing. A triple A will seek media contacts regarding triple A's mission programs and services as well as create opportunities for agency staff to present information. The outcome of this the public will receive current information and be better informed of available services and programs. So your measurement for this and is the number of public information activities that you will complete to reach this goal and the number of people that you intend to reach from your target population. So I did go a little more
2022 and projections of what how you expect to achieve this objective under this goal. You may want to do a Tiktok collaboration with your seniors at your senior center and share it with the news media to garner awareness of your senior center sites. So if you have five senior centers and your senior center manager say before we start lunch or finished lunch today, we are going to do a quick little recording everybody gets to say hey, you get their consent. You posted in one of those social media reels or something and you might combine them all together. We got five sites and we're gonna play one and you're gonna have all of your seniors featured on the news. Reach out to your local news station, say can you do a cameo for us? I really don't know how it goes. I didn't get a chance to contact the news media individual. But if you put that on the news, everybody's going to be aware of the existence of your agency. And the things that you do. And the seniors get to see themselves on the news. So they're gonna tell you just hold on a second like I have to watch the two o'clock news before I come today because you told me I was gonna be there. So I want to see myself a YouTube broadcast. If you do have social media platforms for your agency and you are playing advertisements or you share some of the virtual classes that I feel set up when COVID first started, they were trying to keep services in place for everyone. You may do a YouTube YouTube broadcast and share via poster or word of mouth that hey, we we have a video on YouTube of our seniors enjoying themselves or our seniors giving commentary and feedback about the services our agency provides. The next year you may want to do one news one Radio One YouTube, the last year you might just only want to do one news, one radio. These are projections. These are what you're thinking you could get done. But at the end of each year. There is a document that we request from you guys that we have not done in a while. The area plan goals and objectives report. That is where you update whether or not these objectives and these goals and these projections are consistent, or they need to be updated or changed. Our seniors don't want to be on YouTube. They don't want to be on the internet. They don't mind being on camera. So our objective is to see if we can get one news broadcast and have them have the news media come out and do a quick filming of them enjoying playing bingo, something of that sort or get a photographer to come and take a group photo at our locations whenever we have our annual meeting or we have a big event that we know we have a lot of turning out for the crawfish bowls that you guys do when the seasons right you know the birthday parties, the Halloween events, those things that you have for the seniors you had someone take a nice picture and made that available as maybe some wall art in your site. And then the third objective advertise regularly in newspapers, publications, websites or on Facebook. I kept newspapers in there because I do know some areas are they still utilize their newspapers. We do want to support our local businesses are lots more. We want to support our local businesses. So if there is the need to support your local newspaper, you know you're seeing you're still loving newspaper your support. We're gonna buy this ad and we're going to advertise regularly in your newspaper with an ad that says hey, come see our you know, every agency or counseling agent, you have a meal, enjoy yourself. We have a big crawfish bowl Halloween party for our seniors. We're gonna put the ad in there. You your goal, your objective to me your goal would be that you're informing the public. The number of advertisements is the measurement you have on the one a year so that's that's one the first year one the second, third and fourth. By Are you may want to increase every as the year goes on. That's what my example was by the second year you doing two articles by the third year doing three. You may even do a cameo spotlight in the newspaper of your elder participants so that they can see themselves in the next week.
I have four listed for this goal and then three but I didn't have the work. The fourth one engaged in outreach efforts to distribute community information, broaden awareness on supportive services offered in each community, the number of outreach materials distributed if any of you have reviewed the SPR data, ACL updates related to home and community based service priorities. Outreach is not listed in general as a priority service anymore. But outreach is defined in the Older Americans Act as a required process in order to reach our time the target populations, so we will still maintain outreach as a priority service. So your outreach efforts when you host these community events that are directed towards your community members whether it's the 60 and older target populations you're reaching, or just your community in general because you want the entire community to be aware of your services. This is what this objective is actually reaching. I didn't put anything for four or five or six in the projections. I did put them in 27 because it just says by 2027 I'd like to have at least 2000 contacts projected to be reached. So I'm expecting to distribute 2000 pieces of information about my agency and outreach efforts because outreach is still expensive. It is being researched and defined and revamped as a lesser costing expensive than it has been previous to COVID whereas there are the virtual transmission of data options that are available for certain setups and overhead costs for outreach stuff. So that one I just put in there I buy 2027 I that's what my projection is. I go above that. Yeah, me but if I don't, then I know I need to kind of define what my outreach efforts will be as far as actually processing service delivery actions and efforts for my agency. I do have another goal written but I did not put any objectives in this example, outcome measurements or projections either. The second goal was strengthen existing partnerships with community groups, and seek to establish partnerships with compatible community organizations to continue to provide community based services. The rationale there is the 60 plus population is continuing to increase. It's imperative to partner with compatible organizations to develop a coordinated system of care. We have new organizations popping up all the time. So when you're strengthening your existing partnerships and seeking new partnerships with new agencies, you may find information that you didn't gather in your survey your needs assessment survey process so you're actually guaranteeing that you satisfied three topic areas in one core programs are being addressed because you're reaching out to these organizations, let them know hey, I exist. Expanding access HCBS same thing and then equity of service. If you're missing individuals that you don't have any documentation exists in your area. From your survey needs. You may find those individuals through your partnerships with these other organizations may go to Documents. This gets this comes to the end so we're about to do questions and answers on the area plan. The section 12 document for area plan is just your exhibit two, you're just marking the services that you expect to be able to provide for the new area plan cycle slicked box, which title title three program service are you expecting to provide for your next area plan cycle? And that form is completely done. Disaster Preparedness. This has always been a part of your area plan. The new component coming down from the federal government oh my gosh, I had a typo. It says one it was a two right there. Sorry guys. I'll fix your disaster plan that you submit it to Kayla for approval. That's what you would insert for your disaster plan. The template bed
compliance and planning GOEA compliance and Planning Unit provided to me. I take it that that gave you guys a template to use to do your disaster plan. My language written in here says see the disaster plan template provided important two forms and templates. I put their template in there. If you already have a plan from them. That's been you submitted it has been approved review Okay, let's say it was all good to go. That's what you will insert in your area plan document. When you update your disaster plan. You should always provide it to Kayla for review. So she has a current plan on file. You can send it to your program monitor and we will share it once they receive it we'll share it with compliance and planning. I will also reply back hey, you still have to go into your area plan. Have they visited your area plan document. Once we know what the changes are and we'll be we'll get you we'll help you out with making sure your every plan is updated with that information. Now the second portion is supposed to have Roman numeral two there is the public health emergency plan. They see our requires that statements on aging. Have a plan and that all triple A's have a plan. So you're reopening plan as I ain't as I've said this since we did the reopening plan. That's what you will insert for your public health emergency plan. If you haven't reviewed that plan, update in that plan change that plan since last time you sent it over to us and start what you have Once we receive your full area plan document. We will pull out that information and house it specifically and separately by itself. And mark that we have received an updated area plan for me I'm sorry, public health emergency plan from you. And then the rest of these are very general in need. request for waiver of title three priority services no one has ever sent in a request for waiver is a required portion of this plan across the board from every state. So it's still in there and it's optional. This basically says you have enough funding to I'm sorry, you have a enough efficiency to deliver certain services at a 90% satisfactory rate without using $1 of any federal funds. More than what we give you and we always talk about we give you seed money. If it costs you 100,000 To do something we probably only given you $500 That's the federal allocation of how funding goes and how the cost of things balance out. That is what this waiver is for. I don't anticipate anyone needing that waiver but if you feel like you do need that waiver and then like progress monitor know and we will take care of making sure everything is in order for that waiver. The Board of Directors section that will be your new board roster format. I do not have not sent you oh that PowerPoint that I did at Lakota not I intentionally had not seen it but I intended to send you an email and I know I didn't send it to you yet but I will send it to you. I lost my password to the Excel document and I needed to update it. So I did that already. And in the midst of getting back to area plan I just put a sticky note on it says include this with the documents that you'll share with the with the network. So you're working with your program monitor on completing your board of directors roster. That's difficult. If you have questions there ask them about it. They'll help you out with it. My next move will be to go back to fiscal year 19 documentation and update and provide you all with approved Board of Directors rosters from 19 Up until current 2022. If your Annual Meeting month has not occurred in 2022 You won't have a 2022 document with the Pro will stamped on it. Yours will end in 21 until you hold your annual meeting. In an advisory council send us a list of your advisory council members. There is a form for that within this template. You will enter the names and the information requested on the form very general assurances for Section 17. It does still document the 2006 assurances I did not include any update for be newer reauthorizations is still valid and that will not be a problem. I talked to Charlie about that it was going to take a while to add all of that data. We can insert that data for you at a later date. The verification of intent require signatures it still reads the same as prior years. You will get those signatures and submit the same form to us.
And then the rest of the packet is what's listed here. The helpful tips that is the same as last year if I found anything I needed to update I touched it but I didn't do a lot of reading on that. It's very general. This is what we think you may should do. This could help you and all of the extra forms are included in this section. So those of you have done this before. You've seen this before, just in a Word document and then there are the SMART goals. I did check that it does still work. I don't know if people use their prior to now. So I just left it there in case you needed a reference point. And then this is a my test run for typing in the stuff in here. These are the extra forms that you'll have for your community meeting record. Recording the people's names and organization age this data you can print this form out duplicate it as you need it. The public hearing sign in sheet this is all done. You can use this as you need it.
And extra goals and objectives forms. I'm gonna update this I feel like the boxes aren't big enough for y'all to write in. So I'm gonna spread that out for you. And there is another one blank page there was another form. I think it's in the template. So those are instructions. I hope they're very thorough enough. I have provided them to people who do not do anything to people within our agency GOEA staff that don't do anything with the actual triple A service delivery or finance side of things, and they were comfortable understanding this information. So I hope that is clear. Enough for you guys and I hope it's a lot more streamlined than the template you were using before.
When will we get a hard copy?
I will send it to you. I will send it to you guys and have Jessica posted on the website. I have blocked off the Zoom account for the next two days the rest of the rest of today in the next few days in order to meet with you as often as possible to go over this data. I know everyone would not was not gonna be able to make it today. So what I have is just I have it available on a running timeframe for meeting with everyone. So I didn't provide you guys with any printed information ahead of time by intention, not to keep you in the dark but I didn't know how long we would need for these sessions. So in order not to bully everybody out of the Zoom account, I do have to go back in and make sure I redefine the sessions. So I didn't send any documents and I only sent one zoom link for today. But when we conclude today, I'll kind of have a better picture and I can send more than links for tomorrow and Thursday and then also shared the documents for area plan and I have a survey and let me find my link
I'm looking for this survey so I can show it to you.
What do you see now
let me fix my computer screen.
Alright. Okay epic states
this is the survey is a ACL does require certain data, demographic data, personal data, all kinds of data that they're required to be acclimated and received and pulling in. We're doing it through the survey. We're asking it and if they don't provide it, there are options for that. So we have the platform will remain here at GOEA for us to see the results. We will share the results with you guys. They will be filtered by parents so that you can see them and use them and they will also be posted through a link on the ADRC la.org. website so that you can always go and see what your survey results aren't as they come in.
Thank you. So we do manually. I'm sorry, how are you gonna get the ones we do manually?
Okay, so that we those will be the manual surveys will be limited to we'll have there should be a limited amount because they
even have the internet access. So I'm going to have
There should be someone you guys should should position yourselves to help them do this on site at the council. So that if they need a paper survey and they're sitting there filling it out at the council, someone at the council will need to turn around and enter that information in the electronic survey. So you can still have those results. In the graph charts allows you to open I'll go through my forms page and show you what they look like. The field at the top just says hey, we need your help. I set the date in there as October 15 It does still say complete in the incomplete band closed during returning into self adjoint self addressed stamped envelope sigma retainer held by October 15. So we'll know ahead of time in the next week or so how many paper surveys will need to be provided to residents in order for them to fill it out. paper surveys are extremely outdated when it comes to even the rule list of areas that ACL provided documentation for as we they they're seeing it as position yourselves to assist the individuals who don't have internet access or electronic devices with completing a survey either electronically or take a secondary step where they've completed this paper survey and then someone's just gonna turn around and enter this information that they provided into the online survey system. The the progress charting on it is I've got it zoomed in so you guys can see my string better insights smile on my side is either not important, important or very important. When you use the mobile version of this survey, anything more than those three options will have you scrolling side to side. So I just changed it up and you want to get we have three options either this is important to you or it's not important. So I do read all of these questions. These questions are very similar to the paper survey we used to use. Having access to the internet is the very first question we're asking because that is an ACL question that they want to know about because that all goes back to the Biden Administration's efforts with the Affordable connected, affordable connectivity programs, you know, talk to them and having access to the internet across the board for the nation. And then there are the other general questions that we have asked in the past. How important is having this information available to you? And having these things like the survey information is what we roll up and sent back up to the federal level of Department of Human Services. So that they know how effective they are rules and guidelines are for those of you actually doing the work with offering and having this information available to your community members. It's broken up so you can see it better on a mobile screen. But I have tested it from Android to iPhones in various different sizes to make sure it's viewable. And you don't get the top cut off like this. At one point. It was just one big long set of buttons, but your headings were not there. So you kind of forget what you're answering it without scrolling back up to the top. They are set to be required for these so these radio buttons that you're selecting once you've selected them, you're able to push next and move on. The progress bar lets them know you're almost done encourages people to keep going. They have some of them or you have to tie the responses in. I mean, getting to that page so you can see it. The survey does not garner any personal information is still anonymous. There is a contact page link on the last page that will let you send your information but it does not tie you sending your information to you completing the survey. The caregiver questions themselves they have a heading very specific it reaches topic go ACL requires of you for a view of us as the agent network for getting information about caregiver needs, so that they can continue the race program and the push for making sure caregivers are a better service through their federal level initiatives that they trickle down to us with funding.
right, so now we're on page with five or six nice questions. The race and ethnicity questions you can pick more than one you we may find some and I know this will leave us open to I can pick several different options here and I also pick not listed here, but there's always going to be a default error and something we do. I felt it more appropriate. I actually was going from guidance provided by Dr. JB live and he did a recent conference training at the ACS conference this year. We don't want to box anyone in we don't allow them the opportunity to provide as much information about themselves as they're willing to provide. The next section for gender identity this portion is about though gathering those demographic data requirements. That ACL in the federal level health and human services component divisions are seeking so that they can re position the allocation of funding appropriately. Under the guidance they're asking us to do they want us to reach these individuals they need to know how to allocate the funding to give you the resources you need, or even the non monetary resources that you would need to assist individuals in your communities. So your gender identity questions are specific to describe yourself. And then also you have the option to prefer not to answer again. This one will garner more than one option. They select it all they're going to take the stance that people are uncomfortable with that question they don't prefer to answer that question if they get too many responses that are inconsistent, like selecting everything on here. Do you identify we've got you either yes or no or prefer not to answer that one. You got to pick one there is no margin of error. They're just going to be the disability status questions. This also goes to the push for ADRC SR X and ombudsmen resources that they have allocated across the United States from state to state when they give us our funding for that this also leverages off a state dollars. So component pieces there are federal funding for disability related services and things are more so designed for the Medicaid Medicaid waiver programs but the ADRC and SR X programs also support those individuals, whether they're receiving Medicaid, have health insurance don't have health insurance. This is what these questions are focused on. So we're asking them to let us know they have a disability status or not. They can also select every one of these under disability status. We're just collecting this demographic information so that we can provide it to them. We have relationship status. That's a very general question that's always there. Language is another one. What language do you speak at home? Commission. So if they select them all, that's fine. It's I'd set like that we knew it would happen when we selected this and not to have people select one option. There also leveraging this question on the limited English proficiency. And then there are education questions. These have been general you gotta pick one there. How good is your health? How many people are in your household? Your age questions and then the parish of residence. The cities and the parishes aren't all cohesively the same not easily identifiable without identifiable markers, zip codes and cities, parish names. So these questions are broken out so that we have another filter for identifying priorities per area. And this will be the end of the survey. So even if paper surveys are needed. Putting these answers into the electronic version of the survey won't take long. You got your paper surveys, you enter them there and your tally system will be
automatic. Oh we have an Excel export. It will give you charts. I'll go to the forum page of it. This last page on your own you can submit it when you do the survey you can hear it says click here to provide contact info for assistance. This is a Contact Information page will also collect this data if they want to provide it but it does open up another page. So you can always go back and hit submit on your survey. And once you hit submit on your survey, it says their response has been recorded. You may now close your browser window. On the Contact page, you click the link you want to you want to have the agency contact you that would be the triple A for their area. They're going to provide their information first name last name, whether or not they're seeking information for themselves
and whatever personal information they want to enter in the form so that we can assist them or connect them with your agency
so there's a mobile phone and how you want the agency to contact you. And he says please do not contact me this number for assistance only via email. So you provide your email if you want to do that. They may get a confused these are options we will we're simply compiling this information to provide to the agency.
What is the percentage of surveys that we should give back?
Depending on your method of delivery, what has been your past percentage of receipt
1015 Christina? Really? You're on paper? Yeah.
That's actually something for us to redefine as a whole. Because be given the all of the directives and guidance and listening sessions due to COVID A lot of people have making it their life's purpose to just get through it. And now it's more like I'm just not gonna get through it. I need all the help I can find where I want all the help I can find. So this will be that area plan cycle that will be our starting point for saying oh, we're probably going to get this is our planning phase. That's the best way for me to put it. It's our planning phase. So I really don't have a parameter to offer.
Okay, I was just curious. We're gonna have to work weekends to get this done by October 15. Because it's, you know, our limited internet internet access and stuff we're going to be capturing and we're gonna have to just continuously make calls or outreach. Now we're gonna have to do a continual
make when they come to your site. They have they're
not going to be desperate people. Now between now and October 15 The buildings so welcome. I just want know if there was a percentage impact on
Yeah, no, not a different percentage. I'm looking for my value, but nothing I got it. Not a defined percentage, but also not a tight schedule for returning the surveys. We do. I mean, after about three days or so and they've had the survey they really I think that's the best way to garner it. You've given a survey out within three days. They should be done with it and actually returning it back. So October 13 is just a date.
They got some they got on your chat. Okay, we're seeing is it going to be a percentage of the elderly a percentage of what you surveyed in Germany and or percentage even populations?
And then again, for me, I'm
looking at chat baby, they have it in their head says, Are we doing a percentage of our elderly population or percentage of our of our population or what's the percentage of and I always think that it was a percentage of servants who turned in
a percentage of the surveys because you're trying to reach every you're just sending it out to everyone in the community. The percentage of the surveys that you get back,
okay, well, that's, uh, that's different than the percentage of it Oh, okay.
Yeah. So it's like, what's your QR codes and your survey links like your partner agencies? Say you send it out to a couple partner agencies and say, Hey, will you post this QR code there? So everyone in the community knows that we're doing a survey to assess what you know, the elderly in our area may need. So they're responding to the survey as an individual who may have moved from Alaska down here doesn't have any family member and they're 25 years old. They just came down here to take a job. They're aware of what elderly needs are because they do have elderly family members, but they're not in this area. They're responding to that survey as a community member. So you may get back surveys and none of your elderly have done it now. They haven't done it then you got to kind of look and funny because they come to your site you like why you're not answering the survey. But the percentage of surveys that you receive back are just all of those who got this link. And everybody who responded.
Okay, thank
you, Vaughn. Julianne, can you hear me Yes. Okay. Um, here's my question. And it's always been my question. As we looked at the survey, all of those questions, talk about how important is this to you? It doesn't say how important is this to the seniors in your community. So if we're giving out this survey to 25 year olds How is not going to provide us with any information that's helpful.
That's where we will determine that community doesn't have enough information on what's important to the elderly. That for that information, that's how that information will be garnered and position when they gather when they're collecting the data graphics. So if we're not aware of what the elderly will need at 25 We have no idea what we're gonna need when we become elderly either.
But it doesn't ask for the elderly. It says How important is internet to you? I'm 25 Well it's the most important thing in my whole frickin life. But I don't know how that tells me anything about the the elderly I'm not sure how to be
new in your community. So it's it's you and the elderly in your community. So it's, it's a if Akash addressing an individual person's knowledge, versus an individual, actual person by age. So if I'm 25 and I'm answering this question I was how important is it to me it's very important. Yeah, but if I'm answering this, this survey for someone else, sure, if I'm answering the survey for someone else, then I'm reading that question as how important is Internet access to to someone else I'm answering the survey.
Now well, I understand that also. But if we're sending it out to our partner agencies, and we're sending it out to they need do they need to be instructed, answer this as if you are a senior because I don't see how it explains that in at the beginning of the survey. Maybe I just missed
know as it says by offering aging services, partnering with community agencies, this is what the COA provide. So we want to know the important properties for you your loved ones and your community. It covers everybody in the community, we're garlis of age on how important is it for an area agency on aging, service delivery to incorporate these certain things? Okay, whereas we do hope that the seniors are responding to the survey. Having Internet access is we don't we don't have room for the why what the the initial spill on the survey says this is about providing services for elderly community members. How important is the start is internet to you and why if we have the room for the why the Why would be in relation to the elderly of your community that we we don't have the manpower or the requirement to collect. Why is it important to a 25 year old if I'm asking you about services for the elderly?
If they do beautify themselves in the end, we're just going by the age view, right?
Yes, diplomat age group.
Sean, this is Shannon I have a question. At the beginning of your survey. You note parish council on aging at the end of the survey, you note Area Agency on Aging
gonna remove Area Agency Hold on let me go to that
right. So so parish councils on aging. Don't do area plans.
No. Triple does they provide the actual services
if they have a contract. Okay. Yeah, but then at the very end it says every agency
I've got I removed that one.
And I'm the same with as Dinah about, you know, we sent out surveys a couple of weeks ago and it's just the paper surveys. I mean, most of them, they help them do it at the sites for meals and whatever they they're participating in. So it makes it easier for us if we if we you know if I have to sit here and put all these things in in order to to meet your requirement of having it online. Then we'll see how great that gets.
Well, if it's the same leader, it's the same as the online so the paper survey is exactly what showing online
Yeah, but it's not what my survey is.
Your surveys for area plan.
Yeah, you didn't. I've already submitted all my stuff and I'm already doing public hearings. So you know, I wasn't waiting forever. So I just started on doing something so and basically mine asked questions about the services and it's just not framed the same way your survey is. So I'm just gonna have to see how I go from there. I may have to do a second, send out second surveys. In order to make sure I get that information that you want captured.
Because basically we're capturing information or to see how these big overall programs will might. Yeah, our surveys and witness sound and anything like this.
But yes, this information is for ACL to determine allocation of funding across the board.
So you're gonna have to change your funding formula.
That is a requirement of ACL and they've been working on that for about three years. Every issue a is under review for our funding formula. Updates,
huh? Okay
I have Shavon the paperwork. Oh I can hear you. I'm still here.
Okay. If if we fill out these surveys and what if the singers fill out surveys and then we input them? How do we get our information back from the surveys just for our area to put in our plan?
We'll send it to you we'll have it posted on the ADRC la.org website so that you can see it because it'll be a chart. It looks like this. Go back to my shares it gives you the charting. And then there'll be it's, you can filter it. So it'd be just for the zip codes that you need. Specifically for FindLaw. And then for every agency, we filter it by those zip codes, so that we only get your areas responses and have you bet data. So you'll have the chart
parents in trouble because we share the same zip code with tap a sheet.
When we do when we have the crossover we will define it by zip code and then city so we'll have that separation. And then we'll use the there are some other filtering tools that we use for areas like Canon and calculation.
They both Shavon question. This is how we can since our city is divided by by districts we can use our councilmatic districts instead of using our zip codes because sometimes zip codes are shared with Jefferson and with sleeping our parents.
For your filters for your survey results, right? Yes. All right, we can. We can use that to make sure that we we don't give you the wrong results.
if I'm a page
page Oh, I lost my program theories. Okay, so the printable version of the survey. Same thing that you'll see on the electronic version from the first page of IT with the needs assessment steel. And the need for this survey. They the reason for the survey, I'm sorry, the website link and the QR code excuse me the questions themselves are here. We were working on the printable version. If you print it from the website, it actually prints out like 13 different pages. Makes it look really long really daunting when I fill in 13 different pages of a survey. But um this is it'll, it'll just be four pages, the printed version, so it'll have the information that they've responded to electronically you have that same information there. So this is I have too many. I have so much open on my computer. I really cannot do a lot with it. So what you're seeing here, I hope you guys can see it, but it's just the same survey. I'm just clicking on before it shuts down on the same questions, breaks them out just like it would look on the actual input screens. So if you were needing to stop and input the paper survey portion, you just flow through their screens on a computer and input the documents. I mean, input the responses. And we did the testing. I guess almost beside me I know it's looking like I hope he's not flipping around in front of y'all making you dizzy, because
Oh, no, it's actually okay, we can see it.
Okay, my computer's flipping around over here is almost making me dizzy. So even though I did this. I did the survey already. inputting this data, again, like it lets me open it. That's why we were we designed the paper survey look exactly like the web. Base without being darting pages. So that in event paper surveys are needed. You just go back through it and re enter the data that they have provided to you on their paper survey. So when they're sitting down with those care providers, you get to collect hopefully, a small amount of those and sit down in several people can do it at once or one person, Lord willing, if you need our help, you know, let me know how many paper surveys you have if you're getting any hang ups or anything. You just open the survey link and you update that information on the survey. Through the survey link, you input that information I'm missing something and then you'll have doubt those paper survey responses in your electronic tally system as if it was initially gather as an electronic survey. kind of help speed things along also the October 15 date that's when they're generally when you don't give someone a date. They tend not to do it quickly. I did do. I had everybody in the office pretty much do something with the survey. They did it when it was like 12 or 13 pages. I literally just got one while we were sitting here. Stephen brought it back to me. I have some that spoke to directly I didn't see her I just left her notes that hey, please take the survey. With the idea. I want to see how long they would come back if I gave her a paper survey with no no instructions or anything. My the HCBS staff though took the survey online reading a question for question and they garnered anywhere from three minutes to nine minutes to take the survey. And that was important because if you do the paper surveys I want to at least be able to let you guys know that the the turnaround on it to have to gather the information and then turn around and enter it into the survey system. I wouldn't want you to sit in there for 15 minutes trying to enter anything because that will take that will take a while and we also have it set up where if you find any information that is not correct the survey link will not change. The paper survey could change but it'd be a typo like the one Shannon pointed out the Area Agency on Aging was still down there. So I updated on my end and if you click on the survey link, it's updated in the survey also without having to change the link. So any any corrections when someone sees it, we know about it, we'll go in and correct it and the link will still stay the same. There's no need to circle back and re distribute a new survey
and I just I actually just checked it to see if that area agency on aging reference that I had the bottom was changed and it's updated now. It was
awesome. Can we get the paper copy of this survey
by tomorrow morning for sure. Only because I need to stop and shut down and make sure I didn't just lose the formatting on it. Because my Adobe I have a lot of stuff open on my computer and I can't close it. So I have just go back into the system. Make sure the formatting is there and it's clear in print so I printed a copy earlier. I think I gave it a printed a copy earlier to make sure it was legible. And that was after I touched it and didn't realize my computer was doing something. So to me that was a little too small because I can see it small but I was working on a different object insert so I did some to it. But she'll get it right back to me and then I'll have it to you guys to move forward with Thank you. You're welcome
thank you so much for the feedback. You're welcome. Thank you. So Jessica was manning the questions. For Jessica, do you have a list of where I need to start or did I answer everything that someone may have? already asked?
Okay, you have any other question
so I'll update this again
for any of the notes that we made through it, like I had a little typo on one of the instruction manuals. Jessica will get all the data posted. We will move forward to seeing you guys information posted on the website, the ADRC la.org So I'll remind you of what that website is so you can access it and have your data sets there. Please be mindful that moving forward to a electronic any and everything is a requirement of ACLs push for service deliveries. And pretty much the reporting pieces of things. That includes incorporating Knowledge Base Service deliveries for learning the internet and computer basics for your community, participants, your elderly providers. With the Biden administration push for internet access is they will be providing both types of funding and grant opportunities to areas that are in dire need of assistance with establishing a better web based internet based access points. And this type of data is what they will use to say this is where we need this help the most. Even for our agency we are way way behind, like super behind. I can only do so much with getting us back acclimated myself and I say I as in myself, my staff and those of us who are functioning here now trying to pull all of this together. So as we see these grant opportunities, these learning opportunities, these classes, definitely through ADRC Fear X, we are really pushing for those grants to be the ones that we collect to offer such things as alert media for you guys to have a platform for use of so that we can afford them here on our level and then give you guys those those eons to defining what you would want to expend your dollars on or use for service deliveries for your own singers that we we have the one that we did use whatever technology grant for internet and computing accesses and that's what we pay for alert media for the last I think it was maybe three years maybe five A feel gave some relief, for prepaying for things that will help you reach people faster. And it was all thanks to COVID because without the virtual accessibilities that we needed to provide some services those that could be provided, then there was nothing provided. And they really want to eliminate that black hole of nothing. But nothing is not even a gray area. Either you get it or you don't and they don't want to be in a position where they don't. So we are we're constantly looking for those resources. And from this point, we're looking for him so that we can have them set up for you guys to use and then allow use of it so you can get a no cost feel for what works for you what does it
through the alert media system. Everyone is registered and entered but in like my email if I entered you myself or Jessica energy then all we have is your public data that we share because of your affiliation with the Area Agency in your position, which would be your name and your area agency email. So you would only receive an email to the Area Agency email on record, but everyone has the opportunity to go into their dashboard, update their profile, confirm their profile, add their personal cell phone number, so that you can receive text messages through the alert media system to your personal cell phone number, especially events of emergency. So we have a hurricane situation you can send out and a message to all of your participants so you have your profile data entered but you also have your contact information for your participants and alert media. You want to send out a message that says the weather has alerted us of weather instances, you know setting on us Are you safe or do you need assistance? And they're gonna push one and they're gonna push too so they're gonna text you back with a witness says yes, I need assistance or two but no, I don't. Well, you have that information. All those people that hit one, you'll know that these are the individuals that I need to reach out to and see can I get them assisted through this weather instance that's already coming upon us. Also, those that I'm that don't need assistance preparing you'll have that information for after the event use that same platform to send them a message that says, you know, are you safe now that the weather event has ended? So the alert media dashboard is what we are what I used to send you guys a push message to see if you will receive it and then also we can send you back that information so you can set up your profile. Jessica left her contact information in the chat box if you need any assistance setting up your profile and then also entering your client data. Alert media as a company assist with entering data also we send them an Excel sheet they put it in, they have all of the confidentiality parameters in place that are necessary whereas they're not selling anybody's information and leveraging any profit or benefit other than they can assure us as their client in which we offer their clients I think he is one of their clients. Whatever personal data they have in their name, contact information if only for the use of us, but they help us import it and just because a guru or an importing on our own, so most of that will stay just strictly between GOEA in the Area Agency and we won't we have limited me to bother our alert media representatives but if we need them they will help us too. So this is about 315 So I've got the Zoom booked for the next two days with area plan so I have a roster role everyone entered their name and their agency in the chat box before we got started. And oh um program monitors are present so they took a physical view of who actually attended. You're welcome to attend all of them if you'd like but if you joined today, then will notate that you have actually attended at least one area planning training session to document that data for liveaboard whenever we provide them with some departmental updates. Thank you Messina. All right, y'all, I'm gonna it'll be signed on for a little while if you need anything. I am going to give it just kind of see what my computer did because I know it wasn't me. I could not have been me what my computer did to the paper version so she makes sure it's clear when you get it in print. And then I'll send you guys those documents by email.
All right. Thank you for your time. Thank you and a
agency name
by typing by Howard by Joy whoo that sounds good. Something nice to get you on there. Do know we was there. So yeah. Thank God I'm going to start putting down everything by computer