You have a quorum, sir. Thank you very much. What is the pleasure of the board
through the Chair? Yes, sir, I would like to make a motion to amend today's agenda under new business item A, that we add under closed session, pursuant to section eight A of the Open Meetings Act MCL 15.268, A, that it states a request for the board to receive legal advice concerning an employee evaluation,
motion made by Commissioner Presley to amend the agenda to
so that under new business point A that it reads closed session pursuant to section eight A of the Open Meetings Act. MCL 15.6 Excuse me. MCL 15.268 a, a request for the board to receive legal advice concerning an employee evaluation
and second by Commissioner Bernard. Um, any discussion, no discussion. Right? Any, any discussion. All in favor? Say, aye, I
believe that requires a 2/3
book. Roll Call. Roll call.
It is adopted. Requires two thirds. It does not have to be roll call. You could ask for a show of hands, or you could ask if there's any objection.
Is there any objections? I
have an abstention, Mr. Chairman,
abstention, according to the law department, is recorded as a no vote.
Okay, so, so do we do? We gotta do a roll call after that. Okay, all right, so I just passed. What is the pleasure of the board the chair I'd like to call for extension as well. We finalized vote already the state
motions adopted. The motion is adopted, the agenda will be corrected. So the
agenda will be corrected. Thank you, sir. All right. Thank you very much. The
what is the clerk? Entertain a motion to postpone. Yep,
I entertain a motion to postpone, adjourn. Second motion, motion made by Commissioner banks,
a point of order, a point of clarity. I think the we were in the midst of you were entertaining the motion to postpone, and I think what Commissioner Banks was saying was adjourn. So, yeah, I'm not sure that's when you want to recognize he
made that motion. You just said adjourn. Yeah, the second, nobody seconded, okay, well, it's lost for one of the South okay, because it's a high ranking motion than the motion to postpone motion,
I make the motion. Postpone this matter. Motion? Are we don't need to postpone the matter. Do we? No, you okay? Are we making a motion to postpone the matter next week? The next week, support, supported by Commissioner Dewas, any discussion? No discussion. May I ask chair who made the motion? I'm sorry, Commissioner Bell, okay. Thank you. And second by Commissioner the wash. Thank you. No discussion. All in favor, say, aye. Anyone opposed, the motion is carried. All right.
Any further new business?
You have got a second, a motion made by Commissioner Carter to adjourn second. by Commissioner Presley. Any discussion. Anyone opposed,