NYS Assembly Local Governments Committee Meeting June2, 2021 (rush transcript)
6:55PM Jun 2, 2021
financial difficulties
fiscal agent
state legislature
This week's Mr. Riley
lusas is retailer. Mr. Wasn't
thank you we have a short agenda today just two bills we'll get right into it. The first bill is a 1724 by member of pretlow. This bill would extend the authorization for the city of Yonkers to continue to issue serial bonds or notes at private sale until June 30 2022. This extension is due in part to prior financial problems resulting in the state legislature is designation of the fiscal agent act for Yonkers. This is a local fiscal finance extender. It has been extended every year. The Home rule message has been received any questions?
I was waiting for you Mr. gadelle. Okay, and our How is Kaylee, McTigue will will answer your questions. Go ahead. Mr. Goodell. How long have they been getting the special legislation?
This was first established in 1984 in the New York State financial emergency act
1984. I vaguely remember that saw how many decades? Do we envision this to continue? Or is Yonkers in a permanent state of fiscal chaos?
You know, it's it's been renewed yearly. And hopefully, as financial difficulties are sort of addressed, we may not need it in the future, but for the time being, it's it's still necessary. Do they
have any plans of addressing their fiscal crisis or waiting for the third or fourth generation?
You know, like I said, I think that they are doing what they can to address this. So eventually it won't be necessary.
Those eternal Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, Mr. Goodell. Any other questions? Any negative votes? Mr. Wozzeck, Mr. Goodell, you're negative Mr. Goodell. I don't see your hand up. Okay, Mr. mazak. Mr. Goodell in the negative of emotion is reported the bills report in two ways it means next bill on the agenda is a 7084 by Assemblymember Anderson. This legislation would authorize the city of New York to discontinue the use of certain municipally municipally owned Parkland known as Idlewild Park, to enable the construction of a storm sewer. A home rule message has been received. The motion is to report two ways and means any questions? Any negative votes? The bill is reported. Thank you very much, everybody, and we'll be in touch. We're not sure if there's another meeting. Yep. That will let you know. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.